Session 1 March 2025

This was a deliberate repeat of a question I liked from session 26 February 2022. I wanted to measure against a prior answer.

The Cs have used this term PTB many times, as have questioners. Never before has there been a question about who, in general, it refers to. So I find the Cs' answer significant. Maybe balance is actually being restored, and who the actual "powers that be" is now in question? Anyone agree?
Indeed. It is very helpful that you have managed to get this differentiated. Nicely done!
that was kinda chaotic session. idk, maybe it's related to the stuff that goes in the sky? the dance of the planets, pleiades in uranus (no pun intended), staurn in moon. but maybe i just got 'astrological' cause of the weather and overall tough world situation and generally mood. overall, interesting as usual. take care
The Cs have used this term PTB many times, as have questioners. Never before has there been a question about who, in general, it refers to. So I find the Cs' answer significant. Maybe balance is actually being restored, and who the actual "powers that be" is now in question? Anyone agree?

I understood that passage to mean that the current elites (as in left-liberal, globalist-neocon, woke-etc.) are on the loosing side (see Trump's victory and the many attempts world-wide by populist movements to rectify some of the madness), but that the STS overlords/Quorum allowed this to happen to an extent because they were forced by Free Will, so they changed their plans and are plotting to bring about their goals in a different way. What that means in practice I don't know, and I don't think anybody does really at this point.
This was a deliberate repeat of a question I liked from session 26 February 2022. I wanted to measure against a prior answer.

The Cs have used this term PTB many times, as have questioners. Never before has there been a question about who, in general, it refers to. So I find the Cs' answer significant. Maybe balance is actually being restored, and who the actual "powers that be" is now in question? Anyone agree?

I think you're onto something re: balance, based on this July 6 2024 session:

A: Quorum is meeting. Changes coming.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Nomendei of Cassiopaea.

Q: (Joe) The name of God, or the names of God...

(Scottie) That's unusual.

Q: (L) Okay. So you say the Quorum is meeting. Is that the Quorum you have spoken of in previous sessions?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And where are they meeting?

A: 4D.

Q: (L) And is it unusual for them to meet? I mean, is that why you brought this up?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When was the last time they met?

A: 40 years ago.

Q: (L) Was that 40 years, or did I miss a number? Was it 40?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) 40 years ago was when?

(Joe) 1984.

Q: (L) 1984. Uh-oh, argh! [Laughter]

(Joe) What are they meeting to discuss or decide?

A: Future of Earth.

Q: (L) Is it a good thing they're meeting, or a bad thing?

A: Depends on perspective.

Q: (L) Okay. Is it a good thing from our perspective?

A: Probably not.

Q: (L) Does it mean that from our perspective they're going to effect, or make some nefarious plans in the direction of greater control of human beings?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is it because there is too much resistance against the increasing control, or not enough?

A: Not enough for balance.

Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Well, swell!

(Joe) So the meeting that they're having, the decision that they're coming to will determine the future of Earth in a definitive way, or is it just another step?

A: Not as you suggest, no.

Q: (Gaby) It's more about the future of humanity...

(Joe) Or the future trajectory, or the next step in the...

A: There needs to be balance.

Q: (Joe) There needs to be balance, but they said there's not enough resistance from people, right?

(Chu) Yeah.

(Joe) And there's not enough resistance for balance. And there needs to be balance. So...

(L) They need to make more resistance.

(Joe) Well, these people aren't intending to produce more resistance. They're probably intending to create more control, but by trying to do that, they'll provoke more resistance.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So the controls may get tighter.

(Joe) And then people will rebel more.

(L) Well, swell! There went my retirement!

(Joe) It's kind of funny how someone would want more control, but that to get there, and in trying to get more control, they're not aware that they're going to get more resistance.

(L) Yeah, well, isn't that what Mephistopheles said in Faust? You know, he who intends evil, but... something along the lines. Somebody find that quote from Faust. "He who intends evil but ends up doing good..." or whatever. ["I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good"].

(Joe) So does that relate to the program change that they talked about in the last session?

A: Yes, indirectly.

Q: (PoB) Does "future of Earth" also involve things like Earth changes, climate and...?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So, what is within the purview of this Quorum people is basically control of human beings rather than...

(Chu) Well, if they're in 4D, they might be controlling the weather too.

(Joe) But can they effect changes like cataclysms? Can they induce or provoke cataclysms?

A: Yes to all.

Q: (Joe) So we're looking at something more along the lines of Earth changes then... [Laughter]

A: No dice!

Q: (Joe) So, we're looking then at stuff more along the lines of more control over human beings, which provokes Earth changes because of the...

A: Close.

Q: (L) If you can't create without, you create within.

(Joe) Exactly. So it's disease X! So you're saying it's disease X! [Laughter]

(L) You are funny. So that was the... the Quorum is meeting. What else did they say?

(Chu) Change is coming.

(L) Ok, we kind of covered that.

(PoB) What about help? Is it coming too?

(Joe) Help is on the way, yes.
This was a deliberate repeat of a question I liked from session 26 February 2022. I wanted to measure against a prior answer.

The Cs have used this term PTB many times, as have questioners. Never before has there been a question about who, in general, it refers to. So I find the Cs' answer significant. Maybe balance is actually being restored, and who the actual "powers that be" is now in question? Anyone agree?
Above average can be interpreted as 6+ , since Elites is in quotes , i'd tentatively qualify those below the iluminati , ie the rottenfellas /rottenshills et alll , to @luc point about quorum , i read quorum more as an sto/sts group , not strictly either ( ie the Trump assassination attempt in Butler Pa. my 2x cents)
From the Dec. 10th 2022 session we can see a clear distinction between “the Elites” and “the Aliens” and it discusses a rift between them. An issue of trust and language.

I conjecture that they are approaching or have reached the time that the “Elites” have been cut loose, or betrayed. Can we assume that the “walk ins” as described in the section I am posting below are going to take charge? Control or get rid of the Elites? Are the Elites going to go quietly into the night, or?

A: What elite are doing in preparation. Part of AI initiative.

Q: (L) So they want AI to build a machine translator that can translate alien speech?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Where are they getting alien speech from?

A: Interactions with "aliens".

Q: (L) So they have interactions with aliens now?

A: Yes and are at disadvantage.

