Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Turkey seeks to 'absorb' northern Syria: US Senator

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that Ankara-backed militants will advance toward the northern Syrian town of Manbij in Aleppo province after they accomplish their mission in al-Bab city in the same province. Meanwhile, Syria has strongly denounced Ankara’s attacks near al-Bab.

Ankara seeks “to absorb northern Syria into the greater Turkey,” because the Turkish authorities want to take possession of Syrian water and oil resources, says Richard Hayden Black, an Republican member of the Virginia state Senate.

Turkey uses terrorist groups like Daesh and al-Qaeda to carry out ethnic cleansing in northern Syria and pave the ground for Ankara's dominance there, the senator told Press TV on Tuesday.

According to Hayden Black, “The group ISIS (Daesh) is sort of a tool of Turkey, of the United States, [and] of all of these groups (US allies). They don’t want [Syria] to eventually survive, because Erdogan sees himself as the head of a vast caliphate, [and] as [the head of] a resurgent Ottoman Empire that stretches from Europe onto China.”

“Turkey has been the greatest ally of the ISIS (Daesh) throughout most of the six-year war” in Syria, he said, adding that Daesh had 2,000 oil tankers, which carried massive amounts of oil stolen from Syria and took it to Turkey.

Amaq Agency, the official Islamic State outlet, published two pictures on Monday showing what it claimed to be an armed drone targeting an alleged Russian convoy in Syria’s eastern city of Deir Ezzor.

Armed ISIS drone attacks Russian Army convoy in Deir Ezzor

The drone dropped artillery ammunition near 5 cars and a bulldozer, damaging a black vehicle during the attack and possibly injuring its driver. Al-Masdar News was not able to verify whether the convoy was Syrian or Russian.

The Russian Armed Forces maintain a small presence of military advisors in Deir Ezzor while the bulk of its troops are based in the government mainland in western Syria, especially around Khmeimim Air Base and its naval port in Tartous.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is working hard to break the siege of Deir Ezzor Airport that was cut off from government-held districts in the provincial capital following an Islamic State offensive in January.

The ISIS-affiliated Amaq Agency has announced that a suicide bombing killed 11 Syrian soldiers.

ISIS suicide attack kills 11 Syrian soldiers in rural Aleppo

The attack took place at Nabatah Saghiara village in eastern Aleppo where the Syrian Army in a blitz attack over the last weeks has captured a plethora of territory from the terrorist group.

No announcement has been made yet from the Syrian military about the alleged suicide attack, but Amaq Agency has built a reputation on being accurate in its claims.

Meanwhile, Turkish-led forces have effectively ended their fight against ISIS since the Syrian Army enclosed their positions from being able to have a front against the terrorist group.

Following a huge advance in eastern Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has officially linked up with the ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) and a region dubbed Rojava by Kurdish politicians vying for an independent Kurdistan in northern Syria.

Damascus opens up trade route with Kurds in northern Syria

Effectively, Kurdish residents are able to reach the isolated Sheikh Maqsoud district in Aleppo city while family members of SAA troops stationed around Hasakah and Qamishli can visit their relatives for the first time since 2012.

With trade flowing between Kurdish-held and Syrian-held areas of the country for the first time ever, the SAA and SDF are also supporting each other militarily on the battlefield in eastern Aleppo due to the aforementioned parties sharing common foes; namely, the Turkish Armed Forces and ISIS.

Next up, the SDF and SAA will try to expand their narrow trade route to secure safe passage of goods and supply trucks. Should government forces expel Turkish troops from Al-Bab, this would secure the M4-Highway between Manbij and Aleppo for future trade.

Nevertheless, the Syrian Government remains opposed to the concept of Rojava and an independent Kurdish state in northern Syria.

Russia and China have vetoed a Western-proposed draft United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution against the Syrian government over its alleged use of chemical weapons.

Russia, China block anti-Syria UNSC resolution

On Tuesday, the measure, drafted by Britain, France and the US, got the minimum nine "yes" votes.

However, Russia, China and Bolivia opposed the resolution while Kazakhstan, Ethiopia and Egypt abstained.

UN resolutions need nine positive votes and no vetoes to pass.

This is the seventh time that Russia blocks an anti-Syria resolution and the sixth time that China does so.

The defeated resolution would have blacklisted 11 Syrians, mainly military commanders, and 10 entities allegedly linked to chemical attacks in 2014 and 2015. It would also have banned the supply of helicopters to Damascus.

The vetoed resolution followed a UN-led probe that claimed the Syrian government was behind at least three attacks involving chlorine gas.

Russian President Vladimir Putin had earlier denounced the resolution as “inappropriate” and warned that Moscow would not support fresh restrictive measures against Damascus.
The Syrian Army plans to tighten security measures across the regions stretching from East Aleppo to the Kurdish populated territories in Afrin Canton to block any possible advance by either the ISIL or the Turkish soldiers and their allied militants fighting for the Ankara-backed Euphrates Shield Operation, a top placed military source revealed on Wednesday.

Syrian Army to Secure Eastern Aleppo against Threats Posed by ISIL, Turkey, Ankara-Backed Militants

The source said that the Syrian Army intends to carry out a clean-up operation in the towns of Jubb al-Sultan, al-Za'aroureh, Jubb al-Homam and Jubb al-Khafa and the villages South of Manbij to strengthen its lines of defense along the strip that stretches to the Kurdish-held region in Northeastern Aleppo in order to prevent any effort by the ISIL terrorists to bypass the government-held regions.

The Syrian forces have liberated several towns South of Manbij in the last few days and blocked any further advances of the Turkish army and Ankara-backed militants towards Manbij, reconnecting Eastern Aleppo to its Northeastern parts after five years.

The army also advanced against ISIL in Eastern Aleppo and cut off pathway of Ankara-backed militants to Raqqa.

A source in the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) confirmed on Tuesday that the Syrian army troops continued their advances against the ISIL in Eastern Aleppo and deployed forces close to the town of Manbij, blocking the Turkey-backed militants move towards Raqqa province.

The source said that the Syrian Army soldiers reached SDF-controlled regions near Manbij so no pathway remained open to the Turkey-led Euphrates Shield Operation forces to go to Raqqa province.

The source underscored that the SDF would continue the Euphrates Rage Operation and would advance towards Raqqa; "hence they would also be able to block the Raqqa-al-Bab road and the al-Bab-al-Tabaqa road to Ankara-backed militants.

The sources further added that with the arrival of the Syrian Army in regions near Manbij, the road connecting regions controlled by the Kurds to the Afrin Canton in Northern Aleppo was reopened and Manbij was once again connected to Ein al-Arab (Kobani).

Russia’s envoy to the UN said the initiators of the draft resolution envisaging sanctions against Syria deliberately embarked on a course of confrontation, and Russia had no other choice but to veto the document.

Russia UN Envoy: Moscow Sees No Choice But to Veto Resolution on Syria

Russia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Vladimir Safronkov, made the remarks after the voting at the UN Security Council, TASS reported.

“Despite our consistent appeals, the authors chose a politically motivated path, leading to confrontation and adding complexity to the situation, including on our Security Council platform,” the diplomat said.

“They opted for deliberately heating up tensions, being well aware from the very start that this initiative has no chances of being approved at the Security Council,” he went on.

He said in this situation Russia “had no other choice but to block the passing of this resolution, the sanction list of which is copied from the analogous American list, approved at the start of this year by the previous US administration,” Safronkov said.

Russia voted “against confrontation” by blocking the resolution and that it is “doomed to failure and belongs to history,” he continued.

“We are sending a signal that we can solve difficult tasks and advance in the Syrian settlement only through cooperation,” Safronkov added.

"The short answer is no," Francois Delattre said when asked whether a debate on fresh sanctions against the Damascus government may damage the ongoing peace talks.

Geneva talks unaffected by UN Security Council vote on Syria — French envoy

The Syrian reconciliation talks in Geneva will not be affected by the UN Security Council vote, because the peace process has already stalled, France’s UN envoy said.

"The short answer is no," Francois Delattre said when asked whether a UN Security Council debate on another round of sanctions against the Damascus government may damage the ongoing peace talks.

"First of all, because, as we are all aware the Syrian regime has not moved an inch during the Geneva discussions. Second, because if anything hinders the Syrian reconciliation, it is the verified use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime against its population, not the resulting sanctions. Let’s be logical here," he went on.

"Third, what would be detrimental to the credibility of the Geneva process is that the Syrian regime and Daesh enjoy impunity to the repeated use of chemical weapons, as again confirmed by neutral bodies mandated by the Security Council," the ambassador added.

Russia and China have vetoed a United Nations Security Council draft resolution to impose sanctions on Syria over chemical attacks allegedly carried out by Damascus. The document, initiated by the UK, the US and France, scored nine votes, the required minimum for passing a document. So, Russia and China had to use their right to veto.

Syrian Army aircraft targeted al long convoy of ISIL's military vehicles on Raqqa-Deir Ezzur road, destroying most of the vehicles.

ISIL's Long Convoy of Military Vehicles Destroyed in Syrian Airstrike in Deir Ezzur

The fighter jets struck a military column of ISIL's vehicles on the road from Raqqa to Deir Ezzur, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their vehicles.

Army reports said some of the vehicles were equipped with heavy machineguns and others were transporting terrorists and weapons.

Fierce clashes erupted in Northeastern Damascus between the Al-Nusra Front and those militants that have declared readiness to sign peace agreement with the Syrian Army.

Syria: Rifts Widening among Terrorists over Peace with Gov't

Local sources in Eastern Ghouta reported that a large number of militants in Barzeh region have displayed intention to join the nationwide peace agreement with the Syrian Army and receive government amnesty in return.

"That is why the Syrian Army has struck off Barzeh from the list of militant-held regions that are under military attack as its targets," they added.

The sources said that Al-Nusra's disagreement with the militants' decision to join the peace plan has sparked fierce clashes between the two groups of militants in Barzeh region.

ISIL released a new video that runs for 30 minutes that shows the terrorist group threatening China with attacks, by showing daily life of Chinese militants in areas the group controls.

ISIL Threatens China with Attacks in New Video

In one scene, a militant addresses the camera before carrying out an execution, saying “you Chinese people who don’t understand the language of the people, we... will come to you to teach you the language of weapons, to spill rivers of blood as revenge against the oppressors”, Al Masdar reported.

The man then turns to the victim, who is wearing an orange jumpsuit and is hanging upside down from the ceiling, and slits his throat while a young boy looks on from the side.

Uighurs, a Turkic ethnic group residing mostly in China’s Western Xinjiang province, have flooded ISIL’ ranks, as well as terrorist groups operating in Syria’s Idlib province. A 2016 report has claimed that there are over 100 Uighurs fighting with ISIL.
Syria took control of Palmyra. In an interesting development, YPG decided to give control of west of Manbij to Syrian army. Turkey wants to capture Manbij under the pretext of controlling YPG. If Turkey backs out, pretty soon Syrian war may be over and it may be back to normal. We don't know what sultan Erdogan does. Interestingly, US has no objection for this or US has no control over YPG. YPG is almost ready to cut supply line between Raqqa ad Dier-Zor. there are other areas, but with the pace it is going, it is just matter of time.
With Palmyra retaken by the Syrian Forces, the next big battle seems to point to Syria's Manbij? Turkey needs Manbij to complete it's land grab in Northern Syria.

In attempts to block Erdogan's efforts, Damascus has called upon the UN Security Council to intervene in Turkey's illegal entry and continued violations. Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who appointed de Mistura, as special envoy tasked with seeking a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Syria,
have both sided with the Obama administration and elements in the Pentagon, to stall any peace efforts. The new UN Secretary-General Guterres
sworn in January 1, is working with Damascus and Moscow towards a peaceful resolution. Guterres has the authority to replace de Mistura who has hampered and stalled the on-going negotiations.

On Feb. 20th, the Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin dies - while in Syria, four Russian military advisers were killed and two wounded - in a Syrian motorcade - transporting troops.

Then on Feb. 23rd, McCain illegally visits Syria. Three days later, General Joseph Votel, top US Commander for the Middle East, also makes a secret visit.

March 1-3, Russia informs the US, it's sending humanitarian (food and medical) convoys to Manbij - including "some armored equipment". I think, Damascus and Russia are gearing up for an intense battle?

Damascus Reveals The Location Of The Main Turkish Base Inside Syria

Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has renewed calls to the UN Security Council for an immediate end of the violations of The Syrian sovereignty by the Turkish Armed Forces.

