Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

The field commander of the Syrian Army announced on Wednesday that the army has liberated new territories in the eastern part of Homs province.

Syrian Army Conducts 'Lightning Military Operation' Against Daesh Near Palmyra (Video) (0:47 min.)

“Units of the Syrian army and allied forces conducted a lightning military operation in the south and south-west of Tifur airport, west of Palmyra towards Mazraa-Fedda, Bir-Fedda and the ruins of Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi castle. The offensive was conducted with the support of artillery and aircraft,” the source said.

The source also stressed that as a result of the operation, the army took back control of Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi, Mazraa-Fedda and Bir-Fedda.

In the course of the operation dozens of terrorists were injured and killed. Their vehicles were also heavily damaged.

However, the Syrian Army did not suffer any losses.

Earlier, Syrian Arab Army soldiers launched an operation targeting militant-controlled areas in the southeast of Tiyas (T4) Airbase in Homs Governorate near the city of Palmyra.

The government forces pushed back the terrorists some 20 kilometers from the airbase.

According to the source, after Bir al Fukar area and the mountain range in Al-Sharife region are retaken, the situation around the T-4 base will stabilize.

In December 2016, the Syrian government’s forces had to abandon Palmyra after Daesh stormed the city. The terrorists then moved for approximately 90 kilometers toward the city of Homs, taking key heights and several villages near Palmyra.

They attempted to storm the T-4 airbase as well, which is the main obstacle on their way to Homs, but were stopped by government forces.

Islamic State (ISIS) militants showed off their new military hardware in east Aleppo yesterday, as they attacked the Syrian Arab Army with recently captured Turkish armored vehicles.

ISIS uses captured Turkish Army equipment against Syrian Army in Aleppo

The terrorist group’s official media, Al-‘Amaq, posted footage, yesterday, of their forces using Turkish Kobra vehicles to attack the Syrian Arab Army south of Al-Bab.

Using Turkish armored vehicles, the Islamic State recaptured the village of Rasm Surhan after launching a counter-offensive against the Syrian Arab Army.

These armored vehicles were captured by the Islamic State forces during the Turkish Army’s failed offensives east of Al-Bab.

A senior officer from the Syrian Arab Army told Al-Masdar last week that they believe the Turkish Army purposely leaves their equipment in east Al-Bab so that the Islamic State can reuse it against the government forces later.

ISIS has executed six of its own fighters for escaping a battle with the Syrian army in Deir Ezzor, activists reported on Wednesday.

ISIS executes six fighters for escaping battle with Syrian Army in Deir Ezzor

They were arrested near the town of Margada in Hasakah Governorate by ISIS guards, under orders of the towns governor, Abdu Abdullah al-Jizrawi, a source close to ISIS told ARA News.

They were then executed by a firing squad. “ISIS has accused them of treason for failing to defend the so-called Caliphate,” a media activist in Margada told ARA News, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The militant fighters evacuated their post in northern Deir Ezzor without permission, while clashes continued between ISIS and Syria goverment forces in the area,” the source added.

The six militants were publicly executed by firing squad in central Margada on Wednesday.

The decision to station the Shandong aircraft carrier, currently under construction in Dalian, in close vicinity of a Chinese nuclear submarine base on Hainan Island in the South China Sea is fully in line with the original purpose of this particular type of ships, military expert Vasily Kashin told Sputnik.

Beijing to Deploy Aircraft Carrier in South China Sea Amid Tensions With US

China’s first homemade aircraft carrier, the Shandong picks up where Russia’s Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier left off with its designers adapting the ship to the needs of the Chinese Navy and correcting some of the shortfalls of its Russian prototype.

It will join China’s other carrier, the Liaoning, a refurbished Soviet vessel brought over from Ukraine in 1998.

The Shandong and its accompanying flotilla of support ships will ensure protection of Chinese ballistic missile nuclear submarines based on Hainan Island amid rising tensions in the South China Sea where Beijing has been fortifying artificial islands, a source of tension with Washington,” Vasily Kashin said.

He added that even though it lacks the Admiral Kuznetsov’s powerful arsenal of offensive weapons, the Shandong perfectly suits its current mission and will considerably enhance the Chinese Navy’s ability to respond to any crisis that might arise in the South China Sea.

It can also be used as a carrier of rescue helicopters during international operations during natural disasters happening in the South China Sea.

“Unlike their Western counterparts, designed to project military power in faraway parts of the world oceans, Russia’s Admiral Kuznetsov and other Project 1143.5 ships were built to protect nuclear-powered missile submarines in a particular section of the ocean,” Kashin continued.

The US Air Force has launched an investigation into a training “mishap” that killed one airman and injured another.

US fighter jets involved in deadly training accident in New Mexico

The incident happened on Tuesday near Holloman Air Force Base in southern New Mexico, when two F-16 Fighting Falcons fired an air-to-surface ordnance “on an active weapons range,” according to a statement by the base.

According to the statement, the training went awry and the ground-control party, which is tasked with providing guidance to military planes during training, was struck.

The injured airman was released from hospital after being treated for unspecified injuries.

The identities of the victims were not released. The statement did not identify the pilots either.

The air base said that the two F-16s were based at Holloman but belonged to another fighter wing based in Arizona.

The range was part of the White Sands Missile Range complex, a vast testing area where the US carried out its first atomic bomb test in 1945.

Entering service in the late 1970s, the Fighting Falcon is a multi-role fighter that can drop bombs and fire missiles. The aircraft has single and twin seat variants.

Hours before the mishap in New Mexico, four soldiers were injured after a helicopter crashed on the border between the two states of Tennessee and Kentucky.

The high number of crashes and mishaps involving military aircraft has worried American military officials.

Between October 2014 and April 2016, the US Navy sustained a total loss of over $1 billion in damage caused by fighter jet accidents, according to data by the Naval Safety Center.

General John Paxton, the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, warned during a Senate hearing last year that American pilots were getting inadequate training due to a severe lack of funding.
President Donald Trump's administration scrapped plans by former President Barack Obama to arm Kurdish fighters in northern Syria in a push to recapture the city of Raqqa from Daesh, US media reported.

Battle for Raqqa: US Drops Obama’s Plan to Arm Kurds to Retake City From Daesh

After being handed the plan on January 17, Trump’s team decided it was so careful that it would likely fail, and threw it out, The Washington Post reported on Thursday, citing sources.

US Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have not devised an alternate plan, it added.

According to the newspaper, the Obama administration had for years relied on Turkey to send troops or Syrian rebels into Raqqa, but President Recep Tayyip Erdogan focused on fighting Syrian Kurds, which it sees as a greater threat than Daesh.

Central Command commander Gen. Joseph Votel finally asked for authorization to back the Kurds in the fall of 2016, but US administration officials delayed making a decision amid fears it would alienate Ankara.

Three weeks before Trump's January 20 inauguration, Votel and Dunford formally requested armored vehicles, anti-tank weapons, machine guns and mine-clearing equipment for the Kurds and stressed that delaying the delivery could drag the Raqqa operation out for another year.

Kurdish fighters dominate the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a collective that also includes the Syrian Arab Coalition, which is made up of fighters predominantly from local Arab areas.

US-supplied armored vehicles were delivered to Syrian fighters on Tuesday, but Col. John Dorrian said they were transferred to the Syrian Arab Coalition, not the SDF. Another of the SDF's Kurdish components, the Popular Defense Units (YPG) also denied receiving arms from the US-led coalition.

Moscow considers postponing the intra-Syrian talks process in Geneva unacceptable, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said Friday.

Delays in Intra-Syrian Talks Process Unacceptable - Russian Foreign Ministry

Moscow considers postponing the resumption of the intra-Syrian talks in Geneva unacceptable, Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said Friday.

On our part, we fully support the decisive attitude of [UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan] de Mistura on the soonest resumption of the intra-Syrian talks in Geneva. We consider the attempts to delay or postpone them unacceptable," Zakharova said at a press briefing.

The next round of UN-mediated talks in Geneva was initially expected to take place on February 8, but then rescheduled for February 20.

As the Syrian army is conducting a massive offensive against Daesh militants entrenched in Palmyra, the militants rushed to burn down gas processing facilities at a plant located in the vicinity of the ancient city.

Daesh Militants Burn Gas Plant Near Syria's Palmyra - Military Source

Daesh militants have burned all gas processing facilities at a plant in the Hiyan oil field close to Syria's Palmyra, a Syrian military source told Sputnik on Thursday.

"IS [Daesh] militants have burned the remaining parts of the Hiyan plant in the eastern Homs province which they blew up a month ago," the source said.

The fire continues to rage in the southern part of the plant, the source added.

The Syrian Air Force carried out several combat sorties over ISIL's positions and movements in Eastern Sweida, destroying an arms depot and a large fuel tanker.

ISIL's Arms Depot, Oil Tanker Destroyed in Syrian Air Raid in Sweida

The warplanes bombed heavily ISIL's concentration centers and movements to the South of Beir al-Rasi'ei near al-Roshdiyeh, destroying a large depot of arms and ammunition, a large oil tanker and a military vehicle.

The ISIL also suffered a heavy death toll in the air attack.

In relevant developments in the Southern province last week, the Syrian army troops targeted a convoy of ISIL terrorists' oil tankers in Eastern Sweida, destroying several tankers and killing several militants accompanying the convoy.

The army men targeted a convoy of ISIL's fuel tankers near the al-Roshdiyeh village, destroying several tankers and killing at least 10 militants.

Hayan gas field's facilities were set ablaze by the ISIL last night after the Syrian Army troops advanced against the terrorists and made their first push past the Jihar crossroad, a Syrian source disclosed on Friday.

ISIL Sets Fire at Gas Field Facilities in Eastern Homs

The ISIL burned all gas processing facilities at a plant in the Hayan gas field close to Syria's Palmyra, the source said.

"ISIL militants have burned the remaining parts of the Hayan plant in Eastern Homs which they blew up a month ago," the source said.

The fire continues to rage in the Southern part of the plant, the source added.

The army men have prevailed over ISIL's positions and have advanced towards Hayan.

The Syrian army is currently advancing to retake the ancient city of Palmyra back from ISIL.

ISIL targeted a gathering of Turkish soldiers and Ankara-backed militant groups in a small town near al-Bab East of Aleppo province, killing seven and wounding at least four more.

Syria: 7 Turkish Soldiers, Allied Militants Killed in ISIL's Attack near Al-Bab

ISIL opened heavy fire at a gathering of the Turkey-led Euphrates Shield Operation to the North of the town of Baza'ah, killing seven Turkish soldiers and their affiliated militants and wounding four more.

Reports said on Thursday that the Syrian army imposed control over 250 square kilometers of land in the Eastern part of Aleppo province and won full control of over 30 towns and villages in al-Bab military liberation operations.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry condemned strongly Turkey’s repeated attacks against the Syrian people in the Northern part of the country and aggression against Syria’s territory

Syria Condemns Turkey’s Act of Aggression near al-Bab in Northern Aleppo

The condemnation was expressed in two letters addressed to the UN Secretary General and President of the Security Council.

The letters referred to the Turkish troops’ incursion into the Syrian territories over the past few days and their occupation of some Syrian villages, including the villages of al-Ghouz and Abu Zibdin West of al-Bab town with the aim of advancing towards it.

The letters made it clear that these attacks pose a threat to the international peace and security within the framework of the exposed role played by the Turkish regime in supporting terrorism.

These attacks, the letters added, came in continuation of the Turkish regime’s aggression on Syria for more than five years now, which includes providing various forms of military, material and logistic support to the terrorist organizations, in addition to facilitating the entry of foreign militants into Syria, setting up training camps for them on Turkish soil under direct Turkish intelligence supervision and providing arms and fire cover to the terrorist groups fighting inside Syria.

The Ministry expressed in its letters the Syrian government’s renewed demand that the Security Council assume its responsibilities in preserving international peace and security and putting an end to the violations which the Turkish regime is committing against the Syrian people.

Local sources in Eastern Aleppo disclosed that the Turkish Air Force has targeted an industrial zone near the town of al-Bab in their so-called anti-ISIL operation in Northern Syria, destroying three facilities and killing several workers.

