Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

angelburst29 said:
The US Marine Corps will move one of its amphibious expeditionary groups from the west coast of the United States to the Asia Pacific as early as 2019, according to reports on Wednesday.

US Marines to Deploy Amphibious Battle Group to South China Sea

There will be "additional amphibious capability on multiple 90-day patrols in and around the Asia Pacific," Marine Corps Forces Command commander Lt. Gen. John Wissler was quoted as saying by DOD — BUZZ.

Portions of the South China Sea are contested by China, the Philippines, Japan and Vietnam, each making overlapping claims on island chains and navigation rights. China has been constructing artificial islands on top of the coral reef habitats of the Spratly Islands, a group of more than 750 islands and reefs, over the past year. Beijing claimed sovereignty over the land and the 12 nautical mile zone surrounding the islands.

The United States has repeatedly warned it does not recognize the Chinese claims of sovereignty over the man-made islands, and has engaged of freedom of navigation exercises in the region. The US Navy has positioned two aircraft carrier strike groups — the Stennis and Reagan — in the Pacific in a show of force.

The 31st Marine Expeditionary Force stationed in Japan is responsible for conducting 90 day patrols in the Asia Pacific region. The additional amphibious group will provide the US Marines and Navy greater reach. US Marines based in Australia and Okinawa may join the new battle group, according to the report.

25K military personnel converge in Hawaii for RIMPAC war games
Updated: Friday, July 1st 2016, 1:32 am CEDT
More than 25,000 military personnel from two dozen nations are in Hawaii for the biennial Rim of the Pacific exercises.

The war games kicked off Thursday, and will include 45 ships, five submarines, and more than 200 aircraft.

And for the first time this year, Denmark, Germany and Italy are joining the five-week exercises, which take place off Hawaii and California.

Military officials say residents should be prepared for aircraft noise, including in the late evening, additional crowds and traffic.

Another warning: The games could temporarily affect your garage door opener.

The Navy said remote-controlled garage door openers may be affected by electromagnetic activity generated by large ships and other sources.

RIMPAC, the world's largest international maritime exercise, has been held every two years since 1971. The Navy says it trains participants to foster and sustain relationships that are critical to ensuring safety and security at sea.

The exercises, which run through August 4, include land, sea and air operations at Pearl Harbor, Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kauai's Pacific Missile Range Facility, and Hawaii Island's Pohakuloa Training Area.

While RIMPAC is aimed at fostering goodwill among nations, it is not without controversy. China is again participating in the exercises this year, despite ongoing regional disputes and military aggression in the South China Sea.

"We're still taking the approach of, everybody ought to work together here," U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said recently.

Meanwhile, state officials say RIMPAC is a boon for the economy. Officials estimated the direct economic impact to the state in 2014 was more than $52 million.

For more information on the exercises, click here. To make a noise complaint or raise other concerns, call 472-0235.

Chinese fleet arrives in Hawaii for RIMPAC 2016 exercise
Published on Jun 30, 2016
The Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy fleet 153 arrived at Hawaii's Pearl Harbor on June 29 to take part in this year's Rim of the Pacific multi-national naval exercise. It marks the second time the Chinese Navy has participated in the biennial exercise.

ACT PAO Published on 29 June 2016
Exercise boosts NATO intelligence-sharing ahead of Summit

The Alliance’s ability to share and process complex intelligence was significantly improved through Unified Vision, a major 'trial' managed by Allied Command Transformation and NATO Headquarters in the context of NATO's Joint Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, 14 – 29 June.

The outcomes will further adjust how NATO runs multinational operations, better responding to hybrid warfare and leveraging the new Alliance Ground Surveillance capability which provides commanders a comprehensive picture of the situation on the ground.

"What's the point of collecting tons of imagery, if you don't share or exploit it," said Ludwig Decamps, NATO's Joint ISR Capability Area Manager. "The beauty of NATO is that Nations have unique expertise, for example in a certain geographic area or cultural context. If we link that up, we get more insight, more quickly. That allows NATO to react faster."

During the event, a team of 400 participants from 17 Nations worked across 10 sites to rapidly address threats posed in five complex vignettes. These included convoy protection, hostage rescue, domestic terrorist threat and ballistic missile defence.

New procedures
The trial introduced and validated new procedures for 'Federated Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination' of intelligence. This new approach optimizes how vast volumes of intelligence are processed in Alliance operations, allowing teams to share the burden of analysing huge volumes of data and leveraging a given Nations' unique geographic, historical or cultural background. The challenge now is for Nations to embed these processes in their national doctrine and tactics.

"The trial took place in 10 locations because that reflects NATO operations – various National units working together to a common purpose," said Col. Mike Clark of Allied Command Transformation, the trial manager.

The locations taking part included Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Assets being used included the US Global Hawk and the Belgian B-Hunter Remotely piloted air systems. The command post was hosted by the United States Air Forces in Europe Warrior Preparation Center in Germany. Technical and subject matter expertise was provided by the NCI Agency.
c.a. said:
25K military personnel converge in Hawaii for RIMPAC war games
More than 25,000 military personnel from two dozen nations are in Hawaii for the biennial Rim of the Pacific exercises.

The war games kicked off Thursday, and will include 45 ships, five submarines, and more than 200 aircraft.

And for the first time this year, Denmark, Germany and Italy are joining the five-week exercises, which take place off Hawaii and California.

Military officials say residents should be prepared for aircraft noise, including in the late evening, additional crowds and traffic.

Another warning: The games could temporarily affect your garage door opener.

The Navy said remote-controlled garage door openers may be affected by electromagnetic activity generated by large ships and other sources.

RIMPAC, the world's largest international maritime exercise, has been held every two years since 1971. The Navy says it trains participants to foster and sustain relationships that are critical to ensuring safety and security at sea.

Hawaii has basically "had it up the yin-yang" with the occupation and dominance of the United States. Plus, they claim "Hawaii is a sovereign Island and not a State" belonging to the United States for it's own personal interests.

After having been suppressed and kept in the dark for over 100 years under the unlawful U.S. occupation of our homelands, We the People — the surviving remnants of the Hawaiian Kingdom — began the process to peacefully restore our country’s rightful standing as a lawful, sovereign, independent, neutral nation.

Welcome to the Hawaiian Kingdom

Welcome to the website of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government presently operating within the occupied State of the Hawaiian Islands. Since the Spanish-American War, 1898, our Nation has been under prolonged occupation by the United States of America. Our web pages tell you about the range of activities carried out by the Hawaiian Government in developing our relations with the community of Nations in regards to the occupation and the profound economic benefits that arise from its exposure.

The primary objective of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government is to expose the occupation of our nation and ensure compliance to international humanitarian law, which includes the 1907 Hague Conventions IV, the 1949 Geneva Convention, IV, the 1977 Additional Protocol I, and our domestic statutes, in order to provide a foundation for transition and the ultimate end of the occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Convention IV mandates that the occupying State, being the United States of America, must administer the laws of the occupied State, being the Hawaiian Kingdom, and any deviation of this mandate is a violation of international law. Presently, the Hawaiian Islands reluctantly serves as the HQ's for the largest of the nine unified military commands of the United States armed forces in the world, U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM).

On October 10, 2014, the acting Council of Regency has decreed, by Proclamation, provisional laws for the Kingdom that are subject to ratification by the Legislative Assembly, in order to provide the proper legal foundation for the United States administration of Hawaiian Kingdom laws in compliance with the international law of occupation (Article 43, 1907 Hague Convention IV). Since 1898, when the Hawaiian Kingdom was occupied during the Spanish-American War, the United States has violated international law by not administering the laws of the occupied State. This violation has consequently placed the Hawaiian Kingdom today into a state of emergency and a fragile state of economic reuination because currently all laws that are being followed in these islands are not laws at all because they emanate from unlawful legislatures since July 6, 1887, which was the beginning of the insuregency that led to the unlawful landing of U.S. troops on January 16, 1893, and other self-declared legislatures since, to include the provisional government (1893-1894), Republic of Hawai`i (1894-1900), the Territory of Hawai`i (1900-1959) and the State of Hawai`i (1959-present).
It is a scandal in contemporary international law, don’t forget, that while “wanton destruction of towns, cities and villages” is a war crime of long standing, the bombing of cities from airplanes goes not only unpunished but virtually unaccused. Air bombardment is state terrorism, the terrorism of the rich. It has burned up and blasted apart more innocents in the past six decades than have all the antistate terrorists who ever lived.

United States Bombings of Other Countries. America’s “Bombing List”

There appears to be something about launching bombs or missiles from afar onto cities and people that appeals to American military and political leaders. In part it has to do with a conscious desire to not risk American lives in ground combat. And in part, perhaps not entirely conscious, it has to do with not wishing to look upon the gory remains of the victims, allowing American GIs and TV viewers at home to cling to their warm fuzzy feelings about themselves, their government, and their marvelous “family values”. Washington officials are careful to distinguish between the explosives the US drops from the sky and “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD), which only the officially-designated enemies (ODE) are depraved enough to use.

The US government speaks sternly of WMD, defining them as nuclear, chemical and biological in nature, and “indiscriminate” (meaning their use can’t be limited to military objectives), as opposed to the likes of American “precision” cruise missiles.

This is indeed a shaky semantic leg to stand on, given the well-known extremely extensive damage to non-military targets, including numerous residences, schools and hospitals, even from American “smart” bombs, in almost all of the bombings listed below.

Moreover, Washington does not apply the term “weapons of mass destruction” to other weapons the US has regularly used, such as depleted uranium and cluster bombs, which can be, and often are, highly indiscriminate.