Feb. 15 Moscow hosted a Kurdish conference that drew Kurdish political figures from neighboring Kurdish-populated countries.

Syrian Analyst: Russia's Distrust of Turkey Revealed by Meeting with Kurds

"The meeting in Moscow with the participation of leaders of different Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish Kurd leaders indicated lack of trust between Ankara and Moscow," Khurshid Deli told FNA on Saturday.

"Moscow believes that Ankara has changed its rapprochement policy towards Russia, specially after the empowerment of Trump (the US president)," he added.

Deli said that Moscow has felt that Ankara is not serious about resolving the regional crises, specially in Syria, and it is still committed to its goal of overthrowing the Syrian government and imposing its options to rule Syria.

Informed sources in the United Nations disclosed on Wednesday that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres intends to remove UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura from his post, Arab media said.

Arab Media Reports: Guterres to Oust De Mistura

Moscow hosted a Kurdish conference on Feb. 15 that drew Kurdish political figures from neighboring Kurdish-populated countries.

The conference came to the agenda after a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and representatives of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) on Syria on Jan. 27 in Moscow. That meeting was followed by Turkey’s blocking of the PYD’s participation in a conference on a cease-fire on Syria in Astana on Jan. 23-24.

Feb 20, 2017 - Vitaly Churkin, who served as Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations since 2006, "died suddenly" in New York.

]Russian ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin dies day before turning 65

Same day as Churkin's death - four Russian military advisers killed and two wounded - in a Syrian motorcade - transporting troops.

]Four Russian Servicemen Killed, Two Wounded in Car Blast in Syria

"Russian military medics are fighting to save their lives," the ministry said in a statement.

The vehicle was part of a motorcade transporting Syrian troops with the Russian military advisers from the Tiyas airbase to the city of Homs, when the mine detonated 2.5 miles away from the point of departure.

Feb. 23, 2017 - McCain illegally visits Syria.

US Congressman John McCain illegally enters Syria to meet with Kurds

McCain has illegally crossed into Syria before, visiting Islamist rebels in northern Syria during the third year of this conflict.

Feb. 26, 2017 - General Joseph Votel, who heads US Central Command (Centcom) visits Syria.

Top US Commander for Middle East in Secret Syria Trip

General Joseph Votel, who heads US Central Command (Centcom), met with leaders from the Syrian Democratic Forces in the first such trip under the new US administration, Middle East Eye reported.

In an online statement, SDF spokesman Talal Sello said Votel "visited areas under our control today (Friday) and met with several SDF commanders".

Votel has also discussed the situation in Raqqa with Turkish officials, who are unhappy with Washington’s ties with the SDF and have reportedly offered alternative plans to capture the militant-riddled city without the group’s involvement.

Gen. Votel’s trip comes days after a similar visit to Syria by Republican Senator John McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee.

McCain made a secret trip to a Kurdish-held region in Northern Syria last weekend to speak with US military officials, rebel fighters and leaders in the region.

Almost 400 civilians massacred by Turkish forces in Al-Bab: Al-Amaq

March 3, 2017 - A Russian military convoy sends food and medical supplies to Manbij including "some armored equipment".

The Russian military has informed the United States about moving convoys to Syria's Manbij, and US operations in the area remain unaffected, US Department of Defense spokesperson Jeff Davis said in a briefing on Friday.

Pentagon: US Operations in Syria Unaffected as Russia Moves Convoys to Manbij

04.03.2017 - The Russian General Staff said Friday Russia's center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria has sent the first food and medical supplies convoy to Manbij.

"We were aware of this. The Russian government has informed us of it as well," Davis told reporters. "It has not changed anything we are doing."

Davis said the United States has noticed and observed these humanitarian convoys moving into the area. He claimed that they have also brought "some armored equipment" with them.

The spokesperson underscored that the United States wants to see all parties on the ground in Manbij to continue focus on fighting the Islamic State terror group (outlawed in Russia).

March 3, 2017 - Erdogan has blocked the Kurds (especially in Manbij) from participation in the intra-Syrian talks - while Russia has supported the Kurds as part of the Peace process. In Erdogan's quest to take over Al Bab, almost 400 civilians were massacred. Erdogan now needs Manbij to complete his "land grab" and the amount of civilian causalities would be even greater. It looks like Moscow is setting up a defense - to block the Turkey military from obtaining Manbij?

Moscow supports the participation of Astana platform, the Kurds and other representatives of Syrian moderate opposition in intra-Syrian talks, Russian envoy to the UN Office in Geneva Alexey Borodavkin said Saturday.

Russia Backs Participation of Kurds and Other Moderate Opposition in Syria Talks

04.03.2017 - Borodavkin noted that the reunification of these groups should happen not through "Riyadh-based delegation absorbing" them, but by bridging the distance between the positions of all the opposition platforms.

"Riyadh [High Negotiations Committee], Moscow or Cairo opposition platforms put together do not show the full range of the Syrian opposition. We regret that the Kurds, the Astana platform and other moderate opposition groups were not invited to this round [of talks]," Borodavkin told reporters.

Earlier, Borodavkin said that Moscow pushes for inviting Syrian Kurds to participate in the intra-Syrian talks in the Swiss city of Geneva. Syrian Kurds are Syria’s citizens, they represent a numerous minority, great political and military force and they have the right to take part in shaping the state’s destiny, Borodavkin stressed.

The Kurds did not attend February 2016 round of Geneva talks since Turkey and Syrian opposition have refused to allow them to join the discussions.

The new round of Syria talks in Kazakhstan’s Astana will likely deal with efforts to end six years of fighting and finding ways of building trust between government and armed opposition forces, the Russian envoy to the UN Office in Geneva said.

"Astana and Geneva are two different political processes. There would be no Geneva without Astana," Alexey Borodavkin said, adding that the presence of armed opposition factions at Astana talks made them more ceasefire-oriented.

"This does not mean that crucial political issues, such as a new constitution and state institutions, should be crossed out from the Astana agenda. Armed opposition is a stakeholder in the negotiations and they are liable to pick topics they deem key to political settlement in Syria."
Russian Maj. Gen. Pyotr Milyukhin has been placed in the resuscitation department of the country's Main Military Clinical Hospital in Moscow. The officer was wounded during the operation to retake the Syrian city of Palmyra from Daesh jihadists.

Doctors Fighting for Life of Russian Maj. Gen. Wounded During Palmyra Liberation

Milyukhin was wounded a week ago. The hospital refused to disclose any details but specified that the officer is being treated "in the 56th department".

The Syrian Army regained control over Palmyra on Thursday with support of the Russian aircraft operating in Syria.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced that his government has called on the US to evacuate the Kurds from Manbij in Aleppo province immediately, rejecting an agreement between the Kurds and Damascus government to surrender the Western Manbij regions to the Syrian army.

Turkey Stands against Agreement between SDF Kurds, Syrian Gov't

Cavusoglu referred to the Euphrates Shield Operation in Northern Syria by the Turkey-backed militants, and told reporters that the Turkish forces have not yet moved towards Manbij but they will start operations in the region soon.

Noting that the Turkish military men are ready to attack the Kurds in Manbij, he said that Ankara doesn’t want Washington to continue support for the Kurds and it has several times warned the US that the Turkish forces will attack the Kurds soon.

Cavusoglu also said that Ankara and Moscow have agreed to prevent clashes between the Syrian government forces and the Turkey-backed opposition (the Free Syrian Army militants), claiming that both of them pursue the same goal of annihilating the ISIL.

Elsewhere, he stood up to an agreement between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Russia to surrender the villages controlled by the Kurds in Manbij to the Syrian government.

His remarks came as the military council of Manbij announced in a statement that the Kurdish forces will surrender the villages bordering the areas occupied by the Turkey-backed Euphrates Shield Operation militants to the Syrian army. The statement said that based on an agreement with the Russian side, the control of these villages will be given to the Syrian government's border guards.

It added that the measure will be taken to maintain the security of civilians residing in Manbij and the surrounding areas as well as regions bordering al-Bab in the Western side of Manbij, and take on the greed of Turkey to occupy the Syrian territories.

The statement was issued after sources in Tal Rifat Town's Military Council affiliated to the Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) militant group disclosed on Wednesday that the council forces will no more partner in the Euphrates Shield Operations against ISIL in Northeastern Aleppo as they are preparing to shift war to their Kurdish rivals within the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The Turkey-backed Euphrates Shield Operations is fought by various units of the SDF and backed up by the Turkish army. The SDF is comprised of a Kurdish majority and a minority of Arab fighters mostly from different units of FSA and defected members of Ahrar al-Sham and Al-Nusra that are all called as moderate militants by the US, Turkey and their allies.

The Kurdish units of the SDF have long been complaining that they are fighting on the frontline and, hence, sustain most casualties, and whenever they earn a victory, "the Turkish army sends them to other battle scenes and delivers control over conquered lands to the Arab FSA.

The Manbij Military Council agreed to hand over areas to the West of the strategically important city in the Aleppo province to the Syrian Army as part of a Russia-sponsored deal that will help to create a buffer zone between the Turkish military and the Kurds and allow the Syrian Democratic Forces to focus on the Raqqa offensive.

Syrian Army Creates Buffer Zone Between Kurds, Turkish Military

"The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have reached a deal with Russia to cede control over areas and settlements to the West of Manbij along the contact line with the Operation Euphrates Shield forces to the Syrian Arab Army," the Manbij Military Council said in a statement, released on March 2. A day later, Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy, chief of the Russian General Staff Main Operational Directorate, confirmed this information, RIA Novosti reported.

Syrian military and strategic experts believe that the Kurdish fighters' recent agreement to surrender the villages bordering the areas occupied by the Turkey-backed Euphrates Shield Operation militants to the Syrian government was a devastating blow to the US and sped up the army's advance towards Raqqa.

Syrian Experts: Manbij Agreement Means Tough Blow to US, Accelerates Army's Advance towards Raqqa

"The Syrian army's deployment in Manbij can be a prelude to their advance towards Raqqa from the West, specially if the agreement between the Syrian government and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) includes the framework and objectives of the battle against the ISIL," Issa al-Zahir, a prominent Syrian strategic researcher, told FNA on Saturday.

Also, Mohammad Issa al-Shaikh, a Syrian military analyst, told FNA today that the SDF made the agreement with Russia because it has come to realize that the US would betray them and sell them to Turkey. Noting that the Manbij agreement broke the backbone of the US-backed front in Syria, he added that Washington lost one of its most powerful cards in Syria and is now after confrontation with them through Turkey's assistance.

The military council of Manbij announced in a statement on Thursday that the Kurdish forces will surrender the villages bordering the areas occupied by the Turkey-backed Euphrates Shield Operation militants to the Syrian army.

Then, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Thursday announced that his government has called on the US to evacuate the Kurds from Manbij in Aleppo province immediately, rejecting the agreement between the Kurds and the Damascus government.

Cavusoglu referred to the Euphrates Shield Operation in Northern Syria by the Turkey-backed militants, and told reporters that the Turkish forces have not yet moved towards Manbij but they will start operations in the region soon.

Noting that the Turkish military men are ready to attack the Kurds in Manbij, he said that Ankara doesn’t want Washington to continue support for the Kurds and it has several times warned the US that the Turkish forces will attack the Kurds soon.

The European Union's sanctions against Syria should be dropped due to their negative effect on the humanitarian situation in the country and on the life of the Syrian citizens, the Russian Embassy to the United Kingdom said.

Russia Urges EU to Lift Syria Sanctions as Humanitarian Crisis Exacerbates in War-Hit Country

The statement came after the European Union extended sanctions against Syria until June 2017, including oil embargo, investment curbs, and bans on exports of equipment and technologies, sputnik reported.

According to the spokesperson for the embassy, the sanctions also undermine the activities of the humanitarian organizations in the country.

“Russia strongly opposes sanctions imposed by the EU on Syria, which have already significantly damaged its economy and had a negative impact upon the well-being of ordinary Syrians. In addition to economic losses, the restrictions have created serious obstacles to the reconstruction of the destroyed country and restoration of the ability of the government to provide services to the civilian population,” the spokesperson stressed.
BREAKING: Engine failure forces Syrian pilot to crash on Turkish territory

Moments ago, several Islamist factions claimed to have shot down a MiG-21 MiG-23 fighter jet in the northern countryside of Idlib.

Ahrar al-Sham said one of its anti-aircraft units shot down the warplane utilizing a homemade Manpad system known as ‘Olive one’.

