Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Syrian Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Faisal Mekdad confirmed that the Syrian government provided the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the United Nations Security Council with necessary documentation and reports which prove that the chemicals, used in yesterday’s gas attack on Khan Sheikhoun in Idleb province, were in fact stored and possessed by the terrorist groups, operating in the area.

The Truth Behind the Khan Sheikhoun Chemical Attack Revealed

Mekdad said that the media reports, surrounding the events, were used as a tool of distortion and falsification of facts, noting that Syria has fulfilled all obligations to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, with the latter already verifying this.

He also denied that Syrian Army is in possession of chemical weapons, by saying: "The army has never used such weapons, even in the most intense and critical battles with the terrorist groups", while also reminding Staffan de Mistura, UN's Special Envoy to Syria, to act in accordance with his role and neutrally approach the situation.

Mekdad also stressed that Syria strongly condemns the attacks on Khan Sheikhoun, yesterday carried out by armed terrorist groups and their supporters, operating in the area and called on the international community to hold the parties, responsible for the crime, accountable. He also expressed concerns that Wednesday’s conference on the Syrian issue in Brussels could be used as a tool to spread blatant lies and accusations against Syria.

The Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister further stated that area where the incident occurred is under complete control of the terrorist groups and that the attacks are obviously their work and that of their aides and supporters, located in Britain, France, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, pointing out that the so-called “Syrian opposition” which itself refused to play its part in restoring peace and stability to Syria, is now trying to put pressure on the Syrian government by making such provocations.

Yesterday, reports came about a chemical weapons attack in the Syrian village of Khan Sheikhoun, located in Syria's Idleb province. Almost 60 people, many of them children, were said to have been killed by the poisonous substances that were dropped during air raids on the village. Despite no evidence and the fact that no raids were conducted on Khan Sheikhoun, the Islamist and corporate press accused the Syrian and Russian side to be behind the incident. The two have since denied and debunked the accusations.

According to the unverified rumours, spreading in the corporate press, a a poisonous gas attack was carried out in the Syrian village of Khan Sheikhoun, located in Idleb province. Dozens of civilians are said to be killed, with Syrian and Russian air force units being named as the main suspects, despite no evidence.

No Evidence That Khan Sheikhoun Gas Attack Resulted From Aerial Bombardment

The affected area is otherwise under complete control of the terrorist groups whose positions are occasionally being targeted by the Russian and Syrian Air Force.

The news of the incident were allegedly forwarded by the controversial White Helmets and the Syrian Observatory for Human Right. Both NGOs are notorious for their association with the terrorist groups.

Meanwhile, the unconfirmed reports have already triggered international response.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, commented on the news, peddled by representatives of the jihadist groups on Twitter, by saying "the shocking images that are being shared on social networks must shake the conscience of every human being", adding that “Israel strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons, especially against civilians."

The Israeli Minister of Internal Affairs, Aryeh Deri, also responded to the rumours of the jihadists and the associated images, by saying "Israel, the only superpower and democracy in the region, must lead the world to put an end to the horrible massacres in Syria. "

The correspondent of the TV channel Orient News, known for being associated with the terrorist groups, Al Nusra Front including, yesterday announced on this Twitter page that "Tomorrow is the start of a new media campaign to cover the intensified number of air strikes, launched in the northern countryside of Hama, and the use of poisonous chlorine gas against civilians. "

The village of Khan Shaikhoun itself is located on the administrative border between the provinces of Hama and Idlib.

The notorious organisation White Helmets published photo and video material, claiming that gas attack caused deaths of more than 50 civilians, mostly adolescents due to suffocation from chemical substances that were “fired from the air”, while blaming the Russian and Syrian Air Force. However, it failed to provide evidence that the gas attack was the result of an aerial bombardment.

In the meantime, the Turkish government closed the Bab Al Hama border crossing, thus refusing ambulances, coming from the direction of Khan Sheikhoun, to enter Turkish territory.

The Russian and Syrian governments have since denied the accusations of being involved in Khan Sheikhoun gas attack, assuring that none of their fighter jets, carrying chemical agents, participated in assaults on Khan Sheikoun. In addition, the Syrian side also confirmed that Syrian Army does not possess any form of chemical weapons.

The controversial rumours, surrounding the events in Khan Sheikhoun, come right in time when the Syrian Army is achieving significant victories against the terrorists in the Northern countryside of Hama, namely Al Nusra Front which started its large-scale offensive right after the beginning of the fifth round of talks in Geneva on settlement of the Syrian crisis in the last week of March.

