Session 1 March 2025

Since you're new, how much of the required reading (things in the "welcome" post from a mod when you introduce yourself) have you done and how much of this forum have you read? Maybe the reason it's confusing is you don't have enough background yet. :-)
I've read the entire wave series and amazing grace a few years ago but there are a lot of details I can't even remember. I don't post much because some of the topics I have on my mind have already been discussed, so, I do a research in the forums first so I don't flood with unnecessary stuff you know ;-D
" those who pray on the streets already have their reward" nuff said ;) also transcripts yes ? knowledge
I see, well what kind of praying are we talking about? Like when you go to the church on Sundays praying? or more like a conversation with Jesus/God? Dude, thank you so much for replying! :-)
Maybe I will post in the Carnivore Diet thread, but Gaby and any others with EDS issues, what are your symptoms if you don't mind sharing?
You can find all the criteria here:

I was asked by a rheumatologist to run the Beighton score in a teenager as a screen test, and that's how I realized I was a textbook case when I checked 9 out of 9 in the score and found at least 5 or 6 clinical criteria for the syndrome. Plus the pains, luxations, etc. I always had the sense of having conjunctive tissue problems, I just didn't know I was a match for this particular syndrome. In my mind, Ehler Danlos label should be given only to those with the vascular kind when the aorta gets so big that people live only until their 50s due to aortic dissection/ruptures. This hypermobile version should be called conjunctive tissue disorder or something or other. They might change the names in a few years.

I got checked by an Ehler Danlos specialist, and he even found stuff I didn't know, like the bilateral piezogenic papules of the heel, and other stuff relating to my nervous system. For instance, if you separate all the fingers in your hand and someone tries to forcefully close them, I can resist the maneuver just fine. But if you touch the skin in my shoulder, that's it, I can't resist. Like a failed kinesiology test where you don't have muscle force.

I check all the autonomic imbalances, but the most incapacitating this year for me is the fatigue, which I qualify as severe. Specially after any minor stress like a head cold of less than 24 hours without fever. I was prescribed oxygen at high flow, 3 to 4 times per day, for my fatigue. It works like a charm! The HBOT usually makes me feel even more tired for at least a few dozen sessions before I finally have energy. With the high flow oxygen, the energy arrives within seconds.

Medical history turned out a textbook case: luxations, mastocytosis, neuropathic pains, etc. I'm getting a bunch of tools to improve my proprioception. I might finally stop stumbling against doors and walk in a more grounded way.

I'm attaching an article describing the syndromes of the extracellular matrix/joint hypermobility. I think it's applicable to 2-3% or more of the population with genetic anomalies coding at this level. Whether hypermobility or not, it gives an idea of how to take care of the conjunctive tissue and related low dopamine problems, among others.


Above average can be interpreted as 6+ , since Elites is in quotes , i'd tentatively qualify those below the iluminati , ie the rottenfellas /rottenshills et alll , to @luc point about quorum , i read quorum more as an sto/sts group , not strictly either ( ie the Trump assassination attempt in Butler Pa. my 2x cents)
Quorum- as in two sides blended in the middle, yet STO adheres to the freewill of all, offers help when asked, and that includes STS.
Ra says something along the lines of, regarding interactions between STS and STO, that if STS make a request that is rejected by STO that both sides are depolarised somewhat, STS loses polarity because they didn’t get to serve self and STO loses polarity because they didn’t serve others, then both sides need to regroup to re-polarise. This might be something akin to what happened at the Quorum meeting, a plan b after the failed Trump assassination, which was STO interfering with the freewill of STS to protect of the freewill of the people of earth. So both sides would have been depolarised and therefore STO to repolarise had to give STS what it wants …. Plan B, whatever that is.
I think that it's less that we "don't need to spend time focusing on the self," and more that our self-focus should be spent on things we can control. I guess what I'm trying to express is that when you are able to truly accept your current reality for what it is, and you stop hoping (or even expecting) your environment will change, in the absence of this hope/expectation you are left with energy to make changes, however small, to the things within your control.

I will say that I read your previous reply, where you mention that you are in Mexico, basically at the mercy of the cartels. I genuinely cannot imagine what life must be like for you. As contentious as things seem to be where I am in the States, I realize my experience does not compare to the sense of danger and uncertainty you face in your situation.

I can only speak to my own experience, which is founded upon privileges easily taken for granted. Still, I hope you can find some kind of use in my words, even if it's just in the simple act of being able to vent some frustration by rolling your eyes at my unearned confidence! ;)

All the best to you.
I get that, you're right, I've been focusing on myself lately, I get it now and the situation is not good down here but I just can't do anything that is frustrating but it is what it is, I think this is a good time for praying and stop expecting. It reminds me of the phrase "if you're going through hell......keep going". Thank you very much for replying @nortkee :lol:
It seemed like the best lens for a while there was MAGA vs. wokism, or in psychological terms, normalcy vs. insanity. But the author in this piece argues that MAGA has been effectively captured by technocracy.

