Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Interesting to look at the graph's timeline - matched to the West's aggressive propaganda, meddling, coups and denunciations. Gold, with a steady upward progression that in early 2014 (Sochi Olympics and the Ukraine Maidan) seemed committed to steeper progression with the reverse commitment to dumping US Treasury holdings. The grand parting of ways on the graph was late 2012 - just prior was the Russian election with Putin resuming as President once again after ending in 2008. The period between 2008 and 2012 was with Dmitry Medvedev at the helm as President. Also, late 2008 was the period of the final push off the cliff of Western banking/insurance institutions (and many people caught up as a result of the whole mess) - panic. Russia was buying up T-bonds and gold at the same time.

By the end of 2012 the tenuous financial system policy marriage was over, like 'till death us do part,' and parted they did thereafter. Perhaps it is as simple logic to the the Russians, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, so to speak.

Somebody very high up in Western circles pulled the string on gold and western countries immediately drew up plans to start steadily dumping their reserves. I've not figured this out... .

Voyageur, this is back-dated article that might answer some of your questions?

Back-dated 25/12/2014 - Grandmaster Putin’s Trap
Западный капкан гроссмейстера Путина

Более того, в третьем квартале покупки Россией физического золота оказались на небывало высоких, рекордных уровнях. В третьем квартале этого года Россией было закуплено невероятное количество золота в объеме 55 тонн. Это больше, чем закупили (согласно официальным данным) Центробанки всех стран мира вместе взятые!

Accusations of the West towards Putin are traditionally based on the fact that he worked in the KGB. And therefore he is a cruel and immoral person. Putin is blamed for everything. But nobody ever accused Putin of the lack of intelligence.

Any accusations against this man only emphasize his ability for quick analytical thinking and making clear and balanced political and economic decisions.

Often Western media compares this ability with the ability of a grandmaster, conducting a public chess simul. Recent developments in US economy and the West in general allow us to conclude that in this part of the assessment of Putin’s personality Western media are absolutely right.

Despite numerous success reports in the style of Fox News and CNN, today, Western economy, led by the United States is in Putin’s trap, the way out of which no one in the West can see or find. And the more the West is trying to escape from this trap, the more stuck it becomes.

What is the truly tragic predicament of the West and the United States, in which they find themselves? And why all the Western media and leading Western economists are silent about this, as a well guarded military secret? Let’s try to understand the essence of current economic events, in the context of the economy, setting aside the factors of morality, ethics and geopolitics.

After realizing its failure in Ukraine, the West, led by the US set out to destroy Russian economy by lowering oil prices, and accordingly gas prices as the main budget sources of export revenue in Russia and the main sources of replenishment of Russian gold reserves. It should be noted that the main failure of the West in Ukraine is not military or political. But in the actual refusal of Putin to fund the Western project of Ukraine at the expense of the budget of Russian Federation. What makes this Western project not viable in the near and inevitable future.

Last time under president Reagan, such actions of the West’s lowering of oil prices led to ‘success’ and the collapse of USSR. But history does not repeat itself all the time. This time things are different for the West. Putin’s response to the West resembles both chess and judo, when the strength used by the enemy is used against him, but with minimal costs to the strength and resources of the defender. Putin’s real policies are not public. Therefore, Putin’s policy largely has always focused not so much on effect, but on efficiency.

Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And almost no one understands what he will do in the future.

No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas only for physical gold.

Putin is not shouting about it all over the world. And of course, he still accepts US dollars as an intermediate means of payment. But he immediately exchanges all these dollars obtained from the sale of oil and gas for physical gold!

To understand this, it is enough to look at the dynamics of growth of gold reserves of Russia and to compare this data with foreign exchange earnings of the Russia coming from the sale of oil and gas over the same period.

Moreover, in the third quarter the purchases by Russia of physical gold are at all-time high record levels. In the third quarter of this year, Russia had purchased an incredible amount of gold in the amount of 55 tons. It’s more than all the central banks of all countries of the world combined (according to official data)!

In total, the central banks of all countries of the world have purchased 93 tons of the precious metal in the third quarter of 2014. It was the 15th consecutive quarter of net purchases of gold by Central banks. Of the 93 tonnes of gold purchases by central banks around the world during this period, the staggering volume of purchases – of 55 tons – belongs to Russia.

Not so long ago, British scientists have successfully come to the same conclusion, as was published in the Conclusion of the U.S. Geological survey a few years ago. Namely: Europe will not be able to survive without energy supply from Russia. Translated from English to any other language in the world it means: “The world will not be able to survive if oil and gas from Russia is subtracted from the global balance of energy supply”.

Thus, the Western world, built on the hegemony of the petrodollar, is in a catastrophic situation. In which it cannot survive without oil and gas supplies from Russia. And Russia is now ready to sell its oil and gas to the West only in exchange for physical gold! The twist of Putin’s game is that the mechanism for the sale of Russian energy to the West only for gold now works regardless of whether the West agrees to pay for Russian oil and gas with its artificially cheap gold, or not.

Because Russia, having a regular flow of dollars from the sale of oil and gas, in any case, will be able to convert them to gold with current gold prices, depressed by all means by the West. That is, at the price of gold, which had been artificially and meticulously lowered by the Fed and ESF many times, against artificially inflated purchasing power of the dollar through market manipulation.

Interesting fact: the suppression of gold prices by the special department of US Government – ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund) – with the aim of stabilizing the dollar has been made into a law in the United States.

In the financial world it is accepted as a given that gold is an antidollar.
  • In 1971, US President Richard Nixon closed the ‘gold window’, ending the free exchange of dollars for gold, guaranteed by the US in 1944 at Bretton Woods.
  • In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin has reopened the ‘gold window’, without asking Washington’s permission.
Right now the West spends much of its efforts and resources to suppress the prices of gold and oil. Thereby, on the one hand to distort the existing economic reality in favor of the US dollar and on the other hand, to destroy the Russian economy, refusing to play the role of obedient vassal of the West.

Today assets such as gold and oil look proportionally weakened and excessively undervalued against the US dollar. It is a consequence of the enormous economic effort on the part of the West.

And now Putin sells Russian energy resources in exchange for these US dollars, artificially propped by the efforts of the West. With which he immediately buys gold, artificially devalued against the U.S. dollar by the efforts of the West itself!

There is another interesting element in Putin’s game. It’s Russian uranium. Every sixth light bulb in the USA depends on its supply. Which Russia sells to the US too, for dollars.

Thus, in exchange for Russian oil, gas and uranium, the West pays Russia with dollars, purchasing power of which is artificially inflated against oil and gold by the efforts of the West. But Putin uses these dollars only to withdraw physical gold from the West in exchange, for the price denominated in US dollars, artificially lowered by the same West.

This truly brilliant economic combination by Putin puts the West led by the United States in a position of a snake, aggressively and diligently devouring its own tail.

The idea of this economic golden trap for the West, probably originated not from Putin himself. Most likely it was the idea of Putin’s Advisor for Economic Affairs – doctor Sergey Glazyev. Otherwise why seemingly not involved in business bureaucrat Glazyev, along with many Russian businessmen, was personally included by Washington on the sanction list? The idea of an economist, doctor Glazyev was brilliantly executed by Putin, with full endorsement from his Chinese colleague – Xi Jinping.

Especially interesting in this context looks the November statement of the first Deputy Chairman of Central Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva, which stressed that the Central Bank of Russia can use the gold from its reserves to pay for imports, if needed. It is obvious that in terms of sanctions by the Western world, this statement is addressed to the BRICS countries, and first of all China. For China, Russia’s willingness to pay for goods with Western gold is very convenient. And here’s why:

China recently announced that it will cease to increase its gold and currency reserves denominated in US dollars. Considering the growing trade deficit between the US and China (the current difference is five times in favor of China), then this statement translated from the financial language reads: “China stops selling their goods for dollars”. The world’s media chose not to notice this grandest in the recent monetary history event . The issue is not that China literally refuses to sell its goods for US dollars. China, of course, will continue to accept US dollars as an intermediate means of payment for its goods. But, having taken dollars, China will immediately get rid of them and replace with something else in the structure of its gold and currency reserves. Otherwise the statement made by the monetary authorities of China loses its meaning: “We are stopping the increase of our gold and currency reserves, denominated in US dollars.” That is, China will no longer buy United States Treasury bonds for dollars earned from trade with any countries, as they did this before.

Thus, China will replace all the dollars that it will receive for its goods not only from the US but from all over the world with something else not to increase their gold currency reserves, denominated in US dollars. And here is an interesting question: what will China replace all the trade dollars with? What currency or an asset? Analysis of the current monetary policy of China shows that most likely the dollars coming from trade, or a substantial chunk of them, China will quietly replace and de facto is already replacing with Gold.

In this aspect, the solitaire of Russian-Chinese relations is extremely successful for Moscow and Beijing. Russia buys goods from China directly for gold at its current price. While China buys Russian energy resources for gold at its current price. At this Russian-Chinese festival of life there is a place for everything: Chinese goods, Russian energy resources, and gold – as a means of mutual payment. Only US dollar has no place at this festival of life. And this is not surprising. Because the US dollar is not a Chinese product, nor a Russian energy resource. It is only an intermediate financial instrument of settlement – and an unnecessary intermediary. And it is customary to exclude unnecessary intermediaries from the interaction of two independent business partners.

It should be noted separately that the global market for physical gold is extremely small relative to the world market for physical oil supplies. And especially the world market for physical gold is microscopic compared to the entirety of world markets for physical delivery of oil, gas, uranium and goods.

Emphasis on the phrase “physical gold” is made because in exchange for its physical, not ‘paper’ energy resources, Russia is now withdrawing gold from the West, but only in its physical, not paper form. So does China, by acquiring from the West the artificially devalued physical gold as a payment for physical delivery of real products to the West.

The West’s hopes that Russia and China will accept as payment for their energy resources and goods “shitcoin” or so-called “paper gold” of various kinds also did not materialize. Russia and China are only interested in gold and only physical metal as a final means of payment.

For reference: the turnover of the market of paper gold, only of gold futures, is estimated at $360 billion per month. But physical delivery of gold is only for $280 million a month. Which makes the ratio of trade of paper gold versus physical gold: 1000 to 1.

Using the mechanism of active withdrawal from the market of one artificially lowered by the West financial asset (gold) in exchange for another artificially inflated by the West financial asset (USD), Putin has thereby started the countdown to the end of the world hegemony of petrodollar. Thus, Putin has put the West in a deadlock of the absence of any positive economic prospects. The West can spend as much of its efforts and resources to artificially increase the purchasing power of the dollar, lower oil prices and artificially lower the purchasing power of gold. The problem of the West is that the stocks of physical gold in possession of the West are not unlimited. Therefore, the more the West devalues oil and gold against the US dollar, the faster it loses devaluing Gold from its not infinite reserves. In this brilliantly played by Putin economic combination the physical gold is rapidly flowing to Russia, China, Brazil, Kazakhstan and India, the BRICS countries, from the reserves of the West. At the current rate of reduction of reserves of physical gold, the West simply does not have the time to do anything against Putin’s Russia until the collapse of the entire Western petrodollar world. In chess the situation in which Putin has put the West, led by the US, is called “time trouble”.

The Western world has never faced such economic events and phenomena that are happening right now. USSR rapidly sold gold during the fall of oil prices. Russia rapidly buys gold during the fall in oil prices. Thus, Russia poses a real threat to the American model of petrodollar world domination.

The main principle of world petrodollar model is allowing Western countries led by the United States to live at the expense of the labor and resources of other countries and peoples based on the role of the US currency, dominant in the global monetary system (GMS) . The role of the US dollar in the GMS is that it is the ultimate means of payment. This means that the national currency of the United States in the structure of the GMS is the ultimate asset accumulator, to exchange which to any other asset does not make sense. What the BRICS countries, led by Russia and China, are doing now is actually changing the role and status of the US dollar in the global monetary system. From the ultimate means of payment and asset accumulation, the national currency of the USA, by the joint actions of Moscow and Beijing is turned into only an intermediate means of payment. Intended only to exchange this interim payment for another and the ulimate financial asset – gold. Thus, the US dollar actually loses its role as the ultimate means of payment and asset accumulation, yielding both of those roles to another recognized, denationalized and depoliticized monetary asset – gold.

Traditionally, the West has used two methods to eliminate the threat to the hegemony of petrodollar model in the world and the consequent excessive privileges for the West.

One of these methods – colored revolutions. The second method, which is usually applied by the West, if the first fails – military aggression and bombing.

But in Russia’s case both of these methods are either impossible or unacceptable for the West.

Because, firstly, the population of Russia, unlike people in many other countries, does not wish to exchange their freedom and the future of their children for Western sausage. This is evident from the record ratings of Putin, regularly published by the leading Western rating agencies. Personal friendship of Washington protégé Navalny with Senator McCain played for him and Washington a very negative role. Having learned this fact from the media, 98% of the Russian population now perceive Navalny only as a vassal of Washington and a traitor of Russia’s national interests. Therefore Western professionals, who have not yet lost their mind, cannot dream about any colour revolution in Russia.

As for the second traditional Western way of direct military aggression, Russia is certainly not Yugoslavia, not Iraq or Libya. In any non-nuclear military operation against Russia, on the territory of Russia, the West led by the US is doomed to defeat. And the generals in the Pentagon exercising real leadership of NATO forces are aware of this. Similarly hopeless is a nuclear war against Russia, including the concept of so-called “preventive disarming nuclear strike”. NATO is simply not technically able to strike a blow that would completely disarm the nuclear potential of Russia in all its many manifestations. A massive nuclear retaliatory strike on the enemy or a pool of enemies would be inevitable. And its total capacity will be enough for survivors to envy the dead. That is, an exchange of nuclear strikes with a country like Russia is not a solution to the looming problem of the collapse of a petrodollar world. It is in the best case, a final chord and the last point in the history of its existence. In the worst case – a nuclear winter and the demise of all life on the planet, except for the bacteria mutated from radiation.

The Western economic establishment can see and understand the essence of the situation. Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the severity of the predicament and hopelessness of the situation the Western world finds itself in, in Putin’s economic gold trap. After all, since the Bretton Woods agreements, we all know the Golden rule: “Who has more gold sets the rules.” But everyone in the West is silent about it. Silent because no one knows now how to get out of this situation.

If you explain to the Western public all the details of the looming economic disaster, the public will ask the supporters of a petrodollar world the most terrible questions, which will sound like this:

How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?
And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods?

No one in the West today can answer these seemingly simple questions.

And this is called “Checkmate”, ladies and gentlemen. The game is over.

14.08.2018 - Lavrov: Excessive Use of Dollar Can Make Others Trade in National Currencies
Lavrov: Excessive Use of Dollar Can Make Others Trade in National Currencies

The Russian foreign minister is on a working trip to Turkey, during which he will hold a bilateral meeting in Ankara on Tuesday with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu to discuss burning international issues.

Lavrov has held a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu after their meeting. The diplomats have exchanged views on other regional and international issues, including the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, in the South Caucasus, Central Asia, as well as in Ukraine and the Black Sea region.