(Joe) According to the C's and other sources, they've been talking to aliens for quite a long time. So...?

A: Yes but aliens can talk to each other and exclude humans thereby concealing intentions and plans.

(Pierre) Yeah, they disclose only what they want, not the whole plan.

A: Yes

(L) So, humans are trying to get some kind of a... So, does that mean that some humans are suspicious of the aliens?

A: Oh yes. But clearly others are exactly as described: hosts of "walk-ins".

(Joe) So it's like they go to meetings with aliens. The aliens talk to them in English or whatever human language, and then they break off and discuss in their alien language? It's like being at a meeting with people you don't understand.

A: Something like that.

Q: (L) But don't aliens have the ability to read minds? Suppose they had this AI translator.. Then they wouldn't be thinking about.. Oh, I just answered my own question - Somebody would still be thinking about it.

A: Some are trained to block thoughts.

Q: (Joe) So when we talk about aliens having discussions with humans, is that in a physical way in a room with humans and "aliens"?

A: Yes

(Joe) And what form do the aliens take from the perspective of the humans?

A: Usually Nordic types.

Q: (Joe) Because alligators would be too scary.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) We're beautiful long-haired Nordic people! Look at us shine! And high cheek bones. *Growls/hisses* [laughter]

(L) Creepy! Anything more we need to know on that topic?

A: Up to you.
I understood that passage to mean that the current elites (as in left-liberal, globalist-neocon, woke-etc.) are on the loosing side (see Trump's victory and the many attempts world-wide by populist movements to rectify some of the madness), but that the STS overlords/Quorum allowed this to happen to an extent because they were forced by Free Will, so they changed their plans and are plotting to bring about their goals in a different way. What that means in practice I don't know, and I don't think anybody does really at this point.
Yes, that was my take also.
That is, if I understood it correctly, that this happens if the soul does not manage to individualize itself completely, that is to say to generate the magnetic center and to fuse(?) the small I's. Is this correct? Especially because they use the word degaussing.
Yes, I think you're right.

I'll paste just a part of the discussion they had back in 2009, it helped me understand this better:

Q: (Joe) What was your theory? (L) She was talking about Illion's Darkness over Tibet and the descending spiral and that it's a choice and you have to...

A: We couldn't have explained it any better!

Q: (Scottie) Did you write about this on the forum? (Keit) Yeah. (Scottie) How did I miss that?? (A***) Yeah. (Keit) I have some more to say about this. (Joe) So that was about trying to smash all these souls back into primal matter, was that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Allen) Could you just explain it, because I didn't read it. (Keit) What I said is that... I brought this in quotes and quoted from Darkness Over Tibet. The author mentions that there are two possibilities in development: upward and downward. And there is a possibility of losing one's soul, but it should be a conscious decision, it's a choice. And it can't be taken by force. (L) But they can make you choose by wearing you out. (Keit) Exactly, and I gave my personal example where I felt that traumatic experiences in our lives kind of manipulates us into choosing the downward development. And we basically choose something that is against our own level of being. And it's so traumatic for the soul, that it twists the soul and puts it in a downward position. The eventual outcome of this event is basically smashing the soul, even if the final smashing event is relative small. And that's why there is so much suffering and pathology in the world, where they force and manipulate souls into choosing. (L) Against their own nature. (PL) And Illion said that the worse thing for a human being is the sin against their own soul. (Keit) And sinning against the soul is going against your own level or nature of being. So, like narcissistic tendencies and everything, that's why for our own sake we need to clean ourselves. (DD) Is this why they've injected so many drugs into the culture to just weaken people?

A: Yes and remember also transmarginal inhibition principles.

Q: (L) One of those principles is that even strong dogs that could not be broken in ordinary ways, if they subjected them to physical trauma like surgery, or illness, or something like that, that that would weaken them to the point where they could be turned. So torture is also part of this process.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And we live now in a culture of torture which is basically a soul-smashing culture.

A: Yes
Session Date: March 1st 2025

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Princess Leia, Bella

FOTCM Members attending via Zoom:

3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, anartist, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, Arwenn, Aya, Beau, Bluefyre, Bo , Bobo08, brandon, Breton, Carl, cassandra, Cosmos, Deliverance, domi, dugdeep, Ellipse, Ennio, fabric, Finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, gottathink, Gwenllian, Harmony99, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, Honzap, iamthatis, irjO, iscreamsandwish, Jacques, Jeanne T, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Jono, Josi, Juba, Keyhole, kinyash, KJN, Konstantin, latulipenoire, Learner, Lilou, LQB, luc, Lucius, Luis Miguel, Mark, Maat, Manitoban, marek760, Mark7, Martina, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, Miracle, Mrs. Peel, Natus Videre, Navigator, neema, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha, PopHistorian, Redrock12, Regulattor, Ryan, rylek, ryu, Saman, ScioAgapeOmnis, Seamus, seek10, seeker2seer, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Temperance, thorbiorn, Timótheos, Tomek, Tristan, Turgon, Uperios, Voyageur, Vulcan59, whitecoast, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, zim

Q: (L) Today is March the first, 2025 and the usual suspects are present. [Review of those present] We have a number of puppies scattered about, so let's say: Hello, hello?

A: Miojlla of Cassiopaea here. Good evening. Yes, there are agents of chaos loose upon your plane. Worry not. Awareness and mental blocking can protect.

Q: (L) All right, so Gaby's first question is:

(Gaby) Do I have hypermobile Ehler Danlos and/or spectrum hypermobility syndrome?

(L) I mean, do they have to be in together, or is it one or the other?

(Gaby) They're the same thing.

(L) They're the same thing. So something like that is going on?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) From which ancestry as it is known today because I don't know my genealogy?

(L) In other words, your mother's side or your father's side?

(Gaby) Yeah, I don't know where my father originally came from.

(L) Okay. Is it from her mother's side or father's?

A: Father.

Q: (Gaby) Is it generally good to have it officially recognized?

(L) In other words, is it a good idea to have an official diagnosis?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Can you tell me the genetic mutation?

A: No. There are several interactive genes. And to some extent it can be mitigated by up or down regulation.

Q: (Gaby) Like the carnivore diet.

(L) Is carnivore diet...?

A: Yes definitely.

Q: (Gaby) Does this syndrome confer any advantages at all?

