Session 1 March 2025

Sessions are translated into many languages, so you can check details or ask questions.
The above quote is from Casswiki. I don't know if there is a translation in my language.
After your kind suggestion, I looked up the date of the session from which the quoted part is and checked, it was not translated into my language.
Then I checked, whether I asked a question or just assumed that I did. I didn't ask a question.
So now I ask: Did I understand correctly the answer from Cass, which I colored green in the quote above?
Thanks for sharing another session.
Reading the comments, I got the impression that my understanding of Quorum was different from others. That was the impetus to do some research on the term.

According to the dictionary :

Then I looked at Cassviki to check the "official opinion" about Quorum.

Since English is not my native language and I rely heavily on machine translators, the answer: “A: Keep track of prophecies.” I took it as an instruction to Laura on how to find the answer to her question, not as the purpose of the Quorum. I suppose in that case it would read: “A: Keeping track of prophecies.”
If I misunderstood, please tell me.

And finally

So my understanding of Quorum;

First, if I use the comparison with school. The school management board, which ensures that the lessons (curriculum) are well mastered and the exams are passed.

This then leads to another possible purpose, which is; selected group to monitor the "harvest". (prophecy?)

That's where I come to Trump.

Seen from the perspective of the Harvest, I did not consider the support for Trump and his election as president to be a shift to something better, but rather a return to the old ways.

I considered all the crap that happened before Trump to be shocks that will make people "wake up", to start asking questions, looking for answers, making decisions and thus choosing "which god to pray to" (STS or STO).
"Sheep" choosing their own path in search of "food". We have an expression "Svak zase travu pase" (Everyone grazes the grass for themselves). A scattered flock that is difficult to control. My desolate desires. With the information received about the violation of free will, and the sparing of Trump, it is obvious that people did not choose new paths, but a return to the old.

With the election of Trump, the flock is together again and looks to the ram as the leader.

This part and Trump's behavior opens up space for a new "optimistic" fantasy for me.

If the Quorum is in charge of a successful harvest, and if they are doing well, it means that this is a better path for the "scattered / awakened flock" ready for the harvest. (Which is beneficial for both STO and STS). The previous path (Woke) led to the smashing of souls, not to the harvest (which is a loss for both STO and STS).

This is how I am currently thinking.
Here's a search for Quorum in the transcripts. Check it out when you have time.

On the Quorum , fwiiw , think this is pertinent to @Kika 's question so i'm posting it .

Session 12 November 1994 :

Q: (L) On a number of occasions we talked about the quorum and the Illuminati. They both seem to be the highest levels of secret organizations. What is their relationship to each other?

A: Please put new music on; this a little disruptive. {Creation Chant}

Q: (L) How is this? {Celtic harp}

A: Better.

Q: (L) You don't like the Native American stuff?

A: It is okay but disruptive to vibrations.

Q: (L) Back to the quorum and illuminati.

A: Quorum mostly alien; illuminati mostly human.

Q: (L) Well, the quorum has been described...

A: Meet; two halves of whole.

Q: (L) Well the quorum seems to be described as being in touch with the Cassiopaeans, that is, yourselves, which you have described as beneficial beings, is this correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) The illuminati has been described as being behind or with the brotherhood which has been described as being in connection with the Lizard beings...

A: Close. But not that simple.

Q: (L) Well, if the quorum is the good guys and the illuminati is the bad guys, and they both are at the high levels of Freemasonry, what is the story here?

A: Picture a circle or cycle first now then contemplate for a moment before follow up.

Q: (L) Okay, I am contemplating a cycling circle.

A: Now, two halves representing positive and negative. Two halves.

Q: (L) Well, what I am getting out of that is the two halves and both sides are playing with the human race. Is that it?

A: No. This is complicated but if you can learn and understand, it will be a super revelation.

Q: (L) Well, go ahead and explain.

A: Ask step by step.

Q: (L) Why do we so often have to ask things step by step?

A: In order to absorb the information.

Q: (L) The quorum is described as the good guys. The illuminati is described as bad guys. And yet, they are both Masonic. When a person in the Masonic organization reaches the higher levels, are there individuals at the higher levels recruiting masons to one side or the other?

A: First, not exactly one side or another.

Q: (L) I am beginning to not understand something here because if the Lizzies...

A: Unblock.

Q: (L) I don't have a block here. If the brotherhood AKA illuminati AKA Lizzies AKA beast are the ones who are going to do detrimental things to this planet, how are they related or connected to the quorum which is in touch with...

A: This will take time to explain be patient it will be worth it.

Q: (L) Well, are you going to explain it right now?

A: Ask step by step.

Q: (L) Okay. What is the nature of evil?

A: Blend.

Q: (L) Are the Lizzies what we would consider to be evil?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are the Cassiopaeans what we would consider to be good?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Yet, do the Cassiopaeans use and manipulate the Lizzies to accomplish certain things?

A: No.

Q: (L) The Lizzies work independently and in opposition to the Cassiopaeans?

A: Independently, not in opposition.

Q: (L) Well then, is there somebody over and above this whole project...

