Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

angelburst29 said:
American CEO resigns after funding ISIS in Syria

Le Monde and Bloomberg reported earlier that the leadership of one of the company’s plants, located to the northeast of Syria, had financed ISIS armed formations in 2012-2014 in order to ensure the safety of the company’s employees and continue their activity. The company’s management paid taxes to IS fighters who had occupied neighboring cities and roads near the enterprise.

LafargeHolcim is the leading global building materials and solutions company, utilised by construction workers, architects and engineers all over the world. Lafarge built a cement plant in Syria which took almost 3 years to construct, at a cost of approximately $680 million. Since the beginning of its operations, the political situation in Syria rapidly deteriorated, posing security and operations challenges to the plant and employees. Circumstances became increasingly worse and ultimately untenable, forcing LafargeHolcim to abandon the premises in September 2014.

The subsequent investigation confirmed the allegations.

"Those responsible for the Syria operations appear to have acted in a manner they believed was in the best interests of the company and its employees. However, the investigation revealed significant errors in judgment that are inconsistent with the applicable code of conduct. "

Speaking of Lafarge, SoTT carried the article Thierry Meyssan: Revelations - Lafarge-Holcim's jihad against the Syrian government whereby it elaborated:

Snip said:

Lafarge in Syria

Lafarge is the world's leading cement company. NATO entrusted it with the construction of the jihadists' bunkers in Syria and the reconstruction of the Sunni part of Iraq. In exchange, Lafarge allowed the Alliance to manage its installations in these two countries, notably the factory in Jalabiyeh (at the Turkish border, north of Aleppo). For two years, the multinational supplied the materials and equipment for the construction of the gigantic underground fortifications which enabled the jihadists to defy the Syrian Arab Army.

Lafarge is currently directed by US citizen Eric Olsen, who has integrated into his company the factories of the Sawiris brothers and Firas Tlass. The latter is the son of General Moustapha Tlass, President Hafez el-Assad's ex-Minister for Defence. He is the brother of General Manas Tlass, whom France had once considered making the next Syrian President. He is also the brother of Nahed Tlass-Ojjeh, the widow of Saudi arms dealer Akram Ojjeh - she works with the journalist Franz-Olivier Giesbert.

The links between Lafarge and the French Special Forces are facilitated by the friendship between Bertrand Collomb (who became the honorary President of the multinational) and General Benoît Puga (Chief of Staff for Presidents Sarkozy and Hollande).


The construction of the jihadists' bunkers

2,6 million metric tonnes for two years adds up to at least six million metric tonnes produced for the «rebels». I'm putting the word «rebel» in quotes, because these combatants are not Syrians - they come from all over the Muslim world, including Europe.

This amount of concrete is comparable to that used by the German Reich, in 1916-17, to build the Siegfried Line. Since July 2012, NATO - including France - have organised a war of position in conformity with the strategy described by Abou Moussab «The Syrian» in his 2004 book, Management of Savagery.

We can imagine the number of military engineers from the NATO Engineering Corps - including the French - who were necessary to build these colossal structures.

Lafarge, the Clintons and the CIA

During the 1980's, Lafarge was defended in its Alabama pollution trial by a famous lawyer, a certain Hillary Rodham-Clinton. She managed to reduce the fine imposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency down to only 1,8 million dollars.

During the mandate of George Bush Sr, Lafarge helped out the CIA by illegally transporting to Iraq the weapons which would be used later on during the rebellion, when Iraq was planned to invade Kuwaït, and the international Coalition was planned to come to liberate it.

During the same period, Hillary Rodham-Clinton became an administrator for the multinational, a post she left when her husband was elected to the White House. President Bill Clinton then reduced to 600,000 dollars the fine that his wife had been unable to avoid for Lafarge. Good relations continued between them, since the cement company donated 100,000 dollars to the Clinton Fondation in 2015, and its new CEO, Eric Olsen, never hesitates to have his photo taken with Hillary Clinton.

angelburst29 said:
Jordan Planning to Deploy Troops in Syria in Coordination With US - Assad

The Syrian government is aware that Jordan is planning to deploy troops on its territory in coordination with the United States, Syrian President Bashar Assad told Sputnik.

"We have such information, but anyway Jordan was part of the American plan since the beginning of the war in Syria," Bashar said.

He maintained that, "it's the United States who defines the plans, who defines the players, and who endorses everything regarding Syria coming from Jordan, and many of the terrorists coming from Jordan, and of course Turkey, since day one of the war in Syria."

The statement comes following the talks between US President Donald Trump and Jordanian King Abdullah II earlier in April. The two leaders held a bilateral meeting at the White House on crucial Middle East issues, such as means to defeat Daesh terrorist group.

Jordan is a part of the US-led coalition against Daesh, which is conducting airstrikes against Daesh in Syria without the approval of Syrian authorities and the UN, thus, violating the international law.

The United States has deployed service personnel to Turkey's border with Syria to serve as a buffer between Ankara-led forces and Kurdish fighters, a source with the People's Protection Units (YPG) told Sputnik Turkey, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Pentagon Deploys Troops to Turkey's Border With Syria

"We have discussed with the United States moves needed to be made to prevent the Turkish Armed Forces from potentially launching attacks against us. We have told the US that if Turkey attacks our troops once again we will pull out of the Raqqa operation and deploy all of our forces to the border. For its part, the US has promised to make every effort to stop further assaults," the source said.

The Pentagon is reported to have stationed its troops along the border stretching from the towns of Kobani to Karkamis. Several photos of US service personnel on armored vehicles in the area have appeared on Twitter.

Journalist Mohammed Hassan, who published some of the images, did not provide the exact location where they were taken, saying only that US troops were spotted between Rojava and Turkey. Rojava is a de facto autonomous region in northern Syria, administered by the Kurds. It consists of the cantons, namely Afrin, Jazira and Kobani.

​Ankara sent reinforcements to the area, journalist Baxtiyar Goran tweeted, without saying whether the move came in response to the US latest deployment or not.

The US military announced that it has deployed a group of troops and military vehicles along the Syria-Turkey border to prevent further clashes between Turks and Syrians.

US Troops Deploy along Syria-Turkey Border

A convoy of armored vehicles with US flags was spotted on a rural road in the village of Darbasiyah, a few hundred meters from the Turkish border in Syria's Northeastern Hasakah province, Kurdish activists disclosed, presstv reported.

Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis also confirmed the report, told reporters later on Friday that “we continue to urge all the parties involved to focus on the common enemy which is ISIS [ISIL or Daesh]."

Ilham Ahmad, another senior Kurdish official, told AP that the US troops began their patrols along the border on Thursday and had already conducted reconnaissance flights in the area.

“The US role has now become more like a buffer force between us and the Turks on all front lines,” Mustafa Bali, a Kurdish activist in the area, underlined.

The move comes after Turkish airstrikes in Iraq and Syria killed scores of the US-backed Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and injured 18 more on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Syrian city of Raqqa remains occupied by Daesh terrorists since early 2014. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) with the backing of a US-led international coalition is set to storm Raqqa and liberate it next month. It has been reported that US tanks will be used during the battle.

US Tanks to Storm Raqqa as Major Offensive Takes Shape

A representative of the command of the Syrian Democratic Forces, who wished to remain anonymous, told Sputnik Arabic that the US had recently delivered heavy weapons and tanks to the SDF.

“Two days ago, as part of the upcoming battle against Daesh the US sent us tanks and heavy weapons. The armament was delivered to Rojava [Kurdish de facto autonomous region in northern Syria]. It arrived on wagons through the territory of northern Iraq, through the border crossing point Semelka,” the source said. From there, the armaments were brought north of Raqqa.

“The tanks we received from the US, we intend to use during the storming of Raqqa next month. Previously, we had tanks but in small numbers and unlike those supplied by America, those were not in the best condition,” he said.

The representative of the Syrian Democratic Forces further stressed that, in case of a repeated attack by the Turkish armed forces, the SDF troops would be forced to cease the operation for the liberation of Raqqa.

“If Turkey continues to attack us, we will be forced to suspend the operation in Raqqa and move to the defense of our territories. Currently, we are meeting with the coalition forces in order to prevent a possible recurrence of attacks from Turkey,” the source told Sputnik.

He added that SDF has warned the coalition saying that in the event of a second attack, the troops would redirect all of the forces concentrated in Raqqa to the Turkish-Syrian border.

“We were promised that a meeting will be held with the Turkish side and we will be informed about the results,” the source concluded.

Recent days have seen heavy clashes between the Turkish military and Kurdish fighters close to the town of Ceylanpinar.

Earlier this week, Turkish jets launched airstrikes against People's Protection Units (YPG) targets in northern Syria, killing approximately 70 Kurdish fighters. Both Russia and the United States criticized the Turkish operation.

It is of major importance to unite the efforts of Russia and the US-led coalition in order to improve efficiency of the counterterrorist fight in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Saturday.

Russian, US-Led Coalition Should Unite in Counterterror Fight in Syria - Lavrov

It is important to unite the efforts of Russia and the US-led coalition in order to improve efficiency of the fight against terrorists in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Saturday.

We believe that in order to solve this problem [to improve efficiency of anti-terror fight] it is important to unite the efforts of all those who fight terrorism in Syria, I mean both the Russian Aerospace Forces and the coalition led by the Americans," the Russian minister said at a meeting with his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi.

Speaking about the role of Moscow and Washington in the Syrian settlement, Lavrov added that Jordan's King Abdullah II repeatedly stressed the necessity of US-Russian cooperation on the Syrian issue. He added that Moscow was ready for this interaction and expected the same approach from Washington.

The Russian foreign minister also noted the importance of the ceasefire between the Syrian government forces and the armed opposition "to counter terror threats more effectively on the Syrian territory."

The ISIL terrorist group struck the positions of the Osoud al-Sharqiya, a US/ Jordanian-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) branch, in Northern Damascus near the border with Homs province, local sources said, adding that a number of militants from both sides have been killed in the clashes.

Syria: ISIL Terrorists Storm Rival Group's Defense Lines at Damascus-Homs Border

The sources said that ISIL launched a fresh assault on the positons of Osoud Al-Sharqiya terrorist group in a border region between the provinces of Homs and East Qalamoun.

The ISIL attack came after a fortnight of encroaching FSA gains against the terrorist group which where aimed at expelling it in the direction of Homs province and lifting the siege on East Qalamoun.

So far, ISIL has managed to take control over Manqourah, Zibedah, Dab’ and Daba’ and, consequentially, the Osoud Al-Sharqiya group has been forced onto the defensive for the time being.

As a result of the attack, ISIL has reaffirmed its siege of FSA-held East Qalamoun, which only twelve hours ago seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Local sources reported earlier today that over 100 militants, including a field commander of Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board), have been killed in clashes between rival terrorist groups in Eastern Ghouta.

The sources confirmed that more than 100 terrorists have been killed and many more have been wounded in fierce clashes between Al-Nusra and Faylaq al-Rahman with Jeish al-Islam in the Eastern countryside of Damascus. They added that notorious commander of Al-Nusra, nom de guerre Abu Qazi, is among the terrorists killed in the clashes.

The infighting in Eastern Ghouta which started two days ago is still underway, the sources said, adding that the warring parties are pounding each others' position by mortar attacks.

17 Turkish soldiers were killed and three others were badly injured in continued clashes with the Kurdish units at Syria's border with Turkey, the Kurdish sources reported on Saturday.

20 Turkish Soldiers Killed, Wounded in Northwestern Syria

The sources said that the Kurdish fighters engaged in fierce clashes with the Turkish army troops near the town of Afrin, killing 17 soldiers and wounding three more.

The sources said that three tanks of the militant groups affiliated to Ankara were also destroyed in clashes near Afrin.

Well-informed sources reported on Friday that an armored vehicle of the Turkish troops was targeted and destroyed in an attack of the predominately Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Northern Raqqa in a retaliatory move against the Turkish airstrikes on a Kurdish-held village.

The sources said that the SDF fighters targeted an armored vehicle of the Turkish army in a region West of the border town of Tal Abyadh, after Turkish fighter jets bombed the Kurdish-held villages of Susek and Gri Sur near Tal Abyadh along with several positions in the Efrin area of rural Aleppo.

They added that after frequent Turkish airstrikes hitting Kurdish-held areas of Northern Syria again, the SDF responded on Thursday afternoon by destroying a Turkish radar station across the border near Tal Abyadh.

Turkish artillery units also shelled both areas in what appears to be the fiercest bombardment on Kurdish forces this year.

According to a statement by the Turkish military, 17 SDF fighters were killed by airstrikes and shelling.

The statement added that 11 Turkish border posts were targeted by Kurdish fighters.

