Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Sources in Northern Aleppo province reported on Tuesday that civilians and the city council of Azaz have called for the evacuation of the Ankara-backed militants from their city.

Syria: People in Another City Call for Exit of Turkey-Backed Euphrates Shield Forces

A day after citizens staged massive demonstrations in Jarabulus town in Northeastern Aleppo and called on the Free Syrian Army militants to immediately leave their town, now sources report that the city council of Azaz suspended its operation in reaction to the aggressive behaviors of the forces of the Euphrates Shield.

In the meantime, Azaz citizens condemned the brutalities of the terrorist groups in their town and urged them to pull back their forces from the city and set up their bases outside Azaz, a town of strategic importance along the border with Turkey.

"Some of the terrorist groups deployed in Azaz have taken control of vital facilities and public properties and are preventing the city council and official bodies from doing their duties. These actions have caused the city council to suspend all its operations until all terrorist groups pull out of their town," the sources said.

Local sources disclosed on Sunday that civilians' continued demonstrations in the border town of Jarabulus forced the Ankara-backed FSA militants to leave the town.

The sources said that people in Jarabulus took control over the town yesterday after days of continued demonstrations against the FSA militants' presence in their region.

The FSA that is backed by the Turkey-led Euphrates Shield Operation was forced to take all its affiliated groups out of Jarabulus and handed over control of the town to its residents.

People in their demonstrations had called for the full and immediate exit of the Euphrates Shield's members.

The Free Police, Legal court and lawful bodies are to govern the town.

The popular uprising came after an FSA member gunned down a number of civilians in Jarabulus.

Political sources said that the 'National Salvation Front' which has recently increased its activities on Syria's political scene with the help of Turkey is attempting to replace the Doha Coalition (of Syrian dissidents) in talks with the Syrian government.

New Turkey-Backed Political Group to Replace Doha Coalition

The political coalition formed by expatriate Syrian opposition forces is due to have direct contacts with Turkey to develop the political process in Syria.

It is expected that the opposition coalitions, including the National Council of Syria called as Istanbul Council, be dissolved after the National Salvation Front officially declares existence and the militant groups would find a place in the new coalition under the title of military committee.

After the liberation of Aleppo by the Syrian army and its allies, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the US, Qatar and other countries which support the militant groups in Syria are revising their former plans with more focus on the political process, rather than the military power, in the country.

On December 16, the Russian Defense Ministry's center for Syrian reconciliation said that the Syrian army operation to liberate Aleppo's Eastern neighborhoods was over, and that Syrian government troops were eliminating separate hotbeds of militant resistance.

Field sources in Syria reported that a group affiliated to al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) in the Southern parts of Idlib has killed two ringleaders of the 'Idlib Free Army' in Ma'rat Harama village.

Infighting Intensifies among Terrorists in Idlib

"A security unit of al-Nusra Front attacked the headquarters of the Idlib Free Army and fled the scene after killing two field commanders of the group, namely Younis Zariq and Ahmad al-Khatib," the sources said on Tuesday.

According to the sources, another group also attacked an outpost set up by Ahrar al-Sham militants in al-Habit village in Southern Idlib and killed three members of the terrorist group.

Also reports earlier this month said that the terrorist groups in Kafr Oweid in Southern Idlib announced formation of a military organization to secede from the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham in the town after the first convoy of their comrades left Eastern Aleppo for Idlib.

The announcement was made after a one-hour-long meeting among the terrorist commanders in Kafr Oweid town, in which the difficult situation that the militants are facing was discussed, according to sources.

Reliable sources in Idlib said that the Syrian army troops and popular forces' devastating advances against Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in Aleppo city have pushed militants in Idlib into deep fear, disunity and collapse.

Sources added that pro-government forces' advances against Jeish al-Fatah in the Eastern district of Aleppo have caused terrorists, who have been targeting residential areas in the besieged towns of Foua'a and Kafraya in Northern Idlib, to live in fear because analysts believe that the Syrian army will move toward Idlib province after setting Aleppo free.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a major offensive this week in the Wadi Barada area of western Damascus after the jihadist rebels of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham poisoned the water supply to millions of civilians in Damascus.

Last major jihadist pocket in western Damascus under attack by Syrian Army: map

Led by their 4th Mechanized Division, the Syrian Arab Army stormed the large west Damascus pocket near the Lebanese border, marking their first attack on this area since the Al-Zabadani operations in July 2015.

Unlike the previous attack on Al-Zabadani, the Syrian Arab Army is solely carrying out this military operation against the jihadist rebels in the Wadi Barada area; this means there is no Hezbollah presence at this critical battle near the Lebanese border.

More importantly, should Wadi Barada and Serghaya fall to the Syrian Arab Army in the coming weeks, then the remaining jihadist elements in Madaya and Al-Zabadani will be forced to reconcile due to the fact they will be completely isolated from their allies.

In addition to this, the Syrian Armed Forces will have full control over the Lebanese border-crossing along the Western Mountains for the first time in four years.

A major battle is brewing in the western countryside of Palmyra, as over 7,000 Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers prepare to push back the so-called "Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham" (ISIS) from the ancient city and nearby gas fields.

Massive battle brewing in western Palmyra as Syrian Army mobilizes forces to fight ISIS

With the Islamic State militants failing to take the T-4 Military Airport in eastern Homs, the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah will be in position to launch a powerful counter-attack from several axes, pushing mostly north towards the Al-Mahr, Jazal, and Sha'er gas fields and as far east as the ancient city of Palmyra.

This major military operation will be led by none other than the Syrian Arab Army's elite "Tiger Forces" and their allies from the Desert Hawks Brigade (Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra), Hezbollah, and Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary).

While Palmyra is not considered militarily strategic, the loss of the gas fields in the north are detrimental to the Syrian government and their fuel supply that is provided to millions of civilians across the country.
The Syrian army has given the terrorists who have remained in Wadi al-Bardi town in Western Ghouta a final ultimatum to leave the region for Idlib in the next 48 hours, military sources disclosed Wednesday.

Syrian Army Gives Militants Last Ultimatum to Leave Key Region in Northwestern Damascus

The sources said that the army troops have called on terrorists in Wadi al-Bardi to surrender and receive amnesty or "take this last chance" and move towards militant-held regions in Idlib province.

The undesirable weather conditions have left an impact on the army operation in Wadi al-Bardi region as thick fog prevented the army aircraft from carrying out their mission in the region.

In the meantime, the terrorists deployed in towns and villages in the surrounding areas of Damascus city said that a new coalition called as the Joint Defense Coalition in besieged-regions of Damascus has been formed.

Militants in Wadi al-Bardi have joined this coalition. The main objective of the coalition is said to be laying more pressure on the Syrian army and preventing it from capturing villages and regions near Damascus city.

Preventing the army from evacuating militants to Idlib is said to be among other main objectives of the militant coalition.

Field reports said on Tuesday that the army troops were about to start a fresh round of large-scale operation in Wadi al-Bardi in Western Damascus after terrorists refused to join peace talks with the government,.

According to reports, terrorists' movements in Wadi al-Bardi were increased and in return the army was preparing to carry out a vast operation to purge the militants from the region.

The army's artillery units started shelling terrorists' centers in Wadi al-Bardi in Northwestern Damascus.

In the meantime, missile units and army aircraft pounded terrorists' positions.

Clashes in the regions of Souq Wadi al-Bardi, Ein al-Fijeh and al-Hosseiniyeh were underway simultaneous with artillery and missile shelling.

Wadi al-Bardi is a region that overlooks Western mountain of al-Qalamoun region and is located almost 20 kilometers to Damascus. Al-Qalamoun chain mountains have laid along joint border of Syria and Lebanon from where the terrorists were previously penetrating into Syria's soil form Lebanon, smuggling weapons.

Wadi al-Bardi is of strategic importance because it is home to a large volume of drinking water reservoir.

A large volume of weapons, manufactured in the US, Germany and Bulgari, were discovered as Russian sappers were on a mine clearance mission in Eastern Aleppo, Commander of Russia’s International Mine Action Center Ivan Gromov disclosed on Wednesday.

Syria: American, German, Bulgarian Arms Found in Terrorists' Positions in Aleppo City

"Ammunition and large-caliber arms together with rockets for Grad multiple launch systems have been found there. The shells have been produced in Germany, the United States and Bulgaria," Gromov said.

The Russian combat engineers also found 122mm mortar shells, rockets for multiple launch rocket systems, hand grenades, grenade launchers and howitzer projectiles in one of the militants’ headquarters, the commander said, adding that the ammunition discovered there were in such a large quantity that they would be enough for a battalion.

A Russian General disclosed on Tuesday that a large volume of Turkey and US-made chemicals and weapons had been discovered in militants' bases in Eastern Aleppo.

"Engineering units of the Syrian and Russian forces that were jointly defusing bombs and mines planted by Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo seized a large volume of US-made and Turkey-made weapons in the positions of militants," the Russian General said.

The engineering units also found hand-made arms in terrorists' bases, he added.

"A large number of bags filled with chemicals were also found in the positions of the terrorists" the source said, adding, "The terrorists had used chemicals to make bombs."

The General went on to say that the engineering units also found a workshop in which the terrorist groups were making bombs by gas cylinders.

The Russian and Syrian units also found a large quantity of suicide-explosive belts, the General said, adding, "The terrorist groups have planted bombs in hidden locations in residential areas, neighborhoods and streets."

Aleppo Attorney General Fazel al-Najjar disclosed that the bodies of five children between the ages of 11 to 13 have been found in Eastern Aleppo who were killed by gunshots to their heads when the neighborhoods were under the control of Jeish al-Fatah coalition of terrorist groups.

Syria: Five Children Killed by Terrorists' Gunshot in Aleppo City

"Five of the 20 bodies that were found in mass graves the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo were children with gunshot wounds in their head," al-Najjar said.

He further added that the slain bodies were captives of terrorist groups, and were killed around 10 days ago.

The Russian Defense Ministry disclosed on Monday that mass graves with dozens of bodies of civilians subjected to brutal torture were discovered in Aleppo neighborhoods left by militants.

Many of the corpses were found with missing body parts, and most had gunshot wounds to the head, according to a statement by Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov.

“The completion of a uniquely large-scale humanitarian operation by the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Aleppo will destroy many of the myths that have been fed to the world by Western politicians,” Konashenkov said, adding that “The results of only an initial survey of Aleppo neighborhoods abandoned by the so-called ‘opposition’ will shock many.”

In addition to the massacres on militant-held territory, the area had been extensively mined: streets, cars, the entrances to buildings and even children’s toys had been booby-trapped.

The Russian military is currently involved in minesweeping the liberated areas and providing humanitarian aid to returning residents.

Also on Friday, a Russian military police battalion arrived to help maintain security.
Last week, US television anchor Ben Swann slammed the mainstream media for its shoddy coverage of the situation in eastern Aleppo, pointing out that the so-called 'moderate rebels' there were actually aligned with terrorists. This week, Swann offered proof of that fact. The best part? He used the mainstream media's own reporting on the subject.

Watch US Journalist Demolish Mainstream Narrative on Syrian 'Moderate Rebels' (5:17 min.)

28.12.2016 - Swann is a WGCL-TV Atlanta anchor who is well known for his coverage of controversial or under-reported stories, and has gained a reputation on a national level with his weekly segment called 'Reality Check'. This week, Swann offered proof ofa claim he made last week about the Aleppo fighters' less than moderate nature.

Putting it bluntly, Swann said, the reality on the ground is that there are now only two groups fighting the Syrian government – Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) and al-Qaeda (aka Nusra Front, aka Jabhat Feteh al-Sham). As far as the 'moderate' Free Syrian Army is concerned, the journalist recalled that they haven't been a moderate force for over four years now.

"The Free Syrian Army was formed in July of 2011, but within just one year, there were already widespread reports that al-Qaeda in Syria had infiltrated them," the journalist explained.

In 2012, Swann had questioned President Obama directly about the US effort to arm forces in Syria which included members of al-Qaeda in their ranks. The president suggested at the time that he 'shared that concern', and that US efforts have been to provide non-lethal assistance to opposition groups that observed human rights.

Unfortunately, the journalist noted, "one year later, in 2013, the CIA began delivering weapons to those Syrian rebels." The Washington Post reported on the deliveries, confirming that the State Department was also involved, supplying vehicles "and other gear." The Washington Post said at the time that this "flow of material" marked "a major escalation of the US role in Syria's civil war."

