Session 1 March 2025

Thank you for the session! I got into the habit of reading session threads too slowly, writing some notes, and then not posting them after some time. So here goes some of my initial thoughts and replies:

When Joe asked about the soul smashing question I was surprised. I had been thinking the night before that very question. And I was washing my hands and my hand slipped and hit the counter, so I thought it was a dumb question. But I've thought about it before, and you usually have to be in a down mood it seems because you're thinking something like sacrificing the body to save the soul. So just wondering if anyone has thought of that question before?

Maybe I will post in the Carnivore Diet thread, but Gaby and any others with EDS issues, what are your symptoms if you don't mind sharing? I've looked into it in the past and don't have hypermobility, but I understand there are non-hypermobile types of the syndrome. I have had joint and muscle issues for over 10 years now, so I just wonder sometimes. I did keto for over 10 years, so was pretty close to carnivore, but I think I'd be willing to try it properly.

The UN General Assembly has proclaimed 2025 the "International Year of Quantum Science and Quantum Technologies".

That's interesting because last night I remember I had a dream about shrinking to a quantum level (like if you've seen the Ant-Man movies) where I was smaller than a spec of dust. Then I saw Scottie posted a video on quantum computers, and now you post that. :-P

3D to 5D elevator. It sounds like this vehicle would serve for 5D entities in physical form? Otherwise they could still "visit" us in our dreams or inspire us otherwise. Any ideas?

It's still weird to me that it's a physical elevator, and we talk so casually about it. I'm waiting for the C's to say there are hyperdimensional restrooms. :lol: Just don't tell the lefties. :-P

i read quorum more as an sto/sts group , not strictly either

I forgot about that, because I usually think it's negative only. But it was both polarities, for balance, no? And when you think about it, isn't the Quorum always winning, heh? They call the shots here on 3D earth. Unless there is some kind of intervention from 6D that comes about? Maybe we have more influence than we think..

For example, the advice to 'be careful' or 'keep an eye on the skies' feels vague.

I think they simply have to be vague sometimes to respect free will. In that sense, being vague is actually more helpful to us. And it gives something to ponder, wonder, and learn about while we wait patiently. 😆
Thank you for the new session! It does seem that chaos is steadily increasing. There are so many fires, accidents, exploding cancer rates and other illnesses. We now have weekly protests at Congressman Mackenzie's over fears of what Trump may do. I need to stay focused on maintaining my physical and emotional health, continuing to study and pray. Love to all!
Hello my beautiful friends,

So I don't want to sound like douche but Is it just me or these sessions or topics of discussions basically the same? I mean, there is nothing new, just warnings and bad news, even at the end of the sessions it is the same "advice" like: Be careful, keep an eye on the skies and seas, everything will blow out of proportion, you're being watched, we cannot tell no anything else, you're screwed but keep the faith, you will be fine as long as you fight against all your natural instincts" I mean it is all the same and I'm sorry if I sound a little or too negative; while I understand the importance of being aware of potential challenges, I'm finding it difficult to find actionable takeaways. For example, the advice to 'be careful' or 'keep an eye on the skies' feels vague.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to offend anybody or diminish the effort you put in all this work but this feels like a loop to me, same warnings, same stuff, I don't know, maybe I'm the only one and I can be totally wrong, I'm struggling to get the picture or at least something that tells me this world is not that bad.


Hey there!

I'm pretty new around here, but I've been where you seem to be coming from fairly recently. Not specifically in what you perceive as repetitiveness within the sessions, but just... in life. I was feeling this sense of stasis and low-level dread that just made everything seem so muted and hopeless.

Part of the problem (which, as I have come to learn, is just the beginning of the solution) was that when I discovered Laura's work and this group, it was quite by "chance" -- I was sort of randomly looking into crop circles, which led me to the Cassiopaea website, which in turn pointed me to this forum, which then plunged me deep into the 30 years' worth of transcripts. It all felt very synchronous and, therefore, incredibly meaningful.

