Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Syriana Analysis (About)

Heroic battles in Jobar & Happy Eid from the SAA (8:02)
Published on Jun 28, 2017
In the fight against anti-government militants, there are certain details that will be remembered by the comrades in arms.
This report shows the spirit, morale, and ethics of the Syrian Arab Army during the battles in Jobar against one of the most brutal terror groups, Al-Nusra Front

The U.S. is arming the next generation of Al-Qaeda (Some Graphic Materiel 5:02)
Jun 26, 2017

Here’s why Nikki Haley’s Syrian threats should not be taken seriously
16 hours ago
Numerous links within:
Too much attention is being given to the things the US's UN ambassador Nikki Haley is saying about Syria. All that is known about her points to her being an isolated figure who does not speak for the rest of the Trump administration and who has no influence on policy.
A few weeks ago, at the end of April, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson acted to put Nikki Haley, the US’s out of control UN ambassador, in her place, telling her through his officials that she should clear any comments she intends to make on contentious issues with the State Department before she makes them.

In the weeks that followed we heard little more from Haley. The phoney crisis in the Korean Peninsula came and went, the end of ISIS in Raqqa and Mosul approached, the shoot down of the Syrian SU-22 and the Russian warning took place, all without much of the usual grandstanding from Haley.

These weeks of relative silence have obviously chafed since over the last few days she has seized on the White House ‘warning’ to Syria to issue a string of superfluous ‘warnings’ of her own, some on twitter and some in television interviews. Presumably she feels that because she is echoing a warning from the White House she can go public in a way that since Tillerson’s order she previously couldn’t do.

These threats and ‘warnings’ from Haley are not to be taken seriously.

I have previously written about how Haley differs from her predecessor the equally outspoken and far more dangerous Samantha Power
There is a widespread tendency to treat Nikki Haley as a reincarnation of her predecessor, Barack Obama’s UN ambassador Samantha Power. As someone who has given himself the tedious task of following and comparing the comments of both, I have to say that I disagree.

Samantha Power is in my opinion an ideological fanatic who sincerely believes that the US has a ‘duty’ to intervene all over the world as part of some great liberal crusade to spread ‘democracy’ (as she defines it) everywhere. Nikki Haley by contrast comes across to me as simply a politician on the make.

The fundamental difference however is that Samantha Power was a key policy maker within the Obama administration, with strong connections to US Secretary of State Kerry and especially to Susan Rice, her predecessor as the US’s UN ambassador, who was President Obama’s National Security Adviser in his second term when Power was the US’s UN ambassador.

Through Rice Power also had a channel directly to Obama himself, who appointed her UN ambassador precisely because of her views. As it happens Obama and Power were already close to each other. Obama is known to have admired Power, to have read her books, and to have regularly sought her advice. He also considered her a personal friend, and apparently still does.

By contrast there is no evidence Nikki Haley has strong connections to anyone, whether in the Trump White House, the State Department (where since the coming of Tillerson many of the ideological neocon hardliners who had once backed Samantha Power have been sacked) or in the National Security Council.

The very fact Tillerson brought Haley to heel back in April shows he has little time for her. President Trump must have supported Tillerson when Tillerson took this step, shows that Trump also must have no great sense of loyalty to Haley. Given that Haley stridently criticised his Presidential bid during the Republican primaries that is not surprising.

President Trump’s National Security Adviser General H.R. MacMaster appears to be much closer to his fellow General, Defense Secretary Mattis, than he is to Haley, and by her own admission her dealings with the staff of the National Security Council are few and far between.

None of the other officials in the Trump White House who make foreign policy – eg. the disputatious trinity of Preibus, Bannon and Kushner – appear to have much time for her either, and Bannon is known to disagree with her on some issues.

All the evidence points to Haley being picked for her post – probably on Vice-President Pence’s recommendation – because after the election Donald Trump needed a (relatively) big name Republican to fill a vacant place at the UN to reach out to the Republican Party’s Congressional leadership.

In other words Haley was appointed to her post essentially for reasons of party management, and not because she is herself anyone with any influence.

This is in total contrast to Samantha Power, who worked in Obama’s Senate office from 2005 to 2006 when Obama was a US Senator, who was a fervid supporter of Obama’s during his 2008 Presidential bid (during which she called Hillary Clinton a “monster” who would “stoop to anything”), and who served as a staffer in Obama’s National Security Council before Obama appointed her his UN ambassador.

Haley cannot be completely ignored. The chaotic state of the Trump administration and the President’s habit of making decisions on the fly – brilliantly dissected by Seymour Hersh in his Welt piece – means that any voice coming from within the administration can from time to time in a particular set of circumstances have an outsized influence.

However that does not change the fact that unlike Samantha Power Nikki Haley is not an important official, and speaks for no-one but herself. There is no evidence Trump looks to her for advice, or that Tillerson or anyone else of importance in the Trump administration does, and no evidence she has any role in policy making, or is even especially well informed about it.

This means that when Haley threatens Syria with more bombing – as she has been doing over the last few days – but General Mattis is doing the opposite – as he too has been doing over the last few days – it is General Mattis not Haley who should be heeded.

My own opinion about Haley is that she is staking out a claim to be nominated Pence’s Vice-President in the event Pence eventually makes a run for the White House after Trump steps down. Ultimately I am sure her sights are on the Presidency itself.

Ever since Haley became the US’s UN ambassador she has been behaving in a way that is obviously intended to draw as much attention to herself as possible. I am sure she is doing this intentionally, precisely in order to stake out these claims.

Haley was after all considered by Romney for his Vice-Presidential running mate in 2012. Though she turned the offer down on the grounds that she had only been elected South Carolina’s governor two years before, such an offer would inevitably have stirred Presidential ambitions in her, and I have no doubt her current actions are largely driven by them.

That does make Haley someone to keep an eye on. However by definition it also means that her moment can only come after Trump leaves office.

Until then what Haley says is not to be taken seriously, and I am sure that when the current fuss over Syria dies down Tillerson will quietly act to shut her up again.

Russia Is Prepared To Respond to US Preemptive Nuclear Strike
Published on Jun 29, 2017

5 Reasons America Should Not Fight Iran, Russia, And Assad In Syria
Tyler Durden Jun 30, 2017 2:15 AM
Link for full review:
Authored by Aaron David Miler and Richard Sokolsky via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Pursuing an ambitious mission against all three adversaries in Syria is dangerous, imprudent and unnecessary

The idea du jour circulating inside the Trump administration and among terrorism experts and Syria watchers alike is that ISIS cannot be destroyed in Syria unless Bashar al-Assad is removed from power and Iran’s presence and influence are drastically curtailed. And in a perfect world, this indeed would be the best possible outcome to prevent ISIS and other jihadi groups, including Al Qaeda, from ensconcing themselves there. But needless to say, the Middle East isn’t a perfect world. U.S. retaliation against another chemical-weapons attacks, as the White House threatened late Monday, would be both necessary and justified. (Assad and his military would “pay a heavy price,” the statementread.) But pursuing an ambitious mission against Iran, Assad and the Russians in Syria is dangerous, imprudent and unnecessary to protect vital American security interests.

Here are five compelling reasons why.
The United States Can’t Eradicate ISIS in Syria
There’s No Foreseeable Stable End State for Syria
We Don’t Want a War with Iran
The United States Can’t Sideline Russia
U.S. Interests in Syria Aren’t as Vital as Those of Its Adversaries
Windmill knight said:
whitecoast said:
Department of Defense Credits the White House for Lack of Syria Chemical Attack

Monday night’s out-of-nowhere statement from the White House, claiming a Syrian chemical weapon attack was imminent and promising to make Syria pay a heavy price must’ve been successful, Secretary of Defense James Mattis reasoned, since no chemical attack happened after all. The White House statement claimed there were signs of preparation, offering no evidence that was really the case, then claiming it would kill “innocent children” and threatening retaliation. The statement was made with no discussion with either the State Department or Pentagon, puzzling many top officials as to what they thought they were doing.
Russia criticized the US over the threat, and Syria said they’d never had any intention of carrying out such an attack in the first place, which only adds to the questions about the White House drawing the conclusion that such an attack was coming, and rushing out a content-light statement on it. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley concurred, claiming Trump had “saved many innocent lives” with the statement, though again offering no details.
Either way, Mattis and Haley seem happy enough with the results. Most days go by in Syria with no chemical weapons attacks, of course, but on this rare occasion US officials seem to feel like they can take credit for that fact, despite another idle US threat clearly being wholly unrelated to the result.

This has got to be one of the saddest things I have ever witnessed coming out of the US government. I am not even joking.

I thought it was satire when I first read that. Paraphrasing Mattis: "Syria was about to use chemical weapons. And the fact that they didn't just proves that they were going to." :shock: :lol:

I also honestly find Trump "inscrutable". I have read that he does not drink alcohol but his actions remind me of a Kung Fu technique called Drunken Master. (from previous post) :huh: :/ :cry:
Windmill knight said:
whitecoast said:
Department of Defense Credits the White House for Lack of Syria Chemical Attack

Monday night’s out-of-nowhere statement from the White House, claiming a Syrian chemical weapon attack was imminent and promising to make Syria pay a heavy price must’ve been successful, Secretary of Defense James Mattis reasoned, since no chemical attack happened after all. The White House statement claimed there were signs of preparation, offering no evidence that was really the case, then claiming it would kill “innocent children” and threatening retaliation. The statement was made with no discussion with either the State Department or Pentagon, puzzling many top officials as to what they thought they were doing.
Russia criticized the US over the threat, and Syria said they’d never had any intention of carrying out such an attack in the first place, which only adds to the questions about the White House drawing the conclusion that such an attack was coming, and rushing out a content-light statement on it. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley concurred, claiming Trump had “saved many innocent lives” with the statement, though again offering no details.
Either way, Mattis and Haley seem happy enough with the results. Most days go by in Syria with no chemical weapons attacks, of course, but on this rare occasion US officials seem to feel like they can take credit for that fact, despite another idle US threat clearly being wholly unrelated to the result.

This has got to be one of the saddest things I have ever witnessed coming out of the US government. I am not even joking.

I thought it was satire when I first read that. Paraphrasing Mattis: "Syria was about to use chemical weapons. And the fact that they didn't just proves that they were going to." :shock: :lol:

I still have my suspicions that Trump was broadcasting a chemical attack in Syria, as a "fall guy", to put Assad and Putin on notice that something was in the works because Trump went over the Pentagons heads? I suspect Israel was behind it, due to recent developments in the Golan Heights? Plus, Israel has been supplying the rebels.

]In pictures: Syrian Army confiscates Israeli armaments left behind by rebels in Homs

Israel is claiming "sovereignty" in the Golan Heights and will do anything to hold on to it. In my estimation, it's only a matter of time before Assad and Putin make the Golan Heights a high priority. Israel is inching closer to a confrontation now with a forth attack on the Syrian Army in a week.