But things only got worse," Swann said, "because as the weapons were flowing in, so were jihadists, and by September of 2013, the London-based global defense consultancy group IHS Jane's reported that 10,000 of the estimated 100,000 insurgent fighters were linked to al-Qaeda. Another 30-35,000 belonged to powerful factions that were fighting for an Islamic State within a larger Middle East caliphate stretching from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean."

Astonishingly, Swann recalled, "that report showed at least a further 30,000 'moderates' belonging to groups that had an [Islamist] character. That means that by late 2013, only 25-30,000 so-called 'rebel' fighters were part of secular, nationalist groups; that's 25-30% of the rebel force that could be considered friendly to the West. [But] 70-75% of the forces against Assad, in 2013, were jihadists."

"But that didn't stop the US from sending funding, and sending weapons," Swann added. "With some members of Congress, like Senator Rand Paul, insisting that these rebels were jihadists, by 2015 the US committed $500 million to find and train moderate rebels. Instead, by September, [there was] a major blow: 3,000 of the few remaining FSA fighters defected, and proclaimed their allegiance to ISIS. Those fighters belonged to multiple brigades that formed the conglomeration of the FSA."

"Also in 2015, the Pentagon publically admitted that an additional 70 US-trained Syrian rebels surrendered a weapons stockpile to al-Nusra. Fighters from Division 30 surrendered to the al-Qaeda affiliate group after crossing into Syria over the Turkish border."

As for that $500 million 'moderate rebel' training program, that was halted only a week later, when the Pentagon admitted that it had only trained four or five fighters – not four hundred, or four thousand, four or five."

By March 2015, Swann recalled, the International Business Times reported that "the moderate movement in Syria could be considered officially dead as of last week, when the last US-backed rebel faction, Harakat Hazzm, disbanded, its members joining extremist groups such as the Nusra Front, the al-Qaeda offshoot in the country. Some of the men joined a group called the Levant Front, a coalition of rebel militia that also has ties to al-Qaeda."

"That was 2015," Swann stressed. "And yet, through 2016, weapons and funding from the West continued. In September of this year, 2016, the US delivered three thousand tons of weapons and ammo to fighters in Syria, including rocket launchers and anti-tank guided weapons systems."

Ultimately, the journalist noted that "it is a fact that since 2012, those so-called 'moderate' rebels in Syria had been absorbed into al-Qaeda groups or pledged allegiance to ISIS. For the past year, the moderates have been gone. So when the media only calls these groups freedom fighters, [while] these fighters have pledged themselves to al-Qaeda, and to ISIS, make no mistake – they are not looking to make Syria free. They are looking to enslave it, as they have so many other places."

Swann's exposé has exploded on social media, with users viewing his video through Facebook over 234,000 times and posting hundreds of comments; most thanked Swann for doing a job that the mainstream media seems to have shied away from.

Militants who have left eastern parts of Aleppo left large depots of weaponry behind, most of the arms were produced in the United States, media report.

US-Made Weapons Found in Eastern Aleppo After Militants Flee

"We have discovered warehouses with weapons the estimated cost of which amounts to millions of dollars. Most of it – US-produced," a high-rank Syrian defense source told the Russian Izvestia newspaper on Thursday.

"Moreover, some of the weapons were stolen from Syrian Army warehouses," the source said.

On December 16, the Russian Defense Ministry's center for Syrian reconciliation said that the Syrian army operation to liberate eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo was over, and that Syrian government troops were eliminating separate hotbeds of militant resistance. The Syrian forces announced that Aleppo had been fully liberated from militants on December 22. On December 23, Maj. Gen. Zaid Saleh, the head of Aleppo's security committee, told Sputnik that over 31,000 militants and members of their families had left eastern districts of Aleppo under the agreement with the Syrian government.

A new congressional study said the United States yet again topped the list of global weapons sales last year, signing deals worth about US$40 billion.

US Tops Global Arms Market, Selling $40 Billion in Weapons in 2015

The report, “Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2008-2015,” prepared by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, found that the United States was miles ahead of the world’s second-biggest weapons dealer, France, which made sales worth US$15 billion, Telesur reported.

While the global arms trade declined overall, the biggest sellers of global weapons, the United States and France, saw an increase in sales.

The largest buyers of arms in 2015, the report found, were largely US allies in the Persian Gulf region, with Qatar buying more than US$17 billion in weapons last year, followed by Egypt, which bought almost US$12 billion in arms, and Saudi Arabia, with over US$8 billion in weapons purchases.

The global arms trade fell last year from the previous year, with countries around the world spending US$80 billion in 2015 for weapon purchases, down from the 2014 total of US$89 billion, the study found.

Still, the United States and France both increased their overseas weapons sales in 2015, with US arms sales that grew around US$4 billion in 2015 and France’s that grew well over US$9 billion.

After the United States, France, Russia and China, the study found that the world’s major global arms suppliers include Sweden, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Britain, and Israel.

The Russian and Turkish governments agreed to terms of a nationwide ceasefire in Syria on Wednesday, marking the first time during this war that the two foreign powers have put together a peace plan to end the violence.

Details of Russo-Turk ceasefire plan in Syria

Based on the details of this plan, the nationwide ceasefire will begin at midnight on December 29th and will include all areas that do not have a jihadist presence.

Specifically, the ceasefire will not be implemented in areas where the so-called "Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham" (ISIS) and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) are present.

Turkey, who facilitated the entry of these jihadist groups in Syria, has agreed to allow the Russian and Syrian forces to continue their military operations against ISIS and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham, per this latest ceasefire deal.

Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham began apprehending Turkish-backed rebels returning from the Euphrates Shield offensive in northeastern Aleppo this week, giving no reason for their arbitrary arrests.

In return for Turkey's compliance, the Syrian government will organize aid convoys to deliver humanitarian assistance to civilians in the besieged towns of Madaya and Al-Zabadani.

The Russian Air Force continued their pinpoint airstrikes over the East Ghouta region of rural Damascus, targeting a secret meeting bettween Jaysh Al-Islam and Faylaq Al-Rahman commanders in Al-Shifouniyah at 2 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Wednesday.

Russian Air Force disrupts secret rebel commander meeting in East Ghouta

According to an Al-Masdar field correspondent in Damascus, the Russian Air Force carried out a powerful airstrike just south of the Regiment 274 Base, hitting a building that had commanders from Faylaq Al-Rahman and Jaysh Al-Islam meeting to discuss a counter-offensive against the Syrian Arab Army in the East Ghouta.

The field correspondent added that the Russian military intelligence learned about this planned event after local spies provided information regarding the time and setting of the meeting to officers in Damascus.

Faylaq Al-Rahman and Jaysh Al-Islam mourned the death of several commanders on Wednesday morning, including leaders like Ahmad 'Abdullah, Yassine Al-Wazir, "Abou Khaled," and several others from Barzeh and Qaboun.

According to the Russian diplomat, from the "moral point of view" the Obama team can be blamed for committing a "crime" as it demonstrated that "the stronger has unlimited rights to do evil"

Russian diplomat says entire world 'disgusted by Obama administration's foreign policy'

The Barack Obama administration’s foreign policy over the eight years of Obama’s presidency "evokes aversion of the entire world," Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday.

I think this man [Obama] and his team - naturally, speaking about the man we mean the team which has proved to be bad for all on the global arena," she said in an interview with the Sunday Evening weekly news roundup on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

"I think this eight-year office served under the slogan of their exclusiveness evoked aversion of the entire world. They have failed to fulfill their obligations taken before some countries, they have failed to fulfill what they were commissioned to, including by the American people on the global arena," Zakharova said.

According to the Russian diplomat, from the "moral point of view" the Obama team can be blamed for committing a "crime" as it demonstrated that "the stronger has unlimited rights to do evil." "This is what this administration will leave in history," she added.
'Following the victories and successes' of the Syrian goverment forces, the army command declares a nationwide ceasefire in the country.

Syrian Command Announces Full Nationwide Ceasefire Starting Friday

Syrian government forces are ending combat operations throughout the Arab republic on Friday, the Syrian Army command said Thursday.

"Following the victories and successes of our armed forces in a number of areas, the Syrian army command announced the full ceasefire throughout the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic," the command said in a statement.

Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Syrian government and armed opposition groups have reached an agreement on a ceasefire on Syrian territory and on readiness to start peace talks.

"It was just reported that today, a few hours ago, an event occurred which we have not just been waiting for, for a long time, but which we've worked hard to bring about. Three documents have been signed," Putin said.

The first document [is an agreement signed] between the Syrian government and the armed opposition regarding the ceasefire in the Syrian Arab Republic," he said.

"The second document is a set of measures to monitor the ceasefire arrangement, and the third document is a statement of readiness to start peace negotiations on the Syrian settlement," Putin said at a meeting with the foreign and defense ministers.

He added that the agreements on Syria are fragile, and require special attention and patience, as well as constant contact with partners.

The Russian Defense Ministry unveiled a list of armed opposition groups that includes Ahrar al-Sham, Jaish al-Islam, Jaish al-Mujahideen, Faylak al-Sham, Suvar al-Sham, Jaish Idlib, and Jabhat al-Shamiya that had agreed to join a nationwide ceasefire in Syria.

Russian Defense Ministry Unveils List of Militant Groups Joining Ceasefire

The Russian Defense Ministry disclosed on Thursday a list of armed opposition groups that had agreed to join a nationwide ceasefire in Syria.

Earlier on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the Syrian government and armed opposition groups had reached an agreement on a nationwide ceasefire in Syria and on readiness to start peace talks.

According to the ministry, seven groups that will join the Syrian ceasefire on December 30 comprise Ahrar al-Sham, Jaish al-Islam, Jaish al-Mujahideen, Faylak al-Sham, Suvar al-Sham, Jaish Idlib, and Jabhat al-Shamiya armed opposition groups.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Thursday that Moscow and Ankara are guarantors of the Syrian ceasefire regime, local media reported.

Turkish Foreign Minister Says Moscow, Ankara Guarantors of Syrian Ceasefire

According to the Anadolu news agency, Russia and Turkey guarantee implementation of the ceasefire agreement, while the designated terrorist groups are not part of the ceasefire deal.

Earlier in the day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that the nationwide ceasefire in Syria will take effect at midnight local time on Friday, December 30 (22:00 GMT on Thursday).

Russian Defense Minister stated that conflicting sides in Syria are ready for a nation-wide ceasefire, and the current situation allows to reduce the Russian military presence in this Middle Eastern country.

Current Situation in Syria Allows to Reduce Russian Military Presence

The conflicting sides in Syria are ready for a nation-wide ceasefire, and the current situation allows to reduce the Russian military presence in this Middle Eastern country, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Thursday at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"If you take the decision to implement these arrangements, we are ready to guarantee the implementation of the ceasefire and permanently control its upholding. There are currently all preconditions to stop military hostilities across all the Syrian territory and organize a direct dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition… At the same time, all the conditions have been created for reduction of the number of the Russian troops in Syria,"Shoigu said.

The presence of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria will be reduced, but Moscow will continue to fight international terrorism, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday.

"I agree with the proposal of the Defense Ministry to cut our military presence in the Syrian Republic, bearing in mind that we are definitely going to continue the fight against international terrorism and will keep supporting the legitimate Syrian government in the fight against terrorism," Putin said at a meeting with Russia's foreign and defense ministers, Sergey Lavrov and Sergei Shoigu. "We will certainly implement the agreements we achieved, including on the development of bases of Russia's Armed Forces in Tartus and at the Hmeimim airfield," he said.

Recent search operations in eastern Aleppo have confirmed that chemical weapons were indeed used during the conflict – but by terrorists, not government forces.

EXCLUSIVE: Sputnik Reports From Terrorist Chemical Factory in Aleppo (VIDEO (Large cache) (2:38 min.)

Sputnik correspondents managed to explore makeshift factories in eastern Aleppo used by terrorists to build bombs laced with poisonous chemicals.

A source in the Syrian military confirmed that this type of ordnance was used by the terrorists against the Syrian army; one such attack occurred in the southwestern area of the city in the vicinity of the al-Assad Military Academy.

Analyses indicate that chemicals used by the terrorists were made in the US while the bombs were manufactured on site. Furthermore, the mark UN 3082 is clearly visible on the chemical canisters discovered at the terrorist factory.

Earlier this year Samer Abbas, spokesman for the Syrian National Authority monitoring the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, contacted the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and presented documented proof of terrorists using sulfur mustard ordnance against civilians in Syria. OCPW declared that a special committee to confirm the veracity of these documents needs to be created, but so far have apparently refrained from pursuing this line of inquiry for reasons unknown.