The sources said on Wednesday that the Turkish army and air force pounded residential areas and people's properties in the ISIL-held town of al-Bab.

They added that the warplanes bombed three large industrial plants in al-Bab.

One of the bombed factories had 100 workers and was producing flour and cookies, while the other two were packaging plants with over 250 workers.

The sources confirmed that five workers were killed and the factories sustained major damage in the attacks.

A monitor said on Friday that ten civilians, including a child, were killed in Turkish airstrikes and shelling in and around a Syrian town held by the ISIL terrorists.

The bombardment hit the Northern town of al-Bab and the nearby area of Tadif, both held by ISIL, on Thursday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, the Lebanese Naharnet news agency reported.

Turkish forces regularly carry out air strikes in support of a ground operation it launched in Syria last August targeting both ISIL and Kurdish fighters.

The Russian center for Syrian reconciliation has carried out seven humanitarian operations in Syria’s Aleppo in the past 24 hours, the center said in a statement.

Aleppo Civilians Get Over Five Tons of Aid From Russian Reconciliation Center

Some 5.1 tons of humanitarian cargo passed to the population of Aleppo, according to the Friday statement.

The reconciliation center said that bread and hot food was delivered to several schools in Aleppo, a kindergarten and a mosque.

In the province of Latakia, children received school supplies and presents in the city of Jablah.

In the Syrian province of Hama, the Russian reconciliation center delivered over 3.5 tons of food and medicine to the Kumkhana settlement that joined the ceasefire regime in Syria on January 26. Kumkhana residents also received medical aid from Russian specialists who treated a total of over 100 people.
Syrian Army troops established a safe corridor for the evacuation of civilians from terrorist-held regions in Eastern Ghouta to be relocated to government-controlled areas under Russia's monitoring.

Syrian Army Sets up First Safe Corridor to Evacuate Civilians from Eastern Damascus

The first safe corridor to transfer civilians from terrorist-held regions was set up by the army in a refugee camp in Eastern Ghouta yesterday.

The corridor will be used to transfer people to safer regions under the control of the army similar to the evacuation people from Aleppo city.

A military source said that the safe corridor was set up under Russian monitoring, adding that more safe corridors will be set up in the region soon.

The source added that with dividing Eastern Ghouta into four parts, the army will establish two safe corridors in each part to pave the ground for the residents and also for those militants that want to join the peace agreement to be able to leave the militant-held regions.

A Syrian army major general said the Syrian army troops and their popular allies will liberate the ISIL-held town of al-Bab in Northern Aleppo soon.

Army General: Syrian Army About to Capture Al-Bab

The Syrian Army's retired Major General Ali Maqsoud told FNA that the army forces are just two kilometers away from the town of al-Bab, adding, "Syria's military achievements in Eastern Aleppo have expanded the domain of their security around the city of Aleppo."

He further pointed to the heavy defeats that the Turkish forces and Euphrates Shield Operation Forces have suffered North and East of al-Bab and said, "The Syrian army has cut off the supply lines of ISIL and seized control over 16 kilometers of Aleppo-al-Bab and could prove to the world that it is the only power capable of launching serious confrontation against ISIL."

He added that the Syrian army's upper hand and its advances against ISIL towards al-Bab will have significant consequences for the diplomatic settlement of Syria's crisis.

On Thursday, the Syrian army continued its military operations in the Eastern part of Aleppo province, seizing back a large section of the Al-Bab-Aleppo highway.

Media sources claimed that Chief of the ISIL terrorist group Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has arrived in a town to the South of Hasaka to take part in a very important meeting of the groups' leaders.

Media Reports: ISIL Leader in Syria's Hasaka

The Arabic language desk of Sputnik quoted local sources as saying that frequent security meetings among ISIL's senior commanders in the town of Merkadeh and intensifying of security measures in the region have increased the possibility of Baghdadi's presence in Merkadeh.

Sputnik added that unprecedented security measures in Merkadeh in the last two days is testifying that Baghdadi has arrived from Iraq and is now in the Syrian town.

A security source in Iraq said last month that al-Baghdadi was not in Iraq and fled to Raqqa in Syria.

The source who called for anonymity dismissed earlier reports claiming that al-Baghdadi was in al-Ba'ajaj town in Western Mosul, and said, "al-Baghdadi is in Raqqa city which has been chosen by the ISIL as its self-proclaimed capital in Syria."

He added that Nineveh province was besieged from all sides by the Iraqi army and its allies and all border corridors between Syria and Turkey were closed and al-Baghdadi did not move to Iraq from Syria since it is impossible.

His remarks came after local sources claimed in January that the convoy of al-Baghdadi and other ISIL ringleaders was targeted by the air force on its way from Syria to Iraq and the ISIL ringleader was wounded.

Nearly 700 members of Fatah al-Sham Front (the al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as the al-Nusra Front) defected the terrorist group in Syria as clashes between Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham intensified in Idlib province.

Hundreds of Militants Defect Nusra Front After Severe Infighting Among Terrorist Groups in Syria

A senior commander of Nusra Front who defected from the organization, Abu Mohammad Saleh Al-Hamouvi, disclosed that more than 700 members of the al-Nusra Front have cut off ties with the group that has been attacking other rival militants, specially Ahrar al-Sham, in the province of Idlib in the last several days.

The former commander of the terrorist group who divulges the secrets of the organization said that defected members handed over their weapons to Nusra officials, refusing to do military missions in Syria. He added that the number of Nusra members who ask for resignation is rising as the organization is of no value for scores of its members for the moment.

Ahrar al-Sham and Al-Nusra Front broke their alliance after bloody clashes and at the end of more than a month of widening differences. Both groups started new coalitions immediately.

The al-Nusra Front and several militant groups declared that they decided to form a new coalition named "Tahrir Al-Sham Hay'at" to narrow down widening rifts amongst their commanders and members.

Ahrar al-Sham rejected its affiliation to the new coalition, and disclosed that it will start a new front called "Tahrir al-Syria Front".

Royal Jordanian Air Force on Saturday conducted airstrikes against several targets of Daesh in southern Syria, local media reported.

Jordanian Air Forces Bomb Daesh Targets in Southern Syria

According to a statement of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army, cited by the Petra news agency, the country's air forces bombed different targets of Daesh, a terrorist group outlawed in Russia and many other countries, and eliminated a number of the terrorists, as well as destroyed several vehicles.

Drones and precision-guided munitions were used to carry out the airstrikes, the media explained, adding that the strikes destroyed an arms depot, a warehouse where car bombs were made, and several barracks.

In November, Jordanian King Abdullah II said Trump’s policies would certainly change the existing state of affairs in the Middle East.

Last Monday, King Abdullah II started a visit to the United States, in which he's expected to hold meetings with members of the new administration of President Donald Trump and the US Congress.

On Friday, Trump and King Abdullah discussed the situation in Syria and the possibility of creating safe zones in Syria. Trump underscored the essential role of Jordan in the fight against Daesh.

Establishment of a safe zone implies guarantees to civilians in that area of not being targeted by any party in Syria's civil war. It can be the way to stem the tide of Syrian refugees to Europe and elsewhere.

Jordan hosts over 655,000 of Syrian refugees who make up more than 21 percent of the country’s population. The number of Syrians in Lebanon has exceeded a million people and amounts to almost a third of its total population.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, ahead of the Syrian settlement talks in Astana on January 23-24 stressed that Jordan, as well as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq and Egypt could take part at subsequent stages of the negotiations. However, none of these countries participated in the talks.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is going to pay a visit to Moscow in the first half of March.

Turkish President Erdoğan to pay visit to Moscow

Friday, 3 February, 2017 - Turkey’s Ambassador to Russia Hussain Dirioz confirmed this information, saying that the main topics would be to discuss how to improve relations and to work together on brokering a peace deal in Syria.

Moreover, Hussain Dirioz stressed that this scheduled meeting between Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is going to be the forth one in the last six months.

WARNING: The video contains graphic footage

Video: Three children killed in Aleppo school from explosion (0:59 min.)

Three children were killed and many others injured when an explosion went off at an Aleppo school.

The children were transfered to Alrazi hospital on Friday, where they later died.

Despite Aleppo being cleared of terrorist groups, indiscriminate mortar fire and bombs still occur.
Only one day after recapturing the strategic Arran town south of the ISIS-held Al-Bab, the Syrian Army regained control of Ayoshah village to the east.

Syrian Army inches closer to ISIS stronghold in Al-Bab

The small but significant village serves as the main supply route for the Islamic State fighters to Tadef and nearby areas located in the southern outskirts of Al-Bab, and will more likely open the road for the government troops to a potential advance toward Deir Hafer.

According to AMN reporter, the village was stormed this morning by the Army’s elite forces, which are now demining the IEDs and destroying tunnels used by the jihadists.

The Turkish Air Force struck their own contingents in eastern Aleppo today, as they attempted to reenter the town of Bza’ah in Al-Bab.

Turkish airstrikes hit their own forces in east Aleppo: Al-Amaq

According to the Islamic State’s official media wing “Al-Amaq,” the Turkish Air Force carried out four airstrikes over the Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) positions near Bza’ah on Saturday.

This friendly-fire attack comes just hours after the Free Syrian Army withdrew from Bza’ah amid heavy fighting with the Islamic State terrorists.

In addition to the friendly-fire attack, the Free Syrian Army was also victim of a powerful VBIED strike launched by the Islamic State forces near the town of Bza’ah.

Media sources disclosed that Moscow planned to invite Cairo to join the three-leg group of Iran, Turkey and Russia to resolve the Syria, but was forced to call off the invitation after Ankara's opposition.

Turkey Opposing Russia's Plan to Invite Egypt to Take Part in Talks on Syria

The Russian language Izvestia daily quoted diplomatic sources as saying that Moscow has offered Cairo to join the group of mediators, adding the plan has been welcomed by Damascus and Cairo but Ankara has criticized it.

Izvestia underlined importance and necessity of Egypt's accession to the group of Iran, Russia and Turkey to end the crisis in Syria, quoting Vladimir Jabarov, the first vice president of the Russian Parliament's international committee, as saying that it will be useful to reinvigorate Cairo's role for resolving crisis in Syria.

In the meantime, Baha al-Din, an Egyptian national security and international relations analyst, underscored that Russia's attempts to include Cairo in talks on the Syrian crisis indicates Moscow's intention to strengthen the role of certain members of the Arab world in the peace process.

Late in January, a source close to the Syrian delegation in Astana talks complained that Turkey was troubling attainment of an agreement between the Damascus government and the opposition to end the war.

"Turkey continues stonewalling in the meetings in a bid to insert interpretations and terms that run counter to the main theme and goal of the Astana meeting which is ceasefire in Syria," the source told SANA news agency.

He voiced regret that Turkey released a copy of the final statement of Astana meeting which was not been agreed yet by all sides.

The source referred to continued unofficial meetings among the Russian, Syrian and Iranian delegations who seek positive results out of the Astana conference, and said, "Turkey is rocking the boat."

His remarks came after a prominent Syrian analyst cast strong doubts about "Turkey's suspicious role and position" in Astana talks, given its continued support for the terrorists in Idlib.

"While the Iranian and Russian foreign ministers stress their clear positions on fight against terrorism, (Turkish President Recep Tayyip) there is no faith in Erdogan's sincerity as his country is likely to be after deceptive acts," Hayyan Salman told FNA at the time.

Noting that Turkey's U-turn in its positions on Syria resulted from the change of power equations in the Syrian battlefield, he said, "Despite the existing contradictions, the most important of which Turkey's deceptive position, the Astana meeting is considered as a step on the right path."

"The Turkish government's continued dispatch of terrorists, suicide bombers and tanks to Idlib and other regions in Syria show that Erdogan is not serious about stopping support for terrorism and is actually attempting to misuse it," Salman said.

The Turkey-led Euphrates Shield Operation forces withdrew from a key town near al-Bab in Northern Aleppo after their positions came under heavy attack by ISIL.

Turkish Army Loses Key Town to ISIL in Northern Syria

ISIL engaged in several-hour-long clashes with the Turkish army in the town of al-Baza'ah and managed to capture the town, inflicting heavy casualties on the Turkish soldiers and their allied militants.