Israeli security officials have made baseless claims that Syrian President Bashar Assad was responsible for the deadly chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib province on Tuesday, according to Haaretz.

Israel says Idlib chemical attack approved by highest level of Syrian government

Sources in Israel claim that the attack was supposedly approved by the highest levels of the Syrian government, without offering any evidence to back up the statement.

This is complimented by the regime’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, stating on his twitter that the Syrian government must be held accountable.

Meanwhile, the theory that the government had conducted airstrikes with chemical weapons has been debunked, a fact that mainstream media and politicians are ignoring.

Russia will present data proving that an air strike struck a chemical arms production facility in southern Idlib at a session of the UN Security Council scheduled to discuss this incident, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday.

Russia will present data proving that Syrian airstrikes hit chemical depot in Idlib

With the tragic death toll that killed tens of people in Khan Sheykhun on Tuesday, Western leaders have immediately denounced Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for the war crime, despite it already being debunked that the government was involved.

Also, data held by the Russian Defense Ministry claims that it can prove that Syrian jets struck workshops where militants were storing and using chemical agents to be attached with ammunition.

“Russia will at least cite in a well-argued manner those data that were mentioned by our Defense Ministry during the work in the UN Security Council,” the presidential spokesman said.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has congratulated Syrian President Bashar Assad on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the country’s ruling Arab Socialist Ba’ath party, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

North Korea's Kim Congratulates Syria's Assad on Ba'ath Party Anniversary

In his message Kim said that over the past 70 years the Ba’ath party “has achieved great successes in the creation of an independent and prosperous country and ensuring regional peace and security.”

He added that under the leadership of President Assad, the Ba’ath party “is resolutely resisting foreign and domestic enemies in the ongoing fight for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria.”

Kim Jong-un pledged “continued and unwavering support for and solidarity with the Ba’ath party and the Syrian people. He also voiced confidence that “the relations of friendship and cooperation between the Korean Workers’ Party and the Ba’ath party, between the peoples of our two countries, forged in their joint struggle against imperialism, will only get stronger and stronger.”

Issues pertaining to Russia and the US jointly combatting terrorism will be among the main topics of the meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergey Ryabkov, has revealed.

"Open and fully ready to cooperate": Lavrov and Tillerson to focus on counter-terrorism

“Against the backdrop of events in many regions around the world and, of course, given the tragedy in Saint Petersburg, we are open and fully ready - in any format of any intensity and at any depth - to cooperate with the US on this most important and probably key issue for world security, if the other side is ready for this,” Ryabkov emphasized.

Tillerson will visit Moscow on a working visit on April 11th-12th. This will be his first visit to Russia as the head of the Donald Trump Administration’s foreign policy department.

According to US Senator Ron Johnson, the US should focus on defeating Daesh in Syria first, before dealing with the regime of Bashar Assad.

Defeat Daesh in Syria, Then Worry About Assad - US Senator

The United States should focus on defeating Daesh in Syria, before dealing with the regime of Bashar Assad, US Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said in an interview on Thursday.

"We need to defeat ISIS [Daesh]. That’s why I’m saying our first step has got to be to defeat ISIS," Johnson stated in an interview with CNN. "We eliminate that caliphate, we end the inspiration, at least the massive amounts of inspiration ISIS has had by existing, and we change the conditions on the ground in Syria."

The Russian Foreign Ministry has reminded US that all chemical weapons have been taken out of Syria in mid-2014 with Washington's assistance.

Moscow Reminds All Chemical Weapons Were Taken Out of Syria in 2014 With US Help

Russia considers US Vice President Mike Pence's statements claiming that Moscow and Damascus allegedly did not fulfill obligations to destroy Syrian nuclear arsenal to be groundless, the ministry said.

Pence has no grounds to say that the 2013 deal on the Syrian chemical weapons' destruction failed.

On Wednesday, commenting on reports of a deadly chemical weapons attack this week in Idlib province, Pence blamed a "failure of the past administration to… hold Russia and Syria to account for the promises to destroy chemical weapons."

Russia hopes that the US will support Moscow's proposals on the UNSC resolution over the Idlib chemical attack. "We hope that the US side will support our proposal if it is in fact interested in finding out the truth."

The terrorist groups stepped up attacks in the north of Latakia province, located in western Syria, on the border with Turkey, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said Thursday at a press conference.

Terrorists Intensify Attacks in Syrian Latakia Province - Foreign Minister

On Wednesday, local media reported that SDF killed 13 Daesh jihadists in clashes near the Daesh-controlled town of Al Tabqa as part of the SDF offensive aimed at liberation of Raqqa.