Speaking at the press-conference, the Russian foreign minister said that Moscow hoped a reasonable approach would prevail in international relations and that countries would return to a depoliticized dialogue, adding that Moscow appreciated Ankara's refusal to join the anti-Russia sanctions.

"I hope that objective reality will help common sense prevail and we will return to the fundamental principles laid down in the UN Charter and stipulating collective work on solving global problems while respecting the sovereign equality of states and non-interference in their interior affairs. Interest in solving numerous problems, shared by Russia and Turkey, rests upon such principles," Lavrov said.

According to Lavrov, US sanctions, including the latest against Turkey, undermine all principles of global trade and will over time undermine the role of the dollar as a settlement currency.

"I have already spoken about the sanctions: they are illegal, undermine all principles of global trade and principles approved by UN decisions, under which unilateral measures of economic duress are unlawful," Lavrov said.

At the same time, his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu has called on the US to return to a dialogue, warning that threats and pressure on Turkey would cause chaos.
Voyageur, this is back-dated article that might answer some of your questions?

Back-dated 25/12/2014 - Grandmaster Putin’s Trap
Западный капкан гроссмейстера Путина

14.08.2018 - Lavrov: Excessive Use of Dollar Can Make Others Trade in National Currencies
Lavrov: Excessive Use of Dollar Can Make Others Trade in National Currencies

15.08.2018 - Fleeing the Buck: What Will Happen if Gulf States Move Away From the Dollar?
Fleeing the Buck: What Will Happen if Gulf States Move Away From the Dollar?

Russia, Turkey, China and Iran are fleeing the dollar and promoting bilateral trade in national currencies, amid the US tariff and sanctions spree. Speaking to Sputnik, Middle Eastern economists have shared their views on whether the Persian Gulf States will follow suit.

"It is very difficult to move away from the dollar alone, but if the countries of the Persian Gulf decided to do this together, if they introduced a single currency, this would have a huge effect and a push for progress," Egyptian economist Muhammed Abdel Jawad told Sputnik Arabic, adding that "this would turn the Gulf states into "global economic leaders."

Jawad has drawn parallels between the European Union and the countries of the Persian Gulf region, suggesting that the potential Gulf bloc could have outperformed the EU due to its vast oil and gas reserves.

"If the countries of the Gulf created a single currency, the dollar would tremble," he remarked.

The de-dollarization process has already kicked off across the globe. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Ankara would switch to lira for international payments. The statement came amid the Turkish national currency's freefall and escalating tensions between Ankara and Washington.

Earlier, China, India, Iran and Russia had started using national currencies in bilateral energy trade. The question arises whether the Persian Gulf states, the world's major exporters of oil, will follow suit.

According to Abdel Aziz al-Arayar, a member of the Advisory Committee of the Gulf Cooperation Council, there is no need for the Gulf States to forgo the dollar.

"I do not see the need for the countries of the Persian Gulf to switch to local currencies, be it rial, dinar or dirham," al-Arayar told Sputnik. "These are very strong currencies and they are dollar-pegged. It does not matter how the currency is called. It is important that everybody recognizes it and it is backed by a strong economy," the Saudi economist said, adding that the US dollar meets these requirements.

The economist opined that the ongoing crisis in Turkey was caused by the investment outflow. The country's economy is built on foreign investments, he explained, adding that a similar situation had occurred in Malaysia in the 1990s.

Al-Arayar believes that de-dollarization won't save Turkey: "It is necessary to revive confidence in the Turkish economy," he suggested. "Diversification is needed, as one cannot rely solely on foreign investors. The money was steered to unpromising spheres, for example, real estate and infrastructure. All this did not provide the desired effect."

Moving Away From the Dollar

Meanwhile, on March 26, Beijing dealt a powerful blow to the petrodollar by launching yuan-denominated oil futures on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange.

In April, Tehran abandoned the US currency and transferred all international payments to the euro, amid Donald Trump's threats to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal.

India is waging its energy trade with Iran in euros. Additionally, New Delhi has offered Tehran, one of its most important energy suppliers, to settle payments in rupees.

Turkey has long been considering plans to abandon the dollar, and now it is highly probable that Ankara will turn its words into action: On August 10, the Turkish lira hit a historic low, having plummeted by 18 percent.

Currently, Russia may completely switch to national currencies with China, Turkey and Iran. The abandonment of the dollar by the largest oil exporters may potentially boost the global de-dollarization trend.

On August 14, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov emphasized that Russia supports non-dollar trade with Turkey.

The use of national currencies for mutual trade has for several years been one of the tasks that the presidents of Russia and Turkey had set," Lavrov said, adding that "identical processes" have been going on in Russia's relations with Iran and China.

"I am confident that the grave abuse of the role of the US dollar as a global reserve currency will result over time in the weakening and demise of its role," the Russian foreign minister pointed out.

20.07.2018 - Venezuela Entrusting Gold to Turkey Step Against Dollar's Hegemony - Politician
Venezuela Entrusting Gold to Turkey Step Against Dollar's Hegemony - Politician

Venezuela and Turkey are enhancing cooperation in the processing and selling of gold. Sputnik spoke with Turkish politicians and experts regarding the growing worldwide demand for gold.

The minister of ecological development and mining of Venezuela, Victor Kano, said that in light of the agreement that was signed this year with Turkey regarding the processing of gold, gold ore mined in Venezuela will be sent to Turkey for processing, purification of impurities and casting of gold bars.

Kano also said that after the processed gold is returned to Venezuela, it would be sent to the Central Bank of Venezuela.

Earlier, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, during his visit to Turkey for the inauguration ceremony of President Erdogan, said that there as a need to develop relations with Turkey in this particular area.

The deputy head of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) for economic issues, Erdal Tanas Karagol, in an interview with Sputnik, said that gold was an important alternative to the dollar, pointing out the worldwide growth in demand for it.

“The gradually growing importance of gold as a currency reserve is attracting attention. For example, China, which traditionally uses its gold as an instrument of accumulation, is making efforts to bring its gold to the markets of the countries such as Turkey,” Karagol said.

He went on to say that it is important for Turkey that gold is brought to the market or used in the market in such a way so that its dollarization is reduced.

“The question regarding reduction of the dollar and the use of alternative tools remains of utmost importance. Over a time period now a new trend has been observed in the relations of developing countries, which consists in conducting trade in national currency, which also indicates the need for searching for alternatives,” the deputy said.

Speaking about the use of gold resources among various countries, the deputy said that developing countries are making efforts to gradually introduce these resources into the economy and mutual trade.

The deputy further emphasized that the cooperation between Venezuela and Turkey in the sphere of gold processing can be considered a step towards the destruction of the hegemony of the dollar.

Venezuela’s decision can be considered as the first step in this direction. Of course, this is not easy because we are talking about the long-term domination of the dollar as an exchange currency, as a tool for savings. However, in the developing countries, efforts are being made to put an end to the hegemony of the dollar and find an alternative for it.”

In turn, the chairman of the non-parliamentary left-nationalist Vatan party, Dogu Perincek, said that Turkey and Venezuela demonstrate solidarity "in opposition to US pressure," and other countries in South America in the future may join the anti-US front.

"The world has formed a front against American hegemony and pressure, whose geography extends from Venezuela to China, and Turkey is a key player here. For us, it is important that Turkey is viewed as a reliable country and a reliable partner, who can be trusted with its resources. Between Turkey and Venezuela there is solidarity in opposition to control, threats and pressure from the United States,” Perincek said.

When asked about whether other South American countries would join the anti-American front, Perincek said that the US was turning into a country that, in fact, had embargoed itself against the world.

“Sanctions against Iraq, Russia, Venezuela, Turkey, trade war with China, trade sanctions against Germany… If you look at this picture, it is clear that America is gradually isolating itself from the world. As part of this process, other countries of South America can also join the anti-American front, which is formed both in political and economic spheres,” the chairman added.

Egor Lidovskiy, director general of the Latin American Center named after Hugo Chavez, in an interview with Sputnik, stressed that there is a growing confidence between Venezuela and Turkey.

“Of course, we can note the high level of trust between Venezuela and Turkey. We know that the Turkish president has warm relations with President Nicolas Maduro and Nicolas Maduro has warm relations with Erdogan. They have repeatedly met, discussed various issues, both in the spheres of the economy and in the spheres of financial security,” he said.

He went on to say that Maduro had indeed made the right choice with regard to Turkey, because it is known that Switzerland is sufficiently affiliated with the US and can, in case of imposed sanctions by the US, take away Venezuela's wealth.

“In this respect, they are very unreliable, as, in principle, any other European country that cannot pursue its nationally oriented policies,” Lidovskiy told Sputnik.

The analyst further said that Turkey pursues an independent policy, as Turkey is an independent state with a strong leader and it is strong enough to resist the opinion of the NATO partners.

“We have repeatedly seen that he [Erdogan] expresses his ideas as opposed to what their NATO partners say. Of course, it is much easier to work with such a person, and there is great hope that everything will move within the framework of the agreements that have been reached,” the analyst said.

According to the analyst, the level of relations between Turkey and Venezuela will be strengthened because Venezuela is under great pressure.

“It is looking for those partners who are most willing to cooperate in an honest and open fashion. Of course, this is Turkey, Russia and China. Those countries that have shown themselves in the international arena as countries that can be trusted,” Lidovskiy concluded.

PressTV-Russia, Iran, Turkey mobilize in currency war
Iran and Turkey signed an agreement last year to use local currencies in trade while Tehran and Moscow discuss a similar arrangement.

Wed Aug 15, 2018 - From Nigeria to Iran, nations begin ditching dollar
PressTV-From Nigeria to Iran, nations begin ditching dollar

The number of countries switching to national currencies to settle bilateral trade deals is growing in the face of the US weaponization of the dollar.

When US President Donald Trump re-imposed sanctions on Iran last week, he warned that any company doing deals with the Iranians in dollars would also be subject to sanctions.

Several Russian companies are also under US sanctions, while Trump’s tweet last week doubling tariffs on imports of Turkish steel has caused Turkey’s currency to crash more than 20 percent against the US dollar.

On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu said they backed using national currencies, not the US dollar, in bilateral trade.

Lavrov told a joint news conference with Cavusoglu in Ankara that identical processes have been happening in trade with Iran.

“Not only with Turkey and Iran, we’re also arranging and already implementing payments in national currencies with the People’s Republic of China,” he said.

Iran and Turkey are already using national currencies following an agreement last October, with a similar arrangement also in place between Iran and India.

Lavrov echoed statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying he was confident “the grave abuse of the role of the US dollar as a global reserve currency will result over time in the weakening and demise of its role.”

There have already been settlements in national currencies between Russia and the BRICS - the bloc that also includes Brazil, India, China and South Africa.

Elsewhere across the world, Nigeria has introduced China’s yuan as an alternative trading currency to the US dollar.

First auction of yuan in Nigeria - Last month, Nigeria’s central bank sold yuan at its first auction of the Chinese currency, two months after it agreed a $2.5 billion swap with Beijing.

Nigeria is Africa’s biggest nation by population and its largest economy due to its oil exports. The OPEC member imports heavily from China which is Nigeria’s biggest trading partner after the US.

Trade volumes between China and Nigeria totaled $9.2 billion in 2017, with the African country running a big deficit through its $7.6 billion imports.

China has also signed a three-year swap worth $4.8 billion with South Africa and similar deals with other emerging markets, some of which have been selling renminbi in businesses.

Moreover, an unfolding trade war between the US and China is taking its toll on their bilateral trade while American sanctions on Iran are raising interest in oil trade in yuan.

China has threatened to retaliate by slapping duties on several American commodities, including oil which has been flowing in greater volumes to the world’s biggest consumer of crude in recent years.

According to energy experts, a cut in Chinese purchases of US oil may boost Iran’s sales, which Washington is trying to curb with new sanctions due to "snap back" on November 4.

World Strategist @chiefasian

China war on USD:

China, the world’s BIGGEST oil importer is moving away from the dollar, by paying for imported oil in Chinese currency. And it doesn’t end with China. Venezuela, Iran, Qatar, Russia & now Nigeria are also using the Chinese Yuan to settle their own oil trades.
8:25 AM - Aug 6, 2018

China’s launch of yuan-denominated Shanghai futures in March has created a lot of enthusiasm among international companies seeking to tap the Asian nation’s bustling commodity markets.

Experts say the new futures contract traded on the Shanghai International Energy Exchange is now on course to become an alternative international oil benchmark not priced in dollars.

August 16th, 2018 - The New Cold War - Lockheed Martin Awarded Over $3 Billion in Govt Contracts in two days, as Military Frets About Russian, Chinese Advances
US Awards Lockheed Martin $3B to counter Russia, China Hypersonic Missiles

The U.S. Air Force announced within the span of two days earlier this week that it had awarded over $3.3 billion in contracts to U.S. weapons giant Lockheed Martin. The first of these contracts, totaling $480 million, was announced on Monday and tasked Lockheed with designing a new “hypersonic” missile. The new missile, known as the Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), is the second “hypersonic” missile under development at Lockheed, as the U.S. Air Force awarded a $928 million contract to the company this past April to develop the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW) program.

The second contract, totaling a sizable $2.9 billion, was awarded to Lockheed on Tuesday and tasks the company with creating three missile-warning satellites, with each satellite set to cost just under $1 billion each.

What grave threat has prompted the U.S. military to spend over $3 billion on new missiles in just four months? According to military officials, the answer is Russia and China, as statements made earlier this year by Air Force officials clearly show that new missiles developed by Russia and China are significantly superior to those currently used by the U.S.

In January, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Air Force Gen. Paul Selva, told reporters, “We have lost our technical advantage in hypersonics; we haven’t lost the hypersonics fight,” adding that “China has made it a national program, so China’s willing to spend tens up to hundreds of billions to solve the problem of hypersonic flight, hypersonic target designation, and then ultimately engagement.”

A few months later in March, Air Force Gen. John Hyten, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that “we [U.S.] don’t have any defense that could deny the employment of such a weapon [hypersonic missiles] against us.” Hyten also stated that “both Russia and China are aggressively pursuing hypersonic capabilities. We have watched them test those capabilities.”

Indeed, Hyten’s warning came just weeks after Russia tested a new hypersonic missile in March that can “rip U.S. air defense apart” and render NATO’s missile-defense system “useless.”

That concern, however, has increased dramatically just over the past week following China’s claim that it successfully tested a new hypersonic missile just last Tuesday. China has claimed that its new missile is capable of penetrating any missile-defense system in the world. It is likely no coincidence that just a few days after the Chinese launch, the U.S. military gave Lockheed Martin over $3 billion in contracts to rapidly develop new missiles and missile warning systems.

Such concern about the new Russian and Chinese missile systems is not merely related to fears that the U.S. rivals will “outshine” in terms of technological superiority. Since January, the U.S. military — through the Pentagon’s 2018 National Defense Strategy — shifted gears, replacing the “War on Terror” with a war against “great power competition.” In other words, the U.S. military’s focus on fighting terrorism has ended, replaced with a focus on fighting what is essentially a new Cold War against Russia and China.

