Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

sToRmR1dR said:
Five militants liquidated in Russia's North Caucasus Ingushetia

Syria Daesh Emissary Among 6 Fighters Killed in Russia's N. Caucasus

A Syrian emissary from the Daesh jihadist group was among six fighters killed in the Russian Republic of Ingushetia, the Russian Anti-Terrorist Committee said Friday.

The committee confirmed earlier reports of six militants killed in the anti-terrorist campaign in the North Caucasus region without civilian or law enforcement casualties.

"Special forces neutralized four militants in the city of Nazran and two more in Gazi-Yurt. According to preliminary information, Daesh emissary Zabayri Sautiyev who arrived from Syria to resume terrorist activities in the country is among the neutralized bandits," it said in a statement.

A cache of weapons, ammunition and explosives, including two suicide vests, have been uncovered at the site of the clashes, it added.

Crucial moments: SAA, Russia retaking Aleppo!

October 7th, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
Anna News- translated by Inessa Sinchougova

Why is the US accelerating its anti –Russia, anti-Assad propaganda in recent days? You may have seen the White Helmets "rescuer" footage all over the news, as well as the "Aleppo boy" sob story. This propaganda is easy to spot, obviously, for their white helmets. The said group are yet another George Soros "NGO", who not only cut and paste footage from other events to suit their Satanic agenda, but they substitute US bombing victims as if the atrocities were committed by Russia.

Aleppo is Syria’s Stalingrad – once the rebels are pushed out, it is unlikely the US backed jihadists will win this war. In this video, the SAA, Syrian Arab Army (not to be confused with the US –backed “moderate” Free Syrian Army, FSA) retake 3 training grounds in Aleppo. These men have stood by Assad’s side for 4 long years - someone who has more popular support in Syria than Obama and Cameron put together in their own countries.

Anna News are a team of independent correspondents that are travelling with the Syrian Arab Army, under the watchful eye of the Russian Air Force.

YouTube does not monetize videos from a battlefield. Real life war scenes are deemed “not advertiser friendly”, which means that the content-maker does not receive any ad revenue. These journalists are not working for financial compensation - but simply for the deed of bringing you the real, hard truth from Syria. Head over to the Anna News Channel, by clicking on the source link above, for more battlefield footage.

Russian Forces Receive 60% of Arms in Jan.-Sept. as Part of State Defense Order

Sergei Shoigu said that Russian Armed Forces have been supplied with 60 percent of weapons and equipment under the state defense procurement in January-September.

The Russian Armed Forces have been supplied with 60 percent of weapons and equipment under the state defense procurement in January-September, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Friday.

"Most of the [acquisition] executives successfully cope with the state defense order. By the end of the third quarter, defense enterprises have carried out 60 percent of their obligations to supply weapons, military and special equipment, and 47 percent of repairs," Shoigu said via conference call.

Russian Pantsyr-S1 antiaircraft missile systems put on combat duty in Arctic

Three combat vehicles of the Pantsyr-S1 antiaircraft gun/missile system are on combat duty on the New Siberian Islands in the Arctic, the CEO of Shcheglovsky Val Company, part of High Precision Systems Group, said on Friday.

"Our three vehicles are stationed on the New Siberian Islands. The conditions are very difficult, and the work organized in the north of Russia is reliably protected," Vladimir Popov said.

The Pantsyr-S1 antiaircraft gun/missile complexes were deployed in the Russian Arctic in 2014.

As was reported earlier, the Russian Armed Forces will receive the system’s special version for the Arctic application - Pantsyr-SA - by the end of 2016.

Russian MoD pondering re-launch of military bases in Cuba and Vietnam – Deputy Defense Minister

Moscow is considering plans to return to Cuba and Vietnam where it had military bases in the past, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov said on Friday, according to RIA news agency.

We are working on this,” Pankov said, while declining to elaborate. The Russian Defense Ministry is re-assessing the decisions made in the past to shut down the bases in those countries, according to the defense official.

sToRmR1dR said:
Duma’s committee to consider issue of indefinite deployment of Russia air group in Syria

Russian Parliament Ratifies Indefinite Deployment of Air Force in Syria

Russia's lower house of parliament ratified on Friday an agreement with Syria that authorizes the deployment of a Russian air group at the Hmeimim airbase for an indefinite period of time.

The Hmeymim airbase agreement was signed in Damascus on August 26, 2015, and was submitted to the State Duma for ratification in the beginning of August, 2016. The document was approved by 446 State Duma lawmakers.

A Russian airforce group has been deployed to the Syrian Arab Republic following a request from Damascus. The airforce group is located on the Hmeymim airfield in Latakia. Moscow will use the base 'free-of-charge' and will carry out supplies of necessary equipment and ammunition to the base without customs or any other duties, the memorandum says.

"The operation of the air group is conducted in line with its commander's decisions based on the plan approved by both sides," the document says.

Russia began its air campaign against Daesh in Syria on September 30, 2015, at the request of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Some 35,000 Terrorists Eliminated in Syria Since February

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said that a total of 586 settlements and 12,360 square kilometers (some 4,800 sq. miles) have been liberated from Daesh and Nusra Front terrorists from February 27 to September 1, 2016.

About 35,000 terrorists, including over 2,700 natives of Russia and other CIS countries, have been killed in clashes with Syrian government forces since February 2016, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Friday.

According to Antonov, a total of 586 settlements and 12,360 square kilometers (some 4,800 sq. miles) have been liberated from Daesh and Nusra Front terrorists from February 27 to September 1, 2016.

"As a result, around 35,000 terrorists have been killed, including more than 2,700 natives of Russia and other CIS countries," Antonov told reporters in Moscow.

Heavy Infighting Erupts between Terrorist Groups in Idlib

"Ahrar al-Sham fighters arrested a number of Jund al-Aqsa near Saraqib and stormed the house of Ali al-Issa, one of the commanders of Ahrar al-Sham, that resulted in the escalation of fightings between the rival terrorist groups," the sources said.

"In Khan Sheikhoun, Jund al-Aqsa captured Ahrar al-Sham positions and then the town," the sources added.

In the meantime, Syrian fighter jets bombed heavily a base of the terrorists in the Eastern side of al-Dana, leaving scores of militants dead.

Reports said earlier today that one of the notorious commanders of Ahrar al-Sham was killed in heavy fighting with Jund al-Aqsa terrorist group in Southern Idlib.

Jom'ah Hawash nom de guerre Abu Talib was killed in clashes with Jund al-Aqsa fighters in Khan Sheikhoun.

Media sources in Idlib last month disclosed intense infighting among two terrorist groups stationed in the province's Ariha region.

"The differences have increased among the Jund al-Aqsa and Ahrar al-Sham terrorist groups in Ariha region in Idlib province in the Northwestern part of Syria," the Arabic-language media quoted an informed source at the time.

"The differences intensified between the two terrorist groups after a Jund al-Aqsa terrorist attacked the brother of the commander of Ahrar al-Sham's Ariha Battalion," the sources said.

Infighting has increased among rival terrorist groups in Idlib province after they have come under the Syrian army siege and lost vast parts of lands across Syria, specially in neighboring Aleppo, to the government forces.

US-led Coalition continues targeting Syrian infrastructure by destroying al-Syasia Bridge in Deir Ezzor

The aircrafts of the US-led Coalition continued aggression on the Syrian infrastructure by launching a raid on Friday on al-Syasia Bridge in the city of Deir Ezzor.

SANA reporter in Deir Ezzor said that the Coalition’s airstrikes caused the destruction of al-Syasia Bridge located to the north of Deir Ezzor, adding that this bridge is the largest one in the city.

Eight bridges have been destroyed by the aircrafts of the US-led Coalition in Deir Ezzor province, the latest of which was al-Shihan Bridge near al-Salhin neighborhood in al-Bokamal countryside and Tarif Bridge in the western countryside which extended between Deir Ezzor and Raqqa provinces.

