Session 1 August 1998


FOTCM Member
August 1, 1998

Frank, Laura, Ark

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Yortah.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: We have some interesting questions this evening, but before we get started I would like to ask a personal question. Will that be okay?

A: Yes.

Q: The problem is that [child aged 8] has developed some patches on her skin that pretty much look like psoriasis. Is this, in fact, what it is?

A: Is yeast related.

Q: Can you give me some effective therapies that I can implement?

A: Therapies not as important as behaviors.

Q: What behaviors could I implement, or she, or whatever? Behaviors in what sense?

A: [Child] likes close contact with protozoa laden surfaces.

Q: Ah, behaviors. Okay.

A: Animals, dirt, et cetera, you get the picture?

Q: Yes. So, what can I do to get this to clear up in addition to keeping a closer eye on where she goes, sits, plays, and so forth?

A: Exactly.

Q: Just that? I need to do something. Just my 'yeast attack' program?

A: Yes and baking soda salves.

Q: Anything else on that?

A: No.

Q: Thank you very much. Now, in a previous session when we were talking about the initial discussion about the brown dwarf, you compared the companion star to an electron. In the discussion of the electron, you said that an electron emits gravity. Recently you said that this companion star does not radiate. But, does it emit gravity?

A: Radiation is at lower end of scale, and gravity is present.

Q: I was reading about the interactions between twin star systems, and it is conjectured that when a companion star approaches its primary, that the primary star 'robs' something from it. There are even photographs of gases flowing from the smaller star to the larger. Is this the case with this particular system?

A: Was.

Q: And it is now no longer the case?

A: Barely.

Q: I also read about these WIMPs, or Weakly Interactive Massive Particles, that they say are at the core of the sun, and that somehow they modulate the sun's internal temperature. Do these WIMPs exist?

A: All exists which is imagined.

Q: Well, that's not helpful. Also, this stuff in this book says that when the sun shrinks there are fewer, or no, sunspots, and that the shrinking of the sun increases the radiation because it burns hotter, yet the climate on the earth gets cooler...

A: Gravitationally related.

Q: The weather is related to gravity?

A: Earth may not deviate as much annually.

Q: (A) When looking for clues about Lodz, we came upon these pages of the guy from Lodz, whom I know. He speculates about faster than light particles. The main hypothesis is that neutrinos really travel faster than light. Is this the case?

A: This is opening a doorway to hyperspace.

Q: (A) You mean investigating this question?

A: Close.

Q: (A) Or using neutrinos?

A: Combine with those on the pathway of wormholes.

Q: (L) Well, on that subject, when you said 'pathway by the lightpoles,' did you mean the poles of the Sun?

A: Investigate.

Q: (L) Well, when you said 'Russian at heart,' were you referring to faster than light particles at the heart of the Sun, i.e. neutrinos?

A: If so, look for a Russian scientist.

Q: (A) Is the Russian scientist Sakharov?

A: Sakharov!

Q: (A) Is this related to the research that I was doing...

A: Yes. And Sakharov was censored for reasons other than publicized.

Q: (L) There have been a couple of movies that we have seen lately, 'The Sphere,' and 'Event Horizon,' about spaceships that go into black holes and then re-emerge with some very strange things going on. The whole idea of a space ship going into a black hole just sort of boggles my mind. I would like to know what would be experienced by a person or space ship that goes into a black hole? What would it be like?

A: Disintegration, followed by conversion to anti-material energy.

Q: (L) So it would not come out on the other side in another universe? (A) It will.

A: Yes, but not as matter.

Q: (L) After something has gone into a black hole, can it then re-emerge into the material universe intact?

A: No.

Q: (L) So, once it's gone in the black hole, it's sayonara, hasta la vista?

A: Stars are also portals of this nature.

Q: (L) So, what we perceive as stars in the anti-matter universe would be black holes?

A: No, windows.

Q: (L) But, if you lived in this other universe on the other side of black holes to us, what would the black holes look like from there?

A: Too complicated to explain.

