Sorcha Faal/David Booth: COINTELPRO

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One person wrote to our old guestbook:

Indigo children ooze love, empathy and STO impulse.
To which we responded:

What you wrote is true only if you define "Indigo children" as those who "ooze love, empathy and STO impulse". But what you are saying is a tautology. You might like to have a look at the Adventures Series where Laura writes:

One of the chief promoters of the [idea of Indigo Children], Wendy Chapman, writes:

Indigo Children are the current generation being born today and most of those who are 8 years old or younger. They are different. They have very unique characteristics that set them apart from previous generations of children. [...]

These are the children who are often rebellious to authority, nonconformist, extremely emotionally and sometimes physically sensitive or fragile, highly talented or academically gifted and often metaphysically gifted as well, usually intuitive, very often labeled ADD, either very empathic and compassionate OR very cold and callous, and are wise beyond their years. Does this sound like yourself or your child?

Indigos have come into this world with difficult challenges to overcome. Their extreme levels of sensitivity are hard to understand and appreciate by parents who don't share this trait. Their giftedness is unusual in such high numbers. Their nonconformity to systems and to discipline will make it difficult to get through their childhood years and perhaps even their adult years. It is also what will help them accomplish big goals such as changing the educational system, for instance. Being an Indigo won't be easy for any of them, but it foretells a mission. The Indigo Children are the ones who have come to raise the vibration of our planet! These are the primary ones who will bring us the enlightenment to ascend.
Sounds like a severe case of denial and wishful thinking, in my opinion. But, as we already understand the psychological reality is merely a tool for the Theological Reality, I suspect that the reader already has jumped ahead of me here and realizes what a big snow-job this "indigo children" deal is. Ms. Chapman has kindly provided a check-list to determine an "indigo child." After learning what we have about psychopaths, let's have a look at her list:

Have strong self esteem, connection to source Know they belong here until they are told otherwise
Have an obvious sense of self
Have difficulty with discipline and authority
Refuse to follow orders or directions
Find it torture to waiting in lines, lack patience
Get frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity
Often see better ways of doing thing at home and at school
Are mostly nonconformists
Do not respond to guilt trips, want good reasons
Get bored rather easily with assigned tasks
Are rather creative
Are easily distractible, can do many things at once
Display strong intuition
Have strong empathy for others or NO empathy
Develop abstract thinking very young
Are gifted and/or talented, highly intelligent
Are often identified or suspected of having ADD or ADHD, but can focus when they want to
Are talented daydreamers and visionaries
Have very old, deep, wise looking eyes
Have spiritual intelligence and/or psychic skills
Often express anger outwardly rather than inwardly and may have trouble with rage
Need our support to discover themselves
Are here to change the world - to help us live in greater harmony and peace with one another and to raise the vibration of the planet
What we see above is a list that includes certain definitely psychopathic behaviors along with behaviors of gifted children. We have to wonder at the attempt to weave the two together?

Where did this idea of "Indigo Children" come from?

The phrase, "Indigo child" was coined by Nancy Ann Tappe in her book Understanding Your Life Through Color (1982) and refers to the color in these childrens' auras. Ms. Tappe was interviewed by Jan Tober for her book The Indigo Children (1999) and said:

"These young children - every one of them I've seen thus far who kill their schoolmates or parents - have been Indigos."
That didn't stop Tober from writing her book and declaring that these children are "Spiritual Masters, beings full of wisdom, here to teach us a new way of being." The way the followers of the idea justify the fact that "not all Indigo children are filled with unconditional love, tolerance and non-judgment," is by declaring that they require "special" treatment and handling with kid gloves because they are so special and delicate and sensitive.

In a pig's eye. They are psychopaths and they are here for an altogether different reason. And somehow, some force is trying to make sure that its offspring are well cared for, and that a lot of psychopaths grow up without being identified as what they are.

Nevertheless, there is no explaining the extremes that "true believers" will go to in order to find excuses for inexcusable things. Elizabeth Kirby, a businesswoman in southern California, who has "studied and practiced metaphysics for the last 21 years," writes:

In hearing about the school shootings, I knew Indigo children were pulling the triggers. The Columbine High School shooting was so horrific it caught everyone's attention. At the time my eldest daughter said to me, "Because they (Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold) were Indigos they wanted to do it, so they just did it. No remorse, no guilt, they just went ahead and shot all those people because they wanted to and felt they needed to." Indigo children don't have guilt to keep them in check and because they balk at authority they don't believe they have to follow the rules.

Writers in mainstream America like Jonathan Kellerman are lumping the Indigo school shooters with the psychopaths; the dark entities who are bullies, con-men, stalkers, victimizers, serial killers and those who kill for thrills. I don't believe these Indigo children who have taken weapons to school to harm other children are psychopaths. They have been bullied and teased and have an avenger attitude seeking justice for injuries inflicted on them. They aren't killing just for the thrill of killing. These kids know changes have to be made within the school system and they chose violence to make their statement, to give us a wake up call. Some of these metaphysical Indigo children are not hesitant about using violence to bring about change, and to bring us to enlightenment.

Indigo violence is here and it will continue, at least with this present generation of Indigo children. We are seeing with the current Indigo violence how the school system needs to be changed and how imperative it is to address the issues of bullying and intimidation in school. As the Indigo children grow to adulthood, their agendas will move out of the school system into our other systems, our social, political and judicial systems for example. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, is an Indigo.
Amazing, huh? Did you catch the remark: "Some of these metaphysical Indigo children are not hesitant about using violence to bring about change, and to bring us to enlightenment."

Don't we find that just a tiny bit contradictory? Aren't we stretching a bit? How about diving straight into denial.
Now, let me emphasize something here: I am not saying that there are not gifted children arriving on the planet - I certainly believe that my own five children are just such - but I can tell you one thing, as a mother who has raised five children this whole issue stinks to high heaven. Notice exactly what I wrote above;

What we see above is a list that includes certain definitely psychopathic behaviors along with behaviors of gifted children. We have to wonder at the attempt to weave the two together?

[...] ...somehow, some force is trying to make sure that its offspring are well cared for, and that a lot of psychopaths grow up without being identified as what they are.
And what better way to do it than to create a category of "Indigo Chidren" and confuse the issue by mixing the traits of gifted children with psychopaths?

These comments were written long before the material on Ponerology came along. But knowing now what we know about Pathocratic systems, this is far more likely to be the case.

So certainly, Sorcha Faal/David Booth may be partly right, but I don't notice any caveat, any care being taken with defining of terms and definitions. The "Indigo Children" are simply declared to be a "Demon Master Race" and all kinds of things that are declared to be factual are dragged in as evidence. It's a really slimey mess as is just about everything that comes from that source.
Actually, I confess my entree into all of this was David Icke, and I also confess I still have a favorable view of him. I love his daily news site--full of sarcasm and insight. He works very hard, is clearly *not* one of *them* IMO, and, like most those probing through the muck, he started in one place and now believes that *most* of the "alien" activity is in fact hyperdimensional. So Icke too was learning on the job. He was also made the laughing stock of Britain--twice. In fact, forget Faal, but Icke and QFG are extremely close in their basic positions. Which is how I transitioned easily from him to you. This is not something that in my mind should be belittled through the finding of irrelevant discrepancies in viewpoint, when the overarching philosophies are *identical*--where it really matters at least. Of course, there are many putative eyewitnesses (Swerdlow, e.g.and various "deprogrammed" Illuminati "mind slaves" (Wilder, Brice Taylor, etc.)) who claim the same shape shifting and people like Brian Desborough (a trained research scientist) who have "deprogrammed" these people who have the same idea. Icke was influenced by Desborough, whom I have read incidentally. Perhaps the shape-shifting business was damaging, but not really, I think anyone who claims shape-shifting OR the reality of hyperdimensional beings is going to get it really bad from the "rationalists" and "skeptics"--not to mention the Rulers of the Universe. Not to mention talk of densities and the use of channelling. (Ripping good stuff to read, BTW) But you know all that already. Hell, I told some guy on the train platform just last week that 9/11 was an inside job and he looked at me like I was a leper. If there were a cop around, I might have been turned in as a "terrorist."
Steve said:
Actually, I confess my entree into all of this was David Icke, and I also confess I still have a favorable view of him. I love his daily news site--full of sarcasm and insight. He works very hard, is clearly *not* one of *them* IMO, and, like most those probing through the muck, he started in one place and now believes that *most* of the "alien" activity is in fact hyperdimensional. So Icke too was learning on the job. He was also made the laughing stock of Britain--twice.
You aren't the only one who comes to SOTT and QFG after Icke. I can't even count how many times I've been told that. And one person said almost the same thing you are saying: "don't diss Icke - even if he's way out in the boondocks - because he prepared me for QFG."

That makes me wonder what Icke doesn't have that QFG does?

Steve said:
In fact, forget Faal, but Icke and QFG are extremely close in their basic positions. Which is how I transitioned easily from him to you. This is not something that in my mind should be belittled through the finding of irrelevant discrepancies in viewpoint, when the overarching philosophies are *identical*--where it really matters at least.
Actually, the overarching philosophies are not identical, at least not as recently as last summer when Icke's new book came out. At that time, a fervent Icke follower (Melissa Conrad - you can read about her take on reality in the Organic Portals thread: undertook to preach the salvation of David Icke to me. She scanned a big section of his new book and sent it and I read it and wrote back to her:

Icke is a fine stalker, indeed.
She wrote back:

I can't really grasp what it is that you are telling me here, Laura. This Topper stuff is so
convoluted, over-complicated, and esoteric, it leaves me stone cold. It's Matrix gobbledegook!

What exactly do you mean by a 'stalker'?

Just a short paragraph would be more than adequate!
Well, there was no way to write back just a short paragraph. I wrote the following (including quoted sections from our website which it seems Melissa had never read):

I heard about Icke back in 98. At that point, I don't know how long he'd been out there doing his thang, but everybody was writing to me and telling me that there was NOW somebody else out there talking about Lizzies and so on besides Marciniak and myself. So, I figured I'd better read his book.

I bought a copy and started to read and right away encountered a serious problem which I brought up at a session with the C's at that time, that is, November of 98:

Q: (L) Okay, I got the "Robot's Rebellion," book and I was hoping this was going to be something useful, and he says in here: "Just as the sun is the mind that guides the Solar System, the Galactic Mind guides the galaxy and the Universal Mind guides the universe. The Source is the mind that guides all creation. Sunspot activity is linked to this flow of energy from the sun to the solar system, and this indicates the times when the flow is at its most powerful." Are sunspots an indication that a flow of information is at its most powerful?

A: Maybe.

Q: Then this David Icke says: "The imbalanced consciousness that I will call Lucifer is not an essential part of the positive/negative balance. He is a disrupting, disharmonious aspect of consciousness, which is not necessary for human evolution. More than that, Lucifer's efforts to close off the channels that link humanity to its higher understanding have blocked, not advanced, our evolution." Is this a correct assessment of this Luciferian Consciousness, that it is not part of the positive/negative balance of the universe, and that it has blocked our evolution?

A: No.

Q: Can you comment on the Luciferian consciousness and what part it may play in our evolution and reality?

A: It is part of the lesson plan.

Q: That was my thought as well, but he says that because of this problem with the Luciferian consciousness, the "higher levels of creation began to intervene because Lucifer was imposing its misunderstandings on others and breaking the universal law of free will. Is this true?

A: No.

Q: I have read about this 'decision to intercede' by higher levels of consciousness who look down upon mankind and feel sorry for our terrible suffering, and that somehow, if something isn't done, the whole universe will be overcome by this evil... so it has got to be 'stopped.' A number of sources promote this idea, which then leads, generally, to claims that this or another alien group is part of the 'good guys' or bad guys, or whatever. Is any of this idea accurate?

A: No.

Q: So, what is, IS, and we only suffer exactly as much as we need to learn? Is that it?

A: There is more to it than that, but at this point, you would be unable to comprehend.

Q: Icke says "this Luciferian consciousness is a large aspect of Divine Consciousness which chose to work against the Source. Is this true?

A: Not really.

Q: Well, it SEEMS that the Luciferian Consciousness is working against the Source. If it is not, what is it doing?

A: Balancing where needed.

Q: He says: "Other volunteers, aspects of very highly evolved consciousness, came into the universe and this galaxy in an effort to restore harmony. They did not incarnate in physical bodies on the earth, they arrived in spacecraft, some of them miles in length, while others simply manifested themsleves here. These were extraterrestrials who came to bring knowledge to this planet hundreds of thousands of years ago." Is this true? Yes or no?

A: Neither.
At this point, the phone rang and the discussion was turned to the questions of the caller.

Anyway, some time after this, Icke came up with Arizona Wilder and her wild claims about shape-shifting Lizzies and all that. We brought it up at a session and I want to note that this was really bizarre because of the references to JFK and then the absolutely crazy tape anomaly that happened on the tape, starting right after this segment below. When I started to transcribe it, the sound was like loooong and drawn out... so slow that it was impossible to make it out. What had happened was really impossible. The recorder only had one speed, but somehow, it had run so fast while recording that about 20 minutes of actual session time had been recorded on 45 minutes of tape. So, when played at normal speed, it sounded almost like whale singing.

The result of this was that about 25 minutes of the session was lost .

Anyway, what is startling about this is the fact that, at exactly the time the tape anomaly began, JFK Jr was crashing into the Atlantic and died.

6-18-99 [...]

Q: Next: I'm not going to read this whole thing here; it's a statement by Arizona Wilder who claims that she conducted human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades. These included the British Royal Family, George Bush, Henry Kissenger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in "The Biggest Secret" and the video "Revelations of a Mother Goddess," available through this web site, which is David Icke's. Since she escaped from her mind-controlled confinement she has dedicated herself to exposing what is happening. First question: did Arizona Wilder conduct human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades?

A: Is Henry Kissinger a royal bloodline?

Q: I don't think so. George Bush is distantly related to the Queen of England. I think that what she means is "for" the royal family, AND George Bush AND Henry Kissenger. Is this woman what she claims to be and did she do what she claimed to do?

