Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome

Thanks for this post, Laura! It's good that we stay informed about this important topic!

I have been low on Serotonin for over a decade now and this deficiency seems to run in my family. I've taken a handful of different anti-deps over the years, but quit them on my own just over two years ago. I don't recommend going off of medication without the help of a doctor, but I supplemented it with a better diet, exercise and research. I am still prescribed Xanax for anxiety, though I haven't had a panic attack in nine months..:D Speaking of Xanax, I noticed that taking it makes me feel the need to take more of it. The last time I took it I almost had a panic attack for no reason(??) the next day. This has happened enough times for me to be sure that the Xanax played a part in my increased anxiety after it wore off. :scared:

Although I consider myself to be doing pretty well these days, I still get depressed and anxious sometimes, mainly when I don't work out, eat right or get enough sleep. After doing a lot of reading on this site I've decided to try out 5-HTP. I appreciate the tips on starting off low in the beginning and also going back to a lower dose once my body is stabilized.

One thing I want to add to this discussion to hopefully help someone is a book suggestion. I found Undoing Depression by O'Connor, _, to be THE most beneficial text I have ever read on the subject and I highly recommend it! If you are curious about the book please follow the link I posted and check the reviews for yourself. It truly is an exceptional read and it helped me greatly!

Well, I look forward to receiving my order of 5-HTP in the mail and until then I'll continue reading, exercising, sleeping enough, focusing on my diet, meditating and doing the EE breathing..:)
Just catching up on this thread and wanted to add my thumbs-up for 5-HTP. I have used it off and on over 10 years, and believe it was crucial in overcoming my depression many years ago.

My understanding is that the entericly coated versions (usually far more expensive) are more effective, as something like premature-conversion can occur if it does not make it to the small intestine before total breakdown. This is based on reading from many years ago. In my experience, the cheaper non-entericly coated varieties are sufficient, but it seems to take more to reach the desired effect (200-300 mg non-enteric vs. 50-100 mg enteric, in my personal experience of taking both, YMMV). Also, if you are finding the 5-HTP keeping you awake at night, you may be experiencing GI upset symptoms, which in entericly coasted tablets generally does not occur based on current research I was reading today.

I also found a summary chart of the current findings of studies in relation to 5-HTP as of Sept 2009. It is sourced from and I found it interesting. It seems to be only "strict" coverage of scientific studies, but still useful I think.

[quote author=]

*Key to grades

A: Strong scientific evidence for this use
B: Good scientific evidence for this use
C: Unclear scientific evidence for this use
D: Fair scientific evidence for this use (it may not work)

Cerebellar ataxia (Grade: B)

Cerebellar ataxia results from the failure of part of the brain to regulate body posture and limb movements. 5-HTP has been observed to have benefits in some people who have difficulty standing or walking because of cerebellar ataxia. However, current evidence is mixed.

Depression (Grade: B)

The results of numerous studies in humans suggest that 5-HTP may aid in the treatment of depression. However, it is not known whether 5-HTP is as effective as commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs.

Fibromyalgia (Grade: B)

There is a small amount of research evaluating the use of 5-HTP for fibromyalgia, and early evidence suggests that 5-HTP may reduce the number of tender points, anxiety, and intensity of pain and may improve sleep, fatigue, and morning stiffness.

Headaches (Grade: B)

There is evidence from several studies in both children and adults that 5-HTP may be effective in reducing the severity and frequency of headaches, including tension headaches and migraines. Further research is needed.

Obesity (Grade: B)

Studies suggest that 5-HTP may reduce eating behaviors, lessen caloric intake, and promote weight loss in obese individuals.

Alcoholism (withdrawal symptoms) (Grade: C)

Early study suggests that 5-HTP may lessen alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Further research is needed to confirm these results.

Anxiety (Grade: C)

Although 5-HTP has been proposed as a possible treatment for anxiety disorders, there is not enough human evidence to make a firm recommendation.

Down's syndrome (Grade: C)

Preliminary study of 5-HTP in children with Down's syndrome yields insignificant results. Further research is necessary.

