Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

This Is Not a Drill: NYT Editorial Board Lays Groundwork For War With Russia. Can't Wait!

The Gray Lady beats her war drum for the 10,000th time. Thanks, but we'll pass.

Since the invention of assholes in 50,000 B.C.E., bleached-toothed television pundits and other social parasites have beckoned the young to die or lose limbs in pointless, illegal wars.

Usually these calls to arms — made from the comfort of a Manhattan skyscraper, or a Nantucket "weekend cottage" — come from professional, syndicated assholes such as Thomas L. Friedman, who just yesterday wrote in the New York Times about a recent conversation he had with a Tibetan taxi driver which proves his theories of free markets and blowing up brown people for freedom. (Of course, from time to time America is also graced with a barely literate ejaculation of neo-conservative rage, penned by none other than Anne Applebaum, who writes exclusively for the Washington Post, the Daily Moloch, and Twitter.)

But for special we-really-need-you-to-support-this-dumb-shitty-war occasions, newspaper readers get to see the big guns in action: The New York Times' own Editorial Board, in all its majesty, making the case for war with Russia.

Yes, this time we're not bombing/invading Yugoslavia, Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Iraq or Libya: America must curb-stomp Putin in Syria, or maybe even in Ukraine, the fabled headquarters of the Russian Army. For those with weak stomachs, Mark Ames has very considerately provided a synopsis of this editorial gem:


Because the editorial has an illogical, nonlinear storyline — much like a bad Tarantino film — we'll cut directly to the juiciest war cry:

President Obama has long refused to approve direct military intervention in Syria. And Mr. Putin may be assuming that Mr. Obama is unlikely to confront Russia in his final months and with an American election season in full swing. But with the rebel stronghold in Aleppo under threat of falling to the government, administration officials said that such a response is again under consideration.

But the major takeaway is that Putin is the tyrannical head of an outlaw state, hell-bent on slaughtering civilians and restoring the former glory of the Soviet Union. The solution, as the Editorial Board hints, is "direct military intervention" in Syria — which of course would lead to all-out war, and probably your humble Moscow correspondent being vaporized. Mission Accomplished.

We keep beating around the bush, so we're just going to come out and say it: The New York Times' retelling of what has happened in Syria over the last four years is crystalline claptrap.

The United States is, once again, the aggressor nation calling foul when things don't go according to plan.

Washington has no international mandate to be in Syria — neither in its skies, nor as "advisors" to "moderate rebels" on the ground. Washington (along with its freedom-loving allies — Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE, all bastions of democracy) has simply invited itself to the party. And by "party" we mean "a proxy war dressed up as a democratic uprising that has killed hundreds of thousands and further destabilized the entire region, while creating a massive refugee crisis in the process." A week ago, Washington murdered (with bombs) more than 60 uniformed soldiers of a country that they aren't even officially at war with, inside their own borders. Putin strikes again! according to the New York Times.

Of course, the editorial is eager to point out all the heinous war crimes that Russia has committed in Syria — none of which have been verified by anyone aside from the Pentagon. Should we really be surprised, though? In a recent article in The Nation, Adam Johnson reminds his readers that:

The New York Times‘s editorial board has supported every single US war—Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Libya—for the past 30 years. While its reporting and op-eds on these wars has often been critical, much of it’s coverage has also helped to sell war-weary liberals on the current military mission—the most notable example being Judith Miller and Michael Gordon’s hyping Iraq’s nonexistent nuclear program in the buildup to the March 2003 invasion. Indeed, the image of The New York Times as an objective, unbiased news outlet is precisely how it was able to sell the war in the first place.
We've already established, in our lede, that assholes have been roaming the world for thousands of years. But it was Mark Twain who warned us about the New York Times many, many years ago:

The loud little handful--as usual--will shout for the war. The pulpit will--warily and cautiously--object--at first; the great, big, dull bulk of the nation will rub its sleepy eyes and try to make out why there should be a war, and will say, earnestly and indignantly, 'It is unjust and dishonorable, and there is no necessity for it.' Then the handful will shout louder. A few fair men on the other side will argue and reason against the war with speech and pen, and at first will have a hearing and be applauded; but it will not last long; those others will outshout them, and presently the anti-war audiences will thin out and lose popularity. Before long you will see this curious thing: the speakers stoned from the platform, and free speech strangled by hordes of furious men who in their secret hearts are still at one with those stoned speakers--as earlier--but do not dare say so. And now the whole nation--pulpit and all--will take up the war-cry, and shout itself hoarse, and mob any honest man who ventures to open his mouth; and presently such mouths will cease to open. Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.

Sorry for "bolding" the entire quote. We couldn't figure out which words were not important.
The rhetoric and the lies about Russia's campaign in Syria is increasing rapidly. It looks the Empire really doesn't care and the "Man behind the mask" is being rapidly exposed. They are behaving with typical wishful thinking, and are priming the Western populations for an expanded war in Syria. I do wonder if they know what they are doing ? or it this just an " autopilot" chain of events that will result in a clash.

I mean all of Russia's tactical and conventional weapons systems are generations ahead of anything NATO can conjure. Their electronic warfare and anti aircraft systems can effectively seal of any airspace. Their submarines undetectable; and their cruise missiles; medium and long range ballistic missiles more effective than current NATO variants - and not to mention their Aerospace forces. Nuclear weapons i think will not be used, and in conventional warfare, the Empire is at a serious disadvantage - and yet this path is being pursued.

As the US is not willing to separate the terrorists - The Russians are clearly not willing to negotiate further; and from the statements of Lavrov, Churkin & Zakharova - it is clear they are taking a stand too; and meanwhile the Battle for Aleppo goes on with head choppers losing ground daily. In the North of Syria, Turkish and US forces are creeping ever closer south.

It looks like we have come now to the critical point in this whole war.

Im sure, Putin and his team have a plan. Behind the scenes I think there are many messages to the Empire on what likely waits for them if they consider further actions. The SU-24/USS Donald Cook incident in Crimea comes to mind - meaning that they could be seriously embarrassed if they cross the line.

Im not sure what happens next; and beyond the securing of Aleppo probably before the US elections. But I'm sure, that whatever plans Putins and his team has; it will probably be the best strategic moves, with humanitarian interests at heart any person or nation will make in the times ahead.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that if the US launches a direct aggression against Damascus and the Syrian army, it will lead to terrible, tectonic shifts not only on the territory of this country but also in the region in general.

Direct Aggression by US in Syria to Lead to 'Tectonic Shifts' in Middle East

A direct US aggression against the Damascus authorities and the Syrian army will lead to "tectonic shifts" and "power vacuum" in the entire Middle East region, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"My task is to explain why it is so important to remain in line with agreements. If the US launches a direct aggression against Damascus and the Syrian army, it will lead to terrible, tectonic shifts not only on the territory of this country but also in the region in general," Zakharova said during a talk show, which is to be broadcast fully later on Saturday by the TV Tsentr channel.

A regime change would lead to the power vacuum in Syria, which would be filled not with the so-called moderate opposition but rather with "terrorists of all sorts," she added.

Senior US military officials secretly worked to sabotage efforts to cooperate with Russia on implementing a ceasefire in Syria, former White House National Security Council advisor Gwenyth Todd told Sputnik.

Pentagon ‘Silent’ Coup Undermines US-Russia Engagement on Syria

On Friday, US Department of State spokesman Mark Toner told CNN the United States was close to cutting off engagement with Russia because of the Syrian government’s military operations in Aleppo.

"What we have here is like a silent US military coup," Todd stated when asked why US-Russian cooperation on Syria fell apart.

Anti-Russian hawks within the Defense Department, Todd claimed, undermined cooperation with Russia and prevented the US government from no longer insisting on Syrian President Bashar Assad’s departure.

The United States, along with its ally Turkey and other countries, are openly supporting terrorists in a conflict that is killing and wounding innocent men, women and children in Syria, Todd said.

"There is no viable solution other than to tell all [Syrian] armed rebels to lay down their arms or face all [US] support being cut off," Todd suggested.

Arming any group whose aim is to topple President Bashar Assad, Todd argued, means dooming all peaceful civilians to being caught in the crossfire as the legitimate, if oppressive, government in Damascus fights to protect Syria’s existence as a nation.

"We [the United States] could fix this tomorrow by letting Assad reestablish control and security, but instead we keep insisting on legitimizing the rebels," Todd maintained.

The US defense community, Todd also suggested, has deep-rooted and genuine relationships with their Turkish counterparts and requesting them to abandon this alliance to cooperate with Russia was met with stiff resistance.

On Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed in phone conversations with US Secretary of State John Kerry that Moscow is ready for open dialogue with Washington on a settlement to the Syrian conflict.

On October 1, Russia took over the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council, according to RIA Novosti.

Russia Takes Over UN Security Council Presidency, Plans to Keep an Eye on Syria

The first session of the UN Security Council (UNSC) under Russia' rotating presidency is due to be held on October 3, when the work program for the month will be agreed upon, RIA Novosti reported.

It quoted Russia's Permanent Mission to the UN as saying that about 20 planned meetings will take place during Russia's UNSC presidency. High on the agenda will be conflicts in Africa, including Sudan's Darfur region, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, the Central African Republic and South Sudan, as well as issues related to the Middle Eastern countries, including Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.

On October 25, UNSC members will address a report issued by the UN Secretary General: "Women, Peace and Security."

The main event of Russia's UNSC presidency will be the October 28 debates on the UN's cooperation with a number of regional organizations, such as the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), according to Russia's UN mission.