He added that the current situation in Al Tabqa, Raqqa and surrounding areas was an aggression against Syria.

"The West, the Arabs and the Turks have subordinates who execute their instructions," Muallem added.

The predominately Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) warded off attacks by militants of the Ankara-led Euphrates Shield Operation on several villages in Northern Aleppo, inflicting casualties on them.

Turkey-Backed Militants Killed in Clashes with SDF Forces in Aleppo

The SDF forces engaged in heavy clashes with the Turkish army and its affiliated militants who had started a massive offensive against Um al-Housh, Qoul Sarouj, Tal Maziq Samouqeh, Hasiyeh and Haliseh villages and al-Masha school in al-Shahba region from Tal Malid and Mare'e regions.

During the clashes, 7 Turkey-backed militants were killed and the Euphrates Shield Operation forces' attack was repelled.

Meantime, reports said that the Turkish army and affiliated militants' offensives against the villages still continue, using different weapons and tanks.

A team of US special forces carried out a dangerous mission deep behind enemy lines in Deir Ezzor hours ago, targeting a unidentified high-ranking Islamic State figure, an eye witness told Al-Masdar News.

US helicopter lands deep behind enemy lines to assassinate ISIS leader

The airborne attack lasted barely 30 minutes as the SWAT team engaged in a firefight with a lone ISIS jeep in the area between Hamat Al-Tabanyeh and Al-Qasabi in western Deir Ezzor.

Subsequently, the American military helicopter returned to Kurdish-held areas in Hasakah province. US troops did not suffer any casualties, the source added.

It is not known yet whether the unnamed ISIS commander survived, was killed or captured amid the daring raid. Washington is expected to release a statement on the attack shortly.

An F-16 fighter jet flying to a military base in the US state of Maryland crashed near Washington, DC, Joint Base Andrews spokesman said in a statement on Wednesday.

US F-16 Combat Jet Crashes Near Washington - Joint Base Andrews

The aircraft crashed approximately six miles southwest from the base, according to the statement. The jet was flying along with another aircraft in a routine training mission.

​The only pilot in the jet managed to eject in time and sustained no life-threatening injuries, the statement noted.
angelburst29 said:
US F-16 Combat Jet Crashes Near Washington - Joint Base Andrews

The aircraft crashed approximately six miles southwest from the base, according to the statement. The jet was flying along with another aircraft in a routine training mission.

​The only pilot in the jet managed to eject in time and sustained no life-threatening injuries, the statement noted.

Witness recounts F-16 crash near Joint Base Andrews (5:53 min.)

The pilot's first concern was whether everyone in the neighborhood nearby was safe

F-16 Jet Crashes Near Joint Base Andrews; Pilot Parachutes to Safety (Video)

Military officials say a mechanical issue caused an F-16 to crash Wednesday morning near a residential area in Prince George's County. A team of reporters covers the investigation, the neighborhood reaction and the possible implications of the crash.
Crazy and ridiculous news. Fake news about chemical attacks and real attack on Syria
US Launches Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Airbase in Syria

At least 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched on Thursday night at the military airfield in Ash Sha’irat in Homs province, NBC said citing US military officials.

US military ships in the Mediterrenian launched the strike between 8 and 9 pm ET.

According to the officials, Washington thinks Tuesday’s alleged chemical weapon attack was launched from the airfield.
seek10 said:
Crazy and ridiculous news. Fake news about chemical attacks and real attack on Syria
US Launches Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Airbase in Syria

At least 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched on Thursday night at the military airfield in Ash Sha’irat in Homs province, NBC said citing US military officials.

US military ships in the Mediterrenian launched the strike between 8 and 9 pm ET.

According to the officials, Washington thinks Tuesday’s alleged chemical weapon attack was launched from the airfield.

Yes, Trump officially joins the club of war criminals Bush/Obama/Clinton & co.
mkrnhr said:
seek10 said:
Crazy and ridiculous news. Fake news about chemical attacks and real attack on Syria
US Launches Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Airbase in Syria

At least 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched on Thursday night at the military airfield in Ash Sha’irat in Homs province, NBC said citing US military officials.

US military ships in the Mediterrenian launched the strike between 8 and 9 pm ET.

According to the officials, Washington thinks Tuesday’s alleged chemical weapon attack was launched from the airfield.

Yes, Trump officially joins the club of war criminals Bush/Obama/Clinton & co.
Trump joined them for sure. Ridiculous part is, he keep on saying fake news about MSM and Syria situation until recently, Suddenly every thing changed.
Trump Addresses Nation After Ordering Missile Strike on Syria
Trump claimed that Syrian President Bashar Assad had used deadly nerve agent to kill many people, calling "all civilized nations to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria".

