Session 10 October 2020

Sweden seems to have the greatest concentration of Aryan types and the gist I get from reading all of the outlandish tales about Hitler's master race ideas is that he spared Sweden because 4D STS intended to preserve it as a breeding ground for their acolytes. I remember reading some semi-mainstream commentary that suggests that the reason Sweden did so well is because the citizens are very conscientious and obedient; if the citizens are advised to avoid crowds and limit nonessential travel, they will do as they're told and actual mandates are not required. If Americans behaved like Swedes and trusted the government more, they would adhere to restrictions without even being asked and realize that the nanny state has their best interests at heart. I don't know how much truth is in this comparison, it's obviously propaganda, but it's the argument that was used. This would also tie into how Sweden appears to be at the forefront of adopting all of the NWO societal reforms. It's being set up as the bright shining dystopia that showcases the best Orion Union civilization has to offer, and while it isn't the be all end all of this plan, it's seen as an ideal to emulate like New York City could be regarded as a ideal for Capitalism. While some parts of the planet seem to be gravitating towards a Blade Runner type of reality, Sweden is being vectored more in the direction of Mirror's Edge. It's a comfortable perfect society that many will scramble to get into and then full spectrum total information awareness surveillance tech closes the door behind them to ensure they can't change their minds in any meaningful wsy.


Interesting observations there...

I did not notice the Nazi connection to Sweden and the resettlement to Sweden (of course they went to other countries as well) after the war.

I had a college friend who's dad was from Swedish heritage. He was a good friend and very intelligent. I thought of him as being Nordic.

I sometimes saw a duality in him (hope he doesn't mind me saying that now that he has departed).

Perhaps Sweden in general may have some surprises for us.

One of the Cs remarks has made me think of the Nordic disposition for many years now.

Session 23 March 1996:
Q: (L) Number one, SV has lied to us. Number two, it seems that she began to demonstrate emotional affect only after we had discussed the fact that there was a serious lack of emotional affect, after you had told us that these robot people are people who spend a lot of time alone and have...

A: The price, my dear, continues... {Referring to previous answer: “nothing of value comes without a price!!”}

Q: (V) By continuing the relationship?

A: The Nordic Covenant was a duality.

Q: (L) SV comes from that area where that Nordic covenant, what is it, Minnesota, she's from Minnesota? Oh, I never made that connection! Holy Frijoles! 'Nordic Covenant was a duality' ... so, when you made mention of the Nordic Covenant, and the banking scandal, was that a double-layered statement to us?

A: Maybe, but you are missing the point! All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centers, can be of darkness, or of light... SV is of Teutonic bloodline leading directly to such super power source such as Thule Society and others, and she is aware of her powers and mission. It is of positive orientation. However, you are being tested by 4th through 6th density forces to determine if you have the strength and wisdom for continuance!
Moi, je suis anéantie et si triste... je n'arrive plus à y voir clair...

Me, I'm devastated and so sad... I can no longer see clearly...
Dear PERLOU and Channa,
and all others who feels this way...
I feel you, and right now many people feel this way, you are not alone. Like never before i hear this from MANY people worldvide.

Laura was sooo right and soo on time to identify the problem of many people starting to become depressed and having their spirits down, and her solution is simple and brilliant: reading light pleasant stories to uplift spirit and not let the dread get into you.

You may not know that you are depressed, and this is perhaps too strong of a word. Many people experience a distress. Often it goes unadentified. Sometimes it is called asthenia, which is manifested by loss of energy and lack of desire to do anything, inability to focus. These symptoms usually get worse in the evening and at night.
Also, infections and inflammations can triger this vulnerable state. And right now a lot of outside forces bombard us daily, probably more than before.

So, please keep this in mind, observe your mood closely, eat healthy, do breathing exersizes, be active physically, uplift your mood by reading pleasant literature, such as romantic novels Laura recommended, staying outside on the sun breathing fresh air and enjoing nature also helps, I think.

I am not a doctor, and these are my personal observations
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Yes. Just blend every possible threat, and you've got a pretty compliant population with serious PTSD. You're "safe" from "terrorists" if you say in jail at home and obey. The enemy is everywhere, in the streets and in the air you breathe. :rolleyes:

That seems to be the plan. Terrorize the populace using every means available in order to break people's spirit and force them into fearful compliance.

Yes, not just for distrust, but if you think about it, one of the main helpers of control is distrust, or fear if you wish. People are also afraid of feeling guilty if they spread the virus and make someone sick, while at the same time being afraid that they'll get the virus from someone. Even loved ones aren't "safe". The safety of being at home is only partial. A hug is not safe when your husband was just at the supermarket and in contact with "strangers". And so on... But sure, that's just one factor. Pretty (cruelly) efficient so far, I'd say!

Or, like a woman I know put it: "I know it's probably just like the flu, but there are so many contradictory reports... I choose to obey because otherwise it's too much to think about, and await directives from the government. Ultimately, I don't want to have it on my conscience that I transmitted the virus to an elderly. But it sucks to be isolated."

Hopefully as they push the agenda further, more people are going to stop buying it. We can only hope...

The woman you know is reacting (or rather, shutting down and not acting) exactly like the PTB want her to.

