Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

A member of the Russian Consulate General in Manhattan was found dead on Tuesday.

Man Found Dead in Russian Consulate in New York Served as Duty Commander

A man that was found dead on in Russian Consulate General in Manhattan was a duty commander, Vice-Consul Anton Deviatkin told Sputnik on Tuesday.

"The duty commander was found dead around 7:00 a.m. this morning," Deviatkin said. An investigation is underway into the man's death, and the first results of the probe are expected as early as this week, New York Police Department spokesman John Davis told Sputnik. "First results of the ongoing investigation may be announced later this week," Davis said. Violent death was ruled out as a probable cause, the Consulate spokesperson announced in a Facebook statement on Tuesday. "An American physician that was admitted to the Consulate’s building clearly ruled out signs of a violent death," the statement said. "The cause of the incident is being determined now by medical examiners."

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced Tuesday that US foreign weapon sales reached $33.6 billion in fiscal year 2016.

US Weapons Exports Hit $33.6 Billion in 2016

This is less than the FY 2015's dramatic increase to the record $46.6 billion, linked to the war against the Daesh terrorist group. US officials earlier said that they expected a drop in sales.

According to DSCA, they cleared $2.9 billion of Foreign Military Financing-funded cases; $5.0 billion in Building Partner Capacity-funded cases; and $25.7 billion, funded by partner nations. DSCA director Vice Adm. Joseph Rixey claimed that the $13 billion drop was not indicative of an agency failure.

We don't look at sales like a benchmark we're trying to capture. It's not a number we're trying to go for. Sales is really a fundamental result of foreign policy. We just have to understand what kind of workforce we're going to need to prosecute those sales," Rixey said.

"It's nothing more than a tool for us to anticipate what we're going to anticipate and work with," he stated.

Rixey noted that the total would have surpassed FY 2015 if the long-anticipated sale of F-35 fighter jets to Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain had been cleared this year, as many had hoped.

The world's number-one arms dealer in 2016 processed $785 million in export of bombs and missiles, including the GBU-10 to the UAE; $1.2 billion in AIM-120D air-to-air missiles sold to Australia; and $1.15 billion from Saudi Arabia, for M1A2S tanks and M88Al/A2 vehicles, among other deals.

The lengthy record of US F-35 fighter jet mishaps soldiers on. This time, a Marine Corps F-35B Joint Strike VTOL fighter caught fire during a training mission in October.

Marine Corps F-35 Catches Fire During Training Mission

The Marine Corps is conducting an investigation after the F-35B Joint Strike vertical take-off and landing aircraft caught fire during a training mission, according to a report. The jet caught fire in its weapons bay during a training flight over Beaufort, South Carolina, the website said.

"The aircraft landed safely and there were no injuries sustained," 1st Lt. John Roberts, a spokesman for 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, told reporters. "An investigation is ongoing and we will provide updates as they are available."

The exact amount of damage has not been disclosed, but it is known that the incident has been classified as a Class A Mishap, which indicates either loss of life or damage above $2 million. This is the first Class A Mishap for the F-35B version of the beleaguered plane. Earlier in September, a Class A Mishap occurred with a conventional take-off and landing F-35A version of the plane, when it also caught fire, soon after the pilot started the plane's engine.

A 2014 incident caused all F-35s to be grounded until specialists could determine the cause. That time, some $50 million of damage was caused by a rotor arm that detached itself and came through the aircraft's upper fuselage, cutting fuel and hydraulic lines. According to Roberts, it is too early to determine what could have caused the latest accident.

The incidents have not stopped the Marine Corps from procuring 353 F-35Bs and 67 F-35Cs, to replace their F/A-18 Hornets and a number of other older jets by 2032.

Earlier this month, defense officials put in a request for $500 million to finish development of the jet, which has already gone 50 percent over its original budget, according to Business Insider.

The EU must modernize and update its military capabilities to match NATO's recent upgrade in order to properly respond to the threat posed by Russia, German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen has said.

Germany: EU Must Match NATO Build-Up to Combat Russian Threat

Amid a recent push from Germany, France, Italy and Spain to develop a common defense policy, von der Leyen said the EU was in need of updating its existing military resources.

"We have seen an enormous modernization drive by NATO over the past three years because of the Kremlin's behavior," she told a security conference hosted by the German Christian Democrat party.

"That was correct and important, but I believe that we must invest at the least same energy into a modernization of the European security and defense union," she added.

Russia has rejected charges of aggression in Europe, arguing that the build-up of NATO resources in eastern Europe and Baltic states had led to an increase in tension across the continent.

Impact on NATO

The idea of a joint EU military policy or greater defense cooperation was long considered an unrealistic prospect, with the UK among those member states staunchly against such proposals.

However following Britain's decision to leave the EU, officials have jumped at the opportunity to re-shape the bloc's defense policy, despite concerns from Washington that it might undermine NATO's presence in the region.

Von der Leyen was keen to try and ease fears about the impacts such an approach would have on NATO, saying an EU modernization should take place "knowing that one cannot build up competition between the two bodies, but that they should work in a complementary fashion."

She pointed to the EU's role in trying to stem the flow of migrants and refugees across the Mediterranean as an example of how the bloc could benefit from greater military resources and cooperation.

​"I see a big mission for the European Union, which must work for a solution together with the African countries," von der Leyen said. "But to do that, it must better organize and bundle the many instruments it has in the civilian and military realms, actually implement them, and offer a joint European response."

Push for Greater EU Cooperation

The comments come as some EU countries argue they should be able to respond more independently to certain crises and issues without relying on the US for support.

Proposals have included spending more on EU military missions, jointly developing defense resources and deepening cooperation.

EU defense ministers are expected to present a more detailed strategy at the upcoming December summit in Brussels.
angelburst29 said:
A member of the Russian Consulate General in Manhattan was found dead on Tuesday.

Man Found Dead in Russian Consulate in New York Served as Duty Commander

A man that was found dead on in Russian Consulate General in Manhattan was a duty commander, Vice-Consul Anton Deviatkin told Sputnik on Tuesday.

NYPD investigates man's death at Russian Consulate from head trauma

NEW YORK — Police are investigating after a 63-year-old man was found dead inside the Russian Consulate on Manhattan’s Upper East Side on Tuesday morning.

Authorities say they found the man unconscious and unresponsive at the location on 91st Street just before 7 a.m., reports CBS New York.

The victim, who has not yet been identified, appeared to have suffered head trauma, police said.

A medical examiner will determine the exact cause of death.

An investigation is ongoing, however, in a statement to CBS News, the NYPD said: “It doesn’t appear to be the result of criminality.”

The northern Russian port city of Murmansk, with a population of 300,000, has been partly left without electricity following an emergency at an energy facility. Eyewitnesses captured a bright flash, after which the lights went out.

Massive energy blackout in Murmansk, Russia after reported blast at power station (VIDEOS)

There have been eyewitnesses' reports of a "huge blast" at one of the city's electrical substations, according to SeverPost news agency.

Emergency services are working at the scene, the agency said, adding that there have so far been no official comments from rescue teams.

There is apparently no electricity in government headquarters in the city center, FlashNord reported citing its correspondent in the area. Lights have been off in both central areas and in the outskirts, according to SeverPost.

An incident happened at one of the facilities of the Kolenergo regional energy company, its press service told RT, without specifying what exactly happened.

The causes of the "incident" are now being investigated by a special commission, the company said, adding that specialists are now working on damage control and recovery.

"Not the whole city has been left without electricity, but only its smaller part," the company spokesperson added.

A source in the local emergency services told RT firefighters were dealing with the incident and there was no further threat to civilians. There is no panic in the city, a local official said.

Murmansk, located in the extreme northwest of Russia, is the world's largest city north of the Arctic Circle. Built on the coast of an ice-free bay of the Barents Sea in the Arctic Ocean, Murmansk is one of Russia's largest sea ports. All of the country's nuclear-powered icebreakers are based in the city.

The Russian port city of Murmansk is the main administrative center of the Russian Northern Fleet.
The US Marine Corps announced the incident involving two F/A-18 jets on Wednesday afternoon.

Two US Marine Corps Fighter Jets Collide Over San Diego

One pilot is reported to be safe, while the other ejected from his plane, prompting the deployment of a search and rescue team.

The cause of the crash, which occurred during a training exercise at around 11:45 AM near Miramar, home to a Marine Corps air base, is under investigation.

Used by both the Marine Corps and the US Navy, the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet is a twin-engine multirole combat jet, designed to serve as both a fighter and attack jet. It has flown in the Navy's Blue Angels flight demonstration squad since 1986.

Aleppo university campus was attacked by Jihadists, six people were killed, at least 20 people were wounded, according to a source.

Militants' Attack on Aleppo University Campus Leaves Six Dead, 20 Injured

Jihadists based in Aleppo have attacked on Wednesday a city university campus leaving at least six people dead, Arabic media reported, citing its sources.

According to the Al Mayadeen television broadcaster, the missile attack has also left at least 20 people with wounds of different severity.

The Sana news agency reported, citing a military source that another four people, including three women, had been injured throughout the day as a result of attacks by militants.

The Syrian army has destroyed 14 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) belonging to terrorist groups in the province of Daraa in the southwest of the country, local media reported Wednesday, citing a military source.

Syrian Army Shoots Down 14 Terrorist Drones in Daraa Province

The destroyed drones were intended for the monitoring and destruction of military objects and positions near the town of Daraa, the SANA news agency reported.

The source added that the UAVs were shot down with precision to avoid damage to the the army's troops. In recent weeks, military news reports have indicated that the Syrian army has made significant gains against extremists in the Daraa province, which borders with Jordan.

Russia delivered more than 6 metric tons of humanitarian aid to the Syria’s provinces of Aleppo, Latakia and Hama, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a daily bulletin posted on its website on Wednesday.

Russia Delivers Over 6 Tons of Humanitarian Aid to Syria

According to the statement, posts with hot meal and items of first necessity are still working for civilians fleeing the besieged city of Aleppo.

“Three humanitarian events have been held, in course of which citizens had received humanitarian aid: in Masyaf (Hama province) – 2 tons; in Marj Shali (Latakia province) – about 1 ton; in al-Khalidiyah area (Haliya Farhad school, Zekwa Hazel school) of the Aleppo city – 3 tons. Posts with hot meal and items of first necessity continue their work for civilians, who leave the districts of the Aleppo city, which are under control of terrorist armed groupings,” the bulletin said.
The Syrian army seized a large volume of ammunition and weapons heading towards terrorist-held regions in Idlib and Hama provinces.

Syrian Army Seizes Large Arms Cargoes of Terrorists in Hama, Idlib

The Syrian military forces seized two shipments of weapons and munitions in two special operations in Northern Hama and Southern Idlib.

The shipments contained more than 45,000 assorted rounds for light weapons, rifles, and PKC and DShK machineguns of various calibers including 5.5mm and 14.5mm, in addition to assault rifles and RPG rounds, mortar rounds of various sizes, and “hellfire cannon” shells.

Army intel shows that the shipments were bound for terrorists affiliated to Jeish al-Fatah in Hama and Idlib provinces.

Also on Wednesday, the Syrian and Russian fighter jets targeted terrorist groups' positions badly in Southern Idlib to prevent them from dispatching arms, ammunition and fresh forces to their comrades in Aleppo battlefields.

Terrorist groups, once again, attacked the government-held districts of Aleppo with poisonous gas to slow down army forces' advances in the Southwestern parts of the city, informed sources said Wednesday.

