Scandinavian observations and perspectives

The Norwegian media Steigan carried this article, which has focus on Norway, but similar agreements have been made with the other Nordic countries. There were many lines to highlight!

The northern front against Russia

See also this article on NATO plans Europe-wide escalation of war against Russia

For the moment the bases are directed against Russia, but why not direct them against Central Europe in case EU citizens decide that enough is enough, or use the bases in the Nordic countries to overthrow the Nordic Governments? Given how faithful the US is, what could prevent such a scenario? Alternatively, the agreements could signal that this has now happened. The current situation in the Nordic countries is somewhat parallel to the relationship between Denmark and Germany during WWII, though there is much less understanding of what is going on.

The Wiki about Denmark during WWII has:
ridiculous. why even more us bases in europe. they abandoned kiruna, now they want to mess up karelia. why does the eu not have bases in canada to threaten the usa??
This post has a two articles translated from Danish that show, once again, what the situation is in the public media sphere when it comes to Ukraine. On the whole, it is very far from considering an end to the war, very far. Opposition exists but it is limited.

Below there is an article where Anders Fogh Rasmussen has had an opportunity to have his views reported
This is followed by an article from the same state media about the peace meeting in Switzerland, where I contrast their use of words with what they mean.
Last, there is a perspective and comment on the Swiss meeting about Ukraine from a Danish businessman, and former prisoner.

The first is from DR, and here it can be helpful to know:
DR (pronounced [ˈte̝ˀˌɛɐ̯]), officially the Danish Broadcasting Corporation in English,[1] is a Danish public-service radio and television broadcasting company.[2] Founded in 1925 as a public-service organization, it is Denmark's oldest and largest electronic media enterprise. DR is a founding member of the European Broadcasting Union.

DR was originally funded by a media licence, however since 2022, the media license has been replaced by an addition to the Danish income tax.

The main person in the following article is Anders Fogh Rasmussen (AFR), former PM, (Iraq war pusher) and NATO Secretary General, who is now an advisor to Vladimir Zelensky. The event was an annually held public meeting on the Island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea (Area for the Nord Stream Sabotage), where speeches and debates about politics and public issues are held.

The Danish media can still present as news, whether Ukraine should be allowed to strike targets in Russia. And while AFR is honest enough to say the West is part of the war, the expert from the defense academy claims that it is not, but that it will happen if, as AFR suggests, weapons are fired from outside Ukraine. The article and the points discussed show that the media can get away with keeping the population in the dark. It also shows that if Zelensky is off, he has at least one advisor who can "help" him.

Anders Fogh wants to shoot down Russian missiles from NATO territory. Expert calls that plan 'pretty crazy'
You will have to put hard against hard if Putin is to be defeated, believes Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
By Laura Kirkebæk-Johansson

If Ukraine is to succeed in pushing back the Russian troops, they will need far more weapons and more help from the West.

This is the opinion of former Prime Minister and former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who through his company Rasmussen Global is today an adviser to the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky.

- I have met Putin many times and concluded that there is only one thing he respects, and that is power and strength, says Anders Fogh Rasmussen to P1 Morgen, which today broadcast live from the Folkemødet (People's Meeting) on Bornholm.

- And that's why we have to show it. We must show strength.

Defense systems in NATO countries
If it were up to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, then all restrictions on the long-range weapons that Ukraine's allies donate to the country should be removed. He also believes that we should remove restrictions on where they can use those weapons.
There is virtually nothing I care less about than how Putin thinks about it.
- Of course they are also welcome to use them against the Russians on Russian territory if necessary to defend Ukraine, he says.

One of the conditions for the Ukrainians to have received weapons from the West has been that they were not used for attacks in Russia. However, several countries have started to change their attitude towards this.

Fogh has aired that idea before. But now he goes a step further and suggests that Nato also directly help Ukraine shoot down Russian missiles and drones.

- We can do that by giving them Patriot missile defense systems and placing them in Ukraine, he says.

- But we can also do it by setting up defense systems on NATO territory along Ukraine's borders that can help the Ukrainians shoot down Russian missiles and drones.