WMD are sometimes further defined as those whose effects linger in the environment, causing subsequent harm to people. This would certainly apply to cluster bombs, and depleted uranium weapons, the latter remaining dangerously radioactive after exploding. It would apply less to “conventional” bombs, but even with those there are unexploded bombs lying around, and the danger of damaged buildings later collapsing. But more importantly, it seems highly self-serving and specious, not to mention exceptionally difficult, to try to paint a human face on a Tomahawk Cruise missile whose payload of a thousand pounds of TNT crashes into the center of a densely-populated city, often with depleted uranium in its warhead.

A terrorist is someone who has a bomb but doesn’t have an air force.

The bombing list

◾Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War)
◾Guatemala 1954
◾Indonesia 1958
◾Cuba 1959-1961
◾Guatemala 1960
◾Congo 1964
◾Laos 1964-73
◾Vietnam 1961-73
◾Cambodia 1969-70
◾Guatemala 1967-69
◾Grenada 1983
◾Lebanon 1983, 1984 (both Lebanese and Syrian targets)
◾Libya 1986
◾El Salvador 1980s
◾Nicaragua 1980s
◾Iran 1987
◾Panama 1989
◾Iraq 1991 (Persian Gulf War)
◾Kuwait 1991
◾Somalia 1993
◾Bosnia 1994, 1995
◾Sudan 1998
◾Afghanistan 1998
◾Yugoslavia 1999
◾Yemen 2002
◾Iraq 1991-2003 (US/UK on regular basis)
◾Iraq 2003-2015
◾Afghanistan 2001-2015
◾Pakistan 2007-2015
◾Somalia 2007-8, 2011
◾Yemen 2009, 2011
◾Libya 2011, 2015
◾Syria 2014-2015


Iran, April 2003 – hit by US missiles during bombing of Iraq, killing at least one person

Pakistan, 2002-03 – bombed by US planes several times as part of combat against the Taliban and other opponents of the US occupation of Afghanistan

China, 1999 – its heavily bombed embassy in Belgrade is legally Chinese territory, and it appears rather certain that the bombing was no accident (see chapter 25 of Rogue State)

France, 1986 – After the French government refused the use of its air space to US warplanes headed for a bombing raid on Libya, the planes were forced to take another, longer route; when they reached Libya they bombed so close to the French embassy that the building was damaged and all communication links knocked out.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 13, 1985 – A bomb dropped by a police helicopter burned down an entire block, some 60 homes destroyed, 11 dead, including several small children. The police, the mayor’s office, and the FBI were all involved in this effort to evict a black organization called MOVE from the house they lived in.

The Targets

It’s become a commonplace to accuse the United States of choosing as its bombing targets only people of color, those of the Third World, or Muslims. But it must be remembered that one of the most sustained and ferocious American bombing campaigns was carried out against the people of the former Yugoslavia – white, European, Christians. The United States is an equal-opportunity bomber. The only qualifications for a country to become a target are:

1.It poses a sufficient obstacle to the desires of the American Empire;
2.It is virtually defenseless against aerial attack.
Putin: Moscow will try to start dialogue with NATO, despite its expansion towards Russia’s borders

Russia will try to begin a dialogue with NATO to discuss the safety of Baltic airspace, despite the military alliance’s eastward expansion to Russian borders, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a news conference after talks with his Finnish counterpart.

The Finnish president came up with the proposals today on the first steps aimed at enhancing confidence and preventing conflicts [in the Baltic airspace]. I have already said that I agree with this. We will try to begin the dialogue with NATO at the summit in Brussels,” Putin said on Friday.

Putin and Finnish President Sauli Niinisto agreed to develop a set of security measures to control flights over the Baltic Sea. Finland’s president said military flights should avoid turning off their identification devices in the region, which is frequented by both Russian and NATO planes.

We all know the risk with these flights and I have suggested that we should agree that transponders are used on all flights in the Baltic Sea region,” Niinisto said.


Putin: Russia to respond if Finland joins NATO

According to the Russian president, Moscow will however respect the country's choice

NAANTALI /Finland/, July 1. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia will respect Finland’s choice but will have to respond if this country joins NATO.

"Do you think we will continue to act in the same manner [if Finland joins NATO]? "We have withdrawn our troops 1,500 (kilometers from the border). Do you think they will stay there?" he said at a news conference following Russian-Finnish talks.

According to Putin, Moscow will try to start dialogue with NATO in spite of the alliance’s expansion towards Russia’s borders.

"The Finnish president came up with the proposals today at least on the first steps aimed at enhancing confidence and preventing conflicts. I have already said that I agree with this. We will try to begin the dialogue with NATO at the summit in Brussels," Putin said.

Russia to Respond to US Missile Defense in Poland - Putin

Russia will be forced to respond adequately to the deployment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) missile defense system in Poland and the Western alliance’s estward military buildup, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

TURKU (Sputnik) – Russia has repeatedly expressed its concern about the creation of a US-designed ballistic missile defense system in Europe, approved at the 2010 NATO summit in Lisbon. Poland and Romania joined Spain and Turkey in agreeing to deploy elements of the system on their territories.

"Now they are saying about the deployment of the same system of radars and interceptors in Poland, that is the Baltic Sea region. What are we to do? How are we to stop these threats? We will have to act accordingly," Putin said alongside his Finnish counterpart.

Putin addressed a series of confirmations by NATO allies, Canada being the latest this week, to each contribute 4,000 troops in Eastern Europe.

"The movement of our troops on our territory is declared as an element of aggressive behavior, while NATO military exercises near our borders for some reason are not declared as such. We believe that this is absolutely not fair and does not correspond to reality," he stressed.

The United States’ Aegis Ashore system is expected to become operational in Poland in 2018. It is planned to form part of the European missile shield and be armed with land-based Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) interceptors.

In recent years, the United States has taken significant steps to deploy ballistic missile defense systems throughout Europe under the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA). The Aegis Ashore facility in Poland marks the third phase of the EPAA.

Putin: NATO Jets Fly Over Baltics Without Turning on Identification Devices

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that NATO jets fly over the Baltic region without turning on their identification devices more often that Russian military aircraft.

TURKU (Sputnik) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday he accepted his Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinisto’s proposal to develop aviation security measures in the Baltic region.

Putin said he would instruct the foreign and defense ministries to raise at the next Russia-NATO Council.

"We agree with the proposal of the President of Finland. Moreover, on return to Moscow, I will instruct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense to put this issue on the agenda during the forthcoming Russia-NATO Council meeting in Brussels," Putin said at a press conference in the southwestern Finnish city of Turku.

He said the Russia-NATO Council will be held after the Western military alliance's summit in the Polish capital of Warsaw, scheduled for July 8-9.

"I would remind that not only Russian planes fly over the Baltics without turning on their respective identification devices, but also all NATO countries' aircraft. The number of NATO flights over the Baltics in this mode is twice the efficiency of Russian aircraft flights. This is not our invention, this is statistics," Putin said.
Citizen killed, five injured in new terrorist rocket attack in Aleppo city

Aleppo, SANA-A citizen was killed and five others were injured due to a terrorist rocket attack on residential neighborhoods in Aleppo city.

In a statement to SANA, a source at Aleppo Police Command said that terrorists fired on Friday afternoon a number of rocket shells on al-Khalidia and al-Sabil neighborhood in the city of Aleppo, killing a citizen and injuring five others.

The source added that the attack also caused material damage to citizens’ properties.

70 killed in battles north of Syria’s Aleppo

At least 70 regime and rebel fighters have been killed in 24 hours in a government assault and a militant-led counterattack in northern Syria, a monitor said Thursday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 30 regime soldiers and 39 rebel fighters had been killed in battles around Al-Maleh, north of Aleppo, since Wednesday afternoon.

Militants fighting for the Al-Nusra Front, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, were also killed, said Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman, who did not provide a precise number.

The government of President Bashar al-Assad has been attempting to seize Al-Maleh for more than two years.

His forces have been trying for months to surround Aleppo by cutting supply lines between rebel-held districts of the city and nearby Turkey, which supports opposition forces.

For nearly a week, regime troops backed by Syrian and Russian warplanes have been battling for control of Al-Maleh.

Assad's regime is also attempting to cut the Castello Road, a key supply route from the Turkish border to rebel-held eastern suburbs of Aleppo.

The pro-regime website Al-Masdar News reported that the Syrian army withdrew from the farms of Al-Maleh as they faced a rebel counter-offensive led by the Al-Nusra Front.

It said rebels attacked government forces with two suicide car bombs.

The Observatory said two children were killed by regime bombs in a rebel-held area of Aleppo.

The majority of Aleppo province is controlled by Al-Nusra and its Islamist allies, while the city, the country's pre-war commercial capital, has been divided since July 2012 into rebel-held and regime-held areas.

Thirteen civilians including four children were also killed in regime missile attacks on Eastern Ghouta in the Damascus region, the Observatory reported Thursday, updating an earlier toll.

The conflict in Syria, which has lasted five years, has killed more than 280,000 people.

EXCLUSIVE: Syrian Army Gets Access to 10,000 Secret Daesh Docs

The Democratic Forces of Syria (SDF) found more than ten thousand Daesh documents around the Syrian city of Manbij that will help in further operations against terrorists.

A military source in the forces told Sputnik that during the last week the forces have found many documents, books, notes and other material that contains important information. The material was found in the areas that were strongholds of Daesh before the forces liberated those areas.

“There is information about routes that foreign militants took to arrive to Syria from across the border. There is also information of central points where these foreign militants operated from,” the source, who asked to remain anonymous for security purposes, told Sputnik.

According to him, these documents can also be useful to provide valuable information for identifying the weak points in the preparations of any terrorist attacks in the future strategies of the terrorist forces.

In addition to the documents, which include notebooks, notes, diaries, lists of names of militants, maps, the Democratic Forces also found mobile phones, laptops and memory cards.

