Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

The diplomatic quarter of Al-Rawda in Damascus came under artillery shelling on the part of militants, a Sputnik correspondent reported from the scene Thursday.

Militants Shell Damascus Diplomatic Quarter

The attack of militants on the area, where a significant number of foreign diplomatic missions are located, occurred for the first time in a long period.

According to preliminary data, no one was killed. The police and medics are specifying information on whether anyone was injured.

The clashes between militants and government forces in eastern Damascus have recently intensified, with the army launching a special military operation last week.

On Monday, the Syrian troops managed to rebuff a series of militants' powerful attacks on an industrial zone in the Jobar municipality.

The Syrian army reestablished on Thursday control over the Maghazel industrial area in eastern Damascus after several days of intense fighting against terrorists, a Sputnik correspondent reported.

Syrian Army Regains Control of Maghazel Industrial Area in Eastern Damascus

The Maghazel industrial area is located north of the Jobar eastern suburb of Damascus, which was seized by terrorist groups in 2012 and is one of the main strongholds of terrorists in Damascus province.

After four days of intense fighting, the Syrian army, with support from the artillery and Air Force, managed to surround a large group of Jabhat Fatah al Sham terrorists, outlawed in Russia.

​After several attempts to break the siege, the Jabhat Fatah al Sham terrorists, having lost dozens people and most of their weapons, were defeated.

The terrorists also shelled the Abbassiyyin Square in eastern Damascus, a strategic area successfully defended by government troops.

According to the SANA news agency, more than 150 terrorists were killed and hundreds more injured during the Syrian army’s four-day operation in eastern Damascus.

The Russian Federal Security Service said that it had detained Russian citizens for smuggling arms from the US.

Russian Citizens Detained, Weapons Seized in Arms Smuggling Case From US - FSB

Russian citizens have been detained across four cities and 19 weapons were seized in an illicit arms trafficking case from the United States, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) said Thursday.

The activity of an interregional criminal group involved in the illegal trafficking of firearms, its main parts and ammunition, as well as the organization of a channel for their smuggling to Russia from the United States through international mail, has been stopped," the FSB said.

Among the weapons seized by the FSB were: two machine guns; two US-made assault rifles; eight foreign and domestic pistols and revolvers; seven foreign and domestic carbines and rifles; cartridges, main parts and components for various small arms.

Israel is likely to try to retain the existing status quo in Syria since it has benefited from the ongoing conflict in the war-torn neighboring nation, political analyst Sergei Balmasov asserted, saying that Tel Aviv's combat missions are not aimed at President Bashar al-Assad, but are rather meant to prevent the crisis from being resolved.

Why Israel is 'Deeply Interested' in Continuation of Syrian War

"Israel is deeply interested in the ongoing standoff between the Sunnis and the Shia. Tel Aviv wants them to continue killing each other. Nothing presents a threat to Israel as long as this war is ongoing. The Israeli Air Force launches airstrikes against Shia militias in Syria, tipping the balance. This evens out the chances and the war drags on," he told RT.

Balmasov, an expert at the Middle East Institute at the Russian International Affairs Council, also suggested that Israel could use a border incident to move its forces into southern Syria.

"One could not rule out that Israel does not deploy its troops to the southern buffer zone which borders the Golan Heights to create a territorial entity on the basis of Druze settlements using some kind of an incident as a pretext," he said.

Israel has largely refrained from taking an active part in the devastating Syrian conflict, but has occasionally sent its warplanes to launch airstrikes on Hezbollah in a bid to eliminate its leaders and destroy its weapons. Several such missions are reported to have taken place in recent days in what marks the most serious incident between Tel Aviv and Damascus since the 2011 foreign-sponsored insurgency in Syria morphed into a large-scale war.

It started on Friday, with the Israeli Air Force launching airstrikes on several Hezbollah targets near the Syrian city of Palmyra, close to an area where Russian experts have been engaged in demining efforts following the successful campaign to push Daesh out of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The operation prompted the Syrian Arab Army to launch three anti-aircraft missiles at the departing Israeli planes, with Israel's Arrow missile defense system intercepting one of the projectiles.

The incident sparked a war of words among high-ranking officials on both sides. On Sunday, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman pledged that Tel Aviv would destroy all Syrian air defense systems "without thinking twice" should a similar situation occur in the future. Earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that Tel Aviv would continue to carry out airstrikes on convoys suspected of transferring advanced weapons to Hezbollah.

President Bashar al-Assad reiterated that it was Damascus' right and duty to defend Syrian borders.

"Why has Israel squared off against the Syrian Arab Army? Israel views the SAA's links to Hezbollah as unacceptable. Tel Aviv is concerned that the group could become stronger," Irina Zvyagelskaya, a senior research fellow at the Center for Arab and Islamic Research at the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Oriental Studies, told RT.

Israel considers Hezbollah to be a terrorist organization and views the Lebanon-based Shia movement, one of Assad's key allies in Damascus's war against Daesh, to be one of the top security threats.
Nobody in the World ever tells the Zeonazi's to get lost, let alone shoot their airplanes down, except for Russia! Benjamin Netanyahu has been spouting out some big words in response recently about their right to do anything in the name of 'defence', he can talk all he want, fact of the matter is, their airplanes keep falling from the sky. That's most telling and a sign that Russia is winning geopolitically in the region. Syria is Russia's backyard now, and trespassers will be shot. Israel better learns this fast, After the Jihadi (technical they are more like crusaders considering the interest they serve) scum is defeated. Syria may take back the Golan heights, with force or without. Let it be the last battle of this war and the start of last days of Israel.
In a suggestive but somewhat cryptic statement, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that Moscow would take note of Israel's actions — not words — in Syria, and respond accordingly.

Lavrov said on Wednesday that:

Russia "will judge how accurately this arrangement is carried out by our Israeli partners not on the basis of what they say but how they act," Lavrov stressed.

"During Israel's prime minister [Benjamin Netanyahu's] second to latest visit to Moscow he and President [of Russia Vladimir] Putin achieved a clear agreement about the way Russian and Israeli militaries could cooperate in relation to the situation in Syria," Lavrov said, commenting on last week's Israeli strikes on the Syrian Armed Forces posts near Damascus.

We reported earlier this week that Syria's U.N. envoy Bashar Jaafari said that Syria's use of anti-aircraft missiles against Israeli fighter jets was a "message" from Putin.

Israel's ambassador was summoned by Moscow after Friday's airstrikes, and reports have emerged that Russian military advisors were operating just a few kilometers from the area that was targeted by Israeli strikes; so there's certainly circumstantial evidence to back up Jaafari's claim.

But Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists the exact opposite — that Putin understands that "if there is a feasibility from an intelligence and military standpoint - [Israel will] attack [targets in Syria]".

Lavrov's statement suggests that the Russia and Israel have some kind of agreement concerning Syria — and that Moscow is unpleased with how it's being carried out. The question now is: What does this agreement entail?
UN-backed Syria peace talks resumed in Geneva, with the UN envoy meeting separately with government and opposition delegations.

UN-Mediated Syria Talks Resume in Geneva

The United Nations Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, issued a statement noting that all parties have arrived for the intra-Syria talks in Geneva, Al Manar reported.

His deputy, Ramzy Ramzy, kicked off the day meeting with the delegation of the Syrian government. He is also expected to meet with opposition delegates for informal consultations.

De Mistura will formally start the talks Friday after returning from discussions with regional and international stakeholders in the Syrian conflict.

The Geneva talks are expected to tackle the issues of governance, a new constitution, elections and terrorism.

The Syrian Army reportedly killed over 450 terrorists in five days of an operation in Damascus.

Over 450 Terrorists Killed in Five Days of Syrian Army's Operation in Damascus

The Jabhat Fatah al Sham (former al-Nusra Front) terrorist group and its allies attempted to break through the government troops’ defense in the Jobar region earlier Friday.

According to the al-Ikhbariyah television channel, the militants were repelled and suffered losses. Numerous extremists were also trying to break through to enter the historic part of Damascus. The army repelled all attacks, according to the media outlet.

The Syrian army forces targeted one of al-Nusra (Fatah al-Sham) Front command centers in al-Qantou village in Northern Homs, killing and wounding a large number of terrorists inside.

Army Destroys Al-Nusra's Command Center in Northern Homs

The army units also launched heavy attacks against the terrorists' positions in Um Sharsouhm, al-Qajar and al-Bayekeh villages and al-Taloul al-Hamar region in Northern Homs, inflicting losses on the militants and smashing their military equipment.

Meantime, the army soldiers repulsed the terrorists' offensive by bomb-laden cars against a military position in the Eastern parts of al-Mushrefeh village, and blew them up before they could reach their target.

The predominantly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continued to advance against the ISIL to liberate Raqqa city and managed to take control of three villages.

Kurdish-Led Forces of Euphrates Rage Operation Advance towards Raqqa

The Kurdish forces engaged in clashes with the ISIL terrorists in Abu Khashab region, and gained control of Moshirefeh al-Shahanat, al-Qasaneh and Farsat Abu Ismail in Eastern Raqqa.

Meantime, the SDF forces besieged one of the most important ISIL bases in al-Karameh town.

Also, on the third day of the military operations to liberate al-Tabaqa dam (Euphrates dam), the SDF continued advances and won control of a large area of lands.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Ankara is dissatisfied with the attention Russia and the United States are paying to the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party.

Erdogan Says Upset About Interest Moscow, Washington Showing to Syrian Kurds

Ankara is dissatisfied with the attention Russia and the United States are paying to the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday.

We are upset that Russia and the United States pay attention to the terrorist organization PYD. It should leave the territories it is occupying," Erdogan said, as aired by the CNN Turk channel.

Turkey considers the PYD an extension of the nationalist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), designated as a terrorist group in Turkey.

Ankara expects that Russia will take steps to close the office of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party in Moscow, as it has informed Moscow that it sees no difference between the PYD and the Kurdistan Worker's Party, a designated terrorist group in Turkey, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Thursday.

Turkey Expects Russia to Close Syrian Kurds' Office in Moscow - Foreign Ministry

"We are talking to our Russian partners at all levels that the terrorists from the PKK and the PYD are the same. That is why we expect that Russia will take a step to close the PYD office in Moscow," Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara.

