Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome

Hi Harold,

It appears that Ana is merely concerned for you. Your posts today have been quite erratic, which is concerning. There also appears to be a bit of a manic quality to them, jumping from one thing to the next in a rapid fire manner. You stated last night that you were feeling great and this morning you state that you are very anxious and not feeling well.

It is very important to understand that this is an internet forum, not a doctor's office. As such, there is only so much the respondents here can do or advise without being physically present where you are. It is important to take responsibility for your own physical and mental health, and, often, part of doing that is consulting with a professional who can assist you. I think it might be a wise and healthy move to consult with someone in your local area who can help you get to the root of your anxiety and racing thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral therapists are often good for this and most cities have resources to help locate one. fwiw.
Thanx Ana and Anart,

I am going. I took a nice cool shower and shaved, it helped a great deal.

I am fine now but I will go.

Life is a gift, I am not interested in wasting it.

I have friends, but they live far away, and work etc.

Its not like me to attract attention, I am embarrassed. :-[

But I am wondering, if this is some kind of attempt to draw attention to myself. I do not think so.

I have not seen a therapist since approximately 2001 when my wife and I separated. Thank-you Anart for your difficult but thoughful suggestion.

I want to be as ready as possible for the'Wave'. When the you-know-what hits the fan I have been the go-to guy. Trust in this, I am very strong. My past has showen me that in the 'heat' of the moment, I am the calm sergent major type, who in training, is in your face. But when it REALLY counts I am calm cool and collected.

Have you ever seen someone so afraid that they cannot control their bladder or bowels? In their last moments. :cry: Have you ever been that person? Think about all your lives from the past. Search deep within yourself. That is where our strenght is.

Together we are strong. But divided? Who knows.

We have to be prepared for what is to come, this is all just forshadowing of what to expect. Get used to it.

Have a nice day! :)

Harold, as I have said time and again, the idea of "the wave" is an unproven concept. Our approach to things is to deal with reality first and always keep in mind that the future is open, but if you aren't dealing with reality, you can do nothing else. On this forum, we share many ideas and our experiments and results with diet and health, but we repeat over and over again that you have to do your own research, work with your own health care professionals, and find what is right for you.

It seems that you have been picking up a little bit here and a little bit there, trying things without really doing the research or consulting your doctor. That's not good for you and it is also worrying to al of us here who care about you. So please, see a doctor and get yourself straightened out.
Autumn is here, gone is the sunlight, we had mostly cloudy days, that didn't help serotonin production. In the last weeks i felt increasingly worse regards SDS. Pondered buying 5-HTP, but fate intervened: the marvelous Centrum company pulled out their multivitamin products from Hungary. Shocked i had to search for alternative and found one that didn't give me creeps. This accident finished the tiny vitamin budget i had.

Taking prescription-strength - really good - vitamin supplements is only a dream currently, for obvious reasons. There are a lot of good stuff on the selves, one only need that magical life-component to get them. Unfortunately i'm in the 'Have Not'-group.

I racked my mind, why the heck wasn't that a problem years ago, why the herring didn't i have SDS??! Then it hit me, what did i gobble up in great amounts before sleep in 2009. Quickly searched Dr. Adamo's guide and i was lucky, Blood Type A is highly compatible with:


Since then i have no half-unconscious dread before sleep that my heart will stop at night or i will spend another sleepless night. Arrive to the workplace like a zombie, where my tiredness might get noticed, that can endanger the life-mission.

Anybody, who is bloodType-A, can try peanuts, plus magnesium-citrate or malate (~1000mg) and vitamin C + good supplements allowing the body to create L-5-HydroxyTryptoPhan.

Now i can run more on the street and walk-up on the escalator without fear of getting heart attack. Still i noticed that peanuts+vitamins+FIR produces an energy-High that lasts for 1-2 days and on the first day i'm already misusing this wonderful gift (from researching forum members), by consuming too much energy [running to and from workplace].
Laura said:
If I take 5-htp in the later evening, I don't sleep well. I have to take it at noon and early evening, like before 7 p.m. I only take 50mg now though, when I started, I was suffering inability to sleep at night and eventually worked up to 500 mg per day, 300 at lunch and 200 at dinnertime. But then, after a period of sleeping very well, I started not sleeping so well, so I backed down the amount and am at the present level which I take only about every other day.

I was just wondering, after my intake 5-HTP since 2 weeks, which did lift my overall mood, how to take care of my sleeping problem. As I still have to figure out how to take care of other symptoms (autoimmune. thyroid and with most probably adrenal fatigue in the back) I am in the process of learning to connect it all. I started with 5-HTP to take 150mg 3x day and raised every 2nd day to now 300mg. No stable effect. I will change now to 150 p day and 200 in the evening... and raise if needed.

