Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Moscow plans to keep its airbase in Hmeymim and modernized naval base in Tartus despite reports about reduction of forces in Syria, informed sources disclosed on Sunday.

Russian Source: Moscow to Retain Air Force, Naval Base in Syria

"Russia is planning to develop its Hmeymim airbase by repairing the second runway in spring," an informed Russian source said.

The Russian source also noted that S-400 air defense system and Pantsir missile systems will continue to provide air support for aircraft at Hmeymim airbase.

He pointed to Russia's naval base in Tartus, and said, "The Russian navy is planning to build two piers in Tartus naval base, keep its S-300 missile systems and bastion complexes there to fortify its naval base."

The source also said that residential units will also be built for Russian Aerospace personnel in Hmeymim airbase.

In a relevant development on Wednesday, Russian and Arab media disclosed that satellite images display that Moscow is strengthening its military presence in Syria despite earlier allegations that it is retreating a part of its troops from the country.

Russia's Interbirtermag magazine has been quoted by a number of Arab media as disclosing that Moscow has not decreased its military forces in Syrian, and rather increased them.

Hadath news, Islam message daily and a host of other Arabic-language media quoted the Russian outlet as reporting that satellite images show Russia has reinvigorated its military presence in Syria and has intensified its operations against terrorists regardless of Moscow' declared plan to withdraw its naval fleet led by Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier from Syrian waters.

New images released on January 5 showed several Russian cargo ships carrying military vehicles heading towards Syria, according to the reports.

The new images also showed deployment of Russia's Alexander Ballistic Missiles that are also capable of carrying atomic warheads, the Arab media reports said.

The magazine underlined that most of the Russian fighter jets (involved in war in terrorism in Syria) take off and land in Hmeymim airbase and not from Admiral Kuznetsov, adding that withdrawal of the aircraft carrier will have a minor impact on Russia's mission in Syria.

The magazine wrote that Admiral Kuznetsov's operation was not cost-effective and meantime, its withdrawal will decrease West's pressure on Russia and will also show off Moscow's intention of taking its military forces out of Syria.

Russian General Vyacheslav Bobov underlined on Tuesday that the Russian fleet of warships, including Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, which were about to leave the Eastern waters of the Mediterranean Sea in coming weeks would be fully ready to return to Syria in case needed.

A prominent Syrian military expert stressed the army's astonishing advances in Wadi al-Bardi region of Western Ghouta in Western Damascus, and said Israel is angry at these victories and launched the recent strike against al-Mezzeh airbase to retaliate for these victories.

Military Expert: Israel Furious at Syrian Army's Advance in Wadi Al-Bardi

Major General Ali Maqsoud noted that Wadi al-Bardi's importance is more than simply supplying drinking water for Damascus, and said the region is linked to al-Zabadani and al-Madhaya from the West and connects al-Qalamoun to al-Haramoun to have a strategic importance.

"The Zionist regime seeks to surround Damascus via al-Qalamoun-al-Haramoun path," he warned.

"The Syrian army's control over al-Madhaya, al-Zabadani, Deir Qanoun, Ain al-Fijeh and Basima provoked Israel's attack against al-Mezzeh region and Israel attempted to support the terrorists with this attack and prevent the cut-off of their supply route and recapturing of all these regions by the Syrian army which would result in failure of the plots to surround Damascus," Maqsoud said.

In relevant remarks on Saturday, adviser to Syrian information minister Ali Ahmad said that Israel bombed Syria when it felt falling morale of terrorists, thus encouraging and supporting them.

"When Israel attacks Damascus, it cannot be taken as an isolated case. When Israel feels weakness in the body of the terrorists in Syria, it is trying to encourage and support terrorists and does so by bombing [Syria]," Ahmad said.

He added that the West and Israel did not want peaceful life to return to Syria as "functioning of the Syrian government does not correspond to the interests of Israel, and so they want to support terrorists and to strengthen them."

On Thursday night, Israel conducted heavy bombing of al-Mezzeh military airport near Damascus.

A senior Syrian General underlined that Syria will intensify operations against the Israeli-affiliated terrorist groups in Western Ghouta of Damascus as the first likely response to Tel Aviv's recent attack.

Syrian General: Operations in Damascus First Likely Response to Israeli Aggression

"Syria's first response to the Israeli aggression will be suppression of the dangerous terrorists affiliated to the Israeli regime in Beit Jen in the Western countryside of Damascus," Brigadier General Rajab Deeb said on Sunday.

He categorically dismissed rumors that Israel has targeted a cargo of the Iranian missiles as incorrect, and said Tel Aviv's silence on its new aggression against al-Mezzeh airbase and its results indicates that the regime has not attained its desired objective.

Noting that there is no need for Syria's direct response to the attack, Deeb said that the Syrian army will intensify its operations against the terrorists in an important region whose consequences will affect the Zionist regime, but he did not provide any further detail.

Syrian sources confirmed on Friday that Israel had launched an attack on a military airport near Damascus.

Syrian State TV said that al-Mezzeh military air facility was struck several times near the Syrian capital of Damascus.

Israeli rockets took aim at an ammunition depot, producing an enormous explosion, according to the state TV.

The airport is a major strategic asset used by Syrian elites, military officials and troops as a transit complex.

ISIL's ringleader demoted the group's commanders in Eastern Mosul due to dramatic losses to Iraqi government forces over the past two weeks, a local source said.

ISIL Chief Demotes Eastern Mosul Commanders over Combat Failures

A source said Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi withdrew the “emir” designation from all leaders of the militant group in the Eastern part of the city due to “delinquency and escaping” at battlefields in face of advancing Iraqi government troops, Al Sumeriyeh reported.

Baghdad has proscribed the occupation of any leading position by emirs in the Eastern section, and to instead deploy them to the frontlines as regular fighters as a sort of punishment,” said the source, who asked not to be identified.

Iraqi government forces, backed by a aircraft and advisers from a US-led military coalition, launched two weeks ago the second phase of a major campaign that started in October to retake Mosul from ISIL militants. Since then, reports have been recurrent about divisions, infighting and accusations of treason among the group’s leaderships

The Syrian army's missile and artillery units targeted and destroyed ISIL's strategic military base and operations room in Sweida province on Sunday.

Sweida: Syrian Army Destroys ISIL's Strategic Military Base, Operations Room

Several field commanders of the ISIL were stationed in the terrorist group's operation room in the Northern part of Sweida province.

Over 45 ISIL terrorists, including senior commanders, were killed and wounded in the army's missile and artillery attacks.

Meantime a sum of six military vehicles and arms depot of the ISIL terrorist group were also destroyed in the attacks.

Aleppo’s main shopping area swarmed with customers as it reopened for the first time in two years, Saturday.

Aleppo’s famous street market reopens after two years of closure

Shop keepers displayed their goods and fixed shop entrances, while families walked between the different shops.

Al-Tall street market was closed after being targeted with missiles by armed groups. Aleppo locals begin to get back to normal life after the Syrian Army's announcement on December 22, that it had recaptured the whole of eastern Aleppo following four-years of militant occupation. Prior to the conflict, Aleppo was Syria’s industrial and financial center.

US President-elect also said that a lot of these countries aren’t paying what they’re supposed to be paying, which I think is very unfair to the United States

Trump says NATO is ‘obsolete’ organization

US President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview with Bild and The Times newspapers NATO has problems and the alliance is an obsolete organization.

"I took such heat, when I said NATO was obsolete," Trump said an interview on Sunday. "It’s obsolete because it wasn’t taking care of terror."

Trump also said that "a lot of these countries aren’t paying what they’re supposed to be paying, which I think is very unfair to the United States.".
ISIS-affiliated Amaq News Agency has announced that it has successfully split the government-held pockets of Deir Ezzor in two.

ISIS successfully splits Deir Ezzor enclave in two

The terrorist group are now besieging the military air base that has been separated from the city.

To successfully besiege the military base, ISIS has relentlessly been sending in suicide bombers to weaken the Syrian Army defences.

Over 40 Syrian air strikes was not enough to divert the waves of ISIS attacks.

The cemetery is still under Syrian Army control and if ISIS do not quickly capture it, they remain susceptible to a counterattack and ending the siege.

Meanwhile the Syrian Army continue to repell the ISIS offensive on the southern axis in Panorama and Al-Mohandesin, whilst Syrian air strikes continue to target ISIS positions on Mt. Tharda.

The civilian areas of Al-Qossour and Al-Joura are being targeted by indiscriminate ISIS shelling resulting in the death of one woman and her daughter being injured.

It has been estimated that as many as 14,000 ISIS fighters are participating in this operation to capture Deir Ezzor from government forces.

Meanwhile, ISIS has promised a house and a wife in Deir Ezzor for every fighter who participates in the battle.

As a government enclave in the middle of ISIS territory, the Syrian Army serves as a thorn in the back and diverts many ISIS fighters from other fronts such as Mosul in Iraq.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a powerful counter-attack last night in order to recapture several points from the Islamic State (ISIS) militants in the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Syrian Army fights back against ISIS in Deir Ezzor, several points recaptured

Led by the Qassem Group of the Republican Guard, the Syrian Arab Army managed to clear several points that were initially seized by the Islamic State militants near the Deir Ezzor Airport, cemetery, and Al-Assad Hospital on Sunday morning.

As a result of their counter-attack, the Syrian Arab Army was able to reopen their integral supply route to the Deir Ezzor Airport, while also restoring the points they lost north of this imperative military installation.

However, the battle is far from over; especially given that the Islamic State reportedly sent more reinforcements to this front in order to intensify their large-scale assault against the Syrian Arab Army.

Despite the Islamic State's superior numbers, the Syrian Arab Army is not alone in this fight, thanks in large-part to their Russian allies that are carrying out sorties over Deir Ezzor.

The Russian Air Force has reportedly carried out more than 40 airstrikes over Deir Ezzor in the last 8 hours, with most of these attacks targeting the Islamic State's positions at the Thardeh Mountains.

Syrian Army troops targeted ISIL's movements and gatherings in Eastern and Southeastern Deir Ezzur, destroying their bases and inflicting tens of casualties on the militants.

ISIL's Bases in Deir Ezzur Destroyed, Scores of Terrorists Killed in Syrian Army Attacks

The army units targeted ISIL's bases near a cannery factory in the town of al-Mayadeen in Southeastern Deir Ezzur, destroying several bases and killing 18 foreign-national terrorists.

The army soldiers also hit hard a base of ISIL's Hasaba (security and monitoring) Forces in al-Labod neighborhood in the town of Mohassan East of Deir Ezzur city, leaving a number of Tunisian terrorists dead or wounded.

The army men also destroyed three ISIL positions near Deir Ezzur and al-Tharda mountain that were home to a large stockpile of arms and ammunition and two terrorist groups.

The army troops also targeted ISIL's concentration centers near Panorama, in al-Raqqa bridge, near al-Teyam oilfield, and in the villages of Kabajeb, al-Hosseiniyeh, al-Janineh, al-Baqaliyeh, al-Thardah mountain and to the South of Deir Ezzur airbase, leaving tens of ISIL terrorists dead and a convoy of their vehicles destroyed.

Reports said earlier today that ISIL suffered heavy casualties and its military hardware sustained major damage in a third round of massive attacks on government forces' positions in different regions of Deir Ezzur.

Widening gaps among terrorist groups in Syria will soon lead to their annihilation, specially the al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front), media reports said.

Al-Nusra Front on Verge of Full Collapse

Al-Waqt news website reported that al-Nusra Front's repeated defeats, specially in Aleppo, have dissuaded other armed groups from joining the terrorist group. Increased assassination of al-Nusra ringleaders have also shaken off their formation.

Al-Waqt pointed to the recent remarks by Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini, a senior al Qaeda-linked cleric and the religious leader of Jeish al-Fatah coalition of terrorist groups, on the failure of plans to unite the terrorist groups in Syria, and wrote it cannot be accepted that the al-Nusra Front is in pursuit of unity with other terrorist groups since it is after leading and influencing other groups.

The report added that the deep ideological differences among the terrorist groups in Syria have driven the al-Nusra Front to attack the positions and centers of other other groups in addition to assassination of their leaders.

Local sources said on Saturday that terrorist groups increased attacks on each others across Idlib province, while terror operations against commanders have been on the rise in recent weeks in the militant-held regions in the province.

The sources said that senior Commander of Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) Abu Ali al-Tunisi was killed in a terrorist attack on a road to the town of Qemaynas in Southeastern Idlib.

At least 20 Turkistani terrorists were killed in an attack by rival terrorists on a building in Jabal al-Arbaeen in the town of Ariha, they added.

Ahrar al-Sham and Fatah al-Sham are accusing each other of being the main cause of disunity and insecurity in Idlib and its countryside. Ahrar al-Sham believes that Fatah al-Sham's opposition to merging militant groups is the cause of disunity and insecurity.

Al-Omar, one of the commanders of Ahrar, said those members of ISIL that are now among Jund al-Aqsa and have made allegiance to Fatah al-Sham are in charge of insecurity and terror in Idlib.

Large groups of Jeish al-Izzah and Jund al-Sham terrorists have started defying orders after they didn't receive payments for three months, opposition sources disclosed on Monday.

Syria: Unpaid Members of Terrorist Groups Refuse to Do Military Missions in Hama

The sources said that assets of Jeish al-Izzah and Jund al-Sham that are unofficially affiliated to Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) have been stolen in Northern Hama, pushing the two groups into financial crisis.

"The unpaid rebels that are mainly members of Jeish al-Izzah and Jund al-Sham refuse to partake in military operations," the sources added.

In the meantime, the terrorist group's supply commander in Northern Hama called on locals to assist them with food supplies and other aids.

At least 18 civilians were killed and over 50 others were wounded in Turkish air raids on al-Bab town and two villages in Northeastern Aleppo, Kurdish sources said.

Nearly 70 Civilians Killed, Injured in Turkish Air Raids in Northern Syria

Kurdish wesites reported that Turkish warplanes bombed the two villages of Baza'a and Tadaf in Northeastern Aleppo and a part of al-Bab town, killing 18 civilians and wounding 50 others.