Meanwhile, Russian Defense Ministry experts collected evidence of terrorists using chemical weapons in Marana Um Hosh village located to the south of Aleppo.

Despite a glaring lack of evidence to support allegations that Russia interfered in the US presidential election, the White House has announced that they will be imposing sanctions on the nation.

US Imposes Sanctions on Russia for Alleged Hacking of Election

On Thursday, the US sanctioned six Russian individuals, including the head of Russia's main intelligence directorate, as well as five entitities. The US is also expelling 35 Russian diplomats, who now have 72 hours to leave the nation.

The five entities sanctioned are the Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Professional Association of Designers of Data Processing Systems, the Federal Security Service, the Main Intelligence Directorate, the Special Technology Center, and Zorsecurity.

The Federal Security Service is comparable to the US FBI, meaning that this will effective block any counter intelligence operations between the two nations.

Additionally, the US will be closing two Russian compounds in Maryland and New York, which are used for intelligence related activities.

The allegations about Russian interference and hacking to insure a Donald Trump victory have still not been confirmed by the White House, despite “anonymous sources” feeding claims to various media outlets.

The Kremlin has denied any involvement in the hacks on the Democratic National Committee or Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. The claims have also been disputed by veterans of both the CIA and the NSA. “If hacking were involved, the NSA would know about it, and so they would also know the sender and the recipient,” former CIA analyst Ray McGovern previously told Loud & Clear on Radio Sputnik. “There’s no reason in God’s world why they wouldn’t reveal that if they had it.” The Trump transition team has also contested the validity of the claims. "If the CIA Director [John] Brennan and others at the top are serious about turning over evidence … they should do that," Trump aide Kellyanne Conway said on CBS’ Face the Nation earlier in the month. "They should not be leaking to the media. If there's evidence, let's see it." Conway went on to call retaliation against Russia “a political response” at the behest of “Team Hillary.”

"It seems like the president is under pressure from Team Hillary, who can't accept the election results," she said. "It's very clear that President Obama could have 'retaliated' months ago if they were actually concerned about this and concerned about this affecting the election."

In November, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee urged the White House to declassify “additional information concerning the Russian Government and the U.S. election,” but they have still not received any response. President Obama had ordered the intelligence community to prepare a full report on the their findings regarding Russia and the election before he leaves office on January 20. The incoming president-elect has stated that the US needs to “get on with our lives,” in response to the allegations against Moscow. On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry’s special envoy Andrey Krutskikh said that Moscow hopes any sanctions imposed by Obama will be lifted by the incoming administration.

Greek Ambassador to Brazil Kyriakos Amiridis, 59, was seen for the last time on Monday, the day after Christmas Day, according to local media.

Greek Ambassador to Brazil Missing for Three Days

29.12.2016 - Greek Ambassador to Brazil Kyriakos Amiridis, 59, vanished in Rio de Janeiro three days ago and has been out of touch since that time, media reported Thursday citing local police.

According the Fohla de San Paulo newspaper, the diplomat was seen for the last time on Monday, the day after Christmas Day.

It is noted, the ambassador had officially left for holidays and was expected to appear at work no earlier than on January 9.

The Greek embassy has not provided any comments over the incident so far.

The Brazilian police and the foreign ministry are engaged in the search operation, the newspaper said.

A US Apache helicopter with two people has crashed in Galveston Bay, local media report.

]Houston, Texas - US Military Helicopter Crashes in Galveston Bay

29.12.2016 - The military helicopter was flying unusually low when it suddenly broke apart in the air, KSAT-TV said on Wednesday citing witness reports.

The KHOU TV station reported citing the Army Air National Guard, that the two soldiers on board the helicopter were killed in the crash. Chief Warrant Officer 5 Glen Webb said as cited by Houston Chronicle late on Wednesday that the identities of the soldiers will not be released until their relatives are notified. The helicopter was based at the Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base near Houston, Texas, Petty Officer 1st Class Andrew Kendrick told KSAT-TV. It was conducting a regular training mission. Coast Guard divers are now searching the waters. Some fragments of the helicopter have already been found. An official inquiry will be made by the US Army Combat Readiness Center as to the cause of the crash.
angelburst29 said:
MSF has been denied access to Syrian Government controlled areas. For the most part, MSF's activities have centered around areas "controlled" by moderates, in some of same locations that the (false) White Helmets are present.

The Syrian government continues to deny repeated requests by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to access government-controlled areas. MSF’s activities have consequently been limited to regions controlled by opposition forces, or restricted to cross‐frontline and cross‐border support to medical networks.

MSF just closed a clinic for war-wounded (Moderates) Syrians on the Syrian - Jordan Border: I would imagine - safe corridors set up by the Syrian Government and offering Amnesty to hundreds of terrorist ..... have slowed down business?

Jordan’s sealed borders forces the closure of MSF clinic for war-wounded Syrians in Zaatari refugee camp

In this next article, is there a "high probability" that the clinic/hospital that Doctors Without Borders (MSF) just recently closed down - on the Syrian - Jordan Border - was part of "the well-established network of organ traders" and "the local emergency vehicles" that the Syrian civilians "feared" the most - were the highly Western promoted (false) White Helmets? Is this one of the real reasons "the Syrian government continues to deny repeated requests by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to access government-controlled areas"?

After the liberation of Syria's second-largest city of Aleppo from jihadists, horrific details of their rule continue coming to light: local residents have revealed to Sputnik Arabic the mechanisms of a well-established network of organ traders and their price list.

EXCLUSIVE: Horrific Details Emerge of the Aleppo Rebel's Trade in Human Organs

Amid so much western fuss concerning the so-called "Russian atrocities" during the liberation of Aleppo, local residents of the liberated city sat down with Sputnik Arabic to reveal for the first time the horrific details of the jihadists' rule.

They spoke of a massive illegal human organ trade across the border with Turkey, set up by the militants. Civilians learned to fear the local emergency vehicles as they sped around the city hunting for potential donors.

One of the "patients" happened to be 60-year-old Abu Mohammad.

"We were shelled from a grenade launcher and immediately afterwards rebels came in an emergency vehicle. They ended up stealing one of my kidneys and part of my spleen," he told Sputnik.

He further described the mechanism of the traders' operations: a team of rebels wait for an explosion and immediately afterwards pounce on the wounded and dead. Some of those wounded could have been later returned home, he said.

Alia has been residing in the Bustan al-Qasr district of Aleppo which was under control of Al-Nusra Front. Once she was offered to undergo treatment in a Turkish clinic as none of eastern Aleppo's clinics had enough medication.

"There was a huge market on the border with Turkey where virtually anything was on sale, including women and children. A dead body was selling for 25,000 Turkish lira (TRL), the equivalent of $50, a body of an injured person was selling for 150,000 TRL ($290)," she told Sputnik.

"Every day those wounded at war are sent to hospitals and are regarded as potential donors," she said.

According to statistics, there have been 18,000 documented cases of illegal removal of human organs in the north of Syria. However the majority of these secretive crimes will remain that way, as people are afraid to openly speak about them.

A group of forensic experts from Aleppo told Sputnik that it was pretty easy to obtain a human organ in the city. It is located not far from the Syrian-Turkish border which could be easily crossed from the districts which were under control of the rebels.

Many foreigners who were allegedly offering humanitarian aid have flooded the city through that border. In fact, these were predominantly mafia who, together with foreign medics, were hunting for human organs and sending them across the border.

Doctor Bagjat Akrush told Sputnik that many Syrian medics have been involved in this criminal industry under the cover of the war. It was most active in the hot spots in the north and east of Syria and in the refugee camps.

The governments of many countries have taken part in these crimes either directly or covertly and have done nothing to stop it.

The doctor said that the majority of these crimes have been committed in the north of the country and children were among those suffered. Up to 100,000 children in the refugee camps on the Turkish territory are facing the same very danger, he said.

Up to 80 percent of refugees in these camps are women and children who have been on sale for almost three years. And it is no secret that the Turks are also involved in it.

The war in Syria made it possible for criminals to get very cheap human organs, Akrush went on. They choose a victim through a medical organization, desirably a healthy one as the organs of a diseased man are not that in-demand. Then the organs are sent across the border. Even though Syrian law prohibits the trade in human organs, such crimes are usually done illegally and covertly, he finally stated.
The Syrian government and armed opposition groups reached an agreement on a ceasefire on Syrian territory and on readiness to start peace talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday.

Putin: Syrian Government, Armed Opposition Reach Ceasefire Agreement

"It was just reported that today a few hours ago an event occurred, which we have not just been waiting for long, but which we worked a lot to make closer. Three documents have been signed," said Putin, Sputnik reported.

"The first document is between the Syrian government and the armed opposition of the ceasefire in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic," he said.

"The second document is a set of measures to monitor the ceasefire regime and the third document is a statement of readiness to start peace negotiations on the Syrian settlement," Putin said at a meeting with the foreign and defense ministers.

He added that the agreements on Syria are fragile, and require special attention and patience, as well as constant contact with partners.

Russia's Defence minister Sergey Shoigu said If the agreement holds, it would allow Russia to scale down its military presence in Syria.

Shoigu: Russia to Scale down Military Presence in Syria If New Ceasefire Holds

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has announced that a ceasefire will take place between the forces of President Bashir al Assad and the rebels on midnight December 30, Sun Daily reported.

It comes after Vladimir Putin said an agreement was reached between Bashar al-Assad’s regime and rebels.

Shoigu said the truce has been supported by seven major armed opposition groups, with over 60,000 fighters in their ranks,

Turkey’s foreign ministry also confirmed the news, but said it excludes groups the UN considers to be terrorist organisations, including ISIL, Fatah al-Sham Front (al-Nusra Front) and all groups linked to them.

All other relevant parties are said to have agreed the deal, which comes after a bloody battle for militant-held Aleppo ended with the Syrian Army in control.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has also said, according to Reuters, that Egypt and Turkey would be invited to take part in the peace talks.
The US would also be invited, once Donald Trump becomes president in 2017.

Minutes ago, the Free Syrian Army and their allies stormed the Syrian Arab Army's defenses in the northern Hama countryside, targeting their positions southeast of the densely populated Christian village of Mhardeh.

Rebels attack Syrian Army positions in northern Hama to break ceasefire

According to a report from the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Mhardeh, the Free Syrian Army and their allies stormed the Syrian Army's defenses at Biju Hill, violating the nationwide ceasefire one hour after it commenced on Friday.

Syrian opposition activists claim that their forces have captured Biju Hill; however, this has not been confirmed by the National Defense Forces.

This latest attack in northern Hama questions whether the Syrian opposition is really committed to this nationwide ceasefire deal that was put together by the Russian and Turkish governments earlier this week.

Based on the details released about this ceasefire, the only factions that are excluded from this nationwide agreement are the hardline jihadist groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front).

Syrian Air Force Intelligence officers raided a major weapons depot in the Al-Ghaab Plains region of western Hama on Thursday, confiscating a large cache of ammunition, tank shells, and anti-aircraft missiles that were destined for jihadist-held territory.

Syrian intelligence officers conduct major weapons bust in western Hama

According to a military source in Hama, the AFI officers were given a tip by a local resident regarding the large build-up of weapons at this warehouse in the Al-Ghaab Plains.

The intelligence operation took no more than two hours, as the officers managed to arrest the culprits and seize the entire cache of weapons that were likely destined for northern Hama and Idlib.

This depot was arguably one of the most important sites for the jihadist weapons supply in the Hama Governorate; its break-up resulted in the confiscation of several anti-aircraft missiles.

Intense infighting broke out between ringleaders of al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) and Ahrar al-Sham terrorist groups in Syria on merger plans.

Intense Infighting Reported between Al-Nusra Front, Ahrar Al-Sham Commanders in Syria

The Saudi Mufti, Mosleh al-Aliani, affiliated to the al-Nusra Front, accused Ahrar al-Sham's council of disrupting plans for merging with al-Nusra Front.

He said despite the fact that Abu Ammar al-Umar, the commander of Ahrar al-Sham, had agreed with plans to merge with Fatah al-Sham and Nur al-Din Zanki groups, Ahrar al-Sham's council has prevented its implementation and voted against it fearing that it might be included in the globally declared terrorist organizations.

Abu al-Bara Ma'arshamarin, a senior commander of Ahrar al-Sham, also dismissed Mosleh al-Aliani's claims, adding that no voting has happened at Ahrar al-Sham's council on joining other militant groups.

