Session 10 January 2015

MariuszJ said:
Well, I disagree. If I knew the date of the wave arrival, I would do my best to work on improving my character, otherwise I have no reason to try and do anything about that. To say that in a different way, without knowing the date it is as if there were not any channelings. Some people started to channel, due to being disaffected with the world situation and were looking for some comfort giving them strength to go on with their lives. Without that comfort they would probably already have offed themselves. And what you imply might suggest that they might as well off themselves now.

Wouldn't you want to do your best on improving your character, just because? Irregardless of the wave, just knowing that we have the potential of being more conscious is a very exciting prospect to me. And a lot of the information here provides some great 'tools' for working towards that aim. It's definitely a lot of hard work though, and many people like to take the easy way so it's not for them. Are you willing to put in the work that's required? Even if you knew the date of the wave - let's say it's tomorrow, what would you do to improve? What if it isn't for another 20 years? How will that change your attitude towards life? Can you see that knowing the date doesn't really matter? What if the date suddenly changes and now it's not next week but next year? Or if it never comes? Can you say for certain that improving your character is a wasted effort?
MariuszJ said:
electrosonic said:
MariuszJ said:
Cs keep refusing to answer when the wave will arrive and I do not know why, do you?

It shouldn't matter either way Mariusz, all you need to do is keep working on yourself, that's the only thing that's truly important.
Well, I think for most people it does matter whether the wave will arrive in two years or in twenty years. I doubt whether I could withstand much longer as my health is going into a nosedive.

Don't you think that, if your health is going into a nosedive, the wave should probably your last concern? Maybe you might think like this "if the waves arrive, I like to be in the best shape I can possibly be" and that includes mental AND physical health. What prevents you to improve your live situation now? Passively waiting until something comes along to rescue you will certainly not work out, or at least not the way you want it. As the C's once said:

"Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the past. People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the future."

And paying attention to reality also includes your health and what to do about it. And even better, if there is nothing like a wave, you actually did something to stay healthy. You can't lose if you focusing on what you can do now, no matter what the future will bring.
MariuszJ said:
Well, I disagree. If I knew the date of the wave arrival, I would do my best to work on improving my character, otherwise I have no reason to try and do anything about that. To say that in a different way, without knowing the date it is as if there were not any channelings. Some people started to channel, due to being disaffected with the world situation and were looking for some comfort giving them strength to go on with their lives. Without that comfort they would probably already have offed themselves. And what you imply might suggest that they might as well off themselves now.
Your post is so far divorced from the reality of why we are here in this forum and what this Work is all about that the best way it can be described is "not even wrong"!

Before you can even begin to understand what I say above you will need to do a great deal of reading at the Cass site, the recommended books, the many threads here in this forum, and possibly discuss with the members here whatever it is you may still not understand or grasp relating to all this material.

Otherwise, when and if any Wave should arrive at any particular time, why would you expect any 'benefit' from this at all?
no-man's-land said:
MariuszJ said:
electrosonic said:
MariuszJ said:
Cs keep refusing to answer when the wave will arrive and I do not know why, do you?

It shouldn't matter either way Mariusz, all you need to do is keep working on yourself, that's the only thing that's truly important.
Well, I think for most people it does matter whether the wave will arrive in two years or in twenty years. I doubt whether I could withstand much longer as my health is going into a nosedive.

Don't you think that, if your health is going into a nosedive, the wave should probably your last concern? Maybe you might think like this "if the waves arrive, I like to be in the best shape I can possibly be" and that includes mental AND physical health. What prevents you to improve your live situation now? Passively waiting until something comes along to rescue you will certainly not work out, or at least not the way you want it. As the C's once said:

"Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the past. People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the future."

And paying attention to reality also includes your health and what to do about it. And even better, if there is nothing like a wave, you actually did something to stay healthy. You can't lose if you focusing on what you can do now, no matter what the future will bring.

Hi Mariuz,

You've been given some sound input by posters. Some of it may make you uncomfortable. Just so you know, we're not into illusory comfort here. We're into truth...and faith that the Universe knows what it's doing.

I'm sorry to hear your health is in a nosedive. Paying attention to your health via sound nutrition, which this forum has studied in depth for the past 7 years, oft times through trial and error, may help you physically as well as mentally. It may even calm down your need to know the exact time and day if and should the wave arrive.

