
When I first had a hallucinatory, abduction experience, at 17, I didn't talk about it. I didn't think about it but I didn't of course forget it.
I simply didn't have any place in my world view to put it.
I didn't want anyone to think I was crazy, but privately I thought, f, I'm schizo.
For me it was a time of incredible emotional upheaval and wild sometimes transformative intensity. With major depression, the separation was formative not immiadiate, happening painfully over a number of years.
The answer, of course, is to develop nous, something I've never heard of.
That I have the power to love, that I have the responsibility, faith, to protect myself.
And it is within this Christian faith, in the heart, that I see, not here, a type of schizophrenia that is like a fanatical scar tissue covering up, but not truly healing in response to waking up to the terror of the situation. Still, with all the rampant drug use and manufactured terror it's understandable.
But it isn't just in the fundies.
Lefty ideology hides it's hysteria in a divisive attempt to seek comfort in ideologic security. There's no healing from that.
But in all this there is the social fabric that does provide healing.
Families, children, laughter, security that is transformative whether unconscious and for me more and more learning and being conscious of.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Seems like you’ve gone through a scary and confusing ordeal at a very young age. I’ve been through abductions myself and as crazy as they make you feel, still feels very different from schizophrenia. I too have learned that there are so many beautiful things in this world to direct your attention to instead of dwelling on the circumstances imposed on us.
That's such a beautiful thing to say because, well I feel like I have an opportunity to focus on that when I feel overwhelmed.
This rather than focus on egoistic aims and motivations in worldly and materialistic self endrandisement.
Piano, betrayal, hurt--That's going to happen in life.
It can be a moment of separation which I'm describing as a schizophrenic state, or it can be a moment personal growth and sharing of the soul, that which is pure and unwounded.
Ang knowing this leads me to the development of unity, effort and will.
Polish psychiatrist Antoni Kepinski (Antoni Kępiński) popularised theory of information metabolism. I believe that he noticed that people with mental illness has disrupted exchange of energy/information with outside world.

People with mental illness are often isolated from society, and those people cannot grow mentally and spiritually becouse they don't feed their soul and psyche with correct informations.

In modern times people who drink informations from poisened well are becoming mentally ill.

The so called targeted individuals suffers many mental illness becouse the goal is to isolate them and pacyfy their efforts. They cannot grow and they get stuck. The first step to get out from this is to realise that this is planned strategy and start to see what blocks us from interacting with outside world.

Information Metabolism (Kepinski)

Information Metabolism: Introduction to Socionics #3
Some people with ADHD (and sometimes with ADD) noticed that they have something called hyperfocus. If they want to solve the problem or read book that is essential for their development, they can focus their attention and solve the problem in more effective way than others.

From Wikipedia Hyperfocus article:
Psychiatrically, it is considered to be a trait of ADHD together with inattention, and it has been proposed as a trait of other conditions, such as schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

But there is a price for this superpower. There are many illness that are related with targeted individual phenomena. ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, depression, neurisis, eating disorders and many more. They are paying the price for using antenna (hyperfocus).

Co-administration of probiotic and vitamin D significantly improves cognitive function in schizophrenic patients: A double-blinded randomized controlled trial​

My comment (neonix): When you have healthy gut, vitamin K is produced in your gut. Vitamin B complex is also important to have healthy nervous system.
[Probiotics and vitamin D can improve cognitive functions in people with schizophrenia]

Polish and English version
Probiotyki i witamina D mogą poprawiać funkcje poznawcze u osób ze schizofrenią

Stosowanie suplementów z probiotykami i witaminą D może znacznie poprawiać funkcje poznawcze u pacjentów chorujących na schizofrenię – wskazuje badanie opublikowane na łamach czasopisma „Neuropsychopharmacology Reports”.

Autorzy pracy – naukowcy z Iranu – przypominają, że wcześniejsze badania sugerowały pozytywny wpływ probiotyków z witaminą D na zdrowie psychiczne. Może to wynikać z faktu, iż probiotyki przyczyniają się do wzrostu poziomu witaminy D w organizmie oraz liczebności jej receptorów w komórkach. Witamina D z kolei może korzystnie wpływać na zdrowie psychiczne, gdyż zwiększa biodostępność dopaminy w mózgu.

