Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

An exhibition showcasing old photos taken during the Vietnam War has opened in Moscow, with the majority of items made public for the first time, Chairman of the Organization of Vietnam Veterans of Russia Nikolai Kolesnik told Sputnik Vietnam.

From Soviet Archives: Rare Photos of McCain During Vietnam War Revealed (Photos)

Kolesnik was deployed to Vietnam as part of the first group of Soviet missile officers. They came to the Southeast Asian nation in the spring of 1965. The 22-year-old sergeant was tasked with training soldiers of the 236th and 285th surface-to-air-missile regiments of the People's Army of Vietnam. On August 11-12, Kolesnik took part in the second missile fight with US warplanes. His regiment shot down four aircraft.

"Photographs for the exhibition came from archives of Russian servicemen, veterans of the Vietnam War. The exhibition's goal is to remind the younger generation how extreme America's aggression against the Vietnamese people was, how much courage the Vietnamese displayed while protecting their motherland, and how massive our support to Vietnam was," he told Sputnik Vietnam.

The Soviet Union's military and technical assistance played a major role in Vietnam's victory. Moscow deployed 2,000 tanks, 1,700 armored vehicles, 7,000 artillery weapons and mortar launchers, more than 700 combat planes, 158 surface-to-air missile systems and nearly 8,000 missiles to the Southeast Asian nation.

Approximately 11,000 Soviet troops, including privates, officers and generals, took part in combat operations in Vietnam from 1965 until 1974. More than 2,000 of them received Soviet medals for their service, while more than 3,000 people were decorated by Vietnam.

Faded photographs, exhibited in Moscow, show the Russian missile officers and pilots who trained their Vietnamese counterparts, as well as soldiers of the People's Army of Vietnam, self-defense forces and Russian experts posing next to downed US planes.

Several images display prisoners of war, including US Senator John McCain. One photo shows McCain standing near a plane before an assault on a power plant in Hanoi. Another one depicts locals pulling McCain out of the Hanoi Lake. Another one was taken while he was examined by a Vietnamese doctor. The last one shows McCain standing near a plane at a Hanoi airfield before returning home after spending five years in captivity.

The opening of the exhibition attracted large crowds, with veterans of the Vietnam War, their children and grandchildren, as well as Vietnamese diplomats present.

Vietnam's Deputy Defense Attaché to Russia Vuong Dat Thang, who was born after the war, told Sputnik that the exhibition serves as an important reminder of what happened in Vietnam five decades ago.

"These photographs are precious historical documents dating to the time that became a firm foundation of the current friendship between Vietnam and Russia," he said.

Vietnam's charge d'affaires a.i., Lai Ngoc Doan expressed hope that Hanoi will also hold similar events more often.

I was happy to receive an invitation to attend the exhibition. I view the event as a confirmation of genuine feelings of Russians toward the Vietnamese people and vice versa. I am convinced that such events help both countries learn more about each other. The more often such exhibitions are held, the better. I hope that Vietnam will also hold exhibitions on Russia and the friendship between our peoples more frequently," the diplomat said.

Putin's Russia is conservative and pragmatic. If that doesn't sound scary to you — it means you're a normal person

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Russia

As a native New Yorker, brought up in the 1950s and 60s, I damn well knew what those Russkies were; pinkos, spies, commissars and worse! At public school I regularly had to squat under my desk while the nuclear attack alarms went off, all the while our homeroom teacher barked at us to make sure our eyes were closed and our faces turned away from the windows. All that bother because the communists were especially intent on turning our school into a thermonuclear barbeque.

Although born in Manhattan, my relatives all emigrated from a war torn Europe in the last years of the 1940s. Many of their friends shared similar experiences, some escaping the Nazis, some running from the reds, all running from poverty and post-war chaos. It was also the time of McCarthy, and the stamp this left on American perceptions was the ‘them against us’ view of the world. Being a fan of the Lone Ranger, Superman, Gumby and Bonanza, I teethed on us good guys always being right.

My friends were a mix of the immigrant inflow to the lower east side, Russians, Chinese, Greek, Italian, East European, you name it… we were all born in America, citizens, while many of our parents were still in the process of becoming. I noticed at an early age that many who immigrated to America became ‘Super Americans’. McCarthy and his ilk were pansies compared to these ideological commie fighters from Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Russia. It was a worldview of absolutes, no middle ground, no compromise, just the good and bad. Much of America’s expertise on Russia and Eastern Europe was heavily composed of such immigrants who left during or just after the chaos of war. These became our Soviet experts, our cold warriors. Theirs was a mindset largely fixed at a point in time, carried forward by their children and those they mentored with worldviews still influencing perceptions and positions in our foreign policy today.

In 1976, I was called into the office of the Chairman of our firm, a leader in the world of Platinum and Palladium. He seemed immensely pleased that my parents were from Russia. I corrected him, my mother was from Yugoslavia and my father from Russia, and they met in NYC — hence me. He made me an offer I could not refuse; “Young man, you are to fly to Moscow, obtain a supply contract, and do not dare return until you have done so.” He was smiling when he said that, but this was the time of Brezhnev/Nixon détente and anything was supposedly possible with the cash-strapped Soviets. Priorities in my life then were girls, study and work, preferably in New York and not some Bolshevik heaven. Nevertheless, not thrilled at losing a good job by declining this weird opportunity, I agreed.

I arrived to a place and time which was hugely different from my understanding of the usual. The Soviet Union in many ways challenged perception as the structures and priorities were so differently aligned and emphasized than anywhere else. Being a foreigner then in the USSR was unique. We could only stay at Intourist-run hotels which were set up to accept us and our hard currencies, all at official rates. These hotels were the best that were available at that time; they were the peak of local luxury. This in a Union that focused on basic staples, with little that was frivolous, flashy or non-essential. It was a conservative society distilled to basics and lubricated with spirits. To an outsider from the States this was a cold, grey, strangely alien world cocooned with an undercurrent of anxiety. This was a society with a well-educated, well-read citizenry that was politely curious yet in the main disinterested in global matters that did not directly involve them. Nothing was easy; there were procedures and laurels went to the stubbornly persistent and those who knew how to operate the warp and weft of the system well enough to avoid snags.

As it happened, and it was not my prime desire, my trips to and from the USSR became regular quarterly or biannual events from 1979 through 1990, a period when quite a bit changed in the Soviet Union. Brezhnev died, Andropov appeared, then Chernenko and finally Gorbachev as the last leader of the Soviet Union. Witnessing this period through quarterly snapshots it seemed I was looking at an old moving picture flipbook, where the changes move stutteringly forward. The wall came down in 1989, the Comecon dissolved, the Warsaw Pact disappeared, interconnecting economic ties severed, and the currency was debauched. Standards of living were akin to a postwar nation where the raw basics for survival was the main concern. The collateral damage of perestroika was the total collapse of the social net, food, jobs, security, pensions, and healthcare. People had to learn and master entirely new ways to fend for themselves; however they could, as best they could. This ‘fending for oneself’ was a clear introduction to individualism, which was not considered a positive trait in the Russian culture even before the Communist revolution.

This was the era of humiliation, where surviving tested the bonds of family, friends, position, expectations and hope…many failed; it was stark existence.

Just after Yeltsin became the first president of Russia, I moved to Moscow working full time. Advising and consulting various interests in the country, including the new government, and running my business that was located in Europe and USA. Having already conducted business from Vladivostok to Murmansk my past and present business contacts were a telling litmus test of regional change. The management of this new Russia in many ways was the equivalent of America’s Ivy League/Goldman Sachs circles — these were the remnants of the Party, the Nomenclatura, the Comsomol, and their friends and families. Whom did anyone trust in those disruptive days? Hence, nepotism and loyal old buddy networks, a practical and understandable path. America was largely accepted as the only lighthouse which could guide Russia out of this storm, therefore any advice from America was implemented.

As for the majority of Russians — they stoically picked themselves up and steadily rose from the dust of the dead and collapsed Soviet Union. It was during this time that I truly became a Russia fan. There was no roadmap to a democratic free market economy for anyone to follow. Experts who arrived to Russia to advise were theoreticians insofar as they had little appreciation for the actualities of life, or state of structures that remained from Soviet times, or the day-to-day realities on the ground, or the abysmal depth of the collapse throughout the far-flung regions.

As the US and Europe were advising the Yeltsin government on how to build a Democratic Russia modeled on an idealized version of themselves, it seemed that every NGO on the planet descended on Russia. Good intentions were all the rage, inculcating trappings and nuances that every ‘democracy’ must have; independent judiciary, good governance, human rights, transparency, no corruption, women’s rights, LBGT rights, minority rights, the list went on. All ‘good’ things, but presented and made conditional at a rather awkward time. Russians by nature tend to the conservative and pragmatic. They like to act on what has a chance to work given the tools, resources, attitudes and perspective realistically available. Then on New Year’s day 2000, amid this tempest of dissonance and stresses a new President came on the scene which ushered in a new era — it was Putin’s time.

Enter Putin

With Boris Yeltsin’s New Year’s surprise in naming Vladimir Putin as acting president on January 1, 2000, a distinctly different management style steadily gained traction. Corruption, which always existed in one form or another, was for almost a decade one of the few smoothly working tools enabling many decisions, both necessary and unnecessary. The common element was that all business decisions according the laws had to go through a governmental approval/disapproval process, federal, regional or local.

Decisions and permissions required by private business were an entirely new concept. They needed immediate resolution while at the same time the rules were either still unwritten or if written, not fully understood. Yet decisions had to be made, risking the lives and careers of those held accountable whilst the rulebook of responsible accountability was still being dreamed up. The country was yearning for stability, predictability, and an understanding of what the lay of the political land would allow.

There was tremendous wealth in the hands of those who were able to position themselves in the oil and gas sectors, and the holdings, while dated, were largely functional. The same held true for mining and forestry. These were real assets, and the world’s bankers were more than eager to lend into them. So it went; improve what you can, manage what is possible, and in many ways trust and hope that sanity and innate conservatism in Russia will keep the ship afloat.

The privatization and voucher schemes, while roundly criticized did serve to get 15,000 state firms off the government’s back, for better or worse. The downside was the strengthening of what came to be known as the ‘oligarchs’, or closed circles of power and influence backed by funds. These were essentially extra-political action committees or lobbies without the legal guise of respectability. These were powerhouses similar to America’s Super PACS and largely above the law.

Taxing the citizenry was a further issue. The rates initially brought to bear were patterned on the US and Europe; they were too complex, too high, and few were willing to pay into what was essentially a path to assured bankruptcy. The wealth of the country was offshore, largely off-the-books and cash was king.

The time for a ‘great national housecleaning’ was at hand, with all the additional anxieties that such sweeping change entails. The priorities both then and today are straightforward, but to achieve them has been an immensely difficult time consuming, complex task.

The advantages Putin and Russia had from the outset was the absence of an airy institutionalized ideology which makes change not just a practical challenge but also adds the baggage of ‘political correctness’ to the problem.

Many believe Russia is by its DNA an autocratic slam-dunk. To this day, I am surprised at the lack of understanding of how Russia is in fact governed. A unique form of consensus does play a key role.

