RIP my cat Dhon passed away

I too am very sorry Tristan, that Dhon passed away.

The feeling to separate like that, the moment of it, is deeply... heartfelt and close and weird - that words sometimes can't describe it ! But as other dear members have already written; Dhon has fulfilled his mission, his cat experience in our realm - and now it is time to move on. While the love you both shared, is within you. And everything that was created from both of you in those 12 years, stays with you. Which are like wonderful greeting cards left behind. Eventually they will give you comfort and make you smile later on, and you can feel that special resonance in your heart radiating !

Happy and honoured, for every day we got the chance to spent time with them, as they wanted to spend time with us. Oh yes... those family members are so special...

Let me give you a big, big hug :hug2:
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