Scaring and mysterious event.

Woodsman said:
Last night I listened to the SOTT radio show dealing with corruption in the US child protective services and the reality of the human trafficking market. It was chilling and upsetting, but vital information to have.

When considering the high levels of organization involved and the depth of corruption, I cannot help but think that this issue with strange agencies photographing children may well be linked. Others had mentioned this before and I instinctively recoiled from the idea but I think it's entirely possible now. That photograph posted earlier of the heavily tattooed man filling out a document struck me as very "organized crime". That may be an unfair reaction, but heavy tattoos of that type always set off my alarms.

Well , that photograph disturbed a lot of parents too, including me . But right know i`m in front of a wall and i cant find any additional information about this event. No information, no media coverage. Not even in the local media. Parents look very uninterested for further investigation. For now it looks that i've come to a dead end.I dont know what should be next step.
My immediate thought is that you probably have enough information at this point to protect your family.

-That story in the radio show about the mother who wanted to give her daughter a scare by sending her away into the system for a week or two is exactly the sort if terrible mistake this kind of knowledge protects against in a very direct way.

There are more subtle ways knowledge seems to work as protection as well.

It's too bad other parents aren't interested in getting together to do a bit more. Proactive knowledge sharing would certainly be helpful, but you can't force people to learn.

This is really burning my brain.

I feel like my last post was an example of self-calming.

I recall one of Laura's interviews where she described how the easy route, while it felt good in the short term, was invariably the *wrong* way.

I don't want to push you into dangerous waters for fear of frightening outcomes, but at the same time, I can't help but think that people are in danger and that not acting is exactly why these sorts of problems persist. And I think of those empty Google searches which alarmed parents will find upon seeking more information and help.

If you set up a website to consolidate information and provide links, like to Tammi Stefano's website, and let other parents know about it, it could go a long way towards creating enough of a deterrent for future problems, maybe serving to protect your whole region and send a message to governing bodies telling them "No. Back the hell off. We're watching you." -And to provide courage to other parents with less information than even you have.

I don't have a lot of web experience, but I can maybe help in some of the details if you choose to act.

I would very much like to see other forum members weigh in with their thoughts. I'm feeling conflicted and uncertain and I don't know if I'm helping or not when clearly you are in need.
Konstantin said:
Today i received an e-mail with the answer by foto Raabe

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.

Wir, die Firma Foto Raabe GmbH, sind seit mehr als 50 Jahren auf dem Markt der Schul- und Kindergartenfotografie in Deutschland etabliert.

Unsere Fotografie dient für Erinnerungen. Wir sind nicht an persönlichen Daten interessiert.
Wir unterliegen dem Datenschutz und handeln demnach.

Herr Mazar Abduramani leitet für uns das Projekt in Macedonian.

Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen die Fotos gefallen und wir Ihnen damit eine Freude machen konnten.

Sollten Sie noch weitere Fragen haben, stehen wir Ihnen selbstverständlich gerne jederzeit zur Verfügung.

Dear Sir or Madam,

thank you for your inquiry.

We, Foto Raabe GmbH, have been for more than 50 years established in the market of school- and Kindergartenphotography in germany.

Our photography is used for reminders. We are not interested in personal data.
We are subject to data production.

Mr. Mazar Abduramani is leading the project in Macedonia for us.

We hope you enjoy the photos and we could make you happy with them.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Melanie Grüger

Foto Raabe GmbH
Engelbertstr. 43
45892 Gelsenkirchen

Phone: +49 (0)209 - 70 70 711
Fax: +49 (0)209- 70 70 822
Ust. Nr.: DE 124981152

Besuchen Sie uns auf unserer Homepage:

So, now we know that the signed document is legal,and that a foto Raabe is really involved in this project and not used just as cover. So know i must find out why all that cover up from the authorities.

