Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome

I plan to get some 5-htp sometime soon, it didn't do much when i tried it before but since i'm off pot i'll let ya'll know
how that one goes for me.
ALIEN1 said:
I'm on an off 5-HTP, just planning to buy another bottle. It's ver interesting, what you write about pot... Anyway, I feel 5-HTP helps me a lot, but I noticed that after longer time of taking it, it would not help me to feel sleepy anymore.

I currently take it right before bedtime, but I've tried taking it in the morning and afternoon also (with food). Problem is during the week when I'm at work, I've been falling asleep at my desk! I have to sit in one spot for eight hours (aside from brief trips to the copy machine or restroom) and do data entry, and there are times when things are slow so I have to "look busy." I think that contributes to the falling asleep aspect, as I'm not able to be active and moving around.

Three times now, people have come up behind me in my cube and caught me nodding off! :scared:
Mrs. Peel said:
I currently take it right before bedtime, but I've tried taking it in the morning and afternoon also (with food). Problem is during the week when I'm at work, I've been falling asleep at my desk!

My 5-HTP bottle arrived today. There is a warning on the bottle that says "may cause sleepiness", so I don't know if taking it during the day is the best idea. Also, the New Zealand website I purchased from (you can't get 5-HTP in Australia) also recommended taking niacin as well. (

Supplement Vitamin B3 (niacin) to prevent breakdown of 5-HTP to niacinamide. Supplement Vitamin B6 and Magnesium to maximise benefits.
Nathan said:
Mrs. Peel said:
I currently take it right before bedtime, but I've tried taking it in the morning and afternoon also (with food). Problem is during the week when I'm at work, I've been falling asleep at my desk!

My 5-HTP bottle arrived today. There is a warning on the bottle that says "may cause sleepiness", so I don't know if taking it during the day is the best idea. Also, the New Zealand website I purchased from (you can't get 5-HTP in Australia) also recommended taking niacin as well. (

Supplement Vitamin B3 (niacin) to prevent breakdown of 5-HTP to niacinamide. Supplement Vitamin B6 and Magnesium to maximise benefits.

Well I've been taking 50mg with every meal and one before I go to bed for a few months now and haven't noticed any sleepiness during the day. If anything I'm less sleepy since I'm getting a good night's sleep!
I too have just started taking HTP-5, 100mg per day and honestly don't notice any differences. Normally taken after meals and at various times during the day. Haven't really noticed any drowsiness either. Should I consider upping the dosage?

The brand I bought also contains 120mg of vitamin C and 20mg of B6. Not sure if this is normal.

Since it is somewhat difficult to find here, I was considering stopping the dosages altogether and saving it for my wife who will be experimenting with it soon. Maybe it will benefit her more than I.
cholas said:
I too have just started taking HTP-5, 100mg per day and honestly don't notice any differences. Normally taken after meals and at various times during the day. Haven't really noticed any drowsiness either. Should I consider upping the dosage?

Only if you are not having a good night sleep, otherwise I will keep up that dose for a month or so. If you just started, it might take a couple of weeks before you notice a difference.
Check this out:

Serious symptoms developed last week - because of lot of anger and anguish i let lot of stress being built/boiled up inside. I would have never dreamed of that i would get this sickness(panic attacks). Had to call emergency because of fear of imminent heart failure/death at 01:00am. Going through the experience was good learning curve. Researched. Understood this is mental, no heart problem just brain chemistry imbalance. Had less than 100 dollars until June 07 (next salary), now even less i simply do not have option to go into grocery store, buy 5HTP (for approx. 21 dollars) because no money for food/water would remain.

So i turned to my little buckwheat stash i strategically planned/bought at month_begin for the first cooking experiences. Thrown out regular_killer bread and switched completely to in stove baked buckwheat bread and buckwheat mush (flour+oliveoil+water+salt cooked mushed up, add soup broth, tastes awesome).

Took the old Zen meditation practice for relaxing neck muscles and in general, one point focusing in Zazen sitting position mixed with POTS, praying with whole heart relaxed, my whole stance/way of praying, coming from the heart changed after the 'death experience', concentrating on relaxing, releasing stress.

Fought with the panic attack symptoms, which gradually began to lessen since begin_last week.

We got cold weather so i 'sneaked in' two late night FIR sauna sessions (workday nights), which i never did only at weekends, because of tremendous sweating before and the blanket need lot of time to dry up after cleaning. Now because of cold i didn't sweat only soaked up the far infrared energy_life force 'through the heart'.

Guess what?

No panic attack symptoms. I sleep like a baby.

Not even bought pricey 5-HTP yet.

Now what.
Thank you for posting this Laura.

Actually I wanted to start a topic in the "swamp-area" today, cause of total lack of motivation, depression, missing self-esteem etc. for almost two weeks now.

So I started to write a posting and nonetheless cause of frustration and looking for help, I did take 100mg of 5htp beforehand and after one hour, my mood literally lifted.

It was such a difference afterwards. My conclusion: I like to experiment more with 5htp in the morning hours.
Probably due to some abuse done in Paris, wine, croissant and baguette :-[ I I have many of the symptoms corresponding to serotonin deficiency. I admit that I wasn't to vigilant with what I ate over there and I 'm paying the price since. When I came back, I couldn't read to many sott article without feeling depress, the sauna helped but I didn't have the strength at night to do the breathing program being very busy with gardening all day since I came back, I just fell asleep very early. I'm starting dmsa tomorrow and reading this post really pointed me to a probable problem that i had for many years. I would like to know if I can take 5 htp while doing the mercury detox.
Laurentien said:
I would like to know if I can take 5 htp while doing the mercury detox.