Manbij City is located approximately 360 kilometers north of Damascus and 80 kilometers east of Aleppo. On June 23, 2016 the Democratic Forces of Syria announced their assault on the city to liberate it from the clutches of the terrorists.

SDF fighters rescued thousands of refugees from the Daesh-seized surroundings of Manbij and Mascana. Among the refugees there are women, children and the elderly.

It was earlier reported that Manbij is a strategic town where Daesh militants come to from Turkey. The restoration of control over the town would also facilitate the liberation of Aleppo Province.

ISIL Positions in Deir Ezzur Destroyed in Heavy Airstrikes

ISIL's positions near the village of Huweisis Southeast of Palmyra in Eastern Homs were also heavily bombed by the Syrian fighter jets, which ended in the destruction of a number of military vehicles of the Takfiri group.

In relevant developments in Deir Ezzur on Thursday, the ISIL terrorists entangled in the Syrian air force fire in the Eastern parts of Deir Ezzur were forced to leave their vehicles and escape after sustaining casualties.

The Syrian fighter jets destroyed 13 vehicles of ISIL Takfiri terrorists in al-Huweiqa, al-Hamidiyeh and in the vicinity of al-Tharda Mountain in the Eastern parts of Deir Ezzur province while the militants were fleeing their positions in the region.

Meantime, a field source said that tens of ISIL terrorists who were still in the area were killed or injured in the Syrian warplanes' airstrikes.

Military Aircraft Crashes in Syria's Damascus Region

"A military aircraft crashed in Qalamoun in the Damascus governorate," the source told Sputnik.

​According to the source, the aircraft was carrying out a training task and the pilot managed to eject himself, though his fate remains unknown.

Officials have not yet announced the type of the aircraft and nationality of the pilot. Both the Syrian and Russian air forces stage combat operations against terrorists in Syria.

Breaking: Jihadists execute captured pilot

Jihadi rebels executed a Syrian pilot they had captured earlier this day after downing his Su-22 in the Eastern Qalamoun region.

The Saudi-backed Jaish al-Islam claimed to have shot down a Syrian fighter jet this morning, and released a footage showing the wreckage of the downed aircraft followed by a short interview with the captured pilot who managed to eject himself before the crash.

Jaish al-Islam’s official spokesman issued a statement accusing Jabhet al-Nusra, the Syrian al-Qaeda branch, of executing the captured pilot, demanding the Joint Operation Room of Jabhet al-Nusra and Ahar al-Sham to explain the circumstances of the execution.

According to the statement, al-Nusra promised to hand over the captured pilot to Jaish al-Islam after interrogating him.

“We were surprised to learn that one of Nusra militants has executed the captured pilot whose fighter jet was downed this morning by us. Our media team has interviewed the pilot at the Joint Operation HQ if Jabhet al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham.

Accordingly, we request an explanation for the execution and call on both al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham to hand over the body of the dead pilot to us”, the statement read.

Meanwhile, Jabhet al-Nusra released a statement denying Jaish al-Islam’s narrative about the whole incident.

The statement confirmed that the aircraft was downed due to a technical failure. Before the crash, the pilot ejected himself and landed in an area controlled by Jabhet al-Nusra, who detained and interrogated him.

“They [Jaish al-Islam] stole the footage and then sent dozens of militants to kidnap the pilot, who was killed by a stray bullet during firefights”.
Jaysh al-Islam, a group that is trying to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and establish a caliphate in Syria, has shelled a UN humanitarian convoy in the province of Damascus, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. Moscow urged the UN to designate the group as a terrorist organization, but the US blocked this initiative.

Syrian Militants Whom US Refused to Add to Terror List Shell UN Convoy

The incident took place in Harasta, a suburb of Damascus, the ministry detailed. The driver of the truck that was distributing humanitarian aid is said to have been badly wounded.

In addition, Jaysh al-Islam fighters shelled the Syrian Arab Army in the villages of Arbil and Jaubar.

Headquartered in Eastern Ghouta, Jaysh al-Islam has been active in Damascus, the Syrian province of Homs and the Lebanese town of Arsal. It is estimated to have up to 25,000 fighters, making it the largest radical group operating close to the capital. The group is believed to have been supported by Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Jaysh al-Islam has coordinated its activities with al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's offshoot in Syria that is not part to the nationwide ceasefire agreement brokered by Russia and the US earlier this year. For its part, the militants claim that they are part of the Syrian opposition. Its delegation has taken part in the Geneva peace talks.

Russia, Syria, Iran and Egypt have added the group to the list of terrorist organizations. Moscow has made every effort to convince the UN Security Council to designate Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar ash-Sham as terrorists, but the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Ukraine pulled the plug on this initiative.

Russian officials maintain that Jaysh al-Islam and Ahrar ash-Sham share the same ideology as Daesh, a brutal group that carved a caliphate out of Iraq and Syria.

Al-Nusra Front and allied terrorist fighters captured the northwest Syrian town of Kinsabba near the Turkish border, a Syrian militia source told RIA Novosti on Friday.

Al-Nusra Front, Allied Terrorists Capture Syrian Town on Turkish Border

The source said foreign mercenaries deployed earlier from across the Turkish border took part in the attack.

"Numerous terrorist groups attacked the army and militia positions at 4:00 a.m. [01:00 GMT]. The assault came from settlements on the border and Idlib province. The army and us sustained losses. We were forced to regroup and are now preparing a counterattack," the source said.

NATO fighter jets that were participating in Estonian Victory Day celebrations last week almost collided with a civil aircraft, the Virumaa Teataja newspaper reported.

NATO Fighter Jets Almost Collide With Civil Aircraft in Estonia

On June 23, the United Kingdom's Eurofighter jets conducted demonstration flights during the celebrations in the northern Estonian town of Rakvere.

The newspaper added that at the same time, a Eurostar one-seat civil aircraft was taking off from a local airport, as there were "no hazards," according to the airport administration.

The Eurostar and Eurofighters almost collided when they found themselves at one height at the moment of the incident, the newspaper added.

According to the media outlet, an investigation into the incident is in progress.

Estonia, as well as neighboring Latvia and Lithuania, do not possess air patrol capabilities. Since joining NATO in 2004, the three Baltic countries' airspace has been defended by a rotating NATO mission.

Several Syrian ministers had to step down bowing to the pressure from Saudi Arabia and France, President Bashar Assad revealed.

Assad: Pressure From Riyadh, Paris Ejects Syrian Ministers From Power

Several cabinet members quit the Syrian administration as a result of pressure from countries like Saudi Arabia and France, President Bashar Assad said in an interview with Australian television.

"Actually, they defected because they’ve been asked to do so by, some of them, Saudi Arabia, some of them by France, it depends on the country they belong to," Assad told SBS in an interview whose transcript was published by the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) Friday.

Assad ordered a cabinet reshuffle on June 22 under Electricity Minister Imad Mohammad Deeb Khamis' leadership. Key members of the administration were said to retain their posts.

US President Barack Obama has issued an executive order to "reduce the likelihood of civilian casualties" in the use of drone strikes.

Obama Issues Executive Order on Use of Controversial Drone Program

After facing pressure from human rights groups, the Obama administration has released data on drone strike casualties. Since taking office in 2009, there have been between 64 and 116 civilians killed in Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and North Africa.

"Today's casualty data release and issuance of the executive order is a concrete step in the right direction, but more information is still needed for the public to meaningfully evaluate the lawfulness and effectiveness of the targeted killing program," Human Rights First's Rita Siemion said in a statement.

In addition to acting to reduce civilian casualties, the new executive order also directs that the US acknowledge its responsibility for civilian deaths and offer condolences and compensation.

Trainloads of US Battle Tanks on the move in Romania
Jun 30, 2016
Two trainloads of U.S. M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks have been video recorded on-the-move inside Romania 4 days ago. Given the fact that the Romanian rail system is electric rather than diesel, the trainloads are relatively small, only about 18 tanks per train. But what is the US doing moving three dozen of its main battle tanks into Romania, right along the border with Russia?

Is the US girding for war?

What threat does Russia pose to Romania? Have there been threats by Russia to invade Romania? No.

This is precisely the kind of acitivity that gives rise to Russian suspicion of NATO and the US. Russia poses no threat to the Baltics or to states like Romania, yet the US and NATO are, quite literally, surrounding Russia with a ring of firepower as though a fight is being planned. Russia sees these moves and wonders to itself "what the hell is NATO doing?" Their questions are righteous.

Just what _is_ NATO doing? Why are we pre-positioning main battle tanks on the Russian Border?

Why are we in the West being so provocative?

In the meantime, the US mass-media keeps the citizens of America blissfully unaware of the activities its government is engaged-in. If or when a war does break-out, the US public will be blind-sided, having no idea at all as to why, and no idea at all that our own government has been setting the stage for a fight for months.

Published on Jun 30, 2016

Map Added for reference:,20.5216463,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x40b1ff26958976c3:0x84ef4f92a804b194!8m2!3d45.943161!4d24.96676

International Military Review – Syria, July 1, 2016
South Front
[quote author= article c.a.]Two trainloads of U.S. M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tanks have been video recorded on-the-move inside Romania 4 days ago. Given the fact that the Romanian rail system is electric rather than diesel, the trainloads are relatively small, only about 18 tanks per train. But what is the US doing moving three dozen of its main battle tanks into Romania, right along the border with Russia?[/quote]

Probably just to intimidate and give a show of force to pressure Russia into Western dominance. They tried it before on the Syrian border with SA and Turkey in the hope that Putin would abondon Russian war-effort against their proxy forces.