A: We serve others therefore there is no opposition. Careful now. Step by step. If you do not fully understand answer ask another.

Q: (L) Part of a whole. Part of a circle.

A: Blend.

Q: (L) Does this mean...

A: Picture a blending colored circle image.

Q: (L) Are you saying that at some levels the two halves overlap?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that some of the Quorum are good guys and bad guys and the same for the Illuminati because the two are on opposing sides of the circle but at the point of blending one is weighted more to one side and the other to the other side? And these organizations are where the interactions come together?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) Let's leave it for the time being.

A: No. Now please.

Q: (L) Okay. So it is a blending. Does it have something to do with ... in your case service to others means that you even serve those who serve self, is that correct?

A: Yes; we serve you and the Lizards have programed your race to self service remember.

Q: (L) Well, I am down a notch or two. So, I am still a service to self individual to some extent, is that correct?

A: But moving slowly toward service to others. Not all humans are.

Q: (L) Does this mean that when people who are members of the quorum or illuminati call for information or help, that you, because of your service to others orientation are obliged to answer whoever calls?

A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) What is the no part.

A: If vibrational frequencies are out of pattern we do not connect.

Q: (L) Is the work of the Lizzies part of an overall grand plan or design?

A: All is.

Q: (L) Let's go on. I am depressed because you guys told me I was a bad person.

A: You are not a bad person.

Q: (L) Well, I am feeling pretty crummy right now.

A: Lizzies induced.

Q: (L) You mean my crummy feelings are Lizzie induced?

A: As always.

Q: (L) Well I am feeling crummy because you guys let me know that I am in the same sinking boat as the rest of the poor slobs on this miserable planet. I was working pretty hard to get out of the boat.

A: Silliness; you're in your own boat.

Q: (L) I would like to know where Dr. Usui got the Reiki symbols?

A: Must answer question.

Q: (L) What question? The quorum and illuminati question?

A: You will feel ecstasy once answered.

Q: (L) Okay. A blending. Yet two halves.

A: Of a circle.

Q: (L) Who designed this circle?

A: Natural frequency wave. Some near conjunction blend both service patterns and each "camp" to create perfect balance.

Q: (L) Okay, so the Illuminati are the higher level on the pathway of service to self and somehow, by reaching these higher levels may have come to realizations or frequencies which have caused their position to be modified or blended to where service to self becomes or incorporates or moves them to service to others realizations, is this correct?

A: Continue.

Q: (L) Okay, the ones in the quorum are those who are focused on service to others and they, in their pathway of service to others begin to understand that some service to self is service to others.

A: Close.

Q: (L) And the whole idea is to blend both pathways no matter which direction you come to it from?

A: Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to self is the diametrical opposite closing the grand cycle in perfect balance.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have a pathway of service to self in order for the pathway of service to others to exist?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those who are in the quorum and the illuminati ...

A: Blends in middle.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have the darkness in order to have the light...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And it is necessary to have the Lizzies in order to have the Cassiopaeans...

A: Close.

Q: (L) And both groups evolved through the Masonic organizations..

A: Freemasonry is human reflection in physical of these processes.

Q: (L) Okay, thank you very much. I think that is all for tonight.

A: Good Night.
heay , them's called shrinks for a reason ya know?, best tool know yourself , found this on the forum recently , it may help , Color Oracle
Oh wow, I took the test, my my my, it read my like an open book, wow!!! You know this helps a lot, now I have a clear idea what aspects of my life I need to work on, I had no idea how much the color selection tells almost exactly what is going on with you, cool!!!
I can't thank you enough for your help @Ricardo and all your suggestions and of course all the people who have replied to my comments. What a great community this is. I'm so grateful and sorry for being so melodramatic I know better now!!! I hope I can reciprocate someday.
I can't talk to anybody about this, not even with my girlfriend, she always gives me that look like "oh crap, here we go" and rolls her eyes, I can only talk about these things here in the forums, sometimes I wish I have a friend I could talk to face to face, you know? Just talk.
I'm just tired, and then we go back to the expectation thing, I'm expecting the world to change even though deep down in my heart I know that it won't happen, so I just have to pray, accept the situation and just change how I see things, change the perspective, stop expecting and just be a good person like some other good people have suggested in the forum, I just I feel I'm all alone and I'm left with me.
Many people here can't talk to their colleagues, friends and family about the topics we discuss here. So, I understand your wish to talk to someone face to face, it's not always easy to navigate this world, but at least you have started networking, and that's really good. Also, it's up to us to be careful about what we are saying and to whom as most people are simply not ready to hear what is really going on as they have not suffered enough yet... But remember that you are not alone, it may feel like that, but you are not. :flowers:
Tried a carnivore type diet but my cholesterol went through the roof, it's still high. I wonder if it just doesn't suit some people. Been eating less meat and more oily fish, dahl, oats and more fibre generally. Sorry to make a personal comment but it's so confusing, I just don't know what to eat. And most of the so called "heart healthy" or cholesterol lowering foods like beans, wholegrains etc aren't good from what we know.
Just an FYI, there's a lot of disinformation out there about high cholesterol being unhealthy. Gaby wrote an excellent forum diet research summary a while ago, and it provides details on the vital importance of cholesterol. The whole thing is excellent, but below is a section on cholesterol specificially:

Yeah, cholesterol levels are really badly misunderstood out there, and it seems both the public and medical professionals both repeat like a mantra that the lower the better. But then again, they also repeat that fluoride is good for our teeth and milk is great for the bones, so if something is widely considered to be good there's likelihood it isn't - and vice versa.