The Israeli Air Forces attacked the Syrian government forces for the forth time in a week after Syrian projectiles fell on the Israeli-controlled part of the Golan Heights, IDF wrote on Twitter.

Israeli Jets Attack Syrian Troops in Golan Heights for the 4th Time in a Week

​The Israeli aviation attacked Syrian troops for the fourth time in a week in response to a stray projectile that fell on Israeli-controlled Golan Heights,
Israel Defense Forces said Friday.

"In response to the projectile launched towards Israel from Syria, IAF aircraft targeted the Syrian military position that fired the mortar," the IDF said on Twitter.

​For the first time, the Israeli Air Force attacked the Syrian government forces' tanks and artillery positions on June 24, after 10 projectiles fell on the Israeli-controlled part of the Golan Heights.

"In response to over 10 projectiles launched from Syria, IAF aircraft targeted origin of launches & 2 Syrian tanks," the IDF stated.

"Due to the unacceptable breach of Israeli sovereignty, an official protest has been filed with UNDOF," the IDF added.

According to Al Mayadeen channel citing a source, at least two Syrian soldiers were killed in the airstrike.

On June 25, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) attacked the Syrian army positions for the second time this week after projectiles from Syrian territory again fell in the Israeli-controlled part of the Golan Heights.

"In response to several Syrian projectiles launched towards Israel, IDF targeted 2 Syrian regime artillery positions & an ammunitions truck," the IDF wrote.

On June 29, Syrian army positions near the village of Samdaniya in the Golan Heights have come under Israeli Air Force rocket fire, a source told Sputnik.

"Israel used a rocket to attack the Syrian army’s positions in eastern Samdaniya near Quneitra," the source said, adding the rocket hit the army’s mortar detachment but did not cause any casualties.

The majority of such incidents are described by the Israeli military as accidental overspills during clashes between the Syrian government forces and opposition groups.

The Golan Heights, internationally recognized as Syrian territory, was seized by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967. In 1981, the Israeli parliament voted to annex two-thirds of the region. The United Nations has repeatedly stated that Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights is illegal, calling for it to be returned to Syria.
This news has been long coming, but it finally happened. A breath of relief. Next up is the liberation of Deir ez-Zor.

Aleppo province fully liberated from ISIS – Syrian Army to RT

The whole Aleppo province has been liberated from Islamic State terrorists, General Samir Suleiman, head of information for the Syrian Arab Army, confirmed to RT.

“Syria’s Army has entirely liberated Aleppo – both the city and the province. ISIS is not in the province anymore,” General Suleiman told RT over the phone.

Earlier on Friday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) fighters have abandoned the last area they held in Aleppo province.

The withdrawal came after government forces dislodged militants from the Ithriya-Rasafa road and areas east of Khanaser, Reuters reported, citing the media unit of Hezbollah, a Lebanese armed group, which is an ally of the Syrian Army. General Suleiman confirmed the liberation of the road.

Aleppo, which was Syria’s largest city before the start of the civil war in 2011, remained split between militants and government forces for years. The Syrian Army, which was assisted by the Russian Air Force, finally liberated it in December last year.
For sixteen years the US has been at war in the Middle East and North Africa, running up trillions of dollars in expenses, committing untold war crimes, and sending millions of war refugees to burden Europe, while simultaneously claiming that Washington cannot afford its Social Security and Medicare obligations or to fund a national health service like every civilized country has.

Washington Has Been At War For 16 Years: Why?

Considering the enormous social needs that cannot be met because of the massive cost of these orchestrated wars, one would think that the American people would be asking questions about the purpose of these wars. What is being achieved at such enormous costs? Domestic needs are neglected so that the military/security complex can grow fat on war profits.

The lack of curiousity on the part of the American people, the media, and Congress about the purpose of these wars, which have been proven to be based entirely on lies, is extraordinary. What explains this conspiracy of silence, this amazing disinterest in the squandering of money and lives?

Most Americans seem to vaguely accept these orchestrated wars as the government’s response to 9/11. This adds to the mystery as it is a fact that Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iran (Iran not yet attacked except with threats and sanctions) had nothing to do with 9/11. But these countries have Muslim populations, and the Bush regime and presstitute media succeeded in associating 9/11 with Muslims in general.

Perhaps if Americans and their “representatives” in Congress understood what the wars are about, they would rouse themselves to make objections. So, I will tell you what Washington’s war on Syria and Washington’s intended war on Iran are about. Ready?

There are three reasons for Washington’s war, not America’s war as Washington is not America, on Syria. The first reason has to do with the profits of the military/security complex.

The military/security complex is a combination of powerful private and governmental interests that need a threat to justify an annual budget that exceeds the GDP of many countries. War gives this combination of private and governmental interests a justification for its massive budget, a budget whose burden falls on American taxpayers whose real median family income has not risen for a couple of decades while their debt burden to support their living standard has risen.

The second reason has to do with the Neoconservative ideology of American world hegemony. According to the Neoconservatives, who most certainly are not conservative of any description, the collapse of communism and socialism means that History has chosen “Democratic Capitalism,” which is neither democratic nor capitalist, as the World’s Socio-Economic-Political system and it is Washington’s responsibility to impose Americanism on the entire world. Countries such as Russia, China, Syria, and Iran, who reject American hegemony must be destabilized and desroyed as they stand in the way of American unilateralism.

The Third reason has to do with Israel’s need for the water resources of Southern Lebanon. Twice Israel has sent the vaunted Israeli Army to occupy Southern Lebanon, and twice the vaunted Israeli Army was driven out by Hezbollah, a militia supported by Syria and Iran.

To be frank, Israel is using America to eliminate the Syrian and Iranian governments that provide military and economic support to Hezbollah. If Hezbollah’s suppliers can be eliminated by the Americans, Israel’s army can steal Southern Lebanon, just as it has stolen Palestine and parts of Syria.

Here are the facts: For 16 years the insouciant American population has permitted a corrupt government in Washington to squander trillions of dollars needed domestically but instead allocated to the profits of the military/security complex, to the service of the Neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony, and to the service of Israel.

Clearly, Amerian democracy is a fraud. It serves everyone but Americans.

What is the likely consequence of the US government serving non-American interests?

The best positive outcome is poverty for the 99 percent. The worst outcome is nuclear armageddon.

Washington’s service to the military/security complex, to the Neoconservative ideology, and to Israel completely neglects over-powering facts.

Israel’s interest to overthrow Syria and Iran is totally inconsistant with Russia’s interest to prevent the import of jihadism into the Russian Federation and Central Asia. Therefore, Israel has put the US into direct military conflict with Russia.

The US military/security complex’s financial interests to surround Russia with missile sites is inconsistent with Russian sovereignty as is the Neoconservatives’ emphasis on US world hegemony.

President Trump does not control Washington. Washington is controlled by the military/security complex (watch on youtube President Eisenhower’s description of the military/security complex as a threat to American democracy), by the Israel Lobby, and by the Neoconservatives. These three organized interest groups have pre-empted the Amercan people, who are powerless and are uninvolved in the decisions about their future.

Every US Representative and US Senator who stood up to Israel was defeated by Israel in their re-election campaign. This is the reason that when Israel wants something it passes both houses of Congress unanimously. As Admiral Tom Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and Chariman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said publicly, “No American President can stand up to Israel.” Israel gets what it wants no matter what the consequences are for America.

Adm. Moorer was right. The US gives Israel every year enough money to purchase our government. And Israel does purchase our government. The US government is far more accountable to Israel than to the American people. The votes of the House and Senate prove this.

Unable to stand up to tiny Israel, Washington thinks it can buffalo Russia and China. For Washington to continue to provoke Russia and China is a sign of insanity. In the place of intelligence we see hubris and arrogance, the hallmarks of fools.

What Planet Earth, and the creatures thereon, need more than anything is leaders in the West who are intelligent, who have a moral conscience, who respect truth, and who are capable of understanding the limits to their power. But the Western World has no such people.

Yes, Israel is supporting Syrian rebels, but this goes beyond cash and aid: Israel hopes the rebels will serve as a buffer against Hezbollah and a resurgent Assad, a strategy that could easily backfire.

The Syrian war's worst kept secret that could become Israel's nightmare

Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal published an interview with a Syrian rebel commander and half a dozen fighters, who confirmed the worst kept secret of the Syrian conflict: Israel is directly aiding Syrian rebel factions with both humanitarian and financial aid.

Israel's involvement "is much deeper and more coordinated than previously known and entails direct funding of opposition fighters near its border for years," the report said.

“Israel stood by our side in a heroic way,” Moatasem al-Golani, a spokesman for the rebel group Fursan al-Joulan, told the Wall Street Journal. “We wouldn’t have survived without Israel’s assistance.” According to the report, Israel provides $5,000 each month to Fursan al-Joulan - or Knights of the Golan - which it uses to pay fighters' salaries and purchase weapons and ammunition for its campaigns against the government in the Syrian Golan.

I had never heard of Fursan al-Joulan before. An online site dedicated to documenting the Syrian conflict describes a “Fouj al Joulan” as a Golani militia allied with the Assad regime and dedicated to protecting Druze villages in the region. Though the names sound similar, they are unlikely to be the same group, especially considering Fouj al-Joulan's commander, Majd Himoud, is an implacable Israeli enemy, whom it has attempted to assassinate twice.

With approximately 400 fighters, Fursan al-Joulan would appear to be a local militia. It undoubtedly has an affiliation with a larger Islamist group like al-Nusra or al-Qaeda, but I haven't been able to determine that. The Journal makes clear that it isn't affiliated with the Free Syrian Army, which increases the likelihood that Fursan al-Joulan is an Islamist group. It's also quite possible there are other groups, perhaps numerous ones, which Israel is aiding in a similar fashion.

On 22 June, Yediot Achronot’s chief military-security correspondent, Alex Fishman, confirmed the Journal’s report and explored the motivation behind it:

“A not insignificant portion of the Syrian rebels in the Golan have adopted the extreme Salafist ideology of Jabhat al-Nusra, an offshoot of al-Qaeda
…The Israeli view is that the religious extremist views of the Syrian rebels are less relevant [than their capacity to combat Israel’s enemies - Iran and Hezbollah]. Israel believes that what interests them [the rebels] above all is survival; and that it’s possible to buy their loyalty through material aid which helps guarantee their own security.

"The Journal article gives one the impression that Israel doesn’t always examine closely the views of its allies as long as it gets from them a useful security exchange. According to Israel’s perspective, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And if Jabhat al-Nusra fights against IS in the southern Golan, and each of them in turn fights against Hezbollah and the Syrian army in the Deraa region - all the better.”

This exchange-based mode of interaction may work for Israel in the short run, but the history of the region is replete with such temporary alliances which quickly devolved into outright hostility when circumstances changed. A former ally can easily and quickly become one’s worst enemy.

And in fact the goods, experience and skills transmitted during the alliance permit the former ally to become an even more formidable foe (just think the Mujahadeen-Taliban in Afghanistan). Any number of actors inside Syria from IS to al-Nusra could at some future time decide that Israel is a riper target than their former enemies. This short-term alliance of convenience could easily become a nightmarish Golem of Israel’s own making.