Q: (L) Well, give me a reference...

A: That is just the point! You have no reference.

Q: (A) You mentioned hyperspace. What is hyperspace?

A: 4th through 7th density, except 4th only perceives it, as "living in the doorway."

Q: (L) Okay, back to these two movies: 'The Sphere' was about this huge UFO found on the bottom of the Pacific. I was just wondering if this book and movie have led to these stories about this huge UFO that is supposed to have gone under the water in the pacific?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Is there or is there not any truth to this story?

A: The rumor may be true, but the nature of it may differ.

Q: (L) I was also reading in some of the transcripts as I have been going through them getting them ready to print, that you once said that 'supremely powerful' STS forces were responsible for kidnapping and programming me. My question is: if they had me, why did they bring me back?

A: Would you expect otherwise?

Q: (L) Well, you said that they tried to do some programming and that it didn't work and that STO forces intervened. So, I am just a little confused. If I was such a threat to them, why did they bring me back. Under the circumstances, I could have just disappeared forever and that would be that!

A: No.

Q: (L) What prevented that?

A: Occlusion.

Q: (L) Occlusion of what?

A: Best to research through meditation and hypnosis.

Q: (L) Okay, back to the previous remark. You say that stars are portals. What, specifically, are they portals for, of, from or to?

A: How about other dimension. Remember, density and dimensional concepts intersect. Density level relates more to conscious awareness, but dimensions house consciousness and all other.

Q: (L) So, you can have many 'houses' along a row at one level and many at another level, in a vague sort of way?

A: Close.

Q: (A) Is the concept of density related to what Sakharov was doing?

A: Close. Think of hyperspace as 4th dimension.

Q: (L) I would like to ask, off on another subject, since there were so many instances when you promoted the presence of Terry and Jan, I am just wondering what are the implications of this choice they have made to move to Tallahassee?

A: Financial.

Q: (L) Are you saying they are going to make a lot of money or lose their shirts?

A: Open.

Q: (A) I have the impression that when they were present, certain questions that I asked were not answered. Is this correct?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Why is that?

A: Energies affected by notions.

Q: (L) Our energies affected by our notions or by their notions?

A: Coincides.

Q: (L) I would like to have a little check on [daughter]. Is she okay?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that it?

A: If that is all you will ask.

Q: (L) Well, is she anywhere to the point that she understands anything from my point of view, realizing that my point of view may not even be the right point of view...

A: No.

Q: (L) She's not, is that it?

A: Correct.

Q: (L) Is she still angry with me?

A: No.

Q: (L) How does she feel?

A: Busy with others.

Q: (L) I had the thought the other day that AnnaJ was going to arrive here and show up in court. What are the odds of this happening?

A: Unlikely.

Q: (L) Are we going to have any problems with the divorce hearing?

A: Worries are pointless, better to just take one step at a time.

Q: (L) Yes, but you are always telling us to expect the unexpected, and to prepare for things to head them off, and if that is a possibility, I would like to be prepared for it...

A: Are you dissatisfied?

Q: (L) No, I'm not dissatisfied. I just want to be prepared for any unexpected, bizarre things, because all kinds of unexpected bizarre things happen to us. All the time!

A: Then you are prepared.

Q: (L) Speaking of prepared, what happened to the bicycle key we mailed to John?

A: Fell out.

Q: (L) I want to ask about Frank's type B-negative blood. Is Frank an alien hybrid?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Well, that's real encouraging!

A: Best to discover.

Q: (A) What is the test of being an alien hybrid. One is this blood type, what is another?

A: No criteria, but subjects of this nature seem "off-center" by terrestrial standards. However, the truest nature of this subject is as of yet undiscovered.

Q: (L) Okay, this guy from the schoolboard is coming on Monday. Am I going to have any problems with him?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) According to Dr. Jacobs and the stuff you told us last week, we are pretty well fried on this planet.

A: No.

Q: (L) What are our options?

A: Vague.