Thank you for contacting them, I was quite worried and still I am ... I warned kids not to give any personal info to any kid of questioning and not to go on any photographing in school before they call me. What about if you ask them more details? Or send one question to the Macedonian authorities who approwed this action if they can clarify the purpose of that? Why is that neede for school donation? We had many donations during the war to schools but noone ever asked for our IDs, not even if we will come personaly to collect the books that were donated by some EU organizations?
Konstantin said:
Past month some people came to all schools in my town( Gostivar) in Macedonia, with a story that they will give some foreign donation ( german or Danish ) to the schools. In order to do that they said that that they must have photos and personal informations and pictures.


When the school teacher where my 8 year son goes to school heard about this , she made a meeting with parents. She told us ( my wife was at that meeting ) that she was also photographed and that she have done that because the school manager ordered that. The school manager never show himself on the meeting to answer some questions. The teacher says that as much as she knows they were making some kind of VISA-like documents , so the children can travel abroad without any problems in the future. ( again very strange and illogical) And this is a total nonsense. I know that, and all parents know that and even the teacher knows that.

Parents were very angry and very upset . The teacher was also very upset. Is i have information from some of my friends who are involved in education, a lot of teachers in all the schools were so stresses and upset because of this that they could not even eat or sleep for a few days. They were all worried about parents reaction on this , and they should be.

On the meeting there was some lawyer , who said that he read some documents about all this but he will not comment it.

Konstantin, it's good that you got a timely reply from Foto Raabe and it also alerts them that you have a concern, in what transpired at the School.

I found this statement "interesting" in their reply:

"Our photography is used for reminders. We are not interested in personal data.
We are subject to data production.

Fact is - they did gather personal data along with the photo ID's.

Going back to your first Post, the Teacher's in your Son's School were subject to the same treatment and were very alarmed, enough for a Teacher to call a meeting with Parent's, in which your Wife attended.

Question I have, a Lawyer was present at the meeting. Who did the Lawyer represent? Was he hired by the School Administration to observe Parent's reactions (reason he would not make comment) or does he represent Foto Raabe?

It may be a benefit - to find out who the Lawyer is and what he was doing there - for what purpose?

Considering this Foto Raabe "project" is for all the Schools in Macedonia, it's my feeling - they are under Contract by a Government Agency, to collect data and personal information on each School, to be entered into some type of central database?

Their methods are questionable, enough to alarm Teachers, as well as their secrecy - as to "why" this personal information is needed with Photo ID's?

" Parents look very uninterested for further investigation. For now it looks that i've come to a dead end. I dont know what should be next step."

All the Parent's including yourself are scared. It's a normal reaction! Even the Teacher's are alarmed.

My suggestion, contact the Teacher who called the meeting and ask if she could arrange another one for the Parent's, so they can get together and express their views and how to go about getting more information? It would help to find out who the Lawyer is and why he was at the meeting? At the meeting, the Parent's could decide to contact the newspaper as a group - to further investigate. Are School's outside Macedonia facing the same problem with Foto Raabe and have they filed a Civil Suit?
Does this company has any affiliates in your country? Maybe German speaking members can maybe get to that information.

My suggestion, contact the Teacher who called the meeting and ask if she could arrange another one for the Parent's, so they can get together and express their views and how to go about getting more information? It would help to find out who the Lawyer is and why he was at the meeting? At the meeting, the Parent's could decide to contact the newspaper as a group - to further investigate.

Court and newspapers are waste of time. Teacher probably won t consent because she will lose her job, even an information of private meeting is spread quickly. Lawyer knows what is it about or has a hint, he is also protecting his neck.

Konstantine, turned to the Ombudsman for Children in Macedonia, they per application (doubts) respond, investigate the case, in such a way working in Croatia.
The Ombudsman contacted (queries) the Ministry of Interior in the Republic of Croatia and they initiate investigations, it would be good to gather as many signatures parents.

He is elected by parliament in Croatia, so I doubt the situation is different in Macedonia, it is of no avail.

If it was a case of mere financial corruption there would be not cover up to such an extent and it is a common thing in these countries, and it is not it seems case of gathering information because there are other more covert ways and it was not done in whole country and those countries are not like those in the west - they do not have money for that even if there is western pressure for that, it is deeper and it seems there where more players at play from government, foreign cover companies(intel agencies) and maybe even albanian mafia(saying there was one albanian involved and they are experts at organ and human trafficking and slavery, drugs), but it seems that some informations leaked out. In any way you can be sure they won t be coming back. No wonder everybody is keeping silent and washing their hands.
Corvinus said:
Does this company has any affiliates in your country? Maybe German speaking members can maybe get to that information.

