Role of Russia

Found this to be an excellent "one and a half hour" Documentary on Putin, which shows clips of Vladimir Putin from his time in the KGB, to his present position as President of Russia.

Vladimir Putin Full Length Documentary: The Putin System

Published on Nov 7, 2012

CBC's "The Passionate Eye" presents The Putin System - a point-of-view documentary that presents an ominous view of what Putin is willing to do to ensure Russia regains its position on the world stage.

The Putin System chronicles the remarkable life of Putin, a tough, young leader who is not afraid to make harsh decisions and holds a secret purpose-to restore the old Russia of his dreams.

The Putin System is directed by Jean-Michel Carré in association with Jill Emery for the French production company Les Films Grain De Sable.

Also came across this:
Americans for Putin which was formed in 6-22-2013. Several posts were dedicated to Putin's October 8 Birthday.

One of the post's included this:
Putin for president 2016 bumper sticker

Putin for president 2016 bumper sticker in Collectibles, Transportation, Automobilia | eBay
This video was posted up on FB by a Forum member a few days ago. I tried to find it here on Forum, so if it is posted twice, excuse the noise.

It is entitled "Putin Has Been Good For Russia"


It is a type of debate/panel where the viewers can vote yes or no to the question "has Putin been good for Russia". Interesting as at the end the viewers who "didn't know" at the beginning, changed their votes to "no" meaning Putin has not been good for Russia.

I found it a bit difficult to watch. It shows how the masses are easily swayed by charm and 'narratives', particularly the narrative by Luke Harding, the Guardian correspondent who was kicked out of Russia a few years ago. He is in the "no" camp. His story sways the audience.
Tough to watch how facts and evidence on one side loses out to "hearsay" from the other side. The American/Russian businessman in the "yes" camp is a bit muddled, as he stumbles over his words a bit, losing a bit of credibility to the audience. Again his points are solid, but not as charming and convincing as correspondent Luke Harding's reference to "old KGB-style" surveillance, which made the crowd chuckle and guffaw.

Does anybody have any more info on why Luke Harding was kicked out of Russia? My guess is, since Russia does have a lot of subversive activity going on its country, he was tossed for debatable activity, but this is mainly speculation on my part.
Jefferson said:
This video was posted up on FB by a Forum member a few days ago. I tried to find it here on Forum, so if it is posted twice, excuse the noise.

It is entitled "Putin Has Been Good For Russia"


It is a type of debate/panel where the viewers can vote yes or no to the question "has Putin been good for Russia". Interesting as at the end the viewers who "didn't know" at the beginning, changed their votes to "no" meaning Putin has not been good for Russia.

I found it a bit difficult to watch. It shows how the masses are easily swayed by charm and 'narratives', particularly the narrative by Luke Harding, the Guardian correspondent who was kicked out of Russia a few years ago. He is in the "no" camp. His story sways the audience.
Tough to watch how facts and evidence on one side loses out to "hearsay" from the other side. The American/Russian businessman in the "yes" camp is a bit muddled, as he stumbles over his words a bit, losing a bit of credibility to the audience. Again his points are solid, but not as charming and convincing as correspondent Luke Harding's reference to "old KGB-style" surveillance, which made the crowd chuckle and guffaw.

Does anybody have any more info on why Luke Harding was kicked out of Russia? My guess is, since Russia does have a lot of subversive activity going on its country, he was tossed for debatable activity, but this is mainly speculation on my part.

Sponsored by intelligence2? More like the square root of intelligence! The Royal Geographical Society began as a 19th century gentlemen's dining club for the UK's racist, imperialist elite, for whom 'geography' meant 'the map of the world exists for us to carve it up for ourselves'.
I have no evidence to back it up, but Luke Harding is, IMO, almost certainly working for MI6
Perceval said:
I have no evidence to back it up, but Luke Harding is, IMO, almost certainly working for MI6

Yep. In the talk he even hints that that was the reason for the surveillance: he had reported some inflammatory comments be Berezovsky, which made the FSB suspicious. There's this from Voice of Russia:

I recently asked Michael John Smith, the last person prosecuted for spying for the USSR in the world about how the special services manipulate the media and plant operatives in media outlets, something that happened in his case and he provided a written response on the issue answering thus: "I can’t comment on whether Luke Harding may be working for the intelligence services or not. We have some very strict libel laws in the UK and he might consider my opinion libellous. What I can say is that there are journalists who have been known to be MI5 or MI6 agents working in the UK media, and their involvement with the intelligence services is usually fairly obvious by the sort of material that they include in their articles. Heavily biased opinions supporting a particular agenda will often stand out as being influenced by MI5 or MI6, and we have previously discussed the role of somebody like Oleg Gordievsky as playing such a role in the media, where an anti-Russian bias is evident."