What Israel wants These new reports confirm several years of my own reporting which have documented extensive Israeli intervention in the Syrian conflict, including numerous air strikes against Hezbollah and Iranian arms convoys, the shooting down of a Syrian jet which had strayed a few metres into Israeli-occupied Golan, assassinations of Hezbollah and Iranian commanders, equipment drops to al-Nusra units allied with al-Qaeda, and direct intelligence briefings between IDF officers and rebel commanders.

All this has belied the repeated false claims in the media (including in this WSJ article) that Israel is a neutral party to the conflict - which is what Israel would have the world believe. However, it is deeply involved in it and seeks to weaken or topple Bashar al-Assad, because Israel's arch enemies, Hezbollah and Iran, are his chief allies.

I expect that Israeli escalation will continue since Assad and his allies are in the ascendant. They are routing IS in eastern Syria and, once they finish, it's very possible Assad could turn his attention to the west, including the Golan, to consolidate his territorial gains. That is when the true test will come.

Israel wants a divided Syria. It wants a country riven by ethnic and religious disputes so that it can dominate the Golan and protect its northern border. How far is it willing to go to prevent Assad from reasserting full control there?

Israel has had numerous opportunities to negotiate a peace deal with Bashar al-Assad and, even earlier, with his father. It turned away from each of these efforts. It does not want an agreement with Assad.

To avoid an internal political fight with nationalist forces over returning the Golan, Israel's right-wing government prefers maintaining its illegal conquest of the Golan and the status quo. To do so, it must continue to sow discord and military adventures in the Golan.

Shot across the bows - Numerous ominous escalations in the Syria conflict have occurred in recent days. Iran announced that it had fired missiles from its territory to attack IS positions in eastern Syria. It would mean that Iranian forces had advanced technically in order to fire its weapons and hit targets hundreds of miles away. The last time it attacked an enemy beyond its borders in this way was during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.

Anonymous Israeli military sources claimed that each of the seven missiles that were fired missed their target, with several not even landing in Syria. However, aside from unnamed sources, the Israelis didn’t offer any proof of their claims either. It would be in Israel’s interest to spread a spurious claim debunking the military prowess of its chief regional rival.

Iran explained that the missile attack was revenge for a recent terror attack by Iranian Kurds in Tehran for which IS has taken credit. Since Iran has also blamed Saudi Arabia for the attack, which killed 17, mostly civilians, the missile attack is a thinly veiled warning against the Saudis: "just as we can reach IS in Syria, we can reach you in Riyadh as well."

Or as Al Jazeera's correspondent said: "And, of course, we need to see this in the wider geopolitical context: it will be very interesting what the reaction is going to be from countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United States and Israel, because Iran is saying it can retaliate and it will."

On 18 June, a US fighter jet downed a Syrian war plane in the Raqqa countryside which had bombed a target close to US-backed Syrian rebel forces. The US military claims these were Syrian Democratic Forces (whom Syrian regime troops had routed from the city), while the regime claims they were IS. US air power also shot down at least two pro-regime drones.

Fear of Assad victory - All this comes on the heels of Assad’s growing success in taking back territory that had been formerly held by IS. The US, in attacking Syrian war planes, is attempting to stymie Assad's efforts. This means, in effect, that US policy largely mirrors that of Israel. The Trump administration, as well, appears not to want a united Syria, rather a Syria divided up into ethnic cantons.

Assad’s Russian ally reacted with fury to the US attack and cancelled critical deconfliction efforts meant to keep the various powers fighting in Syria from accidentally attacking each other (US offficials have since said that a deconfliction hotline is still in operation). Further, Russia announced that any more US attacks on the Syrian air force might result in direct conflict with Russia.

All this is part of a US escalation of its own involvement which has included bombing a Syrian government military convoy, a mosque, and now this. Clearly, the Trump administration is directing our military to flex its muscles in this arena.

The problem is that this is a very crowded field of battle and there are many parties involved, including Russia. The plane we shot down was a Russian Sukhoi bomber, for example. All it will take is one split-second mistake for this to turn into a major bloodbath which could suck the major parties in far deeper than they prefer to go.

The new alliance - Syria is only part of a wider playing field of conflict in the region where Sunni forces, financed by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, are arrayed against Shia power under the auspices of Iran and Hezbollah. As the Sunni coalition continues to lose sway in Syria, this rivalry has moved to newer and even more dangerous places. The ultimatum given to Qatar to end its relations with Iran and Hezbollah is an example of how the ripple effects of Syria could send a tsunami throughout the Middle East.

A growing alliance between Saudi Arabia and Israel adds yet another combustible element to the mix. They both appear to be itching for a fight with Iran. When they were separate parties, the danger of such a conflict was less.With them uniting against a common foe, the fetters are considerably loosened, not to mention that the ascension of a young, ambitious, hot-headed Saudi crown prince who’s shown himself only too willing to embroil his kingdom in foreign interventions adds even more danger to the scenario.
The U.S. is giving up its hopeless position at the Syrian-Iraq border crossing near al-Tanf in south east Syria. The U.S. military had earlier bombed Syrian forces when they came near that position but it then found itself outmaneuvered, cut off from the north and enclosed in a useless area.

U.S. Retreats From Al-Tanf – Gives Up on Occupying South East Syria

Al-Tanf is in the blue area with the two blue arrows at the bottom of the map. It will soon be painted red as liberated and under Syrian government control.

To recap: The U.S. plan was to move from al-Tanf north towards the Euphrates river and to thereby capture and control the whole south-east of Syria. But Syria and its allies made an unexpected move and prevented that plan. The invaders are now cut off from the Euphrates by a Syrian west-to-east line that ends at the Iraqi border. On the Iraqi side elements of the Popular Military Unites under the command of the Iraqi government are moving to meet the Syrian forces at the border. The U.S. invaders are now sitting in the mid of a piece of rather useless desert around al-Tanf where their only option is to die of boredom or to move back to Jordan from where they came.

Syria Summary – The End Of The War Is Now In Sight – June 13

The U.S. military even moved a HIMARS missile launcher with 300 km reach from nearby Jordan to al-Tanf. That was a laughable stunt. It made no difference in capabilities from the earlier launcher position in Jordan just a few miles west. But someone the U.S. military believed that showing off such weapons in a doomed area would impress Syrian or Russian forces and change the facts of life. It didn’t. It was clear that the U.S. would have to move out.

That now seems to happen. A knowledgeable source just posted:

TØM CΛT‏ @TomtheBasedCat – 3:38 PM – 29 Jun 2017
LolEvidently Tanf FSA really are being flown to Shaddadi. Plan C is in effect.

There were several rumors to this regard since yesterday and the above now confirms them. Lol indeed.

About 150 or so U.S. trained Arab fighters will be flown from al-Tanf to north-east Syria where they will join the (hated) Kurdish forces. They may later try to reach the ISIS besieged Deir Ezzor from the north or get pushed into some suicide mission against another ISIS position. The Syrian army will approach and liberate Deir Ezzor most likely from the south and east. It is unlikely that it will let U.S. proxy forces take part in that. The U.S. contingent will move west out of al-Tanf and back into Jordan. The Syrian and Iraqi forces will take over the Al Waleed border crossing at al-Tanf and the regular commercial traffic on the Damascus-Baghdad road will resume.

The various propagandists who argued for a big U.S. mission to occupy the whole Iraqi-Syrian border and all of east Syria have lost. The “Shia crescent” between Iran and Lebanon they claimed to prevent with such a move was never a physical road connection and certainly nothing the U.S could fight by any physical means. Their pushing for a U.S. occupation of east Syria and incitement of a larger conflict has for now failed.

Recently Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his readiness to conduct a new military operation in the north of Syria to prevent the emergence of a Kurdish state there.

Kurds May Face Turkish Army in Syria One-to-One

Turkey has already confirmed its seriousness on this issue by the recent air strikes carried out by Ankara at the positions of the Kurds and by continued armed clashes between the opposition sides. Moreover, Turkey has redeployed some of its armored units in the area of Azaz settlement.

In this regard, the Kurdish officials urged Assad and his partners to protect them from external threats.

According to the Syrian expert Ziad Shibli, the Syrian Kurds can face the Turkish aggression all alone due to some objective causes.

In fact, Kurds continue playing a double game in their own interests. By playing along with the U.S., the Kurdish authorities do their best to break ties with the Syrian government and its allies. They have sold their loyalty for arms supplies. Particularly, the Pentagon delivered more than 100 trucks loaded with weapons including 12,000 rifles, 10,000 machine guns, 4,000 grenade launchers and 300 mortars only for the past week.

However these weapons are used not for fighting ISIS. It’s not a secret that the Kurdish formations let terrorists flee from besieged Raqqa to strengthen their positions in Palmyra and Deir ez-Zor. Later these facts were confirmed by al-Arabiya. The channel also announced that Raqqa Civilian Council’ established by Kurds under the support of the U.S. amnestied dozens ISIS-terrorists. Obviously, the actions of the Kurdish formations contradict the interests of Damascus and its main ally in fighting terrorism, Russia.

According to the Russian media, SDF-leaders ignored Russian military advisers who had persuaded the Syrian High Command to use its units to protect the Kurdish enclaves near Afrin and Manbij. But collaborating with the U.S. Kurds rose against the SAA.

Yet, just after a threat of direct clashes with Turkey appeared, SDF-leaders started thinking about the assistance of Damascus and Russian AF. Clearly, Kurds realize that they shouldn’t rely on the U.S. help in this issue. Unlikely, Washington will be against its NATO ally. If the contradictions on the Kurdish issue between Turkey and the U.S. get worse Ankara would ban using the Incirlik Air Base by the U.S. military.

Nobody likes traitors. Apparently, Kurds will stay alone with Turkish armed forces. Neither Damascus nor Moscow will provide any assistance to them. And only Kurdish leaders are responsible for that.

Russian FM Sergey Lavrov has accused the US-led anti-terrorist coalition of being reluctant to bomb positions of the former Al-Nusra Front in Syria, and has urged them to ditch “double standards” for the sake of an “uncompromising” fight against terrorism.

Protecting the Terrorists: US-led Coalition’s ‘Very Dangerous Game’ of Sparing Al-Nusra in Syria – Lavrov

"There is a strong impression, based on our fight with terrorism in Syria, that the so-called Al-Nusra [Front], or whatever it is called now, is every time spared by the coalition forces headed by the United States and its allies," Lavrov said, speaking at a press conference in Moscow.

The foreign minister went on to say that "new evidence has emerged in the past few days" indicating that the US-led international forces continue "to take the heat off" the former Al-Qaeda offshoot in Syria.

Slamming what appears to be a reluctance by the coalition to target the terrorist group as "an extremely dangerous game," Lavrov called on the US-led forces to set aside "all double standards and any ulterior thoughts" in favor of an "uncompromising fight against terrorism."

