Session 11 August 2018

A friend and I were talking about ancestors and us being them in the future on the day this session as taking place roughly. I shall ask for the source she referred to and the exact quote she used.

Thank you again, everyone!

The quote was:

"Our ancestors will meet us in the future."

It was from a video on mitochondria, which I'll post too when possible. In terms of nonlinearity, everything happening concurrently, the quote applies. An infinite realm of possibilities. It stuck with me when my friend said it. The video will give more context.

This is such a packed session! The Bermuda Triangle structures and 'brane' have been coming back to me all day. Time to delve deeper :read:
Thank you all for the session. Always great to see a new one posted!

Now even more intrigued to find out about my ancestry. Occasionally, I'll look up info about my ancestor who landed in Long Island in the 1600's but would like to eventually do more serious research. Thinking of joining one of the ancestry sites.
Thanks for the really interesting session! Printed it out and going to read it again tonight, yet I've already decided that I want to change some of my focus in life and really spent some time and energy learning more about my ancestry.

The information about DNA, ancestry and information reminds me about something I posted before:
I deceive myself for years thinking I was a strong woman.

As others have mentioned, one wonders what might be passed down via the DNA and epigenetics due to trauma or other heightened emotions and states family members in the past have experienced. Some thoughts and speculation, DNA can be looked at as the central carrier of information in the human system that marries with the wider information system of the universal mind/cosmic mind. Maybe it is this interface in conjunction with being a connection to the family history (to include the pass down of events, traumas and possibly even programs and automatic behaviors of past direct family members via coded information) that was passed down that you are tapping into and debugging. Kind of a like debugging the family archetype in connection to the wider information field. It would seem to be important, because with your new awareness and how you might act in the future based on it you could be changing your DNA, the interface and direct informational connection with the universe. Energetically and on the level of information, maybe it even affects the past. What is also interesting to consider and speculate about are the comments the C's made in a session that members in attendance were descendants of Caesar. If many individuals connected here on the forum are descendants of Caesar in a 'royal' bloodline, what might learning about him and his life have to do with changing DNA and connecting it to the wider information system or inherited archetype? I'm not sure if I'm getting across and expressing what I have in mind well, though. Lots of ideas are coming to mind from the influence of reading the Wave books, C's sessions and SHOTW that I just can't get a firm grasp on at the moment, such as the soul matching the genetic profile of the physical body.
The quote was:

"Our ancestors will meet us in the future."

It was from a video on mitochondria, which I'll post too when possible. In terms of nonlinearity, everything happening concurrently, the quote applies. An infinite realm of possibilities. It stuck with me when my friend said it. The video will give more context..

The above quote is what my friend said, referencing this video:

The exact quote from the video is:
Our ancestors are in the future because its a vibrational frequency. - Sevan Bomar.

I haven't watched the video all the way through. I am new to, dubious and/or inquisitive about the source so if you do check it out, take it with a grain or pinch of salt.
Thank you guys for sharing another interesting session!! :thup:

Since the subject about DNA and ancestors was discussed I'd like to share something that could be a little bit related to this.
Two months ago I was having a conversation with the mother of a friend about something called ‘transgenerational doubles,’ I’m sure you won’t find anything about this subject on the internet using those terms since that’s a translation I did from its name in Spanish. Without going to much into details I’ll try to give you a general idea about this subject.
As my friend’s mom had a son with some health problems and it was impossible for doctors or psychologists to find anything wrong with him, she started to search for solutions on many different subjects, and consequently she found information about transgenerational doubles. Basically, you have to gather as much information as possible about your ancestors and also you have to know when they were born and died, and once you’ve done this and you also know about their lives, you proceed to search for coincidences between their birth or death dates and your birth date, you have to do this following a certain table and if there is a match it means that he/she is your double. The point of this is to see what aspects of this person’s life is repeating on your life or how it is affecting you. For example, this woman had a son who couldn’t talk, it was impossible for him to learn a word, and as I said she took him to many professionals without finding anything. And when she found this, she started to unveil some family secrets and discovered things she didn’t know about her ancestors’ lives, and consulting with her mother she found out that her grandmother had a very abusive relationship with her husband and instead of talking about it she would keep everything to herself. Following this table she saw that her son and grandmother were doubles, and amazingly after this he started to talk.

You can also find doubles in the people who come into your life, the grandmother of a friend (the daughter of this woman) met my grandmother at the hospital when both were about to give birth, hers had twins and mine had my mother. For some reason the nurses placed the three babies in the same cradle at the newborn nursery. And according to this table they are doubles. Then they met again in primary school till at secondary school everyone took a different way. Years later they met again in primary school but in this case the daughter of one of the twins and I were starting first grade there. And again, following this table we are doubles. We both find so many coincidences between our lives, if I have a problem with a family member she has it too with one of her family, and the weirdest thing is that most of the time is the same relative. Even our grandmothers died on a 23rd, the only difference was that mine died 6 months later. And our grandmothers were doubles too, which makes the thing even more bizarre. I could go on a on with the examples about this or about finding some similarities between ancestors and her life, mine or that of a family member.

I thought this could be related in how our ancestors’ life can influence our life. I don’t know if DNA may be completely related to this, I can make so assumptions, but it won’t go farther than that. Maybe we can find some coincidences between a certain disease on a family, the life of the people who have/had that decease and how it is related to that people’s life and if they are doubles. If it happens to be useful maybe it could work as a sort of compass, it may orient you to find some answers about certain deceases in a family, or to understand why you don’t like, let’s say, your sister. It could help you to know where to start.