A: For some.

Q: (Gaby) It depends on the orientation, like STO...?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) Okay. From my father's side, is it from an Indian side or a Spanish European side?

A: Spanish.

Q: (Gaby) It explains the psychic abilities in that side of the family.

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) So if you're aligned with STO forces, it is good... or better.

A: Can be.

Q: (L) Okay. And now we have [redacted] on the forum, who asks:

([redacted]) Is my hypothesis about what happened to me true in all three components? (1) Was I sexually abused as a child, (2) by my Dad, and (3) is this the primary causal factor in my symptoms? If not, which of the components are not true?

(L) Well, why do we have to limit it to being true in all three components? I guess the first question is:

([redacted]) Was I sexually abused as a child?

A: Yes

Q: ([redacted]) By my dad?

A: Yes

Q: ([redacted]) Is this the primary causal factor in my symptoms?

A: No

Q: ([redacted]) If not, which of the components are not true?

(L) Well, you see that... Trying to tie three components together is not an open way of asking a question because they said "yes" to two and "no" to three. Okay. So what is the primary causal factor in their symptoms?

A: Genetic.

Q: (L) Does it have anything to do with brain chemistry?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) All their tests were normal. Could it be something like what I have?

A: Similar, but different genes.

Q: (Joe) Does their cluster of symptoms have a medically known name or syndrome attached to it?

A: Not as such. But close to Gaby's syndrome. There are many conditions that are specific to the individual. Your science likes to group them for definitive diagnosis when that is not always possible or accurate.

Q: (L) So there can be theoretically as many conditions as there are people, thanks to that wonderful process called genetic recombination. [Laughter]

(Gaby) Great.

(L) So they just kind of group together in a general way.

(Andromeda) Very general.

(Joe) So would it be true to say that any solutions or mitigating factors that apply to Gaby's case will also apply, generally speaking, to [redacted]?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I've been thinking a lot about this carnivore diet. I mean, we've gone through one thing after the other, tried this, and carnivore and ketogenic diets seem to be probably the most promising for a lot of things. I've been reading a lot about it lately and it seems that... and I just started thinking that... Is it possible that there's some kind of genetic switch in us that can sense, say for example, an oncoming ice age, and people are born with certain genes or genetic combinations in preparation for something like that? For a change in either an ice age change or even with the awareness that there's going to be a change to fourth density or something like that? Is it possible that there is some kind of switch in us, or some kind of receiver, that understands upcoming changes and it manifests in a large way in a human population?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I know that was a really crappy question... [Laughter] And all I got was a "Yes"! [Laughter] I feel cheated.

(Joe) They say a soul entering a body can change the genes, right? So what's a soul but consciousness or information. So, if prior to incarnation a soul had a general idea of the kind of conditions it was going to enter into, then that would be part of its awareness, its consciousness and as it entered the body, it may then change...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) All I got was "Yes" as well... [Laughter]

(L) Very good, Joe. Very good. All right. Let's see what's next.

(Ina) Is the near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 going to impact the Earth or the moon or neither?

A: Moon most likely, but still open.

Q: (L) We're not close enough where we can get an answer on that. There are still variables.

(Joe) Wouldn't it be cool if a big meteorite hit the moon?

(L) It would be cool? Well, I think there've been quite a few, well, not big ones. I mean, we've seen little ones. Well, I guess that would be kind of cool.

(Ellipse) It was recently discovered that the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way has constant brightness activity and especially that there was a major outburst. Is this linked to the Wave?

A: No

Q: (L) Well, they said no.

(Niall) That's unusual. Nearly everything going on out there IS linked to it in some way.

A: Wave is universe phenomenon not galactic.

Q: (JEEP) Are any of the recent spate of airplane collisions/crashes the result of 4D bleedthrough?

A: Some!

Q: (JEEP) If yes, are plane instruments giving readings that are confusing the pilots and leading to collisions/crashes?

A: Some!

Q: (L) Well, friendly...

Q: (JEEP) Will air travel become much more dangerous generally?

A: Yes and all other.

Q: (Joe) Like walking? [Laughter]

(Chu) Cycling?

(Niall) Rollerblading.

(Joe) Walking in the back garden - that's travel, no? On that plane thing, that was a general question, but I just want to know: The Black Hawk helicopter that crashed into the jet over the DC area, what was the cause of that?

(L) Didn't we already ask about it?

(Niall) We haven't had a session since then. Was that one an accident as reported?

A: Mostly.

Q: (Niall) Mostly? Ah. It could have been one of the bleedthrough ones where the pilot was unsure or something...

(L) What was the root of it?


(Niall) Oh, really?!

(Joe) Oh wow.

(L) Were there any otherworldly elements to it?

A: Some.

Q: (L) So in other words, a DEI-selected person was involved, who was susceptible to manipulation. Is that what we're getting at?

A: Yes exactly.

Q: (Joe) And what about two days after that crash, when there was the jet that crashed in Philadelphia?

(Niall) The Medivac Learjet?

(Joe) Yeah. Was that an accident as described?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) Okay. What was the root of that one?

A: Bleedthrough.

Q: (Niall) That makes sense. The pilot was going so fast he thought he was at a different altitude, I guess.

(L) So we could ask that about every single one and probably every single one would have a different combination of factors. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Well, one more then. These are the three big ones. There are lots of little things. The Toronto one: so a Delta Airlines plane crashed into a snowy runway in Toronto and flipped upside down. What was at the root of that one?

A: DEI hubris

Q: (Joe) The way they were flying it, they just slammed it down and broke the landing gear.

(L) They just thought they knew what they were doing and they didn't.

(Joe) The Black Hawk one over DC was weird.

(Niall) Joe had a whole conspiracy theory.

(Joe) I mean, that helicopter was training for carrying out an emergency continuity of a government situation where they would have picked up Trump in the current administration...

(L) Well, what did they just say? It was DEI and... susceptible to manipulation.

(Joe) It looked a lot like… kind of like a message they were training for a situation...

(L) Well, DEI susceptible to manipulation IS a message.

(Niall) But from the next level up.

(Joe) Was it considered as a possible message by the Trump administration or as a warning?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Oh well.

(L) Alright. Next question:

(hlat) Are reports of a new coronavirus, HKU5-CoVs, an attempt to bring back covid lockdowns?