Misinterpretation may be because it is not like the American brand of democratic process, or the UK’s, nor is there an over-riding desire to wholly emulate either. Nonetheless, from every town in every region there is a trickle up and trickle down flow of social, economic, and opinion information-sharing directed to the regional offices of the governors.

This is also duplicated to the federal ministries concerned at the regional level (checks & balances), municipal and local. Feedback flows are collected and reviewed at the federal level in Moscow. The president does not make policy decisions unilaterally; practically speaking he cannot, not without key consensus, and in coordination with several political/economic power blocks. Admittedly, this is a byzantine and to outsiders an insufficiently transparent process wherein not every political view is warmly embraced or accepted. Nevertheless, the process works in this place and time, and has resulted in significant improvements and stabilization of Russian society and economy. The steady evolution of the legal code, the evolution of an equitable judiciary, upgrading the military, social welfare, have all been steadily building up from the foundation of Russia’s new society.

When Putin came to be President, Russia was essentially bankrupt. It owed more money to the IMF than it had in foreign currency reserves. Funds were being siphoned offshore; oligarchic groups were ‘Teflon’ and pleased as punch. But over the ensuing years, a virtual ‘good housekeeping’ revolution took place.

Putin's Russia

Starting in 2003, serious and even draconian steps were taken to try to break the influence that non-government interests (Oligarchs) held in various areas of the body politic. Imagine the challenge if the task was in the USA, and the goal was limiting influence exerted by the interests of beltway political action committees (PAC’s) or other myriad Lobbies. Not so easy, perhaps even unimaginable. The necessary steps were roundly criticized by the global media, yet they clearly had to be taken if Russia was to have an independently determined future.

The speed and trajectory of Russia's continued recovery was dependent on the willingness of policymakers to diversify revenue streams and maintain ongoing internal economic and monetary reforms. As it happens, the sanctions imposed on Russia, and the responding quid pro quo sanctions achieved what political and management structures of Russia were still only considering phasing in due to risks of potential social unrest. This was enhancing diversification from oil, gas and other natural resources to the many other insufficiently prioritized directions such as agriculture, commercialized high technologies, machine building, and consumer goods. Phasing in diversification was kick started by the sanctions imposed in 2014 forcing the issue of import replacement and substitution. The sanctions will eventually pass, and the oil price will find equilibrium, meanwhile the process of putting the Russian house into diversified order continues.

From the point of view of most Russian citizens, not just Muscovites, the processes and structures that the government has introduced under Putin have been welcome. The internal life of Russia has improved on most every front relative to what was pre-2000. I believe the polls are correct, that the current administration has a better than 75% approval rating, any politician anywhere in the world would be a happy camper with such percentages.

Today the GDP value of Russia represents 2.14 percent of the world economy. GDP in Russia averaged 876.86 USD Billion from 1989 until 2015, reaching an all-time high of US$2230.63 billion in 2013 and then the combined influence of the drop in oil prices combined with imposed sanctions had its effect on growth during 2014, 2015 and to a lesser degree in 2016. It is worth recalling that the total GDP in 1999 was US$ 195.91 billion. This sort of improvement roughly equals a greater than tenfold increase in as many years.

So this is nasty Russia?

To try to sum it all up and include every dissonance, caricature and myth would take a hefty tome. Much of today’s unproductive accusatory game playing and demonizing might have been avoided if Russia’s 2008 proposal for western security was not dismissed out of hand. The red lines were stated clearly to the United States and the world by Russia as far back as 2006. Among them was the unacceptability and danger posed by potential inclusion of Ukraine and Georgia into NATO. The danger to Russia’s national security would only increase by having a potentially hostile military alliance on its Western borders. This has been repeatedly confirmed by years of consistent actions, speeches, statements and interviews with Vladimir Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov, and members of the federation council where Russia’s positions have been consistent and open. Perhaps this is an advantage of longer time lines at the helm of the country. The vast majority of Russians feel strongly that they now have the leadership and stability that is the best the country has ever enjoyed.

The media in the EU and the US seem to be fixated on continuing to portray Putin as some odious goblin wallowing in the juices of some corrupted cornucopia. Such a characterization and lampooning insults the truth.

Russia may well be an authoritarian leaning democracy; it may not be in keeping with populist views; yet despite all that it works well for Russia. It is also worth appreciating that Russia is not pushing views, values or otherwise “evangelizing” to anyone. Perhaps we should be more outraged in this new millennium that our values of responsible, educated, objective, journalism should be thriving but are not.

It seems the finest ideals of a free press and international justice have indeed died in a world recently turned dangerously upside down. A world where nations are accused, vilified, prejudged and sanctioned without evidence and which would be thrown out of the lowliest municipal courts, yet here we are. Let us hope that objective assessments plus rational reasoning will guide us in 2017 and beyond, for all our sakes.

Source: Moscow Expat Life
America's top diplomats, including US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, have indicated that Washington no longer wants Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to resign. In an interview with Radio Sputnik, journalist and scholar Dr. Lorenzo Trombetta described this policy change as "very significant."

Washington Makes 'Very Significant' Decision to Abandon Regime Change in Syria

"Certainly, this is a very significant shift, at least on a formal level," he said, adding that Washington's strategy in Syria de facto changed when John Kerry replaced Hillary Clinton as the US Secretary of State. As a result, the US attitude has increasingly become more aligned "with the Russian rhetoric and the Russian approach," the analyst said.

Moscow has always maintained that the Syrians are the only ones who can determine the fate of their country and chose its government, a stark contrast to what the United States and its allies said was the right way to resolve the devastating war. High-ranking US and European officials have long demanded President Bashar al-Assad step down, claiming that this was a necessary precondition to launch the peace process.

However, on Thursday, US envoy to the United Nations Nikki Haley reiterated that policymakers in the United States still viewed Assad as "a hindrance," but added that "our priority is no longer to sit there and focus on getting Assad out." Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that Assad's status "will be decided by the Syrian people."

These comments appear to confirm what the Trump administration singled as its highest foreign policy priority, namely defeating Daesh and other jihadist groups.

An RT crew caught sight of US Marines, who were ostensibly deployed to Syria only to train, advise and assist the Syrian Democratic Forces, at the northern entrance to the Tabqa dam in the province of Raqqa, mere miles away from where US-backed Kurdish and Arab forces were engaged in fighting with Daesh.

Train, Advise, Assist? US Marines Deployed to Syria Spotted on Raqqa Frontline

The journalists were allowed access to the northern part of the hydroelectric dam, the largest in the country. RT's Lizzie Phelan recorded a short clip of US service personnel at the dam before the SDF asked her to stop filming.

​Phelan also said that Kurdish fighters admitted that US Marines take part in combat although they were not authorized to comment on the issue. One of them said that "it's the Americans firing" when they heard the sounds of shelling.

"The Americans are on the other side and mortars were fired at them, then the Americans came to check the position of the mortar launchers," the fighter said.

"The Americans are on the other side and mortars were fired at them, then the Americans came to check the position of the mortar launchers," the fighter said.

US service members were not killed by a Daesh drone in Syria despite claims from local groups, an Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson told Sputnik on Friday.

No US Service Members Killed by Daesh Drones in Syria - Coalition

No US service members were killed by a Daesh (banned in Russia) drone in Syria despite claims from local groups, an Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson told Sputnik on Friday.

"All US service members are accounted for," the spokesperson said. "There are no reports of US service members being killed by a Daesh drone."

On Thursday, the monitoring group Raqqa24 said a US service member had been killed a few days prior by a bomb dropped by a small Islamic State drone in the Krin camp near Tabqa in Syria.

On Wednesday, Operation Inherent Resolve said a US service member died of suspected natural causes in northern Syria.

The service member was identified Thursday as Air Force Staff Sgt. Austin Bieren. The Defense Department said Bieren died in a non-combat-related incident.

Turkey will continue its efforts to ensure its national security in Syria, despite the end of the Euphrates Shield operation, the Turkish General Staff said in a statement obtained by Sputnik on Friday.

Turkey to Continue Efforts in Syria to Ensure National Security - General Staff

On Wednesday, the National Security Council announced that Ankara formally ended the campaign, saying that it was a success. The council did not specify whether Turkey plans to pull its forces from the region.

A shipment of US arms and ammunition for Kurdish and Arab forces arrived in northern Syria earlier this week, local media reported Friday.

US Convoy Delivers Munitions to Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria - Reports

The military convoy included at least 10 armored cars, which have been escorted by the US military on Tuesday, Kurdish broadcaster Rudaw reported, citing a representative of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

This is the second shipment of US weapons sent to Kurdish forces since January 2017. The purpose of these deliveries is believed to be connected with the operation to liberate the Syrian city of Raqqa from Daesh.

The recent Syrian refusal to host UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura means that Damascus does not want him to carry on in this role, a Syrian source familiar with the matter told Sputnik on Friday.

Syrian Refusal to Host de Mistura Means Damascus Wants New UN Envoy

Earlier this month, an informed source told Sputnik that the Syrian authorities had refused to host de Mistura in Damascus ahead of the latest round of the Geneva talks. Bashar Jaafari, the head of the Syrian government delegation to the Geneva talks, later said this was due to the UN envoy's breach of mandate as a mediator.

"The fact that we did not host de Mistura indicates our disagreement with his continued tenure… The United Nations should take seriously the fact that Syrian authorities view him as an undesirable person and will work with him without much enthusiasm," the source said, stressing that the envoy's bias had become too obvious.

This will have an impact on de Mistura's ability to fulfill his duties, the source added, emphasizing that the United Nations should pick his successor with the Syrian attitude in mind.

"The best way forward given the circumstances is to choose his successor. His work in not marked by a serious attitude, he wants to carry on with the Syrian dossier at the expense of others. His behavior shows that he is fighting to keep his position. Given this attitude, he could not reach any significant result, which could deescalate the situation during the fifth Geneva round. He did not directly condemn the escalation. Such behavior is unacceptable,"
the source explained.

De Mistura’s mandate expires late in March. It is not yet clear whether he will continue his work as the special envoy or not.

The mandate of UN Special Envoy for Syria has been extended for six months, several sources told Sputnik.

UN Syria Envoy de Mistura's Mandate Extended for Six Months - Source

)The mandate of UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has been extended for six months, several sources told Sputnik.

"His contract has been prolonged for six more months, " a source close to the organization of the Intra-Syrian talks told Sputnik.

Another source in one of the delegations confirmed to Sputnik this information.

The next round of the Intra-Syrian talks in Geneva has been scheduled for mid-May, sources told Sputnik.

"So far, Geneva-6 is scheduled for the middle of May, after the meeting on Syria in Astana on May 3-4," the source in one of the delegations at the talks told Sputnik.

Another source close to the process of the talks' organization confirmed to Sputnik this information.
Does this new protocol mean the U.S. military will no longer coordinate it's movements with the Syrian/Russian military?

The Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) commander leading the fight against the Daesh terror group (outlawed in Russia) in Iraq and Syria will refrain from routinely announcing the locations, movements and capabilities of American soldiers into or out of the two countries, an OIR spokesperson told Sputnik.

US-Led Coalition to Halt Telegraphing of Military Capabilities in Iraq, Syria

The move is aimed at ensuring operational security and force protection, the OIR spokesperson stated on Friday.