Q: (L) I know that. But, there does not seem to be any other way to ask this question...

A: Knowledge protects, remember, there are no limits with knowledge.

Q: (L) That's all fine and dandy, but how are we ever going to learn enough in time? I feel like I am in a race.

A: No.

Q: (A) I want to ask about Lodz. Did we already get the clue and it's...

A: You are on the right track.

Q: (A) Now, this business about Sakharov, is this related, or better, when I think about Sakharov, I think about his theory that space, time metric can change signature; that space/time geometry builds a kind of singularity, changes the algebraic structure of the metric tensor; and I was trying to relate it to changing of density at some point...

A: Yes. Sakharov knew the answer was in the pentagon.

Q: (L) Do you mean 'pentagon' as in the government building, or as in the geometric structure?

A: Why do you suppose they are linked? Why is the "pentagon" a pentagon?

Q: (L) I don't know. Why is it?

A: Answers are within your grasp.

Q: (L) When you say 'grasp,' does it relate to five fingers... (A) or to the fifth dimension?

A: Yes, and what you possess.

Q: (L) What do you mean 'what you possess?'

A: The key is in this room and your office. But that is not the only meaning. Suggest you begin your quest by looking for patriots.

Q: (L) Do you mean the mirror?

A: No.

Q: (L) Do you mean the Commander X book?

A: Maybe...

Q: (L) The Matrix books?

A: Maybe...

Q: (L) On the internet?

A: Maybe...

Q: (L) Well... (A) What was this answer 'yes' to the changing of density and how it relates to what Sakharov was working on and how it connects to Kaluza Klein theories?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Well, I guess we are going to have to wait until I type it to make any sense out of it...

A: Geometry... pentagon and hexagon, algebraic equations...

Q: (A) Pentagon and hexagon algebraic equations... (L) What is the connection between the pentagon and hexagon?

A: Discover.

Q: (A) In physics and mathematics we write a triangle to symbolize certain operations in three-dimensional space. One draws a square to symbolize wave equations in 4 dimensional space. One draws a pentagon to symbolize equations in 5th dimensional space, and a hexagon to symbolize equations in 6 dimensional space.

A: Goodnight.

End of Session
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Q: (L) There have been a couple of movies that we have seen lately, 'The Sphere,' and 'Event Horizon,' about spaceships that go into black holes and then re-emerge with some very strange things going on. The whole idea of a space ship going into a black hole just sort of boggles my mind. I would like to know what would be experienced by a person or space ship that goes into a black hole? What would it be like?

A: Disintegration, followed by conversion to anti-material energy.

Q: (L) So it would not come out on the other side in another universe? (A) It will.

A: Yes, but not as matter.
Wow. I thought disintegration would be reflected as primal matter, not as anti-matter! This means that there is another cycle which transforms matter into anti-matter and possibly vice versa! It makes me think of the famous Möbius strip, a continuous motion with a twist that you can't even feel.
Q: (L) You said that changing the unit involves movement to another density. You also said that antimatter realm is the door to, or the pathway to, ethereal existence. Is 4th density, therefore, an antimatter universe?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do the beings in 4th density manifest in an antimatter state?
A: Both.

Q: (L) Is 4th density a density where both matter and antimatter are in balance?
A: Not in balance, in evidence.
Q: (L) So matter and antimatter are both available for utilization by individuals according to will and awareness?
A: Close. Antimatter and matter are balanced everywhere.
Q: (RS) Oh yes! That I can understand! The ultimate level. Is it true that the universe, as perceived from level three, which is expected to be made up of equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, is, in actuality, open? That is, is matter continuously created somewhere in the universe? Matter and anti-matter?
A: Better word would be: Recycled.
Q: (A) OK 1969: I was thinking about Kaluza-Klein theories. I was playing with algebras and infinite dimensions.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Alright I was thinking at the time about symmetry between matter and anti-matter.
A: Yes.
More evidence that there is a perfect, dynamic symmetry between matter and anti-matter. More matter here, less anti-matter there; more anti-matter here; less matter there. But the global net change is zero, i.e. there is a 'substance' which doesn't really change.