On October 5, the Security Council is scheduled to vote on candidates for the post of UN Secretary General. With five rounds of the voting already held, former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres is seen as a favorite.

"The Council will continue, and perhaps complete, the process of elaborating recommendations for the General Assembly on the nomination of the new Secretary General of the United Nations," Russia's UN mission said.

In October, the Security Council will continue to deal with the situation in Syria, which remains tense after the ceasefire agreement expired in this Arab country on September 19.

As far as Syria is concerned, UNSC members will traditionally hold three meetings, including those on the political and humanitarian situation in the country, as well as on the process of chemical disarmament. However, given the current tensions in Syria, Security Council members may convene an emergency session which was the case in the previous months.

In this vein, hammering out a fresh ceasefire agreement will be high on the agenda of the Syria talks at the UN Security Council in October.

The Security Council, which bears "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security", comprises five permanent members, including Russia, the US, the UK, France and China, and ten states with a two-year-long term. These are Angola, Venezuela, Egypt, Spain, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Ukraine, Uruguay and Japan. The presidency rotates on a monthly basis among all its 15 member states, depending on the English-language alphabetical order of their names. In September, the UN Security Council was chaired by New Zealand, with Russia due to hand over the UNSC's presidency to Senegal on November 1.

Despite hopes that South China Sea tensions were easing, provocative comments from US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter risk setting fire to the diplomatic tinderbox.

Did the Pentagon Chief Just Reignite South China Sea Tensions?

After months of escalation in the South China Sea, this week showed signs that tensions between Washington and Beijing were, at last, abating. On Thursday, two US warships were granted permission to dock in Hong Kong, mere months after the USS John C. Stennis was forbidden from doing so.

That goodwill has been quickly squandered.

"[The US] remains the region’s strongest military and security partner of choice," Defense Secretary Carter said while onboard the USS Carl Vinson in San Diego, California, according to International Business Times.

He added that the Pentagon plans to "sharpen our military" edge in the Asia-Pacific, claiming it is "the most consequential region for America’s future."

The US and its Pacific allies have objected to Beijing’s construction of a series of artificial islands in the South China Sea, concerned that they are being used to establish an air defense zone. China maintains it has every right to build within its own territory and that the islands will be used primarily for civilian purposes.

The US Navy has conducted a number of provocative "freedom of navigation" patrols within the 12-mile territorial limit of these islands, despite China’s repeated calls for calm. In April, the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis had a port call permit request rejected, with Chinese officials stressing that such requests are granted on a case-by-case basis. The fact that two amphibious assault ships, the USS Bonhomme Richard and the USS Green Bay, were granted the same request only five months later was seen by some as a thaw in relations.

The Pentagon will likely perform increased military patrols with Japan, which recently voiced its support for US operations in the region.

A highly-contested region through which roughly $5 trillion in international trade passes annually, most of the South China Sea is claimed by China, though there are overlapping claims by Brunei, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

Neither the United States nor Japan have any claims in the South China Sea.

South Korean legal experts are planning a constitutional challenge to the proposal by Seoul and Washington to deploy the US THAAD anti-missile defense system in the southeast of the country next year.

South Korean Lawyers Begin Legal Battle to Stop US THAAD Anti-Missile System

On Friday South Korea announced its intention to deploy a US THAAD anti-missile defense system at a golf course in Gyeongsangbuk-do, a region in southeastern South Korea.

In July, Seoul and Washington had chosen the Seongsan anti-aircraft missile base in Seongju, 296 kilometers southeast of the capital, as the site for the system.

However, residents there strongly protested the decision, citing environmental and health hazards including the potentially harmful effects of emissions from THAAD's X-band radar.

Earlier this week, the Defense Ministries of South Korea and the US completed a review into the THAAD deployment, and concluded that the golf course is the best location, since "it is already equipped with the necessary infrastructure for the installation," and could be installed as early as next year, Yonhap News reported.

The golf course is currently owned by Lotte Group, and would cost the government $91 million. Residents of Gimcheon, a city adjacent to the proposed new site, have already threatened to hold "a full-scale protest" if the THAAD plan goes ahead.

However, Seoul and Washington may again be prevented from deploying THAAD, thanks to a planned legal challenge from South Korean legal experts.

South Korean lawyer Kim Jin-hyung of the organization Minbyun (Lawyers for a Democratic Society) told Sputnik that they are preparing a challenge to the proposal, on the basis that THAAD poses a threat to the country's security. "Since the government has identified the place to deploy THAAD, our organization has decided to submit a constitutional challenge and start a lawsuit," Kim Jin-hyung said. "The deployment of THAAD batteries, which will become a link in the American missile defense system, will provoke a harsh response from China and Russia. This only increases tension and the risk of military conflict in south-east Asia and does not contribute to the security of the Korean peninsula at all." The lawyer thinks that Minbyun has a good legal case based on the South Korean constitution, which states that "all citizens have the right to a healthy and pleasant environment."

"It is necessary to minimize the unconstitutionality of this decision, which violates the right to make independent decisions, the right to a pleasant environment, as well as health rights, granted by the constitution," Kim Jin-hyung said.

The US and South Korea have declared the deployment of THAAD necessary to deter North Korea from further developing its nuclear program.

According to press secretary of the Kyrgyz embassy in Russia, President of Kyrgyzstan, who received treatment in Moscow, was discharged from a hospital.

Kyrgyz President in Good Condition, Discharged From Moscow Hospital - Embassy

According to press secretary of the Kyrgyz embassy in Russia, President of Kyrgyzstan, who received treatment in Moscow, was discharged from a hospital.

According to the president's office representative, president of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev, who received treatment in Moscow, has arrived to Bishkek on Saturday.

Kyrgyz President Returns to Bishkek After Treatment in Moscow

According to the president's office representative, president of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev, who received treatment in Moscow, has arrived to Bishkek on Saturday.

Two weeks ago, the president was forced to abort a trip to the United Nations General Assembly after suffering chest pains during the first leg of his flight to New York. Atambayev's press service said the head of state took a short-term vacation for medical examinations and planned to get back to work on October 1.

Slovakian ex-president Michal Kovac, 86, was hospitalized in serious condition in Bratislava, local media reported Saturday.

Slovakia's Ex-President Kovac Hospitalized in Serious Condition

The ex-president was first hospitalized on Friday evening to the cardiology intensive care unit, Novy cas newspaper reported, adding that doctors had to put him into induced coma over his worsened condition.

In the recent years, Kovac has been seriously ill, in particular, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The current emergency hospitalization is already the third this year.
Western-backed Free Idlib Army fire newly-supplied rockets on Aleppo

Thirteen civilians injured in terrorist rocket shells on a neighborhood in Aleppo

The Takfiri terrorist organizations on Saturday targeted with tens of rocket shells residential neighborhoods in Aleppo city.

A source at Aleppo Police Command told SANA that thirteen people were injured in terrorist rocket shells that hit al-Maidan residential neighborhood in Aleppo city.

The source added that the rocket shells caused material damage to the citizens’ houses and the public and private properties.

Terrorist Groups Prevent Civilians from Fleeing Aleppo City

"The Jeish al-Fatah terrorists are preventing civilians from escaping the Eastern districts of Aleppo to move towards government-held neighborhoods," the sources said.

"A large number of civilians, who wanted to leave Suleiman al-Halabi district, came under fire by the terrorists stationed at the petrol station in al-Sakhour," they added.

"Brutalities of terrorist groups, specially those of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly-formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front), have caused civilians in the Eastern districts of Aleppo city to take to the streets and chant slogan against Fatah al-Sham and other groups of Jeish al-Fatah coalition that have blocked corridors to safer regions," they went on to say.

Reports said earlier today that Syrian Army troops and their popular allies beat back Jeish al-Fatah terrorist coalition from more positions in the Northeastern districts of Aleppo city, winning back several building blocks after hours of non-stop battle.

The Syrian government forces inflicted major losses and casualties on terrorists in Bostan al-Pasha and recaptured Zenobia building, Drug Prohibition building and several other building blocks.

Water Supply Cut in Syria's Aleppo as Fighting Breaks Out Near Pumping Station

Airstrikes in Suleiman al-Halabi in the area of the water pumping station caused the suspension of water supply in the Syrian city of Aleppo, according to a pro-government militia member.

The supply of fresh water to the Syrian city of Aleppo has been suspended due to heavy fighting between militants and government forces near a water pumping station in the eastern Suleiman al-Halabi district, a pro-government militia member said Saturday.

"There have been airstrikes in Suleiman al-Halabi in the area of the water pumping station. Engineers cannot perform work there now, as the front line passes nearby and the militants are keeping the station under heavy fire," the militia representative told RIA Novosti.

On Friday, the Syrian army began to advance from the government-held district of Midan into Suleiman al-Halabi. Several residential buildings have been captured and fierce fighting continues.

Fighting in Aleppo has escalated over the past few weeks, with the Syrian army and local militia forces having managed to encircle large groups of militants in eastern districts of Aleppo. Government troops began to advance after the September 12 ceasefire collapsed. Syria and Russia have stressed that the militants did not observe the ceasefire, while the United States failed to distinguish terrorists from moderate opposition groups.

Syria has been mired in civil war since 2011, with government forces loyal to President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition groups, as well as terrorist formations.

Syria: Jeish Al-Fatah Pulls Forces Back From More Lands North of Aleppo City

The Army soldiers and popular forces inflicted tens of casualties on the terrorists in continued attacks on Jeish al-Fatah positions and captured Um al-Shaqif hill overlooking al-Shaqif factory along the road to the Handarat Palestinian Refugee Camp.