A: Better "hold the mustard" on that one.

Q: What does 'hold the mustard' mean?

A: Be careful before swallowing whole.

Q: I see. Well, she also says the Illuminati, the clique which controls the world, are genetic hybrids, a result of interbreeding between human beings and the reptilian aliens many thousands of years ago. The center of power is not even in this dimension, it is in the 4th dimension, the lower astral as many people call it, the realm of demons of folklore. She obviously doesn't have a CLUE!

A: Either that or all humans have some reptilian genes...

Q: She says that every presidential election has been won by the candidate with the most European Royal Genes. Of the 42 presidents up to Bill Clinton, 32 have been related to Alfred the Great ...

A: John Kennedy???

Q: Well....

A: No, answer please.

Q: Did Kennedy have royal blood? I think Nixon had more than Kennedy.

A: So then, need we say more???

[The "speeded up" recording of side two of tape one caused this to be the end of the tape. The following is reconstructed as best as possible from notes and memory.]
Now, I was having a hard time dealing with the way Icke was going. As my earlier correspondents had said to me, all of a sudden he appeared on the scene with all his Lizzie stuff ... and it was sure looking like damage control to me. He was giving the whole thing about reptilians such an outrageous twist that it was offputting in the extreme. He was making the subject ridiculous. And I do mean ridiculous. He was also taking concepts of hyperdimensional space and twisting them so that they had no relation whatsoever to the probable reality.

Well, later on, we had a group member who was very much involved with Icke and his speaking tour in Canada who gave us some inside info. Then, later, I watched a video of Icke interviewing Credo Mutwa. This was particularly interesting to me because I had some Zulu followers who were writing and asking many questions because one of their "holy" people and told them that the C's were "the ancestors." Watching this interview was VERY revealing. Icke was trying like hell to manipulate this guy to say what Icke wanted him to say,. It was also pretty entertaining because the guy was NOT going to be "led." I could see that the video had been cut and edited a lot just to get it to say what it did say. I then heard from my Zulu friends that Icke not only deliberatly manipulated this video in an effort to get it to support things he was promoting, but that he had completely screwed Mutwa out of all compensation that he had promised him for doing the interview.

Bits and pieces here and there began to create a not-so-favorable picture of Icke.

Well, I still think that Icke is doing a decent job of getting some info out there and I do think he learned a lesson from the Arizona Wilder nonsense. But I am very troubled by the way he had his "initial experiences."

Icke reminds me of this passage:

Q: (L) Is there some law within the realm of these beings, sort of like the law of gravity, that prevents them from just coming in and taking over?

A: No.

Q: (TK) I don't think it is like the law of gravity...

A: What "law" is there that inhibits you from manipulating 2nd density beings at will?!?

Q: (L) Well, I don't go out and deliberately hurt or manipulate anything or anybody. (TK) Of course, in our handling of these 'critters,' we are conserving them in some ways so that we will have an ongoing food supply... I think there are rules to the game. It's like a chess game. They can't just come in and change things, it has to progress in some way. But, there are loopholes and they can sneak in and manipulate and get away with some things... (TH) Then, there aren't rules - there are just guidelines.

A: Two important points there: 1) When we said "you," we meant 3rd density collectively. 2) You missed our statement about the natural cycle and order of things almost completely. We suggest you reread and ponder... Also, what if your race is manipulated to destroy yourselves, or, just hang around until the next natural cataclysm?

Q: (TK) Well, it seems like there is another side that is trying to prevent them from gaining control.

(L) Well, from what I understand, the only thing the good guys are able to do is, because of free will, they have to wait to be asked for help, and the only they thing they can really do is give information.

(F) Well, this is valuable if used by the right people at the right time.

(TK) You have to come up with the right questions, too. You have to have enough information to be able to come up with the right questions. I am sure the information is there. You have one group with all these people underground and they want to take over the planet. This group likes being 4th density - they don't want to advance. They want to block advancement.

Then, you have the group that want to advance, they want the natural order to proceed. This negative group wants to stay there and keep everyone they can there.

(L) And because they deplete themselves and diminish in numbers, they keep having to supply their needs and existence.

(TK) If, by some odd chance, the earth is the only place where people come to advance, then sooner or later it is going to stop, if these other guys take over, then it will just stop... implode.

(TH) I know! The earth is a 4th density theme park!

(L) We already thought of that... we all have an 'E' ticket ride!

(TK) Is what I was saying close to the truth?

A: Yes. Total truth is elusive.

Q: (TK) So, what I said was the gist of what is going on here. So, we have to figure out what we are supposed to do so that the earth can be maintained...

A: You will do what you will do.

Q: (TK) This is true.

A: Do you, in general, control 2nd density beings on earth?

Q: (L) Yes.

A: So, what is "fair" about that?

Q: (L) Nothing.

A: Okay, so what is the difference?!?!???

Q: (TK) So, basically, we control 2nd density, and 4th density controls us. There are the good guys and bad guys. (L) And we will do what we will do. Either we choose to align ourselves with the good guys, or with the bad guys.

A: It's up to you.

Q: (TK) However, if too many people themselves with the bad guys, then the balance tips in their favor, and there is no more advancement, so there has to be education so that people will know...

A: Tom, you are close, but you are missing the point.

Q: (L) What is the point?

A: The point is, there "has to be" nothing. You will do what you will do. You choose. We have told you this repeatedly, but you still suffer from self- centered perspective.

Q: (TK) Everybody is worried about themselves. They all want to be saved and not worry about others.

A: More to the point, everybody in an STS realm views themselves as somehow "special, chosen, or protected." This is simply not so!!

Q: (TK) What is going to happen, is going to happen. The people...

A: The body does not matter. It is the soul that either progresses or digresses!

Q: (L) So, in other words, we could just sit around and live our lives and have a good time and not worry about a damn thing. Is that the point?

A: No.

Q: (L) It's our choices?

A: Yes.

Q: (TK) The point is it's going to happen...

A: But, nobody is there to intervene on your behalf as many would like to believe.

Q: (L) So, we are here on this planet, and we will either make it or we won't, just like Dorothy and Toto in Oz, based on our own ability to figure it out, to overcome the odds, the witch, monkeys and soldiers...

(TK) Maybe what they are trying to do is give people the information, or make the information available so that people can make the choice, do they want to stay...

A: We are not "trying" to do anything. We are here to answer questions if asked. We cannot interfere.

Q: (TK) Yes, the non-interference idea is pretty clear and understandable. So, they cannot interfere...

A: And, even when we answer, you may not believe, it is up to you!

Q: (L) So, we are really on our own!

A: You always have been, and so have we, and all others, too!!

Q: (TK) I guess then, it is a matter of asking the right questions so that you will know what course of action to take. I mean, do you want to advance? Do you want to go to 4th density? Or do you want to go higher? Or do you want to stay here? How can you make an informed choice if you don't know the true conditions and what your options are?

(L) Is it that the religions that have been generated and foisted on the human race, have been designed to give people a feeling of complacency or faith in something outside themselves, and that this prevents them from seeking knowledge, opening their eyes, facing the facts of their existence, and therefore keeps them in bondage?

A: Its just obstacles, as always. You employ those too, for your 2nd density friends!!
And then, this one:

Q: (L) Okay, we want to ask about this Donestra named in the Imbrogno book?

A: Symbolic moniker. So is Solarion.

Q: (L) What is the source of this contact with this guy Dean Fagerstrom?

A: Source is partially 5th density, partially 4th density.

Q: (L) Is he really channeling Franz Liszt?

A: No. Mental imprint from hyperspace.

Q: (L) What was this device that came into his room that floated in front of his face and made the sound?

A: 4th density imprinting device.

Q: (L) What was it imprinting?

A: Knowledge.

Q: (L) Well, I would like to play Franz Liszt! Why haven't we had something like this?

A: You do not get to choose the nature of interaction with 4th density STS! Unless of course hamsters, chirpy little birds in cages and sweet, sad, dependent doggie "friends" get to choose the nature of their interactions with you!

Q: (L) So, you are comparing Mr. Dean Fagerstrom to a hamster, a bird, or a doggie?

A: Why not? It is the same thing.

Q: (L) And, he seems to be very obedient! (T) So, they are just jerking him and other people around through him.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Give the doggies a biscuit! (T) So, where is my holodeck?

A: Ask for a holodeck and you might get an electrostatic brain splicer job instead.
Now, I think that Icke is probably a very sincere guy, but I don't think he did his esoteric homework in advance of getting involved in what he did and I don't think he has done the kind of research that would enable him to detect "lines of force" in what he looks at. I'm not sure that I can even explain this.

You see, my years of work as a hypnotherapist, doing spirit release and exorcisms, taught me a lot about the ways of "the dark side." After a couple of exorcisms that would have peeled the chrome off a car bumper, and which left me almost incapacitated for six months (and I quit doing hypnotherapy as a result), I can recognize the TASTE of the dark side. I was inoculated.

One of the tactics of STS is to find a means of subtly allying their message with that of the truly Positive so as to slip by those who are really seeking truth but who have not been "inoculated" against the dark side. This is done in such a way that the seeker tends, on surface evidence, to accept these messages as equivalent.

It is for this reason that an education in the existence of real negativity, to the ways of such negativity, even to the characterization of its existence as far as the degree of true spiritual (because conscious) evil, is considered appropriate and even necessary.

People think that the dark side can be easily detected. Not so. And because I was aware of that in a way that most people are not, and never can be, due to my work, I came to realize that the STS realm is an INVERSE - not REVERSE - reflection of the STO realm; sort of a parallel configuration borrowing all the components of STO. It proceeds by the method of imitation. It APES the expression of the positive, and it does this very carefully so that it will be taken as the STO stance.

The usual strategy is to begin by adhering so closely to the letter of the positive as to be virtually indistinguishable. It installs itself, comforts, speaks truths and even makes lofty declarations. In doing all of this, it is easy to diverge ever so slightly from the path and to pull followers with it. When a person is crossing the ocean, a compass variation of only a fraction of a degree will make the difference between arriving in New York or Miami.

The STS being can produce very fine work - they've been doing it for ages. And I have noticed that, as more people become more aware, it becomes even more subtle.

Icke's a smart guy, and even after hearing some stories about him, I still think he means well. Nobody can put out that much work without believing in what they are doing. But I think he's being deceived in a very subtle way. If you read the wave, the story about the gal who was raped by the reptoids, you might get my drift here. I don't think I have ever met anyone who was more sincere in what she was doing than she was. And I don't think I've ever met anyone who worked harder than she did or suffered more. And still suffers... Last I heard she was still waking up with scratches all over her in places she couldn't reach herself, and believing that the Lizzies were still doing her at night.

Maybe they were.

My question to her was this: If you are as "advanced" as you claim to be, why are you still being abducted and tormented that way?

She was so mad at me for asking this question, she practically spit.

If you read The Wave, perhaps you remember this:

We begin to see that everything is not quite as simple as we might have thought. You can't just say that the good guys wear white hats and the bad guys wear black tee shirts. There is no easy answer.

But, we knew this all along. We know it from our own natures, and from the fact that every family has black sheep and white sheep and everything in between. We can't get on our soapbox and declare that the Masons or Illuminati are implementing a plan to control the world and take away Free Will. On the other hand, there may certainly be elements in both organizations and others with such plans. And, of course, the practical implication of this is the fact that the followers of the Service to Self pathway use their free will to violate the free will of others through lies and deceptions. And, of course, the cleverest of these lies is to blame everything that they do themselves on someone or something else while they, themselves, continue to conceal their presence and true nature.

In recent times this shell game has become quite interesting, to say the least.

So, just who is on first here?

Gary Allen writes in None Dare Call it Conspiracy:

It must be remembered that the first job of any conspiracy, whether it be in politics, crime or within a business office, is to convince everyone else that no conspiracy exists. The conspirators success will be determined largely by their ability to do this.
How, precisely, is this done? Well, the chief way is through control of the media. Through the media, the most effective weapon is ridicule, satire and character assassination. These extremely potent weapons are used to redirect attention away from the issues. Even a person who doesn't care what other people think of him/her, will find little cachet in the minds of reasonable persons with the stigma of absurdity attached to them.

In the present time, it seems that more people are becoming aware, so the ante has been "upped" a bit. It is no longer so easy to just ridicule those who suggest conspiracies because "conspiracy theories" are just "silly." Now it is necessary to add another ingredient to the mix.

In this program, special "agents" are sent out to plant disinformation that expand and accelerate the conspiracy theories by "overdrawing" them to the point of absurdity.

Gary Allen writes:

Some conspiratorialists do indeed overdraw the picture by expanding the conspiracy (from the small clique which it is) to include every knee jerk liberal activist and government bureaucrat. Or, because of racial or religious bogotry they will take small fragments of legitimate evidence and expand them into a conclusion that will support their particular prejudice, i.e., the conspiracy is totally "Jewish," "Catholic," or "Masonic." These people do not help to expose the conspiracy, but, sadly play into the hands of those who want the public to believe that all conspirartorialists are screwballs. [Allen, 1972]
Let me go in this direction for just a little bit longer to illustrate my point. In recent weeks, one of our readers, apparently a fan of David Icke, wrote:

i am noticing a serious problem here. the british royals who are shape shifting/child sacrificing reptilians are NEVER MENTIONED here. the DIANA case is completely covered up. that story of "suicide" is complete crap. the Royals are alleged (i should say 100% guilty) to have ordered and been involved in the RITUAL MASONIC SACRIFICE of DIANA/DODI (and allegedly the child). the EGYPT AIR crash has been labeled; "a gust of wind" "these things just happen". No they do not when they have massive 33 and 19.5 symbolism, totally beyond coincidence. these are 2 major examples of MASONIC RITUAL SACRIFICES that have been blatantly COVERED up by the Cassiopaeans or someone involved in the info distribution process. Is there a MASON/TEMPLAR among us? I have seen every other site infiltrated. once again this is just THEORY. but there is reason for concern. Not to mention the biggest event occuring above your home WORDWIDE right now; CHEMTRAIL SPRAYING. just a military exercise? give me a break, this is a totally MASSIVE WORLDWIDE SPRAY that is intended to keep down the vibrational rate of the population and kill some in the process. REMEMBER; DISINFORMATION IS SANDWICHED BETWEEN LAYERS OF FACTUAL INFO. something stinks here, and the C's or somebody need to do some explaining.
Regarding the death of Diana and Dodi, I wrote to the reader as follows:

What is decided at "higher levels" can manifest in many ways at THIS level. The bottom line is: nobody dies unless they have reached a "check out" point in their "life blueprint." Whether they agree at some level to p articipate in an event that leads them down a path to being murdered or otherwise...

