I am not a pro on those matters but I wanted to participate in regard of several discussions:
Imagine what happens when a 4D STS dude suddenly realizes that by doing his 4D STS things vis a vis humans with the aim of controlling them and 'locking them down', that the adversity and suffering he creates for said humans actually results in an undetermined number of them learning and growing beyond 4D STS ability to control them and, more to the point, pushing them towards an STO alignment.
Surely any self-respecting and intelligent 4D STS dude would understand that he is, in fact, no serving STS or self but actually serving others and STO, and would then have an existential crisis and maybe decide to 'switch sides'.
Yes, even out of self-preservation, the above makes sense. It could be their call for walking the STO road.
Imagine what happens when a 4D STS dude suddenly realizes that by doing his 4D STS things vis a vis humans with the aim of controlling them
I would even say: if he is about to be discarded, like an expandable soldier. The STS hierarchy seems basically funtionning out of such principle - expandability of lower level "soldiers" - and the cake is not intended to be splitted. This suggests an elite core group - out of reach of lower echelons, I believe. There is some CEO group pulling the strings and I believe that their basic first spec is that of being 100% external and innaccessible. They may even brainwash their own members, daily (?). At some point, it could be that the lower members can see that their best interest lies in leaving such group.
Interesting discussion about soul responsibility:
if we somehow 'went against' the nature of our soul group in a definitive way, then we're essentially detached from the one thing that can ensure our future survival
Aren't unindividuated souls the same as OP's? Isn't it the natural progression from something like "group souls" in 2D to developing individual souls in 3D?
@axj I would say that unindividuated souls and OP's are starting from scratch, without soul, but that as they are already Adamic/Pre-Adamic at this stage, I would see two different roads, for the acquisition of a soul. (There may be common "ways" that would work for both).
Your second thought meets an interesting concept I never thought of; but I believe that the soul acquisition process is an individual one (at least for Adamics, Pre-Adamics). There may be some "tribes" out there who work as "one tribal unit" and that the soul acquisition would work in parrallel? Or it may be that the soul acquisition process works as you suggested, and that God sent "batches" of people? People of the same tribe born at the same time. They would be in some boat together. Very interesting.
I would still see some "global soul group" as being an additional one than the individual soul. We sometimes speak of "the unconscious of the masses". Is there a soul, there, too? Is it "the Earth's soul"?
It could be that the 2D cohesion stops once at 3D towards 4D?
I think one needs some awareness of the fact that they are acting against their soul for there to be a smashing event. If someone kills someone and has no remorse about it, thinks it was just according to their impulses, then in my opinion this wouldn’t qualify for a soul smashing event.
The above two quotes from Joe and axj hints at the responsibility of a soul group - if a member does really wrong he could attract smashing to other members. And that you are speaking here of this type of events for an individual. It could be that there exists different types of it, depending.
The question of karma came to mind as well, as some universal (and genuine) mechanism for "retribution" / accountability. Is soul smashing the operative effect of karma?
But, for example, OPs can have morals.
" typical " yes 40-50% , re. morals , having only 2 centers ( See Gnosis for this ) , their morality is only contextual or as has been described , as a reflection , entirely non-self referential ,
If we were to contemplate an OP in the process of the acquisition of a soul, he may have moral or some form of it? I understand that moral is not that much the thing of a basic OP and that they function out of a different setting - looks quite damaging for humans.
From what I remember, OP's are like bridges between 3D and 4D STS. A question I have always asked myself without finding an answer is if this state of affairs is what God wanted, initially, in terms of operativity for OP's. Wouldn't they have been initially made for being a bridge between 3D and 4D STO?
In any case, and back to Joe's post, I see OP's as not the top of the chain. I see OP's as very mean, very dammageable. They are akin to some soldiers - but - they are not the top of the chain, and they will be discarded by their handlers as soon as the situation requires it. To me, they are a very expandable form of STS. If we see how STS operates, it's "me-take-all-the-cake".
Joe hints at a situation where an intermediary, in some lambda STS hierarchy, figures out he will be discarded by his "handlers"/bosses. He would of course serve his interests and switch sides. Depending, he would "behave". Previously, he was "carrying on" orders from his hierarchy. But if he leaves, he will (may) listen and behave.
I suppose that a similar process may take place for OP's finding out that they are about to be discarded. But OP's are just used for bridge to 4D STS. It would be akin to "long term possession". So it would be hard for them to act out of a different mode. SOme may be nuts and it would be even difficult to take with them. But I believe it could be possible. Those OP's seem to be the mechanism operatives, the cogs.
Who decided to form it? Is it autonomous? Because if it is autonomous, then I understand less.
I sometimes wonder about this. Is the quorum subject to "stealing a seat"? Do they proceed like a company, "call for tenders"? As well, some STS are sometimes very greedy. Does the Quorum has an internal mechanism to prevent internal STS members from going "me-all-the-cake"?
This has been on my mind:
Interesting! What would we looking for? I cannot think outside of the basic meaning of "mort".
Well, just many two cents, if some have firm answers in regard of the above considerations, feel free to assert!

I like the session and it triggers very interesting discussions. I see that many of those questions and discussions already have the answers, somewhere, and that it is good than to speak about those matters because those are core questions. Thank you for your participation, interrogations. As you see, I have some too and it helps me than to frame the concepts and talk about it.
EDIT: Something that transpires (and true at least for me) is "what are we looking for? in term of psychopaths, OP's, failed stuffs, etc etc when staring at society"

I believe that some people (at least me) are trying to spot those and figuring a more solid consideration. The first step is knowing there are,and that they have a different names.What to do then?Are the psychopaths we speak of "a fixed form" and the OPS another fixed form? I see that we may benefit from some lights on this topic. "Spotting those, in society"