Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Two Russian soldiers killed in Syria


The Defense Ministry confirms two Russian contract soldiers were killed in a militant attack in Syria while another one suffered severe wounds

MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/ Two Russian contract soldiers were killed in a militant attack in Syria while another one suffered severe wounds, the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry told reporters on Tuesday.
"A group of militants used mortars to shell Russian contract soldiers, acting as musketry instructors in one of the Syrian military units, and a Russian military adviser," the press service said.
"As a result, two of the Russian contract soldiers were killed, while the wounded is being treated by military doctors," the Defense Ministry added.
There will be no words but just actions should anyone dare attack Russian military facilities in Syria, a senior lawmaker said.

'Real Action' to Follow: Don't Even Think of Attacking Russian Military in Syria

A hypothetical attack on Russian military facilities in Syria would elicit an immediate response, lower house defense committee deputy chair Yury Shvytkin told Sputnik on Tuesday.

"Should there be a threat to our units there, an attempt at an attack from anyone, of course there will be no words, there will be real actions," Shvytkin said.

He said measures taken after the US missile strike on a Syrian airfield last week "were in my opinion sufficient, at least in light of what we can do within the framework of international legal relations for the Syrian army to react itself."

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated that Syrian regime still has the potential to use chemical weapons.

Turkish Foreign Minister Claims Syria Still Possesses Chemical Weapons

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu argued on Tuesday that the Syrian government was still capable of carrying out chemical attacks.

According to our data, Syrian regime still has the potential to use chemical weapons," Cavusoglu said on the sidelines of the G7 foreign ministers' meeting with counterparts from Arab countries in Italian city of Lucca, as quoted by the CNN Turk broadcaster.

On Tuesday, G7 foreign minsters as well as top diplomats from Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates gathered in Lucca to discuss the ways to foster the end of the war in Syria.

The Turkish foreign minister added that the threat would remain as long as Syrian President Bashar Assad was in power.

The Russian news sources reported that a number of fake video clips are being produced in Khan Sheikhoun town in Idlib province to raise new chemical attack allegations against the Syrian government.

Military Source Warns of False Media Operation against Syrian Gov't

The Arabic section of Russia's Sputnik news agency quoted news as reporting that a Syrian military source has warned that based on reliable intel, the video clips are being prepared in collaboration with the White Helmets (officially known as Syria Civil Defense, is a volunteer organization that currently operates in certain parts of rebel-controlled areas in Syria) who play the role of medical personnel.

According to the source, some civilians also play the role of victims of a chemical attack.

The source added that the western newspapers would soon enter the scene to raise new allegations against Bashar al-Assad government, claiming that he is fighting civilians instead of campaign against terrorism.

Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR), a non governmental research organization, disclosed earlier this month that White Helmets are risking civilian lives, rather than rescuing them, for false flag operations against the Syrian government.

Swedish Doctors For Human Rights analyzed videos, the rescue operation by White Helmets after an alleged attack by Syrian government forces, and found that the life-saving procedures seen in the film are incorrect – in fact life-threatening – or simply fake.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow has data that new provocations are planned in Syria with the goal of putting the blame on Damascus for allegedly using chemical weapons.

Putin: Russia Has Intelligence on New Provocations Planned against Syrian Authorities

Russian President made the comments after talks with his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella on Tuesday, TASS reported.

"We have information from different sources that these provocations, I cannot call them otherwise, are being prepared in other regions of Syria, including in the southern suburbs of Damascus where there are plans to throw some substance and accuse the official Syrian authorities," Putin said.

Putin believes that supporting US strikes on Syria, European countries seek to establish relations with the administration of Donald Trump, whom they criticized during the election campaign on the advice from the then President Barack Obama.

‘They want to restore relations with the Western community after many European countries had taken anti-Trump position during the election campaign in the US due to the former US administration," Putin said.

"A very good platform for consolidating, Syria, Russia, there is a common enemy," he noted. "Wonderful. We are ready to be patient. But we hope that this will get at a certain point to some positive trend of cooperation," he added

Putin went on to say that US missile strike on Syria reminds of its attack against Iraq in 2003 that led to the emergence of the ISIL

"This the US strike on Syria strongly reminds of the 2003 events when US representatives in the UN Security Council showed allegedly chemical weapons found in Iraq," the Russian president said.

"After that, a military campaign started in Iraq and it ended with the destruction of the country, the growth of the terrorist threat and the emergence of the ISIL on the international scene, no more and no less," Putin said.

"The same is happening now," the Russian president said.

"We believe that any incident of this kind should be officially investigated," Putin said. "We plan to turn to the United Nations bodies in The Hague and call on the global community to thoroughly investigate into this incident and make balanced decisions based on the investigation’s outcome," the Russian leader added.

International Human Rights Commission's Coordinator for Middle-East Haitham Abu Saeed blamed Israel for the recent chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun in the Syrian province of Idlib.

Human Rights Official: Khan Sheikhoun Chemical Attack Orchestrated by Israel

"Israel directed the Khan Sheikhoun scenario," Abu Saeed said.

Noting that the terrorists, including Zahran Aloush, the commander of Jaysh al-Islam terrorist group affiliated to the Islamic Front, were aware of the chemical attack and its type and materials from before, he said under the conditions that the political developments are moving ahead to the benefit of Bashar al-Assad, the terrorists implemented plots to return everything to the past.

Abu Saeed also referred to the recent downing of an Israeli fighter jet by the Syrian air defense units, and said Tel Aviv never thought about it in its military calculations and it called on the US and other western states to help it and then orchestrated the Khan Sheikhoun incident.

Syrian opposition claimed last Tuesday forces loyal to President Bashar Assad had used a chemical gas on people in the Northwestern province, killing nearly 80 and injuring 200.

Assad argued his government has no chemical weapons after agreeing to have them destroyed in 2013. He also ruled out having used chemicals against own people.

Iran and many other countries have called for formation of an impartial fact-finding committee to scrutinize the chemical attack and find the culprits behind it.

Those who led an anti-Trump campaign during the US election campaign are now trying to mend ties with Washington. They chose Russia and Syria as "a common enemy" for that purpose. But Moscow will exercise restrain, Vladimir Putin said.

Putin: Everyone Wants to Restore Relations With US After 'Anti-Trump' Campaign

European countries and the United States would like to restore the lost relationship after an "anti-Trump" campaign, seeing Russia and Syria as a common enemy, but Russia is ready to be patient and hopes the situation will eventually be resolved positively, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday.

"Everyone wants to restore relations with the Western community after many European countries have taken such an anti-Trump position in the course of the election campaign thanks to the former US administration. Syria and Russia are a very good platform for consolidation. There is a common enemy — wonderful," Putin said.

"We are ready to be patient, but we hope that it will eventually come to some positive trend of interaction," the Russian leader said.

Donald Trump has repeatedly advocated establishing a political dialogue with Moscow, particularly in regards to the fight against terrorism, and expressed readiness to build positive relations with Russia. Moscow has long been promoting the idea of fruitful cooperation with Washington.

The US Department of Defense seems to disagree with President Donald Trump's softening stance toward the Syrian government by striking an army airfield in the Arab republic, Russian senator Konstantin Kosachev said Friday.

US Missile Attack on Syria Signals Pentagon's Clashes With Trump - Russian MP

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Russian upper house of parliament, Kosachev wrote on Facebook, "the sharp tougher US stance toward [Syrian President Bashar] Assad occurred only a couple of days after its softening."

"There is a firm impression that neither the Pentagon nor the US special services agreed with this thesis, and Trump was immediately pinned to yet another wall of 'irrefutable evidence'," Kosachev stated.

