Session 1 March 2025

How many days a week do you practice intermittent fasting?
Thanks for sharing so many details; it sounds like something that could work for me, with a little bit of tweaking :)

For a longer while now I've been doing intermittent fasting 5-7 days a week. I started in 2019 when it was discussed on the forum, but I didn't stick to it so regularly and frequently. These days I try to get solid 16 hours of fasting most days of the week.

In my case intermittent fasting is fairly easy because despite being an early bird I'm not really hungry until 9-11am, and I rarely feel hungry after 4-5pm. I was really hungry in the evenings when I first started and I couldn't handle more than a few days of IF per week but after a while my body just got used to not getting food after 3-5pm.

Intermittent fasting was mentioned in the sessions too, here are a few excerpts in case this helps:
Q: (Andromeda,) What about this intermittent fasting? Will that help at all?

A: Indeed.

Q: (L) So, intermittent fasting, keeping close watch on the sleep cycles, probably getting the injections, being really good on the diet, iodine, fish oil, B vitamins, chromium piccolinate, and vitamin D... Several things that are very specific to this particular condition that we need to take care of.
Q: (L) Oh, and there was one thing I had at the bottom of the list. I guess it goes with diet. I thought it was a good idea to fast one day a week.

A: Intermittent fasting will do.

You may have seen it already, but in case you haven't you may be interested in this session where IF was discussed, and additional resources about it were shared:

Imagine what happens when a 4D STS dude suddenly realizes that by doing his 4D STS things vis a vis humans with the aim of controlling them and 'locking them down', that the adversity and suffering he creates for said humans actually results in an undetermined number of them learning and growing beyond 4D STS ability to control them and, more to the point, pushing them towards an STO alignment.

Surely any self-respecting and intelligent 4D STS dude would understand that he is, in fact, no serving STS or self but actually serving others and STO, and would then have an existential crisis and maybe decide to 'switch sides'.
that let me think of Goethe:
"...a part of that power,
Which always wants evil and always creates good ...
I am the spirit that always denies!
And rightly so; for everything that comes into being
Is worthy to perish;
Therefore it would be better that nothing should come into being.
So everything that you call sin,
Destruction, in short, evil,
My actual element."
Imagine what happens when a 4D STS dude suddenly realizes that by doing his 4D STS things vis a vis humans with the aim of controlling them and 'locking them down', that the adversity and suffering he creates for said humans actually results in an undetermined number of them learning and growing beyond 4D STS ability to control them and, more to the point, pushing them towards an STO alignment.
It is possible that at that level this is an outcome that is already anticipated as a possibility.
Surely any self-respecting and intelligent 4D STS dude would understand that he is, in fact, no serving STS or self but actually serving others and STO, and would then have an existential crisis and maybe decide to 'switch sides'.
Compression can be one of the causes of changing polarity.

It seems that this is not enough for the lizards, since they have entrenched their polarity and this knowledge must be within their reach without a doubt.
A: Miojlla of Cassiopaea here. Good evening. Yes, there are agents of chaos loose upon your plane. Worry not. Awareness and mental blocking can protect.
"agents of chaos" is an interesting phrase, given the huge disruption to the deep state that has been emanating down into the United States. Have many of these "agents" lost the connection to their 'center' and are flailing around chaotically, with nothing left to lose?

Q: (L) [..] Is it possible that there is some kind of switch in us, or some kind of receiver, that understands upcoming changes and it manifests in a large way in a human population?
A: Yes
So many people looking out there at the skies revealing the unseen... comets, brown dwarf stars, supernovae... perhaps even the Wave?

Q: [..] (Mrs. Peel) Are the meditations and prayers we are doing for the world and others having any effect?
A: Yes
Q: (Mrs. Peel) Are they having the intended effects?
A: Since you are careful with your intentions, yes.
Q: (Mrs. Peel) If yes, is there anything more or different that we can do to enhance it?
A: Repetition.
Q: (Mrs. Peel) Is there anything we are doing wrong that we can correct or do better?
A: Practice makes perfect. You are all growing more proficient at navigating in the etheric realms.
Good to know! This got me thinking about a possible relationship between quantum states, other 'dimensions' and the etheric realms, with consciousness as the navigator/'elector'.

Q: (L) It would be probably very few of them that are strong STS candidates. Am I correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So the reason for there being more psychopaths, probably of the failed OP variety, would be simply genetic?
A: Yes.
So not all psychopaths are STS candidates, but all STS candidates are psychopaths, just like not all OPs are psychopaths, but all psychopaths are OPs.

Something that I think has been overlooked in the whole '50/50 pre-adamics/adamics' discussion is that it's not really psychos+OPs+souled beings, it's psychos+OPs+unindividuated souls+individuated souls. For unindividuated souls and OPs, the balance might always be 50/50, but once a soul has individuated, the balance might depend more on polarity, consciousness and choice of association. Of course, if one of the properties of 'individuated souls' means having a fully-fused magnetic center, then there don't appear to be too many of these on the planet.

Yet, there are people like Trump and Putin who have appear to have certain immutable qualities that might lead us to think they are individuated in some way. So what exactly is the criteria for 'individuated'? I'm not sure, but I think it might be a lot less than the Gurdjieffian criteria, meaning there could potentially be hundreds of thousands, even millions of individuated souls on the planet today.

