Session 11 August 2018

Thank you for the session, it was great as always!

I have someting in mind about the infinite dimensions...

1.- It was said by the C´s years ago that the Grays were traveling back and forward in time in order to set and change things in a convenient way for them... creating more caos and suffering.

2.- It was said by the C´s years ago that dimensions are infinite and densities are finite.

I remmeber it was discussed the topic about 3rd density with infinite dimensions but 4th density is multidimensional, so they can have access to all dimensions but they dont live a single dimension as we do, they are over all of them.

So... I am assuming that what we call a "Time line" is the same as "Dimension"... and when grays go back in time and change something, the result has no consecuense in our time line (dimension) but the result is the creation of a new time line (dimension) in a convenient way for them.

Having that in mind...

1.- Are they programing people and changing events in all "time lines" (dimensions) or just in some of them?
2.- If they change something in the past (for us) in our time line, this same time line is affected and change the present (for us)? or as i assumed before: it doesn affect us but the result is the creaton of a new time line.
3.- When they take over humans, is there a dimension or time line were they DONT?

I tried to be as clear as possible. :-D
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Thanks so much for this fascinating session!

(Joe) I dunno if other people feel the same way, but these days I have a sense that the stuff going on in the world in terms of the political stuff, infighting, and that kind of stuff is increasingly kind of irrelevant in a certain sense...

A: It is. We have said that you should enjoy the show.

I can certainly relate... I kind of go back and forth between phases where I'm outraged about the state of the world and all the stupidity and ideological fights, and thinking "what the heck, does it even matter?" When I'm in the latter state of mind, I find myself focusing more on day to day stuff, learning this or that, kind of like well, that's better than nothing...

Maybe this is connected, but one thing I noticed is that all these things that happen in the world I can more and more see manifesting on a local level as well, and it often makes me feel hopeless - the stupidity of policies, the direct results of ideological possession manifesting in local politics and even the business world, all these "the state must fix it" attitude coupled with an incompetent bureaucracy and ridiculous politicians... I think that we in the west are simply way past the point of no return. Yes, we shouldn't get too cynical and wish for destruction instead of cleaning our own house, as Jordan Peterson rightly says, but other than fixing my own house (because what else can I do?) there's simply no hope on the horizon that things will be getting better before they get much worse. Or maybe worse is indeed what we need, without getting too cynical about it. Don't know.
Thank you for the most interesting session! :flowers::wizard:

Unfortunately in my case I also don't know much about my ancestors. Nothing from the father's side, as he was adopted and died when I was very young. Or that's the story, because his body was never found. I do know more about grandparents from my mother's side, but considering our relationship it's not much and there are a lot of unknowns. It would be really awesome to know more, and my plan is to do the 23andme test at some point, and at least get more information this way.

But knowing a bit of health history from my mother's side already helps a lot. My grandmother had a type one diabetes, and my mother has a type two diabetes. So there is a strong chance that a similar tendency has passed to me as well. And it appears that ditching gluten was the best thing to do in this regard. But it isn't all.

According to Louise Hay diabetes is “Longing for what might have been. A great need for control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left.”

I do not know the full story of my grandmother, but I do know that she was gentle and kind, and had a very difficult life, especially considering the fact that both her and my grandfather lived through the WWII. She died relatively young, and my grandfather died several years after from the perforated ulcer in his stomach. Or something similar. Which also kind of fits with what he experienced in his life. As for my mother, I do believe that there were several factors that contributed to the onset of her diabetes. It could be stress, of course, but mostly it was probably her attitude toward life. The strong inner bitterness that permeated everything. Essentially she became her own worst enemy, because her attitude and actions led to everything she was afraid of. Which only made her more bitter and resentful.

And this understanding became like an inner gauge of what states and attitudes I better avoid, especially when there were times when my life circumstances on the surface appeared similar to hers. But it isn't the same, of course, far from it. But there is a feeling that there is indeed a chance to fix something not only in my personal life, but on a more generational level.
1.- Are they programing people and changing events in all "time lines" (dimensions) or just in some of them?
2.- If they change something in the past (for us) in our time line, this same time line is affected and change the present (for us)? or as i assumed before: it doesn affect us but the result is the creaton of a new time line.
3.- When they take over humans, is there a dimension or time line were they DONT?