The ISIL stormed the positions of the Turkish soldiers and Ankara-backed militants with several bomb-laden suicide vehicles and bombers, inflicting major casualties on the Euphrates Shield Operation's forces.

ISIL's attack was very heavy and caused the Turkish army and allied militants to retreat from al-Baza'ah and move to the adjacent village of al-Saflaniyeh, locals reported.

In relevant developments in the province on Friday, ISIL targeted a gathering of Turkish soldiers and Ankara-backed militant groups in a small town near al-Bab East of Aleppo province, killing seven and wounding at least four more.

ISIL opened heavy fire at a gathering of the Turkey-led Euphrates Shield Operation to the North of the town of Baza'ah, killing seven Turkish soldiers and their affiliated militants and wounding four more.

A prominent Syrian analyst warned that Saudi Arabia is making attempts to block the success of the upcoming Syria peace talks in Geneva later this month.

Analyst: Riyadh Stonewalling Peace in Syria

"The Geneva negotiations are facing very big obstacles given the contradictory positions taken by actors in the Syria crisis and the US ambiguous role," Saleh al-Nashwati said on Sunday.

"The opposition delegation which supports Riyadh will lead the Geneva meeting into failure if it failed to earn most shares among representatives of other dissident groups," he added.

Noting that the possibility for Geneva talks to find a final solution to the crisis in Syria is weak, he said that generally the meeting can prevent deterioration of the situation in Syria until the US role will become clear in the region.

Beijing signed a cooperation agreement with Damascus on Sunday to provide the Syrian people with $16 million worth of humanitarian aid.

China to Provide Syria With $16Mln Worth of Humanitarian Aid

According to Syria's SANA news agency, the agreements, which were signed between Syria's Planning and International Cooperation Commission and the Chinese Embassy earlier in the day, stipulate that China will send two batches of humanitarian aid worth 40 million and 70 million yuans ($5.8 million and $10.2 million) respectively.

In January, China's President Xi Jinping announced that China would allocate additional 200 million yuan (around $29.3 million) in humanitarian aid to Syria.

Civilians in Syria have been severely affected by the civil war that has been ongoing since 2011. The internal conflict has claimed thousands of lives and left many more in need of humanitarian assistance.
Just watched a discussion on sky news accusing Assad and the Syrian government of war crimes. I think it's come from Amensty International telling us how up to 13,000 people were executed suggesting they were not armed opposition and they were tried by a military court. They claim was there are mass graves outside Damascus which will probably be graves off civilians executed by terrorists!

It must of been wishful thinking on my part but I thought the rhetoric was dying down Since Aleppo. I suppose the vile propaganda against Assad and the Syrians will continue and the ptb will continue to push for regime change.
Thebull said:
Just watched a discussion on sky news accusing Assad and the Syrian government of war crimes. I think it's come from Amensty International telling us how up to 13,000 people were executed suggesting they were not armed opposition and they were tried by a military court. They claim was there are mass graves outside Damascus which will probably be graves off civilians executed by terrorists!

It must of been wishful thinking on my part but I thought the rhetoric was dying down Since Aleppo. I suppose the vile propaganda against Assad and the Syrians will continue and the ptb will continue to push for regime change.

Thanks for Posting the article, TheBull. Amnesty International is in full gear promoting this propaganda about the Saydnaya military prison. Amnesty has used Saydnava "as a tool" in the past to degrade Assad and the Syrian government. Here's an article from August 18, 2016, with video scenes similar to those generated for the (fake) White Helmets and claims of Assad (and his Father before him) using the prison for torture. It's a lie.

The accusations by Amnesty International against the Syrian government of mass executions are "ridiculous" and the organization should better tell about public executions of civilians, carried out by terrorists and the so-called moderate opposition members near Damascus, Fares Shehabi, a member of the Syrian parliament, told Sputnik Tuesday.

Syrian MP Advises Amnesty Int'l to Tell Truth About Executions by Terrorists

Earlier in the day, the human rights group published a report, in which it accused the Syrian government of carrying out mass killings of up to 13,000 people in custody at Syria’s Saydnaya military prison.

These words are ridiculous. I would like to hear their allegations of executions [by radicals] in the eastern suburbs of Damascus before [militants’] retreat to Idlib. Over 100 people were executed, I would like Amnesty [International] to tell about the execution of civilian prisoners, servicemen and police officers, who were killed in cold blood. A number of executions have been recorded on camera," Shehabi said.

He added that it was not the first time when the West was spreading a misleading information about Syria.

The last time when the mass execution of civilians and war prisoners occurred in Syria was during the liberation of eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo. In January, militia representative told Sputnik that terrorists had executed prisoners either by a gunshot wound to the head or decapitation.

Videos, showing the execution of civilians by the so-called moderate opposition members have regularly appeared on the Interned throughout the Syrian crisis, which has been ongoing since 2011.

Amnesty International has been repeatedly criticized by some countries, including Russia, the United States and China, for spreading misleading information and acting as an instrument of propaganda and information wars.

The human rights group describes itself as an independent organization free from government financing. At the same time, the watchdog reserves the right to take money from government agencies if they are allocated to educational projects in the human rights area. In this way, it receives funding from several international institutions and governments, including the US State Department, the UK authorities and the European Commission. According to media reports, substantial funds are allocated to the watchdog by US billionaire George Soros through his Open Society foundation.

It is not the first time when the West accuses the Syrian government of human rights violations amid its fight against a wide range of opposition groups and terrorists, such as Daesh and Jabhat Fatah al Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front), both outlawed in Russia and other countries worldwide. The United States and is allies are conducting anti-terror airstrikes in the country without the permission of the Syrian government.

Syrian President Bashar Assad's response to 2015 accusations of prison detainee torture was that Damascus is ready for "unbiased and fair" way to verify the allegations. According to the Syrian leader, there is no verification of any alleged evidence that the Damascus authorities have been involved in the abuse of people in detention.
In August 2016 Russian military used Shahid Nojed airbase in Iran to deliver airstrikes on terrorists in Syria.

Russia will use Iran's airbase to fight terrorists if necessary, envoy says

The Russian Aerospace Forces will use Iran’s military infrastructure for operations against terrorists in Syria if Moscow and Tehran deem it necessary, Russian ambassador in the Islamic Republic Levan Dzhagaryan said in an interview with TASS.

"If the leadership of the two countries will consider it necessary to use the Iranian military infrastructure to combat terrorism in Syria or elsewhere, such steps will be taken," the diplomat said.

In August 2016 Russian military used Shahid Nojed airbase in Iran to deliver airstrikes on terrorists in Syria. In December Iran’s Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said Terhan was ready to consider Russia’s request on the use of the airbase but no talks on the issue were underway.

The US-led coalition holds several weekly meetings with Russian counterparts to deconflict operations near the Syrian city of al-Bab, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Col. John Dorrian said in a briefing on Wednesday.

US-Russia Deconfliction Meetings on Syria’s Al-Bab Occur Several Times Per Week

The US will continue to use its deconfliction channel with Russia in Syria due to the complex battle field situation, Dorrian said.

"The battle space is becoming more complicated, the forces converge around al-Bab, so we’ll maintain our deconfliction channel with the Russians."

"Those meetings generally happen several times a week or on an as necessary basis," Dorrian told reporters when asked how often the two sides speak to deconflict operations around al-Bab.

The comment comes as the Turkish military operation in Syria's al-Bab has entered the final stage. Turkey's units entered central Al-Bab, the operation is being conducted in coordination with Russia to prevent clashes with Syrian government forces.

Turkey is currently conducting an operation in Syria dubbed Euphrates Shield. On August 24, Turkish forces, supported by Free Syrian Army rebels and US-led coalition aircraft, began a military operation dubbed the Euphrates Shield to clear the Syrian border town of Jarabulus and the surrounding area from Daesh terrorist group. As Jarabulus was retaken, the joint forces of Ankara, the coalition and Syrian rebels continued the operation to gain control over al-Bab in the Aleppo province.

Moreover, Russian and Turkish military jets have repeatedly jointly bombed Daesh targets near al-Bab in Syria. Al-Bab is one of Daesh’s last remaining strongholds near the Turkish border. Capturing the city is of strategic importance to Turkey in order to prevent the Syrian Kurds taking it and unifying their own territories.

Moscow believes Turkey is not currently creating a buffer zone in northern Syria, a senior Russian diplomat told Sputnik.

Moscow Believes Turkey Not Creating Buffer Zone in North Syria Amid Al-Bab Op

The comment comes as the Turkish military operation in Syria's Al-Bab has entered the final stage. Turkey's units entered central Al-Bab, the operation is being conducted in coordination with Russia to prevent clashes with Syrian government forces.

"Now, as far as we understand, they are not creating a buffer zone in northern Syria," the Russian Foreign Ministry's Fourth European Department Director Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said.

"Ankara, just as us, speaks in favor of preserving the territorial integrity of the country and inadmissibility of its partition," he said.

Moscow believes that it would be wrong to say that Turkey does not have its own specific tasks in Syria, a senior Russian diplomat told Sputnik Wednesday.

Turkey 'Has Own Specific Tasks in Syria' - Russian Diplomat

The diplomat said that Ankara's position on Syria has not become similar to Russia's and many differences in countries' approaches still exist.

"I do not want to say that Turkey suddenly changed its position on the Syrian settlement, and it became completely identical to the Russian one. We still have many differences," the Russian diplomat said.

"Yes, there is a joint fight against Daesh and al-Nusra [Front]. Of course, it would be wrong to say that the Turks do not have their own, specific tasks in Syria related to their understanding of the situation," the Russian Foreign Ministry's Fourth European Department Director Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said.

"We do not forget about differences, but it is important to discuss them," Botsan-Kharchenko said.

"In the Russia-Turkey dialogue, the topic [of Assad's future] is not an obstacle for the development of cooperation in the Syrian affairs," Botsan-Kharchenko said.

[...] Al-Bab is one of Daesh’s last remaining strongholds near the Turkish border. Capturing the city is of strategic importance to Turkey in order to prevent the Syrian Kurds taking it and unifying their own territories.
An Israeli helicopter fired at Syrian government forces positions in the province of Quneitra in southern Syria, after a shell landed in Golan Heights, Beirut media report.

Israel Targets Syrian Government Forces After Shell Lands on Israeli Territory

The Israeli attack targeted a military town in the Syrian city of Al-Baas, the Al Mayadeen TV channel said late on Wednesday citing a source, who specified that Syrian government troops in Al-Baas are fighting against terrorists from the Jabhat Fatah al Sham group, formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, or al-Nusra Front.

Meanwhile, the press service of the Israeli Defense Forces said on Wednesday that Israeli forces fired at a post of Syrian government troops after the northern area of the Israel-controlled part of the Golan Heights was shelled from the direction of Syria.

Multiple incidents have been registered when fighting between government forces and opposition and terrorist groups in Syria resulted in mortar shells and rockets landing on Israeli territory.

Pentagon Spokesman Captain Jeff Davis announced that military officials of the United States and Russia held a video conference on deconfliction in the Syrian airspace on Wednesday.

US, Russia Hold Video Conference on Deconfliction in Syria Wednesday

US and Russian military officials held a video conference on Wednesday on deconfliction in the Syrian airspace, Department of Defense spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis announced in a release.

"The Department of Defense today held a video conference co-chaired by Ken Handelman, performing the duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs and Rear Adm. Michael J. Dumont, Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives, Joint Staff J5, with Russian Ministry of Defense counterparts," the release said on Wednesday.

Davis noted in the release that the conversation was carried out under the existing Memorandum of Understanding for the safety of flights in Syria in order to ensure that both sides continue to abide by measures to mitigate incidents.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the United States to halt military assistance to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria, according to Turkish media.

Erdogan Calls on Trump to Halt Military Aid to YPG

Trump also spoke about the two countries’ “shared commitment to combating terrorism in all its forms” and welcomed Turkey’s contributions to the fight against the ISIL terror group, the White House said in a statement, Hurriyet reported.

According to Turkish presidential sources, Erdogan called for a halt to U.S. military assistance to the Kurdish YPG and the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).

Both leaders also emphasized that Turkey and the US were friends and allies, a statement from Erdogan’s office said.

The two NATO allies continue to be at odds over US support for Kurdish YPG fighters in Syria.