Upon enquiring with a military source based in Damascus, it was confirmed to Al-Masdar News that the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) had indeed lost contact to a low-flying plane during sorties in Idlib province.

The source also stressed that the MiG-21 MiG-23 was not shot down but rather suffered from technical difficulties that caused the warplane to rapidly drop in altitude.

A leaked conversation obtained by Al-Masdar News between the pilot and aerial command center revealed that radar issues had caused the plane to be unable to turn back.

Remarkably, the Syrian pilot managed to not only eject from the fighter jet but also landed inside Turkey at Hatay province. He is believed to be in Turkish custody.

Islamist militants based in Idlib have previously executed numerous Syrian and Russian pilots once their jets were downed over the rebel-held areas.

The Syrian army lost contact with a jet performing a reconnaissance mission near the Turkish border, local media said Saturday.

Syrian Army Lost Contact With Jet Flying Reconnaissance Mission Near Turkey

Earlier in the day, fighters from Syria's Ahrar al Sham Islamist extremist group claimed to have shot down a Syrian government MiG-21 fighter jet over the Syrian province of Idlib. Syrian government sources later reportedly confirmed that contact had been lost with a low-flying plane over Idlib, but said this was due to technical difficulties.

Contact with the jet was lost and the military is now searching for the pilot, who had ejected, the SANA news agency reported, citing a military source.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has confirmed that a Syrian military plane had crashed in south Turkey's Hatay province.

Media reports said, citing Turkish sources, that the jet was a MiG-23 fighter rather than a MiG-21.

Debris of a crashed Syrian fighter jet were found near the Turkish border with Syria, according to the Hatay province governor.

The pilot apparently had ejected, the governor added.

Four Syrian Army soldiers have been captured by the Furat Shield forces, a coalition of the Turkish military, predominately Turkmen brigades of the Free Syrian Army and Islamist allies, and operating in Aleppo countryside.

Four Syrian Army soldiers captured by Turkish-led forces in rural Aleppo (Photo - Video)

The captured soldiers can be seen on video being abused by their captors.

Reports suggest that along with the four who were captured, one other soldier was killed by the Turkish-led forces.

The soldiers were captured near Mengh in northern Aleppo countryside after getting lost and ending up in Furat Shield controlled areas.

It is not known yet what the fate of the soldiers will be, however, they could be used as a bargaining chip against government forces who have created an understanding with Kurdish-led forces who are preparing to defend the city of Manbij from the Turkish-led forces.

A convoy of food and supplies from the Syrian government has entered the Kurdish-controlled areas of Manbij province, according to Al-Masdar’s correspondent, Yusha Yousef.

Yousef also explained that the Syrian Army may start using Kurdish-held areas as staging grounds to launch offensives against ISIS, if it is deemed necessary to use these areas, demonstrating this growing understanding between the Syrian government and Kurdish-led forces.

Two soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) surrendered themselves to the Euphrates Shield forces on Saturday; effectively, the Turkish Armed Forces and Turkish-backed rebels have captured 8 SAA soldiers over the past 72 hours.

Turkish-backed rebels capture two more Syrian soldiers near Al-Bab

The two unnamed Syrian soldiers, members of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence, were taken into captivity after clashes in a contested area east of Al-Bab by a predominately Turkmen brigade of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Subsequently, the prisoners of war were beaten by FSA militants: (Photos)

Meanwhile, the SAA captured 5 villages from ISIS amid a push towards the Islamic State stronghold of Deir Hafer.

In related news, a Russian convoy reached the city of Manbij today to facilitate a deal reached between the SAA and ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) which would have the latter conceded a bunch of villages to the former.

Meanwhile, US special forces are also present in Manbij city and its countryside. Earlier today, an American convoy was spotted at the southern bank of the Sajour River, north of Manbij.

Syria's Hayyan gas field in the east of the Homs province set on fire by Daesh during retreat from the ancient city of Palmyra is still caught up in flames.

Syria's Hayyan Gas Fields on Fire After Daesh's Retreat From Palmyra (Video) (1:30 min.)

On Thursday, the Syrian army backed by the Russian aircraft operating in Syria regained control over Palmyra.

The gas field put on fire by retreating Daesh militants was in flames on Friday. On Saturday, RT's Ruptly video news service published a footage showing flames and smoke still rising from Hayyan.

In January, Daesh blew up the Hayyan gas plant, which produced a third of country's electricity.
angelburst29 said:
BREAKING: Engine failure forces Syrian pilot to crash on Turkish territory

Turkish rescuers have found a pilot of a Syrian jet that crashed on the border between the countries on Saturday, local media reported.

Turkish Rescuers Find Wounded Pilot of Jet Crashed Near Syrian Border - Reports (Video) (0:48 min.)

According to the Daily Sabah newspaper, the found pilot has been injured. He was first taken to the gendarmerie and then hospitalized, the NTV television channel reported.

​The news comes after the Syrian army said it had lost contact with a jet performing a reconnaissance mission near the Turkish border. The military was also said to be looking for a pilot who had ejected, according to the Syrian news agency SANA.

On Saturday, an Islamist coalition called Ahrar al-Sham claimed it shot down a plane, allegedly a MiG-21. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim confirmed that a Syrian military plane crashed in Turkey’s southern Hatay province.

Media reports said, citing Turkish sources, that the jet was a MiG-23 fighter rather than a MiG-21.

Debris of a crashed Syrian fighter jet were found near the Turkish border with Syria, according to the Hatay province governor.

Turkey will announce in the coming days whether it will hand over a captured Syrian pilot who landed on the Turkish side of the border after ejecting from a crashing military plane to Syria, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli said Sunday.

Turkey to Decide Fate of Captured Pilot of Crashed Syrian Jet Soon – Deputy PM

On Saturday, an Islamist coalition called Ahrar al-Sham claimed it shot down a plane, allegedly a MiG-21. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim confirmed that a Syrian military plane crashed in Turkey's southern Hatay province.

The pilot's treatment is continuing right now. A decision would be made after the whole event is clarified, but now it is very fresh," Canikli told reporters, according to the state Anadolu news agency, adding the decision would be made soon.

(Comment - Turkey's military is on Syrian soil - illegally. Once this Syrian Pilot is medically stabilized, diplomatic channels should be opened between Assad and Erdogan for a safe transfer to a Syrian hospital. If this Pilot dies while in Turkey's custody, due to injuries or other factors, Erdogan will be made to account for the misfortune - which could lead to grave repercussion's? Using the pilot as a "bargaining chip" of some kind - might also be detrimental, in the long run? )

The pilot of a Syrian military aircraft, which crashed in Turkey a day ago, said that the plane was shot down, Turkish newspaper Aksam reported Sunday.

Pilot of Syrian Jet That Crashed in Turkey Says Plane Was Shot Down

According to the Turkish newspaper the pilot said that the jet took off from the military airbase in Syria's Latakia to carry out airstrikes on militants' targets near the Syrian city of Idlib close to the Turkish border, but was shot down during the operation.

The newspaper did not specify who attacked the Syrian jet. Pilot Mehmet Sufhan, 56, ejected from the plane, receiving several bone fractures and face injuries. He was rescued during a search operation and admitted to a hospital in Turkey's Hatay province.

On Saturday, an Islamist coalition called Ahrar al-Sham claimed it shot down a plane, allegedly a MiG-21. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim confirmed that a Syrian military plane crashed in Turkey's southern Hatay province. Media reports said, citing Turkish sources, that the jet was a MiG-23 fighter rather than a MiG-21.

Debris of a crashed Syrian fighter jet were found near the Turkish border with Syria, according to the Hatay province governor.

The pilot was rescued during a search operation and admitted to a hospital in Turkey's Hatay province.

Turkey deployed its domestically produced, next-generation Cobra 2 armored vehicles to ensure security on the Turkish-Syrian border, Turkish Hürriyet newspaper reported.

Turkey Deploys Cobra 2 Armored Vehicles at Syrian Border

The vehicles have recently entered into the Turkish Armed Forces and are said to have several advanced technical features.

The vehicles are equipped with radar, a target detection system and a thermal camera which significantly improve their monitoring capabilities and help them to keep track of the slightest activity in the border area.

​Cobra 2 is capable of detecting movements on the other side of the concrete wall built on the Turkish-Syrian border using its high-precision cameras, which can rise to a height of up to 12 meters.

According to the newspaper, the advanced technical and tactical characteristics of Cobra 2 armored vehicles play a major role in ensuring security on the border. The vehicles are used for early warning as well as for patrolling the border area.

A suicide bomber blew himself up in al-Nusra Front terrorist group's command center in Syria, RIA Novosti reported citing Al Mayadeen TV channel.

Daesh Suicide Bomber Blows Himself Up in Al-Nusra Front Command Center in Syria

According to media reports, the incident took place in the Syrian city of Azaz in the province of Aleppo that is located on the border with Turkey.

However, Al-Masdar News report suggested that the attack targeted not al-Nusra Front, but Jabhat al-Shamiyah (Levant Front) group's headquaters. The group's Aleppo branch joined Ahrar al-Sham rebel group earlier this year. The Levant Front's membership includes the major Sunni Islamist groups operating in north Syria.

Media report suggested that there are killed and injured Islamist militants as a result of the explosion supposedly carried out by Daesh terrorist group.

Later in the day, the Al-Masdar media outlet reported that the attack killed at least nine people and wounded 11 others.

On January 7, a similar attack took place in Azaz, when a car loaded with explosives exploded in the city center close to the headquarters, killing 60 people and injuring over 100 others.

Azaz is currently under control of Jabhat al Shamiyah, an affiliate of the Free Syrian Army largely supported by Turkey and an ally of Ahrar al-Sham, which according to the Russian Defense Ministry, was among the opposition groups, that agreed to join the Syrian nationwide ceasefire between the Syrian government and opposition factions on December 30.

This is not the first time Daesh and al-Nusra Front terrorists reportedly clash in Syria. In February 2016, the terrorist groups fought against each other near the Syrian border with Lebanon. Prior to that, Daesh terrorists seized an al-Nusra Front military camp and captured six militants.

In early-January 2016, Iranian news agency FARS reported that Daesh attacked al-Nusra Front positions in the province of Daraa, having killed a dozen militants.

Despite the fact that Daesh and al-Nusra Front (which now calls itself Jabhat Fatah al Sham after a "rebranding") fight against the Syrian government and some moderate Syrian rebel groups and also both originated as al-Qaeda-affiliated groups, sometimes their interests clash over gaining control over territories and resources in Syria.

A senior US military official asserted that Russian and Syrian planes accidentally launched airstrikes near the city of al-Bab recently liberated by the Turkish military, with Russia refuting the claims. Political analyst Dmitry Egorchenkov told Radio Sputnik that the Pentagon could in fact be sending a signal to Ankara, not Moscow.

Pentagon Blamed Russia for Airstrike Near Al-Bab to 'Send a Message to Turkey'

On March 1, Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, who commands Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, said that Russian forces stopped bombing villages near al-Bab after the Pentagon reached out to Moscow through the existing deconfliction channel. The airstrikes are said to have taken place 9-12 miles away from Manbij in an area where US-backed local fighters were present.

The Russian Defense Ministry responded by saying that both Russia and Syrian military aircraft were not active in the region at the time when the accidental bombing is believed to have taken place.

"Senator John McCain went on a trip to northern Syria recently. He met with representatives of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) whom Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend was referring to. He then traveled to Ankara to meet with senior Turkish officials. They were apparently discussing relations among America's tentative allies in Syria. McCain seems to have failed to reach an agreement with Turkey. Perhaps, Americans have used this 'bogus story' to send yet another message to Ankara that Washington is providing political support to the Kurdish and Arab militias in Syria," he suggested.

The SDF, made largely of Kurdish fighters, has been a major point of contention for Washington and Ankara. The United States has relied heavily on Kurdish forces as part of its anti-Daesh campaign in Iraq and Syria. For its part, Turkey has maintained that the Syrian Kurds are affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers' Party, an organization that Ankara considers to be a terrorist group.

Egorchenkov, deputy director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognosis at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, further said that there could be another explanation in the event that an aircraft had indeed launched an airstrike in the area.

"I am not saying that it was a Russian airstrike. An unidentified aircraft hit Kurdish and Arab militias in this theater of operations, de facto hitting American advisors assisting these forces. If such an airstrike was carried out and if it was carried out by the Turkish Air Force, then Washington has told the Turks that they should refrain from similar actions in the future and that American service personnel is there," he said.