Meanwhile, the SDF reportedly destroyed the fifth Turkish tank in the last 48 hours with a guided missile launched on a Turkish Army trench across the border near Tal Abyadh. Four tanks were targeted and destroyed by Kurdish forces on Thursday.

Terrorist groups have launched large-scale attacks on pro-government forces' positions to slow down their rapid advances in Northern Hama and delay their anti-terrorism operation towards Idlib, well-informed sources said.

Terrorists Launch Massive Attacks to Delay Syrian Army Operation at Hama-Idlib Border

The sources said that the terrorist groups that had lost large swathes of lands in Northern Hama in recent weeks carried out a fresh round of massive attacks using hundreds of fighters, but the army men repelled their offensives.

They added that Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) kicked off its third massive attack on government forces' positions in the newly-liberated settlement of al-Masaseneh, but the army men fended off their attack and inflicted tens of casualties on them.

A field source reported, meantime, that the army troops have managed to take back large swaths of territories from terrorists with the back up of the Russian and Syrian fighter jets in Northern Hama.

The source further added that al-Masaseneh is of significant importance for the army men to captured the militant-held towns of al-Latamina, Morek and Kafr Zita, that are also called as terrorists' triangle.

The source went on to say that terrorist groups are aware of the importance of al-Masaseneh, so they have tried several times to take it back, but they have failed so far.
angelburst29 said:
angelburst29 said:
Russian Black Sea Fleet Vessel Receives Hull Breach Near Bosphorus

All 78 Crew Members Rescued in Russian Black Sea Fleet Vessel Incident

Russian Black Sea Fleet Vessel Sinks After Hull Breach, Crew 'Alive and Well'

Special Equipment From Sunken Liman Vessel Evacuated by Crew - MoD

Sailors From Sunken Russian Ship in Turkey Airlifted to Russia

Beneath the waves: Has a sunken Russian ship been sabotaged?

On April 27, the Russian Navy ship called “The Liman” collided with the Ashot-7 cargo vessel 40 km from the Bosphorus Strait. Russia’s Defense Ministry reports that the civilian vessel breached the right side of The Liman and it sank rapidly. All 78 crewmembers were saved by a nearby Turkish ship.

Reasons and consequences of the incident

There was heavy fog at the time of the accident. However, experts believe this doesn’t justify the sailor's actions.

"During fog, when a ship enters the Strait is must have a reinforced watch. Sailors with machine guns must stand on deck protecting the vessel from saboteurs and the captain must be sitting in the wheelhouse, personally following the geo-locators, which show the surrounding vessels," said third-rank reserve captain and military analyst from the Izvestia daily Dmitry Litovkin.

In his words, fog does not influence the devices and if the investigation confirms The Liman captain's was at fault, he may be looking down the barrel of a jail sentence. Also, during the investigation the second vessel will be secured and anchored at a Turkish port.

"Its logs, monograms, and readings will be taken away. Since this ship belongs to a different state, an international court will take on the case, while Russia will demand compensation for The Liman," explained former Supreme Commander of the Black Sea Fleet and First Deputy Naval Supreme Commander Retired Admiral Igor Kasatonov.

The Liman's secret equipment

The Liman is a middle-sized reconnaissance ship and, in Litovkin's words, its function is to intercept radio and telephone conversations, as well as information from foreign satellites.

"Secret Russian equipment was located on the deck and in the first hour after the incident it could have been taken by Turkish divers," notes the expert.

According to the Vzglyad publication, the ship was equipped with the Don radar system, the Bronza hydro-acoustic system, and a series of radio reconnaissance devices. It did not have any large missile systems, only the Igla portable air defense system.

However, Kasatonov believes that it is too early to speak about foreign sabotage theories and the possible theft of Russia's secret equipment.

"For now there is no proof and therefore no case. The Russian Naval Command placed a guard unit on the site of the crash. A ship with hydro-acoustic devices is enough to understand what is going on at the bottom of the sea," added Kasatonov.

Where was The Liman heading?

For the last year and a half the ship had been participating in the Russian campaign in Syria. It observed the movements of Islamic State militants and listened in on their communications in the Mediterranean Sea.

In Litovkin's words, this time the ship was also heading for the Syrian coast for a combat mission. It will now be replaced by one of the seven equivalent-class ships from the Black Sea Fleet.

"This was a small ship and its loss is not as significant as the loss of the encryption machines and codes it had on board. The Russian Defense Ministry investigation will show if everything is still in place," Litovkin concluded.
The Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria announced in its latest report that militants in 1,475 regions laid down arms and joined peace with the Damascus government.

Russian Center: Syrian Peace Plan Signed by Militants in 1,475 Regions

“The number of populated localities that joined the reconciliation process in Syria has increased to 1,475,” the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria said.

It added that “negotiations to join the cessation of hostilities agreement are underway with armed opposition units in the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Hama, Homs and Quneitra”.

“According to the report, the number of armed groups that pledged their commitment to the acceptance and commitment of the conditions of the cessation of hostilities in line with the ceasefire agreement of 27 February 2016 has not changed, and stands at 143,” the statement said.

In addition, 65 militant groups agreed to stop fighting and to join the cessation of hostilities agreement that came into force at midnight of 30 December 2016 in line with the truce agreement achieved in an effort to find a complex solution to the conflict in Syria.

Three notorious ringleaders of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) terrorist group were killed when their car exploded in Northeastern Dara'a.

3 Notorious FSA Commanders Killed in Dara'a

Media sources affiliated to the dissidents reported that the local council commander in the town of Basir al-Tahrir named Ahmad al-Hariri was killed along with two other comrades when his car exploded on the road linking the towns of al-Soura and al-Qariya.

Also, Qassem al-Mojali and Bashar al-Ayan al-Hariri, the commanders of the FSA-affiliated Amoud Houran brigade, were also killed during the car explosion.

In a relevant development on Saturday, the ISIL terrorist group struck the positions of the Osoud al-Sharqiya, a US/ Jordanian-backed FSA branch, in Northern Damascus near the border with Homs province, local sources said, adding that a number of militants from both sides have been killed in the clashes.

The sources said that ISIL launched a fresh assault on the positons of Osoud Al-Sharqiya terrorist group in a border region between the provinces of Homs and East Qalamoun.

The ISIL attack came after a fortnight of encroaching FSA gains against the terrorist group which where aimed at expelling it in the direction of Homs province and lifting the siege on East Qalamoun.

So far, ISIL has managed to take control over Manqourah, Zibedah, Dab’ and Daba’ and, consequentially, the Osoud Al-Sharqiya group has been forced onto the defensive for the time being.

As a result of the attack, ISIL has reaffirmed its siege of FSA-held East Qalamoun, which only twelve hours ago seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Turkey is reinforcing the border with Syria in the southeastern part of the country, local media reported on Monday.

Turkey Reinforcing Border With Syria

The works are underway in the Akcakale district of the Turkish province of Sanliurfa, not far from the Syrian city of Tell Abiad, the Anadolu news agency reported, saying that Turkey is building grounds for military vehicles.

Turkish forces also reportedly began construction of a concrete wall on the border with Syria.

According to the Turkish General Staff, last week a border post in the Akcakale district was fired with missiles and mortars from the Syrian territory controlled by the Kurdish units.
According to the Russain Defense Ministry, a Russian military adviser was killed in Syria.

Russian Military Adviser Killed In Syria - Russian MoD

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that a Russian military adviser was killed in Syria by a sniper from the ranks of Syrian militants. The ministry added that the adviser had been training personnel of the Syrian artillery units.

"A Russian military adviser Alexei Buchelnikov was killed during a militants' fire. Buchelnikov was a member of the group that had been training personnel of the Syrian artilley units," the statement by the Russian Ministry of Defense reads.

"Alexei Buchelnikov has been honored with a reward post-mortem," the statement added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is to hold phone talks with US President Donald Trump on Tuesday.

Kremlin Spokesman Confirms Putin-Trump Phone Talks Tuesday

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed to Sputnik that Russian President Vladimir Putin planned to hold phone talks with US President Donald Trump on Tuesday.

"We confirm the conversation," Peskov said following the White House releasing a daily schedule stating Trump's phone talks with Putin would be held at 16:30 GMT.

Putin and Trump held two phone conversations since the US leader assumed office in January. The first talk followed Trump's inauguration, while the second phone call took place in early April after a terror attack in St. Petersburg.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss consolidating the Syrian ceasefire with his Turkish counterpart at their meeting in Sochi, Turkey's Foreign Ministry said.

Putin, Erdogan to Discuss Syria Truce at May 3 Meeting in Sochi - Ankara

Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss consolidating the ceasefire in Syria with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at their meeting in Sochi on Wednesday, Turkey's Foreign Ministry said.

"The presidents will discuss, among other issues, the strengthening of the ceasefire regime, the situation with prisoners and issues of mine clearance," Mustafa Yurdakul, the ministry's deputy director for Syria policy, told reporters Tuesday.

US Senator John McCain commented on President Donald Trump's during meetings with foreign leaders.

Trump's Controversial Rhetoric Obscures US Foreign Policy - Senator McCain

President Donald Trump's contradictory statements during meetings with foreign leaders obscure US foreign policy, US Senator John McCain said in an interview on Tuesday.

"I think, it's more confusion than anything else because of the contradictory statements that the president makes," McCain told MSNBC. "Consistency has got to be the fundamental pillar of the conduct of national security policy. And I wish that the president would consider much more carefully his comments."

McCain pointed out Trump's recent statement that he would be honored to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un caused controversy and unwanted tension with US-ally South Korea.

"I don’t understand it and I don’t think the president appreciates that when he says things like that it helps the credibility and the prestige of this really outrageous strongman," he stated.

McCain characterized North Korea as the largest gulag left on earth and noted that former President Ronald Reagan praised people who stood up against dictatorships rather than other way around.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry's deputy director for Syria policy said that liberating the city of Raqqa from terrorists is important but without the involvement of Kurdish forces.

Liberating Raqqa From Terrorists Key, But Without Kurdish Forces

"Providing security in Raqqa and Deir Ezzor is a very important issue, and purging them from the territory where they can pose a threat not only to Turkey but also to third countries… should be done by proper means and with the proper people," Mustafa Yurdakul said.

Yurdakul told reporters that the Kurdish dispute "worsens our relations" with the United States, the leading power of a 63-country coalition engaged in combating Daesh in Syria and Iraq.

"Since the beginning of the coalition's campaign, we advised them not to deal with terrorist organizations such as the Kurdish Democratic Union Party and the Kurdistan Workers' Party because it can hel pin the short term, but in the long run it can create problems," he stressed.

Ankara is currently continuing to discuss this issue with Washington as the latter does not have a clear stance on the liberation of Raqqa, Yurdakul added.

The US-led coalition carried out 15 airstrikes against the Daesh terror group (banned in Russia) in Iraq and Syria on Monday, including three strikes near the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor, Operation Inherent Resolve said in a press release.

US-Led Coalition Destroys 12 Daesh Fuel Tankers Near Deir Ez-Zor

The US-led coalition of 68 nations is conducting airstrikes, ground-based and rocket-propelled artillery fire against Daesh in Syria and Iraq.

The strikes in Iraq are conducted in support of the Iraqi government, but those in Syria are not authorized by the UN Security Council or the government of President Bashar Assad.

"Near Dayr Az Zawr; three strikes destroyed 12 ISIS [Daesh] fuel tankers, an ISIS wellhead, and an ISIS oil pump," the release stated on Tuesday.

Additional airstrikes in Syria engaged Daesh tactical units and destroyed oil pumps, fighting positions and other targets near Abu Kamal, Raqqa and Tabqa.

The number of settlements liberated by the Syrian government troops from the Daesh terror group, outlawed in Russia, since January has reached 236, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday in a daily bulletin.

Syrian Army Liberates 236 Settlements From Daesh Since January – Russian MoD

According to the document, negotiations on joining the ceasefire regime were being held with various field commanders from the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, Hama, and Quneitra. The number of the armed formations which have claimed to observe the ceasefire regime remained 143.

"The number of inhabited areas which had been liberated by the Syrian troops from the ISIS [Daesh] armed formations has reached 236," the bulletin said.

The Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria announced that militants in two more regions in Quneitra province handed over their weapons to the Syrian Army, adding that nearly 1,500 cities, towns and villages have thus far endorsed peace agreement with Damascus.

Nearly 1,500 Regions Join Peace Agreement with Syrian Army

The Russian center said that representatives of two more regions in Quneitra have inked the peace agreement with the army, adding, "The number of populated localities that have joined the reconciliation process in Syria has increased to 1,477."

“Negotiations are also underway to encourage militants in the provinces of Aleppo, Damascus, Hama, Homs and Quneitra to join the agreement on the cessation of hostilities," the center added.