Also, Turkish warplanes bombed residential areas in the village of al-Tafri'eh near the town of al-Bab on Friday, leaving four villagers from a family dead and several more injured.

A large number of people were also killed in Turkish airstrikes in Aleppo on Thursday.

Media sources also reported that the Turkish army and its allies' artillery attacks and airstrikes on al-Bab city and the two towns of Baza'a and Tadaf in Northeastern Aleppo killed 9 civilians and injured 57 others.

The Turkey-backed Euphrates Shield Operation troops sustained heavy casualties in an ISIL suicide attack Northeast of the town of al-Bab in Aleppo province on Monday.

Syria: Over 60 'Euphrates Shield Operation' Troops Killed, Wounded in ISIL's Attack

The ISIL targeted a gathering of the Euphrates Shield Operation forces with a suicide vehicle in the village of Anifiyeh in Northeastern Aleppo, killing 11 militants from the Turkey-backed operation and injuring 50 others.

Based on the reports some of the inured forces are in critical conditions.

The latest reports said war is ravaging in the region after ISIL received reinforcements and military equipment.

The ISIL fighters warded off a joint attack of the Turkish army and their militant allies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the town of al-Bab in Northeastern Aleppo last week, inflicting heavy losses on the forces of the Euphrates Shield Operation.

The Turkish soldiers and FSA militants launched a new offensive on the Eastern outskirt of Al-Bab on Sunday, targeting the ISIL positions in Umm Adaseh, Qabr Maqri and al-Saqlaniyeh.

The ISIL fighters repelled the assault, inflicting heavy casualties on the forces of the Euphrates Shield Operation.

In a matter of hours, the Turkish soldiers and FSA started retreating from the Eastern outskirts of al-Bab in order to evade more losses.

ISIL released a statement confirming defeat of the Turkish army and FSA, posting images of the latter retreating from areas across the Eastern outskirt of al-Bab.

Media sources disclosed on Monday that body organs of three injured members of Ahrar al-Sham terrorist group have been cut out and stolen by the Turkish medical staff.

Medical Centers in Turkey Stealing Syrian Militants' Body Organs

The Arabic language al-Hadath news website quoted field sources as saying that the body organs of three militants have been cut out and stolen at a hospital in Southern Turkey.

The sources said three members of Ahrar al-Sham that had sustained major injures in a suicide operation of the ISIL and had been transferred to a hospital in Gaziantep border town in Southern Turkey, lost their lives in there.

Al-Hadath added that the three hospitalized militants had sustained injuries in their legs and feet but they had gone under an upper body surgical operation at the center, and some of their body organs were cut out and stolen by the medical staff at the hospital.

The news website underlined that it was not the first time that the body organs of injured militants were stolen at the hospitals of Gaziantp, Kilis and Urefa in Turkey.

"Stealing the body organs of injured militants in Turkish hospitals could have been coordinated directly with Ahrar al-Sham commanders as human body organ is now a main source of revenue and an established trade for the terrorist groups in Northern Syria," field sources were quoted by al-Hadath as saying.

A journalist, who has recently paid a visit to a camp of Syrian refugees in the Greek Lisfous island, disclosed in Jun that there had been close cooperation between the Turkish and Israeli gangs in the trafficking of Syrian refugees' body organs, specially their kidneys, to other countries.

The Israeli regime and its citizens had widely been identified in past years as the prime culprit in organ trafficking across the world.

"There are too many corpses floating through the Mediterranean sea, mainly between the Turkish waters and Greek abandoned islands," the journalist said in his investigation.

"Stiches on belly of the Syrian refugees' corpses testify that their kidneys have been taken out before their death," the journalist quoted Greek fishermen of Lisfous island as saying.

"The Syrian refugees go under illegal surgery in Turkish hospitals to take their organs out, and then their bodies are thrown away to the sea,"
the Greek fishermen went on to say.

"An Israeli citizen, borne in Ukraine, was arrested by the Turkish police last Decembers on charge of purchasing the organs of Syrian refugees from Turkish private clinics. Boris Voker, whose real name was Welfman, had carried out similar operations in Azerbaijan, Seri Lanka and Kosovo between the years 2008 till 2014 and had earned over 70,000 Euros," he said.

"There must be powerful hands and officials behind this process and illegal surgeries of Syrian refugees and rapid transferring of their separated organs to other countries. The separated Kidneys can stay alive only for 48 hours, but costumes formalities in airports and border-crossings last a long time, so their must be very close cooperation between the organ traffickers and relevant official in the host countries of Syrian refugees, including Turkey," the journalist stressed in his investigation.

The migrant crisis in Europe has been instigated by the United States’ and its allies’ policy aimed at toppling the regimes they don’t like, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev said in an interview with the Rossiskaya Gazeta daily to be published on Monday.

Migrant crisis rooted in US policy of overthrowing unwanted regimes: Russian official

"The growing number of migrants and refugees in Europe is another result of the United States’ and its allies’ ill-considered policy aimed at toppling of unwanted regimes, destabilizing state systems, unleashing conflicts and wars," he said.

As a result, flow of migrant rushed to Europe from Syria, Iraq, Libya, other countries of North Africa and the Middle East, he noted. "What else could be expected once these regions have been actually turned into a permanent hotbed of instability and a stronghold for terrorist groups. Both foreign and Russian expects have been warning about possible consequences of such policy for years," he said.

According to Patrushev, illegal migration is a security threat for Russia too, although it is not a number one threat. As an example he cited ongoing attempts of international terrorist and extremist organizations to use migration channels to have militants infiltrate in Russia and the activities of organized criminal groups on the shadow market of legalization and employment.

"It would be right to mention illegal agency activities of certain legal entities and individuals that issue permissions for entry into Russia to foreigners," he noted, adding that one of the Security Council meetings in 2016 was dedicated to these problems. That meeting, in his words, yielded a set of measures to improve the work of migration services.
A prominent military analyst said the US has provided the ISIL with aerial and satellite images of the Syrian army positions in Deir Ezzur to be used in the terrorist group's offensives.

Syrian Analyst: US Providing Satellite Images to ISIL for Deir Ezzur Attack

"ISIL's fierce attacks on Deir Ezzur in the past few days which have been launched from several directions and their precise targeting attacks indicate that the terrorist group is logistically supported by the satellite images," Hassan Hassan told FNA on Wednesday.

Noting that such precision-striking attacks are possible only through using satellite images, he said, "Although the US-led international coalition claims to to be fighting against the ISIL, it contributes no role in the fight against ISIL in Deir Ezzur, proving that the ISIL had never been a target for the coalition but it was an instrument to implement Washington's plots and prolong the war in Syria."

"The terrorists have received satellite images of the Syrian army positions from the US," Hassan underlined.

Media sources in the region said on Tuesday that US-led collation's air attack on Syrian army positions in Southern Deir Ezzur in September paved the ground for ISIL's large-scale attacks on government positions in the last couple of days.

The Arabic language Lebanese al-Akhbar paper reported that recent attacks of ISIL on government positions in Deir Ezzur in the last two to three days are the results of the US air attack on army positions in September as the air raids weakened the army troops.

The paper added that ISIL's control over the entire territories in Deir Ezzur province will benefit significantly the US-led coalition.

The paper said that ISIL intends to take full control of Deir Ezzur city and vast regions in Syria's desert from South of Sweida up to Palmyra in Homs and from Raqqa to Deir Ezzur to take control of Syria's border with Iraq.

Al-Akhbar underlined that based on field information the ISIL's plan was practically kicked off when the US-led coalition's fighter jets bombed the Syrian Army's positions in al-Thardah mountain in September 17 that left tens of army soldiers dead and wounded.

The army later pulled back their men from trinary al-Thardah mountain that plays a protection role for Deir Ezzur airbase.

The US-led coalition's air raid opened way for ISIL to use its suicide attackers and suicide vehicles to intensify attacks on Deir Ezzur airbase.

The World Food Program said Tuesday it has suspended aid drops to the besieged Syrian city of Deir Ezzur because of heavy fighting after a fierce assault by ISIL.

ISIL Assault Halts WFP Aid Drops in Syria's Deir Ezzur

ISIL has besieged Deir Ezzur 100,000 residents since 2015 and already controls large parts of the city, but advanced further inside remaining government-held territory, the Daily Star reported.

"We have put on hold the air drop operation in Deir Ezzur for security operational reasons," said WFP spokeswoman Bettina Luescher, speaking to reporters in Geneva. "There is heavy fighting ongoing in and around the landing zone... It is simply too dangerous to do this now."

The WFP has been dropping humanitarian aid into Deir Ezzur since April 2016, and the government-held area is the only place in Syria where the agency has permission for the drops.

Luescher said the WFP's last aid drop was Sunday, adding that 3,300 metric tons of food and other aid have been dispatched to the city since the operation began.

It has also cut the route running from the city's key military airport, limiting the government's ability to bring in supplies and military reinforcements.

The Russian General Staff said that Russian and Turkish military aircraft have conducted their first joint operation in Syria.

Russian, Turkish Jets Conduct First Joint Operation in Syria's Aleppo Province

The Turkish Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces have carried out their joint operation against ISIL near Al-Bab in the Aleppo province, Sputnik reported.

"Nine strike aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, including four Su-24M, four Su-25 and one Su-34 bomber, as well as eight Turkish Air Force's jets four F-16 and dour F-4 aircraft are involved in the aerial campaign agreed with Syrian authorities," Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy, the chief of the Russian General Staff Main Operational Directorate, said at a news briefing in Moscow.

A total of 35 targets have been destroyed by Russian and Turkish military jets, Rudskoy said.

According to the first estimates of the results of the Russia-Turkey joint airstrikes in Syria, they have been highly effective, he said.

Medical workers were deployed to Nigeria's Borno Province after the Nigerian Air Force attacked a major refugee camp, killing more than 100 refugees along with over 20 Red Cross volunteers near the border of Cameroon.

Nigerian Warplanes Attack Refugee Camp, Killing over 100 Civilians

The camp was for people displaced by fighting with Boko Haram and Nigerian officials confirmed the attack, and expressed their sympathy with the families” of the massive number of killed and wounded, Anti War reported. They insisted it was too early to say that bombing the camp full of civilians was a “tactical error” or not, however.

Apparently the Nigerian military had been given intelligence from some unnamed source claiming insurgents were “gathering” at the location, which was in the middle of a camp full of refugees.

Maj. Gen. Lucky Irabor insisted Nigeria “would not attack civilians” despite having just attacked a lot of civilians.

Civilian casualties are common both in Boko Haram attacks on villages and in government crackdowns in the area, and airstrikes around the border usually are followed with reports of at least some civilian deaths.

This is an unusually large and well-documented case, however, and with the Red Cross present at the time the Nigerian government will have a harder time sweeping this one under the rug.
Trump says NATO is ‘obsolete’ organization

US President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview with Bild and The Times newspapers NATO has problems and the alliance is an obsolete organization.

"I took such heat, when I said NATO was obsolete," Trump said an interview on Sunday. "It’s obsolete because it wasn’t taking care of terror."

Trump also said that "a lot of these countries aren’t paying what they’re supposed to be paying, which I think is very unfair to the United States.".

IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Golan assisted in opening Israel's first office at NATO headquarters in Brussels; met with heads of Turkish, Arab militaries on sidelines; official meeting highest level meeting ever between Israel, NATO.

Israel opens first ever NATO office,7340,L-4909988,00.html

19.01.2017 - IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Yair Golan was in Brussels for the official opening of the Israeli office at NATO headquarters after it was decided that the two sides should have a closer working relationship. Roni Leshno Yaar, who submitted his credentials to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, is the first Israeli representative to NATO since the Jewish state was accepted as a partner to the organization (not a member).

In a joint meeting between the ambassador, Maj. Gen. Golan, and NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller, the Deputy Secretary said “here in NATO, we understand that Israel shares our values, and is an active and beneficial partner for Mediterranean dialogue.”

The meeting was an impressive show of support for Israel, with Maj. Gen. Golan being the highest ranking Israeli official to meet with NATO representatives.

Over 100 people participated in the opening of the Israel office, many of them high ranking NATO officials.

In his speech opening the office, Ambassador Leshno Yaar spoke of the importance of strengthening the connection between Israel and NATO in light of their joint interests and common threats in the eastern Mediterranean.

NATO and Israel have expressed interest in strengthening ties for some time, but the stumbling block keeping this from happening was NATO member Turkey. Since the Mavi Marmara incident in 2010, Turkey has objected to any upgrade in NATO relations with Israel, and has been against any and all Israeli involvement in NATO exercises.

NATO policy must be agreed upon by all of its members.

Turkish partners - While in Brussels, Maj. Gen. Golan also met with the head of the Turkish Armed Forces General Hulusi Akar

In light of the Israel-Turkey reconciliation agreement, and at the behest of the Americans, the Turks have rescinded their opposition to Israeli participation in NATO.

This is the first meeting between officials of this caliber since the Mavi Marmara incident in 2010.

Several Arab military heads were also at the NATO meeting in Brussels, and also met with Golan on the sidelines. Arab countries represented at the meeting were Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia, and others.

Discussions were held on the fight against terror amongst other subjects.

Israel's upgraded ballistic missile shield became operational on Wednesday, in a "Star Wars"-like extension of its capabilities to outer space where incoming missiles can be safely destroyed.

Israel deploys 'Star Wars' missile killer system

The Defence Ministry said the U.S.-funded Arrow 3 system, jointly developed by state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries and U.S. firm Boeing Co. , was handed over the Israeli Air Force.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's upgraded ballistic missile shield became operational on Wednesday, in a "Star Wars"-like extension of its capabilities to outer space where incoming missiles can be safely destroyed.

The Defence Ministry said the U.S.-funded Arrow 3 system, jointly developed by state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries and U.S. firm Boeing Co. , was handed over the Israeli Air Force.