The Syrian Army has regained control of oil wells in the eastern part of Homs province. After liberating the Hayan oil field from Daesh, the Syrian troops extinguished the blazing fire.

Syrian Army Regains Control of Crude Oil Wells in Homs (Video) (1:06 min.)

The army has already begun to repair the large-scale destruction that the terrorists inflicted on the oil-producing complex before leaving.

The authorities hope to restore oil production as soon as possible because the Hayan oil field is one of the main sources of fuel in the liberated territory.

Due to severe cold and an imposed blockade the Syrian population is experiencing difficulty due to the shortage of fuel.

The video above shows oil wells burning with a thick black smoke. The oil structures, such as pipes, have also been severely damaged.

The Russian embassy to Nigeria confirmed on Sunday that seven Russian sailors kidnapped by Nigerian pirates had been released.

Russian Embassy Confirms Nigerian Pirates Released Russian Sailors

Earlier on Sunday, Sevastopol human rights commissioner Pavel Butsai told Sputnik that seven Russian sailors as well as a Ukrainian citizen had been released from the captivity of Nigerian pirates.

"The embassy confirms that all Russian sailors kidnapped by pirates from the ship BBC Caribbean were released and left Nigeria," the embassy wrote on its Twitter page.

The ship BBC Caribbean, which belongs to German Briese Schiffahrts cargo company, was attacked on February 5, about 107 nautical miles southwest of the Bonny Island in the Gulf of Guinea, en route from the city of Douala in Cameroon to Tema, Ghana.

Eight crew members, seven Russians and one Ukrainian, were kidnapped while the ship itself was not seized. Briese Schiffahrts managed to agree with the kidnappers on release of the sailors.
Just a matter of days after John McCain’s “unusual” trip to Syria and Turkey, the Turkish government has cut off water supplies from the Euphrates River into northern Syria, violating international conventions on water rights.

Syria’s Water Cut Off By Turkey Following McCain, Erdogan Meeting (Map - location of Tishrin Dam)

While some measure of stability has returned to pockets of northern Syria following the Syrian Army’s recent liberation of al-Qaeda from Aleppo and elsewhere, external forces seem determined to keep the region volatile, regardless of the cost. In the latest example of aggressive foreign intervention in Syria, Turkey, which has long played an antagonistic role in Syria’s nearly six-year-long conflict, has now cut off the flow of the Euphrates River into Syria, depriving the nation of one of its primary sources of water.

According to the Kurdish Hawar News Agency, Turkey cut water supplies to Syria around Feb. 23, which subsequently forced a hydroelectric plant at the Tishrin Dam to shut down while also significantly reducing water levels on its associated reservoir. The dam supplies both water and power to key parts of northern Syria, such as the city of Manbij and other parts of the predominantly Kurdish Kobani Canton.

The dam is one of several major dams along the Euphrates River. Just downstream from Tishrin lies the Tabqa Dam and its reservoir Lake Assad, which supplies Aleppo with most of its power and drinking water, as well as irrigation water for over 640,000 hectares (2,500 square miles) of farmland. A city official in Manbij told Hawar that the city would provide generator fuel to civilians to help cope with the blackout that has resulted from the river being cut off. The same official added that Turkey had “violated the international conventions of water and rivers energy by cutting off Euphrates water.”

This is not the first time Turkey has deprived Syrians of water as a means to advance their political goals in the region. Turkey previously cut the river off in May of 2014, causing water levels on Lake Assad to drop by over 20 feet and creating the potential for genocide by means of dehydration. By blocking the river, Turkey threatens Iraqi civilians as well. Major urban centers like Mosul, whose water supplies largely depend on reservoirs fed by the Euphrates, could be gravely impacted if the river continues to be blocked.

The act of cutting off the river is not unprecedented, but its timing is peculiar. Just days prior to Turkey’s act, U.S. Senator John McCain “secretly” visited the Kobani Canton, the very region that now finds itself without water, before heading to Turkey, where he met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. According to the senator’s office, “Senator McCain’s visit was a valuable opportunity to assess dynamic conditions on the ground in Syria and Iraq.” It adds that McCain looks forward to working with the Trump administration and military leaders “to optimize our approach” on fighting the Islamic State.

While the U.S. has backed the Kurds in their fight to keep their territories along the Syrian-Turkish border free of terrorist influence, it has come at the cost of greatly complicating diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Turkey. For example, in early 2016, Erdogan dramatically demanded that the U.S. choose between an alliance with Turkey or with the Syrian Kurds. The diplomatic stand-off has since reached new heights of tension, with Turkey threatening to invade Kurdish-held Manbij less than two weeks ago. Manbij is suffering the most from Turkey’s blockage of the Euphrates, suggesting that the move could be intended to destabilize the Kurds before something more drastic takes place.

It also warrants mentioning that despite Erdogan’s and McCain’s claims that they are eager to “defeat” the Islamic State and other terrorist factions, both have close ties to those very same groups. This, of course, suggests that McCain’s visit, as well as recent moves by Turkey, have ulterior motives that have yet to be publicly expressed.

For example, McCain has been so intent on removing Assad from power that he has fostered relationships with the Syria’s “moderate rebels” and its more notorious opposition factions such as the Islamic State. Photographic evidence has confirmed this, with one infamous photo showing McCain posing with Khalid al-Hamad – a “moderate” rebel who gained notoriety after a video of him eating the heart of a Syrian Army soldier went viral online. McCain has also admitted meeting with ISIS on national television, going so far as to acknowledge that he is still in contact with the infamous terrorist group.

Erdogan, for his part, was revealed to be a major player in the smuggling of Islamic State oil out of Syria for sale on the global market. It was these oil sales that enabled the Islamic State to grow into what it is today and to become one of the world’s most well-funded terror groups.

With such connections now well-documented, it seems unlikely that McCain and Erdogan discussed how to defeat the Islamic State. Based on the evidence, it seems much more likely that both remain eager to destabilize the region due to their shared goal of deposing Assad. With Turkey already working to destabilize Northern Syria by cutting off key resources, we will soon see what other measures may have been discussed during this “secret” meeting.

The Syrian army, backed up by the Russian Aerospace Forces, liberated the ancient city of Palmyra, including the Palmyra Airport from ISIS on March 2. Syrian army servicemen have been examining the historic part of Palmyra with the aim of demining the city.

Syrian War Report: US-Backed Forces Surrender Wide Areas Near Manbij to Syrian Army

By South Front:

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) primarily consisting of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) will hand over wide areas west of the northern Syrian town of Manbij to the Syrian army, according to a statement released by the so-called Manbij Miltiary Council. The SDF wants to use Syrian army troops as a buffer against Turkish-backed militant groups in northern Syria and refers that this decision is made after talks with “Russia”, aiming to use the Russian and Syrian military and diplomatic capabilities to defend itself from Turkey.

Just in August 2016, Talal Silo, a spokesman for the SDF, argued that the US is the only SDF partner and the group was not going coordinate anti-ISIS efforts or even negotiate with any other side without a signal from the Americans. It seems the SDF/YPG dramatically changed its attitude in March 2017 after it had became clear that photos of few US Special Forces troops were not enough to prevent Turkey from aiming to seize Manbij and Tell Rifat.

Turkey sees the YPG as just a branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), with which Turkey has been at war almost continuously since 1984. In turn, the PKK seeks to establish an independent Kurdish state in southern Turkey. There are still no official reports which areas the Syrian army will control in the Manbij countryside. However, there are two options:
1.The Syrian army enters villages west of Manbij. In this case, Turkey-led forces will be able to attack Manbij only from the direction of Jarabulus if they want to avoid confrontation with the Russian-Syrian-Iranian alliance.
2.Or the Syrian army enters villages west and north of Manbi, preventing possible Turkish military operations in both directions.

In any case, one problem will remain. Ankara-led forces will still be able to attack the YPG/SDF in Tell Rifat. Last months, there were some Russian-mediated negotiations between the government and the YPG in the area, but YPG sources were fast to deny that any agreement had been reached.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army’s Tiger Forces have liberated Alisah, Um Al-Amad, Barlin, Abu Tawil, Rahmaniya, Qaziqli and some nearby points from ISIS in the province.

The Kurds realize that preserving a secular Syria is all that matters now

End Game: Russia Unites Assad, Kurds to Push Turkey out of Northern Syria

Ankara is trying to carve up Syrian territory in Idlib — and it looks like they might get away with it. But Moscow has shut down any dreams Erdogan might have had about seizing Manbij and the surrounding countryside.

For those who missed it: Yesterday it was revealed that Russia had mediated a deal between the Kurdish Manbij Military Council (MMC) and Assad, in which the Syrian government would take control of the region.

Russia swooped in and united the Kurds and Assad, while Washington and Ankara were busy squabbling over who should control Manbij.

It was a brilliant move, but one that didn't materialize out of thin air.

Russia has always been interested in uniting Kurdish YPG forces and Assad in order to push Turkey and its "moderate" rebels out of northern Syria.

Here's what we reported (via Al Jazeera) back in November, 2015:

Losing control of the northern countryside of Aleppo would be a setback for the opposition. Turkey, too, would lose influence.

But Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be eyeing an even bigger victory. He called on the Assad government and the political wing of the YPG to unite. This has still not happened - at least not officially. But Syrian Kurdish officials have said they are ready to work with anyone fighting ISIL, and anyone who works for a united, secular and democratic Syria. Such an alliance would change the battlefield and the balance of power on the ground.

It's a simple concept, really: Russia understand that anyone who isn't a terrorist would happily unite with their political foes to preserve a secular Syria.

And now that the Russia flag is flying proudly alongside the emblem of the Kurdish MMC, it seems that Erdogan's dream of creating an Islamic caliphate in Syria has gone up in smoke: We've reached the end game.

An interesting and extremely embarrassing plot twist in northern Syria

NATO Catfight Ends in Humiliation: Russia Delivers Manbij to Assad Amid US-Turkey Infighting

It looks like Moscow just outfoxed Washington and Ankara. Again.

While the two NATO "allies" were busy squabbling over the fate of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, Moscow made its move: (Copy of Tweets)

BREAKING: Russian Chief of Staff says Syria/Russia forces will enter W. #Manbij today amid agreement with MMC.

This is a developing story. But at least for now, it seems that Russia has delivered the city to Assad:

I'm here with a tribal source from Manbij. He tells me Manbij city will also be handed to regime soon. And government offices will open too.

Some more details via the Twitter-verse:

More humanitarian aid convoys by Russia which contain medicine and food will reach Manbij City in the next days.

Russia Military's Sergey Rudskoy said beginning from March 3, Assad regime forces would be full in control of the territories near Manbij.

We're almost sure this isn't the end of this particular power struggle in northern Syria, but for the time being, it certainly seems that Russia has made a real mess of Washington's (and Ankara's) plans for the region:

Ankara said this week that the next target of Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces was SDF-held Manbij. Then-President Barack Obama had promised Turkey that [Washington-backed] YPG components of the SDF would leave the town as soon as they are done with the cleansing of the town out of booby traps and Daesh presence. The Turkish government sees Manbij as a natural target to seize in order to protect its borders against terror group PKK's Syrian armed wing the YPG.

Pentagon was worried about a Turkish offensive on the city because it would undermine the ongoing SDF offensive against Raqqa, since the YPG forces would move back to Manbij to defend the city.

And according to Washington, they're not in on this deal:

Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis said they observed Syrian regime and Russia sponsored humanitarian convoys along with armoured vehicles moving into the city of Manbij. "The Russian government informed us of [the transit] through our deconfliction channel. [But] we aren't aware of any agreement and we are not part of it," he said.

Welcome back to Syria, Manbij.
The Pentagon’s plan to assault the Syrian city of Raqqa calls for increased US military participation, according to media reports. Russian analyst Alexei Muraviev suggested that the Western coalition is reconsidering its strategy in Syria.

Trump Administration Abandons US Initial Priority in Syria to Oust Assad

Significant US military participation would include increased Special Operations forces, arms deliveries to Syrian Kurds and Arab fighting forces on the ground, as well as attack helicopters and artillery, unnamed officials told the Washington Post.

The Pentagon also proposed to ease a number of restrictions, which had been imposed under former United States President Barack Obama, on the size of the country's military contingent in Syria, currently involving about 500 trainers and advisers.

The US troops would not be directly involved in the fighting on the ground, according to the report.

Raqqa, the de facto capital of the Daesh caliphate, is located in northern Syria, 160 kilometers east of Aleppo, on the bank of the Euphrates. Daesh captured the city in 2013, and since then Syrian forces have made numerous attempts to regain control, but failed. In 2014, the Syrian Army lost control over the entire province of Raqqa.