Terrorists Use Chemical Weapons in Syria's Aleppo Again

Local media quoted sources as saying that the militants shelled government troops with improvised mortars filled with Chlorine gas during the battles which took place recently to control two strategic hilltops.

The terrorist groups have used chemically armed weapons against the civilian population in Aleppo several times in the last two months..

The Russian military personnel in Syria is almost through with locating the terrorist groups and their training centers, arms depots and supply routes, and Moscow would resume heavy airstrikes on militants in Aleppo in coming days, a defense ministry ministry disclosed on Wednesday.

Moscow Readying to Launch Devastating Air, Missile Strikes in Aleppo

Gazeta news website reported that the Russian army has deployed a large number of reconnaissance systems in Syria to this end.

Another military source said that the terrorists have misused the ceasefire in Aleppo to recruit and bring in more reinforcements from different parts of the country for a new attack to enter the Eastern parts of Aleppo.

The source, meantime, added that Russia plans to launch massive air campaign on the terrorists to deter other militants who plan to join their comrades in the Eastern parts of Aleppo city.

He added that the missile attacks that the Russian ships launched last year from the Caspian Sea destroyed tens of terrorists' targets, "but this time the strikes are to smash hundreds of bases and positions in the outskirts of Aleppo in a 48 to 72 hour period".

Yet, the source said no missile attack would be launched on any specific district inside Aleppo city in a bid to prevent casualties among the civilian population that are used by the terrorists as human shields.

Ukrainian commandos planning attacks with explosives & weapons detained in Crimea – FSB

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said it prevented a sabotage attack plotted by Ukrainian military intelligence operatives in the southern Russian city of Sevastopol, targeting local infrastructure critical for the civilian population.

“On November 9, the Federal Security Service detained members of a terrorist group deployed by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate, which planned sabotage attacks on Crimea's military facilities and critical civilian infrastructure,” the FSB said in a statement cited by RIA Novosti.

CIS consultations on informational security held in Yerevan

Consultations at the level of foreign ministries on cooperation between CIS countries in the informational sphere were held in Yerevan on Wednesday, the Armenian Foreign Ministry told TASS.

"Consultations at the level of foreign ministries on cooperation on CIS member states in the informational sphere were held in Yerevan under the chairmanship of Armenian Foreign Ministry’s press secretary Tigran Balayan," the foreign ministry said. Among participants in the meeting were heads and representatives of CIS foreign ministries’ departments in charge of informational security. Russia was represented by Alexander Bikantov, deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Department of press and information.

"The agenda of consultations included issues of ensuring effectiveness of informational exchange between CIS member countries, expanding cooperation with global and regional organizations. The issues of boosting informational security, fighting against information propagating terrorism, extremism, violence, xenophobia and intolerance were discussed," the foreign ministry said.

Medvedev to hold talks with Netanyahu in Israel

The Russian prime minister arrived in Israel with a visit on Wednesday

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will hold talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday during his visit to Israel. "Talks will be held with Prime Minister Netanyahu, with President (Reuven) Rivlin, with opposition leader in the Knesset (Yitzhak) Herzog," Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko told reporters. "Issues of bilateral agenda will be considered in detail, including ways to further strengthen trade & economic, investment, scientific & technical, innovational and humanitarian cooperation between our countries," he added.

Program of the visit

Medvedev arrived in Israel with a visit on Wednesday. On Thursday the Russian prime minister will hold separate meetings with the Israeli president and with the opposition leader in the Knesset. After that, he will hold talks with Netanyahu, followed by Russian-Israeli negotiations. A package of documents is expected to be signed after documents, and both prime minister will make statements for the media.

The Russian prime minister will also visit the Sergiev Town Church in Jerusalem, Russian spiritual mission and the research institute of biotechnologies. On November 11. Medvedev will visit the memorial complex Catastrophe of European Jewry and lay a wreath to the Eternal Flame there. "Russia and Israel are brought together by opposition to anti-Semitism, other manifestations of xenophobia and inter-ethnic strife," Prikhodko said. "Together we stand against falsifying history, reconsidering the results of the Second World War, attempts to glorify accomplices of fascism, diminishing the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union to the victory over Nazi Germany, denying the Holocaust," he added.

Stimulating growth of trade turnover

In the interview to Israel’s Channel 2 ahead of the visit, Medvedev said: "Russia and Israel may reach very many things together for different reasons. I mean, of course, the origin and development of the State of Israel, common interests on the international arena, and simply bilateral relations, first of all in the economic, humanitarian spheres."

The Russian prime minister said the economic relations of the two countries could develop more actively. "Over the last years, we did not develop our economic cooperation as well as we could have hoped. The current state of affairs - trade turnover between Russia and Israel stands at around $2 billion. This is not much," Medvedev said. He noted that the aim is to stimulate growth of trade turnover between Russia and Israel.

Army’s general command: an Israeli warplane aggression on a military site in Quneitra

General command of the army and armed forces announced on Wednesday that an Israeli enemy’s warplane perpetrated today a flagrant attack on one of the military sites in Quneitra countryside, destroying cannon and damaging another.

“This attack comes after the success of our armed forces, in cooperation with popular defense groups, in thwarting a wide attack carried out by Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization on Hadar and its surroundings in Quneitra countryside, killing tens of terrorists and inflicting them heavy losses in arms and equipment, ,” the Army’s command said in a statement.

Yet, the Israeli attack comes in an attempt to raise the terrorists’ collapsed morals after the losses they have received.

The army’s general command affirmed its determination to continue the war against Israel’s tools- ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and some affiliated groups, warning against the repercussions of repeating such attack.

Syrian jets destroy Belgian ISIS base in Deir Ezzor

The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF) carried out a special operation on Wednesday that targeted a Belgian base for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Using information gathered from their intelligence agents, the Syrian Air Force was able to pinpoint the location of the ISIS base and destroy it.

According to a military source in Deir Ezzor, the ISIS base was located inside the Old Airport District, near the Mohammad Salem Darwish Driving School.

The entire Islamic State base was reportedly destroyed and several militants were killed after this special operation that was conducted by the Syrian Air Force on Wednesday.

Russian Air Force cripples jihadist supply lines in Idlib

The Russian Air Force has been relentless above Idlib tonight, carrying out nonstop airstrikes over the jihadist supply lines to the Aleppo Governorate.

"The Russian Air Force carried out airstrikes over Idlib City, Ma'arat Al-Nu'man, Saraqib, Jisr Al-Shughour, Afis, and Janoudiyeh," a military officer told Al-Masdar News on Wednesday night.

Using intel gathered over the past two weeks, the Russian Air Force targeted jihadist bases, IED factories, and command centers across Idlib's countryside tonight, killing and wounding a large number of militants.

Tonight's attack over Idlib is considered the most intense campaign that has been launched by the Russian Air Force since February.

Syrian Army repels Jaish Al-Islam counteroffensive in East Ghouta

Units from the Syrian Army's elite Republican Guard and the Special Missions Ministry of Interior Forces foiled a 'Jaish Al Islam'-led counterattack on the recently captured positions in west Rayhan farms.

Seven jihadists were killed while five others were injured in the insurgents' ranks as a result of this failed assault. On the other hand, the government troops suffered three injuries.

Notably, the government forces had managed to surround a rebel contingent in the western section of Al-Rayhan town a day earlier following the capture of the western farms of the aforementioned town.

This comes after a series of deprecating defeats for the Saudi-backed Jaish Al-Islam that had them withdraw from Bahariyah, Hawsh Al-Farah, Hawsh Nasri, Tal Sawwan, Tal Kurdi, and Mayda'a.

Russia Delivers Over 6 Tons of Humanitarian Aid to Syria

Russia delivered more than 6 metric tons of humanitarian aid to the Syria’s provinces of Aleppo, Latakia and Hama, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a daily bulletin posted on its website on Wednesday.

According to the statement, posts with hot meal and items of first necessity are still working for civilians fleeing the besieged city of Aleppo.

“Three humanitarian events have been held, in course of which citizens had received humanitarian aid: in Masyaf (Hama province) – 2 tons; in Marj Shali (Latakia province) – about 1 ton; in al-Khalidiyah area (Haliya Farhad school, Zekwa Hazel school) of the Aleppo city – 3 tons. Posts with hot meal and items of first necessity continue their work for civilians, who leave the districts of the Aleppo city, which are under control of terrorist armed groupings,” the bulletin said.

Syria's civil war between government forces and a wide range of insurgents, including opposition groups and terrorists, such as Daesh and Jabhat Fatah al Sham (also known as the Nusra Front, or Jabhat al-Nusra), both outlawed in Russia, has raged for some five years and has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

On September 9, Russia and the United States reached an agreement for a peace process in Syria. A ceasefire stipulated by the deal entered into force on September 12, but while it was supposed to last at least seven days for the next steps to be taken toward the Syrian settlement, it disintegrated soon.
Russian premier, Israeli president discuss bilateral cooperation

The Israeli president recalled that this year marks the 25th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Russia and Israel

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has held a meeting with Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin. The two sides discussed the whole array of bilateral issues.

"I last visited Jerusalem in the 1990s, and I am glad to have an opportunity for myself and members of our delegation to visit Israel," he said. "Thank you for your invitation."

The Russian prime minister pointed to friendly relations between Russia and Israel that have lasted for many years, adding that there are issues that need to be addressed. "Of course, we will discuss our bilateral issues, including economic cooperation, political interaction and all kinds of international problems, which are plentiful in both this region and the entire world," Medvedev said.

For his part, Rivlin noted that "Russia has always played an important role in our region." "We are faced with complex tasks, challenges and opportunities. We must be ready for this and everything else," he said.

The Israeli president recalled that this year marks the 25th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Russia and Israel. He added that he would like to take this opportunity to discuss all aspects of relations between the two countries.

Russian Prime Minister says Islamic State must be eliminated

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu agree on the need to coordinate action against international terrorism

The hardcore terrorist group IS (terrorist group, outlawed in Russia), which constitutes the main pillar of terrorism, must be eliminated, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said following talks with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu.

"We should destroy IS that constitutes the main pillar of international terrorism," he said.

The Russian head of the government stressed that in this regard coordinating efforts in the security sphere was particularly important. In his opinion, this aspect of cooperation has reached a new level recently. According to Medvedev, Russia also opposes the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

"Obviously, we are open to cooperation with all countries interested in it, we maintain an open attitude as we stand for joining efforts in this field," Medvedev said.

Medvedev has urged coordinated action with Israel in security sphere to fight international terrorism.

"Our countries are facing common challenges," the prime minister said. "First of all, this is terrorism. Terrorism is nowadays threatening the whole globe, but this is felt especially acutely in that region," Medvedev said.

"The Russian Federation is also affected by terrorism. That is why, we must jointly stand against it," he said. Apart from fight against terrorism, Russia and Israel share common values, he went on.

"In the times when attempts are made to deny many values, it is especially important," Medvedev said, pledging that Russia proceeds from the common understanding of the results of WWII, from "crucial importance of defeating Nazism," from antagonism to antisemitism and any xenophobia on the whole".

Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel, Russia and the United States should together fight against the Islamic State.

"We are partners in the struggle against radical Islamist terrorism. Israel, Russia and the United States should together achieve this goal and eliminate ISIL," Netanyahu said.

"We are afraid of another player, which is pursuing a radical Islamic policy. It is Iran, which has raised the banner of eliminating the State of Israel and is supporting terror by 360 degrees. We are not ready to allow Iran to possess nuclear weapons. We need to avert this scenario and prevent the possibility of Iran to strengthen its positions in Syria irrespective of whether a treaty on Syria is concluded or not," Netanyahu said.