“According to the report, the number of armed groups that have pledged commitment to accept and fulfill the conditions of the cessation of hostilities in line with the ceasefire agreement of 27 February 2016 has not changed, and stands at 143.”

In addition, 65 militant groups agreed to stop fighting to join the agreement on the cessation of hostilities that came into force at midnight of 30 December 2016 in line with the truce agreement achieved in an effort to find a solution to the conflict in Syria.

About 100 militants and their families have been evacuated from the Syrian town of Sabna, located north of the nation's capital, as part of an agreement reached between armed groups and Syrian authorities, the Lebanese media reported Tuesday.

About 100 Militants Leave Sabna Near Damascus as Part of Deal With Authorities

The Al Jadeed broadcaster reported, citing the military information center of the Syrian government forces, that the militants left Sabna using a corridor provided by the local authorities and headed toward the Idlib province.

Syrian government forces have been fighting against numerous terrorist and militant groups in an ongoing civil war for more than six years.

During the conflict, Syrian authorities have reached a number of deals with opposition groups on the evacuation of militants and their families from the militant-controlled areas, settlements, such as Homs, Madaya and Al Zabadani, in exchange for the reciprocal evacuation of civilians from settlements loyal to Damascus.

The Syrian army has advanced towards Badiyeh al-Sham region in Dara'a to defuse the joint plan of the US, Britain, Jordan and terrorist groups to create a buffer zone in Southern Syria, a military source revealed on Tuesday.

Army Moves to Counter US-British-Jordan Plan in Southern Syria

The source underlined the importance of the army forces' advance from Tishrin thermal power plant in Eastern Damascus towards Badiyeh al-Sham region in Dara'a, and said the Syrian soldiers have established security in the region between Eastern Damascus and Badiyeh.

He said that during the operations, the Syrian fighter jets and helicopters played an important role as they pounded the regions near Tal Dakouh and other regions linking to Dara'a from the South, adding that the operation forced the ISIL to withdraw.

Earlier reports said that the US seeks to establish a buffer zone in a large part of Dara'a province and Quneitra so that they will gradually come out of the Syrian government control.

Other reports also said that the Jordanian and British military personnel are preparing for entering the Syrian soil. Also, the Syrian borders with Jordan and Israel have witnessed unexpected military moves and measures.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said last month that Damascus has intelligence on Jordan planning to deploy troops in Syria in coordination with the US.

Two senior commanders of Faylaq al-Rahman were killed in clashes with the rival terrorists of Jeish al-Islam in Eastern Ghouta, militants said.

More Terrorist Commanders Killed in Clashes among Rival Groups in Eastern Damascus

Faylaq al-Rahman confirmed in a post on its tweeter account that chief of staff of its commanders Samer al-Saleh, nom de guerre Abu Najib, has been killed in clashes with Jeish al-Islam in Eastern Damascus.

In the meantime, Commander of Faylaq al-Rahman in Kafr Batna region Abu Nabil al-Jabourani was also killed in fighting with Jeish al-Islam.

Well-informed sources said earlier today that the Syrian army is preparing to accomplish the recapture the strategic district of al-Qaboun from the terrorist groups, while several army units advanced in a few neighborhoods that are still under militants' control in the same region.

The sources said that terrorists of Ahrar al-Sham and Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board) are in serious trouble, as the Syrian Army continued to advance in al-Qaboun district in Eastern Ghouta.
How Obama and Erdogan Moved ISIS from Iraq to Syria, to Weaken Assad

Chris Tomson of Al Masdar News headlined on Monday May 1st, “Syrian Army tank takes direct hit from ISIS guided missile in Deir Ezzor” and reported that, “Currently, government forces are less than 1500 meters from linking up Deir Ezzor city to its airbase,” which would be an essential link-up in order for the Syrian government to begin to restore control over the largest city in eastern Syria. Here will be the account of how U.S. President Barack Obama handed that city over to ISIS by means of two key actions, so as to weaken Assad’s government.

Today, Der Zor, or Deir Ezzor, Syria’s major oil center, is controlled by ISIS or Daesh, but Obama’s warplanes bombed the Syrian government troops there on 17 September 2016 and thereby ended the then 5-day-old ceasefire that John Kerry had spent months putting together with Sergei Lavrov, and thus Obama effectively ended all peace negotiations with Russia regarding Syria. Then, when U.S. and Turkish forces attacked ISIS in Mosul Iraq, an escape-path was intentionally left by them for those ISIS jihadists to travel west to Der Zor, so that they could not only take over the oil wells there, but do major damage to the Syrian government’s army forces in that key city, after Obama had bombed there on September 17th. Consequently, Erdogan and Obama were now using ISIS in Mosul as a means for reinforcing ISIS in Syria, in such a way as to provide oil-income to ISIS and also to directly weaken Assad’s government.

Obama never told anyone that he favored ISIS and all jihadists over Assad’s government, but he showed it clearly and consistently by his actions.

A 12 August 2012 U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency warning that the Obama Administration’s strategy might drive ISIS from Mosul in Iraq to Der Zor in Syria, has actually been carried out as a plan instead of a warning — a plan to weaken and ultimately oust Syria’s non-sectarian President Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a Sunni Sharia-law regime (one led by jihadists). The 2012 DIA warning had called this scenario an “unraveling,” but Obama and the U.S. Congress are actually chose it, so as to set the incoming President Trump up with an opportunity to replace Assad’s government by one that the Sauds and their U.S.-made weapons will control.

The DIA warning in 2012 had said:


Whoever wrote this assessment recognized that though the option would mean an “unraveling” of Syria, it’s what the U.S. and its allies were actually seeking.

On September 17th of 2016, U.S. and UK jets bombed the compound of Syrian government troops who were fighting to oust jihadists from Deir Ezzor, and killed 62 Syrian soldiers, with a hundred more injured, in that U.S.-led bombing attack. Der Zor was being softened-up for the coming U.S.-and-allied takeover.

The brilliant anonymous military blogger “Moon of Alabama” then became the first reporter to notice the possible connection that the DIA’s warning might end up having, to what became the joint U.S.-Turkish-Iraqi operation against ISIS in Mosul; he headlined on 20 September 2016, “Deir Ezzor Attack Enables The ‘Salafist Principality’ As Foreseen In The 2012 DIA Analysis”, and he presciently wrote:

“Two recent attacks against the Syrian Arab Army in east-Syria point to a U.S. plan to eliminate all Syrian government presence east of Palmyra. This would enable the U.S. and its allies to create a ‘Sunni entity’ in east-Syria and west-Iraq which would be a permanent thorn in side of Syria and its allies [Russia and Iran]. A 2012 analysis by the Defense Intelligence Agency said” — and he then quoted the above DIA excerpt.

Then on October 12th, he bannered “The ’Salafist Principality’ — ISIS Paid Off To Leave Mosul And To Take Deir Ezzor?”, and reported that the Obama Administration had just negotiated with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, and with Saudi Prince Salman (who is the decision-maker in Saudi military matters), to provide safe passage into the large Syrian city of Deir Es Zor, for the ISIS jihadists who were occupying the large Iraqi city of Mosul.

He cited also a tweet on the morning of October 12th, from the celebrated Syrian historian and journalist Nizar Nayouf, reporting: “Breaking news: Sources in #London say: #US&#Saudi_Arabia concluded an agreement to let #ISIS leave #Mosul secretly & safely to #Syria.” So, Britain too was in on this assistance for ISIS to fight against the Syrian government.

Furthermore, on October 15th, the Turkish government posted online a map showing the “‘Sensitive’ Operation Plan for Mosul” including six steps, one of which was “An escape corridor into Syria will be left for Daesh [ISIS] so they can vacate Mosul.” Though the U.S. government wasn’t public about this part of their plan — moving the jihadists “into Syria” instead of killing the jihadists (as Obama always claimed to be his intention) — the Turkish government was public, and proud, of it.

Slightly beyond Der Zor is Palmyra — another Syrian city that the U.S.-Saudi alliance want to grab.

On December 11th, Russian Television headlined “4,000 ISIS fighters regroup, make new attempt to capture Palmyra”, and reported that:

“Over 4,000 Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, reinforced by tanks, have started an offensive to retake the key Syrian city of Palmyra after regrouping themselves. … The terrorists have received considerable reinforcement, including heavy military hardware from the regions of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. …The terrorists are receiving support from jihadists coming from Iraq. … In October, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that terrorists ‘could flee from Mosul and go to Syria.’”

That’s precisely what happened.

So: the Obama Administration set up the next U.S. President, Trump, with an “unraveling” situation in Syria, so as to enable Trump to continue Obama’s war against Russia and all its allies (such as Syria).

President Trump has thus far been continuing Obama’s policy of helping the invading jihadists to overthrow and replace Assad’s government.

Istanbul’s Daily Sabah newspaper headlined on April 26th, “Daesh said to move capital from Raqqa to Deir ez-Zor” and reported that, “High-ranking executives of the Daesh terrorist group are withdrawing from Raqqa. … They are believed to have set up their new headquarters in Deir ez-Zor, located about 140 kilometers southeast of Raqqa, in anticipation of a decisive battle.”
A number of Russian troops and vehicles have entered the area of the Afrin Canton controlled by fighters of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), according to photos and videos appearing online.

Breaking. Russia Setting Up Military Installations in Northeastern Syria, in YPG-Held Area

Pro-Kurdish media activists speculate that the Russian military is going to set up a military base or even a “joint military base” in the YPG-held area near the border with Turkey.

According to more neutral sources, Russian military servicemen are setting up two posts near the border in order to monitor possible clashes between Kurdish militias and the Turkish military.

This comes amid increasing US military activity along the Syrian-Turkish border. According to Kurdish sources in northeastern Syria, US troops have been patrolling the Kurdish-held areas bordering Turkey. Thus, US troops are a buffer force that should prevent Ankara from combating Kurdish militias in Syria.

The YPG which is a branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and a core of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), is described by Turkey as a terrorist group.

In the province of Raqqah, the SDF is very close to capturing the whole area of the town of Tabqah from ISIS. When Tabqah is secured, the SDF, supported by the US-led coalition’s air power, artillery, and military advisors, will focus on securing the Tabqa dam and will continue attempts to further isolate Raqqah.

Earlier this week, western backed militant groups captured Al-Humaymah southwest of Deir Ezzor. This operation was part of the broader effort aimed at expanding control along the Syrian-Iraqi border.

With the collapsing of ISIS defenses in central Syria and in the area of the Iraqi city of Mosul, various factions involved in the Syrian conflict have increased efforts aimed at gaining control of as many important areas as possible.

While there is little doubt that the SDF, with significant US military assistance, will be able to seize Raqqah one day, the Deir Ezzor countryside and areas along the Syrian-Iraqi border will remain contested between US-backed forces and the Syrian government.

Fighting between government troops and ISIS terrorists continued near the Talilah crossroad east of Palmyra. ISIS has been conducting harassment operations against the Syrian Arab Army in the area in order to prevent a possible government advance along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor road.

Government forces, led by the Republican Guard, continued military operations against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies in the district of Qaboun in eastern Damascus. Government troops there are seeking to divide the pocket into two separated parts. This will be a major move, if accomplished, on the way to a full liberation of the area from militants.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry said that Damascus supports Russia's proposal on de-escalation zones.

Damascus Supports Russia's Proposal on De-Escalation Zones in Syria

Damascus supports Russia's proposal on de-escalation zones in Syria, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

For the sake of ending the bloodshed of the Syrian people, beginning with the readiness for any proposals conducive to the return of the Syrian people to peaceful life… The Syrian Arab Republic supports Russia's proposals for creating zones of reduced tensions and pledges to implement the ceasefire agreement signed on December 30, 2016," the statement said.

On May 1, a source in the Syrian opposition delegation told Sputnik about Russian proposals on settlement in Syria. Documents received from the source state that Russia proposes to create four zones for reducing tension in Syria: in the Idlib province, north of the city of Homs, in Eastern Ghouta and in the country's south.

The fourth round of international talks on Syria kicked off in Astana on Wednesday. The talks are to last two days, on Thursday meetings of delegations in bilateral formats will continue, after which a general plenary session is scheduled. Following the meetings, there are plans to adopt a number of documents, including on four safe zones in Syria.

The delegation of the armed Syrian opposition in Astana views the possible creation of zones of de-escalation of tensions in Syria as a temporary measure and not a substitute for the political process, the opposition delegation said in its address to the ceasefire guarantor states, seen by Sputnik.

Creation of De-escalation Zones Would Be Temporary Measure - Syrian Opposition

The opposition is calling for a "confirmation that any decision on Syria and any settlement should start simultaneously with the political transition and respect to the territorial integrity of Syria," the statement reads.

The opposition is "against any projects that imply dividing Syria in practical or legal terms. Creating security zones is a temporary measure for de-escalation… and not an alternative for the political transition," the statement continues.