Pentagon Comptroller David Norquist pointed this out specifically when the new strategy was released in January, stating:
It is increasingly apparent that China and Russia want to shape a world consistent with their authoritarian values and, in the process, replace the free and open order that has enabled global security and prosperity since World War II.”​
The growing influence of Russia and China is cited as “the central challenge to U.S. security and prosperity.” Yet, as many analysts have pointed out, the real goal is to maintain American military hegemony at all costs, even if it means provoking a major war with either — or both — of the new emerging military superpowers.

The financial bonanza of falling behind in the arms race -
While the loss of its “competitive edge” and the decline of American exceptionalism has generated great concern throughout the government, U.S. weapon manufacturers are making a handsome profit thanks to fears that U.S. weapon systems could be obsolete. Indeed, Lockheed Martin’s orders from the U.S. government and its allies have “exploded” since the year began, as the Trump administration seeks to remake the U.S. military and bully its allies into buying more American-made weapons in a bid to keep the American Empire afloat.

Yet, ironically, the lack of a “competitive edge” within the U.S. weapons industry — long dominated by a handful of massive corporations — is arguably one of the main factors that have led to the U.S.’ loss of its technological advantage over military rivals like Russia and China.

For instance, Lockheed Martin — the company recently awarded these massive contracts by the U.S. Air Force — is responsible for one of the most egregious cases of government waste when it comes to defense spending: the F-35 fighter jet program.

The jets, whose development began in 1992, are still not ready despite having been on the workbench for decades. Worse still, the Pentagon has admitted that the jets won’t have a chance in a real combat situation and a recent test run saw the jets outperformed by a 40-year-old F-16. Despite the clear failure of the program, the U.S. government has continued to pour money into the jet’s development, making it the most expensive weapons system in U.S. history. In total, the program is on track to cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 trillion.

With this track record, the government’s decision to give Lockheed Martin new, massive contracts on the development of a missile system deemed critical to “national security” seems misguided at best.

Thus, it seems that the U.S. corporate welfare that is so characteristic of the country’s military-industrial complex is one of the key drivers of the U.S. military’s decline in competitiveness. More importantly, if this episode is any indication, no matter how much the U.S. government spends on defense — even if defense spending continues to break records year after year — the U.S. military may well be fighting a losing battle in its bid to regain its global military supremacy.

The Central Bank Has Taken It's Foot Off The Pedal, We Are Coasting To The Collapse - Episode 1638a
Published on Aug 14, 2018 (17:51 min.)

Venezuela is preparing to use the El Petro for all its oil transactions, this will bypass US sanctions. The credit impulse is still in the negative territory, the central banks have taken their foot off the gas pedal and we are coasting towards the collapse. The world does not have to wait for another reserve currency, all countries need to do is use their own currencies. By doing this the dollar will not be in demand and the currency will begin to collapse which will have extreme repercussion on the US economy.

2018-08-16 - Assad, first lady visit rebel tunnel in Jobar which was turned into art (Photos)
Assad, first lady visit rebel tunnel in Jobar which was turned into art

Syrian President Bashar Assad and his wife paid a surprise visit to a group of Syrian artists who turned a rebel tunnel in Jobar into artistic sculptures.

The artists had volunteered to transform a tunnel used by rebels in Jobar district to attack the Syrian Army into a piece of art to celebrate life and beauty in the Syrian capital.

The arduous but extraordinary efforts were dedicated for those hostages who died while forced into digging tunnels.

Rebel fighters in Eastern Ghouta used the kidnapped people to dig a complicated network of tunnels and trenches across the areas they controlled.

Assad’s wife, Asma, was diagnosed with breast cancer and is now undergoing treatment.

2018-08-16 - Large Syrian Army convoy heads to northwest Syria for Idlib offensive (video - 11:05 min.)
Large Syrian Army convoy heads to northwest Syria for Idlib offensive (video)

A large Syrian Arab Army (SAA) convoy was filmed heading towards the northwestern province of Hama yesterday.

According to the Tiger Forces, this large Syrian Arab Army convoy belonged to their division; they were previously deployed in southern Syria.

The convoy traveled from the southern province of Daraa to the Hama Governorate, yesterday, as they prepare to take part in the large-scale offensive along the Hama-Idlib axis.

As shown in the Tiger Forces video below, they sent a large military convoy that consisted of tens of heavy vehicles and hundreds of soldiers to Hama:

The Idlib offensive is expected to kickoff in the coming days, as more troops from the Syrian Arab Army pour into the Hama Governorate.

2018-08-16 - Russia-trained troops head to Idlib for upcoming offensive
Russia-trained troops head to Idlib for upcoming offensive

The Syrian Army’s 5th Corps was spotted en route to Idlib to beef up the Syrian forces preparing for the long-awaited battle against jihadi groups in northwestern Syria.

Convoys for the Russia-trained military formation left Daraa to the country’s north after the entire southern province had become under the Syrian Army’s control.

The Syrian military announced the formation of the 5th Assault Corps in November 2016 as an elite force consisting solely of volunteers and backed up by Russia.

Meanwhile, jihadists’ positions and headquarters across Idlib and northern Hama are being targeted – around the clock – by heavy artillery and missile strikes, as well as aerial bombardment.

Scores of Daraa rebels who had reconciled with the Syrian government are reportedly part of the fresh reinforcements heading to fight Qaeda-linked groups in Idlib.

2018-08-16 - Russia sends naval reinforcements to Syria as SAA prepares to launch Idlib offensive (photos)
Russia sends naval reinforcements to Syria as SAA prepares to launch Idlib offensive (photos)

The Russian Navy sent more reinforcements to Syria this week, as their allies from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) prepare to launch a major offensive in the northwestern part of the country.

According to Yoruk Isik of the Bosphorus Observer, the Russian Project 745 BSF Sorum class rescue tug MB304 and ВМФ Project 21980 ЧФ Grachonok class counter-sabotage patrol crafts Yunarmeets Kryma 836 (xP355) & Kadet 840 (xP191) transited the Bosphorus Strait towards the Mediterranean port-city of Tartous.

Isik said that the the Sorum-class seagoing tug, also known as Project 745P in Russian Coast Guard service, will also be present around Tartous.

“These vessels will perform the standard missions of a seagoing tug boat with other missions such as protecting and patrolling Russian maritime borders, enforcing navigational rules and law enforcement,” he said.

While the counter sabotage Project 21980 (“Grachonok” code) is a class of boats of water region patrol designed for the Russian Navy. The Project 21980 is designed to combat sabotage and terrorist forces and means in the waters off bases and near the approaches to them,” Isik added.

Below are some of Isik’s photos from the Bosphorus Strait on Wednesday:

2018-08-16 - Door to reconciliation is open to all in Idlib, except terrorists: Syrian minister
Door to reconciliation is open to all in Idlib, except terrorists: Syrian minister

The Syrian Minister for Reconciliation, Dr. ‘Ali Haidar, stated on Wednesday morning that people living in Idlib are welcome to reconcile with the government.

“The door is open to all in Idlib who choose to reconcile with the government, except terrorists that possess extremist ideologies,” Dr. Haidar said.

The veteran Syrian minister stressed that reconciliation is also limited to people who are not terrorists.

Dr. Haidar is referencing jihadist groups like Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP); these two rebel factions have waged war against the government for years.

Recently, the jihadist rebels in the Idlib Governorate began an operation to arrest government sympathizers and people willing to reconcile with the state.

This large-scale jihadist operation has resulted in dozens of arrests across the southern countryside of Idlib.

2018-08-16 - Idlib offensive to have largest build-up of Syrian Army troops, full list of troops
Idlib offensive to have largest build-up of Syrian Army troops, full list of troops

The Syrian Arab Army’s long-awaited Idlib offensive is just days away, but the latter continues to send thousands of soldiers to this front in preparation for the operation.

According to a military source in Damascus, the upcoming Idlib offensive is to be carried out by the largest Syrian Arab Army force this war has seen.

The source continued that this Syrian Arab Army force is expected to exceed the total number of soldiers in southwest Syria offensive by at least 25,000 military personnel.

With their Sweida offensive wrapping up against the Islamic State (ISIS), thousands of more soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army’s 1st, 3rd, 10th, and 15 divisions are expected to make their way north to the Hama Governorate.

The known forces participating in the upcoming Idlib offensive are as followed:
  • Syrian Arab Army
    • 1st Division
    • 3rd Armored Division
      • Qalamoun Shield Forces
    • 4th Mechanized Division
      • 39th Brigade
      • 41st Brigade
      • 42nd Brigade (Ghiath Forces)
      • 555th Brigade
    • 7th Armored Division
    • 9th Division
      • Shock Troops
    • 10th Division
    • 11th Tank Division
      • 47th Brigade
      • 60th Brigade
      • 87th Brigade
    • 15th Special Forces Division
    • 18th Tank Division
      • 67th Brigade
    • Republican Guard
      • 105th Brigade
      • 106th Brigade
    • Tiger Forces
  • National Defense Forces (NDF)
  • Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)
    • Mhardeh and Suqaylabiyah divisions
  • Liwaa Al-Quds
  • Al-Ba’ath Battalions
Please note: List will be expanded throughout the next few weeks as more groups join the battle

2018-08-16 - Massive blast rocks Idlib after HTS ammo depot explodes
Massive blast rocks Idlib after HTS ammo depot explodes

A massive blast rocked Idlib city last night after an ammo depot belonging to Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham exploded.

According to pro-opposition activists, the blast took place at a Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham ammo depot that was located near the governor’s mansion in Idlib’s city-center.

The total number of casualties as a result of this explosion is still unknown; however, some activists claimed that many Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham members were killed.

Furthermore, the reason for the blast at the Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham ammo depot is still unknown. No further details were released at this time.

Thu Aug 16, 2018 - Turkey Strengthens Positions in Hama to Prevent Syrian Army's Military Operations

The Turkish army sent a military convoy to Northern Hama to reinvigorate its positions aimed at blocking the Syrian army's operations in the province.

Media activists in Northern Syria reported on Thursday that a military convoy of the Turkish army, consisting of several trucks carrying prefabricated walls and checkpoint kiosks, arrived in Idlib through Kafr Lousin passageway at the Syrian-Turkish border.

Reports said on Tuesday that Turkey is creating a new “national army” that is composed of several Syrian terrorist groups.

Thu Aug 16, 2018 - Turkey Using Civilians as Human Shield for Terrorists in Idlib

The Turkish army prevented the Syrian army's decision to open a safe corridor in Idlib province before a massive military operation by the latter, making civilians a human shield for the terrorists.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik news agency reported on Thursday that the safe corridor which was due to open in Abu Zohour region in Southeastern Idlib for the civilians' passage from the terrorist-occupied regions remained closed after Turkey showed a green light to the militants to attack it.

It added that the Syrian army's decision was called off after the Turkish officers held a meeting with commanders of the terrorist groups in Hama and Idlib near the town of Murak in Northern Hama, forcing civilians to remain in their homes.

Based on the report, the Turkish army has also declared that it will block any military operations in the province and protect the regions occupied by al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at or the Levant Liberation Board), the ISIL, Horas al-Din and other terrorist groups.

Meantime, a Syrian field source said that the decision was called off after intelligence showed Turkey's green light for the ISIL and al-Nusra's suicide attacks against the passageway, adding that Ankara is trying to prevent military operations in the region by using civilians as human shield to protect the terrorists.

The Russia-run Sputnik news agency reported on Wednesday that the Russian and Syrian forces were making final coordination on a major offensive against terrorists in Idlib.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik quoted a military source as saying that the Russian and Syrian armies have been coordinating to launch the long-waited assault in Idlib, adding that a vast joint reconnaissance operation has been underway by Russian and Syrian experts in the last few days as the zero hour is arriving for the operation in Northwestern Syria.

The Arabic Sputnik further said that monitoring movements and gatherings of terrorists in the villages and towns in Southeastern Idlib has been among the joint reconnaissance operation conducted by the Russian and Syrian forces.

In the meantime, the Syrian army artillery units shelled heavily the positions of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) in the region, destroying their bases and positions, the website added.

2018-08-16 - Turkish military vows to confront Syrian Army in Idlib, Hama provinces
Turkish military vows to confront Syrian Army in Idlib, Hama provinces

The Turkish military sent a delegation to visit several towns in northern Hama and southern Idlib on Wednesday, opposition activists reported via social media.

According to these activists, the Turkish delegation met with the residents in these towns to discuss the latest developments around southern Idlib and northern Hama.

The activists said that the residents complained about the recent airstrikes from the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF); however, the Turkish military allegedly blamed Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham because they had violated the ceasefire in the region.

Furthermore, the Turkish military reportedly informed the residents of these towns in northern Hama and southern Idlib that they would retaliate if the Syrian Arab Army launched their offensive in these areas.

The opposition activists claimed that the Turkish military had recently brought a number of manpads to their observation posts in order to shoot down any helicopters or jets threatening the forces in these areas.

This move by the Turkish military comes as the Syrian Arab Army builds-up their forces around the Idlib Governorate for their upcoming offensive.

A source from the Syrian Arab Army told Al-Masdar last night that this move by the Turkish military is nothing more than a bluff.

The source added that the Russian military has had enough of the jihadist rebels in Jisr Al-Shughour and the Al-Ghaab Plain; especially, after their recent attacks on the Hmeymim Airbase.
Venezuela is preparing to use the El Petro for all its oil transactions, this will bypass US sanctions. The credit impulse is still in the negative territory, the central banks have taken their foot off the gas pedal and we are coasting towards the collapse. The world does not have to wait for another reserve currency, all countries need to do is use their own currencies. By doing this the dollar will not be in demand and the currency will begin to collapse which will have extreme repercussion on the US economy.

I think this approach makes sense as a counter-measure to the central banks and any fiat system/systems used to control the show. I have been thinking that in a perfect world it should really be a system where value is determined by the people of each country within their country and whatever agreements can be made in exchange of goods and currencies. I know this will be especially difficult for countries such as the U.S., the EU and probably the UK who are in favor of a globalist agenda of central control.

Even though I live in the U.S. I think over "time" people could gradually adapt to the reality of the shrinking/collapsing dollar but of course we would have to "wait and see". It is not up to me to say whether the universe will mitigate the suffering of U.S. citizens in this likely collapse of the U.S. central banking system. It actually gives me some hope just to see the Federal Reserve system might soon end up in complete failure. Kind of weird am I not. :-/
The world does not have to wait for another reserve currency, all countries need to do is use their own currencies. By doing this the dollar will not be in demand and the currency will begin to collapse which will have extreme repercussion on the US economy.

I think this approach makes sense as a counter-measure to the central banks and any fiat system/systems used to control the show. I have been thinking that in a perfect world it should really be a system where value is determined by the people of each country within their country and whatever agreements can be made in exchange of goods and currencies. I know this will be especially difficult for countries such as the U.S., the EU and probably the UK who are in favor of a globalist agenda of central control.