Turkey views the YPG as a terrorist organization due to its links with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Kurdish group that has waged a three-decade long conflict against the Turkish state in an attempt to advance Kurdish autonomy.

The previous US administration on the other hand viewed the YPG more favorably due to the Kurdish group’s successful fight against ISIL militants in Syria.

The backing of the YPG by the US had driven a wedge between the two NATO countries, with Turkish President Erdogan calling on the US to side with Turkey.

Russia put on high alert the air defense systems around Moscow Wednesday as part of a surprise nationwide combat readiness drill for the Russian Air Force.

Russia Mobilizes S-400 Air Defense Systems near Moscow during Snap Exercise

The Russian capital is one of the best-prepared areas of the country in terms of nuclear strike defenses, RT reported.

Units of the air defense force responsible for defending Moscow and the Central industrial region have been put on highest combat alert,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“The air defense mission involves fully-manned combat crews.”

The check involves the redeployment of batteries of S-300, S-400 and Pantsir-S air defense systems to backup positions in a simulation of area contamination, the ministry said. The guards of the batteries also conducted anti-saboteur maneuvers and trained to operate in hard terrain.

Moscow’s air defense system is among the most developed in Russia.

When the US and USSR were restricted in deploying anti-ballistic missile systems by the ABM treaty signed in the 1970s, the capital was selected as the only site allowed an ABM shield.

The US chose to preserve the Safeguard Complex in North Dakota, ensuring its second strike capability. The defenses have been significantly upgraded since the treaty was scrapped, following the US withdrawal under the George W Bush administration.

The air defense drill is part of the surprise Russian Air Force training ordered by President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. It involves some 45,000 troops and 1,700 pieces of military equipment, including 150 aircraft and 200 surface-to-air missile launchers, according to Deputy Defense Minister Aleksandr Fomin, who met foreign military attaches on Wednesday to brief them on the situation.

“This is a surprise exercise and thus not subject to control under the Vienna document or the OSCE documents. No formal notification was required, but we do inform you as a gesture of goodwill,” he said.

The snap exercise will last until Thursday, Fomin added. The Russian official said it is meant to test how prepared Russia is to repel a possible attack.

“During the test we pay special attention to the deployment of air defense and the readiness of aviation groups to respond to an aggression,” he said, before detailing how exactly Russia was moving its troops during the exercise.

The briefing came amid alarmed reports in some Western media outlets which claimed that the exercise indicated Russian preparations for war.

A US government contractor who worked for different federal agencies including NSA, has been charged for theft and continued possession of classified defense information.

NSA Contractor Indicted for Theft of Classified Defense Materials

Harold Thomas Martin, a US government contractor who worked for different federal agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA), has been charged on 20 counts for theft and continued possession of highly classified defense information, the US Department of Justice said in a press release.

"Martin allegedly violated the trust our nation put in him by stealing and retaining classified documents and other material relating to the national defense," the release stated on Wednesday. "The indictment alleges that for as long as two decades, Harold Martin flagrantly abused the trust placed in him by the government by stealing documents containing highly classified information."

Martin was arrested in August, 2016 at his house in the US state of Maryland, after federal agents discovered a number of confidential materials saved on his personal devices.

According to investigators, Martin stole approximately 50 terabytes of data while being employed by the NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

The release noted that Martin held security clearances up to Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) at various times, and worked on a number of classified, specialized federal projects.

If convicted on all 20 counts, Martin faces a lifetime prison sentence.

Martin’s initial appearance in scheduled in the US District Court in Baltimore, Maryland on Tuesday.
Thebull said:
Just watched a discussion on sky news accusing Assad and the Syrian government of war crimes. I think it's come from Amensty International telling us how up to 13,000 people were executed suggesting they were not armed opposition and they were tried by a military court. They claim was there are mass graves outside Damascus which will probably be graves off civilians executed by terrorists!

It must of been wishful thinking on my part but I thought the rhetoric was dying down Since Aleppo. I suppose the vile propaganda against Assad and the Syrians will continue and the ptb will continue to push for regime change.

CBC has turned into the good echo chamber that it has become for AP and others, it's really sad. Amnesty is doing what it is paid to do (in the upper tiers) as an NGO propagandist organ; very very sad, considering what they have done and could do to help shine a light.

Thanks, angelburst29, for all your updates and work!
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed to Sputnik that Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over an accidental Russian airstrike that had killed Turkish soldiers in Syria.

Kremlin Confirms Accidental Russian Airstrike Kills Turkish Soldiers in Syria

Peskov said that Russia and Turkey will jointly investigate the deadly incident. The Kremlin spokesman said that Putin told Erdogan that Turkish soldiers had died as a result of lack of coordination regarding coordinates during Russian military jets' strikes in Syria.

Russia and Turkey will improve coordination of activities in Syria after the unintentional strike, Peskov said.

"President Putin informed… about the recent telephone conversation with Turkish President Erdogan, said that he expressed condolences to the Turkish counterpart over the fact that early this morning as a result of non-coordination of coordinates Turkish soldiers had been killed during a joint operation to liberate al-Bab by Russian Aerospace Forces' airstrikes," Peskov said.

The Russian and Turkish presidents held a phone conversation earlier on Thursday. Putin expressed condolences to Erdogan over the deaths of Turkish soldiers near Syria's al-Bab, the Kremlin said earlier. They also agreed to expand military coordination during the operation against militants from Daesh and other extremist groups in Syria.

Earlier in the day, the Turkish General Staff said that an accidental Russian airstrike killed three Turkish soldiers and wounded 11 others in northern Syria.

"Today, around 08.40, during airstrikes against Daesh targets [in Syria], Russian combat planes accidentally hit a building hosting Turkish servicemen taking part in Euphrates Shield operation. As a result, three Turkish soldiers were killed, 11 were wounded, including one seriously," the Turkish General Staff said in a statement.

The Russian Defense Ministry has also confirmed the unintentional strike, killing Turkish servicemen in Syria. The ministry said that Russian bombers had been on a mission to destroy Daesh terrorists' positions near al-Bab, where Turkish soldiers had been accidentally bombed.

"Russian bombers have been carrying out a combat mission destroying Daesh positions in al-Bab area. The chiefs of the [Russian and Turkish] general staffs agreed to closer coordinate joint actions and exchange information about the situation on the ground."

Chief of the Russian General Staff General Valery Gerasimov held telephone talks with his Turkish counterpart, during which the issues of the fight against international terrorist groups in Syria and the situation in the northeast of the province of Aleppo were discussed.

"Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Army General Valery Gerasimov expressed condolences to [Turkish] General Hulusi Akar in connection with the death of three Turkish soldiers operating in the area of ​​the city of al-Bab as a result of unintentional strike by a Russian aircraft."

US President Donald Trump and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan have agreed to carry out joint anti-Daesh operations in the Syrian towns of Raqqa and al-Bab. Experts told Sputnik Turkey that Syria will likely remain a major point of contention between the two NATO allies despite the latest deal.

Key Reason Why Syria Will Remain 'Source of Tensions' for US-Turkey Relations

Trump and Erdogan discussed counterterrorism operations in their first phone conversation since the new US administration came to power.

Former Turkish diplomat Ozturk Yilmaz, Deputy Head of Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party, suggested that Trump and Erdogan focused on two issues, the extradition of a reclusive Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, whom Ankara blames for the unsuccessful coup, and Washington's stance on the Democratic Union Party (PYD), a leading Kurdish political party in northern Syria. Turkey views the PYD as a terrorist organization, while Washington has relied heavily on its assistance in its anti-Daesh operation in Syria.

I don't think that both sides could have found common ground on these complicated issues since their views on them differ greatly," he said. "Joint activities with those stakeholders who can ensure Syria's territorial integrity and bring stability to [the Arab] country as soon as possible is a priority for Turkey at the moment."

In 2016, Ankara readjusted its stance on Syria, veering away from providing assistance to radical groups intent on deposing President Bashar al-Assad and putting more efforts into resolving the Syrian crisis. Along with Russia and Iran, Turkey sponsored the talks between Damascus and armed opposition which led to both sides reaching a ceasefire agreement.

In addition, Russia has conducted airstrikes against Daesh in al-Bab, providing assistance to Turkish forces locked in a fierce fight for the strategically important Syrian city.

Ozturk Yilmaz pointed out that the announcement on US-Turkish joint activities in al-Bab and Raqqa raises several questions.

To what extent can the US provide assistance to Turkey in its operation to take al-Bab under control? Will they halt support for the PYD or remove their fighters from the city of Manbij? When the US launches an operation to free Raqqa, how many soldiers will they deploy to Syria and who will be tasked with putting together land forces? It should be understood that if the US offers Turkey to take part in liberating Raqqa along the PYD, Ankara will not accept this," he said.

Ozturk Yilmaz expressed doubt that President Trump will abandon the Obama administration's strategy aimed at providing assistance to the PYD and its armed wing, known as People's Protection Units (YPG). If Turkish leadership "truly believes" that the Trump team will devise another approach, it "has its head in the clouds," he said. "I think that it is too early to assume that the phone conversation [between Trump and Erdogan] will instantly pay off and resolve all differences between the two nations."

Deputy Chairman of the Turkish opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Mehmet Gunal maintained that a lot will depend on President Trump when it comes to improving Washington's relations with Ankara.

"Turkey's operation against terrorism and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) should not be viewed in isolation from the PYD, the YPG and affiliated organizations in Syria and Iraq. We hope that Washington will adopt a friendly approach and make conciliatory gestures," he said.

Turkish political analyst Hasan Kanbolat also said that Washington's support to the Syrian Kurds has been the "source of tensions" in the bilateral relations. He also said that Turkey does not want to act unilaterally in Syria.

"Turkey is making an effort to ensure security of its southern borders, working with Russia, the US and NATO in Syria," he said.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his US counterpart Donald Trump have agreed to join efforts in the fight against terrorists in Syria. This is a sign of improvement in relations between Washington and Ankara, which saw a major decline under former Obama administration.

Putin-Trump-Erdogan Triangle to 'Determine Main Dynamics in Syria'

According to reports the two leaders agreed to act jointly in Daesh strongholds — the Syrian cities of Raqqa and al-Bab. They also discussed the establishment of a safe zone in the war-torn Arab Republic.

Radio Sputnik discussed the issue with Dr. Mehmet Yegin, researcher on Turkish-US relations and analyst at Ankara-based USAK think-tank.

According to the expert, a lot will depend on the outcome of the talks between Donald Trump and Russian President Putin on the one hand, and Trump and Turkish President Erdogan, on the other.

In Yegin's opinion, Turkey and the US "are eager to work together" in contrast to the Obama administration. The leaders of the two countries might sign a deal in the near future to resolve various problems, including the Kurdish issue.

Washington is actively working with Kurdish forces while Ankara regards them as terrorists, which is why both countries need to reach some kind of an agreement. However, the expert pointed out that the deal will be a declaration of good intentions, rather than a practical step towards the improvement of the situation.

Earlier, the White House stated that Trump reiterated US support to Turkey as a strategic partner and NATO ally. It noted that the two countries have enjoyed a long-standing relationship and have a shared commitment to combating terrorism.

Under former Obama administration, relations between Washington and Ankara significantly deteriorated. Turkey has spoken out over US reluctance to extradite Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen. The latter is accused by Ankara of organizing the failed coup attempt in July last year.

Another major disagreement between the two countries is the US' support of PYD militants in Syria regarded by Turkey as terrorists. In this regard, however, big changes are unlikely, the expert argued.

"The US may help limit the PKK activities in Iraq and Turkey, but as for PYD, I think the main dynamics will remain the same. So, there is not much to change on the PYD issue in Syria," he stated.

Replying to the question of how likely the cooperation between Ankara and Washington is to be coordinated with Damascus, the expert said:

"During the Obama administration, there was a certain level of coordination with Syria, but the Obama administration was hesitant to say it out loud because it declared in the first place that Assad should go. But the Trump administration does not have such a declaration […] so I think he will be less hesitant to work with Syria in this regard."

The Daesh terrorist group has claimed on Thursday responsibility for firing rockets from the territory of Egypt to the southern resort town of Eilat on the Red Sea, local media reported.