My suggestion, contact the Teacher who called the meeting and ask if she could arrange another one for the Parent's, so they can get together and express their views and how to go about getting more information? It would help to find out who the Lawyer is and why he was at the meeting? At the meeting, the Parent's could decide to contact the newspaper as a group - to further investigate.

Court and newspapers are waste of time. Teacher probably won t consent because she will lose her job, even an information of private meeting is spread quickly. Lawyer knows what is it about or has a hint, he is also protecting his neck.

Konstantine, turned to the Ombudsman for Children in Macedonia, they per application (doubts) respond, investigate the case, in such a way working in Croatia.
The Ombudsman contacted (queries) the Ministry of Interior in the Republic of Croatia and they initiate investigations, it would be good to gather as many signatures parents.

He is elected by parliament in Croatia, so I doubt the situation is different in Macedonia, it is of no avail.

If it was a case of mere financial corruption there would be not cover up to such an extent and it is a common thing in these countries, and it is not it seems case of gathering information because there are other more covert ways and it was not done in whole country and those countries are not like those in the west - they do not have money for that even if there is western pressure for that, it is deeper and it seems there where more players at play from government, foreign cover companies(intel agencies) and maybe even albanian mafia(saying there was one albanian involved and they are experts at organ and human trafficking and slavery, drugs), but it seems that some informations leaked out. In any way you can be sure they won t be coming back. No wonder everybody is keeping silent and washing their hands.

As i read all the posts here some ideas come to my mind.

As Corvinus said, Ombudsman for Children in Macedonia, is position elected by parliament and it exists only in documents and on paper. In reality it serves only the ruling party and nothing more.

Then you mentioned Albanian Mafia. Yes ,there are high probability that there are some involvement. I read the news few days ago where 14 illegal refugees from Syria were hit by train in Macedonia and they were all killed. Some of the survivors mentioned that albanian mafia tourchered them and take everything from them. Many of then were women and children. So this rase my alarm that its possible.

Then yesterday i find out that the same thing happened in another town in Western Macedonia. In Kicevo. Its about 50 Km South of my town.And another in Struga as i mentioned in earlier posts . Its about 100 km South of my town. Its again in western Macedonia. Western Macedonia is mainly populated with Albanians. The foto Raabe representative who was signed on that document was is an Albanian. The minister in the ministry of education is an Albanian and the sector of education is under control of the Albanian coalition partner of the ruling coalition. At 2001 they were so called freedom fighters(in reality they are terrorists organised and payed by western intelligence agencies ) who killed a lot of civilians and attacked and killed a lot od cops and soldiers. Its a public secret that at that time special USA and CIA instructors trained them and armed them in front of everybody. Then the Macedonian government negotiate with them under western pressure and today the same people are part of a highly corrupted government.

So this is a short description what kind of people are in government today.

Media and courts will be of no use at all. Media are owned or controlled by government people or/ and SOROS so its all about propaganda in this so called mediums.

I must find who was the lawyer and what was he doing on that meeting. Was he a parent of some of the kids or he was there from the school side.
As angelburst29 have said this part is very interesting
"Our photography is used for reminders. We are not interested in personal data.
We are subject to data production.

With this the admit that they collect data. If they don't sold even one of their ID cards to students parents, then they cant make donation and they wasted resources, time, and money for nothing. That is their logic which is obvious a lie.

Then some of you wrote that some government agency was probably interested in data collection. Again , its possible. Recently there is a huge campaign for mandatory vaccination. Maybe this is part of the same propaganda, of the same covert action.
Then there are massive protests about some new changes in education, so every day there are big protests in the capital Skopje.Students are even camping in front of Ministry of Education until government y meet their requirements.

Then the terrorists action from 2 weeks ago on a Macedonian-Kosovo border.