The Arrow 3, together with the Arrow 2, which has been operational since 2000, would "significantly reduce the possibilities of ballistic missiles" hitting Israel, the ministry said in a statement.

The Arrow 2 is designed to intercept projectiles high and low within the atmosphere. Arrow 3 missiles will fly into space, where their warheads detach to become "kamikaze" satellites that track and slam into their targets.

Such high-altitude shoot-downs are meant to safely destroy incoming nuclear, biological or chemical missiles. Israel has frequently voiced concern about a ballistic missile threat posed by its arch-foe, Iran.

The United States has its own system for intercepting ballistic missiles in space, Aegis.

Arrow serves as the top tier of an integrated Israeli shield built up to withstand various potential missile or rocket salvoes. The bottom tier is the already-deployed short-range Iron Dome interceptor, which was used extensively with high success rates in a 2014 Gaza war against Hamas militants.

Another Israeli system called David's Sling is being developed to shoot down mid-range, lower-altitude missiles, such as those in the arsenal of Iranian-backed Hezbollah, a Lebanese group which last fought a war with Israel in 2006.

Tanks have been sent through the Channel Tunnel in a secret midnight training operation to prepare for war in Europe.

British tanks sent through Channel Tunnel to prepare for war

Five vehicles in total were loaded onto trains, sent through, and then returned to the UK overnight on Wednesday.

Five different types of vehicle were sent in order to ensure that a range of armor could be transported.

A Warrior armored fighting vehicle, a recovery variant of the Warrior, a Challenger 2 main battle tank (MBT), a recovery Challenger, and a reconnaissance vehicle were loaded onto a train at the military’s railhead in Wiltshire for the test journey.

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) tweeted a picture of a Challenger being strapped down at around midnight on Wednesday.

It is expected that rail will be the primary means that UK armor will be relocated to Germany in the event of NATO’s rapid reaction force being deployed for combat.

Logistics may not be the only issue facing NATO’s UK component if it comes to a war in Europe.

In November, it was reported that glitches with the advanced weaponry on the UK’s forthcoming Ajax tanks could leave the £3.5 billion (US$4.28 billion) project badly delayed, as questions are raised over the utility of the lightly-armored vehicles against Russian artillery.

A former senior defense official told the Times that Ajax “is fine if you are operating against incompetent enemies, but if you are up against a peer enemy this thing is useless, it’s a death trap.”

Britain signed a deal with US arms giant General Dynamics for nearly 600 Ajax mini-tanks in 2014 with the first deliveries expected in 2017 and the full order in the UK by 2024.

Since the Vietnam war, more than 45 years ago, the US has embarked on a neocon strategy of war in an effort to build a global empire. The result of that strategy has left American infrastructure second rate, its school system in shambles, and its healthcare system a complete and utter joke.

Alibaba'a Jack Ma Drops a Redpill in Davos: The U.S. Wasted $14 Trillion on Wars Over the Past 30 Years

Just imagine what America could've done with $14t of investable dollars, instead of waging wars.

Aside from the wars, America spends more than 50% of its discretionary budget on the military, per annum, 16% of its overall budget. (See graph.)

That's the main issue, the sordid topic that is rarely discussed in American politics, for fears of crossing the military-industrial complex.

Jack Ma from Alibaba doesn't share those same fears, being a Chinese national worth $27b of zero bucks.

In a very rare glimpse into what the Chinese really think about American imperialism and how it shaped the global economy, all the better for China might I add, Jack Ma spoke candidly today in an interview with CNBC's Andrew Ross Sorkin. (1:48 min.)

"It's not that other countries steal jobs from you guys," Ma said. "It's your strategy. Distribute the money and things in a proper way."

He said the U.S. has wasted over $14 trillion in fighting wars over the past 30 years rather than investing in infrastructure at home.

To be sure, Ma is not the only critic of the costly U.S. policies of waging war against terrorism and other enemies outside the homeland. Still, Ma said this was the reason America's economic growth had weakened, not China's supposed theft of jobs.

In fact, Ma called outsourcing a "wonderful" and "perfect" strategy.

"The American multinational companies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization," Ma said. "The past 30 years, IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, they've made tens of millions — the profits they've made are much more than the four Chinese banks put together. ... But where did the money go?"

He said the U.S. is not distributing, or investing, its money properly, and that's why many people in the country feel wracked with economic anxiety. He said too much money flows to Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Instead, the country should be helping the Midwest, and Americans "not good in schooling," too.

"You're supposed to spend money on your own people," Ma said. "Not everybody can pass Harvard, like me." In a previous interview, Ma said he had been rejected by Harvard 10 times.

Along those lines, Ma stressed that globalization is a good thing, but it, too, "should be inclusive," with the spoils not just going to the wealthy few.

"The world needs new leadership, but the new leadership is about working together," Ma said. "As a business person, I want the world to share the prosperity together."

The Russians didn't do that.
Regarding this "Russian hacker" business, there was this Tweet from Edward Snowden a few hours ago, saying that he had a ticket to Cuba, but his passport was cancelled by the US while he was in transit in Russia, so he could not board the plane. See attached screendump of Twitter Could it be that the US dumped Snowden where they could use him to tint Russia further as a hacker country?

There are reports that Russia has been attacked more often that they let on with big voices, see map of victims of Equation Group. It seems that it would be very natural for some perpetrators to blame everybody else for what they are doing, as to lead the gullible astray. It is not that I doubt there are talented hackers in Russia or China or ... but the accusations of the US and allied forces, knowing their mode of operation, simply leaves one in great doubt about their sincerity.


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thorbiorn said:
Regarding this "Russian hacker" business, there was this Tweet from Edward Snowden a few hours ago, saying that he had a ticket to Cuba, but his passport was cancelled by the US while he was in transit in Russia, so he could not board the plane. See attached screendump of Twitter

Could it be that the US dumped Snowden where they could use him to tint Russia further as a hacker country?

There are reports that Russia has been attacked more often that they let on with big voices, see map of victims of Equation Group. It seems that it would be very natural for some perpetrators to blame everybody else for what they are doing, as to lead the gullible astray. It is not that I doubt there are talented hackers in Russia or China or ... but the accusations of the US and allied forces, knowing their mode of operation, simply leaves one in great doubt about their sincerity.

I never thought of that angle but you might be on to something? And there has been numerous reports in the last six months or so - of Russia being hacked in banking and communication systems. Although, I doubt it has anything to do with Snowden, as far as hacking is considered? I would imagine, he's activities are closely monitored. But it doesn't mean, outside sources like the US would not try to lay the blame on him. Plus, Russia just gave Snowden another two years to stay in the Country with a chance of Citizenship.

The five of the fastest-growing economic nations are planning to build their own Internet where the U.S. can't spy on them.

BRIC Nations Plan Their own "Independent Internet"

The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – are building their own high-speed Internet free of the U.S. influence. First announced last month by Brazil's President, Dilma Rousseff, BRICS Cable will have considerable bandwidth and room for growth and represents a middle finger at the U.S.

The majority of the backbone is underwater, as it runs from Vladivostock, Russia to Shantou, China to Chennai, India, passes through Singapore, on to Cape Town, South Africa to Fortaleza, Brazil. The network is said to be in its final phase of implementation.

The network is a 2 fibre pair with 12.8 Tbits/sec capacity, all under water. Such a network would take some time to build, especially laying that much underwater cable, so this has to have been going on for a while. The five nations all have their reasons for doing this, but Brazil in particular is doing this to divorce itself from the U.S.-centric Internet because of Washington’s online spying.

The Kremlin has joined forces with Chinese authorities to bring the internet and its users under greater state control.

Putin brings China's Great Firewall to Russia in cybersecurity pact

Russia has been working on incorporating elements of China’s Great Firewall into the “Red Web”, the country’s system of internet filtering and control, after unprecedented cyber collaboration between the countries.

A decision earlier this month to block the networking site LinkedIn in Russia is the most visible in a series of measures to bring the internet under greater state control.

Legislation was announced this month that gives the Kremlin primacy over cyberspace – the exchange points, domain names and cross-border fibre-optic cables that make up the architecture of the internet.

In the summer, a measure known as Yarovaya’s law was introduced, which requires Russia’s telecoms and internet providers to store users’ data for six months and metadata for three years.

A group of Kremlin and security officials is driving the offensive against internet freedoms. The government fears the web could be used to mobilise protesters and disseminate dangerous ideas and information and it is looking for ways to switch off connections in times of crisis.

The strategy is being developed in close cooperation with China after a string of high-level meetings in Beijing and Moscow this year. At their first cybersecurity forum, in April, top Chinese officials and their Russian counterparts gathered in Moscow for the talks. Delegates included Lu Wei, the head of China’s state internet information office, Fang Binxing, the so-called father of the Great Firewall and Igor Shchyogolev, President Vladimir Putin’s assistant on internet issues and former minister of communications.

“The principal agreement to have a forum was reached by Igor Shchyogolev and Fang Binxing at a meeting in December 2015 in Beijing,” said Denis Davydov, the executive director of the misleadingly named League of Safe Internet, a government-affiliated group that has drafted internet-filtering legislation and recruited teams of volunteers to patrol the web for “harmful content”.

Earlier this year, the security council secretary, Nikolai Patrushev, who was head of the Russian Federal Security Service during Putin’s 2000-08 presidency, had two meetings with Chinese politburo members on information security; and in June, Putin went to Beijing to sign a joint communique about cyberspace.

What the Russians want most from China is technology. Russia has no means of handling the vast amounts of data required by Yarovaya’s law, and it cannot rely on western technologies because of sanctions.

However, the Chinese are willing to lend a hand. In August it was reported that Bulat, the Russian telecoms equipment manufacturer, was in talks with Huawei, the Chinese telecoms company, to buy technologies for data storage and produce servers to implement Yarovaya’s law.

The Chinese officials also ensured senior Huawei staff were present at key information security conferences in Russia, and the company was the major sponsor of the Russian information security forum held in Beijing in October.

“Huawei is essentially an arm of the Chinese state, whoever nominally owns it,” said Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China. “Its origins are murky, its growth far too fast for a private company in China, state officials support its efforts, and the absence of competition from state enterprises is another important tell.”

The Russians apparently see no other option than to invite Chinese heavyweights into the heart of its IT strategy. “China remains our only serious ‘ally’, including in the IT sector,” said a source in the Russian information technology industry, adding that despite hopes that Russian manufacturers would fill the void created by sanctions “we are in fact actively switching to Chinese”.

In Russia, the strategy for greater collaboration with China has been developed and promoted by top-level Kremlin officials, generals and businessmen. These include Patrushev, Shchyogolev and Konstantin Malofeev, the billionaire founder of Orthodox channel Tsargrad TV who is the subject of EU sanctions for his connections to separatists in Ukraine. The group is believed to be the driving force behind Yarovaya’s law.

On 7 November, China adopted a controversial cybersecurity law that revived international concerns about censorship in the country. In a sign that collaboration between the countries is mutually beneficial, the legislation echoes Russia’s rules on data localisation and requires “critical information infrastructure operators” to be stored domestically – the law LinkedIn fell foul of. It seems the exchange of ideas has already borne fruit.
An event of geopolitical historical significance. - While America was immersed in the Presidential Inauguration of our 45th President - Donald Trump - on Wednesday January 18th, Russian and Turkish combat planes had carried out their first joint aerial operation against Daesh targets in Syria, which was agreed upon with the Syrian authorities and President Al Assad. Turkey, a NATO member and Erdogan's former position of "Assad must go!" has joined Syria's Assad and Russia's Putin in joint corporation to finally bring Peace to Syria.

Commenting on the recent Russian-Turkish joint operation against Daesh near the Syrian town Al-Bab in Aleppo Province, RIA Novosti political analyst Alexander Khrolenko attempted to analyze how the NATO country ended up militarily cooperating with Russia, the North Atlantic alliance's perennial adversary.

President Erdogan's Move to 'Jump Into the Bandwagon' and Fight in Syria

21.01.2017 - On Wednesday, the Russian General Staff said that Russian and Turkish combat planes had carried out their first joint aerial operation against Daesh targets in Syria.

"Nine strike aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, including four Su-24M, four Su-25 and one Su-34 bomber, as well as eight Turkish Air Force jets — four F-16 and four F-4 aircraft — were involved in the aerial campaign agreed upon with Syrian authorities," Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy, the chief of the Russian General Staff Main Operational Directorate, said at a news briefing in Moscow on Wednesday.

"A total of 36 targets have been struck. I want to emphasize that they have been agreed upon in advance through the General Staffs and commands of aviation groups of the two countries," he added.

RIA Novosti political analyst Alexander Khrolenko attempted to analyze how Turkey, a NATO member since 1952, ended up cooperating militarily with Russia, the North Atlantic alliance's longstanding, if unofficial, foe.

"Turkey has become the first NATO state to build up its military cooperation with Russia in the fight against Daesh,"
," reads his article for RIA Novosti.

"The evident paradox is that the mechanism of military regime change has definitely failed in Syria. From now on, yesterday's instruments — the American alliance and various rebel units – become only a hurdle on the way towards a new peaceful configuration in the region, where Ankara is eager to remain a key player," the author explains.

He further suggests that Turkey, however, has an alternative to cooperation with Russia, and that is further inconsistent operations within the US-led coalition. This isn't a reasonable option for any rational Turkish politician, as Ankara would then be marginalized during the resolution of the Syrian conflict.

Khrolenko then reviews the recent operation of the US-led coalition near the Iraqi city of Mosul, which came down to the squeezing of considerable Daesh forces out of Iraq into the eastern part of Syria with large arms stockpiles, explosives and ammunition. The militants then redeployed in the direction of Palmyra, Deir ez-Zor and Al-Bab, which is 30km south of the Turkish border.

"In such a complicated situation, Turkish President Erdogan has made an unusual albeit correct decision – "to change the coalition" and managed to jump into the "bandwagon of the Syrian train," he says.

"The failed July coup might have contributed to the re-evaluation of values. It is much more pleasant to feel like a sovereign president than a NATO hostage," the author adds.