In case the decision about the creation of safe, or de-escalation, zones in Syria is made, Russia may assist Syria by providing additional units of military police to ensure order in these designated areas, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Frants Klintsevich said Wednesday.

Russia Could Deploy More Military Police to Syria if Safe Zones Created

On May 1, Fatih Hassoun, a representative of the Syrian armed opposition told Sputnik that Russia had made proposals aimed at creating zones of de-escalation. According to the documents obtained by Sputnik, Russia proposed to set up four safe zones: one in the Idlib province, a second to the north of the city of Homs, a third in eastern Ghouta, and a fourth in southern Syria. On May 3, a source in one of the delegations at the Astana talks told Sputnik that the document on Syria safe zones would enter into force 24 hours after its signing. The determination of the borders, however, may take two weeks after the signing, during which time Russia may provide its military police to ensure order in these zones.

The Russian lawmaker said that the United States and other countries of its coalition would strongly hinder the decision on the security zones.

"But if it [the decision on the establishment of such security zones] is taken nonetheless, I do not rule out the possibility that there will be a necessity to increase the number of our military police there [in security zones] that will ensure peace process and order in these areas," Klintsevich said, noting that it would be in conformity with the decree of the Russian Federation Council on the use of armed forces in Syria, adopted in September 2015.

Klintsevich added that if the decision was made, Russia would ensure order and additional security in these safe zones, as the Syrian army would not be able to handle the situation without Russia's assistance.

The new round of the Astana talks, which brings together the sides to the Syrian conflict — Damascus and armed opposition — as well as three ceasefire mediator states, namely Russia, Iran and Turkey, kicked off on Wednesday. The meeting at the expert level took place on Tuesday.

The first three rounds of talks on the Syrian settlement brokered by the mediator states were held in Astana on January 23-24, February 15-16 and March 14-15. During the talks, the participants agreed, among other points, to set up a ceasefire monitoring group.

200 US soldiers and military advisors along with their equipment arrived in Simalka cross border between the Iraqi Kurdistan region and Northeastern Syria.

200 US Soldiers, Military Advisors Arrive at Syria-Iraq Borders

According to al-Mayadeen, the US forces were equipped with different weapons, ammunition, military vehicles and personnel carriers.

The US claims that its forces are missioned with supporting the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Media sources disclosed in March that the US Army has deployed more forces and military equipment in the countryside of the town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo.

The Arabic desk of Sky News reported that Washington has deployed 200 fresh soldiers in al-Asaliyeh village North of Manbij town, adding that the total number of the US soldiers deployed in Manbij now stands at 700.

Other media activists reported that almost 40 military and armored vehicles of the US army have arrived near Manbij.

Local sources confirmed on Wednesday that the ISIL terrorist group has executed 10 of its own militants on charges of carrying out anti-ISIL activities in Southeastern Deir Ezzur.

Syria: ISIL Executes More Own Members in Deir Ezzur on Treason Charges

The sources said that the ISIL fire squad gunned down 10 of its own fighters in the town of al-Mayadeen on charges of treason.

Local sources reported on Tuesday that a large number of civilians took to the streets in a town near Deir Ezzur Province's border with Iraq, and clashed with the ISIL terrorists.

The sources said that a large number of people in the town of Albu Kamal along the Euphrates River attacked one of the checkpoints of ISIL Hasaba (security-monitoring) forces, setting fire at two of their vehicles.

The sources added that the ISIL started arresting people following the clashes.

Other sources reported that the Syrian Army's artillery and missile units pounded ISIL's positions and movements in al-Thardah mountain, Wadi (desert) al-Thardah, al-Thardah crossroad, the neighborhood of al-Orfi and cement-block making factories, killing and wounding a number of terrorists.

Social media affiliated to the terrorist groups disclosed that one of the notorious commanders of Faylaq al-Rahman has cut relations with the terrorist group after infighting among rival militants intensified in Eastern Ghouta.

Commander Defects Faylaq Al-Rahman as Tensions Rise among Terrorist Groups in Eastern Damascus

The sources revealed that Colonel Abu Mohammad Al-Kurdi declared that he decided to leave Faylaq al-Rahman's ranks after discovering that the group was cooperating and maintaining close contacts with Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) and Al-Qaeda.

Al-Kurdi concluded that he had no other choice but to defect and join Jeish al-Islam.

Based on reports, almost 200 gunmen have been killed in infighting in Eastern Damascus.

Militants said on Tuesday that two senior commanders of Faylaq al-Rahman were killed in clashes with the rival terrorists of Jeish al-Islam in Eastern Ghouta.

Faylaq al-Rahman confirmed in a post on its tweeter account that chief of staff of its commanders Samer al-Saleh, nom de guerre Abu Najib, has been killed in clashes with Jeish al-Islam in Eastern Damascus.

In the meantime, Commander of Faylaq al-Rahman in Kafr Batna region Abu Nabil al-Jabourani was also killed in fighting with Jeish al-Islam.

A group of Belgian lawmakers visited a refugee camp in Aleppo and praised Russia's role in providing assistance to the war-torn country.

Belgian MP Slams Sanctions After Seeing 'Russia Feeding the Hungry' in Aleppo

Belgian lawmakers visited on Monday the Jibreen refugee camp in the Syrian Aleppo and hailed the humanitarian assistance provided by Russia there, Frank Creyelman of the the right-wing Vlaams Belang party said.

I expected to see Aleppo in ruins, and that there is not a single survivor here. This is according to our media. Instead, I can see how Russia does the work which should be done by the European countries, for example, feeding the hungry children," Creyelman said.

He added that the anti-Russia sanctions must be lifted as Moscow providing help in the country should not suffer itself.

"We need to lift the sanctions, not only against the Syrian government, but also against Russia. Because your country, which has been providing humanitarian aid here, suffers from the European sanctions itself," the lawmaker said.

The lawmakers are expected to prepare a report on Russian assistance in Syria which will be presented in Belgian and European parliaments.

Russia has been providing humanitarian aid to Syria since October 2015.

51 trucks of humanitarian aid reached Douma overnight, a major city on the eastern outskirts of Damascus which has been under Jaish Al-Islam control since 2012.

Syrian government allows aid to reach Islamist stronghold in rural Damascus [Video + Pictures] (0:54 min.)

The Red Crescent convoy, sponsored by the United Nations, brought with it tons of food and medicine to the people of rebel-held East Ghouta, a rural region ringed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

With skirmishes temporarily halter following an agreement between Jaish Al-Islam and the SAA, the humanitarian convoy traveled along the Harasta Highway and reached Douma without any trouble.
A false flag fake chemical attack against civilians has recently been filmed by al-Jazeera stringers in Syria, and it was ordered from a European country, a military and diplomatic source revealed on Thursday.

Al-Jazeera Films False Flag Fake Chemical Attack Against Civilians in Syria

"The "effectiveness" of the White Helmets' TV-spectacle of accusing Syrian authorities of attacking civilians in Khan Shaykhun with sarin inspired terrorists to continue filming the fake 'series'. According to info confirmed via several channels, al-Jazeera television channel stringers have recently filmed a staged, fake scene of an alleged chemical attack against civilians by the Syrian Army," the source told Sputnik.

The source said around 30 fire engines and ambulances, as well as 70 local residents with children transported from a refugee camp were used in the filming across three locations in Idlib province, including Jisr Shughur.

"A multiple simultaneous uploading of filmed fake footage with 'screaming' social media comments was due to take place in the next few days (by Sunday) at the separate command of a mastermind and sponsor of the film in one of the European countries," he added.

This filming appears to be ordered from a European country, the source said.

In December 2016, Egyptian police detained a man for making staged "wounded children" photos, which he was planning to use to misrepresent on social media as photos of destruction and injured people in Syria's Aleppo.

The revelation comes in the wake of a chemical incident in the Idlib province which was followed by a US missile attack against Syria.

On April 4, the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces claimed that 80 people were killed and 200 injured in a suspected chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun, blaming the Syrian government. Damascus vehemently rejected the accusations and said militants and their allies were responsible.

Early April 7, the United States launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian military airfield in Ash Sha’irat, located about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the city of Homs. US President Donald Trump said the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Syria's Idlib, which Washington blames on the Syrian government. Russia described the attack as an aggression against a sovereign state.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry reminded the Trump administration that all chemical weapons had been taken out of Syria in mid-2014 with the help of the previous administration of ex-president Barack Obama.

Syrian President Bashar Assad said in an interview with Sputnik that Western states are blocking attempts to investigate the Idlib chemical incident because in the event of a probe it will be established that the "attack" was a false flag and lie.

The OPCW announced in January 2016 that Syria’s weapons arsenal had been destroyed in accordance with an agreement reached after the 2013 Ghouta attack.

Staged filming has taking place in Syria, of the 'army' applying chemical weapons against the civilian population. The customer and the sponsor of the production are in Europe, reports RIA Novosti military-diplomatic source.

New TV series? Staged 'chemical attack' filming takes place in Syria

"The events of Khan Shaykhun inspired terrorists to continue the staged shooting, like a television series" - a spokesman said.

The source pointed out that it was held in populated areas of Jisr al-Shugur (province of Idlib). Involved were up to 30 fire engines and ambulances, as well as 70 local residents with children, brought in from the refugee camps.

The video was shot on cell phones from several angles, as well as using a drone. Each participant, including children, were paid a thousand Syrian pounds and handed food packages.

The source added that it is reasonable to expect a release of the 'motion picture' in the next few days - until Sunday, he added.

At the new round of Syria peace talks in Astana, Russia has proposed the establishment of four de-escalation zones in the war-ravaged country.

Russia proposes four “de-escalation zones” in Syria to restart stalled peace process

The plan aims to break the years-long deadlock over separating extremist groups from the moderate opposition.

“As you know, the Russian Federation is making intensive efforts to promote the Syrian peace settlement and is developing various schemes to strengthen the ceasefire agreement and make this agreement more effective,” Russia’s special presidential envoy for Syria, Aleksandr Lavrentiev, said at a press briefing summarizing the first day of the peace talks in Astana.

“We believe that [the creation of de-escalation zones in Syria] can really help to move along the long-standing problem of separating the moderate Syrian opposition from terrorist organizations, primarily the Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL] and Jabhat al-Nusra [the al-Nusra Front], and will help significantly reduce the level of armed confrontation between the Syrian armed opposition and government forces,” Lavrentiev said.

He lamented that the efforts undertaken by the former US administration for the last one and a half years to separate the so-called moderate opposition from Al-Nusra terrorists have brought no fruit.

The Russian plan, according to Lavrentiev, is to single out four hotspots in which the most intense fighting between government forces, the moderate opposition and extremist groups are taking place.

“We decided to go this way to create such zones in which the fight against terrorist organizations will be directly taken up by the moderate opposition themselves with the support of the guarantor countries,” he said.

Details of the four proposed de-escalation zones are still being ironed out, but the documents are due to be ready for signing by Thursday.

The warring parties in the Syrian conflict will not be able to use any weapons in the zones of de-escalation in Syria, as well as will not be able to conduct airstrikes, the memorandum signed by ceasefire guarantor states in Astana reads.

De-Escalation Zones in Syria Deprive Warring Sides of Airstrikes, Other Arms

On May 4, Russia, Turkey and Iran, the Syrian ceasefire guarantor states, adopted a memorandum on four safe zones in the country.

"Within the borders of de-escalation zones military actions between the warring sides (the Syrian government and the formations of the armed opposition that have already joined or will join the ceasefire regime) stop, including the use of any weapons, including airstrikes," the guarantor states' memorandum signed in Astana reads.

The southern zone of de-escalation of tensions in Syria will be established in Daraa and Quneitra provinces, the memorandum signed by the ceasefire guarantor states in Astana reads.

Southern Syria De-Escalation Zone to Be Set Up in Daraa, Quneitra Provinces

Guarantor states agreed to create de-escalation zones in "Idlib province and parts of the neighbouring provinces (Latakia, Hama and Aleppo), certain parts in the north of Homs province, Eastern Ghouta, certain parts in Syria's south (Deraa and Quneitra provinces)," the memorandum signed by the ceasefire guarantor states in Astana reads.

Drafts seen by Sputnik earlier did not specify where exactly the southern zone would be created.

The formation of safe zones in Syria should serve as a key step toward consolidating the nationwide ceasefire, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday after talks with his Finnish counterpart Timo Soini.

Lavrov: De-Escalation Zones in Syria Should Consolidate Truce

According to documents obtained by Sputnik, Russia proposed to set up four security zones — in Idlib province, to the north of the city of Homs, in Eastern Ghouta, and in the south of Syria.

A relatively new idea is being discussed in Astana: the formation of de-escalation zones in Syria with the participation of all interested parties and of course the consent of the Syrian government, which should be an important step toward strengthening the ceasefire," Lavrov said on a visit to Finland.