Daesh Claims Responsibility for Firing Rockets at Israel's Eilat Resort Town

According to The Jerusalem Post newspaper, Daesh claimed responsibility for firing six rockets, though only four reached the Israeli territory, with three being intercepted by Israel and one hitting an area outside the city.

Following the attack, the local authorities increased the threat level in the town, though lowered it on Thursday morning.

The rockets heading from the Sinai Peninsula to Eilat were detected Wednesday night by the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system.

The Eilat port town has repeatedly come under attacks from the territory of Egypt, where radical Islamist groups, including Daesh, outlawed in many countries including Russia, are active. So far, these attacks have not led to any casualties or damages.
More than a dozen people, including an aid worker, were killed and several others injured in a series of mortar attacks and a bombing carried out by foreign-sponsored militants against residential areas in Syria’s Northwestern city of Aleppo.

13 Civilians, Aid Worker, Killed in Militant Mortar Attacks in Syria's Aleppo

Four people lost their lives and three others sustained injuries when mortar shells fired by militants struck an area in the Dar'a al-Balad neighborhood of the Southwestern city of Dara'a, SANA reported.

The projectiles also caused material damage to residential buildings and public properties in the targeted area.

Elsewhere in the al-Hamdaniyeh neighborhood of the Northern city of Aleppo, two people were killed and 14 others injured when a number of shells slammed into the district.

Additionally, five children were killed when an improvised explosive device went off in Bustan al-Qasr neighborhood of Aleppo.

Two people were also fatally shot as terrorists opened fire on their vehicle in Ku’a Hadar neighborhood of the Southern city of Sweida.

Syrian Army troops continued to advance against ISIL in Eastern Aleppo and managed to take control of more positions and villages just to the South of al-Bab, tightening circle of forces around the town.

Aleppo: Syrian Army Troops Tightening Noose on ISIL Terrorists in Al-Bab

The army men engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL in the village of al-Batoushiyeh and took it back from the terrorists.

The ISIL pulled its forces back from the village of al-Touman after the army captured it.

ISIL's fleeing members had been deployed in al-Batoushiyeh, but could not resist against the army soldiers' massive raid.

The Russian Air Force also pounded ISIL's positions simultaneous with the army's operation in al-Batoushiyeh, killing and wounding over 20 ISIL and destroying their equipment.

Field sources said that the army soldiers hit ISIL's defense lines in the town of Deir Qaq West of al-Touman and drove ISIL out of the town after hours of clashes.

The army troops also repelled ISIL's surprise attack on government forces' positions near the village of al-Sheikh Den.

On Tuesday, the army soldiers clashed with ISIL to the South of al-Bab, pushing them back from the region of al-Majbal and al-Hawareh hills West of the newly-liberated al-Oweishiyeh hills.

The army men also fended off ISIL's attack with bomb-laden suicide vehicles on the government forces' positions in the village of al-Oweishiyeh.

According to army reports, ISIL suffered heavy casualties in al-Bab battlefields.

The army soldiers engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL after liberating the town of al-Oweishiyeh and managed to take control of the al-Oweishiyeh hill Southeast of al-Bab, deploying forces in the nearest positions to the terrorist-held town.

A military source said meantime that with these advances the army men won control over terrorists' movement from Tadif to the town and to Abu Jabar Kabir in the Eastern part of Aleppo province, deploying in nearest distance to the town of al-Bab and the first defense line of the terrorists in Tadif.

Media sources reported that more Turkish soldiers and Ankara-backed forces of the Euphrates Shield Operation have been killed or wounded in clashes with ISIL near the town of al-Bab in Eastern Aleppo.

Syria: Turkish Army, Allied Militants Suffer Major Casualties in Al-Bab Operation

The Arabic language desk of Sputnik quoted a military source as saying that the Euphrates Shield forces stormed ISIL's positions West of al-Bab town on Wednesday afternoon, leaving four Turkish soldiers dead and 21 others wounded, including six members of the Free Syrian Army.

The Turkish army attack on ISIL was carried out after the Syrian Army troops managed to take control of the town of Beirat al-Bab South of the town in hours of non-stop clashes with ISIL terrorists.

Al-massdar news website said that ISIL detonated several bomb-laden suicide vehicles in clashes with the Euphrates Shield's forces, killing and wounding tens of Turkish soldiers and its allied militants.

The Turkish Army's spokesman said that two Turkish soldiers were killed and 15 other were wounded in the clashes with ISIL.

Informed sources in Northern Syria said on Wednesday that Turkey's Euphrates Shield Operation forces and their militant allies suffered heavy casualties in battle against ISIL in Northern Aleppo, while Syrian Army troops are advancing rapidly against terrorists in the same region.

The sources said that the Syrian army soldiers killed over 30 ISIL terrorists in their Tuesday operation and took control over several strategic positions, while the Turkish soldiers and their allied militants faced with serious problems after ISIL carried out a counterattack against them and seized control of the town of al-Baza'ah Northeast of al-Bab.

A military expert said that al-Baza'ah was turned into scarecrow for the Turks that were not able to penetrate it two weeks after ISIL captured it.

The expert added that events in al-Baza'ah proved that the Turkish army had not enough experience in street-battle against ISIL to maintain its control over al-Baza'ah and prevent its fall to ISIL.

The expert underlined that the Turkish army's artillery units and aircraft targeted heavily al-Baza'ah and al-Bab and killed a large number of civilians without making remarkable achievements.

The intelligence rivalries between Riyadh and Ankara has widened rifts among their affiliated terrorist groups in Syria, a Middle-East analyst said.

Confrontation between Turkey, Saudi Arabia Root Cause of Tensions among Terrorist Groups in Syria

Hesam Sho'ayb said that intensified infighting among the terrorist groups in different parts of Syria is the result of the intelligence confrontation among the regional states and western countries, including the US, Britain and France, adding that these confrontations specially between Ankara and Riyadh has effected the field situation of their allied terrorist groups.

Sho'ayb added that the clashes amongst terrorist groups find their root causes in the measures adopted by the Al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) that has been turned into the large arm of terrorism in Syria through putting smaller terrorist groups under pressure and annexing them.

The analyst said that the Turkish Intelligence Minister has played a crucial role in persuading some of the terrorist groups to observe the ceasefire and participate in the Astana talks, adding that Turkey's measures worried al-Nusra that is backed by the Saudis.

Sho'ayb said that al-Nusra does not agree with any diplomatic solution or the Syrian-Syrian talks, that is why the Saudis try to push any attempt by Iran and Russia for the attainment of a diplomatic solution to the Syrian crisis into failure, specially after the liberation of Aleppo that gave the upper hand to army and government.

Websites close to the terrorist groups disclosed earlier this month that some Arab countries were behind the formation of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) via their affiliated terrorist groups in Northern Syria to weaken the Ankara-backed Ahrar al-Sham.

The websites said that Qatar and Saudi Arabi launched a fresh round of supports for their affiliated terrorists groups, mainly Al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front), to form a new coalition against the terrorist rival group of Ahrar al-Sham to destroy Turkey that seemed to play an effective role in ending crisis in Syrian vial diplomatic means and took part in Astana peace talks.

New round of supports for terrorists by Qatar and Saudi Arabia and formation of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at took place simultaneous with the conclusion of an agreement between the US and Saudi Arabi to create a safe zone in Syria without considering any role for Turkey.

Hundreds of Ahrar al-Sham's members and senior commanders cut relations with the group's battalions personally after the formation of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at by al-Nusra Front and other terrorist groups.

Ahrar al-Sham that faced a severe crisis due to the defection of its senior commander started allying with terrorist groups of Soqour al-Sham, Jeish Islam (Idlib branch), Jeish al-Mujahedeen, Tajamo'a Estaqem Kama Amrat, al-Shamiyeh Front (Western Aleppo branch and some other small groups.

Ahrar and Al-Nusra broke their alliance after bloody clashes last week and at the end of more than a month of widening differences. Both groups started new coalitions immediately.

The al-Nusra Front and several militant groups declared late in January that they decided to form a new coalition named Tahrir Al-Sham Hay'at to narrow down widening rifts amongst their commanders and members.

The Al-Nusra Front, Nouralddeen al-Zinki Movement, Jeish al-Sonah, Jabhat Ansaraldeen and Liwa al-Haq announced that they would act under a united coalition named the Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at.

Ahrar al-Sham rejected its affiliation to the new coalition, and websites close to the terrorist groups disclosed that Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Sham, Jeish al-Izzah, Turkistani party and Liwa al-Tamkin soon started a new front called Tahrir al-Syria Front.

Field sources in Northern Hama reported that the terrorist groups stationed in the region have engaged in fierce infighting, resorting to armed clashes.

Heavy Infighting Reported among Terrorists in Hama

According to the sources, Jund al-Aqsa terrorists attacked the Free Syrian Army (FSA) bases in the Northern parts of Kafr Zita city and detained a number of its members.

Also, the terrorist group launched offensive against Jibhat al-Hamamiyat militants, detaining all its members and seizing all their weapons.

Jund al-Aqsa militants also set up outposts in Khan Sheikhoun-Rakaya road and they are on alert now, the sources said.

Jund al-Aqsa militants also took control of Jeish al-Nasr's positions in Kafr Zita in Northern Hama and deployed its forces in the region, detaining several members of Jeish al-Nasr and seizing their weapons and equipment.

Sources close to the terrorists said that the situation in Hama is worrying and Jeish al-Nasr has evacuated its forces from Taybat al-Imam city.

Certain sources affiliated to Liwa al-Aqsa- Jund al-Aqsa branch - also said that a number of Ahrar al-Sham and Heyat al-Tahrir al-Sham have been sent to the countryside of Hama city to fight against Jund al-Aqsa.

In a relevant development in Idlib on Wednesday, the al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) engaged in a fresh round of clashes with Ahrar al-Sham and other Turkey-backed terrorist groups, widening gaps amongst rival terrorists in Northwestern Syria.

A group of terrorists affiliated to the newly-formed Ahrar al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) entered a government hospital in the town of Ma'arat al-Nu'aman in Idlib province, using force, and took several guards of the medical center that were members of Ahrar al-Sham hostages. Media sources affiliated to terrorist groups said that fighters of Ahrar al-Sham Hay'at arrested Ahrar's guards of the hospital on charges of assassinating the board's forces.

Later, al-Nusra and Faylaq al-Sham agreed to exclude the hospital in Ma'arat al-Nu'aman from their differences and set up their military centers far away from the medical center, allowing Nusra forces to guard the hospital.

Meantime, after Jeish al-Sonah joined the al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham and Soqour al-Sham battalions launched heavy attacks on Jeish al-Sonah's positions in the village of Tarmla in the Southeastern countryside of Idlib and seized most of their positions and arms depots, forcing them to leave the village.

Firefights were reported between Syria’s government forces and Turkish-backed rebels in southwest of the ISIS stronghold of Al-Bab as both parties race to take over the imperative northern city.

Syrian Army clashes with Turkish-backed fighters in northern Syria

AMN source confirmed that the Syrian Army opened fire on a rebel vehicle at the Abu Zindin village while trying to impede the Army’s advance. Rebel responded with light and medium machineguns.

According to rebel source, 4 militants were injured in the clashes.

Video footage were released by rebel media accounts purportedly showing militants firing at Syrian Army positions.

Syrian opposition activists claimed via their social media accounts on Thursday that clashes broke-out between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Turkish forces in the Al-Bab countryside.

Syrian Army, Turkish forces clash for first time in east Aleppo: opposition media

(As of now, Al-Masdar News cannot verify these claims.)

09/02/2017 - Reports of these clashes between the Syrian Arab Army and Euphrates Shield fighters surfaced around 3:30 P.M. (Damascus Time), when the former reached another part of the Turkish-backed forces’ front-lines.

The source of these claims are Syrian opposition activists associated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in northern Syria.

These FSA activists allege that the Syrian Arab Army and the Turkish-backed “Abu Zinideen Front” engaged in a firefight west of Al-Bab city this afternoon.

Japanese protesters using kayaks have demonstrated against the relocation of a US military base on the southern island of Okinawa.