I can relate to your confusion about diet too Happy Poo. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, although there are some universal truths there too. I tried keto for an extended period of time and it didn't work for me. Carb cravings were insane for the entire period of a few months I was on the diet and I had a plethora of symptoms that just made this experiment an unsuccessful one. I did carnivore too and it was even worse. After 10 days I was so weak that I struggled to walk even short distances. I described my experiences here, and Gaby replied with the following:

It sounds like it is wrecking your health. You might benefit from some carb source. Although genetics and other factors are different for each individual, I cover a big population with a nice ethnic mix as a family doctor and I do notice that it is mostly non Caucasian people who are very intolerant to carbs.

I guess like keto, the carnivore diet isn't for everyone.

I don't know if it's of any use to you at all, but I thought I'd share what works for me in case it gives you a few ideas of things to try.

For example, intermittent fasting, i.e., temporary ketosis has been quite miraculous for me. I generally fast for 16-18 hours and my eating window is 6-8 hours.

I also do a form of calorie shifting (aka calorie cycling, or metabolic flexibility diet). My diet is predominantly low carb, high fat and protein, but as Wednesdays are days when I go to the office I make them my high carb lower fat/protein days. A day I'm out with friends is also a high carb day for me so I can enjoy myself instead of worrying about finding low carb stuff to eat when out and about. I guess it's not really calorie shifting per se, but carb shifting, but it does the trick. I read about it quite a bit and a lot of the research does say that the approach involves high and low carb days. Many sources say that fat should be included on low carb days, but not on high carb days, I guess the assumption is that one will not have a lot of it, hence low carb days are called low calorie days. Well, I just ignore it and have a lot of it :-)

Somehow mixing low carb meals with high carb ones on the same day doesn't work for me too well, but it took me a very long while to figure that out. And trying to stick to a low carb diet too religiously doesn't work either because carb cravings kick in and I start stuffing my face with processed sugar. Calorie cycling solves the problem because I get 1-2 days of carby sin per week :halo:

That said, I recently discovered that I cannot really handle processed sugar too well. I was having some weird symptoms and once I cut it out things got much better. So when I say high carb I mean stuff like potatoes, rice, fruit, bread, or a bit of chocolate here and there. I limit grains and avid legumes too. On my low carb days I only have meat with veggies and maybe a bit of creamy sauce (non-dairy), or a bit of bread to go with my ham or pates between meals, but that's mostly it. I almost exclusively drink sparkling mineral water with vitamin C so that's zero carbs too.

I cut out gluten and dairy years ago, but I actually have a bit of gluten around once every two weeks, occasionally once a week. I used to have a very bad reaction to gluten, mostly neurological (brain fogs, fatigue, depression, etc.) but ever since I started having small bits of it from time to time that reaction doesn't happen - while I also don't suffer the symptoms I that originally led me to cut out gluten either.

I guess the only way to find what works is to experiment and see what agrees with you, I hope you find an approach that works. And if it's a specific issue you're trying to address with diet you can always network about it. Someone may have had similar issues and they may be able to help :-)
I mean have you learnt how to not anticipate? If so, how? Or is it something each individual has to learn or at least be aware when they're anticipating?

Yes to the latter part. But, in general, non anticipation relates to accepting things as they are, while watching and learning as much as you can, without deciding definitively that what you learn is *The* answer.
Yes to the latter part. But, in general, non anticipation relates to accepting things as they are, while watching and learning as much as you can, without deciding definitively that what you learn is *The* answer.
I love this answer so much! it is like actually seeing in which direction the wave function of consciousness collapses and creates the now. thank you Joe!
Q: (L) Okay, so the Illuminati are the higher level on the pathway of service to self and somehow, by reaching these higher levels may have come to realizations or frequencies which have caused their position to be modified or blended to where service to self becomes or incorporates or moves them to service to others realizations, is this correct?

A: Continue.

Q: (L) Okay, the ones in the quorum are those who are focused on service to others and they, in their pathway of service to others begin to understand that some service to self is service to others.

A: Close.

Imagine what happens when a 4D STS dude suddenly realizes that by doing his 4D STS things vis a vis humans with the aim of controlling them and 'locking them down', that the adversity and suffering he creates for said humans actually results in an undetermined number of them learning and growing beyond 4D STS ability to control them and, more to the point, pushing them towards an STO alignment.

Surely any self-respecting and intelligent 4D STS dude would understand that he is, in fact, no serving STS or self but actually serving others and STO, and would then have an existential crisis and maybe decide to 'switch sides'.
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