A lot of things are going on so its hard to find the real cause of all this. But its not so hard to assume that all this psychopaths in position of power in this country are part of all this mess. I think that awareness that all this is not a coincidence, that all this is big network of psychos is a good starting point in protection of our children.

I will continue to research this and find out as much as i can. Thank you to all of you.
Konstantin, my Heart goes out to "you and your Family" ... and the other Parent's and Children facing this uncertainty.

Your awareness, along with the other Parent's - might help form a "safety-net" for your Children. You will be more attentive and aware of their activities and where they are, when not at home.
I believe that all the ombudsmans are delegated by the governments, but in any case this is not the job for the ombudsman, because there are no violations of the civic rights by the state or by the government (what would be the ombudsman job since it represents controlling body of the state and government. Meaning, to control the state and the government, not the people). I don’t know for Croatia and Macedonia, but this one in Serbia really is doing his job (that’s why our puppet government is trying to take him down these days)

Anyway, Konstantin, do you have something like this:

This sounds like problem for that office. If nothing else maybe you could write to them and ask if they could direct you to the corresponding office in Macedonia.
Avala said:
I believe that all the ombudsmans are delegated by the governments, but in any case this is not the job for the ombudsman, because there are no violations of the civic rights by the state or by the government (what would be the ombudsman job since it represents controlling body of the state and government. Meaning, to control the state and the government, not the people). I don’t know for Croatia and Macedonia, but this one in Serbia really is doing his job (that’s why our puppet government is trying to take him down these days)

Anyway, Konstantin, do you have something like this:

This sounds like problem for that office. If nothing else maybe you could write to them and ask if they could direct you to the corresponding office in Macedonia.

No, i dont think that we have something like that. But we have a Directorate for Personal Data Protection . Maybe this is not a correct English name for this but i think you have an idea what this is. I`ll write then next week. Its a weekend now and its closed during weekend. I ask him what kind of violation of personal information was at schools at my town.

Browsing their page, i find out that few days ago they have an presentation in my town for the schools , where main theme was PRIVATE PERSONAL DATA. On english version this article is not present.

Its also suspicious why they have this presentation in Gostivar( my town ) where this incident happened before.

Its the fourth link from the beginning

the caption of the link says:

Продолжуваат активностите од ЧАС ПО ПРИВАТНОСТ во Гостивар

Activities from a PRIVACY CLASS continue in Gostivar

When you open the the name of the town is not mentioned. Its a mistake or its made on purpose , i cant tell.
Woodsman said:
I don't want to push you into dangerous waters for fear of frightening outcomes, but at the same time, I can't help but think that people are in danger and that not acting is exactly why these sorts of problems persist. And I think of those empty Google searches which alarmed parents will find upon seeking more information and help.

If you set up a website to consolidate information and provide links, like to Tammi Stefano's website, and let other parents know about it, it could go a long way towards creating enough of a deterrent for future problems, maybe serving to protect your whole region and send a message to governing bodies telling them "No. Back the hell off. We're watching you." -And to provide courage to other parents with less information than even you have.

I don't have a lot of web experience, but I can maybe help in some of the details if you choose to act.

I would very much like to see other forum members weigh in with their thoughts. I'm feeling conflicted and uncertain and I don't know if I'm helping or not when clearly you are in need.

I think this is not a bad idea at all, Woodsman. I had the same thought. And if you feel nervous about it, Konstantin, you could (re)read Laura's article where she explains how to say and write stuff without being too explicit.
At this point, Lobaczewski makes a very useful suggestion regarding how to cope with this need to become fluent in the language of Doublespeak/Doubletalk for our own protection:

"We thus have the right to invent appropriate names which would indicate the nature of the phenomena as accurately as possible, in keeping with our recognition and respect for the laws of the scientific methodology and semantics. Such accurate terms also serve to protect our minds from the suggestive effects of those other names and paralogisms, including the pathological material the latter contain." [p.191]

And further on, he makes a slightly humorous analogy that perfectly describes Bizarro World and makes still another suggestion:

"As adduced above, the anomaly distinguished as essential psychopathy inspires the overall phenomenon in a well-developed pathocracy and betrays biological analogies to the well known phenomenon called Daltonism, color-blindness or near-blindness as regard to red and green. For the purpose of an intellectual exercise, let us thus imagine that Daltonists have managed to take over power in some country and have forbidden the citizens from distinguishing these colors, thus eliminating the distinction between green (unripe) and ripe tomatoes. Special vegetable patch inspectors armed with pistols and pickets would patrol the areas to make sure the citizens picked not only the ripe tomatoes. Such inspectors could not, of course, be totally color-blind themselves (otherwise they could not exercise this extremely important function), They could not suffer more than near-blindness as regards these colors. However, they would have to belong to the clan of people made nervous by any discussion about colors.

