Session 1 March 2025

Thank you very much for the excellent session.
@Gaby question was interesting for me. Danlos Ehlers is also my illness. Before Corona, it was one of the very rare diseases. Why is that? A genetic test was only carried out if the symptoms were fully recognizable. Scientific research after the coronavirus vaccination revealed the elephant in the room. Today, it is scientifically proven that Danlos Ehlers has a huge rat tail with congenital connective tissue weakness. Science has confirmed that collagen formation was disrupted by the vaccination. Another collagen disorder was described by Stefanie Seneff. Glyphosate leads to the destruction of a collagen fiber - glycine. This increases genetic hypermobility. If the collagen fibers are attacked again by the vaccination, it will be a medical catastrophe in the long term.
POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) is closely associated with Danlos Ehlers. The sagging of the blood flow in the lower areas leads to an incredible number of symptoms (rhythm disturbances, brain fog, dizziness...). Vascular compression syndromes in the abdominal cavity (nutcracker etc.) are a further characteristic. The consequences of the compression are diseases such as vulvodynia etc. Another comorbidity is mast cell activation syndrome.
For me, the most far-reaching realization in recent years has been that one elephant is enough to explain an incredible number of diseases. Genetically, Danlos Ehlers is a multi-talent. In physiotherapy in particular, we have a very good opportunity to see and diagnose such diseases. Our disadvantage - doctors have no knowledge about these elephants in the room.
Thank you so much! C's, Laura and all her tea for the session!

A: Miojlla of Cassiopaea here. Good evening. Yes, there are agents of chaos loose upon your plane. Worry not. Awareness and mental blocking can protect.
I assume these agents of chaos are hyperdimensional beings...

(Altair) Who is usually being transferred from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators, which were mentioned in the January 25th, 2025 session?

A: What you know of as "angels" or "demons".
So angels are 5D being? but demons are 4D or 5D beings also?

Q: (L) I see. So it would be like 5D angel/demon types that would use them to come and go, but it's not... Well, I don't know what to say. Okay. Two:
The way I see it, when you graduate from 4D to 5D, you become an angel, but what about demons? Aren't there supposed to be no such beings in 5D? Or is it like Laura mentioned in the Michael Topper article. This 5D STS being was incredibly contractile, with gravitation that seems like a black hole?

(thorbiorn) That is true, but I think I was thinking about STO, because they said that when a person is close to graduating, then there's a possibility that they insert more units around that person.

(L) All right, I see what you're asking. Okay, so he's asking about 4D STO candidates, and does that mean that there are more agents inserted around them and that there are also many psychopaths?

A: Yes.
That could be taken as a clue as to who is closer to graduating in STO terms.
PopHistorian said:

Q: (PopHistorian) On a scale of 1 to 10, how well are the plans of the powers that be succeeding right now?

A: It depends on who you think you're referring to. The current "elites" aren't doing so well. But the Quorum is doing pretty well.

"Pretty well," they said

I wonder if the Quorum isn't part of the "elites" who try to control or balance the world.

Since there are several "elites" in the world, could it be that all the elites can be controlled, which is highly doubtful in this difficult-to-control era of widespread chaos, misinformation, and blatant lies.

Thanks for the session.

A few topics to discuss later.
Thank you so much! C's, Laura and all her tea for the session!

I assume these agents of chaos are hyperdimensional beings...

So angels are 5D being? but demons are 4D or 5D beings also?

The way I see it, when you graduate from 4D to 5D, you become an angel, but what about demons? Aren't there supposed to be no such beings in 5D? Or is it like Laura mentioned in the Michael Topper article. This 5D STS being was incredibly contractile, with gravitation that seems like a black hole?

That could be taken as a clue as to who is closer to graduating in STO terms.