As I began consuming the material and expanding my knowledge through this and other sources, and as the world around me continued to grow more and more unrecognizable and chaotic, my amazement at these new discoveries was compounded by a sense of OMG THE WORLD IS BURNING urgency which, naturally, led to a feeling of constant anticipation of change.

Despite how much I’d read in the transcripts and in forum discussions about anticipation essentially being the antithesis of change, it didn’t really click for me until I had a personal experience with some very high hopes about an upgrade to my family’s living situation, which were unceremoniously dashed by an unfortunate turn of events. Within the all-encompassing fog of that disappointment, I had a sudden flash of recognition that this, specifically, was a lesson for me.

And so, I sucked it up and stopped hoping, and instead started working to better our current living situation (which wasn’t terrible in the least – just a cramped little house built in the 60s with all that entails, plus high rent). My husband and I quit treating it like a stepping stone to something better, and embraced it as our home.

Can you guess what happened shortly after we made this change?

If your guess was that suddenly, the obstacles preventing us from upgrading receded, and we were able to move into a much bigger house in the same highly coveted school zone while paying $150 less per month in rent… you would be correct.

I hope my example doesn’t sound self-indulgent and didactic, but I believe wholeheartedly that by accepting things as they were and choosing to work within the parameters of our present reality, we were able to break out of the trap that is anticipation itself.

I came across this excerpt from the 10 May 2014 session and I think it’s worth including here:

Q: (L) Can anybody think of another question to get me where I want to go here? (shellycheval) As individuals, what's the single most important thing we should do to Do, and to not try, but to actually take actions? What can we do to motivate ourselves as individuals? Is there something we can say or do...?

A: Service to others. Notice that the people with the most problems that always talk only about themselves and their troubles, are the ones who do and give the least. They do not have confidence in the universal law of LIFE: Get things moving and you create a vacuum in your life into which energy can flow.

Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you... maybe like the old biblical expression: "Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you" sort of thing? Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?

A: Absolutely! And it is true and works. Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

Q: (L) Yeah, but everybody's got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on. I mean...

A: [letters come very quickly] Balance! A portion of a day can be spent on reflection, but not too much. This is the Wetiko Virus: obsession with the self and subjective personal issues. The next time you feel yourself slipping into despair, just tell others how you are feeling and think of something you can do for another to prevent them from suffering the same feelings. [letters come more slowly now:] Thus you will witness the birth of true empathy.
The most likely "new plan" of the STS overlords seems to be a technocracy under a new set of people like Peter Thiel (Palantir), Sam Altman, maybe Musk and others from the "Paypal mafia".

What is a bit strange is that they are all well-known publicly and it is unclear who may be behind them - or if it is really just them. Is it a part of the "new plan" that the new PTB are well-known and out in the open?

While these are all bad things, I would caution to jump to conclusions too quickly as to what "their plan" is. Remember how people thought it was 15min cities, UN agenda, Klaus Schwab, fema camps, etc. etc.? Things shift and change, and these forces are clever. Whatever they have in stock for us, I think we might be surprised (remember Covid?). Nothing wrong with keeping tabs on the different shenenigans of course.
" this world is not that bad " cheer up it can go far worse :)
Yeah tell me about it, I live in México my man in Jalisco, the drug cartel dude, these bastards have taken the control all over the place, you don't know if around the corner you will face gun shots or see someone getting killed, I'm just tired of living in fear and there's no help, no help, but you say "cheer up it can go far worse".........ok
I understood that passage to mean that the current elites (as in left-liberal, globalist-neocon, woke-etc.) are on the loosing side (see Trump's victory and the many attempts world-wide by populist movements to rectify some of the madness), but that the STS overlords/Quorum allowed this to happen to an extent because they were forced by Free Will, so they changed their plans and are plotting to bring about their goals in a different way. What that means in practice I don't know, and I don't think anybody does really at this point.

I read this piece recently, and I think it provides some evidence that there were two options for the future of America. These options, as usual for 3D, are based on different elite factions - or different ideological pathways to pathocracy.

The first option, based on a program running for decades now, was an increasingly openly Satanic woke future.