...Now, all of you know (or should by now) that I have researched the "alien phenomenon" and have received much info about it from the C's over the years. And, you know, if you have read the website, that it does not seem to be a very pretty picture. You also may know that I have followed many "paper trails" that relate to secret societies and conspiracies and have read many different views of these matters in an attempt to "sort out" the subject. In the end, when you delve deeply into these things, you find endless lies and confusion - layer after layer of them.

It is at this point that you have to begin to THINK.

What could possibly be the reason for this? And you finally realize that the very effect you have observed IS the desired objective - Lies and Confusion. And that is where the rubber hits the road and you understand t hat if you take as truth the WRONG view, you are no better than anyone who believes the most blatant and obvious lie, even if the lie you believe is far more subtle and cunningly devious. It still boils down to the fact t hat you have been deceived and made a fool of - if not food!

So, I understood that great caution needed to be employed in studying these matters. I also understood that the greatest minds of all time have been applied to these problems for millennia - with no real result of "wa king up mankind." So, what is the deal here? Why is it so that suddenly, at this particular point in time, different people think that they have "plumbed" the mystery - have found the "Greatest Secret" and can now expose it for the world to view and believe as true?

Well, when you consider the great machine behind these lies, the apparent (though not proven) hyperdimensional nature of the reality from which ours is manifested, you come to realize that it is not going to be that e asy! When I read David Icke's book The Robot's Rebellion, the main fault I found in his searches for the evidence of a global conspiracy was his reliance on what other people have said before, as well as what he was being "fed," with very little checking of the sources or using of cerebral abilities to really think about what he was saying. I was very put off with his beginning that referred to that old hackneyed idea of the "Luciferian R ebellion" and the "out of synch" energy of evil and all that - because I had already been through that belief system and found its errors and the root of those errors. Still, I felt that this was a pretty good compilation , even if I would have liked a little less hysteria and a lot more documentation.

As it has been noted in this list, asking for proof of some of these things is like asking for mercury to stay between your fingers. Just isn't going to happen. So, at best, we have "tracks" and circumstantial evidence that piles so high that it would certainly convict in a court of law, but yet the mainstream community wants the "smoking gun" or the "UFO cadillac" on the White House Lawn. Not gonna happen. So, when I ask for "sources," you must understand that I mean the sources of the idea, the key to the chain of evidence that has been followed, even if that evidence is merely circumstantial. At the same time, I do realize that there ARE some "hard facts," that, taken together with other "hard facts," CAN be connected as "circumstantial evidence" chains - and we really need to look for these things.

But, getting back to David Icke. Yes, I realized that he had followed a similar path that I did when I was researching conspiracies back in the 80's for the writing of the Ancient Science. There was very little new in that book for me. BUT, he made rather short shrift of the "alien question." That troubled me. He wasn't "getting it" at the deepest level, in my opinion.

Let me explain my reasoning for this. When one deeply studies "conspiracy" theory, one comes face to face with a consortium of "Hidden Masters" who are evident in their tracks, but can never be "seen," so to speak. We find Masons, Illuminati, Templars, Priory of Sion, Rosicrucians, Elders of Zion,and a host of other minor and major players. They come and go on the stage of history like actors playing many different parts. As soon as o ne "loses its force" another comes into power and holds sway for a time and then becomes "known" and obvious and is replaced.

The next thing is the "time" factor. When we consider conspiracies that have been in place for many thousands of years (and, yes, there is a pile of circumstantial evidence for this) we have to consider what I call th e "pay-off" factor. We can study the lives of the various people who are supposed to have been "masters of the game" in these different secret societies that have been exposed from time to time, and determine that it is c lear that they are human and that they are being used as "screens" and "red herrings" to draw attention away from something else.

The very idea of a group of people who live and die in the ordinary way being motivated to put events into motion that may benefit someone else a thousand years down the road, and who then suffer exposure and ignomini ous death or other unpleasant consequences would, on the one hand, bespeak someone who is devoted to serving others, yet it is clear that this is not the touted agenda. So, we can only conclude that they are serving themselves, and that leaves us with the blank as to what they get out of it!

Standard psychological theories apply here, and we realize that either these people are extremely stupid, and in that case, the whole conspiracy would fall apart rather quickly rather than having lasted for thousands of years, or we must think that these people are being used by SOMEONE or SOMETHING else, for its own ends. And, in that case, we have to realize that the various proposed sources of the conspiracy, whether it be Masons or Rosicrucians or Illuminati, are merely another facet of the smoke screen.

Once we have realized that, we realize that if we jump on the bandwagon of accusations and "we have discovered the secret," we may very well be falling for the same old Machiavellian ploy that has been used for millennia.

Well, I puzzled over this for a long time - a period in which I was not considering a hyperdimensional reality. I simply could not see the motivation for any group of men, who must be at least somewhat ordinary, to perpetrate such a plan with no apparent "pay-off." Supposedly, many of them would "put a certain action" in gear that would only bear fruit a few hundred, or many hundreds, of years in the future to their time, and then they would be exposed and killed or otherwise done away with. Again, such self-sacrifice is either a symptom of pure STO, or evidence of SOMEONE ELSE behind the scenes.

So, David Icke found these things... so have many others. It's been fairly common stuff for a very long time. Some may be true; some may be red herrings. Of course, putting it all together in this day and time, and tracking it through the centuries is an interesting exercise - IF ONE IS THEN ABLE TO SEE the fact that there is a "puppetmaster" that has set this whole thing up to lead astray those who are more clever than others, but not yet clever enough to see the UNSEEN element.

Well, fine and good. He wrote this book and it made a big splash. What next? Well, his next book was a HUGE disappointment because I could see that "they" had gotten to him. Now, just imagine this scenario: a person d iscovers all these things that he wrote about in his first book... (or thinks he is "discovering" them) - very similar to what I wrote in Noah, (but was completely unable to get it published and had no resources at the time to do it myself), and he gets it published, it gets promoted, and a lot of folks begin to think that maybe nothing is as it seems.

Well, clearly, David was going in the right direction. He might even be able to figure it out once he came to a full understanding of the "hyperdimensional" factor.

What do you think the "Puppet Masters" are going to do now?

And remember, you are NOT dealing with human minds here... you are NOT dealing with ordinary logic... you have NO hope of figuring out their next "move" except to pay close attention to the action. And, I only knew this because I had taken great pains to study not only the evidence, but who gathered the evidence, how and why and then what happened to them AFTER ... So, I KNEW that there were repercussions to speaking out. And David is a very personable and dynamic person. Not only that, I think he has a real drive for truth. (Even if he doesn't have a "nose" for it.)

So, here he is, David Icke on the "Truth Train," picking up a lot of passengers, and building a lot of steam. Well, I think that if a couple guys in three piece suits knocked on his door one night and said "Mr. Icke, we are here to make you an offer..." he probably would have slammed the door in their faces. At least, I would LIKE to think that. But, maybe something like that DID happen and he invited them in.

But, what is more likely is this: Somebody knocked on his door (figuratively speaking) and said: "Mr. Icke, I see that you have a great deal of courage and you are making a lot of waves, and I came to you to tell you my story about what is behind the scenes of these conspiracies that you talk about. And, I am afraid for my life, so you must be very careful and help me... so we can reveal to the world the GREATEST SECRET!"

And, of course, being a person who is "dedicated to truth," and a person who wants to "save the world," and all that, Mr. Icke invited this person onto his "truth train." But, he didn't realize that this person was an agent of the Puppet Masters... and that this person would secretly be slipping nuclear bombs into the firebox of the steam plant of the engine of his train... and that this nuclear power would speed the train up so fast that not only could it no longer stop to pick up new passengers, it would eventually run off the track and crash and burn.

So, what do I mean? Well, yes, we know that the C's have talked about underground bases, about genetic experiments and the creation of a "Master Race" breeding ground for the Nephilim - they have talked about Drachomonoid controllers of our realm and they have talked about many of the same bizarre things that David Icke talks about... the difference is in the "deeper explanations" and the "mode of response."

I will give you an example: First of all, the "sources" of David Icke's information about the Reptilians from "the constellation Draco" are extremely questionable. When I began to track this idea, the closest I could come to it was that it originated with folks who claimed to have been given this info BY reptoids!

So, let's get this straight: we are trying to uncover a conspiracy, and we go to somebody who we suspect is part of the conspiracy, and ask them what the whole thing is about? Or rather, they came to someone who then reported what they were told, and this became the basis for the "knowledge" about the Drachomonoids. That's like asking Richard Nixon what was on the missing tape.

Other information he writes about relates to pedophile abuse by public figures. That sets the warning bells off immediately because accusations of sexual aberration have been used throughout millennia to smear and destroy many people and groups, most notably the Templars and Cathars. Nevertheless, the inflammatory dwelling on these kinds of things in prurient and graphic detail bespeaks an almost fiendish delight in just simply talking about it. And that is not to say that I don't think that such things go on - god only knows the awful stuff I have had to deal with in the course of doing hypnotherapy - so, that is not the issue. What IS the issue, is the creation of the "us against them" hard line philosophy that focuses on PEOPLE and NOT the true hyperdimensional source of the control.

A couple of David's sources include Cathy O'Brien and Arizona Wilder. Regarding the former, her accusations of truly bizarre sexual abuse, pedophilia, and assorted disgusting factors are well publicized on the net, and we have already discussed them, so I won't repeat them here. And, yes, the C's have confirmed that there is, indeed, something along this line going on, though with modifications to the story.

The bottome line is: we have to wonder exactly why it is that Cathy O'Brien and Arizona Wilder have been allowed to "come out of the closet?"

Think about it.

Now, one correspondent wrote to me that the revelations Cathy O'Brien made were very carefully orchestrated so that the information came out in a way that was able to protect her from the possibility of being "hit. " In other words, if she had been killed AFTER the book came out, it would be seen as "confirmation" of her story. (The mistake made with Morris Jessup has not been repeated!)

So, how to do the conspirators do damage control with Cathy O'Brien?

Well, the answer is simple: Arizona Wilder!!!

Icke tells us that Wilder "conducted human sacrifice rituals for some of the most famous people on Earth, including the British Royal Family." Arizona says, (in Icke's book, The Biggest Secret):

Now, just think about what this has done here. (Or could do to the less subtle and informed reader.) The first thing is that it has placed the focus of blame on HUMAN beings. Human beings ARE shape shifting Reptilians in kahoots with "ethereal" demonic reptoid beings. And you can see where that is leading back to, can't you? Yes, that ole time religion! We have a "Luciferian Rebellion" going on here, and those pesky reptoids are really just demons in service to Satan. And, of course, being demons, we have absolutely NO hope of doing anything at all without help from somewhere "out there," most likely prayers or rebukes to "get thee behind me, Satan!"

So, not only have we accomplished a huge coup in terms of hiding the true nature of the REAL conspirators, we have advanced the cause of disempowering human beings by reinforcing their beliefs in the same nonsense that has kept them captive for over two thousand years.

Why would that be so?

The aim of religion is to create a completely controlled artificial environment composed of thoroughly predictable human behaviors - made predictable because they have been programmed in through centuries of lies and obfuscations presented in the form of a 'story' that is actually untrue, and wholly misrepresentative of the real negative aim.

For centuries these programs have been being set up through space/time manipulation. Various prophets or religious leaders have been influenced to preach, prophesy or teach philosophies designed to lay a foundation for later take-over - possibly in our present time. It doesn't matter that the religions are essentially "good" or seem to be positive. What matters are the programmed responses. If a person is programmed to believe in "Jesus," if a figure appears to them presenting itself as Jesus, and uses 4th density technology to stimulate the release of certain neuropeptides that can induce feelings of bliss, the individual is primed and ready to obey any command of said being whether it is to "kill them all and let God sort them out," as was the general rule of the Inquisition or "insult everyone who doesn't believe that Di and Dodi were sacrificed by reptilian royals."...

More than that, the totally illogical and nonsensical dynamic of "believe this" or you will be damned, punished or otherwise "left out" of some exclusive club is the essence of STS stalking wherein confusion and cross- purpose prevents a clear perception on the part of the Stalkees.

Now, yes, we know that human beings - ALL human beings - have reptilian genetics... and bird genetics and just the whole gamut. But by disinforming people about the true nature of the 4th density STS hieararchy and state of existence, as such people as Arizona Wilder and others do; by making humans the "physical" or "paraphysical" Reptoids, the attention is drawn away from the actual "control system" of Drachomonoid beings of hyperdimensional, variable physical capability.

But, in a funny twisted way, there IS some truth there. Reptoid beings CAN shape shift into human appearing beings, but, the problem is, according to the understanding of hyperdimensional existence, they have some difficulty doing this, and "holding the frequency," so that even when they do it, it is a very bad imitation - witness Men In Black cases.

And, human beings CAN be easily controlled by 4th density beings through their genetics, their minds, their chemistry, and by setting up "dramas" in which other people who may or may not be active "agents" of the STS hierarchy act as "vectors" of thinking and activity.