This recent string of attacks makes me think of the OODA (observe-orient-decide-act) loop that I learned during my martial arts training. The idea was that in order to act you must go through all steps in the loop. However, if you can act faster than your opponent (by hitting them before they hit you, let's say) you can send them back to the start of the loop, and if they're constantly stuck trying to observe and orient themselves they're unable to act and do anything to you.

Same thing with governments and their populace. Governments must continue to throw volleys at their populace in order to not give them any space to observe-orient-decide-act. The reason, of course, being that if they let up the game will be over because enough people will have come to their senses (observe-orient) about what's going on that people will push back (decide-act). Thus, they have to keep the pressure on or else they'll not only lose what powers they've gained but they might also lose their heads. At least, that is what they fear will happen and they're probably right.
RYU, merci pour votre message qui me fait pleurer tant il st plein de sagesse et me fait du bien tant je suis endolorie...
Merci aussi pour les fleurs magnifiques... LOVE

RYU, thank you for your message which makes me cry so much it is full of wisdom and makes me feel good so much I am sore ...
Thank you also for the beautiful flowers... LOVE
There was also an Muslim demonstration in Berlin on Thursday protesting against Macron’s anti-Islamic policies and Charlie Hebdo’s disrespectful caricature of Erdogan.
According to police, about 150 demonstrators, mainly male, protested on Berlin’s Hermannplatz, Neukölln, some shouting “Allahu akbar” and holding up pictures of the prophet Mohammed.

Although the demonstration was peaceful, security sources fear copycat retaliations, similar to the attacks in France, may occur in Germany and the police are on red alert.
Some time ago, I was in treatment for a spur on my foot.

The beginning of the session consisted of increasing the pain threshold by means of increasingly intense electrical currents, to be able to withstand the true shock wave treatment.

Everything that is happening is something similar.

They increase our threshold of supporting more and more restrictions and calamities.

There is never good news, nothing just positive.

They prepare us for what is yet to come.

Luckily, I have you, the whole group.since together, we seek the truth :cool:

Thank you very much for the sesión.
Interesting that the attack happened in Nice of all places in France. A large proportion of Muslims of North African origin in Nice vote Front National, except Islamist who are some sort of a counter-balancing presence in those communities. Next to the Nice cathedral to the west there is(was?) an obvious salafist presence (unless it has changed since the 2000s anyway), which is odd given that the Jewish neighbourhood is next door to the north (5min walk). The police and one of France's internal intelligence agencies (equivalent to the mi15) monitors closely this sector of the city but oddly enough, I was told on a few occasions that they do not intervene in salafist-related issues, just observe. Not jumping to any conclusions but it is of note that if any attack of this sort is to be prevented, one would assume that it is not only in Nice but also in this sector of the city where it can be done. Strange.
Hello to you,

Thanks for the messages.
I have to tell you that I was not depressed and I am still not depressed.
But when a tear is there, I let it out...
I had to be so strong in this life that there was no way I was going to give up.
And I succeeded.
But I still had some post-traumatic after-effects.
Three people helped me
- My homeopath
- A radiesthesist I had already seen two years ago
Two months ago, she found what was parasitic and making my life impossible: entities captured during my last operation and long anesthesia.
I was much better from then on
- Crystals: I already wrote it in my last message.
Today I went out shopping and I realized that I had regained all my faculties "before". No more shaking, no more anxiety, driving my car faster and more frankly, finding the parking spaces I had visualized, etc. I'm back to the way I was before.
In short, I was in great form.
Thanks to all of you.

And another thing:

A huge celestial object captured by the stereo A and stereo B heliospheric telescope on October 28thUn objet céleste immense capturé par le télescope héliosphérique stéréo A et stéréo B le 28 Octobre…. Nibiru, vaisseau spatial ou autre ?


With other photos in the article

Is it the brown star that Laura talked about at length with the Cs?
Is it for this reason that the observatories and telescopes in Mexico were closed in October?
If anyone has an idea.....

Moi, je suis anéantie et si triste... je n'arrive plus à y voir clair...

Me, I'm devastated and so sad... I can no longer see clearly...

C'est curieux ce que je ressens, je suis en parfait accord avec Laura, le Forum et les Cassiopéens mais si triste de voir mes compatriotes décapités, égorgés, femmes et hommes... Si triste...

It's curious what I feel, I am in perfect agreement with Laura, the Forum and the Cassiopeans but so sad to see my compatriots beheaded, with their throats cut, women and men... So sad...
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.

Cheer Up Perlou...
Merci pour les fleurs CHANA, elles sont magnifiques...
Je me suis commandé des Roses de Noël comme RYU, je les aurai dans 6 jours...
Juste pour me faire plaisir... J'adore les fleurs et les plantes, j'en ai plein mon balcon surtout des succulentes...
Mais aussi un olivier, deux jasmins, un magnolia, un citronnier et plein d'autres petite plantes...

Thank you for the CHANA flowers, they are beautiful...
I ordered Christmas Roses like RYU, I will have them in 6 days...
Just to make me happy... I love flowers and plants, I have a lot of them on my balcony, especially succulents...
But also an olive tree, two jasmines, a magnolia, a lemon tree and many other small plants...
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