Moscow hopes for the success of the latest round of Syrian reconciliation talks in Astana.

"We very much count on the success of the fourth round of Astana talks in the capital of Kazakhstan, primarily from the viewpoint of consolidating the ceasefire regime, coordinating the mechanism of responding to violations, carrying out mine clearing activities," Lavrov said.

Speaking about Geneva-based talks on Syria, Lavrov expressed hopes the negotiations would resume in May.

"We hope that negotiations will continue at the Geneva site this month, which are primarily dedicated to resolving a set of issues related to the political settlement of the conflict, when ultimately the Syrian people itself must determine the future of its country," Lavrov said.

Russia and the United States will remain in contact on Syria at the working level, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday.

US, Russia to remain in contact over Syria: Shoigu

It [the interaction mechanism] cannot but work and the contact is so close that we can’t but work,” the minister said.

“We have had and continue contacts at the working level,” Shoigu said.

As the Russian defense minister said, “in this regard, we primarily rely on the need to ensure the safety of our pilots and, naturally, of all those who operate in that sky,” Shoigu said.

The air regime has become tighter and “now it is of different, inquiring nature whereas earlier it was of the notifying mode,” the defense minister said.
Following his talks with Turkish President Erdogan in the Black Sea resort of Sochi on Wednesday, President Putin commented on the initiative to create so-called "de-escalation" zones in Syria. Russian political analysts have called it "sensational," suggested what might be behind Russia's consent to the initiative, and warned of potential dangers.

Signs of a Bargain? Why Russia is for the Establishment of 'Safe Zones' in Syria

The negotiations between Presidents Putin and Erdogan in Sochi on Wednesday ended with a surprise: both leaders announced that they have reached an agreement on the creation of so-called "de-escalation" zones in Syria. The initiative has also been agreed upon with President Trump and had previously been discussed with Damascus and Tehran.

Russia's online newspaper Vzglyad called it a "fundamental change" in Moscow's position and questioned whether it means that the widely-discussed "great deal" between Russia and the US has been finally reached.

"The President [Erdogan] and I operate on the premise – I already mentioned this – that the Syrian crisis can be resolved exclusively through political means. However, to set this political process in motion, it is necessary to ensure a ceasefire. As the countries that made the greatest contribution to this formula and the practical side of ending hostilities, Russia, Turkey, and Iran have never stopped thinking about ways to bolster the ceasefire," Vladimir Putin said when answering a question about the creation of the so-called "safe zones" or "de-escalation" zones in Syria. He explained that such zones might become one of the mechanisms that would guarantee an end to the bloodshed and create conditions for the initiation of a political dialogue.

The Russian leader further elaborated that he has discussed the issue by phone with Donald Trump and the US administration "supports these ideas." Russia has also held consultations with Damascus and Tehran on the issue.

Later on Wednesday, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said that Damascus supports Russia's proposal regarding de-escalation zones.

"For the sake of ending the bloodshed among the Syrian people, beginning with the readiness for any proposals conducive to the return of the Syrian people to a peaceful life… The Syrian Arab Republic supports Russia's proposals for creating zones of reduced tensions and pledges to implement the ceasefire agreement signed on December 30, 2016," the Ministry said in its statement.

On Thursday, the three Syrian ceasefire guarantor states, Russia, Turkey and Iran signed the de-escalation zone memorandum during the fourth round of peace talks in Astana and agreed to set up a working group on drawing up the maps of proposed safe zones in Syria.

On May 1, a source in the Syrian opposition delegation told Sputnik about Russian proposals on a settlement in Syria. Documents received from the source state that Russia proposes the creation of four zones for reducing tension in Syria: in Idlib province, in the rebel-controlled pocket north of the city of Homs, in Eastern Ghouta (northeast of Damascus) and in the country's south.

The newspaper recalled that projects to create so-called "no-fly" zones in Syria had previously been proposed by the Obama administration, however they have not been implemented. Russia was "deadly against" such initiatives. Many in the US national security circles warned of the risk of a confrontation with Russia in Syria over these initiatives.

Oleg Morozov, a member of the foreign affairs committee of the Federation Council, the upper house of the Russian parliament, and former head of the Presidential Domestic Policy Directorate has called the current developments a "very good sign", but warned against using the words "deal" or "bargain".

"The creation of such zones has been a longstanding idea of ours and our task was to drag our partners into it, who play key roles in the settlement of the Syrian conflict," he told the newspaper.

"Hence the eagerness of our two key partners, the US and Turkey, to support this idea is a very positive sign. However we should not cherish any illusions that it is a key to solving all of Syria's problems. I think that it is just a beginning," he explained.

The Russian Senator does not think that Russia will now distance itself from President Assad.

"According to my information, President Assad has supported the idea of the four zones and it is being done with his agreement. We can't do it otherwise. Russia is present in Syrian at the invitation of the country's legitimate government and it can't operate there without agreeing to its actions and positions with Assad," he said.

Meanwhile Sergei Karaganov, a political scientist who heads the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy and the Department of World Economics and World Politics at the Higher School of Economics said that by having won politically in Syria and by stopping the chain of regime changes in the region, Russia now has very strong positions for further agreements.

He said that Russia should think "with its own mind and not with the mind of Assad".

"Keeping Assad at power is not our goal. Our goal is to set up lasting peace in Syria," he told the newspaper.

The political analyst did not rule out that the US can make certain concessions to Russia in the future, in Ukraine, among others.

"Everything is intertwined in this world. If there are certain joint capital investments, the players won't risk losing them. The Americans will be more cautious than at other places, and not only in Ukraine," he suggested.

"Everything is intertwined in this world. If there are certain joint capital investments, the players won't risk losing them. The Americans will be more cautious than at other places, and not only in Ukraine," he suggested.

In a separate comment on the issue, Russian military analyst Alexander Perendzhiev, an associate professor from the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics told Sputnik that there is a certain danger of turning these four safe zones, which would be under the control of foreign states, into a sphere of influence.

"It is being said that these zones won't contradict the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria. However, judging by the experience of the setup of Allied Occupation Zones in the post-war Germany, they will remain there for a long time. Back in 1945, a lot was said about the unification of Germany, however in practice, and not due to the fault of the USSR, the country was virtually split into three separate states — the German Democratic Republic, Federal Republic of Germany and Western Berlin," he told Sputnik.

He noted that the American troops are still present in Germany and believesthe German government is under the control of the US.
Hence, he concluded, the allies in the fight against international terrorism should now remember this experience in order not to repeat it on the territory of Syria.
From this report, it seems "certain members of the U.S. Congress" are trying to pull "a fast one" over on Russia and by default - China - in the disguise of passing tighter sanctions against North Korea and using a clause in a U.N. decision to restrict supplies to North Korea?

Bizarre US Bill seeks to control Russian port

The Russian Senate has reacted to the statement of the US Congress to impose a 'sanctions regime' on the ports of Russia. The bill passed today by the House of Representatives of the US Congress, which seeks to tighten sanctions against North Korea. In the text of the document, it states that Washington would control the work of Russian ports in Primorye Territory.

The Americans refer to the decision of the Security Council of the United Nations, which restricts supplies to North Korea; weapons, ammunition and nuclear technology.

The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev, said that the implementation of the US bill on the control of Russian ports in the Far East provide for a force scenario - it could also be tantamount to a "declaration of war".

The bill provides for the compulsory inspection of ships, which will be carried out by the American military. If the Americans intend to consistently implement the function - to ensure compliance with the decision of the UN Security Council, they must extend the sanctions regime to China, which also borders North Korea.

This is unlikely: neither the Russians, nor the Chinese will allow Americans to inspect their ships. It is also clear that the decision of the US Congress is aimed at restoring this country as a "world policeman".

It is possible that a repetition of North Korean embarrassment will occur - when US warships off the coast of North Korea ended the standoff unexpectedly, with peaceful statements of US authorities the readiness to resolve the conflict with Pyongyang through negotiations. In the world it was perceived as a manifestation of weakness.

The US has twice lost face: first acting as the initiators of a potential nuclear war (the threat of missile strikes on the territory of North Korea), then in the role of 'panic-er' (unexpected retreat of US warships from the zone of conflict). The US involvement in the war with North Korea is fraught with huge risks for themselves and the US allies. But to affect the interests and the dignity of Russia and China is for the US, is next to suicide.

Russia has already shown in Syria that it is not going to yield to the US. In North Korea, the US is trying to act on behalf of the UN Security Council
(previously, not too concerned about the observance of international law). But the same Russia and China has the right to demand the creation of an international mission for implementation of sanctions and in no case should there be a monopoly of this mission, in the hands of Americans. Therefore, we can expect some form of folding of this diplomatic conflict, including in the US Senate.

The US has approved a bill which envisages control over foreign vessels that have stayed in North Korea’s national sea over the past 365 days

Senator lambasts Washington’s plans to impose control over Russian ports

The bill on tightening sanctions against North Korea passed by the US Congress, which envisages control over Russian ports, is absurd. By doing so, the United States just wants to draw attention to itself, Chairman of the Russian Federation Council’s Defense and Security Committee, Viktor Ozerov, said in an interview with TASS.

"This is a crazy idea. Russia will not allow this to happen. It’s an absurd idea, which does not have the slightest chance of being implemented," Ozerov asserted.

[...] The US House of Representatives approved a bill on Thursday to tighten sanctions against North Korea. It provides for control over foreign vessels that have stayed in North Korea’s national sea or airspace over the past 365 days. The document also allows for the control over the activities of a number of ports in China, Iran, Syria’s Latakia and Tartus ports along with the Russian ports of Nakhodka, Vanino and the Vladivostok sea port in terms of their compliance with the restrictions imposed on North Korea.

The House overwhelmingly voted Thursday to impose new sanctions on North Korea amid heightened tensions over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

House passes bill to impose new sanctions on North Korea

The vote, 419-1, targets North Korea’s shipping industry and use of slave labor.

It also requires that the Trump administration report to Congress within 90 days on whether North Korea should be reinstated on the government’s state sponsors of terror list. Such a designation would trigger more sanctions, including restriction on U.S. foreign assistance.

Adm. Harry Harris Jr., the top American military officer in the Pacific, has warned lawmakers that it's a question of when, not if, Pyongyang successfully builds a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the U.S.

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., was the sole member to vote against the measure. The Senate will take it up next.

The measure is sponsored by Rep. Ed Royce of California, the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Rep. Eliot Engel of New York, the committee's senior Democrat.

Specifically, the bill bars ships owned by North Korea, or by countries that refuse to comply with U.N. resolutions against it, from operating in American waters or docking at U.S. ports. Goods produced by North Korea's forced labor would be prohibited from entering the United States, according to the legislation.

North Korea accused the US Central Intelligence Agency and the South Korean intelligence of making preparations to carry out chemical weapons attack against its supreme leader, saying their "insane dreams" will not succeed.

North Korea Accuses CIA and South Korean Intelligence to be Preparing Chemical Attack Against its Leader

Tensions have flared in Korean Peninsula for the past few weeks after the US officials hinted at a possible military intervention against North Korea. The things got even more intensified after North Korea recently carried out sixth ballistic missile test.

Just this week, North Korea warned that any attempts of US aggression against its sovereignty or territorial integrity, may put the whole region on the brink of nuclear war.

The North Korean Ministry of State Security issued a statement, saying the latest attempts of US and North Korea, the "two imperialist aggressors", have crossed the line of tolerance since, as the two are now planning to harm its supreme leader by using chemical weapons, adding things have now become escalated to a new stage where everything has to be taken with far greater precaution.

Earlier this week, Mike Pompeo, Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, visited South Korea and met with the head of the South Korean intelligence.

North Korea's Ministry of People's Security stated that the reported assassination plot involved using "biochemical agents"

North Korea accuses US, South Korea of hatching terror plot to assassinate Kim Jong Un

Pyongyang has accused the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) of plotting against North Korea.

According to a statement made by North Korea’s Ministry of People’s Security, the CIA and NIS "infiltrated a criminal group into the DPRK which was to carry out a terrorist attack on the country’s supreme leadership using a biochemical substance."

The ministry added that the US and South Korean intelligence services had "ideologically corrupted and bribed a North Korean citizen, transforming him into a terrorist determined to act against the countries’ supreme authorities."

According to the report, the suspect settled in Pyongyang in 2016 while the assassination attempt was planned to be carried out in the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, which serves as the mausoleum for Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-il, or during a military parade.

According to a statement made by the ministry, the CIA and NIS "infiltrated a criminal group into the DPRK which was to carry out a terrorist attack on the country’s supreme leadership using a bio-chemical substance."

