Russia's behavior in these crazy times

Let me suggest that there is a common pattern at play here. One which is very human and transcends national boundaries and nationalistic views.

The pattern relates to what happens to a nation when it goes through a social upheaval and essentially dissolves into pieces (different smaller factional nation states). The collapse of Yugoslavia back in the early 90s is a poster child example of what takes place as a collapsing nation unwinds.

Yugoslavia was held together for decades, even with rampant ethnic tensions, at the hands of a Soviet supported Autocrat. When it finally unwound and collapsed, what happened? Ethnic civil wars, and "ethic cleansing" (genocide). When you keep ethnic tensions pent up for decades in a jar and don't allow them to express themselves, when you remove the jar, you get civil war because all those tensions suddenly unwind. And sadly there are always nations and arms dealers ready to catalyze the mayhem and genocide to allow it to inflict maximum harm and chaos.

So, taking this understanding, and applying it to the deconstruction of the 800 lb gorilla called the Soviet Union in the 90s, and all the suppressed ethnic tensions (it was a very ethnically diverse Soviet) sure enough, different break away Socialist provinces all went their own way initially, with some squabbling for control over each other to some degree though pretty well muted to be honest. And it worked fairly well for a while. But as soon as Russia became more in line with old Soviet power expressions, rather than the budding democracy it experienced at first, old tensions between former Soviet provinces began to fester and boil over. First it was Chechens, then Georgians, then Ukraine, and now Ukraine again. The Soviet being a much bigger system to rebalance, it is of course a more volatile set of events unwinding than even in the post Yugolav civil wars.

What I am saying is that much of what we are seeing right now is the continued unwinding of many decades of Soviet suppression of different ethnic groups in the name of the forward progress of the Soviet. As painful as it is to see this unwinding over the last 20 years inside the old Soviet boundaries, it is actually necessary in order to return to some state of balance in the respective societies. And given that Putin has largely continued to tamp down ethnic and social tensions, when the day comes and he steps down or moves on, it may be a very volatile trigger point for nations of the old Soviet Union. /fingers crossed they don't go full nutty when it does happen.

Honestly, the United States suffered the same thing with our own civil war over 160 year ago, and in some ways we are still struggling with it today.
You seem to forget that these things were planned and directed by outside forces, these were not organic happenings. The same game plan has been carried out for many years, and is part of what is happening now. Only now there is a powerful opposition to their plans.
You seem to forget that these things were planned and directed by outside forces, these were not organic happenings. The same game plan has been carried out for many years, and is part of what is happening now. Only now there is a powerful opposition to their plans.
Again, I am taking no position or opinion on the why or how or who perpetrated anything. I thought I had made that very clear in my earlier comment.

My comments are specific as to what generally happens when things fall apart. All the pent up negative energy from years of suppression has to unwind if a nation is to rebuild. The longer and stronger the suppression, the more volatile the unwinding process becomes.

I will leave the why or how, and who, as well as the the bad guys and good guys debate to folks like yourself. Fair enough?
Well, all I can say is that if a person is so far out of synch with the information provided on this forum, with the inspiration informing that perspective, (i.e. Cassiopaean Experiment), when all of that is freely available, then that person is either living in a cave or is here deliberately to waste time and energy.

Sorry, I'm not buying the disingenuous BS.
Nice to see you active on the forum, Laura. I have indeed been following your work for the last 20+ years and I indeed well know what it is about.

I have asked a simple question, posed in a same manner as someone without any knowledge of the situation might have. I know full well the background of the situation, and I know what provoked him, but two wrongs dont make a right. By doing what he did, he essentialy also kills civilians and innocent people, whether he wanted to or not; thats the nature of the war. I have been trough a war, and I cannot justify anyone or anything who knowingly does something like that to other human beings. If you missed it, I said I am not a fan of either side, NATO had done a fair bit of their share of war crimes and similar nasty stuff.

Also, the last thing he did, and thats rattling the nuclear weapons, makes me question is he all himself or not. That is what makes me worried in all of this? Is Putin coming unhinged, or is he bluffing?

However, I have seen here on the forum that there are quite a few of the members with open minds (thank you all who are), and that gives me hope for human kind.

But also, you are the one preaching open mindness and that everyone is exactly where they need to be on an evolution scale. So your answer had me wondering a bit. I must say you were quite exclusive. My aim was to start a lively disscussion, and to hear various opinions, and it seems that in that regard, the thread is a hit.
Nice to see you active on the forum, Laura. I have indeed been following your work for the last 20+ years and I indeed well know what it is about.