A: They are trying everything but may be trumped by the real deal!

Q: (L) You don't mean that in any kind of pun-ish way, do you?

A: No

Q: (L) In other words, no pun intended.

(Altair) Who is usually being transferred from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators, which were mentioned in the January 25th, 2025 session?

A: What you know of as "angels" or "demons".

Q: (L) Like Jacob's ladder.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So it would be like 5D angel/demon types that would use them to come and go, but it's not... Well, I don't know what to say. Okay. Two:

(Altair) What is the most common purpose of transferring somebody from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators?


Q: (L) And I guess, number three is kind of already answered, the question being:

(Altair) Who operates such elevators, apart from 4D STS beings?

(L) So I guess if we're talking about from 3D to 5D, we're talking about demons or angels. And if we're talking about people, I mean, is this how people go to 5D when they die?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) So when people die, they transfer through their own kind of silver cord to their 5D self and that's a different activity. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But 4D can also use these because they exist or maybe they exist because of angels or demons that come into and out of our world. Is that true?

A: Yes

Q: (PopHistorian) On a scale of 1-10, how well are the plans of the powers that be succeeding right now?

A: Depends on who you think you are referring to. Current "elites" are not doing so well. But the quorum is doing quite well.

Q: (L) And the quorum was the one that was in charge of deciding that Trump would not be assassinated, was that correct?

(Joe) Would be assassinated and then had to change their plans...

(L) And to change their plan because they were, because there were imbalances of some sort. So... They're up to something!

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) As usual.

(Mrs. Peel) Are the meditations and prayers we are doing for the world and others having any effect?

A: Yes

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Are they having the intended effects?

A: Since you are careful with your intentions, yes.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) If yes, is there anything more or different that we can do to enhance it?

A: Repetition.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Is there anything we are doing wrong that we can correct or do better?

A: Practice makes perfect. You are all growing more proficient at navigating in the etheric realms.

Q: (L) Anybody want to add a question to that? Anything else? Yes. No? Okay. Thor... Boy, you got a bunch of questions in here, fella! Trying to wear me out!

(thorbiorn) In countries with a high percentage of psychopaths, as per the information in the transcripts, are there also fewer OPs?

A: No

Q: (L) And I guess your reasoning is that if there are more psychopaths, that the psychopaths are taking up or occupying the OP status. Is that what you're getting at Thor?

(thorbiorn) Yeah, that's what I had in mind.

(L) You figured if there were more psychopaths, there were fewer OPs because there were more OPs that were turned into psychopaths. Is that it?

(thorbiorn) Well, I was thinking that if it's half/half and then there are some countries where there are very many psychopaths, and I was just wondering if the psychopath is, as they explain, a failed OP, if then that took up the space, so to say, of that 50%.

(L) Okay. Well they said no.

(thorbiorn) In countries with a higher percentage of psychopaths, are the ones you include all of the failed OP type?

A: No

Q: (thorbiorn) If no, what other types are included?

A: Strong STS candidates.

Q: (thorbiorn) Can they give an example of how much these types contribute to the elevated numbers?

(L) How much? Are you asking for percentages?

(thorbiorn) Suppose 25% or 20% psychopaths are in the country, then I understand some of them are failed OPs and I think it was 6% or something on average. But what about the others? Are there other categories? How do they mix? If you have, for instance, red and green and black balls and you mix them together, you want to know how many of each of these would be produced?

(L) Okay, I guess, well, I'm trying to think of a way to frame this question...

A: You are thinking in 3D terms.

Q: (L) It would be probably very few of them that are strong STS candidates. Am I correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So the reason for there being more psychopaths, probably of the failed OP variety, would be simply genetic?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And once again, we're back to that good old genetic recombination. Somehow people cluster together and they reproduce and strengthen or enhance certain genetics, and then you end up with more psychopaths. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (thorbiorn) When you said psychopaths will get all the blame, does that mean that many people will misinterpret the deeper level of manipulation, like walk-ins, undergrounders and what have you, so that psychopaths of the OP type will be like shields for other malefic actors?

A: Close enough.

Q: (L) I mean, let's face it. How many people on the planet are going to believe in walk-ins, 4D manipulation, undergrounders, et cetera? The majority of the population just usually doesn't want to go there.

(thorbiorn) Is it so, that in countries with many 4D candidates there are also many psychopaths?

(L) What do you mean 4D candidates? There are 4D candidates of the STS variety, and 4D candidates of the STO variety. So what do you mean?

(thorbiorn) That is true, but I think I was thinking about STO, because they said that when a person is close to graduating, then there's a possibility that they insert more units around that person.

(L) All right, I see what you're asking. Okay, so he's asking about 4D STO candidates, and does that mean that there are more agents inserted around them and that there are also many psychopaths?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, glory, hallelujah for all of us... Okay. Now, referring back to the 25 January, 2025 session about individuals who have been genetically modified to be hosts for 4D beings:

(L) And the question is:

(thorbiorn) Can these 4D beings download themselves into both the bodies of souled people, and into the bodies of OPs and failed OPs, like psychopaths?

A: Such "downloading" into soul beings is generally referred to as possession and implies a conflict and thus is not optimal for "downloading."

Q: (L) Okay, so as a general rule, they do not download into the bodies of souled people.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They only use the bodies of OPs and failed OPs, like psychopaths.

A: Yes.

Q: (thorbiorn) Can a 4D STS being download itself into more than one 3D body at the same time?

A: No.

Q: (L) But they can control more than one individual at the same time, if they're doing it from hyperdimensional realities?

A: Yes.

Q: (thorbiorn) Is there more than one type of 4D STS being, besides the Lizzies, that can be found among walk-ins?

A: Walkins are generally not "Lizzies" but rather humanoid types for frequency reasons.

Q: (L) So in other words, Lizzies are too reptilian to frequency-match with the human genetics.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) All right. That was the last of the questions. Do any of y'all present here have any questions?

(Joe) Is Macron Brigitte's son?

A: No but he sure looks like it!

Q: (Niall) Well, that's just left dangling there. Is that just a coincidence? A matching of frequencies?

A: People tend to be attracted to types.

Q: (L) Well, I can give an example: My father was very similar in type, and had similar facial features to my grandfather, and that's why my mother married him. Other questions?