On Sep 27, the Coalition’s aircrafts launched strikes on two main bridges on the Euphrates River that resulted in the destruction of al-Asharah Bridge that links the river’s two banks in the eastern countryside of the province and al-Mayadin Bridge, disconnecting the areas located on both banks of the river.


US calls for Syria investigation attempt to distract from ceasefire failure - Russian FM spox

US is trying to distract attention from its own failure to implement the ceasefire deal by calling for an investigation into Russia’s actions in Syria, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"The US side just could not fulfill the ceasefire agreement. They themselves told us that they do not have the means to put pressure on the opposition,” Zakharova said, as quoted by TASS.

Lukashenko: "We are ready to die for Belarus and Russia!"

The Belarusian Army, whose modernization is almost completed, will defend Russia on the Western front. This was stated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

“We, together with the Russian people and all Russians, will defend our common Fatherland on the Western front, which is no less important for Russia…On this Western front, we will die to defend Belarus and Russia,” Lukashenko is quoted as saying by RIA Novosti.

According to Lukahenko, the Belarusian Army “is capable of repelling any aggressor.”

“We can already talk about the complete modernization of our army; we have practically finished this. We have adapted for those potential wars which could be waged against our state - from the struggle in the information space to a hot war,” the president added.

Earlier, Lukashenko stated that he will not allow the Belarusian opposition to “make an enemy out of Russia.” He also expressed interest “in fruitful cooperation with the Russian Federation in all spheres and deepening equal and effective cooperation in integration formats.”

Belarus isn't impressed by the biggest bully on the block. This past few days the US has issued a lot of threats, in response several countries stood up and returned the favor.

You won't hear US vassal states state the same. That's because only friends are able to die for each other.
According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the decision to deploy S-300 anti-air missile system in Syria came after receiving leaked data on US intentions to bomb Syrian airbases.

Russia Placed S-300 Missiles in Syria After Learning of US Plan to Bomb Airbases

"The S-300 appeared there [in Syria] after experts close to the American establishment had started leaking information…that the US could hit Syrian airfields with cruise missiles," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in an interview with Russia's Dozhd TV chennel.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that a battery of S-300 air defense systems had been delivered to Syria to protect the naval base at Tartus, as well as Russia warships deployed off the Syrian coast.

Russia is ready to persuade the Syrian government to agree to the al-Nusra militants group fighters' armed departure from Aleppo as proposed by the UN special envoy, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday.

Russia Ready to Call on Syria Gov't to Allow al-Nusra to Leave Aleppo Armed

On Thursday, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura proposed to personally accompany Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly known as the Nusra Front, banned in Russia) fighters out of Aleppo.

"I heard his statement concerning only Nusra. For God's sake, if al-Nusra leaves with weapons toward Idlib, where its main forces are based, we are ready to support this approach for the sake of Aleppo and will be ready to urge the Syrian government to agree," Lavrov said in an interview with Russia's Channel One. Militants remaining in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo after the UN special envoy's plan is enacted should be clearly separated from the Nusra militant group, he added.

According to one of the leaders of the Moscow-Cairo-Astana platform of Syrian opposition, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura’s offer to escort Jabhat Fatah al Sham fighters out of Aleppo should be extended to all militants involved in battle for the Syrian city.

UN Offer to Escort Nusra Out Of Aleppo Should Cover All Militants

UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura’s offer to escort Jabhat Fatah al Sham (formerly known as the Nusra Front, banned in Russia) fighters out of Aleppo should be extended to all militants involved in battle for the Syrian city, one of the leaders of the Moscow-Cairo-Astana platform of Syrian opposition told Sputnik Friday.

"Our party however notes very important moment. It is very difficult to define who is al-Nusra or not. Al-Nusra has allies, so we edged UN envoy to apply this offer to all groups in Aleppo," Qadri Jamil said. He welcomed the UN envoy’s offer, adding that it should have been made a long time ago.

It is a very positive statement… The idea of corridors initially belonged to the Russian Defence Ministry that in the beginning of the war proposed to set up such a corridors for Aleppo but at that time this proposal was misunderstood. We have to force fighters to leave the cities because they put in jeopardy lives of civilians," Jamil said.

On Thursday, de Mistura proposed to accompany militants from the Nusra Front jihadist group if they wanted to leave Aleppo with arms and to head for the city of Idlib. He added that there were some 900 militants of the group in the war-torn city. According to the UN official, if the military activities in Aleppo continue, the eastern part of the city will be destroyed in two weeks. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, commenting on the proposal, said that it deserved the most careful consideration. The UN special envoy also asked the Russian and Syrian authorities about their intentions and further steps in eastern Aleppo witnessing heavy fighting. Aleppo has been a battlefield between government forces, jihadists, as well as numerous opposition groups. Fighting in Aleppo has escalated over the past few weeks, with the Syrian army and local militia forces having managed to encircle large groups of militants in eastern districts of the city.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that it was vital to restore ceasefire in Syria's Aleppo and deliver humanitarian assistance to people in need.

Merkel Calls on Russia to End Fighting in Syria’s Aleppo

German Chancellor Angela Merkel appealed to Russia on Friday to help bring peace and relief aid to the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo, German media reported.

"What is happening out there is atrocious," Merkel said, as quoted by the ARD broadcaster. "I can only appeal to Russia as Russia has a lot of influence on [Syrian President Bashar] Assad: We must put an end to this crime as soon as possible."

Speaking at a meeting of her ruling Christian Democratic Party (CDU), Merkel said it was vital to restore ceasefire in Aleppo and deliver humanitarian assistance to people in need.

Syria’s Bashar Assad told the Danish TV2 channel on Thursday that the government forces would never surrender any part of Aleppo and vowed to continue fighting militants until the last one leaves the northern city.

A heavy-armored brigade combat team (ABCT) of the US Army will arrive in Europe at the start of 2017, part of a Pentagon military buildup ostensibly aimed at deterring "Russian aggression."

US Armored Brigade Headed to Europe in January to Counter 'Russian Aggression'

In August, the United States and its allies in Eastern Europe agreed to enhance defense cooperation as part of an operation dubbed Atlantic Resolve.

"As part of the United States’ commitment to increased assurance and deterrence, US Army Europe (USAREUR) will begin receiving continuous troop rotations of US-based armored brigade combat teams (ABCT) to the European theater in February 2017, bringing the total Army presence to three fully-manned Army brigades," reads a US Defense Department statement from March.

That timetable has evidently been bumped up, as the 3rd Brigade of the 4th Division out of Fort Carson, Colorado, plans to reach Europe in January. The unit will arrive in Germany, where it will undergo a readiness test before traveling to Poland. Speaking to Defense News, Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges said he expects some hiccups along the way. "I’m going to make all kinds of mistakes on this,” he said. “We haven’t done it in a long time."

The deployment is part of operation Atlantic Resolve, meant to reassure European allies of the commitment of the United States to defend against “Russian aggression.” One battalion, dubbed Atlantic Resolve North, will be stationed in the Baltic, while another – Atlantic Resolve South – will deploy to Romania and Bulgaria.

Russian officials have warned against the provocative buildup.

"This warmongering and scares about invented Russian aggressiveness certainly produce a detrimental effect on the overall climate in the region, including on the Russia-EU relationship," Russian Ambassador to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov told Sputnik earlier this year. "Those countries that are the objects of NATO surge in military presence in Central and Eastern Europe pursue policies of their own, which are not always conducive to maintaining partnership-style relations with Russia," he added. "Since many decisions in the European Union are taken by consensus of 28 member states, I would say that sometimes the result is a position reflecting 'the least common denominator.'"

The first battalion will be rotated out next September, and replaced by a second ABCT, the 2nd Brigade of the 1st Division out of Fort Riley, Kansas.

Russia's lower house of parliament, the State Duma, has ratified the Russian-Syrian agreement on the deployment of an air group of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria at the Hmeymim airbase for an indefinite period of time.