Hessam Salamah, another senior commander, also said that the Al-Nusra Front has rejected the meeting which was due to be held without any prerequisite and delayed the merger plan, stressing that it should be entrusted with the post of deputy Emir and military commander. This is while commanders of all other terrorist groups had admitted to enter the talks without preconditions.

Field sources in Syria reported on Tuesday that a group affiliated to al-Nusra Front in the Southern parts of Idlib has killed two ringleaders of the 'Idlib Free Army' in Ma'rat Harama village.

"A security unit of al-Nusra Front attacked the headquarters of the Idlib Free Army and fled the scene after killing two field commanders of the group, namely Younis Zariq and Ahmad al-Khatib," the sources said on Tuesday.

According to the sources, another group also attacked an outpost set up by Ahrar al-Sham militants in al-Habit village in Southern Idlib and killed three members of the terrorist group.

Faylaq al-Sham terrorist group warned its peers that it would drop the war on the Damascus government, after clashes intensified among the terrorists groups in Hama.

Faylaq Al-Sham Threatens to Leave War on Damascus as Infighting Intensifies among Terrorist Groups

Faylaq al-Sham called on all militant groups in Northern Hama to limit what it called as "Jund al-Aqsa barbarism", and urged the al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) to find a rapid solution to prevent Jund al-Aqsa's provocative acts.

The group also threatened to withdraw from regions in which it is fighting against the Syrian army in case of continued aggressions by Jund al-Aqsa.

Jund al-Aqsa has in recent days detained a number of Faylaq al-Sham members and confiscated their military vehicles and weapons. It has also set up several bases behind Faylaq al-Sham positions in Northern Hama to prevent their infiltration.

The Syrian army and its allies are hunting commanders and ringleaders of the terrorist groups in Idlib as a new tactic in the war on terrorism, Russian media reported

Syria: Gov't Forces Hunting Terrorists' Commanders in Idlib

Russian daily, Izvestia, said in a report that the government forces have started operations to target the terrorists' field commanders in Idlib, adding that they have already hunted three such commanders after being tipped off by security forces and Iranian advisors.

Experts believe that the new tactic will pave the ground for the Syrian forces to avoid massive military operations in Idlib.

Informed sources said on Monday that the Syrian army troops who liberated Aleppo city from the hands of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists last week will likely storm militant-held regions in Idlib province.

The sources said their information shows that the army plans to halt its major offensive on ISIL's de facto capital, Raqqa, in Northeastern Syria until Iraq fully liberates Mosul and imposes full control over the border with Syria.

"Then the Syrian army that has just liberated Aleppo city will get ready to start a large-scale operation in Idlib province that is the main bastion of Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front)," they added.

The sources cited worrying humanitarian conditions as a major cause of the imminent operations in Idlib city. "In the meantime, deep internal differences among Fatah al-Sham and other terrorist groups in the city will make the military operation easier there."

The sources said that Russian fighter jets are due to carry out over 5,000 combat sorties over militants' positions in Idlib and the Syrian army's missile and artillery units will also launch over 1,500 attacks on Fatah al-Sham's gatherings and concentration centers before the ground assault.

"After a week of heavy missile, artillery and air attacks and complete destruction of Fatah al-Sham's bases, the ground operation will kick off," they added.

The second convoy of Tiger Forces arrived at the T4 airbase in Homs on Thursday after the deployment of a large number of the Syrian army and Hezbollah troops in the province, a field source said.

Palmyra Operations: 2nd Convoy of Tiger Forces Arrives in Homs

The source said that a unit of Tiger Forces had earlier been sent from Aleppo to Homs, and added that the Desert Hawks are also likely to be dispatched to the region.

Noting that another group of Tiger Forces will be dispatched to Homs in the next few days, he said that several units of Tiger Forces have been assigned to the mission to protect the T4 airbase against the ISIL's massive attacks.

A large number of Army soldiers and popular forces are waiting for a Centcom order to start a massive offensive to push back the ISIL terrorist group from the recently occupied lands in the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) and energy-rich regions in Eastern Homs.

After the arrival of fresh pro-government forces in Eastern Homs and improved weather conditions that made it possible for the Russian and Syrian warplanes to resume their flights in the region, the Damascus troops repelled ISIL's repeated attacks on T4 airbase and also took back a number of key positions near Palmyra and T4 base.

The pro-government forces are now waiting for an Centcom order to initiate a large-scale offensive on ISIL in Eastern Homs.
I'm not a history buff who has "studied War, how they developed, reasons for the conflicts and the internal dialogues that manifested on the battlefields" but I have read accounts on the most notable wars in our history, yet I can't remember reading "anything" like we are witnessing in this Syrian War with the adoption of "Ceasefires" under the protocol of releasing militant groups under conditions of Amnesty? I have read "of surrenders" in which the warring factions were then relocated to high security prisons or concentration camps, which amnesty (if achieved in any form) was through a long Court process.

From the many reports coming out of Syria, Iraq and other hot spots, children and young adults have been kidnapped and trained to go into battle,
against their will. Those who refuse are shot on the spot. In those instances, this form of amnesty and relocation is of humanitarian value - so the rules of War are now being rewritten. From other reports, hardcore militants have been relocated to Idlib during the amnesty process. I would imagine, there are plans to neutralize their militant tendencies or further separate them as war criminals?

Either way, it seems we are witness to "a new chapter" in history, one of negotiated Peace where hostilities and disagreements are brought to the bargaining table for compromises, instead of being fought with bloodshed on the battlefields?

The Russian Defense Ministry announced that around 51,500 militants from seven different militant groups have joined the ceasefire initiated by Moscow and Ankara to halt hostilities across Syria.

Syria: Over 50,000 Militants Join Newly-Initiated Nationwide Ceasefire

Massdar news reported that the Russian Defense Ministry has released the hereunder list of militant groups which have joined the ceasefire in Syria till December 30, 2016:

. Faylaq al-Sham with over 4,000 militants

The militant group is active in Aleppo, Idlib, Hama and Homs provinces.

2. Ahrar al-Sham with about 16,000 fighters

The full name is Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiyah.

The militant group has been carrying out combat operations against government forces in Aleppo, Damascus, Dara'a, Idlib, Lattakia, Hama and Homs provinces.

3. Jeish al-Islam with around 12,000 fighters

The militant group has been fighting against the Syrian army in Aleppo, Damascus, Dara'a, Deir Ezzur, Lattakia, Hama and Homs provinces.

4. Thuwar al-Sham with around 2,500 militants

The militant group has been clashing with the army men in Aleppo, Idlib and Lattakia provinces.

5. Jeish al-Mujahedeen with about 8,000 militants

The militant group has been battling the army soldiers in Aleppo city and the provinces of Aleppo, Idlib and Hama.

6. Jeish Idlib with more than 6,000 fighters

Jeish Idlib conducts combat actions in the Idlib province.

7. Jabhat al-Shamiyah with about 3,000 people

The militant group has been fighting government forces in Aleppo, Idlib and Damascus provinces.

On Thursday, Turkey’s former Ambassador to the US said that the Syria truce negotiated by Russia and Turkey was “only a first step” down a road towards political settlement, but it might prove to be long-lasting due to the ability of the parties to speak to the government and the militants.

Osman Faruk Logoglu, who served as Turkey’s Ambassador to the US in 2001-2005, said that while every effort to bring hostilities to an end in Syria was important, the fact that Russia, Turkey and Iran endorsed this particular deal makes it more viable in comparison to previous arrangements, RT reported.

The new ceasefire plan, which Ankara announced on Wednesday was preceded by trilateral talks between Teheran, Moscow and Ankara. Conducted at the level of foreign and defense ministers, last week’s talks resulted in a declaration which outlined the principles of a potential ceasefire.

“Iran, Russia and Turkey are ready to facilitate the drafting of an agreement, which is already being negotiated, between the Syrian government and the opposition, and to become its guarantors,” the document signed in Moscow on December 20 read.
Terrorist groups that had contaminated drinking water of Damascus a couple of days ago, shut off the gas flow to the city in its countryside hours ago, forcing millions of civilians into dire humanitarian situation.

Terrorists Cut off Gas Flow to Residential Areas in Damascus

The militants damaged the gas pipelines that flow through the Eastern Qalamoun town of Jaroud and supply gas for residential areas in Damascus city and its countryside.

Militants had stated through their media pages earlier that they intend to punish the people living in government-held areas to retaliate government forces' military success in Eastern Ghouta, Western Ghouta and Aleppo.

On Saturday, the terrorist groups, deployed in Northwestern Damascus, contaminated a main source of drinking water of Damascus city and its suburb with a large volume of Mazut to revenge their defeats in the battle against the Syrian Army troops in Wadi al-Bardi region in recent days.

The terrorist contaminated the Ein al-Fijeh spring, a main source of drinking water for Damascus and its suburb, with Mazut fuel, a move that is seen as a blind attack on the civilian population and, hence, labeled as war crime.

Ein al-Fijeh is a village near the town of Qodsiyeh.

The Damascus City Water Supply and Sewerage Company cut off the water supply line coming from Ein al-Fijeh and started to pump water for the city and its countryside from other sources.

A security official said that this is the first time terrorists carry out such acts, adding, "Terrorist groups used to explode or cut off pipe lines or pumping station in the region."

"In reaction to the fresh operation of the Syrian army and resistance forces in mountainous region of Wadi al-Bardi, the terrorist groups have now resorted to contaminating Ein al-Fijeh water sources," he pointed out.

The official went on to say that the Syrian army is trying to take full control of Wadi al-Bardi region in an imminent military operation to force the terrorists to surrender.

Russian fighter jets carried out a fresh round of combat flights over ISIL's concentration centers in energy-rich regions in Eastern Homs, inflicting major losses on the militants.

ISIL Positions in Palmyra Energy Regions Shattered in Russian Air Raids

The Russian jets began Friday's aerial campaign by targeting the ISIL's positions in the gas rich towns of 'Arak and Sukhnah, destroying a number of supply trucks destined for Raqqa province.

The Russian Air Force further bombed a gathering of ISIL in Jabal (mount) Sha'er, killing a number of terrorists.

The Russian Air Force has also been striking a number of mountaintops Norrth of Palmyra.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian Army troops engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL in three different points in Eastern Homs, inflicting at least 126 casualties on the militants.

After brokering a ceasefire agreement between the Syrian government and opposition rebel groups, Russia bolstered Turkish military operations in the fight against Daesh, with three airstrikes around al-Bab.

Russian Jets Strike Daesh Positions Near al-Bab to Support Turkish Troops

Euphrates Shield, a Turkish operation to defend its border from terrorists, received a notable boost from Moscow. Turkish military officials announced that Russian fighter jets eliminated 12 Daesh militants in airstrikes.

The Turkish army and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are tightening their grip on the Daesh-held city, FSA division commander Taha Atraç told Sputnik Turkey of the progress in the region. The Syrian commander expects al-Bab to be liberated "within the next few days." One complication stalling efforts to overtake al-Bab is terrorists’ use of civilians as human shields, Atraç said. The human rights atrocity of mercilessly using citizens as shields is slowing Euphrates Shield efforts. “Without all these civilians in the town we would have seized the city a long time ago.” Nevertheless, FSA’s 1,500 troops have advanced from the north, east, and west of al-Bab, to surround Daesh. The FSA and Turkey must monitor the south, where jihadists can funnel in reinforcements from the Daesh stronghold of Raqqa. Turkey hopes to secure al-Bab for strategic purposes that extend beyond ousting Daesh, since capturing the city would stop Kurdish forces from claiming the city and unifying their territories.

On Thursday, a ceasefire deal took effect nationwide in Syria, but Daesh was not party to the agreement. Hence, Turkey has looked to Russia and the US-coalition in the region for backup reinforcements in the al-Bab theater. The US has been coy in supporting Turkey as Washington has backed the Kurdish YPG, a group that has long sought to create their own nation, independent of Ankara.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) took advantage of the recently implemented ceasefire in Syria to target the jihadist stronghold of Jisr Al-Shughour, a military source told Al-Masdar News on Friday afternoon.

Syrian Army unleashes hell on jihadist stronghold in western Idlib

Several missiles fired from the Latakia Governorate struck the Turkestan Islamic Party's (Al-Qaeda offshoot) positions in Jisr Al-Shughour, causing massive explosions that could be heard as far west as Salma.

These missiles fired by the Syrian Arab Army would rain over Jisr Al-Shughour for several minutes on Friday, killing and wounding a large number of Al-Qaeda linked jihadists.