The US launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian military airfield in Ash Sha'irat near Homs late Thursday. Trump said the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Idlib on Tuesday, which Washington blames on Damascus.

Washington is doing its best to try to strip Russia of its "Syrian trump card" ahead of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's visit to Moscow, which kicks off on Tuesday, Russian political analyst Pavel Svyatenkov told Sputnik.

Fallout From US Missile Attack in Syria Casts Shadow on Tillerson's Moscow Trip

In an interview with Sputnik, Russian political analyst Pavel Svyatenkov said that last week's US missile attack on Syria indicates that the White House is doing its utmost to damage Russia's negotiating position in the run-up to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's visit to Moscow.

Tillerson is due to arrive in Moscow later on Tuesday, in what will be followed by talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov scheduled for April 12.

A week ago, Moscow and Washington announced an agenda, which includes discussions on the Syrian conflict, the settlement in Ukraine, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, Afghanistan, non-proliferation-related issues, the fight against terrorism and US-Russian relations.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson begins a two-day visit to the Russian capital on Tuesday.

The Difficult Puzzle of Russia-US Relations

Diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States were established on November 5, 1809 (October 24, 1809 by the Julian Calendar). However, after the 1917 revolution, the United States refused to recognize the newly established Soviet government, and diplomatic relations between the two nations were only reestablished on November 16, 1933.

In a historically short period, Russian-US relations made a sharp turn from mutual willingness to cooperate to mutual disappointment and gradually increasing aloofness.

[...] [...] [...] Relations between the Russian and US legislative bodies lost momentum over the past few years due to Congress’s negative attitude toward cooperation with its Russian colleagues in the Federal Assembly. Bilateral contacts further declined following the introduction of sanctions against many Russian lawmakers. (Article continues.)

The Syrian army launched an offensive against the positions and moves of the al-Nusra (Fatah al-Sham) Front terrorists in Dara'a, destroying a missile base and killing two high-ranking commanders.

Dara'a: Army Blows Up Al-Nusra's TOW Missile Base, Kills Terrorist Commanders

The army units targeted the al-Nusra's hideouts and positions near the old customs office by artillery and missile fire, destroying a TOW missile base and the militants' weapons and equipment.

They also attacked a vehicle carrying the terrorists near al-Misri square, inflicting losses on a number of militants, including Mohammad Jamal Hindawi al-Mosalemeh, the commander of Liwa al-Tawhid battalion and Rashid Abazaid, nom de guerre Abu Moslem, the military commander of Bonyan al-Marsous operations room.

Reports said on Monday that the army troops had repelled repeated attacks of al-Nusra Front on government forces' positions in the Southern city of Dara'a, inflicting major losses on the terrorists.
Russian military: Syrian army repels terror offensive that took advantage of U.S. strike, kills 150 attackers

This headline and all others that speak of specific numbers of people killed really brings back reminders of the Vietnam undeclared War/police action and the infamous 'body counts'. Every day during that awful period, the evening news would include the number of bodies counted of North Vietnamese killed in offensives - the only available gauge as to whether the war was going well for the US. That and how many 'hills' were taken/held.

Live long & enough & you get to experience the same scenarios all over again - gotta luv the time loops.
JEEP said:
Russian military: Syrian army repels terror offensive that took advantage of U.S. strike, kills 150 attackers

This headline and all others that speak of specific numbers of people killed really brings back reminders of the Vietnam undeclared War/police action and the infamous 'body counts'. Every day during that awful period, the evening news would include the number of bodies counted of North Vietnamese killed in offensives - the only available gauge as to whether the war was going well for the US. That and how many 'hills' were taken/held.

Live long & enough & you get to experience the same scenarios all over again - gotta luv the time loops.

Interesting you bring this up. I've been reading the interviews of Douglas Valentine (Phoenix) on this subject in Vietnam. Don't have the quote section here, but he was discussing the computer systems they set up to calculate, and the data used from faulty/embellished data collection programs to produce the numbers - GIGO. The military brass had one objective, the CIA another - and all points in between. The Vietnamese government and police had theirs too - supposed to all be integrated, yet that was their pipe dream. Washington loved the data and body counts - they needed it badly to sell it all; many in-country knew they were lies and the reality.

Yes, a lot of time-loops these days or, the more things change the more they remain the same.
Some 22 ranking commanders of the terrorist groups were killed as their meeting came under a fierce air raid by the Russian warplanes in Idlib province, a Syrian military source reported on Thursday.

Russian Airstrikes on Idlib Leave 22 Terrorist Commanders Dead

The military source was quoted by Ruskaya Vesna newspaper as saying that "intel showed Ahrar al-Sham terrorist group commanders were due to hold a meeting in Jisr al-Shughour region of Idlib province on April 10".

"After gathering the needed intel for operation, they were provided to the Russian air force in Syria and the Russian fighter jets launched a massive assault on the gathering, and killed 22 of terrorist commanders," he added.

Media sources had also reported on April 9 that the Syrian Air Force in a crushing response to the US missile attack on Shayrat airbase in Southwestern Homs launched massive airstrikes on terrorists' depot of US-made arms and ammunition in Idlib.

The Arabic language al-Hadath news website reported that as a first massive response to the Thursday missile strikes, the Syrian warplanes took off from Shayrat airbase and targeted a huge depot of American arms and munitions of the Al-Nusra (Fatah al-Sham) Front in al-Qasaniyeh settlement in Jisr al-Shughour region in Southern Idlib, destroying the entire weapons stocked in there and killing a number of militants at and around the depot.

Well-informed sources in Northern Syrian reported earlier today that the Syrian Army troops have opened heavy fire at an American reconnaissance plane in Northern Hasaka, forcing the US plane to leave the country's airspace.

The sources said that the intense fire of the special forces forced an American reconnaissance plane to leave the region after approaching the army troops' positions in Qamishli border city.

The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s department on arms control said Russia supports Damascus’ request filed with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that it should deploy a representative international mission with balanced staff whose conclusions could be trusted.

Russia Supports Syrian Government Request to Allow OPCW to Investigate Chemical Attack

“We fully support this request and believe it to be the only way forward. However, we cannot see readiness from our Western partners to take advantage of Damascus’ constructive stance.”

The Syrian Permanent Representative to the UN told the Security Council that Israel provided air support to the ISIL terror group fighting the Syrian Army in Palmyra.

Syria UN Envoy: Israel Provides Air Support to ISIL in Palmyra

“Israel provided air support to ISIL with airstrikes in Palmyra,” Bashar al-Jafari told the audience during the Security Council session on Syria, Al Masdar reported.

Jafari made his remarks during a UN Security Council session held to discuss a draft resolution submitted by the US, Britain and France on the use of Chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province.

Jafari was apparently alluding to the Israeli airstrikes that were conducted near the T-4 Military Airport late last month, this attack provoked a direct response from the Syria Air Defense.

In addition to aiding ISIL, Jafari also accused Israel of providing medical relief and air support to Al-Qaeda in Syria.

Later in the session, Russia vetoed a draft resolution submitted by UK, France and the US to UNSC about claims of using chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun.

The Syrian army units, supported by the Russian air force, started a new phase of anti-ISIL military operations in Eastern Aleppo, and attacked the terrorist groups' positions in several towns in the region.

Syrian Army Starts New Phase of Operations in Eastern Aleppo

The army forces attacked ISIL bases near the strategic town of al-Mahdoum and engaged in heavy clashes with the terrorists.

The army's artillery and missile units also pounded ISIL positions in al-Mahdoum, al-Zakiyeh and Kishish villages and towns as well as areas near al-Jarrah military airport.