What could this 'substance' be?
Q: (L) You said that EM was the same as gravity. Does an increase in EM, the collection of EM or the production of an EM wave, does this increase gravity on those things or objects or persons subjected to it?
A: Gravity does not ever get increased or decreased, it is merely collected and dispersed.
Q: (L) If gravity is collected and dispersed, and planets and stars are windows, and you say that human beings "have" gravity, does that mean that the human beings, or the life forms on a given planet or in a given solar system, are the collectors of this gravity?
A: No. Gravity is the collector of human beings and all else! Make "collector" singular.
Here is a physical analogy. Water is collected locally and can appear to 'increase,' but its total quantity remains unchanged. As soon as the barrier is removed, a natural rebalancing takes place.

Now it makes more sense as to why the C's named gravity 'The Great Equalizer.'
Q: (L) So, being united with other beings on 5th, you come to some sort of understanding about your lessons....
A: Balanced. And this, my dear, is another example of gravity as the binder of all creation... "The Great Equalizer!"
Q: (L) In this picture in my mind, the cycle moves out, in dispersion, begins to accrete and return to the source. Is this correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is it, in fact, that exactly half of all that exists, is moving into imbalance, while the other half is moving into balance?
A: Close.
Q: (L) All the cosmos? All that exists?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it possible that one area of the cosmos has more of the balance seeking energy while another has more of that which is seeking imbalance?
A: Oh yes!
Q: (L) Is the Earth one of those areas that is more imbalanced than balanced at the present time?
A: Yes, but rapidly moving back toward balance.

Q: (L) Is the Realm Border part of this balancing?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Just reverse everything. Light is gravity. Optics are atomic particles, matter is anti-matter... just reverse everything to understand the next level... it can't be that easy. (J) Wait a second: gravity equals light, atomic particles equals optics, anti-matter equals matter? It is all about balance. (L) And the answer must always be zero.
A: And zero is infinity.
How is "zero" depicted? It's a closed structure... a circle!
As you go around it, there is no beginning and no end, or if you will, the beginning is the end and vice versa. Moreover, there is no intrinsic concept of time—if you want to measure your "progress" or how "quickly" you make turns, it is totally up to you!

Hmm... so gravity is static and allows infinite fluctuations within itself in an eternal quest for balance. Knowing this, what can we conclude about consciousness?
Q: (A) I asked a question long ago about mathematically modelling consciousness, and the answer was "visualise the inverted representation of the gravity geometric model" and that this would lead me to the geometric model of consciousness. But I couldn't find what inverted representation means. So what is it?
A: Do you have an equation for that model for gravity?
Q: (A) No. I don't have any equation. The model is a model and can have many different equations. Equation is something additional that makes the model work one way or another.
A: Find the equation, and then "invert."
Q: (A) Okay, so say I found the equation; I still don't know how to invert the equation. Read it backward? Upside down?
A: Gravity is consciousness "expressed."
Since gravity encompasses everything, consciousness must be contained within this gigantic structure and bound by gravity's "rules" which are primarily about balance. We can think of gravity as the game, and of consciousness as the players. If there is no game, there are no players. If there are no players, there is no game. Gravity and consciousness are intertwined. If gravity rebalances everything infinitely many times, consciousness creates "disturbances" infinitely many times.

But what is the minimum requirement to create a 'disturbance' that will provoke an inequality for gravity to resolve?

Well, opposition is required. However, if there is only one player, there is no possibility of opposition. At least two players are required. The disturbance stems from their disagreement. One pushes in one direction while the other pushes in the opposite direction. The mismatch in the orientation creates two camps, STO and STS.

But what is the disagreement about?
It can only be about truth.
Q: (L) Next question on the list: How do consciousness, information, and matter relate to each other?
A: Different concentrations of truth.
Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?
A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

How is the disagreement resolved?
Since gravity is a universal self-regulated balancing system driven by truth, it has the capacity to distinguish truth from falsehood.
If players deviate too strongly from truth such that gravity can no longer hold their contradictions in existence, gravity can reclaim their "pieces" and proceed to rebalancing.