The city of Jisr Al-Shughour is located in the Idlib Governorate's western countryside near the northeastern border of Latakia; it's proximity to Turkey's Hatay Province makes it an imperative military endeavor for the Syrian Armed Forces.

Egypt will send peacekeeping forces to Syria in the coming days, as they attempt to administer the nationwide ceasefire among their Russian, Iranian, and Turkish diplomatic partners.

Egypt to send peacekeeping forces to Syria: report

Egypt will partake in this diplomatic mission to freeze the bloodshed that is obstructing peace talks in Syria, Al-Arabiya reported on Friday.

In November, the Egyptian Army sent a group of officers to Syria, marking the first time in several years that any Egyptian military personnel have made this journey.

Despite breaking ties with Syria under the now deposed president, Mohammad Morsi, the Egyptian government has actively worked to restore ties with Damascus and end the conflict plaguing the country.

Children in the Tishreen university hospital of Syria's Latakia have received humanitarian aid prepared by renowned Russian humanitarian activist and charity founder Elizaveta Glinka, widely known as Dr. Liza, who died in a plane crash in the Black Sea, a source in the hospital told RIA Novosti on Friday.

Syrian Children Receive Aid Prepared by Russian Humanitarian Activist Dr. Liza

On Tuesday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the humanitarian cargoes prepared by the activist for the Syrian hospitals had already been delivered to the Hmeimim airbase and would be sent to the hospitals in the near future.

Humanitairan aid [from Dr.Liza] has been delivered to the Hmeimim airport and sent to the children's unit of the hospital. The cargo was very big. We have not opened it yet. I do not know, what has been in the every specific box, but I have seen children's underwear and a lot of medicines," the source said.

The source added that the hospital had received a huge amount of humanitarian aid in recent days and thanked everyone, who had contributed to these support.

Grozny-based Akhmad Kadyrov Foundation charity sent 80 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Syria, the head of Russia's Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, said on Saturday.

Chechen Charity Fund Sends 80 Tonnes of Humanitarian Aid to Syria

In summer, the foundation sent 120 tonnes of humanitarian aid to various Syrian provinces.

"By the decision of Akhmad Kadyrov Foundation's president, my dear mother Aymani Kadyrova, another convoy with a lot of foods was sent to Syria. The convoy is carrying 80 tonnes of butter, flour, sugar, rice and other goods," Kadyrov said on his Instagram.

Greek Ambassador to Brazil Missing for Three Days

Greek Ambassador to Brazil Kyriakos Amiridis, 59, was seen for the last time on Monday, the day after Christmas Day, according to local media.

On Friday Brazilian investigators announced that a Rio de Janeiro police officer had confessed to the stabbing death of the Greek Ambassador to Brazil, after he was reported missing this week. The officer committed the killing at the behest of the Ambassador’s wife, the officer’s lover.

Brazilian Officer Confesses to Stabbing, Killing and Burning Greek Ambassador

Investigators said at a news conference in Rio that the officer, and a cousin acting as a lookout during the stabbing, helped to transport Kyriakos Amiridis’ body. Both are in jail, along with the Ambassador’s wife, as an investigation moves forward.

The 59-year-old ambassador was last seen alive on Monday, and went missing a few days after traveling from Rio to Brasilia, to celebrate the new year.
Damascus Governor General Ala Ibrahim said that the Syrian government is resolved to purge terrorists from the entire regions in Damascus province in the next 8 weeks.

Syrian Gov't Resolved to End Militancy in Entire Damascus Province in Two Months

"The terrorists in their main concentration centers in the region will come to see their fate as Damascus province will be completely cleaned of terrorists in the next two months," Ibrahim underscored.

He further said that protests conducted by the residents of Douma city and Harasta town against the presence of terrorists in their regions have paved the way for the start of talks over the evacuation of the terrorists from the region, adding that there will be no more terrorists in Douma and Harasta in the next two months.

The official added that the Syrian government will study the amnesty requests of those militants who have decided to lay down arms and join the peace process, while the rest of the terrorists that do not want to apply for government amnesty will leave the province and the country for Turkey.

He further termed terrorists' action in contaminating the drinking water of Damascus city and damaging the pumping stations and pipelines a move to cover the militant groups' defeat in Aleppo and an attempt against the Syrian people who have always been firm backers of their country.

Ibrahim went on to say that presence of civilians has slowed down the army's operation to liberate militant-held regions as militants have been using civilians as human shield.

On Thursday, terrorists eventually agreed to Syrian army's conditions for surrendering or leaving Ein al-Fijah region in Wadi al-Bardi of Western Ghouta after they came under increasing pressure by local residents.

The governor-general of Damascus said if the terrorists remain committed to their undertakings, an agreement would be signed with them within the next two days and "the operations to repair the water facilities will start right away".

Field sources said that the terrorists in other regions of Wadi al-Bardi had not asked for government amnesty as they were entangled in intense differences on joining or refusing the reconciliation plan.

Media sources disclosed that a number of depots have been discovered in the newly-freed districts of Aleppo city with a large volume of arms and ammunition that are mostly US-made.

More US-Made Weapons Found in Terrorists' Positions in Aleppo City

The Russian language daily, Izvestia, reported that the militants left behind several arms depots in the Eastern districts of Aleppo city with a large volume of the weapons, mostly made in the US, adding that the weapons had been supplied to the terrorists in disguise and under the cover of humanitarian aid convoys.

"We have seized several arms depots worth millions of dollars. A large part of the weapons are made in the US. We were not surprised because Damascus had announced many times that the so-called moderate opposition groups were receiving weapons via Turkey and with the funding of the Persian Gulf Arab countries. Meantime, some of the weapons and ammunition had been looted from the army's depots," a high-ranking Syrian security official said.

Former Russian diplomat and expert in Middle-Eastern studies Viacheslav Motozov also said they accused Russia and the Syrian forces of targeting humanitarian aid convoys and now it has been revealed that the trucks of the UN and certain humanitarian organizations were not carrying food stuff but were transferring a large volume of arms and ammunition worth millions of dollars.

Commander of Russia’s International Mine Action Center Ivan Gromov disclosed on Wednesday that a large volume of weapons, manufactured in the US, Germany and Bulgari, were discovered as Russian sappers were on a mine clearance mission in Eastern Aleppo.

"Ammunition and large-caliber arms together with rockets for Grad multiple launch systems have been found there. The shells have been produced in Germany, the United States and Bulgaria," Gromov said.

The Russian combat engineers also found 122mm mortar shells, rockets for multiple launch rocket systems, hand grenades, grenade launchers and howitzer projectiles in one of the militants’ headquarters, the commander said, adding that the ammunition discovered there were in such a large quantity that they would be enough for a battalion.

Syrian army has located a large workshop which the Jaish al-Fatah militant group used to manufacture chemical weapons from US-made components, media reported Saturday, citing a military source.

Syrian Army Finds Militants' Chemical Weapons Workshop in Aleppo

On December 23, Maj. Gen. Zaid Saleh, the head of Aleppo's security committee, told Sputnik that over 31,000 militants and members of their families had left eastern districts of Aleppo under the agreement with the Syrian government.

"After carrying out laboratory tests on the samples it became clear that the materials used in the bombs were made from the US. We found several packages with UN 3,082 [environmentally hazardous substance] labels," a source told the FARS news agency.

On December 16, the Russian Defense Ministry's center for Syrian reconciliation said that the Syrian army operation to liberate the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo was over, and that the Syrian government troops were eliminating separate hotbeds of militant resistance.

The Russian Air Force continued their aerial campaign over vast Syrian Desert on Saturday, targeting the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham's (ISIS) primary oil supply route that stretches from eastern Homs to the Al-Raqqa Governorate.

Russian jets attack ISIL’s oil supply line in central Syria

Russian jets began launching these airstrikes over central Syria at 3:30 A.M (Damascus Time) and they would remain non-stop until 10 A.M. this morning, when they shifted their attention to the western Palmyra countryside.

According to a military source at the T-4 Airport in eastern Homs, the Russian jets targeted the Islamic State's positions at the gas rich towns of Sukhanah and 'Arak, resulting in the destruction of several supply vehicles destined for Raqqa.

The Russian Air Force constantly monitors this oil route in central Syria to make sure the Islamic State terrorists are unable to transport these reserves to their capital in the northern part of the country.

Al-Nusra Front (that recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham) is preparing war plans to force Ahrar al-Sham militant group out of Idlib after reports said the latter has signed the ceasefire agreement brokered by Russia and Turkey between the Syrian government and some militant groups, dissident sources said on Saturday.

Dissident Sources: Al-Nusra Readying for Battle to Drive Ahrar Al-Sham out of Idlib

Sources close to the dissident groups in Northwestern Syria said that Al-Nusra has prepared war plans to capture the entire Idlib province and force Ahrar al-Sham back across the border into Turkey after the latter militant group joined the ceasefire agreement between the Syrian government and the so-called moderate dissidents that tasks Ahrar al-Sham to assign a new mission to all its militants that used to fight against the Syrian government to stand against the Al-Nusra Front as a terrorist group and open war on the Al-Qaeda offshoot in Idlib.

Meantime, media sources reported that Turkey has warned all militant groups in Idlib that merger with al-Nusra would amount to "suicide" as Ankara has agreed to separate al-Nusra Front and extremist commanders from other groups in Northern Syria.

The Russian Emergencies Ministry donated a mobile field hospital, which has been in operation near the Syrian city of Aleppo, to Syria, the ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

Russia Donates Mobile Field Hospital to Syria

The statement added that all of the hospital’s medical equipment and medicines were also granted to Syria.

"The Russian Emergencies Ministry donated to Syria the aeromobile hospital, which was working beside Aleppo," the statement read, stressing that the move was conducted at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On November 29, Putin ordered sending special task medical unit and mobile field hospitals to provide immediate medical assistance to residents of Aleppo.

The Centrospas mobile field hospital for 50 patients is capable of operating in autonomous mode for 30 days, and it can also provide ambulatory treatment for some 200 people per day. The hospital is equipped with all necessary facilities to carry out most complicated surgeries.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has asked his defense chief to move the site of a joint naval drill with the United States away from the disputed South China Sea, Reuters reported citing a pertinent statement issued by Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana.

Philippines to Move Military Drills With US From S China Sea to Please Beijing

We might move the naval exercises facing the South China Sea to Mindanao area to avoid annoying our neighbor [China], so let us be sensitive of our neighbors," Lorenzana told reporters during a military ceremony on Friday.

The decision has been seen by many as Manila’s attempt to repair its strained ties with Beijing.

Duterte, who is keen not to wants to avoid antagonizing China, said on Thursday that he was in no rush to pressing Beijing to abide by the Hague court’s decision.

Since taking office in June, Duterte has said more than once that he will end joint exercises between US and Filipino troops, and has courted favor with China and Russia.
Russia delivered humanitarian aid to the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Homs.

Russia Delivers Humanitarian Aid to Syrian Provinces of Aleppo, Homs

Russia delivered humanitarian aid to the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Homs within past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a daily bulletin.

Within last 24 hours, two humanitarian events have been held: in the Sakhur 3 area in the Aleppo city; in the Takaniyad al-Hasub temporary accommodation facility in the Bab Omar area of the Homs city. Posts with hot meal and items of first necessity for civilians, who had left eastern areas of the Aleppo city, continue their work,” the bulletin said on Saturday.

The UN Security Council on Saturday unanimously adopted a draft resolution submitted by Russia and Turkey on a comprehensive resolution of the Syrian crisis, including the ceasefire regime and political talks between the Syrian government and opposition groups in Astana, Kazakhstan in January 2017.

UNSC Unanimously Adopts Russia-Backed Draft Resolution on Syrian Ceasefire

On Friday, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said Moscow hopes the UN Security Council will take up a vote and unanimously adopt a draft resolution on Syria, which is based on talks and documents issued in Astana, Kazakhstan on Thursday.

The draft resolution has been unanimously adopted as resolution 2336,” current SC President Spanish Envoy Roman Oyarzun Marchesi said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday that the Syrian government and armed opposition groups had reached an agreement on a nationwide ceasefire in Syria and on readiness to start peace talks.

Putin called on the Syrian government, armed opposition and all countries with influence on the situation in the Arab republic to support the reached agreements and to take part in the anticipated talks in Astana. A nationwide ceasefire between the Syrian government and opposition factions came into force at midnight on Friday. Russia and Turkey serve as guarantors of the ceasefire deal, which paves the way for negotiations between the warring parties.

For a rare couple of months, there will be no US Navy aircraft carrier in the Middle East.