Turkey believes the PYD has links to the PKK active in southeastern Turkey, and that the group regularly comes into confrontation with the PYD and its military wing People's Protection Units (YPG) operating in Syria.

Meanwhile, Russia and the United States support the Syrian Kurds, as both countries consider the group's self-defense forces to be an effective force in fights against Daesh (banned in numerous countries) terrorist group.

On March 10, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Moscow. This was Erdogan's second visit after the normalization of relations between the two countries.

Moscow 'Can't Satisfy' Erdogan's Ambitions on Kurdish Issue

[...] However, Director of the Center for Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies Semyon Bagdasarov admitted that he always cautiously assesses the so called "historic visits." In particular, Bagdasarov stressed that the Kurdish issue still remains the highest priority for Erdogan what might lead to certain difficulties in Russian-Turkish relations.

"For Erdogan, the key issue is the liquidation of the so called Federation of Northern Syria. This territory in the northeast of Syria is under control of the Kurdish "Democratic Union" party and their self-defense units," Bagdasarov told Russian Vzglyad newspaper.

The expert is convinced that Russian authorities won't close the Kurdish office that opened in Moscow in early 2016 under the pressure of Erdogan.

"We have already been very passive on the Kurdish issue, what gave the Americans an opportunity to gain a foothold there, create several military structures in the northeast of Syria, including a fairly serious base 35 kilometers south of Kobani capable of hosting heavy transport planes," he pointed out.

According to the expert, Russia understands that it can't satisfy Erdogan's ambitions on the Kurdish issue.

"Russia can't be under Turkey's thumb. We shouldn't hurry with the Kurdish question. On the contrary, we need to strengthen our position on this aspect, "Bagdasarov concluded.

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent charity organization in cooperation with the United Nations sent 40 trucks, filled with humanitarian aid, to the Syrian Wadi Barada valley near Damascus, according to official statement.

Syrian Arab Red Crescent Sends 40 Trucks of Aid to Syria's Wadi Barada

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent charity organization said it had sent 40 trucks on Friday, filled with humanitarian aid, to the Syrian Wadi Barada valley near Damascus in cooperation with the United Nations and International Committee the Red Cross (ICRC) humanitarian organization.

“#Breaking: @SARC_RD in cooperation with @UN and @ICRC_sy delivering #humanitarian #aid (40 trucks) to #Wadi_Barada, enough for 28 k ppl,” the charity said on Twitter.

​In late December 2016, terrorists blew up a water pipeline in the Wadi Barada area, which was used to supply the Syrian capital with drinking water. In February, the Syrian army fully liberated the Wadi Barada area from the militants.

The Russian center for Syrian reconciliation announced that Russia had delivered humanitarian aid to 1,600 residents of the Syrian province of Aleppo and has helped deliver over 20 tonnes of UN aid to Syria.

Russia Brings Aid to Over 1,500 Syrians in Aleppo in 24 Hours

Russia has delivered humanitarian aid to 1,600 residents of the Syrian province of Aleppo and has helped deliver over 20 tonnes (metric tons) of UN aid to Syria, the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation announced in its daily bulletin.

"Within [the] last 24 hours, the Russian Centre for reconciliation of opposing sides has held 5 humanitarian events in the Aleppo province," the bulletin, posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on Friday, says.

According to the statement, a total of 4.6 tonnes of aid, including bottled water and toys for children, were delivered to 1,600 Syrian citizens in Aleppo in the past 24 hours.

In addition, Russia helped distribute UN aid.

"Russian aircraft delivered 21 [metric] tons of humanitarian aid (food products) to the Deir ez-Zor area using parachute platforms. The aid was provided by the United Nations," the reconciliation center said.

Ankara sent 13 trucks filled with stationery and educational materials on Friday to assist the Syrian children and public schools of the northern Syrian cities of Jarabulus and Al Bab, local media reported.

Turkey Sends 13 Trucks of Educational Supplies for Children in Northern Syria

The Turkey's eastern province of Malatya sent 10 trucks of aid, while another three trucks departed from the southern province of Antalya according to the Anadolu news agency.

Turkey, alongside Russia, has been providing Syrian civilians with medical help and regular humanitarian aid deliveries, including food, medicine, and other essential items, to help facilitate their survival until peace is restored in Syria.

The sanctions targeted 30 individuals and entities in China, North Korea and the United Arab Emirates.

US Sanctions 30 Individuals, Entities for Ties With Iran, Syria and North Korea

The United States sanctioned 30 individuals and entities in China, North Korea and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) this week for supplying goods and services in support of Iran’s ballistic missile program and other nonproliferation violations connected to Syria and North Korea, the US Department of State said in a press release on Friday.

"On March 21, the United States imposed sanctions on 30 foreign entities and individuals in ten countries pursuant to the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act (INKSNA)," the release stated.

The Iran-related sanctions include Chinese nationals Jack Qin, Jack Wang and Karl Lee; Chinese companies Beijing Zhong Ke Electric Co. Ltd., Dalian Zenghua Maoyi Youxian Gongsi, Ningbo New Century Import and Export Company Limited, Shenzhen Yataida High-Tech Company Ltd, Sinotech (Dalian) Carbon and Graphite Corporation and Sky Rise Technology; North Korean company Saeng Pil Trading Corporation; and UAE-based Mabrooka Trading.

The individuals and entities allegedly supplied Iran’s ballistic missile program.

Nineteen additional foreign individuals and entities were sanctioned for violations of INKSNA. The State Department said they transferred or acquired from Iran, North Korea or Syria goods, services and technology that is subject to sanctions controls.

The items could be used to develop weapons of mass destruction or in missile proliferation, the State Department added.

US government agencies and departments are prohibited from entering contracts with the sanctioned, and they are ineligible for US programs and government sales of any items on the munitions list are prohibited. Additionally, the sanctioned individuals and entities are denied any new licenses and any existing licenses are suspended.

The sanctions are active as of March 21 and will remain in place for two years.

All six militants who attacked a Russian National Guard outpost early Friday in the Chechen Republic have been killed, the National Antiterrorism Committee said.

Six Militants Killed in Attack on Russian National Guard Outpost in Chechnya

The active phase of the anti-terrorist operation has ended after the attack took place at 23:00 GMT near Naursky District, the committee said. Firearms and ammunition were found on the bodies of the assailants, and "fake suicide vests" were found on two bodies.

During the ensuing battle, all members of the gang were neutralized," the committee said in a statement.

It added that there were deaths and injuries among the National Guard servicemen, without specifying the numbers.

A Federal Security Service (FSB) bomb disposal team is currently working at the scene and identification of the killed militants is ongoing.

The Daesh militant group, which is banned in Russia, claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on a Russian National Guard post in the Chechnya region.

Daesh Claims Responsibility for Attack on Russian National Guard in Chechnya

Six National Guard servicemen and six gunmen were killed in the 23:00 GMT attack near Naursky District in northwestern Chechnya, the National Antiterrorism Committee said. Three servicemen were wounded.

According to Agence France Press, citing a group monitoring jihadist communications, the clashes lasted for several hours.

A US airman was killed in Jordan while supporting aerial combat operations in the Middle East, reports said.

US Air Force Service Member Killed in Jordan Loading Bombs on Plane

Alexandria Gleason-Morrow, 25, was killed while loading bombs onto a plane, WHEC TV reported.

"Her mother, Stephanie Gleason, confirms that something broke and the bomb slipped off the plane and hit her in the head.

Gleason-Morrow was graduated from Dansville High School in 2009, US media said, adding that the US Central Command confirmed the report in a twitter statement.

A US airman has been killed in Jordan, the US Central Command announced.

US Air Force Service Member Dies in Jordan While Loading Bombs on Plane

A US airman has been killed in Jordan while supporting aerial combat operations in the Middle East, the US Central Command announced in twitter statement on Thursday.

"Alexandria Gleason-Morrow, 25, was killed while loading bombs onto a plane," according WHEC television in the state of New York. "Her mother, Stephanie Gleason, confirms that something broke and the bomb slipped off the plane and hit her in the head."

Gleason-Morrow was a married mother of two. She graduated from Dansville High School in 2009, the TV station reported.

A 75-year-old man who went Absent Without Leave from the US Air Force 45 years ago was apprehended by the Marion County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday.

AWOL for 45 Years: Elderly US Air Force Deserter Arrested in Florida

Linley Benson Lemburg went AWOL in 1972, and had been living under the alias William Michael Robertson ever since. He had also listed his birthday as August 29, 1951 — ten years after his actual date of birth.

Lemburg was tracked down by the sheriff’s office after being approached for help by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. His identity was confirmed using fingerprints that were taken when he enlisted in the military.

"He then gave fingerprints to our latent print examiner, and they compared those fingerprints that he gave today to the fingerprints that he gave when he enlisted in the Air Force, and they did match," Sheriff's Office spokesperson Lauren Lettelier told News 4 JAX.

A neighbor of Lemburg’s told the station that the elderly man is “one of the nicest people he's ever known.”

According to US military law, anyone who goes AWOL for more than 30 days is a deserter. Lemburg is now being held at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa.

The maximum penalty that Lemburg could face for desertion during wartime would be death, but that punishment has not been used on a deserter since 1945. Lemburg is more likely to face fines, imprisonment, forfeiture of pay and allowances, and/or dishonorable discharge.

It is unclear whether Lemburg has obtained an attorney.
Several civilians were killed and wounded in the US-led coalition fighter jets' strikes on al-Omran region in Raqqa on Saturday.

US Airstrikes in Syria Take Civilian Tolls Again

Local sources in Raqqa province reported that the airstrikes have left 6 civilians, including two women and two children, dead and several others injured.

Also, the US-led coalition fighter jets pounded a school in al-Mansoureh city West of Raqqa city that hosts 50 displaced families on Wednesday.

SANA news agency quoted the local sources as saying that the US airplanes attacked al-Badiyeh al-Dakheliyeh school, 30km away from Raqqa city, which hosts 50 displaced families from Aleppo, Raqqa and Tadmur.

The airstrikes destroyed the school completely but the number of casualties has not been announced yet.

Meantime, al-Baladi news website affiliated to the dissidents reported that the attacks killed more than 200 civilians and wounded tens of people, many of them in critical conditions.