He stressed that Israel had a firm intention of preventing Syria’s seizure by Shi’a Islamic radical groups and that his country also did not want modern weapons, which could be directed at Israel, to fall into the hands of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah group.

"I believe that our cooperation in defense and security is extremely important under these circumstances," the Israeli Prime Minister said.

Russia-Israel cooperation

Medvedev said Russia is interested in boosting cooperation with Israel in the field of innovations and agriculture.

"We’re not just interested in boosting the trade turnover, which has declined recently, we’re interested in a completely different nature of the relationship. We would like the kind of cooperation in particular thanks to the documents we have signed now," he said.

When responding to the words of Benjamin Netanyahu who said that in development of economic ties Russia and Israel have the score 2:1, Medvedev said that "so far the score is 0:0".

"So far we have not done anything to push the economic and investment cooperation. Therefore we met today and therefore we signed the documents my colleagues are holding in their hands," Medvedev said.

Israeli settlements not obstacle to peace: Trump adviser

US President-elect Donald Trump doesn't think the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories should be condemned because they don't pose “an obstacle to peace,” according to a top Trump adviser.

The comments were made on Thursday by Jason Greenblatt, the chief legal officer and executive vice president at the Trump Organization. He has been tapped by Trump as his top adviser on Israel.

Greenblatt’s comments would mark a stark departure from the long-time Washington stance that Israeli settlement construction in occupied Palestinian lands makes it more difficult to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians.

An Israeli minister called for renewed settlement expansions after Greenblatt’s comments. Israeli Science Minister Ofir Akunis said Tel Aviv thinks it's time to move forward with more settlements now that Trump has won the US presidency.

The administration of US President Barack Obama has repeatedly criticized Israel over the settlement expansions, saying they make it difficult for Israel to reach peace with Palestinians.

The US and Israel are close allies but relations were often tense between Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the Israeli settlements and the nuclear agreement with Iran last year.

Analysts say a Trump presidency may be profoundly negative for Palestinian aspirations while buoying Israel's confidence.

Under the Trump presidency, analysts expect there to be less pressure from Washington to halt illegal Israeli settlement building, meaning the settler population will grow unchecked.

"The Palestinian people hold no hope that the change of American president will mean a change in policy towards the Palestinian cause," said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. "That policy is constant and biased in favor of Israel's occupation."

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign assistance since World War II. America's military assistance to Israel has amounted to $124.3 billion since it began in 1962, according to a recent congressional report.

Israeli Forces Injure 4, Detain 2 Palestinians During March Commemorating Arafat

Israeli forces injured four Palestinian students and detained two others, during the clashes that erupted after a march commemorating the 12th anniversary of the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

According to Ma'an news agency, the clashes between the Palestinian students and Israeli police started when the demonstrators headed to the Ofer detention center in the occupied West Bank district of Ramallah to support child prisoners.

The Israeli police reportedly fired rubber-coated steel bullets, while the Palestinians were throwing rocks at Israeli forces.

On Thursday, thousands of Palestinians gathered in Ramallah to commemorate Arafat. Palestinian leader Mahmood Abbas hailed Arafat, saying he was still alive in people’s hearts and that all Palestinians were "inspired with more persistence and determination because of him."

Arafat, one of the most prominent figures of the Palestinian independence movement, died in a military hospital in France. In 2012, his widow called for an additional inquiry into the former leader’s death after an investigation by Al Jazeera earlier had found "significant" traces of radioactive isotope polonium-210 on some of Arafat’s personal items.

Lavrov insists that Russia takes utmost precautions in carrying out strikes in Syria

According to the minister, Moscow is ready to investigate the accusations of alleged air strikes against civilian facilities in Syria but no such facts have been presented yet

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has insisted that in carrying out strikes in Syria Russia has been taking utmost precautions to prevent or at least minimize harm to the civilian population.

"I believe that in principle it is immoral and counter-productive to try to use this or that humanitarian tragedy for scoring geopolitical points," Lavrov said. "We’ve been able to see this happen in relation to processes afoot in the Middle East and in North Africa, in Syria or Iraq. Double standards are quite obvious here."

"As for the so-called ‘collateral damage’ - a term the United States invented to excuse civilian casualties that occur in the process of military campaigns, we have invariably stated, and our Defense Ministry did so, too, that in carrying out strikes the necessary precautions are always taken to minimize (ideally to prevent) harm to civilian facilities, let alone civilian population," Lavrov said.

"When we hear charges addressed to us to the effect this or that civilian facility has been attacked by the Russian aerospace group, we always insist on seeing the facts," he said. "In many cases, when this or that country or non-governmental organization claimed that our strikes destroyed this or that facility, school or a childcare center, the Defense Ministry repeatedly presented documentary evidence showing the charges had nothing to do with the reality.

"There have already been many cases when some or other states or NGOs claimed that a particular facility, a school or a kindergarten was allegedly destroyed because of our strikes. The Defense Ministry has numerously presented documented evidence that this has nothing to do with reality," Lavrov said.

"Of course, we will be prepared to investigate any concrete facts, but nobody has been able to present such concrete facts to this day," he said.

West still shields Al-Nusra Front

The diplomat has accused the West of covering up for the Al-Nusra Front terrorist group apparently seeking to derive some benefits from it.

According to the minister, Moscow drew attention of its counterparts to the current situation in eastern Aleppo where the Al-Nusra Front does not allow civilians to leave the city via humanitarian corridors using people as a human shield.

"Our Western partners are not rushing to speak against this practice," Lavrov said. "This shows that the West is somehow ready to fight against ISIL (former name of Islamic State terrorist group) but still shields Al Nusra. Apparently, it continues counting on this illegal group," he said.

"We want the efforts of the international community on overcoming the crises in Syria, Iraq and any other hotspots to be sincere, fair and not accompanied by attempts to score any geopolitical points," Lavrov stressed.

Russian source says US airstrikes in Syria, Iraq killed thousands, not 64

There were 7,300 US air raids in Iraq and Syria last year, and the US aviation continues delivering up to 20 air trikes a day, some of them conducted by B-1B and B-52N strategic bombers

Washington belittles the number of civilians killed in the US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, a source in Russia’s defense ministry said on Thursday, commenting on the recent statement of US Central Command spokesman John Thomas.

Thomas said just 64 people were killed and another 8 wounded in the US airstrikes in Syria and Iraq between November 2015 and September 2016.

"Such statements of the US Central Command representative suggest that the Pentagon does not consider the remainder thousands of peaceful Syrians and Iraqis killed by the US airstrikes as "humans," the source said.

According to the source, US warplanes make up to 20 air strikes a day in Syria and Iraq.

"In Syria and Iraq US aviation carries out up to 20 strikes a day. Last year there were 7,300 such air raids. Many of these missions are flown by strategic bombers B-1B and B-52N," the source said.

The source said 62 Syrian servicemen were killed and more than 100 others were wounded in the September US airstrike near Deir ez-Zor, in eastern Syria. "They were not terrorists or adversaries for the US Air Force, but they were not even mentioned (in this statistics)," he said.

In January, another US airstrike near Aleppo killed by an error 24 Syrian civilians and wounded over 40 others. Another 19 civilians, including three children, were killed in the US airstrikes in the Kurdish village Sulsana. The July US airstrike in Syria’s Tokhar claimed 56 lives. Another nine people, among them four children, were killed by the US bombing in Khamira. A total of 167 civilians, including 44 children, perished in the US airstrikes between May and July in Manbij.

The source said the US airstrikes also killed 92 civilians and wounded 135 others in the university premises in Iraq’s Mosul on March 20. More than 150 citizens of Mosul were killed by the US airstrikes on April 18. Another 21 civilians died and 44 others were wounded in the US bombing of a funeral procession in Dakuk.

The US-led international anti-terrorist coalition was formed in 2014 for struggle against the Islamic State (outlawed in Russia).

The coalition is currently taking part in a military operation to drive Islamic State militants out of Mosul - Iraq’s second largest city which has been under the Islamic State’s control for the past two years. The coalition has been conducting the anti-terrorist operation in Syria since 2014.

Russian Foreign Ministry reports up to 6,000 gunmen trying to attack eastern Aleppo

The ministry's spokeswoman says terrorists are facing resolute rebuff

About 6,000 gunmen are trying to fight their way through towards eastern Aleppo, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

"The most serious situation in Syria is still around Aleppo," the diplomat said. "Jihadists attacking from southwest continue their attempts to force a corridor towards eastern neighborhoods of the city," she went on.

"According to different estimates, up to 6,000 gunmen are engaged in the operation, the tactical direction carried out by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (former Jabhat al-Nusra) through the central headquarters," she said.

The diplomat drew attention to close coordination of Nusra militants with other anti-governmental units in Hama and the Damask region. "Everywhere, terrorists are facing resolute rebuff," Zakharova said.

Russia-US deal on Syria

Zakharova went on to say that the Russian-US agreement on Syria remains in force and no one has abolished it, and the work needs to be continued.

"We fully meet all commitments as part of the Syria Support Group, the UN Security Council and bilateral agreements with the US on this issue," Zakharova noted.

"As for the contacts, it is not through our fault that there has been no more telephone conversations," she said. "Requests have come from the US about three times, but they were then cancelled by Americans themselves. Our telephones are functioning," Zakharova added.

Russian Defense Ministry confirms it received UN request to extend pause in Aleppo

Russia is ready to extend humanitarian pauses in Aleppo only to help civilians and not to see terrorists regaining their fighting capacity

Russia’s Defense Ministry has received a letter from the head of the UN humanitarian mission in Syria asking to extend humanitarian pauses in Aleppo, the ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Thursday.

He said that the letter was received by "our representative in Geneva on November 7," the letter contained "another request to extend future humanitarian pauses in Aleppo".

"This is not the first time that we receive such requests. Every time it seems to be just another effort to find an excuse for disrupting the UN humanitarian aid delivery to the residents of Aleppo."

Konashenkov pointed out that regardless of the humanitarian pauses, the Russian Reconciliation Center had delivered over 100 tons of humanitarian aid to Aleppo in the past few months, at the same time, not one humanitarian pause was introduced all of a sudden.

"The UN representatives were informed on the date and time of the next humanitarian pause, the corridors established for civilians and militants, the quantity of buses, ambulances, as well as eating facilities and security measures. Massive preparations to the humanitarian pauses in Aleppo have always been made in front of their eyes. Who really wants to help the residents of Aleppo, helps them," the ministry spokesman said.

Konashenkov pointed out that the Russian defense ministry considered it unreasonable to extend humanitarian pauses just for the sake of extension. "Obviously, the humanitarian pauses are necessary. But it is unreasonable to extend them just for the sake of extension without providing any real assistance to civilians but instead providing the militants with an opportunity to restore their fighting capacity," he said.

The previous humanitarian pause in Aleppo lasted for ten hours on November 4.

Terrorists in Northern Aleppo Equipped with Turkish M60 Tanks

According to Kurdish-affiliated Hawar news, several footage and images have been released by the terrorist groups in different websites which show that they are using the Turkish army's armored vehicles in Tal Jorji village in al-Bab region.

The images show that the terrorists are using M60 tanks.

Turkey has deployed a large number of its tanks and armored vehicles in Northern Syria after the start of the Euphrates Shield operation by Ankara.