Even though I live in the U.S. I think over "time" people could gradually adapt to the reality of the shrinking/collapsing dollar but of course we would have to "wait and see". It is not up to me to say whether the universe will mitigate the suffering of U.S. citizens in this likely collapse of the U.S. central banking system. It actually gives me some hope just to see the Federal Reserve system might soon end up in complete failure. Kind of weird am I not. :-/

I don't think anyone here - thinks you're weird, Goyacobal - present company included! :halo:

Where we might defer in opinion, as far as, "people gradually adapting to the reality of the shrinking/collapsing dollar " I sense, the dollar already collapsed and went into "free-fall" under Obama and the Federal Reserve system ceased to exist as a valid Corporate entity? Both are only propped up by the media? Only problem - NO ONE DARE - inform the American public!?! That's the legacy Obama handed over to Trump.

For one, I don't think "we American's" are any where near - an understanding of "the historic manifestations of the Putin-Trump bilateral summit in Helsinki on 16 July 2018?"

As was recently stated in this article:
31 July 2018 - The Twilight of the War

The Twilight of the War, by Thierry Meyssan

If we consider the war in Syria not as a singular event, but as the culmination of a world war which has persisted for a quarter of a century, we have to ask ourselves about the consequences of the imminent end of hostilities. Its completion marks the defeat of an ideology, that is to say globalization and financial capitalism.

Predatory globalization and it's supporting "dollarization" has taken a "direct-hit" - the Transnational Ruling Elite Class are now the one's in free-fall? (That's what all the media hype of "Trump in collusion with Putin" is all about?)

Now, take in consideration the gravity of this statement: " In Helsinki, it was not the United States which drew up an agreement with the Federation of Russia. It was the White House alone. Because the common enemy is a transnational group which exercises authority in the United States. Since this group considers itself, and not the elected President, to be the representative of the USA, it did not hesitate to immediately accuse President Trump of treason. "

Also, consider this: Under Obama's 8 year tenure at the helm, large corporations and many large established business's left the Country, for lower tax incentives and a cheaper work force, to pad their bottom line in extra profits. Our economy took a major hit, in lost jobs and displacement of seasoned professionals and highly skilled workers. Many of whom - lost their Retirement packages and healthcare benefits. Obama then flooded the Country with a high percentage of unskilled workers and their dependents - compromising our social and welfare system - through his open door/Border policies. Many skilled or professional American's found themselves competing against a cheaper labor force, for the few remaining job openings that manifested in seasonal work or the fast food/hospitality sectors.

Trump, with a business background is attempting to reverse those tactics and former policies. One course of action is in the form of tariffs.

This short article and graph below might put "in better perspective", what Trump is trying to do and why ...

Aug 17, 2018 - Our "Prosperity" Is Now Dependent on Predatory Globalization
Our "Prosperity" Is Now Dependent on Predatory Globalization

So here's the story explaining why "free" trade and globalization create so much wonderful prosperity for all of us: I find a nation with cheap labor and no environmental laws anxious to give me cheap land and tax credits, so I move my factory from my high-cost, highly regulated nation to the low-cost nation, and keep all the profits I reap from the move for myself. Yea for free trade, I'm now far wealthier than I was before.

That's the story. Feel better about "free" trade and globalization now? Oh wait a minute, there's something missing--the part about "prosperity for all of us." Here's labor's share of U.S. GDP, which includes imports and exports, i.e. trade:


Notice how labor's share of the economy tanked once globalization / offshoring kicked into high gear? Now let's see what happened to corporate profits at that same point in time:

Imagine that--corporate profits skyrocketed once globalization / offshoring kicked into high gear. Explain that part about "makes us all prosperous" again, because there's no data to support that narrative.

What's interesting about all this is the way that politicians are openly threatening voters with recession if they vote against globalization. In other words, whatever "prosperity" is still being distributed to the bottom 80% is now dependent on a predatory version of globalization.

Let's rewind to the era of truly free trade, from the late Bronze Age up to the Roman Era. In the late Bronze Age (circa 1800 to 1200 B.C.), vigorous trade tied together the ancient empires and states of the Mideast and the Mediterranean. In the Roman Era, trade in silk and other luxuries tied China, India, Africa, the Mideast and the Roman Mediterranean together in a vast trading network.

In the good old days, merchants paid for goods in gold or silver, as the value of the precious metals were known to all and relatively easy to transport and verify.

Nowadays, trade and "prosperity" are dependent on currencies that are created out of thin air via borrowing or printing. The problem with gold, in the view of predatory globalization, is that it can't be printed or conjured out of thin air. That won't do, because predatory globalization's primary export is newly printed currencies: dollars, euros, yen and yuan.

This puts every nation that can't print a global reserve currency at an extreme disadvantage. While the U.S. can conjure "money" out of thin air and trade it for goods, other nations must cough up resources and goods in exchange for the "money," and borrow it at hefty rates of interest if they want to use the global "money" for development or investment.

That leaves them highly vulnerable to foreign exchange fluctuations which can raise the cost of their interest due in dollars, etc. to punishing heights while devaluing whatever they built with the dollars, etc. they borrowed.

Then there's a financial crisis of loan defaults and those who created and loaned out their global reserve currency demand the debtor nation sell all its assets and resources at bargain prices. Being a member of the European Union didn't save Greece from this fate; no peripheral nation can protect itself from the predatory powers who can create currency at zero cost and send the value higher by restricting its issuance after other nations have loaded up on loans denominated in the reserve currency.

This is how "free" trade works in predatory globalization: The only thing that's free is the cost of issuing trillions in global reserve currency. Everything else will cost you dearly.
Last edited by a moderator:
Where we might defer in opinion, as far as, "people gradually adapting to the reality of the shrinking/collapsing dollar " I sense, the dollar already collapsed and went into "free-fall" under Obama and the Federal Reserve system ceased to exist as a valid Corporate entity? Both are only propped up by the media? Only problem - NO ONE DARE - inform the American public!?! That's the legacy Obama handed over to Trump.

I don't know that we disagree really. I sort of see it as a collapsed dollar already too. I suppose at some point I have to accept that it will be where "the cards fall" and just as in computer programing the outcome becomes less predictable as you add more and more variables to the logic of the program. And I have no way to even imagine the number of variables in the "show". :huh:
I don't know that we disagree really. I sort of see it as a collapsed dollar already too. I suppose at some point I have to accept that it will be where "the cards fall" and just as in computer programing the outcome becomes less predictable as you add more and more variables to the logic of the program. And I have no way to even imagine the number of variables in the "show". :huh:

One area that's easily visible of a shrinking/collapsing dollar in the grocery store, especially with the common staples of milk, butter, cheese and your meat products. For example, butter is now over four dollars a pound. The farmer isn't benefiting - it's the middleman and once the middleman detects his profit margin decreasing, the price inflates. I noticed, as soon as Trump uttered the word, "tariff's" for overseas products, everything labeled "deli" went up in price 30-55 cents a pound. The irony of the situation, is that, the majority of businesses and manufacturing that pulled out of the US and went overseas - to take advantage of tax incentives and lower production costs are now getting hit "with a tariff tax" re-entering the Country. Trump pulled the plug on them and their profit margin. Eventually, the only way for these companies/corporation's to turn a profit - is to move their manufacturing - back to the US. In the meantime, the consumer will find themselves navigating higher prices - in everything essential - to keep a household running. I anticipate, this Winter is when we will experience the full blunt "of the beginning" of this process?

It might be wise, to stock up on some extra grocery items including T-paper, bar soup and detergent. We are going to soon discover - the difference between "want" and "need" and many will not be ready or willing to compromise to accept "reality"!
One Syrian serviceman was killed, while four others were injured in shelling attacks in the Syrian provinces of Hama and Latakia as well as in the city of Aleppo over the past 24 hours, the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria said late on Saturday.

19.08.2018 - New Shelling Attacks in Syria Leave Serviceman Killed, 4 Injured - Russian MoD
New Shelling Attacks in Syria Leave Serviceman Killed, 4 Injured – Russian MoD

"One soldier of the Syrian Arab Republic was killed and four others were injured during the shelling attacks," the center said in a daily bulletin.

Former militants in the Syrian southwest laid down their arms including a vehicle, 30 mines and 3 tonnes of ammunition of various types and caliber, according to the reconciliation center.

Moreover, one humanitarian action was held by the Russian center in the Hirdjilla refugee camp in the southwestern province of Damascus, with 600 sets of clothes having been provided to the Syrian nationals, including children.

Russian military doctors have also provided eight Syrian civilians including four children with medical assistance within last 24 hours.

Russia, alongside Iran and Turkey, is a guarantor of the ceasefire regime in Syria. Moscow has also been assisting Damascus both through supporting the struggle against terrorist groups and providing humanitarian aid to the residents of the crisis-torn country.

18.08.2018 - Daseh Attacks US Forces in Deir Ezzor - Reports
Daesh Attacks US Forces in Deir ez-Zor - Reports

Turkey's Anadolu news agency has reported, citing local sources that Daesh* militants tried to drive a bomb-laden vehicle into the housing facility of US soldiers, but the vehicle was destroyed by US-led coalition planes.

According to reports, a number of terrorists were killed, along with one civilian. Five civilians were injured in the attack.

Terrorists had also tried to stage two more attacks in the area during which they engaged in clashes with Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants.

The United States occupies a 34-mile zone around the country's military base in al-Tanf, where it trains and equips armed Syrian opposition forces. The Rukban refugee camp is located some 11 miles south of al-Tanf and inside the US-controlled zone on the Syrian-Jordanian border.

2018-08-18 - ISIS launches surprise offensive against Syrian Army, SDF in Deir Ezzor
ISIS launches surprise offensive against Syrian Army, SDF in Deir Ezzor

The Islamic State (ISIS) launched a surprise offensive in the Deir Ezzor Governorate last night, targeting several areas controlled by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

ISIS began their assault last night when they stormed the defenses of the SAA and SDF near the strategic border-city of Albkamal.

According to a field report from Deir Ezzor, ISIS attacked the SDF’s positions near the Al-‘Umar Oil Fields; this was their attempt to retake this area.

Following their attack on the SDF’s positions, the Islamic State struck the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses in the Sabikhan Badiya area, which is located just west of Albukamal.

2018-08-18 - Turkish Army to expand military operations in Syria – Erdogan
Turkish Army to expand military operations in Syria - Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his Justice and Development Party (AKP) members, today, that his nation’s military will continue their operations inside Syria.

“The operations of the Turkish army in Jarabulus, Al Bab and Afrin will be carried out in other Syrian regions, up to the Iraqi border,” Erdogan began.

Erdogan would then tell the crowd of AKP members that the Turkish military operations will expand to Iraq’s Sinajr and Makhmur regions.

“They will also be carried out in [Iraq’s] Sinjar and Makhmur. We will eliminate the terrorist threat coming from the territory of Syria and Iraq. We will not let terrorists to control zones near our southern borders,” Erdogan said at the Justice and Development Party’s congress,” he would add.

Since the start of August, the Turkish military has been hammering the Sinjar region of Iraq in a bid to clear out the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) members in this mountainous area.

2018-08-18 - High ranking official of new Turkish-backed rebel coalition killed in Idlib
High ranking official of new Turkish-backed rebel coalition killed in Idlib

Just days after the formation of the Turkish-backed “National Liberation Front”, the new rebel coalition announced the death of one of its official’s in the Idlib countryside.

According to opposition activists via social media, the high ranking official of the National Liberation Front, ‘Abdo Radwan Al-Bakri (AKA “Abu Talha”), was killed after unknown assailants detonated a car bomb outside the rebel coalition’s base in the Jabal Al-Arba’een region of Idlib.

The NLF official was killed alongside several other rebel fighters who were present at the rebel coalition’s base in the Idlib countryside.

No group has claimed responsibility for this latest attack; however, opposition activists have already accused the Islamic State of carrying out this car bombing.

The Islamic State’s sleeper cells have often targeted rebel fighters and their commanders in the Idlib Governorate; this became more prevalent once they began losing their territories across Syria.

2018-08-18 - Syrian Army accuses US of planning ISIS attacks from Tanf zone
Syrian Army accuses US of planning ISIS attacks from Tanf zone

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) released a statement on Saturday that accused the U.S. Coalition of planning attacks for the Islamic State (ISIS) from the Tanf zone in southern Syria.

According to the Syrian Army statement, the U.S. Coalition allowed free passage to Islamic State terrorists from the Tanf zone; they would then attack the government forces after leaving this area.

Furthermore, the Syrian Arab Army said that the U.S. Coalition was providing the Islamic State intel about their positions in the Badiya Al-Sham region.

The Syrian Army and government have accused the U.S. Coalition of harboring Islamic State terrorists on several occasions this year, despite Washington’s denials.

The Islamic State often navigates through the vast desert region of Syria to carry out attacks against the Syrian Arab Army in the Al-Sweida, Damascus, Homs and Deir Ezzor governorates.

2018-08-18 - In pictures: Russian Special Forces in action against ISIS in Syria
In pictures: Russian Special Forces in action against ISIS in Syria

The Anna News Agency released new photos from eastern Syria that show the Russian Special Forces operating against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) in several provinces.

As shown in the photos below, the Russian Special Forces can be seen operating inside the Homs and Deir Ezzor Governorate:
Photo credit: Anna News
Photo credit: Anna News
Photo credit: Anna News

Since their arrival in Syria, the Russian Special Forces have played an integral role in the development and success of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The Russian Special Forces would also play an imperative role in the defeat of the Islamic State terrorists in eastern, central, and northern Syria.

2018-08-17 - Russian MoD shows improvised militant drones used in failed attack n Hmeymim Airbase (video)
Russian MoD shows improvised militant drones used in failed attack n Hmeymim Airbase (video)

Russia’s Ministry of Defence showed journalists from around the world on Thursday the improvised drones used by Syrian militant forces in a failed attack on the Hmeymim Airbase.

“All these devices attempted to attack the airbase and they were launched from the northwest, from the Idlib area,” Chief Spokesman for the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov said.

According to officials, there were five attacks on the base in recent days, all of which were repelled by Russian anti-air defence systems.

“These flying machines can fly over 100 kilometers, some of them – even up to 200 [kilometers]. We can see that the control and navigation systems are getting more refined. Some machines can remain airborne for up to four hours. Their speed is around 50 km/h,” Konashenkov said.

2018-08-17 - Syrian gov’t slams Saudi Arabia for donating $100 million to US Coalition
Breaking: Syrian gov't slams Saudi Arabia for donating $100 million to US Coalition

The Syrian Foreign Ministry slammed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s commitment on Friday to donate $100 million to the Syrian areas controlled by the US Coalition.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), an official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry told them that the Saudi authorities have pledged $100 million to the international coalition led by the Washington in defiance of the UN Security Council resolutions related to the crisis in Syria.

The SANA source continued that this flawed Saudi decision comes within the framework of the Saudi authorities’ full compliance with the US administration at the expense of Saudi people who is suffering from poverty and dire economic recession.

The source went on to say that the US-led coalition has killed thousands of Syrian children and women and attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army dozens of times to prevent it from fighting the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization.