"Each and every agent of the CIA and NIS in DPKR will be eliminated", the statement adds. According to the ministry, such actions are nothing more than "an act of state terrorism initiated by the US and South Korea, aimed at disrupting the sovereignty and security" of North Korea.

Jets from the U.S.-led coalition are barred from proposed safe zones in Syria set to be created under a deal inked by Russia, Iran and Turkey, Moscow's envoy said Friday.

Russia says Syria safe zones closed to US-coalition jets

"In terms of their actions in the de-escalation zones then from this moment these zones are closed for their flights," the Kremlin's envoy to peace talks in Kazakhstan Alexander Lavrentiev was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency.

"Aviation operations, especially by the international coalition forces, are absolutely not envisioned," he said.

Regime backers Russia and Iran and rebel supporter Turkey Thursday signed a deal at talks in Kazakhstan to set up four safe zones in the war-torn country.

The agreement did not explicitly mention the U.S.-led coalition, which has been targeting extremists from ISIS, but Lavrentiev insisted that "flights cease over these territories." "We as guarantors will closely monitor all operations," he said.

Moscow's envoy said this means coalition air power can now only focus on "Islamic State targets that are located in the area of Raqa, some populated areas in the region of the Euphrates, Deir Ezzor and further on to the territory of Iraq."

The exact boundaries of the proposed safe zones in Syria are yet to be defined but they are meant to focus on rebel-held territory.

The United States gave an extremely cautious welcome to the deal, citing concerns over Iran's role as a guarantor, even as it expressed hope that the agreement could set the stage for a settlement.

The limitations could throw up obstacles for any potential U.S. operations in Syria in the future after President Donald Trump carried out Washington's first direct strike on the forces of Russian ally Bashar al-Assad last month over an alleged chemical weapons attack.

The four safe zones to be established in Syria will be closed for flights by US-led coalition warplanes, said the Russian envoy to the Astana peace talks, where the zones were agreed upon.

US-led coalition warplanes banned from Syria safe zones – Russian envoy

As for [the coalition] actions in the de-escalation zones, starting from now those zones are closed for their flights,” Aleksandr Levrentyev told journalists in the Kazakh capital.

He added that the flight ban was not part of the memorandum establishing the safe zones, but assured the coalition would not fly over them.

“As guarantors we will be tracking all actions in that direction,” he remarked. “Absolutely no flights, especially by the international coalition, are allowed. With or without prior notification. The issue is closed.”

He added that the US-led coalition would continue airstrikes near Raqqa, the Syrian stronghold of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), near some towns near the Euphrates River and close to the city of Deir ez-Zor.

The Russian Foreign Ministry was less definitive on the alleged ban of US warplanes, stating that “these issues are being discussed at the military level.”

The Pentagon has reportedly acknowledged that a US airstrike destroyed a mosque in Syria’s Aleppo province in March, a CNN report says. The US had insisted that it targeted a terrorist meeting and claimed the mosque was intact, despite video evidence.

Pentagon finally ‘admits’ US jets bombed mosque with civilians in Syria

An internal investigation carried out by US Central Command (CENTCOM) in the wake of the deadly airstrike on the Al-Jinah Mosque concluded that it was accidentally targeted in what was supposed to be a strike on a meeting of senior Al-Qaeda members, CNN reports, citing two US defense officials.

While photos and videos showed the disastrous aftermath of the strike – which reportedly claimed the lives of over 40 people – emerged almost immediately after the attack on March 16, the US military failed to accept responsibility until now.
angelburst29 said:
Bizarre US Bill seeks to control Russian port

Senator lambasts Washington’s plans to impose control over Russian ports

House passes bill to impose new sanctions on North Korea

Moscow lashed out at a US Congress bill on tightening sanctions against North Korea which stipulates that the US military may establish control over ports in the Russian Far East. The Russian Upper House warned that such actions violate international law and amount to a declaration of war.

The Red Line of Common Sense: The US Can't Control Russian Ports Without War

On May 4, the US House of Representatives passed a bill which slapped more sanctions on North Korea and gave the Trump administration the go-ahead to take control over Russian, Iranian, Syrian and Chinese ports in order to ensure that no forbidden cargo reaches Pyongyang.

In particular, the bill mentions the ports of Nakhodka, Vanino and Vladivostok in the Russian Far East.

The bill, which was approved by a 419 to 1 margin, is due to be approved by the Senate and then signed by US President Donald Trump.

Tantamount to war

Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the Russian Upper House's International Affairs Committee, told Sputnik that the US House of Representatives bill on establishing control over ports in the Russian Far East envisions a show of force and thus amounts to a declaration of war.

"This bill, I hope, will never be implemented because its implementation envisions a scenario of power with forced inspections of all vessels by US warships. Such a power scenario is beyond comprehension, because it means a declaration of war," Kosachev said.

According to him, the document, "like a huge number of other pies baked by Congress," runs counters to international law.

"No country in the world and no international organization, primarily the UN, has authorized the US to monitor the implementation of any resolutions of the UN Security Council," he said.

Kosachev called the bill Washington's attempt to "affirm the supremacy of its own legislation over international law," which he said is "the main problem of present-day international relations."

He was echoed by Alexey Pushkov, a member of the Russian Upper House, who specifically drew attention to the fact that the bill' final vote was 419 to 1, something that Pushkov said "indicates the nature of the legal and political culture of the US Congress."

"It is absolutely unclear how the bill will be implemented. To control Russian ports, the US will have to introduce a blockade and inspect all ships, which amounts to an act of war," he pointed out.

He shared Kosachev's view that Washington is trying to extend its legislation to other countries.

But there is already a red line related to a common sense," Pushkov said, referring to the bill which he said will almost sure be adopted.


Andrey Krasov, first deputy head of the Russian Lower House's Defense Committee, in turn, told Sputnik that US control of the Russian Far Eastern ports is out of line with a general concept on maintaining international security.

He expressed confidence that no American ship will enter Russian territorial waters.

"Why on Earth did America assume the responsibilities, who gave it such powers to control the seaports of our country? Neither Russia nor international organizations asked Washington to do so," he said.

"One can only answer that any unfriendly step by the US Administration against Russia and our allies will receive a symmetrical adequate response. In any case, no American ship will enter our waters. Our armed forces and our fleet have every means to severely punish those who will dare to enter our territorial waters," Krasov said.

He described Washington's position on the matter as nothing but "saber-rattling."

"With a unipolar world already in place, they should accept the fact that there are BRICS countries, including Russia, China and India, and there is Iran; these are heavyweights which in principle do not fit into the US' overall concept on governing and ruling the whole world," Krasov concluded.

An absurd idea and a political move

Many Russian experts agreed that the US will not be able to implement the bill in practice.

Vladimir Baranov, head of a company which is expected to launch a ferry line between Vladivostok and the North Korean port of Rajin, said that this US move looks like a bluff.

"The US physically cannot control Russian ports – you have to visit the port authority, demand documents, that sort of thing… This is essentially a bluff by the US, an attempt to show that it controls the world. Meanwhile, we'll be transporting whatever it is we need to transport," he said.

Alexander Latkin, a professor at the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, for his part, said that any attempt by the US to control Russian ports looks absurd.

"How could the US control our ports' operations? It might have been possible if the US possessed a percentage of the ports' equity, but as far as I know all of the shareholders are Russian. It is essentially a political move by the US. The Americans don't have any legal or economic basis for controlling our ports," he explained.

Meanwhile, Maxim Grigoryev, head of the Foundation for the Study of Democracy, told Sputnik Radio that while the US House of Representatives adopted the bill virtually anonymously, this entire situation has a touch of tragicomedy to it.

"A declaration about keeping an eye on what's going on in Russian ports sounds rather funny. However, what happened is that the US judicial authority has empowered its executive counterpart to present a report on this matter, which includes telling whether the sanctions against North Korea are being violated via Russian, Iranian and Syrian ports," according to him.

"I'd like to point out that the bill did not outline any inspection procedure as it would’ve been completely pointless, but the wording itself does look rather ambiguous. The US doesn't mind that it basically dictates that other countries must adhere to US legislation," he said.

Furthermore, he added, this bill was likely adopted to pave the way for another move against Russia.

"Clearly this is a preparation for some sort of statement to be made against Russia, Syria or China. This measure is unlikely to be related to real politics, because the US doesn't have any jurisdiction over other countries. But this is an obvious foundation for some propaganda campaign," Grigoryev concluded.

As the plan to establish safe zones in Syria officially came into effect as of midnight Saturday, local time, the Russian media reviewed why these four areas on the Syrian map have been chosen for the new peacekeeping format and what their military and strategic peculiarities are.

Syria’s Safe Zones: The Strategic Peculiarities of a New Peacekeeping Format

An agreement to set up safe zones in Syria, also referred to as "de-escalation zones", came into effect at midnight on Saturday, local time, (22:00 GMT on May 5) but it will be at least another month before all the details are worked out and the safe areas are fully established, according to Russian officials.

The plan was agreed by Russia, Turkey, and Iran, who also act as the guarantors of the initiative and who authorized the memo creating the safe zones during Syria talks in Kazakhstan's capital, Astana.

The initiative is described as a temporary measure which will be enforced for the next six months with the possibility of extending it for another six.

The zones are located in the Idlib Governorate and parts of neighboring Latakia, Aleppo and Hama provinces; in the northern part of Homs province; in the Damascus neighborhood of Eastern Ghouta, and in parts of southern Deraa and Quneitra provinces bordering Jordan. No fighting between the government and opposition is allowed in the above areas.

Russian online newspaper Vzglyad has reviewed why particularly these four areas on the Syrian map have been chosen for a new peacekeeping format and what their military-strategic peculiarities are.

Idlib Governorate

Regarding the Idlib zone, it says, it is hard to predict what is going to be with it and who will be responsible for it in the foreseeable future.

"Even Turkey, which is bordering with the governorate, is not willing to set up a full control over the area, limiting itself to manipulations with the Turkey-backed groups," it says.

"The rest three zones are in fact jihadist enclaves encircled by government troops. They would have been doomed to be destructed sooner or later, if they did not stop resisting. In two of the zones, the militants either agreed to move to Idlib or surrendered under security guarantees," it further explains.

Eastern Ghouta

Eastern Ghouta, long suffering satellite of Damascus and practically independent municipality, has been a stronghold of various militant groups for more than four years. For the last year and a half, former urban dwelling quarters have been destroyed almost completely as the result of the street fighting. The territory under control of the militants has decreased almost tenfold. The open territories and riverbeds have come under control of the government troops. Separate groups of militants have been cut off from one another and encircled by the government units.

In such a situation, even staunch Daesh and al-Qaeda units, encircled in Eastern Ghouta, have begged for a "trip to Idlib", which they were provided with, the website says, much to the criticism even within the circles close to President Assad. And first of all, among the military, who wondered why the militants were allowed leaving for Idlib when they could have been destroyed.

The "war to the bitter end" in Eastern Ghouta however could have been drawn down for a long time, it further adds, even though it would not have led to numerous civilian casualties, as the majority of the population left for Damascus already three years ago. And the desert residents and those residing at the riverbeds stoically survived the occupation and the fighting.

"The creation of a de-escalation zone in Eastern Ghouta will allow diminishing dangers it poses to the central part of Damascus. Another matter that it is hard to imagine what will be the relationship between the government troops, civil authorities and staunch jihadist units remaining in the area," the website says.

According to some information, the relationship with the jihadists will be left to those so-called "moderate" rebels who are taking part in the peace talks in Astana and are present in Eastern Ghouta. There have been such precedents, it says.

The total population of Ghouta is almost 600,000 people, many of whom are regularly crossing the front line to come to work in Damascus. The territories which are still under the control of Daesh are not included into the de-escalation zone.

Northern part of Homs province

Relatively the same situation is to the north of the city of Homs, however religious and ethnic issues are much worse there. Small enclaves under the jihadists and "moderates" form a narrow strip to the north of Homs and block several large settlements populated by Alawites and Christians.

The situation there is particularly complicated, the website says, as it is not simply a front line as in Idlib or Aleppo, but a line of direct contact of adversarial religious parties to the conflict.

The continuation of the military operation in this region would have foreseeably resulted in large civilian losses. For example, there are up to 3,000 militants near the city of Ar-Rastan with the population of 100,000 people. The safe zone here will allow preventing further blockade of certain settlements of certain confessions.

Deraa and Quneitra provinces

The fourth de-escalation zone of Deraa and Quneitra provinces has a total population of up to half a million people with up to 15,000 of jihadists and "moderates." There is also a mixture of different religions, but due to the large concentration of the Shias at the border with Lebanon, the observation of the ceasefire will be monitored by Iran.

The final geographic division of the four zones should be completed by May 22, which only underlines the complexity of the process. Five days after this date, a working group will be set up, which will deal with the practical issues of the division.