"In order to maintain tactical surprise, ensure operational security and force protection, the Coalition will not routinely announce or confirm information about the capabilities, force numbers, locations, or movement of forces in or out of Iraq and Syria," the OIR spokesperson said.

The spokesperson also said the Coalition commander’s intent is for Daesh to be "first to know about any additional capabilities the Coalition or our partner forces may present them on the battlefield."

President Donald Trump insisted during his 2016 campaign that if elected, he would not allow civilian or military leaders to publicize in advance details on troop strength, locations or other tactical matters.

The OIR spokesperson's statement reflects Trump's change in policy and a break from the practice of former administration of Barack Obama to routinely detail OIR tactics.

White House spokesperson Sean Spicer’s statement that the United States is ready to let Syrian President Bashar Assad stay in power should be welcomed as a belated recognition of Middle East realities, retired Canadian diplomat Patrick Armstrong told Sputnik.

White House Comment on Syria Means US Admits Reality on Assad - Ex-Diplomat

On Friday, White House spokesperson Sean Spicer said in a briefing that the United States should accept the political reality with respect to Assad being in power and focus on eliminating the Daesh terror group (banned in Russia).

"[The comment is] a recognition of reality, which is always a good thing," Armstrong said on Friday.

Armstrong said he believed the comment was inspired by Trump’s desire to promote stability in the Middle East and improve cooperation with Syria in driving Daesh out of its remaining strongholds in Raqqa as well as in Iraq’s Mosul.

Such an approach would allow Trump to concentrate on his domestic policies, where he is facing continued opposition from the Democrats in Congress and revolts from libertarian-leaning Republicans, he pointed out.

"My personal view is that Trump is concentrating on domestic affairs at this time," Armstrong said.

Armstrong, who previously served as Charge d’affaires in the Canadian Embassy in Moscow, noted that Trump also wanted to avoid unnecessary conflicts with other countries in the Middle East.

Trump had clearly been prevented from pursuing his often-expressed goal of improving relations with Moscow by the wave of anti-Russian hysteria being promulgated both by politicians and media outlets in Washington, Armstrong said.

Trump’s "foreign policy has been somewhat derailed by the anti-Russia hysteria that has taken hold of the chattering classes [in the United States," Armstrong added.

Until his retirement, Armstrong was a Canadian diplomat who was a specialist on the Soviet Union and Russia. He previously served as political counselor in the Canadian Embassy in Moscow.

The United States will have to make hard decisions about moving forward in the operation against Daesh (banned in Russia) in Syria and will work with Turkey on advancing counterterrorism fight, a State Department official told Sputnik.

US Faces 'Difficult Decisions' on Daesh in Syria, Ready to Work With Turkey

On Thursday, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visited Turkey where he held discussions on counter-Daesh efforts.

"The Secretary [Tillerson] had very good conversations in Ankara and noted that while difficult decisions need to be made, we will continue to work together [with Turkey] on the way forward," the official said on Friday.

Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said Friday that Ankara presented to US President Donald Trump a plan for the liberation of Syria's Raqqa from Daesh, but there has been no response yet.

"As the Secretary [Tillerson] said yesterday, there was an exchange of views and a discussion on the available options to defeat ISIS [Daesh] in Syria," the official said when asked about the Turkish proposal.

Tillerson said in Ankara that Turkey and the United States are negotiating, among other topics on Syria, different options for creating stabilization zones in the war-torn nation.

He added that the United States sees Turkey "as a key partner for stabilization effort" in areas once held by Daesh.

At least two people, including a surgeon, were killed in a hospital bombing in Syria’s Hama province, the MSF (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or Doctors Without Borders) humanitarian group has announced.

MSF: Two Killed as Hospital in Syria’s Hama Comes Under Apparent Chemical Attack

According to the group, the people inside the bombed building reported symptoms similar to those experienced during chemical attacks.

"At about 6:00 p.m. local time, Latamneh hospital in northern Hama governorate was targeted by a bomb dropped by a helicopter, which hit the entrance of the building. Immediately after the impact, patients and staff reported suffering severe respiratory symptoms and burning of mucous membranes — symptoms consistent with an attack using chemicals," MSF said on Friday.

According to the humanitarian organization, which provides support to the Latamneh hospital, at least two people were killed in the attack.

The hospital's orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Darwish, was one of two people killed. Thirteen people were transferred to other facilities for treatment," MSF said.

Multiple instances of chemical attacks have been reported in Syria, where government forces continue fighting with terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (IS, also known as Daesh) terrorist organization, banned in Russia and a range of other states.

Earlier this month, the Russian Defense Ministry called on the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to review its methods of chemical weapon use monitoring, particularly with regard to Syria.
A military source in Damascus said that the Ankara-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation in Northern Aleppo are reportedly heading to government frontlines in order to aid their allies fighting the Syrian Army troops.

Turkey-Backed Militants of Euphrates Shield Operation Leave Northern Aleppo to Join Comrades in Other Battlefields

According to the military source that cited Russian drone footage, many of the militants from the Turkey-led Euphrates Shield Operation have left Northern Aleppo after the closure of the base.

The military source added that with the large influx of militants in Western Aleppo and Northern Lattakia lately, it is very likely that these militants came from Northern Aleppo.

"In the coming weeks, the terrorists are expected to launch several attacks across Syria, so this transfer of militants will benefit them greatly in the manpower department," he said.

Media sources reported earlier this month that ISIL members joined the Turkey-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation.

Hawar news website released images of ISIL Emir Mostafa Abi, nom de guerre Abu Ayesheh, along with two of his comrades in Homs province, and reported that he was a member of al-Mo'tasem Bellah group.

According to Hawar news, the other two ISIL militants seen in the image were members of Jeish al-Izzah terrorist group.

Meantime, the news website released an image of militants in ISIL uniforms standing among the Euphrates Shield Operation forces.

Hawar news had reported earlier this month that the Turkish Army troops were forcing Arab citizens in Northern Syria to join the Ankara-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation, killing those who do not obey.

It added that the Turkish army killed four civilians in the villages of Kari Sabi town in Northern Syria after they refused to join the Euphrates Shield Operation forces.

Hawar new went on to say that the Turkish soldiers further left the body of the killed Syrian civilians at the border region between Rojava and Bakour in Syria's Kurdistan.

The news website added that the Turkish army intended to send the four killed civilians via border to Rojava but it faced tough opposition by the civilians.

The Turkish Army troops will remain in Northern Syrian regardless of the end of the military operation against ISIL and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), Ankara's military brass said.

Turkish Forces to Remain in Northern Syria despite Completion of Euphrates Shield Operation

“Our activities continue for the protection of our national security to prevent any undesirable entity, to allow Syrian refugees to return to their country, and to ensure security and stability in the region,” the Turkish army said.

The Turkish armed forces said in a statement that they have “successfully completed” mission in Syria.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim Wednesday announced the completion of Euphrates Shield Operation. He did not rule out new military campaign inside Syria.

Kurdish media outlets claimed in mid-March that the Turkish Army troops occupied more land in the outskirts of the town of Afrin in Northern Aleppo.

Hawar news reported that the Turkish soldiers occupied vast areas in Jaqleh village in Shieh region of Afrin.

The news website added that the Turkish snipers targeted a shepherd in Jaqleh village.

Media source said that the Turkish Army troops were forcing Arab citizens in Northern Syria to join the Ankara-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation, killing those who do not obey.

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Turkish troops plan to launch a new operation in northern Syria in the next few weeks, one of the FSA field commanders Ahmed Usman told TASS on Friday.

Free Syrian Army, Turkish military likely planning a new operation in Syria

Usman, who is a member of the Syrian opposition’s High Negotiations Committee delegation to the Geneva talks, claimed that the new operation between the FSA and the Turkish military will begin “in less than a month”.

“The Euphrates Shield Operation was aimed at reaching the city of al-Bab and liberate it,” Usman said adding that this task had been fulfilled.

“Now we are considering opportunities to launch new operations, probably, under different code names,” he said.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Wednesday announced the completion of the Euphrates Shield operation, however he did not rule out a new operation.

With Turkey blocked off from being able to fight ISIS, it can be assumed that this new operation would be against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).

The Russian Navy fired several cruise missiles off the coast of Lattakia, targeting the positions of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) in the Northern part of Lattakia province and Southern part of Idlib province.

Russian Navy Launches Missile Attack on Terrorists' Centers in Syria's Lattakia

The Russian cruise missiles reportedly struck several sites along the Lattakia-Idlib road on Thursday, causing significant damage on the strongholds of Tahrir al-Sham near the town of Jisr Al-Shughour in Southern Idlib.

According to a local source in Lattakia, the cruise missile strikes could be heard from as far away as the provincial capital and the Southern city of Jableh, where the Russian Air Force is stationed.

This powerful attack by the Russian Navy was in response to the rocket assault on the Humeimim Military Airbase conducted by the terrorists earlier this week.

More than 500 militants laid down arms in Northwestern Homs and joined the peace agreement with the Syrian Army and government to receive amnesty in return.

Hundreds of Militants Endorse Peace with Syrian Army in Homs

“Around 530 militants will stay here. They are giving up fight against the army and will be granted full rights as ordinary people,” Governor of Homs Province Talal al-Barazi said according to TASS.

Other militants in Al-Wa'er district in the Northwestern outskirts of Homs city did not want to take advantage of the amnesty however, he added.

All the rest will be transported to the North of the country within the next six weeks together with their family members, he stated.

Syrian military forces discovered a lengthy tunnel of the terrorists in Eastern Ghouta and destroyed it.

Syrian Soldiers Destroy Terrorists' Long Tunnel in Eastern Damascus

The army gained control over the last major tunnel of the terrorists in al-Qaboun district North-East of Damascus province.

Local sources said that the tunnel was called by the militants as the Nafaq al-Qaboun, adding that it was used for transferring militants and weapons across al-Qaboun and Arbin region.

In the meantime, the Syrian army renewed its rocket attacks on the positions of the militants on the Qaboun front lines East-Northeast of the province.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer stated that the US has to accept Syria’s political reality at a press briefing in Washington DC on Friday.

VIDEO: “US has to accept ISIS is the priority, not Assad” – White House (2:07 min.)

In support of US Ambassador Nikki Haley comments that the US “priority is no longer to sit there and focus on getting Assad out.” Instead, Spicer maintained that the priority of this administration is to defeat ISIS and not to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Spicer stressed that former US President Barack Obama’s administration failed to act on opportunities that have now lapsed. He explained, “With respect to Asaad, I mean, there is a political reality, that we have to accept, in terms of where we are right now, we lost a lot of opportunity in the last administration.”

He added, “We had an opportunity and we need to focus now defeating ISIS, but the United States has profound priorities in Syria and Iraq, and we made it clear that counter-terrorism, particularly the defeat of ISIS, is foremost amongst those priorities.”

Spicer also commented that US President Donald Trump believes that his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn should testify, after the Senate Intelligence Committee rejected his request for immunity from prosecution in exchange for being interviewed in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

He also attacked former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, stating if there is “a want to talk about a Russian connection and the substance” that Clinton’s administration should be the focus, going on to say that Clinton was “getting personal calls from Vladimir Putin.”