The SANA report would go on to blame the US Coalition for the destruction of several areas across Syria, while costing the country billions of dollars to reconstruct these territories.

2018-08-18 - US raises $300 million to ‘stabilize’ Syria
US raises $300 million to 'stabilize' Syria

The U.S. announced on Friday that they had raised at least $300 million from its Coalition partners to help ‘stabilize’ the territories they control in Syria.

Of the $300 million raised, at least $100 million was donated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and $50 million more from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Most of these funds will likely go to the reconstruction effort in the Al-Raqqa Governorate, as much of the provincial capital is still in ruins.

U.S. President Donald Trump previously froze the $230 million that was annually donated to Syrian groups inside and outside the country; it is not clear whether or not these groups will see any of these funds.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Gebran Bassil and discussed Syrian issues.

20.08.2018 - UN Secretly Prohibited by Sec. Gen. From Restoring Syrian Economy Economy - Lavrov
UN Secretly Prohibited by Sec. Gen. from Restoring Syrian Economy - Lavrov

The UN Secretariat secretly banned the organization's divisions from taking part in restoring Syria's economy, Sergei Lavrov said Monday.

"It turned out that the political department of the UN Secretariat really published and disseminated throughout the UN system a secret directive in October last year prohibiting organizations participating in this system to take part in any projects to restore the Syrian economy. Only humanitarian assistance, nothing more," Lavrov said.

Lebanon supports Russia's initiative on Syrian refugees and hopes that it will be implemented, Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Gebran Bassil said as he met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday.

Sergei Lavrov noted in response that Russia aspires to help return Syrian refugees to their homes as soon as possible. According to him, Russia "keeps in touch with the Syrian government" and with those countries that have hosted the refugees.

The US is trying to artificially slow down return of refugees to Syria by refusing to participate in restoration of Syrian infrastructure, Lavrov said.

"The United States is trying to artificially slow down the process of the refugees' return by refusing to participate in the restoration of infrastructure in Syria. A few days ago, Washington hosted a meeting between [UN Special Envoy for Syria] Staffan de Mistura and [US Secretary of State] Mike Pompeo, and the State Department used the phrase 'it is premature to even discuss the restoration of Syria' in the statement following their talks," Lavrov told a press conference after a meeting with his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil.

This comes after Russian President Putin's detailed bilateral talks with Angela Merkel in Berlin on Saturday, where he called to build up humanitarian aid to the Syrian people and to the countries where refugees are living at the moment.

Hours before the meeting, Vladimir Putin called on European countries to rebuild the crisis-torn Syria to ensure that Syrian refugees are able to return to their homeland, warning that a renewed migration crisis would be a "disruptive burden" for Europe. He added that there were around 5 million refugees in the countries neighboring Syria, including around 1 million in Lebanon. Most of them fled from terrorists and militants who had earlier controlled the western part of Syria that borders Lebanon.

Now that most part of Syrian territory has been liberated from terrorists, Moscow claims, Syrian citizens can safely return to their homes. Tens of thousands of refugees have already headed for Syria from Lebanon, and the Moscow talks are expected to give a boost to the repatriation process.

2018-08-20 - Lavrov slams ‘secret UN directive’ on Syria
Lavrov slams 'secret UN directive' on Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that there was a “secret UN directive” on Syria during a press conference after talks with his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil in Moscow on Monday.

Lavrov explained that in October 2017, the Political Department of the UN Secretariat “issued and distributed throughout the UN system a secret directive prohibiting organizations belonging to its system from participating in any projects to restore the Syrian economy.”

“A condition was put forward that only after the progress in so-called political transition is achieved, it would be possible to rebuild Syria,” Lavrov continued.

Russia’s top diplomat wondered why the UN Security Council, which “is directly involved in the Syrian settlement,” was not informed and why “such decisions are made without an open, objective analysis of the situation on the ground?”

Lavrov also mentioned that he discussed the issue with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

“I am convinced that everyone will agree that it is unacceptable for one group of countries in their own selfish geopolitical interests to try to manipulate the secretariats of international organisations, whose staff should be impartial and independent,” Lavrov concluded.

2018-08-20 - Russia, Turkey to meet about Syria in upcoming days
Russia, Turkey to meet about Syria in upcoming days

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed that the negotiations with Turkish partners on Syria will be held in the next few days.

“As guarantor countries of the Astana process, we work with Turkey and Iran on a daily basis, including telephone calls and personal meetings. In the next few days, we are planning to hold negotiations with Turkish colleagues,” the minister informed on Monday.

“We discuss Syrian regulation as a whole, all its aspects. However, obviously, we pay attention to the realization of goals that had been agreed on during the creation of the de-escalation zone in Idlib, especially in the military sphere,” the Russian top diplomat noted.

Earlier on Monday, Russian Presidential Envoy for the Middle East and Africa and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov informed that Moscow and Ankara would hold important talks on Syria in the nearest future.

2018-08-20 - At least 200 Russian soldiers return home from Syria
At least 200 Russian soldiers return home from Syria

A 200-strong unit of military police from the Southern Military District has returned to the base in Chechnya after successfully carrying out special tasks in Syria, military district’s spokesman Vadim Astafyev reported on Monday.

Ilyushin Il-76 military-transport planes airlifted 200 military policemen to Mozdok airfield in North Ossetia from Hmeymim airfield in Syria,” Astavyev said.

In a ceremony in Chechnya, they were welcomed by local military leadership, local authorities, representatives from veteran and public organizations, workmates and next-of-kin. The deputy chief of the Defense Ministry’s Main Police Department, Colonel Vladimir Kovalyov, thanked the officers, emphasizing that their missions had been often carried out with hazard to life.

The Defense Ministry expressed gratitude to the commanders and military personnel for courage and high professionalism displayed when they protected civilian facilities, escorted humanitarian cargoes and ensured the safety of humanitarian corridors. The officers, who had distinguished themselves, received state and departmental awards.

2018-08-20 - UK halting support for Syrian rebels amid string of losses
UK halting support for Syrian rebels amid string of losses

The United Kingdom is halting financial support to opposition forces in Syria’s rebel-controlled areas due to the low efficiency of such programs, the UK government’s spokesperson said on Monday.

“As the situation on the ground in some regions has become increasingly difficult we have reduced support for some of our non-humanitarian programming, but continue to deliver vital support to help those most in need and to improve security and stability in the country,” the spokesperson said as quoted by The Times newspaper.

According to the news outlet, the UK Foreign Office and Department for International Development decided that the aid programs to northwest Syria were not sustainable as the military conflict in the country was drawing to a close and the remaining opposition-controlled areas were gradually being taken over by jihadists.

The attempts to form independent police force in Syria will be ceased in September, while the financing of local self-governing bodies in the country is likely to be halted by the end of the current fiscal year, the newspaper added.

‘Meeting Is Possible’: Russian Presidential Aide on Syria Talks in New Format. The decision to cut off funding will not affect the White Helmets non-governmental organization and medical aid, The Times indicated.

2018-08-20 - Chinese military will not deploy to Syria for Idlib offensive – envoy
Chinese military will not deploy to Syria for Idlib offensive - envoy

The Chinese military will not be deploying to Syria, despite some previous claims, the Chinese Special Envoy for Syria, Xie Xiaoyan stated this morning.

Recently, some media speculations that China is going to involve in the Syrian conflict emerged. That is a false picture of the Chinese policy. These Arab media, which issued the relevant material, later explained that China had no military presence in Syria. China is strongly advocating settlement of the conflict only by peaceful means … China has never sent its troops to Syria,” Xie told reporters.

Xie stressed that China was strongly opposing any form of terrorism and calling for the boost of the international anti-terror cooperation.

In early August, Al-Watan released their interview with the Chinese Ambassador to Syria, which detailed his country’s commitment to helping fight terrorism inside the country.

While China is not sending troops to Syria, they are planning to take an imperative role in the reconstruction of the country.

“We hope that the international community will put much attention to the post-war reconstruction of Syria and take part in this process as it is not an issue of one or two states. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure basic security to start the reconstruction works,” Xie told reporters.

He pointed out that the key goal at the moment was to restore peace and stability in the country. “All the parties must take efforts in order to launch the relevant work,” Xie added.

2018-08-19 - Russian military carries out 1,898 humanitarian missions in Syria
Russian military carries out 1,898 humanitarian missions in Syria

The Russian military has so far carried out 1,898 humanitarian missions in Syria, distributing food, drinking water and basic necessities among civilians, head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides Major General Alexei Tsygankov said.

According to him, food packages particularly contain tinned meals, flour and sugar. At the same time, Russian military doctors have been examining Syrian civilians and providing them with medicines.

In addition, the Russian military has been demining Syria’s areas liberated from militants, accompanying United Nations humanitarian convoys and providing assistance to Syrian refugees returning to the country. Besides, Russia has been assisting Syria in the reconstruction of residential dwellings, infrastructure facilities and historic landmarks destroyed by terrorists.

August 19 marks World Humanitarian Day, designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2008 in order to raise people’s awareness about the need for humanitarian missions. Besides, on August 19, homage is paid to all those killed during humanitarian operations across the world.

2018-08-19 - Russian servicemen escort 70 UN aid convoys in Syria this year
Russian servicemen escort 70 UN aid convoys in Syria this year

In the past nine months, servicemen of the Russian reconciliation center have escorted 71 UN humanitarian convoys in Syria, the head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties, Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov, said.

“In the period from December 21, 2017 to August 17, 2018, the center ensured safe passage of 71 UN humanitarian convoys,” he said.

According to the official, the center ensured safety of 27 missions from international relief organizations, such as the Red Cross, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, UNICEF and others.

“Those organizations have brought more than 6,000 tonnes of food and basic necessities to Syrian residents,” he said. “The humanitarian aspect remains among the most important areas of the center’s work.”

Tsygankov said other states have started to join relief operations in Syria.

“Today, we are not alone in our mission as CIS states also jointed the process. Quite recently, the Armenian government sent 30 tonnes of food to Syrian civilians,” he said.

France has also sent assistance to Syria this year. Its leader Emmanuel Macron, in line with agreements reached with the Russian president, has ordered the delivery of 44 tonnes of medicines, tents and warm blankets to the country. The cargo was flown to Syria by a Russian military transport plane and then escorted by the Russian military police to Eastern Ghouta.
The dominant US. media narrative says only the Syrian government has killed anyone during the seven-year conflict while the US role in Syria’s nightmare is blacked out, says As’ad AbuKhalil in the first part of this Consortium News commentary.

Back-dated April 29, 2018 - The (Unrecognized) US Contribution to Bloodshed in Syria
The (Unrecognized) US Contribution to Bloodshed in Syria

The US government—under Barack Obama and Donald Trump—has managed to exonerate itself from responsibility for the carnage in Syria and the prolongation of the war there. Media of the left and right (those ideological distinctions are meaningless when it comes to the coverage of the Syrian war in the US) have contributed to a narrative that basically presents the US as an innocent bystander to the bloodshed in Syria.

Worse, even when the US clearly engages in bombing which results in high rates of civilian casualties, the US media and the public attributes benevolent motives to the US—first to Obama and then to Trump. You have to believe that Trump orders bombing of Syria (or “bombing of Bashshar,” as US media like to say, implying that US bombs and rockets don’t fall on innocent Syrians) because Trump is moved by scenes of suffering. For this bizarre narrative to set in, it was necessary to engage in falsification and propaganda that far exceeds the propaganda of any party to the conflict. Far from being an outside party, the US has been heavily involved in the Syrian war from the very beginning—and most probably even before that.

The US government (and the compliant media—from the left to the far right) established a convenient explanation for the Syrian conflict: that the US and its allies (some of the most despotic regimes on the face of the earth in addition to the Israeli occupation state) have not contributed to any of the killing in Syria. All the killing in the civil war, this explanation goes—and it has become a civil war, albeit with regional and international dimensions like the Lebanese civil war—has been perpetrated by foes of the US and Israel.

According to this scenario, none of the killing in Syria can be even blamed on the Syrian “rebels”—which also is a convenient label intended to hide the clear Jihadi ideological doctrine of such groups. For example, the “rebels” in Yarmouk are specifically Al-Qa`idah and ISIS, while the “rebels” in Idlib countryside are Al-Qa`idah—but there’s no need to classify them lest the dominant narrative is disturbed.

Because many of those rebels fit into the same camp where the US is located, they can’t be blamed for the carnage. The Syrian government and its allies are solely responsible, according to this narrative. If you suggest otherwise (i.e. that Syrian rebels and their sponsors are also responsible for war crimes just as the Syrian regime, without entering into the question of numbers, because we don’t know yet who-killed-whom or how-many because there is no official tally of the victims, and it is unlikely there ever will be one—just like in Lebanon’s protracted war) you are accused of working for the interests of the Syrian regime, Russian intelligence, and Iranian mullahs.

It Started With Supporting Damascus
US responsibility begins with its support for the Syrian regime over the years. The US and Syria were not always enemies—all stories to the contrary in the US, pro-Zionist press notwithstanding. The US has been on the same side of regional conflicts on many occasions with the Syrian regime. In 1976, Damascus intervened in the Lebanese Civil war (on the side of the right-wing death squads of the Lebanese Forces—which were armed and sponsored by the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and some European governments). When Syria intervened to crush the alliance of the Palestinian resistance movement and the Lebanese left, it did so with the full knowledge and support of the US and the Saudi government—we now know from declassified US archival documents.

Syria sought and received US blessing for its intervention and a pledge that Israel would not obstruct it. Even before the Lebanese war, we now know from US declassified documents and/or Wikileaks that the US and the Syrian regime (mostly through the Syrian chief-of-staff, Hikmat Shihabi, and others) worked closely against underground Lebanese communist revolutionary cells like the Arab Communist Organization (whose leader, `Ali Ghadban, was executed by the Syrian regime) as well as the Lebanese Socialist Revolutionary Movement (which stormed the Bank of America in Beirut in 1973, and sought $10 million to support the war effort against Israel).

Long before Syrian regime’s coordination with the US to go after those accused of Islamist radical violence, both governments worked against radical leftist groups even when the Syrian regime was ostensibly aligned with the USSR (of course, the relationship between USSR and Syria reached a crisis point in 1976, and the Syrian government underscored that state of relations in trying to win US support for its role in Lebanon).

But the relationship later soured between the US and Syrian governments in the wake of Sadat’s trip to Jerusalem in 1977. The Syrian government felt, rightly, that the US-Israeli alliance wanted to achieve peace according to Israeli terms and without having to insist on full Israeli withdrawal from those territories which were occupied in 1967. (None of the Arab regimes, including the Syrian, by 1977 were no longer really concerned over those territories of Palestine which were occupied back in 1948).

US and Syria Come to Conflict
The relationship between the Syrian government and the US reached the point of conflict in 1982, when the US sponsored the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and then forced Lebanon to sign a humiliating peace treaty with the Israeli government in 1983.

