Santeria in evil organizations

@Fluffy, I can relate deeply to your Mothering experiences with your daughter, the happenings you’ve witnessed, are comparable to my adventures with my own second born son.
Thank you for your candid honesty, and detailed descriptions, it’s helped me envision how the incidents occurred for you both.
Your mention and awareness of egregores is very important knowledge, as it’s an integral part of how these “thought forms” and negative shocks and traumas are used against individuals with innate “higher awareness”, or, so I’ve come to understand while Mothering this weirdo! (And I say this with all the love in my heart!)

What if she’s not the only one to pick up on the demonic “thought form” that she drew?
What if I brought up the fact that millions of people world wide, were traumatized by seeing the same image?
An egregore is made of gathered “thought energy”, from what I’ve learned, and that image, was implanted on purpose, I suspect.
My understanding is that when enough human generated consciousness, extreme interest and focus, fascination and intent, is concentrated on a similar “happening”, an egregore can take form.
So, a question, if I may.
Are you or your daughter aware of the series “Stranger Things”?
It was featured on Netflix, and garnered a huge fan base.
Compare these pictures, with your daughters “image” that was “implanted” in her awareness:View attachment 101193
View attachment 101194

Perhaps her abilities of tapping into the “information field” could be tuned and her superpowers trained for identifying and finding “trends”, and neutralize them?!
You know, get a sneak peek on those 4th Density STS Jerk squads that keep busy beaming out “mind programming” to negatively affect and traumatize people?

My son and I haven’t perfected anything yet, but we work on it.
What I find most interesting about her is a calm sense of balance, she has little moments of course like anybody does but restores equilibrium as quickly as she lost it. It seems like those early years where she was frightened were necessary so she could learn to counteract the fear of the creepies that were clearly trying to avert her from being comfortable on this planet. I would guess you are right in assuming that may be she has some innate ability to neutralise negative entities by the non emotional acceptance of them and then by drawing, making models, writing etc she gives herself an outlet so the energies of these things don’t stay within her.

If millions of people have had visions and dreams of this egregore then stranger things would have been another layer of trauma to add to the sinking boatload.
I have to say that I’m not much of a fan of most of her drawings, (I like flowers and birds and nice stuff) I get the creeps if I can see it, not so bothered if I hear it, but this stranger things series, which Gabriella watched earlier this year, before the drawing, and currently watching again, well I have to say I don’t really see the point of shows like this other to pique the subconscious and insert hooks for later use possibly?

I don’t think I’m over stepping, and I’m far from figuring out how best to support the kids coming in (i have a just turned one daughter too, my rider kids are 24 and 21) I don’t encourage anything much except when I see their prompts, I let them lead because I don’t want to stifle anything. It’s a tricky business.

Little weirdos is an understatement though, haha, the only slightly ‘normal’ of my 4 kids is my son, my girls are all .. well .. big weirdos haha.
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