Why are you so concerned with an exact time? You seem to be desperately looking for an exact prophecy that gives out such knowledge. (From my own experience such prophecies are a bust in that regard.)

If you had an inkling as to what this forum and related groups have discovered over the past 20 years by way of research, study and interactions with each other, you would know that the C's are not into doling out information that might stifle a person's soul growth. They usually give hints and clues, hoping that the group will discover among themselves, working as a team, what they need to know for the future. The C's have said that the future is open and it would be unwise to hand out knowledge (i.e.: like exact time and date prophecies) as if it were Halloween candy.

Think about what you have told us about yourself with this statement:

"Well, I disagree. If I knew the date of the wave arrival, I would do my best to work on improving my character, otherwise I have no reason to try and do anything about that. To say that in a different way, without knowing the date it is as if there were not any channelings. Some people started to channel, due to being disaffected with the world situation and were looking for some comfort giving them strength to go on with their lives. Without that comfort they would probably already have offed themselves. And what you imply might suggest that they might as well off themselves now."

Many of us here have had to deal with despair. It helps more in the long run to air out our feelings with one another, rather than constantly expect answers from the C's, especially with the caveat that one will work on themselves only if they are assured of the outcome. It would be like a fundamentalist Christian feeling smug that he/she is saved because they believed and that all their shortcomings and hypocrisy need never be worked on because the blood of Christ and his imminent return renders such work mute.

Reading and understanding the aim of this group, which views the C's information as an experiment (much of which has been proven to be true after the sessions through testing and research by the group), is what this forum is about.

It is not for us to demand answers from the C's in order to be saved. We need to work on ourselves with the help of networking with others about our issues and it comfortable or uncomfortable. It is only then that we can possibly discover if the future the C's have told us about (with clues and sometimes concrete answers that still need to be verified) will come true.

EDIT: Spelling
I have just re-read this session randomly today, lo and behold, it is SO pertinent to the current events in Gaza. It seems Israel started the final solution to their Arab problem and this session makes references to something big happening that will impact Israel and stop them from implementing their plans.

Now, add the closing statement by the C's from the last session about October being very interesting and it bring chills to my back. Especially that my son's mother (my Ex) decided to go with her friend to Turkey this very week and she is in Capadocia now sleeping in a cave hotel. I told her I was very worried about her trip during this particular time, and 6 flights she is supposed to make all over Turkey and she will remain there until Saturday 28th. I hope if anything cosmic happens in Israel, it will not reach Turkey.
Wow, you guys have exposed quite a few details concerning the powers that be. I can only imagine what was said in the redactions. Curiosity is killing this cat 😆
Wow, you guys have exposed quite a few details concerning the powers that be. I can only imagine what was said in the redactions. Curiosity is killing this cat 😆
me too. Really don’t see many sessions with redactions, must have been very juicy info.
Hi @Laura ,
please ask them about the time frame
in January 15 they promised "before 2025"

Session 10 January 2015:

A: Help is on the way!
Q: (Galatea) Did you ever ask them when it's going to come? When?!
A: Wait and see!
Q: [laughter] (Galatea) Can we get a small time frame? Like, within less than 10 years?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Oh, great! Yeah, before 2025. Woohoo! [laughter]
Hi @Laura ,
please ask them about the time frame
in January 15 they promised "before 2025"

Session 10 January 2015:

A: Help is on the way!
Q: (Galatea) Did you ever ask them when it's going to come? When?!
A: Wait and see!
Q: [laughter] (Galatea) Can we get a small time frame? Like, within less than 10 years?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Oh, great! Yeah, before 2025. Woohoo! [laughter]
I noticed this same excerpt recently. I know sometimes the help comes, but is not recognized for some time. I think the information on the importance of iodine was on the forum for a couple of years before anyone recognized how valuable it was.
I noticed this same excerpt recently. I know sometimes the help comes, but is not recognized for some time. I think the information on the importance of iodine was on the forum for a couple of years before anyone recognized how valuable it was.
: [laughter] (Galatea) Can we get a small time frame? Like, within less than 10 years?


There are two questions and it is not asked which of the two they had answered.
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