The Western coalition is now reconsidering its goals and tasks in the Middle East, according to Alexei Muraviev, a senior analyst at the School of Oriental Studies, at the Moscow-based Higher School of Economics.

"Looking back, initially the intervention was expected to be directed not against terrorists, but against [Syrian President] Bashar Assad who allegedly violated human rights. Eventually, these goals contradicted with reality. Now it seems that the new US presidential administration understands that it needs to change its goals in Syria," Muraviev told Radio Sputnik.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly stressed that the US should destroy Daesh in Syria and Iraq, which would require significant reconsideration of the American strategy in the region.

"As I understand, this reconsideration has entered the practical phase," the analyst noted.

Some experts suggested that the possible buildup of US troops in Syria may be related to Washington’s attempt to offset Russia’s achievements in the region. However, according to Muraviev, such an assumption is only partially correct.

"Of course, Russia is getting the upper hand in Syria. Maybe, its main achievements are not military, but political, in particular, the negotiating process in Astana. The US-led coalition cannot boast anything of the kind. Nevertheless, the US also has certain achievements, including the operation to liberate Mosul from Daesh. Terrorists are fleeing the Iraqi city. This is why, this opinion has the right to exist, but it doesn’t show the bigger picture," the analyst explained.

According to Muraviev, the US could turn to cooperation with Russia on Syria, but this depends on President Trump.

"It depends on whether Donald Trump will be able to take independent steps in foreign policy. I think that Trump intends to work together with Russia, at least in the Middle East. Moreover, all forms of cooperation were agreed between [Russian Foreign Minister Sergei] Lavrov and [former State Secretary John Kerry] during [Barack] Obama’s presidency. But the future of such an alliance will depend on whether the new US presidential administration will be able to act independently," the expert concluded.

The units of the Syrian Democratic Forces alliance gained control of a highway leading from Raqqa, Daesh's de facto capital, to Deir ez-Zor, cutting off an escape route for terrorists, the SDF press service said Monday.

Kurdish-Led SDF Take Control Over Strategic Highway Between Deir ez-Zor, Raqqa

On Sunday, the Kurdish-led SDF liberated a Syrian town east of Raqqa from Daesh terrorist group as an operation to retake the Syrian city is underway.

"Our troops cut off the road between Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor in the ‘Wrath of Euphrates’ operation," the press service said on Twitter.

A Syrian city that is a stated target of a Turkish-backed operation in the north of the country Syria is under the protection of a local, Kurdish-allied militia and the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, the local militia said.

Kurdish-led militia says Manbij under protection of U.S.-led alliance

The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who comprise mostly of the Kurdish YPG militia, has said that the town of Manbij is protected by the US-led coalition.

This comes as Turkey has made clear of their intentions to take the Kurdish-held Syria with the Turkish military, Turkmen battalions of the Free Syrian Army and Islamist groups.

The Manbij Military Council, an SDF organization to lead the defense of the region, made the claim that they are protected by Turkey’s NATO allies, the United States.

“We in the Manbij Military Council confirm again that Manbij and its rural areas are under the protection of the Manbij Military Council and under the care of the international coalition and its protection,” the Manbij Military Council said in a statement released late on Sunday.

Reports said amnestied militants in Aleppo are siding with the Syrian army en masse, while others are returning to civilian life, admitting that they lay down arms despite threats from terrorists.

Pardoned Militants in Syria Join Government Forces against Terrorism

"That was indeed my personal decision, I will defend my people from militants and liberate my homeland from them," said Saleb who is now a member of a volunteer assault corps, TASS reported.

"The terrorists promised us to build a just future, but are only bringing death and atrocities. These are crazy fanatics who can only do one thing, to kill. Civilians do not support them," another amnestied militant, also a Syrian army soldier called Abdullah, told reporters.

Some civilians had to join militants against their will, some of them out of despair, others were blackmailed with militants threatening to kill their family members. "I used to live in Eastern Aleppo and had no means of subsistence to feed my family. On the other hand, the gunmen’s warehouses were stuffed with Western humanitarian aid, but they distributed it only among the gunmen’s families. I joined their ranks not to die of starvation," said another amnestied gunman, Mohammad Ahmad Jasim. As soon as the Syrian army launched an offensive, he immediately surrendered to the authorities.

All the militants who decided to lay down their arms, undergo checks. Those who decided to join the army are provided with the necessary munitions. The process is ensured by the elders with the participation of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria.

The amnesty law was passed in Syria in July 2016. The decree issued by President Bashar al-Assad stipulates amnesty for all armed individuals as well as for those who previously avoided prosecution, if they surrender and release those held captive. The decree stated that all those willing to comply with these terms will not be indicted. The decree was extended until June 30, 2017.

(In other military news:)

The grandson of Paul Tibbets Jr., the pilot who dropped the notorious ‘Little Boy’ bomb on Hiroshima in 1945, killing as many as 90,000 people, has been promoted to second-in-command of the US Air Force’s nuclear-capable long-range bombers.

Grandson of Pilot Who Nuked Hiroshima Now 2nd in Command of US Long-Range Bombers

Brigadier General Paul W. Tibbets IV has been promoted to vice commander of the US Air Force’s Global Strike Command (AFGSC), headquartered at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, the Pentagon said, RT reported.

The newly-appointed officer is the grandson of Brigadier General Paul Tibbets Jr., who piloted the B-29 bomber – its notorious nickname, ‘Enola Gay,’ chosen after Tibbets’ mother – which dropped the Little Boy uranium bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

Deployment of the Little Boy marked the first of two atomic bombs used in warfare, with the second one being dropped on Nagasaki, just 560 miles from Hiroshima.

At least 90,000 people are believed to have been killed in the inferno, and many others died from radiation sickness, burns, and other injuries during the months that followed, as well as illness and malnutrition. As many as 40,000 died in Nagasaki.

Tibbets IV has been transferred to the Global Strike Command after serving as the commander of the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, the same bomber detachment his grandfather served in.

Though most victims in both cities were civilians, the new vice commander of the AFGSC claimed the nuclear bombings were a military necessity.

“These events laid the groundwork for strategic deterrence today,” he told Air Force Times on the 70th anniversary of the bombing in 2015. “Through a safe, secure and effective nuclear deterrent, we have avoided the actual employment of those types of weapons since 1945,” he added.

According to the official explanation, the bombings were necessary to force the Japanese Empire into unconditional surrender, thus sparing US soldiers from having to invade mainland Japan, which would have cost many lives. However, some experts argue that the first-ever use of nuclear weapons was to intimidate the Soviet Union.

The US has never offered formal apologies for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, though in May last year, Barack Obama became the first sitting US president to visit Hiroshima. Speaking at the cenotaph monument to the victims of the Little Boy bomb, he simply stated that “we come to ponder the terrible force unleashed in a not-so-distant past... we come to mourn the dead.”
A Russian military envoy driving through Syria was struck by a radio-controlled bomb, causing Russian Maj. Gen. Pyotr Milyukhin to lose both legs and one eye.

Russian General Injured in Syria Loses Both Legs and Eye

While advancing toward the Tiyas airfield near the Syrian city of Homs, Milyukhin’s convoy was besieged. The major general is currently under the care of medical doctors at Russia’s Main Military Clinical Hospital, RIA Novosti reported. Hospital officials would only disclose that Milyukhin was in the intensive care unit and was placed "in the 56th department."

The Russian Defense Ministry announced on February 16 that a radio-activated landmine intended for a Syrian military convoy killed four Russian service members. The ministry noted that two other Russian servicemen were injured in the blast. This explosion is thought to have produced Milyukhin’s injuries, Kommersant reported. Four of the six troops in Milyukhin’s vehicle lost their lives, the daily paper said.

Milyukhin’s condition has stabilized, Kommersant said, making the next step a trip to Moscow for further medical supervision. At this time, there is "no direct threat" to the high-ranking officer’s life, a medic told Kommersant. Russia has suffered approximately 27 casualties since entering Syria in September 2015, Kommersant said, based on Russian Ministry of Defense reports.

A Russian contract soldier died near Palmyra on March 2, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Monday.

Russian Soldier Dies Near Palmyra During Terrorist Offensive Against Syrian Army

The Russian Defense Ministry said that the soldier was killed during a terrorist offensive on Syrian army's positions, where Russian military advisers were present.

Artem Gorbunov died on March 2 near Palmyra when repelling Daesh terrorists' attempts to advance on the positions of Syrian [government] troops, where Russian military advisers were present."

The soldier was posthumously awarded. Earlier in the day, Gorbunov was buried at a cemetery in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod.

According to the Defense Ministry, 28 Russian servicemen have been killed in Syria since the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation.

On March 2, the Syrian army backed by the Russian military aircraft operating in Syria regained control over Palmyra. When commenting on the military operation, the Russian General Staff said that Russian Special Forces and aviation played a crucial role in Palmyra's liberation.

On March 3 it became known that Russian Major General Petr Milyukhin was injured during the fighting in Palmyra. Sputnik reported that he was transported to a Moscow hospital. Further details remain unknown.

Control over six villages to the west of the Syrian city of Manbij has been turned over to the Syrian Army, sources in the Manbij Military Council (MMC) said.

Kurds Shed Light on Russia-Damascus Deal to Prevent Turkey's Attack on Manbij

According to the sources, control over the villages was handed over to Syrian forces as a result of an agreement with Russia. The move aims to prevent a possible attack by Turkish troops and units of the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

On condition of anonymity, a senior MMC official told Sputnik Turkey that six villages were placed under control of the Syrian Army and that the United States delivered a large shipment of weapons to northern Manbij.

"These six villages were liberated from Daesh during the Al-Bab operation. They are located 22 kilometers to the west from Manbij. Under an agreement with Russia they are now under control of the Syrian Army," the official said.

The Manbij Military Council is one the four military councils established by the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in order to facilitate military operations in Syria.

The source added that the council did not sign any formal agreement with the Syrian forces because all the necessary procedures had already been implemented during talks with Russia.

"In addition, US troops and armored vehicles were deployed in northern Manbij. Yesterday, the US made a large shipment of weapons to the regions. Meanwhile, fierce clashes are still underway in the area," according to the official.

Moreover, last week it was reported that the US military was "taking all necessary measures" to defend Manbij from a possible assault by Turkish troops. "In particular, he said, US servicemen have set up a military base in the city and are sending an additional contingent there. They are also deploying heavy weaponry and armored vehicles to the area," a source in the SDF told Sputnik Turkey.

Alongside setting up the military base in Manbij, the US was reportedly deploying servicemen and armaments to the northern and western parts of the city.

Meanwhile, the command of the Manbij Military Council issued a statement detailing the agreements with Russia.

According to the statement, the agreement refers to a demarcation line between Kurdish and coalition forces in Manbij, and forces involved in the Euphrates Shield Operation, including the Turkish military and the FSA.

"We will not let other forces enter the region. Manbij was liberated by Kurds and coalition forces. The same forces will continue to protect the city and its population," the statement read.

On Saturday, militants of the Ahrar al-Sham Islamist coalition shot down a MiG-23 fighter jet of the Syrian Air Force. Debris of the plane was found near the Turkish border with Syria.

Stranded Syrian Pilot to Ignite Diplomatic Ties Between Ankara and Damascus

The pilot managed to eject and landed on the Turkish side of the border. He was found by a rescue team and admitted to a local state hospital in the province of Hatay.

The news comes amid a nationwide ceasefire in Syria between Damascus and Syrian rebels that came into force on December 30, and has been holding up in general, despite continued reports of violations.

Later, Ankara said that it would announce in the coming days whether it would handover the captured pilot to Syria.

"The pilot's treatment is continuing right now. A decision would be made after the whole event is clarified," Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli told reporters, adding the decision would be made soon.

A positive decision by the Turkish government would become the first step in normalization between Ankara and Damascus, according to Ismail Hakki Pekin, former chief of the Turkish General Staff Intelligence Department.

"Turkey and Syria are not at war. Turkey is supporting the Syrian opposition, but it is not fighting against the Syrian government. If the countries were at war the return of the pilot would be very complicated. But since Ankara and Damascus are not at war I don’t think there will any difficulties in the issue," Pekin said in an interview with Sputnik Turkey.

He underscored that negotiations are necessary before the pilot can be returned home, but the problem is that Ankara and Damascus do not have diplomatic ties.

