
The new Dogs of War, another apparently from China, however others are probably leading the pack or following suite.

Please, take me back to Kansas:

After seeing all the robots published in this thread, now we know that the war against the machines of Terminator 2 won't exactly look like the movie... As long as they don't succeed in producing a T1000 we should be fine 🙄
The vid at 0:14 shows PLA also has flying robots, possibly reconnaisance, disguised as birds:

Dang! I didn’t have “birds aren’t real” on my apocalypse bingo card, I thought it was too loopy.
Somebody else certainly does, though, and they painted the “white van” to get the message out there.
Geezus, “May you live in interesting times”, indeed.
Dang! I didn’t have “birds aren’t real” on my apocalypse bingo card, I thought it was too loopy.
Somebody else certainly does, though, and they painted the “white van” to get the message out there.
Geezus, “May you live in interesting times”, indeed.
View attachment 97209
Hilarious, however if you see a crow in the wild that is staring at you, I would be attentive to what I do, since perhaps someone else is watching.
Hilarious, however if you see a crow in the wild that is staring at you, I would be attentive to what I do, since perhaps someone else is watching.
In my opinion, and from my lived experiences, what you’ve written above, makes little to no sense, reality wise.

Geez, @Wandering Star, you had to pick “crows” as an example?
Do you not remember my posts and discussion with Ben, about crows less than a year ago?
Here’s the link:
You apparently read it, and gave it a 👍🏻, at the time.

If Nature could so easily be interfered with, in the way these “bird drones” are imagined, this planet, and all the flora and fauna would have been tampered with in much worse, and horrific ways, already.
As it is, the biological operating laws of Mother Nature are very resistant and, resilient, and ANY counterfeit 2nd density creature, “in the wild” especially a crow, wouldn’t last long.
Nature would get rid of these “mechanical imposters” very quickly.
Just for fun, here’s a photo, for reference!
In my opinion, and from my lived experiences, what you’ve written above, makes little to no sense, reality wise.

Geez, @Wandering Star, you had to pick “crows” as an example?
Do you not remember my posts and discussion with Ben, about crows less than a year ago?
Here’s the link:
You apparently read it, and gave it a 👍🏻, at the time.

If Nature could so easily be interfered with, in the way these “bird drones” are imagined, this planet, and all the flora and fauna would have been tampered with in much worse, and horrific ways, already.
As it is, the biological operating laws of Mother Nature are very resistant and, resilient, and ANY counterfeit 2nd density creature, “in the wild” especially a crow, wouldn’t last long.
Nature would get rid of these “mechanical imposters” very quickly.
Just for fun, here’s a photo, for reference!
View attachment 97221
Well, it seems that there is an ascending and a descending current of life, so the masters of entropy perhaps have access to the animal world of their affiliation.

I liked your comment because you may be right, of course, but there is something about them that makes me distrustful, although it is my personal perception.

A bit of a synchronous event.

A month or so ago, I was suffering a fairly severe attack through a family member and I was with this family member hiking in the wild.

Then, I saw an eagle in the sky flying over the valley and suddenly a crow attacked the eagle in mid-flight.

The eagle made an elegant and elusive turn at the crow and continued flying ignoring the crow.

The crow turned in the air and attacked the eagle again and the eagle did exactly the previous maneuver again, ignoring the crow again.

This happened five or six times and finally the crow gave up and flew away.

The eagle continued its elegant flight as if nothing had happened.

What happened in the air over the valley was an exact representation of what was happening to me and how I reacted to it and also the final result.

I'm not saying you're not right, but I may have my own ideas on the matter.
Well, it seems that there is an ascending and a descending current of life, so the masters of entropy perhaps have access to the animal world of their affiliation.
Ahhh, I see where you’re going with this!
From what I’ve learned, inside our human DNA, ALL the templates, or patterns, or “recipes” for all the of critters on THIS planet are coded.
Like colour coded building blocks, LEGOS, certain biological patterns match up, in all earths creatures.
We ordinary “humans” have just as much “access” to the different animal worlds on this planet, if not more, than those creepy “Masters of Entropy”.

I liked your comment because you may be right, of course, but there is something about them that makes me distrustful, although it is my personal perception.
Crows are very intelligent birds, and can hold grudges, likes and dislikes, and they can be very moody.
I also think the whole “witch” lore, woven into society’s “beliefs” didn’t do the crows any favours, along with black cats lol.

A bit of a synchronous event.

A month or so ago, I was suffering a fairly severe attack through a family member and I was with this family member hiking in the wild.
Sometimes we do get an uplifting allegory or message from the Divine Cosmos, I agree.
Then, I saw an eagle in the sky flying over the valley and suddenly a crow attacked the eagle in mid-flight.

The eagle made an elegant and elusive turn at the crow and continued flying ignoring the crow.

The crow turned in the air and attacked the eagle again and the eagle did exactly the previous maneuver again, ignoring the crow again.

This happened five or six times and finally the crow gave up and flew away.