The second option, also based on an old paradigm, is technocracy.

And of course, there is not always a clear-cut distinction between the two, in the sense that they are not mutually exclusive. But they are both processes of ponerization. And elite psychopaths may jump from one to the other depending not on ideological commitment, but on how much power it can give them.

The PTB created a bipolar world in the past, with capitalism set against communism. Both are obviously control systems, and while neither was fully evil, both had a lot of evil.

Technocracy vs. woke is maybe a similar global-scale strategic play that has been initiated.

It seemed like the best lens for a while there was MAGA vs. wokism, or in psychological terms, normalcy vs. insanity. But the author in this piece argues that MAGA has been effectively captured by technocracy.

In other words, the energy of MAGA, in resistance to wokism, is being used to justify/fuel technocratic ponerization. I see this as similar to the way anti-Communism was used to justify/fuel the control system of capitalism.

Technocracy is based on efficiency- DOGE fits this almost too perfectly. Tehcnocracy is aimed at establishing a technate, which is continent-wide, non-national structure of governance. Hence, Trump's sabre-rattling about Greenland, Canada, and Panama. Humans are viewed purely as mechanisms in need of programming, and there is a strict meritocracy wherein experts are given a free hand to do this programming. Fiat money is abolished, as it is inefficient in the long run, and is replaced by 'energy certificates', which may trickle down the population once the needs of the system are taken care of - so it is a system-first ideology. And there needs to be mass surveillance (AI) and an accounting system to keep track of every interaction (blockchain) to ensure the programming holds. All of this control must occur due to the runaway increase in technology, and its planet-wide effects - complexity that can't be left to ignorant populations, or greedy oligarchs, OR corrupt politicians, etc. So scientific management is needed in order to ensure order is maintained in the chaos. And this requires creative destruction of the old order and its beneficiaries.

Some of this sounds familiar, and it isn't even necessarily bad or untrue - like Lobaczewski in Logocracy writes about the need for scientific management based on objectivity and resistance to the unnatural. Or the idea that meritocracy isn't such a bad idea in comparison to DEI, annd smart qualified people are the best candidates for high-stakes positions. Who wouldn't want less waste and corruption in government? Who wouldn't want the old elites, the entrenched oligarchs and politicians, to suffer a major setback? Most humans ARE in need of the Law, or some form of social control, as written by Paul, because otherwise they'd just fall into savagery. And technology IS rapidly changing the world, including our sense of time, space, self, others, life itself - and the question of a new order or renewed hope amidst all this old-order chaos looms large.

But like all ponerogenic processes, there is always some legitimate grievance and some truth in the initial schizoidal proclamations. But this truth is then weaponized to spellbind the masses, and usher in a new control system.

Anyways, I'm not entirely sure what to think of the whole piece, but it sure is fascinating. What we may be witnessing is not just MAGA vs. woke - it's also a battle between elite factions on the basis of different pathocratic ideologies. With Trump's election, technocrats like Thiel and Musk decided - or were programmed - to come out of the shadows and play their hand.

This is my best guess as to why the Quorum is doing well, but today's elites are not.

We may be in the midst of a change that is as globally significant as the change from agrarian to industrial capitalist societies. Thinking about the program change mentioned by the C's in light of 'the universe is a school' metaphor - humanity went through one long semester of agrarian studies, then moved on to a semester in industrial capitalism. It could be we're nearing the end of that semester, having taken a small course on MAGA-woke dynamics, as well as West/BRICS+ dynamics, etc. I think the new semester will unfortunately be a crash course in technocracy struggling to emerge from its industrial capitalist roots - and all this while there are increasing earth changes and The Wave!
Hey there!

I'm pretty new around here, but I've been where you seem to be coming from fairly recently. Not specifically in what you perceive as repetitiveness within the sessions, but just... in life. I was feeling this sense of stasis and low-level dread that just made everything seem so muted and hopeless.