The ISIL has been reported to be detaining and executing a large number of its forces in Deir Ezzur city after several militants and commanders defected the terrorist group.

ISIL Confused, Collapsing in Deir Ezzur

The websites affiliated to the terrorists reported that the the ISIL has executed 4 ISIL members in al-Asharah town in Deir Ezzur under the pretext that they have escaped battle and opened fire on their comrades.

The terrorist group has also executed 8 of its foreign members who wanted to defect the ISIL at al-Maqas checkpoint in Deir Ezzur in the Southern entrance of Raqqa province.

The ISIL erected a large number of checkpoints in Bu Kamal city in Eastern Deir Ezzur after several of its commanders and members fled the area.

In a relevant development in the province on Friday, two important positions of ISIL terrorists in the Southwestern parts of Deir Ezzur city were destroyed in the Syrian army's military operations which also killed a number of militants.

The Syrian troops launched massive missile and artillery attacks on ISIL bases in the Southwestern parts of Regiment 137 region in Southwestern Deir Ezzur.

The offensive left several terrorists dead and wounded and smashed two of their positions.

The army forces also targeted the ISIL moves on the road leading to al-Tim oilfield in Southern Deir Ezzur, inflicting 5 losses on the terrorists and wounding several others.

The Turkish army dispatched new weapons and military equipment to the Ankara-backed Euphrates Shield Operation militants in the town of Azaz in Northern Aleppo.

Turkey Sends New Military Equipment to Euphrates Shield Operation Forces in Syria

The Kurdish-language website, Hawar news, reported on Saturday that the Turkish army has sent a large number of military equipment, including tens of armored vehicles and heavy and light weapons, to its forces in Azaz.

According to the report, the equipment was sent via Bab al-Salamah border crossing in Azaz.

Hawar news had reported on Thursday that a number of ISIL members have joined the Turkey-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation.

The Kurdish website released images of ISIL Emir Mostafa Abi, nom de guerre Abu Ayesheh, along with two of his comrades in Homs province, and reported that he is now a member of al-Mo'tasem Bellah group.

According to Hawar news, the other two ISIL militants seen in the image are now members of Jeish al-Izzah terrorist group.

Meantime, the news website released an image of militants in ISIL uniforms standing among the Euphrates Shield Operation forces.

Hawar news had reported earlier this month that the Turkish Army troops are forcing Arab citizens in Northern Syria to join the Euphrates Shield Operation militants, killing those who do not obey.

It added that the Turkish army killed four civilians in the villages of Kari Sabi town in Northern Syria after they refused to join the Euphrates Shield Operation forces.

Hawar new went on to say that the Turkish soldiers further left the body of the killed Syrian civilians at the border region between Rojava and Bakour in Syria's Kurdistan.

The news website added that the Turkish army intended to send the four killed civilians via border to Rojava but it faced tough opposition by the civilians.

After weeks of frontline lull in northeastern Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) withdrew from the town of Tadef on Saturday morning and regrouped to checkpoints on its proximity.

Turkish forces dislodge Syrian troops from key town neighboring Al-Bab in rural Aleppo

Effectively, the Turkish Armed Forces, Ahrar Al-Sham, Failaq Al-Sham and various Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions have taken control of most of Tadef while opposition activists began posting photos online of Turkish-backed rebel forces posing inside the town.

Tadef was otherwise liberated by the SAA from the Islamic State on February 26. The formerly government-held town is located less than two kilometers south of Al-Bab, a major rebel stronghold in rural Aleppo.

Since its capture, Tadef has been exposed to a daily Turkish artillery barrage while Islamist commanders reiterated their intentions to expel the SAA from the town.

With Tadef firmly under rebel control, Euphrates Shield Forces have established a much-needed buffer zone around Al-Bab. The fall of Tadef was likely facilitated by the bulk of the Tiger Forces leaving the region to address an insurgent offensive in northern Hama.

UPDATE: On Saturday afternoon, the SAA denied Euphrates Shield forces had captured Tadef and insisted government troops still held points inside the town. According to a source close to Al-Masdar News, Turkish-led militants control the northern sector of the town while the southern sector is disputed.

The UN sources said on Saturday that UN envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura is likely to leave office mid-next month, reports said.

Sources: UN Envoy for Syria De Mistura Likely to Leave Office Mid-April

The sources told Arabic-language media that while the new round of talks between the delegates of the Syrian government and opposition groups is underway under the auspices of the UN in Geneva, Switzerland, to find a solution for the Syrian crisis, the UN envoy is likely to leave office in April and even named two possible candidates to replace him.

The Sources named Haris Silajdzic, former member of Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Council, and the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Sigrid Kaag, as possible replacements for the current UN envoy for Syria.

Since June 2015, when de Mistura's Predecessor, Lakhdar Brahimi, left the position, citing disappointment with the pace of progress in talks to solve the Syrian crisis, de Mistura has taken up the position and made several unsuccessful attempts to mediate political talks in Geneva into a favorable result.

The speculation on de Mistura's fate come as, informed sources in the United Nations revealed in late February that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres intends to remove UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura from his post.

However, the Arabic language Al-Mayadeen TV channel reported that UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag, and former UN envoy to Yemen, Jamal Benomar were possible replacements for him.

The channel added that appointment of a new envoy for Syria depends on the endorsement of both Damascus and Moscow, stressing that the issue may take time.
Syria’s largest Tabqa Dam located on the Euphrates river partially has collapsed on Sunday as a result of the fighting between armed units of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and militants of Daesh near the city of Raqqa.

Syria's Biggest Dam Partially Collapses Due to SDF-Daesh Fight Near Raqqa

Tabqa Dam, which functions primarily as a hydropower plant, suspended service after its control center was damaged by what could have been an airstrike or shelling, a source told Lebanese broadcaster Al Mayadeen, adding that technical experts could not reach the site due to continuing fighting in the area.

Earlier this week, US and Syrian opposition forces were air-dropped to Syria's Raqqa province to conduct a joint operation to liberate several villages in the vicinity of Syria's northern Al Tabqah town from Daesh.

The SDF forces, deployed up to four kilometers (approximately 2.5 miles) away from the dam, plan to seize the city of Tabqa, which is the last big Daesh stronghold on the way to Raqqa, de facto Daesh capital in Syria.

The SDF do not rush to storm the hydropower plant, fearing that the terrorists could blow it up, according to the broadcaster.

The Tabqa Dam was built in 1970s with the help of Soviet experts to create Lake Assad, Syria’s biggest reservoir, and to generate hydroelectric power.

On Thursday, Syrian Democratic Forces spokesman Talal Selo said that the SDF units would need no more than 15 days to block Raqqa and start the liberation of the city. On Friday, Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) said they were close to liberating the dam.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which include Arab and Kurdish forces such as YPG, launched the Wrath of Euphrates operation to retake Raqqa on November 5, 2016.

Alexey Navalny's campaign offices across Russia have called on the citizens to attend unsanctioned protests against Russia's Government. Peaceful protests, in Russia, require a permit from the cities' authorities to be able to account for any disruption. If no permit has been obtained, then the civil action is illegal.

Irrespective of this, over the past couple of days - protesters have gathered in Moscow, Ekaterinbug, Novosibirsk and other regional centers.

Yale prepares Russian Colour Revolution (Photos)

March 27th, 2017 - Navalny has obtained special training as part of his Yale University education, equipped to organise and carry out such operations with guaranteed funding. The civil unrest taking place throughout the country contains all the classic criteria of an "orange", "velvet', or "colour" revolution, which have been continually instigated by US intelligence services.

It is clear that not one "maidan" has ever resolved the problems that its respective country had - not in Yugoslavia, not in Tunisia, nor Ukraine. A 'maidan' achieves a government coup, the imposition of US-funded puppet leaders, genocide of the local population, and an overall throw back to the Middle Ages.

Alexey Navalny and his team are agents of US influence and intelligence service collaborators.

Maurice Raymond Greenberg offers a Yale University fellowship program, and is a well known person in certain circles. A short summary:

- From 1968 to 2005, Greenberg was the CEO to the insurance giant, American International Group Inc (AIG);

- Director, Federal Reserve Bank of New York;

- Founder, The Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies;

- In 1996, took part in a think tank initiative dedicated to reforming US intelligence «Making Intelligence Smarter»;

- Applied for the Director position of the Central Intelligence Agency;

- Frequent attendee at the Bilderberg club;

- Member of the Council of Foreign Relations, heading the Commission on U.S. Policy toward Russia;

In 2005, Mr Greenberg was forced to leave his position at AIG as a result of an investigation by the New York City prosecutor's office, which had revealed accounting fraud. The CFR came to Greenberg’s defence, as well as Mr Henry Kissinger himself. Greenberg was able to avoid a jail term while AIG paid $1.64 billion in fines. Another AIG executive, Christian Milton, was convicted to 4 years in prison for the siphoning of $500 million dollars - a very light sentence by all measures of US jurisdiction.

The investigation similarly revealed various offshore schemes, which were used for the siphoning of money overseas. Greenberg’s lawyer was able to access the AIG office on the Bermuda Islands and destroyed 80 boxes of documents.

These are the 'businessmen' who have the audacity to teach international politics and relations with Russia, funding Russia’s “fighters against corruption.”

The tragedy of the upcoming protests is that many of the attendees are youths which have been thoroughly 'worked' on the internet and in Navalny's campaign offices on the ground. The younger generations have little to no experience in the way that young people can be systematically used as pawns in clashes with "authoritarian government" police force.

On the left is Kiev 2014, and on the right is Minsk 2017. Propaganda photos such as these appear in most Western publications - while the perpetrators don't even bother to change up the templates.

"Navalny's team: Dear supporters of the anti-corruption march, on 26th March! Don't miss your chance to appear in the all-Russian "video-mob" - film yourself at the demonstration, clapping your hands into the camera, and send us the file (5-10 seconds) by email"

"Twitter revolution" tactics are most evident.

We've seen this somewhere before... Similarly, on the left-hand side below, Navalny's group has published the official logo for the recent and upcoming demonstrations, its association social media hashtag and motto. Is there a resemblance of the image to the logos on the right?