Zespół badaczy z University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences w Tehranie postanowił sprawdzić wpływ suplementu z probiotykami i witaminą D na sprawność poznawczą osób chorych na schizofrenię. W tym celu 70 dorosłych (18-65 lat) pacjentów z tym schorzeniem losowo przydzielono bądź do grupy zażywającej probiotyk z witaminą D (400 jednostek międzynarodowych), bądź do grupy otrzymującej placebo. Badanie trwało 12 tygodni.

W tym czasie przy pomocy standardowych testów oceniano u nich nasilenie objawów chorobowych (Skala Objawów Pozytywnych i Negatywnych PANSS) oraz zdolności poznawcze, czyli sprawność intelektualną (Montrealski Test do Oceny Funkcji Poznawczych - MoCA).

Badanie ukończyło 69 pacjentów. Wyniki w testach poznawczych wzrosły w grupie stosującej probiotyki z witaminą D średnio o blisko 2 jednostki (1,96), w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną stosującą placebo. Również odsetek osób, które uzyskały 26 i więcej punktów w teście MoCa (co wskazuje na prawidłowe zdolności poznawcze), wzrósł znacznie w grupie stosującej suplement.

Nie odnotowano różnic między grupami, jeśli chodzi o nasilenie objawów choroby. Zmniejszyły się natomiast: poziom białka C-reaktywnego, które jest wskaźnikiem procesów zapalnych, poziom całkowitego cholesterolu oraz poziom glukozy na czczo.

Zdaniem autorów pracy wyniki te wskazują, że podawanie probiotyków łącznie z witaminą D może przyczyniać się do poprawy zdolności poznawczych u osób chorujących na schizofrenię. Badacze spekulują, że dzieje się to poprzez wpływ na skład mikroflory jelitowej.

Jest to o tyle istotne, że – jak wynika z badań – zażywanie leków przeciwpsychotycznych przez pacjentów ze schizofrenią może powodować zmiany składu mikrobiomu jelitowego, a to z kolei może negatywnie oddziaływać na czynności mózgu. (PAP)

[translated by google translate]

Probiotics and vitamin D can improve cognitive functions in people with schizophrenia

The use of supplements with probiotics and vitamin D can significantly improve cognitive functions in patients suffering from schizophrenia - indicates a study published in the magazine "Neuropsychopharmacology Reports".

The authors of the work - scientists from Iran - remind you that earlier studies suggested a positive impact of probiotics with vitamin D on mental health. This may be due to the fact that probiotics contribute to the increase in the level of vitamin D in the body and the number of its receptors in cells. Vitamin D, in turn, can have a positive effect on mental health, because it increases the bioavailability of dopamine in the brain.

A team of researchers from the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in Tehran decided to check the impact of a supplement with probiotics and vitamin D on cognitive efficiency of people with schizophrenia. To this end, 70 adults (18-65 years) patients with this disease were randomly assigned either to a group taking a probiotic with vitamin D (400 international units) or to a group receiving placebo. The study lasted 12 weeks.

At that time, with the help of standard tests, they were assessed by the severity of the disease symptoms (the scale of positive and negative symptoms PANSS) and cognitive abilities, i.e. intellectual efficiency (Montreal test to assess cognitive functions - MoCA).

69 patients completed the study. The results in cognitive tests increased in a group using probiotics with vitamin D by an average of nearly 2 units (1.96), compared to the placebo control group. Also, the percentage of people who obtained 26 and more points in the GD test (which indicates the correct cognitive abilities) increased significantly in the group using the supplement.

There were no differences between groups when it comes to the severity of the symptoms of the disease. However, the level of C-reactive protein, which is an indicator of inflammatory processes, the level of total cholesterol and the level of fasting glucose.

According to the authors of the work, these results indicate that the administration of probiotics together with vitamin D may contribute to improving cognitive abilities in people with schizophrenia. Researchers speculate that this happens, among others through the influence on the composition of the intestinal microflora.This is important because - according to research - the use of antipsychotics by patients with schizophrenia can cause changes in the composition of the intestinal microbiome, which in turn may negatively affect brain function. (PAP)
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