Neurologic disorders (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) (Grade: C)

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS) is a rare, genetic disorder affecting mostly males that often causes mental retardation and self-mutilation. Small studies of 5-HTP in Lesch-Nyhand syndrome show conflicting results. Additional study is needed.

Psychiatric disorders (Grade: C)

It has been suggested that 5-HTP may reduce psychotic symptoms and mania or aid in panic disorder, but studies in people with schizophrenia have shown differing results.

Sleep disorders (Grade: C)

There is insufficient evidence regarding the use of 5-HTP for sleep disorders. Additional studies are needed before a conclusion can be drawn.

Seizures/epilepsy (myoclonic disorders) (Grade: D)

Although 5-HTP has been studied as a treatment for various myoclonic syndromes and epilepsy, available research does not support the use of 5-HTP for these conditions.

5-HTP is never something I've taken for more than 1 or 2 weeks at a time, for a variety of reasons (money being one, motivation another), and I've found that daily use (while probably the most beneficial) is not mandatory. I just wanted to throw this thought out there for those who are short on funds and considering trying it out. It is definitely something you can experiment with, that will still have very wonderful effects even if just taken "as the need arises." I really cannot recommend it enough. :)

At one point many years ago, I began to better feel when it was necessary for me to take it, based on my mood levels. Should sudden unexplainable negative emotions begin to take hold of me, irritability, inability to see the joy in simple things, etc., and I could assign no rational reason for such, I more and more quickly realized that I was suffering a lack of available serotonin and would take the 5-htp for 3-5 days, with immediate effects. It truly produces a "restoration of normality" for me, and equilibirum of emotions if you will. The effects also seem to last long well after I stop taking it.

My understanding is also that L-trytophan is the "precursor" to 5-HTP, so foods with elevated tryophan levels are essentially also providing your body with 5-HTP, and in turn 5-HT (serotonin).

It is funny story how I first heard of it 10 years ago. I had friends that were into the underground rave scene, and those parties generally involve the excessive usage of MDMA, or ecstasy. This is a drug that tells your brain to release all serotonin, and will cause serotonin defiency (in a really nasty way) for 2 or more days afterwards. Regular abusers of the drug can ultimately experience lifelong serious effects related to this, and unbelievable depression.

Even back then, those kids "in the know" passed out flyers and word-of-mouth advice to always take 5-HTP in the days after such experiences to prevent the associated crashes. Oddly enough, it was from those same kids I heard about Alpha-Lipoic Acid which was claimed by them to actually reverse drug-induced brain damage.

I also know of friends of friends over the years who have sucessfully replaced various anti-depressant pharmaceuticals with 5-HTP, with excellent results.

I have always heard that B6, and C are necessary to have in the system for 5-HTP to be fully effective, so I suspect that is why we are seeing them combined together.

My research is a little rusty, but I can say that from my experiences 5-HTP is great stuff!! :D
I just ran out of 5-htp when I thought I had another bottle lying around. With all of the new info on lectins, I have noticed that the NOW brand that I use has rice flour in it. Some of my other supplements have it too. There's a 5-htp that's the cheapest I've found and from NSI that has it also. I'm wondering if the small amount of rice flour would have enough lectins to be a problem?
3D Student said:
I just ran out of 5-htp when I thought I had another bottle lying around. With all of the new info on lectins, I have noticed that the NOW brand that I use has rice flour in it. Some of my other supplements have it too. There's a 5-htp that's the cheapest I've found and from NSI that has it also. I'm wondering if the small amount of rice flour would have enough lectins to be a problem?

I wouldn't worry about it. I would not buy it if its gluten though.
Psyche said:
3D Student said:
I just ran out of 5-htp when I thought I had another bottle lying around. With all of the new info on lectins, I have noticed that the NOW brand that I use has rice flour in it. Some of my other supplements have it too. There's a 5-htp that's the cheapest I've found and from NSI that has it also. I'm wondering if the small amount of rice flour would have enough lectins to be a problem?