I don't really know what to think about this information, even though I've seen many really weird coincidences, if I don't get something useful out all of this I don't see this coincidences as something important or useful. And at the same time, it's important to discard a lot of factors that may have an influence on a disease. Or in any other problem.
Thank you guys for sharing another interesting session!! :thup:

Since the subject about DNA and ancestors was discussed I'd like to share something that could be a little bit related to this.
Two months ago I was having a conversation with the mother of a friend about something called ‘transgenerational doubles,’ I’m sure you won’t find anything about this subject on the internet using those terms since that’s a translation I did from its name in Spanish. Without going to much into details I’ll try to give you a general idea about this subject.
As my friend’s mom had a son with some health problems and it was impossible for doctors or psychologists to find anything wrong with him, she started to search for solutions on many different subjects, and consequently she found information about transgenerational doubles. Basically, you have to gather as much information as possible about your ancestors and also you have to know when they were born and died, and once you’ve done this and you also know about their lives, you proceed to search for coincidences between their birth or death dates and your birth date, you have to do this following a certain table and if there is a match it means that he/she is your double. The point of this is to see what aspects of this person’s life is repeating on your life or how it is affecting you. For example, this woman had a son who couldn’t talk, it was impossible for him to learn a word, and as I said she took him to many professionals without finding anything. And when she found this, she started to unveil some family secrets and discovered things she didn’t know about her ancestors’ lives, and consulting with her mother she found out that her grandmother had a very abusive relationship with her husband and instead of talking about it she would keep everything to herself. Following this table she saw that her son and grandmother were doubles, and amazingly after this he started to talk.

You can also find doubles in the people who come into your life, the grandmother of a friend (the daughter of this woman) met my grandmother at the hospital when both were about to give birth, hers had twins and mine had my mother. For some reason the nurses placed the three babies in the same cradle at the newborn nursery. And according to this table they are doubles. Then they met again in primary school till at secondary school everyone took a different way. Years later they met again in primary school but in this case the daughter of one of the twins and I were starting first grade there. And again, following this table we are doubles. We both find so many coincidences between our lives, if I have a problem with a family member she has it too with one of her family, and the weirdest thing is that most of the time is the same relative. Even our grandmothers died on a 23rd, the only difference was that mine died 6 months later. And our grandmothers were doubles too, which makes the thing even more bizarre. I could go on a on with the examples about this or about finding some similarities between ancestors and her life, mine or that of a family member.

I thought this could be related in how our ancestors’ life can influence our life. I don’t know if DNA may be completely related to this, I can make so assumptions, but it won’t go farther than that. Maybe we can find some coincidences between a certain disease on a family, the life of the people who have/had that disease and how it is related to that people’s life and if they are doubles. If it happens to be useful maybe it could work as a sort of compass, it may orient you to find some answers about certain diseases in a family, or to understand why you don’t like, let’s say, your sister. It could help you to know where to start.

I don't really know what to think about this information, even though I've seen many really weird coincidences, if I don't get something useful out all of this I don't see this coincidences as something important or useful. And at the same time, it's important to discard a lot of factors that may have an influence on a disease. Or in any other problem.

Sorry for the misspelling, and sorry for having to add a little bit of noise to the conversation, I couldn't edit my post on time so I had to do another one to clarify this: between decease and disease there may be some connection, but certainly it wasn't what I wanted to convey here. :-D
Does anyone here recommend a different group for DNA analysis?

I've used FamilyDNAtree and 23andme and find that the later is by far more accurate and useful. After preliminary research on my genealogy and comparing that to the historical records, I was able to determine in which century a certain ancestor lived and it correlates perfectly with 23andme estimation based on probabilities. Based on this, I can follow the other clues on my results that I didn't knew about, so that I can search for ancestors or study local histories.
Concerning learning as much as you can about your ancestry.

In my family, due to WW2, I do not have access to much information besides very general, like a few names and birthdates. None of my grandparents are alive and those alive know very little. So I am stuck with inquiries. Does the network have any recommendations on how to proceed on that besides DNA testing?
I do have some of the same feeling that Laura and Ark did bring to the table in this session. I am tired of waiting for the event that will change the world. My energy levels is low, I don’t know if I will be able to live long enough to experience the change.

I did start to doubt if The Cassiopaea experiment is adding value to my life or is correct, because most of the people that I talk to, think that I am of my rockers, and nothing big is happening. This create despair and then I wonder if I must just check out. But I also see the connection between myself and the information in the sessions. I do think that I am rambling now. Difficult to bring my thoughts to the table.

I wonder if I must do this post!

Pink Floyd – Outside The Wall
I've used FamilyDNAtree and 23andme and find that the later is by far more accurate and useful. After preliminary research on my genealogy and comparing that to the historical records, I was able to determine in which century a certain ancestor lived and it correlates perfectly with 23andme estimation based on probabilities. Based on this, I can follow the other clues on my results that I didn't knew about, so that I can search for ancestors or study local histories.

Yeah, 23andme is the n°1 testing company (or at least, it's on the top 3), and judging by reviews, most people find it the most accurate in terms of ethnicity breakdown. There are issues with Ftdna's new ethnicity breakdown. Lots of people are complaining that it doesn't reflect their ancestry. LivingDNA is deemed as the most precise for people with British/Irish ancestry (they can pinpoint specific areas in Britain and Ireland). Ancestry and MyHeritage are so-so. Some people are safisfied, others say it's a joke. All in all, until the other testing companies refine their results (using more population samples, etc.), for now, 23andme would be the best choice.
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