April 8th 2023

Adobe via Zoom) Am I still on? We've been discussing that on the Near Death Experience or Afterlife thread, and in reading through the books, we're going, "Hey, where's all the baddies?" You know, when you hear the near death experience and the karmic stuff, you always hear these great, wonderful stories. If someone dies and it's all wonderful and they come back and it's all wonderful and it's like, "Hey, is there any bad over there?" Where are the service to self people that are putting together a program for their next life where they're gonna do real bad stuff? They're coming down here to learn how to be baddies. So there's no stories of that. So why is the negative side of the other dimensions and densities unrepresented when we go to read about near death and karmic stuff? Well, some of the stuff does, like the recent movie, and I forget the name of it, the 'Astral City' and also Wicklands '30 years among Dead'. They do represent some negativity, but it's generally lost souls not far from us. So let's get back to the question. Okay. Why is the negativity less represented in the truth at 5D?

A: 5th density does not work that way. Negative entities are intensely entropic and sort of gravitationally enclosed so as to give them the opportunity to reflect on their choices. They may then decide to try again but it is rare for the truly negative to reincarnate. They are subsumed.
Thanks chateau crew for the latest session!

Regarding Trump - I am starting to get less and less optimistic about him. Not that I was overly so before, just cautiously optimistic. But so far, most if not all of his campaign promises have so far not eventuated - JFK files, Epstein files (or rather documents), peace with Russia, pulling troops out of Syria etc.

OK, the first 100 days are not yet over, give it time? But if there is not a serious uptick in action until then, he’s finished. More of the same.

And his flip-flopping on Ukraine is crazy - how could the Russians ever lend him any trust? And his stance on the genocide in the Middle East is just totally appalling.

End of rant!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the session. I know that each session requires a lot of energy to channel and then transcribe and I am grateful for everything and everyone involved.

Thanks so much. Really interesting about the Elher Danlos, think I have that too.
Tried a carnivore type diet but my cholesterol went through the roof, it's still high. I wonder if it just doesn't suit some people. Been eating less meat and more oily fish, dahl, oats and more fibre generally. Sorry to make a personal comment but it's so confusing, I just don't know what to eat. And most of the so called "heart healthy" or cholesterol lowering foods like beans, wholegrains etc aren't good from what we know.

Also I'm v grateful for what the C's said about agents of chaos. I feel like something along these lines is probably happening with a person surrounding me and I'm exhausted from it, and I'm too afraid to share network about it online, been wanting to for ages but it's very personal and I'm concerned about it being more public. . (Even in the swamp). Also it's a long story going back years, and I don't feel great about putting anyone through reading it lol.

The advice on mental blocking is much appreciated though!

Thanks all for your hard work! ❤️
I see iamthatis linked you to some resources on cholesterol and I encourage you to read it thoroughly and maybe even search SOTT for related articles. I just wanted to say that cholesterol is a nutrient transporter and people die of heart attacks with extremely high and extremely low cholesterol counts. Cholesterol is important for us and it's not the bad guy the American Heart Association has made it out to be.
Thank you for the session! "Souls that are subject to being "smashed" are generally unindividuated and the smashing process is a sort of degaussing and the "higher self" perceives this loss of energy as a sort of cleansing. Sort of like amputation in your realm."

The amputated energy just dissolve and cease to exist?
The amputated energy returns to primal matter
If the real pandemic should occur sometime in the future, it can be expected WEF, WHO and other globalist cabal anyway will seize the chance to implement their digital technocratic dream of control all with vax passports, total control of everyone, lockdowns etcetera. It's hard to imagine how crazy things might get then, but it remains to be seen. We've previously been told by C's that chaos is coming and that we should stay calm and aware that things will get worse before change will come. So reminding myself that it is so far so good, and thank you for the session.
The C's have said many times throughout the years that the PTB plans (human and 4D STS) will fail because of the coming earth changes.
I interpreted ‘may be trumped by the real deal’ as Trump telling the (somewhat) truth about COVID and how lockdowns did nothing to prevent the spread and had many adverse effects on other health related topics, ie mental and cognitive health.
It's made clear in the transcript that there's no play on words here.
Thank you for the session!