Meantime, fierce clashes erupted between the Syrian army and ISIL forces in al-Zakiyeh village. No further report is available on the al-Zakiyeh battle yet.

In a relevant development in the same province on Wednesday, the Syrian army soldiers continued their anti-terrorism offensive in Northern Aleppo and managed to deploy forces in positions very close to one of the main bastions of the terrorists after killing 60 militants and destroying their equipment, well-informed sources said.

The Syrian army continued military operations against the Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) in Aleppo, inflicting major losses on the terrorists.

Syrian Army Launches Operations to Separate Northern, Western Aleppo

A military source reported that the Syrian soldiers have launched heavy attacks on terrorists' positions in the Northwestern parts of Aleppo city near al-Yarmoun industrial halls, the Western parts of al-Zahra district and near the Family House region and Shuwaiheneh hills.

He underlined that if the Syrian army retakes control of Tal Shuwaiheneh hills, the Western parts of Aleppo province will be separated from its North
and the terrorists' supply routes from the towns in Northern Aleppo will be cut off. The army is busy now to ready for launching an assault to capture the town of Anadan in the same region.

The army units also targeted the terrorists' positions in the Southern parts of al-Tamoureh village in Northern Aleppo with missile and artillery fire, destroying one of the militants' bases in Tal al-Ma'askar and killing and wounding several of them.

Also in the news:
Authorities identified the body of Sheila Abdus-Salaam, the first-ever female Muslim judge in US history, floating in New York's Hudson River, local reports said.

First US Female Muslim Judge, Found Dead in Hudson River

Abdus-Salaam was 65 years old and was reported as missing from her residence in Harlem earlier in the day, Mic reported.

Witnesses spotted her body floating in the river, and police subsequently identified her as the missing judge.

According to the New York Post, sources indicated "no obvious signs of trauma or injuries indicating criminality or foul play, and that her death appeared to be a suicide."

As the Albany Times-Union noted, Abdus-Salaam had served on the State Court of Appeals, the state supreme court of New York, since 2013.

"Who knew that we would both attain such high positions, and that you would be the first black United States attorney general, and I would be the first black woman on the New York Court of Appeals?" Abdus-Salaam told former US Attorney General Eric Holder, a fellow Columbia Law School graduate, at her swearing-in ceremony, according to the Times-Union.

"Justice Sheila Abdus-Salaam was a trailblazing jurist whose life in public service was in pursuit of a more fair and more just New York for all," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wrote in a statement, according to the Post.

A groundbreaking black jurist who became the first Muslim woman to serve as a U.S. judge was found dead in New York’s Hudson River on Wednesday, police said.

United States’ first female Muslim judge found dead in Hudson River

Sheila Abdus-Salaam, a 65-year-old associate judge of New York’s highest court, was found floating off Manhattan’s west side at about 1:45 p.m. EDT (1545 GMT), a police spokesman said.

Police pulled Abdus-Salaam’s fully clothed body from the water and she was pronounced dead at the scene. Her family identified her and an autopsy would determine the cause of death, the spokesman said. (Article continues.)

Police have arrested a suspect in the murder of an Illinois judge shot outside his home on Chicago’s South Side this week in what police believe was a targeted robbery, officials said on Wednesday.

Suspect charged in Illinois judge’s murder; not believed to have acted alone

Joshua Smith, 37, was charged with the murder of Raymond Myles, who was killed early on Monday, police said. A woman was also wounded in the incident, but is expected to recover fully.

Chief of Detectives Melissa Staples said police were still interviewing multiple people about the killing and the case remained open.

“The motive of this crime is robbery, which we do not believe was random, nor do we believe Smith acted alone,” she said at a news conference.

Myles, 66, was an associate judge in Cook County Circuit Court’s Criminal Division. Cook County includes Chicago, the third-largest U.S. city.

The incident started when a woman exited Myles’ home and encountered a man with a gun at around 5 a.m., police have said. Words were exchanged and the man then fired, hitting the woman once. Hearing the gunshots, Myles came out of the house and was shot multiple times.

Staples credited surveillance cameras in the area with helping police identify the vehicle believed to be the getaway car.

Police on Tuesday stopped the vehicle, which had different front and rear license plates. They believe its owner was not connected to the murder, Staples said.

Smith was charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and armed robbery, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office said.

A police spokeswoman had no information about whether Smith had an attorney.

Staples said more details could emerge when Smith appears in bond court on Thursday morning. Smith was convicted of armed robbery with a firearm in 2003 and served six years in prison, she said.

Shell casings recovered from the scene showed that the weapon was also used in a January robbery in which a person was wounded, Staples said. There was no indication of any relation between that incident and Myles’ shooting, she added.

Myles was appointed to the Circuit Court of Cook County in 1999, according to a statement from court, and served in the criminal division starting in 2009.
The province of Idlib will become the main and final battlefield of the six-year-long Syrian conflict, political analyst and expert on Middle East Fehim Tastekin told Sputnik Turkey.

Idlib Province to Become the 'Final Act of the Syrian War'

"Idlib will become the final act of the tragedy titled the Syrian War, if I may put it this way. It will be this province that will most likely see the fiercest fighting and political standoff among the main stakeholders in the region," he said. "The war in Syria will not be over until the challenges in Idlib are resolved. This is why this area has become such a point of contention. The United States has also played a double game here. On the one hand, the Americans and the Kurds are fighting Daesh. On the other, the CIA has continued to tacitly support and sponsor radical opposition groups."

Tastekin further commented on the Pentagon's unprecedented military operation in Syria. Last week, President Donald Trump authorized a massive airstrike on the Shayrat air base, operated the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Washington claimed that the facility was ostensibly used to store toxic substances and launch a chemical attack on Khan Shaykhun, a town in the Idlib province.

Many Syrian refugees have been able to return to their home villages due to peace process developments in the country. The largest refugee camp in the western Latakia Governorate, which had previously been inhabited by some 2,000 families, is now home to a mere 75.

Syrian Refugees Return to Their Homes, Now 'Waiting for Idlib Liberation'

The camp is located in a sports complex named after Hafez Assad, which hosted the 1987 Mediterranean Games, a sporting event analogous to the Olympics, but carried out between nations around or very close to the Mediterranean Sea. With the outbreak of war in Syria, the site became a temporary shelter to refugees from all over Syria.

The complex has recently begun to empty again as the refugees have started to return to their homes as a result of the peace process in the country.

"As many as 1,500, even 2,000 families have lived here. Now there are 75," the camp’s commandant Haidar Mashi said. According to him, a lot of refugees were able to return to their homes after the liberation of Aleppo from terrorists.

"The inhabitants of our camp are currently waiting for the liberation of the Idlib Governorate, which will allow them to leave," he added.
On Friday 7th of April, the US military conducted an illegal missile strike against Syria, following accusations that the Syrian Army used chemical weapons against civilians, despite no single evidence. 59 Tomahawk missiles were fired, but only 23 reached their targets as the rest got intercepted. The strike was beneficial for ISIS and other terrorist groups as it temporarily disrupted the only military airport to be constantly used against ISIS, in addition to the deaths of 6 soldiers and 9 civilians, 4 of them children.

Revealed: Identity of US Commanders Behind Syria Strike, Qatari Links Exposed

Translated by Samer Hussein - Now the journalists at the Berlin-based Firil Center did some research and eventually discovered the identity of people in charge.

Andria Slough, commanding officer of the destroyer USS Porter DDG78 which carried out Syria strike, is a graduate of the US Naval Academy and earned her Bachelor’s degree in ocean engineering in 1998. She was previously involved in the ballistic missile defense development project (Aegis) and has served as a deputy commander at the U.S. Central Command Headquarters in Doha, Qatar. Aegis is the US national Ballistic Missile Defense System and has its radar sites in Qatar.