European Parliament visits Syria, "shocked" by Russia's humanitarian aid

Russian and European MP’s, including the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Pedro Agramunt Font de Mora, have just completed a visit to Syria, where they had the opportunity to take a fresh look at the situation in the country compared to Western media.

According to a member of the delegation and European Parliament, Jaromir Kohlicek, “The events taking place here [in Syria] seriously contradict the reports of European and Czech media.”

Kohlicek told Radio Sputnik: “One of the main objectives of the trip was meeting with Bashar al-Assad. Together with deputies from the State Duma of the Russian Federation, we wanted to discuss further proposals for peacefully resolving the conflict. Our second task was visiting Aleppo. I’ve never seen a city destroyed to such an extent. When we toured the downed power lines and stations, I understood that I’ve never encountered such a large city with such large problems with water and electricity supplies. I was seriously surprised when I found that in such severely damaged parts of the city like Eastern Aleppo, schools have already started working. We visited a school which, despite considerable devastation, has been working for a month and a half. We were told that there are 36 such schools in Aleppo.”

The European deputy noted that he managed to get acquainted with what the Russian military is really doing in Syria on the spot:

“With great attention I observed as the Russian army performed two tasks which we were told about. The first is air support. Some of our colleagues asked several times whether the Russian army is involved in direct fighting, and they were repeatedly answered that combat operations are carried out by the Syrian army. The Russian army, first of all, provides air support and, secondly, provides humanitarian assistance. This really surprised me since in EU countries no one says this! Part of the Russian army is engaged in purely humanitarian operations and in doing so is trying to promote the end of hostilities with some militants who are between the Syrian army and various rebel groups,” Kohlicek recounted.

The MEP remarked that European media say practically nothing about the aid that Syrians get not only from Russia but also, for example, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Serbia.

“The Russian army’s humanitarian actions are wonderfully prepared. I think that it is worth telling about this! And it is worth mentioning the horrifying scale of destruction in some parts of Aleppo. Like the visit to the school in the Eastern part of Aleppo, when you see broken buildings around and, in the midst of them in a destroyed school children studying, and once again the Russian army is giving children food. Children also received school supplies in aid from Russia. We were explained that Syrians are receiving aid not only from the Russians, but also Belorussians, Kazakhs, Serbs…This made me very happy. Almost no one talks about this. European media reports only about how severe the humanitarian situation in Aleppo is,” Kohlicek said.
Russia accused of US strike in Syria: ‘80 percent of MSM stories on Mideast wars is fake news'

When Western mainstream media talk about wars, always they have the agenda of the West: the US, UK, and NATO. The elites who own these western outlets can decide to allow them to speak the truth or not, says Middle East analyst Marwa Osman.

US Central Command (Centcom) has confirmed it carried out a deadly air strike in Syria's Aleppo province. According to eyewitnesses on the ground, over 50 people have been killed as a result of an air strike on a mosque in the area.

The US claimed it didn't target the mosque but was targeting a site 15 meters away.
Meanwhile, multiple media outlets accused Russia. While some of them blamed Moscow right in the headline, others were more careful deciding to remind readers about accusations of Syrian and Russian strikes from the past, under a entirely different subtitle "US air raids."

And some of the news outlets haven’t fixed the claims even after Centcom's statement.

RT asked analysts what they make of such media coverage.

“Western mainstream media that talks about the wars - whether in Syria or anywhere else - they always have the agenda of the West, especially the West meaning the US, UK, and NATO,” says Middle East analyst Marwa Osman.

In her opinion, over 80 percent of the news about wars in the Middle East is fabricated.

“They are made in the way of video news releases rather than actually going on the ground and speaking with the people and actually taking footage of the so-called bombed areas. And there are certain agendas and certain elites who own these media outlets like AFP, like the BBC and other major outlets. And they either allow them to speak the truth or they do not,” she said.

Osman also noted that it was Twitter that revealed which country was behind the bombing before the mainstream media outlets acknowledged the idea.

Centcom said in its statement: “US forces conducted an airstrike on an Al-Qaeda in Syria meeting location March 16 in Idlib, Syria, killing several terrorists.”

Later, the US Central Command spokesman added that the exact location of the strike was unclear but that it was the same attack in Syria that was reported in the media to have targeted a mosque in the village of Al-Jineh, in Aleppo province.

“We did not target a mosque, but the building that we did target - which was where the meeting took place - is about 50 feet (15 meters) from a mosque that is still standing," said Centcom spokesman Colonel John J. Thomas.

“When you look at the area where this was bombed, this was not Idlib. This was the village of Al-Jineh, several kilometers away from the Idlib governorate, but it was in Aleppo. And it was against Ahrar Al-Sham which is an Al-Qaeda affiliate, the same terrorists that were being targeted by Russian air force and the Syrian Arab Army air force two months back, and the entire mainstream media on this planet were blaming them and saying they were killing civilians and they were having a humanitarian crisis inside of Aleppo. And now the US does the same, and yet it bombs a mosque with more than 300 at prayer, according to witnesses,” Osman said.

'Call-center journalism'
Martin Jay, an award-winning journalist based in Beirut, described the situation with the media immediately throwing accusations at Russia “call-center journalism I call it.”

“There is a bigger story here, which is that we look at the Syria battlefield and the peace talk that is going on in Kazakhstan and in Switzerland and we wonder why after so many years we are not making any headway at all. One of the reasons why is because superpowers behind these talks - Russia and America, Iran and Turkey - don’t have all the information at their disposal, not only of the political process going on but also of the battlefield itself. We seem to be indulging ourselves in a quagmire of fake news now coming out from Syria,” he told RT.

"I think it is inevitable when you look at the history and how some of these mainstream organizations get their news. If you look at some news reports today, perhaps some of those news reports were immediately fed to BBC and CNN by AFP who seems to be one of the first off the mark. But look closer and more deeply at where these reports are coming from, and you will find the Syrian organization in the UK which is one individual who is anti-Assad, and he was paid by the EU and the British government to essentially cultivate and propagate fake news...about Syria,” Jay added.

The US Central Command said it is going to look into any allegations of civilian casualties linked to this strike.

Commenting on how balanced findings of this investigation might be, Ammar Waqqaf, political analyst and director of GNOSOS think tank says an independent inquiry might be needed.

“The Americans could just come out and say “We’ve had high-value targets known to be gathering in that particular place and we wanted to bomb them anyway.”…In a sense, this really undermines all the accusations and all the drama that we’ve seen at the UNSC about Russia killing innocents. There were all sorts of accusations on the Syrian government using chemical warfare and in no attack that is alleged and reported we’ve had so many people killed. If they want to come up with an independent investigation…it is going to be very damning. What probably is needed for the Americans to get away or to get out of this as clean as possible…is that indeed high-value targets of Al-Qaeda …were present at that particular meeting…”

Asked whether anyone will be punished for the loss of civilian life, Waqqaf answered that “no more than we’ve seen civilians killed in Yemen or in Afghanistan or in Pakistan getting any justice. It is just common practice.”
Ant22 said:
Russia accused of US strike in Syria: ‘80 percent of MSM stories on Mideast wars is fake news'

When Western mainstream media talk about wars, always they have the agenda of the West: the US, UK, and NATO. The elites who own these western outlets can decide to allow them to speak the truth or not, says Middle East analyst Marwa Osman.

US Central Command (Centcom) has confirmed it carried out a deadly air strike in Syria's Aleppo province. According to eyewitnesses on the ground, over 50 people have been killed as a result of an air strike on a mosque in the area.

Great article, Ant22. Western media does fabricate the truth in war zones.

The US-led international coalition has made a habit of targeting and killing off many of the journalist, covering activity in hot spots, so they can have a monopoly in what is being feed to the general public. Every once in awhile, they show their true colors and arrogance, like in this article below:

'We Allow Killings of Civilian Population' - Former NATO Air Warfare Planner

In an interview with Sputnik Germany, former fighter pilot and NATO air warfare planner Ulrich Scholz revealed that airstrikes in conflict zones often take place even when the military staff knows in advance that they will lead to casualties among civilians.

But the most cynical thing is that there are so-called legal advisors who check every potential goal of the international anti-Daesh coalition to determine how many civilians might be killed due to the bombing. The advisors are usually representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or other federal government officials and lawyers.

"They say that it is allowed to kill up to 10 people. This is called minimizing civilian casualties," Scholz told Sputnik Germany. "Thus, we accept collateral damage. We allow the killings of the civilian population," he added.

On Thursday, the DPA news agency reported that the German Air Forces likely provided the US-led coalition with reconnaissance photographs, which allegedly helped facilitate a deadly airstrike that hit a school near the Syrian city of Raqqa on March 22. According to media reports, the airstrike killed up to 33 people, including civilians, making the act a violation of international humanitarian law.

At the same time, Scholz noted that this is classic behavior during airstrikes conducted by the US or NATO. In an asymmetric war against a regular army, organizations such as Daesh have no other chance to survive but to mix up with the civilian population.

According to the former NATO employee, in case of the recent airstrikes in Raqqa, "the expected collateral damage was taken into account from the very beginning, including from the German side."

On March 22, the Syrian Foreign Ministry confirmed that the US-led coalition's airstrike resulted in the death of civilians. However, on Tuesday, coalition commander Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend said that the report about civilian casualties resulting from the coalition's operation near Raqqa were unlikely to be credible.

Germany was said to have provided reconnaissance and not carried out attacks in Syria as part of the US-led coalition.

Despite the noble goal of fighting against terrorism, civilians and US allies too often become victims of US airstrikes.

Death From the Sky: The US Air Force's Mistaken Airstrikes (Graph of casualties)

On March 22, dozens of people, mostly women and children, were killed and injured in a presumable US-led coalition airstrike on a Syrian school west of Raqqa.

On March 16, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported 42 people, mainly civilians, were killed when a US-led coalition's airstrike hit a mosque in the al-Jinah village southwest of Atareb in the western countryside of Aleppo, Syria. The day after the Pentagon, however, denied that the airstrike targeted a building adjacent to a mosque. But on March 20, US Department of Defense spokesperson Capt. Jeff Davis said in a briefing that the US Central Command is conducting credibility assessments of civilian casualties reports after a strike in the Syrian town of al-Jinah.
[quote author= article Angelburst29 ]'We Allow Killings of Civilian Population' - Former NATO Air Warfare Planner[/quote]

From their psychopathic perspective, why wouldn't they kill as many civilians as possible. It breeds hatred, and it possible turns more people to terrorist groups that are supposedly fighting the US. When in fact, that isn't happening. Remember that the US fights a war of terrorism, not against terrorism. Destabilizing countries could lead more people to terrorism. Creating a cycle of hatred, it’s a win win for a psychopath.

It almost looks like they favor collateral damage, or is this because they simply don't care, perhaps there is more to it?