All bark and no guts. They don't dare to invade and Putin knows it. Tho, I can imagine that at some point NATO forces grow so significant at the Russian border that Putin will be advised to strike first before even more NATO troops mobilize.

But that's probably exactly what the US wants. See the following article, apparently Breedlove really wanted his war with Russia. Just your typical loser US General that wants to make a name for himself. Russia would have mopped the floor with him.

Breedlove’s war: Emails show ex-NATO general plotting US conflict with Russia

Hacked private emails of the US general formerly in charge of NATO reveal a campaign to pressure the White House into escalating the conflict with Russia over Ukraine, involving several influential players in Washington.

The emails, posted by the site DCLeaks, show correspondence between General Philip M. Breedlove, former head of the US European Command and supreme commander of NATO forces, with several establishment insiders concerning the situation in Ukraine following the February 2014 coup that ousted the elected government in favor of a US-backed regime.

Breedlove served as the NATO Supreme Commander between May 2013 and March 2016. His personal email incorporated his Air Force call sign “Bwana” – a Swahili word for “boss.”

The hacked emails reveal his frequent and intense communications with retired General Wesley Clark, as well as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and involving a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, State Department official Victoria Nuland, and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt.

Clark, who commanded NATO during the 1999 war in Yugoslavia, reached out to Breedlove in April 2014. On April 8, he forwarded “intelligence” obtained by Anatoly Pinchuk and Dmitry Tymchuk, activists close to the new regime, claiming a Russian invasion was in the works.

The information was conveyed by Phillip Karber, an ex-Marine and president of the Potomac Foundation, whom Clark calls a “colleague” and “our guy.” Karber wrote about observing the Russian border from inside a Ukrainian tank, and eagerly transmitted Tymchuk and Pinchuk’s calls for support. Contacted by The Intercept on Friday, Karber confirmed the authenticity of several emails in the leaked cache.

Reporting on his meeting with Ambassador Pyatt on April 6, Karber wrote: “State is the one trying to be pro-active and recognizes need to do more faster,” while General Martin Dempsey – at that point the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – was “dragging his feet in order to save [military] relations with Russians.”

In an email dated April 12, Clark referred to his exchange with “Toria” Nuland – the assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia, who personally backed the Ukrainian revolution – pushing for open US support for the regime in Ukraine to use force against protesters in the east. Prior to the coup, Washington had strongly warned Kiev not to use force against the anti-government demonstrators in the city.

Kiev’s summer “anti-terrorist operation” ended in crushing defeat in August, and the first armistice between the government and rebels was signed in Minsk in September. Meanwhile, the so-called Islamic State jihadist group arose in Iraq and Syria, drawing US attention away from Eastern Europe with gruesome beheadings of Westerners. Frustrated by the White House’s reluctance to back his belligerent agenda in Ukraine, Breedlove reached out to Powell, a retired general and former secretary of state.

“I seek your counsel on two fronts,.... how to frame this opportunity in a time where all eyes are on ISIL all the time,... and two,... how to work this personally with the POTUS,” Breedlove wrote to Powell in September 2014. Powell’s response was not made available.

Breedlove was introduced to Powell by Harlan Ullman, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and the author of the “shock and awe” doctrine used by the Bush administration in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

In October 2014, Ullman urged Breedlove to reach out to Vice President Joe Biden. Aside from Powell, Ullman wrote, “I know of no better way of getting into 1600,” referring to the White House’s address on Pennsylvania Avenue.

In November, Ullman also suggested Breedlove should get together with David O'Sullivan, the new EU envoy to Washington. Noting that Europe “seems to be a six letter expletive in the White House,” Ullman adds that “perhaps quiet collaboration between him and NATO (SecGen) as well might be useful.”

“Obama or Kerry needs to be convinced that Putin must be confronted,” Ullman wrote in February 2015, before the ‘Minsk II’ talks.

He also gave Breedlove pointers on getting into the good graces of Ash Carter, the new Defense Secretary. “I would take or pretend to take careful notes. Ash is an academic. And he is trained that students who take good notes rise to be A grades. This may be maskarova. But it is useful maskarova,” Ullman wrote, misspelling the Russian word for camouflage (maskirovka).

Washington did approve hundreds of millions of dollars in “non-lethal” aid to Ukrainian troops, including the notorious “volunteer battalions,” in the 2016 military budget.

Breedlove continued to push for more aggressive US involvement, claiming a heavy Russian troop presence in Ukraine – which was later denied even by the government in Kiev. In March this year, the general was telling US lawmakers that Russia and Syria were “deliberately weaponizing migration in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve.”

Breedlove was replaced at the helm of EUCOM and NATO in May, and officially retired from the military on July 1. He was replaced by US Army General Curtis Scaparrotti, whose public statements suggest a similar level of hostility for Russia.
Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad has given an interview to Australian SBS TV. The President’s website has published the transcript in full and SBS have released the video of the interview. Once again President Assad handles the hostile, arrogant media interview with dignity and integrity.

SYRIA: President Bahsar Al Assad Talks to Australian SBS TV (Photos - Video) Published on Jul 1, 2016

Journalist: Mr. President, thank you for speaking with SBS Australia.

President Assad: You’re most welcome in Syria.

Question 1: It’s now more than five years since the Syrian crisis began. It’s estimated somewhere around a quarter of a million people have been killed, many of them civilians. There’s an undeniable humanitarian disaster. How far into the crisis do you think you are, and is there an end in sight?

President Assad: Of course, there is an end in sight, and the solution is very clear. It’s simple yet impossible. It’s simple because the solution is very clear, how to make dialogue between the Syrians about the political process, but at the same time fighting the terrorism and the terrorists in Syria. Without fighting terrorists, you cannot have any real solution.

It’s impossible because the countries that supported those terrorists, whether Western or regional like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, don’t want to stop sending all kinds of support to those terrorists. So, if we start with stopping this logistical support, and as Syrians go to dialogue, talk about the constitution, about the future of Syria, about the future of the political system, the solution is very near, not far from reach.

Question 2: Much of the reporting in the West at the moment suggests that the demise of the Islamic State is imminent. Do you believe that’s true, and how far away from seizing Raqqa, this very important city of Raqqa, do you believe you are?

President Assad: It’s not a race. Raqqa is as important as Aleppo, as Damascus, as any other city. The danger of those terrorist groups is not about what land do they occupy, because it’s not a traditional war. It’s about how much of their ideology can they instill in the mind of the people in the area that they sit or live in. Indoctrination, this is the most dangerous thing. So, reaching Raqqa is not that difficult militarily, let’s say. It’s a matter of time.

We are going in that direction. But the question when you talk about war is about what the other side, let’s say the enemy, could do, and that’s directly related to the effort of Turkey, especially Erdogan, in supporting those groups, because that’s what’s happening since the beginning. If you talk about Syria as an isolated military field, you can reach that area within a few months or a few weeks, let’s say, but without taking into consideration the Turkish effort in supporting the terrorists, any answer would be a far cry from the reality, an un-factual answer.

Question 3: Mr. President, how concerned are you about recent fatal clashes which have been reported between your longtime ally Hezbollah and your own forces?

There is good Syrian-Russian-Iranian coordination on fighting terrorism

President Assad: Fighting between us and Hezbollah? They are not fighting. They support the Syrian Army. They don’t fight against the Syrian Army, they fight with the Syrian Army. The Syrian Army and Hezbollah, with the support of the Russian Air Forces, we are fighting all kinds of terrorist groups, whether ISIS or al-Nusra or other affiliated groups with Al Qaeda that’s affiliated automatically to al-Nusra and ISIS.

Question 4: So, there have been some recent reports of clashes between… are those reports incorrect.

President Assad: No, they are talking not about clashes; about, let’s say, differences and different opinions. That’s not true, and if you look at the meeting that happened recently between the Ministers of Defense in Iran, in Tehran; Syrian, Russian, and Iranian, this means there’s good coordination regarding fighting terrorism.

Question 5: To be clear, do you categorize all opposition groups as terrorists?

President Assad: Definitely not, no. When you talk about an opposition group that adopts the political means, they’re not terrorists. Whenever you hold machineguns or any other armaments and you terrorize people and you attack civilians and you attack public and private properties, you are a terrorist. But if you talk about opposition, when you talk about opposition it must be Syrian opposition. It cannot be a surrogate opposition that works as a proxy to other countries like Saudi Arabia or any other country. It must be a Syrian opposition that’s related to its Syrian grassroots, like in your country. It’s the same, I think.

Question 6: You said recently that the ceasefire offered Syrian people at least a glimmer of hope. How, five months on, do you think that hope is going?

President Assad: Yeah, it is. It’s still working, the ceasefire, but we don’t have to forget that terrorist groups violate this agreement, on a daily basis. But at the same time, we have the right, according to that agreement, to retaliate whenever the terrorists attack our government forces. So, actually you can say it’s still working in most of the areas, but in some areas it’s not.

Question 7: There are various accounts of how the Syrian crisis began. Some say it was children graffiting anti-government slogans and they were dealt with brutally by the government. I understand you don’t accept that narrative. How, in your view, did the crisis begin?

President Assad: It’s a mixture of many things. Some people demonstrated because they needed reform. We cannot deny this, we cannot say “no everybody was a terrorist” or “everyone was a mercenary.” But the majority of those demonstrators – I’m not talking about the genuine demonstrators – were paid by Qatar in order to demonstrate, then later they were paid by Qatar in order to revolt with armaments, and that’s how it started, actually.

The story of children being attacked, this is an illusive story. It didn’t happen. Of course, you always have, let’s say, mistakes happening in the practice on the ground, like what happened in the United States recently, during the last year, but this is not a reason for people to hold machineguns and kill policemen and soldiers and so on.