Can the game run out of players?
No, because opposition is what makes the system balanced. Infinity is not only a measure of quantity, it is also a measure of perpetual stability.

Gravity is the context in which consciousness can learn. When consciousness is perfectly aligned with truth, it becomes gravity, i.e. the game, as it knows how to objectively achieve balance in all contexts.
Q: (L) I don't want to. (J) There is also no space! (T) Does the sphere keep expanding... as the circle expands and you turn the circle 180 ', you get a sphere. As the sphere continues to expand it, you take a point on the outer edge of the sphere in order to take the sphere about itself, you get a donut, an ever expanding inner tube. (L) With a black hole in the middle! (SV) Why does it have to be a black hole? (J) It's a spiral. (T) If you take that and twist it, you get an even larger inner tube. It just continues to expand and encompasses more space...

A: And now, when you merge densities, or traverse densities, what you have is the merging of physical reality and ethereal reality, which involves thought form versus physicality. When you can merge those perfectly, what you realize then, is that the reason there is no beginning and no end is merely because there is no need for you to contemplate a beginning or an end after you have completed your development. When you are at union with the One at Seventh density, that is when you have accomplished this and then there is no longer any need for difference between physical and ethereal forms.
Thank you for sharing. Given the recent news of sensational freak out video of the woman, reading this part is interesting.
Q: (L) I want to ask about Frank's type B-negative blood. Is Frank an alien hybrid?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Well, that's real encouraging!

A: Best to discover.

Q: (A) What is the test of being an alien hybrid. One is this blood type, what is another?

A: No criteria, but subjects of this nature seem "off-center" by terrestrial standards. However, the truest nature of this subject is as of yet undiscovered.
I remember C's saying Laura met few hybrids in one of the old sessions. They mentioned in the recent session that it was not possible to conclusively identify them.
Wow. I thought disintegration would be reflected as primal matter, not as anti-matter! This means that there is another cycle which transforms matter into anti-matter and possibly vice versa! It makes me think of the famous Möbius strip, a continuous motion with a twist that you can't even feel.
View attachment 79987

More evidence that there is a perfect, dynamic symmetry between matter and anti-matter. More matter here, less anti-matter there; more anti-matter here; less matter there. But the global net change is zero, i.e. there is a 'substance' which doesn't really change.

What could this 'substance' be?

Here is a physical analogy. Water is collected locally and can appear to 'increase,' but its total quantity remains unchanged. As soon as the barrier is removed, a natural rebalancing takes place.
View attachment 79989

Now it makes more sense as to why the C's named gravity 'The Great Equalizer.'

How is "zero" depicted? It's a closed structure... a circle!
View attachment 79992
As you go around it, there is no beginning and no end, or if you will, the beginning is the end and vice versa. Moreover, there is no intrinsic concept of time—if you want to measure your "progress" or how "quickly" you make turns, it is totally up to you!

Hmm... so gravity is static and allows infinite fluctuations within itself in an eternal quest for balance. Knowing this, what can we conclude about consciousness?

Since gravity encompasses everything, consciousness must be contained within this gigantic structure and bound by gravity's "rules" which are primarily about balance. We can think of gravity as the game, and of consciousness as the players. If there is no game, there are no players. If there are no players, there is no game. Gravity and consciousness are intertwined. If gravity rebalances everything infinitely many times, consciousness creates "disturbances" infinitely many times.

But what is the minimum requirement to create a 'disturbance' that will provoke an inequality for gravity to resolve?

Well, opposition is required. However, if there is only one player, there is no possibility of opposition. At least two players are required. The disturbance stems from their disagreement. One pushes in one direction while the other pushes in the opposite direction. The mismatch in the orientation creates two camps, STO and STS.

But what is the disagreement about?
It can only be about truth.