However he further notes that the join Russian-Turkish military operation has gone unnoticed by the mainstream media, which was so vocal about the liberation of militant-held areas in eastern Aleppo.

He then suggests a reason for the silence: under the rules of the big geopolitical game, a NATO country simply can't bomb civilians. Hence the media will be forced to admit that Russia, together with Turkey, is fighting against terrorism. Thus, it is better to keep silence, especially during a major power change in Washington.

Ozturk Yilmaz, a deputy chair of the Republican People's Party (CHP), expressed hope the military cooperation between Russia and Turkey would contribute to the Syrian settlement.

Joint Russian-Turkish Anti-Daesh Airstrikes Prove Rapprochement on Syria

19.01.2017 - Joint operations carried by Russia's Aerospace Forces and the Turkish Air Force against the Islamic State (ISIL or Daesh) terrorist group in the crisis-torn Syria show that the countries are drawing together on the issues related to the conflict in the country, Ozturk Yilmaz, a deputy chair of the Republican People's Party (CHP), told Sputnik.

On Wednesday, the Russian General Staff said that Russian and Turkish combat planes carried out their first joint aerial operation against the Daesh targets in Syria.

"I will stress that the joint aerial operation of the Turkish Air Force and Russia's Aerospace Forces against the IS can be called one of the first significant, 'tangible'… signs of rapprochement between Ankara and Moscow on the Syrian issue. The first such signal was the agreement reached between Turkey and Russia on ceasefire in Syria," Yilmaz said.

Yilmaz expressed hope the military cooperation between the two states would contribute to the Syrian settlement. The statements of the CHP politician were echoed by Deputy Chairman of the Turkish opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Mehmet Gunal, who told Sputnik about the positive impact of the joint operations and welcomed joint anti-terror efforts of the two nations.

The so-called Arab Spring protests in Syria that took place in 2011 resulted in clashes between the government forces and opposition. Since then, the Middle Eastern country has been mired in a war between authorities in Damascus, numerous opposition factions, as well as terrorist groups, such as the Daesh, outlawed in many countries, including Russia.

The international community, including Russia and Turkey, has undertaken steps to defeat terrorists in Syria, to end the long-time conflict and to improve the humanitarian situation in the Middle Eastern country.

Ceasefire in Syria is "the first step" taken by Iran, Russia, Turkey in the crisis settlement process, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Wednesday.

Syrian Truce 'First Step' Taken by Iran, Russia, Turkey in Peace Process - Zarif

18.01.2017 - The foreign ministers of Russia, Iran and Turkey adopted a joint statement in December to revive the political process to end the conflict in Syria. The document reaffirms respect for Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

What we need to do at the international level is to help the Syrians reach the stage of starting to talk to each other and I believe the first step has been taken by Iran, Russia and Turkey in bringing about a cessation of hostilities," Zarif said speaking at the Davos forum.

Russia and Turkey are guarantors of a nationwide Syrian ceasefire that came into force on December 30, and has been holding up in general, despite continued reports of violations. The UN Security Council passed a resolution in December supporting the effort.

A nationwide Syrian ceasefire brokered by Moscow, Ankara and Tehran has come into effect, with several key radical groups pledging to cut ties with al-Nusra Front and Daesh. This is something Washington promised to achieve, but failed to deliver, political analyst Elena Suponina wrote for RIA Novosti.

Syrian Ceasefire: Russia, Turkey, Iran 'Achieve What Washington Couldn't Do'

30.12.2016 - "According to information I received from the Syrian opposition, major groups like Ahrar al-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam and others have agreed to the deal, whose main condition is that they must sever all existing ties with terrorists from Daesh and al-Nusra Front," the analyst said. "This is what the Obama administration had promised to achieve, but Secretary of State John Kerry could not do. Russia, Turkey and Iran have done it in his stead."

The breakthrough was unveiled on Thursday (Dec. 29, 2016) by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Suponina said that three documents were signed, adding that they are not simply aimed at ending hostilities in the country ravaged by a years-long war. These agreements appear to have paved the way for what the analyst described as a "joint strategy offering a political solution" to end the Syrian crisis.

They were prepared at the same time as stakeholders were involved in the talks on Aleppo, she said. "The success of the Aleppo deal was part of a broader political agreement … which is meant to lay the basis for a framework arrangement on the future peace in Syria."

Suponina reaffirmed that Russia, Turkey and Iran are not interested in dividing Syria unlike "some hotheads in the United States."

The political analyst detailed that all those involved worked on these agreements for months. The Russian embassy in Turkey, particularly Ambassador Andrey Karlov who was fatally shot last week, was actively involved in this process.

"The process towards establishing lasting peace in war-torn Syria has been launched," she said. "This process will be difficult and, potentially, bloody. Terrorists are not happy that [various forces in Syria] are finally uniting against them. This means that there will be agony, terrorist acts and pain. This is the time we are living in. We have to understand, accept and fight. But today good news came from Syria. No one doubts this."

Political analyst Tancrède Josseran told Sputnik why an agreement that had seemed impossible several months ago was reached.

"It's rather simple. Turkey buried its Neo-Ottoman policy in the spring of 2016 and made a U-turn. Turkey no longer wants to meddle in the internal affairs of its neighbors. The country no longer has Neo-Ottoman ambitions," he explained.

Political analyst Bassam Tahhan suggested that the United States and its allies will hardly sit idly as Turkey improves its ties with Russia. "I think that the West will respond to Turkey's decision with another coup or some other measure," he said.

The Syrian government and armed opposition groups have reached an agreement on a ceasefire on Syrian territory and on readiness to start peace talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday.

Syrian Government, Armed Opposition Reach Ceasefire Agreement - Putin

29.12.2016 -It was just reported that today, a few hours ago, an event occurred which we have not just been waiting for, for a long time, but which we've worked hard to bring about. Three documents have been signed," Putin said.

"The first document [is an agreement signed] between the Syrian government and the armed opposition regarding the ceasefire in the Syrian Arab Republic," he said.

"The second document is a set of measures to monitor the ceasefire arrangement, and the third document is a statement of readiness to start peace negotiations on the Syrian settlement," Putin said at a meeting with the foreign and defense ministers.

He added that the agreements on Syria are fragile, and require special attention and patience, as well as constant contact with partners.

At the same time, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed hope that the United States under Donald Trump administration could join the Russian, Iranian and Turkish efforts on Syria crisis settlement.

"I would like to express the hope that as soon as the administration of Donald Trump takes office, they will also be able to join these efforts [to settle the Syrian crisis] so that we could jointly work in this direction," Lavrov said during the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Meqnwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has given instructions to the Russian foreign and defense ministers, Sergey Lavrov and Sergei Shoigu, to organize his contacts with the leaders of Turkey, Iran and Syria to coordinate further steps on Syrian agreements.

"I am asking you to organize my contacts with our partners in Turkey, Iran and Damascus. We need to discuss our joint next steps in order to fix the reached agreements," Putin said at a meeting with Lavrov and Shoigu.

Commenting on the agreement on Syria recently reached between Russia and Turkey, which has been submitted to Damascus for consideration, Turkish political scientist Emre Erşen sat down with Radio Sputnik to discuss what the deal could achieve and the hurdles it might encounter along the way.

The True Message of Russia-Turkey Agreement on Syria to US, UN

29.12.2016 - Turkey is ready to serve as a guarantor of a ceasefire in Syria alongside Russia and hopes to see the nationwide truce by year-end, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Thursday.

His comments come after reports on Wednesday that Turkey and Russia have agreed on the outlines of a nationwide ceasefire plan in Syria to be presented to Damascus for consideration.

The framework agreement between Russia and Turkey on Syria proposed the end of hostilities in the country starting at midnight local time on December 29.

Should the pact hold, the Syrian government and opposition will launch peace talks in the Kazakh capital of Astana brokered by Russia and Turkey.

Radio Sputnik discussed the issue with Emre Erşen, Lecturer at Istanbul-based Marmara University’s Department of Political Science and International Relations, expert on Russia-Turkey relations.

"I think the agreement is very important considering that it is currently the only ceasefire plan on the table," he told Radio Sputnik.

"Turkey and Russia have been latterly working very closely on the ground in Syria and this agreement is actually the result of this process. However we should keep in mind that similar plans on Syria have failed in the past. Therefore we might need some time to see whether this new plan is successful in the long-term," he explained,

The political scientist then added that there are many different state and non-state actors operating in the Syrian conflict. And how they perceive this new process will be equally important.

Emre Erşen also commented on the similar agreement brokered between Russia and the US, which failed in its infancy, and suggested what might hamper the current nationwide ceasefire plan.

"We know that the US has provided military support to some of the groups in Syria but it has actually never wanted to be involved very actively in the Syrian conflict from the very beginning. Which, in time, has seriously weakened its hand at the diplomatic table," he explained.

At the same time, he said, one should keep in mind that there are serious disagreements between Ankara and Moscow regarding the final solution in Syria. Turkey, he said, is against Assad having a role in the transition period while Russia believes Assad should stay in power.

The two countries also have different perceptions about the definitions of the terrorist groups in Syria: Turkey believes that the Kurdish YPG forces (The People's Protection Units) should also be defined as a terrorist organization. For Russia, the priority is fighting Daesh (ISIL/IS) and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as the al-Nusra Front.

The political scientist suggested that if a Russian attack on Idlib, which is currently a stronghold of the opposition groups that are supported by Turkey, takes place, this might also cause serious friction between Ankara and Moscow. All of these issues could become serious obstacles for the ceasefire agreement, at least in the short-term.

Erşen also commented on the recent trilateral meeting of Russia, Turkey and Iran in Moscow, explaining why, in his opinion, Tehran's inclusion in the process is so important.

"It is very significant that apart from Turkey and Russia, Iran is also included in this new process. These are the three countries whose military forces actually have some sway on the ground. We should also remember that this trilateral cooperation was very effective in solving the Aleppo crisis," he said.

The expert further explained that Russia and Iran have been acting together to solve the Syrian crisis from the very beginning. However the inclusion of Turkey is also very important because Turkey and Iran are the two major regional powers in the Middle East and the cooperation between them can produce important outcomes not only to the solution of the Syrian conflict but to other significant issues in the Middle East, such as Turkey's relations with Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Therefore it is a step in the right direction, with Russia monitoring this process.

Commenting on the prospects that Iraq might join the troika, the political analyst noted that Iraq has already been working closely with Iran, Russia and the Assad regime since last year.

For instance, he said, they have established an information center in Baghdad to coordinate their efforts in fighting terrorism. However Turkey's relations with the Baghdad government are certainly complicated due to the presence of Turkish soldiers at the Bashiqa camp near Mosul.

"Russia however may play a role in mending ties between Baghdad and Ankara," he suggested.

Turkey has some concerns about the future of Mosul. And if the Baghdad government can reach an understanding with Ankara on this issue, this might also pave the way for a new trilateral rapprochement between Turkey, Iraq and Iran which would definitely be very significant for the change of the geopolitical balance in the Middle East," he explained.

Erşen also discussed what message the Russia-Turkey agreement is sending to the West.

"Currently we know that the US and UN are largely excluded from the new ceasefire process and I don't think that they are very happy about this. Especially considering that Turkey is a member of NATO," he explained.

Yet the political scientist recalled that the US is currently in a transition period with the president-elect to be inaugurated on January 20.

"How the new US administration will perceive the situation in Syria and how it will react remains to be seen and is very important. If Trump decides to reach an understanding with Russia and Turkey over Syria than there is a chance that the US might become one of the major actors of the peace process in Syria again," he suggested.

While commenting on the real possibility of the talks between the Syrian government and the opposition, he suggested that they are most likely to take place otherwise Russia, Iran and Turkey would not have mentioned them in the Moscow declaration.

"Turkey is very influential on the opposition groups and Russia and Iran are very influential on the Assad government," he noted.

However we should keep in mind, he said, that similar initiatives have failed in the past, and so achieving a lasting peace in Syria will take time. The three countries are well aware of this. The initiation of this process in Astana is already an extremely important move because currently there is no better option, he finally stated.
Commenting on the recent Russian-Turkish joint operation against the terrorist group Daesh near the Syrian town Al-Bab in Aleppo Province, Russian military and defense analysts have put forward their reasons why Turkey, a longstanding member of NATO, might have opted to conduct joint military activity. Here is what they suggest.

The Real Reason Behind Turkish Cooperation With Russia in Syria

On Wednesday, the Russian General Staff said that Russian and Turkish combat planes had carried out their first joint aerial operation against Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) targets in Syria.

According to Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy, the chief of the Russian General Staff Main Operational Directorate, the first estimates of the results of the Russia-Turkey joint airstrikes in Syria suggest that they have been highly effective.

RIA Novosti has interviewed a number of Russia's military and defense analysts to learn what could be the reasons for Turkey to seek cooperation with Russia against Daesh in Syria.

"It is a serious breakthrough which demonstrates a real start for Turkey's fight against Daesh in Syria," Russia's defense analyst, chief editor of the Russian magazine National Defense Igor Korotchenko told RIA Novosti.

He further suggested that the joint operation also demonstrates the level of trust in the relationship between Moscow and Ankara, as well as efficient cooperation between Russian and Turkish general staffs.

He also suggested that it might become a prologue to the complete liquidation of the terrorist groups in Syria. This would pave the way to the negotiation of a political resolution between recognized factions in the country at the upcoming peace talks in Astana.

His view is echoed by another defense analyst, Viktor Murakhovsky, Editor-in Chief of Arsenal of the Fatherland journal, who said that the move demonstrated that the relationship between Turkey and Russia has reached a new level.

"There were reports that Russian warplanes have been conducting airstrikes…on behalf of the Turkish armed forces and their allies operating in Aleppo," he said.

"And now they have reached a new level of joint military operations between the Russian Aerospace Forces and Turkish Air Force," he suggested.

Meanwhile Colonel General Leonid Ivashov, the President of the Academy of Geopolitical Studies and former head of the main department of international military cooperation of the Russian Defense Ministry (1996-2001) has suggested that Ankara may have learned serious lessons, and is no longer pursuing direct or indirect cooperation with extremist groups in Syria.