No US Aircraft Carriers Now Deployed; None Expected in Middle East for Months

But it's not only the Middle East whose waters are calmer: For the next week, there will be no American aircraft carriers deployed at sea anywhere else in the world, Fox reports.

The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and its naval entourage, which had been deployed in the Middle East for the past seven months, returned to the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia December 30.

Its replacement, the USS George H.W. Bush, is still held up in the shipyard, and is unlikely to depart for its next mission before the end of January, according to Defense News. The gap could last as long as two months. There was a similar carrier gap in the Middle East last fall, but a French carrier stepped in to fill it. According to Fox, this is the first time there has not been a US aircraft carrier in the Middle East since 2007, and the first time since World War II that there has not been a single US carrier deployed anywhere in the world. The USS George H. W. Bush recently completed a 13-month overhaul in Norfolk, a process that stretched months beyond its original end date. Navy officials have suggested poor planning, a lack of training, funding interruptions and unspecified emergent work as reasons for the delay, but given no concrete answer, according to Defense News.

Now the ship is apparently stuck while its staff finishes their training — and, some hint, because of more defects the original long overhaul missed.

The US has not left the region entirely, of course. Officials told Fox a large Navy assault ship staffed by thousands remains in the region, as do US jets and helicopters. The USS Eisenhower was used to launch airstrikes against Daesh in Iraq and Syria from the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea for much of 2016.

China Central Television (CCTV), the country’s largest TV network, will launch a new global media platform New Year’s Day to tell the world more about the country, the network announced.

China Launches New Global Media Platform

"The relationship between China and the rest of the world is undergoing historic changes. China needs to know better about the world and the world needs to know better about China," Chinese President Xi Jinping wrote in congratulations to the new network, Asia Times reports.

Tell China's story well, spread China's voice well, let the world know a three-dimensional, colorful China and showcase China's role as a builder of world peace," Xi urged the new network in a statement released by Xinhua.

As Western media funding is being slashed, China and other nations are expanding their soft power operations, notably English-language media outlets. Meanwhile, Xi has clamped down on media within the country, shutting down original news reporting on internet portals and banning news from unofficial sources, including social media, from appearing on websites and social media platforms within the country. Last year, China fell from 175 out of 180 to 176 in the Reporters Without Boarders 2016 Press Freedom Index.

CCTV already has English, Arabic, French, Spanish and Russian-language channels and offices in Washington and Nairobi, the Independent notes. Following an announcement in 2009 that the country would spend $6.5 billion to help spread its message overseas, CCTV and the Xinhua News Agency have expanded, hiring journalists around the globe and leasing a giant display in Times Square to highlight its broadcast. (For comparison, the UK government is giving $289 million to the BBC World Service to expand over the next five years, Asia Times points out.)

Beijing is also trying to take a role in shaping media development, particularly in Africa, where it hosted a China-Africa Media Summit in 2016 and has organizations engaged in training African journalists.

The Center for International Media Assistance has been critical of China's movies on the continent, saying in a report early in 2016 that though China has been involved in the African media space for many years, the new effort to engage with its emerging media systems "points to a broader and more ambitious effort to control media narratives outside its borders. If engagement in the African media space is driven by an overarching objective to control what and how emerging media cover certain issues, the free, independent, and sustainable media that the media development community works to promote on the continent could be in peril…. By helping to shape and mold state media operations, the dominant news provider in many African countries, China can help foster media systems that more closely resemble the Chinese model. A media with greater state control and journalists who are trained to toe the government line makes it easier for the Chinese to sway public opinion."

Russia should brace for possibly being disconnected from the global Internet, said German Klimenko, Russian presidential Internet adviser. Expert Leontiy Bukshtein also sees the threat as real. However, experts suggest that Russia could use telecommunications systems of other countries, including China, to have access to the global network.

How China Could Help Russia From Being Totally Cut Off From Global Internet

In a recent interview with RT, Klimenko suggested that Russia should be prepared for a situation in which the country would be cut off from global computer networks.

He made his comments, asking a question about a November draft law seeking to establish a regulatory mechanism for the Russian segment of the Internet.

In the law we are talking about the protection of critical infrastructure, which should be located in the territory of Russia. For example, hackers can penetrate the structure of commercial banks and steal money. This is bad, but if they enter into the system of the Central Bank, we would be in big trouble," Klimenko said.

However, the adviser underscored that the law will not influence regular users.

In early-December, the Russian Federal Security Service (the FSB) reported that foreign intelligence services were reading cyber-attacks in an attempt to destabilize the Russian financial system.

According to an executive order by United States President Barack Obama, Western countries cut off Crimea from Google and Microsoft services after the peninsula reunited with Russia in 2014.

Moreover, the West has threatened disconnecting Russia from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), a network enabling global financial institutions to send and receive information about financial transactions.

According to telecom expert and journalist Leontiy Bukshtein, there is a real possibility that Russia could be disconnected from the global Internet.

"This has long been in discussion. The West has threatened Russia with disconnecting from SWIFT. They also pressured Visa and MasterCard to force them to stop operating in Russia," Bukshtein told Radio Sputnik. According to him, Washington’s approach on the issue is very pragmatic. "The US controls the majority of international structure and can disconnect any country from the Internet in just one click. So, everything is possible now," the expert pointed out.

However, Russia is making preventive measures to protect its networks, he added.

"Everything understands that the global Internet means global dependency. This is why Russia is moving servers with its data to its territory. We’ve created Russian analogues of crucial Western-developed software," Bukshtein said. Kirill Bagayev, head of New Media research foundation, underscored that Russia should take care of its telecommunication infrastructure and develop its own system.

"We’re dependent on the infrastructure that is located in the West. In the event of disconnecting Russia from the Internet, we need a plan B," he told the Russian online newspaper Vzglyad.

According to Bagayev, the possiblity of Russia being disconnected from the Internet would also have a significant impact on everyday life in the country.

Igor Nezhdanov, director of the Laboratory for Advanced Research, agreed that Moscow should take preparatory measures for such a scenario.

"In order to prevent a nationwide crisis, Russia should make its domestic telecommunication infrastructure more independent from foreign services. If Russia was disconnected from the global network, websites and services not located in Russia would not work. But we could make an agreement with, for example, China or India, and this would partially resolve the problem," he told Vzglyad.

The analyst explained that China could provide transit of traffic from foreign websites. However, in this situation connection speed would be much slower.

"So, we could use China as a big proxy server," he said. Major corporations like Google, Twitter and Facebook have globally distributed infrastructure, so their servers are located around the world, including in China.
Until Trump relegates 'the neocons' to the ideological backwaters, Russia and China had best hold on to their strategic alliance.

What is Henry Kissinger Up To? — Paul Craig Roberts

The English language Russian news agency, Sputnik, reports that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is advising US president-elect Donald Trump how to “bring the United States and Russia closer together to offset China’s military buildup.”

If we take this report at face value, it tells us that Kissinger, an old cold warrior, is working to use Trump’s commitment to better relations with Russia in order to separate Russia from its strategic alliance with China.

China’s military buildup is a response to US provocations against China and US claims to the South China Sea as an area of US national interests. China does not intend to attack the US and certainly not Russia.

Kissinger, who was my colleague at the Center for Strategic and International studies for a dozen years, is aware of the pro-American elites inside Russia, and he is at work creating for them a “China threat” that they can use in their effort to lead Russia into the arms of the West. If this effort is successful, Russia’s sovereignty will be eroded exactly as has the sovereignty of every other country allied with the US.

At President Putin’s last press conference ( ), journalist Marat Sagadatov asked if Russia wasn’t already subject to forms of foreign semi-domination:

“Our economy, industry, ministries and agencies often follow the rules laid down by international organizations and are managed by consulting companies. Even our defense enterprises have foreign consulting firms auditing them.” The journalist asked, “if it is not time to do some import substitution in this area too?”

Every Russian needs to understand that being part of the West means living by Washington’s rules. The only country in the Western Alliance that has an independent foreign and economic policy is the US.

All of us need to understand that although Trump has been elected president, the neoconservatives remain dominant in US foreign policy, and their commitment to the hegemony of the US as the uni-power remains as strong as ever.

Council on Foreign Relations – Neocon Think Tank (58:04 min.)

The neoconservative ideology has been institutionalized in parts of the CIA, State Department and Pentagon. The neoconservatives retain their influence in media, think tanks, university faculties, foundations, and in the Council on Foreign Relations.

We also need to understand that Trump revels in the role of tough guy and will say things that can be misinterpreted as my friend, Finian Cunningham, whose columns I read, usually with appreciation, might have done ( US Aims to Break Russia With Arms Race ).

I do not know that Trump will prevail over the vast neoconservative conspiracy. However, it seems clear enough that he is serious about reducing the tensions with Russia that have been building since President Clinton violated the George H. W. Bush administration’s promise that NATO would not expand one inch to the East. Unless Trump were serious, there is no reason for him to announce Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as his choice for Secretary of State. In 2013 Mr. Tillerson was awarded Russia’s Order of Friendship.

As Professor Michel Chossudovsky has pointed out, a global corporation such as Exxon has interests different from those of the US military/security complex. The military/security complex needs a powerful threat, such as the former “Soviet threat” which has been transformed into the “Russian threat,” in order to justify its hold on an annual budget of approximately one trillion dollars. In contrast, Exxon wants to be part of the Russian energy business. Therefore, as Secretary of State, Tillerson is motivated to achieve good relations between the US and Russia, whereas for the military/security complex good relations undermine the orchestrated fear on which the military/security budget rests.

Clearly, the military/security complex and the neoconservatives see Trump and Tillerson as threats, which is why the neoconservatives and the armaments tycoons so strongly opposed Trump and why CIA Director John Brennan made wild and unsupported accusations of Russian interference in the US presidential election.

The lines are drawn. The next test will be whether Trump can obtain Senate confirmation of his choice of Tillerson as Secretary of State.

The myth is widespread that President Reagan won the cold war by breaking the Soviet Union financially with an arms race. As one who was involved in Reagan’s effort to end the cold war, I find myself yet again correcting the record.

Reagan never spoke of winning the cold war. He spoke of ending it. Other officials in his government have said the same thing, and Pat Buchanan can verify it.

Reagan wanted to end the Cold War, not win it. He spoke of those “godawful” nuclear weapons. He thought the Soviet economy was in too much difficulty to compete in an arms race. He thought that if he could first cure the stagflation that afflicted the US economy, he could force the Soviets to the negotiating table by going through the motion of launching an arms race.

“Star wars” was mainly hype. (Whether or nor the Soviets believed the arms race threat, the American leftwing clearly did and has never got over it.)

Reagan had no intention of dominating the Soviet Union or collapsing it. Unlike Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama, he was not controlled by neoconservatives. Reagan fired and prosecuted the neoconservatives in his administration when they operated behind his back and broke the law.

The Soviet Union did not collapse because of Reagan’s determination to end the Cold War. The Soviet collapse was the work of hardline communists, who believed that Gorbachev was loosening the Communist Party’s hold so quickly that Gorbachev was a threat to the existence of the Soviet Union and placed him under house arrest.

It was the hardline communist coup against Gorbachev that led to the rise of Yeltsin. No one expected the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The US military/security complex did not want Reagan to end the Cold War, as the Cold War was the foundation of profit and power for the complex. The CIA told Reagan that if he renewed the arms race, the Soviets would win, because the Soviets controlled investment and could allocate a larger share of the economy to the military than Reagan could.

Reagan did not believe the CIA’s claim that the Soviet Union could prevail in an arms race. He formed a secret committee and gave the committee the power to investigate the CIA’s claim that the US would lose an arms race with the Soviet Union. The committee concluded that the CIA was protecting its prerogatives. I know this because I was a member of the committee.

American capitalism and the social safety net would function much better without the drain on the budget of the military/security complex. It is more correct to say that the military/security complex wants a major threat, not an actual arms race. Stateless Muslim terrorists are not a sufficient threat for such a massive US military, and the trouble with an actual arms race as opposed to a threat is that the US armaments corporations would have to produce weapons that work instead of cost overruns that boost profits.

The latest US missile ship has twice broken down and had to be towed into port. The F-35 has cost endless money, has a variety of problems ( ) and is already outclassed. The Russian missiles are hypersonic. The Russian tanks are superior. The explosive power of the Russian Satan II ICBM is terrifying. The morale of the Russian forces is high. They have not been exhausted from 15 years of fighting without much success pointless wars against women and children.