How is the disagreement resolved?
Since gravity is a universal self-regulated balancing system driven by truth, it has the capacity to distinguish truth from falsehood.
If players deviate too strongly from truth such that gravity can no longer hold their contradictions in existence, gravity can reclaim their "pieces" and proceed to rebalancing.

Can the game run out of players?
No, because opposition is what makes the system balanced. Infinity is not only a measure of quantity, it is also a measure of perpetual stability.

Gravity is the context in which consciousness can learn. When consciousness is perfectly aligned with truth, it becomes gravity, i.e. the game, as it knows how to objectively achieve balance in all contexts.
Thank you, Natus Videre for the comments. So much food for thought! Getting a glimpse that "gravity is consciousness expressed" and that our "distortions" in striving for objective truth are striving for gravity, this is really mind blowing and lack of better words.
Q: (A) When looking for clues about Lodz, we came upon these pages of the guy from Lodz, whom I know. He speculates about faster than light particles. The main hypothesis is that neutrinos really travel faster than light. Is this the case?

A: This is opening a doorway to hyperspace.
It might be probable that subjecting the brain tissue to force-fields that are clearly detectable by dowsing rods and pendulums, the very brain tissue gets modified.
Same way how you achieved your body cells modified by HBOT. I'm now using 6xpower force fields.
I take care to remain inside on average 16+ hours / day.
I felt / had the impression at even 3xpower that my brain is getting changed at the chemical / cellular level. I think I even posted it in the HBOT thread.

Doorway access to the Akashic Records is clearly increasing. Getting increased ticket-time to that library to get in contact with radically new material.

One has to have control against the same influences Ibn al-ʿArabī warned about. But we have The Work to take care of that.

C's even said IIRC: "Its fun to see how much you can access."

There are special work-profession areas, where one encounters heavy resistance by just poking around.

But if the goal is to get radically new ideas, to see old hypotheses and old theses in a new light - especially for academic fields, like physics for Ark, I think it is a very good idea to try this.

Originally just one dream stone was recommended to be kept under the pillow by the C's. However Ark isn't exactly looking for a general-mundane career solution in life.

You can clearly calculate, how much time you spend inside an 1xpower force field, if one dream stone is under your pillow.

I stated multiple times already I created an environment, where I'm inside the above stated force field strength the above stated time amount. I think it is HBOT for the brain.

This is my report about testing that 6xtimes power is still manageable.

Ark repeatedly stated he is open to Philosophical Comments on Physics on his blog.

Please convey this message to him. However weird it might sound: I stated this also multiple times that I think our careers, Ark's UFT and my Project C is connected at the timetable / achievement level. Despite geographical distance.

If the progress is only impeded by the need-search for accessing new insights / seeing the past work done in an entirely new light, above solution is clearly applicable, I think.
How is the disagreement resolved?
Since gravity is a universal self-regulated balancing system driven by truth, it has the capacity to distinguish truth from falsehood.
If players deviate too strongly from truth such that gravity can no longer hold their contradictions in existence, gravity can reclaim their "pieces" and proceed to rebalancing.
Your thoughts regarding the notion of a "deviation" of the "players" not going with the "flow", so to speak, brings to mind the following about "unstable waves can be static in their instability". In this context context, if I am not mistaken, I think the word "static" was meant to mean "in equilibrium", balanced, or going with the "flow":

3.24 June 29, 1996​

Q: (L) You are saying that gravity is everywhere in balance and static, and then you say that utilization causes unstable gravity waves. And then you say that gravity is God, and that God is all creation, and we are a part of all creation, and, therefore, we are of God, and gravity. So, what I am trying to get at here is what is the thing, the event, the manifestation, the mode of utilization that takes gravity from a perfectly static state to an unstable state, if you are saying it is always perfectly balanced. That does not make sense to me.

A: Instability does not automatically mean non-static. Unstable waves can be static in their instability.

3.22 June 15, 1996​

Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves… no, hold everything… do unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?

A: Throughout.

Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?