In other words, the energy of MAGA, in resistance to wokism, is being used to justify/fuel technocratic ponerization.
Technocracy is based on efficiency- DOGE fits this almost too perfectly. Tehcnocracy is aimed at establishing a technate, which is continent-wide, non-national structure of governance.
I am going to read the article, thanks for pointing it out

Thanks for your lines, as well. If I understand, you see that Trump would be vectoring a technocracy, but, without being conscious about it. This reminded me about a very recent session:

(PopHistorian) Why is Trump promoting the Stargate AI project with such priority and praise for its leaders?

A: Trump is easily misled by those of eloquent persuasion. Hopefully others will show him the facts.

That's where the Donald kicks in and has the ability to go through :cool: If he manages to see the above, he would just go "cookie-cutter" and extend his findings towards other areas. It could be that his conscious/unconscious goal is "a logocracy" (the basic model "of the normal people, for the normal people") :-[

Hmmm is Russia a logocracy? I see Putin caring a lot about various areas such as the religious Orthodoxy and much more. The basic values cultivated and required by the citizens.
Of course the agents of chaos will find various ways to retaliate - witness the Tesla chaos, the corrupt judges trying to block Trumps EO's, etc. But that's likely just minor..have been wondering what the 4D STS overlords have in mind. Would be nice to have some ideas, in order to practice some mental blocking..if it would help.
One of the things I've been pondering as well. If we take what Trump is doing on one hand, it's a breath of fresh air. He's looking to cut big government, move away from endless wars, stop foreign aid, and bring companies back to the USA from overseas.

On the other hand, he looking to fire tens of thousands of Americans from federal jobs during one of the worst job markets in decades. I have heard from many people they have applied endlessly for jobs, and many with higher education degrees, for months with no luck (I have a relative going through this right now). Plus, this will certainly make bureaucracy even more of a nightmare.

In addition, federal spending cuts makes sense. However, domestically the USA cannot function without federal aid. Federal aid is in practically every aspect of our infrastructure, education, crop production, food, state agencies, etc etc. It can quickly become difficult for students to get funding for higher education programs. Costs of groceries could continue to rise. States would go bankrupt without funding from federal agencies. Farmers wouldn't be able to afford to grow their crops.

We absolutely need to pull the plug on the war machine, but the military industrial complex is the rotten backbone of the USA. That could lead to even more unemployment numbers and economic crash.

I can see, and agree, with most of what the Trump administration is going for. Unfortunately, I'm hesitant to think this will end well. These sort of policies will be beneficial in the long run, but painful at first. It's maybe not the best idea to do these radical changes after the economic state the country, and most the world, has been in over the last 5yrs. I'm starting to wonder now if we are seeing "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" playing out in front of us.
Thanks for the session! The warnings and reminders are helpful and comforting. Things are definitely getting more chaotic with Trump. Him wanting to annex Canada, Greenland and Panama, making broad cuts to government jobs, starting tariff trade wars with most countries, without understanding how tariffs work or its second order consequences, is not a good sign.
Thank you for the wonderful session. :thup:
(Altair) Who is usually being transferred from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators, which were mentioned in the January 25th, 2025 session?

A: What you know of as "angels" or "demons".

Q: (L) Like Jacob's ladder.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So it would be like 5D angel/demon types that would use them to come and go, but it's not... Well, I don't know what to say. Okay. Two:

(Altair) What is the most common purpose of transferring somebody from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators?


Q: (L) And I guess, number three is kind of already answered, the question being:

(Altair) Who operates such elevators, apart from 4D STS beings?

(L) So I guess if we're talking about from 3D to 5D, we're talking about demons or angels. And if we're talking about people, I mean, is this how people go to 5D when they die?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) So when people die, they transfer through their own kind of silver cord to their 5D self and that's a different activity. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But 4D can also use these because they exist or maybe they exist because of angels or demons that come into and out of our world. Is that true?

A: Yes
Recently I watched Astral city 2 movie, in which different souls come down to 3D still in ethereal form. Out of that one group member who wants to spoil the spiritual mission, continue to come to 3D. I thought only good souls can come from 5D. I wondered how the soul who was doing spoiling act can easily come down to 3D. I can understand if he is stuck in 3D after death, but as I understand he is moving effort lessly from 5D to 3D. Probably his mode of movement may be one example of this elevator?

Q: (PopHistorian) On a scale of 1-10, how well are the plans of the powers that be succeeding right now?

A: Depends on who you think you are referring to. Current "elites" are not doing so well. But the quorum is doing quite well.

Q: (L) And the quorum was the one that was in charge of deciding that Trump would not be assassinated, was that correct?

(Joe) Would be assassinated and then had to change their plans...

(L) And to change their plan because they were, because there were imbalances of some sort. So... They're up to something!

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) As usual.
I hope this "calmness" lasts for a while.
(Mrs. Peel) Are the meditations and prayers we are doing for the world and others having any effect?

A: Yes

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Are they having the intended effects?

A: Since you are careful with your intentions, yes.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) If yes, is there anything more or different that we can do to enhance it?

A: Repetition.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Is there anything we are doing wrong that we can correct or do better?

A: Practice makes perfect. You are all growing more proficient at navigating in the etheric realms.
I wonder how we know we are navigating in etheric realm?

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