The missile strike on Syrian airfield was in "vital national security interest" of the united states, Trump said, adding that it is in interests of the country to prevent the spread and use of chemical weapons.
It will be interesting what Russia will do. Probably they don't want to divert their attention too much away from their border, as NATO is ready there.
one end Raqqa is about fall for making US's plan B and news of US attacking ISIS in Dier Ezzar area. Let's hope Putin has some surprise for Trump.
mkrnhr said:
seek10 said:
Crazy and ridiculous news. Fake news about chemical attacks and real attack on Syria
US Launches Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Airbase in Syria

At least 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched on Thursday night at the military airfield in Ash Sha’irat in Homs province, NBC said citing US military officials.

US military ships in the Mediterrenian launched the strike between 8 and 9 pm ET.

According to the officials, Washington thinks Tuesday’s alleged chemical weapon attack was launched from the airfield.

Yes, Trump officially joins the club of war criminals Bush/Obama/Clinton & co.

Appears so, and he now has a taste of pushing powerful buttons, as the others have done above. Buttons of this magnitude take, to use his own words, "great responsibility" and now he has shown part of those abilities.

Watching the MSN Tomahawk express news, they are mostly 180 degrees at the moment; speechless and in awe that maybe they now have a president who will align. The purveyors of Fake News may partially feel themselves vindicated - see, we told you Assad must go, we told you he is gassing his people, and we told you Putin is bad. The are likely rubbing their hands with some sort of perverse glee.

May be there will be something not expected here, yet not holding my breath.
May be there will be something not expected here, yet not holding my breath.

The "not expected" may be within this SoTT article - SOTT Exclusive: Killary crawls out of her hole, calls for U.S. to "take out Assad's airfields", Trump obliges, bombs Syrian airbase with 50+ Tomahawks

In other words, Trump needed to respond, lest he look like a weakling or a Russian stooge. Even the president is hostage to the MSM propaganda machine when it's running at full steam. In which case, your available responses are fairly limited. Either play the game, or go home. If you play the game, either push over and become a shill (like Obama and practically every president before him), or do it in such a way that you con your enemies and think they're winning.

If the Russians were told, then the Russians surely told the Syrians, who hopefully had time to clear the base of any personnel. In Wrestlemania terms: "This is the part where I punch you." Followed by: "How dare you punch me! That is a blatant act of aggression!" (Syrian TV has reported the attacks, calling them an act of "aggression".)

So which is it? Trump of the apocalypse? Or a piece of the spectacle of geopolitical theater? Events over the coming days and weeks should make that clearer. If Trump doubles down on this insanity, he's a lost cause. If he doesn't, well, just as in option one, the maniacs in the war club are sure to give him all the kudos he needs. In fact, that's already happening:
I'm totally in shock! What is Trump thinking? I'm holding my breath in fear - wondering what kind of response will come from Assad and especially - Putin? Did Trump just cross the invisible "red-line"?

In less than a week, Tillerson is suppose to visit Russia. Is this hostile act - some kind of barging chip or what?

Tillerson will visit Moscow on a working visit on April 11th-12th. This will be his first visit to Russia as the head of the Donald Trump Administration’s foreign policy department.

Holy Gawd! This is beyond - STUPID!
voyageur said:
May be there will be something not expected here, yet not holding my breath.

The "not expected" may be within this SoTT article - SOTT Exclusive: Killary crawls out of her hole, calls for U.S. to "take out Assad's airfields", Trump obliges, bombs Syrian airbase with 50+ Tomahawks

In other words, Trump needed to respond, lest he look like a weakling or a Russian stooge. Even the president is hostage to the MSM propaganda machine when it's running at full steam. In which case, your available responses are fairly limited. Either play the game, or go home. If you play the game, either push over and become a shill (like Obama and practically every president before him), or do it in such a way that you con your enemies and think they're winning.

If the Russians were told, then the Russians surely told the Syrians, who hopefully had time to clear the base of any personnel. In Wrestlemania terms: "This is the part where I punch you." Followed by: "How dare you punch me! That is a blatant act of aggression!" (Syrian TV has reported the attacks, calling them an act of "aggression".)