The Turkish forces, backed by US-led coalition aircraft, started the Euphrates Shield military operation in August, claiming that they intend to purge terrorists from Syria's Northern territories and create security zones for accommodation of refugees.

Media activists said earlier this month that the Turkey-backed militants operating in Northern Syria within the framework of the Euphrates Shield operation retreated from 13 strategic villages near al-Bab in Aleppo to open way for the ISIL's operations.

According to the Lebanese al-Safir newspaper, the ISIL occupied Bor'an, al-Wash, Tanouza, Salsana, Job al-Asi, Dawir al-Hawa, Houmad, Salasina, al-Barouza and a number of other villages in a surprise attack on Tuesday following a rapid withdrawal of the Euphrates Shield operation forces.

A large number of media activists reported that no real clashes happened between the ISIL and the Turkey-backed militants, and the Euphrates Shield operation forces fled the scene en masse.

Hawar news agency accused Turkey of ordering his forces to retreat from the villages in the South of Akhtarin region near al-Bab.

The agency said the move by Turkey was part of a joint operational plan with the ISIL against the Kurdish troops in the regions under their control.

Syrian Air Force Launches Heavy Airstrikes in Idlib to Block Terrorists' Supply Routes

The airstrikes were launched concurrent with the army's continued operations to establish security in Aleppo's Western fronts.

"The Syrian warplanes bombed the terrorists' positions in Jisr al-Shaqour, Ma'arat al-Nu'aman, Saraqib, Jonoudiyeh, Khan Sheikhoun and Afis in Idlib," a military source said on Thursday.

According to the source, the air force continues reconnaissance flights in the region to monitor the terrorists' supply routes which link Idlib to Aleppo.

Reports said on Tuesday that the Syrian and Russian fighter jets targeted terrorist groups' positions badly in Southern Idlib to prevent them from dispatching arms, ammunition and fresh forces for their comrades in Aleppo battlefields.

Simultaneous with the start of the Syrian army operation to reinvigorate the security situation in the Western parts of Aleppo city, the Syrian and Russian warplanes carried out tens of combat flights over terrorists' centers in the towns and villages of Khan Sheikhoun, Saraqib, surroundings of Banish, Taftnaz and Ma'arat al-Nu'aman to prevent militants to transfer arms, ammunition and fresh forces to Aleppo battlefields.

Russian fighter jets targeted terrorists' positions near the city of Idlib closed to an arms and ammunition depot, leaving several terrorists dead.

A military source disclosed that Russian and Syrian fighter jets are continuously flying over militant-held regions to monitor supply lines of terrorists from Idlib to Aleppo.
US President Barack Obama has ordered the Pentagon to deploy more drones in Syria with the aim of locating members of the Jabhat Fatah al Sham (also known as Nusra Front, or Jabhat al-Nusra) radical group, The Washington Post reports.

Pentagon Ordered to Deploy More Drones in Syria to Hunt for al-Nusra Militants

The US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) will have more authority and more resources to go after Jabhat Fatah al Sham leadership, the newspaper said on Thursday citing anonymous US military officials.

According to the officials, JSOC-controlled drones were already conducting more operations in September and at least four "high-value" targets have already been killed as a result of the operations.

Russian military experts have found that militants in the Syrian city of Aleppo have used chemical weapons, likely chlorine and white phosphorus, spokesperson of the Russian Defense Ministry Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

Russian Experts Find Evidence of Chemical Weapon Use in Aleppo – Russian MoD

Evidence has been found in south-western suburbs of Aleppo, the military experts said as cited by Konashenkov.

"While conducting reconnaissance in the ‘1070’ area, the officers of the scientific center of the Russian Troops of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence (RChBD) have found evidence of chemical weapon use by terrorists against the civilian population and Syrian servicemen," he said on Friday. Konashenkov added that the Russian military specialists found unexploded ammunition with chemical agents and took soil samples in areas where terrorists used their weapons.

After conducting an express analysis in a mobile laboratory it was determined that the toxic substances that filled the militants’ artillery ammunition were with high probability chlorine and white phosphorus," Konashenkov said.

The Defense Ministry spokesman specified that a detailed analysis of the samples will be made at the laboratory of the scientific center of the Russian Troops of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence (RChBD). The laboratory is accredited by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

One civilian was killed and dozens were injured when Turkish forces shelled villages in northern Aleppo, Rejzan Hedu, member of Syria's Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) told RIA Novosti.

Kurds Claim Turkish Forces Bomb Northern Aleppo Killing Civilians

The shelling was carried out in the Afrin district of the Syrian Aleppo province. Hedu said that "a young man was killed" and "dozens of civilians received injuries" in at least four villages in the area.

"The shelling continues," the PYD member stressed. Turkish forces regularly come into confrontation with the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), and its military wing People's Protection Units (YPG) operating in Syria, which Ankara considers to be an affiliate of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), outlawed in Turkey.
Accords on Syria in deadlock through no fault of Russia - Peskov

"The US and Washington’s partners have been unable to fulfill the key provision: to disentangle the so-called moderate opposition… from terrorist groups," spokesman for the Russian president said

Russia is not to blame for the deadlock in the agreements on Syria, it was caused by Washington’s inability to disentangle extremists from moderate opposition, a spokesman for the Russian president said Friday.

"There was an agreement, achieved with great effort, which, unfortunately, was not implemented through no fault of Russia," Dmitry Peskov said. "The US and Washington’s partners have been unable to fulfill the key provision: to disentangle the so-called moderate opposition… from terrorist groups."

"Any political settlement is impossible as long as this problem remains unsolved, though, of course, experts continue their work," he went on.

Evidence of chemical weapons use found in Syria — Defense ministry

An express test in a mobile lab revealed that shells found in Aleppo most likely contained chlorine and white phosphorus.

Servicemen of the scientific center of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops have found evidence of chemical weapons use against Syrian troops and civilians in the southwest of Syria’s Aleppo, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said on Friday.

"Defense ministry experts have found some unexploded artillery shells with toxic chemicals, launched by terrorists. Samples have also been taken from areas where they landed, including fragments of shells that exploded," Igor Konashenkov said.

An express test in a mobile lab revealed that the shells most likely contained chlorine and white phosphorus.

The samples will be further analyzed at the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops scientific facility in Russia, licensed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

Moscow Welcomes US Plan to Kill Nusra Leaders If Confirmed - Deputy FM

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said that the possible instruction to kill key leaders of the terrorist group formerly known as the Nusra Front by the United States is welcome news if confirmed officially.

The possible instruction to kill key leaders of the terrorist group formerly known as the Nusra Front by the United States is welcome news if confirmed officially, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said Friday.

"If in fact we are talking abut such a decision, it can only be welcomed," Ryabkov told reporters, noting that he has not yet seen official confirmation of the media reports.

The Washington Post cited US officials as saying Thursday that President Barack Obama ordered the Pentagon to find and kill the leaders of the group linked to al-Qaeda in Syria.

The US Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) added four individuals linked to the Nusra Front to its sanctions list on Thursday.

Additionally, the OFAC added several Nusra Front aliases, including Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, to its sanctions list.

Moscow has no official confirmation US wants to eliminate al-Nusra leaders

Moscow is also not making any plans on the future counter-terrorism cooperation with the US at the moment, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry

Moscow does not have official confirmation of the US President Barack Obama's order to eliminate leaders of Jabhat Al-Nusra terrorist group, this information is not confirmed, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told reporters.

"If a decision like that has been made, we can only hail it," he said in response to a question from TASS.

"However, in foreign policies and diplomacy reactions are given to official statements, and as yet we have not seen anything of the kind."

Moscow is also not making any plans on the future counter-terrorism cooperation with the US right now, according to Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov.

"We’ll wait and see. The new president was elected only two days ago so it is too early to make any plans."

Trump and Obama set campaign rancor aside with White House meeting

U.S. President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump met on Thursday for the first time, setting aside the deep rancor that dominated the long campaign season to discuss the transition to the Republican's inauguration on Jan. 20.

Their 90-minute meeting in the White House Oval Office, with no aides present, took place just two days after Trump's stunning election victory over Hillary Clinton, Obama's former secretary of state.

Obama, who vigorously campaigned for his fellow Democrat to succeed him, had repeatedly called Trump unfit for the president's office, while the businessman had often dubbed Obama's eight-year tenure a "disaster."

But in separate post-election remarks on Wednesday, both men appeared to seek to help the country heal from a bitterly divisive campaign, and that tone continued into the White House meeting.

Seated next to Obama after their talks, Trump told reporters: "We really discussed a lot of situations, some wonderful, some difficulties." He said Obama explained "some of the really great things that have been achieved," but did not elaborate.

"It was a great honor being with you and I look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future," Trump said, with a tone of deference.

Trump, a real estate magnate who has never held political office, later met congressional leaders, including U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican who has had a strained relationship with Trump.

"A fantastic day in D.C. Met with President Obama for first time. Really good meeting, great chemistry," Trump said on Twitter late on Thursday.

Amid the efforts to bury hatchets, there were protests in a string of U.S. cities against Trump for a second day on Thursday as demonstrators expressed concern that Trump's election would be a blow to civil rights.

"Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!" Trump tweeted.

Obama said he had offered assistance to Trump over the next couple of months, and urged the country to unite to face its challenges.

"We now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds," Obama said, adding he and Trump discussed a range of domestic and foreign policy issues and details related to the transition period.

"The meeting might have been at least a little less awkward than some might have expected," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters.

The two men's relaxed, cordial demeanor in front of the cameras was in stark contrast to the months of harsh rhetoric during the campaign.

Trump used Obama as a punching bag during his campaign speeches, repeatedly attacking the president's policies from healthcare to an Iran nuclear deal. Both Obama and first lady Michelle Obama attacked Trump as temperamentally unfit for the White House and dangerously unprepared to have access to U.S. nuclear codes.

Asked at a White House briefing on Thursday whether the meeting had eased any of the concerns about Trump that Obama expressed during the campaign, Earnest said: "The president was never in a position to choose a successor. The American people chose his successor."


Trump went from the White House to Capitol Hill for meetings with Republican congressional leaders, most of whom had a frosty relationship with Trump during a campaign where he tore into the Washington establishment.

Republicans retained control of the Senate and House in Tuesday's election, meaning at least some of Trump's agenda may find friendly terrain in Congress.

Trump emerged from meeting Ryan, along with Vice President-elect Mike Pence, to tell reporters: "We’re going to lower taxes as you know.” He added, in reference to Obama's signature healthcare reform of 2010 that is a common target of Trump and congressional Republicans: “We’re going to fix healthcare and make it more affordable and better."

Ryan has sought to smooth over his relationship with Trump and his spokeswoman, AshLee Strong, said he was "excited for the potential for unified Republican government and eager to get to work with Mr. Trump."

Trump also met for an hour with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, saying afterward that he had told the senator his top three priorities were better control of immigration and the borders, healthcare and jobs.

In what seemed like a possible early pivot by Trump, controversial campaign proposals, including his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, disappeared for a while on Thursday from the president-elect's campaign website. His campaign later blamed a technical problem and the statements were returned to the website.

Trump declined to respond when asked by reporters after meeting with McConnell if he would ask Congress to ban Muslims from entering the country.

On another Trump campaign pledge, a top Trump aide, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told NPR he did not expect him to spend much time trying to make Mexico pay for a proposed wall along the U.S. southern border, but "it was a great campaign device."