Japanese protesters disrupt construction of US base on Okinawa

The protesters attempted to disrupt the ongoing construction and redevelopment of the US marine base of Camp Schwab near Nago City in Okinawa prefecture on Wednesday.

The angry demonstrators broke through cordoned-off areas in the waters where construction for the relocated US base is currently taking place.

They also vented their anger at the plan by the central Japanese government to relocate a contentious US military base in Okinawa.

On February 6, Japanese police scuffled for the second day in a row with anti-US protesters on the island.

Japan's government started the offshore construction work on February 6.

On Tuesday, authorities began dropping about 220 concrete blocks to create an underwater filter designed to prevent ocean contamination during the construction of the base.

The construction work related to the relocation is about to be carried out in the next five years.

Locals and environmentalists are furious, saying the new airbase will destroy reefs and harm marine life in a relatively untouched part of Okinawa, and add to noise and crime.

The United States and Japan agreed in 1996 to relocate the US Marines’ Futenma base, currently in a heavily populated area, to a new site on Okinawa.

The central government plans to move the base away from Futenma to a less populated part of the island called Henoko.

The Japanese and US governments have pursued the relocation of the base in the face of frequent protests by residents against noise problems, accident risks and serious crimes such as rape by American troops.

However, many residents whose prefecture was the only part of Japan to suffer a bloody land battle during World War II want the base and the US military off their land altogether.

The US military presence in Japan exceeds 100,000 people, with more than half of the troops deployed on Okinawa.
Women and children are set free after prisoner swap between government and rebels (Amazing Video!) (6:12 min.)

09/02/2017 - The prisoner swap between the Syrian authorities and Islamist rebels was concluded yesterday, with each side pledging to release 54 women detainees.

Thus, the insurgents will set free 54 women who were kidnapped from northern Latakia countryside in 2013, in exchange for the same number of women imprisoned by Syrian authorities.

On August 2013, a coalition of Islamist rebels – which at the time included the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) and the “Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham” (ISIS) – launched a powerful assault to conquer the city of Al-Haffah in Northern Latakia.

Although the assault was successfully repelled by government forces, the rebels brutally massacred and kidnapped hundreds of civilians from Alawite-inhabited villages before leaving the area.

A senior military expert underlined that the Syrian army will not let the Turkish army or Kurdish forces to win control of the strategic city of al-Bab in Northern Aleppo province.

Military Expert: Syrian Army Not to Allow Turkish Army, Kurds to Seize Control of Al-Bab

"The Syrian army will not allow the Euphrates Shield or Kurdish fighters to take control of al-Bab region in Northern Aleppo," Syrian Military Expert Mohammad Kamal al-Jafa said Friday.

He said that the countries supporting the ISIL terrorist group have failed to take any military or political measure to protect al-Bab city or block the advances of the Syrian army.

Al-Jafa reiterated that the Syrian army and their allies backed by the Russian air force are ready to enter al-Bab, adding that the Syrian army will impose control over the city after capturing it or the Russian envoys with representatives from the Syrian government and opposition groups might be sent to al-Bab to establish a local council with the help of Russia and after reaching an agreement with the Turkish government.

The Syrian army and its military operations in the Northern and Eastern parts of Aleppo province will wrap up the case with al-Bab and put an end to the water crisis of the city of Aleppo that runs through al-Bab.

Media sources reported clashes between the Syrian army and the Turkish-backed Euphrates Shield Operation troops in the Eastern part of Aleppo province for the first time.

Aleppo: Syrian Army Engages in Clashes with Turkey-Backed Militants Near Al-Bab

Fire fights were reported between the Syrian government forces and Turkish-backed militants Southwest of the ISIL stronghold of Al-Bab in Aleppo province.

The Syrian forces opened fire on the militants' vehicle at the Abu Zindin village as it was on the move to block the Army’s advance in the region, and the militants responded with light and semi-heavy machineguns as both parties race to take over the strategic city, the AMN reported.

A monitoring group also disclosed that Syrian army soldiers and Turkish forces clashed near Syria’s border with Turkey, in a first such confrontation since Turkish forces entered Syrian territory without permission from Damascus.

Firefights were reported between Syria’s government forces and Turkish-backed rebels in southwest of the ISIS stronghold of Al-Bab as both parties race to take over the imperative northern city.

Syrian Army clashes with Turkish-backed fighters in northern Syria (Video)

AMN source confirmed that the Syrian Army opened fire on a rebel vehicle at the Abu Zindin village while trying to impede the Army’s advance. Rebel responded with light and medium machineguns. According to rebel source, 4 militants were injured in the clashes.

Video footage were released by rebel media accounts purportedly showing militants firing at Syrian Army positions.

The Kremlin spokesman announced that the Russian Air Force strike which killed Turkish soldiers in Syria was guided by positioning data provided by Turkey, and there should not have been any Turkish troops in the area.

Kremlin: Russian Airstrike Which Killed Turkish Troops in Syria Followed Ankara Data

Moscow and Ankara agree that the outcome of the airstrike, which killed three Turkish soldiers and injured 11 others in Northern Syria on Thursday, was not deliberate and was due to miscommunication on the positioning data, Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said, RT reported.

“As for the reasons [of this incident], they are unfortunately clear. There’s no controversy. The situation is evident: our military was following the data sent by our Turkish partners, and there shouldn’t have been any Turkish troops within the limits of these coordinates,” the Kremlin spokesman added.

Asked if there was a mistake on the part of Turkish intelligence, Peskov reiterated that there was a “miscommunication in providing the data.”

Russia’s Defense Ministry confirmed that the airstrike had killed the Turkish soldiers on Thursday.

The Turkish command said that the airstrike had hit a building housing Turkish soldiers in the city of Al-Bab at 8:40am local time.

The airstrike was targeting ISIL in the area, the head of the Russian Staff, Valery Gerasimov, said in a statement.

The Turkish military said that it was satisfied with the actions and statements made by the Russian authorities, TASS reported, citing a source in the Turkish General Staff.

Intensified infighting among the rival terrorist groups of Jund al-Aqsa and Ajnad al-Sham in the Northern part of Hama province resulted in the abduction of 100 terrorists from the latter group by the former.

Jund Al-Aqsa Abducts Over 100 Rival Ajnad al-Sham Terrorist Rivals in Hama Province

At least 100 Ajnad al-Sham terrorists have been kidnapped by Jund al-Aqsa in Kafr Zita after several hours of clashes between the two rival terrorist groups, the Arabic-language media outlets reported.

The Ajnad al-Sham terrorists' military hardware also sustained heavy losses in Jund al-Aqsa's attacks on their military positions.

Jund al-Aqsa also launched several fierce attacks on the groups supported by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Hamamiyat and Tayebeh al-Imam and captured several of their military bases.

A source close to the terrorist groups declared that Jund al-Aqsa is trying to form a government like the ISIL and al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham).

In a relevant development on Thursday, Field sources in Northern Hama reported that the terrorist groups stationed in the region have engaged in fierce infighting, resorting to armed clashes. According to the sources, Jund al-Aqsa terrorists attacked the Free Syrian Army bases in the Northern parts of Kafr Zita city and detained a number of its members.

Also, the terrorist group launched offensive against Jibhat al-Hamamiyat militants, detaining all its members and seizing all their weapons. Jund al-Aqsa militants also set up outposts in Khan Sheikhoun-Rakaya road and they are on alert now, the sources said.

Jund al-Aqsa militants also took control of Jeish al-Nasr's positions in Kafr Zita in Northern Hama and deployed its forces in the region, detaining several members of Jeish al-Nasr and seizing their weapons and equipment.

Sources close to the terrorists said that the situation in Hama is worrying and Jeish al-Nasr has evacuated its forces from Taybat al-Imam city.

An ISIL bomb and explosives expert blew himself up among the terrorist group's security officials in Raqqa province, killing several of them.

Raqqa: ISIL's Bomb Expert Kills Terrorist Group's Security Members in Suicide Attack

Abu al-Bara Tunnisi, ISIL's bomb and explosives expert, committed a suicide attack on the ISIL security officials, killing at least three of them. Informed sources confirmed that the ISIL security officials intended to arrest al-Tunnisi for escaping from the ISIL-controlled areas when he detonated himself.

On Monday, local sources in Northeastern Syria disclosed that ISIL has decided to use the terrorist group's administrative staff in the battlefronts after a large number of its members escaped Raqqa.

The sources said that ISIL has been faced with severe shortage of fighters and have found no way to overcome the problem but dispatching its administrative personnel to the battlefronts, after its field forces fled the ISIL-held regions in groups.

"ISIL has threatened those members that have not thus far joined battle with death and cut of salary," they added.

The leaders of the countries expect the meeting to take place soon.

China, US discussing possibility of Xi, Trump meeting

China and the United States are discussing the possible meeting of Chinese and US Presidents Xi Jinping and Donald J. Trump, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, told a press briefing on Friday.

"The leaders of the countries expect the meeting to take place soon. The sides maintain close working contacts on the top-level interaction between the two countries," the spokesman said.

Trump agreed to honor ‘one China’ policy during a phone call with Xi on Thursday. The two leaders also extended invitations to meet in their respective countries and expressed hope for "further talks with very successful outcomes," the White House said.
The Russian foreign minister said Moscow was preparing another meeting between the Syrian government and armed opposition.

Russia Preparing Another Meeting Between Syrian Government, Armed Opposition

Moscow is preparing another contact between the Syrian government and representatives of the country's armed opposition, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Russia's NTV channel broadcast Sunday.

"We are working on the issue of preparation of yet another contact between the [Syrian] government and armed members of opposition and we continue to attract additional armed groups to join the process," Lavrov said.

Moscow does not make any attempts to replace the UN-backed Geneva process aimed at reaching settlement in Syria by the negotiations held in Kazakhstan's capital of Astana, Lavrov added.

"I want to fully clarify one point: we have said at all levels that we are not trying to replace UN efforts (but to a large extent our initiative was caused by the fact that it was impossible to tolerate inactivity anymore) and we understand that the number of participants in talks from both from parties to Syrian conflict and from 'the external actors' should be bigger than the one in Astana," he underlined.

"In parallel with the Astana process, which we would like to maintain as a 'driver,' we are preparing for the talks under the UN auspices," the Russian diplomat added, reminding that the Geneva talks are expected to take place on February 20.

Russia sent invitation to the United States to take part in the next meeting on Syrian settlement in Astana.

"You are right, the US was represented at the first meeting as an observer state. We invited it to send its representatives to participate in the following meetings, as soon as they form their Middle East Syrian team," Lavrov said.

The next round of the Astana talks is planned for February 15-16.

Media sources privy to the terrorist groups disclosed that the newly-formed Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) has declared war on Jund al-Aqsa after the latter managed to take control of several towns in Southern Idlib.

Syria: Infighting Intensifies amongst Rival Terrorist Groups in Idlib

The sources said that Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at has declared war against Liwa al-Aqsa, a branch of Jund al-Aqsa in Hama province.

They added that one of Abu Abdul Malek al-Shami, a commander of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at, has underlined his forces' firm will to annihilate Liwa al-Aqsa.

The sources said that combatants of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at have driven Liwa al-Aqsa forces out of the town of al-Tamanna in Southern Idlib.

The Hay'at's decision to open war on Jund al-Aqsa came after the Liwa al-Aqsa took control of the town of Kafr Sajneh in Southern Idlib.

Russian fighter jets targeted Ahrar al-Sham's positions in Southern Idlib, killing at least 10 terrorists, including their field commander.

Senior Terrorist Commander Killed in Russian Airstrike in Idlib

Al-massdar news website reported that the warplanes pounded terrorists' gatherings in the town of Tarmala, killing over 10 members of Jund al-Sunnah affiliated to Ahrar al-Sham, including field commander Abdullah Hassan al-Daqim.

Media sources affiliated to the terrorist groups disclosed on Wednesday that a top Uzbek military trainer of the Al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) was killed in the recent Russian airstrikes in Idlib.

The sources said that Nusra's top military expert, Abu Rafiq, was originally from Uzbekistan, adding Abu Rafiq was killed in the Russian air raids on Nusra's position in Idlib.

A Turkish soldier was killed and three more were wounded in clashes with ISIL near a key town in Eastern Aleppo on Sunday.