You would be correct if you thought it looked familiar. In the right hand column are logos of opposition parties that were charged with instigating colour revolutions in their respective countries - the fist by now, is a classic footprint of the CIA. In clockwise order are Yugoslavia, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Russia x 2, Egypt, Iran, Belarus, and others.

In 1999, the "Otpor" student movement was used to prop up the anti-Presidential campaign in Serbia, which removed President Slobodan Milosevic from power.

One such activist was a certain Marko Ivkovic. In 2011, he came to Ekaterinburg, Russia to open up a faction of his surveillance organization "Voice", which was headed by Leonid Volkov - Navalny's right hand man. In 2012, the FSB forbid Ivkovic entry into the Russian Federation.

Detention of Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny took place in the center of Moscow during an unauthorized protest against corruption, according to a lawyer for Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation.

Russian Opposition Figure Navalny Detained in Moscow Amid Unlicensed Protest

26.03.2017 - Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny was detained Sunday in the center of Moscow during an unauthorized protest against corruption, a lawyer for Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation told Sputnik.

"[Navalny] is in the bus. This is near Pushkinskaya [metro station]," Ivan Zhdanov said.

A police source confirmed Sputnik the fact of Navalny’s detention without specifying the reason.

In the follow-up to the detention Navalny posted on his Twitter account that he was fine.

A Sputnik correspondent reported that that detention took place near Tverskaya Street in downtown Moscow and that the bus with Navalny had already left.

The Moscow authorities rejected Navalny's application for an anti-corruption rally in the city center as it could disrupt traffic and proposed activists to hold the demonstration in other districts of the capital. Representatives of the Moscow authorities told Sputnik that Navalny had refused the offer.

On Friday, a representative of the Moscow authorities said that the protest would be considered unauthorized even in case the activists gather in the places offered by the City Hall as the offer was rejected by Navalny.

The Moscow City Directorate of the Interior Ministry released an official warning to citizens asking all residents to abstain from participation in the unlicensed event planned for March 26. The directorate said it had warned the organizers of the event that they would be responsible for safety of people participating at the rally.

Alexey Navalny, Russian opposition figure, is going to run for presidential post in 2018 in case the court rules against imprisonment, Navalny's lawyers told Sputnik on Wednesday.

Russian Opposition Figure Navalny May Participate in 2018 Presidential Election

Back dated 08.02.2017 - Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny will be able to run for presidential post in 2018 in case the court rules against imprisonment, Navalny's lawyers told Sputnik on Wednesday.

"This is a direct action of the constitution — if he is not be imprisoned, he can participate in the elections," Olga Mikhailova said.

The second lawyer, Ivan Zhdanov, added that in this case the verdict "would not entail any legal barriers' for Navalny's nomination.

The lawyers said they believed that the verdict would be annulled anyway.

Earlier in the day, a court in the Russian city of Kirov began announcing the guilty verdict to Navalny over embezzlement of of 16 million rubles ($270,000) from the state-run KirovLes company. While the sentencing is presently continuing, the penalty will be announced later.

During the first hearing on the case in 2013, Navalny received five years of imprisonment, but the Kirov Court later changed the decision for a suspended sentence. The Supreme Court overturned the conviction under the decree by the European Court of Human Rights and remitted the matter for a new trial. While the Russian prosecutor’s office demanded to give Navalny five years of suspended prison sentence, the embezzlement on a grand scale is normally punished by 10 years of imprisonment.

In December, Navalny announced his decision to participate in the 2018 presidential election, while the Central Election Commission (CEC) admitted that the prospects of his presidential bid depended on the outcome of the embezzlement case.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has yet to decide whether to run for the upcoming presidential elections in 2018.

Putin Yet to Decide Whether to Take Part in 2018 Presidential Elections

Back dated 05.09.2016 - It is "far too early" to discuss the 2018 Russian presidential elections, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, noting he had yet to decide whether to run for another term.

"We are now on the brink of parliamentary elections. We need to hold these elections, to see the results. But after that, there will be almost another two years. So it’s far too early to speak about this," Putin told Bloomberg. "I haven’t yet made the decision for myself," he stated.

The president also noted that Russia's future leader should be a "fairly young," yet mature person.
angelburst29 said:
Syria’s largest Tabqa Dam located on the Euphrates river partially has collapsed on Sunday as a result of the fighting between armed units of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and militants of Daesh near the city of Raqqa.

Syria's Biggest Dam Partially Collapses Due to SDF-Daesh Fight Near Raqqa

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) decided to stop the operation in the region of the damaged Tabqa Dam on the Euphrates for four hours, according to official statement.

SDF Temporarily Halts Advance on Syria's Raqqa to Allow Repairs at Tabqa Dam

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced on Monday a temporary pause in its advance on the Islamic State (ISIL or Daesh, outlawed in Russia) terrorist group's stronghold of Raqqa due to the need to repair the damaged Tabqa Dam on the Euphrates.

On Sunday, local media reported that the dam partially collapsed as result of the fighting between the SDF and the Daesh. The SDF refuted the information that the dam had collapsed but said the US-led international coalition had conducted numerous strikes against the Daesh in the area.

"In order to protect the dam on the Euphrates… and at the request of the dam authority, we have decided to stop the operation in the region of the dam for four hours. This is being done to allow an engineer team to pass through and work on the dam," the SDF press service said on its website.

SDF reportedly pushed Sunday the militants of Daesh terrorist group out of the military airport, located near the Syrian city of Tabqa.

SDF Units Liberate Airport Near Syrian Tabqa From Daesh on Way to Raqqa

The armed units of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) pushed Sunday the militants of the Islamic State (Daesh) terrorist group out of the military airport, located near the Syrian city of Tabqa, Lebanese Al Mayadeen broadcaster reported, citing its source.

Earlier in the day, the media said the SDF forces planned to seize the city of Tabqa, which is the last big Daesh stronghold on the way to Raqqa, serving as Daesh’s de facto capital in Syria since it was captured in 2013.

Sunday fighting between SDF units and Daesh militants inflicted damage to the Tabqa Dam located on the Euphrates river and aimed at holding back the water on the Lake Assad which is the state’s biggest reservoir. The SDF did not rush to attack the dam, fearing that the terrorists could blow it up, according to the broadcaster’s earlier reports.

One of the Arab Socialist Baath Party leaders said that the US-backed international coalition is liberating Raqqa from Daesh militants in order to divide Syria and alter Middle Eastern borders, one of the Arab Socialist Baath Party leaders.

US Coalition Raqqa Operation Aimed at Dividing Unified Syrian State – Lawmaker

The US-backed international coalition is liberating Raqqa from Daesh militants in order to divide Syria and alter Middle Eastern borders, one of the Arab Socialist Baath Party leaders, Halaf Miftah, told Sputnik on Monday.

"[US-backed] coalition is not waging war against terrorists in Syria, their aim is to alter borders in the Middle East, to destroy a unified state in Syria, and to create federal entities there," Miftah said.

He stressed that a certain group, implementing US political interests, has recently been creating an entity which controls Raqqa's airport, a hydroelectric power plant, and a number of oil fields which have a daily production of 20,000 metric tons.

The United States creates the impression of fighting terrorists, it is widely broadcast in the international media … but in reality the situation is quite different in the area of east Euphrates," the lawmaker added.

Miftah added that the goals of Syria and Russia were radically different from those of the United States, making their bilateral cooperation in combating terrorism impossible.

The administration of US President Donald Trump is taking a hands-off policy toward the Pentagon, and the US military finds that it no longer must seek approval for expanding its schemes.

Is Trump Giving the Pentagon Free Rein to Wage War as It Likes?

The National Security Council (NSC), which would ordinarily coordinate US foreign and military policies, as well as execute Trump's national security agenda, has taken a decidedly hands-off approach of late, as increased troop deployments and additional combat missions are added to the Pentagon's agenda, according to Yahoo News.

In the months following Trump's inauguration, the US Marines have brought artillery and an increased troop presence on the ground in Syria, and is on the brink of adding to an 8400-strong force already in Afghanistan.

Stepped-up raids by elite US combat units in Yemen have resulted in a sharp increase in the death of civilians in the region, as well as having one of its own killed when what is claimed to be a hastily-planned operation went wrong.

The head of the US Africa Command, General Thomas Waldhauser, stated recently that he hoped the Trump Administration would lift the strict controls over military moves in Somalia, so that the Army can widen a new war against armed al-Shabaab members in the region.

All of these moves would traditionally require some give and take between the Pentagon and the president, a conversation that appears to have quietly lapsed.

Arizona Republican Senator John McCain, head of the US Senate Armed Services Committee and a noted hawk, welcomed the shift.

"We don't have to ask the 30-something-year-olds for permission to respond to an attack in Afghanistan," he remarked.

US Senator John McCain said on Friday that the world desperately needs the US and Europe to unite once more to preserve globalism.

McCain: 'New World Order Under Enormous Strain' Without US, EU Leadership

The current chairman of the armed services committee in the US Senate said that Washington should restore cooperation with the EU — long one of America's "most important alliances."

The remarks came at the Brussels Forum, a conference organized by the transatlantic think tank German Marshall Fund. The globalist ideologue, who once was a presidential candidate for the Republican Party, has once again put himself in direct opposition to President Trump by saying that it is essential for the allies to develop more connectivity and cooperation.

Earlier in January the new US President Donald Trump complimented the UK on its "smart" decision to withdraw from the EU and dubbed NATO an "obsolete" coalition.
The Syrian opposition's High Negotiations Committee (HNC) delegation head, Nasr Hariri, stated that "no less than 2,000 including 275 women, and several hundreds of children" have been killed as a result of the aerial campaigns of the Syrian government since the start of the ceasefire.

HNC Calls for Syria's Assad to Step Down, Be Held Accountable for Alleged Crimes

The Syrian opposition's High Negotiations Committee (HNC) delegation head, Nasr Hariri, said Monday that Syrian President Bashar Assad must step down to make way for a transitional governing body, and be held accountable for the crimes he is accused of having perpetrated against the people of his country.

Up till now, the brutal crimes of the terrorist regime of Bashir Assad are still ongoing… We affirmed in the beginning of the session the core of the political process that is required for the political transition and the formation of a transitional governing body, this will require Bashar Assad and the oppressive clique of him whose hands have been stained with the blood of the Syrian people to step down their power as an introduction to the transition and to hold them accountable for the crimes they have perpetrated," Hariri said.