I wouldn't worry about it. I would not buy it if its gluten though.

Ok, thank you Psyche. I know gluten is like the worst of the worst. Well, now to buy some more 5-htp.
Still not taken any 5-htp since the first-in-life panic attacks. Instead:

- i made sure to get enough sun
- took more FIR saunas
- tried not be tyrannical on myself as before
- made attempts to care for my psyche in a lovely way and explained my physical proportions in light of the Law of Sevenfoldness with love to the inner child, to whom i rarely cared
- i tried change my old, obstinate views - psychotically impressed ideals
- making efforts live worthily
- trying to internalize love and use it toward others
- physical training remained as hard as before the panic attacks, when i thought my heart is just weak and cannot take more strain. No, i needed more daily sleep than just 5-6 hours.
- try to sleep 8 hours, because this way i can remember myself better and man the sails.
- began to read the Life Beyond the Veil series, which changed everything because contains a lot of memory-related materials, i always mentioned here and there. Somehow i appear to be-have a lot in common with priesthood and prayer, possibly memories from an earlier instance: found immense amount of examples of love i desperately needed, plus lessons how i shall live, since the parents weren't able to show, display, teach/explain love so it never became known or internalized such as most of You have it as gift.
OK, newbie here, but not to forums such as this...

Have spent some time over on the forums...

But to get back on topic...

Took the Quiz and I'll just state that my findings are what I have figured to be...Sero/GABA/Acetyl deficient. This for me is a no-brainer as I have been seeing a mind doc for anger mgmt issues and depression. Was given the generic of Zoloft (Sertraline) and now aft about 2 years see no difference in where I was at the beginning except for a bit wiser from some of the discussions my doc and I have had. My previous experience was with a variety of supplements that seemed to help, but for whatever reason, I got off track and failed to get back on - except now I have to do more research and learn from my mistakes and move onward and upward.

I am not sure of any testing chemically/blood work that can be done to test and confirm the deficiencies (unless any here know of some?). I realize that to work these supplements in as a lifestyle incorporates cycling them in and out from time to time as they build up in the body and they need time to work out and lessen a bit.

These cycles vary between persons and no one cycle or set level of dosing is the same for any one person. I guess what I am getting at is that one should start off slow and let the body mandate a tolerance level to know that this stuff is coming in to do some maintenance. After about 2 or 3 weeks (again this depends upon the person, size weight, etc) the items can be upped a bit to enhance the levels and in turn, hopefully, create a better feeling you. ALSO, another tip I should offer as I am going to do this time is - keep a notebook or journal of your path in doing this. It can help immensely in finding out what truly is 'taking you out of the game' we call life and being able to get up the next day and play (nicely) with our families, friends, co-workers, etc.

If any have similar tales, would be glad to share or offer my experiences with some of the things I have tried.

Hi busybeaver,

We encourage all new members to make a post in the Newbies section -- something about yourself and how you found the forum, doesn't have to be long. Welcome to the forum. :)
Geez, I've been a guinea pig for western medicine and BigPharm since my adolescence when I was given trycyclic anti-depressants. I'm 44 now and finally understand why the approach is so wrong, not to mention toxic.

Since I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, herniated discs compressing nerve roots, nerve irritation from scar tissue from failed back surgeries and a congenital narrowing of the spinal canal, I have been prescribed an amazing cocktail of drugs to anesthetize, stabilize mood, alter pain perception, reduce inflammation, etc., in addition to the anti-depressants. In fact, textbook treatment of chronic pain always involves anti-depressants.

However, I had also been prescribed "happy pills" for depression as I had had significant episodes with suicidal thoughts several times throughout my life.

Funny though, once I got away from my ex-wife, the suicidal thoughts went away on their own.

A year ago I was prescribed Cymbalta as I was experiencing unpredictable crying jags. This can be quite embarrassing during business meetings and presentations. However, after reading enough about the toxic effects of SSRIs and their recent derivatives, in combination with the breathing program and reading some of the recommended books, things finally clicked for me and I realized my crying, although inconvenience, could be nothing more than a response to the world around me, paired with childhood wounds.