[quote author= article Angelburst29]At the same time, Scholz noted that this is classic behavior during airstrikes conducted by the US or NATO. In an asymmetric war against a regular army, organizations such as Daesh have no other chance to survive but to mix up with the civilian population.[/quote]

That excuse simply doesn't hold any water. The US disregards every basic rule in the book at how to responsible and effectively bomb enemy targets. What makes Russian airstrikes responsible is because they have troops on the ground coordinating bombing runs. The US coalition doesn't do that, which shows they are not sincere in fighting ISIS or in preventing civilian casualties. Besides, the only reason why the US cosmetically fights ISIS is for the sole reason so that they can sabotage the fight wherever possible. Like a corrupt football player who by 'mistake' keeps scoring in the goal of his own team. Although this metaphor doesn't really cut it considering how evil it is.

- Like always, thanks for the articles Angelburst.

Blast in SPB metro. Pictures, showing thick smoke and a damaged train car in St Petersburg Metro have emerged online. Witnesses say that a blast has taken place. There are reports of casualties.
Blast in SPB metro.
Прокуратура официально объявила, что это террористический акт. 10 человек погибло, 40 раненных. Метро закрыли и людей эвакуировали во всем городе.

The Prosecutor's office officially announced that this was a terrorist act. 10 people were killed and 40 wounded. The metro was closed and people were evacuated all over the city.
youlik said:
The Prosecutor's office officially announced that this was a terrorist act. 10 people were killed and 40 wounded. The metro was closed and people were evacuated all over the city.

The main thread about the SPB event is here. Please post all the news about it there.
New pictures reveal that US airplanes operating in northern Syria are using White phosphorus munitions in sorties on Islamic State insurgents across the embattled Raqqa governorate.

US warplanes launch white phosphorus airstrikes on ISIS militants near Raqqa

The fiery substance was also recently deployed by American jets to combat ISIS militants across the border in Mosul, a video released by Amaq Agency suggests.

Incendiary weapons, if used on civilian areas, are prohibited in warfare according to a Geneva Conventions extension signed internationally in 1980.

In the past, the Russian Air Force has likewise used deadly white phosphorus to target jihadist militants elsewhere in Syria.

Meanwhile, with direct support from US airpower, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continue to advance in rural Raqqa and have cemented the siege of Tabqa city.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) warned on Monday that it will soon launch an offensive on the Turkish army in Northern Aleppo province to push the foreign military troops out of the highly strategic region of Al-Bab.

SDF Vows Tough Battle against Turkish Army in Al-Bab

The SDF, Turkish army and the Syrian government troops have been fighting ISIL terrorists in Aleppo province.

Last month, the Turkish army managed to eventually capture the city of Al-Bab after weeks of clashes with the ISIL that inflicted heavy losses on the Turkish military troops and their allied militants.

The Turkish army first won a major part of the city, but was forced to retreat almost from all captured areas after ISIL inflicted heavy casualties on its soldiers. Yet, the Turkish troops and its allied militants could win the city back from the ISIL after the Syrian army laid a tight siege on the Southern outskirts of Al-Bab and cut off the terrorists' supply route from the strategic city of Deir Hafer in Eastern Aleppo.

The Syrian army next captured Deir Hafer to win the last major ISIL stronghold in Aleppo province and find a platform to launch an attack on Raqqa, the de facto capital of the terrorist group.

The SDF also played a complementary role in the war against ISIL in Northern and North-Eastern Aleppo as they pushed the terrorist group back from dozens of towns and villages on the Western side of the Tishrin Dam, completing the circle of enemy forces around ISIL.

Ever since the Turkish army's victory in Al-Bab, tensions have gone high between Ankara and the Kurdish-majority SDF troops. Ankara has warned to engage in war on the Kurds if they reject to evacuate all areas they have captured on the Western side of the Tishrin Dam, including the Kurdish-populated city of Manbij.

They Syrian army next drove a wedge between the Kurds and the Turks to warn Ankara that it would not allow any Turkish army attack on its population.

Now, the SDF is returning Ankara's threat with tough warnings, saying that they will soon force the Turkish army out of Al-Bab.

"The SDF will not allow Turkey to approach the recently liberated areas and will drive the Turkish army out of Al-Bab," a senior SDF field commander said on Monday.

Ommar Rahmano, a commander of Jeish Al-Thawar that operates under the SDF, further declared that his troops have inflicted heavy loss and casualties on the Turkish army.

"We will take back all Shahba' regions in the Afrin Canton that have been occupied by the Turkish army," he vowed.

The Kurdish population lives in three regions, known as Cantons, in Northern Syria, with the Afrin Canton being located on the Western side of the Euphrates stretching over the Northern parts of Aleppo province with Manbij as its most important and most internationally known town.

The Syrian army continued its military operations against the Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) in the Eastern part of Damascus, and advanced in the area after closing all tunnels located between Qaboun and Barzeh regions.

Damascus: Syrian Army Blasts All Terrorists' Tunnels Between Barzeh, Qaboun Regions

The Syrian army troops engaged in heavy clashes with Al-Nusra terrorists in Qaboun region and made advances towards al-Ba'alah region.

Meantime, the Syrian army's missile and artillery units targeted and pounded the Al-Nusra Front's military positions and bases in the region, killing several militants.

A military source also reiterated that the Syrian army has closed down all tunnels of the terrorists in areas between Barzeh and Qaboun regions.

The Russian air force has armed its Su-34 Fullback strike fighters with 3,000-pound smart bombs in the war against terrorism in Syria, state media disclosed on Monday.

Russia Using Laser-Guided Bombs in Syria Airstrikes

The Arabic service of the Russian state news agency, Sputnik, reported that the country has armed its Su-34 Fullback fighters with high precision KAB-1500L laser-guided bombs for missions in Syria.

The highly sophisticated bombs are likely used for destroying underground tunnels and command bases of the terrorists, specially in Northern Hama province. Previously the heaviest bombs Russians used in Syria were KAB-500.

Militant groups in Northwestern Syria resumed internal clashes on Monday after a lull in infighting between the Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) and Ahrar Al-Sham rival factions.

Infighting Renews Among Various Factions in Idlib

Websites close to the terrorist groups in Syria reported that Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) terrorists raided the residence of Ahrar Al-Sham regional commander Abu Mos'ab in Maar Dibsah village South-East of Idlib province after midnight, exchanging massive fire with tens of Ahar militants deployed in the region.

"Following the clashes, Ahrar Al-Sham has dispatched tens of gunmen to South-Eastern Idlib and erected a large number of checkpoints in the region," the reports said.

The reports also mentioned "scores of casualties on both sides", but did not reveal any further detail about the fate of Abu Mos'ab and his family.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out a powerful series of attacks in southern Syria on Monday, targeting a group of jihadists from Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham gathering around the Dara’a Governorate.

Syrian Army destroys jihadist HQ along Jordanian border

Backed by heavy airstrikes, the Syrian Arab Army began their assault by attacking Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s positions in-and-around Dara’a City.

Focusing on the jihadist group’s headquarters along the Jordanian border, the Syrian Arab Army rained missiles on Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s headquarters, killing more than 20 militants in the process.

Following the destruction of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s HQ at the Old Daraa-Jordan Border-Crossing, the Syrian Arab Army struck the jihadist group’s positions at the Al-Karak Prison and Al-Sid District, destroying three vehicles fitted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

The Syrian Arab Army would conclude their attacks this morning by striking one last jihadist base located east of Ibta; this assault caused heavy damage on Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s defenses.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is set to announce the deployment of the country’s military trainers in Jordan in order to help the Middle Eastern country in attacking alleged Daesh (ISIL) positions in Iraq and Syria.

UK Military to Train Jordan’s Air Force

May would make the announcement during a visit to the Jordanian capital of Amman on Monday, as she begins a highly symbolic trade and security mission to the Middle East amid talks for London to leave the European Union, presstv reported.

Jordan has been actively contributing to the US-led coalition’s airstrikes in Iraq and Syria since 2014. The country is also participating in Saudi Arabia’s ruthless airstrikes against Yemen.

According to The Independent, the British premier is planning to use the recent Daesh-claimed terror attack that killed four and injured dozens in London to bolster military cooperation with Jordan and other allies in Middle East.

“It is clearly in the UK's security and prosperity interests to support Jordan and Saudi Arabia in tackling regional challenges to create a more stable region, and in delivering their ambitious reform programs to ensure their own stability,” May said before leaving London.

Senior British politicians warned Spain that they would be willing to go to war over Gibraltar a British territory off the Southern coast of Spain with a population of approximately 30,000 people.

UK Threatens Possible War with Spain over Gibraltar

A former leader of the UK Conservative Party inferenced that London would be willing to employ force to defend the territory in the event of an inflexible Spain, Telesur reported.

The disagreement was triggered by a clause in the EU Council’s draft-Brexit guidelines, that require the UK and Spain to agree on the status of Gibraltar.

Over the weekend, British politicians rejected calls for any sharing of sovereignty of Gibraltar between two countries.

One former leader of the Conservative Party likened the situation to the Falklands conflict against Argentina in 1982. In that incident the British military was deployed by the late former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

“Thirty-five years ago this week, another woman PM sent a task force halfway across the world to defend the freedom of another small group of British people against another Spanish-speaking country,” said Michael Howard, who led the Conservatives between 2003 and 2005.

“I’m absolutely certain that our current prime minister would show the same resolve in standing by the people of Gibraltar.” These comments were echoed by the UK’s Defense Minister, Michael Fallon, who said London would go “all the way” to keep Gibraltar in British hands.

Gibraltar has been in a British territory since 1704, when Spain formally ceded it to the UK in the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht. But, over the years, Spain has contested the UK’s claim to the territory. The small nation was placed on the UN's list of “non-self-governing territories” in 1946.
Events are moving rapidly to a possible new war involving Israel, the United States, Syria and Russia. Were it to take place, I honestly hope not, it would be yet another stupid war over oil. Only this oil war somehow feels far more dangerous than the US war against Iraq or Libya or previous oil wars. It’s about the part of Syria named the Golan Heights.

Golan Heights, Israel, Oil and Trump

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was one of the first heads of government to go to the United States to meet Donald Trump on February 16, in Trump’s new role as President. After the event major media focused on the themes of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, the Iran nuclear deal or a Palestine two-state solution.

Virtually no mention was made by CNN or other US mainstream media of the most strategic point the two discussed. Netanyahu asked the US President to recognize the Israeli illegal occupation of Syria’s Golan Heights,1 something no US President has done since Israel openly declared it theirs in 1981. What has unfolded in the region since Netanyahu’s February 16 Trump talks gives reason to believe the US and Netanyahu’s Israel covertly agreed to a strategy to allow Trump to recognize Israel as the de facto occupier of Golan Heights amid what they will call the growing chaos of the Syrian “civil war.”

Two weeks following Netanyahu’s Washington talks the Jerusalem Post wrote about the real issue discussed between the two leaders: “The biggest news to come out of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington is not what’s grabbing most headlines. Rather, it’s his decision to ask the US to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.”

The Israeli paper went on to argue, “the risk of returning the Golan Heights should be measured against the fact that Iran is actively setting up another forward command along Israel’s border with Syria…Capitalizing on Netanyahu’s idea will help the US limit Russia’s reemergence as a Middle East power broker after a 40-year absence.”

Israel, in violation of the UN Charter, illegally occupied the Golan Heights after the Israeli army took it in the 1967 Six Days War. When Israel declared applicability of Israeli law in the territory and began Israeli settlements in a de facto act of annexation of Golan Heights in 1981, the UN Security Council passed UN Resolution §497, which declared that, “the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect.”