Syria was at odds with the US and the Phalange-installed government and it supported Lebanese foes of the Amin Gemayyel government. As is well known, the US deployed forces in Lebanon between 1982-1984 (in fact, the forces were never withdrawn but merely “redeployed” off the coast of Lebanon in 1984, according to Ronald Reagan’s announcement at the time). During this period, the US and Syria were in direct military conflict, and the US lost a jet over Syria, and a US pilot was captured.

But the conflict did not last long, as the US and Saudi Arabia worked to arrange for Syrian re-entry into Lebanon in 1987, and a year later the Ta’if accords were reached, where the Syrian regime was basically permitted to control Lebanon in return for Syrian military and political support for the US war on Iraq in 1991. At that time, the US was close to the Syrian-Egyptian-Saudi axis in Arab politics, which lasted throughout the era of Hafidh Al-Asad. There is much about the US relationship with Syria during that era that we don’t know about, regarding coordination in the fight against “terrorism” despite differences in definition of terrorism between the two sides.

The era of Bashshar Al-Asad didn’t completely end Syrian coordination with the US. The Syrian regime, just like other Arab regimes, worked with the US to share information about “Jihadi” groups and even helped in the torture of individuals deemed dangerous by US intelligence agencies. Yet, the two countries had many disagreements especially in the area of the Arab-Israeli “peace process”. But the real conflict between the two sides began to build up right after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Back-dated May 15, 2018 - The (Unrecognized) US Contribution to Bloodshed in Syria, Part Two
The (Unrecognized) US Contribution to Bloodshed in Syria, Part Two

Bashar Asad sought closer relations with the West but the U.S. was planning to remove him as early as 2006, eventually leading to war in Syria, says As’ad AbuKhalil in the second & last part of this Consortium News commentary.

Bashar Al-Asad did not intend to declare enmity with the U.S. when he took over from his father in 2000. On the contrary, he was keen on impressing Western leaders and governments, and incorporated many of the Western-promoted economic “reforms” ( a mere code word for neo-liberal policies which dismantle state social programs, end subsidies to the poor, and initiate privatization plans which benefit MNCs).

Bashar also continued a previous regime policy of security-intelligence cooperation with the U.S., especially since Syrian intelligence kept comprehensive files on Islamists after their past anti-regime activities (with the support of the Jordanian government by the admission of King Husayn in December 1985). Bashar was keen on pleasing Western powers perhaps in the hopes of obtaining Western investment and political pressure on Israel over the occupied Golan Heights.

Hoping most likely to ingratiate himself with Western powers, Bashar accepted the Saudi peace plan ( or so-called “Arab Peace Plan,” the name which came to then Crown Prince Abdullah bin `Abdul-`Aziz’s mind upon meeting New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman). Bashar not only gave the Syrian regime’s approval, but pressured the Lebanese to approve the plan as well, despite the misgivings of then President Emile Lahoud. The plan was later officially adopted (on behalf of the Arab people) in the Beirut Arab League summit in 2002.

September 11 had hit shortly after Bashar’s ascension to the presidency. A list of U.S. demands was then handed to him by then Secretary of State Colin Powell. The Americans were unhappy with Syrian violations of the cruel, U.S.-imposed sanctions on Iraq, as well as the Syrian regime’s support for Hamas and Hizbullah. At the behest of Israel, the U.S. kept demanding that Hamas be expelled from Syrian territory.

The crisis in U.S.-Syrian relations peaked after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, when Washington objected to the Syrian role in allowing fighters—both Islamist and Ba`thist—to cross the Syrian-Iraqi border to attack U.S. troops. One knowledgeable Syrian reporter described to me the Syrian policy at the time. He said Damascus sometimes allowed fighters to slip into Iraq, and other times they would arrest them to please the Americans.

The Syrian regime clearly knew its survival hinged on the failure of the U.S. occupation in Iraq, especially when U.S. officials made it very clear, in the exuberance that accompanied the preparation for the invasion, that Syria and Iran would be next on the U.S. list of regimes to overthrow.
It is not clear exactly when the U.S. took the decision to bring down the Syrian regime but it was certainly well before the outbreak of the 2011 Syrian uprising.

Planned in Advance
The U.S. plot against Syria, however, doesn’t imply that the hundreds of thousands of Syrian protesters who took to the streets in 2011 were agents of foreign powers. Far from it: there were real and legitimate reasons for the Syrian people to protest against the regime and to demand real change. The republican Ba`thist coup of 1970 developed in time into a full-blown family dynasty, and the corruption of the regime was pervasive, while the early, (theoretical) ideological championing of the working classes had been long forgotten. And the regime did not relax the hold of the intelligence apparatus. The slight political freedoms promised by Bashar were soon discarded.

But long before Syrians protested, the U.S. government had been planning regime change. Time magazine reported as early as 2006: “The Bush administration has been quietly nurturing individuals and parties opposed to the Syrian government in an effort to undermine the regime of Bashar Assad. Parts of the scheme are outlined in a classified, two-page document that says that the U.S. already is ‘supporting regular meetings of internal and diaspora Syrian activists’ in Europe. The document bluntly expresses the hope that ‘these meetings will facilitate a more coherent strategy and plan of actions for all anti-Assad activists‘”. The document also spoke of supplying “at least one Syrian politician” with money.

It was rather clear as soon as the protests started in 2011 that the U.S. embassy in Syria was heavily involved in the affair. Ambassador Robert Ford was not even trying to hide his active political role (a role that would have gotten any Arab ambassador kicked out of the U.S. if undertaken on U.S. territory). Anti-Hizbullah slogans raised by a few protesters in the first days of the uprising (Hizbullah had not even mentioned Syrian protests at that point) seem to have been the work of a covert foreign operation. Similarly, the sight of anti-Hizbullah demonstrators in recent Iranian protests were so quickly captured and disseminated by Western media and portrayed as the reason for the entire protest, which had its own indigenous causes. It is likely that U.S. heavy involvement in Syrian affairs actually helped the regime and provided it with pretexts to crack down against civilian protests.

The Myth of Obama’s Retreat
We are now accustomed to hearing that the Obama administration had “retreated” from the Middle East. This line was initially produced by Saudi regime propaganda, and then captured by the Saudi/UAE-funded think tanks in Washington before it was adopted by Western media. It is now the official U.S. media and think tank line about Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East. The notion that the Obama administration “retreated” from the region is belied by a record of heavy involvement and expansion of wars in the Middle East and North Africa. Obama expanded all the wars he inherited from the Bush administration with the exception of the occupation of Iraq occupation after objections from Baghdad, though that was partially reversed after ISIS took over large swaths of Iraqi territory. Obama also intensified covert operations, assassinations and drone warfare.

In Syria, Obama ultimately did not refrain from intervening by supplying various rebels with arms, money, and equipment. He just didn’t share the high regard for the jihadists nor did he support direct U.S. intervention that many of his advisors, such as Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, did. The New York Times reported that Gulf regimes received Obama administration consent before delivering arms to Syrian rebels. The notion, later raised, that the U.S. did not notice that Qatar had supplied some Syrian rebels with MOPADs is not believable.

By 2012, the U.S. knew that “most” of the arms shipped from Qatar and Saudi Arabia wound up in the hands of jihadi rebels.
The myth of moderate Syrian rebels was almost an inside joke: no one really believed that the rebels were largely moderate nor that they were all controlled either by two woman from Damascus or by men in suits in Istanbul. This fiction was necessary to keep the war going and to win the sympathy of Western public opinion, an effort that was largely successful with the help of heavily funded Western public relations and lobbying firms paid for by Gulf monarchies.

Obama, typically, had it both ways: he would express doubts about the value of arming the Syrian rebels and would question their moderation, while authorizing shipments of money and arms and allowing the CIA and the Pentagon to train those same rebels (after screening them, of course, which amounted to asking each rebel whether he is a moderate or a radical).

The U.S. was heavily involved in the first major operation to arm the rebels and take the Syrian conflict in a bloody direction. The notion that the rebels were all moderate and secular but that they were radicalized by regime oppression was never proven, and it is not even believable. That secular and moderate protesters would suddenly grow beards and adopt the ideology of Al-Qai`dah or its splinter, ISIS, is too absurd a scenario to be taken seriously—but it was a convenient story for Western and Gulf media.

Launched from Lebanon
It was from Lebanon that the U.S. ran its first major operation to aid Syrian rebels and change the nature of the conflict in Syria from protests against the regime to a civil war. When the U.S. saw the regime was not falling as quickly as the Libyan, Tunisian, or Egyptian regimes had, it sought a quick end especially because of Israel’s stake in the outcome.
In addition to a Jordan-based operation by U.S. and Saudi intelligence to aid the rebels, major arms smuggling operations were launched through the Lebanese “Fir` Al-Ma`lumat” (a Lebanese intelligence apparatus run by the Hariri family, and managed by U.S. and Saudi intelligence). The Hariri camp’s direct involvement in Lebanon was revealed in intercepted audio tapes in which a Hariri member of parliament, `Uqab Saqr, was heard responding to Syrian rebel’s demands for shipments of arms.

Wisam Al-Hasan (the head of the Hariri-contolled intelligence apparatus) was arming and training militants from Tripoli and the Biqa` region to send to Syria along with large shipments of arms. (The Economist noted his role back in 2013). Al-Hasan’s role was uncovered in Lebanon and he was assassinated in 2012 (his last foreign trip was to Washington, where he met the CIA director himself, David Petreus). Also, Lebanese authorities had intercepted a ship, the Lutfallah II, at the port of Tripoli in north Lebanon. It had a load of arms (from Libya) intended to be transferred to Syrian rebels. Tthe plan was initiated in the UAE and then reached Tripoli, a city was under the security control of Fir` Al-Ma`lumat.

It is highly likely that the U.S. threw its weight behind the regional effort by the GCC, Turkey and Jordan to topple the Syrian regime but the plan changed when the U.S. realized that the fall of the regime was more difficult than expected. Instead, the U.S. did what it has done before: allow various parties to engage in prolonged bloodletting for the benefit of its ally Israel. The U.S. had let the Iran-Iraq war drag on for eight years because it enjoyed watching two countries that it did not favor suffer and be distracted, while it did something similar in Lebanon: allowing the war to drag on for many years.

Furthermore, the story of U.S. involvement in the bloody war in Syria should note its reckless bombing (under the guise of the anti-ISIS coalition), which resulted in a large number of civilian casualties, but was—ironically—far less effective in defeating ISIS than the efforts of foes of the U.S. in Syria.
US National Security Advisor John Bolton claimed that Washington has an opportunity in terms of negotiations as Russia is "stuck" in Syria.

22.08.2018 - Bolton Claims Russia 'Stuck' in Syria, Says US Has Leverage in Negotiations
Bolton Claims Russia 'Stuck' in Syria, Says US Has Leverage in Negotiations

US President Donald Trump's national security adviser warned Wednesday that Washington will respond "very strongly" if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uses chemical weapons in an offensive to retake Idlib province.

"Just to be clear, regime change in Iran is not American policy. But what we want is massive change in the regime's behavior," he said.

In an interview US national security adviser John Bolton has claimed that Russia was "stuck" and looking for others to fund Syria's post-war reconstruction, which, according to the adviser, gives Washington an opportunity to press Iranian forces to quit the war-torn country.

The Russians are stuck there at the moment," Bolton told Reuters during an interview while on a visit to Israel.

Bolton also said that the United States could consider cooperation with other countries in Syria, but only if only all Iranian forces are withdrawn from the country.

"We're going see what we and others can agree in terms of resolving the conflict in Syria. But the one prerequisite there is the withdrawal of all Iranian forces back to Iran," National Security Advisor said during the interview.

Bolton is going to meet his Russian counterpart Nikolai Patrushev in Geneva on Thursday.

A week earlier, John Bolton claimed in an interview with ABC that Russia, Israel and the United States all want Iranian-backed forces removed from Syria. The Kremlin hasn't yet confirmed this information.

Washington, as well as Israel, have been claiming that Iranian troops are present in Syria, however, Tehran has denied the claims, emphasizing that the country’s presence in the Arab Republic is entirely limited to military advisors.

22.08.2018 - If US Attacks Iran, Allies in Region Will Be Targeted - Senior Iran Cleric
If US Attacks Iran, Allies in Region Will be Targeted - Senior Iran Cleric

A Senior Iranian cleric has stated that Donald Trump’s offer of direct talks with Tehran is unacceptable, according to Mizan News.

"Americans say you should accept what we say in the talks. So this is not negotiation, but a dictatorship. The Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation would stand up against dictatorship," senior Iranian cleric Ahmad Khatami said, as reported by the Mizan news agency.

US President Donald Trump earlier said that anyone doing business with Iran will not be doing business with the US, adding that sanctions imposed on Tehran were "the most biting."

Responding to Trump's statement, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani blamed the US for using "psychological warfare," aiming to "sow division among Iranians."

Washington plans to add Iranian oil and gas to the list during the second phase of sanctions to be reintroduced in November, which is part of US President Donald Trump's May withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.

Wed Aug 22, 2018 - FM: US Slapped Sanctions on Russia Not Due to Syria or Ukraine, But to Deter Moscow

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on Tuesday that Washington has introduced sanctions against Moscow only because of the wish to promote the policy of deterring Russia.

"Everyone understands that the sanctions against Russia were launched not because of Syria and not because of Ukraine or Crimea, or whatever, but only because of the wish to use the methods of unfair competition and promote the absolutely dead-end policy of deterring the Russian Federation," Lavrov noted, TASS reported.

"Problems with the Syrian settlement and the Ukrainian settlement are rooted not in Russia’s position, but in the unwillingness of certain circles - both in Syria and around it - to implement [UN Security Council] Resolution 2254, and regarding Ukraine - the inability of Ukraine’s authorities to implement their obligations under the Minsk accords," the top diplomat stated.

US President Donald Trump earlier told Reuters that he will be ready to discuss the possibility of lifting American sanctions against Russia if Moscow starts taking joint measures with Washington, including on the settlement in Syria and Ukraine.

Tue Aug 21, 2018 - Russian Media: S. Arabia Spending Billions of Dollars to Keep US in Syria

A leading Russian newspaper reported that the US was on the verge of a pull-out from Syria but continued to keep its military build-up in the country after Saudi Arabia undertook to finance their stay with multibillion-dollar budget.

The Russian-language Svobodnaya Pressa daily said Riyadh and Washington have not yet worked out the timeline for the budgeting, but Saudi Arabia has, though unwillinglly, taken up to provide for the multibillion dollar financing.

The report said Saudi Arabia was unwilling to make the spending despite Washington's warnings about its pullout, but it conceded after Trump used its options to pressure Saudi Arabia that include Riyadh's fears of the collapse of anti-Assad coalition after a US withdrawal.

According to the report, the Saudi spending might entail deployment of thousands of US troops in Syria.

Last week, US President Donald Trump praised Washington's cancellation of $230mln in funding for stabilization in war-torn Syria, stating that let "other rich countries" pay it, while the US spends its money on its military and allies.

The US officially ended support for stabilization projects in Syria on Friday. The $230mln worth of funding had been frozen for months before that however, after House forbid any funding for government-controlled territories in Syria.