Part of the problem (which, as I have come to learn, is just the beginning of the solution) was that when I discovered Laura's work and this group, it was quite by "chance" -- I was sort of randomly looking into crop circles, which led me to the Cassiopaea website, which in turn pointed me to this forum, which then plunged me deep into the 30 years' worth of transcripts. It all felt very synchronous and, therefore, incredibly meaningful.

As I began consuming the material and expanding my knowledge through this and other sources, and as the world around me continued to grow more and more unrecognizable and chaotic, my amazement at these new discoveries was compounded by a sense of OMG THE WORLD IS BURNING urgency which, naturally, led to a feeling of constant anticipation of change.

Despite how much I’d read in the transcripts and in forum discussions about anticipation essentially being the antithesis of change, it didn’t really click for me until I had a personal experience with some very high hopes about an upgrade to my family’s living situation, which were unceremoniously dashed by an unfortunate turn of events. Within the all-encompassing fog of that disappointment, I had a sudden flash of recognition that this, specifically, was a lesson for me.

And so, I sucked it up and stopped hoping, and instead started working to better our current living situation (which wasn’t terrible in the least – just a cramped little house built in the 60s with all that entails, plus high rent). My husband and I quit treating it like a stepping stone to something better, and embraced it as our home.

Can you guess what happened shortly after we made this change?

If your guess was that suddenly, the obstacles preventing us from upgrading receded, and we were able to move into a much bigger house in the same highly coveted school zone while paying $150 less per month in rent… you would be correct.

I hope my example doesn’t sound self-indulgent and didactic, but I believe wholeheartedly that by accepting things as they were and choosing to work within the parameters of our present reality, we were able to break out of the trap that is anticipation itself.

I came across this excerpt from the 10 May 2014 session and I think it’s worth including here:
Ok ok ok, hold the phone!!!! So let me get this straight, so this part:

Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you... maybe like the old biblical expression: "Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you" sort of thing? Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?

A: Absolutely! And it is true and works. Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

Q: (L) Yeah, but everybody's got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on. I mean...

Ok, ok, ok, so, these guys the c's or us in the future or whatever, have said "you need to think, learn your lessons, investigate, clean your karma" and now that text you pasted from another session says that we don't need to spend time focusing on the self and we just have to go with the flow and do the "service to others" thingy? Just like that? am I getting it right?
This is very confusing for me, sorry, I guess I'm a little slow.

Oh by the way, thank you so much for your reply and for sharing :)
Ok ok ok, hold the phone!!!! So let me get this straight, so this part:

Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you... maybe like the old biblical expression: "Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you" sort of thing? Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?

A: Absolutely! And it is true and works. Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

Q: (L) Yeah, but everybody's got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on. I mean...

Ok, ok, ok, so, these guys the c's or us in the future or whatever, have said "you need to think, learn your lessons, investigate, clean your karma" and now that text you pasted from another session says that we don't need to spend time focusing on the self and we just have to go with the flow and do the "service to others" thingy? Just like that? am I getting it right?
This is very confusing for me, sorry, I guess I'm a little slow.

Oh by the way, thank you so much for your reply and for sharing :)

I think that it's less that we "don't need to spend time focusing on the self," and more that our self-focus should be spent on things we can control. I guess what I'm trying to express is that when you are able to truly accept your current reality for what it is, and you stop hoping (or even expecting) your environment will change, in the absence of this hope/expectation you are left with energy to make changes, however small, to the things within your control.

I will say that I read your previous reply, where you mention that you are in Mexico, basically at the mercy of the cartels. I genuinely cannot imagine what life must be like for you. As contentious as things seem to be where I am in the States, I realize my experience does not compare to the sense of danger and uncertainty you face in your situation.

I can only speak to my own experience, which is founded upon privileges easily taken for granted. Still, I hope you can find some kind of use in my words, even if it's just in the simple act of being able to vent some frustration by rolling your eyes at my unearned confidence! ;)

All the best to you.
A: Souls that are subject to being "smashed" are generally unindividuated and the smashing process is a sort of degaussing and the "higher self" perceives this loss of energy as a sort of cleansing. Sort of like amputation in your realm.
Like pruning a tree.