I decided to slowly take myself off Cymbalta while adding 200mgs of 5-HTP at noon and 2 hours before bed (with 3mgs sublingual melatonin at bed). Wow! I couldn't believe how intense the brain zaps were. I titrated down the Cymbalta over two weeks, but obviously could have stretched the experience out longer, perhaps reducing the zaps.

I have now been totally off Cymbalta for two weeks and still taking 5-HTP and melatonin (in addition to my vitamin D, CalMag, MSM and multivitamin). I'm still getting the zaps, mostly in the morning, but they are nowhere near as intense as earlier.

I still have a lump in my throat, as if I could cry any minute, but other than that, I feel fine, can think more clearly and can actually access feelings that were being blocked by the anti-depressants.

Perhaps those drugs can play a role if used for shorter periods of time in conjunction with psychological therapy, but the bulk of prescriptions are supposed to be standalone panaceas for all things melancholy without any work on underlying issues.

I was recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea as well and apparently never left first stage of sleep - no solid dreaming, but since I wouldn't go into REM state, I wouldn't get the hypnogogic effect and would end up moving and talking in the few, brief dreams I did have.

Now that I have the CPAP machine to alleviate the apnea, I have wonderful dreams and the melatonin enhances them remarkably.

I am hoping that with the combination of scheduled 5-HTP and melatonin, as well as the CPAP machine, dietary changes, the Work and EE, things will level out for me and the crying jags will become more appropriate. I just hope I don't lose the deep sensitivity I have as I feel it is what makes me so empathetic to others, but I try to keep an open mind in that regard.

Incidentally, I searched our forum and could not find any instructions for those interested in eliminating SSRIs. If such a posting does not exist, it might be beneficial for others. I fear my knowledge is lacking in this are to sufficiently direct anyone, as I feel I made a few mistakes in my own reduction/elimination approach.

Warm regards,
Gonzo said:
I just hope I don't lose the deep sensitivity I have as I feel it is what makes me so empathetic to others, but I try to keep an open mind in that regard.

Hi Gonzo, just wanted to say that as I started to recover from my own depression I was hugely empathic (to the point where others emotions could cripple me sometimes). I then had a few years of it going the complete opposite way. Only now does it seem to be reaching a more stable position in the middle....and varies day to day (based on my health?) it seems.
So do not panic if it does go away for a while (it may have been over-active and needs to rest), just keep going and it will be back in a better/more stable form later :) fwiw
Thanks for the comforting words, RedFox.

I remember when I was a teen and was writing tons of poetry and music with lyrics that the whole thought of dealing with my depression terrified me, as I worried I would lose the deep insight and poetic edge I had developed.

Surprisingly, once I started anti-depressants (trycyclics back then, before SSRI were developed), I actually had clearer thinking and could express myself better than before. I realize this is quite common in artistic types or those who are more sensitive than most.
But even with the hindsight and knowledge, I find the same fear cropping up 30 years later, so it is comforting to have someone remind me.

3D Student said:
Psyche said:
3D Student said:
I just ran out of 5-htp when I thought I had another bottle lying around. With all of the new info on lectins, I have noticed that the NOW brand that I use has rice flour in it. Some of my other supplements have it too. There's a 5-htp that's the cheapest I've found and from NSI that has it also. I'm wondering if the small amount of rice flour would have enough lectins to be a problem?

I wouldn't worry about it. I would not buy it if its gluten though.

Ok, thank you Psyche. I know gluten is like the worst of the worst. Well, now to buy some more 5-htp.