Fierce clashes are also underway between the Syrian government forces and Jeish al-Fatah in Suleiman al-Halabi and Bostan al-Pasha districts in Eastern and Northeastern Aleppo.

The Syrian artillery and missile units continue to shell Jeish al-Fatah's positions in Suleiman al-Halabi and Bostan al-Pasha districts.

Reports said earlier today that Syrian Army troops and their popular allies beat back Jeish al-Fatah terrorist coalition from more positions in the Northeastern districts of Aleppo city, winning back several building blocks after hours of non-stop battle.

The Syrian government forces inflicted major losses and casualties on terrorists in Bostan al-Pasha and recaptured Zenobia building, Drug Prohibition building and several other building blocks.

Jeish Al-Fatah Sustains Tens of Casualties in Massive Attack on Syrian Army North of Aleppo City

"Syrian government forces defended strongly their positions against continued, heavy attacks of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists near al-Kandi hospital, and warded off the massive offensive by over 1,000 militants," a ranking officer told FNA at around midday.

On Friday, Syrian army soldiers and popular forces continued their advances against Jeish al-Fatah in the Northern districts of Aleppo city after pushing the terrorists back from Handarat Palestinian Refugee Camp, and captured al-Kandi hospital in the region.

Later on Friday, the Syrian Armed Forces beat Jeish al-Fatah back from more strongholds in a Northeastern district of Aleppo city.

Syrian army and its popular allies stormed Jeish al-Fatah's defense lines in Bostan al-Pasha district, driving them out of Wartan Church and al-Haraytani tower and building.
Mr.Cyan said:
The rhetoric and the lies about Russia's campaign in Syria is increasing rapidly. It looks the Empire really doesn't care and the "Man behind the mask" is being rapidly exposed. They are behaving with typical wishful thinking, and are priming the Western populations for an expanded war in Syria. I do wonder if they know what they are doing ? or it this just an " autopilot" chain of events that will result in a clash.

I mean all of Russia's tactical and conventional weapons systems are generations ahead of anything NATO can conjure. Their electronic warfare and anti aircraft systems can effectively seal of any airspace. Their submarines undetectable; and their cruise missiles; medium and long range ballistic missiles more effective than current NATO variants - and not to mention their Aerospace forces. Nuclear weapons i think will not be used, and in conventional warfare, the Empire is at a serious disadvantage - and yet this path is being pursued.

As the US is not willing to separate the terrorists - The Russians are clearly not willing to negotiate further; and from the statements of Lavrov, Churkin & Zakharova - it is clear they are taking a stand too; and meanwhile the Battle for Aleppo goes on with head choppers losing ground daily. In the North of Syria, Turkish and US forces are creeping ever closer south.

It looks like we have come now to the critical point in this whole war.

Im sure, Putin and his team have a plan. Behind the scenes I think there are many messages to the Empire on what likely waits for them if they consider further actions. The SU-24/USS Donald Cook incident in Crimea comes to mind - meaning that they could be seriously embarrassed if they cross the line.

Im not sure what happens next; and beyond the securing of Aleppo probably before the US elections. But I'm sure, that whatever plans Putins and his team has; it will probably be the best strategic moves, with humanitarian interests at heart any person or nation will make in the times ahead.

I think the empire is in serious panic mode and it increases by the day, because of the actions of russia, that directly undermine their plans. They see all their grand psychopathic plans in acute danger of falling apart. It actually is already happening. Wishful thinking has reached enormous proportions.

The empire is like a wild wounded wolf, that foams like crazy, because it looses his prey and it gets hungrier every day. Very dangerous situation right now and everything can be expected from such a mad empire on its fast way down. The question is: Will it take the whole world down with it or not? From the looks of it, that is a real possibility.
Top US diplomat admitted in at least one leaked audio tape that the administration’s lawyers had determined any and all American intervention in Syria is illegal.

Leaked Tape: US Secretary of State Admits War on 'Legitimate' Syrian Government is Illegal

US Secretary of state made the confession in a meeting on the sidelines of a UN meeting in New York, while experts have long criticized the legality of the US intervention in Syria under the tenets of international law, Sputnik reported.

The lawyers have referred to the fact that the legitimate government of Bashar al-Assad has patently refused to welcome American intervention and has repeatedly called on the United States to stop meddling in the ongoing civil war to which Washington is not a party to.

It turns out that Washington is fully aware that their involvement in the Syrian theater is in violation of international law as was discovered from leaked audio tapes of Secretary of State John Kerry speaking to Syrian opposition members on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York last week.

"We don’t have a basis to intervene, our lawyers tell us, unless we have a UN Security Council Resolution which the Russians can veto or unless we are under attack from folks or unless we are invited in. Russia is invited in by the legitimate regime," said Kerry acknowledging the Assad government’s stature under the doctrines of international law.

The Secretary of State implied that this violation of international law would only apply if the United States engaged in a full-on war to oust Assad rather than leading a coalition engaged, purportedly, in counter-terrorism strikes and called into question the legality of Russia’s actions despite confirming that Moscow is involved in the conflict at the invitation of the "legitimate government."

In fact, the Syrian government has repeatedly called on the United States to be evicted from the country’s airspace most recently following the attacks in Deir Ezzur against a Syrian Army base that led to the death of 62 soldiers, injured 100 others and “paved the way” for a major offensive by ISIL terrorists with the assault and subsequent offensive occurring almost in tandem.

Further, the United States not only realizes but admits that the demands by the Assad government are, morality aside, binding under international law as the Syrian governement remains legitimately recognized.

This begs the questions what the consequence of the Obama administration’s admission of violating international law by intervening in Syria without invitation by the existing government will or what extralegal steps the US might choose to pursue to sidestep Russia’s veto power in the Security Council.
A US spy plane was spotted again flying off the coasts of Syria near the Russian base in Tartus while another one was picked up by radars as it was conducting reconnaissance operations over the Russian fleet near Crimea in the black sea, western websites said.

More US Spy Planes Spotted Flying over Russian Bases in Black, Mediterranean Seas

The western websites that monitor military movements across the globe reported that a US spy plane of RC135W with tail number 62-4138 left Souda Bai Airbase in the Greek Crete Island and launched reconnaissance operation over the Russian navy fleet Southwest of Crimea's coast.

The website added that another US P-8A spy plane with tail number 169958 also left Sigonella Airbase in Sicily on a reconnaissance mission over the Russian warships and base in Eastern Mediterranean Sea and Southern Cyprus.

The US plane's spy operation near Syria's waters lasted for around half an hour before it moved towards Lebanon.

Also last month, a US P-8A Poseidon spy plane was spotted again flying off the coast of Lebanon and Syria, near Tartus.

The US Navy reconnaissance plane was spotted at the time flying a few kilometers away from Russia’s Humeimim airbase in Syria.

The P-8A Poseidon aircraft flew close to Syria’s Mediterranean coast where Russia’s naval task force operates. It was the fourth time that a US spy plane was spotted near the Russian base in Humeimim.

Humeimim military airport, Southeast of the city of Lattakia, is Russia’s strategic center of operations against the ISIL and other terrorist groups.

According to reports, the P-8A Poseidon aircraft, designed and built for anti-submarine warfare and intelligence gathering, took off from the Mediterranean island of Sigonella in Sicily. The aircraft, with tail number 168761 then flew over Syria’s coast for one and a half hours in close proximity to the Russian airbase and logistics facility located at Tartus port, South of Lattakia.

Observers believe that the US spy planes have recently increased their flights over Syria to gather intelligence on the Syrian army and the Russian forces' moves in the region.

According to reports, on August 30, September 2 and September 17, the P-8A Poseidon spy plane was also spotted flying toward the vicinity of the Russian airbase.

The Syrian Armed Forces Command calls on all militants in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo to leave these neighborhoods, according to official statement.

Syrian Army Calls on Militants to Leave Eastern Aleppo, Promises Safe Passage

The Syrian Army Command on Sunday called on the militants in eastern Aleppo to leave it and promised them a safe passage, it said in a statement.

"The Armed Forces Command calls on all militants in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo to leave these neighborhoods and let people live a normal life," the statement read as quoted by Sana news agency, adding that those willing to retreat will be provided a safe passage and assistance.

Airstrikes by the US-led coalition reportedly targeting the ISIL terrorist group in Syria killed nine civilians in Northwestern city of Aleppo.

US-Led Coalition Jets Kill 9 Civilians in Syria

The fatalities were caused on Sunday in the Eastern part of the town of Marea, located some 25 kilometers North of Aleppo, presstv reported.

The Syria's War Media (A'alam ul-Harbi), meanwhile, reported that the Syrian army had wrested control of al-Kandi Hospital in the South of the Handarat refugee camp, also located in Aleppo’s Northern suburbs from foreign-backed terrorists, killing an unspecified number of them in the process.

A notorious commander of Ahrar al-Sham was killed in clashes with the Syrian army troops and popular forces in Western Ghouta.

Senior Terrorist Commander Killed in Syrian Army Attacks in Western Damascus

Abdu Hamid Avaz, an experienced field commander of Ahrar al-Sham, was killed in the Syrian soldiers' large-scaled offensive in Khan al-Sheih and Deir al-Khabiyeh.

Meantime, the Syrian army's artillery and missile units continued pounding the defense lines of the terrorists in Khan al-Sheih and Deir al-Khabiyeh.