The second offender was revealed to be Russell Caldwell, commander of the US Navy destroyer USS ROSS DDG 7, also involved in Syria strike. Caldwell, originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, graduated from Political Science in 1998 at the University of Kansas and later earned a Master's Degree in Information Operations.

The strike was, however, considered "amateurish" and the damage dealt "laughable".

Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid Moallem is visiting Moscow.

"Khan Sheikhoun Incident is Being Exploited for Illegal Purposes" - Lavrov

During a press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Moscow on Thursday, Mouallem said that the American strike on Sharyat airbase in Syria violates international law and was carried out without verification by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and aims to disrupt the peace process.

He also pointed out that Wednesday’s UN Security Council session was prepared by the western powers in order to adopt the resolution which would abolish the unity and sovereignty of Syria, but failed due to Russian intervention of vetoing the decision and which helped to prevent another aggression against Syria.

He further reminded that Damascus previously demanded Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to form a committee that would launch an independent probe into the Khan Sheikhoun events.

"We have to express our highest gratitude to His Excellency President Putin and the Russian people on the position that they have taken against the American aggression", he was heard saying.

For his part, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the Khan Sheikhoun incident is being exploited in order to justify an illegal draft resolution at the UN Security Council, adding that these provocative attempts did not end successfully and that instead a neutral and independent probe into the Khan Sheikhoun incident shall be launched.

The General Command of the Syrian Army and Armed Forces confirmed that the military jets, belonging to the US-led international coalition, carried out airstrikes against ISIS terrorists in the village of Hatla, located east of Deir Ez Zour, resulting in a white cloud that eventually turned yellow due to explosion of a warehouse that allegedly stored large amounts of toxic materials.

Syria: Hundreds Killed in a US-led Coalition Airstrike on a Warehouse Storing Chemicals

The bombing is said to have occurred between 17:30 and 17:50, local time on Wednesday.

In a statement, issued by the Syrian Army General Command on Thursday it was said that the US-led coalition airstrike killed hundreds of the terrorists as well as civilians. The deaths occurred mainly due to suffocation, caused by toxic substances that were released in the air, following the bombardment.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are reportedly handing over several villages to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in northern Aleppo.

Kurds make game changing exchange in northern Aleppo to help rebel forces

According to local activists in northern Aleppo, the Syrian Democratic Forces will hand-over the villages of Tal Rifa’at, Mennagh, Kafr Karmeen, Deir Jammal, Harbek, ‘Ayn Daqnah, and Mur’anez to the Free Syrian Army.

Initially, the Syrian Democratic Forces seized these villages from the Turkish-backed rebels; however, in some strange agreement recently, these sites will be handed back over.

These villages are located just north of the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions in the Al-Zahra’a Valley, which puts the latter in a rough situation as they prepare for their large-scale offensive in the ‘Anadan Plain.

(Update 10:35 P.M.) – Free Syrian Army issued a statement that denies reaching an agreement with the Kurds.

A U.S. airstrike mistakenly struck a group of fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the western countryside of the Al-Raqqa Governorate, local activists reported on Thursday.

US airstrike mistakenly kills 18 allied fighters in northern Syria

The mistake ended up costing the lives of 18 military personnel from the Syrian Democratic Forces near the strategic town of Tabaqa in west Al-Raqqa.

According to journalist Wladimir Van Wilgenburg, the U.S. Air Force had mistaken an SDF unit for an Islamic State (ISIL) contingent in the Tabaqa countryside.

The U.S. airstrike on SDF personnel comes just hours after the Syrian Army’s High Command accused the western power of killing dozens of civilians in Deir Ezzor.
President Donald Trump's national security adviser is expressing doubt the U.S. will send more ground troops to Syria. His comments come as rebel forces appear close to launching an assault to capture the Islamic State group's de facto capital of Raqqa.

McMaster casts doubt on US sending more troops to Syria

H.R. McMaster spoke to ABC's "This Week" from Afghanistan. He says it "remains to be seen" whether additional troops are needed, but he doesn't "think so." McMaster says the U.S. will support its "partner forces" in Syria.

The U.S. has been expected to provide additional arms to the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces for the Raqqa offensive. But it hasn't been clear about troops.

Last week, Trump appeared to rule out deeper American military intervention in Syria beyond retaliatory strikes if Syria's president continued to attack civilians with chemical weapons.

On Sunday, a Russian news crew was wounded by the shrapnel of an ISIS shell that struck the team while they were boarding a Syrian chopper in Deir Ezzor, preparing to travel to Qamishli Airport.

VIDEO: Russian journalists injured by ISIS shell while boarding chopper in Deir Ezzor (6:08 min.)

Subsequently, the ANNA News journalists recieved treatment for flesh wounds at a local hospital in Deir Ezzor only to board another helicopter and land safely at the relatively safe city of Qamishli in northeastern Syria hours later.

The Russian News crew was accomidated by a wealthy Syrian family whom had paid to be evacuated from the besieged city, the footage revealed.

Many Syrian government soldiers were also injured by the shell; nevertheless, no people died due to the Islamic State attack.

The Air Force of the US-led international coalition in Syria landed troops near the eastern city of Deir Ez-Zor to carry out a targeted operation against the Daesh terrorist organization, local media reported on Monday.

Coalition Troops Airdropped Near Syrian Deir Ez-Zor for Anti-Daesh Operation

According to the Sky News Arabia broadcaster, the troops were airdropped from coalition helicopters, and targeted Daesh military supply points and arms storehouses to the east of the city. The media added that the troops left the area some 20 minutes after the landing, but did not specify the countries taking part in the operation.

The city of Deir ez-Zor, located on the shores of the Euphrates River some 280 miles to the northeast of Damascus, has been besieged by Daesh for over three years, with food and ammunition only being delivered by air.

A field commander of Jeish al-Islam terrorist group was killed in the Syrian Army troops' operations in al-Qaboun district in Eastern Ghouta.

Senior Terrorist Commander Killed in Battle with Syrian Soldiers in Damascus Countryside

The army soldiers, backed up by the country's fighter jets, continued their anti-terrorism operation near al-Qaboun and in a region between al-Qaboun and Western Harasta, and killed Commander of Brigade 17th of Jeish al-Islam terrorist group, nom de guerre Abu Amar al-Qeis.

A local source said that the army's artillery and aircraft launched heavy attacks on terrorists' positions in al-Qaboun simultaneous with the advances of the ground troops.

On Monday at daybreak, an ISIS Inghimasi (special forces) unit attacked army forward positions near the Jabbul Lake in the eastern Aleppo, killing many government troops in the process.

17 Syrian Army troops killed by ISIS raid in eastern Aleppo

According to Amaq Agency, 17 soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were killed by a hit-and-run attack on the village of Kharaj Diyam, directly west of Jirah Airbase.

Several soldiers were reportedly killed while still sleeping in tents near the frontline. The death toll could not be independently verified by Al-Masdar News.

The SAA temporarily paused its eastern Aleppo counter-insurgency operations last week as a critical situation in northern Hama prompted the Syrian High Command to redeploy most of the elite Tiger Forces along with renown Major General Suheil Al-Hassan.

Meanwhile, ISIS released an astonishing 20-minute long video from battles in Aleppo province, showcasing clashes with the SAA and Turkish Army earlier this year.

The Turkish-backed rebels launched a surprise attack against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on late Monday evening, targeting the latter’s positions in the northern countryside of the Aleppo Governorate.