"Probably, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement could be involved in the process. Maybe, Russia may also be engaged as a mediator. Maybe, Syria will send a direct official request, but this could be problematic since Turkey and Syria do not have diplomatic relations. However, Turkey may also refuse to hand over the pilot, interrogate him and then expel from the country," Pekin suggested.

The expert noted that the pilot did not commit any crime because he was on a combat mission in his country.

"From this point of view, Russia and Iran could be mediators between Ankara and Damascus," Pekin added.

"The return of the pilot to Syria would become a major step in normalization between Turkey and Syria. This could lay the groundwork for the bilateral normalization process," he said.

The top soldiers of Turkey, the United States and Russia came together in Antalya in a first of its kind tripartite summit, the Turkish military has stated, highlighting developments in Syria and Iraq as top issues of the agenda.

Turkey, US, Russia Military Chiefs Hold Surprise Tripartite Security Meeting in Antalya

The office of Turkish Chief of General Staff said in statement that Turkish Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, US Chief of General Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford and Russian Chief of General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov met in Antalya, Hurriyet reported.

Sources said the meeting began early on March 7 and is expected to continue through the day. Pictures distributed by the Turkish army feature the three top soldiers sitting side by side.

The top soldiers of the three countries held bilateral meetings in recent months, particularly on security issues in Syria and Iraq, but have never met in a three-way meeting.

The statement said they discussed security issues concerning Syria and Iraq, without further elaborating. The meeting comes as Turkey presses both Russia and the U.S. to cease cooperation with the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) for defeating the ISIL militant group.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim hinted about a military-to-military meeting between the three countries in an interview with the private broadcaster A Haber late on March 6.

“There is no point in doing an operation on Raqqa without coordinating with Russia and the US. It would be futile and the consequences may become more complicated. For that, there are military, technical negotiations going on,” Yildirim said.

He recalled Turkey’s proposal for a joint operation on Raqqa on the condition that the PYD will be excluded but stressed that Washington has not yet replied to Ankara.

“We have conveyed our offer to the US. There has not been a formal response yet. So it would not be right to say ‘they have other plans’ just by taking what has been written about the issue into account. But we will not be anywhere there are terrorist organizations. It is that clear,” Yildirim added.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that Russian and Turkish presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan will discuss Syrian settlement during their upcoming meeting at the end of the week.

Lavrov: Putin, Erdogan to Discuss Syria at Upcoming Meeting

"Turkey is a close partner of both Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation. Another Russia-Turkey summit at the level of presidents will take place in the near future," Lavrov said after talks with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov in Moscow, Sputnik reported.

"We will be talking about different areas of our interaction… including foreign policy cooperation, first of all to promote the settlement of the Syrian crisis through the implementation of our joint initiative," the Russian top diplomat said.

The meeting will be held as Russia seems to have ramped up its deplomatic efforts on the Syrian conflict, as earlier this month, the Russian foreign ministry spokesperson said the country's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will hold talks with his German counterpart, Sigmar Gabriel in Mosow on March 9, and the Syrian crisis would also be on the agenda.

"On March 9, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will hold in Moscow talks with German Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Gabriel," the diplomat said.

"The two ministers will discuss the schedule of the upcoming political contacts and a number of practical bilateral issues, including progress in the implementation of specific projects in trade, economy, cultural, humanitarian, historical and memorial areas," Zakharova noted.

According to Zakharova, the two top diplomats are also expected to exchange views "on pressing international issues focusing on multilateral efforts aimed at resolving the Ukrainian and Syrian crises and the normalization of the situation in Libya."

Eight-wheeled Stryker vehicles and armored Humvees were seen brandishing the American flag in a northeastern Syrian province.

US Combat Vehicles Parade American Flags Inside Syria (Video) (0:59 min.)

The move constituted a “deliberate action” by US forces, a spokesman said, directed at defeating threats posed by Daesh. The video was filmed at a time when armed factions began centralizing forces toward Manbij, and the US forces intended to mitigate potential violent conflicts, DoDBuzz reports. According to the US regional command, approximately 500 special forces operatives were mobilized for Manbij.
At least 25 people were wounded in a shelling of the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor by Daesh terrorists on Wednesday, SANA news agency reported. The majority of victims were children, according to the agency.

Daesh Terrorists Shell Syrian City of Deir ez-Zor Wounding Dozens of Children

The missiles exploded in the neighborhoods of al-Qusur and al-Joura in western Deir ez-Zor.

It was reported on Monday that Syrian army units clashed with terrorists of groups affiliated with Daesh in the southern outskirts of Deir ez-Zor.

Syrian government forces took control of a number of districts in the city of Daraa and pushed out Jabhat Fatah al Sham, formerly known as Nusra Front (outlawed in Russia) militants, according to a source.

Syrian Army Pushes Militants Out of Daraa City Districts

Syrian government forces pushed Jabhat Fatah al Sham, formerly known as Nusra Front (outlawed in Russia) militants out of several districts of the city of Daraa, an informed source told Sputnik Wednesday.

"The army started an offensive and was able to take control of a number of districts in the city of Daraa. The Nusra militants retreated to the outskirts of the city and neighboring settlements," the source said.

Daraa is located to the south of Damascus near the border with Jordan. The terrorists hold control of several settlements to the north and west of the city, as well as of a check point on the border.

Ewwas Eli, a member of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) has confirmed to Sputnik Turkiye that Turkey has cut off water supplies into northern Syria as a means of applying political pressure on the country.

Thirst Wars: Turkey Applies Political Pressure by Cutting Off Water to Syria

Syrian Kurdish media has recently reported that Turkey has cut off the flow of the Euphrates River into Syria, depriving the nation of one of its primary sources of water.

According to the Kurdish Hawar News Agency, Turkey cut water supplies to Syria around February 23, which subsequently forced a hydroelectric plant at the Tishrin Dam to shut down while also significantly reducing water levels on its associated reservoir.

The dam supplies both water and power to key parts of northern Syria, such as the city of Manbij and other parts of the predominantly Kurdish Kobani Canton.

The dam is one of several major dams along the Euphrates River. Downstream from Tishrin lies the Tabqa Dam and its reservoir Lake Assad, which supplies Aleppo with most of its power and drinking water, as well as irrigation water for over 640,000 hectares (2,500 square miles) of farmland.

The management of the Tishrin Dam has issued a written statement where it informed of blackouts in Kobani, Manbij and a number of other settlements due to the reduction of water levels in the reservoir.

"Due to the cut off the flow of the Euphrates River into Syria, the water level at the Tishrin Dam has dropped thus considerably decreasing the generation of electric power. Due to this reason, the hydroelectric plant at the Tishrin Dam was forced to shut down and halt the generation of electric power until the water level reaches the minimum mark which is necessary for the generation of electric power," reads the statement issued by the Dam's managers.

Sputnik Turkiye discussed the issue with Ewwas Eli, a member of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), responsible for the party's foreign policy, who confirmed that Turkey had cut off water supplies.

"The electric power demands of Kobani and Manbij and a number of adjacent territories are being covered by the electric power generated at the hydroelectric plant at the Tishrin Dam. The water there comes from Turkey. There is a corresponding international agreement regulating the water resources," he told Sputnik.

He further explained that the water flows from the Ataturk reservoir on the territory of Turkey first into Syria and then further to Iraq. Both Syria and Iraq have every right to this water.

From the very first military clashes in Syria, Turkey started violating this agreement. Turkey has been withholding water from the Euphrates River for a month. The politician explained that Ankara has been doing it occasionally, then abruptly releasing it. The reservoir at the Tishrin Dam is relatively small, he said. And it is unable to cope with such a strong water flow thus forcing the management to open the dam. Such irregularities with water supplies cause electricity blackouts in Kobani, Manbij and Sirrin.

The electricity is being supplied to the affected cities only for two hours per day. With the amount of water which can be currently amassed in its associated reservoir, the hydroelectric plant at the Tishrin Dam is able to work only for 2-3 hours per day. The adjacent territories are also experiencing shortages of drinking water.

Turkey has been cutting off water due to political reasons: to prevent the set-up of our project, the Federation of Northern Syria–Rojava," Ewwas Eli told Sputnik.

He further explained how Turkey has been using water as a political tool: it has currently opened the water flow into Syria but its volume is not enough. The electric power generated at the hydroelectric plant at the Tishrin Dam is then supplied to the cities of Sirrin, Ras al-Ayn and Al-Hasakah. It is also being supplied to a large part of the territories in the north of the country. When there is a blackout, he said, life practically stops there.

Turkey cutting the water supply, he said, violates international law, it is an inhumane act. International organizations and European countries should not ignore this problem, he concluded.

The Mercy Corps NGO says is has been working with the Turkish government for five years and has been carrying out a humanitarian operation in Syria since 2012.

Turkey Kicks Out US-Based Mercy Corps NGO Helping Syria Since 2012

The Turkish government annulled the registration of Mercy Corps, a US-based non-governmental organization, which then had to halt operations in the country, according to the organization's statement.

"The Turkish government has revoked Mercy Corps’ registration that allows us to operate in Turkey, forcing us to shut down our operations in Turkey, effective immediately," the organization said on Tuesday.

The NGO said it had been working with the Turkish government for five years and had been carrying out a humanitarian operation to help Syria from Turkey since 2012 and was planning to continue its operations in Syria.

"We continue to seek a dialogue with Turkish authorities in an effort to obtain permission to resume our operations in Turkey as soon as possible," the organization said in a statement.

Mercy Corps said it would concentrate on curbing the effect of this new development on its operations in Syria and expressed hope that Ankara would let it return.

Russia has delivered over eight tonnes of humanitarian aid to over 2,800 Syrian civilians in the past 24 hours

Russia Delivers Over 8 Tonnes of Aid to Syrian Civilians in 24 Hours

Within last 24 hours, the Russian Center for reconciliation of opposing sides held 8 humanitarian events in the provinces Aleppo (6), Latakia (1), and al-Quneitra (1)… 2,820 citizens have received humanitarian aid. Total weight of humanitarian aid provided to the Syrian population has reached 8.26 tonnes," the ministry's center for Syrian reconciliation said in a daily bulletin.

The USS Gerald Ford, the first US Navy Ford-class nuclear-powered supercarrier, is set to conduct ‘shock trial’ testing that will expose the ship to incoming enemy fire.

US Navy Prepares to Explode Bombs Near New Supercarrier USS Ford

The tests can include the explosion of 5,000- and 10,000-pound underwater mines, which cause turbulent ocean conditions the Ford would likely experience during deployment, Pentagon officials said.

The blasts provide data for Navy engineers and ship designers to analyze how the detonations impact the supercarrier’s hull, systems, weapons, and other technologies, according to the naval service.

"Testing of systems continues," US Navy spokesman William Couch told Scout Warrior. "We anticipate beginning sea trials in the early spring followed by ship delivery, pending the results of sea trials." In January, Sputnik reported that the supercarrier was "99 percent" complete and was slated for delivery in April. Nevertheless, promises to deliver the ship that are based on its announced level of completion can be misleading. In July 2016, for instance, the US Navy said the ship was 98-percent finished.

The carrier has come in at 20 percent over budget a source of criticism from Arizona Senator John McCain, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. No military or civilian officials involved with the Ford have faced accountability for cost overruns that have now reached an estimated $12.9 billion.

But the Pentagon’s Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jon Green, has touted the new Ford-class ship as a “technological marvel” that offers a more efficient use of resources. The Ford-class carriers will require fewer shipmen and sailors to operate, according to Green. The Ford-class ships have been rumored to be the floating platform for the most expensive weapons program in history, the F-35 joint strike fighter. The F-35C, a joint strike fighter variant designed to provide a utility tailored to Navy requirements, features larger wings and a more “robust” landing gear to make the plane more suitable for lift-off and touchdown on aircraft carriers, according to the manufacturer. The F-35C’s wings are also foldable, allowing better belowdecks storage on the ship.

The USS Ford’s ability to withstand shock trials will prove a massive hurdle for determining whether the ship will be ready for the Navy’s acceptance trials, the final phase before delivery. Pending the results of the shock trials, "builder’s sea trials," and, finally, a deployment-preparation phase called "post shakedown availability," the service will formally receive the USS Ford, according to Capt. Thurraya Kent, assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition.
Erdogan's real motives for al-Bab coming to the surface?

Turkey's Agency of Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD) said it plans to build a new town just to the North of al-Bab city in Aleppo to accommodate a sum of 80,000 people, a plan that has already received criticism for what experts call "its suspicious demographic and political objectives".