Field sources announced meantime that Syrian government forces have taken back Deir al-Khabiyeh and have cut off the road connecting Deir al-Khabiyeh to Moqilbiyeh.

The Syrian soldiers also won back 14 more residential apartments in Khan al-Sheih.

Reports said on Saturday that the terrorists in Western Ghouta issued distress calls to urge their peers to rush to their aid as they are being crushed by the Syrian army.

Following recent advances of the Syrian government forces near the town of Khan al-Shieh and its surroundings, the militant groups that have lost large numbers of their fighters in clashes with the Syrian Army have called on their allies to help them defend their positions," several military sources in the region said.

Battlefield sources reported large advances by the Syrian army in the war against Jeish al-Fatah in the Northern outskirts of Aleppo in the last several days.

Syrian Gov't Forces Inch Closer to Wining Back Northern Outskirts of Aleppo Completely

"Syrian army troops and their popular allies, who launched their offensives against Jeish al-Fatah from the Southern farms of al-Malaah region, have significantly advanced in areas surrounding the al-Shaqif hilltop, took control over al-Shaqif hill and residential apartments near al-Shaqif industrial zone," the sources said.

"The Syrian government forces also took control over Handarat camp and al-Kandi hospital this week, and gained the upper hand against Jeish al-Fatah in Castello region," the sources went on to say.

"With these advances, the entire region on the Southern side of al-Shaqif and al-Rahbeh up to al-Jandoul square are militarily under the Syrian army control, which helps them to end militancy in Castello region soon," they added.

At least 6,000 civilians in a small but key town in Western Ghouta took to the streets and urged anti-government militants to leave the town, local sources said Sunday.

Syria: Thousands of Civilians Call for Exit of Militants from Western Damascus

"A major part of people in the town of Qodsiyeh poured into the streets to call on those militants, who have not joined the peace agreement with the Syrian government, to leave their town immediately," the sources said.

"Some of the anti-peace militants opened fire at the demonstrating civilians, but in a surprising move, scores of the people engaged in fighting with the terrorists and seized their weapons," the sources said.

A member of the peace committee announced on Saturday that scores of militants in two towns in the Western countryside of Damascus city were getting ready to surrender to the government authorities or be evacuated to other cities across the country.

"Most of the militants in Qodsiyeh and Elhameh have agreed to lay down their arms and turn themselves in to the government officials," the source said, adding, "Some paragraphs of the peace agreement with the government is giving this chance to those militants, who do not wish to surrender, to leave the towns only with light arms to be relocated to other militant-held regions."

"Militants' leader in Qodsiyeh and Elhameh are preparing a list of fighters who want to lay down arms and join the peace plan with the government," the source said.

Syrian Army troops and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) staged a joint raid on the positions of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in the Northern districts of Aleppo city and pushed the militants back from Al-Saqif Industrial Zone.

Syrian Army, Kurdish Fighters Beat Terrorists Back from More Positions near Aleppo

The Syrian army soldiers and YPG fighters, in a coordinated operation, launched an attack on Jeish al-Fatah from the Northeastern side of Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood and captured the entire lands of al-Shaqif industrial zone.

In the meantime, Syrian government forces won back al-Jandoul square in the Eastern side of al-Shaqif after inflicting tens of casualties on Jeish al-Fatah.

Field sources also said that tough battle is underway between the pro-government troops and the terrorists groups in Bostan al-Pasha district and Sheikh Saeed.

Battlefield sources reported on Sunday large advances by the Syrian army in the war against Jeish al-Fatah in the Northern outskirts of Aleppo in the last several days.

"Syrian army troops and their popular allies, who launched their offensives against Jeish al-Fatah from the Southern farms of al-Malaah region, have significantly advanced in areas surrounding the al-Shaqif hilltop, took control over al-Shaqif hill and residential apartments near al-Shaqif industrial zone," the sources said.

"The Syrian government forces also took control over Handarat camp and al-Kandi hospital this week, and gained the upper hand against Jeish al-Fatah in Castello region," the sources went on to say.

"With these advances, the entire region on the Southern side of al-Shaqif and al-Rahbeh up to al-Jandoul square are militarily under the Syrian army control, which helps them to end militancy in Castello region soon," they added.

Syrian Army soldiers and National Defense Forces (NDF) launched joint offensive on ISIL positions near al-Sha'er oilfield and pushed the terrorists back from more strongholds in the region.

ISIL Driven Out of More Vital Points in Eastern Homs

Syrian government forces stormed ISIL's centers near al-Sha'er oilfield, the regions of Huweisis and al-Katibeh al-Mahjoureh near al-Tifour airport of the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur), and beat the terrorists back from a number of strategic positions after inflicting dozens of casualties on them.

The Syrian fighter jets played a crucial role with their air support in the ground forces' advances.

In the meantime, gatherings of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly-formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front), Rejalallah and Ahrar al-Sham in al-Rastan, Deir Foul, al-Za'afaraniyeh, Taldou, Kafr Laha, Tal Zahab and Borj Qa'ei in al-Houleh in Northern and Northwestern Homs came under attack by the army.

Early army reports from the region said the terrorists sustained scores of casualties and damaged vehicles and equipment in the attack.
Three militants, including organizer of murders of policemen, liquidated in Dagestan

According to the National Anti-terrorist Committee, a counter-terrorist operation regime was imposed in Dagestan’s Tabasaransky districts from 04:30 a.m. Moscow time

Three militants, including an organizer of murders of policemen and civilians, have been liquidated in Russia’s North Caucasian republic of Dagestan, a spokesman for the National Anti-terrorist Committee (NAC) told TASS on Sunday.

"Three militants were neutralized by officers of the Russian Federal Security Service. They have been preliminarily identified. Among them is the leader of the Tabasaransky illegal armed group, Magomednabi Orudzhev, who, according to the National Anti-terrorist Committee’s data, was the organizer of the attack on the Dzhemikenstky traffic police station in February and the murder of two police officers in March, 2016," the spokesman said, adding that the man was behind the murder of hunters who had accidentally run into a militants’ camp.

According to the National Anti-terrorist Committee, a counter-terrorist operation regime was imposed in Dagestan’s Tabasaransky districts from 04:30 a.m. Moscow time.

"Local residents reported that a group of persons involved in terrorist activities was seen near the settlements of Uluz, Urzig and Akka. A group of armed people was spotted in a mountainous forest near the village of Akka. When asked to surrender, the men opened gunfire," the spokesman said, adding that the armed men were liquidated by return fire.

Weapons and munitions were seized at the clash site. Neither civilians nor law enforcers were hurt.

Lebanese Media: US Plans to Intensify War in Syria in Coming Months

According to al-Akhbar daily, the failure of the ceasefire and the current crisis between the US and Russia is a warning for the further exacerbation of the situation in Syria.

The US administration needs a field victory to maintain its internal credibility until the formation of the new government, but Damascus and its allies don’t intend to surrender.

But Washington has enough time to play all its cards and it needs no withdrawal as the war is not threatening its borders and failure of solutions to the war poses no risk to Washington, while the other side has no other option but to win the war.

The US winning card for obtaining its objectives in Syria is the militant groups to pressure Bashar Assad to surrender. Now the question is if the US will ask the terrorist groups to attempt to intensify war in Syria?

It is not unlikely for Washington to use this option given the internal differences in the White House and its willingness to use the militants' victory as a means of propaganda for political gains.

Meantime, army sources in Syria say the US pounded several strategic bridges in Deir Ezzur in the last few days to prevent the army and its allies' further advances in the fight against the ISIL terrorists.

"The US aimed to extend the geographical area of its influence by bombing the strategic bridges in Deir Ezzur and stop the Syrian army's advance in the war against the ISIL," the source told FNA.

"Washington also sought to cut the supply routes between the provinces and separate Deir Ezzur's countryside from the city of Deir Ezzur through the bombing," the source added.

"Destruction of Deir Ezzur bridges was also aimed at dividing the regions under the US and Russian influence in the Eastern and Western parts of the Euphrates," the source said.

The US-led coalition fighter jets once again conducted air raids over Deir Ezzur province on Friday, destroying two other key bridges over the Euphrates River, just three days after demolishing two other strategic bridges in similar airstrikes in the same region near the border with Iraq.

According to reports, the Coalition’s airstrikes resulted in the destruction of al-Shihan Bridge near al-Salhin neighborhood in al-Bokamal countryside and Tarif Bridge in the Western countryside that extends between Deir Ezzur and Raqqa provinces.

The US-led coalition warplanes had also destroyed al-Asharah Bridge that links the two banks of the river in the Eastern part of the Deir Ezzur province on Wednesday, only few hours after demolishing al-Mayadin Bridge.

The bombers had also targeted the Syrian army troops near the city of Deir Ezzur on September 17, leaving over 90 military personnel dead and a hundred wounded.

Russia’s Defense Ministry confirmed a report by the Syrian state news agency that an ISIL offensive began right after Syrian Army positions were hit by the bombers of the US-led coalition.

The actions of the coalition “clearly paved the way for ISIL terrorists to attack the position and take control of it,” the agency said citing the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces.

The General Command called the bombing a “serious and blatant aggression” against Syrian forces, and said it was "conclusive evidence" that the US and its allies support ISIL terrorist group.

A day later, a military source disclosed that the ISIL launched attacks on the Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzur only 7 minutes after the US-led coalition's airstrikes.

The military source reiterated that the air and ground assault were highly coordinated.