Until now the official US Government position has been that the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights is a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention’s prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force, and in contravention of the United Nations Security Council Resolution §242 passed in November, 1967 which mandates, “Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent (1967-w.e.) conflict.”

Location of the Syria Golan Heights annexed by Israel in 1981 in violation of UN Resolution 242

Some days after Netanyahu left Washington, in an OpEd in the Rupert Murdoch Wall Street Journal, Mark Dubowitz, Executive Director of the Washington pro-Israel think-tank, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, argued that American recognition of Israel’s control of the Golan “would provide the Israeli government with a diplomatic win while helping the Trump administration signal to Russia and Iran that the US is charting a new course in Syria.” Dubowitz is an adviser to the Trump Administration on Iran and the Middle East. Other neo-conservative editorials echoed the theme. There is big change brewing in Washington and it looks ugly in terms of a possible US-backed war with Israel against Russia ally, Syria, over the Golan Heights. That immediately poses the question what Russia would do if it materializes.

Tillerson’s Strange ‘Global Coalition’

Against the backdrop of the Netanyahu talks on US recognition of Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights, the ensuing events begin to make strategic sense, mad though they may be.

On March 22 in Washington US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson convened a US Ministerial conference of something the Trump Administration calls the Global Coalition Working to Defeat ISIS. The State Department said that a combined 68 nations and organizations were present. Washington explicitly stated that the three most important states with deep interest in defeating ISIS in Syria and the three parties essential to any serious move to dislodge ISIS in Syria– Russia, Iran and Syria–were not welcome. When asked, Secretary of State Tillerson quipped, “they’re not part of the global coalition.” Curious indeed.

In his remarks Tillerson declared that US policy of the Trump Administration will be to “the regional elimination of ISIS through military force. The military power of the coalition will remain where this fraudulent caliphate has existed in order to set the conditions for a full recovery from the tyranny of ISIS.” In other words, a US-led permanent occupation of the ISIS-controlled areas of Syria. That echoes a recent Pentagon RAND report calling for the permanent partition of Syria by Turkey, Syrian “opposition” and US.

Israeli intelligence, in a recent annual evaluation, concluded that Hezbollah was not interested in sparking a war in 2017, but it warned of the danger of a “dynamic of escalation” leading to conflict. The Times of Israel also reports that the Netanyahu government has drawn up something codenamed Operation Safe Distance in which “up to 250,000 civilians cleared out of border communities if they come under major attack by…Hezbollah.” That “dynamic of escalation” appears to be precisely what Netanyahu’s IDF is engaged in in the Golan Heights.

The next act in the clearly staged Netanyahu Golan Heights drama aimed at isolating Russia as defender of the Assad Syrian regime, was the illegal air strike by Israeli air force F-16 jets against a major site outside Damascus, Syria. Israel claimed the site was a Hezbollah weapons depot. Some hours alter on March 19 an Israeli drone hit a vehicle in the Golan Heights carrying Yasser al-Sayed who was killed on the spot. Sayed was reportedly a commander of a pro-regime militia and was close to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Bashar al-Assad responded to the Israeli strikes inside Syria by firing S-200 missiles at the Israeli air force planes.

When an Israeli Arrow air defense missile intercepted the Syrian SA-5 missile fired against the invading Israeli Air Force jets as they left Syria, Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman declared to the press, Israel “will not hesitate” to destroy Syria’s air defense systems if that country ever again targets IAF jet fighters. That of course would bring Russia, provider of the Syrian air defense systems, into the developing fray., openly close to the Israeli military and Israeli intelligence, is claiming that Yasser al-Sayed was “on his way to join the Hezbollah forces” grouping at the Lebanon-Syria Golan Heights, under Iranian direction, preparing for a full war on Israel. DebkaFile writes, “Israel can be expected to intervene again to put a stop to this dangerous Russian-Iranian-Hezbollah ploy to exploit the turbulence in Syria for allowing Israel’s enemies to grab forward assault positions in Syria.”

A Revealing Moshe Dayan admission

Israel is carefully setting the propaganda stage that will now let it claim that a coalition of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah are preparing to forcefully retake the Syrian Golan Heights from the illegal Israeli occupiers. It’s a tried and tested Israeli IDF method of provoking an opponent, here Syria, then using the opponent’s predictable reaction to provocation as pretext for military strikes that escalate a confrontation they, the IDF, initiated in the first place.

In an off-record discussion with an Israeli journalist in 1976 before his death, Israeli General Moshe Dayan, who gave the order in the 1967 War to take the Golan Heights, admitted that it was deliberate Israeli provocations into Syrian Golan lands that gave Israel the manufactured pretext to invade and occupy.

Dayan told that to journalist Rami Tal, who kept his notes secret for 21 years until persuaded after Dayan’s death by Dayan’s daughter and others that it was important to publish the Dayan admission. The Israeli journalist wrote that when Tal claimed to Dayan that the Golan Heights were vital for Israeli security, Dayan interrupted him: “Never mind that. After all, I know how at least 80 percent of the clashes there started…It went this way: We would send a tractor to plow some area where it wasn’t possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn’t shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance farther, until in the end the Syrians would get annoyed and shoot. And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that’s how it was.”

Today a similar provocation game is clearly in motion with provocative illegal Israeli jet strikes near Damascus and drone attacks in Golan Heights. The new element this time is the decided more Israel-friendly stance of the Trump Administration compared to that of Obama.

But there is another element Dayan was not aware of in the Syrian Golan Heights. What no one is openly discussing is the treasure that Israel’s Netanyahu is lusting after in the Golan Heights–Oil, huge, recently-discovered reserves of black gold in the Golan Heights.

Genie Energy and Golan Oil

The Israeli subsidiary of a Newark, New Jersey oil company, Genie Energy, has been given permission to drill for oil on the Golan Heights.

As I noted in a piece published on NEO in 2015, Genie Energy is no “penny stock” run-of-the-mill oil company. Its board of Advisors includes Dick Cheney. It includes former CIA head and chairman of the above-mentioned Foundation for Defense of Democracies, James Woolsey. It includes Jacob Lord Rothschild of the London banking dynasty and a former business partner of convicted Russian oil oligarch, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Before his arrest Khodorkovsky secretly transferred his shares in Yukos Oil to Rothschild.

Further this little-known Newark, New Jersey oil company board includes former US Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, pro-Israel media mogul and owner of Trump’s favorite Fox News TV, Rupert Murdoch. Also on the board are former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and hedge fund billionaire Michael Steinhardt. Steinhardt, a philanthropic friend of Israel and of Marc Rich, is also a board member of Woolsey’s neo-con Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, which advises Trump among other things that it would be good for Washington to recognize Israel as legitimate owner of the Golan Heights lands taken by Dayan in the 1967 War.

The plot thickens indeed.

Genie Energy, tied to Netanyahu, to Trump, to a reportedly huge oil find in the illegally-occupied Syrian Golan Heights. Something very ugly is being brewed between Washington and Tel Aviv and Newark, New Jersey.

Genie Energy in 2013 was granted exclusive oil and gas exploration rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights by the Netanyahu government.

On October 8, 2015 only days after the surprise Russian announcement it had accepted the request of the elected Bashar al-Assad government to militarily intervene against ISIS, Al Qaeda and other terrorists in Syria, Genie Energy made a major announcement. Yuval Bartov, chief geologist from Genie Energy’s Israeli subsidiary, Afek Oil & Gas, told Israel’s Channel 2 TV that his company had found a major oil reservoir on the Golan Heights: “We’ve found an oil stratum 350 meters thick in the southern Golan Heights. On average worldwide, strata are 20 to 30 meters thick, and this is 10 times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities.”

On January 10, 2017, Genie Energy Ltd. announced it was creating a new company, Atid Drilling Ltd., an on-shore drilling services venture based in Israel to drill for oil in the Golan Heights among other places. They will expand the drilling by Genie Energy’s subsidiary Afek Oil & Gas which since the October, 2015 announcement has completed five exploratory wells in Golan Heights.

The creation of Atid Drilling by Genie confirms they are convinced based on the preliminary drilling results that there is something “big” in Golan. A month later, in mid-February soon after Trump is sworn in as President, Netanyahu flies to Washington to discuss US recognition of Israel’s annexation of Golan Heights.

A few weeks later, Israel violates the Syrian airspace in an act of war, escalating tensions over the Golan Heights. Then on March 22, in an appearance before the US Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, Defense Secretary James Mattis called for Congress to formally authorize use of US military force against ISIS/DAESH in Syria.

It is becoming increasingly clear than unless there is some very careful rethinking on the part of Washington and of Israel, we might find ourselves in another war for oil in of all places the Golan Heights, this one a war involving Syria, Russia, Iran, Lebanon’s Hezbollah on one side and Israel and Rex Tillerson’s 68 nation “anti-ISIS coalition” on the other side, another senseless war over control of oil.
Seems to me that the recent happenings in syria in regards to the use of "poison gas by the syrian army" is just what the west has waited for. Sounds like a pretty hairy situation that could lead to serious bad consequences:

All mayor propaganda organs of the west have it as their headline now, especially after russia confirmed that it was indeed the syrian army who bombed there, after the "syrians themselves" apparently denied that they had something to do with it.


From what I understand, what the syrians actually denied was that they use/used chemicals weapons, and not that they haven't done the strike there. A subtil but very important distinction, that would be in line with what moscow has presented.

Anyway, it seems now that they have something serious now that they can use against the Assad government, since it was indeed carried out by them, just not in the way it is presented in the media. And russia confirmed that the syrian army was the one who did it.

Looks like it can easily be used to finally get rid of Assad, by whatever means and further demonise russia. As far as I know it is the first time that such an attack "that killed many innocent civilians" can in reality be blamed on the syrian government, since they indeed have carried out the attack just not in the way it is presented in the media.

A hairy situation...
[quote author= Pashalis]Looks like it can easily be used to finally get rid of Assad, by whatever means and further demonize Russia. As far as I know it is the first time that such an attack "that killed many innocent civilians" can in reality be blamed on the Syrian government, since they indeed have carried out the attack just not in the way it is presented in the media.[/quote]

I think it has to do with this, shortly after this attack, this news came in:

Assad has unleashed horror on Syria. The EU must not make a deal with him

Today, European ministers meet in Brussels for a conference “to turn the page and start the political transition, the reconciliation process and the reconstruction of Syria”.

There seems to be push underway to not let the EU make this deal. And this supposed attack by Assad might do it.

The EU without the Syrian government are drawing up plans to invest billions in new Syrian infrastructure. But if you read between the small lines. What they really are trying to do is to appeal with billions in order to let the EU decide the political process in Syria after the war. The EU even wants to set up a war tribunal. Guess who would be in it, not themselves if it where a fair tribunal.

If I where Assad I would accept it and bring the EU to court with that money. I mean, what the hell are they thinking. The EU are such psychopathic losers, This deal what would have never happened anyhow. Assad never bowed before them, what makes them think that he will do so after he won the war.