So, do you see the inversion in the Arizona Wilder story? That ordinary human beings can be Reptoids and we would just never know it! This amounts to loading the truth train with nuclear speed capabilities to run it off the track! Take a little grain of truth, exaggerate it all out of proportion, twist it, and toss it out there to outrage the sensibilities of the rational thinkers, and to dupe the non-critical thinker into believing a scenario that prepares him to be further manipulated. And, if in the end, the whole story is discredited through associated ideas that can be proven false, very effective screen has been dropped over the true activities of 4 th density negative beings. Meanwhile, everyone is looking in the direction of something that is merely a distraction... the oldest game in the world - the shell game of reality.
Just a few days after I had written the above message, an event transpired to confirm it. There is a curious thing that I would like to note here in passing: It seems that the STS mode of manipul ation includes "synchronous events" and or "signs and wonders" BEFORE a choice is made to do something, which, in fact, "weight" the choice. STO seems to refrain altogether from any kind of overt contact or demonstration, leaving the will entirely free. But then, there is always the little "confirmations" AFTER the choice has been made and the action initiated.

Getting back to the "event" of confirmation. As I was reading through my email, I came across a response to our David Icke fan on the egroup who had sent a website that was purported to "expose" the evil intentions of the Masons via the Denver Airport murals. What caught my eye was the remark that a particular mural had been "removed." So, I clicked on the url to have a look. The email I wrote immediately after will explain:

From: "Laura Knight-Jadczyk"
Date sent: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 16:38:18 -0400

1st member wrote: make sure to click on "next image" at the bottom for a Detailed Analysis of every portrait...

2nd member wrote: You are a little behind the times. I agree that this mural is *very* disturbing; however, it was also removed a year ago.

Laura here: It made me curious about what mural would have been removed, so I went and had a look at the picture which, as it happens, was NEVER one of the "Denver Murals." It is Poussin's painting entitled "Winter," and we DO have it on OUR Denver Airport page and it is explained in the text that it is Poussin's painting...

Now, why would someone else have a picture of Poussin's painting included as a "Denver Mural" if they had not mistakenly THOUGHT it was a Denver Mural because it was on a page of pictures of the Denver Murals, only they simply did not bother to read the text telling that it was NOT one of the murals???? I think I will have a look at the other images on this site... the originals from our pages are from photos taken by a close friend and member of our group at our request, and I know there are certain little glitches in her photographic technique and a couple of angles and extra features in the pictures when she did not get the picture framed properly. How much you want to bet that the pictures from this other site are stolen from ours??? (taking odds...)
As it turned out, sure enough, the pictures were stolen from our site. Ark came in to have a look at it since he had been the one who did the scans and made the catalogue. So, he followed up my post with one of his own:

From: "Arkadiusz Jadczyk"
Date sent: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 18:55:53 -0400
Subject: Denver, David Icke fans and a practical lesson in disinformation

Hi All,

Laura already wrote about it a while ago, but let me try to make it completely clear. This is a very good example of how disinformation connects and works. Our former-list member 1st member (already unsubscribed) wrote:

Date sent: Wed, 25 Oct 2000

make sure to click on "next image" at the bottom for a Detailed Analysis of every portrait..


Ark here: When you go there - what do you see? You see OUR pictures. I mean, really ours, because they were taken by a friend of ours on her trip to Denver, then scanned and put on our web site. We have the original photographs.

OK, so David Icke's friends "borrowed" our material without quoting the source. But that is not all. WE have a little "Catalogue" page, which I did myself: Denver_cat.htm On this page, together with scans of the Denver murals photos, I put an image of a famous painting, "Winter" by Poussin, because Cassiopaeans suggested that there is a hidden relation: Denver.htm

So, what did our David Icke associate do: he "borrows" also the Poussin painting (again without quoting Cassiopaean web site), but he states that this is from pictures taken at Denver!

That is how Lizzies work: least effort.

Clearly sooner or later someone will discover that his "Winter" is NOT from Denver, but an old painting. What will happen? All the story about mind control and about Denver murals will become suspect. Origin of all of that will be forgotten. Laws of sandwiching truth between lies will be at work. Baby will be tossed out with the bathwater. The Denver Airport issue will be ignored because lies are connected with it.

Of course, we could start making noise about "copyrights" and about nonsensical interpretations. But is it worthwhile? Is it not better to write a web page explaining on a live example how disinformation works?
So that was what I wrote to Melissa Conrad about David Icke. But that wasn't the last of it only it is late now. Maybe tomorrow.
Steve said:
The difficulty now is to dissociate the loopy from the sound.
Pretty much sums it up. Here are some of my thoughts:

When I was in college I had a friend going to another university (in Michigan), where he took a class with a certain psychopharmacologist. He made friends with the guy and a couple of years later happened to run into him at the lobby of his hotel in Detroit. Outside the context of the class the psychopharmacologist felt free to speak.

He told my friend that he was involved in government psychedelic research in the '70's (the conversation occured about a decade later). He said that the one defining factor regarding psychedelic experiences was that they could be distinguished into two types: Experiences of epiphany and experiences of conspiracy, which was a more precise way to describe "good" and "bad" trips, according to the assesment of the researchers.

Epiphany experiences could result in greater integration and be truly revelatory, depending on the individual and circumstances, but more often than not were chemically amplified wishful thinking. More common were the conspiracy experiences, also observed after prolonged psychedelic use. These, he said, truly interested the government. They were interesting because, although they were mostly different in content, they were undeniably the same regarding context.

In other words, the conspiracy experience was a kind of anti-epiphany regarding "what is really going on". And the common factor in these anti-epiphanies, he said, was that "behind" this reality (which becomes a "stage" in the experience) is another, in which unsavory influences manipulate and pull the strings here. Encounter with the anti-epiphanic experience causes abject terror in the subjects, usually followed by repression of its memory.

Psychedelics act directly upon the brain stem or reptile brain, where neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are produced. The brain stem is also the neurological center of the central nervous system's reality filter, which restructures the reality we perceive from stimuli and internal states, filtering most of them out. It is also the source of our most primitive responses, which we have in common with reptiles.

The researchers believed that psychedelics removed the filters and that the "ultimate conspiracy" perception is latent in the dynamnics of the reptile brain, leaving the question whether it is a real perception filtered out because it is so terrifying or simply the reptile brain on overdrive. The government agency funding the research was also interested in this assessment, but would not provide reasons for their interest.

My friend told me that what was interesting about this experience was that as soon as the psychopharmacologist described the conspiracy perception state as a revelation regarding "what's really going on", all sound in the hotel bar stopped, followed by a few people dropping silverware, a waitress dropping a tray full of drinks and a door slamming, and in this interval of a few seconds the three people at the table (the psychopharmacologist, a colleague of his and my friend) felt the hair at the back of their neck rise.

He said it was the eeriest feeling, as if horror movie music had suddenly started playing, as the words "what's really going on" seemed to reverberate, and everyone in the hotel bar was affected. All this talk about Lizzies is interesting as it coincides with unsavory states of percpetion rooted in the reptile brain, which also happens to produce mood-altering neurotransmitters as well as plays a fundamental role regarding the determination of what we consider to be reality.

If there is an influence that is not human (and I happen to believe this), but influences humans, it stands to reason that the primary puppet string connection is in and upon the reptile brain. It reminds me of an old "Twilight Zone" episode where in a certain suburban neighborhood strange things were going on involving the lights in people's houses and especially the street lights. People ended up getting paranoid, pointing fingers at each other, and ultimately getting violent with each other as lights kept flicking on and off.

In the final scene, humanoid aliens were looking down upon the neighborhood from their craft, pulling the switches that caused the lights to go on and off. The leader said something like "See how gullible these humans are? All we have to do is pull a few switches and play with their lights and they go crazy and turn on each other. We don't even have to fire a single shot. This invasion will be a piece of cake".

Finally, when attempting to distinguish the "loopy" from the "sound" what I look for are the implications of what is said. I noticed much information is presented as either a "don't worry be happy" rosey presentation (the new agey feel-good type), or an "abandon all hope ye who enter here" presentation. It reminds me of a good cop/ bad cop reality set-up. The first scenario leads to denial and opiation, and the second to the disempowerment of despair. Both seemed "designed" or at leasted are structured to inhibit discrimination, clear thought and ultimately free will.

The question I believe we should ask for any presented information IMO is: Can it lead me to a solution? Does it inspire me to even think in terms of a solution? And if so, is the solution it inspires one that is viable, or does try to maneuver me into more chaos leading to a literal dead end?
Laura: That makes me wonder what Icke doesn't have that QFG does?

This, I think: more rigor, more intellectual tenacity, and more hopelessness.

Laura: Actually, the overarching philosophies are not identical, at least not as recently as last summer when Icke's new book came out.

Agreed. But here's the bais for the similarities (and I say this as a good thing, for there is nothing worse IMO than a marginalzied, isolated thinker who then becomes a permanent pariah):

---World as Matrix;

---Lizzie based control system;

----control system mainly hyperdimensional;

----organaized religion historically used as massive control modlaity;

----conventional science also defective as purely "materialist" alternative;

----humans have been genetically created/modified by aliens;

----all there is quantum reality, waves and consciousness (the C's mention holograms as I recall);

These are the highlights. Yes, Icke does not venture into Organic Portals and Lessons being all there is. He also wants, as you highlight, the Luciferian business to be something that too is "more illusory" than the rest of the positive business. Which is why I reference "hopelessness" (not pejoratively at all), because he wants some way out of this. Hence the negativity is the latest book all seems to disappear into it's all an Illusion idea: the Universe as Hologram carried to its final conclusion. thus as one reviewer put it:

"Reviewer: A reader
It has taken David Icke 15 years (since his epiphany in 1990) and umpteen books to reach the same conclusions that he could have jumped to in 15 minutes spent reading about Ramana Maharishi.

Stripped of all the breathless scattershot verbiage, the message boils down to (as the title says) "Everything is an illusion". Individual human consciousness units are game pieces trapped in an artificial Matrix - a web of deception designed to milk fear and other negative emotions for use as energy for its own sustenance and expansion. Pretty much everything you could roll out as a topic for conversation is just another brick in that wall - space, time, nature, DNA, science, religion, technology, art, education, medicine, and of course the financial system and the endless wars - you name it.

The shape-shifting reptilians for which David Icke was once radically famous are now pretty much demoted to minor bit-player operatives in the overall scheme (and even come in for a bit of sympathy).

The book's message really is pure "Advaita" - the ancient Hindu doctrine that, well, "Everything is an illusion". The part about Infinite Love is so removed from regular human garden variety love (which all its pressures, pains, and fears) that you might as well tag Icke's concept as Advaitic "Self" (big S!) and be done with it.

A book like this (in fact most of Icke's books) also really show the influence of the Web on authorship. Anybody can be an instant expert on anything, but that fact-finding power doesn't necessarily confer logic or organization skills.

So given all this kvetching, why my 5 Star rating?

Simple! I mean the answer to that is simple, and the reason is that Icke presents the same message more SIMPLY and more humorously than the regular Neo-Advaitic authors. The presentation of core concept "Everything is an illusion" by the current crop of Neo-Advaitic authors (no, "Neo" isn't a reference to The Matrix here, it just means the Western 21st century appropriation of classical Advaita by such as John Wheeler, Nathan Gill, Jan Kersschot, and so on) are so bloodless, dull, and humorless that Icke's version cuts through them like a top-end Harley Davidson hog through a kid's tricycle race. Admittedly though Icke gilds the lily a LOT more than those purist Neo-Advait's mentioned, with his digressions about natural health maintenance, sexuality, 9-11 conspiracy, Jewish religious law (he should've gone easier on that particular one, why continue to feed the spurious charges of anti-Semitism?), and on and on.

Icke delivers the goods with a lot more sauce and fun than anybody else. However, as usual it is more diagnosis than practical working prescription (maybe it has to be this way, as in Icke's world, one sign you are dealing with The Matrix is the prevalance of RULES governing everything). That does leave us with a bit of a quandry - how to actually eject ourselves from The Matrix? Hmmm, maybe those Neo-Advaita authors are looking a bit better ...

One area where Icke is a bit naiive is that he seems to accept some kind of unit of "consciousness" as the subject for all the deception. "Your consciousness is trapped" type of thing. What is that - "consciousness"? Is there some base unit of inviduation there that we need to deal with? I remember somebody once asked Ramana - "How should we treat others?" His answer - "There are no others."

But I think Icke differs in one small way from the Neo-Advaits in that they seem to say that there is no escape apart from acceptance. 'Lie back and enjoy it' type of thing. Whereas Icke seems to feel you could really jump ship entirely, into a pool of pure infinite Love.

Anyway, I want to know HOW to escape! For now, this book will at least get you out of your cell and into the prison yard."

So yes, the *diagnostic* analysis seems identical, but the positioning of the players and the escape, if any, and the strategies are all different. But let's see how both of you can inspire mutual admiration from some fairly bright people. You are familiar with Kaminski, obviously, as you post much of his material. I have read it for years. Here's an excerpt from a piece he wrote last year:

Now, as many of you know, I tend to reject out-of-hand any contentions that we are ruled by supernatural forces, be they angelic or alien. In my simple mind, it just makes life too complicated. Yet, you must accept valid information where you find it, which is sometimes in unexpected places. And you can’t let your own paradigms and beliefs get in the way of hearing what you need to hear. The penalty for that is the ugly world we have now.

Over time, I have received many recommendations to check out a website that utilizes as its chief metaphorical theme communication with a group of extraterrestrials known as Cassiopaeans. Having seriously dabbled with many New Age subjects in the early ’90s and found the genre as riddled as the Patriot movement with creepy charlatans and egotistical psychos, I tend to dismiss such recommendations out-of-hand. But that is not to say it can all be dismissed in such a way.

When you look at the work of Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her physicist husband Arkadius, fast-buck operators seeking to harvest cash from seances is not what you see. I’m not sure that sending you to is the proper way into their insightful milieu, but it’s the way I went in. And I have no intention to commenting right now on the validity of the worth of their Quantum Future School or perceptions that are beyond the grasp of my own, but what I did find in their site at this very link — was a fascinating examination of the nature of psychopathy, which in my mind bears very directly on the situation we are all facing in this messed up world today.

I know this explanation is getting a little long, but bear with me. As you know, we all have been looking for a way to explain the behavior and the rude and rapacious men who run our world, who are running it into the ground. They are not like us (or, they are not like me, I don’t know about you, really).