So which is it? Trump of the apocalypse? Or a piece of the spectacle of geopolitical theater? Events over the coming days and weeks should make that clearer. If Trump doubles down on this insanity, he's a lost cause. If he doesn't, well, just as in option one, the maniacs in the war club are sure to give him all the kudos he needs. In fact, that's already happening:

This is a good one to share widely on social media for sure!
First report from Syrian airbase attacked by US Navy: video (3:54 min.)

The U.S. Navy fired 59 tomahawk cruise missiles towards the Shayrat Airbase in southeast Homs on Friday morning, killing six soldiers and nine civilians, including four children.

While the airstrike certainly damaged the military installation, the Syrian Air Force reportedly used the Shayrat Airbase later in the day to carry out several airstrikes against the Islamic State (ISIL) forces attacking western Palmyra.

Russia’s Channel 1 News released footage from the targeted airbase on Friday evening; it shows the extent of the damage the U.S. cruise missiles did to the Shayrat Airbase.

Since the attack, several Gulf and western nations have applauded the U.S. for their abrupt decision to attack the Syrian government; however, this assault has also come with a high cost, as the Kremlin cancelled their non-aggression pact in Syrian airspace.

The US-led coalition fighter jets targeted the positions of the predominately Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Northern Raqqa as well as residential areas in a village in Southern Raqqa, killing at least 13 civilians and wounding tens of others.

Tens of Civilians Killed, Wounded in US-Led Coalition Airstrike on Kurdish Region in Northeastern Syria

The coalition warplanes launched massive airstrikes on the village of Hanideh in Southwestern Raqqa, killing 13 civilians and injuring tens of others.

In the meantime, the fighter jets targeted SDF's positions in Northern Raqqa.

The US calls itself an ally of SDF, while it is an old ally of Turkey within the NATO as well. Turkey is at war with the Kurdish units of SDF in a number of regions. The US has not commented on the strikes yet.

Local officials confirmed on Friday that several civilians were killed and several more were wounded in the US raid on a Syrian airfield in Homs province.

Governor of Homs province Talal Barazi told reporters that the US strike on a Syrian airfield led to civilian casualties in a village near the base, as well as the airbase itself, adding at least five people were killed and seven wounded.

Two civilians and three military personnel were killed in the strike, AP reported, citing the governor.

The American missile attack on Syria won’t topple its government or change the policies of Damascus, he said after a barrage of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles targeted a Syrian airfield.

“The Syrian leadership and Syrian policy will not change,” Barazi said in a phone interview with Syrian state television. “This targeting was not the first and I don't believe it will be the last.”

He added that Shayrat airbase would be rebuilt and continue to play a role in fighting terrorists.

Earlier, Barazi told Reuters that firefighting and rescue operations were under way at the Shayrat airfield after the US attack, but he believed that there were not many casualties on the ground.

Barazi said Washington’s escalation of the conflict in Syria only served terrorist groups such as ISIL.

The governor said that the base played a significant role in the recent capture of the city of Palmyra from ISIL

The Syrian state TV called the attack “American aggression”.

On Friday, US warships in the Eastern Mediterranean fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian airfield, with Pentagon claiming that it was used in a chemical weapons attack against a rebel-held town in Idlib province on Tuesday.

The retaliation came before the UN or the OPCW, the chemical weapons watchdog, could investigate the incident. Washington sided with the rebel-linked activists, which accused Damascus of killing civilians with toxic gas.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reminded US on Thursday that all chemical weapons were taken out of Syria in mid-2014 with Washington's assistance.

A Syrian Special Forces unit targeted a U.S. reconnaissance aircraft flying over their positions in northeastern Syria , a military source confirmed to Al-Masdar this evening.

Syrian Army confirms targeting US aircraft in Al-Qamishli

The U.S. reconnaissance aircraft was reportedly hovering over the Syrian Army’s Regiment 54 Base in Al-Qamishli, when the personnel at the installation opened fire on the plane.

The aircraft fled the area around the base after it came in contact with the Syrian Arab Army on Saturday evening, the military source added.

Today’s confrontation in the Al-Qamishli District of the Al-Hasakah Governorate marks the first time since Friday that the U.S. and Syrian forces have confronted one another.

A U.S. warplane mistakenly struck a group from the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the northern countryside of Al-Raqqa on Friday, the Islamic State’s (ISIL) official media wing reported yesterday.

US airstrike mistakenly hits Kurdish base in northern Al-Raqqa: Al-Amaq

Al-‘Amaq News Agency alleges a U.S. warplane struck a base belonging to the Syrian Democratic Forces near the northern Al-Raqqa town of Tal Al-Samn,
killing and wounding all of the fighters inside of the installation.