Question 8: You do say that some of these people legitimately needed reform. Was that as a result of any heavy-handedness from your government at all?

President Assad: No, we had reform in Syria. It started mainly after 2000, in the year 2000. Some people think it was slow, some people think it was too fast, this is subjective, not objective, but we were moving in that regard. But the proof that it wasn’t about the reform, because we made all the requested reforms after the crisis started five years ago, and nothing has changed. So, it wasn’t about reform. We changed the constitution, we changed the laws that the opposition asked for, we changed many things, but nothing happened.

So, it wasn’t about the reform; it was about money coming from Qatar, and most of the people that genuinely asked for reform at the beginning of the crisis, they don’t demonstrate now, they don’t go against the government, they cooperate with the government. They don’t believe, let’s say, in the political line of this government, and this is their right and that’s natural, but they don’t work against the government or against the state institutions. So, they distinguish themselves from the people who supported the terrorists.

Question 9: How do you respond to the fact that some of your ministers defected and cited brutality as reason?

President Assad: Actually, they defected because they’ve been asked to do so by, some of them, Saudi Arabia, some of them by France, it depends on the country they belong to. And now, they are belonging to that so-called opposition that belongs to those countries, not to the Syrians. They have no values in Syria, so we wouldn’t worry about that. It didn’t change anything. I mean it didn’t affect the fact or the reality in Syria.

Question 10: One of your main backers, Russia, has called for a return to the peace talks. Do you think that’s a good idea?

President Assad: You mean in Geneva?

Journalist: Yes.

Geneva negotiations need to have the basic principles in order to be fruitful.

President Assad: Yeah, of course, we support every talk with every Syrian party, but in reality those talks haven’t been started yet, and there’s no Syrian-Syrian talks till this moment, because we only made negotiations with the facilitator, which is Mr. de Mistura. Actually, it hasn’t started. So, we support the principle, but in practice you need to have a certain methodology that didn’t exist so far. So, we need to start, but we need to have the basic principles for those negotiations to be fruitful.

Question 11: One thing that intrigues a lot of people about the Syrian crisis is why your close allies Iran and Russia stay so loyal?

President Assad: Because it wasn’t about the President, it’s not about the person. This is the misinterpretation, or let’s say the misconception in the West, and maybe part of the propaganda, that Russia and Iran supported Assad, or supported the President. It’s not like this. It’s about the whole situation. The chaos in Syria is going to provoke a domino effect in our region, that’s going to affect the neighboring countries, it’s going to affect Iran, it’s going to affect Russia, it’s going to affect Europe, actually.

So, when they defend Syria, they defend the stability and they defend their stability, they defend their interest. And at the same time, it’s about the principle. They defend the Syrian people and their right to protect themselves. Because if they defend the President and the Syrian people are not with him and don’t support him, I cannot withstand five years just because Russia and Iran support me. So, it’s not about the President, it’s about the whole situation, the bigger picture, let’s say.

Question 12: Do you have any dialogue either direct or indirectly with the United States?

Western countries are dealing with Syria through back channels.

President Assad: At all, nothing at all. Indirect, yes, indirect, through different channels. But if you ask them they will deny it, and we’re going to deny it. But in reality, it exists; the back channels.

Question 13: What are some of those channels?

President Assad: I mean, let’s say, businessmen going and traveling around the world and meeting with the officials in the United States and in Europe, they meet in Europe, and they try to convey certain messages, but there’s nothing serious, because we don’t think the administration, the American administration, is serious about solving the problem in Syria.

Question 14: Well, quite recently, there were reports more than 50 diplomats have called for what they described as “real and effective military strikes” against you, against Syria. Does this in any way concern you, and do you think it signals a more aggressive policy from the United States towards Syria moving forward?

President Assad: No, warmongers in every American administration always exist. It’s not something new. But we wouldn’t give a fig, let’s say, about this communique, but it’s not about this communique; it’s about the policy, it’s about the actions. The difference between this administration and the previous one, Bush’s one, is that Bush sent his troops. This one is sending mercenaries, and turned a blind eye to what Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Qatar did, since the beginning of the crisis. So, it’s the same policy. It’s a militaristic policy, but in different ways. So, this communique is not different from the reality on the ground. This is asking for war, and the reality is a war.

Question 15: You referred to the previous government, the Bush government. There are some who say one of the reasons you’ve survived as long as a government has been America’s reluctance to get on the ground in another war in the Middle East. Do you not accept that, based on what you’re saying?

President Assad: Yeah, the American administrations since the 50s are very famous of creating problems but they never solve any problems, and that’s what happened in Iraq. Bush invaded Iraq, in a few weeks he could occupy Iraq, but then what’s next? It’s not about occupying. This is a great power. We’re not a great power. So, it’s not about America occupying Syria. What’s next? What do they want to achieve? They haven’t achieved anything. They failed in Libya, in Iraq, in Yemen, in Syria, everywhere. They only created chaos. So, if the United States wants to create more chaos it can, it can create chaos, but can they solve the problem? No.

Question 16: Do you have a preference who wins the upcoming US election?

President Assad: Actually no, we never bet on any American president, because usually what they say in the campaign is different from their practice after they become president, and Obama is an example, so we don’t have to wait. We have to wait and see what policy they’re going to adopt, whoever wins the elections.

Question 17: So, you can see a circumstance where Syria would work collaboratively with the United States and the West?

We are not against cooperation with the US based on mutual interest.

President Assad: We don’t have a problem with the United States, they’re not our enemy, they don’t occupy our land. We have differences, and those differences go back to the 70s and maybe before that, but in many different times, let’s say, and events and circumstances, we had cooperation with the United States. So, we’re not against this cooperation. But, this cooperation means talking about and discussing and working for the mutual interest, not for their interest at the expense of our interest. So, we don’t have a problem.

Question 18: Mr. President, you’ve spent a lot of time yourself, as you’ve just said, in the United Kingdom. Can you see there being any repercussions for Britain’s decision to exit the European Union for Syria and for the Syrian crisis?

President Assad: I don’t think I can elaborate about that, as it’s a British issue, and I’m not British neither European. But at the same time I can say that this surprising result, maybe, has many different components, whether internal as economic and external as the worry from the terrorism, security issues, refugees, and so on.

But this is an indication for us, as those officials who used to give me the advice about how to deal with the crisis in Syria, and say “Assad must go” and “he’s disconnected” proven to be disconnected from reality, otherwise they wouldn’t have asked for this referendum, but I think this is a revolt of the people there against, I would call them sometimes second-tier politicians. They needed special, let’s say, statecraft officials, to deal their country.

If another administration came and understands that the issue of refugees and security is related to the problem in our region, this is where you’re going to have a different policy that will affect us positively. But I don’t have now a lot of hope about this. Let’s say we have a slim hope, because we don’t know who’s going to come after Cameron in the UK.

Question 19: Can I ask; Australia is part of the international coalition to defeat the Islamic State. Obviously, that’s one of your goals, so in that instance there’s a shared goal. Do you welcome international intervention when there’s a shared goal like that.

President Assad: Actually, we welcome any effort to fight terrorism in Syria, any effort, but this effort first of all should be genuine, not window-dressing like what’s happening now in northern Syria where 60 countries couldn’t prevent ISIS from expanding. Actually, when the Russian air support started, only at that time when ISIS stopped expanding.

So, it needs to be genuine. Second, it needs to be through the Syrian legitimate government, not just because they want to fight terrorism and they can go anywhere in the world. We are a legitimate government and we are a sovereign country. So, only on these two circumstances we welcome any foreign support to fight terrorism.

Question 20: A number of Australians have died fighting for either the Kurdish militia or the Islamic State. Do you a message for these young people who feel so enraged by what’s taking place in Syria that they travel over here to fight?

President Assad: Again, the same, let’s say, answer. If there are foreigners coming without the permission of the government, they are illegal, whether they want to fight terrorists or want to fight any other one. It is the same. It’s illegal, we can call it.

Question 21: Mr. President, Australian politicians have used very strong language about your role in the crisis, as have other leaders, internationally. Australia’s Prime Minister has referred to you as a “murderous tyrant,” saying that you’re responsible for killing thousands of innocent civilians. Australia’s opposition leader has called you a “butcher.” Yet Australia’s official position is still to work with you toward a peace agreement. How do you reconcile those two very different positions?

Western nations attack Syrian government in public and deal with it in private.

President Assad: Actually, this is the double standard of the West in general. They attack us politically and they send us their officials to deal with us under the table, especially the security, including your government. They all do the same. They don’t want to upset the United States. Actually, most of the Western officials only repeat what the United States wants them to say. This is the reality. So, I think these statements, I just can say they are disconnected from our reality, because I’m fighting terrorists, our army is fighting terrorists, our government is against terrorists, the whole institutions are against terrorists. If you call fighting terrorism butchery, that’s another issue.

Question 22: Australia has agreed to take an additional twelve thousand Syrian refugees; some have already arrived. Do you have a message for these Syrians, many of whom still say they love Syria and they want to return. Do you have a message for those people, as I said, who are in Australia, and other countries around the world?

A more humanitarian and less costly European solution to refugee crisis is stopping support to terrorists.

President Assad: Actually, you mentioned a very important point. Most of the refugees that left Syria, they want to come back to Syria. So, any country that helped them enter their new country, let’s say, their new homeland, is welcome as a humanitarian action, but again there is something more humanitarian and less costly: is to help them staying in their country, help them going back by helping the stability in Syria, not to give any umbrella or support to the terrorists.

That’s what they want. They want the Western governments to take decisive decisions against what Saudi Arabia and other Western countries, like France and UK, are doing in order to support the terrorists in Syria just to topple the government. Otherwise, those Syrians wouldn’t have left Syria. Most of them, they didn’t leave because they are against the government or with the government; they left because it’s very difficult to live in Syria these days.