One of the more fascinating and enigmatic explanations of what is actually happening in the world today is put forth by British phenom David Icke, whose many books and lectures have posited that the powers that be are actually reptilian shapeshifters, cold blooded in the truest sense. Many people find that assertion preposterous, and turn away. I’ve always related to it in a metaphorical sense, and in any case respect Icke for being one of the bravest men in the world for even attempting to tackle problems in the way he does.

But given my queasy uneasiness with such fanciful interpretations, I sometimes feel choosing to go to this level can be a distraction from the problems themselves. Not so with Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s explanation — the mask of sanity. And the assertion of the Quantum Future School that the official culture in America is a natural state of psychopathy. Hey! You only need to read a newspaper that the assertion is true. I highly recommend this information. Go to

As for the Kennedys, Fritz Springmeier includes them as one of the 13 Illuminati bloodline families. Snippet from online version of book here:

"Again the ties between various Illuminati families is very involved, and a long unravelling process, similar to untying a set of bad knots confronts the researcher. The Kennedy family abounds with marriages to names such as Anketells, Baileys, Booths, Buckley's, Collins, Hatfield's, Humphrey's, Freeman's, James, Phelps, Reagan's, Russell's, and Smiths.3 The Kennedy's that we will look closest at are related to the Fitzpatrick's, a powerful Irish family whose coat of arms has 3 fleur-de-lis with a dragon and a lion. (The Fitzpatrick's may tie back to France, and they may possibly part of the Sang Royal (Sangraal--Sang Raal is the term used in the older manuscripts which can mean both Royal bloodline or Holy Grail.) Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis who married John F. Kennedy was tied to the Auchinclosses via her sister’s marriage into the Auchincloss family. The Auchinclosses are Scottish bloodline of the Illuminati.

This revisit to the Kennedy’s shows some of their ties to other elements of the Illuminati’s vast scheme of things. Until people begin to recognize that the Kennedy’s wielded an occult power via their bloodline, they will not begin to appreciate why the Queen of England and her family would honor a request from an Irish commoner to have her family dress up in full regalia for the pleasure of this commoner’s family."

Fleur-de-lis, dragon and lion, sure signs of a putative Merovingian connection. And then there is this from the authoritative Burke's Peerage in an ABC report prior to the "election" (i.e., election theft) of the current moron president:

ABC News:

Do presidential candidates Al Gore and George W. Bush have royal
connections? Buckingham Palace politely declined to comment.
(Digital Stock)

By Tony Eufinger

LONDON, Oct. 25, 2000 - When it comes to picking the winner in
the American presidential race, Britain's leading chroniclers of
royal ancestors say they've never been wrong - not once in
almost 200 years.

Based on facts gleaned from the old scrolls and dusty archives
of Burke's Peerage - researchers of royal bloodlines since 1826
- the Brits wager it will be Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

"The presidential candidate with the most royal genes and
chromosomes has, up to now, always won the White House," say the
researchers at Burke's Peerage.

I guess that would include the Kennedys.

And, finally, the possible eschatological ramifications of the Ickeian outlook are also deeply present in the STS/STO schematic: Manichean to the core. Which says nothing about truth or falsity, only that the "religious" angle can always be played here.
I forgot to add one other line of thought you might consider. It seems there is some very interesting *legal* status accorded cerrain reptilian-denominated families under *Eurpopean Union* law. Douglas Gnazzo wrote an ostensible history of money called Whence and Pence that appeared at the website, a leading financial website. Here are a couple of exceprts from his lenghty multi-part story:


Many famous names are associated with England: from the House of Windsor, to the House of Stuart, to the House of Tudor. The Carolingians preceded these dynasties, and the Merovingians came before. It seems most plausible that the English family with the oldest and longest running line of uninterrupted recorded descent would be a familiar royal name, however, in keeping with the unique unfolding of history we have seen, such is not the case.

The Earls of Oxford do go back a long way, and include some most interesting personages and tales. Discreetly remaining off center stage, the Earls represented a very powerful heritage that stayed behind the scenes, out of sight – out of mind, directing the cast of players as if an unseen hand moved about.

Earls are members of a system of titles of nobility, of a class of Knights that have established a hereditary line of male descent, hence the expression Blue Blood, referring to a bloodline of descent. Some of these bloodlines lay claim to lineage more royal than the royal families themselves, yet they do not claim to be Royalty, at least not at the present moment of time – another of those unexplained paradoxes, or so it is made to seemingly appear.

Charles Martel defeated Rainfroi de Ver, Duke of Anjou, in 719. His son, Peppin III was the father of Charlemagne and Berta. Berta married the son of Rainfroi de Ver, Milo de Ver in 800 AD, the same year her brother was crowned Holy Roman Emperor, another one of those paradoxical coincidences.

Milo was Duke of Anjou and Count of Angleria. The line of descent continued on through a succession of Earls of Genney, until the birth of Alberic de Vere (Aubrey I), followed by Aubrey II and III. Aubrey III was the first Earl of Oxford. It is said that Alberic or Aubrey I, fought at the side of William the Conqueror when he took England at the battle of Hastings, in 1066.

Thomas Weir of Vere of Blackwood was wed to Lady Aegidia, daughter of John, 3rd Lord Somerville, in 1483. Thomas’s son, James Weir of Vere, 7th Baron of Blackwood wed Lady Euphemia Hamilton, who was of Merovingian descent, sister of the Duke of Chatelherault, Marquess of Hamilton, 5th Grandson of King Edward III Plantagenet. The Hamiltons were the Heirs Presumptive to the Throne of Scotland during this period.

Plantagenet descent of the House of Vere

Milo I de Vere was Count of Anjou and was the eldest of one Melusine, The Elven Dragon Princess Encyclopedia Mythica: The Story of Melusine. There are definitely some interesting bloodlines mixing and interspersing here.

“Angiers was a Ducal principality in the Comite region of Anjou. In the work of The Rev. Father Sabine Baring-Gould Angiers is referred to as the country where the Scottish, Pictish Princess Melusine eventually became a native after having fled from Avallon. Angiers is now the city of Angers in northern Anjou. As a Ducal principality its rulers constituted a regnant royal house that, in the case of the Vere, were also the Counts of the region in which this city state was situated.” [Myths of the Middle Ages].

The Duchy of Angiers

During the investiture ceremony of Emperor Sigismund and Richard de Vere XIth Earl of Oxford, into the Order of the Knights of the Garter at St. George Chapel, Windsor, by King Henry IV; Richard de Vere also received his investiture into the Societas Draconis (@Hanseat - Order of the Dragon: Politikforum - Forum für ...) by Emperor Sigismund.

An illustration of how truth is stranger than fiction, is the following list of membership to the Societas Draconis. In 1388, Voivode Mircea, the Old, father to Vlad Dracul, was married to Princess Maria de Anjou of Tolmay-Luxemburg, who was related to the Emperor Sigismund of Luxemburg.

“The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court is the ancient Household Court and Order of the senior Angevin descendants of the Imperial and Royal House of Vere of Caledonia, Anjou and Lorraine, and the physical embodiment of the sovereign Princedom of Drakenberg, which is recognized under European Law as a sovereign ethnic racial group; the principal nation states of the Draconian peoples:

Furthermore, the royal and ambassadorial nature of the title of the Prince of Drakenberg (Princeps Draconis) is recognized under the 'Official Observations' of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Government of its state of origin within the European Union.” [The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order, HRH Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg]

Notice the above reference to the “royal and ambassadorial” nature of the title of Princeps Draconis. This is from whence the claim to the real Blue Blood comes from, or as some deluded souls believe – Holy Blood. The sentence that includes “recognized under European Law as a sovereign ethnic racial group” is quite enlightening, as it appears “they” have their own race, which is quite distinctive to say the least. Such an elite distinction could be more than most could reasonably bear."

Here's a snippet from another segment:


Tales of dragons reach as far back as the present dawn of man, and are as old as time itself, which perhaps is one reason for their being. Legends and myths abound in all societies, throughout the ages; from the lands of the west to those of the east – none are left untouched.

Often times in history, serpents, sea monsters, and other beasts are included under the name – dragon. The ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylonia, Sumeria, China, and Greece all have legends of dragons and of dragon-slayers. Many Catholic Saints have supposedly been dragon-slayers, to mention a few: St. George, St. Romain, and St. Margaret, who didn’t really slay the dragon, she charmed the beast into submission, who was then killed by the local villagers.

The most infamous dragon was Typhon, who was said to be the offspring of Gaia and Tartarus. Typhon raged war against Zeus and the other gods (Olympians) at the bequest of his mother Gaia, who was not pleased with the overthrow of the Titans and the defeat of the Giants. Typhon almost won the battle with the gods, nearly defeating Zeus himself, who was saved by Hermes. Zeus cast Mount Etna upon Typhon, forcing him down into the bowels of the Earth.

More often than not, the dragon has represented the dark forces of evil, as seen in the Garden of Eden, the ending of the beginning or Genesis – on into Revelations, the beginning of the ending. As such, the dragon as the Ouroboros – the Serpent swallowing its own tail is most telling, as it is slaying itself – much the same as life slays death and death slays life: the Alpha and Omega. And then there is Uther Pendragon and the Knights of the round table – a most sterling cast of characters whose favorite pastimes were not quite as noble as their title implies.

Draco is the dragon constellation between Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, made up of fifteen stars.

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan”

But to believe in dragons is thought by most to be the same as believing in fairy tales, which makes but little cents. There is no denying, however, the existence of the Order Draconis – The Dragon Order.

“Furthermore, the royal and ambassadorial nature of the title of the Prince of Drakenberg (Princeps Draconis) is recognized under the 'Official Observations' of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Government of its state of origin within the European Union.” [The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order]

“As defined within the main body of the following text, the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court represented herein, legitimately recognized as the Sovereign Court of The Sovereign Dragon Nation by the relevant and appropriate Government of a European Member State, is a closed fraternity of individuals, representing those who trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient Grail and Dragon families.” [as above]

It seems that some take the idea quite seriously, not only those directly involved within, but even the government of England recognizes the royal and ambassadorial nature of the Order Draconis and its lineage up to the present day. And who is the present Pendragon – Cui Bono?"

So these Dragons have legal standing in the European Union. Sounds rather Illuminati to me. Is it more? Then we have this fellow Nichloas de Vere, who indeed traces himself right back to the ancient de Veres, who has emerged to tell us that his reptilian bloodline is NOT human, and that he has had his blood tested at the university of London and the results prove it. I'd like to know a little more about those blood tests, wouldn't you? So the Ickeian emphasis on the Illuminati business (and its tie-in to the Lizzies), which the C's call the Consortium, I guess, is something that clearly needs more archeology. This is still a living breathing thing.
I read a bit about de Vere. I gather he claims fairie blood, which is the same as "reptile" blood, from a race that used to reside in the Black Sea basin, and was flooded out after the end of the last ice age. He basically claims that you have no psychic potential if you do not carry the blood of his people (meaning for us common folk that any attraction to the esoteric is due to ancenstry from the results of his royal line sowing their wild oats).

These people basically lay claim to fancy names and titles that are meaningless in themselves, and backed up with riches and influence that were made because they were simply more ruthless psychopaths than everyone else. These people are inbred psychopathic humans with a dinosaur complex.

They can do as much harm as any inbred super-wealthy psychopath (which is a alot). And of course they will cavort with other wealthy psychopaths in dark corners playing dark games, and making up dark stories of Dungeons and Dragons to further justify their psychopathic impulses.

IMO, the sanest thing to do is to strip these fools down to their psychopathic common denominator and throw out all the "occult power" and "divine right" myths. They are insane, probably hereditarily so, and possessed by forces feeding their dreams of grandeur (forces that would toss them in the trash heap of history like a used tissue paper), and probably organized at the behest of the inspiration of their "masters". But in and of themselves, they are descended from uncouth backward inbred peasants and barbarians, and that is their legacy and always will be.

Do away with them, and others will take their place. I'm sure there is already a waiting list!
Steve said:
"The presidential candidate with the most royal genes and
chromosomes has, up to now, always won the White House," say the
researchers at Burke's Peerage.

I guess that would include the Kennedys.
Please do the genealogy research on this and post it for us here. Also, do the research on Nixon, who Kennedy defeated, and post that as well. Also Kissinger.
Interesting that the comments are almost word for word. Look for the information that is missing from Sorcha Faal - "at least seven of the alleged hijackers are reportedly still alive"
19 Jan in the 'War Against Humanity' Subsection Comment on the article 'The Barber of the Le Figero Sings: Osama and the CIA' said:
What is not being reported to the American people is the fact that the Al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization allegedly headed up by Osama bin Laden (who is frequently reported as dead, and then resurrected when needed), was created by Nazi Fascists in the 1920’s used by British, French and American Intelligence Organizations after World War II, then reactivated by the CIA under George H. W. Bush, who, at the time, was head of the CIA. The the Al-Qaeda project was funded by the Saudis.

What is also not known by most Americans is the fact that the religion of Saudi Arabia is not Muslim, but is a Cult called Wahhabi, which has been repeatedly condemned by other Muslim nations

Additionally, the alleged terrorists responsible for the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001 were not Iraqi, were not Syrian, were not Iranian, were not Afghani... They were all Saudi Arabian citizens and members of the Wahhabi Cult. What is more, at least seven of the alleged hijackers are reportedly still alive.

These facts have been suppressed with the result that the American have backed a war against innocent countries and peoples.