This allegation by the Islamic State’s media wing came just hours after the U.S. struck the Syrian government forces inside the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate, killing six soldiers and 9 civilians, including 4 children.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are currently on the offensive in the Al-Raqqa Governorate, targeting the Islamic State’s last bastions from three different flanks.

A massive explosion was reported at the Jordanian border-crossing in Dara’a tonight, as a car bomb was detonated at local checkpoint near the Al-Rukban Refugee Camp.

Massive explosion rocks Jordanian border-crossing in southern Syria

According to local activists, at least 10 people were reportedly killed or wounded by this car bombing tonight.

Following the car bombing, intense clashes broke-out between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and unknown militant group that is suspected to be comprised of Islamic State (ISIL) members in southern Syria.

The Jordanian Air Force is now flying over this camp and monitoring the area for any potential terrorist activity.

Hezbollah condemned the blatant American aggression on the Syrian sovereignty by the missiles attack on Shayrat military airport.

Hezbollah Condemns US Blatant, Foolish Attack on Syria

It further viewed that this new crime reveals the US administration insisting on continuing its aggressive course against our nation, seeking to serve the Zionist entity and achieve its ambitions in the region, al-Ahed news reported.

Such vicious attacks cannot affect the morale of the heroic Syrian army, which is scoring victory after another against the terrorists supported by America and its agents in various regions of Syria.

It [This attack] will have no negative reflection on the Resistance's alliance and its steadfastness in backing and supporting the Syrian state in its ongoing war against terrorism.

This foolish move by the Donald Trump administration will be a source of great tension and danger to the region and will further complicate the international situation.

The Turkish Army arrested two Free Syrian Army (FSA) officers in the northern Aleppo town of ‘Azaz on Saturday, local activits reported via social media.

Turkey arrests 2 rebel officers for refusing to raise Turkish flag in northern Aleppo

General Sabri Al-Awad and Colonel ‘Abdullah Zeno were apprehended by the Turkish Army for refusing to raise the Turkish flag over their security base in ‘Azaz.

The two FSA officers were also charged with refusing to promote Turkish-sponsored officers in their rebel group; this was due to the fact most of these men had little-to-no military experience.

The Turkish Army initially transported the two FSA officers to Turkey for further questioning; however, they were later transferred to a prison in ‘Azaz.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres affirmed that there’s no alternative for a political solution for the crisis in Syria, calling for self-restraint following the US aggression against Syria.

United Nations: No Alternative for Political Solution to End Crisis in Syria

Guterres, in a statement, called for self-restraint to avoid any action that would exacerbate the suffering of the Syrian people, affirming that the political solution is the only way to end the crisis in Syria, SANA reported.

He called on all sides to renew their commitment to pushing forward with the Geneva talks, asserting that the political solution is vital for making progress in fighting terrorism.

In turn, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said that the international workgroup on Syria will convene on Friday upon the request of Russia following the US aggression.

De Mistura’s office said in a statement that the cessation of combat activities committee at the workgroup will hold an urgent meeting later today which the Special Envoy will chair, and that the co-chair of the group Russia called for holding the meeting and the US, the other co-chair, agreed to participate in it.

The United States carried out a blatant aggression at dawn on Friday targeting a Syrian Army airbase in the central region with missiles, claiming the lives of six, injuring others, and causing considerable material damage, while 9 civilians including 4 children were killed by missiles fired by the US.

A prominent political analyst warned that the allegations about the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons in Idlib are meant to derail the negotiations on the political settlement of the Syrian crisis.

Analyst: Chemical Attack Allegations Aimed at Blocking Political Settlement of Crisis in Syria

"Concurrent with the emergence of the positive signs of resolving the crisis in Syria politically, the armed groups committed another crime and tried to influence the international community by raising chemical attack allegations," Zakaria Shahoud told FNA on Saturday.

"They want to rock the boat in the political process and prolong the war in Syria," he added.

Shahoud referred to the US missile attack against a Syrian airbase in Homs province, and said, "Washington seeks to boost the morale of the terrorists who are implementing the US plots in Syria."

Websites affiliated to the terrorist groups disclosed that ISIL has dismissed its Governor of Raqqa city in the Euphrates region Abu Abdul Rahman al-Araqi following recent tensions in the terrorist-held city.

Syria: ISIL Dismisses Raqqa Governor

The websites said that a month after hundreds of ISIL's foreign members were evacuated form the cities of Mosul in Iraq, Raqqa in Northeastern Syria and al-Bab in Northern Aleppo and were relocated to the Eastern regions of the Euphrates River, including the towns of Albu Kamal and al-Mayadeen in Deir Ezzur province, the ISIL replaced its governor of the Euphrates Abu Abdul Rahman al-Araqi with Abu Hossein al-Araqi.