More Turkish Soldiers Killed, Wounded in Clashes with ISIL in Northern Syria

Turkish soldiers and forces of the Euphrates Shield Operation engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL near the town of al-Bab.

A Turkish soldier was killed and three others were injured by ISIL in the battlefield.

A source said earlier today that the Turkish Army has dispatched a large number of forces and a large volume of equipment to the town of al-Bab after they suffered heavy casualties and their military hardware sustained major damage in recent clashes with ISIL.

The Turkish Army has dispatched a large number of forces and a large volume of equipment to the town of al-Bab after they suffered heavy casualties and their military hardware sustained major damage in recent clashes with ISIL, a source said.

Turkish Army Sends Fresh Soldiers, More Equipment to Northern Syria to Cover Recent Defeats

The source said that the army has forwarded a large number of forces and more equipment to the surrounding areas of al-Bab to carry out fresh operation against ISIL in Northeastern Aleppo under the pressure of Ankara government.

The source said that the Turkish army suffered heavy casualties in failed attacks on ISIL's defense lines in al-Bab, underlining that the army is resolved to cover its defeats.

The source went on to say that following vast advances of the Syrian Army against ISIL South of al-Bab and closure of ISIL's supply road to Raqqa and Deir Ezzur, a large number of forces and equipment from Idlib and Northern Aleppo were sent to al-Bab from the border passage of Atmah to al-Salamah border crossing in Azaz.

A military source said earlier today that militants in several towns in the Northern countryside of Aleppo city have laid down arms and joined national reconciliation, adding that the Syrian army would not engage in clashes with militants of the Turkey-led Euphrates Shield Operation.

Sources in Syria's Northern Aleppo province said that the further advance of the Turkish soldiers and Ankara-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation has grown impossible after a number of militant-held towns and villages in the region signed peace agreements with the Syrian Army.

Turkish Army's Further Advance Blocked after More Towns Joined Peace with Syrian Army

The sources said that the Syrian army has concluded peace agreement with militants in six key villages including Tal Rifat, Minag and surrounding villages with the cooperation of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria.

They added that based on the agreement government bodies and institutions will resume operation in the towns and villages of Northern Aleppo to start rendering services to people.

The sources underlined that after more towns endorsed peace with Syrian government, the army has actually closed off the path of the Turkish army and its allied militant groups for any further advances in the region.

On Thursday, militants in more towns in Northern Aleppo laid down arms and endorsed the peace agreement with Damascus.

Representatives in several towns in Northern Aleppo inked peace agreements with the Syrian Army, pledging to protect security in the Northern territories of the province.
The US Department of Defense has not been coordinating strikes with Russia taken in the Syrian city of Palmyra, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson told Sputnik.

US Not Coordinating Strikes in Palmyra With Russia Amid Anti-Daesh Advancement

Daesh recaptured Palmyra last December and the terror group’s gains in the historic city prompted the Syrian army to launch an offensive to retake it. Russia’s General Staff stated on Saturday that the Syrian army has been advancing toward the city.

"The [US] Department of Defense is not coordinating airstrikes with the Russian military in Syria," Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson said on Tuesday.

The spokesperson also noted that the Defense Department "maintains a channel of communication with the Russian military focused solely on ensuring the safety of aircrews and de-confliction of airspace."

The US-led coalition against Daesh has been carrying out strikes against terrorists’ positions in the city.

On February 10, nine coalition strikes near Palmyra engaged seven Daesh staging areas and destroyed two tactical vehicles, according to the US Central Command. Another strike on February 12 destroyed an anti-air artillery system/

"Coalition strikes conducted in Palmyra and other enemy locations are based upon assessments from various intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms which builds situational awareness and feeds information to commanders, intelligence centers, strikes cells, and pilots," the spokesperson said.

Syrian Kurds aim to prevent Ankara from taking Syrian territories liberated from Daesh under its control, saying they will fight Turkish "occupants" until they leave the country.

Ready to Defend Territories Liberated From Daesh

Syrian Kurds will not cede their territories, including the city of Manbij, to the control of Turkey and will defend them if Turkey attacks, President of Kobani Canton in Syrian Kurdistan Anwar Muslim told Sputnik.

"Manbij is autonomous now. We were helping locals to liberate it from the Islamic State [Daesh]. If they ask us again, we will help, of course. We will not put Manbij under Turkish control," Muslim said.

He added that sometimes Turkey resorted to provocations and stressed that Kurds had the right to self-defense.

"We regard Turkey, which sent its troops to Syria, as occupants. Sooner or later they will have to leave Syria," Muslim noted.

Anwar Muslim, the chairman of the Kobani provincial government, said that a goal of Syrian Kurds is to liberate not only Raqqa, but all territories seized by the Daesh.

Kurds Determined to Fully Liberate Syria’s Raqqa From Daesh

Syrian Kurds are conducting a successful offensive, coming close to Syria’s northern city of Raqqa, a stronghold of the Islamic State (ISIL or Daesh) terrorist group, and planning to fully liberate the city from Daesh militants, Anwar Muslim, the chairman of the Kobani provincial government, told Sputnik on Tuesday.

"We are carrying out a successful offensive, nearing Raqqa, we are coming closer to the city… We will fully liberate it soon … Our goal is to liberate not only Raqqa, but all territories seized by the IS," Muslim said.

According to Muslim, Kurds are planning to create an autonomy of local residents in Raqqa similar to "what was created in the Syrian city of Manbij after it was cleared from the IS."

Seizure of the Syrian northern city of Raqqa by the Kurdish forces such as the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the Popular Defense Units (YPG) after the city’s liberation from Daesh terror group is a threat to Turkey, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said on Monday.

Turkish Deputy PM Calls Seizure of Raqqa by Kurds a Security Threat to Turkey

Earlier on Monday, representative to Russia of Northern Syria’s Rojava Kurdish region Rodi Osman told Sputnik that the Syrian Kurds were capable of liberating Raqqa on their own without Turkey's participation.

"If you said, 'We'll liberate Raqqa but replace it [Daesh] with the PYD/YPG,' this would create a first-degree national security threat to Turkey," Kurtulmus said, as quoted by the Anadolu news agency.

He added that Turkey could make further steps as part of the deal with the international community aimed at liberating Raqqa from Daesh and preventing it from being seized by the PYD and YPG.

The US promised not to deploy depleted uranium munitions after severe community backlash following their use during the 2003 Iraq invasion. On Tuesday, a US official confirmed that armed forces used depleted uranium rounds on at least two occasions while raiding Daesh in 2015.

Confirmed: US Used Depleted Uranium Shells Against Daesh in Syria

Airstrikes intended for oil cargo trucks in Daesh-held areas of Syria featured depleted uranium (DU) weaponry, Foreign Policy reports. The Air Force unleashed more than 5,200 ‘steel-penetrating arrows’ 30 mm rounds from A-10 Thunderbolts on missions that took place November 16 and November 22, 2015, US Central Command spokesman Maj. Josh Jacques told Airwars and Foreign Policy. Approximately 250 enemy vehicle targets were eliminated during the sortie, Jacques said.

The use of DU spreads radioactive particles into the air that "inhaled or ingested," causes "disastrous damage" from heavy metal poisoning or internal radiation exposure, according to a study from the University of the Ryukyus in Japan. Contamination to the environment imposed by DU ammo "would remain almost indefinitely," the report said. "The heartbreaking image of Iraqi children suffering from illness caused by DU exposure is a prelude to a tragedy we will encounter in the days ahead," the authors wrote.

Hundreds of thousands of DU rounds fired into Iraq sparked fury among local communities alleging that the toxic war tactics caused birth defects and cancer, the Chicago Tribune reported. The precise location where DU weapons were used has not been specified by military sources. Jacques only told Foreign Policy and Airwars that the targets were eliminated in the country’s eastern desert.

In 2015, anti-Daesh coalition spokesman John Moore said, "US and coalition aircraft have not been and will not be using depleted uranium munitions in Iraq or Syria during Operation Inherent Resolve." It remains unclear how the US military can be held accountable for making such promises and then blatantly defying them.

The commander of the cruiser said that Russia's aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, was followed by more than 50 NATO ships on its way to Syria and back home.

Over 50 NATO Ships Escorted Admiral Kuznetsov Cruiser During Round Trip to Syria

Russia's aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which has recently returned from Syria to the country's northern port city of Severomorsk, was followed by more than 50 NATO ships on its way to Syria and back home, Sergey Artamonov, the commander of the cruiser, said Tuesday.

During the trip, we detected presence of 50-60 NATO ships close to us. In some places, we were followed up simultaneously by 10-11 [NATO ships]," Artamonov said in an interview with the Russian Argumenty i Fakty newspaper.

Russia's naval group, consisting of the Admiral Kuznetsov, the Pyotr Veliky battle cruiser, the Severomorsk and the Admiral Kulakov anti-submarine destroyer, and support vessels, left for Syria in October 2016 to participate in counterterrorism operations.

On January 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the group to return to Russia's Northern Fleet base after a new Syrian ceasefire was announced on December 29. The group returned to the base on February 8.

The Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov was followed by more than 50 NATO ships on its way to Syria and back; this was by no means "an easy walk" for those vessels, Russian military commentator Viktor Baranets told Sputnik.

'A Very Serious Military Mission': Why NATO Warships 'Escorted' Russia's Carrier

In an interview with Sputnik, Russian military commentator Viktor Baranets said that the very fact that the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov was followed by more than 50 NATO ships indicates the alliance's drive to pursue its own agenda with respect to the Russian warship.

The interview came after commander of the cruiser Sergey Artamonov said that Russia's aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which has recently returned from Syria to the country's northern port city of Severomorsk, was followed by more than 50 NATO ships on its way to Syria and back home.

"During the trip, we detected the presence of 50-60 NATO ships close to us. In some places, we were followed by 10-11 [NATO ships] simultaneously," Artamonov said in an interview with the Russian newspaper Argumenty i Fakty.

Commenting on the foreign fleets' increased interest in the Admiral Kuznetsov, Viktor Baranets said that NATO ships were conducting a "serious military mission" while "escorting" the Russian aircraft carrier.

"It was important for them to see what a Russian warship looks like, and to know all about its performance characteristics, including the speed, the warplanes' takeoff and the engines' operations, which is of great importance to [NATO] submarines," he said.

"In order to see that the Admiral Kuznetsov has left the Mediterranean Sea, one can use satellite surveillance rather than send warships to the area," he said.

The United States is concerned about the incidents with Russian aircraft flying near the US destroyer in the Black Sea earlier in February, and considers them unprofessional, Defense Department spokesperson Michelle Baldanza told Sputnik on Tuesday.

Pentagon Accuses Russia of 'Unsafe, Unprofessional' Actions Near US Destroyer

Baldanza said that a number of incidents involving USS Porter occurred on February 10, while the ship was patrolling international waters in the Black Sea following the Sea Shield trials.

"Several incidents by multiple Russian aircraft in the Black Sea near the destroyer USS Porter (DDG 78) on Feb. 10 were assessed by the ship's commanding officer as unsafe and unprofessional," Baldanza said. "Such incidents are concerning because they can result in accident or miscalculation."

Baldanza explained that the US destroyer queried all Russian aircraft, but did not receive any answer.

"The Russian aircraft did not have their transponders on," Baldanza added.

The spokesperson also pointed out that the US destroyer was conducting routine maritime operations in international waters in the Black Sea after it concluded Exercise Sea Shield.

Romania’s Black Sea port has begun receiving 500 US soldiers and tanks as part of a move to help beef up defense for NATO’s eastern flank. The “Fighting Eagles," 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment will be rotating through eastern Romania’s Mihail Kogalniceanu air base, according to the US embassy.

Hundreds of US Troops, Tanks Arrive in Romania

On Tuesday US Ambassador Hans G. Klemm said the deployment highlights "the strong US-Romania strategic partnership exists in both word and deed,” and the presence of American soldiers "expands our capacity….in maintaining peace and security in southeastern Europe and the Black Sea region."

While at Mihail Kogalniceanu, soldiers will participate in different multinational exercises and conduct shooting exercises with fighting ammunition, rotating from the base every 9 months.