So thanks for these details and very interesting thread.
this is my first post, I like your attitude Forge, you are very lucky if that is working for you. I am reminded to call down the powers of Heaven in my struggle to find balance. Good luck to you. I also have read Life Beyond the Veil very inspiring. Trying to keep things real and a more loving environment at home and at work.
forge said:
Still not taken any 5-htp since the first-in-life panic attacks. Instead:

- i made sure to get enough sun
- took more FIR saunas
- tried not be tyrannical on myself as before
- made attempts to care for my psyche in a lovely way and explained my physical proportions in light of the Law of Sevenfoldness with love to the inner child, to whom i rarely cared
- i tried change my old, obstinate views - psychotically impressed ideals
- making efforts live worthily
- trying to internalize love and use it toward others
- physical training remained as hard as before the panic attacks, when i thought my heart is just weak and cannot take more strain. No, i needed more daily sleep than just 5-6 hours.
- try to sleep 8 hours, because this way i can remember myself better and man the sails.
- began to read the Life Beyond the Veil series, which changed everything because contains a lot of memory-related materials, i always mentioned here and there. Somehow i appear to be-have a lot in common with priesthood and prayer, possibly memories from an earlier instance: found immense amount of examples of love i desperately needed, plus lessons how i shall live, since the parents weren't able to show, display, teach/explain love so it never became known or internalized such as most of You have it as gift.
Hi velvet,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
I have a question for Psyche. I hope this is the appropriate place to post it.

OK, I have two friends, a couple, who found out they were now pregnant several months ago. I talk with the husband on a regular basis, maybe ever few weeks or so, and sometimes our conversations end up talking about health topics and whatnot. It seems that his wife, also an old friend of mine, has a bit of a problem that is really giving her a lot of stress. For the sake of anonymity, let's just call her Sam.

Sam developed an eating disorder sometime in her early twenties. Her father, being a doctor, prescribed her large doses of anti-depressants as well as some experimental drug (can't recall the name, but it is now banned by the FDA), thinking that she had some exotic intestinal problems, instead of acknowledging the psychological nature of his Sam's disorder. It's taken her and her family a long time to admit this problem and finally getting the appropriate help. About four years ago, she finally got the disorder under control through the use of group therapy and counseling. After realizing that the root cause of her disorder was mostly psychological, she has tried several times to wean herself off of anti-depressants that her father had basically forced upon her in the beginning, each time with failure. The mood swings without them, she claims, are just too difficult to deal with.

Now that Sam is pregnant, she has been reading more information about health, and became very concerned about using anti-depressants while pregnant. Because of this, Sam decided to quit taking the anti-depressants again, cold turkey, for the sake of her child. This, combined with the pregnancy hormones, has made her an emotional wreck for the past several months and has caused her a lot of stress. Sam wonders now if it wouldn't be best just to go back on the anti-depressants just for the sake of getting some relief. Her doctor now (this isn't her father) supports her in either case, and claims it is either anti-depressants or no anti-depressants -- he hasn't given her any other options. She now thinks that being in such an emotionally fragile state is bad for the baby just because of all the stress from the brain chemistry changes.

Of course, in a perfect world, Sam should have weened herself off of the anti-depressants far in advance of getting pregnant along with doing some detoxification as well; but that, unfortunately isn't the case. I have offered Sam and her husband some modest advise based on what knowledge I've gained on this forum about diet and supplements with the caveat that I'm obviously not a doctor, and pregnancy is a tricky issue, even when it comes to supplements. I've suggested that she get some magnesium citrate and take up to 700mg per day as well as vitamin b6 and vitamin C to help with the depression. Sam apparently takes a multivitamin along with fish oil already. I've mentioned breathing exercises too, although I told them that they should find a Lamaze instructor to help give them the proper techniques. Maybe there is a way she could do some portion of EE, but I don't know for sure.

So, my question is this: Would 5-HTP be appropriate to take while pregnant as an alternative to going back on the anti-depressants (which she seems to be leaning towards at this point)? From a quick google search, it sounds like 5-HTP is not recommended for pregnant women, although I can't seem to get a good explanation as to why. Is it just because it hasn't been studied in that context? Is there some specific chemical contraindication that isn't easily explained? I'm just wondering if there is any off chance that she could take something like to help with her depression and mood swings, and feel confident that it is not going to harm her child.

Thanks in advance! I'll pass along any pertinent information to Sam and her husband.
Hi RyanX,

Unfortunately 5-HTP and tryptophan are discouraged during pregnancy and while nursing. Some alternative practitioners recommend tryptophan (and not 5-HTP) when there is postpartum depression.

But I think that choosing anti-depressants over natural remedies is worse... If I come across something of relevance, I'll send it your way. In the mean time, I only found this that might help:
This whole stress-related symptom-group seems directly related to energy levels of the body. *After taking FIR yesterday i could sleep.