Question 23: Do you hope that these people will return and would you facilitate for them to return?

President Assad: Definitely, I mean losing people as refugees is like losing human resources. How can you build a country without human resources? Most of those people are educated, well trained, they have their own businesses in Syria in different domains. You lose all this, of course, we need.

Question 24: The Commission for International Justice and Accountability says there are thousands of government documents which say has proved your government sanctioned mass torture and killings. In the face of that evidence, how do you say that no crimes have taken place, and I point also to other independent organizations, which are critical of deliberate targeting hospitals. Do you concede that some mistakes have been made as you’ve targeted some rebel-held areas?

President Assad: You are talking about two different things. One of them, the first one is the reports. The most important report that’s been financed by Qatar, just to defame the Syrian government, and they have no proof, who took the pictures, who are the victims in those pictures, and so on. Like you can forge anything if you want now on the computer.

So, it is not credible at all. Second, talking about attacking hospitals or attacking civilians, the question, the very simple question is: why do we attack hospitals and civilians? I mean the whole issue, the whole problem in Syria started when those terrorists wanted to win the hearts of the Syrians.

So, attacking hospitals or attacking civilians is playing into the hands of the terrorists. So, if we put the values aside now for a while, let’s talk about the interests. No government in this situation has any interest in killing civilians or attacking hospitals. Anyway, if you attack hospitals, you can use any building to be a hospital.

No, these are an anecdotal claims, mendacious statements I can say; they are not credible at all. We’re still sending vaccines to those areas under the control of the terrorists. So, how can I send vaccines and attack the hospitals? This is a contradiction.

Question 25: Mr. President, as a father and as a man, has there been one anecdote, one story, one image from the crisis, which has affected you personally more than others?

President Assad: Definitely, we are humans, and I am Syrian like the other Syrians. I will be more sympathetic with any Syrian tragedy affecting any person or family, and in this region, we are very emotional people, generally. But as an official, I am not only a person, I am an official. As an official, the first question you ask when you have that feeling is what are you going to do, what are you going to do to protect other Syrians from the same suffering? That’s the most important thing. So, I mean, this feeling, this sad feeling, this painful feeling, is an incentive for me to do more. It’s not only a feeling.

Question 26: What’s your vision for Syria? How do you see things in two to three years?

President Assad: After the crisis or…? Because, the first thing we would like to see is to have Syria stable as it used to be before, because it was one of the most stable countries and secure countries around the world, not only in our region. So, this the first thing. If you have this, you can have other ambitions. Without it you cannot. I mean, if you have this, the other question: how to deal with the new generation that lived the life of killing, that saw the extremism or learned the extremism or indoctrinated by Al Qaeda-affiliated groups, and so on. This is another challenge. The third one is bringing back those human resources that left as refugees in order to rebuild Syria. Rebuilding the country as buildings or infrastructure is very easy; we are capable of doing this as Syrians. The challenge is about the new generation.

Question 27: How do you think history will reflect on your presidency?

President Assad: What I wish is to say that this is the one who saved his country from the terrorists and from the external intervention. That is what I wish about it. Anything else would be left to the judgment of people, but this is my only wish.the Syrian

Journalist: Mr. President, Thank you very much for speaking with SBS Australia.

President Assad: Thank you very much.
[quote author= angelburst29]Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad has given an interview to Australian SBS TV. The President’s website has published the transcript in full and SBS have released the video of the interview. Once again President Assad handles the hostile, arrogant media interview with dignity and integrity.[/quote]

Thanks Angelburst, I always enjoy watching and reading the interviews of president Al Assad. He is a real statesman and knows how to handle deluded and lying trash like that. I don't know why western reporters even keep trying.
Russian warplanes will fly over Baltic with transponders on, if NATO does the same

All Russian military aircraft could begin flying their missions over the Baltic Sea with their identification transponders switched on as part of a package of trust-building measures with NATO, Russia’s defense minister said.

Following a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Finnish President Sauli Niinisto, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu ordered “technical and organizational measures” to be taken to improve air traffic security in the Baltic region, which include the Russian Air Force flying missions with their transponders activated.

This would allow regional flight control services to identify Russian military aircraft, the Defense Ministry’s press-service reported. However, the ministry is only prepared to implement the measure if NATO member states are willing to do the same.

The issue of air traffic control and safety is likely to be discussed at the upcoming Russia-NATO Council planned for July 13 after the NATO summit in Warsaw, which is set to kick off on July 8.

When Russia’s leader was visiting Finland on Friday, the host country’s president, Sauli Niinisto, said Russian military aircraft should avoid turning off their identification devices in the region, which is frequented by both Russian and NATO planes.

We all know the risk with these flights and I have suggested that we should agree that transponders are used on all flights in the Baltic Sea region,” Niinisto said.

In turn, Putin noted that “The number of NATO planes [with transponders off] is twice as high as that of Russian planes.”

We welcome the Finnish President’s proposal. Upon my arrival back in Moscow I will order the Foreign and Defense Ministries to raise this matter at the upcoming Russia-NATO Council meeting,” the Russian president said.

There has been a string of air incidents involving NATO surveillance aircraft and Russian fighter jets scrambled to intercept them, when both parties were flying with their transponders turned off.

In late April, the Russian Defense Ministry suggested that US surveillance planes should either keep their distance from Russia’s borders while flying over the Baltic Sea, or at least keep transponders switched on for identification purposes.

The statement came after an incident on April 14 when a Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jet performed a barrel roll within 25 feet (7.6 meters) of a US Boeing RC-135 surveillance plane spotted in international airspace above the Baltic Sea with its transponder switched off.

The Pentagon accused the Russian pilot of acting in an “an unsafe and unprofessional manner.”

There are two solutions for the US Air Force [operating in the Baltic Sea]: either do not fly near our borders, or turn on transponders for automatic identification by our radars,” Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said in an official statement at the time.

NATO-Russia Meetings 'Meaningless' If Moscow 'Treated as Unequal'

Russia should be treated as an equitable dialogue partner in the framework of NATO-Russia meetings or they will serve no purpose, a member of Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA) told Sputnik on Saturday.

TBILISI (Sputnik) — Earlier in the day, Russian Defense Ministry announced that the next NATO-Russia Council at permanent representatives level is scheduled for July 13, 2016 after NATO's summit in the Polish capital of Warsaw, scheduled for July 8-9.

"These meetings, certainly, is a necessary part of the dialogue between us. However, taking into the consideration a common negative perception of Russia and attempts 'to give us lectures', to tell us where and how say things and react, these meetings may become meaningless. Russia should be treated as an equitable dialogue partner," Nikolay Kovalev said on the sidelines of the ongoing OSCE PA annual meeting in Tbilisi.

Since 2014, NATO has been building up its military presence in Eastern Europe, using Moscow's alleged interference in Ukraine as a pretext for the move. Moscow has repeatedly denied the claims and warned NATO that the military buildup near Russia’s borders is provocative and threatens the existing strategic balance of power.

US May Form Military Alliance in Pacific in Response to New Russian Base

A new naval base on the Kuril Islands will bolster Russia’s military presence in the Pacific region. Some players will not be happy about this move, a military expert said.

Russia will start this year construction of a new Pacific Fleet base on Matua in the Kuril Islands chain.

In May, the Defense Ministry along with the Russian Geographical Society sent a research expedition to Matua Island.

A new Russian facility would disfavor some regional actors, Ivan Konovalov, head of the Center of Strategic Environment, told Radio Sputnik.

"A new base will be a headache for the United States. President Barack Obama announced a strategic shift to the Pacific. This is why Washington will not be happy about a new Russian base in the region," he said.

At the same time, the base will not affect relations between Moscow and Tokyo, especially over Japan’s claims to the so-called Northern Territories in the Kuril chain.

The expert suggested that the initiative would force the US to strengthen its naval force in the Pacific.

"The Americans see that when an airfield is built on Matua Russia’s long-range aviation would significantly increase its capabilities in the region. I think there will be some response from the US. For example, it may strengthen its military force in the region. Washington may also intensify military cooperation with Japan and South Korea," he said.

Konovalov assumed that a new military alliance in the Pacific may be established.

"The military and political situation would change, taking into account standoff between Japan and China and tensions between the US and China. A new military alliance may be established, including Australia. It would comprise Washington’s allies, but not members of NATO. This scenario is possible," he suggested.

China to Assist Israel in Construction of Island in Mediterranean Sea

China’s experience of building islands in the sea may now come in handy for Israel as its first Deputy Prime Minister, Yisrael Katz, proposed a project to create an artificial island off the coast of Gaza Strip in the Mediterranean Sea.

Katz sees this initiative as a platform for international cooperation. Among the countries that could take part in this project, he sees Russia and China.

The island is planned to be constructed at around 4.5 kilometers from the coast. It will be equipped with a seaport, an airport, sea water desalination plant, power station and a hotel. There are no residential houses planned on the island.

The island will be connected to the Gaza Strip by a bridge. According to Yisrael Katz, this is inherently an economic project, but it carries a strategic and political importance as well. As stated by Katz, the program will greatly facilitate lives of residents of the Gaza Strip as it will be an important step on the path to civil dissociation from Israel.

In an interview with Sputnik, Professor of the Center for the Study of International Relations at China’s University, Yan Mian, said, “If this project will help improve the situation around Gaza Strip, or help Gaza, for example, in terms of fresh water, or construction of the port that will somehow able to eradicate civilian life problems in Gaza, then China will consider taking part in such a project.”

China’s expert from the Diplomatic Academy, Ren Yuanzhe, also shared his views on this matter with Sputnik saying that, “First of all, China attaches great importance to peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Secondly, the construction of the islands can also help pacify the situation in the region.”