A Syrian top official said the country's intelligence unit possesses an audio recording of a conversation between the ISIL group and the US military before the airstrikes by the US-led coalition on the Syrian army troops near Deir Ezzur on September 17.

The speaker of the People's Council of Syria, Hadiya Khalaf Abbas, said that after the US coalition's airstrikes on the government troops, US military directed terrorists' attack on the Syrian army.

Americans in Beirut Studying Chinese Presence in Syria War

The revelation came several weeks after Guan Youfei, the Chinese military official charged with overseeing international cooperation, held a meeting with Syrian Defense Minister General Fahad Jassim al-Freij in Damascus, and signaled Beijing’s willingness to boost military cooperation with the Damascus government.

The daily Global Times cited the Chinese Defense Ministry as saying in August that both sides agreed to expand personnel training and humanitarian aid to the Syrians via the Chinese military.

The Chinese military “is willing to strengthen cooperation with its Syrian counterparts,” it quoted the ministry as saying.

Reports said in June that China is showing increased concerns about the ISIL members' infiltration into the border province of Xinjiang.

According to reports by Chinese newspapers, Beijing tightened security controls in Xinjiang by taking DNA tests from residents who demand receiving immigration and traveling documents.

After Youfei's visit to Damascus in August, the Chinese defense ministry spokesman said Beijing's military would provide training for Syrian armed forces, adding that it would take place on Chinese soil.

Beijing is a longstanding backer of the Syrian government of Bashar Assad, which has engaged in a bloody war against terror groups that has left more than 290,000 people dead and displaced millions since it began in 2011.

Also in the same month, media sources disclosed that a Chinese military delegation in a visit to Damascus explored avenues for the dispatch of a number of warplanes to Syria to intensify war on terrorism in the Middle-Eastern country.

"In a surprising visit, a Chinese military delegation conferred with Syrian Defense Minister Fahad Jassim al-Freij over engagement of Chinese fighter jets in bombardments of terrorist groups' positions in Syria, mainly in Aleppo," Debka file quoted a military analyst as saying.

"Chinese jets may launch bombing of positions of Jeish al-Islami al-Turkistani with over 3,000 Uighur fighter," the analyst quoted senior spy officers of the US intelligence as saying.

US-led coalition kills 9 civilians in Syria

Airstrikes by the US-led coalition purportedly targeting the Takfiri terrorist group of Daesh in Syria have killed nine civilians in a countryside in the northwestern city of Aleppo.

The fatalities were caused on Sunday in the east of the town of Mare’, located some 25 kilometers north of Aleppo, Syria’s War Media reported.

The outlet, meanwhile, reported that the Syrian army had wrested control of al-Kandi Hospital in the south of the Handarat refugee camp — also located in Aleppo’s northern suburbs — from foreign-backed terrorists, killing an unspecified number of them in the process.

According to the report, the army has also engaged armed militants in southern Aleppo by carrying out mortar and rocket offensives against them.

A US- and Russia-brokered ceasefire in Syria ended last month. It had ushered in several days of relative calm. However, later through the ceasefire, violence began to creep back when a US-led airstrike killed more than 80 Syrian soldiers, who had been fighting the Takfiri terrorists in the eastern parts of the country.

Damascus says Washington deliberately targeted the Syrian soldiers.

Recruiting the help of dozens of its allies, the US has been leading an aerial bombardment campaign targeting alleged Daesh positions in Syria and Iraq since 2014, without achieving much.

Separately, Daesh terrorists were reported to have struck the positions of the so-called foreign-backed Free Syrian Army in the east of the mountainous Qalamoun region, located northeast of the Syrian capital.

Daesh unleashed its campaign of terror against Syria in 2014, three years after the country became plagued by foreign-backed militancy.

Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists fire rocket shell and set fire to fruitful tree fields in Quneitra

Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists targeted on Sunday al-Khadami neighborhood in al-Baath city with a rocket shell and set fire to tens of acres of fruitful tree fields in the countryside of Quneitra province.

A source at Quneitra Police Command told SANA that the rocket shell hit the Agriculture Directorate in al-Khadami neighborhood, causing huge material damage to the building and a number of offices.

In a relevant context, SANA reporter said Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Jabata al-Khashab village set fire to tens of acres of orchards planted with cherry and apple trees in Sahita site to the south of Hadar village.

In Video: US-backed rebels attack Syrian Army with Grad missiles

The US-backed rebel group, Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement, released new footage showing a group of its militants firing a barrage of MB-21 Grad missiles at Hama military airbase.

Days ago, the West-backed FSA fighters were shown for the first time using advanced rocket launchers against Syrian government troops in northern Aleppo.

Earlier, a senior rebel commander told Reuters that rebel groups had received – for the first time – 'excellent quantities' of advanced rocket launchers to defy a Russian-backed, wide-scale offensive against rebel forces in Aleppo.

The commander also made clear that the newly-obtained weaponry will be used "against regime forces" in Aleppo, Hama and latakia.

Syrian, Russian Military Forces Guarantee Safe Passage of Militants from Eastern Aleppo

The General Staff of Armed Forces, in a move to protect the civilian population, called on militants, trapped in the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city, to leave the city.

"The Russian and Syrian Army soldiers will allow the militants to leave the city through the government-established corridors without any problem," the General Staff said, vowing to provide the militants with full assistance.

Reports said earlier today that Syrian Army soldiers and their popular allies continued their advances against Jeish al-Fatah in the Northern districts of Aleppo city and captured one of the main positions of the terrorist group following hours of non-stop battle.

Syrian government forces inflicted major losses and casualties on Jeish al-Fatah in Bostan al-Pasha districts and captured Bakarah quarries.

"Jeish al-Fatah has left tens of dead or wounded members behind and retreated from the battlefield," army and popular forces said on Sunday.

Idlib: Terrorists' Convoy Heading towards Hama Destroyed in Syrian-Russian Airstrikes

"The Russian and Syrian warplanes targeted the Jeish al-Fatah convoy in Southern Idlib," the sources said, adding, "Most of the vehicles that were carrying a large volume of weapons and a number of fresh terrorists to the Northern and Northeastern territories of Hama were destroyed in the air raids."

In the meantime, Russian fighter jets pounded Jund al-Aqsa's bases at television-radio building complex, al-Hal bazaar and cooking-oil Company in Saraqib.

The Syrian army troops, for their part, engaged in heavy fighting with terrorist in Northern Hama, and killed tens of militants, including commander of Abna al-Sham Abu Riyan al-Homawi and Belgian Abu Abdullah.

Earlier today, the Syrian air force bombed Jeish al-Fatah's positions in al-Tamanna, al-Mutawaseteh, Maarat al-Nu'aman and Eastern side of Khan Sheikhoun, claiming the lives of dozens of militants.

Jeish al-Fatah also suffered a heavy death toll and its hardware sustained major damage in the Syrian fighter jets' attacks on the group's stronghold in Saraqib.

The Syrian army planes, meantime, dropped surrender-now leaflets over militant-held regions in Saraqib.

Syrian rebels recruit child soldiers to boost manpower (Video)

In a newly released video, Jaish al-Sunna boasts dozens of child soldiers at an undisclosed training camp. The Islamist group was originally part of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) but later joined Jaish al-Fateh (Army of Conquest).

Although the vast majority of rebel fighters are adult men, several cases of child militants among rebel ranks in Syria have emerged in recent years.

According to a report released by UNICEF in 2015, fighters as young as seven years old have been admitted in Syrian rebel groups.

Jaish al-Sunna operates in the governorates of Aleppo, Hama, Homs and Idlib and represents one of many Islamist militias opposed to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).
Pashalis said:
I think the empire is in serious panic mode and it increases by the day, because of the actions of russia, that directly undermine their plans. They see all their grand psychopathic plans in acute danger of falling apart. It actually is already happening. Wishful thinking has reached enormous proportions.

The empire is like a wild wounded wolf, that foams like crazy, because it looses his prey and it gets hungrier every day. Very dangerous situation right now and everything can be expected from such a mad empire on its fast way down. The question is: Will it take the whole world down with it or not? From the looks of it, that is a real possibility.

Thanks Pashalis - agree as well that it is a real possibility that the Empire takes the World down with it. I think as well its part of the cleansing process - and maybe there is some "karmic autopilot" built in the Matrix once the cleansing begins coinciding with the Wave. Events just run their course; the psycho's run their program - and they culminate. In that sense, Putin and his team may be just preventing the inevitable. Never could I have imagined; even 3 years ago - that the situation in Syria will now come to point like this. Reminds me of Gandalf in LOTR " So it begins, the great battle of our time".
Putin orders plutonium deal suspension over unfriendly actions by US

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered suspension of plutonium utilization deal with the US over unfriendly actions by Washington, according to a decree.

Russia's FSB Detains Ukrainian Spy Collecting Military Secrets

Ukrainian chief intelligence directorate's colonel Roman Sushchenko was gathering information on Russian military.

Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) detained a member of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's chief intelligence directorate it accused of collecting state secrets on the Russian military, the FSB said Monday.

"Roman Sushchenko… purposefully collected state secret information on the activities of the Russian Armed forces and the National Guard troops, which could have harmed state defense capabilities if leaked abroad," the FSB said in a statement.

It added that it launched a criminal case against Sushchenko on charges of espionage.

Russian Foreign Ministry comments on arrest of suspected Ukrainian spy

Ukrainian citizen Roman Sushchenko has been arrested in Russia on suspicion of conducting an espionage operation

Ukrainian citizen Roman Sushchenko, who was arrested in Moscow on suspicion of spying, did not act as a journalist while staying in the country, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

"Sushchenko wasn't fulfilling journalistic functions on the territory of Russia," the ministry said responding to a statement of the Ukrainian side that he was a journalist in Russia.