"The United States has ended the ridiculous 230 Million Dollar yearly development payment to Syria. Saudi Arabia and other rich countries in the Middle East will start making payments instead of the US. I want to develop the US, our military and countries that help us!" Trump wrote on Twitter.

Trump has long been promising the US would leave Syria "like very soon", but so far the stabilization money is the only thing that's been withdrawn. American military presence and support for anti-government fighters remains, and, according to diplomat Brett McGurk, is gearing up to a "final phase" of the offensive against Daesh (ISIS or ISIL).

Wed Aug 22, 2018 - Militants Declare Preparation for Offensive on Syrian Gov't Troops, Refuse to Hold Talks

Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov, head of the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation, stated that the leadership of militant groups in Syria openly declares the preparation for an offensive against Syrian government forces and refuses to hold any sort of dialogue on political settlement.

"The command of 'National Liberation Army' 'National Front for the Liberation of Syria' and 'National Front for Liberation' openly declares preparations for an offensive against government forces and rejects any dialogue on political settlement of the conflict, Tsygankov said at a briefing, Sputnik reported.

Tsygankov reiterated again that the Russian Reconciliation Center calls on commanders of militant groups to abandon armed provocations and choose the path of a peaceful settlement in the areas under their control.

Alexei Tsygankov added that militants had detained more than 500 supporters of the dialogue with Damascus in Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone in the past two weeks, and that the fate of most of them was unknown.

"Arrests of supporters of political dialogue with Damascus among the local population and opposition commanders on the territory of the Idlib de-escalation zone continue. The number of citizens detained by militants from radical groups in the last two weeks has already exceeded 500. The detainees are being taken away to an unknown destination, the fate of most of them is unknown," Tsygankov stressed.

Tue Aug 21, 2018 - US Military, Allied Militia Send New Convoy to Tabaqa Airbase

The US Army and its allied Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) forwarded a new military convoy to Tabaqa airbase in Western Raqqa in Northeastern Syria on Tuesday.

The US forces and the SDF sent a joint military column from their base near Raqqa city to Tabaqa military airport.

A convoy, including 15 military vehicles carrying a number of gunmen on board, left their base near Raqqa city for SDF-run Tabaqa airbase via al-Ba'ath Dam and the village of al-Jazrah.

The convoy was accompanied by US-led coalition helicopters.

In the meantime, a number of SDF militias were killed or wounded in an attack by unknown raiders in the village of al-Salhabiyeh Qarbi West of Raqqa.

Field sources in Eastern Syria reported on Sunday that a US military convoy was dispatched from Simalka passageway at the borders with Iraq to the SDF-occupied areas in Hasaka province in Northeastern Syria.

They added that the convoy consisted of 90 tightly covered trucks which were sent to the US bases in al-Shadadi and Tal Tamar.

The US has accelerated dispatch of military convoys to Northern Syria in the past few days.

Tue Aug 21, 2018 - Russian Military Deploys More Advanced Air Defense Units in Syria's Humeimim Base

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik news agency reported that Russia has stationed several units of Pantsir S1 missile system that falls in the category of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems at Humeimim airbase to repel drone and helishot attacks by terrorists.

In the meantime, former Commander of Russian Air Defense Units General Alexander Gorokov said that detecting terrorists' drones by radars is a hard mission as they are mainly in small size.

Tue Aug 21, 2018 - Hundreds of People Remove Terrorists' Blocks to Leave Idlib

Almost 1,500 people left terrorist-held regions in Idlib via Abu al-Dhohour humanitarian corridor on Tuesday, heading towards regions that are under the Syrian Army's control in spite of terrorist groups' attempts to prevent the evacuation process.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik reported that a sum of 300 Syrian families with the total number of almost 1,500 left Idlib towards regions that are under the army's control via Abu al-Dhohour corridor in Southeastern Idlib.

It further said that the corridor will be open for five days, adding that thousands of civilians that had left their regions in the depth of Idlib province to escape through the corridor were forced to return to their villages and towns as the terrorist groups are preventing their exit.

The report went on to say that the people that managed to leave Idlib said Tahrir al-Sham terrorists are arresting men, specially the youth, to prevent their escape and to force them to join the fight against the army.

On Monday, Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at terrorists blocked exit of the civilian population from Southeastern Idlib via a humanitarian corridor set up by the Syrian Army.

Tahrir al-Sham blocked men, specially the youth, at the gates to Abu al-Dhohour corridor in an apparent move to use the civilian population as a shield against an impending major assault by the Syrian army.

Tahrir al-Sham also seized vehicles of the residents to prevent their possible riding escape to government-controlled regions.

People in Idlib had been calling on the army to set up a safe corridor for them to leave the terrorist-held regions.

The Syrian and Russian force managed to open Abu al-Dhohour passageway on Monday to ease evacuation of the people.

2018-08-22 - Russian Air Force swarms Idlib province as offense nears
Russian Air Force swarms Idlib province as offense nears

The Russian Air Force has been stalking the jihadist forces in the Idlib province over the last 72 hours.

Russian reconnaissance planes have been repeatedly flying over the southern and western countrysides of the Idlib Governorate in order to monitor and identify jihadist movements around the province.

The Russian Air Force typically conducts these flights whenever the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is preparing to launch a large-scale operation.

Furthermore, both the Russian and Syrian forces are using their local spies to capture intel on the whereabouts and movements of the jihadist forces around Idlib and Hama.

With the religious Eid Al-Adha holiday’s conclusion, the Syrian Arab Army is now set to launch their Idlib offensive in the coming days.

2018-08-22 - Top jihadist commander vows no deals with Syrian gov’t in Idlib
Top jihadist commander vows no deals with Syrian gov't in Idlib

The commander of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham has vowed to his that there will be no deals with the Syrian government in the Idlib province.

Citing Daraa as an example, Abu Mohammad Al-Jolani of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham stated during his recorded speech that his forces will fight till the end against the Syrian government forces.

Over the last few days, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham has been raising trenches across the front-lines in the Latakia, Idlib, and Hama governorates in preparation for the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) large-scale offensive.

Jolani was also recently photographed visiting the front-lines in the northern countryside of the Latakia Governorate.

The HTS commander was pictured touring the strategic town of Kabani, which is located along the eastern slope of the Kurdish Mountains (Jabal Al-Akrad).

The long-time jihadist commander has often made similar visits and vows to his followers (e.g. Aleppo 2016); however, he would later disappear once his forces started to lose ground to the Syrian government troops.
2018-08-20 - Lavrov slams ‘secret UN directive’ on Syria
Lavrov slams 'secret UN directive' on Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that there was a “secret UN directive” on Syria during a press conference after talks with his Lebanese counterpart Gebran Bassil in Moscow on Monday.

Lavrov explained that in October 2017, the Political Department of the UN Secretariat “issued and distributed throughout the UN system a secret directive prohibiting organizations belonging to its system from participating in any projects to restore the Syrian economy.”

“A condition was put forward that only after the progress in so-called political transition is achieved, it would be possible to rebuild Syria,” Lavrov continued.

The UN has devised internal guidelines for limiting cooperation with Syria until a "political transition" takes place there, and it was drafted without any consent from the Security Council, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.

24 Aug, 2018 - Hidden internal directive on Syria that got no UNSC approval DOES exist – Russian Foreign Ministry
Hidden internal directive on Syria that got no UNSC approval DOES exist – Russian Foreign Ministry

The document in question is entitled 'Parameters and Principles of UN Assistance in Syria,' the ministry wrote in a statement to RT. It was issued by the UN Secretariat in October 2017 and provides guidelines for the UN agencies and programs in their work with the war-torn country.

The Secretariat issued the paper without requesting consent or even consulting the UN Security Council or the UN member states, at least on an official level, the ministry noted, adding that the "guidelines" document still "penetrates deeply" into the political situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, thus "going beyond the issue of simple coordination between the UN structures."

One particular provision of the document explicitly states that the UN "would be ready to facilitate reconstruction" in Syria only "once there is a genuine and inclusive political transition negotiated by the parties." The Russian ministry described it as an apparent attempt to prevent the international organization from contributing to Syria's recovery under the current circumstances, while enforcing a "politicized approach of the countries advocating a regime change."

The directive also implicitly restricts the UN agencies’ cooperation with Damascus, the ministry said, adding that the text of the document says that "UN assistance must not assist parties who have allegedly committed war crimes or crimes against humanity." The US and its allies in the West have repeatedly accused the Syrian government of various violations of international law and particularly blamed them for chemical weapons incidents that took place on Syrian soil. No hard evidence has ever been presented to substantiate those claims, while the West ignored relevant data provided by the Russian military operating in Syria.

"If some influential [UN] donors believe that … it is time to toughen the sanctions regime against Syria, it does not necessarily mean that the UN agencies should be guided by the same irresponsible approach," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in its statement, expressing its hope that the UN Secretariat will review its methods as Syria's need for humanitarian assistance and reconstruction aid grows, not least due to an increasing number of refugees returning home.

The issue of an alleged "secret directive" having been distributed by the Secretariat throughout the UN system in October 2017 was first raised by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Monday. He did not name the document but said that it "prohibited the agencies… from participating in any kind of projects aimed at restoring the Syrian economy" until a "political transition" there.

Lavrov also linked the release of the directive with the "absolutely deconstructive" stance of the US on the issue of Syria's reconstruction. The next day, the office of the spokesperson for the UN secretary-general denied the existence of any such document by saying that neither its department of political affairs nor any other UN entity had issued a "secret directive" on Syria.

Meanwhile, the 'not secret' but rather hard-to-find document mentioned by the Russian Foreign Ministry apparently indeed exists: It was briefly mentioned on an official UN website in a temporary job description. However, the text of the document has never been officially made public by any UN agency.

However, a supposed copy of the text of the directive, entitled 'Parameters and Principles of UN Assistance in Syria' and dated October 2017, was included as an annex in another paper published by the Global Protection Cluster – a structure directly linked to such UN agencies as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF). This document is still available online.

After declaring its commitment to the UN Charter and the Security Council resolutions, the document indeed states that any UN aid to the reconstruction efforts would be possible only following "political transition." It also states the UN work should de-facto focus on basic humanitarian assistance only, while any "development and reconstruction activities that are outside this will need to be reflected in other frameworks that are by nature a longer negotiation with governments."

The paper also openly states that the UN "will not promote the return of refugees." Apart from prohibiting cooperation with "parties who have allegedly committed war crimes or crimes against humanity," the guidelines also state that assistance must be "prioritized based on the needs of the population (rather than government-driven)," in what might be potentially considered an indirect attempt to limit the UN agencies' cooperation with the Syrian government.

24 August، 2018 - Putin says ‘great progress’ made towards crisis settlement in Syria
Putin says ‘great progress’ made towards crisis settlement in Syria – Syrian Arab News Agency

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that a ‘great progress’ was made in the efforts to find a solution to the crisis in Syria.

“Efforts by our countries and the participation of other countries concerned (in particular, I am referring to Iran and our cooperation with the United Nations, the European countries and the United States) we have managed to make great progress towards a settlement of the Syrian crisis,” Sputnik quoted Putin as saying during his meeting on Friday with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

24 August، 2018 - Foreign-made weapons discovered during sweeping operations in Deir Ezzor southeastern countryside
Foreign-made weapons discovered during sweeping operations in Deir Ezzor southeastern countryside – Syrian Arab News Agency


The competent authorities discovered during sweeping operations in the villages of al-Mayadeen in Deir Ezzor southeastern countryside weapons, ammos , rockets and shells, some of them are western-made, as well as medicine and medical equipment left behind by Daesh (ISIS) terrorists.

SANA reporter said that the Syrian army’s engineering units, in cooperation with competent authorities, discovered a weapons warehouse of assault rifles, mortar shells, tank shells and shoulder-mounted rockets in Sbeikhan town.

A workshop for manufacturing rocket shells was also discovered on the outskirts of the town which lies 70 km away from Deir Ezzor city that terrorists had used to mount attacks on residential areas and military points in the area.


Authorities uncovered large amounts of western-made weapons and ammunition and medicine caches left behind by Daesh terrorists during sweeping operations in al-Mayadeen countryside in Deir Ezzor, according to SANA reporter.

23 August، 2018 - Field hospital left behind by terrorists uncovered in Quneitra countryside
Field hospital left behind by terrorists uncovered in Quneitra countryside – Syrian Arab News Agency

An Army unit uncovered a field hospital during the sweeping operations conducted in the villages of Quneitra countryside.

SANA’s reporter in Quneitra said that the hospital includes CT scans, medicines and modern medical equipment received by the terrorists from abroad in the framework of the support they received, especially from the Zionist entity.

The sweeping operations will continue in the liberated villages in order to secure the safety of civilians in this area.

The reporter added that the locals in the area are providing information indicating the existence of field hospitals, sites and warehouses of weapons for terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra before being exited to northern Syria in a number of villages and farms in Quneitra countryside.

2018-08-25 - Russia sends 3 naval ships to Syria as Idlib offensive approaches
Russia sends 3 naval ships to Syria as Idlib offensive approaches (photos)

For the first time in two years, the Russian Navy has sent three large ships to Syria’s Port of Tartous along the Mediterranean Sea.
According to Yoruk Isik of the Bosphorus Observer, three Russian ships recently sailed through the Bosphorus Strait towards Syria’s territorial waters.

The three ships were identified Isik as the BSF Krivak Class frigate Pytlivy, the BSF Tapir class LST Orsk, and the BSF Tapir class LST Nikolay Filchenkov.

Yörük Işık @YorukIsik
· 16h

Replying to @YorukIsik
Heavy: Supply & reinforcement for Russia’s final push in the #Syria campaign: #ВМФ Project 1171 #ЧФ BlackSea Fleet Tapir (NATO:Alligator) class LST Orsk 148 transits Bosphorus towards Mediterranean en route to #Tartus for its 7th #Syria campaign deployment in 2018.

Yörük Işık @YorukIsik

Final Showdown in #Syria: First time in 2 years, Russian Navy transited Bosphorus with 3 ships at the same time. #BМФ #ЧФ BSF Krivak II Class frigate Pytlivy and #ЧФ BSF Tapir class LSTs Orsk & Nikolay Filchenkov transited Bosphorus towards Mediterranean en route to #Tartus.
8:46 AM - Aug 24, 2018
By now the russians openly expose planned false flags and even name the culprits who plan it (see bolded and red parts). Hopefully this will prevent another "regime change attempt" that seems to be in the hot phase right at this moment. The US, Great Britain and France are currently actively creating another opportunity to destroy the country:

Russia accuses UK of backing a false flag chemical attack in Syria

Moscow claims planned 'provocation' by jihadist group in Idlib, with support of British special services, will be used as pretext for Western strikes on Assad

MOSCOW — Russia on Saturday said Syrian rebels were preparing a chemical attack in Idlib province which will be blamed on Damascus and used as a pretext for Western powers to hit government targets in the war-torn country.