The expert further noted that China initiated the establishment of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, offered to build interconnection of transport and communication on an international scale. There are already preliminary projects of the AIIB in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

“Therefore, the future of construction in the Middle East could become a platform for a joint international effort,” Yuanzhe said.

Russia is one of the leading powers that may be able to participate in such a project as Russia has the necessary experience and knowledge about the Middle East, as well as good connections to the heads of State in the region, the Israeli politician Yisrael Katz said.

According to the Washington Post’s report on this initiative, the Jewish state is actively seeking financial partners for the 5 billion dollar project. Chinese participation would reflect the geopolitical aspirations of the economic diplomacy of Beijing.

Talking about China’s geopolitical interests in the region, known Israeli political scientist and president of the Institute of Eastern Partnership, Rabbi Abraham Shmulevich, said “In fact, it is an old idea about the construction of an artificial island. It was put forward many years ago more than a decade ago, by Shimon Peres, then Prime Minister.”

“The idea from the technological point of view is doable. In terms of political and economic perspective it is also clear enough. Why was China invited to participate? There is absolutely no surprise there because China is very careful, smartly and consistently increasing its presence in the region around Israel,” Smulevich said.

He further said that China has huge investment projects across Africa and the Middle East and has also consistently invested in global transport infrastructure.

“The strategic and economic objectives are clear: to become a real world power, to control the flow of goods and to stop being a country that is completely dependent on Western technology and investment,” Smulevich explained talking about China’s agenda.

He further said that China is already implementing transportation projects in Israel.

“The Chinese always offer very good investment conditions, since the aim is not only to obtain economic benefits, but also geopolitical goals — strengthening the country's influence. China has consistently taken control of the world's transport infrastructure. China’s participation in the Israeli project would be one such example,” the expert said.

When asked what prompted the First Deputy Prime Minister of Israel, Yisrael Katz, to view China as a potential participant of this mega-project, the chief editor of the Tel Aviv publishing house News Week, Leonid Belotserkovski, said, “What pushes them mainly is the fact that the Chinese construct quite fast and deliver a high quality product. I can say that these guys construct marvelously.”

He further said that the Chinese are already involved in building Israeli port of Ashdod which is a new Israeli, modern port.

“The Chinese are generally active in the Israeli economy, especially in the sphere of high technology, where Israel is a world leader. That is a bit dangerous but what can you do,” Belotserkovski said.

He further added that the role of Israel's high-tech development in China is pretty large. In China’s agriculture, a lot is done by the Israeli experts, including breeders, who have special farms. Therefore, the cooperation is mutually beneficial,” the editor concluded.

Lavrov, Kerry discuss cooperation in fight against terrorists in Syria

The conversation was held at the initiative of the US side

MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry discussed in a phone conversation on Saturday the possible cooperation of Moscow and Washington in the fight against terrorists in Syria, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said.

The conversation was held at the initiative of the US side. "The discussion was on the ways of settling the Syrian conflict, including the possibilities of the Russian-US cooperation in the fight against terrorist groups active in Syria," the ministry said.

Lavrov and Kerry also focused on the issues concerning further steps of co-chairs of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)’s Minsk Group (Russia, France, the US) on the settlement in Nagorno-Karabakh following the meeting of the presidents of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in St. Petersburg on June 20.

On June 30, the Washington Post reported that the Obama administration has proposed a new deal on Syria to the Russian government that "would deepen military cooperation between the two countries against some terrorists." According to Stratfor, a US company providing strategic analysis and forecasting, this initiative could envisage a range of concessions from Russia.

Aircraft of Admiral Kuznetsov to be used in Syria Oct-Jan — source

During the voyage the Admiral Kuznetsov "will have about 15 fighters Su-33 and MiG-29K/KUB and more than ten helicopters Ka-52K, Ka-27 and Ka-31"

MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. The deck aircraft of the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier will participate in delivering strikes against militants in Syria from an eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea in October 2016 - January 2017, a military-diplomatic source in Moscow told TASS on Saturday.

"The General Staff has prepared a plan for involvement of the deck aircraft in delivering strikes on terrorist groups in the Syrian Arab Republic, where the crews will practice taking off the carrier to deliver strikes on ground targets."

Thus, the source said, in autumn-winter, the strikes will be delivered both by the crews located at the Hmeymim Base, and the aircraft carrier’s crews "in most close coordination." "The Admiral Kuznetsov," which will lead the Russian Navy’s permanent grouping in the Mediterranean Sea, will be close to the Syrian shore "so that the deck aircraft have enough fuel to complete the military tasks and return back," the source said.

During the voyage, the source continued, the Admiral Kuznetsov "will have about 15 fighters Su-33 and MiG-29K/KUB and more than ten helicopters Ka-52K, Ka-27 and Ka-31."

"The aircraft carrier will come to the Mediterranean Sea roughly before end of January - early February, after that it will return home and in February-March it will undergo maintenance and modernization in Severodvinsk, supposedly at Sevmash," the source added.

TASS does not have official confirmation of this information.

On July 1, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said Russia’s Project 11435 aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov will receive the Kamov Ka-52K (NATO reporting name: Hokum-B) helicopter this year (2016).

A military and diplomatic source told TASS earlier that the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov would arrive in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea in autumn. The ship is currently undergoing shipbuilders’ trials in the Barents Sea after repairs.
The leaders of America’s towns and cities issued a resolution warning the Obama administration and NATO that continued anti-Russian provocations place humanity at greater risk of nuclear annihilation.

US Mayors Blast Obama, NATO: War Games on Russia’s Border Endanger Humanity

The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM), the official non-partisan organization for city leaders administering populations greater than 30,000, moved to condemn NATO’s Anaconda War Games on Russia’s border as increasing the threat of nuclear conflict.

"The largest NATO war games in decades, involving 14,000 US troops, and activation of US missile defenses in Eastern Europe are fueling growing tensions between nuclear-armed giants," said the USCM warning in the lead up to the military alliance’s summit on July 8-9 in Warsaw, Poland.

The resolution adopted at the USCM’s 84th Annual Conference from June 24-27 in Indianapolis stated: "More than 15,000 nuclear weapons, most orders of magnitude more powerful than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, 94% held by the United States and Russia, continue to pose an intolerable threat to cities and humanity."

The US Conference of Mayors went on to criticize President Obama for capitulating to the defense establishment and “laying the groundwork for the United States to spend one trillion dollars over the next three decades” on the so-called nuclear modernization effort that will result in a net increase in America’s atomic stockpile in contravention to the spirit of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT).

"The Obama administration has not only reduced the US nuclear stockpile less than any post-Cold War presidency, but also decided to spend on trillion dollars to maintain and modernize its nuclear bombs and warheads, production facilities, delivery systems, and command and control," read the resolution.

America’s mayors called into the question the development and maintenance of nuclear weapons with yields in excess of 1 megaton, or 75 times the force of the Hiroshima bomb that killed nearly 150,000 people, at a time when "federal funds are desperately needed in our communities to build affordable housing, create jobs with livable wages, improve public transit, and develop sustainable energy sources."

To underscore the resolution, the USCM acknowledged and apologized for America’s genocidal acts against Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki towards the end of World War II stating that the "US atomic bombings indiscriminately incinerated tens of thousands of ordinary people, and by the end of 1945 more than 210,000 people – mainly civilians, were dead, and the surviving hibakusha, their children and grandchildren continue to suffer from physical, psychological and sociological effects."

The country’s mayors continue to be a voice of peace and reason in the face of mounting influence by the foreign policy establishment and defense lobbyists having rendered similar resolutions calling for the United States to pursue a less threatening foreign policy for 11 consecutive years.

Just a few days before the NATO Summit in Warsaw, the co-chairman of the German-Russian Forum "Petersburg Dialogue," Ronald Pofalla, said that the planned deployment of NATO troops in Poland and the Baltic States should be limited in time, German media reported.

NATO 'Should Limit Its Military Presence in Eastern Europe to One Year'

According to Pofalla, the relations between NATO and Russia develop in a spiral manner. The expert was referring to the never-ending circle "of reactions, responses and new responses" that lead to further alienation between the two parties.

In an interview with the magazine, Pofalla suggested NATO countries should "accompany their decision to strengthen the forces of the alliance in Poland and the Baltics by a number of conditions."

"NATO could initially limit the term of its military buildup to one year. If the ceasefire in the east of Ukraine is implemented and a legally binding truce comes into force, the alliance could again weaken its military presence," the expert said.

The European Union seems to be interested in creating a unified NATO-style armed force to protect itself from both internal and external challenges now that Britain, a fierce opponent of the initiative, voted for withdrawal from the bloc.

EU Mulls Own Army While Spending Billions on These 7 Defense Organizations

Earlier this week, Brussels unveiled its Global Strategy, meant to update the EU’s foreign and security policy. In particular, the document calls to bolster defense cooperation in Europe.

The new strategy has prompted some to say that Brussels is seriously considering establishing a European army.

"The new Global Strategy paves the way for more far-reaching defense cooperation," that could involve "creating a genuine European army," according to the Danish daily newspaper Politiken.

Brexit may be the driving factor in these plans. Britain has the strongest military in the EU so European leaders fear that after London leaves the EU’s military capabilities will decrease. At the same time, London has long opposed creating a European army parallel to NATO.

After the Brexit vote, an "obstacle that prevented better cooperation has been removed," Marcin Zaborowski, Executive Vice President of the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), told Wirtualna Polska news site.

Nevertheless, if created a European army would be a significant addition to the military and defense burden of EU taxpayers.

Here is a list of the security organizations Europe is already paying for.