(Niall) I have one, but it's probably too dangerous. It's related to that.

(Joe) Go ahead and ask.

(Niall) What happened to Brigitte Trogneux, the sister of Jean-Michel Trogneux?

(L) What does Candace Owens think happened to her?

(Niall) No one knows. No one said it. She asked Xavier Poussard, and he just went...

(Joe) Well, we haven't actually established...

(Niall) We have, we asked if Jean-Michel was in fact, Brigitte, and they said yes.

(Joe) Oh, okay. Well, then the question is what happened to the original Brigitte that the current Brigitte is impersonating.

(Chu) They know she married but then she disappeared. There's nothing about her.

(L) What happened to her?

(Joe) The current Brigitte is Jean-Michel, her brother.

(L) Right.

(Joe) He had a younger sister that existed, but then disappeared, and then Jean-Michel took her persona. That's the theory. It's open, it's out there.

A: She is [the planchette moves very slowly] mort.

Q: (Joe) That makes sense.

(L) They really didn't want to answer that question.

(Niall) I know!

(Gaby) Yeah, let's just leave it.

(Joe) Well, they're only answering now, I suppose, because there's at least some information because of Candace Owens, so it's out there. But to get any more answers, you'd probably have to stick within what's already been made available publicly and make it a little bit extra. But you're probably not going to get any definitive answers because it's touchy.

(L) All right...

(Niall) I don't know exactly how to ask it. Did the AfD really come second in the general election that took place in Germany last week?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) Did they get most votes?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) It was rigged.

(Joe) Surprise, surprise...

(Niall) So that's interesting. That gives us an idea that the vox populi in Europe is the same, roughly, as in the US.

(Joe) Right. I think it's just being expressed.

(Andromeda) Yeah.

(Niall) So they're still rigging. Oh, Gaby, you mentioned this to me today. How come...? Well, do you want to ask it?

(Gaby) Well, how come that in the US abridging of free will is very dangerous, so the election cannot really be rigged, but in Europe it's fair game, with Le Pen, and now the AfD won, and they rig the election every time? Why?

(Niall) Well, they rigged it in the US but the abridging of free will was the assassination of Trump.

(Gaby) That's true.

(Joe) Yeah, rigging is allowed, you know? If they can get away with it, then...

(L) God, they've been doing it since forever. I mean, there's even serious questions about the election of John Kennedy, that there were a lot of votes that were bought.

(Niall) By his dad, yes, and the mob. Okay.

(Joe) I have a question about soul smashing. Why do higher selves of souls allow them to be smashed? Couldn't they just "call them home" before that happened?

A: Souls that are subject to being "smashed" are generally unindividuated and the smashing process is a sort of degaussing and the "higher self" perceives this loss of energy as a sort of cleansing. Sort of like amputation in your realm.

Q: (L) And then they begin growing again.

(Joe) They grow the body part back. You grow your tail back.

(L) If they're a lizard. [Laughter] All right.

(Andromeda) That was interesting.

(L) Anybody have anything that is dreadfully important, because my arm is getting sore...

(Chu) No, there are more questions on the chat, but they're sneaking them in.

(L) They're sneaking them in? [Laughter]

(Chu) Instead of putting them on the thread.

(Niall) Sneaky!

(Chu) So, I think we can probably copy them and save them for next time?

(L) Yeah. Copy and save them for next time, or put them on the thread and discuss them. All right. Any final words of wisdom for those of us here in the past, from those of you there in the future?

A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.

Q: (L) Well, we have thrilling, and we have chaotic.

[Laura reads out loud a compilation of past warnings: All recent final messages/warnings from the Sessions]


Hello my beautiful friends,

So I don't want to sound like douche but Is it just me or these sessions or topics of discussions basically the same? I mean, there is nothing new, just warnings and bad news, even at the end of the sessions it is the same "advice" like: Be careful, keep an eye on the skies and seas, everything will blow out of proportion, you're being watched, we cannot tell no anything else, you're screwed but keep the faith, you will be fine as long as you fight against all your natural instincts" I mean it is all the same and I'm sorry if I sound a little or too negative; while I understand the importance of being aware of potential challenges, I'm finding it difficult to find actionable takeaways. For example, the advice to 'be careful' or 'keep an eye on the skies' feels vague.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to offend anybody or diminish the effort you put in all this work but this feels like a loop to me, same warnings, same stuff, I don't know, maybe I'm the only one and I can be totally wrong, I'm struggling to get the picture or at least something that tells me this world is not that bad.

STS overlords/Quorum allowed this to happen to an extent because they were forced by Free Will, so they changed their plans and are plotting to bring about their goals in a different way. What that means in practice I don't know, and I don't think anybody does really at this point.
The most likely "new plan" of the STS overlords seems to be a technocracy under a new set of people like Peter Thiel (Palantir), Sam Altman, maybe Musk and others from the "Paypal mafia".

What is a bit strange is that they are all well-known publicly and it is unclear who may be behind them - or if it is really just them. Is it a part of the "new plan" that the new PTB are well-known and out in the open?

These wannabe technocrats seem to be something like a trojan horse within the nationalist faction (Trump) that wants to take over from the globalist faction, and is seemingly succeeding in the US.

The $500 billion "Stargate AI program" that Trump authorized in the first few days seems to be a central part of this push towards technocracy.

The "eternal doomers" like Whitney Webb, Catherine Austin-Fitts, David Icke or Corbett have analyzed this technocratic plan quite well I think, though they may be overestimating its chances of success. Partly because Trump is apparently not in on it, while they think that he is.

As the C's said in the previous session:

(PopHistorian) Why is Trump promoting the Stargate AI project with such priority and praise for its leaders?

A: Trump is easily misled by those of eloquent persuasion. Hopefully others will show him the facts.

Q: (Joe) He's a bit clueless.

Q: (PopHistorian) With whom did the Stargate idea truly originate?

(L) Is there some debate over that?

(Niall) It's probably what it looks like. It's Larry Ellison and Sam Altman.

(Joe) There's an assumption in the question that it's not only them.

(L) Okay. So there's an assumption.

A: As so many things, origins in 4D STS.

Q: (L) Okay.

(PopHistorian) For what true aim?

A: Total control of the population.

Q: (Joe) But they said in a previous session when talking about AI that the grid, etc. would collapse before they're able to actually implement that.