Interesting thing about the debate: both the anti-Putin people had odd mannerisms, facial tics. It is quite obvious that Masha Gessen is completely ideologically opposed to Putin - she cannot concede a SINGLE point in his favor. Small wonder, she's a Jewish lesbian and an admirer of Khodorkovsky!
I watched "Putin Has Been Good for Russia" about 5 months ago. Harding and Gessen can really make one refer to the sick bag over and over. Masha Gessen's brother is another one.
OK, the C's recommend to Putin, that's fine, but a good question that Avala Is Russia under world government? And this is derived Why not declassify Putin there aliens on earth? Of course it is possible that Russia has already been declassified and here in the West have not informed us. And the free energy? I do not think you are already using in Russia, when it seems that here is already used in the basement.

That's what puzzles me, of course it is more likely that I have a point of view very distant and out of touch.
Hi ealvizo2012,
Can you elaborate your point? Your post is not very clear. Thanks.
ealvizo2012 said:
OK, the C's recommend to Putin, that's fine, but a good question that Avala Is Russia under world government?

Here's good reply and explanation on this very thread.

ealvizo2012 said:
And this is derived Why not declassify Putin there aliens on earth? Of course it is possible that Russia has already been declassified and here in the West have not informed us.

Do you think that this is the most well kept secret? More important question, how such exposure would help to lessen the suffering of the people? After all, since Putin is humanitarian, that's the main question he probably asks himself. Is it going to help, or is it going to complicate matter even more? What good knowledge about aliens does to those, who have no running water and steady electricity, and they are being bombed on a daily basis?

ealvizo2012 said:
And the free energy? I do not think you are already using in Russia, when it seems that here is already used in the basement.

I am sure Russian scientists already have tons of similar solutions, but again there is this point of needing to work within the system. The simple truth is that at the moment oil and gas are money and power, and Russia is having plenty of those resources. If it didn't have that much resources, no one would even bother with the "polite bear". So Russia and Putin are successfully using this leverage to their advantage, exposing the West for psychos they are. Don't see anything wrong with that.
Hello mkrnhr and Keit, I apologize not English, use google translator, mother or chicken only say in English.
So this is a google translation from Spanish to English.
On second thought if I put myself in the shoes of Putin, I do not reveal the alien presence, and the free energy for the reasons mentioned Keit. Besides Russia urgently needs to get money from the sale of oil by the fall of the USSR and the costly rearmament EU has forced them to do.
I think the EU has created false enemies as Alcaeda and now ISIS which gives them weapons. But now need a more credible enemy.
But it is another possibility, if Russia is part of the world government, resetting the world is that an alien invasion is expected.
I apologize again, now I do not believe in anything.
Hi everyone, some time passed since this thread was started. Looks like unfinished dialogue-put on hold. Unfortunately till now the aim of creating it -to get to the Objective Truth on the subject- is not reached. Summarizing the subtotal. Facts and hypothesis were put on the table on different aspects of today's Russia's inside life, that contradict the "Putin - a great hero" theory. They were thrown away for the main reason, IMO, - difficult to judge an inside reality from a distance and forming an opinion mostly relying on RT (and other government affiliated mass media and sources). Can't call it proper Hasbara, because basically there is no national idea, strategy etc. in Russia today that needs to be promoted abroad. Counterpropaganda machine opposing western 'deeds and approach' started actively working only after Ukraine, Crimea events. Before that there were several separate 'episodes' like Syria. (In Libya's case most russian top government officials supported silently and some even publicly western aggression). During other periods in 2000s the attitude was to "keep low" so not to spoil relations with major western powers. Direction followed was strongly FOR Russia's integration in all the western based structures such as WTO, OECD (which is destructive to our economy and sovereignty in a whole), making friends with NATO (in 2007 Putin even signed a decree allowing alliance's armed forces to be freely stationed with heavy weaponry on Russian soil - not undone till today). So later, as i see it, when the circumstances (deepening world economic crisis, forthcoming earth changes etc.) started to increase the pressure on World's secret Government, the decision again to play the game West vs East was made. As Perceval mentioned, Russia unconsciously (as our oligarch based elite seems to be well oriented on west) started to naturally counterbalance western and 4d STS agenda.
So what do we have today despite of public claims that we don't care about sanctions and after the small portion of them were imposed on us? Banking/financial system is on a brink of collapse (I doubt that even with budget's support it will stay afloat in the long run), our currency has fallen almost by 30% since spring and is continuing the fall almost uncontrollably against the dollar/euro since spring (considering that we are mostly dependent on imports-the consumers spending ability is shrinking respectively), prices on food and necessities have skyrocketed (meat- at least 30%, fish - up to 200%!!!, milk products - up to 100% etc.), petrol price is rising- now around 1$ per liter (even when the world market's price is falling - is not it absurd for oil producing country?!), car market - decline by 30%, GDP's dynamic is negative. Forecasts following this trend are catastrophic. As Putin said that if the oil price will decrease to 80$ a barrel - the world's economy will collapse (nice try to blame the international markets for the ugly domestic economic Failure). Even Siberia's appreciated program of "mother's capital" is now being questioned whether it will be stopped as many others social support policies that were heavily publicly promoted as the main achievements of "Putin's reign". Does is seem to be rising from the knees - fellow truth seakers, brothers and sisters?