Turkey Plans to Construct New Town in Syria's Al-Bab

The Arabic-language Enab al-Baladi news website quoted Othman Sultan, an engineer working for the project, as saying that Nadhah region North of al-Bab has been selected as the ultimate site for building this new town.

He added that the town will have two districts; one with 400 buildings stretching over a 2km area, and another one that will be comprised of 311 four-story buildings.

According to Sultan, the first district will include four schools and the second one will have three. Also a grand mosque, two prayers rooms and a hospital will be built in every district.

This is while, Hamza Tekin, a journalist with close links to the Turkish government, confirmed Sultan's remarks, and said construction of the town will take 6 months.

But housing experts believe that the project could be accomplished in a period no less than 3 years, specially considerring that it is located in a war zone.

Meantime, political analyst Seyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm said Turkey would either stage a construction show in the region to justify and ensure its mid-term presence in the region under humanitarian grounds, or more likely continue building the town in pursuit of long-term objectives.

"Turkey is pursuing covert political and demographic objectives through this move. If accomplished, Turkey will certainly try to relocate a large number of Arab refugees to Al-Bab as it will help them get rid of a portion of its Syrian refugees whose concentration on Syrian soil would then become a burden for the international community. Secondly, Turkey would change the population structure of Al-Bab in favor of the Arabs to push the Kurdish population further to the East. And the last but not the least, it could start its safe zone plan that has recently received US President Donald Trump's approval, all through this single move," Khoshcheshm said.

"Given the Syrian government's strong opposition to the Turkey and US-backed safe zone plan that envisages a belt in Northern Syria to accomodate the refugees whose security, according to the plan, should be provided by the militant groups, it would be strange to see Damascus, Tehran and Moscow agree to the Turkish plan in Al-Bab unless they receive the needed guarantees first," he concluded.

The Turkish army’s chief of staff announced late in February that Ankara-backed militants had taken full control of al-Bab in Aleppo province after months of fighting.

Turkey declared in August 2016 that its army has launched 'Euphrates Shield' military operation in Syria, as Ankara claims that it has begun to cleanse the ISIL terrorists from its border with the Arab country. But, despite Ankara's allegations, Turkish military forces support militant groups in Northern Syria, and fight against Kurdish forces in the region.

Damascus had condemned Ankara's military operation and entry of Turkish special forces and tanks into Syria.

The Turkish army troops have sustained heavy losses and casualties during their military operation in the Syria’s territory, while the Turkish airstrikes as well as artillery attacks by the Turkish army and the Ankara-backed Euphrates Shield Operation militants have killed and wounded hundreds of civilians in recent months.

Furthermore, The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have started the 'Euphrates Rage' Operation to capture ISIL's de facto capital of Raqqa in November 2016.

The Syrian Army troops continued their anti-terrorism operation in the Western countryside of Aleppo city to stretch a complete security ring around the city, well-placed military sources said Thursday.

Syrian Army Strengthening, Expanding Security Belt around Aleppo

The sources said that the army men attacked the Al-Nusra Front (Fatah al-Sham Front) from three directions and managed to advance against the terrorists in the Western countryside of Aleppo to stretch a security ring around the Northern city.

The sources said that, in the first direction, the army soldiers deployed in Castello region attacked terrorists' positions and managed to fortify their positions by advancing almost 1km towards Haraytan region.

The sources said that advances of the army men from al-Tamoureh in the Northern countryside of Aleppo have cut off the terrorists' supply line that goes to Idlib via Babis road, adding that close off this supply line will isolate terrorists in the regions of Hayan, Haraytan and Anadan.

According to reports, UN World Food Programme (WFP) has delivered school meals to some 15,000 Syrian children attending public primary schools in Aleppo city since the beginning of March.

UN World Food Programme Provides School Meals to 15,000 Aleppo Children

The UN World Food Program (WFP) has delivered school meals to some 15,000 Syrian children attending public primary schools in Aleppo city since the beginning of March, the WFP said in a press release Thursday.

“Through its local partner, WFP has so far distributed school meals to about 15,000 children at 30 schools in Aleppo since the programme began on 5 March,” the press release read.

It added that WFP had also started to provide fresh school meals, consisting of a sandwich and a fruit or a vegetable each day to over 2,000 children in two schools in Aleppo.

The program employs 20 Syrian women, who prepare the meals, which are then delivered by a WFP local partner.

WFP school meals program in Syria was launched in 2014. It covers schools in rural Damascus, Tartous and Aleppo provinces.

In 2017, WFP plans to extend the program to reach 750,000 school children across Syria.

The predominately Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) warded off a joint offensive of the Turkish soldiers and Ankara-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation in the surrounding areas of the town of Manbij in Northeastern Syria, killing at least 16 pro-Turkey militants.

Turkey-Led Euphrates Shield Forces Suffer Heavy Casualties in Failed Attack on SDF Positions in Manbij

The SDF engaged in fierce clashes with the Turkish army men and militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation near Buqaz village Northeast of Aleppo and
repelled their attack, killing 16 militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation and wounding several more.

Meanwhile, several military vehicles of the Euphrates Shield Operation forces sustained major damage and one armored vehicles of the Turkish army was destroyed in exchange of fire.

The Turkish-led forces were trying to penetrate into Buqaz village, but they were pushed back after sustaining heavy losses.

The US coalition against the Daesh terror group (outlawed in Russia) is unable to verify claims by the Manbij Military Council (MMC) that Kurdish forces destroyed a Turkish armored vehicle in northwest Syria, an Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson told Sputnik.

US Unable to Verify Claims Kurdish Forces Destroyed Turkish Tank Near Manbij

On Wednesday, claims circulated on social media that Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) under the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fired on a Turkish military armored vehicle headed to Boughaz on the western Manbij front.

We have seen the reports, however, we are unable to verify these claims at this time," the spokesperson said.

The spokesman further said the coalition had no additional information on reports the Kurds used a US-manufactured TOW anti-tank missile to destroy the vehicle.

The Manbij Military Council, an SDF component that controls Manbij, had earlier posted a photo claiming to depict the missile system being prepared.

The spokesperson said the coalition continues to advise and assist the MMC to counter Daesh.

On Tuesday, Operation Inherent Resolve told Sputnik that the coalition had deployed additional troops near Manbij to ensure there was no persistent YPG presence in the area.

The Syrian army continued operations against the ISIL terrorist group in Eastern Aleppo and reached Lake Assad on Wednesday after cleansing three new towns of militants.

Aleppo: Syrian Army Deploys around Lake Assad

The army troops continued anti-ISIL military operations from the Eastern side of al-Khafseh town as well as Qabab al-Saqir and Ain al-Shater towns and regained full control of Sukhni, Arouda al-Kabir and Khafseh al-Saqir towns.

A field source said that the army has now reached Lake Assad, and added that at present, the terrorists have been besieged by the Syrian soldiers from the Northern, Western and Eastern sides of the first station of the water treatment and pumping facilities.

Meantime, the army forces are preparing to purge the terrorists of the two towns of Rasm al-Harmal al-Kabir and Rasm al-Harmal al-Saqir in the Northern parts of the water station.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian army forces seized back control of tens of villages during an anti-ISIL military operations in Eastern Aleppo, reaching areas very close to a key water pumping facility in the region.

The Al-Nusra-led Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) and Ahrar al-Sham were forced to exercise compromise under a deal after several-week long infighting inflicted large casualties on both rival terrorist groups.

Ahrar Al-Sham, Tahrir Al-Sham Haya'at Sign Peace Agreement after Heavy Casualties

The most important paragraphs of the agreement signed by the two terrorist groups include the two sides' retreat from areas of contention, start of a ceasefire and removal of the military outposts erected by both groups in Idlib and Western Aleppo province during their clashes.

Also, the agreement that also envisages an immediate prisoners swap rules that Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at militants retreat from al-Mastoumeh military base and give back all weapons seized from Ahrar al-Sham.

Yet, Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini, the religious leader (Mufti) of the Jeish al-Fatah coalition of terrorist groups, who has recently joined Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at, strongly undermined the deal by dismissing its efficiency, writing on his twitter page that Ahrar al-Sham's merger in the rival coalition will be the only possible way to resolve the differences between the two sides.

Late in January, al-Nusra Front and several militant groups declared forming a new coalition under the name of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at to narrow down widening rifts amongst their commanders and members.

The al-Nusra Front, Nouralddeen al-Zinki Movement, Jeish al-Sonah, Jabhat Ansaraldeen and Liwa al-Haq announced that they would act under a united coalition named the Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at.

The five merged terrorist groups act under the command of Abu Jaber Hashem al-Sheikh, who was one of the commanders of Ahrar al-Sham. The new coalition led by al-Sheikh is now fighting against Ahrar al-Sham, a rival terrorist group operating mainly in Northwestern Syria.

Al-Sheikh resigned from his post in Ahrar al-Sham after he was appointed as the commander of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at.

A number of Ahrar al-Sham's commanders, including the groups' spokesman Abu Yusuf al-Mohajer, Hesam Salameh and Abu al-Fatah al-Farqali Mesri also joined the new coalition.

Terrorist groups' websites claimed that Al-Nusra Commander Abu Mohammad al-Joulani will be the top commander of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at.

Ahrar al-Sham rejected its affiliation to the new coalition, but websites close to the terrorist groups have disclosed that Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Sham, Jeish al-Izzah, Turkistani party and Liwa al-Tamkin will soon start a new front called Tahrir al-Syria Front.

Nusra terrorists have been attacking positions of other terrorist rivals across Northwestern Syria.

Washington sent marines to the Syrian city of Raqqa without the permission of the Damascus government, according to Central Command chief Gen. Joseph Votel.

US Deployed Marines in Syria Without Permission of Damascus Government

The United States deployed US marines to the Syrian city of Raqqa without the permission of the Damascus government, Central Command chief Gen. Joseph Votel said in a congressional hearing on Thursday.

"We are not," Votel stated when asked whether US sent marines at the request or with the permission of the Syrian government. "We are looking at that as an extension of the authority to operate from Iraq."

US Central Command commander said that US Marines have been deployed to Syria to make sure coalition troops on the ground receive the necessary support in the fight to retake Raqqa from the Daesh.

US Marines Deployed in Syria's Raqqa Aim to Back Ground Forces - CENTCOM

US Marines have been deployed to Syria to make sure coalition troops on the ground receive the necessary support in the fight to retake Raqqa from the Daesh, US Central Command commander Gen. Joseph Votel said in a congressional hearing on Thursday.

Our intention here with this — and this fell within the authorities that are provided to me right now — was to ensure that we had redundant capable fire support on the ground to support our partners," Votel stated. "[We want to] ensure that we could take advantage of the opportunities, to ensure that we continue progress that we have been seeing."
A corporate Turkish Sikorsky S-76 utility helicopter on Friday crashed onto a road in Istanbul after hitting a tower, killing five of its seven passengers.

Helicopter Carrying Russian, Turkish Business Executives Crashes in Istanbul

The crash, which occurred in the Buyukcekmece district, in Istanbul's European part, was announced by the head of the suburb early in the day, who stated that five passengers were killed in the incident.

There is preliminary information that five bodies have been found. The helicopter fell directly on the road, there were no cars on the road. The fog is strong, absolutely nothing is visible," district Mayor Hasan Akgun said in a broadcast on Turkey's NTV refuting media reports that the vehicle was a firefighting helicopter.

The helicopter, which was owned by Turkey’s Eczacibasi industrial group, was confirmed to have been carrying four Russian nationals by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"Turkey — five people, including four Russians, dead," the ministry's crisis management department posted on its Twitter feed.

It said two more people were injured in the crash.

Turkey's Milliyet newspaper named another victim as Salim Ozen, the director general of VitrA, a Russian subsidiary of the Turkish Eczacibasi Holding.

The information was confirmed by Eczacibasi chairman Bulent Eczabicasi, who stated the Russians were on a business trip to visit a company factory in the town of Bozuyuk.

The Turkish Transport Ministry later stated the cause of the crash was a collision with a TV tower in poor visibility conditions.

Photographs from the site of events indicated the helicopter had disintegrated, with pieces scattered on the road.

At least four Russian nationals were on board of a helicopter that crashed in an Istanbul suburb on Friday, turkish NTV channel reports.

Four Russians Were on Board Helicopter That Crashed Near Istanbul - Reports (Photos - Video) (0:43 min.)

The fog is strong, absolutely nothing is visible," Mayor Hasan Akgun said in a broadcast on Turkey's NTV.