I have asked a simple question, posed in a same manner as someone without any knowledge of the situation might have. I know full well the background of the situation, and I know what provoked him, but two wrongs dont make a right. By doing what he did, he essentialy also kills civilians and innocent people, whether he wanted to or not; thats the nature of the war. I have been trough a war, and I cannot justify anyone or anything who knowingly does something like that to other human beings. If you missed it, I said I am not a fan of either side, NATO had done a fair bit of their share of war crimes and similar nasty stuff.

Also, the last thing he did, and thats rattling the nuclear weapons, makes me question is he all himself or not. That is what makes me worried in all of this? Is Putin coming unhinged, or is he bluffing?

However, I have seen here on the forum that there are quite a few of the members with open minds (thank you all who are), and that gives me hope for human kind.

But also, you are the one preaching open mindness and that everyone is exactly where they need to be on an evolution scale. So your answer had me wondering a bit. I must say you were quite exclusive. My aim was to start a lively disscussion, and to hear various opinions, and it seems that in that regard, the thread is a hit.
Maybe the title to this thread is innapropriate for the idea of open discussion? Seems a bit one-sided to me.
To hear different opinions? Look at it this way, Serbia lost 28 percent of its population in the First World War! Austro-Hungarians and Germans, Hungarians. There were Serbs in their camps, it was an exercise for the Second World War. If it weren't for the Russians, we Serbs wouldn't even exist. Well, World War II, camps, civil war, communism, less and less Serbs. We have the 1990s and the disintegration of Yugoslavia, and again the West has created chaos. Economic sanctions, bombing, total chaos. Now we were an exercise for Russia and Ukraine, I see that everything is reflected through the media and everything else as they did to us Serbs. Evil Serbs, evil Russians, how history repeats itself is unbelievable. And yes, I think that communism definitely almost destroyed Serbs as well as Russians, we had various rulers and most of them were neither of Serbian nor Russian origin. Europe is Slavic, it will become that or there will be no more. I am sorry that one nation, Ukrainians and Russians, are killing each other as the West has bloodied them. The Russians lost so many people in World War I as in World War II that it's amazing! And what now, to wait for the Americans to enlighten them? Psychopaths must be eliminated, it's the same as when parasites and viruses attack the body, you have to kill them or they will kill you!

Da čuješ razna mišljenja? Vidi ovako, Srbija je u prvom svetskom ratu je izgubila 28 posto stanovništva! Austrougari i Germani, Hungaroidi. U njihovi logorima su bili Srbi, to je bilo vežbanje za drugi svetski rat. Da nije bilo Rusa mi Srbi ne bi ni postojali. Pa drugi svetski rat, logori, građanski rat, komunizam, sve manje Srba. Imamo devedesete i raspad Jugoslavije i opet je zapad napravio haos. Ekonomske sankcije , bombardovanje, totalni haos. Sad mi smo bili vežba za Rusiju i Ukrajinu, vidim da se sve preslikava kroz medije i kroz sve ostalo kao što su nama Srbima radili. Zli Srbi, zli Rusi, kako se istorija ponavlja to je neverovatno. I da, smatram da je komunizam definitivno skoro uništio i Srbe kao i Ruse, mi smo imali razne vladare i većina nisu bili ni Srbskog ni Ruskog porekla. Evropa je slovenska, ona će to i postati ili neće biti više nikoga. Žao mi je da jedan narod Ukrajinci i Rusi ubijaju jedne druge kako ih je zapad zakrvio. Rusi su izgubili toliko ljudi u prvom svetstskom ratu kao i u drugom da je to neverovatno! I šta sad, da čekaju amerikance da ih prosvetle? Psihopate moraju da se eliminišu, to je isto kao kad paraziti i virusi napadnu telo, morate ih pobiti ili će oni ubiti vas!
Maybe the title to this thread is innapropriate for the idea of open discussion? Seems a bit one-sided to me.
Maybe, as adults, we can see past a poor choice of words and actually take time to find out where the original poster is coming from, before passing judgements. And then, discuss and exchange ideas.

Just a thought. 🙂

Just my outside-the-circle observation: GreyCat got some pretty harsh push back for doing nothing more than asking questions and sharing ideas. You know, wanting to have a discussion in a discussion forum. GreyCats only mistake perhaps was not properly reading the audience before venturing in, and making adjustments accordingly.
Nice to see you active on the forum, Laura. I have indeed been following your work for the last 20+ years and I indeed well know what it is about.

I have asked a simple question, posed in a same manner as someone without any knowledge of the situation might have. I know full well the background of the situation, and I know what provoked him, but two wrongs dont make a right. By doing what he did, he essentialy also kills civilians and innocent people, whether he wanted to or not; thats the nature of the war. I have been trough a war, and I cannot justify anyone or anything who knowingly does something like that to other human beings. If you missed it, I said I am not a fan of either side, NATO had done a fair bit of their share of war crimes and similar nasty stuff.