I wonder why C's used word "mort" instead of word "dead"?
Is it simply because she was French, so they used old french word?

Maybe that word was used because it has two genders:

Or maybe "mort" was used, because that word could be hint that could lead to discover cause of mort.
Interesting that the word can be masculine or feminine. Also interesting because mort is related to deer hunting.

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
noun archaic•Hunting
the note sounded on a horn when the quarry is kill

I wonder if the C's were slow to answer because they were trying to figure out how to send the most meaning in a single word... Was the person in question hunted and killed?
Thank you so much for this recent session! As always, much to ponder..

Wonder if that's what the 4D PTB have planned..or if this is the cometary version? Good reminder to keep up our physical and psychic hygiene!!

Of course the agents of chaos will find various ways to retaliate - witness the Tesla chaos, the corrupt judges trying to block Trumps EO's, etc. But that's likely just minor..have been wondering what the 4D STS overlords have in mind. Would be nice to have some ideas, in order to practice some mental blocking..if it would help.

Very nice to know - and great incentive to keep working!!! At times it feels as though there is very little we can do; of course working on own machines is always useful, but having a wider impact would be nice!!
The real plague is the celestial version. Oxygen and vitamin C are super important for surviving according to the April 23, 2022 session:

Q: (Pierre) Primitive smallpox is nasty. It's a descendant of the Black Death.

(L) I think we decided that primitive smallpox was the Black Death.

(Gaby) Smallpox is a DNA virus. So if this is an RNA virus, it could be nastier I suppose.

(Pierre) With 79% death rate, it's nasty.

(Joe) What kind of treatments would be effective against such a critter?

A: Vit C and oxygen.

Hey there!

I'm pretty new around here, but I've been where you seem to be coming from fairly recently. Not specifically in what you perceive as repetitiveness within the sessions, but just... in life. I was feeling this sense of stasis and low-level dread that just made everything seem so muted and hopeless.

Part of the problem (which, as I have come to learn, is just the beginning of the solution) was that when I discovered Laura's work and this group, it was quite by "chance" -- I was sort of randomly looking into crop circles, which led me to the Cassiopaea website, which in turn pointed me to this forum, which then plunged me deep into the 30 years' worth of transcripts. It all felt very synchronous and, therefore, incredibly meaningful.

As I began consuming the material and expanding my knowledge through this and other sources, and as the world around me continued to grow more and more unrecognizable and chaotic, my amazement at these new discoveries was compounded by a sense of OMG THE WORLD IS BURNING urgency which, naturally, led to a feeling of constant anticipation of change.

Despite how much I’d read in the transcripts and in forum discussions about anticipation essentially being the antithesis of change, it didn’t really click for me until I had a personal experience with some very high hopes about an upgrade to my family’s living situation, which were unceremoniously dashed by an unfortunate turn of events. Within the all-encompassing fog of that disappointment, I had a sudden flash of recognition that this, specifically, was a lesson for me.

And so, I sucked it up and stopped hoping, and instead started working to better our current living situation (which wasn’t terrible in the least – just a cramped little house built in the 60s with all that entails, plus high rent). My husband and I quit treating it like a stepping stone to something better, and embraced it as our home.

Can you guess what happened shortly after we made this change?

If your guess was that suddenly, the obstacles preventing us from upgrading receded, and we were able to move into a much bigger house in the same highly coveted school zone while paying $150 less per month in rent… you would be correct.

I hope my example doesn’t sound self-indulgent and didactic, but I believe wholeheartedly that by accepting things as they were and choosing to work within the parameters of our present reality, we were able to break out of the trap that is anticipation itself.

I came across this excerpt from the 10 May 2014 session and I think it’s worth including here:
I hope you have read at bare minimum The Wave if you're reading the raw transcripts. You should also have a background in Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Mouravieff and Laura's books - Secret History et al before reading the transcripts.