Russian Military Bases Abroad: Facts and Details

The Hmeymim airbase agreement was signed in Damascus on August 26, 2015, and was submitted to the State Duma for ratification at the beginning of August, 2016.

The ratification document, approved by 446 State Duma lawmakers on Friday, envisions that Moscow use the base 'free-of-charge' and carry out supplies of necessary equipment and ammunition to the base without customs or any other duties. Russia began its air campaign against the Islamic State (ISIL, also known as Daesh) terrorist group in Syria on September 30, 2015, at the request of Syrian President Bashar Assad. The Russian Aerospace Forces' operation in Syria was reported to prove Moscow's seriousness in the fight against terrorism and helped in preventing its spread in the region, tightening the grip on terrorist groups and contributing to preventing as much as possible the spread of terrorism into other countries.

Since the Cold War era, Russia has been establishing military bases abroad to ensure the stationing of its military contingents and naval presence. Among other countries, the Soviet Union established bases in the GDR (East Germany), Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Egypt, Syria, Ethiopia, Yemen, Angola, Guinea, Libya, Tunisia, Yugoslavia and Vietnam.

In 1979-2002 the Cam Ranh base (officially known as Logistics Support Facility 922) in southern Vietnam was the Soviet Union’s best overseas naval base. Cam Ranh Bay was recognized as one of the most convenient basing locations in the Pacific. In addition to berths in Cam Ranh Bay, it included the Ba Son shipyard in Ho Chi Minh and a large airport nearby. The Soviet Navy used the Cam Ranh facility under a 25-year rent-free leasing contract. In 2010, Russia announced that it had no use for Cam Ranh as a military base but that it might be used as a logistics support facility for the Russian Navy, as was stipulated by the 2013 agreement on setting up a joint submarine maintenance and repair facility in Cam Ranh. In 2014, an agreement was signed establishing simplified procedures for the use of Russian warships in the port of Cam Ranh. Since 2014, the Cam Ranh airport has been used as a maintenance facility for Il-78 aircraft.

Since 1967, the Lourdes signals intelligence facility (the SIGINT) in Havana’s southern suburb was the main US-targeting listening post. Located just 250 miles from US borders, it could intercept radio data virtually across the entire US territory. The equipment of the center was modernized and upgraded several times.

The Soviet Union also had a naval base in Cienfuegos and the Priboi signals facility in the town of El Gabriel in Cuba. Recently, the number of Russian military facilities abroad has declined. Russian military presence is now confined to 10 countries: Abkhazia, Armenia, Belarus, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the unrecognized Transnistrian republic, Syria, Tajikistan and South Ossetia.

In 1995 Russia and Armenia signed an agreement on the deployment of the 102nd Russian Military Base in the city of Gyumri, in northern Armenia, which is on alert as part of the CIS Integrated Air Defense System for 25 years. On August 20, 2010, Russia and Armenia extended the term of the base contract and it will now run through 2044.

In Belarus, under a 1995 bilateral agreement signed for a 25-year term, Russia leases the Hantsavichy radar station, located near Baranovichi, which tracks missile launches at ranges of up to 5,000 kilometers (3,106 miles) and space objects the size of a ball several millimeters in diameter in any orbit. The facility is part of the missile attack warning system and is linked to the Russian president’s so-called nuclear briefcase. The other Russian military base that has for years been actively operated on Belarusian territory is the Vileyka zonal communication point of the Russian Navy. Vileyka Communication Point 43 is an ultra-long-wave radio station ensuring communication with strategic nuclear-powered submarines.

Kazakhstan hosts the largest military facilities of the former USSR with their total area exceeding 11 million hectares.

Russia has retained and currently continues to operate seven large military facilities in Kazakhstan under bilateral agreements. These include the 5th State Test Range of the Russian Defense Ministry (the Baikonur cosmodrome); facilities of the 4th State Test Site of the Russian Defense Ministry: the Kapustin Yar test range (located mostly in Russia, but also including areas near the Atyrau and Western Kazakh regions of Kazakhstan), the 20th Separate Measuring Station and two measuring facilities (IP-8 and IP-16, in Western Kazakhstan). Under an agreement on the presence of a joint Russian military base in Kyrgyzstan, the military facilities as part of the base include an air base (Kant airfield), a testing range (Cape Koi-Sary, Kara-Bulun Peninsula), a communication center (the village of Spartak, the town of Chaldovar) and an independent seismic post (the city of Mailuu-Suu). An aviation training center (Edelweiss mountainous training center) is a shared facility.

In May 2013 Russia ratified a base agreement with Tajikistan concerning the 201st Military Base, which is the largest ground force formation outside Russia. Its term has been extended through 2042. At present, the military base, formed by reorganizing the 201st Division, is deployed in a Dushanbe suburb. The base ensures the protection of Russian interests and – together with local armed forces — the security of Tajikistan. At the same time, Russia provides Tajikistan with inter-operable weapon systems, military and special equipment in accordance with Russia’s defense technology cooperation laws.

In February 2009, Russian military bases were stationed in the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of Abkhazia, which became part of the Southern Military District. In Abkhazia, the 7th Krasnodar Red Banner Military Base is deployed in the Gudauta and Ochamchira districts.

In South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, Russia deployed its 4th Guards Vapnyarsko-Berlin Red Banner Military Base. A smaller part of it (two motorized infantry battalions, an artillery battalion, a flamethrower company and maintenance and support units) is deployed in Java, the second largest city in South Ossetia. The base also has sub-units at the Dzartsemi testing range and the Kurta airfield. For over 20 years, Russia has effectively maintained a military base in the unrecognized Moldovan Republic of Transnistria. Units of the Russian Armed Forces are part of the tripartite peacekeeping force in Transnistria: about 1,200 personnel.

In 1977 the Russian Navy maintenance and support facility was set up at the port of Tartus, Syria. Currently, the Tartus facility is the Russian Navy’s only support base in the Mediterranean Sea. It continues to perform its designated mission. The Tartus facility is manned exclusively by civilians. On August 26, 2015, a Russian-Syrian unlimited-duration agreement was signed on the deployment of a Russian Air Force aviation group in Syria at the Hmeymim airport (Latakia province). Ratification of the agreement is pending in the Russian lower house of parliament.

The Russian Defense Ministry is looking for the possibility of returning to Cuba and Vietnam, where Soviet and later, Russian, military bases were established in the past. As Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has stated, Russia intends to increase the number of its foreign military bases and is negotiating with a number of countries, including Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Seychelles, and Singapore, among others. The talks are related not only to the deployment of military bases, but also to a simplified procedure of making port calls in these countries, as well as the possibility of refueling long-range aircraft.
I don't know how reliable this information is, but it's still interesting. Although the open way the leaked audio featuring Kerry was publicized also in some Western MSM, makes me wonder if this is some sort of psy-op to "keep the Russians busy" and/or muddy the waters.

From _

October 07, 2016

Syria - Is The U.S. Preparing A "False Flag" Bombing?

There is a curious coincidence of a remark Secretary of State Kerry made to Syrian opposition activists and a new paint scheme applied to some U.S. military jets.

October 1 2016: Kerry in leaked audio: 'I lost the argument' for use of force in Syria

Washington (CNN) Secretary of State John Kerry's frustration with the failure of American diplomacy was on display as he defended US efforts to help end the five-year civil war in Syria during a meeting last week with a group of Syrian civilians, according to an audio recording obtained by CNN.
Kerry's comments came at a meeting that took place at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations on the sidelines the UN General Assembly, where Kerry was going from session to session in a frenzied effort to resuscitate a ceasefire that seemed poised to collapse.
A complete audio recording of the meeting between Kerry, some of his staff, and some Syrians is available on youtube.

Of interest is a short segment about alleged Russian bombing beginning at 11:18. The female Arab-English interpreter translates remarks by a Syrian, believed to be the Syrian front-man of the White Helmets scam Raed Saleh, about the difficulties of supervising ceasefires.