They are so arrogant, they are discussing among themselves how to 'rebuild' Syria in their own liking, without any Syrian officials present.

- If the Ice age Kicks in, fleeing Europeans could count themselves very lucky if they where allowed into Syria. Syrians have every reason to let them rot.
Pashalis said:
Seems to me that the recent happenings in syria in regards to the use of "poison gas by the syrian army" is just what the west has waited for. Sounds like a pretty hairy situation that could lead to serious bad consequences:

All mayor propaganda organs of the west have it as their headline now, especially after russia confirmed that it was indeed the syrian army who bombed there, after the "syrians themselves" apparently denied that they had something to do with it.


U.S. and Russia Reach Deal to Destroy Syria’s Chemical Arms

SEPT. 14, 2013 - GENEVA — GENEVA — The United States and Russia reached a sweeping agreement on Saturday that called for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by the middle of 2014 and indefinitely stalled the prospect of American airstrikes.

The joint announcement, on the third day of intensive talks in Geneva, also set the stage for one of the most challenging undertakings in the history of arms control.

“This situation has no precedent,” said Amy E. Smithson, an expert on chemical weapons at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.
“They are cramming what would probably be five or six years’ worth of work into a period of several months, and they are undertaking this in an extremely difficult security environment due to the ongoing civil war.”

The destruction of Syria's chemical weapons began on the basis of several international agreements with Syria that stipulated an initial destruction deadline of 30 June 2014. The UN Security Council Resolution 2118 of 27 September 2013 required Syria to assume responsibility for and follow a timeline for the destruction of its chemical weapons and its chemical weapon production facilities.

Destruction of Syria's chemical weapons

The Security Council resolution bound Syria to the implementation plan presented in a decision of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). On 23 June 2014, the last declared chemical weapons were shipped out of Syria for destruction.[1] The destruction of the most dangerous chemical weapons was performed at sea aboard the Cape Ray, a vessel of the United States Maritime Administration's Ready Reserve Force, crewed with U.S. civilian merchant mariners. The actual destruction operations, performed by a team of U.S. Army civilians and contractors, destroyed 600 metric tons of chemical agents in 42 days.[2] (Article continues.)

Here it comes again. As the enemies of peace continue to pressure a new US President into deeper war commitments overseas, and as Washington’s Deep State works relentlessly opposing Russian moves in Syria at every turn, the war drums have started again – beating harder than ever now, clamouring for a new US-led attack on Syria. This morning we saw the familiar theme emerge, and just in time to provide a convenient backdrop to this week’s Brussels’ ‘Peace Talks’ and conference on “Syria’s Future”.

Reviving the ‘Chemical Weapons’ Lie: New US-UK Calls for Regime Change, Military Attack Against Syria

4 April 2017 - The US-led ‘Coalition’ prepares to make its end-run into Syria to ‘Retake Raqqa,’ and impose its Safe Zones in order to partition Syria, more media demonization of the Syrian government appears to be needed by the West.

On cue, the multi-billion dollar US and UK media machines sprung into overdrive this morning over reports based primarily from their own ‘activist’ media outlets. Aleppo Media Center and others embedded in the Al Nusra-dominated terrorist stronghold of Idlib, Syria, alongside their media counterpart the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) funded by the UK and EU, are all now claiming that the Syrian and Russian Airforces have launched a chemical weapons airstrike killing civilians in Idlib.

In their report today entitled, “Syria conflict: ‘Chemical attack’ in Idlib kills 58”, the BBC is also alleging in their report that Sarin gas was used.

The alleged “chemical airstrikes” are said to have taken place in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, about 50km south of the city of Idlib.

Predictably, the BBC and other similar reports by CNN, have triggered a wave of ‘consensus condemnation’ and indignation by the usual voices, the UN’s Staffan de Mistura, Francois Hollande, and, of course, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who said that President Bashar al-Assad “would be guilty of a war crime” if it somehow be proven that his ‘regime’ was responsible.

“Bombing your own civilians with chemical weapons is unquestionably a war crime and they must be held to account,” he said (reported by BBC).

But is the mainstream media’s version of events what actually happened?

The BBC claims in their article that, “Opposition activists said Syrian government or Russian warplanes carried out the strikes.”

This claim should be checked against any Russian air sorties scheduled for the same period. As of this morning, Russia’s defence ministry has stated that it had not carried out any air strikes the area.

The problem here is that the BBC and others are not only taking ‘opposition activists’ reports of a chemical attack at face value, they are also elevating claims that the Syrian and Russian airforces were then later hitting the medical clinics who were treating the survivors:

“Later, aircraft fired rockets at local clinics treating survivors, medics and activists said.” (Article continues.)

The Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman said that the US and other countries submitted a draft resolution on Syria which is "completely" based on fake reports.

Russia: US Submitted Draft Resolution on Syria to UNSC Based on Fake Reports

According to her, "reports about alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government against own people immediately appeared in the Internet and biased media sources."

Zakharova added that White Helmets and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) cannot be considered to be reliable sources as they have been repeatedly caught spreading fake reports on the situation in the war-torn country.

Russia categorically rejects the draft resolution on chemical weapons in Syria, Maria Zakharova said, adding that the West-proposed resolution is of "anti-Syrian nature" and risks making negotiations process impossible.

The Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman stressed that Moscow calls for a full-fledged investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in Idlib.

The UN Security Council convened on Wednesday to discuss a draft resolution proposed by the US, the UK and France, which would condemn Damascus for the reported use of chemical weapons in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province on Tuesday.

‘We are compelled to take own action’ if UN fails in Syria – US envoy (Video) (2:40 min.)

Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, delivered an emotional speech that included images of children to argue in favor of swift action. The pictures were used in reporting of the alleged chemical weapons attack.

She claimed the incident carried “all hallmarks” of an attack by Damascus, adding that the toxin used in the alleged assault was “more deadly” than in previous cases attributed to the Syrian military by Washington.

US envoy to UN also accused Russia of failing to ensure that there were no chemical weapons in the possession of the Syrian government.

“The truth is that Russia, Iran and [Syrian President Bashar] Assad have no interest in peace,” Haley claimed.

The US has hinted at taking its own action in Syria unless the UN Security Council moves to prevent the use of chemical weapons in the war-torn country.

DANGER – Deep State is Trying to Manipulate Donald Trump on Syria.

President Trump Has It Wrong on Syria – Assad Did NOT Use Chemical Weapons – Deep State Neo Cons Misleading the President… (Photos-Videos)

Statement from President Donald J. Trump _

We’ve covered the hidden story of manipulation within Syria quite extensively. And in the example today of Chemical Weapons being used against the Syrian People, all indications do not point toward Bashir Assad doing it.

The entire event looks like an horrific operation by anti-Assad forces trying to create assistance for their regime change efforts by killing their own people. Yes, they are that desperate; and yes, there are vested interests in the U.S., including the CIA, who would support such an objective.

Remember, as a direct outcome of the Obama/Kerry U.S. policy we have been arming the anti-Assad Syrian elements for several years. This is not hidden. _

With President Obama out of office; with President Trump not supportive of foreign policy based on regime change; and with Trump’s Secretary of State Tillerson saying just a few days ago that “Syrians will determine the future of Syria” the anti-Assad Syrians are now desperate.

There is ZERO motive for President Bashir Assad to weaponize chemical weapons against his people. Assad’s forces are winning the war, Syria is more stable now than ever in the past six years, Assad has nothing to fear from a Trump administration, and using chemical weapons just doesn’t serve his interests.

However, in their desperation, there is ample motive for the anti-Assad elements to give the appearance of ‘war-crimes’ in an effort to try and gain some desperate positioning in their remaining moments. Additionally, there is more than ample evidence the perpetual war machine, the Deep State and their alignment with global ideologues, would trigger such an optic.

It is not accidental this happens right after Secretary Tillerson’s statement.

So lets go back and review what we already know as fact – Beyond the U.S. policy change, we must remember that Secretary John Kerry essentially told the anti-Assad forces they would need to pull off this type of a ruse.

♦ In August of 2014 President Obama (wearing a tan business suit) gave a press conference where he stated he “did not have a strategy” against ISIS. (0:53 min.)

♦ Two months later, in October of 2014, Josh Earnest gave a press conference where he stated: “Our ISIS strategy is dependent on something that does not yet exist” (1:21 min.)

However, on September 30th 2016 the New York Times quietly released a leaked audio recording of Secretary John Kerry meeting with multiple factions associated within Syria. _ (26:56 min.)

When you listen to the audio recording it becomes immediately obvious what was going on when both of those 2014 statements were made by the White House. In addition, you discover why this jaw-dropping 2016 leak/story was buried by the U.S. media and how it connects to over 5 years of perplexing U.S. mid-east policy.

This evidence within this single story would/should forever remove any credibility toward the U.S. foreign policy under President Obama. It also destroys the credibility of a large number of well known republicans. What the recording reveals is substantive:

♦ First, only regime change, the removal of Bashir Assad, in Syria was the goal for President Obama. This is admitted and outlined by Secretary John Kerry.
♦ Secondly, in order to accomplish this primary goal, the White House was willing to watch the rise of ISIS by placing their bet that ISIS’s success would force Syrian President Bashir Assad to acquiesce toward Obama’s terms and step down.
♦ Thirdly, in order to facilitate the two objectives, Obama and Kerry intentionally gave arms to ISIS and even, arguably, attacked a Syrian government military convoy to stop a strategic attack upon the Islamic extremists killing 80 Syrian soldiers.

Pause for a moment and consider those three points carefully before continuing. Because this audio (below), along with accompanying research now surfacing, not only exposes these three points as truth – but also provides the specific evidence toward them.

The problem in the Obama/Kerry’s secret strategy became clear when ISIS grew in sufficient strength to give the White House optimism for the scheme – however, instead of capitulation Assad then turned to Russia for help.

When Russia came to aid Bashir Assad the Syrian Government began being able to defeat ISIS and the Islamic Extremist elements within Syria. For the hidden plan of Obama/Kerry (and also McCain, Graham, et al), Russia defeating ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Nusra, upended their objective.

The revelations within this leaked audio are simply astounding. The 40-minute discussion took place on the sidelines of a United Nations General Assembly in New York. The meeting took place at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations on Sept. 22nd 2016:

[…] Kerry’s off-record conversation was apparently with two dozen ‘Syrian civilians’, all from US backed opposition-linked NGO’s in education and medical groups supposedly working in ‘rebel-held’ (aka terrorist-held) areas in Syria.

This opposition conclave also included ‘rescue workers’ which can only be ambassadors from the White Helmets, a pseudo NGO which serves as Washington and London’s primary PR front in pursuit of a “No Fly Zone’ in Syria, and it’s being bankrolled by the US, UK, EU and other coalition states to the tune of well over $100 million (so far).

Key Kerry moments at 02:00, and again at approximately 18:30 forward.

The discussion from 18:30 through to 29:00 are exceptionally revealing and should be listened to by anyone who has wondered what was going on in Syria. Kerry even makes mention of the “Responsibility to Protect, or R2P” principle:

@18:30 Secretary John Kerry:

[…] Well, the problem is the Russians do not care about law, and we do. And, we don’t have a basis -our lawyers tell us- unless we have a U.N. Security Council resolution, which the Russians can veto and Chinese, OR unless we are under attack from the folks there, or unless we are invited in. Russia was invited in by the legitimate regime, well, it’s illegitimate in our mind, by the regime. And so, they were invited in and we’re not invited in.