A: That is just the point, there is none.

(L) There are no unstable gravity waves?

A: Wrong…

Q: (L) There is no emanation point?

A: Yes.

(L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?

A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter,too!

Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other densities?

A: Everything.

(L) Can you generate them mechanically?

A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.

Q: (L) Okay, what kind of a device would collect and disperse gravity waves? Is this what spirals do?

A: On the way to.

Q: (L) So, if were to focus on collecting unstable gravity waves…

A: When you wrote “Noah” where did you place gravity?


Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle… the thing that keeps things together, like the way all the fat pulls together in a bowl of soup.

A: Gravity is all there is.

Q: (L) Is light the emanation of gravity?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is light?

A: Gravity.

Q: (L) Is gravity the same as the strong and weak nuclear forces?

A: Gravity is “God.”

Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?

A: If gravity is everything, what isn’t it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity.

Q: (L) Is gravity the “light that cannot be seen,”as the Sufis call it: the Source.

A: Please name something that is not gravity.

Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not gravity. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?

A: A mere thought.

Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?

A: Yes, there is.


Perhaps if consciousness units that have become so extremely STS that they are no longer utilizing gravity in a manner that honors Free Will for All, does not align with Truth = Love as Paul stated, and are no longer of the Prime Creator and of its "flow" that manifest through All consciousness units, this divine"equalizing" force in all of existence; these STS units then become part of non-existence since their manifested 'unstable gravity waves are no longer static or in balance in their instability'. They recycle for the balance between the existence and the non-existence of the All. They chose not to follow Life as their religion and learn to listen within and without and see what to DO to "go with the flow." Something I am still striving to learn before the end of this life cycle.

Well if the above is close, great, but if not, well back to what is important I think, which is the 3D simple and karmic lessons to be learned. As the C's said to Laura, "who says you have to “get it” before you get there?", there being 4D, regarding all the details of this gravity stuff; but the latter being said, I think for some individuals, "getting" it as close as possible while in 3D could be part of their lesson profiles, but not for all individuals I would imagine.

Also for what is worth, all the above thoughts is essentially why I created this prayer over the years, and finalized it about 2 or so years ago roughly:

"Oh Prime Creator, the Unified Collective Consciousness of All that IS, "thou, I Love." May you realize through us, our Souls' timeless contemplation of Knowledge, for balance with the All. Amen."

And amen as in, whatever will be, will be, praying with the intention of "grooving" and aligning closer and closer, step by step, to the divine "flow" within, but the latter only IF actions are taken to align with Truth = Love through learning about, and "working" to practice, spiritual hygiene. My 2 cents. Thank you very much Laura for continuing to work though posting the old sessions, and everyone's shared thoughts while reading them as well.
brings to mind the following about "unstable waves can be static in their instability". In this context context, if I am not mistaken,
I would always equate applying the concept of 'stable gravity waves' with getting up in the morning, saying a thankfulness / gratitude prayer, taking your supplements, going to work. Coming home. Cooking food (for family), drinking clean water, reading only approved books, watching only approved shows. Saying only approved words to others. Never deviating from social norm. Taking care not to become angry.
Always living as if like in a glass house. Taking care to never get into trouble. Always remaining morally praiseworthy. Taking care to never lose nerves. Taking care to never get depressed or anger others.

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Then I see above and think that in order to develop further and learn my lessons and finish my projects and get out of the forced Status-Quo Cart Rut of Life, I want to have Unstable Gravity Waves. Which can be conceptually equated with (translated to) a Lesson Learning Obstacle Course, I think. Such a created obstacle course can be managed in multiple ways - like you see people succeeding on bike rodeo tracks on TV -, stumbling, making mistakes.
Intentionally created, in order to get in contact with unstable energies, that I think can suffuse our multiple-esoteric-bodies and mind. So to use any similarly created / nudged situation as now 'Unstable Gravity Waves': how skilled sailors navigate the harsh seas of this world in strong winds.

But above is just my 'hacker mentality 2 cents'
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