Interpreter (translating from a male Arabic speaker): We don't believe that Russia can be the guarantor of the actions of the regime. We see Russia is a partner of the regime in bombing Syrians, Syrian civilians, market places, even our own team, the Syrian Civil Defense team. We documented since the start of the Russian intervention in Syria from day one until February of this year more than 17 of our Syrian Civil Defense personal have been killed by Russian airstrikes.

Kerry: Do you have any videos of the airplanes of these strikes?

(crosstalk interpreter and male Arab voice)

Kerry: Can we get that (unintelligible) videos the agents have been asking for?

(crosstalk interpreter and male Arab voice)

Kerry staff member: So can I just say - we get a lot of videos of the victims of these attacks, they are terrible, but they don't help us. We need videos of the actual aircrafts and ammunition. And there is a lot of them on the internet but we don't know whether they are real or not. Verified videos of the actual aircraft is the most useful thing. ...

These men can be helped, though someone in the U.S. military - or not.

A Canadian journalist based in Eastern/Central Europe, Christian Borys tweeted yesterday:

Christian Borys @ItsBorys
The U.S is painting their F/A-18's to match the paint schemes of Russian jets in #Syria. Standard training, but interesting nonetheless.

1:45 PM - 6 Oct 2016

This is the attached pic:

Russians may soon ask Foreign Ministry to cease contacts with Kerry, spokeswoman says

Kerry earlier said that the actions of Russia and Syrian government forces should be investigated as war crimes

Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said that Russians may soon vote for ceasing diplomatic contacts with US State Secretary John Kerry.

"By making statements equating Russia’s actions in Syria with war crimes, the US State Department should understand that this may all end with the national referendum in Russia with one question: ‘Shouldn’t we just turn off telephones in the Foreign Ministry?’," Zakharova wrote on her Facebook page on Friday.

Kerry earlier said that the actions of Russia and Syrian government forces should be investigated as war crimes.
Unless cooler heads prevail no one wins. We along with the planet will reach a point of no return. When I watch these shenanigans, I continue to remind myself that we are Souls not bodies & continue working in Service to Others.
Aragorn said:
I don't know how reliable this information is, but it's still interesting. Although the open way the leaked audio featuring Kerry was publicized also in some Western MSM, makes me wonder if this is some sort of psy-op to "keep the Russians busy" and/or muddy the waters.

From _

October 07, 2016

Syria - Is The U.S. Preparing A "False Flag" Bombing?

There is a curious coincidence of a remark Secretary of State Kerry made to Syrian opposition activists and a new paint scheme applied to some U.S. military jets.

October 1 2016: Kerry in leaked audio: 'I lost the argument' for use of force in Syria

Washington (CNN) Secretary of State John Kerry's frustration with the failure of American diplomacy was on display as he defended US efforts to help end the five-year civil war in Syria during a meeting last week with a group of Syrian civilians, according to an audio recording obtained by CNN.
Kerry's comments came at a meeting that took place at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations on the sidelines the UN General Assembly, where Kerry was going from session to session in a frenzied effort to resuscitate a ceasefire that seemed poised to collapse.
A complete audio recording of the meeting between Kerry, some of his staff, and some Syrians is available on youtube.

Of interest is a short segment about alleged Russian bombing beginning at 11:18. The female Arab-English interpreter translates remarks by a Syrian, believed to be the Syrian front-man of the White Helmets scam Raed Saleh, about the difficulties of supervising ceasefires.

Interpreter (translating from a male Arabic speaker): We don't believe that Russia can be the guarantor of the actions of the regime. We see Russia is a partner of the regime in bombing Syrians, Syrian civilians, market places, even our own team, the Syrian Civil Defense team. We documented since the start of the Russian intervention in Syria from day one until February of this year more than 17 of our Syrian Civil Defense personal have been killed by Russian airstrikes.

Kerry: Do you have any videos of the airplanes of these strikes?

(crosstalk interpreter and male Arab voice)

Kerry: Can we get that (unintelligible) videos the agents have been asking for?

(crosstalk interpreter and male Arab voice)

Kerry staff member: So can I just say - we get a lot of videos of the victims of these attacks, they are terrible, but they don't help us. We need videos of the actual aircrafts and ammunition. And there is a lot of them on the internet but we don't know whether they are real or not. Verified videos of the actual aircraft is the most useful thing. ...

These men can be helped, though someone in the U.S. military - or not.

A Canadian journalist based in Eastern/Central Europe, Christian Borys tweeted yesterday:

Christian Borys @ItsBorys
The U.S is painting their F/A-18's to match the paint schemes of Russian jets in #Syria. Standard training, but interesting nonetheless.

1:45 PM - 6 Oct 2016

This is the attached pic:


This type of painting used for training
But who knows how real agressor can use them
Aragorn said:
I don't know how reliable this information is, but it's still interesting. Although the open way the leaked audio featuring Kerry was publicized also in some Western MSM, makes me wonder if this is some sort of psy-op to "keep the Russians busy" and/or muddy the waters.

From _
October 07, 2016

Syria - Is The U.S. Preparing A "False Flag" Bombing?

There is a curious coincidence of a remark Secretary of State Kerry made to Syrian opposition activists and
a new paint scheme applied to some U.S. military jets.

October 1 2016: Kerry in leaked audio: 'I lost the argument' for use of force in Syria.

It's hard to tell if the leak is a psy-op or not but Russia just recently installed S-300 Missiles in Syria, with a warning that all flights had to be coordinated with the Syrian Government, after the U.S. bombed the Syrian Army in Deir ez-Zor and the U.N. Humanitarian Convoy was attacked. The U.S.'s "oop's mistakes" in mainly targeting Residential areas and several bridges recently, is another symptom of their aggression.

I don't know the intimate details of a S-300 system but I would imagine, it can detect a plane's signature and a paint job - to make it to resemble another, is wishful thinking? Desperate men can do stupid things?

To make matters worse, there's in-fighting in the ranks of the U.S. Military, the Pentagon and the White House. Guess, they can't separate "the Moderates" there, either? War on both ends - a real stable relationship?

It looks as if the Pentagon has taken over the reins of the US foreign strategy, Canada-based political analyst Oussama El-Mohtar told Sputnik, commenting on the disruption of US-Russian cooperation on Syria. According to El-Mohtar, this is a very dangerous precedent.

'Dangerous Precedent': Pentagon Now at the Helm of American Foreign Policy

It looks as if the White House has yielded its decisions regarding Syria and its US-Russian relationship to the Pentagon until a new administration emerges, Oussama El-Mohtar, a Canada-based political analyst and author, told Sputnik, commenting on Washington's decision to suspend cooperation with Moscow on Syria.

Pentagon Throws a Wrench in US-Russian Relations "The disruption, as far as I can see, means one thing: given the disagreement between [Secretary of State] Kerry and the White House, the US administration has yielded its decisions regarding Syria and the overall confrontation with Russia to the Pentagon until a new administration emerges," El-Mohtar noted in his interview with Sputnik.

"This is a very dangerous precedent," the political analyst emphasized, "The military is supposed to execute strategic decisions as set out by the administration. The situation in the US right now points to a reversal of these roles whereby the military is the one setting the strategic objectives and executing them."

The scholar believes that the US Air Force's strike against the Syrian Arab Army's positions near Deir ez-Zor was a deliberate action aimed at thwarting any Russian-American cooperation, while the hit on the UN convoy heading to Aleppo "was meant to draw condemnations against Syria.

"Could the two have been perpetrated by the same group? Of course they could; most likely they were," he stressed. According to the scholar, there appears to be three different policy centers in Washington: the White House, which does not want a military escalation in Syria; US Secretary of State John Kerry, "who disapproves but toes the line"; and the Pentagon, "which disapproves but is doing everything to obstruct [US President Barack] Obama's approach."

El-Mohtar referred to the fact that Kerry, who has long been regarded as a proponent of a peace solution in Syria, has turned out to be "the guy" who had repeatedly called for attacking Damascus.