The UN Police (UNPOL) The UN Police has been an inherent part of the UN-led peace operations. Currently there are nearly 15,000 UN Police operating in over 90 countries.

Since the 1960s, the UN has been deploying its police forces in different peace operations. Now, the UN Police acts a corrective power with domestic police and other law enforcement agencies.

The UN Police acts at a mandate of the UN, thus by agreement of a certain UN member state.

The UN does not have its own police and military forces, and member states contribute their forces to the UN Police. It can operate in any UN member state. Police officers of any member state can be deployed to the UN Police.

Frontex Currently, Frontex, a European border security agency, is undergoing major reforms.

Previously it relied on coast guards provided by the EU members but now it will have a permanent corps of border guards. It will be deployed to help countries which have difficulties securing their borders.

The corps will operate across the EU and will be able to act even without authorization of a certain country in the event of a serious crisis.

Interpol The International Criminal Police Organization is an intergovernmental organization facilitating cooperation between national police forces. It involved the police forces of 190 countries.

Interpol coordinated national police forces, including in fighting cybercrimes, terrorism, and organized crime.

Interpol does not have own forces. Police officers of any country members can be sent to the organization.

Europol The European Police Office is the law enforcement agency of the European Union.

It handles criminal intelligence and combats serious organized crime by coordinating actions of the relevant authorities of the member states.

Europol also does not have own forces. Personnel of national law enforcement agencies are seconded to work in the organization.

UN peacekeepers (Blue Helmets) The UN peacekeeping forces comprise civil and military personnel seconded by UN country members. But Blue Berets usually refers to military forces.

Currently, nearly 120,000 personnel from 114 countries, including 18,000 civil personnel, are involved in 16 UN peacekeeping missions around the world.

The Blue Helmets are deployed at a mandate from the UN, thus by agreement of the certain country.

NATO Originally established as a defense military alliance of the United States and Western Europe, NATO has been conducting military operations with and without UN authorization.

NATO does not have its own forces. Its capabilities depend on contribution of the member states.

European Union Force (EUFOR) EUFOR is the closest to a European army. In fact, it is a staff coordinating forces seconded by its main country members, including France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, and Poland.

The decision to deploy forces is made by the five main country members. The decision may be independent or at the request from the EU, UN, NATO, and OSCE.

EUFOR does not have its own forces. Its personnel can be deployed around the world.

The presumptive First Husband’s meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch may force the Obama administration’s hand to indict Hillary Clinton over her failure to protect US secrets and hand the presidency to Bernie Sanders.

FBI Primary: Hillary’s First Term May Be in Prison After Bill’s Tampered AG

The smartest man in America right now is Bernie Sanders. After facing a monumental trouncing at the hands of the corporate media and AP spin doctors who announced the race was over before California voters ever arrived at the polls, the insurgent Democratic challenger did something nobody expected – he stayed in the race and he refused to endorse Hillary Clinton.

After facing a monumental trouncing at the hands of the corporate media and AP spin doctors who announced the race was over before California voters ever arrived at the polls, the insurgent Democratic challenger did something nobody expected – he stayed in the race and he refused to endorse Hillary Clinton.

That decision looks like it may just pay off with reports today that FBI investigators grilled the former Secretary of State for an astonishing four hours as the agency’s director James Comey received license to pursue the case to the very bounds of the law after months of Department of Justice stonewalling in the wake of Bill Clinton’s not so secret pow-wow at Sky Harbor airport with Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

The disgraced Attorney General claimed that the conversation with the husband of an investigation target who himself is a potential defendant or witness was merely lighthearted chatter about the grandchildren and how best to take a stand against the rising tide of crime in America.

Yet, even Loretta Lynch was forced to admit that the meeting created the appearance of impropriety and vowed to “take a step back” from the case amidst calls for her to recuse herself entirely from the proceedings. The Attorney General vowed that she will follow whatever recommendation she receives from the FBI even if James Comey’s office demands an indictment in the middle of the political season.

It has been reported by multiple outlets that FBI agents are clamoring for an immediate indictment against the former First Lady for compromising US national security secrets by housing the country’s vital diplomatic data on an entirely unsecured "homebrew" server to avoid complying with Freedom of Information Act disclosure requirements.

The investigation has already determined that numerous pieces of secret, top secret, and even higher than top secret information – SCIF data or information that can only be read inside of a Special Compartmentalized Information Facility.

Removal of data from a SCIF, as has been established Hillary Clinton has done is the most severe of potential claims. Given the high level of secrecy of SCIF data and the fact that it is held in a separate facility, the claim that the underlying act was unintentional would not hold weight in a court of law.

Perhaps most concerning was a recent revelation that the identity of undercover CIA agents may have been compromised by hackers who successfully accessed Hillary Clinton’s email system. At least 47 of the emails contain the notation B3 CIA PERS/ORG indicating that the material referred to CIA personnel.

Finally, the investigation has also uncovered that Hillary Clinton continued to use the system despite repeated reports that her email box was being hacked and even after one incident where State Department officials rushed to unplug the entire system due to an attempted security breach.

It is not surprising then that infamous hacker Guccifer, who exposed Hillary’s private email account by releasing documents sent to Clinton acolyte Sidney Blumenthal, claims that he repeatedly hacked the former Secretary of State’s email system "easily" calling it an "open orchid on the internet."

CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden recently made headlines bashing the Secretary of State pointing to the fact that he provided information to the public about mass surveillance to protect civil liberties but if he returned home he would face a lifelong prison sentence under the espionage act, but Hillary Clinton’s dereliction placed the country’s national security in peril and risked the lives of US personnel while being the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party.

The White House released a document this week that gives the names and background of Saudi officials connected with the September 11 hijackers. (Note - a diversion to mask Clinton's woes with the FBI?)

Obama Releases ‘File 17’: Teaser of Secret Report on Saudi Links to 9/11

This week, the Obama administration declassified "File 17," a secret document that lists more than three dozen Saudi nationals with connections to the 9/11 terror attack in what is considered to be a sneak peek to the still-secret 28 pages of congressional inquiry into the September 11 hijackings.

The document offers clues on what might be in the missing pages of the bipartisan report and is likely to renew calls by legislators to pass a law providing the family members of the 9/11 victims the right to sue the Saudi government.

The lead advocate in the push to hold Saudi Arabia accountable and to declassify the 9/11 commission report, former Senator Bob Graham (D-FL), said “much of the information upon which File 17 was written was based on what’s in the 28 pages” which he believes establishes that the hijackers had an extensive Saudi support system while in the United States.

"File 17 said, 'Here are some additional unanswered questions and here is how we think the 9/11 Commission, the FBI and the CIA should go about finding them,'" said Graham.
bjorn said:
[quote author= angelburst29]Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad has given an interview to Australian SBS TV. The President’s website has published the transcript in full and SBS have released the video of the interview. Once again President Assad handles the hostile, arrogant media interview with dignity and integrity.

Thanks Angelburst, I always enjoy watching and reading the interviews of president Al Assad. He is a real statesman and knows how to handle deluded and lying trash like that. I don't know why western reporters even keep trying.

I don't know why western reporters even keep trying ..... maybe because most Western reporters are still in the learning stages of what "true Statesmanship" is and how to conduct themselves accordingly?
They are so use to running circles around any topic, to mask inconsistent lies in the Western narrative, that to ask a simple question and get a direct factual statement - throws them off balance.

What I find as an added plus, interviews by both President Al Assad and President Putin are extremely informative and cover a wide range of subjects. I actually know more (and why) on subjects affecting Russia, Syria and the Middle East, then what's going on in the United States? It should be the other way around.
[quote author= angelburst29]I don't know why western reporters even keep trying ..... maybe because most Western reporters are still in the learning stages of what "true Statesmanship" is and how to conduct themselves accordingly?[/quote]

Maybe, or they are just hoping for president Al Assad to say something that they can twist and perverse for propaganda means.

Honestly I don't care. It's either done deliberate or it falls under serious negligence. Both are criminal offences, they have turned themselves into monsters by choosing the wrong side of history.

All of them should be tried and punished accordingly. And if they object they can tell that to the millions of victims they helped to murder by cheerleading the policies of their psychopathic leaders.
Condolences to all.

Aerial footage: Russian IL-76 plane crash site in Siberia
Published on Jul 3, 2016
Russian emergency ministry plane crashed in Irkutsk region in Siberia, Russia, carrying 10 people on board.

Bodies of Three Crew Members Found at Il-76 Crash Site in Russia
(updated 11:33 03.07.2016)
Rescue workers have found the remains of the pilots of the Russian Emergency Ministry Il-76 aircraft that went missing on Friday morning in Russia's Irkutsk region as well as the black box of the aircraft, the rescue operation headquarters said Sunday.

IRKUTSK — On Friday, an Il-76 aircraft working in territories affected by forest fires in Russia's Irkutsk Region failed to report back to rescuers at the scheduled time. Debris from the aircraft was found earlier on Sunday.

"During the search mission, body fragments and one of two black boxes have been found at the site of the Il-76 crash site in a remote area of the Irkutsk Region," the headquarters said.

The bodies of three crew members have been found at crash site of the Russian Emergencies Ministry's Il-76 aircraft.

"Rescuers have found the bodies of three airmen during search operations. The search operations are continuing," a headquarters representative told RIA Novosti.

Search for missing Il-76 plane in Irkutsk Region
Press-service of Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
Rescuers Find Debris of Il-76 Aircraft in Russia's Irkutsk Region

Given the condition of the aircraft fragments found previously, it was determined that the plane's crew of 10 people had all died in the accident, the headquarters added, noting that the search mission will continue.

While initial reports on the numbers of the crew varied between nine and 11 people, the ministry later confirmed that there had been 10 people on board.


Hmmmm......... :shock:

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