With such authorities around, the citizens might even be willing to eat a green tomato and affirm quite convincingly that it was ripe. But once the severe inspectors left for some other garden far away enough, there would be the shower of comments it does not behoove me to adduce in a scientific work. The citizens would then pick nicely vine-ripened tomatoes, make a salad with cream, and add a few drops of rum for flavor.

May I suggest that all normal people whom fate has forced to live under pathocratic rule make the serving of a salad according to the above recipe into a symbolic custom. Any guest recognizing the symbol by its color and aroma will refrain from making any comments. Such a custom might hasten the reinstallation of a normal man's system." [pp.217-218]
Today i sent an e-mail to the Directorate for Personal Data Protection. I asked them to investigate this case and to give me more information what is going on.
Also , this weekend in a conversation with one parent , i find out that in the secondary schools where older children study, they were asking them about their blood type. Those who know has give this information to them also. I cant confirm if this information is true or not, nor i can confirm the source. I get this in a conversation with one parent and for now it just a rumor.
I will wait for the response from Directorate for Personal Data Protection.
Konstantin said:
Also , this weekend in a conversation with one parent , i find out that in the secondary schools where older children study, they were asking them about their blood type.

wow this is strange ... let's see what Directorate for Personal Data Protection will say.

I don't know, probably not connected, but who knows in this crazy world, just few days ago in Dubrovnik there was a delegation of oil businessmen's form Texas to establish deal for Oil platforms at Croatian Adriatic sea till 2018! ... Hello .... it is any way abnormal to look for oil at Adriatic, and now, after getting insight at what kind of economic clash going to happen to USA soon, I am kind of thinking is it maybe that they messed with Balkans to prepare it for their refuge, and sort of borderline camp to keep under pressure both EU and RUSIA, as that is what Yugoslavia was during Tito time, American borderline between this two worlds ... ?

any way ... scary

And also it seams that they are planing to put as a UN general secretary recent Vice President of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and she is the champion of making mess on Balkans ... if that happen that will be the final end of UN, I am sure ...

Maybe people don't pay much attention on what is going on at Balkans, as most of them think it is finished story, but obviously it is not, whole this mess with war, and separate republics, was obviously just begging of something else ...

thanks for keeping us posted ...
Konstantin said:
Today i sent an e-mail to the Directorate for Personal Data Protection. I asked them to investigate this case and to give me more information what is going on.
Also , this weekend in a conversation with one parent , i find out that in the secondary schools where older children study, they were asking them about their blood type. Those who know has give this information to them also. I cant confirm if this information is true or not, nor i can confirm the source. I get this in a conversation with one parent and for now it just a rumor.
I will wait for the response from Directorate for Personal Data Protection.

Konstantin, I came across an article - back dated (June 13, 2014) that might "suggest" why Foto Raabe is going around the schools and getting photo ID and personal information (and possible rumors of blood type) under the radar of the Parent's permission?

Child Abuse in Macedonia Alarms NGOs

Marking World Day against Child Labor, a group of NGOs has described the extent of the misuse of children in Macedonia as worrying.

June 13, 2014 - Some 18,500 children in Macedonia stay out of school, many of them forced to do hard work or beg, the First Children’s Embassy – Megjashi, an NGO, said, marking June 12, the World Day against Child Labor.

According to Megjashi, some 2,500 children in Macedonia, a country of 2.1 million, live on the street and 4,000 have no ID papers, making them invisible to the system and unable to access institutional help.