"I regard it as a positive step, as Turkey, at one point, contributed a lot to the initiationg of the so-called "civil" war in Syria. Ankara might have realized that those terrorists whom it had previously armed and sponsored have come back to it like a boomerang. Hence the Turks have started realizing that it is more effective to work with Russia and Iran, to be able to secure its own territory," he said.

The expert also suggested that Russia has succeeded in reconciling Sunnis and Shias. And this triangle – Shia Iran, Sunni Turkey and Russia will play a major role in the stabilization of the whole Islamic world.

"Russia is also working with Iraq and Egypt, hence this Arab core will continue to consolidate around Russia," he concluded.

The process of NATO's disintegration has already started, and it may play into the hands of new US President Donald Trump, Montenegrin political analyst Filip Kovacevic told Sputnik Serbian.

Localizing European Defense: 'NATO's Disintegration Has Already Begun'

In an interview with Sputnik Serbian, Montenegrin political analyst Filip Kovacevic claimed that US President Donald Trump may benefit from NATO's breakup, a process that Kovacevic said has already begun.

The interview came after French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called for the creation of a European defense system to guarantee Europe's independence in light of US President-elect Donald Trump's criticism of NATO.

In an interview with The Times earlier this month, Trump slammed NATO as an "obsolete" organization, since it doesn't play much of a role in countering terrorism, while its member countries' contributions are not efficient.

Cazeneuve, for his part, said that "European defense with European means, European investments, and European power projection capacity is necessary to provide the European Union… with independence."

Speaking to Sputnik, Filip Kovacevic described NATO as a product of the Cold War, which he said should have been committed to the scrapyard of history.

"It would add to a final reconciliation between Germany and Russia and would have led to the elaboration of a long-term policy of stability and economic prosperity in Europe," he said.

Such a development was apparently opposed by influential American and British circles which turned NATO into a new anti-Russian army of occupation in Eastern Europe, which turned that part of Europe into a military camp, according to Kovacevic.

All this, he went on to say, comes at a high cost for the American budget, while Trump wants to use this money to resolve problems at home.

"He proceeds from a pragmatic point of view: if Europeans want NATO, let them pay for it. Trump does not like the idea of the nationalist leaders in some Eastern European countries displaying heroism against Russia, which may lead to the death of American soldiers or the beginning of a nuclear war," Kovacevic said.

"I think the fact that the process of NATO's disintegration has already begun plays into the hands of [new US President Donald] Trump. Over the past six months, Turkey, NATO's second largest country in terms of its armed forces has cooperated more with Russia than with the alliance itself," he pointed out.

In addition, Kovacevic said, the populist parties that are gaining momentum all across Europe clearly call for the disbanding of NATO.

In this sense, the results of the 2017 French presidential elections will be of great importance to the future of NATO, given that France can easily turn its back on the organization, something that was in case during Charles de Gaulle's presidency, according to Kovacevic.

In July 2016, NATO held a summit in Warsaw, where defense ministers finalized arrangements to deploy multinational NATO battalions to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, totaling around 4,000 troops.

Russian officials expressed a negative attitude towards the move and said the Kremlin considers the buildup of the US military presence in Europe near the Russian borders a threat.

A major demonstration against the policies of Italy’s current government, particularly in what concerns the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), will take place in the northern city of Vicenza on Saturday, one of the organizers told RIA Novosti.

Demonstration Against NATO Bases Planned for Saturday in Northern Italy

21.01.2017 - Up to 1,000 protesters will demonstrate against the bases on Saturday. They are part of the No Dal Molin Movement in Vicenza.

"We are standing against the continued existence of the Dal Molin NATO base, we want to use the territory for the construction of the so-called Peace Park," the organizer said.

There is a total of four NATO bases in the Vicenza area.

Commenting on the recent remarks of the 45th US President Donald Trump that NATO "is obsolete but is still very important to him," Russian political analyst Anatoly Petrenko suggested that thus the new US leader may simply hope to set up a new system of control and decision making in the North Atlantic alliance.

Trump's Comments on NATO Might Suggest US 'Seeking Direct Control Over Alliance'

US President Donald Trump recently said that NATO was obsolete because it had not defended against terror attacks, but that the military alliance was still very important to him.

Trump also added that many NATO members were not paying their fair share for US protection.

“A lot of these countries aren’t paying what they’re supposed to be paying, which I think is very unfair to the United States," the president told The Times of London. "With that being said, NATO is very important to me. There are five countries that are paying what they’re supposed to. Five. It’s not much."

Commenting on the remarks of the newly sworn-in president, Russian political analyst and professor at the Academy of Social Management Anatoly Petrenko suggested that Trump wants to set up a new system of management and decision making in the North Atlantic alliance.

On the other hand, the expert suggested, he is making it clear to Europe that the alliance really is obsolete; its structure and management are so crusty that there is no use for it.

With all the above in mind, Petrenko said, Trump won't abandon the alliance, but might reconsider the system of management and decision making within the block.

The US has always been a dominating power within the block, its voice has always been decisive and thus it might opt for a direct control over it. The US is also the main contributor to the block, he said, and its contingents are located all over the world.

The political analyst also did not rule out that a new structure might be set up in NATO's place.

"It is possible, however not in the short term," he told Sputnik.

"It is a geopolitical problem and it can't be solved with one click. However Trump's message is that the system of European security should be reviewed and many Europeans agree with him. Nevertheless it still remains to be seen how to reform it," the political analyst finally stated.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia cannot withdraw missiles in its western Kaliningrad region without knowing that plans for creating entire missile system are to be abolished on the European continent.

Russia to Keep Missiles in Kaliningrad Amid NATO Plans to Create Missile System

Russia is going to keep its missiles in its western Kaliningrad region as NATO is working on creating an “entire missile system” in Europe, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the BBC broadcaster.

“It is a very complicated issue. You cannot just withdraw those missiles from Kaliningrad without knowing that plans for creating entire missile system are to be abolished on the European continent,” Peskov said.

On October 8, 2016, official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the information on relocation of Iskander missile complexes to the Kaliningrad region, adding that it was a part of routine drills aimed improving missile forces capabilities.

On October 12, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the CNN broadcaster that by placing weapons in Kaliningrad, Russia acts on its territory, while Washington placed weapons in Eastern Europe, which is not US territory.

Yalcin Topcu, Chief Adviser of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that it is necessary to create a buffer zone for refugees in the border areas of Syria.

Buffer Zone for Refugees Should Be Created in Border Areas of Syria

A buffer zone for refugees should be created in the border areas of Syria, while coalition forces should protect the people fleeing war, Chief Adviser of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday.

He added that the coalition forces should take those people under protection.

Topcu also praised Astana peace negotiations on Syria, expressing hope that the talks would give an impetus to restoring peace in the country.

"Astana process is a historic event, which will give an impetus to the process of restoring peace and stability in Syria, Iraq and the Middle East.
The most influential regional players will gather at the negotiations table," he said.

According to Topcu, the UN Secretary General endorsed the Astana process and expressed the hope that it would be fruitful.

"I hope that other countries will support the decisions and assist in resolving Syrian crisis," he said.

The peace negotiations on Syria will take place on Monday in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The Syrian opposition groups, which agreed to attend the talks brokered by Russia, Turkey and Iran as an attempt to end the six-year civil war in the country, which sees government forces fighting against a number of opposition and terrorist groups, including the Islamic State, which is banned in Russia as other states worldwide.

Last week, Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal urging Donald Trump not to "make any sudden moves." Haas is right, conservative pundit Pat Buchanan noted, in arguing against rash action. But what CFR shadow government types still don't seem to realize is that their New World Order has died.

CFR Gives Trump Advice, Not Realizing That the New World Order Has Passed Away

In an op-ed addressed directly to the new President, Haass emphasized that ripping up the Iran deal, moving the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, or shooting down a North Korean missile during a test would only "make things worse," with no action being better than the wrong action.

Commenting on Haass' advice in his column for The American Conservative, veteran political commentator Pat Buchanan noted that "in arguing against rash action, Haass is correct. Where the CFR and the establishment are wrong, and Donald Trump is right, however, is in recognizing the new world we have entered."

"The old order," dating back to the Cold War and the twilight of the post-Cold War world, "is passing away," Buchanan stressed, its institutions, treaties and alliances "ceasing to be relevant" and incapable of being sustained any longer. Instead, he suggested, economic patriotism and nationalism opposed to globalism, ideas that are "personified by Trump, see everywhere ascendant."

In fact, the pundit argued, "the greatest danger for President Trump is that the movement he led will be abandoned, its hopes dashed," and that "the agenda that Trump rejected and routed will be re-imposed by a Republican Establishment and its collaborators in politics and the press."

According to Buchanan, Trump had "read the nation right" when he realized that the greatest threats to Western civilization come not from Russia, as during the Cold War, but from the Global South – from unchecked immigration and the threat of radical Islamist terrorism.

"America's bleeding border is what concerns Americans, not the borders of Estonia, South Korea, Kuwait, or the South China Sea," the observer noted. And when Trump says that NATO is "obsolete," that's because it makes no sense poking the Russian bear by moving the alliance to Russia's borders, according to Buchanan.

Admonishing Europe's elites and the "Davos crowd" for their inability to comprehend the importance of national identity and economic as well as political sovereignty, Buchanan stressed that if President Trump becomes a truly "transformational president," he "will spurn an establishment [that is] desperately seeking to hold onto the world that is passing away."

Warning of the dangers of the US's continuing tensions with Russia in Eastern Europe and the conflict with China in Asia, the commentator argued that "the imperative of the new era is that the great nuclear powers – China, Russia, the United States – no do to each other what Britain, France, and Germany did to each other a century ago over a dead archduke."

Ultimately, instead of pursuing any sort of imperial agenda, "President Trump should build the wall, secure the border, impose tariffs, cut taxes, free up the American economy, bring the factories home, create millions of jobs, and keep us out of any new wars," Buchanan concluded.

Russian observers are also broadly hopeful that the new president will pursue a new kind of foreign policy, for the sake of the US and the world.

Andrei Shushentsov, program director of the Valdai International Discussion Club, recently said that it can be hoped that the US's powerful military will be used more sparingly, with a 'business plan-type' cost-benefit analysis being made before the US intervenes in a conflict or moves troops around.

In other words, the hope is that "he will not invade Libya just because this seems like a good idea, with open-ended objectives and an open-ended withdrawal date. Under Trump even military plans will likely look like a business plan. This will probably give a certain degree of predictability to US policy."

Furthermore, despite his flamboyant nature and non-traditional political style, Shushentsov stressed that Trump's economy-centric positions on global issues are actually very consistent, with old interviews from the 1980s and 1990s demonstrating that they have changed little over many years.

For his part, Igor Pshenichnikov, advisor to the director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, is more pessimistic about Trump's ability to 'change the world'. According to the analyst, the weight of the US presidency as an institution makes it very difficult for any incoming leader to make speedy and lasting changes, particularly when it comes to foreign policy.

The question, Pshenichnikov suggested, is "who is stronger" among Trump's inner circle, and who will be able to pull him in which direction on one matter or another. In foreign policy in particularly, much will depend on Pentagon Chief James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, but possibly also former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who may help Trump mediate the normalization of relations with Moscow, the observer noted.

Kissinger, Pshenichnikov recalled, sees Russia as a "weakened, traumatized, post-imperial" country, one that wants to be recognized as "a great power, as an equal, and not as a supplicant in an American-designed system." Dealing with Russia means "deal-making, but also understanding," according to Kissinger.

But Kissinger is also a prominent member of the CFR, demonstrating the very difficult game the Trump administration will have to play in accommodating the US's nationalist and sovereigntist interests with those of powerful globalist forces.
A US Army truck has crashed in a rural area in the western Polish province of Lubuskie, spilling its deadly cargo of M-1 Abrams shells all over the road. Two US soldiers have been hurt, according to the Polish Defense Ministry.

US Army Truck Crashes in Poland, Spilling M-1 Abrams Tank Ammunition Over Road

The accident occurred after dark on Saturday evening. A police spokesman told local media that "preliminary findings show that the driver began skidding and lost control of the vehicle, which was sent flying off the road." The Polish Defense Ministry has since said that the driver was going too fast in slippery, icy road conditions.

Crates containing M-1 Abrams ammunition were spilled on local Road 27, forcing it to be temporarily closed. The truck was carrying the crates to Zagan, the town where US troops were recently deployed. A spokesman for local rescue workers speaking to Polish television news network TVN said that one of the soldiers was taken to hospital.

TVN24 released a video report from the scene of the accident. (0:37 min.)

The US deployed about 3,500 troops to Poland last week under Operation Atlantic Resolve, a NATO initiative charged with 'containing Russian aggression.' The 3,500-strong brigade is equipped with heavy equipment including M-1 Abrams tanks, trucks, Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and Paladin mobile artillery.

Earlier this month, when the US sent a fully armed and equipped brigade of troops into Poland, Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz euphorically declared that the European order established at Yalta after WWII was over. Unfortunately, according to independent Norwegian journalist Pal Steigan, the move also threatens to fuel Polish revanchism.

Europeans Concerned US Troops' Arrival in Poland Could Fuel Revanchism in Warsaw

Last week, thousands of US troops crossed into Poland from Germany as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, the largest deployment of US forces to Europe since the end of the Cold War. Equipped with tanks, trucks, infantry fighting vehicles, mobile artillery and Humvees, the troops are part of an estimated 7,000 US and NATO troops expected to be stationed in the Eastern European country, in a decision that was agreed to at the NATO summit in Warsaw last July.

Unfortunately, according to independent political writer Pal Steigan, "while it's possible that US military leaders and politicians may see this as a victory, for Poland's neighbors its bad news."

Poland, the analyst explained, is a country with a complicated and difficult history, a kind of "country on wheels that has been pushed hither and thither in the struggle between the great powers" in centuries past. A great European power in its own right at some points in its history, the country was wiped off the map at others.