Also, the last thing he did, and thats rattling the nuclear weapons, makes me question is he all himself or not. That is what makes me worried in all of this? Is Putin coming unhinged, or is he bluffing?

However, I have seen here on the forum that there are quite a few of the members with open minds (thank you all who are), and that gives me hope for human kind.

But also, you are the one preaching open mindness and that everyone is exactly where they need to be on an evolution scale. So your answer had me wondering a bit. I must say you were quite exclusive. My aim was to start a lively disscussion, and to hear various opinions, and it seems that in that regard, the thread is a hit.
Dude, if you've really been following this forum for 20 years then IMHO you are learning very, very slowly. I have no idea how many posts you've actually written here and joined in forum discussions, but it seems to me that you have a problem that I don't think you understand exactly yourself. You probably have a problem deciding which version to believe for yourself, the one the mainstream media is reporting or the one you've supposedly been following for 20 years. There are so many threads on this forum that, in my opinion, you can form an opinion on almost any topic in the surrounding reality, both earthly and even cosmic, but only if you are diligent and a very, very patient student. The issues discussed here are so complex, multi-threaded, even multi-dimensional, requiring inner passion and the vein of a truth seeker, that in my opinion you should think many times before you start a new thread and waste other people's energy and time explaining them to you. It seems to me that telling the TRUTH and only the TRUTH is tolerated only on this forum and remember one thing: there is no ,,my truth" "your truth" ,,their truth" and it seems to me that you are trying to knock down a door that has been open for a long time.

Translated with (free version)
Based on the available information ( SOTT, C's, Putin's speeches, etc.) I don't think Putin has lost it. Putin isn't perfect ( no one is) but how come Russia could be bullied and threatened and no one rushes to their defense? But the moment the warmongers (Western Countries) play victim everyone defends them quickly. This just shows the power of the MSM and how its able to control how people think. Neo Nazi groups in the Ukraine has been killing civilians for years and of course that isn't shown. And now that Russia has decided to step in and eliminate those Nazi groups, out of nowhere its Russia fault that civilians are dying because of the "war".
Not necessarily. I think it is good that both sides are discussed / confronted / highlighted and i give @GreyCat credit for daring to bring the question up.

The thing with war is - no matter “right” or “wrong” - it always puts people at dire risk (for those who are in the middle of it). And frankly, war it is fearful. Deep down it does strike dark cords in people, no matter on which side one is on, no matter the location. War is an extreme manifestion.

So, i welcome that other members of the forum kindly meet greyCats thoughts. I think that is great !
Thank you for understanding. I have been in one war (courtesy of our Serbian neighbors), I have seen dead people, dismembered people, I have been shot at, I had live grenades explode almost under my feet, and yet somehow I lived trough it all. But let me tell you, I would NOT want to repeat that, ever.

So in my book, whoever is starting a war is definitively NOT justified in those actions. They can call it whatever, they can talk all they want, but the bad fact stays that they started a war a couple of days ago.

I give them the right to defend themselves. But actively preemptively killing other human beings? Sorry, I just cant see any scenario where that would be justified.
If the other side wants to talk about how happy they'd be if Putin were "obliterated to dust" by NATO, they can do it on another forum. He doesn't deserve any credit for saying it either.
I really love it when people see things that arent there. Nowhere did I say Id be happy with that. I just said I wont shed any tears, the same as Russians and also NATO, didnt shed any tears when my country was under attack in war. Im pretty indifferent if anything. I know that those big nations and pacts dont really give a second thought to much else then their own interests.
We have one indignant Croat, so why don't you tell me where you are, brother? GreyCat? It's good that you called and let me tell you that nothing is black or white. To study the Cassiopaean material a little and realize that we didn't suck oars here. I would ask you to introduce yourself, and to leave us Serbs as well as the Russians, with the kindness of our attention, I hope that this story will end in favor of good and love. Psychopaths need to be broken and completely exterminated. Wherever he is a Croat, there is also a German. Let the Ukrainian see where he will go?

Imamo jednog ogorčenog hrvata, pa što ne kažeš gde si brate? GreyCat? Dobro da si se javio i da ti kažem da ništa nije ni crno ni belo. Da malo izučiš Kasiopejski materijal i shvatiš da mi ovde nismo sisali vesla. Zamolio bih te da se predstaviš, i da nas Srbe ostaviš na miru kao i Ruse, ljubaznošću naše pažnje nadam se da će se ova priča završiti u korist dobra i ljubavi. Psihopate treba slomiti i potpuno ih istrebiti. Gde god da je hrvat tu je i german. Ukrainac neka gleda gde će?
So, is it just me, or it is also obvious to everyone else that Putin has lost his compass?