So the question I am trying to get across here- is how that "internationally" fancy looking President is managing to behave in international arena as a rightful leader, while domestically buggering up everything?

I really appreciate a free will primary directive, so those who want to close their eyes and enjoy wishful thinking- it is your choice. But for those who smell a rat - questions in the beggining of the thread imo deserve thorough investigation.
Antony said:
Even Siberia's appreciated program of "mother's capital" is now being questioned whether it will be stopped as many others social support policies that were heavily publicly promoted as the main achievements of "Putin's reign". Does is seem to be rising from the knees - fellow truth seekers, brothers and sisters?

I will answer this part since it was addressed to me: the mother's capital program has recently been extended until 2017, next year the amount will be increased up to 450,000 rubles per family.

As for the role of Russia: what is Russia? Putin is Russia. I am Russia. Many others too. Are you? What is your role? What have you done for Russia except for complaining and demanding?
Antony said:
Hi everyone, some time passed since this thread was started. Looks like unfinished dialogue-put on hold. Unfortunately till now the aim of creating it -to get to the Objective Truth on the subject- is not reached. Summarizing the subtotal. Facts and hypothesis were put on the table on different aspects of today's Russia's inside life, that contradict the "Putin - a great hero" theory. They were thrown away for the main reason, IMO, - difficult to judge an inside reality from a distance and forming an opinion mostly relying on RT (and other government affiliated mass media and sources).

What you write above is the reason why you are so far from being objective about this, Antony. If you've been reading - really reading and thinking on the information and analysis that's been put out there, you will know that there are many independent journalists and bloggers from around the world who have a good track record of being correct on things on the world stage and who have helped inform the views that are held are here. I don't think that this will really mean anything to you, or that you will make the time to read their research of Putin's leadership, but I mention it just the same. Actually, I'm not sure it would ultimately make any difference to you if you did. You have a bias that is buttressed by "I live here therefore I know," among other hardened and deeply-ingrained biases that simply don't allow for any other considerations or views on the subject. So, please stop trying to convince us of your opinions and stating that we are engaged in wishful thinking. You are doing a lot of projecting here without realizing it.
Siberia-yep I know. But if it gets into the discussion at the governmental level as an option to tighten the budget-it will be used earlier or later (as it was with the part of pensions-remember: we can do it, then- it is absurd and impossible, and in a month time - the did it without asking anybody-you can find all the quotes of officials in time). If you analyze the macroeconomic situation in the country-you will find that it is down riding. And only oil/gas prices can keep us afloat. Do it seem familiar with the end of 1990s? How come the "restored" economy may fall as dominos only at the drop of oil price levels? Should we not have other spheres working or it was simply a PR like Olympics or Formula 1? As a psycho and Russophobe Mac'cain said Russia is the petrol station masked as a country. That is an ugly truth.
URA-Patriotism doesn't stimulate an objective judgement. Siberia, personally, do you feel the impact of economic crisis like the majority of Russians? Do you feel confidence in tomorrow (usual life speaking I mean)?
Ennio said:
Antony said:
Hi everyone, some time passed since this thread was started. Looks like unfinished dialogue-put on hold. Unfortunately till now the aim of creating it -to get to the Objective Truth on the subject- is not reached. Summarizing the subtotal. Facts and hypothesis were put on the table on different aspects of today's Russia's inside life, that contradict the "Putin - a great hero" theory. They were thrown away for the main reason, IMO, - difficult to judge an inside reality from a distance and forming an opinion mostly relying on RT (and other government affiliated mass media and sources).

What you write above is the reason why you are so far from being objective about this, Antony. If you've been reading - really reading and thinking on the information and analysis that's been put out there, you will know that there are many independent journalists and bloggers from around the world who have a good track record of being correct on things on the world stage and who have helped inform the views that are held are here. I don't think that this will really mean anything to you, or that you will make the time to read their research of Putin's leadership, but I mention it just the same. Actually, I'm not sure it would ultimately make any difference to you if you did. You have a bias that is buttressed by "I live here therefore I know," among other hardened and deeply-ingrained biases that simply don't allow for any other considerations or views on the subject. So, please stop trying to convince us of your opinions and stating that we are engaged in wishful thinking. You are doing a lot of projecting here without realizing it.

Exactly, Ennio. Pretty silly presumption on Antony's part as RT is a very small portion of the sources of information I, and most here use. The only thing that is commendable about RT is how good of a news source it is - on many international as well as Russian issues - for a mainstream source[b/]. But there are much better sources that analyze Russia within the greater geopolitical and global context than RT. Antony sounds very much like he could get grants from all the Western NGO's because his posts sound like the usual script - maybe you should get something in return for your opinions, Antony; it's known in Armenia sarcastically as "grant eaters" (approximate translation).
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