Session 1 March 2025

Yeah, cholesterol levels are really badly misunderstood out there, and it seems both the public and medical professionals both repeat like a mantra that the lower the better. But then again, they also repeat that fluoride is good for our teeth and milk is great for the bones, so if something is widely considered to be good there's likelihood it isn't - and vice versa.

I can relate to your confusion about diet too Happy Poo. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, although there are some universal truths there too. I tried keto for an extended period of time and it didn't work for me. Carb cravings were insane for the entire period of a few months I was on the diet and I had a plethora of symptoms that just made this experiment an unsuccessful one. I did carnivore too and it was even worse. After 10 days I was so weak that I struggled to walk even short distances. I described my experiences here, and Gaby replied with the following:

I guess like keto, the carnivore diet isn't for everyone.

I don't know if it's of any use to you at all, but I thought I'd share what works for me in case it gives you a few ideas of things to try.

For example, intermittent fasting, i.e., temporary ketosis has been quite miraculous for me. I generally fast for 16-18 hours and my eating window is 6-8 hours.

I also do a form of calorie shifting (aka calorie cycling, or metabolic flexibility diet). My diet is predominantly low carb, high fat and protein, but as Wednesdays are days when I go to the office I make them my high carb lower fat/protein days. A day I'm out with friends is also a high carb day for me so I can enjoy myself instead of worrying about finding low carb stuff to eat when out and about. I guess it's not really calorie shifting per se, but carb shifting, but it does the trick. I read about it quite a bit and a lot of the research does say that the approach involves high and low carb days. Many sources say that fat should be included on low carb days, but not on high carb days, I guess the assumption is that one will not have a lot of it, hence low carb days are called low calorie days. Well, I just ignore it and have a lot of it :-)

Somehow mixing low carb meals with high carb ones on the same day doesn't work for me too well, but it took me a very long while to figure that out. And trying to stick to a low carb diet too religiously doesn't work either because carb cravings kick in and I start stuffing my face with processed sugar. Calorie cycling solves the problem because I get 1-2 days of carby sin per week :halo:

That said, I recently discovered that I cannot really handle processed sugar too well. I was having some weird symptoms and once I cut it out things got much better. So when I say high carb I mean stuff like potatoes, rice, fruit, bread, or a bit of chocolate here and there. I limit grains and avid legumes too. On my low carb days I only have meat with veggies and maybe a bit of creamy sauce (non-dairy), or a bit of bread to go with my ham or pates between meals, but that's mostly it. I almost exclusively drink sparkling mineral water with vitamin C so that's zero carbs too.

I cut out gluten and dairy years ago, but I actually have a bit of gluten around once every two weeks, occasionally once a week. I used to have a very bad reaction to gluten, mostly neurological (brain fogs, fatigue, depression, etc.) but ever since I started having small bits of it from time to time that reaction doesn't happen - while I also don't suffer the symptoms I that originally led me to cut out gluten either.

I guess the only way to find what works is to experiment and see what agrees with you, I hope you find an approach that works. And if it's a specific issue you're trying to address with diet you can always network about it. Someone may have had similar issues and they may be able to help :-)
Hi Ant22, thanks for taking the time and effort to write all of this out. I was going to write a more detailed response about diet etc, and will do hopefully when I've worked out what to say.
I'm just very grateful to you, thanks 🙏❤️
I may be wrong but until the doors close, some may graduate?

Thank you any way for your precisions!
Probably possible. It would depend, I think, on how much interaction they’ve had with soulled beings and how much they were able to mimic the higher centres so that the traits of those higher centres became their own and therefore, like growing a new limb, were able to ‘grow’ those higher chakras.

Yet, without knowing what that process actually entails, I suppose it would be more likely that a situation where an OP became a soulled being and was able to graduate in one lifetime would be quite rare and that the most likely scenario is that they continued their learning in another 3D realm repeating incarnations until they were able to crystallise their higher centres without draining that energy from anyone else.

That’s just a hypothesis though. I would imagine the kind of suffering (or love) required to fulfil becoming a soulled being from an OP in one lifetime would have to be so intense it would be more likely that a being couldn’t handle that kind of electricity without being seriously fragmented, may be this is the case that’s required for something like that to happen, and the lifetimes of reincarnation that proceed after are for collection of the fragmented individuated self until one can solidify a constant ‘I’ .