From my perspective:

1. Since dimensions are infinite, and these creatures have finite live spans, the answer should be No, it's not possible to alter every dimension (time line) if one has a finite presence. This is likely part of the reason why the Cs firmly assert they won't succeed. If they (the greys) were truly immortal and temporal-present then I doubt we would have the conscious freedom to even have this conversation! They'd have already won.

2. The past is the pretense or foundation to our present. That said, I don't think it's important to know this unless we're tasked for some reason to change our own past and return to the intended future we created. Maybe then we would like to know how to stay in the same dimension. At this point, considering that you can't consciously pick and choose your dimensions... is this important? You can likely 'jump' into a dimension that has the outcome you wanted without even having to change anything if you harness that much infinite precision.

3. Yes, because dimensions are infinite. If you can imagine that such a dimension exists, it likely can.
Have you read all the previous sessions where weather has been discussed as a manifestation of higher density conflicts?

yes yes I know for that ... so that unpredictable weather changes, that are happening apart from "meteorological" changes that, by my understanding, are not induced by density conflicts, can be considered as a coded message for the earth?
This session is huge! Wow... Definitely going to have to get read over and over.


Question regarding ancestry:

I've been wanting to have my DNA analyzed due to my not having ever met or seen my father, of whom I've heard about to no end, but never seen.

I thought 23&me was the ticket, as a work colleague did it and found out some fascinating things... but I'm leery about 23&me for reasons that I'm sure have been covered in other forum posts, if not just read the wikipedia and ask yourself if you'd like to let some of those people have access to this information...

Does anyone here recommend a different group for DNA analysis?
You can also consider LivingDNA: they will give you your both haplogroups and offer detailed analysis of your ancestry. They don't provide Family Tree feature, though ("coming soon").

Thank you for the fascinating session!:hug2:
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Thanks for the suggestions. My hairs stand on end when I think about sending my genes to 23&me... That said I'll likely do it out of desperate consideration for this seemingly fleeting calm(or stagnation) before the storm of changes afoot.
Q: (L) …what is the impetus - the push - that crossed the barrier from a world of just pure information that was shaping and directing matter into life-bearing containers? What was the impetus?

A: Gravity.

Q: (L) So gravity is the bridge between information and matter?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Gravity and information... So matter is...

A: Unstable gravity waves, electromagnetism/light.

A: Gravity is all information.

Q: … (L) I guess gravity is all information, and the unstable gravity waves are information crossing the bridge.

A: Close.

Well, since no one knows what gravity is, this is unfortunately like defining x in terms of y. Tricky! But BlackCartouche brought up this from the transcripts: “gravity is the binder of all reality”. What gets bound together in reality? Well, matter binds to other bits of matter, for one, like hydrogen to oxygen or gum to shoe soles.

Matter in one part of the universe is “bound” to matter in other parts of the universe in that it all obeys the same ‘laws’, follows the same habits. For example, as far as we can tell, the speed of light is the same everywhere, and the mass of hydrogen is the same everywhere. Something binds all this space together, making the principles that govern the cosmos “universal” in nature. In other words, there is an overarching reality that unifies the parts into a whole. ‘Gravity’?

Also, possibilities (thoughts, ideals, values) bind to actualities. That’s what happens when we think, speak and create. Potential binds with reality, like the potential melody we turn into music by imagining it and signing it. The abstract binds to the concrete. Mind binds with body. The whole binds with the parts.

So there is a universalizing, unifying, and creative character to gravity. It provides both stability (uniform ‘laws’) and novelty (possibilities made actual, potential fulfilled).

More bits from a past session: a) gravity emanates from “thought center”, which is then associated with 7D. b) Gravity is the “stuff of existence” (i.e., “all information”?). c) “Your thoughts are based in gravity, too!”

They also said that gravity is “not exactly” the same as consciousness. So there’s a distinction between consciousness and information. Well, as Doug Axe puts it in his book “Undeniable”, reality needs three major components in order to make sense: thinkers (consciousness, the “mental space” in which thinkers have thoughts), thoughts (information as meaning, value, possibility), and things (matter shaped by and imbued with information at various levels). Information needs a ‘container’ of some sort, and minds seem the most primary containers of information.

So maybe it looks something like this: Information (gravity) emanates from Cosmic Mind (7D), informing raw ‘matter’. This may be akin to a kind of cosmic psychokinesis - the transfer of information from mind to matter with no ‘physical’ intermediary. The way in which this is experienced by matter (i.e. beings at various levels) is as a process of learning.