Such proposals, along with his free-wheeling tone and frequent insults of critics and rivals, earned Trump the disapproval of not just Democrats but many in the Republican establishment during the election campaign.

Trump's camp also showed signs it was beginning building a government, with names for top Cabinet positions being leaked. Steve Bannon, Trump's campaign chief, and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus could be named chief of staff. Trump has long hinted that his Treasury secretary could be campaign finance chair Steven Mnuchin, formerly of Goldman Sachs, but there were reports U.S. Representative Jeb Hensarling and J.P. Morgan's Jamie Dimon were also being considered.

Thursday's start at fence-mending also included meetings between Vice President Joe Biden and his future successor, Pence, and between the current and future first ladies.

Michelle Obama met privately with Trump's wife, Melania, in the White House residence. Michelle Obama has raised two daughters in the White House and the Trumps have a son, 10 year-old Barron. The two women discussed raising children at the White House, Earnest said.

"Melania liked Mrs. O a lot!," Donald Trump said on Twitter.

Trump sees Japan's Abe as ally in push back against China: adviser

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's meeting next week with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may mark the start of talks to garner Japan's support for a push back against China's growing influence in Asia, a security adviser to Trump said.

Trump's campaign comments, including a demand Japan pay more for the upkeep of U.S. forces on its soil, have worried Tokyo about a rift in a security alliance with Washington, in the face of a rising China and a volatile North Korea, that has been the bedrock of its defense since World War Two.

A tougher stance against China, however, and a call for Japan to play a bigger security role through a Trump-Abe axis would however fit with Abe's hawkish policies that include allowing the military to operate more freely overseas.

Abe will meet Trump in New York on Thursday before going to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru.

Trump was looking to Japan "to play a more active role in Asia", the adviser, who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to talk to the media, told Reuters.

Abe, he added, was "a uniquely placed figure to offer leadership in the alliance".

Senior U.S. Navy commanders have said they would welcome joint air and sea patrols with Japan's military in the disputed South China Sea, where the construction of island bases is extending Beijing's influence. Tokyo has balked at direct provocation of its neighbor, choosing instead to assist nations in the region with disputes with China, such as the Philippines.

Trump in his first 100 days in office would end budget sequestration that mandates spending, including cuts in military outlays, and submit a budget that would fund construction of dozens of new warships, the adviser said.

It would "send a message to Beijing as well as allies Japan and South Korea and other nations that the U.S. is intent on being in (Asia) for a long time", he said.

Trump on Thursday wants to allay any "unfounded" concerns Abe may have and affirm his commitment to their countries' security alliance, he added. "This is going to be a respectful conversation."

Potential friction between the two countries, however, exists over how much Tokyo pays for the deployment of U.S. forces in Japan. Japan says the funding it provides, which covers three quarters of the cost, is enough.

"We are bearing the burden for what we should bear," Japanese Minister of Defence Tomomi Inada told reporters in Tokyo on Friday, Kyodo news reported.

Abe knows little about Trump, and in New York is likely to want to begin building a relationship that could yield a common world view, a person who knows the prime minister said.

"He has proven to be able to get along with fairly edgy people," he said.
Medvedev arrives in Jericho for Russian-Palestinian talks

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has arrived in the city Jericho. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas greeted the Russian premier and members of the delegation. The Russian-Palestinian talks have started.

After the talks Medvedev and Abbas are expected to hold a joint news conference.

Medvedev and Abbas are due to sign a number of bilateral agreements during their meeting. "New bilateral documents are planned to be signed on the sidelines of my visit to Palestine," Medvedev said in his article for the Palestinian media. "An even more favorable atmosphere is being created for joint onward progress, bilateral investment, cooperation in industry, agriculture, trade and culture."

The Russian prime minister said that Russia and Palestine "pay special attention" to strengthening economic cooperation, that develops despite "unfavorable factors related to a complicated military and political situation, as well as regional instability."

Russia awaiting results of US investigation into civilian deaths in Syria, Iraq — diplomat

"The US Department of State promises to investigate, together with the Pentagon, every civilian death in Syria and Iraq under the bombs of the US-led coalition," the diplomat tweeted

Washington promises to investigate all civilian deaths in Syria and Iraq during the international coalition's operation, Moscow is waiting for the results of this investigation, Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, Konstantin Dolgov said on Friday.

"The US Department of State promises to investigate, together with the Pentagon, every civilian death in Syria and Iraq under the bombs of the US-led coalition," the diplomat tweeted. "If they keep this promise, they will have plenty of work to do. Let’s look at the results and see whether someone will be punished."

The US-led international anti-terrorism coalition to fight the Islamic State (group, outlawed in Russia) was formed in 2014.

Currently, the coalition is taking part in the military operation to liberate Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, from Islamic State militants. It has been under IS control for more than two years. The coalition also launched an anti-terrorism operation in Syria in 2014.

Russian Defense Ministry inisists on sending OPCW experts to Aleppo

Russia's Reconciliation Center is ready to help OPCW experts examine militants’ chemical attack areas

The Russian Defense Ministry has asked the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons for sending its specialists to Aleppo, where militants earlier used chemical weapons, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told a news briefing in Moscow.

"We are asking the OPCW leadership to consider the possibility of urgently sending OPCW fact-finding mission experts to Aleppo’s quarter 1070," he said.

Konashenkov promised that the Russian center for the reconciliation of warring parties in Syria would provide the appropriate guarantees OPCW experts and Russian specialists would enjoy the proper conditions for examining the area where terrorists used chemical weapons.

"All results of tests of soil samples and ordnance fragments testifying to the use of chemical weapons in Aleppo by militants will be handed over to the OPCW in accordance with the established rules," Konashenkov said.

Earlier, Russian officers from the center for radiation, chemical and biological protection of the Russian armed forces conducted reconnaissance in the area of quarter 1070 (the southwestern part of Aleppo) to gather evidence terrorists had used chemical weapons against civilians and Syrian troops - unexploded artillery shells containing poisonous substances.

Jaysh Al-Fateh reinforcements arrive to west Aleppo to stop Syrian Army offensive

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their large-scale offensive in the western corridor of Aleppo on Friday, attacking the jihadist rebel defenses at both the Minyan and Al-Assad suburbs.

Led by their elite Tiger Forces, the Syrian Arab Army and their allies managed to seize several buildings inside of the Minyan and Al-Assad suburbs after a fierce battle with the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest).

In response to this large-scale advance, Jaysh Al-Fateh sent in a large wave of reinforcements to help drive back the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah from the respective suburbs in west Aleppo.

Since the arrival of these reinforcements, the clashes inside the Al-Assad and Minyan suburbs have intensifies, with the Syrian Arab Army still attempting to break-through Jaysh Al-Fateh's final-line of defense.

More details to come...

Jeish Al-Fatah Terrorists Use Chemical Weapons in Syria's Aleppo Again

"Jeish Al-Fatah militants fired chlorine gas towards the advancing Syrian Army during their assault on Menyan district last night," the military source said.

Several members of the Syrian Army were in the region when the militants fired chlorine gas munition at their positions, causing many to seek medical treatment following the attack.

The terrorist groups have used chemically armed weapons against the civilian population in Aleppo several times in the last two months.

The Syrian opposition has not commented on these claims.

Local media quoted sources as saying on Wednesday that the militants shelled government troops with improvised mortars filled with Chlorine gas during the battles which took place recently to control two strategic hilltops.

ISIL's Oil Tankers Destroyed in Syrian Army Attack in Sweida Province

An army unit destroyed a number of ISIL's oil tankers and cars near the village of Sha’af, about 34 km Southeast of Sweida city.

The army troops targeted a gathering of ISIL's vehicles in al-Bayader area to the East of Sha’af village.

In relevant developments in the province in late October, the Syrian army troops, backed by popular forces and their allies, inflicted major damage and casualties on the terrorist groups stationed in Sweida and Dara'a provinces.

"The Syrian army units targeted the ISIL terrorists who were moving from Wadi al-Qabib region towards Tal Basineh in Northeastern Sweida with artillery fire, killing a large number of them and destroying their military equipment and weapons," the source said.

According to the source, after monitoring the moves of a terrorist group as it was moving towards al-Lajah region between Dara'a and Sweida, the Syrian soldiers targeted them for the second consecutive day and killed most of its members.

Russian Navy prepares to strike jihadists in Syria

The Russian aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, arrived this week to Syrian territorial waters after a long journey that included a trip through the English Channel.

With its warships positioned off the Syrian coast, the Admiral Kuznetsov is preparing to unleash its Kalibr missile system against the jihadist rebels of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).

According to a military source in the port-city of Tartous, Russian warships have already made their final preparations to launch these Kalibr cruise missiles towards the enemy forces in several provinces, including Aleppo and Al-Raqqa.

The Admiral Kuznetsov is expected to remain in the Mediterranean for at least six months, a military source told Al-Masdar News.

Syrian Kurds Fighting Daesh 18 Miles Away From Raqqa

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) liberated several settlements, including Ash-Shibil and Khidir nearly the Syrian city of Raqqa occupied by the Daesh terrorist group, according to media reports.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continue their offensive to liberate the Syrian city of Raqqa occupied by the Islamic State (ISIL or Daesh) jihadist group and are fighting at a distance of 18 miles from it, media reported Friday.

According to the Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen satellite television channel, during the offensive the SDF have already liberated several settlements, including Ash-Shibil and Khidir.

The broadcaster added that the Kurds had also driven militants from the strategic Tell as-Saman area.

The SDF, formed in 2015 as the defense force of northern Syria's de facto autonomous Rojava federation and supported by the US-led coalition, announced a military operation to liberate Raqqa from the Daesh on Sunday. The SDF urged international and regional forces to support the operation, dubbed Euphrates Rage.

Raqqa has been under control of the Daesh, which is outlawed in the United States and Russia among many other countries, since 2013.
The Militants of Jeish al-Fatah terrorist group took out their frustrations on the civilians in the Northern city of Aleppo after suffering several setbacks in battlefields and carried out shelling attacked on the Aleppo University campus, killing at least 7 students and wounding over 25 others in the university's dormitories.

Frustrated Militants Massacre University Students in Syria's Aleppo

Using hellfire cannon and artillery shells, Jeish al-Fatah attacked the dormitories of Aleppo University, massacring at least 7 students inside of dorms and wounding more than 25 others in the process, Al Masdar reported.

According to a military source inside of Aleppo, the militants purposely targeted the Aleppo University dorms in order to take out their frustrations on the people of the battleground city.

Several university students are still missing and believed to be under the rubble, however their fate is still unknown.

The Lebanese Army carried out a successful ambush against a group of militants that were attempting to flee into Jarod 'Arsal from the Syrian border.

Lebanese Army Ambushes Militants Fleeing Syria

At least 4 militants from Fatah al-Sham Front (formerly known as Al-Nusra Front) were wounded during the ambush by the Lebanese Army and another half dozen were arrested in Jarod 'Arsal, Al Masdar reported.

In addition to this ambush, the Lebanese Army also targeted the ISIL positions in the Ba'albak Highlands, killing a number of militants in the process.

The Lebanese Army has recently intensified their military operations near the Syrian border after discovering a surge in terrorist activity in the 'Arsal area.

Reconciliation agreements were signed during the day with representatives of six more settlements in Syria, the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria said in its regular daily bulletin posted on the Russian Defense Ministry’s official website on Friday.

Reconciliation agreements signed with 6 more Syrian settlements — Russian Defense Ministry

"During the day, reconciliation agreement were signed with representatives of six settlements, including four — in the province of Hama, and two — in the province of Latakia. The number of settlements joining the reconciliation process has reached 924," the center said.