"I've argued for use of force. I stood up. I'm the guy who stood up and announced we're going to attack Assad because of the weapons, and then you know things evolved into a different process," Kerry said in a leaked recording obtained by The New York Times.

Aleppo is the last strangle hold on Syria - that the U.S. has and with the announcement of Assad's Government considering giving the terrorists a safe passage corridor out of Aleppo, possibly with the U.N.'s help, the U.S. loses it's war in Syria and against Assad's removal and gaining a foot hold in Russia. Plus, losing in Syria messes up this deal ......

The Secret Stupid Saudi-US Deal on Syria. Oil Gas Pipeline War

The Kerry-Abdullah Secret Deal (By F. William Engdahl)

Back-dated March 16, 2016 - The details are emerging of a new secret and quite stupid Saudi-US deal on Syria and the so-called ISIS. It involves oil and gas control of the entire region and the weakening of Russia and Iran by Saudi Arabian flooding the world market with cheap oil. Details were concluded in the September meeting by US Secretary of State John Kerry and the Saudi King. The unintended consequence will be to push Russia even faster to turn east to China and Eurasia.

One of the weirdest anomalies of the recent NATO bombing campaign, allegedly against the ISIS or IS or ISIL or Daash, depending on your preference, is the fact that with major war raging in the world’s richest oil region, the price of crude oil has been dropping, dramatically so.

[...] What has happened is that the long-time US ally inside OPEC, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has been flooding the market with deep discounted oil, triggering a price war within OPEC, with Iran following suit and panic selling short in oil futures markets.

[...] According to Rashid Abanmy, President of the Riyadh-based Saudi Arabia Oil Policies and Strategic Expectations Center, the dramatic price collapse is being deliberately caused by the Saudis, OPEC’s largest producer. The public reason claimed is to gain new markets in a global market of weakening oil demand. The real reason, according to Abanmy, is to put pressure on Iran on her nuclear program, and on Russia to end her support for Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

[...] The US-Saudi oil price manipulation is aimed at destabilizing several strong opponents of US globalist policies. Targets include Iran and Syria, both allies of Russia in opposing a US sole Superpower. The principal target, however, is Putin’s Russia, the single greatest threat today to that Superpower hegemony. The strategy is similar to what the US did with Saudi Arabia in 1986 when they flooded the world with Saudi oil, collapsing the price to below $10 a barrel and destroying the economy of then-Soviet ally, Saddam Hussein in Iraq and, ultimately, of the Soviet economy, paving the way for the fall of the Soviet Union. Today, the hope is that a collapse of Russian oil revenues, combined with select pin-prick sanctions designed by the US Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence will dramatically weaken Putin’s enormous domestic support and create conditions for his ultimate overthrow.

The Kerry-Abdullah secret deal

On September 11, US Secretary of State Kerry met Saudi King Abdullah at his palace on the Red Sea. The King invited former head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Bandar to attend. There a deal was hammered out which saw Saudi support for the Syrian airstrikes against ISIS on condition Washington backed the Saudis in toppling Assad, a firm ally of Russia and de facto of Iran and an obstacle to Saudi and UAE plans to control the emerging EU natural gas market and destroy Russia’s lucrative EU trade. A report in the Wall Street Journal noted there had been “months of behind-the-scenes work by the US and Arab leaders, who agreed on the need to cooperate against Islamic State, but not how or when. The process gave the Saudis leverage to extract a fresh US commitment to beef up training for rebels fighting Mr. Assad, whose demise the Saudis still see as a top priority.”

For the Saudis the war is between two competing age-old vectors of Islam. Saudi Arabia, home to the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina, claims de facto supremacy in the Islamic world of Sunni Islam. The Saudi Sunni form is ultra-conservative Wahhabism, named for an 18th Century Bedouin Islamic fundamentalist or Salafist named Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahha. The Taliban derive from Wahhabism with the aid of Saudi-financed religious instruction. The Gulf Emirates and Kuwait also adhere to the Sunni Wahhabism of the Saudis, as does the Emir of Qatar. Iran on the other hand historically is the heart of the smaller branch of Islam, the Shi’ite. Iraq’s population is some 61% majority Shi’ite. Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad is a member of a satellite of the Shi’ite branch known as Alawite. Some 23% of Turkey is also Alawite Muslim. To complicate the picture more, across a bridge from Saudi Arabia sits the tiny island country, Bahrain where as many as 75% of the population is Shi’ite but the ruling Al-Khalifa family is Sunni and firmly tied to Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the richest Saudi oil region is dominated by Shi’ite Muslims who work the oil installations of Ras Tanura.

These historic fault lines inside Islam which lay dormant, were brought into a state of open warfare with the launching of the US State Department and CIA’s Islamic Holy War, otherwise known as the Arab Spring. Washington neo-conservatives embedded inside the Obama Administration in a form of “Deep State” secret network, and their allied media such as the Washington Post, advocated US covert backing of a pet CIA project known as the Muslim Brotherhood. As I detail in my most recent book, Amerikas’ Heiliger Krieg, the CIA had cultivated ties to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood death cult since the early 1950’s.

Now if we map the resources of known natural gas reserves in the entire Persian Gulf region, the motives of the Saudi-led Qatar and UAE in financing with billions of dollars the opposition to Assad, including the Sunni ISIS, becomes clearer. Natural gas has become the favored “clean energy” source for the 21st Century and the EU is the world’s largest growth market for gas, a major reason Washington wants to break the Gazprom-EU supply dependency to weaken Russia and keep control over the EU via loyal proxies like Qatar.

The world’s largest known natural gas reservoir sits in the middle of the Persian Gulf straddling part in the territorial waters of Qatar and part in Iran. The Iranian part is called North Pars. In 2006 China’s state-owned CNOOC signed an agreement with Iran to develop North Pars and build LNG infrastructure to bring the gas to China.

The Qatar side of the Persian Gulf, called North Field, contains the world’s third largest known natural gas reserves behind Russia and Iran.

In July 2011, the governments of Syria, Iran and Iraq signed an historic gas pipeline energy agreement which went largely unnoticed in the midst of the NATO-Saudi-Qatari war to remove Assad. The pipeline, envisioned to cost $10 billion and take three years to complete, would run from the Iranian Port Assalouyeh near the South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf, to Damascus in Syria via Iraq territory.

The agreement would make Syria the center of assembly and production in conjunction with the reserves of Lebanon. This is a geopolitically strategic space that geographically opens for the first time, extending from Iran to Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

As Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar put it, “The Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline – if it’s ever built – would solidify a predominantly Shi’ite axis through an economic, steel umbilical cord.” Shortly after signing with Iran and Iraq, on August 16, 2011, Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Ministry of Oil announced the discovery of a gas well in the Area of Qarah in the Central Region of Syria near Homs. Gazprom, with Assad in power, would be a major investor or operator of the new gas fields in Syria. [7] Iran ultimately plans to extend the pipeline from Damascus to Lebanon’s Mediterranean port where it would be delivered to the huge EU market. Syria would buy Iranian gas along with a current Iraqi agreement to buy Iranian gas from Iran’s part of South Pars field.[8]

Qatar, today the world’s largest exporter of LNG, largely to Asia, wants the same EU market that Iran and Syria eye. For that, they would build pipelines to the Mediterranean. Here is where getting rid of the pro-Iran Assad is essential. In 2009 Qatar approached Bashar al-Assad to propose construction of a gas pipeline from Qatar’s north Field through Syria on to Turkey and to the EU. Assad refused, citing Syria’s long friendly relations with Russia and Gazprom. That refusal combined with the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline agreement in 2011 ignited the full-scale Saudi and Qatari assault on Assad’s power, financing al Qaeda terrorists, recruits of Jihadist fanatics willing to kill Alawite and Shi’ite “infidels” for $100 a month and a Kalishnikov. The Washington neo-conservative warhawks in and around the Obama White House, along with their allies in the right-wing Netanyahu government, were cheering from the bleachers as Syria went up in flames after spring 2011.