What happens when you learn? It’s not a passive process. There needs to be some sensed purpose or value to pull you out of the known and into the unknown. An obvious example is learning a language. You set out to learn it because you sense it to be valuable in some way - maybe you’re moving to a foreign country, want to read some books in the original language, or just value the mental challenge. But even babies need a purpose in order to learn. They may not be conscious that they need to learn to walk, but they learn because it is useful and instinct pulls them in that direction.

New information is acquired in the process, which gets incorporated into consciousness. The new information needs to be ‘used’, as in practicing vocabulary and simple sentences, or taking baby steps. In the same ways, new ideas need to be looked at from all angles, tested against existing ideas, and then fitted into the whole in a coherent way.

The result of all this learning is a more expansive, more complex, organized ‘whole’ of consciousness. The baby is now ‘baby-who-can-walk’, which opens up even more possibilities than when it could only crawl. You are now ‘bilingual-you’, opening up access to people, ideas and opportunities that you didn’t have before learning the language. With everything you learn you become more effective, better able to deal with reality.

In general, learning is a process of self-organization - you change, expand, and complexify the organization of your being. You create a new, better you. The role Cosmic Mind plays is through providing the novelty, value and purpose that makes learning possible in the first place. You can’t learn a language if the idea of ‘bilingual-me’ hasn’t first entered your consciousness and struck you as in some way valuable. In this way, the flow of information that emanates from Cosmic Mind makes “ideal-future-you” available to each bit of consciousness. DCM is what gives value its value and introduces novelty into routine.

And just as “cosmic PK” is one side of the equation, “cosmic ESP” is the flip side: it’s how we receive information from this information flow. It’s how we access new ideas and ‘visions of the future’, and how we incorporate these abstract ideals into our being.

This would apply on all levels, down to the atomic. Information ‘crosses the bridge’ in order to inform raw matter with the properties that make it matter: specific, limited, measurable features without which it would just be a chaos. And it does the same further up the food chain, like with DNA, informing matter with highly specific forms (e.g., functional folded proteins). And then, with human lives: specific wholes of feeling/thought/action informed by knowledge and experience:

Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of life?

A: Learning by organizing information bits. Expanded being.

I haven’t worked it all out, but these things seem correlated: free will, possibilities, level of organization. Humans have more free will than animals; some humans have more than others. With more free will comes more possibilities of behavior, more choices. And as more possibilities are actualized in a specific direction, even more possibilities open up, there is more free will, and one’s character/skill/being is expanded. So it’s like building an antenna. The more you learn and put into practice, the more your antenna can receive.

For example, when you start learning an instrument there are very few possibilities you can actualize: just a collection of poorly played notes. But with practice, you can play almost anything. Each level of self-organization opens up further levels of self-organization. But each one depends on “applying what is learned”. You can’t just read a music theory book and expect to be a musician. You need to incorporate it, literally: embody it.

One last thing. Here’s a quote from Whitehead’s “Religion in the Making” wrote with some explanatory notes because his stuff can be dense. The first sentence is what caught my attention:

[God] is the binding element in the world. The consciousness which is individual in us, is universal in him: the love which is partial in us is all-embracing in him. Apart from him there could be no world, because there could be no adjustment of individuality [i.e. no change and development in service of an aim]. His purpose is always embodied in the particular ideals relevant to the actual state of the world [i.e. right and wrong is always determined in the specific situation, the law of three]. Thus all attainment [i.e. potential value made actual] is immortal in that it fashions the actual ideals which are God in the world as it is now. Every act leaves the world with a deeper or a fainter impress of God [i.e. depending on how well the value/ideal is made manifest]. He then passes into his next relation to the world with enlarged, or diminished, presentation of ideal values. [E.g., if you make a series of bad decisions, your connection with DCM will be noisy and you won't be able to 'see' the path forward clearly.]
(Artemis) You say that the energy drains have been removed. So why is it that still I actually feel even more drained and tired lately?

A: Not paying enough attention to reality!

Q: (Artemis) Yeah, that's because I'm tired!

A: Read!

Q: (Artemis) Okay.

A: Sing!

Q: (Artemis) Okay, so... I need energy to do the things I need energy for.

(L) We need to organize karaoke.