Talks on joining the regime of cessation of hostilities were continued with field commanders of armed opposition groups in the settlement of Muaddamyet al-Shih in the province of Damascus and commanders of armed opposition groups in the provinces of Homs, Hama, Aleppo and al-Quneitra, according to the bulletin.

"The number illegal armed groups that declared their commitment to the ceasefire terms remains unchanged — 69," the center said.

The Turkish army in al-Shahba region of Northern Aleppo has equipped the terrorists with heavy weapons, including M60 tanks.

Terrorists in Northern Aleppo Equipped with Turkish M60 Tanks

According to Kurdish-affiliated Hawar news, several footage and images have been released by the terrorist groups in different websites which show that they are using the Turkish army's armored vehicles in Tal Jorji village in al-Bab region.

The images show that the terrorists are using M60 tanks.

Turkey has deployed a large number of its tanks and armored vehicles in Northern Syria after the start of the Euphrates Shield operation by Ankara.

The Turkish forces, backed by US-led coalition aircraft, started the Euphrates Shield military operation in August, claiming that they intend to purge terrorists from Syria's Northern territories and create security zones for accommodation of refugees.

Media activists said earlier this month that the Turkey-backed militants operating in Northern Syria within the framework of the Euphrates Shield operation retreated from 13 strategic villages near al-Bab in Aleppo to open way for the ISIL's operations.

Syrian military forces targeted the concentration centers and gatherings of ISIL terrorists Southeast of Sweida, destroying several fuel tankers and military vehicles.

ISIL's Oil Tankers Destroyed in Syrian Army Attack in Sweida Province

An army unit destroyed a number of ISIL's oil tankers and cars near the village of Sha’af, about 34 km Southeast of Sweida city.

The army troops targeted a gathering of ISIL's vehicles in al-Bayader area to the East of Sha’af village.

Missile units of the Syrian pro-government forces targeted a long military column of ISIL terrorists in Northeastern Hama near Ithriya road to the town of Khanasser in Aleppo, destroying at least 30 military vehicles.

Over 30 Military Vehicles of ISIL Destroyed in Missile Attack in Northeastern Hama

Hundreds of ISIL fighters, deployed on the Eastern side of a road connecting town of Ithriya in Hama to Khanasser raided army defense lines East of the village of Jubb al-Ali to cut off the supply road to Aleppo.

The army missile units targeted terrorists' column with anti-armored missiles and destroyed at least 30 vehicles carrying militants and equipment.

The ISIL also suffered a heavy death toll and pulled the remaining pockets of its forces back from the battlefield.

The terrorists planned to block the army's supply route to Northern Syrian, including to Aleppo, but failed.

Reports said earlier today that Syrian Army troops ambushed a military column of ISIL Terrorists in al-Salamiyah region, killing a number of militants and seizing a large volume of their ammunition.

The United States’ former ambassador to Moscow, Michael McFaul, is really on Russia’s tit-for-tat sanction list, a source in the Russian foreign ministry told TASS on Friday.

US former ambassador to Moscow McFaul put on Russia’s sanction list — source

McFaul twittered earlier he could not come to Russia because Kremlin had allegedly put him on the list of people, who were denied entry of the country’s territory because of his close personal links to Barack Obama.

"Michael McFaul is wrong as usual: he has been put on the response blacklist not because of his closeness to Obama, as he wrote, but because of his active participation in wrecking bilateral relations and as a consistent lobbyist of the campaign of exerting pressure on Russia," the source said.

"McFaul was put on our stop-list more than two years ago, during one of the first waves of extension of sanction lists against United States citizens, which mirrored the unfriendly actions of the administration of [United States President Barack] Obama in respect of Russian nationals," the source said.
Russia-US cooperation needed to defeat terrorism — Kremlin spokesman

Fighting against terrorism "requires cooperation and we have been denied this cooperation," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said

Neither the United States nor Russia can cope with the terrorist threat alone, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told TASS on Friday.

"It is impossible to defeat terrorism by yourself," Peskov, who is currently in New York to attend the opening ceremony of the World Chess Championship, said. "It requires cooperation and we have been denied this cooperation. This is the absurdity of the situation."

As an example he cited the case of the Tsarnaev brothers who planted bombs at the Boston Marathon in 2013. "Have the US security services listened to us, human lives could have been saved," he stressed.

Bilateral relations

No major changes are expected to occur in US politics in the nearest future due to considerable inertia, Peskov said. "One should not expect any immediate changes in Washington’s system of coordinates," he added. "There is great inertia. One should not expect drastic changes in Washington’s policy. They have a system of checks and balances," he noted.

"The current situation is absurd, when bilateral cooperation is practically frozen, and it was not Russia’s fault," the Kremlin spokesman said. Moreover, this occurred in those spheres of cooperation that are "vitally important for US as well," he added.

The Kremlin spokesman expressed hope that "experienced people that are part of the establishment" will come to the new US Administration. "However, this is the matter for the US President-elect," he noted.

It is inadmissible to dodge dialogue in relations between Russia and the United States, Peskov stressed. "Russian President Vladimir Putin said that those who never seek to evade dialogue despite the gaps in concrete approaches are more appealing to us," he said.

Minsk Agreements

More and more countries across the globe begin to see the situation in Ukraine in a more realistic light, Peskov continued. "The (countries) begin to see that Kiev is failing its liabilities under the Minsk agreements," Peskov noted. "Many representatives of different countries are not hiding their irritation."

The Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine comprising senior representatives from Russia, Ukraine and the European security watchdog OSCE on February 12, 2015, signed a 13-point Package of Measures to fulfil the September 2014 Minsk agreements. The package was agreed with the leaders of the Normandy Four, namely Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine.

The Package of Measures, known as Minsk-2, envisaged a ceasefire between Ukrainian government forces and people’s militias in the self-proclaimed republics in Donetsk and Lugansk starting from February 15 and subsequent withdrawal of heavy weaponry from the line of engagement. The deal also laid out a roadmap for a lasting settlement in Ukraine, including local elections and constitutional reform to give more autonomy to the war-torn eastern regions.

No one expects swift improvement of Russian-US relations after Trump’s victory — Peskov

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said both Putin and Trump seem to be very pragmatic

No one expects Russian-US relations to improve very fast after the victory of Donald Trump at presidential election but if the leaders demonstrate political will, there will be a chance to solve problems constructively, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told CNN in an interview.

"No one expects that relationship will improve in a fortnight between Moscow and Washington. We have a very heavy burden of disagreements on our shoulders. But nonetheless, if our two leaders, I mean the current Russian leader President Putin and President-elect Trump, are wise enough to have a political will to talk to each other and to try to solve problems not by confronting each other, not by using, let’s say language of sanctions or other illogical things hurting both sides, then we really have a chance at least to talk and try to solve the problems being constructive," Peskov said.

"Actually, they seem to be very pragmatic, both of them. They point out as a main objective to protect national interests. We’ve heard Mr Trump mentioning overwhelming priority of America’s national interests, and the same is being proclaimed by President Putin. He is very consistent in saying that Russia’s and Russian people’s prosperity and their national interests are the main objective and the main priority," Peskov went on.

"At the same time, they both expressed readiness to develop good relationship with other countries in the world, as far as third countries are ready to go. This is a very good, very positive coincidence, in my opinion," he said.

Neutrality during election

Russian President Vladimir Putin did everything possible to maintain neutrality toward US election campaign and never announced his preference for a particular candidate, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov went on. “I would like to remind you that President Putin did his best in order to stay neutral in this story, despite the fact that personally he was playing an overwhelming role, quite unexpectedly for us, in American election campaign,” Peskov said.

“Nonetheless, he never pointed out his favorite candidate, and he was very careful saying that Russia would welcome any choice of American people, and we cannot afford interfering into America’s domestic affairs,” he added. “What we have currently is a very lousy relationship, let’s say the minimum possible level of our relationship in the last decade,” Peskov said.

Cooperation on Syria

Russia will continue working with the United States on Syria, not waiting for the new Administration of Donald Trump to assume office, Peskov said. "Syria is a burning issue, and we cannot afford a pause for a couple of months. So, we have a couple of months ahead, and we will continue to work with an acting Administration in Washington, and Putin will continue to work with Mr Obama. We cannot afford waiting for a couple of months," Peskov said.

"What we expect on Syria is real cooperation, not just exchange of information. This is not sufficient. Unfortunately, thus we cannot be effective in combating terror there, in Syria," he added. "What we have to do now is we have to ensure that promises to differ terrorists from other opposition will be realized into life.

"Russian Air Forces continue to perform their duties in order to support activities of Syrian army against terrorists. And this operation is being continued, although in accordance with the order of Russian Chief Commander, President Putin, they are still holding fire and they are not using military jets in order to bomb terrorist targets in eastern Aleppo. But in general the operation is going on," the Kremlin spokesman stressed.

Trump: US to End Up Fighting Russia in Syria if Attacks Assad

The United States will end up fighting Russia if it attacks Syrian President Bashar Assad, US President-elect Donald Trump said.

If the United States were to attack Assad, "we end up fighting Russia, fighting Syria," Trump told The Wall Street Journal in an interview published on Friday.

"My attitude was you’re fighting Syria, Syria is fighting ISIS [Islamic State], and you have to get rid of ISIS. Russia is now totally aligned with Syria, and now you have Iran, which is becoming powerful, because of us, is aligned with Syria. … Now we’re backing rebels against Syria, and we have no idea who these people are," he added.

During his election campaign Trump said that the incumbent Syrian President Bashar Assad was not an ideal Syria's governor, but several opposition groups that could come to power after his resignation could be worse. Trump said that his priority in Syria would be to eliminate the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group and not to remove Assad from power.

Russia sends humanitarian aid to DPRK

The assistance is offered at the order from the Russian president and government

Russia’s Emergencies Ministry has sent humanitarian aid to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which was hit by the Lionrock typhoon, the ministry’s press service said on Saturday.

The assistance is offered at the order from the Russian president and government.

"By railway transport to the DPRK we have sent more than 170 tonnes of food products and more than 700 tonnes of diesel fuel," the emergencies authority said. Carriages with the humanitarian cargo have crossed the border and now head for the Rajin station for unloading there.

Russia to Consider New Humanitarian Pauses in Aleppo When UN Ready to Send Aid

The Russian military will consider possibility of new humanitarian pauses in Syrian Aleppo, when the United Nations expresses its readiness to deliver humanitarian aid to the city.

The Russian Defense Ministry is ready to consider introduction of new humanitarian pauses in Syria when the United Nations confirms its readiness to deliver humanitarian aid to Aleppo and evacuate civilians, ministry’s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Saturday.

"The Russian Defense Ministry will be ready to consider the possibility of introduction of new humanitarian pauses at any time as soon as representatives of the UN humanitarian mission in Syria officially confirm their readiness and ability to deliver humanitarian aid to Aleppo and evacuation of ill and injured civilians from there," Konashenkov said.

Hezbollah prepares for massive offensive in southern Aleppo

Hezbollah has reportedly mobilized its forces to the southern countryside of the Aleppo Governorate this week, as they prepare to storm Jaysh Al-Fateh's stronghold at Khan Touman.

Backed by Harakat Al-Nujaba (Iraqi paramilitary) and the Syrian Republican Guard, Hezbollah will attempt to reclaim the strategic town of Khan Touman, which was captured by the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh this past summer.