Today the US-backed wars in Ukraine and in Syria are but two fronts in the same strategic war to cripple Russia and China and to rupture any Eurasian counter-pole to a US-controlled New World Order. In each, control of energy pipelines, this time primarily of natural gas pipelines—from Russia to the EU via Ukraine and from Iran and Syria to the EU via Syria—is the strategic goal. The true aim of the US and Israel backed ISIS is to give the pretext for bombing Assad’s vital grain silos and oil refineries to cripple the economy in preparation for a “Ghaddafi-”style elimination of Russia and China and Iran-ally Bashar al-Assad.

In a narrow sense, as Washington neo-conservatives see it, who controls Syria could control the Middle East. And from Syria, gateway to Asia, he will hold the key to Russia House, as well as that of China via the Silk Road.
Report: Pentagon Considering Limited Airstrikes against Syrian Army

Asharq al-Awsat newspaper quoted some Pentagon and White House sources as saying that the US airstrikes will not be disclosed and the US will not claim them publicly.

The paper said that some analysts expressed concern over the mounting tension between Russia and the US as it might drift the Syrian war and spur a military conflict.

No official source has confirmed the report.

Earlier this week, the Russia Today quoted a US official as saying that the Obama administration is set to discuss striking positions of the Syrian military without a UN Security Council resolution, while bombing air force runways with missiles fired from coalition planes and ships is being considered.

A US administration official who is to take part in the discussions told the Washington Post that one proposed way "to get around the White House’s objection to striking the Assad regime without a UN Security Council resolution would be to carry out the strikes covertly and without public acknowledgment”, RT reported.

The CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff expressed support for “limited military strikes against the Syrian government,” last Wednesday, when the US discussed such “kinetic” options, the official told the Washington Post.

“There’s an increased mood in support of kinetic actions against the regime,” one senior administration official was quoted as saying.

“The CIA and the Joint Staff have said that the fall of Aleppo would undermine America’s counterterrorism goals in Syria,” he added.

After threatening to withdraw from the Syrian peace process for weeks, Washington finally announced the “suspension” of bilateral contact with Moscow concerning the crisis on Monday.

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin suspended Moscow’s participation in a program that disposes of plutonium from decommissioned nuclear warheads, citing “a radical change in the environment, a threat to strategic stability posed by the hostile actions of the US against Russia, and the inability of the US to deliver on the obligation to dispose of excessive weapons plutonium under international treaties.”

Washington deemed that decision “disappointing.”

Asked if the US had fulfilled its own long-standing obligation to separate militants from terrorists, State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau replied, “We believe we did.”

US-Sponsored "Moderate" Groups Joining Al-Nusra Front

According to the Lebanese al-Safir newspaper, the group named al-Katiba al-Saniya al-Markazia led by Ahmad Qassoum separated from Liwa al-Soghour al-Jabal terrorist group and joined the Fatah al-Sham Front.

The separation happened after Liwa Soghour al-Jabal joined the Idlib Free Army militant group, the daily said.

Syria's Foreign and Expatriates Ministry in letters sent to the UN Secretary General and Head of the Security Council in June complained that the “moderate opposition” are involved, along with the internationally listed al-Nusra Front terrorist organization, in attacks against the Syrian people, specially in Aleppo.

These attacks, the letters said, are only “part of the series of the systematic terrorist acts plotted and prepared by the Turkish regime and perpetrated by the moderate opposition groups in cooperation and coordination with Jabhat al-Nusra and its affiliates such as Jeysh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham and Jeysh al-Fatah among others”.

Also in the same month, a Russian lawmaker said that the United States is exploiting the moderate opposition to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Frants Klintsevich noted that that the US-backed militants and ISIL terrorists coordinate their actions, accusing Washington of seeking benefits on the brink of conflict.

Syria: Russian Helicopters Delivering Aid Attacked by ISIL

Russian transport Mil Mi-8 helicopter on route to deliver humanitarian aid in Hama province got under fire of the ISIL man-portable air-defense systems (MANPAD) on Saturday, the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation at the Hmeimim airbase said in a statement, Sputnik reported.

"Due to the high altitude, early launch detection and crew skill in maneuvering, the missile was dodged. Nobody on board of the helicopter was injured," the statement read.

The ISIL militants reportedly received two MANPADS from unkonwn parties across the border in Iraq on October 6 to ensure air defense of militants fighting the government forces trying to take under control the road from Hama to Aleppo.
Aragorn said:
I don't know how reliable this information is, but it's still interesting. Although the open way the leaked audio featuring Kerry was publicized also in some Western MSM, makes me wonder if this is some sort of psy-op to "keep the Russians busy" and/or muddy the waters.

From _http://www.moonofalabama

Chief of the Directorate of Media service and Information of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said Thursday that the Russian Defense Ministry believes the leaks to the media about possible US strikes on the Syrian army could be a preface to real action.

Dangerous Crossroads: Media Leaks Concerning Possible US Strikes against Syrian Army. Response of Russia’s S300 Air Defense Would be Immediate. Russian Ministry of Defense

“A number of Western media outlets have published “leaks” about the talks held in the White House administration about the possibility to hold missile and airstrikes on the positions of the Syrian army,” the general told journalists. “As history has shown, such “leaks” often prove to be a preface to real action.“

Konashenkov also reminded to “all the ‘hotheads’ that following the September 17 coalition airstrike on the Syrian Army in Deir Ezzor we took all necessary measures to exclude any similar ‘accidents’ happening to Russian forces in Syria.” The statement referred to the recent deployment of an additional battery of S-300 air-defense system and the overal air-defense capabilities of the Russian military grouping in Syria.

“Russian S-300, S-400 air defense systems deployed in Syria’s Hmeymim and Tartus have combat ranges that may surprise any unidentified airborne targets. Operators of Russian air defense systems won’t have time to identify the origin of airstrikes, and the response will be immediate. Any illusions about “invisible” jets will inevitably be crushed by disappointing reality.”Konashenkov added that military strike on the government-controlled territories, would pose clear threat to Russian military personnel because Russian officers are working on the ground, providing humanitarian help and holding talks with representatives of local communities and militia units across the country.

Using the Russian and Syrian air power, the Syrian Arab Army and its allies took the opportunity to make further advances in Aleppo city. The loyalist seized over a half of the Bustan al-Pasha neighborhood, including the Sport Complex, the Science school, the Housing institution and other buildings in the areas located on the way to Hellok.

Video: Russia To Take Down Any Airplane Or Missile Targeting Syrian Army. No U.S. Aircraft Would be Immune from S-300-S400 Air Defense Batteries: Russian Ministry of Defense

The army and Hezbollah also took full control of the Suleiman al-Halabi Neighborhood and set fire control of al-Sakhoor roundabout. The government forces also expanded in northern Aleppo and secured fire control over the quarries southwest of al-Bureij.

Most of the damage done by terrorist factions in Aleppo appears to be against the civilian populace, with 8 civilians killed and 55 wounded after rebels recently shelled the al-Jamiliyah neighborhood.

Jund al-Aqsa promised to cease their participation in the Hama campaign against the government forces if Ahrar al-Sham continued ‘aggressions’ against them. Amongst the reported claims leveled by Jund al-Aqsa is that Ahrar al-Sham is in collusion with the Islamic State.

The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) successfully advanced in the Western Ghouta region, cutting off the road between the militant-controlled villages of Der Khabiyah and Moqaylabiya. The Der Khabiyah-Moqaylabiya road is one of few roads remaining under the control of militant groups in the region. Now, when the pro-government forces control it, Der Khabiyah and Moqaylabiya has become vulnerable for attacks by the army and the NDF.

On October 6, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad repeated a guarantee of safe passage to the rebels holed up in Aleppo. However, this offer from the legitimate government of Syria was overshadowed by a highly publicized statement from United Nations Syrian Envoy Staffan de Mistura in which he volunteered to personally accompany some Jabhat al Nusra fighters from the city as a human shield. The unprecedented offer was bluntly rejected by Jabhat al Nusra, which reaffirmed its collective desire to continue attempts to break the siege instead of making peace.

