Session 1 March 2025

Thank you @Laura, @Andromeda and the Chateau crew for this interesting session ! :-)

@Laura : the link to this last session is not present on 📚 Cassiopaean Session Transcripts by date

The UN General Assembly has proclaimed 2025 the "International Year of Quantum Science and Quantum Technologies".

None of mainly technologies would exist without quantum mechanics, whose beginnings date back to 1925. In 2025, a global initiative aims to honour the groundbreaking contributions of quantum science to technological progress over the past 100 years. And we are only at the beginning – the current developments in quantum technologies are expected to fundamentally change our world once again.

What happened in 1925?

The surprising proposals of Max Planck (quantum of action), Albert Einstein (light quanta) and Niels Bohr (atomic model with quantum leaps) had made the need for a reformulation of classical mechanics increasingly urgent. In 1925, Werner Heisenberg - in a lively exchange with Wolfgang Pauli - found the decisive approach from which quantum mechanics could be developed. Together with Max Born and Pascual Jordan, Göttingen succeeded in developing a consistent and applicable theory in a very short time. It was immediately joined by the versions by Erwin Schrödinger (Zurich) and Paul Dirac (Cambridge). Quantum mechanics is now the experimentally best-tested theory of physics.

It would be interesting if in the next sessions, we would come to study the history and emergence of quantum physics through a few questions every month.

This would be our way of contributing to this "quantum year" by highlighting what we have understood about quantum physics, why it seems to work so well and bringing out the avenues that would allow us to go beyond it.

It could also allow us, through this experience, to know ourselves better (4D aspect) and to anchor a new energy through that of the chaos that is taking place, little by little, on Earth.
Thank you very much for another session of relevant information.

The C's warning about the outbreak of a cosmic virus as one of the possibilities in the near future is disturbing. Perhaps that is the shock that will trigger the big changes.

On the other hand, how good it is to know that the meditations and prayers are functional and how good it is to keep learning how to connect and navigate other planes of reality.
Thank you Chateau for another session!

Genetic recombination - wild implications. Due to carnivore diet last 3 years I got rid of majority of my allergies that wouldn`t be cured by anything modern medicine could throw at including some wild experimental stuff I took as a small kid based on the doc recommendations.

Ice age genetic switch? Wicked!! :-)

I`m really glad our prayers are having effect!

3D to 5D elevator. It sounds like this vehicle would serve for 5D entities in physical form? Otherwise they could still "visit" us in our dreams or inspire us otherwise. Any ideas?

Last paragraph indicates things are gaining momentum. Hopefully for the best!
Thank you all for this session!

A: Miojlla of Cassiopaea here. Good evening. Yes, there are agents of chaos loose upon your plane. Worry not. Awareness and mental blocking can protect.
Additional to the thread Mental Blocking, there is a post and article from Laura "Order Out of Chaos" from 2007, researching the relationship between the material universe, chaos, consciousness and awareness that explains indepth "How knowledge protects".
Thank you for the session!
A: She is [the planchette moves very slowly] mort.
I wonder why C's used word "mort" instead of word "dead"?
Is it simply because she was French, so they used old french word?

Maybe that word was used because it has two genders:

Or maybe "mort" was used, because that word could be hint that could lead to discover cause of mort.
Thank you so much for this recent session! As always, much to ponder..
(hlat) Are reports of a new coronavirus, HKU5-CoVs, an attempt to bring back covid lockdowns?

A: They are trying everything but may be trumped by the real deal!

Wonder if that's what the 4D PTB have planned..or if this is the cometary version? Good reminder to keep up our physical and psychic hygiene!!
Q: (PopHistorian) On a scale of 1-10, how well are the plans of the powers that be succeeding right now?

A: Depends on who you think you are referring to. Current "elites" are not doing so well. But the quorum is doing quite well.

Q: (L) And the quorum was the one that was in charge of deciding that Trump would not be assassinated, was that correct?

(Joe) Would be assassinated and then had to change their plans...

(L) And to change their plan because they were, because there were imbalances of some sort. So... They're up to something!

A: Yes
Of course the agents of chaos will find various ways to retaliate - witness the Tesla chaos, the corrupt judges trying to block Trumps EO's, etc. But that's likely just minor..have been wondering what the 4D STS overlords have in mind. Would be nice to have some ideas, in order to practice some mental blocking..if it would help.
(Mrs. Peel) Are the meditations and prayers we are doing for the world and others having any effect?

A: Yes

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Are they having the intended effects?

A: Since you are careful with your intentions, yes.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) If yes, is there anything more or different that we can do to enhance it?

A: Repetition.
Very nice to know - and great incentive to keep working!!! At times it feels as though there is very little we can do; of course working on own machines is always useful, but having a wider impact would be nice!!

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