Washington, given the corrupt nature of the US military/security complex, can arms race all it wants without being a danger to Russia or China, much less to the strategic alliance between the two powers.

The neoconservatives are discredited, but they are still a powerful influence on US foreign policy. Until Trump relegates them to the ideological backwaters, Russia and China had best hold on to their strategic alliance. Anyone attempting to break this alliance is a threat to both Russia and China, and to America and to life on earth.

Henry Kissinger Speaks on Donald Trump & Vladimir Putin. Sunday, November 20, 2016 (9:07 min.)
angelburst29 said:
Until Trump relegates 'the neocons' to the ideological backwaters, Russia and China had best hold on to their strategic alliance.

What is Henry Kissinger Up To? — Paul Craig Roberts

The English language Russian news agency, Sputnik, reports that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is advising US president-elect Donald Trump how to “bring the United States and Russia closer together to offset China’s military buildup.”

If we take this report at face value, it tells us that Kissinger, an old cold warrior, is working to use Trump’s commitment to better relations with Russia in order to separate Russia from its strategic alliance with China.

In late-December, the German newspaper Bild reported that former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger would be involved in normalizing ties between Moscow and Washington.

Kissinger's Possible Role in US-Russia Normalization is 'Great News for Moscow'

The analysis of information, obtained by European intelligence from President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team and cited by Bild, revealed the White House would go for a "constructive cooperation" with the Kremlin.

The veteran diplomat has reportedly met with Trump several times in the past couple of months and is rumored to be his informal foreign policy adviser.

Kissinger served as the US state secretary under President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford in 1973-1977, winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for the ceasefire and withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam. Kissinger also pioneered the detente policy toward the Soviet Union and contributed to the improvement of US relations with China.

Kissinger’s participation in elaborating a new conception of US-Russia ties is very possible. This is a good piece of news for Moscow and a signal that Washington wants to establish dialogue, according to Vladimir Batyuk, a senior expert at the Institute for US and Canadian Studies, at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"Kissinger could have been involved in development of a new conception of US-Russia ties because he has already played the role of an unofficial mediator between Moscow and Washington. He is very respected in the US and Russia. And he deserves his reputation," Batyuk told RIA Novosti.

The expert noted that Kissinger has visited Russia many times and delivered "confidential messages from the US government to the Kremlin."

So, Trump could have asked Kissinger to help him develop a new foreign policy course towards Russia," he added.

Batyuk stressed that Kissinger’s involvement in US-Russia normalization would a "great piece of news" for Moscow because the diplomat is well-known for his realistic political views. "Such a classic of political realism could help overcome a deadlock in relations between the US and Russia," he added. According to the specialist, the main reason behind this deadlock is that Washington’s approach towards Moscow was based on "American ideals and values, rather than American interests." "When it comes to ideology no compromise is possible," Batyuk said.

Kissinger will try to reduce US tensions with Russia as an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump and seek positive cooperation between the two nations, retired US Army Major and historian Todd Pierce told Sputnik.

"Compare Kissinger as an informal advisor and his 'constructive cooperation' with Hilary Clinton’s 'informal advisor,' the neo-fascist leaning Robert Kagan and his wife [current Assistant Secretary of State] Victoria Nuland who did her best to provoke war with Russia over Ukraine," he said. Pierce recalled that throughout his life and career, Kissinger had consistently championed detente, removing tensions and seeking warm relations between the US and the Soviet Union. In a December interview with the CBS broadcaster, the 93-year-old diplomat called Russian President Vladimir Putin a "character out of Dostoevsky" and a "cold calculator of the Russian national interest, as he conceives it." "Kissinger really does know our country well… It does not mean that he agrees with Russia on everything, and nobody would expect that from him, but at least, he has profound, not shallow knowledge [about Russia]," Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov commented. According to him, Putin and Kissinger have known each other for a long time and, whenever possible, exchange opinions on the situation in the world and the relationship between Russia and the US.

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger may try to recommend to President-elect Donald Trump a three-way global partnership among the United States, Russia and China, analysts told Sputnik.

Kissinger May Seek to Steer Trump to US-Russia-China Axis

University of Northern Ohio Assistant History Professor Robert Waters said Kissinger shares Trump’s views that the United States needed to restore good relations with Russia.

"The possibility that Kissinger can win Trump over — especially to the idea of a US-Russia-China concordant that would maintain international order — is worrisome," Waters stated. on Wednesday. However, since leaving office as secretary of state almost 40 years ago in January 1977, Kissinger has continuously pushed for closer trade relations with China, which Trump claims to oppose, Waters recalled.

Kissinger's trip to China earlier this month and meeting with President Xi [Jinping] suggests that Trump is using a carrot and a stick as he does in so many situations, domestic and foreign," Waters said.

Trump has put China on notice since winning the US presidential election on November 8 by suggesting he might end the 44-year-old "one China" policy negotiated by Kissinger and President Richard Nixon in 1972 to refuse to give full diplomatic recognition to Taiwan.

However, Trump also appointed Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, a longstanding advocate of good US-China relations, as his ambassador to Beijing.

Waters said he believed Kissinger had been a strong advocate for Trump’s selection of Exxon Mobil President and CEO Rex Tillerson as the new US secretary of state. Tillerson has close personal relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and has negotiated major energy deals with Moscow.
(Article continues.)

The agreements between Russia, Turkey and Iran on the Syrian settlement will not result in the division of Syria, said Turkish political analyst and diplomat Aydin Sezer.

Russia, Turkey Will Not Let Syria Be 'Torn' Into Zones of Influence

In late-December, Reuters reported citing sources that Syria would be divided into informal zones of regional power influence and Bashar Assad would remain president for at least a few years under a deal between Moscow, Ankara and Tehran.

"Such a deal, which would allow regional autonomy within a federal structure controlled by Assad's Alawite sect, is in its infancy, subject to change and would need the buy-in of Assad and the rebels and, eventually, the Gulf states and the United States," the report read.

According to Sezer, the agreements cannot result in dividing Syria into zones of influence since Russia, Turkey and Iran abide by Resolution 2254 by the UN Security Council, according to which the Syrian territorial integrity must be preserved.

Moreover, Russian officials have repeatedly reaffirmed Moscow’s commitment to preserving the territorial integrity of Syria.

The updated concept of Russia’s foreign policy unveiled in early-December read that Russia stands for the peaceful settlement of the Syrian conflict, the country's territorial integrity, independence and unity."Neither Turkey nor Russia does not want Syria to be divided. In the long-run Turkey will have to cooperate with Russia on Syria. This is the opinion of the Turkish government and of the Turkish people," Sezer told RIA Novosti.

The expert also noted that despite Ankara’s ongoing calls to oust Assad its actual stance on the issue is not that hardline as it was before.

"The Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) is a more serious threat to Turkey than Bashar Assad. Ankara can agree on a transition period under Assad. But in the long-run he must leave. This is what Turkey wants," the expert said, adding that Russia and Iran has a different view of the situation.

The latest agreements on Syria were unveiled by Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 29. The three deals, brokered by Russia, Turkey and Iran, include a ceasefire agreement signed by the Syrian government and the armed opposition. The second document includes measures aimed at monitoring the truce, while the third states that signatories are ready to launch peace negotiations on resolving the years-long war.

Sezer underscored that the current ceasefire cannot be comprehensive since it involves only the so-called moderate opposition. There are various radical forces across Syria who did not join the deal.

"However, the ceasefire is a correct step. It is very important that Ankara and Moscow reaches an agreement on concrete steps on the Syrian settlement," he added.

The analyst underscored that Russia and Turkey managed to work out a compromised approach to armed groups operating across Syria.

"Turkey labelled al-Nusra Front as a terrorist group. Ankara also plays the role of a mediator between Moscow and Syrian moderate opposition groups. One of the main issues is the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). Russia doesn’t consider the group terrorist. However, the Turkish military operation in northern Syria is aimed not only against Daesh but also against YPG. But Moscow doesn’t meddle in the situation," Sezer pointed out.

According to the analyst, there will be no unsolvable problems between Russia and Turkey on the Syrian settlement because the main goal of the two countries is "peace and Syria’s territorial integrity."

Turkey has been one of the key stakeholders in the Syrian crisis, engaged both in diplomatic efforts and military activities in the Arab country, but Professor Ilhan Uzgel told Sputnik that the best thing Ankara could do at the moment is to launch a dialogue with President Bashar al-Assad and pull its military out of northern Syria.

'Best Thing Turkey Can Do Now is Talk to Assad and Withdraw Forces' From Syria

"Clearly, the wisest decision Turkey can make right now entails engaging in a dialogue with Assad, withdrawing its forces from northern Syria and ceding control over this region to the government forces," he said.

Syrian Army troops opened fire at a bus carrying Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) terrorists after it crossed Turkish border into Lattakia province, killing over 20 militants.

Over 20 Terrorists Killed in Syrian Army Attack on Nusra Bus at Border with Turkey

Syrian army's artillery and missile units targeted a military bus of Fatah al-Sham, carrying fresh recruits from Turkey into Lattakia.

The army attack on Fatah al-Sham's bus that had entered Syria via a Turkish border crossing left at least 20 militants dead and several more wounded.

Continuous air and bomb attacks against the commanders of Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Sham and Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) terrorist groups and insecurity in Idlib have pushed militants in the province into deep fear, accusing each other of treason, local sources said.

Militants Live in Fear in Idlib after Assassination of Commanders

"Unidentified people that had planted a large volume of explosive materials in one of the vehicles of Fatah al-Sham detonated it in the town of Khan al-Sabal in Southeastern Idlib, killing Abu Amyar al-Khorsani, a commander of Fatah al-Sham, and his assistant," the sources said.

They added that a bomb-laden vehicle of Ahrar al-Sham was also detonated in the town of al-Tah in Idlib countryside, injuring a group member.

The sources went on to say that Faylaq al-Sham's bases in the town of Kaftin in Idlib countryside were also raided by masked assailants who stole weapons and took the guards into captivity.

Panic has spread among Fatah al-Sham members after the recent incidents. They are accusing each other of treason and mounting spying devices in their commanders' vehicles," the sources pointed out.

Reports said earlier today that two notorious commanders of Fatah al-Sham Front were killed in an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack on their vehicle on Sarmada-Batbu road in Northern Idlib.

Abu Omar al-Turkistani, one of the most important commanders and a main nominee for presiding the Militants' Council, was killed in a drone attack.

In the meantime, Khatab al-Qahtani, one of the most notorious commanders of Fatah al-Sham and al-Qaeda that accompanied Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan's war, was also in the vehicle and was killed right on the spot.

It is not yet clear who operated the drone and launched the attack.

A senior Yemeni military official underlined that the US spy agencies, Saudi Arabia, Islah party and Turkey are involved in transferring the terrorists from Syria to Yemen.

Military Official: US, S. Arabia, Turkey, Islah Party Collaborating to Transfer Terrorists from Syria to Yemen

"Turkey has now started a new round of exporting terrorists who have failed in their mission in Syria to Yemen in coordination with the US spy agencies and Saudi Arabia," a senior member of the military council of Tai'z, Rashed Abdullah al-Maweri, told FNA on Monday.

He also revealed collaboration between certain political parties in Yemen with Saudi Arabia to transfer the terrorists, and said, "Before this, leaders of Islah party had transferred tens of Yemeni terrorists from Syria to Yemen."

Lebanese media reported in October that Riyadh has resorted to hiring the terrorists in Syria to repel the Yemeni army and Ansarullah's attacks.

Al-Akhbar reported that the Saudi spy agency has started hiring the terrorist groups operating in Southern Syria following the recent advances of the Yemeni army in the bordering areas and in Jizzan, Najran and Asir provinces.

Security sources in Southern Syria told the Lebanese daily that the Saudi spy agency is hiring 3,000 to 4,000 terrorists in the region to transfer them to the Saudi-Yemeni border regions to fight against the Abdullah Saleh and Ansarullah forces.

They added that Jordan and Saudi Arabia have resumed training for the terrorists stationed in Southern Syria since late August. The training is done in the Jordanian army bases in Northern Jordan and the Saudi bases at the two regions of Arar and Hafr al-Baten in the Northeastern parts of Saudi Arabia, according to the sources.

Field sources disclosed on Monday that the Russian Army has established its first checkpost in the predominantly Kurdish-populated district of Sheikh Maqsoud in Aleppo city to monitor security situation there.

Syria: Russia Sets up Military Post in Northern Districts of Aleppo City

The sources said that the army has set up the checkpost in Sheikh Maqsoud district to cooperate with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in controlling the security situation in the district.