He added that "no less than 2,000 including 275 women, and several hundreds of children" have been killed as a result of the aerial campaigns of the Syrian government since the start of the ceasefire.

Spokesman for the Syrian opposition's High Negotiations Committee (HNC) stated that HNC is against President Bashar Assad's participation in neither transitional nor any future governing bodies of Syria.

HNC Against Assad's Participation in Any Future Governance of Syria

The Syrian opposition's High Negotiations Committee (HNC) is against President Bashar Assad's participation in neither transitional nor any future governing bodies of the country, HNC spokesman Salem Meslet said Monday.

We would like to make this clarification. Assad cannot have any presence neither in transition nor in future of Syria…. None of us would accept having a criminal," the HNC spokesman said.

The High Negotiations Committee (HNC) of the Syrian opposition is calling for more pressure from the international community and the United Nations in the issue of maintaining ceasefire in Syria, as the Astana format of talks may be not enough, consultant for HNC Wael Olwan said Monday.

HNC calls for International Pressure in Issue of Ceasefire in Syria

Kazakhstan's capital city Astana hosted three rounds of talks on the Syrian settlement brokered by Russia, Turkey and Iran, held on January 23-24, February 15-16 and March 14-15. During the talks, the participants agreed to set up a ceasefire monitoring group, among other issues.

"The international community and the UN shall be responsible for achieving the suitable atmosphere to continue the political process. This file of Syrian ceasefire is paramount. The UN, the Security Council and the international community need to share responsibility in regard to pressure to achieve the ceasefire in Syria, not to have Astana as the only place where we send all the files, which are complicated," Olwan told reporters.

The fifth round of the UN-backed intra-Syrian talks between the government and opposition parties is now being held in Geneva since Thursday until March 31.

Syrian Kurds in a group of Syrians, who arrived to Geneva to discuss legal aspects of a future constitutional change, have put forward two options aimed at solving the Kurdish issue - territorial separation of the Kurdish autonomy from Syria or making Syria a confederation, a source in the commission told Sputnik on Sunday.

Syrian Kurds Discuss Constitution in Geneva, Want Independence or Confederation

The commission for constitutional review that arrived in Geneva is composed of Syrian legal experts and opposition members and is headed by Syrian opposition figure, leader of the Movement of the Pluralistic Society Randa Kassis. The commission is currently reviewing the Russian constitutional draft, which was submitted to Syrians for consideration in January during Astana talks.

We are now discussing two proposals that come from the Kurdish representatives (the Kurds have divided themselves). The first proposal is a territorial separation of the Kurds from Syria. They suggest deciding on the borders and forming a Kurdish state, absolutely separate from the Syrian state and not having any relation to the autonomy in Iraq or the Kurds in Turkey," the source in the commission said.

Another option is turning Syria into a confederation, the source added.

The second line is making Syria a confederation with centralized power. That would mean that the Kurds get an autonomy that has its own language, culture, freedom of expression and governing institutions," the source said.

The source noted that the second proposal was much more realistic from the legal point of view than the first one.

The commission is supposed to come up with a revised constitutional draft. Once it is ready, commission's head is supposed to hand it over to the officials she is going to meet with.

Kassis told Sputnik that she would meet with Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov in Geneva on Tuesday.

The US officials will discuss enhancing ceasefire agreements reached by Russia, Iran and Turkey at Astana talks during the visit of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to Ankara later this week, the State Department senior officials announced on Monday.

US to Discuss Russia-Turkey Ceasefire Deal on Syria in Ankara Visit

The official stressed that Washington wants to see ceasefire arrangements hold.

We look forward to discussing with Turkey how we can reinforce the ceasefire initiatives they have negotiated with the Russians and other through the Astana process," the official stated.

"Turkey has been in very extensive discussions with the Russians and Iranians through the Astana process to put in place ceasefires, and the deal there is that Turkey has…a commitment to deliver elements of the opposition, and critically Russia has a commitment to deliver the regime, to make sure these ceasefires hold," the official added.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will have a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his visit to Ankara later this week, a senior State Department official said on Monday.

Tillerson to Meet Erdogan During Visit to Turkey This Week - US State Department

The official stated that Tillerson will be visiting Ankara this week during his second trip to Europe as Secretary of State.

“He’ll be meeting with President Erdogan and other senior officials,” He said.

Secretary Tillerson will discuss the situation in Raqqa and the fight against Daesh (outlawed in Russia) with Turkish officials.

“Among other topics in Ankara the Secretary will discuss the next steps in the campaign to defeat ISIS [Daesh] particularly in terms of stabilization in areas that have been liberated from ISIS [Daesh] to make sure that those areas remain stable and the people can return to their homes,” the official stated.

“We’ll also discuss the situation in Raqqa.”

In recent years, in spite of Ankara's objections, the US has actively worked to strengthen cooperation with Kurdish forces in Northern Syria. Speaking to Sputnik, Turkish observers warned that when the war against Daesh comes to an end, Washington may push for a Kurdish autonomy or even an independent Kurdish state in northern Syria.

'Ankara, Damascus Must Unite' to Halt US-Backed Kurdish State in Northern Syria

As preparations for the liberation of Daesh's Syrian capital of Raqqa continue, many observers are becoming increasingly anxious as to what the next stage of Kurdish-US cooperation will be, and whether Washington may attempt to use the Kurds as a tool to dismember Syria.

Turkish observers, who have their own concerns about the prospects of an independent Kurdish state on their border, spoke to Sputnik Turkey about the issue.

Ismail Hakki Pekin, former head of the intelligence department of the Turkish General Staff, told the news agency that the US plan for Syria was clear: "to turn Syria into a federation and include the Kurds in this federation."

"Meanwhile," the retired officer noted, "Russia has deployed its forces in Afrin to monitor compliance with the ceasefire regime. With this step, Russia is trying to keep the Afrin an integral part of a unified Syria."

Accordingly, Pekin suggested, "the main issue for Ankara is cooperation with Syria. If Turkey, having established contacts with the Syrian leadership, proves able to conduct a balanced policy in relations with both the US and Russia, the creation of an autonomous Kurdish region in northern Syria will become extremely difficult," Washington's plans notwithstanding.

Asked about the strength of the Turkish factor in preventing an autonomous or independent Kurdistan in the war-torn country, Pekin emphasized that Turkey's main trump card is cooperation with Russia, Syria and Iran.
The Syrian army has discovered several shelters which belonged to the terrorists in the vicinity of Aleppo, a Syrian military source told Sputnik Arabic.

Syrian Army Discovers Secret Daesh Weapons Caches in Aleppo

The shelters were used for storing weapons and ammunition and keeping women as prisoners where they were subjected to violent abuse.

The military source said that according to an account of one of the female survivors kept in this shelter: women were brought here to be raped before battles or afterward.

Later on, these victims were either killed or forced to cook food and bring water for the terrorists.

A small number of weapons were also found in the three shelters that were discovered; however, all of them were of American production.

Aleppo, Syria's second largest city, which used to be the country's economic capital, has been mired in the civil war since August 2012 with the western part of the city having been controlled by the Syrian army while the eastern part was occupied by various Islamist and rebel groups, including al-Nusra Front terrorists.

The Syrian Army troops discovered several ISIL hideouts stashed with a large volume of US-manufactured weapons and ammunition in the Northern province of Aleppo.

Syrian Army Discovers US-Made Arms in Terrorists' Positions in Aleppo Province

The Arabic desk of Sputnik quoted a military source as saying that the army has discovered three hideouts of ISIL in Aleppo province used by the terrorist group as arms depot and temporary jails for women, adding that a large volume of US-made arms and munitions have been found in the hideouts.

Also one of the jailed women in the hideouts said that ISIL killed a number of female prisoners who had rejected the terrorists' various demands.

A source said in January that the Syrian Army's engineering units discovered another depot of arms and ammunition that belonged to Jeish al-Fatah terrorists.

The source said that terrorists had turned people's houses in Bostan al-Qasr (Bustan al-Kaser) into arms depots and after forcing them out.

The depot in Bostan al-Qasr was reportedly also used as a workshop for building weapons and munitions.

In the meantime, Commander of Russia’s International Mine Action Center Ivan Gromov disclosed in late December that a large volume of weapons, manufactured in the US, Germany and Bulgari, were discovered as Russian sappers were on a mine clearance mission in Eastern Aleppo.

"Ammunition and large-caliber arms together with rockets for Grad multiple launch systems have been found there. The shells have been produced in Germany, the United States and Bulgaria," Gromov said.

The Russian combat engineers also found 122mm mortar shells, rockets for multiple launch rocket systems, hand grenades, grenade launchers and howitzer projectiles in one of the militants’ headquarters, the commander said, adding that the ammunition discovered there were in such a large quantity that they would be enough for a battalion.

The Syrian Army's artillery and missile units opened heavy fire at the positions of the Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) East of the capital, destroying a large missile depot of the terrorists.

Damascus: Terrorists' Missile Depot Destroyed in Syrian Army Attack

Tens of missiles depoted by the Al-Nusra Front were destroyed in the army's artillery and missile attacks on the terrorist group's positions in Jobar district.

A 120mm cannon of the Al-Nusra was also destroyed in the attack, military sources said.

They added that the Syrian Air Force meantime launched heavy strikes on terrorists' positions in a region between Ein Terma and Zmelka and also their positions behind Nahr (river) Tora in Jobar.

The sources also reported that the entire tunnels and secret pathways of the terrorists in al-Qaboun district in the Northeastern outskirts of Damascus have been discovered, underlining that the district will be cleaned of terrorists completely in the next few days.

The US-led coalition thinks that reports of civilian casualties in March 22 strike on a school in Syria's city of Raqqa are likely not credible, coalition commander Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend said in a briefing on Tuesday.

Reports of Casualties in Raqqa School Strike Likely Not Credible - US Commander

On March 22 media reported that dozens, mostly women and children, were killed and injured in a presumable US-led coalition airstrike on a Syrian school west of Raqqa.

Unverified reports estimated up to 33 people may have been killed in the strike. Damascus confirmed the reports.

According to the sources, the school that served as a shelter for 50 families from Aleppo, Raqqa and Homs, was almost completely destroyed.