They added that Abu Abdul Rahman al-Araqi was appointed as the governor of Raqqa only a few months ago.

The websites went on to say that recent tensions in Raqqa that had roots in repeated execution of ISIL's members and escape of a large number of the groups' members were the main cause of Abdul Rahman al-Araqi's dismissal.

In February, ISIL executed one of the group's security commanders in the ISIL's self-proclaimed capital, Raqqa, on charges of assisting people to escape terrorist-held regions.

The sources said that ISIL killed one of the commanders of al-Moqs checkpoint at the Western entrance of Raqqa city on charges of helping people leave the Caliphate's territories.

ISIL's Security Council had previously arrested the commander on the same charges, the sources added.

They went on to say that ISIL considered strict security measure to prevent people from leaving Raqqa city, changing its checkpoints' commanders after a recent mass fleeing of people from the city.

People in Raqqa are not even allowed to move inside the ISIL-held regions without the group's license.
Interesting: From 21st Century Wire

BREAKING: Fox News Tries to Censor Truth on Idlib Alleged Chemical Attacks from Ray McGovern

21st Century Wire says…

Peter Lavelle has posted the following status to Facebook concerning the astounding reaction of Fox News to an RT interview with Ray McGovern, exposing the lies surrounding the alleged chemical weapons attack in Idlib.

Syria: ‘Chemical Attack’ — Ray McGovern on RT International

This interview was conducted at 7 PM. By that time on March 31, VIPS had heard from some of our U.S. military sources in the Middle East, who make a point of keeping us abreast at critical times, and who allergic to the all-too-common practice of “fixing” intelligence, trimming it to perceptions of what the White House should know. (Yes, it still happens – even after the fraudulent “intelligence” use to “justify” the attack on Iraq.)

So that evening Ray was able to share what we had learned about how this “chemical attack” actually went down. Briefly, Syrian aircraft “knew” there was a weapons cache in this particular rebel-held area. That was correct, and the Syrian aircraft bombed it.

What seems not to have been known was the existence nearby of a large storage facility for chemicals. That too was damaged, releasing a cloud of chemicals that the wind blew south and poisoned those villagers.

Is there a hint here as to why the U.S. Establishment has no love for RT?

Another backstory. Why, you ask, did we wait until now to post this particular interview? A couple of VIPS members had watched it live on RT International. However, when RT tried to post the interview on YouTube, Fox News demanded that it be taken down. Here is the message that appeared on the screen when those few who knew of the link tried to download the interview

“This video contains content from FOX News Network, who has blocked it on copyright grounds. Sorry about that.”

A complete mystery, so far, to RT. Anyone wish to hazard a guess? Let’s hope the interview will not been taken down again. After my repeated requests, RT has just given it to me unofficially, with the suggestion that I view it quickly before that happens. You may wish to do the same…


Edit: fixed video

Doctor For Syrian Chemical Attack is a Jihadist From the U.K. (VIDEO)

By wmw_admin on April 9, 2017
Carter — Gateway Pundit April 7, 2017
New information has been revealed regarding the situation in Syria.

jihadist doctor

A doctor associated with the recent alleged chemical attack in Syria was tried in the U.K. as a jihadist. The jihadist doctor was tried for kidnapping journalists as a part of a jihadist group.


— Dr Shajul Islam (@DrShajulIslam) April 4, 2017

Breitbart London reports:

Described in his Twitter profile as a “Medical doctor trained in the UK” and “Humanitarian aid worker”, Shajul Islam was a key eyewitness on the ground during the attack, offering himself for media video calls and uploading mobile phone footage of victims which was shared thousands of times.

Islam, from Stratford, East London, was interviewed by a number of mainstream broadcasters, including NBC News, but none notified viewers that he had previously been tried in the UK for terrorism offences and struck off the medical register by the General Medical Council after a confidential tribunal.

Islam, described as a “committed jihadist” by foreign intelligence agency MI6, was tried for kidnapping John Cantlie and Jeroen Oerlemans, journalists from the UK and the Netherlands, while fighting with an Islamist group in northern Syria.

The case against Islam was dropped, however, when the prosecution was unable to call Cantlie or Oerlemans to testify against him.

This doctor in Syria describes the chilling reality of treating victims of chemical attacks.

— NBC News (@NBCNews) April 6, 2017

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There was an interesting piece on Trump here too:

Trump's Double Cross: Where Have We Seen this Before?