(L) Yeah. Okay.
Session Date: March 1st 2025

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Princess Leia, Bella

FOTCM Members attending via Zoom:

3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, anartist, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, Arwenn, Aya, Beau, Bluefyre, Bo , Bobo08, brandon, Breton, Carl, cassandra, Cosmos, Deliverance, domi, dugdeep, Ellipse, Ennio, fabric, Finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, gottathink, Gwenllian, Harmony99, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, Honzap, iamthatis, irjO, iscreamsandwish, Jacques, Jeanne T, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Jono, Josi, Juba, Keyhole, kinyash, KJN, Konstantin, latulipenoire, Learner, Lilou, LQB, luc, Lucius, Luis Miguel, Mark, Maat, Manitoban, marek760, Mark7, Martina, Mike, Mikkael, Mililea, Miracle, Mrs. Peel, Natus Videre, Navigator, neema, Nicholas, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha, PopHistorian, Redrock12, Regulattor, Ryan, rylek, ryu, Saman, ScioAgapeOmnis, Seamus, seek10, seeker2seer, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Temperance, thorbiorn, Timótheos, Tomek, Tristan, Turgon, Uperios, Voyageur, Vulcan59, whitecoast, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, zim

Q: (L) Today is March the first, 2025 and the usual suspects are present. [Review of those present] We have a number of puppies scattered about, so let's say: Hello, hello?

A: Miojlla of Cassiopaea here. Good evening. Yes, there are agents of chaos loose upon your plane. Worry not. Awareness and mental blocking can protect.

Q: (L) All right, so Gaby's first question is:

(Gaby) Do I have hypermobile Ehler Danlos and/or spectrum hypermobility syndrome?

(L) I mean, do they have to be in together, or is it one or the other?

(Gaby) They're the same thing.

(L) They're the same thing. So something like that is going on?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) From which ancestry as it is known today because I don't know my genealogy?

(L) In other words, your mother's side or your father's side?

(Gaby) Yeah, I don't know where my father originally came from.

(L) Okay. Is it from her mother's side or father's?

A: Father.

Q: (Gaby) Is it generally good to have it officially recognized?

(L) In other words, is it a good idea to have an official diagnosis?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Can you tell me the genetic mutation?

A: No. There are several interactive genes. And to some extent it can be mitigated by up or down regulation.

Q: (Gaby) Like the carnivore diet.

(L) Is carnivore diet...?

A: Yes definitely.

Q: (Gaby) Does this syndrome confer any advantages at all?

A: For some.

Q: (Gaby) It depends on the orientation, like STO...?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) Okay. From my father's side, is it from an Indian side or a Spanish European side?

A: Spanish.

Q: (Gaby) It explains the psychic abilities in that side of the family.

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) So if you're aligned with STO forces, it is good... or better.

A: Can be.

Q: (L) Okay. And now we have [redacted] on the forum, who asks:

([redacted]) Is my hypothesis about what happened to me true in all three components? (1) Was I sexually abused as a child, (2) by my Dad, and (3) is this the primary causal factor in my symptoms? If not, which of the components are not true?

(L) Well, why do we have to limit it to being true in all three components? I guess the first question is:

([redacted]) Was I sexually abused as a child?

A: Yes

Q: ([redacted]) By my dad?

A: Yes

Q: ([redacted]) Is this the primary causal factor in my symptoms?

A: No

Q: ([redacted]) If not, which of the components are not true?

(L) Well, you see that... Trying to tie three components together is not an open way of asking a question because they said "yes" to two and "no" to three. Okay. So what is the primary causal factor in their symptoms?

A: Genetic.

Q: (L) Does it have anything to do with brain chemistry?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) All their tests were normal. Could it be something like what I have?

A: Similar, but different genes.

Q: (Joe) Does their cluster of symptoms have a medically known name or syndrome attached to it?

A: Not as such. But close to Gaby's syndrome. There are many conditions that are specific to the individual. Your science likes to group them for definitive diagnosis when that is not always possible or accurate.

Q: (L) So there can be theoretically as many conditions as there are people, thanks to that wonderful process called genetic recombination. [Laughter]

(Gaby) Great.

(L) So they just kind of group together in a general way.

(Andromeda) Very general.

(Joe) So would it be true to say that any solutions or mitigating factors that apply to Gaby's case will also apply, generally speaking, to [redacted]?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I've been thinking a lot about this carnivore diet. I mean, we've gone through one thing after the other, tried this, and carnivore and ketogenic diets seem to be probably the most promising for a lot of things. I've been reading a lot about it lately and it seems that... and I just started thinking that... Is it possible that there's some kind of genetic switch in us that can sense, say for example, an oncoming ice age, and people are born with certain genes or genetic combinations in preparation for something like that? For a change in either an ice age change or even with the awareness that there's going to be a change to fourth density or something like that? Is it possible that there is some kind of switch in us, or some kind of receiver, that understands upcoming changes and it manifests in a large way in a human population?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I know that was a really crappy question... [Laughter] And all I got was a "Yes"! [Laughter] I feel cheated.

(Joe) They say a soul entering a body can change the genes, right? So what's a soul but consciousness or information. So, if prior to incarnation a soul had a general idea of the kind of conditions it was going to enter into, then that would be part of its awareness, its consciousness and as it entered the body, it may then change...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) All I got was "Yes" as well... [Laughter]

(L) Very good, Joe. Very good. All right. Let's see what's next.

(Ina) Is the near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 going to impact the Earth or the moon or neither?

A: Moon most likely, but still open.

Q: (L) We're not close enough where we can get an answer on that. There are still variables.

(Joe) Wouldn't it be cool if a big meteorite hit the moon?

(L) It would be cool? Well, I think there've been quite a few, well, not big ones. I mean, we've seen little ones. Well, I guess that would be kind of cool.

(Ellipse) It was recently discovered that the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way has constant brightness activity and especially that there was a major outburst. Is this linked to the Wave?

A: No

Q: (L) Well, they said no.

(Niall) That's unusual. Nearly everything going on out there IS linked to it in some way.

A: Wave is universe phenomenon not galactic.

Q: (JEEP) Are any of the recent spate of airplane collisions/crashes the result of 4D bleedthrough?

A: Some!