Earlier a source familiar with the situation confirmed to TASS that a Ukrainian intelligence officer suspected of espionage had been arrested for two months. Sushchenko’s lawyer Mark Feigin in turn said that his client was being held in the Lefortovo remand center. According to the lawyer, Sushchenko was detained on September 30, he came Moscow on vacation to visit his relatives.

As the Center for Public Relations of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said, Ukrainian Defence Intelligence officer Roman Sushchenko had been detained while conducting an espionage operation. According to the center, "the Ukrainian national was purposefully collecting information on the Russian Armed Forces and National Guard, constituting state secrets, the disclosure of which could have undermined Russia’s defense capabilities."

The FSB has initiated a criminal case against Sushchenko over espionage charges.

Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense has not yet reacted on the FSB’s statement. The Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform has reported that the detainee was their own correspondent in France. The news agency claims that Sushchenko was in Moscow on vacation.

Russian Troops Carry Out 2 Iskander-M Launches During Astrakhan Region Drills

Unmanned aerial vehicles controlled the accuracy of the strikes.

Strategic missile forces of the Russian Defense Ministry's Southern Military District have carried out two real Iskander-M launches and 30 simulations during drills in the southern Astrakhan region in the past two months, the region's press office said Monday.

"In two months, strategic missile forces overcame a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers [1864 miles], carried out more than 120 exercise strikes at simulated enemy forces, having made 30 simulation launches and two real ones, with missiles located at Astrakhan region ranges," the statement said.

According to the statement, drone aircraft controlled the accuracy of the strikes, submitting the relevant data in real-time.

Over 5,000 paratroopers to take part in command post exercise in west and central Russia

Over 2,500 paratroopers will perform jumps in the framework of the command post exercises of the Russian Airborne Troops

Over 5,000 paratroopers will take part in the command post exercise that started on Monday in Russia’s western and central parts, the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"Two regimental command post exercises have started in the Airborne Troops today. Units of the 76th air assault division (Pskov) and 98th airborne division (Ivanovo) are participating in them. In total, over 5,000 servicemen and around 900 units of military and special equipment are involved," the press service said.

Over 2,500 paratroopers will perform jumps in the framework of the command post exercises of the Russian Airborne Troops, the defense ministry noted. "At the exercises, over 2,500 servicemen and 20 units of military and special equipment will be parachuted," the press service said.

Servicemen and equipment will be transported by over 20 Il-76 military transport aircraft from the Kresty aerodrome (Pskov) and Ivanovo-Severny aerodrome (Ivanovo), the defense ministry added.

"These are routine military exercise," the ministry stressed. The main stages of exercise will take place on October 5-7 at training ranges in the Pskov, Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl Regions. The exercises will end on October 10.

Syrian army soldiers, allies recapture more districts in Aleppo

Syrian government forces have managed to gain more ground against foreign-sponsored Takfiri militants in the strategic northwestern city of Aleppo.

Army troops established full control over the Kindi Hospital, the al-Shaqif area, al-Hamra Hill as well as 16 farmlands near the deserted Handarat refugee camp in the northern flank of Aleppo, which is some 355 kilometers north of the capital, Damascus, Syria’s official SANA reported on Monday.

Scores of terrorists were killed during the offensives, and dozens of others fled the battle zones to save their lives. The Syrian army and pro-government popular defense groups have launched operations to hunt them down.

Elsewhere in the town of al-Darkhabiya on the western outskirts of Damascus, army units retook a number of farms and buildings from foreign-backed militants in a joint operation with pro-government fighters.

A military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, also said an army unit destroyed vehicles belonging to terrorists in the Dara’a al-Mahatta neighborhood in the southwestern city of Dara’a, located about 13 kilometers north of the border with Jordan.

Additionally, several members of the Takfiri Jabhat Fateh al-Sham militant group, formerly known as Nusra Front, were also killed in a Syrian army operation in the town of al-Yadouda.

‘Russia serious in anti-terror fight’

In a separate development, an unnamed official at the Syrian Foreign Ministry said Russia’s airstrikes against militant positions across Syria have helped tighten the grip on terrorist groups and prevented the spread of terrorism to other countries.

The source underlined that the attacks proved Russia’s credibility and seriousness in the fight against terrorism, which is posing threats to regional and international security, peace and stability.

Russia has been bombing militants, including Daesh and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham terrorist groups, in Syria at the official request of President Bashar al-Assad since September 30, 2015.

Syria’s foreign-sponsored conflict started in March 2011 and has claimed the lives of more than 400,000 people, according to an estimate by UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura.

EU humanitarian plan

Meanwhile, the European Union (EU) has proposed a new humanitarian initiative aimed at delivering aid to the people trapped in Aleppo and to allow civilians out of the militant-held parts of the city.

The initiative, taken in cooperation with the UN, seeks the immediate evacuation of wounded and sick civilians plus all those in urgent need of medical care, especially women, children and the elderly, from conflict zones in the eastern part of Aleppo.

“The EU calls on all parties to urgently provide the necessary authorizations for aid delivery and for medical evacuations to proceed. It intends to work intensively in the next hours and days with the parties concerned to make this happen,” read a statement by EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini, and Christos Stylianides, who is the EU’s Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.

Syrian Army, Hezbollah begin new assault at strategic southern Aleppo district

Minutes ago, the Syrian Arab Army's Republican Guard, backed by Hezbollah, began a new assault in the southern sector of Aleppo, striking the southern portion of the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project that is under the control of the jihadist rebels.

The Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah began the new assault by storming the southern buildings inside the 1070 Al-Hamdaniyah Housing Project of southern Aleppo; this resulted in an intense battle with the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) that is still ongoing at the moment.

According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Aleppo City, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah managed to capture several buildings from the jihadist rebels this morning; however, without Hikmah Hill, these gains could be reversed rather quickly by Jaysh Al-Fateh.

Hikmah Hill is considered the key to capturing the southern sector of the 1070 Housing Project because it overlooks this imperative district.

Video footage of Syrian Army’s large-scale advance in West Ghouta

The Syrian Arab Army's 42nd and 47th brigades of the 4th Mechanized Division, backed by the 7th Armored Division, launched a large-scale offensive in the West Ghouta region of rural Damascus this weekend, targeting the strategic town of Deir Khabiyeh, which is under the control of the jihadist rebels.

According to direct sources from the 4th Mechanized Division, the Syrian Armed Forces entered Deir Khabiyeh on Sunday after a fierce battle with the jihadist rebels of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham.

The Syrian Armed Forces were reportedly able to enter Deir Khabiyeh after seizing more than 10km worth of territory around the aforementioned town; this left the jihadist rebels with their backs against the wall at the nearby village of Khan Al-Sheih.

Video footage of this advance was captured by Hezbollah's media wing:

The Syrian Armed Forces have calmed their assault since sundown on Sunday; however, they are expected to resume their offensive in the coming hours as they prepare to retake Deir Khabiyeh from the jihadist rebels.

Russian humanitarian aid distributed in Maaloula town

A new batch of humanitarian aid, presented by Russia, was distributed on the residents of Ma’aloula town in Damascus Countryside, in cooperation with the Governorate of Damascus Countryside and Martyr Ahmed Qadirov Charity.

In a statement to the journalists, Member of the Governorate Executive Office, Bassam Qasem, said that this step comes as a complement of Russia’s relief, humanitarian and social role to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people over more than five years.

He indicated to the theft, destruction and other criminal acts committed by terrorists organizations against the locals, the houses and churches in Ma’aloula town, hailing the sacrifices made by the Syrian Arab army to restore security and stability to the town as well as the governmental efforts to provide necessary support and requirements to help families get back to their homes.

In turn, Representative of the Russian Hmeimim-based Coordination Center in Damascus underlined that his country will spare no effort to make all reconciliations a success and provide humanitarian aid to the needy families, calling upon the people around the world to combat terrorism and support Syria to overcome this terrorist war.

Head of Ma’aloula City Council, Naji Wahbi, expressed gratitude to the efforts exerted by Damascus Countryside Governorate in cooperation with donors such as the UNDP and the Russian help in order to rehabilitate terrorism-damaged infrastructure which enabled residents to restore their normal life and activities.

US, S Korea Stage Military Exercise to Train Strike on North's Nuclear Assets

A US-South Korean military drill to train a preemptive attack on North Korea is set to begin in Alaska on Monday.

The planned rehearsal of combined attacks on the North’s leadership and military assets comes after Pyongyang confirmed having tested a nuclear technology for the second time this year.

The USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier will reportedly be forward-deployed to the region on October 10-15 in time for a joint maritime exercise. The drills will last until October 21.

North Korea warned the United States and the South last month that their reckless behavior was pushing the region to the brink of a war and said Pyongyang had means to counter any attack from Washington.

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula intensified in September after the North claimed to have successfully exploded a nuclear warhead, having previously detonated a hydrogen bomb in January.

The September 9 test is believed to be the fifth and largest blast since Pyongyang began pursuing nuclear and ballistic missile programs. The UN Security Council condemned it as a repeated violation of its resolutions.
sToRmR1dR said:
Putin orders plutonium deal suspension over unfriendly actions by US

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered suspension of plutonium utilization deal with the US over unfriendly actions by Washington, according to a decree.