Spain will send six Leopard 2E tanks, about 10 Pizarro tracked armored personnel carriers and about 350 military personnel to Latvia to strengthen the country's security, media reported on Tuesday.

Crawling Toward Russia: Spain to Send Tanks, Armored Vehicles, Troops to Latvia

According to the Delfi news portal, 350 personnel from mechanized infantry brigade dubbed Extremadura would move from its permanent base in Badajoz, and would then participate in NATO military exercises, set to take place in Latvia in mid-May.

Latvia became NATO member in 2004. During NATO July 2016 summit in Warsaw, it was decided to deploy four NATO multinational battalions to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in 2017.

Half-brother of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un was killed by two unidentified women with poisoned needles at an airport in Malaysia, according to media reports.

Kim Jong Un's Half-Brother Assassinated in Malaysia

Half-brother of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un was assassinated on Tuesday at a Malaysian airport, media reported, citing a source in the South Korean government.

According to the Yonhap news agency, the Chosun broadcaster said earlier in the day that Kim Jong Nam was killed by two unidentified women with poisoned needles at an airport in Malaysia. The police reportedly suspect the killers of having links to North Korea.

Kim Jong Nam is the eldest son of North Korea's late leader Kim Jong Il and actress Sung Hae Rim, who passed away in 2002.

Kim left the country long ago and resided in Macau, where he had business. Before leaving the country he was considered as the main candidate for succeeding Kim Jong Il.
A source in one of the delegations participating in Astana talks on Syria said several documents the Astana meeting's agenda have been agreed upon.

Source: Astana Talks Participants Agree on Several Documents on Syria

The source elaborated that "there is more than one document," however he did not pointed to further details on the document, agreed by the participants in the Astana talks, TASS reported.

According to earlier reports, the parties planned to agree on a final statement and a statement on setting up a joint group for monitoring the ceasefire.

Earlier, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said Thursday that Russia, Iran and Turkey could bring big changes to the conflict in Syria if they helped stabilize the ceasefire regime.

Speaking with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, de Mistura also thanked Russia for its efforts to resolve the situation in Syria and noted the reduction in violence. According to him, the talks in Astana on Syria are very important, and more can be done in Geneva.

Sputnik also reported that De Mistura presented to Shoigu a humanitarian roadmap on Syria and called for creation of a reliable mechanism to ensure ceasefire.

A prominent Syrian analyst warned that Washington's proposal to set up a safe zone in Syria may coax Ankara into betraying the peace talks in Astana.

Syrian Analyst Warns of Turkey's Possible Betrayal of Astana Talks

"The new US administration has thrown a new prey for the Turkish government by announcing plans to set up safe zones in Syria which can dissuade Ankara from supporting the Astana talks and ceasefire in Syria," Malaz Mikdad told FNA on Thursday.

"The fact that Turkey has not yet confirmed the presence of armed opposition delegation in Astana talks shows that Ankara possibly wants to withdraw from Astana talks and ceasefire process in Syria," he added.

The start of a fresh round of consultations on Syria peace process in Astana was delayed until February 16 as delegations of the Syrian opposition and Turkey have not yet arrived in the Kazakh capital.

Sources privy to the terrorist groups in Southern Syria disclosed on Wednesday that vice-chairman of the delegation sent by an FSA-affiliated group to the first round of Astana talks has been killed in a bomb blast North-East Dara'a.

Dara'a: Senior FSA Astana Delegation Official Killed in Terror Attack

Tallal al-Khalaf, the Vice-Chairman of the tribal delegation and military representative of Jeish al-Ahrar Tribes - a branch of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) - to the Astana talks on Syria, has been killed in a booby-trap explosion as he was driving his car from Jadal to al-Shayah in al-Lejah region.

Three of al-Khalaf's aides were also killed in the terror attack.

Al-Khalaf was the commander of the Tribes branch and deputy commander of Jeish al-Ahrar terrorist group that operates under the FSA.

No one has thus far claimed responsibility for the attack.

Earlier today, a Syrian military source warned that Saudi Arabia and its allies have provoked their affiliated militants in Syria to launch new attacks in Dara'a and Idlib to prevent improvement of Amman's relations with Damascus.

"After reports appeared about the resumption of relations between Syria and Jordan over fighting the terrorist groups, some regional and international sides intend to prevent this closeness by provoking terrorists to conduct military attacks," the source told FNA on Wednesday.

"The Saudi-backed terrorists in Dara'a and Idlib are attempting to intensify attacks to stop the peace negotiations in Astana and Geneva and prevent convergence between Jordan and Syria," he added.

The ISIL's top military commander in Deir Ezzur has issued orders for the execution of all commanders and members who had fled and remained alive after the terrorist group's failed attack against al-Maqaber (Deir Ezzur's cemetery) region in the Southern outskirts of the city, media sources in Syria said.

ISIL Executing Fugitive, Defeated Commanders in Deir Ezzur

According to al-Watan newspaper, the Syrian fighter jets continued military operations in Deir Ezzur against the ISIL positions in al-Maqaber region, killing several terrorists and smashing their military vehicles.

Meantime, the Syrian army's artillery units pounded the ISIL bases in al-Baqiliyeh village in West of Deir Ezzur and inflicted losses and injuries on the militants.

On Wednesday, the Syrian army troops targeted ISIL's positions and movements in the Western and Southern outskirts of Deir Ezzur city, inflicting major losses on the terrorists.

The army’s artillery units destroyed ISIL's positions in al-Baqaliyeh in the Western outskirts of Deir Ezzur city, inflicting heavy losses on the terrorists.

In the meantime, the army units and popular forces continued to clash with ISIL terrorists in different parts of al-Maqaber, inflicting heavy casualties on the terrorists and destroying their positions.

Reports said that the Syrian Air Force is still airdropping food supplies for soldiers in the military airport and for locals in Deir Ezzur city and other areas in the province, pointing out that the Deir Ezzur branch of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent is distributing the airdropped aid among civilians.

)- Syrian Army troops ambushed a truck of Al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) as it was transferring a large cache of weapons from Northern Hama to the Eastern territories of the same province.

Syrian Army Seizes Al-Nusra's Large Arms Cargo in Eastern Hama

The army soldiers seized the large arms supply destined for ISIL's frontlines near the desert town of Ithriya at Raqqa border on Tuesday night, massdar news reported.

The army men reportedly captured 49 grad missiles, 100 artillery shells, and a large supply of ammunition.

It is still not clear why Al-Nusra transport was heading towards the ISIL front-lines; however, it is assumed that they were likely going to sell the weapons to the terrorist group.

Tens of civilians were killed or wounded in a fresh round of Turkish bombardments in the ISIL-held town of al-Bab East of Aleppo province, media sources said.

Syria: Tens of Civilians Killed, Wounded in Turkish Airstrikes in Al-Bab

The sources said on Thursday that Turkish warplanes bombed again the town of al-Bab, leaving at least 24 civilians dead and tens of more wounded.

Local sources in Northern Syria said on Monday that tens of civilians were killed and dozens more were injured in Turkish air raids and also in the heavy artillery attacks of the Ankara-led Euphrates Shield Operation's militants in the ISIL-held town of al-Bab.

The sources said that the entire members of several families have been killed and many more were wounded in the attacks of the Turkish warplane and militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation.

The sources further added that there is no exact report on the number of the civilians massacred in al-Bab, but bodies are scattered all over the region.

Turkey’s military forcers and allied rebels in Syria continued their offensive against the town of Tel Rifaat in northern Aleppo, targeting positions of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), local sources reported on Wednesday according to ARA News

Turkey intensifies attacks against Kurdish-led forces in Syria

The SDF who comprise mostly of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, had its headquarters in Tel Rifaat and residential buildings targeted by Turkish mortar shells and machine gun fire.

Two Turkish cobra helicopters also hit the village of Tal Alo in Syria’s northeastern Hasakah Governorate, close to the headquarters of the Arab Sanadid forces, the ARA News report continued.

Kurdish female fighters of the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) on Monday also clashed with Turkish Army forces near the town of Amude in Hasakah Governorate, the report also claimed.

“After three hours of sporadic clashes, the Turkish Army was forced to withdraw. They retreated towards the Turkish side of the border,” a YPJ officer told ARA News.

Co-president of the Syrian Democratic Council, the political wing of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Ilham Ahmad warned the Turkish troops not to approach Raqqa.

Rifts Widening Among Turkish-Backed Militants, SDF Says Not to Allow Turkey to Approach Raqqa

"We will never allow them to approach Raqqa as it means increased tensions and if they do so, naturally clashes will erupt," Ahmad, a Kurd, said.

She underlined that Turkey's approach to Raqqa is "unacceptable", and added that if Ankara dares to adopt such a measure, the SDF forces will be fully ready to confront it.

The SDF is made of mostly Kurdish fighters of the YPG and a minority of Arab militants. Rifts have recently been widening after Ankara's strong support for the Arabs against the YPG troops.

Her remarks came after Turkey announced that it will deploy its forces in Raqqa after al-Bab in Aleppo.

Another ISIS sleeper cell activated in the northern Aleppo countryside on Wednesday as an explosion eliminated 17 Turkish-backed militants in the border village of Ashikh Jackoub near Al-Rai.

ISIS militant kills 17 rebel fighters in suicide mission behind enemy lines

The Islamic State suicide bomber targeted a Free Syrian Army (FSA) base in a village near Turkey while the blast itself also injured a handful of nearby FSA insurgents.

According to Amaq Agency, local rebels were caught off guard by the attack due to the village being located some 25 kilometers from the actual frontline with ISIS.

Ashikh Jackoub and its neighbouring villages were seized back in August 2016 by joint Euphrates Shield forces composed primarily of the Turkish Army and various FSA factions.

Meanwhile, the Turkish Armed Forces and FSA have been unable to gain any ground inside Al-Bab over the past couple of days despite an ongoing campaign to capture the ISIS-held city.

The North American Treaty Organization (NATO) has ruled out military operations against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday.

NATO rules out military operations in Syria

With its largest member, the United States (U.S.), currently conducting field operations alongside the Kurdish-led “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) and “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) in northern Syria, rumors surfaced about possible NATO participation.

However, the NATO Secretary General believes there is no need for his organization’s participation in this six year long conflict.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed that it had used depleted uranium (DU) ammunition in Syria in strikes against the Islamic State radical group (outlawed in Russia).

Pentagon confirms its forces used depleted uranium in Syria, Iraq

“I can confirm the use of depleted uranium,” US Central Command (CENTCOM) spokesman Maj. Josh Jacques told TASS. “The combination of Armored Piercing Incendiary (DU) rounds mixed with High Explosive Incendiary rounds was used to ensure a higher probability of destruction of the truck fleet ISIS was using to transport its illicit oil.”

The report runs contrary to earlier US claims that it had never used depleted uranium in its operation against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

The spokesman said that a total of 5,265 rounds of Armored Piercing Incendiary (DU) using the 5:1 combat mix ratio were used in two operations on November 16 and November 22, 2015.

On November 16, a total of 1,490 out of 1,790 rounds fired in total contained depleted uranium. On November 22, US warplanes fired 3,775 shells with depleted uranium out of 4,530 in total.

Each of the two operations involved four A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft. A total of 46 enemy vehicles were destroyed during the first operation, and 293 during the second.

Russia’s stance confirmed - Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said last year that according to independent experts, the United States has used depleted uranium (DU) shells in Syria and Iraq at least twice.

She urged focus on the joint report by the Dutch non-governmental Peace Organization PAX and the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons concerning the use of outlawed weapons by the United States during its campaign in Iraq.

“It is a rather telling sign the ICBUW has exposed at least two instances of the United States using DU weapons in air strikes against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq,” Zakharova said.

The report addresses the issue of the indiscriminate use of DU weapons during the US-British intervention in Iraq in 2003.

“The report’s authors have arrived at the conclusion that the US military violated its own rules for the use of such ammunition, because they fired it against non-armored targets, including enemy manpower, and within communities, thus posing risks to the civilian population,” the spokeswoman said.

“Amid the anti-Syrian and anti-Russian propaganda campaign and in the context of successful operations by the Syrian armed forces with support from Russia’s aerospace group against terrorists and militants in Aleppo such facts of recent history are ignored by Western mass media,” she added.
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