"We haven't completed our assessment of that event yet. But my initial reading is not credible. I think that was a clean strike," Townsend told reporters, noting that the building was used by terrorists.

Last Monday, US Department of Defense spokesperson Capt. Jeff Davis said that the US Central Command was assessing the credibility of civilian casualties reports that appeared after a Thursday US counterterrorism strike in al-Jinah in Syria's Aleppo, which hit a mosque.

Nasir Hec Mansur, commander of a unit of the Syrian Democratic Forces told Sputnik Turkey in an interview that the US-led coalition forces will use the recently liberated Tabqa military base during the operation in Raqqa.

Gearing Up: US-Led Coalition to Use Tabqa Base During Raqqa Operation

The Syrian Democratic Forces in the course of fierce clashes with Daesh managed to take back control of the strategically important Tabqa military base situated near Raqqa.

In an interview with Sputnik Turkey Mansur said, “The military base in Tabqa is of great importance to us. The planes of the coalition forces will take off from there during the operation for the liberation of Raqqa.”

He further said that the military base in Tabqa is important because of its geographical location, as it is situated west of the Euphrates River.

With the capture of Tabqa, the number of military bases at the disposal of the Syrian forces has increased to two. Last year, the forces established control over the Minig air base, south of Aazaz.

Syrian Army troops continued to storm ISIL's defense lines in the Eastern territories of Aleppo province and managed to take back more villages along the highway to Raqqa, well-informed sources said on Tuesday.

Syrian Army Scores more Victories against ISIL along Aleppo-Raqqa Highway

The sources said that following the capture of Rasm al-Khamis al-Qarbi, the army soldiers pushed further Eastwards and subsequently expelled ISIL militants from another village adjacent to the M4-Highway.

They added that moving ever closer to Jirah Airbase, the army men managed to wrestle control over the neighboring village of Rasm al-Khamis al-Sharqi last night.

The predominantly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continued their advances against ISIL within the framework of the Euphrates Rage Operation and managed to take full control of three more villages near al-Tabaqa Dam (the Euphrates dam).

Syria: Kurdish-Led Fighters Push ISIL back from More Positions in Western Raqqa

The SDF struck ISIL's defense lines in Western Raqqa and seized control over the villages of Sahal al-Khashab, Oweij and Dayan near Sweidiyeh al-Kabireh village 4km away from al-Tabaqa dam.

A local source said that SDF's control over the three villages has paved the way for setting up a safe corridor to evacuate civilians from the region.

Meantime, some sources in the SDF disclosed that the operation room of the Euphrates Rage Operation has dispatched more military equipment to the battlefields in Western Raqqa to kick off fresh operation to capture al-Tabaqa city.

In the meantime, the fresh forces that have been armed with heavy weapons have been ferried to the Southern parts of the Euphrates region and are now stationed in the region.

The Kurdish forces also said that they are to delay their operation in al-Tabaqa dam to wait for the arrival of engineering units at the dam.

The US will push NATO allies to increase their role in the current fight against terrorism during the ministerial summit.

US to Push NATO at Summit to Increase Role in Fight Against Terror - State Dept.

The United States will urge its NATO allies to increase their role in the current fight against terrorism during the ministerial summit set to take place in Brussels on Friday, senior State Department official told reporters on Tuesday.

"The second agenda topic from Washington’s perspective is President Trump’s goal to push NATO to increase its role in the fight against terrorism, and so Secretary Tillerson will be pushing allies in that way as well," the official stated at a briefing.
The Syrian army has eliminated over 2,200 militants from al-Nusra Front terrorist group and affiliated armed groups in Hama province since March 23, the Syrian Defense Ministry said Wednesday.

Syrian Army Eliminates 2,200 al-Nusra Front Terrorists in Hama Since March 23

On Tuesday, the Russian General Staff said that a group of 10,000 ex-Nusra Front militants attempted to capture the Syrian city of Hama. Over 2,100 militants have been killed in four days, with the operation continuing to this day and Syrian troops entering a counteroffensive.

Al-Nusra Front losses from March 23 to March 29 to the north of Hama are as follows: 2,200 terrorists killed, while 15 tanks, 11 armored vehicles, 107 cars, 12 ammunition depots, 17 mortars ans six rocket launchers destroyed," the ministry said in a report.

Earlier, a source told Sputnik that the Syrian army pushed out Jabhat Fatah al Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra Front) terrorists from the village of Kokab in the Syrian province of Hama.

An explosion of a passenger bus in the Al Zahra district of the Syrian city of Homs killed five people and injured six more, local media reported Wednesday, citing Homs Health director.

Passenger Bus Explosion in Syria's Homs Kills Five, Injures Six

The small passenger bus was detonated by militants on the district's al-Siteen Street, the SANA news agency reported.

On March 23, a car bomb exploded near the Syrian army checkpoint in the town of Al Mushrefa in the Homs province, killing two security service officers.

The Homs province is a battleground between the Syrian government and a number of militant groups, including Daesh (outlawed in numerous countries).

On March 13, Syrian authorities and militant groups in Homs reached an agreement, with Russia acting as the mediator and guarantor, which stipulated that militants and their families would leave Homs in stages. In turn, Syrian government troops would guarantee safe passage for this group.

Approximately 530 Syrian militants from the Al-Waer district of the Syrian city of Homs decided to lay down arms and become unarmed civilians under the deal with local authorities, Homs Governor Talal Barazi said.

Over 500 Militants Lay Down Arms in Syrian City of Homs – Province's Governor

He added that the remaining militants will be transferred to the northern part of Syria alongside their families.

We, as a government, generally tried to persuade the militants to remain here, but they did not want it and that is why they are leaving. About 530 people will remain: they are laying down arms and will lead a peaceful life. Among them are students and workers. Everyone will return to their places and will have the same rights as the ordinary people," the governor told reporters.

The Syrian Army and militant groups agreed to hold fire to allow gunmen leave the two towns of al-Zabadani and Madaya, 45 kilometers Northwest of Damascus, in return for the evacuation of civilians from the two Shiite-populated towns of Fua'a and Kafraya in the Northwestern Province of Idlib.

Syrian Army, Militants Agree on Evacuation of Civilians, Gunmen in Northwestern Damascus, Northern Idlib

The army and militants groups inked an agreement on the evacuation of all the citizens of Kafraya and Fua'a in the aftermath of a ceasefire agreement, in lieu of the evacuation of militants and their family members from al-Zabadani and Madaya.

According to media reports implementation of the agreement will begin on April 4th after a ceasefire began on Tuesday morning, 28 of March, that will be processed in two phases in order to end the simultaneous evacuation in the two regions.

According to reports, in the first phase, eight thousand civilians will leave the militant-besieged towns of Kafraya and Fua'a and the same number of militants will be evacuated from al-Zabadani and Madaya along with their families.

The second phase that is expected to start in two months would include evacuation of 8 thousand people from Kafraya and Fua'a in return for the relocation of a similar number of militants from Yarmouk camp.

A nine-month ceasefire would be extended in the regions where the evacuation would take place from both sides that include regions South of Damascus in Babila, Beit Sahm and Yalda.

Last month, a senior Syrian legislator requested Iran to increase its assistance to the Damascus army and government to end the terrorists' several-year-long siege of the two towns of Fua'a and Kafraya in Idlib.

Hussein Raqib al-Hussein made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari in Tehran.

During the meeting, he stressed the need for the UN and human rights organizations' serious attention to the dire situation of the Syrian people in Fua'a and Kafraya, and urged Iran to make its best efforts to break the siege on the two towns and send humanitarian aid to their residents.

Jaberi Ansari, for his part, underlined Tehran's consultations with different regional and international sides on the Syrian issue, and said, "The case with Fua'a and Kafraya is being pursued by the Islamic Republic of Iran as a priority in political consultations related to the crisis in Syria."

A US service member died in northern Syria of suspected natural causes, Operation Inherent Resolve said in a press release on Wednesday.

US Service Member Dies in Northern Syria

The task force said it would release further information when appropriate.

"A US service member died from suspected natural causes in Northern Syria, March 29, 2017," the release stated.

US Marines deployed to Syria in March are assisting the counterterror campaign in the country with logistics, Central Command head Gen. Joseph Votel said in a testimony at the US House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.

CENTCOM Commander Sheds Light on What US Marines Are Doing in Syria

On March 9, the US-led coalition confirmed that a US Marine Corps artillery unit had deployed to Syria. Four hundred troops were expected to arrive. Hitherto, the US military contingent in Syria has been comprised of about 500 people.

"They [marines] are also helping us with some of our logistics capability in Syria," Votel stated. "Syria is a fairly immature area for us in terms of that. We don’t have big infrastructure."

Votel noted that CENTCOM has recognized that to pursue US military objectives in Syria it would need to provide more direct fire support capability for its Syrian Democratic Force partners on the ground.

"That is what you are seeing. They [the marines] have deployed, they are helping us with that particular aspect."

The United States deployed US marines to the Syrian city of Raqqa without the permission of Damascus, Votel said earlier. He said that US Marines have been deployed to Syria to make sure coalition troops on the ground receive necessary support in the fight to retake Raqqa from the Daesh.

The marines are set to be supporting US partner forces on the ground that lead the offensive to liberate Raqqa from Daesh codenamed Operation Euphrates Rage. The operation was launched by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on November 5, 2016. The SDF was formed in 2015 as the defense force of northern Syria's de facto autonomous Rojava federation and is supported by the US-led coalition. The group is among the forces fighting Daesh and brings together Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian and Turkmen fighters, among others.

The news comes after the Pentagon was tasked to send US President Donald Trump options to accelerate the fight against Daesh.

The Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation delivered 24.5 tonnes of humanitarian aid to the Syrian province of Aleppo over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense ministry said on Wednesday in a news bulletin.

Russian Military Delivers 24.5 Tonnes of Aid to Syrian Civilians Over 24 Hours

According to the ministry, 8,100 Syrian citizens received the humanitarian assistance provided by Russia.

"Within last 24 hours, the Russian Centre for reconciliation of opposing sides has held 7 humanitarian events in the province of Aleppo…. Total weight of humanitarian aid provided to the Syrian population has reached 24.5 tonnes," the bulletin read.

