Sensitive People in an Insensitive World

I got 22 BUT I would have gotten ALL of them 15 years ago - and worse. Work on the self DOES make a difference. You can't change your nature, but you can optimize the helpful parts and minimize the negative parts. And here I mean helpful and negative in terms of achieving one's aim. There are some stresses that it is useful to avoid or minimize, and some stressors that it is useful to expose yourself to again and again so as to develop mastery. As is said: courage is NOT being fearless, it is doing what needs to be done even if you are afraid.
I scored 16.

Laura said:
... Work on the self DOES make a difference. You can't change your nature, but you can optimize the helpful parts and minimize the negative parts. And here I mean helpful and negative in terms of achieving one's aim. There are some stresses that it is useful to avoid or minimize, and some stresses that it is useful to expose yourself to again and again so as to develop mastery. ...

I can confirm that (Work on the self); exposing self to stresses to develop mastery - particularly dealing with Petty Tyrants helps develop skills leading to mastery of the stresses.
Me 22 and also agree with this:

Laura said:
... Work on the self DOES make a difference. You can't change your nature, but you can optimize the helpful parts and minimize the negative parts. And here I mean helpful and negative in terms of achieving one's aim. There are some stresses that it is useful to avoid or minimize, and some stresses that it is useful to expose yourself to again and again so as to develop mastery. ...
24. This explains a lot about my behavior and needs that I haven't thought of in this way before. Thanks for this.

I'll need to take a walk in the woods to think about it. :)

19, which surprised me - higher than expected. More I think from being highly strung and getting stressed when there's too much going on rather than any sort of empathic qualities which I'm somewhat lacking.

-edit: Or, thinking about it, perhaps I am aware of what's going on for other people but suppress it because I come from a (Scots) family that allows people in pain to have their privacy (or you could call that ignoring them depending on your point of view and need for attention), and avoids airing you can't afford to notice if someone else is upset else you might have to actually discuss it....
17... It would have been a lot higher a few years ago, but I think I have had some exposure in the last few years to situations that induced me to build coping mechanisms.
Something i found with myself, is that, my delusion for being "tough skinned" is such that, if i really think hard about my ""no" answers, i realize they are really a "yes".
I am still lying to myself to cover this fact. The score got quite a bit higher after i really thought about the questions.
I scored 23
I have been thinking on this for a couple of weeks now, about how my "tough chick" mask has served me well throughout my life but how it has also caused me to lose touch with some parts of myself as well. I express my artistic side vocationally through my skills as a furniture maker, but, that being a "tough" male dominated world I have felt it necessary to maintain a thick outer shell. seems my whole life has been a conundrum!
Thank you for the article, It has opened my eyes to aspacts of myself I have been trying to understand.

Hm, 25... This seems to be one of those cases where the teacher appears once the student is ready. I get into trouble at work on a frequent basis because of these personality traits (apparently sensitivity isn't a desirable quality in a sales person) and I was giving this a lot of thought lately, especially as to how to get along in a world where the majority of people apparently isn't like that. I just used to get annoyed under pressure, but at some point I realised that I can't change my co-workers, but I can change the way I deal with the situation. Thank you WhiteBear for starting this thread and thank you seek10 for providing the link to the HSP test.
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