Could start World War III
For a long time, Ukraine has been asking for more weapons and more ammunition. (Photo: © ALINA SMUTKO, Ritzau Scanpix)
However, Peter Viggo Jakobsen, associate professor at the Defense Academy, calls it 'pretty crazy'.

- One is that Poland puts planes on the wings or sets up systems that can shoot down things that fire into Poland's airspace, he says.

- It is quite another thing to set up systems that stand and fire from NATO territory into Ukraine or Russia. I think that's pretty crazy.

If you start firing into Russia from NATO territory, it opens the door for Russia to also fire back into NATO, says Peter Viggo Jakobsen.

- And then you potentially have the trouble of the third world war, so of course we shouldn't start on that.

According to Peter Viggo Jakobsen, it is the Americans in particular who have placed restrictions on what the Ukrainians can do inside Russia. 'It has to do with the fact that the USA is afraid that the Russians will then start firing into NATO territory', he says. (Photo: © Søren Bidstrup, Ritzau Scanpix)

Part of the war?
Back at the Folkemødet, however, Anders Fogh Rasmussen does not believe that his plan risks escalating the war further.

Aren't you afraid that we will get too involved, that it will develop?

- No, and I always thought that discussion was strange. Because of course we are a party to that conflict, and we are according to international law, he says.

He refers to the fact that, according to Article 51 of the UN Charter, Ukraine is allowed to defend itself against the Russian attack.

- In addition, the Ukrainian government is allowed to ask all its allies to help it with that defense. And that's exactly what we do.

- So in that way we are party to the war. After all, we support Ukraine. So there is nothing I care less about than how Putin thinks about it.
Article 51
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
Source UN

Politician talk
Peter Viggo Jakobsen calls it 'politician talk' when Anders Fogh says that Nato is already a party to the war.

- If the Russians start attacking us directly, or we put our own uniformed soldiers or planes with Danish, German or American flags on their wings in Ukraine, then we are a party to the war. Because then we are in direct war with Russia, he says.

- But the Americans' and also my point of departure is that we should not go to direct war with Russia, because Russia has nuclear weapons.
'It's about us standing firm. We who live in freedom and democracy must fight for it', says Anders Fogh Rasmussen. (Photo: © ALINA SMUTKO, Ritzau Scanpix)

Instead, the leaders of the West must try to help Ukraine win the war without the war spreading, believes Peter Viggo Jakobsen.

- That is what the political challenge is, and that is where a balanced policy is required.

However, the lecturer agrees with Anders Fogh Rasmussen to the extent that more military support and ammunition must be delivered to the Ukrainians, so that they will be able to shoot as much as the Russians do.

Will drag on for years

Something else the two gentlemen agree on is that the war probably won't stop anytime soon.

Can it not be concluded around a negotiating table?

- Yes, in the end it must be concluded around a negotiating table, but we are not there at all yet, says Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

When you advise Zelenskyi, don't you also advise him to negotiate?

- No, I certainly don't, because in the end it is the Ukrainians themselves, and only they, who can decide when the time is right.
The message is that the Danes have to keep funding the war in Ukraine for many years to come. And if they believe what AFR says: 'It's about us standing firm. We who live in freedom and democracy must fight for it' they should be prepared to show up at the front in large numbers, but do they realize it?

When AFR above says:
"In addition, the Ukrainian government is allowed to ask all its allies to help it with that defense" this may refer to the new bilateral agreements made between the Ukraine government and many Western countries. A possible scenario is that the West may hope to get involved more officially in Ukraine, similar to what Russia did in Syria.

As another example of DK news reporting, there is, if translated:
Putin's peace demands are stabbed down at the international peace conference
In Switzerland, the Russian president's proposal is called propaganda and a dictatorial peace.
Heads of state and government from virtually all over the world are in Switzerland to try to find a way to peace in Ukraine.
From virtually all over the world, means what? From an article published in Switzerland, there was:
Final guest list published for Swiss summit on peace in Ukraine
A total of 92 countries, including almost 60 heads of state and government, will be taking part in the Summit on Peace in Ukraine at the Bürgenstock resort in central Switzerland this weekend.
This content was published on June 15, 2024 - 10:30
4 minutes

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has now been confirmed. Saudi Arabia will be sending its head of diplomacy.