Chief of the Directorate of Media service and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov promised that no U.S. aircraft would be immune from the threat the S-300 and S-400 air defense batteries pose in case of military strikes on the government-controlled areas. Konashenkov pointed to the airstrikes against Syrian government forces in Der ez-Zor as one of the primary motivating factors in importing the potent weapon systems.
UN Security Council emergency meeting on Aleppo LIVE

The United Nations Security Council has gathered for an emergency meeting to vote on a resolution regarding the critical situation in the Syrian city Aleppo. An early draft from France called for putting an end to aerial bombardments on Aleppo. Russia said it would most likely veto it, as it contains a number of unacceptable provisions, and submitted an alternative draft.
Russia Blocks French UN Security Council Ceasefire Resolution on Syria's Aleppo

On Saturday, Russia blocked a draft UN Security Council resolution on the cessation of hostilities in Syria's Aleppo favoring a proposal by the UN Envoy to Syria that focuses on evicting al-Nusra terrorists (al-Qaeda) from Eastern Aleppo.

Russia vetoed a French-drafted United Nations Security Council Resolution on Saturday that called for the immediate end to airstrikes over Syria's Aleppo city receiving condemnation from the West which argues that Moscow is facilitating more war and fighting in the country.

Moscow opposed the draft because it did not adequately deal with the problem of the rebels being interwoven with al-Nusra Front, formerly Syria's al-Qaeda affiliate, under the umbrella group the Army of Conquest. The UN Envoy to Syria proposed a separate plan that would allow al-Nusra Front fighters to evacuate the area armed to make for a more tenable situation inside of the besieged eastern side of Aleppo.

This is the fifth time that Russia has vetoed a UN resolution on Syria during the five-year conflict with China joining Moscow in the previous four vetoes, but abstaining from voting on Saturday.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented that the text of the French resolution distorted the complexity of the situation on the ground leaving the false impression that Russia and Syria were aggressors when in reality the conflict in East Aleppo is mixed between moderate anti-Assad forces that have branched together with more radical al-Nusra terrorists.

The Ministry further noted that the draft resolution ignored the urgent challenge of beginning and resolving an intra-Syrian political process that could place the country on a path towards stability and peace.

Russian representatives further expressed their "commitment to finding a lasting political solution to the Syrian conflict" notwithstanding the move to veto the French draft United Nations Security Council resolution.

Prior to the vote, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin expressed his dismay with the French draft that he believed was poorly postulated and designed to be vetoed by Russia for the sake of scoring public relations points and instead expressed his desire that the United Nations pursue the route of supporting the UN Envoy to Syria's plan.

Reiterating this point, Russia said that the authors of the French United Nations Security Council resolution draft on Syria failed to show political wisdom by intentionally ignoring Moscow's proposed amendments to it.

Vitaly Churkin went on to say before the vote that all of those attending the Security Council meeting knew that neither the French nor the Russian resolution on the Syrian crisis would be adopted.

The Russian Foreign Ministry closed by appealing to the members of the United Nations Security Council that the world must not allow Syria to go the way of Iraq or Libya reminding that US-led regime change in those countries led to further instability making those nations hotbeds for terrorism and in large part contributing to the crisis in Syria.

Russia's UN Resolution on Peace, Ousting Al-Nusra From Syria's Aleppo Fails

Russia's proposed United Nations Security Council resolution which called for Al-Nusra Front terrorists (al-Qaeda) to be evacuated from the city of Aleppo in order to advance peace failed with several Western countries refusing to support it.

On Saturday, Russia proposed an alternative United Nations Security Council resolution on the crisis in Syria's Aleppo that called for Al-Nusra Front terrorists to be evacuated from the city in order to allow peace and reconciliation efforts between the Syrian government and the so-called moderate rebels to advance, but that proposal died on the floor with the Western bloc of the UN refusing to support the proposal.

The idea behind the proposal is based on observations by the United Nation's Envoy to Syria who viewed the removal of the notorious terrorist group that was formerly Syria's al-Qaeda affiliate as a positive step that should be taken and a potential precursor to bringing down the growing level of violence in the besieged city of Aleppo.

The Russian proposal only received four votes in favor while nine countries voted against it and two countries abstained so a veto was not needed to stop the vote.

The situation in Aleppo has worsened in recent weeks with following a US-led coalition airstrike on the Syrian Army base in Deir Ez-Zor killing 82 and wounding several hundred others right in the first days of the ceasefire. Additionally, Russia recorded over 300 ceasefire violations by the so-called moderate rebels who openly refused to participate in the peace deal brokered between the United States and Russia with one leading rebel group — Ahrar al-Sham — also saying that they would not disband from their union with Al-Nusra.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is set to hold an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee on the worsening humanitarian situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo on Sunday.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation to Hold Emergency Meeting on Aleppo Sunday

The meeting is set be held at the headquarters of the OIC General Secretariat in Jeddah, according to the organization, and to be attended by the member states’ permanent representatives to the OIC.

The meeting will be held upon Kuwait's request. Kuwait is the chair of the 42nd Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM). The OIC Executive Committee is composed of the so-called Islamic Troika — Egypt, Turkey and Gambia — as well as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Uzbekistan, and OIC Secretary General Iyad bin Amin Madani. Aleppo has seen intense fighting over the past few months, with the Syrian army and local militia forces managing to encircle large groups of militants in the eastern districts of the city.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that any US-led coalition attack against Syrian army facilities will be "a flagrant violation of international law."

Any US-Led Coalition Attack Against Syrian Army to Violate International Law

Any US-led coalition attack against Syrian army facilities will represent a flagrant violation of international law, this fact is understood by several senior US officials, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"I think that the 'hot heads' there will be calm downed and will treat the issue seriously. The good news is that according to the leaks, but it is a very reliable information, a number of senior figures in the US administration understand very well that any attack on ground targets, which belong to the Syrian army, is a flagrant violation of international law," Lavrov told Channel One in an interview.

"There were leaks that the cruise missiles could easily hit Syrian Air Force airfields, and the Syrian air force would no longer fly. The General Staff has already reacted on this. This is a very dangerous game, given that Russia, being in Syria at the invitation of the legitimate government of this country and having two bases there, one airbase in Hmeymim and the Russian Navy base in Tartus, has air defenses there to protect our facilities," he added.

Sergey Lavrov also added that Washington came up with a vague reason to thwart Russian-US deal on the Syrian ceasefire.

"They [Washington] invented a vague rather than a specific reason to foil the agreements, claiming that Russia did not want to stop hostilities that bring suffering to civilians," Lavrov said. The real reason for the United States to curb cooperation was that Washington failed to convince Syrian opposition militants to withdraw from Castello road in the city of Aleppo, Lavrov suggested.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov considers the Russian-US relations have changed dramatically.

Russia-US Relations Undergo Drastic Changes

Moscow used to show strategic patience regarding Washington’s actions for a long time, but the relations between the United States and Russia have dramatically changed, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

“To my mind, this is a fact. Frankly, we have been showing what in the United States is called the ‘strategic patience’ for a very long time, as the unilateral deterioration of the relations on the US part started long before the Ukrainian [crisis],” Lavrov said, commenting on the drastic changes in the relations between Moscow and Washington.

On Saturday, Russia on the one hand and the US and its allies on the other exchanged diplomatic blows at the UN Security Council over the Syrian crisis. See if you can spot the difference in the approach of the two sides.

At UN, Russia Blocks Illegal Aleppo 'No-Fly Zone', West Abets Nusra Terrorists

On October 8, as expected, Russia vetoed a French-drafted Security Council resolution calling for an immediate halt to airstrikes over Syria's Aleppo city.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russia blocked the resolution, as it promised it would, because
its text "grossly distorted the actual state of affairs" in Syria, and carried a "politicized, unbalanced and one-sided nature. The blame for the escalation of tensions in Syria was placed on the shoulders of the countries authorities."