Russia and other countries-guarantors of memorandum on the de-escalation zones in Syria have provided the United States with all the information on the document, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Sputnik on Saturday.

US Has All Information on Syria De-Escalation Memorandum - Russian Deputy FM

On Friday, Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said that the Russian military had not communicated the US side and he was not aware of the issues related to the memorandum, such as ban on flights of the US aircraft in the de-escalation zones in western Syria. At the same time, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said that the flights by US-led coalition aircraft over the de-escalation zones were being discussed by military officials.

"As for military and technical aspects of the issue I can confirm the words that have already been repeatedly voiced, including by the officials from the defense ministry: we have suspended the effect of the deconflicting memorandum after the US strike on the [Syrian] Ash Sha’irat airbase.

However a certain exchange of information has continued depending on the situation. With regard to the decisions and agreements that had been worked out in Astana and formalized in the relevant memorandum: a high-ranking representative of the US Department of State [Stuart Jones] was in Astana, participated in meetings and had been provided with the information to the full extent," Ryabkov said.

The US convoy providing 48 units of military transport and 250 soldiers to the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and Democratic Union Party (PYD) crossed the Syria-Iraq border through the Semalka gate and arrived in the Syrian town of Haseke, according to Turkish media.

Syrian Opposition Claims Kurds Provided With 48 Vehicles, 250 Troops by US

The United States has sent military reinforcements in the form of 48 units of military transport and 250 soldiers to the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria, Turkish media reported, citing a group of Syrian moderate opposition.

The US convoy crossed the Syria-Iraq border through the Semalka gate and arrived in the Syrian town of Haseke, the Yeni Safak media outlet reported, citing Local Coordination Committees of Syria (LCC).
On May 1, a source in the Syrian opposition delegation told Sputnik about Russian proposals on a settlement in Syria. Documents received from the source state that Russia proposes the creation of four zones for reducing tension in Syria: in Idlib province, in the rebel-controlled pocket north of the city of Homs, in Eastern Ghouta (northeast of Damascus) and in the country's south.

I think, this next report is a "cover-story" for MSF, who tend to set up shop in rebel held areas and have been implicated on several occasions, as being part of the organ harvesting (for profit) operations in Syria? With Eastern Ghouta named as one of four "de-escalation zones", MSF will no longer be able to operate with impunity, under the watchful eye of designated monitors?

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) reports that jihadist groups in Eastern Ghouta, near Damascus in Syria, have attacked a hospital there, causing the organization to stop its aid work because of the security situation.

MSF Stops Operations in Eastern Ghouta After Armed Rebels Attack Hospital

The humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has been forced to suspend its operations in Eastern Ghouta, Syria, because of fighting between jihadists there.

Last week, a group of jihadists burst into a hospital in Hazzeh and terrorized the patients before murdering a paramedic and stealing an ambulance.

Dr. Said Fliti, one of MSF's coodinators in Syria, told Sputnik France that the attack has made it too difficult for doctors to work in the region, which is under the control of rebels opposed to the Syrian government.

"Two days in a row, on April 29 and 30, a group of thirty armed, masked men broke into the hospital searching for some specific patients. They hijacked an ambulance and killed one of the auxiliary medical personnel. We strongly condemn this attack," Fliti said.

MSF said that while they know the perpetrators belong to armed rebels, they aren't such exactly which militia is responsible.

"At the moment, we can't say which group they belong to because it still isn't clear."

MSF described its decision to suspend operations because of the attacks as a "serious signal to all warring factions."

"The doctors who are working there and with whom we are in contact, understand our position and the reasons why we took such a decision. We want to protect patients, our workers and medical facilities. They [the doctors] also think that we are sending a serious signal to all sides of the conflict."

While MSF was unwilling to name those responsible, others familiar with the area said that the jihadists responsible are the same foreign-backed rebels which have been operating in Eastern Ghouta for several years.

According to Bachar Wammoy, a businessman who organizes aid deliveries to Syria, in recent days the conflict between jihadists in Eastern Ghouta has intensified.

"For the last five years, this territory has been controlled by terrorist groups … there are two factions operating there, one armed by Turkey, and the other by Saudi Arabia. For the last six days, there has been conflict in this zone," Wammoy told Sputnik.

"There is no Syrian army in Ghouta, they are outside this zone, and MSF are inside it, where the fighting is. So, one of these terrorist groups is responsible for what happened to MSF."

"They [MSF] decided to illegally cross the Syrian border and go to areas controlled by Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State [Daesh] and the rest of those organizations. Their names may be different, but they are all the embodiment of the same evil […] They all follow Wahhabi philosophy," Wammoy said.

On Thursday, Russia, Iran and Turkey, the guarantors of Syria's nationwide ceasefire, signed a memorandum on establishing de-escalation zones in four areas of Syria, including Eastern Ghouta.

According to the terms of the memorandum, hostilities between conflicting parties in these areas will cease, allowing the delivery of medical aid, humanitarian convoys and the restoration of basic infrastructure.

The creation of four de-escalation zones in Syria, backed by Russia, Iran and Turkey, offers the conditions for political reconciliation, but US backing for "moderate opposition" groups is an obstacle to political resolution, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told RIA Novosti.

US Backing for 'Moderate Opposition' in Syria Remains Obstacle to Peace Process

While Russia has done everything in its power to enable a political agreement, US support for what it calls "moderate opposition" could present an obstacle to last week's ceasefire agreement in Astana, editor-in-chief of the Russian magazine "Arsenal of the Fatherland," Viktor Murakhovsky, told RIA Novosti.

"The crux of the issue is to implement a ceasefire across Syria, or at least most of it. Russia has done everything it can to contribute to this, simultaneously destroying radical terrorists, aiding the reconciliation process with guarantees and influencing the Syria government and its allies so that they also keep to such agreements," Murakhovsky said.

"At the same time, the number of armed opposition members who have been persuaded to leave the area where they were fighting has increased."

"If it is possible to resolve this issue [of a ceasefire] with safe zones, then the political process for creating a new parliament, for presidential elections, defining the constitution and so on, will begin to dawn," Murakhovsky said.

However, the analyst said that the lack of agreement between Russia and the US regarding what Washington has called "moderate opposition" groups is a possible obstacle for the peace process.

"We have not been able to get from the US a list of moderate opposition groups and the districts where they are located. Russia, the Syrian government and Syria's ally Iran refer to some of these groups as terrorist organizations, but the other side [the US] considers them to be moderate opposition."

The US has also signaled its willingness to arm anti-government forces. In December, US President Barack Obama eased restrictions on arms sales to Syrian rebels, allowing the current administration to send man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) to the Syrian opposition.

Murakhovsky referred to the case of Jabhat-al-Nusra [al-Nusra Front], al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria which claimed to shed ties with its sponsor and rebranded itself as "Jabhat Fateh al-Sham" in July 2016.

The jihadist group "changed its sign and walked into the moderate opposition straight away," Murakhovsky pointed out.

The process of agreeing who constitutes genuine "moderate opposition" to the Syrian government is a "difficult process" because of differences of opinion between Russia, the US, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In addition, some representatives of the moderate Syrian opposition can't come to an agreement between themselves, the analyst said.

"There is no unity, even among the so-called moderate opposition, who go back and forth at each other day and night, shooting, killing, capturing hostages, luring people from one side to another, seizing different resources. They can't always agree among themselves," Murakhovsky concluded.

At a previous round of talks in Astana in February, representatives of Russia, Turkey and Iran discussed protocol on a ceasefire and also focused on separating moderate opposition units form terrorist groups on a map of Syria.

During talks in Astana on Thursday, Russia, Turkey and Iran signed a memorandum on the creation of four zones of de-escalation in Syria, which include the province of Idlib and seven other regions. According to the memorandum, any clashes between the government forces and opposition armed groups must stop within the zones.

The adherence of so-called "moderate opposite" groups, which have received substantial backing from Turkey and the US, will be crucial to the success of the agreement.

On Friday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said that Moscow expects the armed groups present at the Astana talks to comply with the agreement.

"The armed opposition is one of the two Syrian parties in these agreements. Of course they must comply," Bogdanov told reporters.

He said that Turkey, as one of three ceasefire guarantors, "assumed responsibility for compliance by the armed opposition with those agreements that were reached in Astana."

After the memorandum came into effect on Friday, a source close to the operations headquarters told Sputnik that it was generally adhered to.

"In general, the ceasefire is being adhered to. However, in some areas there have been local, unsubstantial clashes. It is impossible to solve everything in one day, but we hope that this [problem] will be eliminated," the source said on Saturday.
Syria’s Safe Zones: The Strategic Peculiarities of a New Peacekeeping Format

Briefing of Russian Defence Ministry on Principles of de-escalation zones in Syria (English Subs)

Southfront May 6, 2017
Liwa al-Quds: From Formation To Liberation Of Aleppo City (0:00 / 8:20)

Kurds Push For a No-Fly Zone on Turkish-Syrian Border
"We demand this. We want to be protected from the threat of aerial operations. We demand guarantees that we would be secure. Our people must be safeguarded against aerial operations. Today Turkey carried out an aerial operation. No one knows what would happen tomorrow. The coalition forces must protect us and the territory we have liberated. The [US-led] coalition must take action," she said.
c.a. said:
Briefing of Russian Defence Ministry on Principles of de-escalation zones in Syria (English Subs)

Thanks for locating and Posting that video with English subs, C.a.

One of the immediate results of the de-escalation zones is the ban on flights and bombing by US aircraft. By extension, it includes Turkey and Israel. That, in itself, is a huge development. It will be interesting to observe how this process works out?

On May 4, the guarantors of the Syrian ceasefire, Russia, Iran and Turkey, signed a memorandum to establish four safe zones (also referred to as "de-escalation zones") in the war-torn country. The plan officially came into effect as of midnight of Saturday.

Safe Zones to Stop War in Syria as Russia-Brokered Plan Enjoys Global Acclaim

The agreement between Moscow, Tehran and Ankara presumes the cessation of airstrikes and combat actions between the Syrian Army and militants who have already joined or will join the ceasefire regime, according to Chief of the Russian General Staff's Main Operational Directorate Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy.

The deal was discussed earlier this week during talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi. The memorandum was signed at the end of the fourth round of Syrian peace talks in the Kazakh capital of Astana.

"Guarantor states agreed to create de-escalation zones in Idlib province and parts of the neighboring provinces (Latakia, Hama and Aleppo), certain parts in the north of Homs province, Eastern Ghouta, certain parts in Syria's south (Daraa and Quneitra provinces)," the document reads.

The Russian delegation head at the Astana talks and Special Presidential Representative for Syria, Alexander Lavrentyev, said that Russia was ready to send its observers to the safe zones.

According to Rudskoy, the activity of these check and observation points, as well as the management of the safe zones, will be carried out by military personnel from Russia, Turkey and Iran. Third parties may be included in the process as a result of mutual arrangements between the Syrian ceasefire guarantor states.

* Currently, Russian troops in Syria under the leadership of the General Staff are estimating the number of necessary observation points, which will be established in the safe zones.

* Russia, Iran and Turkey will continue the fight against the terrorists and affiliated groups, including within the de-escalation areas. They will also assist the Syrian Army and Syrian opposition armed formations. Syrian troops withdrawn from the safe zones will be deployed to continue an offensive against Daesh in central and eastern parts of the country, including in the area of the Euphrates, with support from the Russian Aerospace Forces.

On May 2-3, in the eastern Ghouta safe zone a humanitarian corridor was established by Damascus and the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria. The corridor will be used to deliver aid from international humanitarian organizations to the city of Douma.

The city is the regional stronghold of the Jaysh al-Islam opposition group, which has joined the ceasefire and begun an offensive against Daesh and groups affiliated with the terrorists.

According to Rudksoy, earlier this week Russian troops and four unmanned aerial vehicles accompanied the convoy of 51 trucks carrying food and medicine to eastern Ghouta. He also said that identified and disarmed a suicide attacker attempting to target the humanitarian aid convoy.

"As the humanitarian convoy was passing through a checkpoint on the demarcation line, the Russian military servicemen identified, disarmed and handed over to Syria’s security service representatives a suicide attacker, who possessed 10 kilograms of explosives and grenades," Rudskoy said.

The talks in Astana are distinguished by the fact that from the Syrian opposition they involve not "politicians and immigrants," but actual field commanders "controlling the situation on the ground," Russian Deputy Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Alexander Fomin said.

Fomin noted that during the "frank talks" in Astana the memorandum was agreed with 27 field commanders operating in the de-escalation areas.
He also expressed hope that the implementation of the plan will put an end to the six-year-long civil war in Syria.

"The implementation of the memorandum will allow for stopping the combat activities by warring sides and practically put an end to the civil war in Syria, which is why the document is of great importance for the political settlement in the country," Fomin said Friday.

