Luks said:
I think the state of Self Remembering is natural state of functioning 4D beings. 3D being have make efforts to Self Remembering, 4D not.
If one really Self Remembering he/she links oneself with higher centres. True Work is when man strains to Self Remembering. He tries then to make similar to 4D STO being.
Just my two cents.
I think self remembering - re-collecting in the sudden 'waking up' ' I, Here, Now' everything vivid sense, is momentary appearance of real I, it has no pernament home in us, appears for an instant leaving the ripples of awareness in the pond for a few seconds or longer.
Other self remembering perhaps as a will task can be a mix of associative remembering and perhaps due to an accumulation of energy - it depends on whether I prepare. G always told people to take 30 mins or more to prepare
Eg I give myself a task. Tomorrow I will remember myself every hour on the hour, I will be mindfull of the breath and will do the 'I am' for 1 minute. If I do this then somehow the day of the task I remember every hour (give or take a minute) Try It. However what happens on day 2 of the task - it gets more difficult. I can be 4 minutes late, 11 minutes late in remembering. By day 3 I can miss an hour and my self remembering in the task it associative. I see a clock - oh, whats the time ? I have an appointement with myself at 11am, my phone rings ' oh what time is it, is it near my appointment?
There is something about the newness of some tasks that makes them easier on the first few attempts, the brain seems to have energy for new things, then our automatic functioning tries to do it for us, but our automatic functioning does not need or want self remembering. It does not need this level of awareness to balance on two wheels when I have learned to ride a bicycle, or to reach out my hand to open a door. If I rely on this gradually my wish disappears and tasks become bland. However , sitting and gathering energy in the morning, and reviewing the night before help a less mechanical re-collecting-of my-self.
in my opinion.
Gurdjieff talk remembered From Views from the Real World
If we wish to remember ourselves only with our mind, we shall be unable to remember ourselves longer than our material allows. But it is possible to increase our self-remembering, not by enlarging our accumulator, but by bringing in other parts with their own accumulators and making them participate in the general work...Since our mind has come to the conclusion that it is good and necessary for our other parts, we must do all we can to arouse their interest and try to convince them that the desired achievement is good and necessary for them too.. If they conceive a desire to work in this direction, half the work is done; we can begin teaching and helping them. P. 225.
My problem is to bring my other parts to a point where my thinking centre would be able to prolong the state of self-remembering as long as possible, without exhausting the energy immediately. Self-remembering, however full and whole, can be of two kinds, conscious and mechanical remembering oneself consciously and remembering oneself by associations. Mechanical associative self-remembering can bring no essential profit, yet such associative self-remembering is of tremendous value in the beginning. Later it should not be used, for such a self-remembering, however complete, does not result in any real, concrete doing. But in the beginning it too is necessary. P 227.