It seems that the only reason for the visit of the CIA to the bedside of the deathly ill Osama "under the bed" bin Laden, was to confer with him on the upcoming attacks and the role he would be playing - probably even after death.
20 Jan Grave Warning Issued By Putin Over Fears New Catastrophic Terrorist Event Impending For Both The United States And Europe As France Vows Nuclear Retaliation said:
Not being reported to the American people however are the true facts showing that the Al-Qa’ida Terrorist Organization that Osama bin Laden leads was set up by the Nazi Fascists in the 1920’s, used by British, French and American Intelligence Organizations after World War II, then reactivated by the CIA under the present American Presidents father, George Bush, who at that time was the Leader of the CIA and received Saudi Arabia funding for this terrorist project.
Equally not being understood by the American people is that the religion of Saudi Arabia is not Muslim, but is in fact a Fascist Cult called Wahhabi, and which has been repeatedly condemned by other Muslim nations, and as we can read as reported by the American War Crimes Investigator John Loftus:
Aside from the true facts showing that the alleged terrorists responsible for the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001 were not Iraqi, were not Syrian, were not Iranian, were not Afghans…but where all Saudi Arabian citizens and members of that nations Wahhabi Fascist Cult, it has failed to sway the American people from making war against those other nations, even though the rest of the world knows that in July, 2001, Osama bin Laden’s ‘true’ masters met with him to plan this attack, and as we can read:
Steve said:
I forgot to add one other line of thought you might consider. It seems there is some very interesting *legal* status accorded cerrain reptilian-denominated families under *Eurpopean Union* law. Douglas Gnazzo wrote an ostensible history of money called Whence and Pence that appeared at the website, a leading financial website. Here are a couple of exceprts from his lenghty multi-part story:
It is a nice story with a snippet of factoid here and there. However, having spent quite a few years engrossed in genealogy to the point that my husband asked if I was going to quit when I got back to Adam and Eve, it's not so simple as these "stories" would have you think. If you want to trace some of these lines based on the best evidence, have a look at my genealogy pages linked from here:

This database is not complete since I have updated it a lot in the past year or so. I'll re-upload it soon but since it has to be done all together and takes a long time, I figured I'd wait until I had more additions and corrections done. Nevertheless, I think there is upwards of 4,000 people in the current database. If you want to check the veracity of such stories, it's always a good idea to go to the genealogy sites and see if the data matches up.
Mike said:
Interesting that the comments are almost word for word. Look for the information that is missing from Sorcha Faal - "at least seven of the alleged hijackers are reportedly still alive"
Oh, that's priceless. In short, it really looks like Sorcha/David Booth is busy ripping us off and twisting (which we suspected anyway.)
The problem with these bloodline families is that there are official trees and unoffical trees. Springmeier (now in jail for his efforts) has done the most work on these matters. Here's his report on the Kennedys:

The Kennedy Bloodline



To be a researcher and to be informed that the Kennedy family is a top 13 llluminati family is akin to being told a needle is in a haystack. Someone has estimated that there are 200,000 Kennedy's in the United States.1 And on a list of the most populous surnames of Ireland in 1890 Kennedy ranked 17th.2 And a recent book listed it as 16th most common today. Fortunately, there is information that allows me to identify at least part of the Satanic Kennedy's from all the rest of the Kennedy's. You will learn some of this later in the article.


Again the ties between various Illuminati families is very involved, and a long unravelling process, similar to untying a set of bad knots confronts the researcher. The Kennedy family abounds with marriages to names such as Anketells, Baileys, Booths, Buckley's, Collins, Hatfield's, Humphrey's, Freeman's, James, Phelps, Reagan's, Russell's, and Smiths.3 The Kennedy's that we will look closest at are related to the Fitzpatrick's, a powerful Irish family whose coat of arms has 3 fleur-de-lis with a dragon and a lion. (The Fitzpatrick's may tie back to France, and they may possibly part of the Sang Royal (Sangraal--Sang Raal is the term used in the older manuscripts which can mean both Royal bloodline or Holy Grail.) Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis who married John F. Kennedy was tied to the Auchinclosses via her sister’s marriage into the Auchincloss family. The Auchinclosses are Scottish bloodline of the Illuminati.

"One can fairly hear the woof and tweet of history whistle through the names of the ramified Auchincloss tribe: Bunt, Grosvenor, Rockefeller, Saltonstall, Tiffany, Vanderbilt and Winthrop among others."5 For instance, Hugh D. Auchincloss, Sr. married Emma Brewster Jennings, daughter of Oliver B. Jennings, who co-founded Standard Oil with John D. Rockefeller. As for the numerous Kennedy intermarriages with notable names, for instance, Bernet Shafer Kennedy (1798-1878) married Phebe Freeman in 1820.6 But then the question arises--were either of these people secretly part of the occult? Andrew Kennedy married Margaret (Penny) Hatfield (1824-1989). The Andrew Kennedy family is allied with the Hatfield, Bailey, Collins, and Mullins families.8 Again a person is confronted with a great deal of clues, but precious little time and resources to try following up the numerous leads.

ORIGINS OF THE FAMILY & THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE KENNEDY’S (See footnote 9 for the reference to consult concerning this entire section.)

There are several versions of how the Kennedy's got started, but when one goes in and examines things, what turns out is that the origins of the Kennedy's is Ireland are very clear. They are descendants of Brian Born (also known as Brian Caeneddi) and his nephew who spelled it Cinneide. The name thereafter was O’Kennedy. They originally were a Dalcassion sept, and were in the area near Killahoe, and Killokennedy parish is a reminder of that ancient fact. The O’Briens and MacNamaras forced them into new territories where they became the Lords of Ormond--what is now north Tipperary. Most Kennedy's in Ireland today are still found in that area. The Kennedy's remained powerful into the 16th century.

The Kennedy family divided up into 3 branches:

1. Don (brown)

2. Fionn (fair)

3. Rua (red)


Around 1600 a Scottish branch of the Kennedy's appeared. There are several stories as to how they got their name Kennedy, and it is possible that they were not from Ireland. However, interestingly, genealogists have ascertained that whether the various branches of the aristocratic Kennedy's in Scotland and Ireland may have different origins (because the origins of the Scottish branch is unclear)--it can be shown that they all subsequently intermarried and became related if they were not related to begin with. Gayle Marie Kennedy points this out on page 3 of her book My Kennedy Ancestors..., ‘It is believed that all the foregoing Kennedy families are related either by virtue of being descendants of common ancestors, or by intermarriage." I looked up in Burke’s General Armory to get a listing of the aristocratic Kennedy's and here is what I got:

Kennedy's of Ardmillan, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedy's of Auchtyfardell, County Lanark, 1752

Kennedys of Blairquhan, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Clowburn. County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Cultura, County Down, Northern Ireland

Kennedys of Dublin Fun Ent, 1595, Ulster, Ireland

Kennedys of Girvanmains, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Hill Foot, Ireland

Kennedys of Kirkmiehael, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Kirmucks, Aberdeen, Scotland

Kennedys of Londonberry, Northern Ireland

Kennedys of Tombrechan, County Tipperary, Ireland

Kennedys of Underwood, County Ayr, 1850, Scotland

Kennedys of Visit Dublin, 1607, Ireland

Johnstown-Kennedy of County Dublin, Ireland

Kennedys of Bargany and Ardstencher, County Ayr, Scotland

Kennedys of Kirkhill from the Bargany group, 1678, Scotland

It is clear that there have been quite a number of powerful aristocratic Kennedy's. One of the more powerful recent Scottish aristocrat Kennedys was the Marquess of Ailsa (1872-1943). Because he is often called the Marquess of Ailsa you might not know him by his name Archibald Kennedy, who was the 15th Earl of Cassillis. This branch of the Kennedy's married into Scottish royalty. For instance, Sir James Kennedy married Mary, a daughter of King Robert III, and their son was Sir Gilbert Kennedy was made Lord Kennedy before 1458. Archibald Kennedy was an extremely powerful Freemason and held numerous key positions in the Grand Lodge of Scotland. He was 1st Grand Principle from 1913 to his death in 1943. At his death his titles passed to his brother Charles. Archibald Kennedy was initiated in Holywood House Lodge No. 44, Edinburgh, Nov. 17, 1896. (10,000 Famous Freemasons, Vol. l,--put out by the Missouri Lodge of Research, p. 8)


So the question always arises as I examine the elite of the Illuminati and the New World Order--how is this Kennedy related to this other Kennedy. For instance, how is David M. Kennedy (who is a Bilderberger) and William Jesse Kennedy III (who is a key man for the Duke Illuminati family--he is pres. of Mutual life Insur. Co, a Duke financial asset, dir. of RCA, trustee of the Ford Theater where the elite killed Lincoln, and associated with the Pilgrim Soc. through the Conference Board of NYC)?? Although I can’t explain the exact ties, I can safely say that if one goes back several hundred years the Kennedy aristocrats all tie together.


One of my first clues that the Kennedy's had something to do with the Illuminati was the conspiracy book The Widow’s Son-- The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles (Vol. 2) by Robert Anton Wilson. Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea, authors of "Illuminatus!" are not Christians. On the contrary, they are regular participants in the central Ohio Starwood Festival for witches and pagans. Robert Anton Wilson has publicly on a number of occasions explained that he is a Gnostic and a great fan of Aleister Crowley. I picked up Wilson’s book The Widow’s Son in a Satanic/New Age bookstore. In both volume 2 (the teaser chapter at the end) and in volume 3 of The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles one is taught the significance of Brian Caeneddi, the first Kennedy, and how Brian Caeneddi’s blood got into some very important royal bloodlines.

It is interesting that an informed man like Wilson, who spends time doing rituals with Gnostics and Witches, would declare that the Kennedy family is an important bloodline in connection with the Illuminati. How many people knew that Tip O’Neil, speaker of the house of representatives, was a descendent of the Kennedy clan? Wilson writes for New Agers and witches, not for Christians. One gets the feel that his experience with the occult has somehow given him a very good idea of what is going on in terms of the Masons, the Illuminati, etc. He writes his books in such a way that they are historical novels with a great deal of facts, and yet one is always left wondering by the style of writing whether the author wants to be taken serious or not, is what he writes make-believe or history padded with some fiction? I personally believe it is just the way the occult works, they expose the facts for their own people, but in a way that will not be taken seriously by others. Wilson acts like a buffoon one minute and a serious conspiracy researcher the next, and he will act both ways all in one article or even on a single page of his books. When a person checks up on Wilson’s facts, they usually hold true. On my part the information about Brian Caennedi was astounding. I had to go as soon as possible to verify it from other sources, and it turns out Wilson was accurate about their genealogy,10 and their importance in the Illuminati activities historically, etc.


One of the chief lodges for the branch Illuminati prior to 1784 was located in a huge chateau at Ermenonville near Paris, France. The land belonged to the Marquis of Gerardin, who protected Rosseau and later gave Rosseau a tomb on his estate. St. Germain presided over this Illuminated lodge. This Illuminated lodge carried out blood rituals with a altar made from human bones. Interestingly, one of St. Germain’s good friends who came over from Ireland to Paris was Matthew Kennedy (1652-1735). Matthew Kennedy was connected with St. Germain’s court, and wrote A Chronological. Genealogical and Historical Dissertation of the Royal Family of the Stuarts. In 1613, the Stuart family had married into the Sang raal, and began to play a role in the genealogies of the Prieure de Sion. Frederick of the Palatinate after he married Elizabeth Stuart established an occult ‘Rosicrucian’ state. It was Frederick who helped start the bloody 30 yrs. war between the Protestants and Catholics. The Stuarts spread the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry throughout Europe. For a while the Prieure de Sion seems to have backed the Stuarts, but at some point quit. St. Germain is revered as a Christ figure by the I AM movement and the Church Universal Triumphant, and other new age groups. A picture that looks similar to Christ, but which is actually a picture of St. Germain hangs in many of the houses of people involved with the I AM movement or its spin-offs. It is significant that an Irish Kennedy who was interested and liked the Stuart dynasty would be part of St. Germain’s court and a popular writer for them.


If John F. Kennedy had not been assassinated and so much about his life examined and written about, a window allowing us to see the Kennedy Illuminati family may never have opened so wide. First, the assassination attracted attention. In recent years, the Illuminati have given permission to publishing houses to print exposes of J.F.K.’s sexual life, etc.11 It is believed that this permission was given in an effort to deflect criticism of his assassination by allowing his reputation to be tarnished.12 (I hope my readers are beginning to realize that things are totally corrupt at the top, and that JFK was no different than so many others that have been and are today at the top of the political mess in this nation.)

John F. Kennedy had a very active sex life, even after he married Jackie, and even after he was President in the White House. For those who don’t think secrets can be kept by the elite, one only has to look at how John F. Kennedy was able to have sex with many women while President and to have frequent nude swim parties at the White House pool and the general public not know anything about it.13

John F. Kennedy’s lust for women was well known by the elite. Illuminatus McGeorge Bundy warned his friend JFK (while JFK was a Senator) that John’s openness with women might get him into trouble with the public. John F. Kennedy was so open about his sexual habit, that at one party at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. John F. Kennedy openly had sex with one partner in front of the party, while his friend Senator Estes Kefauver did the same. Then they swapped partners and began again in plain view.

John F. Kennedy had many "one-night-stands" as the world calls them. These were merely women hustled up by his aides or the secret service or his friends like Frank Sinatra. But Kennedy also had long term relationships with some of the women he was sexually active with. It is those relationships which reveal so much about the hidden Satanic side of the Kennedys. John F. Kennedy had three long term girlfriends, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield, and Zsa Zsa Gabor which were ALSO girlfriends of Anton LaVey, who has headed the Church of Satan. Jayne Mansfield was a high priestess of the Church of Satan. Marilyn Monroe was a participant in LaVey’s satanic rituals before LaVey founded his Church of Satan. Both JFK and his brother Robert Kennedy had affairs going with Marilyn Monroe, and both visited her just prior to her mysterious death. Zsa Zsa has been interested for years in the occult. (JFK also had relationships with other women connected with the Illuminati also.)

Before we examine the significance of these three relationships of JFK’s, and before we get into his liaisons with other women who were Illuminati connected, let’s cover the relationship between Anton LaVey and the Illuminati. California was very fertile soil for Satanism due to a host of factors. Two lesser known factors are that there were Haitian communities which practiced voodoo in California at the early part of this century. Also California became a haven for witches and Satanists fleeing from France, So. America, Cuba, and other places where their Satanic practices were not tolerated. California had a reputation for acceptance of their evil rituals. When one adds to this such things as Hollywood it is easy to see how San Bernandino valley has become such a strong Satanic center.