Q: (thorbiorn) Can a 4D STS being download itself into more than one 3D body at the same time?

A: No.

Q: (L) But they can control more than one individual at the same time, if they're doing it from hyperdimensional realities?

A: Yes.
Neat. :)
Ok ok ok, hold the phone!!!! So let me get this straight, so this part:

Q: (L) So, basically what you're saying is that people should think of it as a kind of a law that when you... maybe like the old biblical expression: "Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days, it will return to you" sort of thing? Just do it, and keep doing it without anticipation?

A: Absolutely! And it is true and works. Just notice people who do and give a lot: Are they spending time focused on the self? No!

Q: (L) Yeah, but everybody's got wounds and issues and all that kind of thing to work on. I mean...

Ok, ok, ok, so, these guys the c's or us in the future or whatever, have said "you need to think, learn your lessons, investigate, clean your karma" and now that text you pasted from another session says that we don't need to spend time focusing on the self and we just have to go with the flow and do the "service to others" thingy? Just like that? am I getting it right?
This is very confusing for me, sorry, I guess I'm a little slow.

Oh by the way, thank you so much for your reply and for sharing :)
Hope this helps @c0rv3n ( non-expectation / non antecipation )

Session 11 August 1996 :


Q: (L) Is anticipation the act of assuming you know how something is going to happen?

A: Follows realization, generally, and unfortunately for you, on 3rd density.

Q: (L) Is this a correct assessment of this process?

A: Both examples given are correct. You see, once anticipation enters the picture, the intent can no longer be STO.

Q: (L) Anticipation is desire for something for self. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, so it's OK to intend something, or to think in an intentional way, or to hope in an intentional way, for something that is to serve another, but anticipation defines it as a more personal thing.

A: And that brings realization.

Q: (L) So, desire to serve others, and to do something because it will help others, brings realization...

A: But, realization creates anticipation.

Q: (L) Well, how do we navigate this? I mean, this is like walking on a razor's edge. To control your mind to not anticipate, and yet, deal with realization, and yet, still maintain hope... (J) They said it was tricky... (L) This is, this is, um...

A: Mental exercises of denial, balanced with pure faith of a non-prejudicial kind.

Q: (L) OK, so, in other words, to just accept what is at the moment, appreciate it as it is at the moment, and have faith that the universe and things will happen the way they are supposed to happen, without placing any expectation on how that will be?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) This is, and I'm not asking about Ark, this is something that he has talked about in terms of shaping the future. He talks about shaping the future as an intentional act of shaping something good, but without defining the moment of measurement. In other words, adding energy to it by intent, but not deciding where, when or how the moment of measurement occurs. When the quantum jump occurs, it occurs on it's own, and in it's own way. Is this the concept he's dealing with here?

A: Anticipation.

Q: (L) In other words, is what he's talking about anticipation?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean, anticipation in response to what I said?

A: That is the key to shaping the future... Avoiding it.

Q: (T) OK, because we’re not anticipating in what we're doing...

A: Yes.

So I don't want to sound like douche but Is it just me or these sessions or topics of discussions basically the same? I mean, there is nothing new, just warnings and bad news, even at the end of the sessions it is the same "advice" like: Be careful, keep an eye on the skies and seas, everything will blow out of proportion, you're being watched, we cannot tell no anything else, you're screwed but keep the faith, you will be fine as long as you fight against all your natural instincts" I mean it is all the same and I'm sorry if I sound a little or too negative; while I understand the importance of being aware of potential challenges, I'm finding it difficult to find actionable takeaways. For example, the advice to 'be careful' or 'keep an eye on the skies' feels vague.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to offend anybody or diminish the effort you put in all this work but this feels like a loop to me, same warnings, same stuff, I don't know, maybe I'm the only one and I can be totally wrong, I'm struggling to get the picture or at least something that tells me this world is not that bad.
Ok, ok, ok, so, these guys the c's or us in the future or whatever, have said "you need to think, learn your lessons, investigate, clean your karma" and now that text you pasted from another session says that we don't need to spend time focusing on the self and we just have to go with the flow and do the "service to others" thingy? Just like that? am I getting it right?
This is very confusing for me, sorry, I guess I'm a little slow.
Since you're new, how much of the required reading (things in the "welcome" post from a mod when you introduce yourself) have you done and how much of this forum have you read? Maybe the reason it's confusing is you don't have enough background yet. :-)
While these are all bad things, I would caution to jump to conclusions too quickly as to what "their plan" is.
A push for technocracy seems to be the most likely (and most obvious) "new plan" - maybe too obvious, indeed. Pretty much everyone in the alternative media is writing about it.