Hi 3D Student,

I have been purchasing 5-HTP from _ and think it might be even cheaper than the brand you mentioned. Since I have been taking it for about a month or so and have been enjoying its positive effects I now feel confident in recommending this brand to others. I take 100mg in the morning and 100mg at night. The ingredients are, "Niacin 5mg, Vitamin B-6 5mg, Magnesium 25mg, 5HTP 100mg, Valerian 50mg." Other ingredients are, "Dicalcium Phosphate, Gelatin, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate." The bottle also says, "No artificial color, flavor or sweetener, no preservatives, no sugar, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish, sodium free." :D Actually, I buy all of my supplements from that site and I have found their prices most reasonable. If you decide to purchase from them be sure to do an online search for "puritan's pride coupon code" so you can save a few extra bucks.

Gonzo said:
I am hoping that with the combination of scheduled 5-HTP and melatonin, as well as the CPAP machine, dietary changes, the Work and EE, things will level out for me and the crying jags will become more appropriate. I just hope I don't lose the deep sensitivity I have as I feel it is what makes me so empathetic to others, but I try to keep an open mind in that regard.

Hi Gonzo,

I noticed you mentioned taking melatonin and I want to mention there is also Valerian root available. Valerian has greatly improved my sleeping patterns. I tried melatonin, but noticed I was groggy upon waking and for the first few minutes afterward. When I take Valerian I experience no side effects except a mild sleepy/drowsy feeling about a half an hour after taking it and again in the middle of the night if I wake up. I take Valerian before bed some nights in addition to 5-HTP. Here is a good link for information on Valerian: _ Perhaps you do not experience the same side effect while on melatonin, but fwiw I figured I'd mention this alternative just in case.

Also, I have noticed a great improvement in my general mood from taking 5-HTP. Over the years I have tried Prozac, Paxil and Xanax, (I'm a guinea pig too! :nuts:), but I feel like 5-HTP works just as well if not better than these medications. The reason I am thinking it could be better is because I have noticed no side effects while on it whereas I experienced mild side effects while on the others. I am so happy that I have started taking 5-HTP and I hope it works this well for you too!
Scarlet said:
Hi 3D Student,

I have been purchasing 5-HTP from _ and think it might be even cheaper than the brand you mentioned. Since I have been taking it for about a month or so and have been enjoying its positive effects I now feel confident in recommending this brand to others. I take 100mg in the morning and 100mg at night. The ingredients are, "Niacin 5mg, Vitamin B-6 5mg, Magnesium 25mg, 5HTP 100mg, Valerian 50mg." Other ingredients are, "Dicalcium Phosphate, Gelatin, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate." The bottle also says, "No artificial color, flavor or sweetener, no preservatives, no sugar, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish, sodium free." :D Actually, I buy all of my supplements from that site and I have found their prices most reasonable. If you decide to purchase from them be sure to do an online search for "puritan's pride coupon code" so you can save a few extra bucks.

A lot of times those sites with cheap vitamins sell mostly "pills" instead of capsules, which are digested better. Plus, they put all those other things in... Silica is sand, right?
Mrs. Peel said:
Scarlet said:
Hi 3D Student,

I have been purchasing 5-HTP from _ and think it might be even cheaper than the brand you mentioned. Since I have been taking it for about a month or so and have been enjoying its positive effects I now feel confident in recommending this brand to others. I take 100mg in the morning and 100mg at night. The ingredients are, "Niacin 5mg, Vitamin B-6 5mg, Magnesium 25mg, 5HTP 100mg, Valerian 50mg." Other ingredients are, "Dicalcium Phosphate, Gelatin, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate." The bottle also says, "No artificial color, flavor or sweetener, no preservatives, no sugar, no milk, no lactose, no soy, no gluten, no wheat, no yeast, no fish, sodium free." :D Actually, I buy all of my supplements from that site and I have found their prices most reasonable. If you decide to purchase from them be sure to do an online search for "puritan's pride coupon code" so you can save a few extra bucks.

A lot of times those sites with cheap vitamins sell mostly "pills" instead of capsules, which are digested better. Plus, they put all those other things in... Silica is sand, right?

Thanks for the reference Scarlet, that does look about a penny cheaper per pill :P. As far as the additives, I've accepted long ago that I'm not going to be able to have a supplement that is free of magnesium stearate. The other stuff looks ok, including the sand.
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