You simply cannot do what he did, cause a war, kill people, and to be in the right.

Also, postering and threatening other countries, I wouldnt shed a tear if NATO was to obliterate him into dust.

Now, to be clear, I dont like too much either NATO or Russia, to me they both are pretty much the same, but, this Russian behaviour reeks of insanity. Who are they to think they have the right to kill other people?

It seems to me at least, that these days Russia poses a much greater threat to world security then NATO does.

If you missed it, I said I am not a fan of either side, NATO had done a fair bit of their share of war crimes and similar nasty stuff.
The kind of thinking you demonstrated here ("they're as bad as each other anyway" or "the truth is always in the middle, I don't trust/like either of them.") is a great example of excuses people make to avoid the effort of gathering information, assessing available data, and arriving at an informed conclusion. It's a common reaction to information overload if the information available is contradictory, which is exactly what a person trying to separate the wheat from the chaff is often faced with these days. But this kind of surface-level thinking is one of the key reasons the world is where it is at the moment and if you would like to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem I'd strongly recommend you read the Ukraine thread others have linked above.

This is a research forum and ignorant statements like yours above aren't likely to be appreciated by members who, unlike you, have devoted their time and effort to figuring out where the truth is (hint: NOT in the middle), and who the bad guys are (hint: they're NOT as bad as each other). Especially that you didn't phrase it as a neutral question.

Nice to see you active on the forum, Laura. I have indeed been following your work for the last 20+ years and I indeed well know what it is about.
Judging by your posts you haven't really followed her work too closely and you don't have much understanding of what it is about. Laura's work is about commitment to discovering the objective reality. It was her who established this research forum. And your posts display ignorance towards the search for objectivity and lack of interest in research.

I have asked a simple question, posed in a same manner as someone without any knowledge of the situation might have. I know full well the background of the situation, and I know what provoked him, but two wrongs dont make a right. By doing what he did, he essentialy also kills civilians and innocent people, whether he wanted to or not; thats the nature of the war. I have been trough a war, and I cannot justify anyone or anything who knowingly does something like that to other human beings.
And who told you Russia did those things? The BBC? CNN? Did you care to corroborate that information? You clearly didn't because otherwise you would not have written the above.
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Thank you for understanding. I have been in one war (courtesy of our Serbian neighbors), I have seen dead people, dismembered people, I have been shot at, I had live grenades explode almost under my feet, and yet somehow I lived trough it all. But let me tell you, I would NOT want to repeat that, ever.

So in my book, whoever is starting a war is definitively NOT justified in those actions. They can call it whatever, they can talk all they want, but the bad fact stays that they started a war a couple of days ago.

I give them the right to defend themselves. But actively preemptively killing other human beings? Sorry, I just cant see any scenario where that would be justified.
Your book writes like my book. I agree with you and I must say the seemingly sudden and in the same time overly extensive action seemed artificially disproportionate with the rapid succession of the events. Why like that and why now? There is clearly a lot of information missing to be able to understand the logic, if any.
Having said that, the Ukrainian response was equally bizzare. I have not seen any footage with high rank military people or even spokes people. It is like Ukraine has One Person, alone, in charge of everything. supported by a mayor and some over exalted bunch of ighly militarized civilans led by someone that asserts that they like killing people ... inter alia.
Ukraine-22 looks like a war for television, much like Covid-19was a pandemic for television. I am not following it but from what I see it is the same duality of opposed narratives that is playing repeatedly and continuously the same bad scenario with the same bad actors.
It's like in the poor joke attributed to (I am not saying ), If violence does not work, use more violence.
Behind and between the lines Fauci, Bill Gates, Justin, Jacinda, WHO together with their Santa seem to have never existed!
Is there something wrong with Putin or with the people of the world that seemingly lost their memory of the past two years?
Is what is happening a war between R and U or the elites vs everyone else?
What if something even more outrageous like an alien invasion would happen in close succession after everyone would start seeing the cartoons presented as reality?.
I am really sorry you had to experience real physical war atrocities, but this war is different. This war is a mental war waged by the money masters against the most affected, wounded and disenfranchised, in order to obscure the sovereign debt crisis, the death of the dollar as reserve currency and the humongous wealth transfer, with the sole purpose of establishing their absolute power and control simply because they are too few to mention.

That's the real red pill.

To end with the good stuff. Read If by Rudyard Kipling and then after, remember Gurdjieff, Ouspensky Steiner, Krisnamurti...and indeed all other giants ... life can begin every day especially when you have undersood death.
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