It’s said that the more interaction animals have with humans the closer they get to being able to graduate to 3D and that things like being a lab testing animal which induces a lot of fear, essentially teaching the animal to identify with itself, is one of the ways which prepares an animal for a level of self awareness required to qualify for 3D.
If RFK jr exposes even more of the covid fraud and/or the injections genocide, the chances of the PTB creating another fake pandemic would be slim. How likely is it that he will do his job? I don't know, but there seems to be a good chance that he will.
If there is any hanging it will be of cometary origin with a high lethality rate, which confirms C's prediction on the subject. Things will indeed be increasingly chaotic if this happens.
Thank you @Fluffy

he most likely scenario is that they continued their learning in another 3D realm repeating incarnations until they were able to crystallise their higher centres without draining that energy from anyone else.
This is encouraging.

I would imagine the kind of suffering (or love) required to fulfil becoming a soulled being from an OP in one lifetime would have to be so intense it would be more likely that a being couldn’t handle that kind of electricity without being seriously fragmented, may be this is the case that’s required for something like that to happen, and the lifetimes of reincarnation that proceed after are for collection of the fragmented individuated self until one can solidify a constant ‘I’ .
I am not sure that the process of acquiring a soul is that traumatic. Soul is a natural growth, achieved on a road towards STO. The friction you hypothesize may be due to the counteraction of STS, but I would tend to see the soul process as quite calm, positive, uplifting.

EDIT: I was thinking. The process of 4D STS possession must be reversible to a certain extent, for OP's? "One week/month of bee keeping, with positive people praying"
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(thorbiorn) Suppose 25% or 20% psychopaths are in the country, then I understand some of them are failed OPs and I think it was 6% or something on average. But what about the others? Are there other categories?
Lobaczewski speaks of different scenarios in regard of "psychopaths". His approach would be to spectate "psychopathology" in a society.

He does not specifically mentions OP's, but he classifies the appearance of psychopathology with:

ACQUIRED DEVIATIONS ..................................................................105
INHERITED DEVIATIONS ..................................................................120

Acquired deviations occur after brain lesions. He sums it up as follows:

Character anomalies developing as a result of brain-tissue
damage behave like insidious [...] factors.

Seems logical, as a brain tissue lesion would be suscepetible of modifying the perception, the perception of reality, and the modd (the "character") because it could touch at some neural path ways. He speaks of "negative deformation of their characters".

He lists several scenarios:
  • Paranoid character disorders
  • Frontal characteropathy (so, when a lesion occurs at the frontal place of the brain)
  • Drug-induced characteropathies
And so, "acquired" as in acquired during the course of events. Physical trauma, sexual abuse would fall into this.

Inherited deviations seems to be what you hinted at. There is a biological conditioning of psychopathology. It's native, and some people are born with a ground of psychopathology. He lists some:

Schizoidia -
Literature provides us with descriptions of several varieties
of this anomaly, whose existence can be attributed either to
changes in the genetic factor or to differences in other individual
characteristics of a non-pathological nature.

Essential psychopathy -
let us characterize another heredity-transmitted
anomaly whose role in ponerogenic processes on any social
scale appears exceptionally great

Other psychopathies -
the asthenic psychopathy

And I found a quote adding:

Other psychopathies, known as asthenic, schizoidal,
anankastic, hysterical, et al., definitely play second fiddle although,
in sum, they are much more numerous. Relatively
primitive skirtoidal individuals (...)

It's not in the chapters listed before, so there may be a requirement for sorting those out (example: "hysterical" may be acquired).

Lobaczewski adds:

I would like to warn those readers lacking knowledge and
experience of their own in this area not to fall prey to the impression
that the world surrounding them is dominated by individuals
with pathological deviations, whether described herein
or not; it is not.

He provides a graph:

Capture d'écran 2025-03-15 070319.png

If that's the generic model, the panorama should be this. OP's turning into psychopaths would make one of those grow, but they don't seem initially part of it. I don't see a "50/50, OP / humans".