The eagle continued its elegant flight as if nothing had happened.
Oh goodness, yes, I too have witnessed this happening many times, but, correlation does NOT always mean causation.
So, as you described, You saw this happening a month ago.
Well, spring time, is when crow hatchlings are at their most prolific, and vulnerable in the nests.

The young vulnerable baby crows and eggs are fine pickings for eagles.

An eagle will swoop down, snatch a claw full of newly hatched crow chicks, and eat them like popcorn, and soar off all majestic, in the blink of an eye.
I have witnessed this several times, and it is horrific, but also part of the “Natural Order”.
Crows will batter their bodies in flight, against predatory eagles in hopes of driving it away from the young in the nest.
Now, don’t get me wrong, Crows, in turn, will prey on smaller birds, such as robins and juncos, for example and eat their hatchlings and eggs.
As a long dead Australian biologist coined “Its Nature’s WAY, mate!”
What happened in the air over the valley was an exact representation of what was happening to me and how I reacted to it and also the final result.

I'm not saying you're not right, but I may have my own ideas on the matter.
Well, perhaps if that symbolism and synchronistic happening enabled you to visualize and strengthen your integrity and protect yourself, a positive outcome was achieved.
Well, spring time, is when crow hatchlings are at their most prolific, and vulnerable in the nests.

The young vulnerable baby crows and eggs are fine pickings for eagles.
Thanks for this, very interesting.

I did not think about that, since the crow attacked the eagle very high in the sky, between 700 and 800 meters high, from where it can dominate about a hundred kilometers of surrounding territories and the eagle was flying in the opposite direction to where the crow goes at end.

But obviously that explanation of yours must be what caused that strange situation for me in heaven.
The young vulnerable baby crows and eggs are fine pickings for eagles.

An eagle will swoop down, snatch a claw full of newly hatched crow chicks, and eat them like popcorn, and soar off all majestic, in the blink of an eye.
I have witnessed this several times, and it is horrific, but also part of the “Natural Order”.
Crows will batter their bodies in flight, against predatory eagles in hopes of driving it away from the young in the nest.
Yep! I've seen this, too. However, we have quite a few crows here in the Spring that have nests. So I've seen eagles come snooping around trying to find nests to raid. Usually one crow will spot it and start the cawing and chasing the eagle. Then others become aware of what is going on and join in with the cawing, chasing and diving at the eagle until it gives up and flies away.
Not only in the military, but also in the robotization of American food chains.
One-third of U.S. military could be robotic, Milley predicts , Jul 11, 2024 -Technology
Robots and other smart machinery will comprise up to one-third of the U.S. military in the next 10-15 years, retired Army Gen. Mark Milley, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at an Axios event today.
Why it matters: Such widespread adoption of unmanned and artificial intelligence-fueled tools of war would be a major reshaping of the force — one that would also raise serious ethical questions.
What they're saying: "It'll be a fundamental change, and I would argue that other nations' militaries are going to be similarly designed," Milley said at Axios' Future of Defense event.
  • The number of human troops, he added, "will probably be reduced as you move toward robotic systems."
Catch up quick: Militaries have for years tinkered with armed drones, robo-dogs, mechanical mules and more. They now look more viable than ever, with an alley-oop from a digital-first defense industry.
  • The Army is experimenting with what's known as human-machine integrated formations, where soldiers fight alongside automatons.
  • The Air Force is seeking so-called "collaborative combat" aircraft that can fly alongside human pilots to collect intelligence, confuse enemy electronics and even blow up targets.
  • The Navy is in pursuit of a hybrid fleet, with unmanned surface and underwater vehicles augmenting the firepower of sailors and Marines. One pioneer is Task Force 59 in the Middle East.
Friction point: A crew-less tank or pilot-less fighter jet paired with ultra-fast decision-making software stokes fears of killer robots. But safeguards are in place.

  • U.S. policy requires a human to pull the trigger. And robotics have wider applications: schlepping supplies far from the front lines, for example, or hauling injured fighters off the battlefield.
  • "I lean toward humans in the loop," Milley said of weapons oversight. "But I think this is going to be something that people are going to have to come to grips with here in the next decade or so."
Bottom line: "The country that optimizes those technologies for military use is going to have a very significant — and potentially decisive — advantage in an armed conflict," Milley said.

Rise of the Restaurant Robots: Chipotle, Sweetgreen and Others Bet on Automation
By Heather Haddon, July 11, 2024 11:00 am ET
Chains experiment with machine helpers like Flippy, Chippy and Autocado as they face increasing labor costs
Kernel, a New York City startup from Chipotle Mexican Grill founder Steve Ells, uses a robotic arm to flip plant-based burger patties and a conveyor belt to move dishes along the assembly line.
Dang! I didn’t have “birds aren’t real” on my apocalypse bingo card, I thought it was too loopy.
Somebody else certainly does, though, and they painted the “white van” to get the message out there.
Geezus, “May you live in interesting times”, indeed.
View attachment 97209
Brawndo drinker right there ?
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