The Defense Ministry said that in the meantime the United Nations had provided food, medical, psychological and legal assistance to the Syrian people as well as had continued to carry out reconstruction works of the infrastructure and to supply citizens with temporary accommodation.
The Turkish National Security Council announced the end of the 'Euphrates Shield' military campaign in northern Syria.

Turkey Announces Successful End of 'Euphrates Shield' Operation in Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the meeting of the Turkish National Security Council.

"It was noted that the Operation 'Euphrates Shield' which was started with the goal of ensuring national security, preventing the threat from Daesh and return of Syrian refugees to their homes has successfully completed," the statement by the Turkish National Security Council read.

On August 24, Turkish forces, supported by Free Syrian Army rebels and US-led coalition aircraft, began a military operation dubbed the Euphrates Shield to clear the Syrian border town of Jarabulus and the surrounding area from Daesh terrorist group.

The campaign was the first Turkey's incursion into Syria, however, earlier Turkish forces attacked Kurdish positions in Syria from its side of the border.
The operation has been widely criticized both by the Syrian Kurds and Damascus, who have accused Ankara of violating Syria's territorial integrity.

As Jarabulus was retaken, the joint forces of Ankara, the coalition and Syrian rebels continued the offensive southwest.

On November 29, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a controversial remark, saying that the Turkish armed forces' military operation in Syria is designed to put an end to the rule of Assad. However, later the Turkish leader stopped voicing calls for Assad's immediate resignation.

In the end of February, Chief of the Turkish General Staff Hulusi Akar said that the city of al-Bab was under control and the goals of the Euphrates Shield operation in Syria had been achieved.

During the operation to liberate al-Bab from Daesh, Russian and Turkish military aircraft have repeatedly jointly bombed Daesh targets for the first time. The joing campaign was approved by the Syrian authorities.

Al-Bab is one of Daesh’s last remaining strongholds near the Turkish border. Capturing the city is of strategic importance to Turkey in order to prevent the Syrian Kurds taking it and unifying their own territories.
This is totally insane!

$596 billion budget, 800 plus bases. The massive US military machine summed up in this Infograph

The US military machine and its global presence in charts.

Trump’s budget for 2018, proposes cutting lots of stuff, from the EPA to the NEA and even small cuts at NASA. One of the few departments that will not see any cuts was the US Department of Defense.

In 2015, Politico estimated that there are 800 U.S. bases abroad. The cost to maintain this massive military global footprint runs up to $100 billion annually.

The Visual Capitalist has summed up the huge US military machine the Infograph and accompanying charts below…

Via The Visual Capitalist..

If the proposed budget ultimately passes in Congress, the DoD would be allocated an extra $54 billion in federal funding – a 10% increase that would be one of the largest one-year defense budget increases in American History.

To put the proposed increase in context, the United States already spends more on defense than the next seven countries combined. Meanwhile, the additional $54 billion is about the size of the United Kingdom’s entire defense budget.

Internationally, there are under 200,000 troops that are stationed in 177 countries. Here are the top 20 countries they are stationed in…...
This could be how Russia is seeing it.

US waiting for the moment for a massive strike on Russia

Translated from Russian to English said:
US waiting for the moment for a massive strike on Russia
19:45 / 29.03.2017Kloij1 9531
Heads of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces have studied the conditions under which the US missile defense system can intercept Russian missiles. In theory, such options were few.

According to RIA Novosti, Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces General Viktor Poznihir I outlined two scenarios in which protivoraktenoy defense system (NMD), the US will be able to intercept Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

According to him, US missile includes missile 30 GBI, 130 Standard missile 3, 150 missile complexes THAAD, deployed in the United States and in the European and Asian-Pacific Regional BMD segments. A certain number of missiles is on US allies ships.

It is predicted that by 2022 the number of missile defense system will be more than 1,000 units, and in the future will exceed the number of warheads on deployed ICBMs and Russian ballistic missile submarines.

Poznihir at the joint Russian-Chinese briefing on missile defense in the Conference on Disarmament, noted that the conclusions of Russian experts, antimissile Standard 3 modification 2A, which is expected to deploy in 2018, will be able to intercept strategic ballistic missiles, not only at the middle and end, but on the upward part of the trajectory of missiles.

In the first option it is possible to intercept the ship missile complex, located in the Baltic Sea, an intercontinental ballistic missile, launched from the European part of Russia. During the flight of a rocket on a ballistic trajectory, he found space warning nuclear missile attack system. After that the missile defense ship brings automatic onboard radar in the search sector ballistic targets. With the accumulation of information about the target trajectory generated targeting to launch interceptors.

In the second case simulated interception ship missile complex from the Norwegian Sea rocket, launched from a submarine. Poznihir noted that the launch of a ballistic missile submarine found space system, according to which the onboard vehicle carries radar acquisition and tracking of ballistic missiles, as well as the issue of targeting to launch interceptors.

Thus, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation considered hypothetical scenarios launch of ballistic missiles in the northern direction. "They are exploratory in nature. Their choice is intended to give an idea of ​​the conditions of application, and possible means of a global missile defense," summed up the military. he.

"Experts have talked a lot about the non-nuclear NATO strategy called MRAU (massive missile and air strikes). Once they are sure that they can inflict on the Russian successful with probability 0.9 MRAU, on the same day they will inflict it. Without any . The UN Security Council and other talking-we also understand this, so try to prepare and negotiate peace - or prepare to repel and deliver a nuclear strike in response, allowing the new Russian doctrine, "explained in his telegrams channel military expert.

Interest in these issues in the current reality is obvious. Relations between the two countries leaves much to be desired. Recall, the US military command in February conducted the most extensive in recent years the doctrine of strategic nuclear forces, fulfilling a hybrid scenario escalate the conflict in Europe into a global nuclear war involving the United States.

Experts do not exclude that the selection of a potential enemy could be a response to last year's teaching Russian nuclear forces. Although the Pentagon has not said which country acted as a conventional enemy.

For example, Global Lightning 17 maneuvers while held in parallel with the command post exercise Austere Challenge 17, which was worked from Allied protection European aggression with conventional arms. Global Lightning 17 script itself went further and suggested a hybrid escalating conflict in the European theater in the global - with the use of nuclear weapons.

It is no secret that the US strategic forces is only one possible enemy - Russia. And the strategic command is not limited to computer simulations. The exercise was launched four intercontinental ballistic missiles of sea basing "Trident-2" with a submarine in the Pacific Ocean and one ground-based base Vandenberg in California.

A recent US intelligence study the ability of the state structures of Russia and China to survive a nuclear attack. The analysis is performed at the request of the US Congress, "whose members are concerned about China's growing experience and suspicions about the intentions of the Russian president Vladimir Putin's military power."

It is worth adding that previously the West accused Russia of a rehearsal of a nuclear strike on NATO and the response stated "modeling quick and partial nuclear strike against Russia" .After that, according to several media and social networks, US Strategic Command conducted a combat operation prediction Bear Spear ( "Slingshot to bear"). Although Russia is not directly named, but it became clear - the purpose of the exercise was "rapid modeling and partially-nuclear attack on Russia."

The result was concluded. that the United States under any circumstances can not cause disarming sudden and unanswerable blow. Note that the US Strategic Command, "every day is preparing for a possible nuclear war with Russia and to take exceptional measures in order to make people" with buttons "sang the terrible order."
The Kurds always seem to be caught in the middle.

Ankara, Damascus Must Unite' to Halt US-Backed Kurdish State in Northern Syria said:
In recent years, in spite of Ankara's objections, the US has actively worked to strengthen cooperation with Kurdish forces in Northern Syria. Speaking to Sputnik, Turkish observers warned that when the war against Daesh comes to an end, Washington may push for a Kurdish autonomy or even an independent Kurdish state in northern Syria.

As preparations for the liberation of Daesh's Syrian capital of Raqqa continue, many observers are becoming increasingly anxious as to what the next stage of Kurdish-US cooperation will be, and whether Washington may attempt to use the Kurds as a tool to dismember Syria.

Double Standards: Americans Seek Raqqa Liberation to Split Syria?
Turkish observers, who have their own concerns about the prospects of an independent Kurdish state on their border, spoke to Sputnik Turkey about the issue.
Ismail Hakki Pekin, former head of the intelligence department of the Turkish General Staff, told the news agency that the US plan for Syria was clear: "to turn Syria into a federation and include the Kurds in this federation."

"Meanwhile," the retired officer noted, "Russia has deployed its forces in Afrin to monitor compliance with the ceasefire regime. With this step, Russia is trying to keep the Afrin an integral part of a unified Syria."

Accordingly, Pekin suggested, "the main issue for Ankara is cooperation with Syria. If Turkey, having established contacts with the Syrian leadership, proves able to conduct a balanced policy in relations with both the US and Russia, the creation of an autonomous Kurdish region in northern Syria will become extremely difficult," Washington's plans notwithstanding.

Asked about the strength of the Turkish factor in preventing an autonomous or independent Kurdistan in the war-torn country, Pekin emphasized that Turkey's main trump card is cooperation with Russia, Syria and Iran.

"If Ankara can rid itself of its ideological blinders, and take advantage of this resource, we can rest assured that it won't allow the US to implement its plans to create a Kurdish state. At the very least, this will allow Ankara to gain time. Then the problem can be resolved quite simply – by providing a certain degree of autonomy to local authorities." Ultimately, Pekin warned that if Ankara fails to take advantage of the opportunity for partnership with Moscow and Tehran, and with Damascus, "it will be on the losing side."

Kurds of Discord: US-Turkish Clashes on 'Kurdish Issue' Threaten NATO’s Integrity
For his part, Ahmet Berat Conkar, AKP lawmaker and co-chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Turkish-EU Relations, stressed that Ankara would not accept the creation of any independent Kurdish state, adding that Turkey would "work in every way possible to prevent this from happening."
Turkey's official position, Conkar recalled, is that the YPG People's Protection Units and the Democratic Union Party are terrorist organizations. "From this perspective, it is impossible to think about any NATO member country securing the autonomy or creating a state for organizations recognized [by other NATO members] as terrorist organizations."

The lawmaker emphasized that the issue of the Syrian Kurds' in Syria's future must "be resolved by the Syrian leadership, in the framework of the discussions on the constitutional system, after settling the crisis facing the country."