The list published on Friday by the foreign ministry includes almost 50 Western countries. In all, 56 heads of state and government, plus US Vice-President Kamala Harris, will be welcomed by Defence Minister Viola Amherd, who holds the rotating Swiss presidency this year, and Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis.

As recently as Thursday, sources close to the matter were saying that the British delegation would be led by Foreign Secretary David Cameron. Now, Sunak, who is facing difficulties just a few weeks before elections in his country, has been announced.

The attitude of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), close to Moscow, was the most eagerly awaited. Brazil will be an observer, as expected, as will the Holy See. India has decided to send a senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pavan Kapoor, until recently ambassador to Russia.

Saudi Arabia will be sending its Foreign Minister Faisal bin Fahrad al-Saud. South Africa prefers to send an emissary, while China is unsurprisingly absent, as it had hinted.

The participation of the BRICS will be similar to that seen in January at the time of the last major preparatory meeting in the Swiss resort of Davos, which was then held at the level of national security advisers.
A voice of dissent
One Danish high life business entrepreneur who spent five years in prison for repeated cases of fraud and other mispractices wrote an FB post that the current meeting in Switzerland has no meaning if Russia is not taken into consideration.
Translating the wordy post there was:
This weekend's major conference on the war in Ukraine:
90 countries are meeting to discuss a possible peace plan for Ukraine these days. In the run-up to the meeting, Putin has reiterated his position that the peace agreement that was negotiated in Istanbul in the first months of the war should still be implemented. It was based on the fact that the Russians had their territorial claims in eastern Ukraine fulfilled (4 regions), continued control of Crimea and that Ukraine must not be a member of NATO.

The Prussian General von Clausewitz (who was a general in the Russian army first) is known for his dictum 'That war is the natural continuation of politics by other means'. I think we should turn it on its head and insist that the time has come to: 'Politics is the natural continuation of war, but with better means'.

Nation-states have always waged war on the basis of territorial claims, and wars usually end in peace agreements, and only rarely by defeating one party and dissolving the defeated state structure.

In the case of Ukraine, I am afraid that this risk is greater for Ukraine (and thus for us), so there is a significant risk in not ending the conflicts. I am also afraid that the Ukrainian state leadership will not of its own accord return to the peace agreement that was made, without the 'West' withdrawing its opposition to that agreement (it was Boris Johnson who, on behalf of the Americans, said no to the final accession).

On the other hand, we work a bit blindly, I think. If we are to end up with a peace agreement, it requires a political attitude to the other party's demands. And here it is crucial that we stand on slightly safer ground than what Putin claims.

I also think that we in Denmark have been drawn much further into this conflict than what serves our national security interest. We must create a situation where the conversation goes from war, death, destruction and rearmament, to peace, reconstruction, saving human lives and a different focus in our national everyday life at home. Enough is enough.

In order to create an informed basis for this policy change, and for the purpose of enlightening us in the population who must be involved in all this with money, insecurity and weakened opportunities for the young people, it is my proposal that a politically independent 'committee of inquiry' be set up immediately - and quickly - composed of historians and former diplomats and - possibly - former foreign ministers or former prime ministers in this country - with one well-defined mission: To illustrate the historical background for - and the legality of - the territorial claims that Russia feels entitled to assert. In other words, a work that precedes the Churchill-Stalin agreements - and the division of Europe after World War II. The 17th, 18th and 19th centuries have been reminiscing about the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries' countless territorial adjustments from the Thirty Years' War, the 7 Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, 1848 (the revolutionary spring) and - especially - the Treaty of Versailles after World War I. World war.

If we in Denmark are to conduct foreign policy, it must be on an informed basis. And the population has the right to understand the other party's demand for a peace agreement, which if we in Denmark choose to continue the war with the aim of regaining control of the already lost ground, then must strengthen our understanding of financing - and political support - this ongoing war. Mette Frederiksen's words are not enough.