​A Sikorsky S-76 helicopter, registration number TC-HEZ, departed Istanbul Ataturk Airport and crashed near Büyükçekmej at 11:21 A.M. local time, the news agency DHA reported. According to DHA, there were 7 people aboard: 2 crew members and 5 passengers.

One of the passengers was Salim Özen, the CEO of Vitra Russia, a division of Eczacıbaşı Group, DHA reported. He was flying with four Russian partners from Istanbul airport to a meeting which was to take place in the Turkish city of Bozüyük near the Sea of Marmara.

Syria's Foreign Ministry has sent complaints to the UN Secretary-General and UN Security Council President over the Turkish army's continuing "aggression" against the war-torn country, the SANA news agency reported Friday.

Damascus Calls on UN to Make Turkey Stop Aggression and Withdraw Army From Syria

In its letters, the ministry also demanded from the UN and the international community to oblige Turkey to withdraw its troops from Syrian territory.

The foreign ministry said Turkey is responsible for destroying Syria’s infrastructure, for the killing of tens of thousands of innocent children and for supporting terrorist groups, the media reported.

All actions of the Turkish forces were authorized by direct instruction of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in the complaints.

On Thursday, a well informed source on the ground told Sputnik the Turkish army and its allies in the Euphrates Shield operation shelled Syrian border guard units deployed near the Kurdish-held Syrian city of Manbij, killing and injuring several people.

The border guard was deployed in the village of Arima, in the western suburbs of Manbij, the source said, specifying that the shelling took place at night.

Ahead of the upcoming meeting between Presidents Putin and Erdogan, which is set to start later on Friday in Moscow, political analysts from both countries have indicated certain hidden hazards which might hinder the negotiations.

'If Erdogan Starts Confronting Moscow It Will Bury Turkey'

Russian and Turkish leaders are set to meet in Moscow on March 10 while the Turkish president visits Russia to attend the 6th meeting of the High-Level Russia-Turkey Cooperation Council.

Earlier on Thursday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that President Putin, among others, plans to discuss the conflict settlement process in Syria and Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov's assassination in talks with Erdogan.

Ahead of the scheduled negotiations, political analysts from both countries have indicated certain hidden hazards which might hinder the negotiations.

Araik Stepanyan, executive secretary of the Presidium of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems has pointed at the noticeable changes which have happened at the international arena since the last meeting of the two leaders.

The Syrian government army with the aerial support of the Russian Aerospace Forces has been besetting the Islamists on all fronts. Trump has been shaping a new foreign policy tideway bypassing Turkey. EU officials have been openly criticizing Erdogan while political tensions have only intensified in Turkey. Thus Erdogan has accumulated a whole set of problems and all the above will have an inevitable impact on the negotiations in Moscow.

"Turkey is in quite a difficult situation right now: its foreign policy has turned out a real failure – the relationships with the EU and the US have greatly deteriorated. The relationships with its neighbors, Greece and Armenia are nothing better. The internal conflicts are arising one after another," Stepanyan told RT channel.

Thus, he said, Turkey will be forced to make concessions to Russia. If Erdogan starts confronting Moscow it will "bury Turkey", he added.

His view is echoed by Yuri Mavashev, the head of the political department at the Center for Modern Turkish Studies, who said that the upcoming April referendum in Turkey on switching to a presidential system of governance is of extreme significance to Erdogan. Thus he will be demonstrating his voters that in Moscow he is defending the national interests and is holding an equal dialogue. But this requires Moscow to play up to the Turkish president.

With regards to the Syrian conflict which is expected to top the agenda of the talks, experts noted that while it is the Syrian peace process which is of primary importance to Russia, it is the Kurdish issue which remains a priority to Erdogan. (Article continues.)

Armed groups shelled on Friday the district of al-Mazraa in Damascus, where the Russian embassy is located, a Sputnik correspondent reported.

Syrian Militants Shell Damascus District Hosting Russian Embassy

One rocket landed in the district, exploding some 160 yards away from the embassy.

Syrian government forces have reached the Euphrates bank east of Khafsah for the first time in four years, maintaining control of a nine-mile coastline, the Russian General Staff said Friday.

Syrian Troops Reach Euphrates Bank for First Time in Four Years

For the first time in four years, government forces have managed to reach the bank of the Euphrates River east of Khafsah. Fifteen kilometers of riverside is under their control," Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi, the chief of the Russian General Staff Main Operational Directorate, said.

He said the Syrian Army continues advancing east of Palmyra and extending the security zone to its north and south a week after liberating the city from terrorists.

"After taking control of the city of Palmyra, the Syrian government troops continue their offensive east of the city and, capturing dominant heights, extend the security zone to the north and south," Rudskoi said.

In other news ...

The South Korean Constitutional Court has upheld the parliament decision on impeaching the president.

Impeachment of South Korean President Approved by Constitutional Court

The Constitutional Court of South Korea has upheld the parliament decision to impeach President Park Geun-hye, suspended over a corruption scandal.

The court verdict was announced on Friday and was broadcast live by the South Korean YTN news channel. All 8 judges voted in favor of impeachment (the support of two thirds was needed for upholding the parliament decision).

Park Geun-hye will now be removed from her post and early presidential elections will be held in South Korea within 60 days.

Two demonstrations were held in Seoul as supporters and opponents of Park awaited the court decision. According to NHK, after the verdict was announced, participants of the pro-Park rally attacked media representatives on Friday, but no injuries were reported.

The South Korean parliament impeached Park in December 2016. The country’s prime minister Hwang Kyo-ahn was then appointed acting president.

A political scandal around the South Korean president broke out in late October 2016, when media reported that Park had allowed her close associate Choi Soon-sil, who did not hold any official post, to get involved in state affairs.

Park allegedly extorted money from various corporations, including Samsung, with the assistance of Choi, who is currently under arrest.

According to the NHK broadcaster, Park is likely to face an investigation now that she has been removed from office. Before that, she was protected from criminal prosecution by law.

NHK said on Friday that Park will leave the Blue House, the official residence of the South Korean head of state in Seoul, on Friday.
angelburst29 said:
A corporate Turkish Sikorsky S-76 utility helicopter on Friday crashed onto a road in Istanbul after hitting a tower, killing five of its seven passengers.

Helicopter Carrying Russian, Turkish Business Executives Crashes in Istanbul

Russia's Investigative Committee opened criminal proceedings into the crash of a helicopter in Istanbul with Russian nationals on board, according to official statement.

Russia Opens Criminal Proceedings Into Istanbul Helicopter Crash

Russia has initiated criminal proceedings into the crash of a helicopter in Istanbul with Russian nationals on board, the country’s Investigative Committee said in a statement Saturday.

“Criminal proceedings were initiated on the basis of evidence of an offense under the article 263, part 3, of the Russian Criminal Code [Violation of the rules for traffic safety and operation of railway, air, sea and inland water transport, entailing by negligence the death of two or more persons],” the statement read.

Syrian President Bashar Assad does not consider presence of the US military in Syria as helpful in fight against terrorism.

Damascus Didn't Consent to US Military Presence in Manbij - Bashar Assad

Moreover, Damascus did not consent to the US military presence in the area of Manbij city, President Assad added.

"No, no, we didn't. Any foreign troops coming to Syria without our invitation or consultation or permission, they are invaders, whether they are American, Turkish, or any other one. And we don't think this is going to help," Assad said in an interview with Chinese Phoenix Television, published by the SANA news agency, in response to a question on where the Syrian government gave a green light to the deployment.

Syrian military forces discovered a deep and lengthy tunnel of Al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) in Eastern Ghouta and destroyed it.

Syrian Soldiers Destroy Terrorists' Long Tunnel in Eastern Damascus

The army soldiers discovered and destroyed a 300-meter-long tunnel built by Al-Nusra terrorists 34-meter-deep into the ground in Harasta region.

The Al-Nusra terrorists had planted a large volume of explosives and bombs in the main tunnel and its branches to detonate them below the army's positions in the region.

Field reports said on Friday that the army dispatched a large number of special reinforcement forces to regions East of the capital to take part in fresh assault on the Al-Nusra Front terrorists in al-Qaboun and Barzeh regions.

The Syrian army troops who undergone special training and were expert in conducting street battles were sent to al-Qaboun and Barzeh regions to help other army troops in their ongoing military operation against the al-Nusra Front terrorists who were besieged there.

Media sources disclosed that rifts are widening between militants of the Ankara-led Euphrates Shield Operation and the Turkish Army, causing tens of militants to give up fight and leave the operation.

Syria: Tens of Militants Defect Euphrates Shield Due to Widening Differences with Turkish Army

Hawar news quoted informed sources as saying that at least sixty Ankara-backed militants in al-Rai town in Northern Aleppo have dropped ties with the Euphrates Shield Operation over low salary and Turkish Army's indifferences to the promises it made to assist the militants.

Hawar news added that the Turkish army had promised to pay $400 to each militant as his monthly salary, but paid only 400 Turkish Lira to them.

The news website went on to say that after differences emerged among the Euphrates Shield forces, 15 militants were kidnapped by the Turkish soldiers and transferred to an unknown location.

Another source told Hawar news that the Ankara-backed militants are deeply worried about escalation of clashes with the Turkish soldiers, especially after the Syrian Army urged the Turkish army men to leave Syria's territories.

In November, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad warned the Turkish government to immediately withdraw its military forces from Syria.

"Turkey should immediately retreat from the Syrian territories, and as long as Turkey continues occupation of the Syrian lands, the regional situation will not improve," Mikdad told al-Mayadeen news channel.

The Syrian Army soldiers stopped and seized a vehicle of the terrorists with Turkish license number and documents carrying a large volume of arms and ammunition in ISIL-held regions in Northeastern Hama.

Hama: Syrian Army Seizes Terrorists' Vehicle Carrying Arms Cargo with Turkey-Registered Plate (Photo)

The army soldiers in an ambush operation 1km deep into ISIL-held regions stopped a vehicle of the terrorists in Wadi al-Azib region on a road connecting al-Saboureh to Ithriya.

The Isuzu documents presented by the driver had been registered in Turkey.

The vehicle was carrying 5,516 bullets, 23 anti-aircraft bullets, 111,760 PKC bullets and severs RPG rockets.

Secret reports of the Turkish police indicated late in January that the Al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) and ISIL terrorists use Turkey's both legal and illegal border crossings to transfer weapons and ammunition to Syria.

"Certain elements linked to terrorists in Syria are still shipping weapons and supplying their logistics from Turkey," the Turkish-language daily, Karshi, cited a police report to the country's public prosecutor about its operations in the city of Diyarbakir.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said about 40 nationals were killed by two blasts in the Syrian capital on Saturday.

Twin Blasts in Damascus Kill About 40 Iraqis, Wound 120

About 40 Iraqi citizens have been killed and over 100 injured as a result of a twin blast in the Syrian capital's Bab Mousalla district, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a statement obtained by Sputnik on Saturday.

"The initial data indicates the death of about 40 Iraqis and 120 injuries after their buses were blown up," the ministry said, adding that it was following the situation through the country's embassy in Damascus.

According to the ministry, Iraqis were visiting the sacred tombs in the Bab al-Saghir district.

In cooperation with the Syrian authorities, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry has "created a crisis cell for counting all the victims" as well as to "ensure the speedy transportation of the victims' bodies."

The blasts took place near the Bab al-Saghir cemetery. A Syrian security source told Sputnik earlier in the day that at least 33 people were killed and over 100 injured in the blasts. Most of those injured have now been hospitalized and are undergoing treatment, the source said.

Syrian President said that China can take part in reconstruction work in every sector of Syria's economy when the country starts a comprehensive rebuilding program after its six-year conflict ends.

Assad Opens Doors for China to Restore Syria 'In Every Sector With No Exception'

China can take part in reconstruction work in every sector of Syria's economy when the country starts a comprehensive rebuilding program after its six-year conflict ends, Syrian President Bashar Assad said Saturday.

Chinese experts are already working in the country, he added, listing urban reconstruction as the main priority for future projects.

Further priorities include infrastructure, water and sewage utilities, electricity and energy, Assad said, concluding the list with private and public industrial projects.
The US is looking for more permanent pression in Syria _

That Assad/China are getting along, indicates that they also might be closer to "meet" the US and partners in Syria to defend their economic interests.

Simultaneously as a matter of a mere coincidence, a fresh batch of mercenaries have arrived in Donbas:

It appears the US carries on, will mandatory conscription return?
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