Rice Milk (Gluten and Sugar Free)

Hi Charlotte, a lot of forum members have found that when they eliminate nuts completely that they do in fact get an adverse reaction from them. I think almonds in particular do have high concentration of anti-nutrients in them. These products usually have a high amount of sugar in them as well, unless you are making your own.

Since this is an older thread I also wanted to note that rice milk and rice in general has also been found to have proto-glutens (I think that is the correct terminology) in them. It's a lessor amount than some other grains, but the amount usually doesn't matter so much when your body recognizes how sensitive it is to gluten.
Thanks, I do purchase rice milk as well depending on what is on sale, but will try to make my own now that I'm aware of how simple it is and the better choice.
Charlotte said:
Thanks, I do purchase rice milk as well depending on what is on sale, but will try to make my own now that I'm aware of how simple it is and the better choice.

Hi Charlotte, rice milk is not necessarily better than almond milk. You really have to test these types of things out for yourself, in your own body, since different people react differently. Some people are fine with almond milk, some react to it. Just test both out and see which your body works with better. Personally, I stopped drinking all of the 'milk substitutes' because I realized I didn't need them, and didn't even really like them. It's your body and you really have to do the testing and find out what works best for you. Hope this helps.
Yes ,thanks. Found a new product where I purchased the other types of milk products, coconut milk which I purchased today. Will try and see.
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