You can take 5 HTP while doing the mercury detox, it will definitely help. The L-taurine is also a mood calmer and it is included in the protocol to "counteract" symptoms of mercury detox, also the melatonin.
Thanks for starting this thread, Laura, it's good to have all this information in one place. One week ago I started out on 100mg of 5-HTP 30 mins before bed and I've noticed improved mood and sleep, less waking during the night and I fall asleep again faster when I do wake up. I suspect that I'm not taking enough so I will be slowly increasing the dose.

Smart Publications (publishers of 'Adrenal Fatigue' by James L Wilson) are offering a free to download text only copy of '5-HTP: The Natural Alternative to Prozac®', which can be found at _ It's a short booklet which contains some very interesting information about 5-HTP, including a discussion of the difference between drugs like Prozac and 5-HTP.

andi said:
I have 5-htp at home and I took some but I have avoided to take it because I can see nothing written about gluten and since it says nothing, I suspect it contains gluten.
It says on the label - no diary, sugar, preservatives or starch (starch ?? does that imply a lack of gluten?). In all my other supplement it is written - no gluten. The brand is called ''Life'' , anybody has any idea?

Sounds like the 'Life' brand does contain gluten. I've got Healthy Origins 5-HTP here and the label specifically states no gluten. In fact it states: 'Free of Sugar, Salt, Yeast, Wheat, Gluten, Corn, Barley, Fish, Shellfish, Nuts, Tree Nuts, Milk Products. No Preservatives, Artificial Flavors, or Synthetic Colours.'
You can take 5 HTP while doing the mercury detox, it will definitely help. The L-taurine is also a mood calmer and it is included in the protocol to "counteract" symptoms of mercury detox, also the melatonin.

Thank again Psyche for answering so quickly, my mood as been on the down slope since Paris and I really need to stop this as it start to have repercussion on my family life. I will get some 5-htp today and take it along the dmsa and the rest of supplement in the protocol.
Spent a couple of hours researching 5-HTP & vitamins with no Magnesium Stearate. Found this brand (MRM: Metabolic Response Modifiers) of 5-HTP that looks promising. Wanted to share and see if anybody has experience with this brand.


I am thinking about ordering this one (within 60 days) and was interested in any feedback.



* Enhances Mood and Sleep Patterns
* Supports Weight Management

L-5-hydroxy-Tryptophan (5-HTP) is the immediate precursor of serotonin. The production and maintenance of serotonin levels in the brain are directly related to sleep patterns, mood shifts, tranquility, and compulsive behavior (including eating patterns). Use of 5-HTP has been shown to aid weight loss, reduce "carbo" cravings, improve mood and reduce mood fluctuations as well as promote normal sleep patterns.

* Natural Source from Griffonia Seed
* Tested for Potency and Purity
* Free of "Peek X" Contamination

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Vegetarian Tablets 1 Capsules
Servings per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
L-5-Hydroxytryptophan (Griffonia simplicifolia seed) 100 mg *

*Daily value not established.

Other Ingredients: Rice Flour. Capsule is made of plant cellulose.

Free Of
Common allergens and artificial colors.


PTSD: The Serotonin System Influences Vulnerability And Treatment

Posted on: Friday, 18 June 2010, 00:45 CDT

There is a great deal of interest in factors that contribute to the vulnerability to developing post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. One factor that appears to contribute to the heritable vulnerability to PTSD is a variation in the gene that codes for the serotonin transporter, also known as the serotonin uptake site. Having a shorter version of the serotonin transporter gene appears to increase one's risk for depression and PTSD after exposure to extremely stressful situations. This same gene variant increases the activation of an emotion control center in the brain, the amygdala. More recently, scientists began focusing on factors contributing to resilience to the impact of stress exposure. Could the same gene that contributes to the vulnerability to PTSD be implicated in the recovery from PTSD?

In their new study appearing in Biological Psychiatry, Dr. Richard Bryant and colleagues assessed whether serotonin transporter genotype predicted a change in patients' PTSD severity following treatment. Specifically, patients with PTSD were classified according to their genotype, and they received eight weeks of cognitive behavior therapy. Approximately one-third of patients do not respond to this treatment, and this study has now demonstrated that there may be a genetic basis for not responding to this therapy.

Dr. Bryant explained: "Patients with PTSD who carried the short allele of the serotonin transporter gene promoter responded more poorly to treatment than other PTSD patients. This study highlights that the serotonin system is implicated in responding to cognitive behavior therapy."

The recent focus on personalized medicine has emphasized the impact of variation in genes that influence the responses to medications. This study supports the reasoning that genetic variation would also influence the response to psychotherapeutic or rehabilitative treatments.

Dr. John Krystal, Editor of Biological Psychiatry, noted, "While this study identifies a potential predictor of poor treatment response, it also may help to identify groups of individuals who respond relatively favorably to treatment. It is interesting this 'good outcome' group is a group that is also more resilient, i.e., less likely to develop PTSD or depression, after stress."

Although further research is necessary, this initial finding indicates that PTSD treatments may need to be modified to accommodate patients' genetic profiles.
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