Crunch Time: Will Liberation of Raqqa Turn Into 'War of All Against All'?
Finally, Abdurrahman Mustafa, a representative of the National Council of Syrian Turkmen, told Sputnik Turkey that he too is concerned that Washington's next move may be to dismember Syria through the creation of a Kurdish state. Turkey, however, will defend its interests, he added.
"The US goal is to support cooperation with the Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the PKK, and to create a corridor under the PYD," he said. "However, operation Euphrates Shield has created a barrier to this. Turkey will defend its interests in matters of national security, and will not give its consent to the formation of such a territory. Turkey must prevent this, both from the perspective of its own national security, and from the perspective on Syria's territorial integrity."

"The US have been trying to divide Syria from the very beginning," Mustafa suggested. "This is an American project. We, Syrian Turkmen, are against this. Syria's territorial integrity must be preserved. In addition, it must be the Syrians themselves, not external forces, who decide the form of government in the country. The Syrian people must decide whether there will be a federal form of government, or some other form."
I think there is a lot going on with the Kurds and they are under a lot of pressure from all sides.

500 Kurds kidnapped by Shia militias near Aleppo said:
ARA News

Pro-Syrian government paramilitary groups captured around 500 Kurdish civilians from Afrin in the town of Mayer on the Aleppo-Afrin road, local sources reported on Monday.

Bus drivers in Afrin told ARA News that the ‘Syrian government security forces’ stopped 50 buses full with passengers from Afrin.

“500 passengers were detained, with only one has been released, while others were transferred to the town of al-Zahra,” an eyewitness said, speaking to ARA News on condition of anonymity.

Until now the fate of the citizens is unknown.

A source from Afrin told ARA News that most likely Shia paramilitary groups kidnapped the Kurdish civilians.

“They are pro-regime militias from Nubul and al-Zahra, they are Shias. These two villages are allied to Iran,” the source said. “This happens every once in a while.”

However, the local source said “this doesn’t mean that the Syrian government is against the Kurds.”

“The regime is also upset with the activities of those [Shia] militias. These two villages [Nubul and al-Zahra] consider themselves more as Iranian than Syrian,” he said.
angelburst29 said:
The Turkish National Security Council announced the end of the 'Euphrates Shield' military campaign in northern Syria.

Turkey Announces Successful End of 'Euphrates Shield' Operation in Syria

Ankara announced that its large-scale military campaign in northern Syria has successfully ended. The timing of the news prompted some to suggest that the decision could be linked to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's visit to Turkey and the upcoming referendum on the new constitution.

What's Behind Turkey Ending Operation Euphrates Shield in Syria

Political analyst Alexander Asafov maintained that the announcement made by the National Security Council was timed to coincide with Tillerson's visit since President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other high-ranking Turkish officials intend to use the operation as a bargaining chip during talks. Erdogan could use Operation Euphrates Shield to try to pressure Washington to scale down, if not drop its assistance to the Syrian Kurds.

"Erdogan wants to get a carte blanche to act independently, to protect its interests in the region," the analyst told RT.

Tillerson is scheduled to arrive in Turkey on March 30. America's top diplomat will meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu to discuss the US-led anti-Daesh campaign in Iraq and Syria, as well as Ankara's request to extradite reclusive cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of staging a failed military coup in July 2016.

Vladimir Avatkov, head of the Center for Eastern Studies, International Relations and Public Diplomacy, does not think that Turkey's decision to formally end its military engagement in Syria is directly linked to Tillerson's visit.

"If there is a link then it is indirect. The Turks have been in the process of searching a balance. They have also tried to find a new place in the world and the region. In this context meetings with Russian and American partners are very significant for Ankara," he said.

Avatkov pointed out that Ankara could have decided to end the campaign due to the referendum on the new constitution scheduled to take place April 16. In his view, Ankara will benefit from wrapping up the operation on a high note than protract it to the point when it would encounter geopolitical or military challenges.

Both analysts asserted that Turkey could launch a new military campaign in Syria at any time.

Erdogan has demonstrated that Turkey has a seasoned army capable of completing missions in the region. We have successfully ended Operation Euphrates Shield and could for instance kick start Operation Euphrates Sword that would be targeted against both Daesh and the Kurds. Such rhetoric is quite possible," Asafov said.

The Syrian Army opened heavy rocket and artillery fire on the positions and concentration centers of Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) in Dara'a al-Balad district in Dara'a city on Wednesday, destroying the terrorists' command posts, local sources said.

Dara'a: Al-Nusra's Command Posts Destroyed in Syrian Army Artillery Attack

The sources reported that terrorists groups' rocket-launchers deployed in Dara'a al-Balad targeted residential areas in al-Sahari neighborhood that drew the army's massive response.

They added that the army's missile units targeted the positions of Al-Nusra in Tariq al-Saad (road to dam) in the Southern part of Dara'a city in response to the terrorists' attack, destroying the terrorists' command posts and killing or wounding all the militants in those positions.

Elsewhere in the city, the army destroyed a tank of the terrorists with anti- tank missiles East of the mosque in al-Manshiyeh neighborhood in Dara'a al-Balad. Battlefield reports said three tank crews were wounded in the attack.

The Syrian Army forces continued to break ISIL's defense lines in Eastern Aleppo and managed to seize back more villages and heights on Wednesday.

ISIL Continues Retreat in Eastern Aleppo

The army men continued the battle against the ISIL and took control of the Tal (hill) Mahdum, Al-Sharifah and Kaysumah East of Deir Hafer after intense battle with the terrorists.

The army soldiers, meantime, struck ISIL's position and seized back control over the village and the silos of Zakia and the town of Jab Mashi in Eastern Aleppo.

Army reports said ISIL suffered heavy casualties and its military hardware sustained major damage in the attacks.

The Army troops managed to win back some other villages along the highway to Raqqa on Tuesday as well.

The Syrian Army troops have driven ISIL out of over 20 villages and towns in Eastern Aleppo and imposed control over a long chunk of Aleppo-Raqqa highway in their recent operations, battlefield sources said.

Over 20 Villages, Towns Freed in Syrian Army Operations in Eastern Aleppo

The sources said that the army soldiers continued their anti-ISIL operations in Eastern Aleppo and expanded their control over 27 towns and villages around the city of Deir Hafer, restoring security to over 24 km of the international Aleppo-Raqqa highway.

The sources added that during the operations the Syrian army inflicted heavy casualties on the ISIL terrorists.

Dozens of armored and machinegun-equipped vehicles of the ISIL were badly destroyed in the attacks, they added.

Relevant reports said on Wednesday that the army men continued to break ISIL's defense lines in Eastern Aleppo and managed to seize back more villages and heights.

The Syrian army helicopters targeted the movements of the Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) terrorists and its affiliated groups in Northern Hama, destroying several heavy vehicles and inflicting a number of casualties on the militants, including several field commanders, local sources said on Thursday.

Several Senior Terrorist Commanders Killed in Syrian Army Attack in Hama

The sources said that the army choppers targeted the Al-Nusra positions and movements in al-Heibat town, destroying 7 command posts and reconnaissance headquarters, 15 tanks, 11 armored vehicles and killing a number of terrorists including several notorious commanders.

They added that bodies of the dead militants and wounded fighters have been transfered to the city of Idlib.

The sources further said that several commanders, including senior leader of the so-called army of pride (Jeish al-Izzah) Abdul Hamid al-Qadah, Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) commander Ahad Ahsam and Commander of the Artillery Units of Tahrir al-Sham Mohammad Jihad Qasab, are among the slain terrorists.

In the meantime, Commander of the Turkistani terrorist group Abu Obaida Turkistani and a number of other terrorist commanders from the Persian Gulf Arab states, Iraq and Egypt were killed in the attack. Abu Fahd al-Anzi, a commander of Tahrir al-Sham, was another senior leader that was killed in the attack.

Meanwhile, Syrian and Russian fighter jets conducted heavy airstrikes on militant positions in Halfaya and Al-Latamina; both towns serve as the launch-pad for rebel forces to attack Mahardah.

The Syrian Army Aircraft, tipped off by Iraqi intelligence forces, carried out a number of combat flights over ISIL's positions, destroying at least 39 military sites and a large base of the terrorists across the Eastern province of Deir Ezzur, media sources said.

Syrian Army Destroys 40 Main Military Sites of ISIL in Deir Ezzur

The Syrian and Iraqi military intelligence agencies worked together this week to destroy the ISIL's largest base in Deir Ezzur province, Iraqi military media reported. According to the report, Iraq's military intelligence unit revealed to their Syrian counterpart this week details about a large ISIL base in the border-town of Albu Kamal.

Using information from their Iraqi allies, the Syrian warplanes bombed and destroyed the ISIL’s large base in Albu Kamal and inflicted a large number of casualties on the terrorists.

In addition to destroying the base, the warplanes also destroyed 39 other ISIL sites in Deir Ezzur province, thanks in large part to the Iraqi military intelligence.

The Syrian and Iraqi military intelligence agencies worked together this week to destroy the Islamic State’s (ISIL) largest base inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate, Iraqi Military Media reported on Wednesday.

Syrian, Iraqi intelligence work together to destroy ISIL’s largest base in Deir Ezzor

According to the report, Iraqi military intelligence revealed to their Syrian counterpart, this week, a large Islamic State base located inside the border-city of Albukamal.

Using information from their Iraqi allies, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) destroyed the Islamic State’s massive base in Albukamal, while also killing a large number of terrorist combatants.

In addition to destroying this base, the Syrian Air Force also destroyed 39 other Islamic State sites inside the Deir Governorate, thanks in large part to the Iraqi military intelligence.

The Syrian Army troops and their popular allies have expanded the security zone around the recently-freed city of Palmyra (Tadmur), Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Directorate Lt-Gen Sergey Rudskoy told a news briefing.

Homs: Syrian Army Expanding Buffer Zone around Palmyra

General Rudskoy said in the area of Palmyra the Syrian army and its allies keep expanding the security zone around the city. Government troops have moved forward 16 kilometers Northeast, eight kilometers East and twelve kilometers Southeast.

Meanwhile, the success of the mine clearing operation was also emphasized by the general.
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