According to a Syrian military source in Damascus, Hezbollah is expected to lead this charge to capture Khan Touman, while the Syrian Arab Army's "Tiger Forces" focus on the southwestern corridor of Aleppo City.

Khan Touman is strategically located along the Aleppo Damascus Highway (M-5 Highway); its proximity to the Idlib Governorate makes it an imperative military objective for both the Syrian Army and Hezbollah.

Russian Air Force launches heavy airstrikes over west Aleppo

The Russian Air Force conducted several night raids over the western countryside of Aleppo on Friday night, killing and wounding several members of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) as they try to reinforce the front-lines near the Al-Assad Suburb.

According to an Al-Masdar field correspondent, the Russian Air Force launched airstrikes over several sites in west Aleppo, targeting Jaysh Al-Fateh's movements around a number of villages.

Among the many targets for the Russian Air Force on Friday night was the key village of Dara Izza; this jihadist stronghold is considered a main supply hub for Jaysh Al-Fateh fighters.

The video footage above shows the aftermath of the Russian airstrikes over Darat Izza on Friday night.

Army units regain stability to al-Assad Suburb and establish control over Carton Factory and the offices area in western countryside of Aleppo

Army units on Saturday restored stability and security to al-Assad Suburb in the western countryside of Aleppo, inflicting heavy losses upon Jaish al-Fateh terrorists.

A military source told SANA the army units, in cooperation with the supporting forces and allies, advanced in the western countryside of Aleppo, regaining stability and security to al-Assad Suburb completely along with the Carton Factory and the offices area.

The source pointed out that the military operations left many of the terrorists killed or injured, in addition to destroying their weapons, clarifying that the army continues progress on that axis.

ISIS offensive in east Homs foiled by Syrian Army

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched another offensive in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate, targeting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) controlled villages of Huwaysis and Jubb Al-Jarrah.

ISIS began their offensive by sending a large wave of combatants towards the Syrian Army's defenses in order to overwhelm them; however, this would ultimately fail after a short battle.

According to an Al-Masdar field correspondent in Damascus City, the Syrian Armed Forces foiled the terrorist offensive on Friday, killing and wounding scores of Islamic State combatants in the process.

Meanwhile, east of Palmyra, Russian choppers launched several attacks against the Islamic State terrorists at the villages of Sukhnah, Taybah, and 'Arak.
FSB detains in Moscow, St. Petersburg members of group, plotting terrorist attacks

The terrorists planned attacks "with the purpose of killing civilians in crowded places"

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) reported detention of ten members of a terrorist group, connected with the Islamic State terrorist organization, outlawed in Russia, who planned a series of terrorist attacks, FSB’s PR Center told TASS on Saturday.

"The Russian Federal Security Service with support from the Interior Ministry and cooperation with foreign partners from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan has stopped activities of an inter-regional terrorist group, which united citizens of Central Asian countries, who plotted a series of sabotage-terrorist attacks in Moscow and St. Petersburg, using automatic guns and self-made high-power explosives."

The terrorists planned attacks "with the purpose of killing civilians in crowded places."

"As a result of the operative-search and investigatory actions, ten terrorists were detained on November 12 in Moscow and St. Petersburg," FSB said. "They had four self-made high-power explosives, which were confiscated."

"The detained are confessing contacts with leaders of the Islamic State terrorist organization, outlawed in Russia, in the Middle East region, targeted facilities, as well as allies and the supportive base both inside the Russian Federation and abroad."

Russian Army Poses No Threat to Anyone - Putin

The Russian army is not threatening anyone, President Vladimir Putin noted on Saturday, adding that he is surprised over the uneasy reaction of the West concerning Russia's military drills.

Putin said that the "number of drills and exercises has multiplied, including unannounced inspections, which from time to time cause concern of our partners for some reason."

"Our army does not threaten anybody. I would like to stress this once again, so that everyone hears, not just those sitting here," Putin told the employees of the Autodiesel engine plant in the Russian city of Yaroslavl.

The president added that it was necessarily for Russia, the world's largest country, to ensure its own security.

According to Putin, the army "should be compact, but very efficient, so we will continue structural reform," while attention will continue to be given to intelligence, communication systems, and advanced high-precision and high-tech weaponry.

Russian warships flotilla arrive off Syria's coast

A fleet of Russian warships has entered the eastern Mediterranean off the coast of Syria amid speculations that Moscow and Damascus are about to launch a massive operation against terrorists in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo.

The commander of Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov told state-owned Russia-1 television network on Saturday that the military vessels were positioned in the “designated zone... in the eastern Mediterranean and are now jointly carrying out tasks, maneuvering to the west of the Syrian coast.”

Captain 1st rank Sergei Artamonov added that fighter jets have already started taking off from the carrier’s deck to survey the conflict zone.

“Flights are being carried out from the deck... they are working on coordination with the shore port. The flights have been going on practically every day for the last four days,” the high-ranking Russian naval commander pointed out.
The remarks came a day after Russia’s Interfax news agency reported that Russian MiG and Sukhoi warplanes routinely fly from the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier into the Syrian airspace to “determine combat missions.”

Meanwhile, the commander of the Pyotr Veliky nuclear-powered battle cruiser, Captain 1st rank Vladislav Malakhovsky, said on Saturday that no foreign aircraft dared to “come closer than 50 kilometers” away from the Russian fleet.

On November 4, Russian frigate Admiral Grigorovich passed through the Bosphorus Strait in northwestern Turkey and arrived off the Syrian coast.

Grigorovich is reportedly capable of launching land-attack Kalibr cruise missiles, which are equivalent to US Tomahawk ones and equipped with the latest high precision guidance systems.

Russia has been bombing Daesh and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as the al-Nusra Front, terror groups in Syria since September 30, 2015 at the official request of President Bashar al-Assad.

Backed by Russia’s aerial campaign, the Syrian troops have retaken several militant-held areas in the Arab country.

Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura estimates that over 400,000 people have been killed in the conflict.

Syrian Army, Hezbollah keep rolling in southern Aleppo after jihadists abandon another village

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Hezbollah have wasted no time advancing in southern Aleppo after the jihadist rebels of Jaysh Al-Fateh (Army of Conquest) retreated from several sites around the province.

The Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah began the day by seizing the small village of Khribat Al-Zuwiya after launching a powerful assault during the morning hours.

FOllowing the capture of this village, the Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah turned their attention to Kafr Haddad, which was originally a well-fortified town under Jaysh Al-Fateh.

While Jaysh Al-Fateh did put up a fight at Kafr Haddad, they retreated after a short two hour long battle on Saturday afternoon.

The Syrian Armed Forces and Hezbollah are now pushing further south, as they capitalize on Jaysh Al-Fateh's crumbling defenses in Aleppo.

Syria: Terrorists' Front in Aleppo on Verge of Collapse

After the terrorist groups sustained crushing defeats their offensive on the Western and Southwestern parts of Aleppo, codenamed Great Epic Operation, and suffered thousands of casualties, military sources now say that the terrorist front is on the verge on collapse.

"The recent victories of the Syrian army and popular forces in Southwestern Aleppo and liberation of Housing Project 1070, al-Hikmah School, army's advances in the neighborhood of al-Rashedeen, the Western flank, government forces' successful cleansing operation in Zahiyeh al-Assad and Menyan districts and the continued defeats of the terrorists in Jam'iyat al-Zahra district have caused the terrorists to grow hopeless, paralyzed and depressed," the sources said.

"The terrorists are now accusing each other of betrayal. The accusations find their roots in the escape of several terrorist commanders from battlefields in Western Aleppo and their shooting at each other," the source added.

The army soldiers have imposed full control over Zahiyeh al-Assad district and are now carrying out mop-up operation to hunt the remaining militants hidden in the buildings, the sources said.

Menyan district is also under the full control of the army soldiers, who have laid siege on a number of militants in a small part of the district.

Fierce clashes are underway between pro-government forces and Jeish al-Fatah in the surrounding areas of al-Rashedeen neighborhood.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian Army and popular forces have fortified their positions in Menyan district to reinvigorate their defense capabilities against Jeish al-Fatah terrorists.

"Following their advances in the Western and Southwestern parts of Aleppo and fortifying their positions in Zahiyeh al-Assad district, Syrian pro-government forces laid siege on a number of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists and fortified their defense lines in Menyan," the sources said.

The Arabic language al-Mayadeen TV network reported that in addition to fire control over Menyan, the army forces also advanced against the militants and laid siege on a number of them.

According to the military sources, army soldiers conducted a tactical retreat from Menyan district in recent days to give the artillery units to pound the invading terrorists. The army further used ambush tactics to hunt Jeish al-Fatah militants in the district.

"Tens of militants have been killed during the last few days, while others have come under siege," the sources added.

Al-Nusra Front Asks for More Financial Aid from Regional Supporters amid Repeated Defeats in Aleppo

After al-Nusra called for financial aid through the social media for treating those wounded under 'Sarkhat Mosab' plan, the terrorist group's supporters urged the Persian Gulf Arab states to immediately send money to the al-Nusra militants to enable them to resist against the Syrian army in Aleppo.

The demands for more money were raised after Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini, a senior al Qaeda-linked cleric and the religious leader of al-Nusra and Jeish al-Fatah, in a recent video called on the Persian Gulf Arab states to increase financial aid to the terrorists.

Jeish al-Fatah is a conglomerate of terrorist groups under the command of the Al-Nusra Front. The backbone of the umbrella group is made of Al-Nusra units, while militants from 12 other terrorist groups, including Ahrar Al-Sham, are all members of Jeish al-Fatah.

Late in October, al-Muhaysini admitted that the militants in Syria have received financial and military aid from Saudi Arabia and certain other Persian Gulf Arab states.

Muhaysini released a video recently in which he appreciated Riyadh and other Arab states for equipping his comrades with missiles.

The Saudi preacher said that the missiles that they have sent would be used to break the Syrian army and its allies' siege of Aleppo.

He also thanked Turkey for supporting the terrorists and treating the wounded militants in its hospitals.

In relevant remarks in June, a source said that Saudi Arabia has sent new cargoes of weapons and financial aid to the terrorists in Aleppo in Northern Syria to strengthen them against the Syrian army and its allies' fresh attacks.

"The Saudi regime has recently sent small arms and new equipment, including 5 drones, to the terrorists in Syria," the source said.

To this end, Riyadh has sent one of its ranking officers to the regions controlled by terrorists in Northern Aleppo to supply them with money and arms to intensify attacks and open new fronts against the Syrian army and popular forces, the source added.

Syria: Jeish Al-Fatah Dispatches Hundreds of Fresh Militants to Aleppo

"After Jeish al-Fatah's defeats in its massive offensives on Southern and Southwestern Aleppo, codenamed the Great Epic Operation, and rapid advances of the Syrian army and popular forces in the Southern and Southwestern districts of Aleppo, the terrorist coalition has dispatched hundreds of reinforcements to Aleppo," the sources said, adding, "A number of these fresh forces have arrived in the Western battlefields of Aleppo city."

"A large number of Jeish al-Fatah's fighters joined their comrades in the districts of Menyan and Zahiyeh al-Assad but could not prevent government forces' advances," the sources added.

"In their operation to boost security in the Western part of Aleppo city, the Syrian army and the Lebanese Hezbollah captured Housing Project 1070 and al-Hikmah Schools and engaged in fierce clashes with the terrorists in the neighborhood of al-Rashedeen," they added.