Anton LaVey’s maternal grandmother was from Transylvannia. It was from that side of the family the Anton got some encouragement toward the occult. Anton La Vey loved horror movies. He studied Aleister Crowley, and the O.T.O. which had lodges in California which is where he lived, and in 1947 he joined the Clyde Beatty Circus. The Beatty family connects in with the Illuminati families also by the way. LaVey worked for several circuses and learned how to be a showman. He worked the occult sideshows of the circus, and found that people wanted to believe occult frauds. Anton LaVey found Marilyn Monroe, a Jewish girl, working as a striptease in the strip clubs. LaVey helped her performance, and through his connections got her started on her big career. LaVey used his talent of showmanship to create a type of Satanism that could be marketed to the public. LaVey always manages to walk a tight-rope between openly supporting hard-core Satanic practices such as human sacrifice and being just simply theatrics. In other words, he blatantly supports enough evil to attract evil people, but he publicly never allows himself to be connected in any way with child molestation, human sacrifice, etc. Anton LaVey was into Satanism before the 1960’s, but it was not until 1966 that he founded the Church of Satan. Some hard core Satanists feel he is "all show," other hard core Satanists form covens and try to serve Anton LaVey, because they view him as a role model.

The Illuminati set up their headquarters in Southern California this century. San Bernadino county is their headquarters. Of course as I have written before that the Illuminati is too secret to carry out any thing themselves. They need co-workers. The Illuminati is strictly hereditary. The Illuminati secretly control the Satanic cults at what is sometimes described as Stage 4 and Stage 5 of Satanism. The lower levels are for recruits, the grunts, the privates so to speak in Satan’s army. In the San Bernadino area, one type of high priest of Stage 2 or 3 is the Master Counselor. Other positions include the Keeper of the Books, and the Keeper of the Seal. In the late ’60s, Mike Warnke, who was a high priest, a Master Counselor, raised the number of Satanists in the first 3 stages to 1,500 members in the San Bernadino area (San Bernandino-Riverside-Colton). Bear in mind that these 1,500 active Satanists are not Illuminati members--they are much lower than the lower Illuminati ranks such as the Sisters of Light. The Sisters of Light and Five-Star generals and an Asmodeus who are the middle management types of the World Order who direct the upper levels of priests of the covens of Satanism that are open to the public. Anton LaVey participates in conferences for the occult where Satanism (the first 3 stages) and secret Illuminati overseers are present. In other words, LaVey is not out of touch with hard core Satanism, he just manages to keep his public profile clean. It is meant that way. Anton LaVey is a publicity agent to give Satanism a good image.


Anton LaVey knew how to be a showman. He took Marilyn Monroe, helped her with her acting and with his connections helped her get a chance to act. John F. Kennedy had a long term relationship with Marilyn Monroe. When J.F.K. was elected at the convention to be the Presidential candidate the Kennedy's threw a party at the convention. The party was described this way, "every delegate at the convention was provided by the Kennedy group with anything they wanted for their entertainment including liquor and women sent to their room." JFK spent the time at the convention and the next day afterwards "making love’ to Marilyn Monroe. After his acceptance speech the whole group went over to his close friend Peter Lawford's for a skinny-dipping party. Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis, Jr. were close friends to each other and to John F. Kennedy. Sammy Davis, Jr. became a member of the Church of Satan after LaVey started it. From the middle of 1955 to the end of 1959 JFK had a suite on the 8th floor of Washington’s Mayflower Hotel set aside for his extramarital affairs. (FBI File)


During the 1960’s Jayne Mansfield and John F. Kennedy had their relationship. They met at places like Beverly Hills, Malibu, Palm Springs. JFK had several men who "bearded" for him. That is they would act like the women JFK was to get, were their own date. One of these was Dave Powers, who even went so far as to write in a book Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye that whenever Jackie left Washington. JFK (Jack) and him would eat together and then the President would say his prayers and go to bed alone. One of the things Dave Powers did was to help procure a steady stream of new women for Jack.

Some of the other on-going sexual relationship that JFK maintained were:

- Lady Jean Campbell-daughter of the Duke of Argyll

??Flo Pritchett Smith-wife of the American Ambassador to Cuba

- Kay-Kay Hannon Auchincloss - (In this case although they had a long term close relationship no-ones knows what they did together.)

- Judith Campbell Exner- Judith was Sinatra’s girlfriend who he passed on as a favor. Judith worked for the Mafia, in particular she worked for Sam Giancana and John Roselli, who for some reason also both worked for the CIA.

Exner ran letters between the Mafia and John F. Kennedy while he was President. (according to People Magazine, "The Dark Side of Camelot", Feb. 29, 1988.)

It is also known that JFK was in direct contact with Meyer Lansky and Joe Fishetti, two other Mafia chiefs, and that he benefit from money they passed on to him. This is no surprise because Jack’s father had worked with the Mafia Jack’s entire life. There are a number of respectable books by ex-Satanists or ex-Organized Crime members where they are clear about how those groups love to blackmail people. John F. Kennedy certainly could have been easily blackmailed by these groups if they had wanted to. I haven’t seen any indication that blackmail was even tried, so the only other conclusion, which fits a lot of evidence, is that John F. Kennedy worked with the Satanists and the Mafia. In fact, the Mafia rigged several important counties in the election, like in Chicago, which tipped the scales in John winning the Presidency. That’s an entirely different thing that this article won’t get sidetracked on.


Something that Jackie wrote on their honeymoon about Jack seems to me significant. When Jack and Jackie were newlyweds after their wedding Sept. 1953, the President of Mexico Don Miguel Alemán, let Jackie and Jack use his villa. During their use of the Mexican President’s villa, Jackie wrote a poem about John her new husband.

"He would find love
He would never find peace
For he must go seeking
The Golden Fleece." (A Woman Named Jackie, p. 134.)

One of the writing projects that I have wanted to see done, and I have delegated it to a good friend, is to give my readers an article on MJ-12, a.k.a. the Wise Men, or the Study Group. This group of men actually run the United States. I know a good deal about the Study Group, in fact if my sources are correct it isn’t a formal group anymore. There are not formal meetings, but rather meetings happen at random with people "accidentally bumping into each other." MJ-12 draws members from the Jason Society and the Jason Group. Both the Jason Society and the Jason Group are named after Jason and the Golden fleece. There are reasons to believe that Jackie knew some of the way the power structure operated. Jackie was good friends with many of the top Illuminati men in this nation. In fact, she ended up marrying Onassis, who was a King in Moriah (the Illuminati). Could Jackie have meant in this poem that Jack was wanting to climb the ladder clear up to The Golden Fleece, i.e. the Jason Society and MJ-12?


Joseph Kennedy was John F. Kennedy’s father. Through various means I independently learned that Joseph Kennedy was part of the Illuminati. He was a member of the Pilgrim Society (a 60 of the branch Illuminati). He also worked closely with the Mafia, and other Kingpins in the Illuminati. Perhaps in another article we can cover more about Joseph Kennedy. This article is about long enough. I thought I might wrap it up with a story about Joseph Kennedy.

The story demonstrates that much of what politicians tell the public is simply for their own benefit, and often only lies. Jack Kennedy got the reputation after Britain and the Germany began fighting in W.W. II, as being against the United States entering the war. Jack Kennedy held the prestigious job of being the U.S. ambassador to Great Britain at the time. The fact that Jack Kennedy was given such an extremely vital position shows that the Kennedy family is important within the Illuminati. At that point in time, like no other time, it was important who the U.S. had as ambassador. After the war began, and both countries had martial law, and extensive military communications, the ambassador was really not quite so critical in his role.

One of the men who worked at the embassy for the Americans was an American Tyler Gatewood Kent, a career officer in the U.S. Consular service. Tyler Kent believed in a world conspiracy before he began working in the code room. While he worked there he was astonished that Roosevelt was secretly involving the United States in W.W. II and lying to the American public. Further, Roosevelt was pulling strings to get us involved while lying to the public. Kent secretly took 1,500 pgs. of secret documents, which he was going to show to the public to expose the conspiracy. Kent never made it. He was arrested. In order for the British to hold him, Jack Kennedy had to revoke his diplomatic immunity on May 20, 1940.

Ambassador Joe Kennedy did that so he could receive a harsh sentence, because if he had been brought back to America, the public might have gotten outraged at what the politicians had done. According to Standard Operating Procedure and protocol, Kent should have stood trial in the U.S. The papers he had taken were American embassy papers not British. Although the court records show that no evidence was introduced that Kent was a spy, Joseph Kennedy later would concoct a long story for the public that Kent was a Nazi spy. Kennedy went on speaking engagements around the U.S. after he was relieved of his Ambassador post, and Kennedy made it sound like he was whole heartedly against the war. If Kennedy had really been against the war, if he had simply denied the British the chance to keep Kent, Kent could have spilled the beans about what Roosevelt was doing and the outraged would have destroyed Roosevelt’s chances to fool the American people. Instead, Roosevelt was able to proceed and develop the elements for the Pearl Harbor attack. While Kennedy pretended to be against the war, he was serving as an intimate accomplice in maneuvers designed to fool the American people. This is a good example of how even today the public is looking to certain public officials to save them. They think that these politicians will try everything possible to help them fight the system, so when they fail to beat the system, the people think they have been beaten fairly. TO BE CONTINUED ---


1. This estimate was made by a Kennedy descendant, Gayle Marie Kennedy, who did genealogical research. See My Kennedy Ancestors of Fairfield Co. S.C. self-published Spartanburg, S.C. Aug. 12, 1969.

2. Irish Genealogical Foundation. The Great Families of Ireland. Kansas City, Mo.: Irish Genealogical Foundation, 1981, p. 373

3. This list of families is compiled from genealogical research, and is derived from about 20 sources decided not to list all those here but to give a small sampling:

Altpeter, Ullian Horton. Ancestors and Descendants of Stephen & Jane Horton.

Irwin, Francis Houston. The Genealogy of Helen Frances Landowne Campbell.

Kennedy, Russell. Genealogical descendants of David and Jane Geacen Kennedy

Pettibone, I. Fayette. Genealogy of the Pettibone Family.

4. The determination that the family is an Illuminati family is from the Author’s research.

5. Heymann, C. David. A Woman Named Jackie. NY: Carol Communications, 1989, p.52.

6. I’ve lost the reference, but another book which makes a marriage connection between the Freeman family and the Kennedy's is Freeman, D. Early History of the Freeman Family.

7. Kennedy, Genevieve C Some Descendants of Andrew Kennedy & Margaret (Penny) Hatfield.

8 ibid

9. For this section’s information see the following three items listed as ab, & c:a. Grehan, Ida. Irish Family

Names. London, 1973.b. Kennedy, Major F.M.E. A Family of Kennedy of Clogher and Londonderry c. 1600-1938 Taunton, U.K., 1938. c. Callanan, M. Records of Four Tipperary Septs Galway, 1938.

10. For confirmation of the Kennedy family origins in Brian Caeneddi there are numerous sources for instance the Irish Genealogical Foundation’s good book The Great Families of Ireland. Also quite a number of Irish history books discuss Brian Caeneddi (aka Brian Boru) and some of the Kennedy Genealogy books also discuss the origins.

11.. statement made verbally to author

12. ibid.

13. Heymann, op. cit., pp 278-292. John F. Kennedy had nude swimming parties almost daily at the White House. Chapter 18 tells the long story of J.F.K.s almost daily extra-marital sex in the White House and his frequent nude swim parties. Some of the original sources come from confidential secret service reports provided under the Freedom of Information Act.







The intention originally was to have the article on the top Illuminati Kennedy family in two parts. Perhaps sometime a second part can come out. So far I have only exposed a small part of the Illuminati Kennedy.. As might be expected of any "good" Illuminati family, the Kennedy. are connected to drugs, to the Monarch program, to "death" euthanasia programs, to the British monarchy, and to the various organized crimes group., mafias etc. For this issue, I merely want to cover a few aspects of the Kennedy family which I didn’t take the time to cover in the May 15, ’93 issue. One aspect is the connection of the Illuminati Kennedy's to the drug trade, and another is their connection to "death" care and the Knights of Malta. (Readers are invited to read more about the Knights of Malta in one of the last articles in this newsletter.)

After W.W. I, Joseph Kennedy worked for Galen Stone, who was a partner in the prominent firm of Hayden Stone & Co. Hayden, Stone & Co. had ties to the Rothschild's. In order to gain respectability Joe married into the Fitzgerald family. (This is a common Illuminati tactic. It seems many of the Illuminati men, look for a wife who will gain them respectability. Often wives like this are not even brought into the Illuminati activities, so that they can be the best cover possible.)

Kennedy’s mob connection has been written about, but perhaps two are worth pointing out again. Joseph Linsey who was a kingpin of organized crime in New England and a partner in crime with Meyer Lansky was a crime business partner with Joseph Kennedy. Joseph Linsey in fact was listed as the top contributor to Ted Kennedy’s Senate race one year. André Meyer, head of the Meyer family, was manager of the Kennedy estates. One other business partner of Kennedy was the Bronfmans, who are powerful Illuminati figures in Canada. Kennedy was in business with Newark’s Reinfield Syndicate of which the Bronfman’s owned 50%. Winston Churchill, whose connections to the elite, are brought out in other newsletters, personally gave the grant to Joe Kennedy which gave him the Brit. alcoholic distiller’s franchise for the American market.

After Joe Kennedy became the Amer. Ambassador to Britain, we can catch a glimpse of how powerful the Illuminati are. The British Royal Family at the request of Joseph Kennedy put on their full royal regalia for the Kennedy family. When Kennedy arrived in Britain as American ambassador, he contacted the Astors and the Sassoons. Sir John Wheeler-Bennett founder and head of RIIA’s research division is credited by those in the know as having written Kennedy’s master thesis, which was later made into a book Why England Slept. Perhaps one of the items that best shows the hidden power behind Kennedy is his daughters marriage to William Cavendish and Joseph Kennedy’s comments about it. Kathleen married the Duke of Devonshire. The Duke of Devonshire was very prestigious position within the British nobility. Dukes are second only to the monarchy. Joseph Kennedy was often heard saying. "If Kathleen and her husband were living, I’d be the father of the Duchess of Devonshire (first Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen) and the father-in-law of the head of all the Masons in the world." (Koskoff, David E. Joseph P. Kennedy: A Life and Times. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., p. 378.)