Moscow’s accusation comes after US President Donald Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton this week said Washington will respond “very strongly” if Syrian President Bashar Assad uses chemical weapons in an offensive to retake Idlib, one of the last rebel held provinces in the country.

Russian defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement that the jihadist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is “preparing another provocation of the ‘use of chemical weapons’ by Syrian government forces against the peaceful population of the Idlib province.”

He said the group delivered “eight chlorine tanks” to Jisr al-Shughur town in order to “stage” the attack and that these were later taken to a village eight kilometers (5 miles) away.

The statement also said a group of militants “trained in handling poisonous substances under the supervision of specialists from the private British military company ‘Oliva'” arrived in the town a day earlier.
“The militants have the task of simulating the rescue of the victims of the chemical weapons attack dressed in the clothes of the famous ‘White Helmets’,”
it said.

Konashenkov accused British special services of being “actively involved” in the “provocation” which will “serve as another reason for the US, the UK and France to hit Syrian government targets with air strikes.”

Moscow, SANA-Russian Ministry of Defense revealed confirmed information on that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and the affiliated groups are readying a chemical attack against civilians in Idleb province to accuse the Syrian forces.

25 August، 2018 - Russian MoD: Terrorists readying chemical attack in Idleb to justify new aggression on Syria
Russian MoD: Terrorists readying chemical attack in Idleb to justify new aggression on Syria – Syrian Arab News Agency

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov said in a statement on Saturday that according to confirmed information by several independent sources, 8 canisters of chlorine were delivered in to a village near Jisr al-Shoughur city to stage a chemical attack by terrorists of Turkistan party and Jabhat al-Nusra.

The Russian military official stressed that the alleged chemical attack will be carried out with the participation of the British intelligences and will be used by the US, Britain and France as a pretext for launching an aggression on the Syrian state and its economic facilities.

He added that the information from Idleb affirm that a group of terrorists trained by the British private company of Olive arrived in Jisr al-Shoughur to participate in playing the role of volunteers who will simulate a rescue operation involving locals purportedly injured in the attack which they prepare to launch in Idleb.

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry reaffirmed that Western and Middle Eastern states are achieving their interests in the region through the “obnoxious provocations” by terrorists who are using chemical weapons in Syria.

In a statement published by Russia Today website, the Ministry strongly condemned the joint statement recently issued by the US, France and Britain, indicating that it is clear from a long time that the obnoxious operations carried out in some Syrian areas, are perpetrated by Daesh (ISIS) and members of the so-called “moderate opposition” and nongovernmental organizations which serve their interests such as the “White Helmets”.

The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed regret for exploiting these “obnoxious operations” by Washington, London and Paris to implement their destructive scheme which aims at distorting the image of the Syrian leadership.

The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed regret for exploiting these “obnoxious operations” by Washington, London and Paris to implement their destructive scheme which aims at distorting the image of the Syrian leadership.

The statement added that for achieving that scheme a large group of the Western and Middle Eastern states resort to provocations such as the chemical attacks.

The statement noted that the operation carried out by Western states which urgently smuggled members of the so-called “White Helmets” from Syria in coincidence with the advancement of the operation of liberating the Syrian territories from terrorists was not by chance as it aimed at hiding the truth of their main goals and their criminal activities.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reiterated that what takes place regarding the allegations on using chemical weapons in Syria is related to the attempts of Western states to achieve their geopolitical ambitions in the region.

“In the same context, we look at the relentless attempts to transform the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) which enjoys a purely technical nature into a tool for exerting political pressures,” the Ministry said.

At the conclusion of its statement, the Ministry called upon those who pretend that they defend the interests of the Syrian people and their Takfiri allies who adopt this approach to stop to exploit the issue of chemical weapons to exert pressure on Syria and its allies.

26 August، 2018 - Nasrallah: West preparing to stage new chemical incident in Idleb
Nasrallah: West preparing to stage new chemical incident in Idleb – Syrian Arab News Agency

Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, said that the ones who defeated Daesh (ISIS) terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq are the ones who fought Daesh on the ground there, and not the US.

In a speech on Sunday on the first anniversary of the Second Liberation, Nasrallah said that whenever Daesh terrorists were besieged in an area in Syria, US helicopters would land to rescue them, pointing out that the MOC in Jordan, supported by the US and Israel, commanded the terrorist groups in Daraa, Sweida, and Quneitra.

Nasrallah said that what took place in the south of Syria is an example of the US abandoning its tools, stressing that the US has no allies in the world; it only has tools that it exploits.

Nasrallah said that all data indicates that preparations are underway to stage a new chemical incident in Idleb, clarifying that the West is preparing it to use as a pretext to launch an aggression on Syria, all while turning a blind eye to the crimes committed against the children of Yemen by the Saudi regime.

25 August، 2018 - Ryabkov: Moscow warns Washington and its allies of taking any new reckless steps in Syria
Ryabkov: Moscow warns Washington and its allies of taking any new reckless steps in Syria – Syrian Arab News Agency

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov stressed that threats are the only language currently used by the US, indicating that the West is searching for new pretext against Syria and that Russia is ready to deal with these scenarios and to divulge them.

In a statement to Russian Sputnik Agency, Ryabkov said that Russia watched the statements of US National Security Adviser John Bolton and it realized that threats are the only language currently used by the US.

24 August، 2018 - Lavrov says efforts underway to eradicate terrorism in Syria
Lavrov says efforts underway to eradicate terrorism in Syria – Syrian Arab News Agency

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that efforts must be carried through to achieve a political settlement to the crisis in Syria and a complete elimination of terrorism in it.

During a press conference with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu in Moscow on Friday, Lavrov said “We discussed international problems, focused on Syria, reviewed implementation of the agreements reached within the framework of the Astana format at the highest level, at the level of experts.”

Lavrov disclosed that the date of a meeting on Syria between presidents of Russia, Iran and Turkey due to be held in Tehran has been set and will be announced ‘very soon.’

Asked about the meeting’s agenda, Lavrov said that the “whole range of issues” are due to be discussed. “De-escalation issues are currently being resolved. We discussed the situation in Idleb, which is indeed multi-layered and intricate.”

Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization is attempting to retake Idleb again, Lavrov affirmed, underlining the importance of keeping civilians away from danger as ridding Idleb of terrorism gets underway.

25 August، 2018 - Two frigates join Russian fleet opposite Syrian coast
Two frigates join Russian fleet opposite Syrian coast – Syrian Arab News Agency

The Russian Black Sea Fleet announced that the frigates Admiral Grigorovich and Admiral Essen are joining the Russian ships stationed opposite the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean.

A representative of the fleet told RT on Saturday that the two frigates are passing through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, and they should rendezvous with the Russian ships in the Mediterranean later today and begin carrying out their assigned tasks upon joining the other ships.

The two frigates had recently concluded training missions including takeoff and landing of Kamov Ka-27 military helicopters and drills for searching and tracking submarines.

2018-08-25 - Russia sends largest naval armada of Syrian War in response to reports of imminent US attack
Russia sends largest naval armada of Syrian War in response to reports of imminent US attack

Russia has built up its forces around the Mediterranean Sea in response to reports of the U.S., France, and Great Britain preparing to attack Syria.

According to Yoruk Isik of the Bosphorus Observer, the Russian Navy has sent another armada of ships towards Syria’s territorial waters in order to increase the strength of their forces around the country.

Isik said that the powerful Russian warships, Admiral Grigorovich and Admiral Essen class frigate, were spotted transiting the Bosphorus Strait en route to the Port of Tartous.

This latest move by the Russian Navy comes just 24 hours after they sent three ships en route to the Port of Tartous in western Syria. With the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) preparing to launch a large-scale offensive in northwest Syria, Russia fears that the jihadist rebels may fake a chemical weapons attack in order to get the U.S. and its allies to attack the government.

2018-08-26 - Russian warships heading to Syria in response to US threats
Russian warships heading to Syria in response to US threats

Zen Adra | AMN

Russian warships have sailed through the Bosphorus into the Mediterranean in response to US President Trump’s threats to strike Syria.

Zen Adra | AMN

Four Russian navy ships, including Project 266M Natya 1 class minesweeper, Valentin Pikul 770, ВМФ Project 22870 ЧФ BSF and rescue tug Prof Nikolay Muru, were spotted heading to the Russian navy base in Syria’s Tartus.

Up to 17 Russian warships have crossed the Bosphorus into Syria so far this week.

The deployment of the Russian fleet comes as the US President Donald Trump threatened to strike the Syrian Army ahead the long-awaited battle of Idlib.

Sun Aug 26, 2018 - Russian MoD: Chemical Attack May Be Staged in Syria in 2 Days, as ‘Foreign Specialists’ Arrive

The Russian Defense Ministry stated that “foreign specialists” arrived in Syria to stage a chemical attack using chlorine, warning that the staging of the incident may happen in two days.

Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said the operation is planned to unfold in Kafr Zita village in Syria’s Northwestern Hama Province, RT reported.

The foreign “English-speaking specialists” are planning to stage an attack using “poisonous agents” in the “next two days”,
Konashenkov told reporters on Sunday.
Konashenkov stressed that a group of residents from the North has been transported to Kafr Zita and is currently being prepared “to take part in the staging of the attack” and be seen suffering from “’supposedly chemical munitions’ and ‘barrel bombs’ launched by the Syrian government forces”.

The same groups of residents will be used for assisting “fake rescuers from the White Helmets and for filming reports which will later be disseminated among the Middle Eastern and English-language media”.

2018-08-26 - Elite Army units moving to Idlib for major assault
Elite Army units moving to Idlib for major assault

The Syrian Army is sending more reinforcements to Idlib in order to beef up the forces preparing to attack jihadi groups in northwestern Syria.

Yesterday, a convoy of at least 8 caged tanks and dozens of technical vehicles for the 4th Armored Division was spotted leaving the Syrian capital to Idlib.

The convoy is part of wider reinforcements being sent on a daily basis by the Syrian Army to take part in Idlib offensive.

2018-08-26 - Former rebels join Syrian Army to fight Nusra in Idlib
Former rebels join Syrian Army to fight Nusra in Idlib

Rebel fighters who had reconciled with the Syrian government are joining the Syrian Forces heading to Idlib to fight jihadi groups.

Up to 500 former rebels from Inkhil, Nawa and Herak towns of Daraa became recruits in the Syrian Army’s 5th Corps, and recently arrived at Hama in bid to join efforts with other Army units in launching a full-scale offensive against jihadi militants.

Earlier, scores of former anti-government fighters participated along with the government troops in fight against ISIS in Yarmouk Basin region, west of Daraa.

2018-08-26 - Thousands of militants preparing large-scale offensive in Hama, Aleppo, Idlib
Thousands of militants preparing large-scale offensive in Hama, Aleppo, Idlib

Several thousand militants armed with heavy weaponry and armored vehicles are preparing for an offensive on the Syrian provinces of Hama and Aleppo, the Russian Defense Ministry said Saturday.

The ministry said that the leader of the Tahrir al-Sham group (affiliated with the Jabhat Nusra terror organization) called on all militants in the Syrian northwestern province of Idlib to prepare for an offensive against the Syrian government forces.

“Several thousand militants with heavy weaponry and armored vehicles have been gathered for an offensive on Hama and Aleppo,” the Russian center for Syrian reconciliation’s spokesman said.

The so-called drills, led by the White Helmets group, on actions “in case of chemical contamination,” are currently being held in the town of Jisr al-Shughur in Idlib, the spokesman noted.

Sun Aug 26, 2018 - Syrian Army Readying for Heavy Offensive against ISIL Near Border with Iraq


The Syrian Army dispatched a large number of equipped forces to Southeastern Deir Ezzur on Sunday, preparing for purging the border region with Iraq of ISIL terrorists.

The army's convoy, including hundreds of fresh forces along with heavy military equipment, was sent to Albu Kamal Desert in Southeastern Deir Ezzur near the border with Iraq.

Sun Aug 26, 2018 - Turkey-Backed Militants Enraging Local Population by Continued Land Seizure in Northern Syria

The Ankara-backed militants continue to fuel tensions in Northwestern Aleppo after they seized people's farms and gardens in Jandaris on Sunday.

The Ankara forces captured a large farmland with thousands of olive trees in Jandaris in occupied Afrin.

In the meantime, the Turkish troops and their allied militants destroyed and set fire at residential units in the village of Qarkouleh in Bolboleh region after looting the units.

Also, terrorists set fire at residential units in the village of Sarya in Mobata region.

Meantime, local sources reported that the Ankara forces continued arresting civilians in Afrin, adding that the terrorists received 50 mln Turkish lira as ransom for releasing a civilian in al-Mahmoudiyeh al-Zeidiyeh neighborhood in Afrin.

Well-informed sources reported on Saturday that the Ankara forces stole the electrical cables of the control system of Maydanaki Dam North of Afrin, the sources said, adding that the move damaged electrical control system of the Dam.

The sources further said that the Ankara-backed militants had already stolen four of the six pumps of the dam that was supplying drinking water to the town of Afrin.

In the meantime, a former expert of Maydanaki Dam said that the Dam was on the verge of collapse after terrorists looted its electrical cables. Turkish troops and their allied militants continued plundering public and private assets in Afrin several months after its occupation.

Sun Aug 26, 2018 - US Forces, Allied Militia Start Extracting Crude from Syria's Second Largest Oilfield

The US-led coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have launched extraction operation in the second largest oilfield of Syria in Eastern Deir Ezzur, an Arab news website reported on Sunday.

Moraseloun reported that according to satellite images released on August 6, the US forces and the SDF have started extracting crude oil from al-Tanak oilfield that is Syria's second largest energy field in Eastern Deir Ezzur.

It further said that flames of burning gas and oil that can not be refined have been seen in the images, adding that the images also show simultaneous extraction operation in al-Tanak.

Moraseloun went on to say that several oil tankers were in al-Tanak oilfield.

In May, SDF-affiliated sources reported on reconstruction operation and preparation for producing almost 5,000 barrels each day in al-Tanak.

Field sources said in March that the US forces built a new and advanced military base in al-Omar oilfield in Southeastern Deir Ezzur, adding that they also transferred a large volume of arms and equipment, including missiles, military vehicles and bridge equipment to the regions of their deployment in Koniko oilfield, al-Omar oilfield and al-Jafreh.

Meantime, the SDF sent a number of their forces to the regions near the Syrian army positions in the villages of Jiya, Salehiyeh and al-Tabiyeh.

Moscow had earlier warned the Syrian forces of a possible US assault on their positions.

2018-08-26 - Breaking: Iranian Defense Minister arrives in Damascus for talks
Breaking: Iranian Defense Minister arrives in Damascus for talks

Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami has arrived in Damascus to meet senior Syrian officials, the ministry said.

Hatami is expected to hold meetings with his Syrian counterpart and heads of the Syrian Armed Forces, the defense ministry said in a statement on its website.

Speaking to the media upon his arrival in the Syrian capital, the top military official announced that Tehran hopes to have “active participation in the reconstruction of Syria.”

The aim of the trip is also to develop “bilateral cooperation” with the Arab Republic, according to the statement.
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