Syrian Army troops on Saturday restored security and stability to Zahiyeh al-Assad district in the Western part of Aleppo, inflicting heavy losses on Jeish al-Fatah terrorists.

The army units, in cooperation with popular forces, advanced in the Western countryside of Aleppo, and restored full security and stability in Zahiyeh al-Assad along with the Carton Factory and the office area.

Jeish al-Fatah suffered a heavy death toll and its weapons sustained major damage in the army attack.

Army soldiers and popular forces, in the mop-up operation in Zahiyeh al-Assad, captured al-So'warah station where the terrorists had erected their defense lines.

"After capturing al-So'warah station, the mop-up operation in Zahiyeh al-Assad was completed," a military source said.

"Although, Zahiyeh al-Assad in under the full control of the Army, sporadic attacks by the terrorists are still possible," the source added.

Sources: ISIL in Talks with Syrian Army to Retreat from Southern Damascus

The sources from Rabi al-Soura terrorist group, that is deployed in Southern Damascus, said that Abu Mujahid, the successor of Abu Sayyah Faramah, the former ISIL emir in Southern Damascus, along with another ISIL commander have held talks with representatives of the Syrian government in one of the army bases in al-Qadam region.

Noting that the meeting was held on November 10 and took 2 hours, the sources said that the results have not yet been revealed given the secret nature of the meeting.

According to Enab al-Baladi website affiliated to the dissident and armed groups stationed in al-Hajar al-Aswad region, the ISIL is now in control of a large part of Yarmouk camp and the two towns of al-Tazamon and al-Assali in the outskirts of Damascus.

Facing the Syrian army and its allies' rapid advance and crushing attacks, terrorists in different parts of Syria are joining the reconciliation plan.

The Russian Peace Coordination Center in Syria said in a statement on Thursday that the number of towns and regions that have joined the cessation of hostilities in war-torn Syria has increased to 914.

"In the past 24 hours, truce agreements have been reached with representatives of four towns, including one in Lattakia and three towns in Hama, bringing the total number of settlements that have joined the ceasefire to 914," the statement said.

Based on the report, peace talks are still underway in the provinces of Hama, Homs, Damascus and Aleppo to persuade more regions to join the reconciliation process.

US Army Establishes New Military Base West of Syria's Hasaka

"The US forces have started to rapidly equip a military base in Jabal (mount) Abdul Aziz in the region under the control of the Democratic Union Party, an ally of Washington in Northern Syria," the sources said.

Sham Time quoted Zaman al-Wasl as saying that the Kurdish forces with the cooperation of the US soldiers have cut hundreds of trees in the village of Maqloujeh near Jabal Abdul Aziz 30 kilometers to the West of Hasaka in order to build a landing platform for US army and US-led coalition forces' helicopters.

"The US forces started to equip the base after cutting the trees," the sources said.

"A group of US soldiers went to the village in military vehicles every day. But, they started to equip the base under the tight security measures of the Kurdish forces in Maqloujeh in recent days. The US forces have separated the base from the village by trenches and soil walls. They have tuned the base and its surrounding areas up to the Sakriyeh ancient citadel into a military zone," they added.

Kurdish sources said in August that the US set up a new military base in Hasaka, Northeastern Syria, under the pretext of demining the region.

"The US has deployed tens of its marines in Mabrouka village in the Western parts of Hasaka province under the pretext of demining Ra's al-Ain city which is now under the control of Kurdish forces," sources told FNA.

According to the Kurdish sources, the US forces set up their base in one of the buildings of Syria's power department in Mabrouka named Housh al-Kahroba.

Reports in December said that the US experts were reconstructing and equipping a desolate airport special to carrying agricultural products in the region controlled by the Kurdish forces in Hasaka region to turn it into a military base.

The Lebanese al-Akhbar newspaper reported at the time that a number of US experts entered the region to develop and prepare the runways with 2,500m length and 250m width to be used by fighter jets.

Abu Hajar airport which had not been used since 2010 was located in Tal al-Hajar region in the Eastern countryside of Hasaka which was controlled by the Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG).

The airbase was located Southeast of the town of Rimelan, which is one of the YPG’s main strongholds and “largest arms and ammunition depots”.

The US has not received or even asked for a permission from Damascus for reconstructing the airbase. The United States does not have a UN mandate for intervening in the Syria war.

Over 20 Civilians Massacred in US-Led Coalition Air Raids in Northern Syria

The US-led coalition's fighter jets bombed the ISIL-villages of al-Hisheh and Khaniz, while backing the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces' (SDF) offensive there.

At least 20 civilians were killed and more villagers were injured in the air raids.

This is the first case of war crime of the US-led coalition while providing air support for the Kurdish-led attack on Raqqa, codenamed Angry Euphrates Operation. The US-led coalition has done multiple war crimes in other regions of Syria, including Deir Ezzur.

In order to recapture several regions they lost in their previous battles with ISIL, the SDF stormed terrorists' positions and captured the villages of al-Hisheh and al-Roweile,eh.

Taking control over the villages of al-Hisheh and Khaniz by the SDF was done by the direct back up of US-led coalition's fighter jets.

Kurdish forces rejected their role in al-Hisheh massacre and underlined that they had not given any information to coalition's fighter jets about ISIL's positions.

On Wednesday an airstrike by the US-led coalition killed at least 23 people, including a child, in a village near the ISIL-held city of Raqqa in Northeastern Syria.

The strike targeted the village of al-Hisheh, about 40 kilometers North of Raqqa.

Raqqa, on the Northern bank of the Euphrates River, was overrun by the ISIL terrorists in March 2013 and was proclaimed the terrorist group’s so-called headquarters the following year.

The attack is not the first US-led airstrike to leave civilian casualties.

In mid October, at least 15 civilians were killed when a US-led attack hit areas in the Daham Village near Sulouk in the Northeast of Raqqa.

Since 2014, the United States has been leading a bombing campaign in Syria and neighboring Iraq with the declared objective of hitting ISIL.
An Iranian reporter was killed in the Syrian city of Aleppo amid fierce fighting between the Syrian army and terrorist groups in the war-torn city.

Syria: Iranian Reporter Killed in Aleppo

Mohsen Khazaei, reporter of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, was killed in Aleppo on Saturday while his cameraman sustained injuries and was transferred to hospital.

The Iranian reporter lost his life when shrapnel from a mortar shell hit him in the head in Menyan district Southwest of Aleppo City. His cameraman was also injured in the shoulder.

Russia sent almost 900 metric tons (roughly 992 short tons) of humanitarian aid cargo to North Korea to help deal with the consequences of Typhoon Lionrock, the Russian Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM) said Saturday.

Russia Sends Nearly 900 Tonnes of Humanitarian Aid to North Korea

Typhoon Lionrock struck North Korea in early September, with the heavy rain causing tens of thousands of homes and public buildings to collapse and leaving at least 138 people dead and about 400 missing.

"More than 179 metric tons of the foodstuffs and over 700 metric tons of diesel fuel were shipped to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea by rail transport," the ministry said.

Around 70,000 people lost their homes right before the beginning of a cold season.

Beijing will help North Korea overcome the consequences of recent devastating floods.

China Pledges $3Mln in Humanitarian Aid for North Korea Devastated by Floods

China is going to provide North Korea with $3 million in humanitarian assistance as the country suffered from heavy floods, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday.

"Since the beginning of September, a heavy flood has hit northeastern Democratic People's Republic of Korea, resulting in a big number of victims and severe material damage. On North Korea’s request, the Chinese government decided to allocate 20 million yuans [$3million] as humanitarian aid for remediation of the disaster’s consequences," the ministry said in a statement.
An explosion on Sunday hit the Syrian Northern city of Afrin and wounded about 50 people, said a local correspondent and medical sources in the city.

Explosion Hits Syria's Afrin, 50 Wounded

The local correspondent revealed that the explosion targeted a Kurdish security checkpoint in Ghazawiya village, Kurdistan 24 reported.

Eight people were reported to have died, according to medical sources who told Kurdistan24. Following the explosion, ambulances rushed to the scene and transferred the injured people to nearby hospitals.

So far, it is unknown whether the blast was caused via a suicide car bomb or was due to a different reason.

A prominent analyst disclosed on Sunday that Turkey has sent 4 truckloads of weapons and ammunition to the terrorist groups in Idlib to be supplied to those militant groups fighting the Syrian army in Aleppo.

Turkey Sends 4 Trucks of Arms to Terrorists in Idlib, Aleppo

"I have received information from the dissident media in Turkey, mostly internet websites, that 4 trucks full of arms supplies have entered Syria's Idlib province from Turkey to be sent to the terrorists in Aleppo," Sarkis Qasarjian said on Sunday.

The Turkish Army has supplied a large volume of arms and ammunition to Jeish al-Fatah terrorist coalition to use them in their Great Epic Operation to lift army's siege on militants in Eastern part of Aleppo city.

Hawar news quoted the sources as saying last week that the Turkish army opened a new border crossing in Northern Idlib to send fresh forces, army and munitions to the Ankara-backed terrorist groups.

The sources added that the Turkish army established the new border crossing near the village of Aqayrabat in Dana region in order to back up transfer of supplies through the Atmeh border crossing.

The Turkish army dispatched at least 20 tanks and ammunition trucks to Idlib via this border crossing.

The Turkish military forces sent these cargos of arms and ammunition simultaneous with preparation of Jeish al-Fatah terrorist to storm government positions in Aleppo.

In the meantime, four buses transferred tens of militants to Idlib via Atmeh border crossing last week. Fresh forces were dispatched to Aleppo battlefields.

Senior member of the Syrian Democratic Council Rizan Hado disclosed on Thursday that a Turkish helicopter landed near a check point at the bordering village of Atmeh in the Northern province of Idlib.

"The helicopter was carrying a number of Turkish officers and several boxes whose contents are not known, but sources said that they were full of advanced weapons which were unloaded," Hado said.

Also, Kurdish sources reported that the Turkish army fighter jets are flew over the villages near al-Qahtaniyeh town in the Northeastern parts of Hasaka and are firing flares over the entire region.

This is while the Turkish army forces on board military vehicles have been deployed at Syria-Turkey bordering areas.

Reports said late last month that Ankara has sent several trucks of ammunition to the Fatah al-Sham (formerly known as al-Nusra) Front and Ahrar al-Sham terrorists stationed at a base near Atme border region in the Northern province of Idlib.

According to al-Ahd news website, the Turkish army sent 20 trucks loaded with ammunition for the terrorist groups in Northern Syria in October.

The trucks entered Atme on October 23 through Bukulmez region which borders Deir Balut village in the Northwestern parts of Aleppo, al-Ahd reported two days later.

Relevant reports said in October that the terrorists of Fatah al-Sham Front had acknowledged that they recently received military training in camps in Turkish territories.

The Russian Peace Coordination Center in Syria said militants in five more towns have given up fight against the Syrian army and joined the peace plan with Damascus in the last 24 hours.

Militants in Five More Towns Join Peace Agreement with Syrian Gov't

Militants in three towns in Hama province and two towns in Lattakia province have joined the nationwide reconciliation plan," the Russian Center declared in its latest statement.

"With these five towns in Lattakia and Hama, the total number of towns, villages and regions that have joined the peace plan with Damascus came to 929," the center added.

Based on the Russian center, peace talks are still underway in the provinces of Hama, Homs, Damascus and Aleppo to persuade more regions to join the reconciliation process.

The Center declared on Wednesday that militants in six towns across Syria joined the nationwide reconciliation plan.
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