A: Yes

To expound on the singing aspect, I've found singing in a choir most often helpful for getting energy and for calming down. When coming home from choir practices, I also found reading more easy as I seemed to have more cognitive energy for it and was able to organize the information better in my head and while making notes.

Also, it has always been motivating to sing together with a group (the choir), because it made connecting with others easier for me than normally - and even more difficult pieces like a Bach motet or a Mozart requiem could be tackled together, thus expanding each other on our skills as well.

Whether it is karaoke or Bach or else, good thing is it stimulates the vagus nerve, from which we know the benefits via Eiriu Eolas (I notice, that reading goes better after doing EE as well). I tried to find information, if singing could help directly with detoxing as well by stimulating the vagus nerve, but haven't succeeded so far.

I too hope, that Artemis will start feeling better soon :flowers:
Firstly, one great thank you for your overall work as well as for this session

What I would like to share with you is this YT video, which is related to the topics from this session, and has appeared on YT in the last two days, i.e. when the session is shared with us.

It is about electricity, or more precisely Human bioelecticity.
A: Electricity is a manifestation.
Eileen McKusick is an independent researcher who has been studying the effects of audible sound on the human body since 1996. Her observations, and consequent questions, about the seemingly magnetic properties of the space around the body led her to discover plasma, bioplasma, and EU. Eileen’s Biofield Anatomy Hypothesis posits that the human biofield is a diffuse magnetic plasma that is imprinted with our memories. She has mapped this field and discovered that specific types of memories are stored in specific areas, and has developed a sound therapy method called Biofield Tuning that works with this model.

What happens when you learn? It’s not a passive process. There needs to be some sensed purpose or value to pull you out of the known and into the unknown. An obvious example is learning a language. You set out to learn it because you sense it to be valuable in some way - maybe you’re moving to a foreign country, want to read some books in the original language, or just value the mental challenge. But even babies need a purpose in order to learn. They may not be conscious that they need to learn to walk, but they learn because it is useful and instinct pulls them in that direction.

New information is acquired in the process, which gets incorporated into consciousness. The new information needs to be ‘used’, as in practicing vocabulary and simple sentences, or taking baby steps. In the same ways, new ideas need to be looked at from all angles, tested against existing ideas, and then fitted into the whole in a coherent way.

The result of all this learning is a more expansive, more complex, organized ‘whole’ of consciousness. The baby is now ‘baby-who-can-walk’, which opens up even more possibilities than when it could only crawl. You are now ‘bilingual-you’, opening up access to people, ideas and opportunities that you didn’t have before learning the language. With everything you learn you become more effective, better able to deal with reality.

Some really great examples, A.I. Thank you
I do have some of the same feeling that Laura and Ark did bring to the table in this session. I am tired of waiting for the event that will change the world. My energy levels is low, I don’t know if I will be able to live long enough to experience the change.

I did start to doubt if The Cassiopaea experiment is adding value to my life or is correct, because most of the people that I talk to, think that I am of my rockers, and nothing big is happening. This create despair and then I wonder if I must just check out. But I also see the connection between myself and the information in the sessions. I do think that I am rambling now. Difficult to bring my thoughts to the table.

Maybe you could try taking a more balanced or 'wait and see' approach. It's also unlikely that there will be one event that will change the world, but a series of events that change it slowly, and slowly enough that a lot of people will become accustomed to the new reality and think things are 'normal' when in fact they are not, or at least things are very different than even 20 years ago. The way I see it, there's nothing negative about paying close attention to what's going on the world and trying to learn as much as possible about life in general. It doesn't have to be a fear-based process. If nothing that we expect to happen happens, then we will still have led a productive life learning as much as possible. Try to learn to let go of anticipation and just do you best and trust that that will be enough. In the final analysis, what else can any of us do?
Q: (Ark) What is the purpose of life?

A: Learning by organizing information bits. Expanded being.

I haven’t worked it all out, but these things seem correlated: free will, possibilities, level of organization. Humans have more free will than animals; some humans have more than others. With more free will comes more possibilities of behavior, more choices. And as more possibilities are actualized in a specific direction, even more possibilities open up, there is more free will, and one’s character/skill/being is expanded. So it’s like building an antenna. The more you learn and put into practice, the more your antenna can receive.

One question that remains unanswered is what is it that defines what is the correct organization of information bits? To what (objective?) 'template' is this organization by conscious beings compared in order to decide that it produces expanded being rather than the opposite.
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