In a recent phone conversation held between Lavrov and his US counterpart, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, at the latter’s initiative, the Russian official emphasized the importance of preventing provocations against the Syrian armed forces battling terrorists and urged the US to step up its fight against jihadists in Syria.

Moscow has been increasingly critical of Washington’s conduct in Syria since the US bombed the Shayrat Air Base in response to an alleged chemical attack in Syria's Idlib province. During talks between Lavrov and Tillerson in Moscow, the Russian foreign minister said that they had agreed that an "highly provocative" incident similar to the US airstrike "should not happen again."

However, on June 18, a Syrian Su-22 warplane was shot down over Raqqa province in an attack by the US-led coalition. The incident was labelled by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov as "an act of aggression" and "actually help for the terrorists the US is fighting."

While Washington argued it had downed the jet because it was dropping bombs on the US-allied militia fighting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Damascus dismissed the allegations, saying that the plane was in effect in the middle of an operation against the IS militants.

Last week, Lavrov said that Moscow had not yet received from Washington a "detailed explanation" on why it targeted the Syrian military jet.

Something peculiar happens to American presidents after they take office on January 20.

Make No Mistake, We Are Already at War in Syria

Campaign promises to right the easily perceived misdirections in foreign policy are abandoned, and the new program for dealing with the rest of the world winds up looking very much like the old one. Bill Clinton was an anti-Vietnam War draft dodger who preached the moral high ground for going to war before he turned around and got involved in the Balkans while also bombing Sudan and Afghanistan. George W. Bush promised non-interference and no nation-building overseas, but 9/11 converted him into an exemplar of how to do everything wrong as he sank into the quagmires of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Barack Obama’s margin of victory in 2008 was likely due to the perception that he was the peace candidate, particularly in contrast to his opponent Senator John McCain, but he wound up deeper in Afghanistan, out of, and then back into Iraq, interfering in Syria, and bringing about disastrous regime change in Libya while also allowing relations with Moscow to deteriorate. Donald Trump has surrounded himself with generals after promising no deeper involvement in foreign wars and the generals are telling him that winning wars only requires more soldiers on the ground and just a little more time and effort to stabilize things, all of which are self-serving formulae for policies that have already failed.

And then there are the perennial enemies, with Iran at the top of the list while Russia and China play supporting roles. Some would blame the foreign policy orientation on the Deep State, which certainly is suggestive, but I rather suspect that the flip-flops of recent presidents are also based on some other elements. First, none of them has been a veteran who experienced active duty, which makes war an abstraction observed second hand on PowerPoint in a briefing room rather than a reality. And second, the shaping of their views can be directly attributed to the pervasiveness of the establishment view on the appropriate role for the United States in the world.

Sometimes referred to as America’s “civil religion,” one can also call it “American exceptionalism” or the “leadership of the free world” or even “responsibility to protect” but the reality is that a broad consensus has developed in the United States that enables serial interventionism with hardly a squeak of protest coming from the American people.

Donald Trump has been in office for five months and it would appear that at least some of the outlines of his foreign policy are beginning to take shape, though that may be exaggeration as no one seems to be in charge. The “America First” slogan seemingly does not apply to what is developing, as actual U.S. interests do not appear to be driving what takes place, and there does not seem to be any overriding principle that shapes the responses to the many challenges confronting Washington worldwide.

The two most important observations that one might make are both quite negative. First, lamentably, the promised détente with Russia has actually gone into reverse, with the relationship between the two countries at the lowest point since the time of the late, lamented Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State. Second, we are already at war with Syria even though the media and Congress seem blissfully unaware of that fact. We are also making aggressive moves intended to create a casus belli for going to war with Iran, and are doubling down in Afghanistan with more troops on the way, so Donald Trump’s pledge to avoid pointless wars and nation-building were apparently little more than glib talking points intended to make Barack Obama look bad.

The situation with Russia can be repaired as Vladimir Putin is a realist head of state of a country that is vulnerable and willing to work with Washington, but it will require an end to the constant vituperation being directed against Moscow by the media and the Democratic Party. That process could easily spin out for another year with all parties now agreeing that Russia intervened in our election even though no one has yet presented any evidence that Russia did anything at all.

Syria is more complicated. Senators Tim Kaine and Rand Paul have raised the alarm over American involvement in that country, declaring the U.S. military intervention to be illegal. Indeed it is, as it is a violation of the United Nations Charter and the American Constitution. No one has argued that Syria in any way threatens the United States, and the current policy is also an affront to common sense: like it or not Syria is a sovereign country in which we Americans have set up military bases and are supporting “rebels” (including jihadis and terrorists) who are seeking to overthrow the legitimate government. We have also established a so-called “de-confliction” zone in the southeast of the country to protect our proxies without the consent of the government in Damascus. All of that adds up to what is unambiguously unprovoked aggression, an act of war.

The war began in earnest when the Obama administration began building bases and sending Special Ops into Syria in the late summer of 2015, after the White House announced that it would “allow airstrikes to defend Syrian rebels trained by the U.S. military from any attackers, even if the enemies hail from forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.”

That policy guaranteed escalation and direct American involvement in the conflict. In the last month, for the first time since the civil war in Syria began in 2011, the United States has directly attacked Syrian government forces or proxies four times, including two air attacks against Iranian militiamen allied to Damascus. Those moves were preceded by the April U.S. Navy launch of 59 cruise missiles in an attack directed against a Syrian air base. The recent escalation has produced a response from Russia, which decried in the strongest terms the latest of these incidents, in which a U.S. F-18 Hornet shot down a Syrian SU-22 fighter-bomber.

Moscow has now threatened to act against any U.S.-led coalition aircraft flying over western Syria, a step that could in short order lead to a Russian-U.S. war in the Middle East.

Syria is currently under attack from the air forces of sixteen nations operating within its airspace loosely affiliated with the U.S. effort to bring about regime change. When Syria resists, it is routinely accused of using “forbidden” weapons by the mouthpieces of the terrorist groups operating inside the country under the American umbrella. Currently, the White House is warning that it has “identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime.” UN Ambassador Nikki Haley elaborated in a tweet, “…further attacks will be blamed on Assad but also on Russia and Iran who support him…”

Syria will “pay a very heavy price” if a chemical attack takes place, according to the White House statement. The U.S. warning will inevitably motivate the so-called rebels to stage an attack themselves and blame it on Damascus, as they have done in the past. It also dangerously escalates the conflict by directly targeting both Russia and Iran as Syrian “accomplices” in war crimes. It is a very dangerous move by the Trump Administration and one that apparently was not coordinated with the Defense and State Departments, which were caught flat footed by the White House announcement. The nature and credibility of the information implicating Syria has not been revealed and is being regarded as an “intelligence matter.”

Much of this acting against actual U.S. interests has come about due to the “worthless ally” syndrome which has been prevalent in Washington for several decades. In the Middle East, where many of the problems begin, there is no coherent policy that has evolved beyond unconditional support for local “allies” Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and Israel. This has meant in practical terms that the U.S. defers to Riyadh, Ankara, Cairo, and Tel Aviv in nearly all regional matters while it is also the guarantor of a feckless Afghan government.

So in spite of pledges to disengage from the cycle of warfare in the Middle East, the United States seems to be on course for direct involvement in a series of local conflicts with no clear “victory” and exit policy in place. Remove al-Assad and what comes next? What will the Russians do? Will America’s so-called allies Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia be satisfied with dismemberment of the Syrian state or will they insist on pushing on to Tehran? Who would fill that vacuum?

There are certainly other foreign policy black holes, to include the awful decision to rollback normalization with Cuba and the hot-then-cold moves against North Korea. Venezuela, a major U.S. oil supplier, is about to implode and it is not clear if the State Department has any contingency plan in place to deal with the crisis. But Russia and Syria are in a class by themselves as they have the potential to turn into Class A disasters, like Iraq or possibly even worse. And then there is Iran lurking, apparently hated by all the talking heads in Washington and inextricably linked to what is happening in Syria.
It is more than capable of becoming the next catastrophe for a White House that is apparently staggering from crisis to crisis. What will Trump do? I am afraid that the lesson learned from the cruise missile attack on a Syrian base in April was that using force is popular, repeat as necessary. That would be a major mistake, but there is every sign that some of the people around Trump have their eyes on escalating and “doing something” in Syria and also against Iran for starters, and if Russia gets in the way we can deal with them too.
A Daesh terrorist group is now in the business of constructing (an improvised) dam in Syria's Deir ez-Zor?

The city of Deir ez-Zor in Syria may face a water shortage due to the Daesh terrorists' plans to build a dam on the Euphrates River.

Syrian Deir ez-Zor May Be Left Without Water Over Daesh Dam Construction

The Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor may be left without fresh water over the construction of a dam on the Euphrates River by Daesh terrorist group (IS/ISIS/ISIL) and face a terrible humanitarian catastrophe, a diplomatic source told Sputnik on Saturday.

"The residents of the city, who have already been under the siege of terrorists for a long time, are under a new threat. As soon as terrorists finish the construction of an improvised dam, the town will face a full-scale humanitarian catastrophe. People will be left without water," the source said.

The source noted that the United Nations and other humanitarian agencies should pay special attention to the situation in the besieged city.

"Unfortunately, we do not see a relevant reaction from international community and, in particular, from the participants of the Humanitarian Access Task Force [of the International Syria Support Group]. It is necessary to unite not only for accusations of barbaric actions of IS, but also to find a solution to this humanitarian problem," the source concluded.

Deir ez-Zor had been encircled by the Daesh terrorists since 2014 with its residents living in conditions of humanitarian catastrophe. However, the Syrian government forces were able to regain control over a half of the city this year. The Syrian forces continue an offensive aimed at lifting the siege and creating supply lines for the city’s residents.

Commenting on the recent claims of the White House that the US allegedly "observed potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime," political analyst Ali Ahmad, an adviser to Syria's information minister, explained to Sputnik the real reasons behind these accusations and what Israel has to do with it.

What Israel Has to Do With US' Accusations of Syria of Possible Chemical Attack

Syrian political analyst and adviser to the Syrian information minister Ali Ahmad explained to Sputnik that the US feels that Syria and Russia are defeating the terrorists indeed and not in words, and are returning captured territories, including those which had been under the control of the US.

The US wants to bring everything back to the starting point of the conflict. That is why it is accusing the Syrian government of preparations for a chemical attack, to be able to insist on similar consequences as for previous accusations," he told Sputnik.

Ali Ahmad noted that the White House cited no sources for the information about the alleged preparations for an attack.

"The White House said nothing about the source of information, it was just a general phrase that 'a chemical attack is being planned.' It immediately, however, blamed the Syrian government, without any evidence, apparently forgetting that the US had witnessed the elimination of Syria's chemical weapons," he said.

The Syrian political analyst suggested that the US wants, at any cost, to prevent any possible contact between Syria and Iraq. Washington is also interested in keeping the hotspots of tensions on Syrian territory active, thus preventing the Syrian army from liberating territories captured by terrorists.