In the 20th century, after the Yalta Conference and the end of the Second World War, Poland was effectively pushed west by the Soviet Union, with its eastern borderlands, or 'Kresy' absorbed into the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Lithuanian Soviet republics. In exchange, Warsaw received formerly German territories in the West as compensation.

Steigan noted that as a consequence of this tumultuous history, Poland today is home to "strong revanchist forces, and although their rhetoric and hateful language is directed toward Russia, it's not Russia, but neighboring countries that would have problems if Poland seriously begin to revise Yalta."

Polish nationalists – both those in the government and from the ultra-right, dream of a Greater Poland stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea. And in the background is the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth."

Meanwhile, Steigan added that while "it's true that the Soviet Union annexed parts of eastern Poland" what "Polish politicians seem to forget is that Polish also simultaneously annexed parts of eastern Germany. Today, there is no Soviet Union any longer, so if Poland wants to regain the eastern lands it had before Yalta, this will happen at the expense of Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Slovakia."

The revanchists' logic is also flawed, the journalist noted, because while a Polish revanchist "might believe that Lviv in Ukraine should be Polish," because it was in the past, "a German revanchist can argue that the city had its heyday when it was [Austrian], and called Lemberg."

"And if Yalta is ripped up, why not do the same with Versailles?" Steigan asked. After all, "Hungary and Turkey have the same 'right' – or no right at all – to demand the return of vast territories."

Yalta, the political writer stressed, "was a compromise among the great powers, and of course this meant that numerous national factors were swept aside. Among other things, this led to the mass ethnic cleansing of the German minority in Eastern Europe. But Yalta was a compromise following a war that had taken the lives of over 50 million people. If this historical record is to be 'rewound', the price could be more than double next time."

"Today, the United States and the West have already swept Yalta and Versailles aside. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Warsaw Pact meant the death of Yalta and the beginning of the epoch of Western conquest of former Soviet allies. The wars which ripped apart Yugoslavia, meanwhile, meant that Versailles too had come to an end."

Ultimately, Steigan lamented, "the two world wars were disasters that cost many tens of millions of lives and led to horrific destruction, but today leading politicians have once against tasted blood. Washington's aggressive advance toward Russia's borders, and the US-backed coup in Ukraine greatly contributed to this." Unfortunately, the journalist noted that much of the public, including Norwegians, don't seem to recognize what is happening, or the danger that Europe has once again found itself in.
'' ISIS can't stand 2 minutes in ReaL Fight with US Army BUT : GeneraL Mattis (2:42 min)

Trump's general pointing out that there is was no political will to fight ISIS. It seems he is hellbent to destroy ISIS and put US forces effectively to use against them.
Russia has received coordinates of Daesh targets in Al Bab, Aleppo Province, from the US for the first time, the Russian Defense Ministry said Monday.

Russia Receives Daesh Coordinates in Al Bab From US

The United States has provided coordinates of the terrorists' targets in the city of Al Bab in Aleppo province for Russia-coalition airstrikes. After the reconaissance check, Russia and Turkey hasve conducted joint airstrike on the Daesh targets in the region.

"On January 22, the Russian command center at the Hmeymim airbase has received coordinates of the Daesh targets in Al Bab, Aleppo province, via 'direct line' from the US-led coalition headquarter. After further data verification with unmanned aircraft assistance and space reconaissance, the Russian air forces and two jets of the international coalition have conducted airstrikes on the terrorists' targets," the statement said.

Russian and Turkish warplanes conducted a joint operation against Daesh in Al-Bab in Syria's Aleppo province on January 21, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.

Russian, Turkish Warplanes Conduct Joint Op Against Daesh in Syria's Al-Bab

"On January 21, the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Turkish Air Force conducted a new joint operation striking Daesh group near Al-Bab in the province of Aleppo," the ministry said.

Three Russian attack aircraft: two Su-24Ms and a Su-34 bomber, as well as two Turkey's F-16 and two F-4 participated in the aerial campaign.

A total of 22 Daesh targets have been struck. A day later, Russia received Daesh's coordinates in the area from the United States and struck them jointly with the US-led coalition aircraft, the ministry said.

This was the second joint operation by Russian and Turkish aviation in Syria. On Wednesday, the first joint airstrikes have been launched against Daesh in Al-Bab.

The news comes amid a nationwide ceasefire in Syria backed by Russia and Turkey which came into effect on December 30 and was later supported by a UN Security Council resolution.

Al-Bab is one of Daesh’s last remaining strongholds near the Turkish border. Capturing the city is of strategic importance to Turkey in order to prevent the Syrian Kurds taking it and unifying their own territories.

As the representatives of the Syrian government and opposition factions meet in Astana for talks brokered by Moscow, Ankara and Tehran, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak spoke in an interview with Sputnik Turkey about Turkish-Russian cooperation in fight against Daesh in Syria and the possible outcome of these talks.

Astana Peace Talks Can Pave a Way for Syrian Crisis’ Final Resolution

According to Kaynak, these negotiations are a very promising initiative, which, not being an alternative to the Geneva peace process, are capable of providing the basis for signing of a final comprehensive agreement on the Syrian crisis.

“Daesh occupied almost half of the territory of Iraq and Syria. We have seen that as a result of these attacks carried out by the terrorists in various areas, the local population was forced to leave their homes and radical terrorist groups started operating in the region. The situation had reached catastrophic proportions,” Kaynak told Sputnik Turkey.

Against the backdrop of this humanitarian catastrophe, Turkey, Russia and Iran took the initiative and managed to reach an agreement on evacuation and establishment of a ceasefire.

However, the deputy minister noted that the situation in Syria is far from stable and the citizens are still being slaughtered by the terrorists.

“Unfortunately, the allies in the anti-terrorist coalition set up to combat Daesh, instead of forming an alliance with Turkey regarding the use of ground forces, chose to form an alliance with the Party of Democratic Union, which is the Syrian branch of the PKK,” the deputy minister said.

According to Kaynak, Russia and Turkey managed to establish close cooperation on humanitarian issues in particular to prevent bombing of civilian targets and civilian population in various parts of Syria.

Speaking about the course of operation against Daesh in the region of El Bab, Kaynak said that Russia and Turkey managed to coordinate actions of their air force so as to not harm each other during the attacks on terrorist’s positions.

The minister stressed that this coordination is an important positive step for both the countries.

Due to the operation, Shield of Euphrates, which was launched on the territory of Jarabulus with the ultimate objective of liberating El-Bab from Daesh, terrorist activities have stopped in the area between Jarabulus and Azaz which is about 2000 square km. all the way till El-Bab. The number of terrorists crossing the Turkish-Syrian border has also fallen significantly,” the deputy minister said.

Currently, civilians have started returning back to their households. According to the deputy prime minister, this points to the fact that Turkey's strategy together with Russia and Iran is accurate and is aimed at ending the bloodshed in Syria.

Talking about the Astana talks which are aimed at making progress of the Syrian resolution, the deputy minister said that, “Negotiations in Astana inspire great hope for progress for the resolution of the Syrian conflict.”

He noted that the meeting held in Astana is not an alternative to the UN-led talks in Geneva. However, the summit in Astana is intended to pave the way for a final agreement.

“The main objective of the negotiations is to ensure that the terrorists in the region do not control the territories of countries such as Iraq and Syria and do not oppress and kill its civilians. Both Turkey and Russia have repeatedly said and continue to say that the protection of Syria and Iraq's territorial integrity is the basis of the strategy to ensure stability of the entire Middle East region,” Kaynak concluded.

Representatives of the Syrian government and opposition factions met in Astana for talks brokered by Moscow, Ankara and Tehran, following a ceasefire in the crisis-torn country endorsed by the UN Security Council on December 31, 2016.

It is the first time that the government delegation has been seated at the same table as the armed opposition. According to Kazakh Foreign Ministry, the talks are expected to last for 24 hours and conclude on Tuesday.

US-led coalition forces carried out 42 strikes on Daesh targets on Sunday in both Syria and Iraq, including 14 near in Raqqa, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a press release on Monday.

US-Led Coalition Jets Target Daesh's Oil Strorage Barrels in Raqqa

The release noted 20 strikes near three other Syrian cities, including Deir ez-Zor, destroyed oil assets, tactical vehicles, mortars, a building held by Daesh, and engaged four terrorist tactical units.

Near the city of Raqqa, "14 strikes engaged four ISIL [Daesh] tactical units and destroyed four artillery pieces, a decoy artillery piece, a UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] tower, two tactical vehicles, a command and control node, 20 oil storage barrels, two tunnels, and a decoy armored vehicle," the release stated.

In Iraq, eight strikes were carried out near four cities, including Mosul, the release added. The strikes destroyed Daesh vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices, oil assets and a logistics node.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will wait the full formation of US President Donald Trump's cabinet.

Lavrov Urges to Await Trump's Cabinet Formation, State Secretary's Confirmation

Moscow urges patience ahead of the full formation of US President Donald Trump's cabinet, primarily the confirmation of his Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday.

"We all proceed from the fact that we should await the formal prioritization, presenting positions on all major international issues and, of course, the complete formation of Donald Trump's team. A number of secretaries, including the secretary of state, have not yet been approved by the Senate and appointed," Lavrov said.
One of three Chinese brigades of intercontinental missiles Dongfeng-41 (DF-41) may have been deployed in the northern province of Heilongjiang bordering Russia, local media reported on Tuesday.

China May Have Deployed Missiles Not Far From Border With Russia

The brigade is said to have been deployed in the Daqinq city, the Apple Daily newspaper reported. Another brigade was reportedly deployed in the city of Xinyang in the central Chinese province of Henan.

The third missile brigade is going to be deployed in the northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, according to the newspaper.

The DF-41 may carry up to 10 nuclear warheads and hit targets that are up 14,000 kilometers (about 8,700 miles) away from the launch site.

Russia and China may develop a joint response to the US missile defense systems' deployment in Asia, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control said Thursday.

Russia, China May Develop Joint Response to US Missile Defense in Asia

I think that we [Russia and China] can give a joint response, coordinated response; the joint statement by the [countries] leaders on June 25 (2016) this year on strategic stability acts as an example," Mikhail Ulyanov told reporters.

The Kremlin will have to respond to NATO's muscle flexing in Eastern Europe and the Baltics because Moscow sees it as a threat, Dr. Martin McCauley, Senior Lecturer at the University of London, told Radio Sputnik, commenting on the Pentagon's latest deployment to the region.

Putin 'Has to Respond to NATO's Military Buildup' in Eastern Europe and Baltics (Video's) (0:56 min.) (2:21 min.) (5:20 min.) (10:44 min.)

On January 6, 87 Abrams M1A1 tanks, 20 Paladin artillery vehicles and 136 Bradley fighting vehicles arrived in the German port of Bremerhaven. The United States also plans to deploy 50 Black Hawk, 10 CH-47 Chinook and 24 Apache helicopters, as well as 2,200 personnel. The newly-arrived military equipment will be distributed across Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania for training, exercises and maintenance.

"From the point of view of the risk of war [this step] increases it because NATO deploying more troops to the Baltic states and Poland will be seen as a threat by Vladimir Putin and he will respond in kind. He has to respond in kind," the analyst said. "I would expect Russia to in fact take measures to put even more troops near the borders with the Baltic states and perhaps more missiles in the Kaliningrad Region. It's a tit for tat," he explained.

McCauley noted that this was a vicious circle, with both sides forced to increase their military presence in the region so as not to appear weak.

NATO has beefed up its military presence in Europe, particularly close to Russia's borders since mid-2014.

The analyst pointed to the timing of the latest deployment.

The key thing here of course is this: why have American troops been deployed at this moment, in the middle of January 2017? Well of course President-elect Trump is coming to power on January 20 and he said that he wants to improve relations with Russia. President Obama is making this very difficult for him because he expelled 35 Russian diplomats and now he is putting troops into Poland, the Baltic states, Romania and Bulgaria. So Putin and Trump will have to discuss this," he said.

McCauley further noted that both sides do not want tensions to morph into a war, but warned that an armed conflict could be sparked by an accident due to the sheer scale of military presence close to Russia's western borders.

"The problem is that at present nobody wants a war in Europe," he said. "But unfortunately wars sometimes start out of errors and small mistakes. A small mistake becomes a fire somewhere else and that escalates. That is the real danger. With all this troops in Eastern Europe being deployed and the 300,000 Russian troops in the Western sector and near the Baltic borders, the danger is that an accident could in fact inflame the situation and lead to a response from one side or the other."

McCauley urged Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President-elect Donald Trump to come together and "wind down" these tensions.

"The key thing between Putin and Trump is trust. There is no trust at present between Obama and Putin. They don't respect one another. So therefore the key thing is to develop trust," he said.

Six Russian long-range Tu-22M3 bombers launched airstrikes on Daesh arms and ammunition depots in Syria's Deir ez-Zor, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.

Russian Long-Range Bombers Launch Strikes on Daesh Arms Depots in Deir ez-Zor (Video) (0:28 min.)

On January 24, 2017, six long-range Tu-22M3 bombers that took off from a Russian airfield and flew over Iraq and Iran carried out airstrikes on a [terrorist] plant producing ammunition and explosives in Tel al-Salhiya, Daesh's arms and ammunition depots, as well as areas with Daesh's hardware in the Deir ez-Zor province."

The ministry added that all targets have been destroyed.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Tu-22M3 long-range bombers took off from an airfield in Russia and flew over the territory of Iraq and Iran.
"Su-30SM and Su-35S provided air cover to the Russian bombers from the Hmeymim airbase." After successfully completing their combat mission in Syria, the Russian jets returned to Russia.

On Saturday, Russian strategic bombers started targeting Daesh positions in Deir ez-Zor.

Last week, Daesh terrorists surrounded the Deir ez-Zor military airfield in Syria's northeast. Deir ez-Zor airbase remains the last line of defense of the Syrian army on the way to the city. Despite numerous terrorist attacks involving suicide bombers and military equipment, the Syrian Air Force managed not only to successfully defend the airfield, but also counterattacked terrorists fighting in nearby territories.

