Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome

abstract said:
I want to add something to all of this.

I recently quit smoking cannabis (marijuana).

I have been off pot completely since tuesday. I cannot even begin to describe how much better i feel, how much more balanced my brain

chemistry is!

I can tell now in my clearer state of mind that pot did in fact contribute heavily to seretonin deficiency, today i felt happier than i have in years. YEARS.

I am going to write up a post, a very lengthly post which I will explain my experience smoking pot everyday for the last (almost) 3 years.

I have some acute, intense realizations i would like to share regarding this. I realize it's against our rules to discuss drugs, however, i feel it will be

appropiate in the context i am intending. However, I would first like to ask, out of external consideration, is this OK with the administrators and mods?

There will be no promotion of the substance whatsoever. I feel that sharing my experience will help others a great deal.

Congratulation abstract, I'm really glad you found the energy to finally get rid of it!
Keep on recording your observation on a journal and put it up when you feel like you are ready, I think it can help people.
Keep the ball rolling, I'm with you !
Congrats. And not to take away from the importance of your revelations and desire to share them, I concur with Laura and would like to add that these revelations will probably continue and might be more beneficial if their future more encompassing form and coming from someone with a greater distance from their last use.
As well, I believe there are many of us who have similar use in our past who might feel encouraged to share their revelations as well and I don't know how we would say it is ok for one but not for all - mind you, that last statement I wrote is fear induced, so I now have to go back to my corner and ponder on that fear of assuming there would be an opening of the flood gates situation - ah, but I digress,...

Good for you Abstract.

Ummm... I think I would wait awhile until you have more time to evaluate, not to mention a longer track record. "Since Tuesday" is really not long enough to base any discussion.

Fair enough, miss laura. :) I completely understand your concerns, you have every right, given my reputation around here, to make me wait a while.

I will however, not post, but I will begin drafting it, in word or notepad or something.

If i may share just one thing though, one of the things i noticed was that my smoking pot had a LOT to do with self importance, and I know it's hard

to believe, yes, but I already notice a big, big difference in the way i interact with people, it was like pot was amplifying self importance.

It was like slavery, if i didn't have it i felt awful and if i did have it, to be truthful i still felt awful but it was just numbed up.

How long would you prefer I wait? Another week? A month? 3 months? Whatever you find suitable, miss laura, this is you "house", after all. :D

Apologies if i have hijacked the thread.
abstract said:
I am going to write up a post, a very lengthly post which I will explain my experience smoking pot everyday for the last (almost) 3 years.

Whoa dude, no wonder you don't have any money! :lol:
abstract said:
Whoa dude, no wonder you don't have any money!

:lol: Yeah, yeah, everyone just go ahead and get the stoner jokes out of your system. :P

I don't think it's so much of a joke as it is a point she is making. You were writing about not having any cash, but at the same time spending money on drugs. It's a little disingenuous, don't you think?
Heimdallr said:
abstract said:
Whoa dude, no wonder you don't have any money!

:lol: Yeah, yeah, everyone just go ahead and get the stoner jokes out of your system. :P

I don't think it's so much of a joke as it is a point she is making. You were writing about not having any cash, but at the same time spending money on drugs. It's a little disingenuous, don't you think?

Yeah, that was my point. Three years of daily pot smoking? Too bad we don't have an icon with a dollar bill flying away....
Yeah, that was my point. Three years of daily pot smoking? Too bad we don't have an icon with a dollar bill flying away....

Well it appears as a joke to me subjectively when you use the "lol" emoticon, ma'am. Yeah, okay, admitably, i woulda saved a lot of money

had i not spent some of it on drugs, although i did in fact budget for it, although i realize that's not the point.

The bottom line on smoking pot, for me at least, is that it makes you feel rewarded when you haven't accomplished anything.

We should feel rewarded because we DO things, not because we sit on the couch (or fouton in my case) just going:

"Duuuuude......duuuude.....what was i talkin' bout? Duuuuuude....have you ever noticed that....what was I talkin' 'bout? Duuude..."