Turkish-backed rebels attack Kurdish forces in northern Syria

According to local activists in the Afrin Canton, clashes were reported at several axes in northern Aleppo, including the area around Umm Hawsh, Qastal Jand, Zawiyan, and the Sahba Dam.

No further details have been released from this front.

The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) has long opposed the Kurdish forces in northern Syria, despite the fact the latter has not carried out any operations against them unless provoked.

Well-informed military sources said that over 3,600 terrorists, including several senior commanders, have thus far been killed or wounded in the Syrian Army attacks on terrorists' positions in Northern Hama in less than a month.

Hundreds of Terrorists Killed, Wounded in Syrian Army Operation in Northern Hama

The Syrian state news agency quoted the sources as saying that 2,308 terrorists, including several commanders, have been killed and 1,325 others have been injured in the army offensives on the positions and movements of the terrorist groups in Northern Hama.

The news agency further added that nine tanks, four BMP vehicles, 139 military vehicles, 23 command posts and three ammunition depots of the terrorists were also destroyed in the army operation.

In the meantime, 14 drones of the terrorists were downed by the army and a tank, an armored vehicle, a large number of mortars, machineguns and a large volume and ammunition and arms were seized by the army soldiers in the same region.

The news agency went on to say that the army men have so far liberated over 12 towns and villages and several hills in Northern Hama following their large-scale operation that started on March 23 after the government forces lost several towns and villages to the militants.
Joint Russian-Syrian film dubbed 'Palmyra' to be shot on location
The film is scheduled for release in 2019

A Russian-Syrian feature film entitled Palmyra, scheduled for release in 2019, will be shot on location in war-torn Syria, filmmakers said on Monday.

Prominent Syrian actress Sulaf Fawakherji, who is also one of the movie’s producers, said that "the film will be as truthful as possible and the shooting will take place in Syria."

The Russian production company Proline-media and Syria’s biggest production company Shaghaf signed an agreement on making a collaborative movie entitled Palmyra, the signing ceremony was held at Russia’s Culture Ministry. "If your movie helps keep people on the good side then it means that your efforts will not have been in vain," Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky noted. He was confident that "the international audience will take an interest in this picture" as "events taking place in the Middle East concern the whole world."

Directed by Russia’s Ivan Bolotnikov, the film’s shooting is expected to begin in late 2017. Some scenes are planned to be shot in Syria’s Palmyra and other locations. "In the autumn, we plan to get the ball rolling and begin filming in late 2017," producer Andrey Sigle said.

The plot of the film revolves around a doctor from the Russian North Caucasus republic of Dagestan, whose life is ruined when his wife flees to Syria taking their young daughters with her. "The project emerged a year ago," Sigle said. "The hero is one of those fighting the (Syrian) war." The producer added that the Syrian government troops would ensure the safety of the movie crew.

According to Sigle, the motion picture will have a budget of 2 mln euros with Syria footing 25% of the bill. The producer did not rule out that reporters would be invited to cover the movie’s shooting. Apart from Russia and Syria, Lebanon, France and a number of other countries are also expected to participate in the project.

The Russian president also "expressed confidence that the Russian-Syrian friendly relations will develop"

Putin congratulates Assad on 71st anniversary of Syria’s independence

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has received congratulations from his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the 71st anniversary of Syria’s independence. The text of the telegram was made public by the Syrian president’s Office on Tuesday.

Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed talking to TASS that such a message had been sent to the Syrian leader.

"In a telegram to President Assad, Putin confirmed Russia’s intention to continue supporting the peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis by means of a broad national dialogue," the Syrian president’s Office said on Twitter. "President Putin noted Russia’s willingness to provide effective support to the peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis, the protection of Syria’s territorial integrity and sovereignty," the telegram reads.

The Russian president also "expressed confidence that the Russian-Syrian friendly relations will develop continuously."

On April 17, the Syrian general public celebrated the 71st anniversary of the country’s independence. The solemn ceremony to mark the Day of the evacuation of the French and British colonial troops was held on Mount Qasioun in Damascus where the memorial complex is located. It was followed by rallies and concerts, with patriotic songs performed in the city’s squares.

The Russian military police has started several weapons, medical and self-defense training courses for Syrian civilians and mobilized forces in Aleppo province, a well-informed source revealed on Tuesday.

Russian Military Starts Training Popular Forces in Syria's Aleppo

A Russian military officer said that Syrian civilians could protect their villages when necessary, adding they have been fighting for a long time, "however, they do not have the needed skills in handling weapons".

A Syrian source, meantime, underlined the necessity for training popular forces, reiterating that forming popular forces' defense unis is now vital as people have come back to live Aleppo city.

Based on reports, the Russian forces had previously carried out such training courses in Damascus, Lattakia and Homs provinces.

Moments ago, a Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebel faction released a statement online claiming to have killed two Russian troops in a TOW strike on a government-held position in northern Hama, a governorate in central Syria which recently witnessed the deployment of Russian military police.

BREAKING: Two Russian soldiers killed by US-supplied guided missile in rural Hama

The ‘Central Division’ of the FSA claimed the anti-tank missile, manufactured in the United States, struck a gathering of Syrian troops at the village of Rahabet Khattab, supposedly killing two Russian tactical advisors as well.

Al-Masdar News could not independently verify the FSA claim. Moscow is yet to address the alleged attack and loss of personnel.

The newly released FSA statement can be read in Arabic here: (Photo).

Arab media outlets disclosed on Tuesday that British helicopters have carried out three heliborne operations in Deir Ezzur one day after the US-led coalition aircraft carried out a similar operation in the same province.

Britain Conducts Heliborne Operations in Eastern Deir Ezzur

According to al-Hadath news website, the British helicopters have conducted heliborne operations in al-Marjeh region in the Southern parts of Salehiyeh Bu Kamal village in a region between the Southern parts of Granich and Ma'eizliyeh villages.

The Arabic-language website reported that the US halted all airstrikes in the region during the British operation.

Meantime, special sources told al-Hadath that the British troops are highly likely to launch a ground offensive from the same passageway towards the Eastern parts of Deir Ezzur to occupy al-Hamdan airbase and turn it into a military base for the British forces.

"Other phases of these operations may also include an offensive to win control over the oilfields in Eastern Deir Ezzur, including al-Amar and al-Tonk, and Koinko gas plant before occupying other cities in the region like Bu Kamal, al-Mayadeen, al-Asharah and al-Qouriyeh," it continued.

According to al-Hadath, such a move by the British would cut off the road from Iraq to Eastern Syria and block any possible Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi Volunteer Forces) advance towards the Syrian territories which was aimed at establishing security in Western Iraq in the interest of both nations.

Local sources disclosed on Monday that the US-led coalition aircraft have carried out another heliborne operation in regions controlled by ISIL terrorists in Southeastern Deir Ezzur near Syria's border with Iraq.

The Arabic-language desk of Sky news quoted local sources as saying that several aircraft of the US-led coalition carried out heliborne operations near T2 Station in desert regions South of the town of al-Mayadeen.

Sky news further added that the aircraft landed near the T2 station where tens of the coalition forces left them and entered the station, adding the region on which the aircraft landed is one of the military supplying-rescue bases of the ISIL and there are a number of arms depots and fighters in the region.

The coalition's operation lasted for 20 minutes and the US-led forces left the region, Sky news said, adding that the ISIL, meantime, dispatched more forces and military equipment to Koinko oilfields, Jafrah and al-Tonk regions and set up tens of checkpoints in the towns of al-Mayadeen, al-Sho'eitat, Albu Kamal and its surroundings.