Commenting on the development of the situation in the area, the Russian General Staff said on Wednesday that if terrorists capture Deir ez-Zor, civilians will be subjected to genocide and the population may be completely exterminated.

The city of Deir ez-Zor, which is still held by Syrian government forces, has been under Daesh's siege since July 2014. The residents of Deir ez-Zor and the servicemen receive food only via planes delivering humanitarian aid.

Radio Sputnik discussed the protests against US military bases in northern Italy with journalist Claudio Gallo.

NATO Presence in Europe is Like 'Spartan Troops in Athens in Ancient Times'

About 1,000 protesters participated on Saturday in a demonstration against NATO bases in the city of Vicenza, located in northeastern Italy.

"The problem of the presence of NATO in Italy is a problem felt all around Italy. If you want to have an image of what NATO means in Europe, you have to think about Spartan troops in Athens in ancient times," the journalist told Sputnik.

According to the journalist, the United States uses its military bases in Europe for the purpose of global surveillance. For instance, the US base in Sicily is particularly important to Washington because it allows the United States to monitor and carry out surveillance in North Africa and the Middle East.

Washington can justify its actions as some kind of "defense" against potential threats, however, its surveillance rather resembles "an offensive,"
he argued.

"I think Italy should choose not to be a part of this. It is not in Italy's national interest," Gallo argued.

The protest campaign was headed by the No Dal Molin Movement, which opposes a US airbase located in the north of the city. The protesters carried a huge banner, saying "Protection of land for the future without military bases." There are four NATO bases in the Vicenza area.

Earlier, the Italian opposition party Five Stars (M5S) Movement repeatedly criticized the Italian government's policy in respect to the country's troop deployment to a NATO mission in Latvia. Members of the movement also called to organize a referendum on the presence of NATO military bases in the country.
Syrian opposition groups have been invited by Moscow to hold a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday, an opposition figure said.

Syrian Opposition Groups Invited to Moscow for Meeting with Lavrov

Syrian opposition groups, including the Moscow, Cairo and Riyadh groups, have received an invitation to meet with Lavrov in Moscow on January 27, Cairo group leader Jihad Makdissi told the Arabic website of Sputnik news agency on Wednesday.

"We have received an invitation from Russia to take part in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Larov. Aside from us, representatives of other groups, including Moscow and Riyadh, have also been invited," Makdissi said.

He, meantime, said that the Cairo group has not yet received any formal invitations to the Geneva talks on reconciliation in Syria.

The Russian foreign ministry said on Wednesday that Lavrov plans to hold a meeting with representatives of the Syrian opposition later this week.

"The meeting is scheduled to be held in Moscow on January 27," the ministry’s press service said.

Alexander Lavrentiev, head of the Russian delegation to the Astana meeting on Syria, said earlier that a delegation of the Syrian opposition would visit Moscow on January 27.

The Astana talks on settling the Syrian crisis were held on January 23-24 resulting in a communique which stipulates establishing a mechanism to monitor the Syrian ceasefire.

Reports said on Wednesday that a secret clause included in the Astana agreement triggered battles between Fatah al-Sham Front, also known as al-Nusra Front, and Syrian opposition factions.

Secret Clause in Astana Agreement Sparks Terrorists' Attacks on Opposition in Northwestern Syria

The clause calls for bolstering the positions controlled by the Syrian government and opposition forces during the ceasefire, but allows advances at the expense of ISIL and Fatah al-Sham Front, Al Bawaba reported.

Informed Syrian sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that the clause "bolsters the ceasefire reached in Syria and reinforces the positions of parties involved in the conflict, including Syrian government forces and their allies from one part and the opposition forces from another part."

However, it made an exception by allowing advancement at the expense of Fatah al-Sham and ISIL, two factions not included in the ceasefire agreement.

"Therefore, taking positions controlled by the two terror groups would be considered legitimate," the sources said.

The sources added that this unannounced clause reached in the Astana agreement had triggered a race between opposition factions and government forces on annexing Fatah al-Sham Front controlled areas.

"This clause transformed the positions held by al-Nusra into a cake that that government forces and opposition factions are trying to annex with an attempt to boost their geographic powers," the sources added.

Therefore, the talks between opposition factions and the Syrian government in the Kazakh capital, Astana, approved the emergence of a Syrian military movement with the mission of crashing Fatah al-Sham Front in Syria.

Last week, Fatah al-Sham Front militants kicked off a new campaign against a number of 'moderate factions' in the North of Syria, a development that pushed those opposition forces to join hands against the terrorist group.

That allowed Ahrar al-Sham, Sukour al-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam and Fastaqim group to advance towards the areas in Northern Idlib and the West of Aleppo province to stop the attack launched by Fatah al-Sham Front against Jaysh al-Mujahiddeen, several opposition networks reported.

Sham network said on Tuesday that armed confrontations emerged between Fatah al-Sham and other opposition factions in several towns and villages in the Jabal al-Zawiya.

On Tuesday, a Russian-Turkish-Iranian agreement emerged from the Astana international meeting to bolster the shaky truce in Syria after two days of talks.

The agreement stipulates the creation of a trilateral mechanism to observe the ceasefire, without the ability of guaranteeing the endurance of the truce, reached last December in Ankara. The agreement also comes as the representative of the Syrian regime in Astana asserted his country would continue its military operations in the Barada Valley "as long as Damascus is deprived from water."

Moscow, Tehran and Ankara also agreed armed groups should take part in a new round of peace talks brokered by the UN in Geneva next month.

"There is no military solution to the Syrian conflict and... it can only be solved through a political process," said the closing statement issued by Russia, Iran and Turkey.

The Syrian government’s forces pushed back Daesh terrorists some 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) from the T-4 airbase near the city of Palmyra, a military source told Sputnik on Wednesday.

Syrian Army Pushes Daesh Terrorists 12.5 Miles From Palmyra – Source

According to the source, after Bir al Fukar area and the mountain range in Al-Sharife region are retaken, the situation around the T-4 base will stabilize.

The road to Al-Qaryatayn and Furqlus [the biggest oil refinery in Syria] is already under control of the army. The enemy forces were pushed back some 20 kilometers from the airbase," the source said.

"The situation is positive, we have support and reinforcements," the source said.

Turkish military are sending armored vehicles and gendarmerie forces to the border with Syria, Anadolu news agency reported on Wednesday.

Turkey Reportedly Pulling Tanks, Other Military Vehicles Toward Syrian Border

Tanks, armored troops carriers and technical machinery accompanied by the gendarmerie forces were deployed to the Elbeyli district of Kilis province on the Syrian border, Anadolu wrote, citing its military source.

A road from Kilis goes to the Syrian city of Aleppo, the eastern parts of which were liberated by Turkey from militants in December 2016.

Turkey is currently conducting an operation in Syria dubbed Euphrates Shield. On August 24, Turkish forces, supported by Free Syrian Army rebels and US-led coalition aircraft, began a military operation dubbed the Euphrates Shield to clear the Syrian border town of Jarabulus and the surrounding area from Daesh terrorist group. As Jarabulus was retaken, the joint forces of Ankara, the coalition and Syrian rebels continued the operation to gain control over Al-Bab in the Aleppo province.

Al-Bab is one of Daesh’s last remaining strongholds near the Turkish border. Capturing the city is of strategic importance to Turkey in order to prevent the Syrian Kurds taking it and unifying their own territories.

Turkey is building a concrete wall topped with barbed wire on the border with Syria to stop the passage of militants. A Sputnik reporter witnessed the construction of the wall and found out whether it will actually be capable of stopping the terrorists.

Turkey Building 'Great Wall' on Border With Syria (Video) (0:43 min.)

The construction of the first section of the wall in the town of Kessab, west of Idlib province, Syria is now complete. Construction of the wall has moved to the city of Kamishli in the east. The height of the wall is up to 3 meters, not counting the barbed wire on top of it.

Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Turkey's position towards its southern neighbor has changed dramatically. At first Turkey supported those who believed "Assad must go" and it was adamant to create a buffer zone in Syria.

Now things have changed and Turkey has acceded that the Syrian president should stay in office, however, the wall must be constructed to keep the terrorists out.

Turkey, in its defense has declared that the wall will help guards to monitor the border and see who crosses it.

In Syria, however, the authorities are less than excited about this wall considering that Turkey did not clarify the exact border demarcation with Syria before beginning construction. Could Turkey have sneakily acquired a little of the Syrian land in the process? According to some reports, it has.

Also, from the beginning of the war in Syria, the Syrian-Turkish border which has a range of 822 km, saw a large amount of militants pouring into Syria from Turkey with weapons, machine guns and radical ideas in tow.

The US army has come across "unexpected difficulties" during the redeployment of armored vehicles from the German port of Bremerhaven to Poland.

German bridges appear to be serious obstacles for US armored vehicles

According to The Wall Street Journal, several vehicles were seriously damaged during the transportation. The vehicles crashed into the bridges, the height of which turned out to be lower than the military expected. Five armored vehicles were left in Germany, and the military have not found a safe way for their transportation yet.

Several US tanks had their batteries discharged upon their arrival to Europe, commander of US forces in Europe, Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges said. He also acknowledged that Washington did not have sufficient knowledge about the infrastructure of those NATO members that used to be part of the former Soviet bloc.

The United States is currently moving to Europe 87 M1 Abrams tanks, 144 armored vehicles M2 Bradley, 18 self-propelled howitzers M109 Paladin and four thousand troops to support operations Atlantic Resolve Operation. The goal of the maneuvers is to contain the potential of the Russian Federation.

German right-wing parties in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern organized a protest against NATO exercises currently taking place in the region. In an interview with Sputnik Germany, the head of the right-wing AfD party Leif-Erik Holm criticized NATO's activities, saying that they send the wrong signal to Russia.

'Provocation Against Russia': German Party Protests NATO War Games

According to the politician, relations with Russia can't be built with tanks. Holm views NATO military exercises as "provocation against Russia" and "saber-rattling." He is confident that it must be stopped.

We believe this is wrong. These exercises are a saber rattling against Russia," Holm told Sputnik Germany.

Over the last few years, NATO has been increasing its military presence in Europe and conducting military activities near the Russian border. The United States and NATO have deployed additional forces and military equipment to Central and Eastern European nations, as well as the Baltic states, citing security concerns as the reason.

Last week, approximately 4,000 US soldiers, as well as hundreds of armored vehicles and battle tanks arrived in Germany as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve.

This program is aimed at ensuring Washington's European allies that the US is committed to protecting them from Moscow, although Russian officials have repeatedly said that the country does not pose a threat to any of its neighbors or any nation in the world.

The politician noted that Germany should worry about finding a balance and maintaining a dialogue on both sides of the Atlantic. Friendly relations with Russia are, in particular, important for Germany as the country benefits from an economic partnership with Russia, he argued.

"We want to expand exports, rather than threaten them," Holm said, criticizing the sanctions introduced by Western countries against Russia. "I spoke with entrepreneurs from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. They complained of sanctions. They no longer have close contacts with Russia for exports. In addition, they fear that the Russians will switch to other trading partners."

The minister stresses the military and political situation in the south-western strategic direction remains unstable.

Defense minister says troops in south Russia need to be strengthened over tense situation

Troops of Russia’s Southern Military District need to be strengthened over the situation in southeast Ukraine and the activity of international terrorist groupings in the North Caucasus, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at the ministry’s board meeting on Wednesday.

"It is important to note that the military and political situation in the south-western strategic direction remains unstable. It is primarily negatively affected by the situation in southeast Ukraine and the activity of international terrorist organizations and groupings on the territory of the North Caucasus," the defense minister said.

"In these conditions, work has to be continued to improve the combat structure of the district’s troops, hire contract servicemen and equip troops with new types of armament and military hardware and to develop military infrastructure," the defense minister said.

Last year, the Southern Military District’s combat capabilities were boosted by 10%, including as a result of the continued hire of contract servicemen and the arrival of new types of armaments and the improvement of the stationing system, the defense minister said.

Japan’s airspace was not violated, the Joint Staff said.

Japan scrambles fighter jets to intercept Russian bombers

Japanese Air Self-Defense Force fighter jets were scrambled Tuesday to intercept three Russian Tu-95 Bear strategic bombers, the Joint Staff of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces said Wednesday.

Japan’s airspace was not violated, the Joint Staff said.

The latest similar event involving Russian warplanes near the Japanese borders was recorded about a year ago, in January 2016.

From April to September 2016, Japan had to dispatch its fighter jets more than 500 times to intercept foreign military aircraft. The vast majority of the sorties were performed to intercept Chinese warplanes.

UK warships and the Royal Air Force (RAF) jets are escorting the Russian Northern Fleet carrier group led by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier returning from Syria to its base in northern Russia via the English Channel, the UK Defense Ministry said Wednesday.

UK Ships Escort Russian Carrier Group Returning From Syria Via English Channel

According to the ministry, Royal Navy Frigate HMS St Albans, equipped with a Merlin helicopter and advanced RAF Typhoon aircraft are watching the Russian aircraft carrier.

"Royal Navy and RAF man-marking Russian aircraft carrier Kuznetsov as it passes close to UK territorial waters on its way home," the ministry posted on its Twitter page.

Earlier in the day, the Russian Embassy in Britain stated via Twitter that the "UK reported to spend £1,4 mln on escorting Admiral Kuznetsov. Russian Navy always willing to oblige."

The Russian carrier group, including over 40 naval aviation aircraft, which participated in anti-terror operations in Syria, started its sea passage from Mediterranean toward the Northern Fleet base in Severomorsk on January 6.

The Russian naval task force, including the Admiral Kuznetsov, the Pyotr Veliky battle cruiser, and the Severomorsk and Vice-Admiral Kulakov anti-submarine warfare destroyers, were sent to the Mediterranean on October 15, 2016 to assist in the military operation against Daesh terrorists in Syria.

Commissioned in 1990, the Admiral Kuznetsov is currently Russia’s only aircraft carrier. It is capable of harboring over 50 aircraft.