"They want to impede the advance of the government forces in those areas of the country where terrorists operate under the control of the US and its allies. These are namely the territories in the south-west of Syria: on the border of Syria and the territories which are currently occupied by Israel, including an area between Syria, Jordan and the territories occupied by Israel," he said.

Further to the east, there are other territories on the border with Jordan, Iraq and Syria. It is a very important part of the border and the US wants to prevent any contact between Syria and Iraq, he added.

"We need to treat the provocations about possible chemical attacks very carefully and attentively. They made a big mistake last time, when they revealed the site [of a previous attack] where it was clearly seen that it was a deception. This time they may correct all of their mistakes and do the trick more professionally," Ali Ahmad warned.

Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo stated that Russia and the United States are working together to arrange of a forum of twin cities in the near future.

Russia, US Work Toward Holding Twin Cities Forum - Rossotrudnichestvo Dpy Head

Russia and the United States are working together to arrange of a forum of twin cities in the near future, Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo (Russian Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation) Alexander Radkov told Sputnik Saturday.

"We have started to work on the idea of holding a great bilateral US-Russian forum of twin cities in the short term," Radkov said in the follow-up to his visit to Washington, including meetings in the US State Department.

Radkov stressed that both US and Russian side were interested in the joint projects in the spheres of culture, sports and education.

Radkov also noted that the sides agreed to continue working contacts and launch specific projects.

As part of the visit to the United States, Radkov o took part in a ceremony dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the first nonstop flight from the Soviet Union to the United States on June 24 in Vancouver, visited Seattle, San Francisco, New York and Washington, where he held meetings with the heads of cultural centers and Russian-speaking schools. Russia and the United States presently have approximately 70 twinning arrangements.

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger expressed hope that the United States and Russia would improve bilateral relations and jointly contribute to solving international crises.

Henry Kissinger Urges US, Russia to Settle Tensions by Negotiation

"Tensions between the United States and Russia are not a rare event, they have happened before and they have been overcome often before. Problems between the United States and Russia are needed to be solved by negotiation and by a common vision of the two," Kissinger said at the Primakov Readings International Forum held in Moscow.

Kissinger expressed hope that the United States and Russia would improve bilateral relations and jointly contribute to solving international crises.

"I believe there is an opportunity to make significant progress towards improving not only their relations but improving situations around the world by cooperative efforts… Issues like Ukraine and Syria in which the United States and Russia can jointly make contribution to healing these [conflicts]," he added.

Earlier in June, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia maintained dialogue with the United States across international platforms, but the foundation of mutual cooperation had been ruined, placing bilateral relations at "the lowest point since the Cold War."

The Primakov Readings International Forum takes place in Moscow on June 29–30 and is dedicated to the memory of Yevgeny Primakov, Russia's prime minister from 1998-1999, who passed away in 2015.

Vladimir Putin will meet former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Putin to Host Ex-State Secretary Kissinger Late on Thursday - Kremlin

Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger late on Thursday (6-29-17), Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"The president will meet Kissinger in the evening, you know that they have a long-standing confidential dialogue. Kissinger is in Moscow on the occasion of his participation at the Primakov Readings that started today," Peskov told reporters.

Kissinger played a dominant role in US foreign policy throughout the 1970s, a period that saw the relaxing of US-Soviet tensions, rapprochement with China and a US withdrawal from Vietnam.
Paul Craig Roberts shares his thoughts about Seymour Hersh's recent article (exposing what went on behind the scenes regarding Trump's decision to fire Tomahawk missiles on Syria). He doesn't question Hersh's integrity or intentions, but he does question that of Hersch's sources. The red flag for him is that their version of what happened absolves the military and intelligence agencies and paints Trump in a bad light.

Deception Inside Deception: The Alleged Sarin Gas Attack

Paul Craig Roberts
June 30, 2017

Seymour Hersh, America’s most famous investigative reporter, has become persona non grata in the American Propaganda Ministry that poses as a news media but only serves to protect the US government’s war lies. Among his many triumphs Hersh exposed the American My Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Abu Ghraib torture prison run by the Americans in Iraq. Today his investigative reports have to be published in the London Review of Books or in the German Media.

From Hersh’s latest investigative report, we learn that President Trump makes war decisions by watching staged propaganda on TV. The White Helmets, a propaganda organization for jihadists and the “Syrian opposition,” found a gullible reception from the Western media for photographs and videos of alleged victims of a Syrian Army sarin gas attack on civilians in Khan Sheikhoun. Trump saw the photos on TV and despite being assured by US intelligence that there was no Syrian sarin gas attack, ordered the US military to strike a Syrian base with Tomahawk missiles. Under international law this strike was a war crime, and it was the first direct aggression against Syria by the US which previously committed aggression via proxies called “the Syrian opposition.”

Reporting on his sources, Hersh writes: “In a series of interviews, I learned of the total disconnect between the president and many of his military advisers and intelligence officials, as well as officers on the ground in the region who had an entirely different understanding of the nature of Syria’s attack on Khan Sheikhoun. I was provided with evidence of that disconnect, in the form of transcripts of real-time communications, immediately following the Syrian attack on April 4.”

The belief that sarin gas was involved in the attack comes from what appears to be a gas cloud. Hersh was informed by US military experts that sarin is odorless and invisible and makes no cloud. What appears to have happened is that the explosion from the air attack on ISIS caused a series of secondary explosions that produced a toxic cloud formed by fertilizers and chlorine disinfectants that were stored in the building that was hit.

US officials spoke with Hersh, because they are disturbed that President Trump based a war decision on TV propaganda and refused to listen to the detailed counter-assessments of his intelligence and military services. A national security source told Hersh: “Everyone close to him knows his proclivity for acting precipitously when he does not know the facts. He doesn’t read anything and has no real historical knowledge. He wants verbal briefings and photographs. He’s a risk-taker. He can accept the consequences of a bad decision in the business world; he will just lose money. But in our world, lives will be lost and there will be long-term damage to our national security if he guesses wrong. He was told we did not have evidence of Syrian involvement and yet Trump says: ‘Do it.”’

Concerns about Trump’s purely emotional reaction to TV propaganda persist. Hersh reports that a senior national security adviser told him: “The Salafists and jihadists got everything they wanted out of their hyped-up Syrian nerve gas ploy” (the flare up of tensions between Syria, Russia and America). The issue is, what if there’s another false flag sarin attack credited to hated Syria? Trump has upped the ante and painted himself into a corner with his decision to bomb. And do not think these guys are not planning the next faked attack. Trump will have no choice but to bomb again, and harder. He’s incapable of saying he made a mistake.”

As we know, the White House has already released a statement predicting that Assad is preparing another chemical attack, for which, the White House promises, he will “pay a heavy price.” Clearly, a false flag attack is on the way. _

By all means, read Hersh’s report: _ It reveals a president who makes precipitous decisions likely to cause a war with Russia.

I do not doubt Sy Hersh’s integrity. I accept that he has accurately reported what he was told by US officials. My suspicions about this story do not have to do with Hersh. They have to do with what Hersh was told.

Hersh’s report puts Trump in a very bad light, and it puts the military/security complex, which we know has been trying to destroy Trump, in a very good light. Moreover, the story strikes me as inconsistent with the subsequent attack on the Syrian fighter-bomber by the US military. If the Tomahawk attack on the Syrian base was unjustified, what justified downing a Syrian war plane? Did Trump order this attack as well? If not, who did? Why?

If national security advisers gave Trump such excellent information about the alleged sarin gas attack, completely disproving any such attack, why was he given such bad advice about shooting down a Syrian war plane, or was it done outside of channels? The effect of the shootdown is to raise the chance of a confrontation with Russia, because Russia’s response apparently has been to declare a no-fly zone over the area of Russian and Syrian operations.

How do we know that what Hersh was told was true? What if Trump was encouraged to order the Tomahawk strike as a way of interjecting the US directly into the conflict? Both the US and Israel have powerful reasons for wanting to overthrow Assad. However, ISIS, sent to do the job, has been defeated by Russia and Syria. Unless Washington can somehow get directly involved, the war is over.

The story Hersh was given also serves to damn Trump while absolving the intelligence services. Trump takes the hit for injecting the US directly into the conflict.

Hersh’s story reads well, but it easily could be a false story planted on him. I am not saying that the story is false, but unless we learn more, it could be.

What we do know is that the story given to Hersh by national security officials is inconsistent with the June 26 White House announcement that the US has “identified potential preparations for another chemical attack by the Assad regime.” The White House does not have the capability to conduct its own foreign intelligence gathering. The White House is informed by the national security and intelligence agencies.

In the story given to Hersh, these officials are emphatic that not only were chemical weapons removed from Syria, but also that Assad would not use them or be permitted by the Russians to use them even if he had them. Moreover, Hersh reports that he was told that Russia fully informed the US of the Syrian attack on ISIS in advance. The weapon was a guided bomb that Russia had supplied to Syria. Therefore, it could not have been a chemical weapon.

As US national security officials made it clear to Hersh that they do not believe Syria did or would use any chemical weapons, what is the source for the White House’s announcement that preparations for another chemical attack by the Assad regime have been identified?

Who lined up UN ambassador Nikki Haley and the UK Defence Minister Michael Fallon to be ready with statements in support of the White House announcement? Haley says: “Any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad, but also on Russia & Iran who support him killing his own people.” Fallon says: “we will support” future US action in response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

How clear does an orchestration have to be before people are capable of recognizing the orchestration?

The intelligence agencies put out the story via Hersh that there were no chemical attacks, so what attacks is Niki Haley speaking about?

A reasonable conclusion is that Washington’s plan to use ISIS to overthrow Syria and then start on Iran was derailed by Russian and Syrian military success against ISIS. The US then tried to partition Syria by occupying part of it, but were out-maneuvered by the Russians and Syrians. This left direct US involvement as the only alternative to defeat. This direct US military involvement began with the US attack on the Syrian military base and was followed by shooting down a Syrian war plane. The next stage will be a US-staged false flag chemical attack or alleged chemical attack, and this false flag, as has already been announced, will be the excuse for larger scale US military action against Syria, which, unless the Russians abandon Syria, means conflict with Russia, Iran, and perhaps China.
JGeropoulas said:
Paul Craig Roberts shares his thoughts about Seymour Hersh's recent article (exposing what went on behind the scenes regarding Trump's decision to fire Tomahawk missiles on Syria). He doesn't question Hersh's integrity or intentions, but he does question that of Hersch's sources. The red flag for him is that their version of what happened absolves the military and intelligence agencies and paints Trump in a bad light.

Deception Inside Deception: The Alleged Sarin Gas Attack

Paul Craig Roberts
June 30, 2017

Seymour Hersh, America’s most famous investigative reporter, has become persona non grata in the American Propaganda Ministry that poses as a news media but only serves to protect the US government’s war lies. Among his many triumphs Hersh exposed the American My Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Abu Ghraib torture prison run by the Americans in Iraq. Today his investigative reports have to be published in the London Review of Books or in the German Media.