Q: (JEEP) If yes, are plane instruments giving readings that are confusing the pilots and leading to collisions/crashes?

A: Some!

Q: (L) Well, friendly...

Q: (JEEP) Will air travel become much more dangerous generally?

A: Yes and all other.

Q: (Joe) Like walking? [Laughter]

(Chu) Cycling?

(Niall) Rollerblading.

(Joe) Walking in the back garden - that's travel, no? On that plane thing, that was a general question, but I just want to know: The Black Hawk helicopter that crashed into the jet over the DC area, what was the cause of that?

(L) Didn't we already ask about it?

(Niall) We haven't had a session since then. Was that one an accident as reported?

A: Mostly.

Q: (Niall) Mostly? Ah. It could have been one of the bleedthrough ones where the pilot was unsure or something...

(L) What was the root of it?


(Niall) Oh, really?!

(Joe) Oh wow.

(L) Were there any otherworldly elements to it?

A: Some.

Q: (L) So in other words, a DEI-selected person was involved, who was susceptible to manipulation. Is that what we're getting at?

A: Yes exactly.

Q: (Joe) And what about two days after that crash, when there was the jet that crashed in Philadelphia?

(Niall) The Medivac Learjet?

(Joe) Yeah. Was that an accident as described?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) Okay. What was the root of that one?

A: Bleedthrough.

Q: (Niall) That makes sense. The pilot was going so fast he thought he was at a different altitude, I guess.

(L) So we could ask that about every single one and probably every single one would have a different combination of factors. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Well, one more then. These are the three big ones. There are lots of little things. The Toronto one: so a Delta Airlines plane crashed into a snowy runway in Toronto and flipped upside down. What was at the root of that one?

A: DEI hubris

Q: (Joe) The way they were flying it, they just slammed it down and broke the landing gear.

(L) They just thought they knew what they were doing and they didn't.

(Joe) The Black Hawk one over DC was weird.

(Niall) Joe had a whole conspiracy theory.

(Joe) I mean, that helicopter was training for carrying out an emergency continuity of a government situation where they would have picked up Trump in the current administration...

(L) Well, what did they just say? It was DEI and... susceptible to manipulation.

(Joe) It looked a lot like… kind of like a message they were training for a situation...

(L) Well, DEI susceptible to manipulation IS a message.

(Niall) But from the next level up.

(Joe) Was it considered as a possible message by the Trump administration or as a warning?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Oh well.

(L) Alright. Next question:

(hlat) Are reports of a new coronavirus, HKU5-CoVs, an attempt to bring back covid lockdowns?

A: They are trying everything but may be trumped by the real deal!

Q: (L) You don't mean that in any kind of pun-ish way, do you?

A: No

Q: (L) In other words, no pun intended.

(Altair) Who is usually being transferred from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators, which were mentioned in the January 25th, 2025 session?

A: What you know of as "angels" or "demons".

Q: (L) Like Jacob's ladder.

A: Yes

Q: (L) I see. So it would be like 5D angel/demon types that would use them to come and go, but it's not... Well, I don't know what to say. Okay. Two:

(Altair) What is the most common purpose of transferring somebody from 3D to 5D by means of these "high-tech" elevators?


Q: (L) And I guess, number three is kind of already answered, the question being:

(Altair) Who operates such elevators, apart from 4D STS beings?

(L) So I guess if we're talking about from 3D to 5D, we're talking about demons or angels. And if we're talking about people, I mean, is this how people go to 5D when they die?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) So when people die, they transfer through their own kind of silver cord to their 5D self and that's a different activity. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But 4D can also use these because they exist or maybe they exist because of angels or demons that come into and out of our world. Is that true?

A: Yes

Q: (PopHistorian) On a scale of 1-10, how well are the plans of the powers that be succeeding right now?

A: Depends on who you think you are referring to. Current "elites" are not doing so well. But the quorum is doing quite well.

Q: (L) And the quorum was the one that was in charge of deciding that Trump would not be assassinated, was that correct?

(Joe) Would be assassinated and then had to change their plans...

(L) And to change their plan because they were, because there were imbalances of some sort. So... They're up to something!

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) As usual.

(Mrs. Peel) Are the meditations and prayers we are doing for the world and others having any effect?

A: Yes

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Are they having the intended effects?

A: Since you are careful with your intentions, yes.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) If yes, is there anything more or different that we can do to enhance it?

A: Repetition.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Is there anything we are doing wrong that we can correct or do better?

A: Practice makes perfect. You are all growing more proficient at navigating in the etheric realms.

Q: (L) Anybody want to add a question to that? Anything else? Yes. No? Okay. Thor... Boy, you got a bunch of questions in here, fella! Trying to wear me out!

(thorbiorn) In countries with a high percentage of psychopaths, as per the information in the transcripts, are there also fewer OPs?

A: No

Q: (L) And I guess your reasoning is that if there are more psychopaths, that the psychopaths are taking up or occupying the OP status. Is that what you're getting at Thor?

(thorbiorn) Yeah, that's what I had in mind.

(L) You figured if there were more psychopaths, there were fewer OPs because there were more OPs that were turned into psychopaths. Is that it?

(thorbiorn) Well, I was thinking that if it's half/half and then there are some countries where there are very many psychopaths, and I was just wondering if the psychopath is, as they explain, a failed OP, if then that took up the space, so to say, of that 50%.

(L) Okay. Well they said no.

(thorbiorn) In countries with a higher percentage of psychopaths, are the ones you include all of the failed OP type?

A: No

Q: (thorbiorn) If no, what other types are included?

A: Strong STS candidates.

Q: (thorbiorn) Can they give an example of how much these types contribute to the elevated numbers?

(L) How much? Are you asking for percentages?

(thorbiorn) Suppose 25% or 20% psychopaths are in the country, then I understand some of them are failed OPs and I think it was 6% or something on average. But what about the others? Are there other categories? How do they mix? If you have, for instance, red and green and black balls and you mix them together, you want to know how many of each of these would be produced?

(L) Okay, I guess, well, I'm trying to think of a way to frame this question...

A: You are thinking in 3D terms.