April 8, 2017

Hitler was elected to make Germany great again.
The bankers had something else in mind. Total destruction and devastation.

Donald Trump betrayed most of his core supporters
by using a lame pretext to attack Syria. In this article
written before the election, I asked if Trump was "the real deal?"
I compared him to Hitler who was false opposition , a creation of the
bankers he condemned. Whether Trump leads the US to destruction,
like Hitler did to Germany, we shall see.
But he is definitely false opposition
in the sense that he and Hillary were
in the same camp all along.

Trump will Win -- But is he the "Real Deal?" Oct 27, 2017
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

I believe Donald Trump will win the Presidential election November 8. However, I am hesitant to think that his victory will be a setback for the New World Order. I have a nagging suspicion that he is false opposition, and that the Illuminati have found a way to advance their agenda by electing him instead of Hillary. I am just not sure yet what that is.

Here is why I am wary of Trump but think he will win.

Cvt-A3DUAAAhIP9.jpg1. The hysteria exhibited by the elite media and Wall Street gives Trump credibility. The Illuminati bankers have a record of pretending to be against their own agents. In 1932, they organized a coup just to give FDR credibility. In 1912, they pretended to be against the legislation that established the Federal Reserve.

2. Look at what happens to Presidents who represent an actual threat to the Illuminati bankers. They are assassinated (i.e. JFK, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley.) So are Presidential candidates like Huey Long, George Wallace and RFK. Or they are poisoned. (Harding, Harrison, Taylor.) Or they are framed (Nixon.)

3. Donald Trump has been part of the Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) Cabal all his life. He is a crypto Jew and he is surrounded by Jews. His children married Jews. He is constantly making Masonic hand signs. He pretends he doesn't know who is behind ISIS, terror and 9-11. He prostrates before the rogue state Israel. (Is that only a strategic necessity?) Let's just say, I'd feel a lot better if Trump came from a different, uncompromised background.

4. Look who's supporting Trump to the hilt? Alex Jones whose credibility has been questioned. Breitbart, a Jewish neo con group. Newt Gingrich?

5. Hillary will lose because she is a weak candidate. She is unlikely to get the votes of Bernie Saunders Democrats. Everyone knows she is corrupt and a liar. The Clinton Foundation is a giant kickback machine. The private server disguised her influence-peddling. Blaming the Russians for Wikileaks is pathetic. Hiring people to disrupt Trump rallies is pathetic. The heterophobic smears vs. Trump are pathetic. Her health issues are a big question mark. She is not trusted by the minorities she appeals to for support.

At the Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit, Clinton responded to a question from chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, who quipped that you "go to Washington" to "make a small fortune." Clinton agreed with the comment and complained about ethics rules that require officials to divest from certain assets before entering government. "There is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives," Clinton said. (source)

How could anyone vote for her? Obama only beat Romney by 3% in 2012. Hillary is a much weaker candidate than Obama, and Trump much stronger than Romney.

hand-sign-hitler.jpeg(left, Donald the decoy)

6. Hitler was put into power by the Illuminati to destroy Germany, establish the state of Israel by martyring anti-Zionist Jews, and to kill six million German anti-Semites as well as 55 million other assorted goyim. Hitler was a traitor assigned to lead Germany to destruction. Hitler also is believed to have Jewish (possibly Rothschild) blood. We know how this turned out for Germany. The question is: How would a Trump victory advance the Illuminati Jewish (Satanist) program for one world government tyranny?

I appeal to my readers for help imagining this scenario. The obvious answer is that Trump could go back on his word. Both Woodrow Wilson and FDR campaigned on a promise to stay out of world wars. The Masonic Jewish bankers could use his election as an excuse to precipitate an economic crisis and depression to punish recalcitrant Americans and blame Trump and everything he represents. Jeb Bush calls him "the chaos candidate" as in order out of chaos? There could be a drift toward fascism or a run on the dollar and the US role in the world could be diminished in favour of world government. I'm just guessing here; I need your input.

(It's a cult and you ain't in it.)

In the Protocols of Zion 1, the author says they conquer by "force and make-believe." Make-believe = their magick = deception/ lying. Can we deny this election campaign has an air of make-believe? Who better to headline it than the former star of a Reality Show?

Nevertheless, voting for Hillary is like inmates voting for the Warden. If I were an American, I would vote Trump and pray he does "drain the swamp."

It's finally getting to be 'fun', right? :cool2: All the crazies are coming out to play, outing themselves as they take their final positions... weirdly wonderful... crazy, but very interesting.
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