Remember how people thought it was 15min cities, UN agenda, Klaus Schwab, fema camps, etc. etc.?
Well, just because this "old plan" seems to have failed doesn't mean that it was not their actual plan. The apparent failure of the "old plan" and the need for a "new plan" also shows that their cleverness has limits.

Whatever they have in stock for us, I think we might be surprised (remember Covid?).
I think they have basically a number of possible scenarios they can use, eg. creation of a digital control grid, another pandemic (real or fake), some major "alien revelation" psyop, massive cyberattacks and disruptions, large wars, financial impoverishment by various means, food shortages, maybe the use of more exotic weapons like the DEWs or the injected nanobots being activated, etc.

So yeah, there are quite a few possibilities and it is good to be aware of them.

Didn't the C's say that Covid was not even planned as such by the PTB, it just happened as an accident and they went along with it? And that Covid was actually causing potentially beneficial mutations? The biggest "win" for them seems to have been the injection of so many people (billions apparently) with what seems to be nano-technology.
Hope this helps @c0rv3n ( non-expectation / non antecipation )

Session 11 August 1996 :


Q: (L) Is anticipation the act of assuming you know how something is going to happen?

A: Follows realization, generally, and unfortunately for you, on 3rd density.

Q: (L) Is this a correct assessment of this process?

A: Both examples given are correct. You see, once anticipation enters the picture, the intent can no longer be STO.

Q: (L) Anticipation is desire for something for self. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, so it's OK to intend something, or to think in an intentional way, or to hope in an intentional way, for something that is to serve another, but anticipation defines it as a more personal thing.

A: And that brings realization.

Q: (L) So, desire to serve others, and to do something because it will help others, brings realization...

A: But, realization creates anticipation.

Q: (L) Well, how do we navigate this? I mean, this is like walking on a razor's edge. To control your mind to not anticipate, and yet, deal with realization, and yet, still maintain hope... (J) They said it was tricky... (L) This is, this is, um...

A: Mental exercises of denial, balanced with pure faith of a non-prejudicial kind.

Q: (L) OK, so, in other words, to just accept what is at the moment, appreciate it as it is at the moment, and have faith that the universe and things will happen the way they are supposed to happen, without placing any expectation on how that will be?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) This is, and I'm not asking about Ark, this is something that he has talked about in terms of shaping the future. He talks about shaping the future as an intentional act of shaping something good, but without defining the moment of measurement. In other words, adding energy to it by intent, but not deciding where, when or how the moment of measurement occurs. When the quantum jump occurs, it occurs on it's own, and in it's own way. Is this the concept he's dealing with here?

A: Anticipation.

Q: (L) In other words, is what he's talking about anticipation?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean, anticipation in response to what I said?

A: That is the key to shaping the future... Avoiding it.

Q: (T) OK, because we’re not anticipating in what we're doing...

A: Yes.

Oh my good Mexican jumping frijoles!!! Knowledge is a tricky thing huh? My God, how can I do that? How can I not anticipate? I've done that my whole life and I have to do that because I'm a developer, that's what I do for a living, you know, anticipate/solve stuff and yet I can't figure this out, isn't that ironic? Geeeeeeeeezzzzzzz!!! I just feel like I was kicked in backside. So, have you done it? I mean have you learnt how to not anticipate? If so, how? Or is it something each individual has to learn or at least be aware when they're anticipating?

Thank you so much for sharing this, really appreciate it.

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