Q: (L) It would be probably very few of them that are strong STS candidates. Am I correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So the reason for there being more psychopaths, probably of the failed OP variety, would be simply genetic?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And once again, we're back to that good old genetic recombination. Somehow people cluster together and they reproduce and strengthen or enhance certain genetics, and then you end up with more psychopaths. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (thorbiorn) When you said psychopaths will get all the blame, does that mean that many people will misinterpret the deeper level of manipulation, like walk-ins, undergrounders and what have you, so that psychopaths of the OP type will be like shields for other malefic actors?

A: Close enough.

Q: (L) I mean, let's face it. How many people on the planet are going to believe in walk-ins, 4D manipulation, undergrounders, et cetera? The majority of the population just usually doesn't want to go there.

(thorbiorn) Is it so, that in countries with many 4D candidates there are also many psychopaths?

(L) What do you mean 4D candidates? There are 4D candidates of the STS variety, and 4D candidates of the STO variety. So what do you mean?

(thorbiorn) That is true, but I think I was thinking about STO, because they said that when a person is close to graduating, then there's a possibility that they insert more units around that person.

(L) All right, I see what you're asking. Okay, so he's asking about 4D STO candidates, and does that mean that there are more agents inserted around them and that there are also many psychopaths?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, glory, hallelujah for all of us... Okay. Now, referring back to the 25 January, 2025 session about individuals who have been genetically modified to be hosts for 4D beings:

(L) And the question is:

(thorbiorn) Can these 4D beings download themselves into both the bodies of souled people, and into the bodies of OPs and failed OPs, like psychopaths?

A: Such "downloading" into soul beings is generally referred to as possession and implies a conflict and thus is not optimal for "downloading."

Q: (L) Okay, so as a general rule, they do not download into the bodies of souled people.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They only use the bodies of OPs and failed OPs, like psychopaths.

A: Yes.

Q: (thorbiorn) Can a 4D STS being download itself into more than one 3D body at the same time?

A: No.

Q: (L) But they can control more than one individual at the same time, if they're doing it from hyperdimensional realities?

A: Yes.

Q: (thorbiorn) Is there more than one type of 4D STS being, besides the Lizzies, that can be found among walk-ins?

A: Walkins are generally not "Lizzies" but rather humanoid types for frequency reasons.

Q: (L) So in other words, Lizzies are too reptilian to frequency-match with the human genetics.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) All right. That was the last of the questions. Do any of y'all present here have any questions?

(Joe) Is Macron Brigitte's son?

A: No but he sure looks like it!

Q: (Niall) Well, that's just left dangling there. Is that just a coincidence? A matching of frequencies?

A: People tend to be attracted to types.

Q: (L) Well, I can give an example: My father was very similar in type, and had similar facial features to my grandfather, and that's why my mother married him. Other questions?

(Niall) I have one, but it's probably too dangerous. It's related to that.

(Joe) Go ahead and ask.

(Niall) What happened to Brigitte Trogneux, the sister of Jean-Michel Trogneux?

(L) What does Candace Owens think happened to her?

(Niall) No one knows. No one said it. She asked Xavier Poussard, and he just went...

(Joe) Well, we haven't actually established...

(Niall) We have, we asked if Jean-Michel was in fact, Brigitte, and they said yes.

(Joe) Oh, okay. Well, then the question is what happened to the original Brigitte that the current Brigitte is impersonating.

(Chu) They know she married but then she disappeared. There's nothing about her.

(L) What happened to her?

(Joe) The current Brigitte is Jean-Michel, her brother.

(L) Right.

(Joe) He had a younger sister that existed, but then disappeared, and then Jean-Michel took her persona. That's the theory. It's open, it's out there.

A: She is [the planchette moves very slowly] mort.

Q: (Joe) That makes sense.

(L) They really didn't want to answer that question.

(Niall) I know!

(Gaby) Yeah, let's just leave it.

(Joe) Well, they're only answering now, I suppose, because there's at least some information because of Candace Owens, so it's out there. But to get any more answers, you'd probably have to stick within what's already been made available publicly and make it a little bit extra. But you're probably not going to get any definitive answers because it's touchy.

(L) All right...

(Niall) I don't know exactly how to ask it. Did the AfD really come second in the general election that took place in Germany last week?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) Did they get most votes?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) It was rigged.

(Joe) Surprise, surprise...

(Niall) So that's interesting. That gives us an idea that the vox populi in Europe is the same, roughly, as in the US.

(Joe) Right. I think it's just being expressed.

(Andromeda) Yeah.

(Niall) So they're still rigging. Oh, Gaby, you mentioned this to me today. How come...? Well, do you want to ask it?

(Gaby) Well, how come that in the US abridging of free will is very dangerous, so the election cannot really be rigged, but in Europe it's fair game, with Le Pen, and now the AfD won, and they rig the election every time? Why?

(Niall) Well, they rigged it in the US but the abridging of free will was the assassination of Trump.

(Gaby) That's true.

(Joe) Yeah, rigging is allowed, you know? If they can get away with it, then...

(L) God, they've been doing it since forever. I mean, there's even serious questions about the election of John Kennedy, that there were a lot of votes that were bought.

(Niall) By his dad, yes, and the mob. Okay.

(Joe) I have a question about soul smashing. Why do higher selves of souls allow them to be smashed? Couldn't they just "call them home" before that happened?

A: Souls that are subject to being "smashed" are generally unindividuated and the smashing process is a sort of degaussing and the "higher self" perceives this loss of energy as a sort of cleansing. Sort of like amputation in your realm.

Q: (L) And then they begin growing again.

(Joe) They grow the body part back. You grow your tail back.

(L) If they're a lizard. [Laughter] All right.

(Andromeda) That was interesting.

(L) Anybody have anything that is dreadfully important, because my arm is getting sore...

(Chu) No, there are more questions on the chat, but they're sneaking them in.

(L) They're sneaking them in? [Laughter]

(Chu) Instead of putting them on the thread.

(Niall) Sneaky!

(Chu) So, I think we can probably copy them and save them for next time?

(L) Yeah. Copy and save them for next time, or put them on the thread and discuss them. All right. Any final words of wisdom for those of us here in the past, from those of you there in the future?

A: Reread past warnings. Things are going to get chaotic. Goodbye.

Q: (L) Well, we have thrilling, and we have chaotic.

[Laura reads out loud a compilation of past warnings: All recent final messages/warnings from the Sessions]

Much appreciated. Thank you all for being here. 😊

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