In the coming days, the parties involved will focus on the establishment of a joint working group, preparation of maps of the safe zones and their coordination with the partners. Reports on the implementation of the plan will be regularly presented at international meetings under the Astana negotiating framework.

As additional measures, the warring parties are expected to initiate prisoners exchange and humanitarian mine clearance.

Approved by the US and Saudi Arabia - "The issue of political settlement in Syria has been repeatedly discussed by the Russian president with the leadership of Turkey, the United States and other countries. In particular, de-escalation zones were discussed during the talks between Putin and Erdogan in Sochi," he said.

In turn, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had several working meetings with his counterparts from Iran, Turkey, Syria and Israel. Permanent contacts were also established between intelligence agencies and diplomats.

According to him, the memorandum has also been supported by the United Nations (UN), the United States, Saudi Arabia other countries, which guarantees its implementation.

"The position of the United States, which welcomed the steps to reduce violence in Syria, improve the humanitarian situation and create conditions for a political settlement of the conflict, positively influenced the creation of de-escalation zones," Fomin said.

On the eve of Victory Day, the Russian Ministry of Defense published two unique WWII videos on its official website. The videos were released as part of the multimedia project named "Capturing Our Victory."

Russian Ministry of Defense

Russian MoD Publishes One-of-a Kind WWII Archive Videos (3:48 min.)

The videos titled "Heroes of the rear" and "The frontline routine" present a selection of unique photos made during the war. They reveal the difficulties Soviet citizens faced in the rear as well as the great contribution made by women and children to the victory over fascism.

Several photos also depict young Soviet boys on the battlefield. The pictures contained inscriptions identifying people captured in them.

According to the inscriptions, the photos show students of one of the infantry units of the Red Army. The "Frontline routine" tells short stories of reconnaissance operator Petya Zub, machine gunner Fedi Samodurov and postman Vanya Kozlov.

The multimedia project "Capturing our victory" consists of five videos and the "Photo Album of Victory" published online.

This year marks the 72nd anniversary of the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany, celebrated in Russia and across the CIS bloc on May 9.
Israeli newspaper Maariv revealed that Israel recently managed to obtain some footage from one of its spying satellites that was monitoring Russian military activities in Syria.

Israel Worried Over Russian Reconnaissance Plane in Syria (Video) (1:55 min.)

The images are reportedly showing a sophisticated Russian reconnaissance plane. Information has also been provided on the alleged “sophisticated boost” of Damascus’ air force capabilities by Russia. It is now estimated that Damascus and Moscow have a rather extended control over the whole region.

Some sources claim, latest discovery might affect the relations between Russia and Israel.

The sophisticated Russian reconnaissance plane is being dubbed as "A-50" and is capable to control and provide details of at least 10 other planes in the vicinity, in addition to being able to hit the ground targets in the distance of 300 kilometers or set the goals of hitting them in the distance of 650 kilometers. The plane can last a flight of about 1000 kilometers distance.

According to the researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the base in Lattakia is located about 700 kilometers north of the Israeli Air Force Hatzor Airbase, meaning the aforementioned Russian plane can identity any Israeli plane that takes off from Hatzor.

At least 26 A-50 reconnaissance planes are said to be operated by the Russian Air Force.

Russia urged Turkey to put pressure on the Ankara-backed terrorist groups, fighting against the Syrian Army.

Russia Urges Turkey to Put Pressure on its Jihadist Groups

Russian center for reconciliation in Humaimam issued a statement, saying that the Russian side called on Turkey to immediately consult with the leaders of the so-called “armed opposition” groups which are backed by the regime in Ankara and urge them not to fall for any provocations of Al Nusra Front, ISIS and other terrorist groups, fighting against the Syrian army.

Despite the ceasefire agreement currently being implemented in Syria and which is said to be mostly going on in accordance with the schedule, Russian Defense Ministry nonetheless discovered 19 cases of ceasefire violations by terrorist groups.

Recently, Russia came up with a memorandum on establishing four de-escalation zones within Syrian territory in order to protect the civilian population, with Iran and Turkey acting as the two other guarantor states.

The Russian mission to the UN has already urged the UN Security Council to support its memorandum.

Meanwhile, Syrian officials responded to the latest Russian proposal on de-escalating the crisis in Syria. Walid Mouallem, Syria’s Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister, said his country accepts the Russian proposal on creating the four de-escalation zones within Syrian territory, however, for the time being only Russian forces will be allowed to get deployed there, adding that there is “no place” for the UN peacekeeping or any other international forces in those areas at the moment.

Russia urged the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution in favour of its memorandum on establishing four de-escalation zones within Syrian territory.

Russia Urges the UN to Accept its Memorandum on Establishing Safe Zones in Syria

A source at the Russian mission to the United Nations confirmed that the draft of the resolution has already been submitted to the UN Security Council.

The resolution itself calls on the UN to formally accept the Russian memorandum on creating 4 de-escalation zones within Syrian territory, with the purpose of protecting civilian population.

Memorandum on establishing the so-called “safe zones” was created during the fourth round of negotiations on settlement of the Syrian crisis which took place between May 3rd and 4th in Kazakh capital city of Astana. Apart from Russia, Iran and Turkey also act as the guarantor states.

Russia’s Chief of Staff General Valery Gerasimov and Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford confirmed in their phone conversation the readiness to reinstate the memorandum of understanding on safe flights over Syria and to draw up more measures so as to avoid any conflicts, Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

Russia, US consider reinstating air coordination in Syria

“Syria was in focus of the talks in the light of the agreements, reached in Astana on May 4 this year, on establishing de-escalation zones in some regions of Syria,” the ministry said in a statement.

The top generals “confirmed readiness to re-assume in full the parties’ obligations under the Russian-US memorandum of understanding on air safety and prevention of incidents in Syria’s air space and besides, to continue work on additional measures so as to avoid conflict situations during (military) operations against ISIS (so-called Islamic State) and Jabhat al-Nusra.”

Besides, the conversation held at the US request highlighted “other issues on bilateral agenda” except Syria, the ministry said. “The interlocutors agreed to maintain regular contacts,” the defense ministry said.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched an important offensive in the southeastern countryside of Damascus this past weekend that targeted the large rebel pocket in the Badiya region of the province.

US, Jordanian military presence growing in southern Syria amid new government offensive

Led by their 5th Legion, the Syrian Arab Army has managed to capture several sites east of the Al-Seen Airbase, including the Zaza Checkpoint, Sabihiyah Mountains, and Biyar Al-Saba area.

As a result of this recent advance today, the Syrian Arab Army has managed to impose fire control over this rural region north of the strategic Baghdad-Damascus Highway in southeast Damascus.

According to a Syrian Army officer in Damascus, the US-Jordanian Coalition has increased their presence at the Jordanian border in order to possibly deter the advancing government forces that are pushing to the Badiyah region of southeast Homs.

“We have intelligence reports revealing the build-up of US and Jordanian forces near the border,” the officer told Al-Masdar today.

It is difficult to confirm the validity of this report because the U.S. military has not corroborated these claims; however, it would make sense if they increased the size of their forces near the Syrian border because of the Free Syrian Army’s presence.

A military source confirmed that the Syrian Army has dispatched thousands of forces from de-escalation zones to battlefields in Eastern Homs and Deir Ezzur to participate in an imminent operation against ISIL.

Thousands of Syrian Army Soldiers Leave De-Escalation Zones for Battlefields in Homs, Deir Ezzur

According to a battlefield source, after the implementation of the de-escalation zones agreement in militant-held regions in Syria, thousands of Syrian soldiers have headed to Palmyra (Tadmur) in Eastern Homs province.

The source stressed that the army troops and Damascus allies plan to start a special military operation in Eastern Homs to end ISIL's presence in this part of the province and then advance to Deir Ezzur to help their comrade lift the long-standing siege of Deir Ezzur.

According to a text detailing the agreement published by the Russian foreign ministry on Sunday, Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed in a memorandum signed on May 4 to establish four separate de-escalation zones in Syria for at least six months.

The largest de-escalation zone includes Idlib province and adjoining districts of Hama, Aleppo and Lattakia provinces.

The other three zones are in Northern Homs province, the Eastern Ghouta region East of the capital Damascus and along the Jordanian border in Southern Syria.

Jaysh Al-Islam has once again declared war against their former allies in the East Ghouta region of rural Damascus after several days of being harassed by Faylaq Al-Rahman fighters.

Jaysh Al-Islam declares war on former allies in East Ghouta

According to a statement released by Jaysh Al-Islam on Monday, they have decided to resume their military operations against Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and Faylaq Al-Rahman because those two entities continuously harassed and attacked their bases and fighters in the East Ghouta.

Jaysh Al-Islam added that Faylaq Al-Rahman has repeatedly arrested their fighters and supporters in the East Ghouta, prompting them to finally respond to the aforementioned rebel faction’s aggression.

This latest development in the East Ghouta comes just days after the Russian, Turkish, and Iranian governments agreed to implement a safe-zone over this region in rural Damascus.

Amid ongoing clashes at Zalaqiyat village in northern Hama, a senior rebel commander surrendered to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) earlier today.

Syrian Army captures senior jihadist commander alive in northern Hama

The prisoner of war was Saeed Qassom, nicknamed Abu Jihad, who is an high-ranking commander of Jaish Al-Nasr, a Free Syrian Army (FSA) contingent which has been extensively supplied with US-manufactured TOW guided missiles.

Abu Jihad was seen laying on the ground near other captured militants in amateur footage, pleading for mercy as a group of SAA soldiers had him ringed.

An Arab media source reported that a large number of Saudi aid packages have been discovered in the terrorist groups' positions during the Syrian Army soldiers' cleansing operation in al-Qaboun district.

Syria: Saudi Aid Packages Found in Terrorists' Positions in Eastern Damascus

Al-Hadath news reported that the army managed to advance significantly against terrorists in the Eastern part of al-Qaboun district, taking control over large areas with 47 building blocks that were mostly strong positions of the terrorists.

The sources further added that the army men started the cleansing operation in the newly-liberated areas and discovered a large number of aid packages with Saudi labels and logos.

In January, Russian sappers found a number of Saudi medical equipment in areas which were under terrorists' rule before the Eastern Aleppo was taken back from Nusra terrorists.

The Russian forces found documents in Jeish al-Fatah's positions in Aleppo's neighborhoods proving Saudi Arabia had been supporting terrorists in the city.

The Russian forces of the International Demining Center that were carrying out demining operation in the former bases of the terrorists in Eastern Aleppo discovered a number of post packages sent from Saudi Arabia to Aleppo with medical bags among the rubble.

The Russian sappers also found a number of cylinders filled by explosive devices in terrorists' positions.

They also seized over 100 artillery shells and more than 500 kg TNT explosive materials.

The Syrian Army seized four vehicles carrying a large volume of arms and ammunition, including France-made missiles heading towards terrorist-held regions in Eastern Ghouta, media sources confirmed on Monday.

Eastern Damascus: Syrian Army Seizes Large Number of French Missiles in Terrorists' Convoy

The Syrian state news agency reported that the army forces, tipped off by intelligence agents, ambushed and seized four vehicles of the terrorists with a large volume of arms and munitions, including a number of French missiles, weapons, ammunition, hundreds of thousands of bullets, mortar shells and different models of machineguns.

The convoy was going towards the regions in Eastern Ghouta that are under the control of the Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board).

In late April, Syria Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Mikdad hoped that the new leadership in France would change the country’s attitude towards the Syrian crisis, noting that the present administration in France supported the terrorist groups under various pretexts.

"We look for the new administration to reform the French foreign policy and get committed to counterterrorism,” Mikdad said, al-Manar reported.

He added that the Syrian government and army were the real enemies of the terrorists and sacrificed heavily to prevent terror from reaching France and other countries.

A commander of the ISIL terrorist group, notorious for beheading masses of people, was killed in clashes with the Syrian Army troops on the Southern outskirts of Deir Ezzur city, security sources announced Saturday.

ISIL's Top Head-Chopper Killed in Clashes with Syrian Army near Deir Ezzur

The Syrian Army troops, backed up by the country's Air Force and artillery and missile units, continued to attack ISIL's defense lines in al-Maqaber (cemetery) region and airbase South of Deir Ezzur city, killing a number of terrorists, including Abdullah al-Aboud nom de guerre Abu al-Hreth that had participated in the mass beheading of a large number of people from al-Sha'atiyat tribe along with a German pop singer nom de guerre German Abu Talheh.

ISIL's military equipment also sustained major damage in the army attacks.

The army aircraft, meantime, pounded ISIL's positions in al-Maqber, Jonayd division base and around Deir Ezzur airbase, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their positions, arms and ammunition.
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