But the time is now, as our risk is that the Russians strengthen their position in Ukraine, and I am afraid that this will also change Putin's territorial claims at the same time.

I also believe that, as a precondition for continued aid to warfare, we must demand the lifting of the suspension imposed by the Ukrainian state leadership, which has ruled out the holding of constitutional re-elections, on the grounds of the war situation.
If I feel we should insist on this, it is because we also need to be confirmed that the Ukrainian people - those in Ukraine and those in exile - are still behind continued war, where the people are paying such a heavy price for maintaining control of parts of the borders that originated from the secession from the USSR era.

It would probably be appropriate if we in the public and in political Denmark have a clarified position on this as soon as possible, and before a possible change of president in the United States and France.
The post has more than 90 likes, but as far as I know, there is not a single member of parliament who would dare officially to agree even partially. For that, he would have to move to Germany and find BSW, or AfD, which incidentally might have been his inspiration.
A reflection on history and lessons for the collective consciousness
When I 15 years ago came back to Denmark after a long absence, I soon realized the world I left no longer existed, and that the best was to begin from scratch and take it as moving into a new and unknown country. I went through piles of old newspapers and made clipping collections about what the citizens thought about themselves and their world. In the process, also through discussions with people, I discovered a few revelations about history, one about shadows from a war in the 19th century, that maybe for some faded away or was largely ignored, but not before it had left a small impression on the collective self-perception. For some, this debate and others served as an invitation to discover a wider world.

Moving forward, the reality now is that there are a majority of people who vote for politicians who implement destructive, even in the long term, self-destructive policies. However, what Ukraine and COVID have brought out, is that across regional borders, social, and political differences, there are also others, who have changed their self-perception, their view on the nation they are born into, and the world they live in. Those who signed fully up for COVID and Ukraine also learned something, there is room for all in the cosmic school.

Writing about groups, and what is learned, there is this excerpt from an early session:

There is no time as you know it; its all just lessons for the collective consciousness.
Session 16 November 1994
Q: (L) Are you saying that there are human beings being created on that planet at this current time...

A: Yes, you are. Your race is forming there.

Q: (L) How?

A: Realm crossing understand?

Q: (L) Are you saying that there are 4th density bodies being formed there...

A: No. 3rd.

Q: (L) There are 3rd density bodies... are we going to leave the bodies we are in and go into other bodies?

A: You are drifting... Think carefully. Realm is derivative of reality. Cycle.

Q: (L) So the human race is being formed on this other planet at the present time...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And at the time of the realm border crossing, this other planet will then become cindered... burned up...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Where will the human beings go that are being formed on that planet at the time of the realm border crossing?

A: Ancient earth.

Q: (L) They will go to ancient earth?

A: There is no time as you know it; its all just lessons for the collective consciousness.

Q: (L) So at the closing of this grand cycle everything will just start all over again?

A: Not exactly; you see, there is no start.

Q: (L) Are a lot of souls on the earth going to recycle into these new bodies coming onto the earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) As ancient mankind?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And do the whole thing all over again?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, in other words, a lot of people are going back to square one?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is this punishment.

A: No. Nature.

Q: (L) Are some of the souls, at that point, going to move into a higher density level?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Could you give us a percentage on this?

A: No. Open at this point.

Q: (L) Now, getting back to the planet, if at some point in the cycle, bodies were generated on this planet and brought to earth, who brought them?

A: Realm crossing.

Q: (L) It was not a who, it was a what, is that correct?

A: All is who and what.

Q: (L) Well, the other night you mentioned something about the Transient Passengers hauling these bodies off that planet and bringing them to earth, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, are these Transient Passengers Realms?

A: Yes. So are you.

Q: (L) Do you guys know what you are doing to the linear mind here?

A: Can of worms.
The above quote almost incinerated the concept of Scandinavia, or is it rather that the Wave will wash it away, an ice age burry it? From one perspective, does it matter?