I don't think that an OP matches hereditary psychopathies. I believe that an OP indeed has some "biologically conditioned condition" - "potentially leading to a psychopathic condition, if...". So their basic ground may be sane, in opposition to DIFFERENT characters, such as schizoidia, essential psychopathy. But I may be wrong.
Sometimes people find the necessary strength to change by being on the brink of self destruction
It boggles my mind to even imagine how much efforts, technological advancements, time and more, that it had taken the creators to enable these processes. That is not a “natural selection” that is responsible for it, don’t you think?
I have sometimes wondered what kind of animals OPs come from
I hadn't thought of lab rats but yes they do get a lot of human interaction, I thought more dairy cows , working horses and pets like dogs and cats would be 3D candidates.
Animals that have pleasant interactions with people, not the tortured ones
Here's the session (13 July 2002) where organic portals were discussed fairly thoroughly:
Q: Mouravieff says that there are two kinds of humans - he calls the "pre-Adamic" and "Adamic," (discussed in book III). The idea is that pre-Adamic human types basically have no "soul" nor any possibility of growing one. This is a pretty shocking idea, but there have been recent scholarly discussions of this matter based on what seems to be clinical evidence that, indeed, there are human beings who are just "mechanical" and have no "inner" or "higher self" at all. [See: "Division of Consciousness"] Gurdjieff talked about this and so did Castaneda. Are these ideas Mouravieff presents about the two basic TYPES of humans, as far as they go, accurate?

A: Indeed, though again, there is a "Biblical Gloss."

Q: Mouravieff says that the "pre-Adamic" humans do not have the higher centers, nor the possibility of developing them in this cycle - which we assume to be the Grand Cycle you have previously described, the length of which is around 300,000 years. Is this an accurate representation of "pre-Adamic" beings?

A: Yes, they are "organic" portals between levels of density.

Q: Based on what Mouravieff has said, it seems to be so that any efforts to try to raise the consciousness of such individuals is doomed to fail.

A: Pretty much. Most of them are very efficient machines. The ones that you have identified as psychopaths are "failures." The best ones cannot be discerned except by long and careful observation.

Q: (V) Have I, or anyone in this room, ever encountered any, and if so, can you give us an example for reference?

A: If you consider that the population is equally distributed, then you will understand that in an ordinary "souled" person's life, that person will encounter half as many organic portals as souled individuals. BUT, when someone is in the process of "growing" and strengthening the soul, the Control System will seek to insert even more "units" into that person's life. Now, think of all the people you have ever met and particularly those with whom you have been, or are, intimate. Which half of this number would YOU designate as being organic portals? Hard to tell, eh?

Q: (BT) Is this the original meaning of the "pollution of the bloodline" that the Bible talks about?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) This certainly gives a whole new meaning to all the experiences we have had with people like "Frank" and Vincent Bridges and Terri Burns, Olga and the rest of the gang! What this means is that the work of discerning these organic portals from souled human beings is CRUCIAL to the so-called ascension process. Without the basic understanding of transformation of, and conservation of energies, there is no possibility of fusing a magnetic center. No wonder the Bridges gang and the COINTELPRO types went bananas while I was publishing the Adventures Series! And sheesh! They will go bonkers with this organic portal stuff! (V) In thinking back over my life, it seems to me that my father is certainly one of these organic portals.

A: Now, do not start labeling without due consideration. Remember that very often the individual who displays contradictory behavior may be a souled being in struggle.

{We may assume that this remark can refer to all individuals mentioned in the question paragraph.}

Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are saying is that the really good ones - you could never tell except by long observation. The one key we discovered from studying psychopaths was that their actions do not match their words. But what if that is a symptom of just being weak and having no will? (A) How can I know if I have a soul?

A: Do you ever hurt for another?

Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy. These soulless humans simply don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or misery, they don't know how to care.

A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain control.

Q: (A) What does having a soul or not having a soul have to do with bloodline?

A: Genetics marry with soul if present.

Q: Do "organic portals" go to fifth density when they die?

A: Only temporarily until the "second death."

{This refers to an esoteric tradition teaching that some consciousness units dissipate over a period of 40 days after death unless the individual has crystallized an individuated soul.}

Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come from?

A: They were originally part of the bridge between 2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave cycles.

Q: (A) Now, I was reading in the transcripts that sleep is necessary for human beings because it was a period of rest and recharging. You also said that the SOUL rests while the body is sleeping. So, the question is: what source of energy is tapped to recharge both the body and the soul?

A: The question needs to be separated. What happens to a souled individual is different from an organic portal unit.

Q: (L) I guess that means that the life force energy that is embodied in Organic Portals is something like the soul pool that is theorized to exist for flora and fauna. This would, of course, explain the striking and inexplicable similarity of psychopaths, that is so well defined that they only differ from one another in the way that different species of trees are different in the overall class of Tree-ness. So, if they don't have souls, where does the energy come from that recharges Organic Portals?

A: The pool you have described.

Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a similar pool, only maybe the "human" pool?

A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked by the lower intellectual center and the moving center, transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of the lower centers' interaction with those pesky organic portals so much loved by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also more available to the other higher centers.
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