Sources said in early January that 6 helicopters took part an unprecedented heliborne operation in areas West of Deir Ezzur city to relocate ISIL's foreign fighters from the region. There were two helicopters that carried a number of soldiers and Arabic translators in a region near al-Kebr station.

The source said the US troops left the helicopters and staged a raid on the terrorists at a water pump station, killing a number of them. "Then they took several ISIL terrorists captive, in an action that more seemed like a theatrical move".

"It looked like a drill and our suspicions grew when we came to realize that they only took captive those ISIL members who were foreigners," he added.

Other sources said that "the coalition forces that could speak Arabic with the accent of the Persian Gulf states took with them some of the non-Syrian members of the ISIL".

The Syrian Army's artillery and missile units targeted and destroyed several ISIL positions used for launching attacks on government forces' defense lines in Deir Ezzur city and its countryside.

Deir Ezzur: Terrorists' Offensive Capability Decreased after Syrian Army's Heavy Fire

The artillery and missile units opened heavy fire at ISIL's positions and movements in al-Thardah mountain South-West of Deir Ezzur city, destroying two tanks and an armored vehicle and killing or wounding their crew.

In the meantime, the artillery and missile unis hit ISIL's concentration centers near the al-Tayem oilfield crossroad Southwest of Deir Ezzur, destroying an area that was used by the terrorists to carry out bomb-laden drone attacks on army positions.

Relevant reports said on Monday that the army's artillery and missile units opened heavy fire at ISIL's positions in regions around Regiment 137 base, killing 14 terrorists and wounding several others. Two military vehicles of ISIL were destroyed in the attack too.

In the meantime, the army aircraft carried out several combat flights over ISIL's centers in areas surrounding al-Tamin Brigade base and al-Ma'amel region South of Deir Ezzur airbase, killing or wounding a number of terrorists.

Local sources, meantime, said that the dead body of Mohammad al-Jadan al-Rafi'a, one of the ISIL's religious leaders, was found in Abu Hamam in Eastern Deir Ezzur. Al-Rafi'a had disappeared two days ago.

The Syrian Army troops continued their advances against Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) and managed to win back a prison controlled by terrorists in Eastern Ghouta, liberating tens of captured soldiers.

Syrian Army Releases Tens of Captured Soldiers after Wining back Terrorist-Held Prison in Eastern Damascus

The army forces, using intelligence and aerial images, stormed Al-Nusra's defense lines in al-Qaboun district and took back one of the jails used by the terrorist group. The army men liberated almost 34 captured soldiers in the attack.

Relevant reports said on Monday that a field commander of Jeish al-Islam terrorist group was killed in the Syrian Army troops' operations in al-Qaboun district in Eastern Ghouta.

The army soldiers, backed up by the country's fighter jets, continued their anti-terrorism operation near al-Qaboun and in a region between al-Qaboun and Western Harasta, and killed Commander of Brigade 17th of Jeish al-Islam terrorist group, nom de guerre Abu Amar al-Qeis.

The Turkish Army soldiers and allied militants targeted heavily the positions of Kurdish fighters in five different regions in Northern Aleppo, escalating fierce clashes with the Kurds.

Turkish Soldiers, Kurdish Fighters Exchange Heavy Fire in Northern Syria

Artillery and mortar units and tanks of the Turkish army and Ankara-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation shelled Kurdish combatants' concentration centers and defense lines in the villages of al-Shahba, al-Samouqeh, Zouyan, al-Hasiyeh and Um Hawsh in around the towns of Ezaz and Afrin in Northern Hama.

The Kurdish fighters in return opened heavy fire at the Euphrates Shield forces' positions. In the meantime, the Kurdish fighters engaged in heavy fighting with the Turkish army men and their allied militants in the village of Qastal Jandou.

Earlier this month, the predominately Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) warded off an offensive of the Ankara-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation in the Northern part of Aleppo province, killing a number of militants.

The SDF's Jeish al-Thawar engaged in fierce clashes with the Turkey-backed militants of the Euphrates Shield Operation and fended off their massive attack on the villages of Tal Maziq, Qolsarouj, Samouqeh, Sheikh Issa, Harbal and Um Hush in Northern Aleppo, killing a number of militants and destroying their military vehicles.

SDF warned later that it would soon launch an offensive on the Turkish army in Northern Aleppo province to push the foreign military troops out of the highly strategic region of Al-Bab.
Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested

APRIL 18, 2017 - As worries deepened last week about whether North Korea would conduct a missile test, the White House declared that ordering an American aircraft carrier into the Sea of Japan would send a powerful deterrent signal and give President Trump more options in responding to the North’s provocative behavior.

The problem was, the carrier, the Carl Vinson, and the four other warships in its strike force were at that very moment sailing in the opposite direction, to take part in joint exercises with the Australian Navy in the Indian Ocean, 3,500 miles southwest of the Korean Peninsula.

White House officials said on Tuesday they were relying on guidance from the Defense Department. Officials there described a glitch-ridden sequence of events, from a premature announcement of the deployment by the military’s Pacific Command to an erroneous explanation by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis — all of which perpetuated the false narrative that an American armada was racing toward the waters off North Korea.

By the time the White House was asked about the Carl Vinson on April 11, its imminent arrival had been emblazoned on front pages across East Asia, fanning fears that Mr. Trump was considering a pre-emptive military strike on North Korea. It was portrayed as further evidence of the president’s muscular style two days after he ordered a missile strike on Syria while he and President Xi Jinping of China were finishing dessert during a meeting in Florida.

The saga of the wayward carrier might never have come to light, had the Navy not posted a photograph on Monday of the Carl Vinson sailing through the Sunda Strait, which separates the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra. The picture was taken on Saturday, four days after the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, described its mission in the Sea of Japan.

The Carl Vinson is now on a northerly course for the Korean Peninsula and is expected to arrive in the region sometime next week, Defense Department officials said. The White House declined to comment on the misunderstanding, referring all questions to the Pentagon. “Sean discussed it once when asked, and it was all about process,” said a spokesman, Michael Short.

Privately, however, other officials expressed bewilderment that the Pentagon did not correct its timeline, particularly given the tensions surging in the region and the fact that Mr. Spicer, as well as the national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, were publicly answering questions about it.

Nothing to see here: US carrier still thousands of miles from Korea

A hundred unarmed South Sudanese refugees in eastern Congo took 13 United Nations mission staff hostage on Tuesday, demanding to be moved to a third country, a U.N. official based in the area said.

South Sudan refugees take 13 U.N. mission staff hostage

Tue Apr 18, 2017 - They were among 530 people who have been living in the Munigi base, outside Goma, since fleeing South Sudan last August, U.N. Goma bureau head Daniel Ruiz told Reuters.

Most are former fighters loyal to former vice president Riek Machar, who have clashed with President Salva Kiir's forces since July 2016.

The United Nations estimates about 3 million South Sudanese have been uprooted by the violence in their country, the biggest cross-border exodus in Africa since the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Ruiz said the camp occupants had been demanding to be moved to a third country for months, but no one would take them.

Congo's government, mindful of threats to its stability from past refugee influxes, and from the armed groups that frequently roam its lawless east, is also keen to move them.

On Friday, eight of them agreed to be repatriated to South Sudan's capital Juba. Others fear going back and are frustrated at being confined in the tiny camp in eastern Congo.

"They're saying if the eight were transferred to South Sudan, why shouldn't we be able to go to a third country?" Ruiz said. He added that the U.N. mission was currently negotiating with them.

Civil war broke out in oil-producing South Sudan in 2013, after Kiir sacked Machar from the vice presidency.

That conflict ended in a peace pact in 2015 and Machar was reinstated early last year, but tensions between the two men lingered and finally erupted into new fighting in July.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., met with a group representing Iranian dissidents in Albania on Friday.