A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.
Q: (L) Well, we have thrilling, and we have chaotic.
I guess those "agents of chaos" are going to live up to their names! Tantrums incoming! 😄
Many people here can't talk to their colleagues, friends and family about the topics we discuss here. So, I understand your wish to talk to someone face to face, it's not always easy to navigate this world, but at least you have started networking, and that's really good. Also, it's up to us to be careful about what we are saying and to whom as most people are simply not ready to hear what is really going on as they have not suffered enough yet... But remember that you are not alone, it may feel like that, but you are not. :flowers:
Thank you for your kind words and yeah I get it now, I need to be careful and just keep learning, pay attention and not just focus on myself. It feels great to be part of this wonderful community. Thanks!!! :lol:
Ah..., okay thanks.

Yes, I am very rebellious and I only accept advice from those who, in my limited understanding, I understand as wise people.

So thanks for your advice.
Well I used to be a lot like this, and still have tendencies. Yet I’ve learned that there is always something to gain from every experience, every interaction and every moron, jerk, dumbshit and the average sleeping idiot- actually they are amazing teachers of humility, humbleness and temperance and I used those harsh words to label them because that’s my default, to be cynical, critical, and judgmental, but there’s is so much to learn about ourselves in the thing that we oppose the most.
(Joe) I have a question about soul smashing. Why do higher selves of souls allow them to be smashed? Couldn't they just "call them home" before that happened?

A: Souls that are subject to being "smashed" are generally unindividuated and the smashing process is a sort of degaussing and the "higher self" perceives this loss of energy as a sort of cleansing. Sort of like amputation in your realm.

That is, if I understood it correctly, that this happens if the soul does not manage to individualize itself completely, that is to say to generate the magnetic center and to fuse(?) the small I's. Is this correct? Especially because they use the word degaussing.

I think no. It's not that if someone does not do The Work that they have their soul smashed. It's if their life experiences, including receiving individual negative attention from 4D STS and the general ponerisation of being in the 3D STS environment, 'breaks their spirit' (to use an English phrase) and causes them to act against their own nature, to consciously make decisions that go against what they know is right, which is called "sinning against one's soul" by Illion in "Darkness Over Tibet". Note that the C's say it's unindividuated souls, not unindividuated people/personalities.

To understand this unindividuation of the soul, I suppose that metaphysically, if I decide to act against my soul, then that would produce a split in my soul, since there would need to be two things existing - the one part to act against the other. And it's the one that 'acts against' that gets smashed, amputated.
(Joe) I have a question about soul smashing. Why do higher selves of souls allow them to be smashed? Couldn't they just "call them home" before that happened?

A: Souls that are subject to being "smashed" are generally unindividuated and the smashing process is a sort of degaussing and the "higher self" perceives this loss of energy as a sort of cleansing. Sort of like amputation in your realm.
How would you define soul smashing? Cause I'm not sure if it was ever properly defined. I tried the Transcript Search, but all I got was kinda intuitive understanding of it.
How we ask 4D STO for help for us to become STO and for protection against 4D STS?

Have any 4D Orion STS crossed over to STO?
A: Now, to answer your question: Are the Reptilian beings, or Lizard beings, STO. Of course, some can cross over into STO. However, their natural environment is STS as they have chosen. But, whether or not any of the cyber-genetic Gray beings cross over into STO, and or the Lizard Beings cross over into STO, these are not connected to one another, these two concepts: they are independent.

Q: (L) I understand. Okay, would you say there is any percentage, any fairly measurable percentage of Lizard beings that are STO?

A: It is VERY, VERY small. EXTREMELY small. Hardly worth mentioning.

Q: (L) What about the Grays?

A: That might be slightly higher, but again, it is very small, relatively speaking.

Q: (L) Is there another race of beings that are manipulating or using the Lizard beings?

A: Could you elaborate?

Q: (L) Are the Lizard Beings agents for some other group?

A: Well that is a rather simple question. But, there are levels of authority in 4th density STS environment. And these are determined by intellectual and physical prowess, as always, in STS. The "pecking order" as you call it. So, therefore, we could state that at the bottom are those you are familiar with as the Gray beings, and in the middle are those you would call the Lizard Beings, and above that are others that you are not so familiar with.

Q: (L) Who are they?

A: The most commonly known, of course, are the Orion STS.

Q: (L) What do they look like?

A: They are, in fact, humanoid in structure, resembling large human beings.
Thank you for the session! "Souls that are subject to being "smashed" are generally unindividuated and the smashing process is a sort of degaussing and the "higher self" perceives this loss of energy as a sort of cleansing. Sort of like amputation in your realm."

The amputated energy just dissolve and cease to exist?
It is not an individual conciousness thus alterations are needed for that souls self actualization/realization so it can realize its potential hence the amputation. If it’s not individuated my guess is it’s not good material for the larger consciousness system to “use” for its and other souls growth thus the amputation. What happens to the amputated portion of soul my guess it goes back as raw material for the system to use as it wishes. It wouldn’t be useful in reincarnation to make choices that evolve the system to realize its potential - it can’t be used in the recipe so to speak needs to go back to factory and produced again
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