From Hersh’s latest investigative report, we learn that President Trump makes war decisions by watching staged propaganda on TV. The White Helmets, a propaganda organization for jihadists and the “Syrian opposition,” found a gullible reception from the Western media for photographs and videos of alleged victims of a Syrian Army sarin gas attack on civilians in Khan Sheikhoun. Trump saw the photos on TV and despite being assured by US intelligence that there was no Syrian sarin gas attack, ordered the US military to strike a Syrian base with Tomahawk missiles. Under international law this strike was a war crime, and it was the first direct aggression against Syria by the US which previously committed aggression via proxies called “the Syrian opposition.”

Reporting on his sources, Hersh writes: “In a series of interviews, I learned of the total disconnect between the president and many of his military advisers and intelligence officials, as well as officers on the ground in the region who had an entirely different understanding of the nature of Syria’s attack on Khan Sheikhoun. I was provided with evidence of that disconnect, in the form of transcripts of real-time communications, immediately following the Syrian attack on April 4.” [...]

Following the April 4th attack, several articles have hinted that current National Security Adviser McMaster is part of the "Deep State" and has been manipulating the intel reports that Trump has been receiving and acting upon? Some of the same intelligence officers and military advisors might be feeding Hersh the same bogus intel? Who else would have access to "real-time" transcripts in communications - in which to offer Hersh "evidence"?
McMaster also seems to be working closely with Petraeus and another top Middle East adviser in the NSC, Derek Harvey to increase the war efforts in Syria and the Middle East. General Joseph Votel has raised some questions on McMasters plans, for they seem to subvert Joint Chiefs Chairman General Joseph Dunford and Secretary of Defense James Mattis support in working with allies to mitigate some problems.

Cernovich Media Current National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond “H. R.” McMaster is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump, Cernovich Media can now report. McMaster is plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with the help of disgraced former CIA director and convicted criminal David Petraeus, who mishandled classified information by sharing documents with his mistress.


April 19, 2017 - As NSA, McMaster’s job is to synthesize intelligence reports from all other agencies. President Trump is being given an inaccurate picture of the situation in Syria, as McMaster is seeking to involve the U.S. in a full scale war in Syria.

The McMaster-Petraeus plan calls for 150,000 American ground troops in Syria.

Many special operations veterans including General Joseph Votel have raised serious concerns about McMaster’s plans for Syria.

Sources also suggest that McMaster is sharing classified information with Petraeus, whose security clearance was revoked.

Petraeus’ influence in the NSC remains strong. - McMaster was called Petraeus’ golden child by some commenters, noting the strong influence Petraeus had over McMaster. Petraeus was considered for the position of NSA, but withdrew his name from consideration once McMaster’s name was included on the short-list. McMaster’s appointment allowed Petraeus to maintain control over the NSC without bringing his considerable baggage to the position.

Derek Harvey, the top Middle East adviser in the NSC, has close ties with Petraeus and is close with McMaster. (Harvey reportedly faces a massive EEO complaint from subordinates, although that investigation remains open.)

Harvey and McMaster have been trying to subvert Joint Chiefs Chairman General Joseph Dunford and Secretary of Defense James Mattis. Mattis and Dunford support working with our allies in the fight against ISIS. Harvey and McMaster are advocating for a massive American-only ground force

Another article, a month later, on how McMaster's controls the narrative after Trump and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met at the WH.

President Trump’s ongoing outreach to Kremlin officials will not prevent him from holding Russia accountable for its “disruptive behavior” in the Middle East and elsewhere, White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster said Friday.

McMaster talks tough on Russia amid Trump-Kremlin dealings

“What the president has made clear is that he will confront Russia’s disruptive behavior, such as the support for the murderous Assad regime in Syria … its enabling of Iran, and it’s very destructive policy and strategy that it’s executing across the Middle East,” McMaster explained.

But Trump’s top national security aide said the president and his cabinet will be “looking for areas of cooperation” with Moscow at the same time.

McMaster said a number of issues in international security would be easier to address “if Russia would come to the conclusion that it could best advance its interests from cooperating with the United States and others to resolve those conflicts rather than perpetuate them.”

McMaster’s reassurance that Trump remains committed to holding Russia accountable comes days after he and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met at the White House for a brief discussion about U.S.-Russia relations and Syria’s civil war.

“We want to see the killing, the horrible killing, stopped in Syria as soon as possible and everyone is working toward that end,” Trump said after the meeting.

Lavrov and Trump did not agree to any “specific approaches” to Syria during their meeting on Wednesday, McMaster said.

Another problem facing Trump, after being in office for 160+ days, there's still critical vacancies left to fill in the federal Government

DONALD Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly exploded at a senior aide over staffing frustrations – fuelling speculation rifts within the White House are growing, it has been revealed.

White House rift? Rex Tillerson 'SHOUTS at Donald Trump aide' in feud over staffing issues

The former Exxon bigwig, known for his mild Texan manner, is believed to have shouted at staffer Johnny DeStefano, who is responsible for hiring personnel for government positions.

Mr Tillerson reportedly accused the staffer of undermining his decisions when it came to hiring members for the state department amid claims from insiders that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is working as the “de facto Secretary of State”.

Mr Kushner has been making appearances around the world on behalf of the Trump administration, joining the President on his first foreign tour as well as representing the White House in the Middle East and China.

Matthew Waxman, a senior official in George W. Bush’s White House, claimed the slow pace of President Trump’s Government in hiring staff was “abnormal".

Despite being in office for more than 160 days, the White House still have over 500 critical vacancies left to fill in the federal Government.

So far only 151 nominations have been announced, just over half of the appointments achieved by President Obama over the same time period.

Mr Waxman said: “It’s very common that there would be some tensions and some tussles between the White House and departments or agencies about senior personnel decisions. “It’s just very abnormal that these issues wouldn’t be worked out more quickly.

“But we have a system of government where political appointments run very, very deep.

“It’s the way the system works. The White House has the final say.”

Speaking about the tussle between Tillerson and DeStefano, a former transition aide added: “Rex is a 65-year-old guy who worked his way up from the bottom at Exxon, and he chafes at the idea of taking orders from a 38-year-old political operative.”

It comes as Rex Tillerson works with officials in China and India to quell the threat of North Korea.

Following talks, Beijing has said Kim Jong-un’s nuclear efforts will be shut down in a "complete, verifiable and irreversible" operation by China and the United States.

China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi and General Fang Fenghui met Mr Tillerson and Defence Secretary Jim Mattis to talk about the North and its threats to build a nuclear programme with continued missile testing.

Yang later met with US President Donald Trump in the White House, where they also discussed North Korea, Xinhua reported.

A consensus document released by the official Xinhua news agency said: "Both sides reaffirm that they will strive for the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.”
Maria Zakharova has posted the following on her FB page one hour ago (via Google Translate):

As we warned a few days ago, an information and propaganda campaign was launched about "the use of chemical weapons by Damascus." It has started. There will be more and more such videos, they will be different in quality of performance - as low-grade as this one and the Hollywood level. There will be many fakes, the campaign is planned to be large-scale.
Syria: Damascus’ Tahrir Square targeted by deadly suicide car bomb
Published on Jul 2, 2017
At least 18 people were killed and some 19 more wounded in Damascus, Sunday, after three suicide car bomb explosions.

Footage from Tahrir Square in the eastern Sahat Al-Tahrir showed burnt out cars, rubble and debris left from the explosion.

Syrian Security forces reportedly apprehended two further vehicles before they too were detonated on the road to Damascus Airport.

No credibility’: Syrian govt blasts OPCW report, denies latest rebel gas attack claims
Damascus denounced a report by UN’s chemical weapons watchdog on April chemical incident in Idlib as one-sided, lacking evidence and aimed at encouraging terrorists as they lose ground. It also denied reports of deploying chlorine against rebels.

The fact-finding mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), tasked with investigation of the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun on April 4, rejected the Syrian government’s assistance in unearthing the facts at the site of the incident and instead relied on highly questionable testimonies provided by rebels and terrorists, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday.

An ensuing report by the OPCW therefore “comes up with a fabricated and contrived narrative that has no credibility and cannot be accepted in any manner, because it is removed from logic and is concocted by a twisted imagination that only thinks about weaving conspiracies”, the foreign ministry argued in a statement, cited by Syria’s state SANA news agency.

According to the ministry, the findings were rooted in the claims provided by “terrorists”, who were taken to Turkey from Khan Sheikhoun and bribed to testify.

Authorities pursue 3 car bombs, destroy 2 before reaching their targets in Damascus
2 July، 2017
Local Administration and Environment Minister Hussein Makhlouf and Damascus Governor Bishr al-Sabban visited the site of the explosion of the two cars at the Airport Road roundabout, with Makhlouf saying that work is underway to repair damage to infrastructure, streets, and houses.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Nizar Yazigi visited injured people at Damascus Hospital and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent Hospital, saying that the injuries ranged from slight to severe, and all of the injured are receiving treatment, and some have already left the hospitals after being treated.

وزير الإدارة المحلية ومحافظ دمشق يتفقدان مكان تفجير السيارتين المفخختين في عقدة طريق المطار

It Begins: Islamist Rebels Accuse Syrian Army of Chlorine Attack
July 2, 2017
An Islamist rebel group has accused the Syrian army of using chlorine gas against its fighters on Saturday, according to Reuters.

Since the alleged chlorine holocaust involves Islamist rebels, and not small children, we imagine this is probably a dress rehearsal for something much larger.

Via Reuters:
A Syrian rebel group accused the Syrian army of using chlorine gas against its fighters on Saturday in battles east of Damascus - an accusation the military swiftly denied as a fabrication.

The Failaq al-Rahman group said more than 30 people suffered suffocation as a result of the attack in Ain Tarma in the Eastern Ghouta region, which government forces have been battling to take back from insurgents.

In a statement circulated by state-run media, a military source said the army command completely denied the accusation. "It has not used any chemical weapons in the past, and will not use them at any time".



The Russian government warned earlier this week of a planned provocation involving a fake chemical attack in Syria.


Battle still on: SAA make gains against ISIS in Khanassir, south of Aleppo
July 2 2017

'Clear violation of sovereignty' - Journalist on IDF hitting Syria for 5th time in a week (4:35 Commentary)
Jul 2, 2017
Siberia said:
Maria Zakharova has posted the following on her FB page one hour ago (via Google Translate):

As we warned a few days ago, an information and propaganda campaign was launched about "the use of chemical weapons by Damascus." It has started. There will be more and more such videos, they will be different in quality of performance - as low-grade as this one and the Hollywood level. There will be many fakes, the campaign is planned to be large-scale.

Sputnik now has an article on Maria Zakharova's warning.