Sen. John McCain meets with Iranian dissidents relocated to Albania (Video) (7:31 min.)

Speaking to members of the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, the largest of five organizations in the National Council of Resistance of Iran, at their headquarters in Tirana, McCain spoke about his opposition to the Iranian regime. "Someday, Iran will be free. Someday, we will all gather in that square," McCain said.

He also congratulated members of the group for successfully relocating to Albania from Iraq where they had been subject to attacks from militias backed by Iran.

"There is no doubt that the people in this room have suffered," McCain told the gathering, also attended by Maryam Rajavi, the group's president-elect. "They have suffered not only themselves but in the loss of their loved ones because of the Iranian tyranny, and I express my condolences to everyone in this room who has lost a loved one as a result of the Iranian tyranny and terrorism."

After the event, McCain met separately with Rajavi, the group said.

McCain has spent the first week of the congressional recess traveling across Eastern Europe. He's made stops in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. His office did not immediately return a request for comment on his visit to Albania.

The dissident group, also known as the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, has revealed information on Iran's nuclear and terror activities over the years.

The MEK says 140 MEK members were killed in seven attacks on Camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq by the Iranian regime, the Iraqi army and the pro-regime Iraqi terrorist militias.

In 2004, following the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the MEK residing at Camp Asraf handed over their weapons and submitted to U.S. military protection. This was after the U.S. reportedly bombed the encampment as part of a deal with Iran, which promised to repatriate some members of al Qaeda if the U.S. attacked the MEK. The U.S. handed over responsibility to protect the dissidents to the Iraqi government in 2009, which moved the group to Camp Liberty in 2012.

After Camp Liberty was repeatedly attacked, the MEK appealed to the United Nations to allow them to return to Camp Asraf, which they said provided better protection. The U.N. High Commission for Refugees and the U.S. supported an effort to move Camp Liberty residents out of Iraq and Albania had offered to take the refugees in.

The last remaining members of the group departed Camp Liberty and were resettled in September.

The U.S. had listed the MEK as a terrorist organization for past alleged attacks on Americans, for which MEK has denied having any role. One senior official in the Clinton administration described the designation as a gesture of goodwill to then-Iranian president Mohammad Khatami. The MEK was removed from the list in 2012.
‘Hard to say no’: Johnson hints parliament vote against Syria invasion may be ignored at US request

It will be “very difficult” for the UK government to refuse military assistance to the US in Syria if they expressly ask for it, British FM Boris Johnson has said, responding to an MP’s question on if he intends to heed parliament’s vote against the incursion.
British Foreign Secretary Johnson was on Tuesday briefing MPs on the situation in Syria and North Korea, when he was posed with a question by former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Conservative MP, Alistair Burt. Burt asked what the UK government’s reaction would have been if, instead of just hitting Syria’s Shayrat airfield on April 7, Washington decided to first enlist military help from Britain.

When asked if he and the British government consider themselves to be “bound” by the past decision not to intervene in Syria and plan to reinvigorate the parliamentary debate or “if not, what might the United Kingdom be able to do to demonstrate its force and resolve,” Johnson hinted that the UK is ready to back Washington not only politically but also militarily.

“We were not asked for specific support, but it is my belief—I stress that no such decision has yet been taken—that were such a request to be made in future and were it to be a reasonable request in pursuit of similar objectives, it would be very difficult for the United Kingdom to say no,” the top British diplomat said, without elaborating.

Johnson’s Tuesday comments seem to indicate a departure from a previous UK policy on Syria that has been in place since a dramatic House of Commons vote on the issue in 2013, which ended in a crushing defeat for interventionist bid championed by former Prime Minister David Cameron.

Alistair reminded Johnson of the Parliament’s decision to vote down the motion that would have authorized military involvement into Syria back in August 2013 under fairly similar circumstances. At the time, the rebels accused the Syrian government of perpetrating a sarin gas attack in a Damascus suburb. The allegations were strongly denied by the Syrian authorities, which, in turn, blamed the militants, claiming it was a false-flag operation. Later, former US Secretary of State John Kerry confessed that British MPs’ lack of support for the mulled US airstrikes in Syria at the time led to delay in decision-making in Washington and thus derailed the operation.

While the defeat in Parliament dealt a heavy blow to Cameron’s foreign policy ambitions, he conceded, saying that although he “strongly believes” in the need for military intervention in Syria, “it is clear” that “the British Parliament, reflecting the views of the British people, does not want to see British military action.”

Johnson reiterated that in attacking Syria “the United States has acted with the full support of the British Government,” adding that the “only one conclusion” that could be reached based on the known evidence of the alleged chemical attack in rebel-held Idlib province is that “the Assad regime almost certainly gassed its own people.”

Weighing in on the implications of the US strike, which he praised as an “emphatic message” by the US administration, he alleged that it “has changed the terms of trade” in Syria and lay foundation for “political change.”

“America’s determined response creates an opportunity to break the deadlock and pave the way for a political settlement of Syria’s tragedy,” Johnson said, adding that Moscow should pursue the Syrian authorities to launch this process.

Johnson also commanded UK’s own efforts in investigating the chemical incident in Khan Sheikhoun, claiming that it is “thanks in large measure to UK diplomacy, the United Nations now has a joint investigative mechanism with a mandate to identify any party responsible for chemical attacks in Syria.”

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov cast doubt on the impartial character of the OPCW fact-checking missions, entrusted with investigation of the alleged chemical attack, calling it “a very strange coincidence” that they are both chaired by the British citizens.

Lavrov argued that composition of the missions “runs contrary to the principles of an international organization, the structures of which must be maximally balanced.”
I came across the below article: "Russia could help ‘relieve Syrians of tyranny,’ join US-led coalition – UK’s Boris Johnson"

Is he really this clueless about what's really going on in Syria? Or is he saying that because he thinks the rest of the world is? Well, in all honesty many are.

UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has suddenly suggested that Moscow join the Western coalition in Syria, saying that Russia could assist in “relieving Syrians of a tyranny” of “toxic Assad.” Russian MPs were not thrilled by the prospects.
“Assad has been clinging on. With the help of Russians and Iranians, and by dint of unrelenting savagery, he has not only recaptured Aleppo. He has also won back most of ‘operational’ Syria,” Johnson wrote in a column penned for The Telegraph. While Johnson called for gathering “all evidence at Khan Sheikhoun,” citing the “painful” lessons of the 2003 Iraq invasion, the British FM seems to have already drawn his conclusions.

“It is in some ways bizarre that Bashar al-Assad should be so reckless,” Johnson writes, adding that “it seems mystifying that he should now raise the stakes by so blatantly murdering so many of his own people with chemical weapons.”

Johnson also seems to have convinced himself that the Assad government also carried out the chemical weapon attack in Ghouta, back in 2013.

“He learnt that he could get away with it. He learnt that he could cross the ‘red lines’ of the West with impunity,” according to the British foreign minister.

But the climax of his message is somewhat unexpected – the latest events are “in fact, an opportunity for Russia.”

“Now is surely the moment for them to make a sensible compromise – to join a coalition of more than 60 countries in the fight against Daesh, to maintain their strategic interests in Syria, with the prospect of more productive relations with President Trump and in the knowledge that the West will eventually help rebuild the country,” Johnson writes.

“The Russians saved him. The Russians can help remove him, through a carefully supervised transition process that preserves key institutions of state – and usher in a stable and pluralist future for the country.”

Assad “is literally and metaphorically toxic, and it is time Russia awoke to that fact. They still have time to be on the right side of the argument,” Johnson concluded.