I was absolutely, completely, utterly pathetic, and i see that now. Best we stick with nicotine and supplements! :cool2:
I smoked cannabis for about 10 years. In the beginning it wasn't every day. For a lot of the time it was almost every day, but not throughout the day (like, only at night). At the end it became nearly all day every day. I now haven't smoked it for about 2 years.

Part of me knew for ages that I had to stop, part of me didn't want to. I didn't give it up by a conscious choice, it "just happened".. basically I "had to" move somewhere where I didn't know anyone, so I couldn't get any. There was no effort of will involved in giving it up, I'm sad to say. The circumstances which lead to me "having to" move, which at the time seemed like a terrible thing, would likely not have come about if I hadn't been such a pothead in the first place.

For ages after moving I wanted to smoke it again, but part of myself stopped me from actively seeking it out (I'm sure it's very easy to get here). Then as I got used to not having it, I stopped thinking about it much. A couple weeks ago I met someone I haven't seen for years, who wanted me to smoke with him. The past came rushing back in. But then I said no thanks, and I meant it.. I found I really didn't want to, there was no question. That was a first! It doesn't mean much, maybe.. I think it is quite possible I could forget and fall back into my old ways in the right circumstances. But *I* don't want to do that. I know that it's a dead end.

This thread has spurred me to finally write the post I've been thinking of writing for ages (and never getting around to!) about all this.. thanks abstract & all.. Well I haven't written it yet, but I will. I'll have to, now I've written this. :) *quick, click "Post" before my predator's mind notices!* I'll make a new thread for it when I get it down, but.. is it ok to post my thoughts on cannabis use? Just double checking, given the forum rules.
I'll make a new thread for it when I get it down, but.. is it ok to post my thoughts on cannabis use? Just double checking, given the forum rules.

Oy, now we've really hijacked this thread, I feel we've had enough discussion about this, brandon. This was intended to be a thread about seretonin

deficiency, not a thread about quitting marjiuana. I"m guilty of infraction too, and if you read the previous posts, I already asked laura if I could do that,

and she said no, or at least not yet. Maybe it was only applicable to me personally because as she said "since tuesday" is not a great track record.

so I dunno...I honestly feel like we should just drop it, but it's not up to me.
abstract said:
Oy, now we've really hijacked this thread, I feel we've had enough discussion about this, brandon. This was intended to be a thread about seretonin deficiency, not a thread about quitting marjiuana. I"m guilty of infraction too, and if you read the previous posts, I already asked laura if I could do that, and she said no, or at least not yet. Maybe it was only applicable to me personally because as she said "since tuesday" is not a great track record.

Yes, sorry about the off-topicness everyone. I wrote more than I originally planned to here. Just wanted to ask if a thread on this subject would be alright, coming from someone who had been further down that road, and then been off it for longer. (best wishes with it BTW abstract!). Anyway! I shall also write up my thoughts and wait and see before posting.
Vulcan59 said:
Hi Guardian,

Have you taken the UltraMind Quiz? It might reveal if you do have serotonin and other deficiencies. :)

Thanks Vulcan, I started to take it, but it's yet another diagnostic tool where the results are dependent on having a "family history" Most of them are :curse:
abstract said:
Yeah, that was my point. Three years of daily pot smoking? Too bad we don't have an icon with a dollar bill flying away....

Well it appears as a joke to me subjectively when you use the "lol" emoticon, ma'am.

Well, I used the emoticon cuz I didn't want to appear too rude...

and while I appreciate your politeness, please don't call me ma'am. Makes me feel REALLY old... :scared: :lol:
I'm on an off 5-HTP, just planning to buy another bottle. It's ver interesting, what you write about pot... Anyway, I feel 5-HTP helps me a lot, but I noticed that after longer time of taking it, it would not help me to feel sleepy anymore. So I can't decide, when to take it. I used to take anti-depressants many years ago. And some other of that kind to. The SNRI one was good. I think that ephedrine boosts adrenaline, but now I'm not sure if this substance is legal, or not, this is complicated with this one. Anyway, coming back to 5-HTP, I need to take it with meals, otherwise I feel nauseus. And the one I'm getting is Serotone, ususally 100 mg, so sometimes I tak 100, sometimes 200 mg/day, I should probably regulate it...
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