'Propaganda Campaign' on Alleged Chemical Weapons Use by Damascus Has Started

I wonder if "the hype of chemical weapons" is a ploy for Damascus to focus it's attention in looking for patterns in possible chemical weapons set-ups, while the opposition's real game is to set off car bombs and lone nut suicide missions inside Damascus just like throwing a stone in the opposite direction?

C.a. just posted one scenario with three suicide car bomb explosions in Tahrir Square.

Syria: Damascus’ Tahrir Square targeted by deadly suicide car bomb
Published on Jul 2, 2017

Another report on the same incident:
The number of people killed in Sunday's blasts in Syria’s capital of Damascus has increased to 13, while at least 29 others have sustained injuries, a medical source told Sputnik.

At Least 13 Killed, 29 Injured After Car Bombs Rock Central Damascus - Source

Earlier in the day, the Syrian state TV reported that at least eight people were killed and 12 others were injured as a result of the explosion perpetrated by a suicide bomber near the Tahrir square.

Two other explosions could have occurred in the Syrian capital, however, the security services managed to foil the plot and intercept explosive-laden cars.

The number of casualties in this morning’s terrorist explosions in Damascus has increased to 13, 29 others were wounded," the source said.

The source noted that the number of casualties may rise as killed and injured people, including those in grave condition, have been still arriving in hospitals.

A suicide bomber killed eight and injured 12 people in Damascus on Sunday, state TV reported.

Suicide Bomber Kills and Injures a Number of People in Damascus (Photos)

The accident allegedly took place in Tahrir square in the central part Damascus.

The TV also stated that the bomber was in one of the three detonated cars.

A military-diplomatic source told Sputnik that Jabhat Fatah al Sham terrorist group, formerly known as al-Nusra Front, is allegedly preparing provocations at a storage in Syria's Idlib with the use of sarin gas in the towns of Khan Sheikhoun and Kefraya.

Nusra Preparing Sarin 'Provocation' in Syria's Khan Sheikhoun, Kefraya - Source

The source pointed out that a group of foreign citizens including those from the United States and Turkey as well as one of Jabhat Fatah al Sham's senior leaders had arrived in Idlib to take part in the preparations for the provocations.

"According to the obtained information, a preparation for organizing a provocation with the use of the sarin poisonous chemical is being carried out in the Al Magarah settlement [the Idlib province], in a big technological building. The shells with this poisonous gas are presumably held in this storage," the source said.

"There are reasons to believe that this provocation will be committed in the settlements of Khan Sheikhoun and Kefraya. Its goal is to discredit the Syrian government and to wreck the Astana negotiation process scheduled for July 4-5," the source added.

The preparations for the Astana talks are ongoing and no signs of wrecking the negotiations have been noticed, Kazakh Foreign Ministry spokesman Anuar Jainakov told Sputnik on Sunday. "I can only confirm that we are further preparing for the meeting scheduled for July 4-5. I do not have any other information. There have been no signs of wrecking negations," Jainakov said.

Arrogant, as usual.

IDF said that Israel holds the Syrian government responsible for any breaches of its borders resulted from the hostilities on the Syrian territory.

Israel Holds Syrian Government Responsible for Any Breaches of Country's Borders

Earlier in the day, the IDF said that a shell fired from the Syrian territory had hit the northern part of the Golan Heights controlled by Israel.

"Israel holds the Syrian regime responsible for any breach of its borders and will act accordingly," IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis said in a statement posted on the IDF Twitter page.

The Saturday incident is the fifth such incident in the Golan Heights within a week. Israel regards these shelling as unacceptable unintended incidents and responds with strikes on the Syrian forces. The first strike took place on June 24 and left two soldiers dead and 25 people wounded.

Around 20,000 members of opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Turkish troops will participate in a new military operation in the northwestern Syrian Afrin region, which is under control of the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), Turkish Sabah newspaper reported on Sunday.

Turkish Troops, Syrian Rebels Allegedly Mulling New Op in Syria Against Kurds

The first targets of the operation will be the town of Tall Rifat and the Minaq airbase, Sabah reported citing its sources. The offensive will be launched from the towns of A’zaz, Kaljibrin and Marea eastward and from Idlib westward.

Ankara is reportedly holding consultations with Moscow on the new operation. Later on Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Afrin is located in the province of Aleppo and belongs to the de facto autonomous region of Rojava, proclaimed by the Kurds in the north of Syria. Turkey considers the Syrian Kurdish associations to be a wing of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) banned in the country.

Turkish President held talks with Russian Defense Minister in Istanbul on Sunday, the presidential press service said in a statement.

Turkish President, Russian MoD Hold Meeting in Istanbul

"President Recep Tayyip Erdogan received Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu at Tarabya Presidential Residence in Istanbul," the statement said. Further details of the talks remain unknown.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry voiced protest over US aircraft carrier Stethem sailing close to disputed islands in the South China Sea.

Chinese Fighter Jets, Ships Warn Off USS Stethem Sailing Near S China Sea Island

According to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang, the USS Stethem missile destroyer trespassed Chinese territorial waters off the Xisha/Paracel Islands in South China Sea on June 2.

In its turn, Beijing "dispatched military vessels and fighter planes in response to warn off the US vessel."

The Chinese ministry described the US aircraft carrier's "entry into the territorial sea of China" as a "provocation."

"Under the pretext of "navigation freedom", the US side once again sent a military vessel into China's territorial waters off the Xisha Islands without China's approval. Its behavior has violated the Chinese law and relevant international law, infringed upon China's sovereignty, disrupted peace, security and order of the relevant waters and put in jeopardy the facilities and personnel on the Chinese islands, and thus constitutes a serious political and military provocation. The Chinese side is dissatisfied with and opposed to the relevant behavior of the US side."

The Chinese Foreign Ministry urged the US to "immediately stop such kind of provocative operations that violate China's sovereignty and threaten China's security," adding that Beijing will continue to take measures to defend its national sovereignty.

Beijing cited the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, which proclaimed the baseline of the Xinsha Islands 21 years ago. "The relevant Chinese law has explicit provisions on foreign military vessels' entry into the territorial sea of China," it added.

The South China Sea area, where Xisha/Paracel Islands are located, is a disputed region claimed by Brunei, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines and Vietnam, as it is believed that it has vast energy resources. Chinese authorities claim 90 percent of the area and have repeatedly said that the country's activities in the region are China's sovereign right.

Earlier, Japan and Australia reiterated their calls for the US to stick with its longstanding policy of conducting freedom-of-navigation operations in the region.

USS George H.W. Bush, a Nimitz-class supercarrier dropped its anchor near the Israeli northern city of Haifa and is expected to stay there for the next four days, according to local media.

US Aircraft Carrier George Bush Docks Off Israel Shore

USS George H.W. Bush, a Nimitz-class supercarrier, participating in the fight against the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIL or Daesh, banned in Russia and many other countries worldwide) docked outside an Israeli port on Saturday, local media reported, adding that it is the first such visit in 17 years.

The US aircraft carrier dropped its anchor near the Israeli northern city of Haifa and is expected to stay there for the next four days, according to the Israeli Channel 2 broadcaster.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman are expected to visit the carrier on Monday, July 3, the TV channel noted.

Over 5,700 servicemen and dozens of planes and helicopters are on board the carrier, which has been participating in the fight against Daesh for two years.
A senior Syrian legislator said revealed that the US aircraft are transferring ISIL terrorists from Raqqa province to unknown destinations.

US Planes Transfer ISIL Terrorists from Raqqa to Unknown Destinations

Ammar al-Assad said that the world is now aware of the West's hostile policies and allegations against the Syrian government and knows that the western governments and the US want to display the Damascus government as the culprit behind the killing of civilians by releasing fake footage and raising unfounded allegations.

He added that videos have mostly been taken in places other than Syria under the supervision of the White Helmets Organization which produces these videos using actors to prove the West's allegations against the Syrian government.

Elsewhere, Assad said that the US is now transferring the ISIL terrorists from Syria, specially Raqqa province, to unknown places.

Arab media outlets had disclosed that the ISIL started withdrawing troops from West of Raqqa province following an agreement with the US-backed Kurdish forces, while Syrian army soldiers managed to oust ISIL from its last strongholds in Eastern Aleppo and enter Western part of the group's de-facto capital in the Arab country.

Al-Assad revealed mid-June that the US has transferred the ISIL ringleaders who are originally from the Western states from Raqqa to other regions.

He said that the US has allowed over 120 ISIL members to leave Raqqa with their weapons and go towards al-Sukhnah to create insecurity in Palmyra (Tadmur) region but the Russian and Syrian fighter jets pounded and killed them.

"The US is highly coordinated with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as some of the group's commanders are from the US, Britain, France and certain regional states. Actually what is happening in the battlefield is against what the media say. Many surprising events happen," al-Assad added.

He said that weeks ago, the US-led coalition planes staged heliborne operations in Raqqa and transferred a number of ISIL ringleaders to unknown places, adding that they were not Syrian, Iraqi or Chinese, but were the western commanders of the ISIL.

Noting that Raqqa is highly important to the US, he stressed that "How could it be possible for the ISIL and the SDF to arrive at an agreement, despite their ideological differences, that allows the ISIL leaders to leave Raqqa through a safe passage."

A senior Syrian lawmaker blasted the US destructive measures in Iraq and Syria, and warned that Washington is to unveil a new terrorist organization soon after the annihilation of the ISIL.

Syrian MP: US to Unveil New Terrorist Organization Soon

Ammar al-Assad said that the US is preparing the ground for the creation of a new terrorist group which will emerge in the Middle-East soon,
reminding that the ISIL and al-Qaeda were both created by Washington.

Noting that the US created the ISIL after annihilation of al-Qaeda, he said that preparations are now underway by Washington to create a new terrorist organization after the post-ISIL era in Syria and Iraq which will be declared in the near future.

In relevant remarks last month, a political and media adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accused the US and its allies of financing and arming the ISIL terrorist group in a bid to tear the region apart and deplete its resources.

Bouthaina Shaaban made the remarks in a statement to journalists after meeting with visiting China’s Special Envoy for Syria Xie Xiaoyan and the accompanying delegation in Damascus.

While the US and its allies sponsor ISIL, the alliance supported by Russia and China stands against terrorist expansion in the Arab country, Shaaban said.

The Syrian Army troops continued to hit terrorists' defense lines in Eastern Ghouta and managed to capture more positions in Ein Terma region in a surprising offensive.

Syrian Army Captures Vast Territories in Surprising Attack in Eastern Damascus

The army men stormed terrorists' positions in the Northern neighborhoods of Ein Terma region and drove militants out of a number of buildings, including meat-packing company that is one of the most important regions after al-Sonbol petrol station and Zmelka Bridge crossroad.

In the meantime, the army's artillery and missile units opened heavy fire at a gathering center of terrorists near Hazarma region.

A field source, meanwhile, reported that the Syrian army has been using different tactics, including penetration into terrorist-held regions by armored vehicles, to carry out surprise attacks and night- time operations against terrorist groups.