There are no countries, only souls.
Session 25 January 1997
Q: (Laura) All right, clarify! (Terry R) We're buying them to keep other countries from buying them! (Laura) Is that it? (Terry R) It's political. (Laura) We're buying them to keep other countries from buying them? (Terry R) If we don't...
A: More like "they are being bought to make sure that they are not not bought."
Q: (Terry) All these Russians are now out of work, and they don't want them going to China, they don't want them going to who knows where...
A: No, Terry. There are no countries, only souls.
Q: (Laura) OK. I get it. They are being bought to make sure that they are bought so that they won't think or do anything on their own, or individually. In other words... (Jan) They are being shut up...
A: That is the goal, though not always realized.
Maybe some of the military activity and preparations from NATO-US on the Peninsula is also a move on the 'Scandinavian soul stock exchange', in the sense that "they are being bought to make sure they are not not bought" and to prevent them from beginning to 'think or do anything on their own, or individually.' not because it is feared that they will cooperate closely with Russia, but with STO. Assuming there are such souls, if any of these are asking for help in their hearts from people with aims as ours, could I in my silence whisper back: May you be safe!? What else to do?
"Traitor to the People"
Sweden, 20 June 2024


In an article of the alternative media "Fria Tider" (Free times), following was written. Please note following:

1) this agreement has nothing to do with NATO - because it is a separate deal between Sweden and the US Military and

2) it is not a bi-lateral agreement ! The content of what was signed in the DCA agreement is equal to a post-war capitulation agreement for Sweden. I mean... think about what just been finalized at the Swedish Parliament; right before the big Midsummer Holiday (how convenient)...

"Traitors to the people": The rage against Moderate Party after the DCA vote
Published June 20, 2024 at 07:48

The Moderates are facing a storm of criticism on social media after the Riksdag voted through the DCA agreement, which according to critics means that the US is allowed to occupy Sweden.

The military occupation of Sweden by a foreign power - has not happened since the time of (King) Gustav Vasa (reign 1523-60) when modern Sweden was formed.

According to a recent poll, no less than 84% say no to foreign powers being allowed to place military and war materiel on Swedish military bases without Swedish oversight.

Despite this, an overwhelming majority of the Riksdag voted on Tuesday to approve the DCA agreement, which gives the US military the exclusive right to dispose of military areas at 17 Swedish military bases, where Swedish authorities waive their right to oversight. In practice, this means that these areas become part of US territory. The agreement also contains no guarantees against the US placing nuclear weapons on Swedish soil in peacetime without Swedish consent.

Only 37 MEPs voted against the agreement - those present from the Left Party and the Green Party, as well as political savages Elsa Widding (formerly SD) and Jamal El-Haj (formerly S).

The Moderates are now bragging on social media that the proposal passed in Parliament. "An important step for Swedish security," the party writes.

On X, the post has received hundreds of posts, a very large proportion of which contain the word "traitor" or "traitor to the people".

"I never thought, as an old right-wing conservative, that I would agree with MP and V. I knew that the Moderates have betrayed their party and their country since old man Reinfeldt's evil destructive time in power, but ... unfortunately it has only gotten worse and worse," writes one person.

Others note that the proposal went through without any public debate - "just like a banana republic", and that politicians have now literally given Sweden away to the US.

"We will always remember the day you sold out Sweden's sovereignty to the most corrupt and war-mongering country in history... and we hate you for it!" writes one user.


Sweden becomes a 'corridor' for the US in World War III
Published June 22, 2024 at 17.52

If World War III breaks out, Norway, Sweden and Finland will be used as a "corridor" by the United States. The decision was presented at a NATO meeting on June 19-20 in Bodø, Norway, writes TT/NTB.

- "We can work together to defend each other in a completely different way now that we are all in NATO," said Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre at a press conference.

The aim of the corridor is to quickly move military personnel and equipment from Norwegian ports to the Eastern Front during the war.

During the meeting in Bodø, Gahr Støre, Finnish President Alexander Stubb and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson had the opportunity to play war, ride a rib boat and board the Norwegian Coast Guard vessel KV Svalbard.

The respective defense ministers of Norway, Sweden and Finland have also attended the two-day defense meeting, TT writes.


Is This What Everybody Wants ?
(AI altered photo near ST:Eriksplan, Stockholm City)
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