We’re flying in airspace there, where they can turn on the air defense and we have a very different scene. The only reason they’re letting us fly is because we’re going after ISIS. If we were going after Assad, those air defenses, we’d have to take out all those air defenses, uh, and we don’t have a legal justification, frankly, for doing that unless we stretch it way beyond the law on a humanitarian basis, which some people argue we should – by the way.

Uh, but so far American legal theory has not gone into these so called “right to protect”, uh, and we don’t even have what we had in Kosovo where we had an, you know, an existing resolution and so forth. Uh, even though we went alone. That’s the problem.

The congress won’t vote to do it. And you can be mad at us, but what we’re trying to do is help Syrians fight for their own country; and we’ve been spending a lot of money, a lot of effort to try and help do this. So, there’s an opposition there; the opposition is doing very well. Russia came in, and that’s a problem I know, because, uh, y’ know, uh, we don’t behave like Russians, it’s just a different standard.

So we are trying to see if we can test whether Russia, you see, is serious about a political solution. And if they are not serious, then we will help the opposition more. But I don’t think that’s particularly good for Syrians in the end because it will mean more fighting.

Secretary Kerry is then questioned by an obvious sympathizer to ISIS (calls pro-assad Sunni faction “Sunni Jews”) about why the U.S. fights the extremist Sunni (ISIS), but not the extremist Shia (Hezbollah). Kerry’s response:

Well, they’re [Hezbollah] a terrorist organization, we’ve designated them a terrorist organization. The reason for [airstrikes against the Sunni Extremists] is because they have basically declared war on us; and are plotting against us, and Hezbollah is not plotting against us; Hezbollah is exclusively focused on Israel, they’re not attacking now, and on Syria where they are attacking in support of the, uh, in support of Assad. So it a, uh, it’s… [Interrupted]

And so it’s complicated, it’s not easy. And we’ve been fighting. How many wars have we been fighting? We’ve been fighting in Afghanistan, we’ve been fighting in Iraq, we’ve fighting -you know- in the region for fourteen years. And a lot of Americans don’t believe that we should be fighting and sending young Americans over to die in another country.

Question: But how to make the majority of the Syrian people accept this approach, that because Hezbollah or the Iraqi or Iranian groups are not attacking the U.S. now when they are attacking against the terrorism in Syria?

Kerry: Well, they, they are targeted by the opposition who we are arming and training.

The interview continues with anti-Assad Syrians expressing their frustration that multiple social media and social justice type efforts (the Pallywood type scripted activity targeting the United Nations to take action) have yielded no positive results in the international community stepping in to take down Bashir Assad directly.

Against the backdrop of this recording we can reconcile so many historic issues. We already know of a Second Presidential Finding Memo authorizing additional CIA covert action in 2012, this time in Syria. However, unlike the 2011 Libyan operation we do not know the operational name of the second action in 2012 Syria.

2012: WASHINGTON, Aug 1 (Reuters) – President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, U.S. sources familiar with the matter said.

Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence “finding,” broadly permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Assad. _

Further consider how this Kerry audio tape, and the now transparent Obama policy toward Syria, absolutely confirms our previous research as it is contained with the Benghazi Brief surrounding Syria:

(JULY 2012) As they stood outside the commandeered government building in the town of Mohassen, it was hard to distinguish Abu Khuder’s men from any other brigade in the Syrian civil war, in their combat fatigues, T-shirts and beards.

But these were not average members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba’a, or “strangers”, after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden’s time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year.

They try to hide their presence. “Some people are worried about carrying the flags,” said Abu Khuder. “They fear America will come and fight us. So we fight in secret. Why give Bashar and the west a pretext?” But their existence is common knowledge in Mohassen. Even passers-by joke with the men about car bombs and IEDs.

According to Abu Khuder, his men are working closely with the military council that commands the Free Syrian Army brigades in the region. “We meet almost every day,” he said. “We have clear instructions from our [al-Qaida] leadership that if the FSA need our help we should give it. We help them with IEDs and car bombs. Our main talent is in the bombing operations.” Abu Khuder’s men had a lot of experience in bomb-making from Iraq and elsewhere, he added.

[…] Abu Khuder split with the FSA and pledged allegiance to al-Qaida’s organisation in Syria, the Jabhat al Nusra or Solidarity Front. He let his beard grow and adopted the religious rhetoric of a jihadi, becoming a commander of one their battalions.

“The Free Syrian Army has no rules and no military or religious order. Everything happens chaotically,” he said. “Al-Qaida has a law that no one, not even the emir, can break.

The FSA lacks the ability to plan and lacks military experience. That is what [al-Qaida] can bring. They have an organisation that all countries have acknowledged.

In the beginning there were very few. Now, mashallah, there are immigrants joining us and bringing their experience,” he told the gathered people. “Men from Yemen, Saudi, Iraq and Jordan. Yemenis are the best in their religion and discipline and the Iraqis are the worst in everything – even in religion.”

At this, one man in the room – an activist in his mid-30s who did not want to be named – said: “So what are you trying to do, Abu Khuder? Are you going to start cutting off hands and make us like Saudi? Is this why we are fighting a revolution?”

“[Al-Qaida’s] goal is establishing an Islamic state and not a Syrian state,” he replied. “Those who fear the organisation fear the implementation of Allah’s jurisdiction. If you don’t commit sins there is nothing to fear.” (link – more)

al-Qaeda’s goal was to establish the Islamic State, that’s the origin of ISIS. Against the backdrop of ISIS formation in Syria, and understanding the Obama objectives were regime change first and foremost, we can now reconcile all of Obama’s foreign policy surrounding Syria.

President Obama, Secretary Clinton and later Secretary Kerry, together with John McCain, and the CIA tentacled team within the Republican party, were willing to support ISIS (under all factional names) in order to overthrow Bashir Assad… …THIS WAS THE POLICY.

What you are about to read is specifically how the Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS, connect to the Republicans outlined above – and how their individual behaviors within the 2016 election begin to make sense. And how their continuing behavior in 2017 reconciles against the backdrop of their interventionist, deep state, foreign policy objectives. Perhaps, like us, you will have an ah-ha moment.

The “Never Trump” coalition has always consisted of a few noisy and indecent politicians within Washington DC. Senator John McCain, Senator Ben Sasse, Senator Jeff Flake and House Representative Adam Kinzinger the most noteworthy and vitriolic.

However, whenever CNN, or for that matter any media, want a republican voice to argue against Donald Trump, in the “current days’ outrage du jour”, they call upon Kinzinger first and foremost.

Kinzinger loves the spotlight as much as he enjoys promoting himself on social media. In essence, he was a proud #NeverTrumper and continues to be a useful media mouthpiece when they need an anti-Trump opinion embedded using a Republican.

We’ll come back to Kinzinger and McMullin in a moment. But first we must place the second set of puzzle pieces on the table.

When we did all the exhaustive research into the Benghazi Brief three years ago, one of the pictures that continued to draw our interest was this one:
The picture above was taken during a time when Senator John McCain visited Syria, and the Western media were proclaiming there were “moderates” in the opposition to Bashir Assad. Senator McCain proclaimed this 2012 visit to be meeting with the “Free Syrian Army”. [Coincidentally, this was on the same trip where he met Ambassador Chris Stevens at the Benghazi courthouse in Libya for the last time].

However, at the same time McCain was trying to convince the world of moderate Syrian resistance, multiple voices within non-traditional journalism, and a large number of people doing independent research, reached the conclusion that al-qaeda and al-Nusra extremists had completely infiltrated the Syrian resistance groups, and a new militant Islamic network was forming.

That network ultimately evidenced and defined itself as the Islamic State, or ISIS.

In 2013 and 2014, even though ISIS initially did not have a name, as the hardline extremists in Syria became more openly visible, eventually the western media accepted Raqqa and Aleppo had become the de-facto center of Syrian ISIS operations. In August of 2014 President Obama finally admitted the problem and stated his administration was caught off guard and did not have a strategy to combat them.

Back To The Photograph – The importance of the McCain photograph became increasingly interesting because ISIS as an extremist force became increasingly visible. As a direct consequence we were able to identify the ideology of the people in the picture: There has been some skepticism as to #2 being al-Baghdadi himself, and Senator John McCain has strongly refuted this claim. However, there is more evidence to prove it is Baghdadi than to refute it’s not Baghdadi. Person #2 looks just like him: In addition, one of the important bits of evidence to prove #2 is indeed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is actually found in #1 Abu Mosa (ISIS Press Officer). There is absolutely no doubt that #1 is the (now dead) Islamic State Press Officer Abu Mosa.

Abu Mosa was killed in August 2014. In 2012, during organization, Baghdadi would have a man with this level of importance to the Islamic State around him at the time this picture was taken.

However, lets look at #5 – “Mouaz Moustafa”, because he is the current person that should be of interest to everyone in the 2016 presidential discussion. Moustafa is the connective tissue per se’. In the photograph, he’s also Senator McCain’s intermediary: Fast forward two intense years later and look where #5, Mouaz Moustafa shows up in 2014. And more specifically the two faces that show up with him: Well lookie there. During a trip to Turkey in 2014 to discuss arming Syrian rebel groups, under the auspices of fighting ISIS, you see Representative Adam Kinzinger appear. Oh yeah, and who’s that other fellow circled in the meeting? ….why that’s our anti-Trump candidate Evan McMullin. Huh, fancy that.

Spotting Evan McMullin conspicuously standing there in the picture made us want to go back to the CNN file footage from the time and see if he was actually visible in the report they filed from Turkey. Yup, he’s there alright. Watch and spot him in the background during quite a bit of the footage: (3:08 min.)

Long before anyone heard about Evan McMullin running for President, there he is paling around with #NeverTrump Adam Kinzinger in Turkey chatting with the Muslim Brotherhood affiliates (guise SETF) who are essentially the political arm of ISIS under a differing name.

The declared purpose of the meeting was to discuss who and how to arm the entities within Syria. However, just like in 2012/2013 these same Brotherhood voices in 2014 are simply trying to present themselves as one thing, only to gain the goal of another.

That reality is ultimately the story behind the arms deals within The Benghazi Brief. That’s the lesson that should have been learned if the truth contained within the brief were ever to have larger public interest.

Additionally, all that said – it’s connections like these that make other things, like the opposition to Donald Trump, make much more sense. Just step back and look at the landscape from the elevated position. Who are the Washington DC politicians most invested in, and public about, the removal of Bashir Assad? There’s some seriously sketchy activity here, and it is not recent. Activity that carries solid and visible connective tissue to a much larger objective. There’s just no doubt Senator McCain is leading a foreign policy that continues to be his own construct. Every nation McCain has involved himself within, has resulted in chaos or civil war as a direct result of his engagement. Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen and now Ukraine and the Baltic states.

Who is paying these characters.

My God, dozens -perhaps hundreds- of Syrians were killed toward the objective of getting rid of Bashir Assad. Who are these Deep State creeps?
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