A couple of the sun-weather youtube channels are predicting it based on activity of the sun during that week of the year in the recent past. We just missed a Carrington type event by almost 180 degrees just a week ago. If you look at the burst that recently hit Venus, it could have just as easily been us if it had happen less than a day earlier.I don't remember the thread, but someone also mentioned an "expert" who predicted a carrington-type event for that date, using the "scriptures" of his religion and interpreting them that way.
Don't know anything about religious predictions for the event. I think (but am not 100%) that is was MRBB333 on youtube that made the prediction. Both the Oppenheimer Ranch Project and Suspicious Observers channels have mentioned it, but have adopted a "let's see if he's right" approach, calling it more or less "boldly speculative."
As for not just the Vatican, but several other government's and institution's moves, there have recently (since August) been a number of financial laws changed, not to mention the ramping of sanctions against governments which refuse to outright condemn Russia, of which The Vatican is one. It may just be a case of "we don't trust the Western institutions with our money just now.