Lavrov: Moscow's Suspension of Russia-US Plutonium Agreement is 'Forced Measure'

Moscow decided to suspend the Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA) with the United States as a "forced measure", Russian Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"The President of the Russian Federation approved a decree on the suspension of the Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA) with the United States from 2000. We would like to underscore that this is a "forced measure". We considered the agreement as one of important steps toward nuclear disarmament."

Moscow will not allow Washington to talk with Russia in a language of force, sanctions and ultimatums while hoping for cooperation in certain areas, Lavrov said.

"Unfortunately, recently the US has taken a number of unfriendly steps toward Russia. In particular, on far-fetched pretexts Washington imposed economic and other sanctions on Russia. NATO and the US started military buildup near Russian borders. The US and its allies openly, without holding back, are talking about adopting a "containing" policy toward Russia. They even threaten Russian cities with terror attacks."

According to the minister, unfriendly US actions are leading to negative changes in strategic stability, as well as limiting possibilities for reducing numbers of nuclear weapons.

On Monday, September 3, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to halt the bilateral Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA) with the United States citing Washington's hostile actions and inability to fulfill US commitments to dispose of surplus weapons-grade plutonium.

"I would like to stress that Russia is not giving up on its obligations in the nuclear arms sphere, including reducing the amounts of nuclear materials in arms programs," Lavrov said as quoted by the foreign ministry.

Russia-US deal on Syria in limbo over US conflicting statements — Lavrov

The Russian Foreign Minister says Moscow is seriously concerned over attempts by Syrian settlement participants to act contrary to the UN Security Council resolutions

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said he hopes that Washington will clarify its position on the opposition in Syria.

"As for the true position of the White House on the Syrian crisis, then the statements and actions of American colleagues on Syria are indeed characterized by famous inconsistency," Lavrov told reporters.

Moscow wants this ambiguity to be removed, he said, adding that this directly affects the cooperation with Washington on implementing the Russian-US agreements.

"The agreements are now in limbo due to ambiguity on how Washington perceives the approaches of a whole number of opposition groups, militants and political opposition to the Assad regime who are rejecting or refusing to accept the Russian-US deal," Lavrov said.

"That’s why we want to clarify the situation here," Lavrov said, adding that the discussion on this is held with US Secretary of State John Kerry several times a day, like on October 1. "I hope that such clarity will be added."

UN Security Council resolutions

Moscow is seriously concerned over the attempts by some participants in the Syrian settlement process to act contrary to UN Security Council resolutions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

"We’re seriously concerned over what is happening in Syria and how UN Security Council resolutions are being fulfilled," the foreign minister said.

"We’re concerned over the attempts by some participants in the process inside and outside Syria to act contrary to UN Security Council resolutions," Lavrov said.

"We want to achieve the removal of obstacles on the way of fulfilling what we agreed upon relative to the Syrian settlement," the foreign minister said.

Lavrov calls to prevent failure of Russia-US agreements on Syria

Moscow considers it important to prevent the failure of Russian-US agreements on Syria, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

"A package of documents was coordinated at the Russian-US talks in Geneva on September 9," Lavrov said. "We are confident that their consistent implementation could facilitate the coordination in the war on terror."

"We believe that it is important to prevent the failure of these agreements, ensure the cessation of hostilities and establish favorable conditions for the resumption of the intra-Syrian political process," he said.

Militants Carry Out Chemical Attack on Syrian Villages of Kefraya, Foua

Militants associated with Jabhat Fatah al-Sham shelled villages of Kefraya and Foua in northern Idlib province with chlorine gas mortar, media reported Monday, citing a local source.

The shelling resulted in suffocation and intoxication of several locals, Tasnim news agency reported.

The Idlib province is controlled by terrorists from the Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, formerly known as al-Nusra Front, jihadist group, outlawed in Russia.

Syria has been mired in civil war since 2011, with government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups, most notably Daesh, which is outlawed in Russia and many other countries.

Fatah Al-Sham Guns Down Fleeing Members in Southern Part of Aleppo City

"A number of fighters of Fatah al-Sham, who tried to flee the battlefield in Sheikh Saeed neighborhood, were targeted by their own commanders and comrades," the sources said.

"Fatah al-Sham's fire at its own members in Sheikh Saeed caused the other hopeless members not to follow their targeted counterparts," they added.

"The Takfiri group's commanders kill the fleeing members in cold blood," the sources said.

The sources further added that militant groups in the Eastern part of Damascus have called on their allies to send fresh forces to Aleppo in a bid to intensify the war with army troops in other regions and provinces across Syria to give them some room in Damascus.

On Sunday, the General Staff of the Syrian Armed Forces called on terrorists in the Eastern districts of Aleppo to leave the city via the specified corridors under the protection of the country's soldiers and their Russian allies.

The General Staff of Armed Forces, in a move to protect the civilian population, called on militants, trapped in the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city, to leave the city.

"The Russian and Syrian Army soldiers will allow the militants to leave the city through the government-established corridors without any problem," the General Staff said, vowing to provide the militants with full assistance.

Russian, Syrian Warplanes Pound Terrorist's Defense Lines in Northern Hama

Terrorists' gatherings in Atshan, Um Harthin, Morek, al-Latamina and Kafr Zita were badly bombed by the Syrian and Russian jets.

The Russian fighter jets further carried out combat sorties over Jeish al-Ezzah terrorists' positions in al-Latamina mountain, claiming the lives of several militants.

The Syrian warplanes targeted Jeish al-Fatah's bases in Ma'ardes, Qebeibat, Abu al-Hoda, al-Noqreh al-Beidha, Morek, Khefsein, Zohrat al-Sawda and al-Naseriyeh hills.

The Syrian Army troops, for their part, fired tens of missiles at the supply routes of Ahrar al-Sham, Jund al-Aqsa and Jeish al-Nasr near Ma'arkabat, Kafr Zeita and al-Azwar, killing scores of militants and destroying their vehicles loaded with arms and ammunition.

Reports said earlier today that four field commanders of Jund al-Aqsa were killed in joint strikes of the Syrian and Russian forces in Northern Hama.

Abdul Karim Abu Abdu al-Ma'arati, Mohammad al-Khatib nom de guerre Abu Hazifeh, Ans al-Ahamad nom de guerre Abu Heidar, and Mohammad Ahmad al-Abd were killed in Morek in the offensives of the army ground troops, backed up by the Syrian and Russian fighter jets.

At least 26 terrorists were killed and 10 more were wounded in army attacks on Jund al-Aqsa militants in Ma'an, Souran and Taybat al-Imam in Northern Hama.

US suspends bilateral contact with Russia over Syria

Washington has “suspended” bilateral contacts with Moscow over the Syrian crisis, the US State Department said.

US officials had threatened for a week to withdraw from the Syrian peace process, after the latest ceasefire negotiated by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Secretary of State John Kerry collapsed amid bloody fighting.

While contacts between US and Russian military to “deconflict” encounters between their aircraft in Syrian skies will continue, the US is withdrawing personnel that was dispatched for the purpose of setting up the Joint Implementation Center (JIC) for the ceasefire, agencies reported citing the State Department.

There is "nothing more for the US and Russia to talk about" in Syria, White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Monday.

Washington has dragged its feet on setting up the JIC, however, with State Department spokesman John Kirby telling reporters on September 16 that its establishment was contingent on humanitarian aid reaching Aleppo, while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, told lawmakers the US had “no intention of having an intelligence-sharing agreement with the Russians.”

The JIC is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin suspended Moscow’s participation in a program for disposing of plutonium from decommissioned nuclear warheads, citing “the radical change in the environment, a threat to strategic stability posed by the hostile actions of the US against Russia, and the inability of the US to deliver on the obligation to dispose of excessive weapons plutonium under international treaties.”
The White House called the decision “disappointing.”

sToRmR1dR said:

US suspends bilateral contact with Russia over Syria


Moscow: US Failed in Its Syria Commitments, Tries to Shift Blame on Russia

In response to Washington's decision to end bilateral contact with Moscow over Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry has accused the US of attempting to shift its own responsibility.


The United States will be in contact with the Russian Federation on Syria only to avoid incidents in the air
Russian forces have been operating in Syria for a year. The operation began on September 30, 2015, at the request of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Russia’s Military Operation in Syria: What It Accomplished in One Year

On this date, the Russia’s Federation Council (the upper house of parliament) gave the country’s president its consent to use the military in Syria. The Russian Aerospace Forces, deployed to the Khmeimim air base in the province of Latakia, delivered first airstrikes against terrorists without delay.

«The best way to fight international terrorists… is to act preemptively, to fight and eliminate militants in the areas they have already occupied without waiting for them to enter our home», Russian President Vladimir Putin explained Russia’s involvement in a nationally televised address the day after the operation began.

Russia planned, executed and sustained the campaign masterly overcoming all problems related to logistical issues while supplying forces at great distance from the mainland.

The military deployed dozens of bombers and fighter jets and over 4,000 military personnel. Within weeks, the Russian aviation was conducting up to 75 sorties a day each time hitting designated targets. For comparison, NATO had 180 aircraft deployed in the region that flew only 20 sorties daily. Quite often they came back with full payload without finding targets to strike.

Russia’s capability to maintain a very high sortie rate for a long period of time and the absence of combat and operational losses (except for the Su-24M frontline bomber shot down by the Turkish Air Force) came as, perhaps, the biggest surprise to experts.