The sources also confirmed that a notorious commander of Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al-Sham Front or the Levant Liberation Board) nom de guerre Abu Al-Iman Ordoni along with several of his comrades were killed in the army's air raids in Ein Terma region.

Relevant reports said on Saturday that the army soldiers engaged in fierce clashes with terrorists along the road that connects the town of Ein Terma to Jobar district.

In the meantime, the army's artillery units and aircraft pounded terrorists' supply lines in depth of Eastern Ghouta. Field sources further said that the army soldiers managed to impose control over 10 residential complexes near al-Kabas bridge 1km East of al-Molhaq al-Janoubi road.

A diplomatic source said that Russia gathered incontestable evidence proving the use of foreign weapons and ammunition by terrorist groups in Syria.

Russia Gathers Evidence Proving Use of Foreign Weapons by Terrorists in Syria

Russia gathered incontestable evidence proving the use of foreign weapons and ammunition by terrorist groups in Syria, a diplomatic source told Sputnik on Saturday.

"Russian officers of the Center for Syrian Reconciliation registered on Saturday 48 mortar shelling of the Al-Qabas quarter from the positions of illegal armed formations in Ein Tarma and Jobar. Moreover, they gathered incontestable evidence proving that terrorists use foreign weapons and ammunition — took photos of shatters of the shells produced abroad with serial numbers," the source said.

Earlier in the day, a number of Syrian opposition internet portals reported that the alleged government troops’ chemical attack in Ein Tarma left 30 militants poisoned. The command of the Syrian Armed Forces denied the allegations calling the reports "false and not consistent with the reality."
Ant22 said:
angelburst29 said:
Poland's decision to destroy Soviet-era monuments, in particular those erected in honor of the Red Army soldiers, is in line with totalitarian practices performed by "modern barbarians," senior Russian lawmaker Konstantin Kosachev said Thursday.

'Modern Barbarians': Top Russian MP Slams Poland for Toppling Soviet Monuments

Earlier in the day, Poland’s lower house of parliament passed amendments to its law repealing remnants of communism in the country. This would include the demolition of nearly 500 Soviet monuments that supposedly glorify communism.

"The decision of the Polish Sejm, under which nearly 500 monuments, ‘glorifying the totalitarian system,’ will be demolished, including memorials in honor of the Red Army, is in itself absolutely in line with totalitarian practices. This is practiced either by modern barbarians like the Taliban [terrorist group, outlawed in Russia] and Ukrainian Nazis, or by the countries that turned anti-Russian hysteria into a permanent element of their domestic policy," the chairman of the upper house of the Russian parliament's international affairs committee said.

In contrast, Kosachev added that he had visited the Yad Vashem memorial to the victims of the Holocaust in Jerusalem and the the Soviet War Memorial Tiergarten in Berlin, noting that Germany and Israel respect and honor the heroism and memory of the Red Army servicemen.

Poland’s decision was made on June 22, the Day of Memory and Sorrow, which honors those deceased during World War II in Russia.

Poland has managed to effectively blank out the simple and unquestionable fact that if it wasn't for the Russian army Poland wouldn't occupy much space (if any) on the European map today. To an average Polish person Russia = Communism but if you ask someone how we ended up with communism in the first place you get a blank stare at best.

Propaganda has done its job. I just can't help but feel absolutely heartbroken and disgusted :cry:
Leonid Slutsky, chairman of the Duma's Foreign Affairs Committee, said that the Sejm's decision was an "outrage" to the memory of the Soviet soldiers who fought and died in the fight to liberate Poland from Nazi occupation. An estimated 600,000 Red Army soldiers, along with tens of thousands of Polish patriots, died during the campaign to liberate Poland in 1944 and early 1945. Slutsky stressed that the decision was disrespectful not only to Russia, but to the "memory of the millions who gave their lives to free the world from the plague of fascism."

80-85% of the first Soviet Union government was Jewish but Poland insists on blaming everything on Russia as a country.

I'm really sorry if this is off topic but I'd like to add a video of Putin describing the topic of the first Bolsheviks - in front of a Jewish audience:

Poland, Shatrov noted, has problems not only with its economy, but in its relations with the European Union, including thanks to the fact that Brussels has denied them their desired 'special, leading role' in Eastern Europe. "In order to explain away all of the mistakes and absurdities of their domestic policy, the country's leaders are trying to create a new state – to jettison everything that once united the country with Russia and with other states," he said.

Poland has successfully managed to alienate itself not only from Russia but also from the EU. And looking at the Polish history over the last couple of hundred of years, it hasn't been much of a strong country on its own, therefore it will need a stronger party to stand by it. At the moment it doesn't look like anyone will be willing to take that role. :headbash:

Poland has a “moral right” to seek compensation for the losses it sustained in the World War II as well as for the economic damage it suffered as a result of joining the EU, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) Party and former PM has said.

Poland has ‘moral right’ to demand compensation for WWII, accession to EU – former PM

“It is important to remind … our critics in the West that Poland was the first country that had to stand up to the German Nazism and, 17 days later, was attacked by another genocidal totalitarianism, the Soviet Union,” Kaczynski said in his speech at the PiS congress on Saturday.

He went on to say that Poland never received any compensation for “that gigantic damage, from which it has not recovered even today,” adding that his country never relinquished its right for compensation and has a “moral right” for that while “those, who think otherwise, are wrong,” as reported by the Polish business news media outlet.

However, the politician did not stop at that and said that the EU also owes Warsaw a sort of compensation as almost all the benefits that came from the Poland’s accession to the union were reaped by its partners in Western Europe.

Poland opened its market 12 years before joining the EU as a pre-accession measure, Kaczynski said, adding that “Polish cheap labor … also benefited those [western] economies.”

“As for the use of the European funds, they also benefit the [western] businesses and those countries are cashing in on them. The [western] enterprises located in Poland transfer tens of billions of zlotys every year without paying any taxes,” the politician said.

At the same time, the PiS leader said that “no one” can accuse his party of anti-European bias as it supported Poland’s accession to the EU ahead of the national referendum on the matter. He went on to say that his party also “appreciates the EU funding” as it “provides various types of investments” and contributes to the financing of the projects in the social sphere.

He also said that Poland’s foreign policy is based on two “pillars”: NATO and the EU.

Returning to the topic of Poland’s “moral rights,” Kaczynski also said that his country as a right to say “no” to the idea of accepting any refugees as it has nothing to do with the causes of the refugee crisis.

"We have not exploited the countries from which these refugees are coming to Europe these days, we have not used their labor force and finally we have not invited them to Europe. We have a full moral right to say 'no'," Kaczynski said, as cited by Reuters.

Taking in refugees that should be resettled to Poland under the EU relocation program could create a “big security-related problem,” which “is not just about terrorism but also about ordinary everyday security,” he said.

“There is no reason for us to radically lower our living standards and the quality of life in Poland,” the politician added, as he listed the problems that could arise from complying with the EU demands concerning the relocation of refugees.

At the same time, he said that Poland is ready and willing to help refugees directly in their countries of origin.
Poland was among the states that have been consistently opposing the EU plan to relocate over 100,000 migrants who have already reached the continent, throughout Europe. In total, nearly 21,000 asylum-seekers have been distributed throughout Europe since the launch of the relocation program, some 14,000 from Greece and the rest from Italy.

However, Poland has not yet accepted any refugees. In response to the European Commission’s latest move, Warsaw said it intended to carry on with its current migration policy and did not intend to accept its quota of refugees that amounts to some 6,100 people.
In mid-June, the European Commission launched legal action against Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic, claiming that those countries had not “taken the necessary action” in dealing with migrants and refugees.
In response, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Konrad Szymanski told the Polish Press Agency (PAP) that his country is ready to defend its right to not take in refugees in an EU court.
A Russian military and diplomatic source warned that terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra are preparing for a provocative act through using Sarin gas in Idelb countryside.

Russian source: Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists prepare for a provocative act by using Sarin gas in Idleb

“According the available information, terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra are preparing for a provocative act by using Sarin poisonous gas,” Sputnik quoted the source as saying, adding that the procedures of terrorists are being done in one of the buildings in al-Maghara town in Idleb, expecting the existence of munitions which are supplied with that poisonous material.

It added that a number of citizens from the US and Turkey in addition to a leader in Jabhat al-Nusra arrived in Idleb countryside to prepare for such provocative act.

The source pointed out to some expectations that the act might be done in Khan Sheikhoun or Kafrya, aiming at defaming the reputation of the Syrian government and making Astana upcoming meeting a failure

Two civilians were killed in terrorist rocket attacks that targeted residential neighborhoods in Deir Ezzor city.

Two civilians killed, 14 injured in terrorist rocket attacks in Deir Ezzor, Quneitra

SANA reporter in Deir Ezzor said that ISIS terrorists fired a number of rocket shells on al-Joura and al-Qussour neighborhoods, claiming the lives of 2 citizens and injuring 4 others.

The reporter added that the attacks also caused massive material damage to houses.

10 persons injured in Hadar, Quneitra countryside

Meanwhile, 10 persons, among them 4 children, were injured in a terrorist attack with mortar shells launched by Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists on Jaba and Khan Arnabah towns in Quneitra countryside, SANA reporter said.

According to Kurdish sources close to Al-Masdar News, the US military is to establish a presence at the Tabqa Airbase in Raqqa Governonate as part of an agreement reached with the leadership of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).

US military to occupy Tabqa Airbase as part of agreement with YPG

The extent to which American forces will develop their stationing at Tabqa Airbase remains open to speculation. Some sources claim that the US will carry out this deployment in order to deter pro-government forces from challenging the YPG’s occupation of the Tabqa region, whilst other sources claim that the US will even operate military aircraft from the base in the fight against ISIS.

On June 29, photos (see below) emerged of Brett McGurk, the US envoy to the Coalition against ISIS, visiting Kurdish authorities in Tabqa city. This visit is believed to be tied to the agreement which will allow US forces to station themselves at Tabqa Airbase.

Tabqa Airbase is the sight of a massacre carried out by ISIS in 2014 against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). In this massacre, more that 100 surrendered SAA soldiers were executed by the terrorist group.

LISBON, Portugal (AP) — Defense officials in Portugal say they are compiling a list of weapons and ammunition stolen from the national armory in a brazen daytime raid.

Thieves stole hand grenades and other weapons from a Portuguese military base in the middle of the day

Jun. 30, 2017 - The Portuguese Army and the Defense Ministry say hand grenades, 9 mm ammunition and perhaps other weapons were stolen from the arsenal, which had no electronic surveillance and was guarded by military patrols.

Officials said Friday they won't provide further details until the military police have concluded an investigation.

Defense Minister Azeredo Lopes said criminals broke in by cutting a hole in a perimeter fence.

Lopes described the robbery Wednesday at Tancos Air Base, 100 kilometers (60 miles) north of Lisbon, as a "very professional" job and a "serious" breach of security.

He said he has informed Portugal's European Union and NATO partners of the theft.

Exército confirma que foi furtado mais material de Guerra (Photos)
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