The sources added that a group of Russian military police have been seen patrolling in Sheikh Maqsoud.

They added that at least 15 Russian soldiers have been stationed in the newly-established check point.

A media source confirmed the report and added that establishment of the security posts in Sheikh Maqsoud is important, specially by Russians that are a party to ensuring nationwide ceasefire.

Other sources said that the Russians are expected to set up their second check point in the Eastern Neighborhoods of Sheikh Maqsoud district in next few days.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced in a statement on Saturday that the country's sappers managed to defuse a large number of bombs and landmines planted by the terrorists of Jeish al-Fatah in over 2,000 buildings in the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city.

The Russian Defense Ministry's statement said that an area as large as 1,072 hectares was cleaned in the Russian sappers' mine clearance operation in the Eastern districts of Aleppo. Over 2,000 buildings and over 400 kilometers of roads have been demined since December 5. The statement added that more than 16,000 bombs have been defused in the operation.

Social media pages affiliated to the opposition groups have started trending Hashtag (#) against Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini, the religious leader of the Jeish al-Fatah coalition of terrorist groups, accusing him of promoting ISIL's ideology among other militants.

Online Users Attack Al-Muhaysini via Social Media

The social media activists accused him as a promotor ISIL thoughts under #Al-Muhaysini Did Enough to Destroy Our Revolution.

The activists said al-Muhaysini has financed Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front), but ignored the groups' continued aggressions against militant groups affiliated to the Free Syrian Army.

They also accused al-Muhaysini of keeping mum on Jund al-Aqsa's brutal crimes.

Media sources disclosed in mid-December that the ISIL terrorist group offered a half-a-million dollar reward for any one that could assassinate Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini.

The Arabic language al-Nashra news agency quoted sources privy to ISIL as saying that the Takfiri terrorist group in a statement offered a sum of $ 500,000 reward for the killer of Muhaysini, the Saudi national Mufti (religious judge) of Jeish al-Fatah.

The ISIL released Muhaysini's photo and his full name, Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Suleiman al-Muhaysini, underling in the statement that Muhaysini was in Idlib.

In August, al Muhaysini once again acknowledged alarming widening rifts among the militants in Aleppo.

"The differences have gone to the extremes," Muhaysini was quoted as saying by Oqat al-Sham news agency at the time.

He called for banishing the terrorist groups which were sowing differences among militants in Aleppo, and said, "We are not under such conditions to be envied by others given the growing rifts."
The US-led international coalition has been systematically bombing the Syrian infrastructure since 2012 and has not targeted Daesh-held oil facilities, the Russian Defense Ministry's spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday.

US Coalition Has Been Destroying Syrian Infrastructure Since 2012 - Russian MoD

Outgoing CIA head Brennan is well aware of the fact that long before the start of the Russian campaign, the international coalition has been systematically destroying Syria's economic infrastructure to weaken the legitimate government as much as possible, heedless of burdens for civilians resulting in millions of refugees," he said.

The ministry's statement comes after CIA chief John Brennan accused Moscow of using "scorched-earth" policy in Syria.

"Surprisingly, the coalition has not attacked oil facilities captured by Daesh, which allowed the terrorists to make tens of millions of dollars per month through illicit oil trade and recruit mercenaries from all over the world," Konashenkov added. "Sooner or later one will be held accountable for it. That is why Mr Brennan's attempt to cushion the blow will hardly help. John Brennan is well aware of the real results of Russia's actions in Syria," he said. Thanks to the Russian Aerospace Forces, over 12,000 square kilometers of Syrian land and 499 settlements have been liberated, 35,000 militants including 204 commanders have been eliminated. "But the main outcome is that, without the outgoing [US] administration, without CIA, a ceasefire agreement was signed on December 30," the spokesman stressed.

Both Washington and Moscow have been conducting military operations against terrorists in the war-torn country. The US-led international coalition of more than 60 members has been carrying out airstrikes against Daesh targets in Iraq and Syria since August and September 2014 respectively. Russia began its own operation in September 2015 at the request of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The Russian military has initiated several lulls in fighting on the ground. The recent one came into being in late December and is expected to be followed by peace talks between the Syrian government and moderate opposition. Konashenkov said that US aviation dropped nuclear bombs, destroying the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Apart from that, in 1962-1971 Washington conducted Operation Ranch Hand in Laos and Vietnam involving chemicals "actually scorching out everything that moves" there. "And no one in the US was punished for that grave war crime," he noted.

would like to remind that all major wars of the latest decades, unleashed by the US on the pretext of fakes, in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, all of them were accompanied and ended by the destruction of the countries' economic infrastructure by the US Air Force. And it is hardly a coincidence that companies close to the CIA and the Pentagon always were the first to offer their services in rebuilding the major economic facilities," he added.

Commenting on reports that several Syrian opposition groups have threatened to boycott the upcoming political settlement talks in Kazakhstan due to claimed ceasefire violations, Middle East expert Danny Makki explained to Sputnik that those rebels are backed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which have been sidelined from the Turkish-Russian agreement.

Uninvited Saudis, Qatar Behind Syrian Rebel Groups Boycotting Peace Talks

Several Syrian opposition groups have signed a statement declaring boycott of the upcoming political settlement talks in Astana, Kazakhstan, citing alleged ceasefire violations.

Their statement was widely reported by the western mainstream media on Tuesday, elaborating that 10 rebel factions said they were suspending discussions regarding the Astana conference or the cease-fire “until it is fully implemented.” The groups cited alleged “major and frequent violations” in the rebel-held areas of Wadi Barada and Eastern Ghouta outside the Syrian capital Damascus.

Radio Sputnik discussed the issue with London-based media analyst and researcher, specializing in the Middle East security, Danny Makki.

First of all, he said, it goes against the UN resolution which was unanimously voted on by all of the countries just on Saturday. On December 31, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a Russian-Turkish resolution on a ceasefire regime in Syria, as well as on holding political talks between the Syrian government and opposition groups in Astana, Kazakhstan in January 2017. A day earlier, on Friday, a nationwide ceasefire between Syrian government troops and several opposition factions came into force. Russia and Turkey serve as guarantors of the deal which paves the way for negotiations between the warring parties.

Danny Makki also noted that initially, Wadi Barada was not part to the ceasefire agreement, it was not considered as an area to the ceasefire. Hence for those rebel groups to say that it was a violation of a ceasefire by the government is incorrect.

Most of the rebel groups who have issued the statement are on the side of jihadists, he added. "Conspicuously, there are some problems from backers such as Qatar or Saudi Arabia who have been sidelined from the Turkish-Russian agreement and perhaps are seeking some sort of revenge by pressuring these groups to pull out of this agreement," he explained.

In addition to this, he said, the statement is aimed to derail the process which was started by one of the opposition significant backers, Turkey.

"It remains to be seen what Turkey makes out of all of this because this have been seen as a diplomatic victory for the Turks in some sense," he told Sputnik. The initial agreement was signed by about 8 major groups and these major groups represent around over 20 or 30 different small groups, the expert said. All in all, there are hundreds of different rebel groups in Syria, at least two thirds of them were signed up to this agreement, totaling to 60,000 fighters. The groups which have recently stated that they would not continue the process constitute around 20 or 30,000 soldiers on the ground, he explained. Most of these groups are funded either by Saudi Arabia or have Gulf sponsorship in terms of finance and support. The Turkish-backed groups have not pulled out of the agreement, all of the Turkish groups stayed in.

You have so many warring groups and so many different backers that it is almost impossible to get all of them to agree on one thing at one particular moment of time," Danny Makki noted.

Most of the groups around Damascus, who have rejected the ceasefire, are the groups which consider themselves on the threat by recent Syrian army offensive around Wadi Barada. But Wadi Barada was never part of the ceasefire plan, he reiterated. It is Gulf States' attempt to undermine Russian and Turkish agreement, he noted. He further elaborated that these groups are relatively influential. They are mainly located in Damascus and around however they already have a huge presence in the north. Even though, they haven't posed a very significant threat to the overall ceasefire plan because the plan has been supported by Turkey's reputation. "You've got to remember that many of the groups and movements who have signed up to this agreement are currently fighting with the Turks around the city of Al-Bab against ISIS (Daesh)," he said.

"Turks have essentially put their necks out on the line and attempted to say to the Gulf countries: you've been supporting the opposition for huge amount of time but because we have a border with Syria, because we have better and closer credibility among the Syrian rebels, we can force them into a ceasefire," he suggested.

You can clearly see a fact that Saudi Arabia is not even involved in this peace agreement which would create a problem to most of the jihadist groups being funded by Saudi Arabia," he said.

'It just shows how significantly Russia has changed the dynamics of the Syrian crisis' The expert also noted that the current developments in Syria only prove how significant Russian presence in the region has been and how significantly it has changed the internal dynamics of the Syrian crisis. "Who would have thought in 2015 when the government was facing almost breaking point that the Russians would be celebrating at least a moral victory in an international struggle against the US in Aleppo after signing a peace agreement for the rebels with Turkey, one of the main countries and backers of the opposition," he finally stated.
Syrian Army troops allowed tens of militants to leave their positions in six towns and villages in Western Ghouta to be relocated to militant-held regions in Idlib province, informed sources said.

Syrian Army Allows Tens of Militants to Leave Western Damascus for Idlib

The sources said that after arrival of a number of green buses to Sa'asa'a region, at least 135 militants, who had not applied for government amnesty, along with their families were evacuated from the towns and villages of Sa'asa'a, al-Khazrajiyeh, Hasnou, Beir Timah, Kafr Hours and Beit Seber.

In the meantime, the government officials have given three days to militants in the towns of Yalda, Bebayla and Beit Saham in Southern Damascus to join the peace agreement.

Also, Damascus officials are carrying out final negotiations with the representative of militant groups in Beit Jin, Kanakar and al-Zakiyeh to take control of these towns without engagement in clashes.

On Tuesday, the army soldiers for the eleventh day in a row continued their heavy attacks on terrorists' positions in Western Ghouta to liberate at least 10 strategic villages in the region.

The army men intensified their offensives on terrorists' defense lines to free the villages of Basimeh, Ein al-Fijeh, Ein al-Khazra, Deir Moqren, Kafr al-Zeit, Deir Qanoun, al-Hosseiniyeh, Afrah, Kafr al-Awamid and Barhaliya in Wadi al-Bardi region.

A military source in the Syrian army said that villagers protested at the presence of militants in their villages, but the terrorist commanders ignored people's call and used the villagers as human shields.

The source added that the army was resolved to continue its operation to restore full security to the region, but presence of civilians in the battlefield slowed down their operation.

The source went on to say that the army sent more troops to the region and intensified attacks on militants' centers to force the militants to leave this region to Idlib.
Noticed something concerning water coming into Damascus:

Jan 4, 2017 (hyperlinks not included below)

Few news reports in English are describing the tense situation in the Wadi Barada River valley northwest of Damascus, the capital city of Syria. The river and its tributaries supply some 70 per cent of the water for the city with a population of some three million people. The area around the river source is controlled by anti-government forces but is surrounded by the Syrian army. Until recently, the water supply was managed by mutual agreement. But just before Christmas, the water supply was cut by government water authorities after they said it had become poisoned by diesel fuel.

Anti-government forces said that air strikes had caused diesel fuel to be spilled into a river tributary. The government says fuel was deliberately dumped into the river. Enclosed are two news reports on the situation.

Western media is publishing frequent reports speculating that the ceasefire in Syria is failing. The reports convey a distinct undertone of hope that, indeed, the ceasefire fails. The reports also convey sympathy for the most extreme of the anti-government forces in Syria (ISIS, Al-Nusra Front) that refuse to be part of any ceasefire or political settlement for the country. A Reuters report published in The Guardian on Monday, January 2, for example, says, “Syrian rebel groups announced on Monday that they had decided to freeze any talks about their possible participation in Syrian peace negotiations being prepared by Moscow in Kazakhstan unless the Syrian government and its Iran-backed allies end what it said were violations of a ceasefire.” The report does not name the “rebel groups” in question nor provide any other background information of substance.

The Washington Post boldly reported on January 3 that the ceasefire is “crumbling”. It said, “A Syrian cease-fire backed by Russia and Turkey is crumbling five days after it began, with government forces pushing offensives around Damascus and rebels threatening to suspend participation in new peace talks.” Like the Reuters report, the Post does not name its reported “10 rebel factions” said to be suspending talks with the Syrian government. Associated Press reports similarly in a widely-published dispatch on January 3.

Two separate articles accompany the one above.
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