(Joe) I have a question about soul smashing. Why do higher selves of souls allow them to be smashed? Couldn't they just "call them home" before that happened?
A: Souls that are subject to being "smashed" are generally unindividuated and the smashing process is a sort of degaussing and the "higher self" perceives this loss of energy as a sort of cleansing. Sort of like amputation in your realm.
Q: (L) And then they begin growing again.
(Joe) They grow the body part back. You grow your tail back.
I was recently thinking about the 5D-battle stories of
Vale Owen: Where a strong angel is sent to save a woman, who has been desperately praying (and thus was heard in Heaven) and she was struggling very hard to reach the Plateau, - the introductory green grassy area / landing strip, where the freshly dead good peeps automatically appear / land after death, in Heaven.
So this woman - upon her death - obviously landed in either Hell [dark] or in the equally dangerous 'Twilight Zone' [grey] regions
first. There she decided she wanted redemption and forgiveness and the closeness of God. So she began to pray and struggle toward the Light. During this she had to forcefully pull/climb/drag herself through lots of mockery and torture and suffering provided by the denizens of Hell and then of the Twilight Zone. She finally reached the high rock wall right on the edge of Heaven's Plateau area, but she had to climb it using entirely her own strength!
In the final stretch of climbing to reach the Plateau she was attacked by a 'murmuration' / large mob of evil spirits. In order to save her life -
we are in 5D[!] in this story! - a strong angel worker/warrior, sort of like an experienced security guard / soldier veteran - was sent to distract the evil spirits and attract them to himself, so the woman in distress could climb up to safety. They - all such struggling souls traveling-climbing-dragging themselves toward heaven - have to do it by themselves to the last inch.
The flying evil spirit mob, of course, was too much for the highly energized strong angel and the imminent danger developed that the spirit mob was about to tear this strong angel apart.
{So does it mean that the strong angel warrior would have been destroyed / died in 5D? What the heck? How can someone die in 5D?!}
But apparently its very much possible. Just as the Soul Smashing is the real thing. Like a Higher_ Self_Soul's limb amputation effecting a cleansing. Like in Hollywood movies as the poisonous monster/zombie bite can be made to go away by amputating the bitten limb..
Anyway, both the woman and the strong angel would have been destroyed, if not for the
strong because Networked STO Angel Denizen Community, who must have been monitoring the situation, measuring the energy levels of both in distress and they immediately reacted by getting themselves into focus and they sent an intense directed energy beam, right smack into the warrior angel's body, who was immediately energized-strengthened, thus could finally fend off the large mob of evil spirits. The woman in distress thus was able to pull herself up to The Plateau with her last strength and collapsed onto the grassy field completely exhausted.
Rest awaited her and a beginning of a long-long journey of learning lessons and receiving increasingly difficult tasks in the networked community of Heaven.