The Japanese government’s special envoy for relations with Russia is expected to be the first person to be dismissed

Japan to replace diplomats in charge of talks with Russia — media

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to replace a team of high-ranking diplomats responsible for talks with Russia, the Asahi newspaper said on Wednesday.

The Japanese government’s special envoy for relations with Russia, Chikahito Harada, who had been the country’s ambassador to Moscow for nearly five years, is expected to be the first person to be dismissed, according to the report. Most recently, Harada took part in the consultations on signing a peace treaty with Russia.

The paper says the prime minister’s office has decided that the new official responsible for talks with Moscow will be Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Takeo Akiba, who is an expert in the international law. He also took part in the consultations with Russia’s representatives.

Later this month, some reshuffles are also expected in the Japanese Foreign Ministry. The director of the department for Europe and the head of a Russian department inside its subdivision are expected to be replaced.

According to the paper, the upcoming reshuffles are linked to the December 15-16 visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Japan. Prime Minister Abe is expected to intensify the talks with Moscow by renewing the team.
OH Gawd! What is Trump thinking? The only mandate the US should have for Syria - is to pull all our Military Forces and hardware out - not try to create a "safe zone" under any pretext? It undermines the progressive Peace Talks and the Astana meeting on Syria and the scheduled peace talks brokered by the UN in Geneva next month? Is this some kind of bargaining chip or something?

In a statement, "It should also be noted that the order is not an order to produce a “safe zone” but an order to produce a plan to create one. A fine line but a line nonetheless."

US President Donald Trump said he’ll establish “safe zones’ within Syria for people fleeing terrorism, risking becoming even more involved in the crisis. He also believes the US should have “taken the oil” from Iraq as it pulled its troops out in 2011.

Trump says he’ll order ‘safe zones’ for Syria, regrets not ‘taking’ oil out of Iraq

26 Jan, 2017 - “I’ll absolutely do safe zones in Syria for the people,” he said in a lengthy interview with ABC, his first since taking office. The president did not specify details, but explained his intention with a nod towards Europe, which he said made a mistake by letting in asylum seekers from the Middle East.

“I think that Europe has made a tremendous mistake by allowing these millions of people to go into Germany and various other countries. And all you have to do is take a look. It's… it's a disaster what's happening over there. I don't want that to happen here,” he said. He noted that his predecessor Barack Obama also allowed thousands of refugees into the United States, which made possible incidents like the tragedy in San Bernardino in 2015, in which 14 people were killed and 22 others were injured in a terrorist attack carried out by a radicalized couple of Pakistani origin. Trump vowed not to repeat those mistakes.

Trump accused the Obama administration of having been unable to properly check immigrants entering the US from Syria and other crisis-stricken states to make sure they had no links to terrorism.

“President Obama and [former Secretaries of State] Hillary Clinton… and [John] Kerry have allowed tens of thousands of people into our country. The FBI is now investigating more people than ever before having to do with terror […] and it's from the group of people that came in.

“I'm gonna be the president of a safe country. We have enough problems,” Trump said.

Moscow was quick to react to Trump’s plans, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov suggesting the US should calculate all the possible consequences.

“It’s important to make sure that this does not further aggravate the situation with refugees,” Peskov told a conference call with reporters.

Yet, according to a document reportedly seen by Reuters, Trump is expected to order the Pentagon and the State Department to compile a plan for setting up the “safe zones” which he proposed.

“The Secretary of State, in conjunction with the Secretary of Defense, is directed within 90 days of the date of this order to produce a plan to provide safe areas in Syria and in the surrounding region in which Syrian nationals displaced from their homeland can await firm settlement, such as repatriation or potential third-country resettlement,” the draft order said, as cited by Reuters.

The move will mean the current US military involvement in Syria’s civil war will be expanded, which may escalate the situation taking into account that American troops and the US-led coalition were not invited to take part in the conflict by the Syrian government in the first place.

The US-governed creation of safe zones would potentially mean an increase in the presence of US or allied air power to cover the zones from air, as well as boots on the ground to protect civilians in these areas. However, according to Reuters, the draft order provides no details on what the safe zones would require in terms of defense or where they might be located.

The draft order provided a notion of setting up the safe zones in neighboring countries, but Syria’s neighbors, including Jordan and Turkey, already have migrant camps of their own hosting millions of Syrian refugees.

Trump’s plan to establish safe zones in Syria is part of his general directive on immigration, which will include a temporary 30-day ban on most refugees and a suspension of US visas for citizens of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, the Middle Eastern and African countries that appear to pose a terrorism threat. Trump’s administration is to use the temporary halt to work out a system which will ensure US visas are not issued to people that pose a national security threat, according to the draft.

Trump also said he will keep his campaign promise and build a wall on the border with Mexico, from where illegal immigrants, including from across the ocean, come into the US.

‘We should've kept the oil when we got out of Iraq’

Addressing America’s involvement in another Middle Eastern crisis – the war in Iraq, the newly-inaugurated US leader regretted not having taken the oil when the US troops left the country in 2011.

In his historic speech at the CIA in Washington, DC, last week, Trump initially stated, “We should've kept the oil. But, OK, maybe we’ll have another chance,” sparking debates as to what he could have meant by the statement. In an interview with ABC, the president explained his words, stating that Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) would not have become a global threat had it not taken over Iraq’s oil industry when the country was left weakened by the war.

“We should've kept the oil when we got out. And, you know, it's very interesting, had we taken the oil, you wouldn't have ISIS because they fuel themselves with the oil. That's where they got the money. They got the money […] when we left, we left Iraq, which wasn't a government.

“We created a vacuum and ISIS formed. But had we taken the oil something else very good would've happened. They would not have been able to fuel their rather unbelievable drive to destroy large portions of the world,” Trump stated. He added, however, that Iraq’s oil could profit the United States as well, with the country’s budget drained by its involvement in the wars of the Middle East.

“If we took the oil you wouldn't have ISIS. And we would have had wealth. We have spent right now $6 trillion in the Middle East. And our country is falling apart.”

When asked by the news anchor whether he plans to fix that mistake and claim Iraq’s oil, the president said he would rather not give away his military plans, referring to the situation around Mosul, the de-facto IS capital in Iraq. The city has been under siege by Iraqi government forces, allied militias, Iraqi Kurdistan, and international forces for over three months now, with no forecasts so far on when the city will be liberated from terrorists. This, in Trump’s opinion, is due to the fact the campaign had been over-advertised.

“We're gonna see what happens. You know, […] when it comes to the military I don't want to discuss things.

“I want to let the action take place before the talk takes place. I watched in Mosul when a number of months ago generals and politicians would get up and say, ‘We're going into Mosul in four months.’ Then they'd say, ‘We're going in in three months, two months, one month. We're going in next week.’

“I kept saying to myself, ‘Gee, why do they have to keep talking about going in?’ Alright, so now they go in and it is tough because they're giving the enemy all this time to prepare. I don't want to do a lot of talking on the military. I want to talk after it's finished, not before it starts,” Trump said.

Trump Expected To Sign Orders For “Safe Zone” In Syria, Reports

Thurs. January 26, 2017 - President Donald Trump is expected to sign yet another Executive Order regarding his plan to suspend the U.S.’s “refugee” program and a tightening of procedures for vetting individuals entering the United States under a refugee visa. Few but the most ardent open immigration proponents are against such a policy.

However, tucked away in the document, according to mainstream news sources like Reuters and Newsweek, is a provision to create “safe zones” in Syria. As Julia Edwards Ainsley and Matt Spetalnick of Reuters summarized,

President Donald Trump is expected to order the Pentagon and the State Department in coming days to craft a plan for setting up “safe zones” for refugees in Syria, according to a document seen by Reuters on Wednesday, a move that could risk escalation of U.S. military involvement in Syria’s civil war.

The draft executive order awaiting Trump’s signature signaled the new administration may be preparing a step that his predecessor Barack Obama long resisted, fearing the potential for being pulled deeper into the bloody conflict and the threat of clashes between U.S. and Russian warplanes over Syria.

“The Secretary of State, in conjunction with the Secretary of Defense, is directed within 90 days of the date of this order to produce a plan to provide safe areas in Syria and in the surrounding region in which Syrian nationals displaced from their homeland can await firm settlement, such as repatriation or potential third-country resettlement,” the draft order said.

Creation of safe zones, if Trump decides to do so, could ratchet up U.S. military involvement in Syria and mark a major departure from Obama’s more cautious approach. Increased U.S. or allied air power would be required if Trump chooses to enforce “no fly” restrictions, and ground forces might also be needed to protect civilians in those areas.

Still, the document gave no details on what would constitute a safe zone, exactly where they might be set up and who would defend them. Jordan, Turkey and other neighboring countries already host millions of Syrian refugees. The Turkish government had long pressed Obama, without success, for creation of a no-fly zone in Syria on its border with Turkey.

The draft raised the possibility of establishing those safe havens in neighboring countries but did not elaborate.

The move is being characterized as being part of a larger plan to restrict refugee influx to the United States, especially from specific countries.

In true Trump fashion, the document allegedly lacks details. While it is possible that the order only revolves around the repatriation of refugees already inside the country, given the coverage provided to the issue of “safe zones” and “no-fly zones” in Syria over the past few years, it is unlikely that the terminology would be used out of ignorance. If the “safe zones” are established in “neighboring countries,” then there is the possibility that terms are being blurred but it is not likely that other countries will want anymore refugees themselves.

It should also be noted that the order is not an order to produce a “safe zone” but an order to produce a plan to create one. A fine line but a line nonetheless.

Still, while it is entirely reasonable to begin scaling back America’s open immigration policies and influx of questionable refugees as well as sending them back to their home countries where possible, a “safe zone” in Syria is an entirely different ball game; “safe zones” as we know them mean war – plain and simple. After all, a “safe zone” must be enforced and how else can it be enforced but with ground troops and fighter jets?

Such has even been admitted by top U.S. Generals when explaining exactly what a No Fly Zone would entail. As General Carter Ham stated,

We should make no bones about it. It first entails killing a lot of people and destroying the Syrian air defenses and those people who are manning those systems. And then it entails destroying the Syrian air force, preferably on the ground, in the air if necessary. This is a violent combat action that results in lots of casualties and increased risk to our own personnel.

General Philip Breedlove also echoed this description when he said,

I know it sounds stark, but what I always tell people when they talk to me about a no-fly zone is . . . it’s basically to start a war with that country because you are going to have to go in and kinetically take out their air defense capability

When Senator Roger Wicker asked Gen. Joe Dunford what it would take to impose a no-fly zone upon Syria, the General responded, “Right now… for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia.”

The idea of establishing a “safe zone” in Syria is, of course, not a new concept. In July, 2015, the agreement being discussed would have effectively created a “buffer zone” that would have spanned from the Turkish border line into Syria. It would have extended from Azaz in the East to Jarablus in the west and as far south as al-Bab. The width of the zone would have been about 68 miles and would have extended around 40 miles deep into Syria, right on the doorstep of Aleppo. That “buffer zone” was actually created with Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield and it has functioned as the last open, NATO-protected supply line for ISIS and its allies to enter Syria from Turkey.

Many hoped that a Trump victory would finally mean the end of terrorism and destabilization in Syria. However, after a week in office, Trump is showing clear signs that he is as much an establishment figure as the rest as time moves on.

If America wants to stop terrorism in Syria, it need only stop funding it, supporting it, and directing it. It’s that simple. The U.S. could also call on its allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey, U.K., France, Qatar, and Israel to do the same. It could work with Russia to eliminate the remnants of terrorist forces and it could provide information and coordinates to both Syria and Russia on the whereabouts of terrorists and terrorist forces. At this point, legitimate refugees would no longer have a reason to leave and refugees taken in by the U.S. could be shuttled back to their home countries with no fear of them returning to war.

A “safe zone” under the guise of the repatriation of refugees is simply a safe zone under another name. With Obama, the argument was a “safe zone” to protect civilians from ISIS and Assad. Neither the American people nor the Syrian people want further American involvement in Syria. It is time to stop funding terrorists and “rebels” and to end the American presence in Syria.

US President Donald Trump is ordering the Pentagon to establish a series of “safe zones” in Syria, a move that could risk confrontation with the Syrian government as well as Russian forces in the Arab country.

Trump Ordering Pentagon to Establish ‘Safe Zones’ in Syria

“I’ll absolutely do safe zones in Syria for the people,” Trump told ABC News in an interview on Wednesday, without further elaborating on his plan.

The safe-zone mandate was included in the text of an executive order signed on Wednesday by the new Republican president that puts harsh restrictions on people travelling from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and other countries to the United States.

Trump is expected to ask the Pentagon and the State Department in the coming days to devise a plan for establishing the “safe zones,” according to a document seen by Reuters.

The development shows that the Trump administration is preparing a step that former President Barack Obama resisted during his time in office, fearing the potential for confrontation between US and Russian warplanes over Syria.

“The Secretary of State, in conjunction with the Secretary of Defense, is directed within 90 days of the date of this order to produce a plan to provide safe areas in Syria and in the surrounding region in which Syrian nationals displaced from their homeland can await firm settlement, such as repatriation or potential third-country resettlement,” reads the draft executive order awaiting Trump’s signature.

During his election campaign, Trump slammed his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, for proposing the establishment of a no-fly zone and “safe zones” in Syria.

He warned that Clinton’s policy towards Syria would “lead to World War III”, arguing that she would drag the US into an armed confrontation with Russia.

And now Trump is planning to follow the policy he once criticized despite warnings by several senior American diplomats that there is no “viable option” to set up a “safe zone” inside Syria for civilians and US-allied militants.

Since September 2014, the US and some of its Arab allies have been carrying out airstrikes against purported Daesh positions inside Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate. The US-led coalition has done little to stop Daesh’s advances in Syria.

In September of 2015, Russia launched its own air offensive against the terrorists who were still wreaking havoc in Syria. The Russian campaign, analysts say, has broken the backbone of Daesh and other militants.
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