Q: (L) …what is the impetus - the push - that crossed the barrier from a world of just pure information that was shaping and directing matter into life-bearing containers? What was the impetus?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) So gravity is the bridge between information and matter?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Gravity and information... So matter is...
A: Unstable gravity waves, electromagnetism/light.
A: Gravity is all information.
Q: … (L) I guess gravity is all information, and the unstable gravity waves are information crossing the bridge.
A: Close.
Well, since no one knows what gravity is, this is unfortunately like defining x in terms of y. Tricky! But BlackCartouche brought up this from the transcripts: “gravity is the binder of all reality”. What gets bound together in reality? Well, matter binds to other bits of matter, for one, like hydrogen to oxygen or gum to shoe soles.
Matter in one part of the universe is “bound” to matter in other parts of the universe in that it all obeys the same ‘laws’, follows the same habits. For example, as far as we can tell, the speed of light is the same everywhere, and the mass of hydrogen is the same everywhere. Something binds all this space together, making the principles that govern the cosmos “universal” in nature. In other words, there is an overarching reality that unifies the parts into a whole. ‘Gravity’?
Also, possibilities (thoughts, ideals, values) bind to actualities. That’s what happens when we think, speak and create. Potential binds with reality, like the potential melody we turn into music by imagining it and signing it. The abstract binds to the concrete. Mind binds with body. The whole binds with the parts.
So there is a universalizing, unifying, and creative character to gravity. It provides both stability (uniform ‘laws’) and novelty (possibilities made actual, potential fulfilled).
More bits from a past session: a) gravity emanates from “thought center”, which is then associated with 7D. b) Gravity is the “stuff of existence” (i.e., “all information”?). c) “Your thoughts are based in gravity, too!”
They also said that gravity is “not exactly” the same as consciousness. So there’s a distinction between consciousness and information. Well, as Doug Axe puts it in his book “Undeniable”, reality needs three major components in order to make sense: thinkers (consciousness, the “mental space” in which thinkers have thoughts), thoughts (information as meaning, value, possibility), and things (matter shaped by and imbued with information at various levels). Information needs a ‘container’ of some sort, and minds seem the most primary containers of information.
So maybe it looks something like this: Information (gravity) emanates from Cosmic Mind (7D), informing raw ‘matter’. This may be akin to a kind of cosmic psychokinesis - the transfer of information from mind to matter with no ‘physical’ intermediary. The way in which this is experienced by matter (i.e. beings at various levels) is as a process of learning.
What happens when you learn? It’s not a passive process. There needs to be some sensed purpose or value to pull you out of the known and into the unknown. An obvious example is learning a language. You set out to learn it because you sense it to be valuable in some way - maybe you’re moving to a foreign country, want to read some books in the original language, or just value the mental challenge. But even babies need a purpose in order to learn. They may not be conscious that they need to learn to walk, but they learn because it is useful and instinct pulls them in that direction.
New information is acquired in the process, which gets incorporated into consciousness. The new information needs to be ‘used’, as in practicing vocabulary and simple sentences, or taking baby steps. In the same ways, new ideas need to be looked at from all angles, tested against existing ideas, and then fitted into the whole in a coherent way.
The result of all this learning is a more expansive, more complex, organized ‘whole’ of consciousness. The baby is now ‘baby-who-can-walk’, which opens up even more possibilities than when it could only crawl. You are now ‘bilingual-you’, opening up access to people, ideas and opportunities that you didn’t have before learning the language. With everything you learn you become more effective, better able to deal with reality.
In general, learning is a process of self-organization - you change, expand, and complexify the organization of your being. You create a new, better you. The role Cosmic Mind plays is through providing the novelty, value and purpose that makes learning possible in the first place. You can’t learn a language if the idea of ‘bilingual-me’ hasn’t first entered your consciousness and struck you as in some way valuable. In this way, the flow of information that emanates from Cosmic Mind makes “ideal-future-you” available to each bit of consciousness. DCM is what gives value its value and introduces novelty into routine.
And just as “cosmic PK” is one side of the equation, “cosmic ESP” is the flip side: it’s how we receive information from this information flow. It’s how we access new ideas and ‘visions of the future’, and how we incorporate these abstract ideals into our being.
This would apply on all levels, down to the atomic. Information ‘crosses the bridge’ in order to inform raw matter with the properties that make it matter: specific, limited, measurable features without which it would just be a chaos. And it does the same further up the food chain, like with DNA, informing matter with highly specific forms (e.g., functional folded proteins). And then, with human lives: specific wholes of feeling/thought/action informed by knowledge and experience:
Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of life?
A: Learning by organizing information bits. Expanded being.
I haven’t worked it all out, but these things seem correlated: free will, possibilities, level of organization. Humans have more free will than animals; some humans have more than others. With more free will comes more possibilities of behavior, more choices. And as more possibilities are actualized in a specific direction, even more possibilities open up, there is more free will, and one’s character/skill/being is expanded. So it’s like building an antenna. The more you learn and put into practice, the more your antenna can receive.
For example, when you start learning an instrument there are very few possibilities you can actualize: just a collection of poorly played notes. But with practice, you can play almost anything. Each level of self-organization opens up further levels of self-organization. But each one depends on “applying what is learned”. You can’t just read a music theory book and expect to be a musician. You need to incorporate it, literally: embody it.
One last thing. Here’s a quote from Whitehead’s “Religion in the Making” wrote with some explanatory notes because his stuff can be dense. The first sentence is what caught my attention:
[God] is the binding element in the world. The consciousness which is individual in us, is universal in him: the love which is partial in us is all-embracing in him. Apart from him there could be no world, because there could be no adjustment of individuality [i.e. no change and development in service of an aim]. His purpose is always embodied in the particular ideals relevant to the actual state of the world [i.e. right and wrong is always determined in the specific situation, the law of three]. Thus all attainment [i.e. potential value made actual] is immortal in that it fashions the actual ideals which are God in the world as it is now. Every act leaves the world with a deeper or a fainter impress of God [i.e. depending on how well the value/ideal is made manifest]. He then passes into his next relation to the world with enlarged, or diminished, presentation of ideal values. [E.g., if you make a series of bad decisions, your connection with DCM will be noisy and you won't be able to 'see' the path forward clearly.]