It would be even better to read the entire recommended reading list and Adventures with Cassiopaea before doing so.
Ok ok ok, hold the phone!!!! So let me get this straight, so this part:

Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you... maybe like the old biblical expression: "Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you" sort of thing? Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?

A: Absolutely! And it is true and works. Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

Q: (L) Yeah, but everybody's got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on. I mean...

Ok, ok, ok, so, these guys the c's or us in the future or whatever, have said "you need to think, learn your lessons, investigate, clean your karma" and now that text you pasted from another session says that we don't need to spend time focusing on the self and we just have to go with the flow and do the "service to others" thingy? Just like that? am I getting it right?
This is very confusing for me, sorry, I guess I'm a little slow.

Oh by the way, thank you so much for your reply and for sharing :)
You'll want to read this chapter of The Wave to have your questions about anticipation answered scientifically.

PopHistorian said:

Q: (PopHistorian) On a scale of 1 to 10, how well are the plans of the powers that be succeeding right now?

A: It depends on who you think you're referring to. The current "elites" aren't doing so well. But the Quorum is doing pretty well.

"Pretty well," they said

I wonder if the Quorum isn't part of the "elites" who try to control or balance the world.

Since there are several "elites" in the world, could it be that all the elites can be controlled, which is highly doubtful in this difficult-to-control era of widespread chaos, misinformation, and blatant lies.

Thanks for the session.

A few topics to discuss later.
The Quorum is a group comprised of equal numbers of 4D STO and STS beings
Thank you @Laura, @Andromeda and the Chateau crew for this interesting session ! :-)

@Laura : the link to this last session is not present on 📚 Cassiopaean Session Transcripts by date

The UN General Assembly has proclaimed 2025 the "International Year of Quantum Science and Quantum Technologies".

None of mainly technologies would exist without quantum mechanics, whose beginnings date back to 1925. In 2025, a global initiative aims to honour the groundbreaking contributions of quantum science to technological progress over the past 100 years. And we are only at the beginning – the current developments in quantum technologies are expected to fundamentally change our world once again.

What happened in 1925?

The surprising proposals of Max Planck (quantum of action), Albert Einstein (light quanta) and Niels Bohr (atomic model with quantum leaps) had made the need for a reformulation of classical mechanics increasingly urgent. In 1925, Werner Heisenberg - in a lively exchange with Wolfgang Pauli - found the decisive approach from which quantum mechanics could be developed. Together with Max Born and Pascual Jordan, Göttingen succeeded in developing a consistent and applicable theory in a very short time. It was immediately joined by the versions by Erwin Schrödinger (Zurich) and Paul Dirac (Cambridge). Quantum mechanics is now the experimentally best-tested theory of physics.

It would be interesting if in the next sessions, we would come to study the history and emergence of quantum physics through a few questions every month.

This would be our way of contributing to this "quantum year" by highlighting what we have understood about quantum physics, why it seems to work so well and bringing out the avenues that would allow us to go beyond it.

It could also allow us, through this experience, to know ourselves better (4D aspect) and to anchor a new energy through that of the chaos that is taking place, little by little, on Earth.
That is, if I understood it correctly, that this happens if the soul does not manage to individualize itself completely, that is to say to generate the magnetic center and to fuse(?) the small I's. Is this correct? Especially because they use the word degaussing.

And you can see it in the general madness of the world. People lose their sanity because they cannot put order in their inner world.
I think it's important to note that the answer from the C's implies that some part of the entity "survives" the smashing - now this may not be technically defined as soul, though I would think of it as part of the soul.
I understood that passage to mean that the current elites (as in left-liberal, globalist-neocon, woke-etc.) are on the loosing side (see Trump's victory and the many attempts world-wide by populist movements to rectify some of the madness), but that the STS overlords/Quorum allowed this to happen to an extent because they were forced by Free Will, so they changed their plans and are plotting to bring about their goals in a different way. What that means in practice I don't know, and I don't think anybody does really at this point.
Doesn't the Quorum contain STO also? Isn't it about balance?
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