Joseph Kennedy was in the British branch of the Knights of Malta which is called the Order of St. John. Interestingly, Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis’ sister Lee married Prince Stanislaus Radziwill. The Radziwill family established the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (that’s the Knights of Malta) in Poland in 1610. They also helped establish the Order in the U.S. (See the article on the Knights of Malta this issue.)

Another tie in between the Kennedy's and the Knights of Malta concerns the Hospice movement. The Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics (located at the Jesuit’s Georgetown Univ.) is helping fund the Knights of Malta’s hospice movement in America. In Oct. 1978, the first annual meeting of the National Hospice Organization took place. Sen. Edward Kennedy was one of the two keynote speakers. What is the hospice movement which is being conducted by the Hospitallers (one of the names the Knights of Malta go by)? It is a movement to allow old people "The Right to Die.’

The Knights of Malta have an ancient history of running drugs and in administering mind altering drugs in their hospitals instead of giving medicine. This ancient activity was carried forth into modern times when their St. Christopher’s hospital in London began giving patients Brompton Mixture until they died. Brompton Mixture consists of heroin, cocaine, alcohol, tranquilizers, and chloroform water. This mixture is given in the Knights of Malta hospitals to patients every three hours until they die. Euthanasia, or "mercy killing" may seem like a merciful idea, until a person finds out how the people at the top of the Euthanasia movement view things. They view things similar to the Satanist Adolf Hitler. This view is that it is merciful to get rid of unwanted people. Although the "death" hospice movement seems benevolent at first, it is the conclusion of where the program will end up that is the kicker. Hospice, Inc. which is linked to the elite is also provided funding by the Kaiser Foundation.

Besides ties to running drugs, the Kennedy Clan has had their problems with drugs. Ted Kennedy’s daughter Kara was on drugs and ended up in a halfway house. Bobby Kennedy’s kids were busted for drugs. Joan Kennedy was having problems with alcoholism. David Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. both have been addicted to hard drugs in spite of repeated treatments in detoxification centers. David later "O-D"ed (overdosed) on cocaine and died in 1984. Pat’s Kennedy Lawford’s husband was dependent on drugs and alcohol. It is not well known that the Illuminati have long used drugs. Elite people such as the Rothschild's, Winston Churchill in London and the Royal Family were using all cocaine, heroin and opium (not to mention occult ceremonies too). Queen Victoria, thought by many to be such a straight laced lady and her guests regularly used large quantities of cocaine and heroin. The royal summer residence was Balmoral and this was the site of frequent drug use, and one has to wonder what else.


This revisit to the Kennedy’s shows some of their ties to other elements of the Illuminati’s vast scheme of things. Until people begin to recognize that the Kennedy’s wielded an occult power via their bloodline, they will not begin to appreciate why the Queen of England and her family would honor a request from an Irish commoner to have her family dress up in full regalia for the pleasure of this commoner’s family.

The friendship Winston Churchill had with Billy Graham, with Joe Kennedy, and his very close relationship with Onassis have recently been discussed. Churchill was an active Freemason. He also was a Druid,

This is the picture of Churchill joining the Albion Lodge of the Anc, Order of Druids at Blenheim, 15 Aug. 1908.


There has been new attention focused on the Kennedy's. JFK’s widow died and then his mother Rose has also died recently. Last year, I read a book which was very well researched. It is entitled A Question of Character A Life of John F. Kennedy by Thomas C. Reeves. The book does away with all the propaganda, media hype and lies, and tells the truth about the Kennedy's. The book is well documented. The author spent a great deal of energy trying to find out the truth about JFK. What emerges is not public image that is so well known. JFK had only about a 119 I.Q., did very poorly in school, and could barely spell. JFK’s father had the wealth and connections to buy his son anything. Although Kennedy had a back problem which made him almost crippled, his father got him into the Navy during W.W. II. When he was let in, the examining doctors looked the other way at his back problem (which plagued him his entire life). Kennedy got a commission as a Naval officer without having to go through the normal channels of training and being commissioned. As a naval officer he did a poor job, and the great PT-109 story was far different than what the public has been lead to believe. The fact that Kennedy let his boat be run over by a Jap destroyer was because he and his crew weren’t paying attention (sleeping, hung over etc.) Kennedy realized he might be court marshalled for his negligence, but his father had the money to turn disaster into a story that made Kennedy into a hero.

Some of the things you will learn from the book follow. In the chapter The Founding Family we learn about PJ. Kennedy who was JFK’s grandfather. He dropped out of grammar school, but by the age of 25 he somehow had ownership of a saloon and a liquor business. Later, he sold his liquor interests and went into banking. He also went into politics and via corruption was a successful politician. He won elections by hiring men to vote repeatedly for him. Joe Kennedy remembered 2 Ward heelers proudly telling Joe Kennedy’s father who was on the election commission, "Pat, we voted 128 times today."

Joe, PJ’s son, married Rose Fitzgerald. The Fitzgerald's were a mighty Italian clan that had helped William the Conqueror become ruler of England. Honey Fitz was her father and he had a reputation for graft and vote fraud, as well as a not so secret notorious affair with a girl named "Toodles." Rose got her education in the Catholic Sacred Heart Convent which she completed a month before her 20th birthday. Her father was removed from the House of Representatives after voting fraud was uncovered. Joe was acquainted with Roosevelt when FDR was only an Ass. Secretary of the Navy. Joe became an insider with the stock market, and knew how to manipulate stock prices to fleece the small fish that tried to play the stock market. Various gangster reported that during prohibition they had smuggled illegal liquor into the U.S. with Joe Kennedy. Joe worked with David Sarnoff and his Radio Corp. of America. Joe had an extremely varied sexual life; he had affairs with countless women, and his son JFK followed in his footsteps. Joe bought a 15 room, nine bath home in Hyannis Port, Mass. on Nantucket Sound.

This became a favorite summer home of the Kennedy clan. He also bought a six-bedroom Spanish style house on the fashionable North Ocean Boulevard in Palm Beach, FL which became the clan’s winter home. Rose is described as ‘self-centered, stingy, prudish. and often spiteful.’ Her servants called her "Madame". Rather than being the model mother that is pictured to the American public by the Kennedy's, she was often gone. JFK told his mother off at age 5, "Gee, you’re a great mother to go away and leave your children alone." As an adult, JFK confided to a friend. "My mother was either at some Paris fashion house or else on her knees in some church. She was never there when we really needed her....My mother never really held me and hugged me. Never! Never!’ Further, his father’s lack of respect for his mother led JFK to say, "My mother is a nothing." (p.40) Imagine growing up without a mother to hug and kiss you! JFK’s father ‘tolerated littie nonsense and no disobedience." (p.33)

The life JFK lived at home was not a life of compassion, but one of rigid obedience. The children were stripped of many things ordinary children would have. They didn’t even have their own rooms. (p. 41) Most children have a room of their own sometime in which to place their belongings and nick-knacks. The few times JFK as a boy invited friends over, they were frightened to death at how his father would fly into a rage and give the Kennedy boys a tongue-lashing. The children were not allowed to express pain. For instance, when one of the Kennedy’s were hurt and came to his mother for sympathy she ordered, ‘On your feet, now you know how to behave. Go out there and behave as you know you should.’ It is highly likely this strictness was related to some type of mind-control which even then was practiced by Satanic families. Joe had his daughter given a prefrontal lobotomy and then banished to a nursing convent. From then on his daughter Rosemary did not exist. One wonders what the full story was about Rosemary. Was she sexually abused as is done to so many of the elite’s daughters of Satanic families? Felix Frankfurter who played such a prominent role with Charles T. Russell was a good friend of Joe’s.

JFK managed to hide from the public during his life the fact that he wore glasses, and also to some degree his intense back pain which hurt him intensely. On page 40 we learn that JFK was unable to ever have a self-revealing conversation. JFK had a total lack of ability to relate, everything was very surface in his relations with people. He was very skilled at picking up women, and getting them to bed. And he had many good friends. However, he didn’t have the ability to love or relate to others. This is another clue that he may have had some type of SRA abuse. On page 40, Reeves writes, ‘At the root of it were months of loneliness and their parents often selfish, insensitive behavior." But I wonder if it didn’t go deeper. From what I know from informers it goes deeper and involves SRA. JFK wasn’t even told of his brother Teddy’s birth, until he came home from boarding school and discovered he had another brother.

JFK was very unsuccessful at most everything he did. His father had so much influence and power that he could get his son out of almost any difficulty. A friend of JFK’s recalled, "With Jack, nobody really admired what he did or respected what he did but they liked his personality. When he flashed his smile, he could charm a bird off a tree." At the age of 17, Jack went to Harlem to a brothel. Later, he nicknamed his sexual organ JJ." Meanwhile his father was the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and an informal adviser to Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. I might add here, that if you look closely you will find the Illuminati Kings are the advisers to the Presidents.

I have mentioned some of these already, like in the article on the Bundy Illuminati family. Another example may be found in the book The Old Boys- The American Elite & The Origins of the CIA by Burton Hersh. On page 41 of The Old Boys we learn that President Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy was Nelson Rockefeller. The most dangerous situation this country has ever been in was the threat of the Russian military, and who was the primary advisor to our President Eisenhower during his term as a U.S. President during the Cold War? Illuminati King Nelson Rockefeller.

JFK went for one year to the London School of Economics according to the story given the public. Actually he went there for one month, didn’t do any academic work and came back home. But it is significant that his father tried to send him to a school in which so many of the elite have gone to. JFK had help in writing and putting out a book entitled Why England Slept. Henry Luce, who headed Time-Life and who was a good friend of Joe Kennedy gave the book good publicity in Time magazine, and his father bought between 30,000 to 40,000 of the books and stored them in the attic and basement of his Hyannis Port home in order to make Jack’s (JFK) book a best seller.

When JFK went to California in 1940, one of the places he stayed at was with William Randolph Hearst, who is another Illuminati figure, at his coastal castle. Hearst would give help to Kennedy later on too. When Kennedy ran in politics, Heart’s Boston American wouldn’t even accept Kennedy’s opponent’s paid political advertisements. Joe Kennedy worked for the FBI after W.W.II. (p. 59) JFK’s favorite sister Kathleen, married William Hartington, who's father was the tenth duke of Devonshire, a pillar of the Church of England (called the Episcopalian church in the US.) and a high ranking Freemason. After marrying him, she had an affair with aristocrat Peter Milton, Lord Fitzwilllam. After Joe, Jr. died, JFK’s father started grooming JFK to become President.

After Jack was elected to the House of Representatives, his three best congressional friends were Richard Russell, Spessard Holland, and Robert A. Taft. Notice that two of these are from well-known Illuminati families, the Taft's and the Russell's. By the way, the occult Taft's and occult Russell families have intermarried. Because there is so much disinformation out about the people who run this country, it must sometimes seem rather bizarre that people like me come along and say there is a satanic conspiracy of great magnitude. If Americans were as a whole critical thinkers and would challenge the propaganda that the controlled media gives them, then the false fronts and false public images of their leaders might not get written up so easily as history. There are not many critical thinkers in this nation. There are a great many intelligent people, but not a great many critical thinkers.

A conspiracy of great magnitude has had this nation in its grips since the nation was founded, and the controlled press has managed to prevent the general population from finding this conspiracy out. The Kennedy Family has played a role in that conspiracy. JFK gave his life to that conspiracy. The assassination of JFK is one of the best ways to introduce Americans to the conspiracy. Ralph Epperson who gives talks/slideshows about the NWO to groups likes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize that there is a NWO conspiracy. Interestingly, Ralph Epperson, had as a companion for a while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him give presentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from being infiltrated. The Monarch mind-controlled slaves are very difficult to detect, especially since most people don’t even know that they exist.

By: Fritz Springmeier, 1995.

There is indeed a lsiting for Kennedy at the burke's Peerage site, but it is subscriber only beyond the brief introduction. Of course, that organization only lists titled and noble families.

Richard Nixon also gets the royal treatment:

Kissinger has this:

Of course, he is not presidential so the "royal genes and chromsomes" issue does not arise. He is a major functionary but not "of the blood" to my knowledge. But I don't know that for a fact. He appears to be one of those "fake " Khazar Jews.
IMO, genealogical research is shakier the farther away from the present you go. For a couple of reasons. First, if you go back one or two thousand years your number of ancestors gets very large (exponentially), so "bloodlines" is a shaky concept. Also, people remember the higher status ancestor lines and forget the other ones. Most people can verify this in their own families. Then, when you add a certain percentage of infidelity to the mix over centuries, any notion of purity has to get more tenuous. Of course a lot of noble and royal marriage strategies were designed to counter these things, but how effective were they?
Steve said:
The problem with these bloodline families is that there are official trees and unoffical trees. Springmeier (now in jail for his efforts) has done the most work on these matters. Here's his report on the Kennedys:
Like I said, do the genealogy work like a REAL genealogist... go after documents and hard facts, not "unofficial trees" that are not documented and are often the figments of somebody's wishful imagination. Unless you have done this kind of thing yourself, you can't have the "feel" for it, how it works, and how to spot the absurdities.
Steve said:
There is indeed a lsiting for Kennedy at the burke's Peerage site, but it is subscriber only beyond the brief introduction. Of course, that organization only lists titled and noble families.
As it happens, due to my "hobby," I am a subscriber. There are several "Kennedy" families and the one that JFK came from just happens NOT to be one that is "royal." He is listed ONLY because he was a US President.

Here is the info:

Burke's Peerage said:
Lineage : Patrick KENNEDY; b c 1785; tenant farmer at Dunganstown, Co Wexford, Ireland; m Mary Johanna --- and allegedly had issue...
That means that the farthest his line can be traced is back to Patrick Kennedy, a tenant farmer.
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