The column comes a couple of days after G7 leaders rejected Johnson’s calls for more sanctions on Russia. French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said diplomats had not discussed the issue in any depth, but confirmed Johnson had raised the prospect of sanctions.

In Russia, early reactions in political circles did not show much enthusiasm.

“I don’t think that joining the Western coalition which just pretends to be fighting Islamic State would be the right choice. As one famous Russian film goes: no, we’d rather welcome you,” Franz Klintsevich, a member of the security and defense committee of the upper chamber, told RIA Novosti.

“Johnson is still struggling to find his political image: he either calls for new sanctions (against Russia), or now calls us to join the Western coalition,” Aleksey Pushkov, member of the same committee, wrote on Twitter.

On April 4, Syrian President Bashar Assad was accused by Washington of conducting a chemical weapons attack on the town of Khan Shaykhun in the Idlib Province. Two days after the attack, the Trump administration ordered an attack of 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airbase in Homs.

On Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov referred to the US missile strike on Shayrat as “an act of aggression, which blatantly violated the principles of international law and the UN Charter.” He also called on Washington and its allies to respect Syria’s sovereignty, adding that the attack has “serious ramifications not only on regional, but also global security.”
Yet another article showing America's bullying other countries into ideological compliance:

"Czech's Attitude to the Syrian Conflict Defined by 'Cowardly Loyalty Towards US'"

While the Czech Republic remains the only EU member state which still has an embassy in Syria and which also represents the US interests on the ground, pressure is mounting within the country to withdraw its ambassador from Damascus and close the mission. Sputnik Czech discussed the issue with Czech publicist and former diplomat Jiří Baťa.

The Czech Republic remains the only EU member state which still has an embassy in Syria and which also represents the US interests on the ground, providing emergency services to the US citizens. It has also become the sole distributor of EU humanitarian aid to Syria.

However, pressure is mounting within the country to follow the example of other EU countries and withdraw its ambassador from Damascus and close the mission.

Sputnik Czech discussed the issue with Czech publicist and former diplomat Jiří Baťa.

"In my opinion, presence of the Czech ambassador in Damascus becomes of any sense only if the Czech government not only copies the policies of the US towards the country, but considers the contacts with the government of President Assad prospective, necessary and profitable to our country," he told Sputnik.

It is known only too well that the Czech politicians seldom pursue their own political interests. Their false loyalty to the western allies drifts them away from reality and they unitedly and orderly follow the political course of the western allies, he added.

In this file photo, Islamic State group militants hold up their flag as they patrol in a commandeered Iraqi military vehicle in Fallujah, 40 miles (65 kilometers) west of Baghdad, Iraq

"I think that the position of our government towards Bashar Assad does not always have ample grounds and is often unconvincing. It is being adjusted to the interests, needs and demands of the US.," the journalist said.
Another issue, he added, what will be the reaction of these western allies, and first of all of the US, if Washington learns that the Czech government does not follow its policies in full. It may subsequently cause more pressure on the Czech government to withdraw Czech ambassador to Syria Eva Filipi

Jiří Baťa however noted that current presence of the Czech ambassador in Damascus is more of a symbolic gesture as all the activities and operations of the embassy, regardless of whether they are of any benefit to President Assad, are being previously agreed upon with the western allies.

The Czech Republic has no direct influence on the developments in Syria, he finally stated.
Ant22 said:
‘Hard to say no’: Johnson hints parliament vote against Syria invasion may be ignored at US request

It will be “very difficult” for the UK government to refuse military assistance to the US in Syria if they expressly ask for it, British FM Boris Johnson has said, responding to an MP’s question on if he intends to heed parliament’s vote against the incursion.
British Foreign Secretary Johnson was on Tuesday briefing MPs on the situation in Syria and North Korea, when he was posed with a question by former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Conservative MP, Alistair Burt. Burt asked what the UK government’s reaction would have been if, instead of just hitting Syria’s Shayrat airfield on April 7, Washington decided to first enlist military help from Britain.

When asked if he and the British government consider themselves to be “bound” by the past decision not to intervene in Syria and plan to reinvigorate the parliamentary debate or “if not, what might the United Kingdom be able to do to demonstrate its force and resolve,” Johnson hinted that the UK is ready to back Washington not only politically but also militarily.

“We were not asked for specific support, but it is my belief—I stress that no such decision has yet been taken—that were such a request to be made in future and were it to be a reasonable request in pursuit of similar objectives, it would be very difficult for the United Kingdom to say no,” the top British diplomat said, without elaborating.

The article is "a good find" and an interesting one, Ant22.

I look at the article, as posturing on a hypothetical question but mainly for public consumption with a bunch of "what if's"? In this case, what would be the UK governments response "if" Washington decided to first enlist military help from Britain - in bombing Syria’s Shayrat airfield? In a real sense, the question has merit "on the surface" but looking deeper, the U.S. bombing of the Syrian air base was a one-man-show, centering on Trump. We're still collecting data to cipher the real reasons and agenda behind this - show of force and military might?

In a real sense, the UK and US work "hand and hand" in Syria and Iraq, as noted in a prior article, where the US military bomb a certain area, clearing the way for British troops to secure the location, so they have control of the oil and gas fields, in both Iraq and Syria.

Britain Conducts Heliborne Operations in Eastern Deir Ezzur

... the US halted all airstrikes in the region during the British operation.

... the British troops are highly likely to launch a ground offensive from the same passageway towards the Eastern parts of Deir Ezzur to occupy al-Hamdan airbase and turn it into a military base for the British forces.

... "Other phases of these operations may also include an offensive to win control over the oilfields in Eastern Deir Ezzur, including al-Amar and al-Tonk, and Koinko gas plant before occupying other cities in the region like Bu Kamal, al-Mayadeen, al-Asharah and al-Qouriyeh.

... such a move by the British would cut off the road from Iraq to Eastern Syria and block any possible Hashd al-Shaabi (Iraqi Volunteer Forces) advance towards the Syrian territories which was aimed at establishing security in Western Iraq in the interest of both nations.
angelburst29 said:
(...) The article is "a good find" and an interesting one, Ant22.

I look at the article, as posturing on a hypothetical question but mainly for public consumption with a bunch of "what if's"? In this case, what would be the UK governments response "if" Washington decided to first enlist military help from Britain - in bombing Syria’s Shayrat airfield? In a real sense, the question has merit "on the surface" but looking deeper, the U.S. bombing of the Syrian air base was a one-man-show, centering on Trump. We're still collecting data to cipher the real reasons and agenda behind this - show of force and military might?

In a real sense, the UK and US work "hand and hand" in Syria and Iraq, as noted in a prior article, where the US military bomb a certain area, clearing the way for British troops to secure the location, so they have control of the oil and gas fields, in both Iraq and Syria. (...)

Thank you for your analysis angelburst29, it added clarity to my understanding of the article and put it in a bigger context than I initially approached it with :flowers: Your feedback is very much appreciated as I am still learning to put 2 and 2 together in an objective and coherent way.

You're right that Johnson's words don't mean anything "in a real sense" since the UK is already involved. I guess I had a bit of an emotional response to this article.

As for the agenda behind Trump-Syria-Russia, I'm following these topics with lots of interest despite not being able to offer much insight myself. I adopted a bit of a "hoping for the best but expecting the worst" approach with Trump, which in fact eased some of the doom and gloom I was feeling when the recent events unfolded. I guess it was a moral spine and not ego that he needed in order to stand up to the PTB - and it's hard to say how far he is going to get having too little of the former but too much of the latter.

Well, this is truly an exciting show and if only popcorn was paleo I'd definitely get some to watch it ;)
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