“While social workers are increasingly punishing parents who force their children to work, one major shortcoming is that the courts do not sanction parents whose children are not included in the education system,”
the head of Megjashi, Dragi Zmijanac, said.

Most child workers and beggars, around 58 per cent, come from the marginalized Roma community, NGO data reveal.

Another worrying item of data shows that 15 per cent of the abused children are below seven years of age while 64 per cent are between seven and 14.

Around 88 per cent of these children manifest "unacceptable' social behaviour, Megjashi also said.

The misuse of child labor also includes sexual misuse and child prostitution for financial gain, child pornography, slavery and children-soldiers.

The head of the Macedonian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Uranija Pirovska, said the misuse of child labor went largely unreported.

“Social centres know the dysfunctional families but lack the money and capacities to take the appropriate action,” Pirovska said.

Last year, Macedonia changed the law to allow for the jailing of abusive parents, but the change has yet to yield results on the ground.

The government said parents who neglect or molest their children or force them to beg on the streets would face up to ten years in jail.

Previously, all that the authorities could do in such cases was remove the children from their parents, which happened in about 30 cases last year.

(And this in the Comment section)

In an attempt to expose, confront, and stop DCFS abuse I have started the Liberty Scraps youtube channel. I will be seeking out and posting videos that highlight the fight against DCFS / CPS corruption. We must fight and scrap to maintain, preserve, and expand upon the few scraps of liberty our current police state allows.

I am a 21 year police veteran and current police detective that has actively investigated hundreds of child abuse cases. I am also a victim of DCFS corruption.

I offer the following advice: Do not ever speak to DCFS...When they come to your home, step outside and close the door behind you...Collect their business card and listen to the allegation against you...Then exert your right to reman silent and do so...Do not answer ANY questions. Do not allow them into your home. Do not allow them to see or interview your children. Do not sign anything. Do not provide them with ANY information about your children or family. If you have time, record the at the door encounter. If your children are old enough, teach them how to exercise their right to remain silent; children should exercise their right to remain silent if interviewed at school or if DCFS comes back to your home with an investigative warrant (school interviews can be avoided by home schooling your children). Any investigative warrant obtained solely on an uncorroborated anonymous allegation to the DCFS hotline is illegal; you should seek an attorney to file a federal civil rights lawsuit under 42 USC 1983.
Interesting Information Angelburst29. Thank you

In past few years Macedonia government changed almost all laws and made them many times more rigorous. But all that is made with a double standards. It is not all the time the same for everyone. But that is another story

My point is that they made this laws just to remove the beggar children from the streets especially in the capital Skopje. They wanted to create the image of Skopje like the big and modern city . They spent a lot of money in building monuments and getting all the pour beggar children out of the streets so the image will be more pleasant for the foreign partners and investors.

They changed just a mask, the essence is the same, maybe even worst. The beggars are on the streets because of the desperate economical situation. And its getting worst and the laws are getting more and more rigorous.

I still don't receive any answer from Directorate for Personal Data Protection. I will wait. I dont know what else can i do. Its a dead end. There are protests and clashes with a police because last year one cop beat to death one teenager.Now the opposition published the wiretapped phone conversations, and all hear the truth. And that is that they tried to cover it up. They cover up a coldblooded murder. The case with a personal data is a easy one for them. On the TV the government are playing the role of a victim and they want to play the card of pity ( classic sociopathic behaviour as Martha Stout writes in her book The Sociopath Next Door. Its in the recommended books on this forum )

So, i don't trust any institutions right now. Its a real madness and knowledge and self protection seems like the best protection and defence right now.

I dont know if contacting the Megjashi NGO will be a good idea. i`m still thinking about that.

angelburst29 said:
According to Megjashi, some 2,500 children in Macedonia, a country of 2.1 million, live on the street and 4,000 have no ID papers, making them invisible to the system and unable to access institutional help.

“While social workers are increasingly punishing parents who force their children to work, one major shortcoming is that the courts do not sanction parents whose children are not included in the education system,” the head of Megjashi, Dragi Zmijanac, said.

Most child workers and beggars, around 58 per cent, come from the marginalized Roma community, NGO data reveal.

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