But more importantly, the Foreign Ministry emphasized, by proposing a no-fly zone over Aleppo, the resolution "made a blatant attempt…to provide cover for Nusra Front terrorists and the militants amalgamated with them, in spite of UN member states' obligations to combat the terrorist threats with the use of all available means."

Finally, the Ministry pointed out that the cynicism and dishonesty of the attempt to pass the resolution off as a response to East Aleppo's humanitarian crisis was proven by the fact that over the last two months, radical militants, not the Syrian government, were the ones to deliberately stop humanitarian convoys getting through to the area, while the Western-supported opposition forces have purposely stalled efforts to resume inter-Syrian peace negotiations.

Prior to the vote, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin suggested that the French draft seemed to have been deliberately designed to provoke the Russian veto. This was the fifth time that Russia has used its veto right in connection to the conflict in Syria over the course of the brutal five-year conflict in that country.

But the drama in New York didn't end there. After blocking the French initiative, Russia introduced its own resolution, based on an idea by UN Special Envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura to get Nusra Front terrorists withdraw from Aleppo altogether, which would then bring down the level of violence in the militant-controlled portions of the city and allow for the resumption of the Russian-US sponsored ceasefire of September 9.

Russia has repeatedly criticized Washington for failing to live up to its side of the September 9 agreement in separating so-called 'moderate opposition' forces from terrorists, including Nusra (which has rebranded themselves as the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham or 'Front for the Conquest of the Levant' group, but is comprised of the same jihadi terrorists).

Russia's resolution went to a vote, but received only four votes in favor among the Security Council's fifteen members. Of the permanent members of the Security Council, only Russia and China voted in favor of the Mistura-inspired proposal. Among rotating members, Venezuela and Egypt also supported the Russian initiative, with Angola and Uruguay abstaining. The rest of the Security Council, including the US, France, the UK, Japan, Spain, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Ukraine voted against the measure.

On Friday, both the Western and Russian resolutions on Aleppo failed spectacularly. But they served to confirm Moscow's growing suspicions that Washington and its allies would rather support outright terrorists (and a 'former' affiliate of al-Qaeda, no less) than to accept the continued existence of the legitimate Syrian government.

Syrian military forces discovered a long tunnel of the terrorists in Eastern Ghouta and exploded it, leaving dozens of the terrorists stuck inside dead or wounded.

Syrian Army Destroys Terrorists' Long Tunnel in Eastern Damascus

A long tunnel used by the militant groups to carry arms and transfer forces between the battlefields in Jobar region was detonated by the Syrian army. Tens of the militants were killed or wounded in the attack.

In the meantime, the entire member of a group of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly-formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) terrorists were killed in Syrian army's attack on their stronghold near electricity building in Jobar.

Media sources also said on Sunday that Syrian Army troops' fresh round of anti-terrorism attacks in Western Ghouta pushed back militants from more positions in the Northern side of Khan al-Sheih, inflicting a heavy death toll on the terrorists.

"Syrian military forces stormed terrorists' positions in the Northern side of Khan al-Sheih and took control over the neighborhood of al-A'azam mosque and several buildings in the town from the direction of Daroushe and Banayat al-Tah'touh," the sources said.

The Syrian Army shot down four bomb-laden drones of the terrorist groups and inflicted major damage on 18 more drones in the Northern territories of Dara'a, military sources announced Sunday.

Four Drones of Terrorists Shot Down by Syrian Army in Northern Dara'a

"The Syrian army downed four combat drones of the terrorists in Qasr al-Saudi region near the road to Tafas, while 18 more bomb-laden drones in Katibeh al-Mahjoureh region sustained serious damage in the Syrian soldiers' heavy fire in Qasr al-Saudi region near a road to Tafas," the sources said.

Last month, the Syrian army, supported by intelligence forces, managed to thwart the terrorists' attempts to send their bomb-laden drones from Da'el and Abta'a towns in Northern Dar'a towards al-Katibeh al-Mahjoureh region in the Northern side of Abta'a town, blowing up all of them in the air.

Two notorious commanders of Ahrar al-Sham were killed in heavy fighting with Jund al-Aqsa terrorists in Northeastern Hama.

Ahrar Al-Sham's Senior Commanders Killed in Clashes with Rival Terrorists in Hama

Abu Hassan nom de guerre Abu Hassan Dababat and Abu Nazir Tabiyeh were killed in tough battle with Jund al-Aqsa rivals near the small town of al-Talisiyeh.

Elsewhere, Syrian fighter jets bombed positions of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly-formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) along a road to al-Jamaleh in Southern Hama, killing at least seven terrorists.

Reports said on Saturday that Syrian army soldiers and popular forces' major advances in Northern Hama and the death of a large number of terrorists in battles with government forces demoralized the militants, adding that militants were withdrawing from vast lands in the province.

"Simultaneous with fresh advances of the Syrian army soldiers and National Defense Forces in Northern Hama, Jund al-Aqsa leadership has decided to remove a notorious commander of Idlib Free Army, Mohammad Jafrouni, due to his numerous defeats in the battles in Northern Hama," the sources said.
"Defense lines of the terrorist groups in Northern Hama are being captured one after another in the government forces' incessant attacks," they added.

"Terrorist groups, who have been defeated by the Syrian soldiers, are using blind heavy missile and artillery shelling of residential areas in the town of Mahroudeh in Northwestern Hama, inflicting several casualties on civilians," the sources went on to say.

The United States, its so-called coalition allies, and their terrorists supported by them are committing war crimes in Syria, not Russia and the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to Stephen Lendman, an American writer, journalist and political analyst.

America, not Russia, committing war crimes in Syria: Analyst

Speaking at the State Department on Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry accused Moscow and the Assad government of “terrorizing civilians," saying they must be investigated for “war crimes”.

He said Moscow and Damascus are “hitting hospitals, and medical facilities, and children and women,” in the northwestern city of Aleppo, adding they “owe the world more than an explanation.”

Commenting on this, Lendman said, “Kerry, like he always does, has made a baseless and inflammatory accusation against Russia and the Syrian government, basically accusing them of the crimes America commits in Syria, along with ISIS [Daesh], al-Nusra and other terrorists America and its rogue allies support,” adding America’s rogue allies are “other NATO countries, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, you know the usual suspects, as they say.”

The al-Nusra Front terrorist group recently changed its name to the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham.

The analyst said, “Syria and Russia have nothing to do with killing civilians, or bombing hospitals, or bombing schools, or bombing other civilian targets, this is what the US-supported terrorists to do in their shelling from the ground, and what Pentagon warplanes do with other so-called coalition partners like France, and Britain Australia, and Israel.”

“They do it all the time, massacring civilians, American warplanes killing 82 – maybe even more than that – Syrian soldiers last month. The terrorist America attacked the UN humanitarian convoy, setting about 18 trucks ablaze, destroying them, and then claims were made that it came from Syrian or Russian bombing, which is absolutely fraudulent,” he stated.

“Had they been bombing, there would have craters on the ground. There were no craters on the ground, showing that the attack came from the ground forces, and only ones in the area were al-Nusra fighters, that America supports,” Lendman said.

On September, a US-led airstrike killed dozens of Syrian soldiers, and more than 100 others were injured in the Syrian city of Dayr al-Zawr. The Pentagon acknowledged the deadly strike, saying it was “halted immediately” when US forces were informed by Russia “that it was possible the personnel and vehicles targeted were part of the Syrian military.”

Lendman said, “Everything John Kerry accused Russia and Syria of are high crimes committed by America and its allies and the terrorists they created and support, and unfortunately the big lie keeps getting repeating and the truth which is so important gets buried, and most Americans especially know nothing about it.”

Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. According to UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, more than 400,000 people have been killed in the conflict in Syria. The UN has stopped its official casualty count in Syria, citing its inability to verify the figures it receives from various sources.
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