Friday there was an occasion of a short heart-rhythm disturbance. Having felt palpitations i did a short check: breathed out air, held for 4-8 secs then my heart began jumping like crazy out of rhythm (thump-thump-thump)x2.. with sensation of suffocation. I felt weak all weekend, dizzy and slightly suffocated and if like a horse kicked my chest leaving an ache (or an iron horseshoe implanted) at upper chest area.

Yesterday i was feeling increasingly worse. Also thought about not getting exercise just once a week. There is practically no clean air in the city/apartment area and i abhor running or walking in bad air. I went to a physical exercise into the forest. Warming up, sprinting up on slightly sloping walkway, pull-ups, push-ups, frog-jumps, jog/sprint alternated. I hope if there was a problem with my heart it wouldn't went so smoothly, i felt great during the whole time. After this i took 45 min FIR, after that did EE with full BAHA. I could sleep, only awoke 2 times.

Because my stomach seems to repulse the _cocoa+Iranian raisin+raw sugar+calcium-lactium_ mix [heighten mental focus effort] may cause ulcer-resembling symptoms, stomach pain affecting my heart, possibly. I also seriously need not run upstairs nor run shorter distances when i'm tired plus somehow must deal with stress. Taking steps, i decided to take 2 FIRs/week.

I think if people go see a doctor, they are afraid of death, of not being able to continue their life they desperately cling to or people fear about their future life/careers/loved ones. I have nothing of these fear objects and after reading Life beyond the Veil i genuinely lost interest in general of everything. No more Soul-building fantasy or worries if i'm graduating to 4thD or i'am an OP. This really puts perspective into a funny new position. Now i only care about elongating or maintaining my operational capability and if by an incomprehensible act of fate i somehow graduate into 4thD, there will be a Hell for Lizards, i can guarantee that. If war in higher densities is reflected as Weather here, those poor humans continuing in 3rdD will have to cling to their pants like crazy, because God sees into my thoughts toward our current reptoid masters i won't exercise mercy at all.
Psyche said:
Hi RyanX,

Unfortunately 5-HTP and tryptophan are discouraged during pregnancy and while nursing. Some alternative practitioners recommend tryptophan (and not 5-HTP) when there is postpartum depression.

But I think that choosing anti-depressants over natural remedies is worse... If I come across something of relevance, I'll send it your way. In the mean time, I only found this that might help:

Thanks Psyche! :) I'll pass this information on to her.
I have been taking 5-HTP after reading Dr. Murphree's book (Treating and Beating...). It hasn't helped so far with IBS, which is what I was hoping for but it has boosted my serotonin. I am experimenting with doses in the 100-200 mg range at bedtime (more doesn't seem to help) and I also am taking 2.5 mg of melatonin (sublingual) at bedtime. My mood has lifted and I am dreaming again now, so the combination appears to be doing something good.

I was taking Trazodone, which Dr. Murphree also mentions, and it helps me sleep more deeply, but it is not entirely effective and I was starting to be concerned about what else it might be doing to my brain (let alone the rest of my body) after 15 years of use. I have been off it for about 10 months, and I am clearly not sleeping as well as I was when I was taking it. Instead, I am back to "normal" -- I have had sleep problems all my life. The main symptom, however, daytime drowsiness, is also a symptom of pregnenolone deficiency, which I know I have because it turned up in lab tests a few years ago. I have been supplementing pregnenolone again, though it never has seemed to help much. I am not sure what to do at this point.
Hi Megan, if you still haven't reached a good night sleep you could try alternatively the following:

Start with 50 mg at lunch and dinner and increase your dose every 2 days by 50mg until you reach 300mg of 5-HTP per day. If you are unable to have a restorative sleep after two weeks, then you can also consider increasing the dose. You can keep your night time melatonin.

Potential side effects of 5-HTP include nausea, diarrhea, and sleepiness. Also, in very rare cases, there might be insomnia and headaches, which usually happen when 5-HTP is taken on an empty stomach and when a person has “sluggish” liver issues. The good news is that when you take 5-HTP with meals and gradually increase the dose, these side effects should be eliminated.
I've been reading a very informative book written for thyroid patients by patients called stop the thyroid madness and it seems that the active thyroid hormone T3 is is very important for serotonin levels. The more I read the more convinced I am that undiagnosed thyroid issues are often at the root of a whole lot of mental/physical problems and when something is recognized (often depression) it will be mistreated.
ALOT of people with hypothyroid/hashimotos will show "normal" TSH levels
chachazoom said:
ALOT of people with hypothyroid/hashimotos will show "normal" TSH levels

Yeah, very good point, and gluten should be eliminated as it is a direct causative factor.
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