Russia used its modern aircraft, such as Su-30SM fighters, Su-34 and Su-24M bombers, Su-25 attack planes and the Mi-8 and Mi-24P helicopters. Strikes have also been delivered from outside Syria by Tu-22M3, Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic bombers and missile ships from the Caspian Fleet and submarines from the Black Sea Fleet.

On May 10, 2016, Vladimir Putin said that since the beginning of the operation in Syria the Russian Aerospace Forces had conducted more than 10,000 combat flights and destroyed more than 30,000 Islamic State targets, including 200 objects related to oil production and processing. According to Vladimir Yevseyev, a military expert and deputy director of the Institute of CIS Countries, the total number of combat flights before the ceasefire declaration on Sept. 10 was about 13,000.

Russia has airlifted to Syria 1,000 tons of food, medical supplies and essentials. Marines from the Black Sea Fleet and the 7th Airborne Division guard the base. Russian anti-aircraft systems are also located there; S-400 systems were added after a Su-24 bomber was shot down by Turkey. The Russian engineer corps participated in the demining of Palmyra.

As of October 1, 2016, the death toll was 19, including two civilians

With the air power in focus, the Russia’s military have intensified training and re-equipping of the Syrian army - a crucial factor to determine battlefield gains. Russia has also supplied a range of sophisticated weaponry to Assad’s ground forces — including T-90 tanks that often withstood powerful tank-destroying missiles provided by the US and Saudi Arabia.

One of the special features of the Russian air operation in Syria is a large-scale use of precision-guided air-to-surface weapons. In particular, Russia for the first time used KAB-500S precision-guided bombs with a satellite-aided guidance system, as well as its most advanced aircraft Su-30SM, Su-34 and Su-35S, cruise missiles, precision-guided weapons, and UAVs, and practiced intricate forms of interaction between various forces. Long-range missile strikes have been delivered from surface warships and submarines from the land-locked Caspian and Mediterranean seas.

Russia's only aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov is now on its way to the region.

The operation in Syria is of paramount importance for Russia’s Aerospace Forces, which have for the first time gained the experience of a broad offensive campaign involving different types of aircraft in coordination with the ground forces and foreign partners (Syria, Iran and Iraq). It has also provided an invaluable opportunity for Russia to assess its military capabilities in operational conditions, including network-centric warfare capability, and test its latest military technology.

The Syrian campaign is the largest engagement of the Russia’s overhauled and reborn military aviation since the war in Afghanistan, and is unparalleled in the history of Russian and Soviet aviation in terms of complexity and intensity of warfare and the remoteness of the area of operations. The test has been passed with flying colors.

The operation has drastically changed the whole situation. At the time Russia got involved in the conflict, the Syrian government was on the defensive losing control over large swathes of the territory. Dozens of warring groups opposed to Damascus operated on Syrian soil while government forces kept losing ground and morale.

The area held by President Assad’s troops had been reduced to territory along Syria’s west and the Mediterranean coast, with several corridors in the central and northern parts of the country. The fall of Damascus would entail the loss of the whole of Syria and eventually Lebanon. Christians, Alawites and other minorities would face the risk of total extermination, with the Islamic State gaining access to vast economic resources.

There were predictions made in the West that the operation would fail to get Russia bogged down in the quagmire. Instead, things have turned out very differently. The Russia’s military activities in Syria were a surprising game-changer. For Moscow, it has resulted in a success on several levels to reverse the momentum in the war.

In November 2015, the Russia-supported Syrian forces ousted Islamic State forces from the key Kuwairis airbase in eastern Aleppo province – the first significant defeat the terrorist group suffered since the Russian operation started.

In late 2015-early 2016, the Syrian army made territorial gains in various parts of the country Syria. The government control was established over the entire Latakia province.

In late March, the historic city of Palmyra and several other strategic towns were liberated from IS militants.

In September, the Syrian troops started their advance to recapture Aleppo – the second largest city of the country with Russia providing air cover. With the terrorist forces cut off from supply routes, the liberation of the city is a matter of time now.

Today, the Syria’s army is on offensive in many locations, including the provinces of Hama and Homs.

There have been diplomatic consequences. Russia’s active military presence in the region has reshaped its relationships with Israel, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq and many other states. Israel and Russia have developed a significant level of understanding maintaining political and military contacts. Both sides reached appropriate agreements to prevent possible incidents.

The operation has made reconciliation possible. A strong balance of forces arose in Syria to give an impulse to the UN-supported process of peacemaking in Geneva.

The United States was compelled to revise its own approach and pursue an effort to develop some kind of partnership with Russia dealing with Moscow as a diplomatic equal.

It also had to shift its own stance towards the Assad government. Washington does not insist anymore the government has to go. Despite the present differences over the situation in Aleppo, Russia and the US are maintaining contacts. None of the parties has withdrawn own from the agreement they reached on September 10 to put Syria's peace process back on track in an ambitious push to end the Syria's devastating war.

The success of the operation marked Russia’s political comeback to the region and the world stage as a power to be reckoned with. The tide of Syrian war is definitely changing in favor of Russia-supported Syrian forces. Russia’s military capabilities in the region and political clout have grown immensely.

Actually, the Russian Federation has become a leader of a broad coalition of states to include Iran, Iraq and Syria. It is coordinating activities with Turkey and Jordan. Today Russia, not America, is the decisive force in the Syrian war. Evidently, Moscow has taken control of the battlefield and negotiating table to become the gatekeeper to a negotiated solution to the conflict. The time is propitious for the US-led coalition to join together with Russia in the fight against the common enemy.

The Russian parliament has indicated that it may ratify a new agreement for the deployment of a Russian air group at Hmeimim air base by the end of the week.

Russian Lawmakers May Soon Ratify Syria Air Base Deal

The State Duma may react with ratifying the Syrian air group agreement. DETAILS TO FOLLOW.

Apart from Hmeymim, the Russian Aerospace Forces should have another airbase in Syria given that Russia's anti-Daesh air campaign there is yet to be completed, military expert Alexander Perendzhiyev told RIA Novosti.

Russia Needs 2nd Syrian Airbase to 'Enhance the Effectiveness' of Combat Mission

In an interview with RIA Novosti, military expert Alexander Perendzhiyev underscored the necessity of the Russian Aerospace Forces creating a second airbase in Syria because Russia's anti-Daesh air campaign there is still underway.

Currently Russian warplanes are limited to staging out of Hmeymim Airbase at Bassel Al-Assad International Airport near Latakia, the principal port city of Syria. The interview came as Friday marked the first anniversary of the beginning of Russia's anti-terrorist air campaign in Syria, which was launched at the behest of the Syrian government.

"I believe that aside from Hmeymim, the Russian Aerospace Forces need an additional airfield in Syria so that pilots can be protected from a possible terrorist attack after performing their tasks," Perendzhiyev said.

"Secondly, the Russian Aerospace Forces need a prestrike staging base in order to enhance the effectiveness of the combat mission and minimize the expenditure of resources," he stressed.

August 2016, it was reported that Russia plans to expand Hmeymim Airbase in order to ensure that its operations run smoothly and to enhance its security by adding extra aprons, building barracks and a hospital, as well as assigning extra space for large transport aircraft.

Moscow launched its first airstrikes against positions held by Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) and al-Nusra Front terrorists in Syria at the behest of the country's President Bashar Assad on September 30, 2015.

The bombardments were conducted in close cooperation with the Syrian government’s fight against Islamic extremists, and made use of intelligence data collected from a coordination center in Baghdad.

In March 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the withdrawal of a major bulk of the Russian forces from Syria, citing the successful fulfillment of their tasks.

However, some of the air units remained in the country to provide aerial support for ground operations launched by the Syrian Army.

In total, in the past twelve months the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed thousands of terrorist positions in Syria, including command and control centers, arms depots, oil refineries and others.

The aerial campaign also made it possible for the army and pro-government fighters to free a spate of areas in Latakia, Idlib and Aleppo provinces, including Syria's famous ancient city of Palmyra.

However, despite the collective counter-terrorism efforts, including those by the US-led coalition, international terrorists continue to control large areas of Syria, including a number of key points in the provinces of Aleppo and Raqqa. In this regard, the threat of Syria's destruction as a single sovereign state remains, according to RIA Novosti.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps military released a cache of pictures on Saturday of US and Israeli unmanned aerial systems that had been intercepted by the state armed forces, local media reported.

Iran Releases Pictures of Intercepted US Combat Drone

The captured drones include the General Atomics MQ-1C “Grey Eagle” drone, the AAI RQ-7 Shadow 200 and Israeli Hermes 450 drones, Tasnim news agency wrote.

According to the report, Hermes 450 was downed over the country’s airspace in summer 2014. But it’s yet to be revealed how the American UAVs got in the hands of the Iranian armed forces. The news came amid reports that Iran’s Sukhoi Su-25 fired a warning shot at an unidentified UAV flying over the Persian Gulf. The drone allegedly retreated and fled the Iranian airspace after the encounter. The release of the photos coincided with the presentation of the Iranian long range attack drone called Saeqeh, which means lightning bolt. The UAV is capable of carrying four smart guided bombs and striking targets with high precision.

Media speculates that the new drone has a striking resemblance to the RQ-170.

In 2011, Iranian armed forces said they had seized control of a US RQ-170 in the north-east of the country using a system of electronic warfare (EW). The drone then was delivered to the Iranian military base in the north east of the country. Following the incident the state military released a video showing the UAV with no visible damages on it. The new drone, will be applied to boost Iran’s deterrent capabilities and won’t be used to achieve expansionist goals, Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said on Saturday, according to Xinhua.
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