Session 13 Feb 2011

SilverJeep said:
Laura said:
SilverJeep said:
My goal here is not to debunk the C's, only to question something that doesn't resonate. Does anyone else feel this?

It's this sort of mis-perception/misunderstanding of what is actually being said that is the reason why I did not publish the raw sessions for so many years.

I don't understand what you mean Laura. Haven't you gotten something from a session and said "Hmmmm, I dont' know about that."

I'm not trying to create division.

SilverJeep, it helps to have read the Wave series and the previous transcripts as it helps to avoid misunderstanding and mis-perception.

You might have this feeling that "Hmm, I don't know about that", but then after having done the research and read up on things, you will often end up amazed about the C's gentle hinting at something and at the same time feel a little humbled by your own ignorance. This has happened to me several times over the years, where my own ignorance showed itself to me.

So it is probably a good thing to mull things over, read up on things and reflect a little deeper than starting to analyze things straight away from a point of knowing the whole deal.
SilverJeep said:
Laura said:
SilverJeep said:
My goal here is not to debunk the C's, only to question something that doesn't resonate. Does anyone else feel this?

It's this sort of mis-perception/misunderstanding of what is actually being said that is the reason why I did not publish the raw sessions for so many years.

I don't understand what you mean Laura. Haven't you gotten something from a session and said "Hmmmm, I dont' know about that."

I'm not trying to create division.


I could be wrong, but it seems that you're running a debate or argumentative program here. Something where you feel the need just to speak to the contrary for the purpose of feeding, whether unconscious or not.

If you don't "feel" that the answers given were right, why not do some research to back up those feelings first before launching into an argument/debate? As Laura often says, "there's no free lunch and if you think there is, then YOU'RE lunch!"

A feeling or a hunch can be genuine intuition, or it may be the result of an emotional program. But without putting some hard-core research into these topics without anticipation for any preconceived outcome, you'll never know for sure, and you'll have missed an opportunity to tune your machine.
Q: (Galaxia) Will colloidal silver help us fight the plague?

A: Not alone, but very helpful.

Could anyone explain me what are the effects of colloidal silver and how would it help us fight the coming plague?
SilverJeep, I think the point Laura was making was that you're "not even wrong". In other words, you're interpreting the sessions based on several misconceptions and assumptions. That's a different phenomenon than questioning the material and cross-checking possibly skewed information. For example, the overhead explosion thing was already explained. You're problem with that response was based on your misinterpretation of what "overhead explosion" meant, in context. Then, something just felt "off" to you with the black death response. As was pointed out, that was just noise. Vague reactions to material, without data to back them up, are pretty meaningless. They can be influenced by something as small as what you had to eat in the morning.

Then there was this:

Laura said:
Q: (Andromeda) When will this start? (Atriedes) That's kind of a prediction... (laughter) (Galaxia) Soon, or long term?

A: 18 months to 2 years.
Isn't The Wave supposed to hit before that ? Which also makes me wonder, would the Black Death affect the 4th Density?? Will they get sick? Do they get sick?

That arrival of the Wave is dealt with in the Wave series, as well as some of the sessions from recent years. You might benefit from re-reading the Wave, especially the portions about "prophecies", "channeling", and "symbols of reality" (included in volume 2 of the series, in book form).

And this:

Laura said:
Q: (Andromeda) What was the horse and rider apparition that was seen in Egypt?

A: Thinning of the veil.

Q: (Belibaste) But this knight, what was the meaning? Was it a ghost, a creature, was it fighting with the Egyptian people? (Perceval) It looked like an apparition of...

A: Saladin.

No matter how many times i look at that video, it looks like a light reflection to me. AND, if you want to see a horse and a rider, I guess you could, but there are no distinguishng features that suggest that. Just a thick horizontal object with a thin vertical obect where a "rider" could appear. no leags, no arms, not even a head on either object. I'm just not buying it.

Did you read the discussions so far on this thread? One of the ideas brought up was that even if it was "simply" a lens flare, that does not exclude other phenomena either interacting with or otherwise affecting such "mundane" processes. And as always, you don't have to "buy" anything.

So your questions about things not "resonating", the "feeling" you get when reading, the possibility of the channel being corrupt, in the instances you gave, are all determined by YOUR own assumptions and biases. In other words, you are not at the point yet in your thinking where you're even able to view the material impartially, because you haven't been impartial with yourself. And then you project your own assumptions onto Laura and the Cs.

I've read the discussion where people suggest it could be "both" a reflection and an apparition. That sounds like someone that just doesn't want to say teh C's were wrong.

The Cs have been wrong in the past and they'll most likely be wrong in the future. That's the nature of a world of infinite probabilities, where one action can change the course of events. But in this case, I'll again recommend you to re-read the Wave. One of the whole points about symbols of reality is that they are easily written off as "coincidence", "mundane", etc. But that doesn't mean such things are not possible, or even true, in a lot of cases. The Saladin image may be one of those cases. Or not.
LQB said:
On the "wild fed", I read it as meaning as close to their natural food as possible from the environment. For pigs that would be within the forest line bordering a pasture. For cows, that would be pasture/range offering a range of grasses that meet their protein/carbo/mineral needs. It also might mean no GMO feeds!

Proper "wild fed" is not easy. To say the beef is "grass-fed" is meaningless wrt the health of the cow or its fitness as food for humans. The grasses must have the needed protein and mineral content as they did on the plains on which the buffalo roamed. And for this you need the kind of soil (and moisture content) that was found on these plains. Much of this has been destroyed and is not capable of supporting these kinds of grasses. "Wild fed", in the case of the cow, would be a variety of grasses and legumes that offer the cow her choice to fill her immediate needs. Albrecht spent a long career trying to convince farmers and industry of the importance of the soil in animal health - and he has been much suppressed in current times. Even if you can grow these grasses, if the soil is not right, you can grow much bulk with little benefit to the cow.

Here's an interesting quote from Albrecht's "Soil Fertility and Animal Health" (1958):

Trace element deficiencies or other shortages in complete nutrition, and consequently the invasion by microbes as an early step in the impending disposition of a prospective cadaver, is a bit of thinking apparently too morbid to make us more proficient in keeping animals as healthy when we feed them as they are in the wild or when they feed themselves.

Albrecht points to the soil "fertility" as reflected in the health of the microbes that directly impacts the "health" and nutritional value of the plants that is very much reflected in the health of the animals in that food chain (including humans). He points out (through experiment) that the cow is an excellent organic and inorganic chemist when allowed to freely seek out the feeds and grasses which make her the healthiest and increase her reproductive viability.
What is interesting is the phrase: "not even wrong".

Googling the phrase above shows many links, but the one I liked is:

Excerpt from:_ said:
It is comforting that the finest minds in science are as prone as the rest of us to
bitching. But the theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) is in a category
of his own: the withering comment for which he's best known combines utter
contempt on the one hand with philosophical profundity on the other.
"This isn't right," Pauli is supposed to have said of a student's physics paper.
"It's not even wrong."

One learns something new every day!

l_autre_d said:
nicklebleu said:
does smoking itself change the genetic profile?

Actually we were wondering something along this line if maybe tobacco caused DNA changes. Perhaps the C's might be asked about this in the future?
Kniall said:

Thanks for the link, the question was asked.

. . .

Q: So, there are people who are actually benefitted by smoking?

A: Genetics will offer proof of this.

Q: You mean that one can see changes in DNA before and after smoking?

A: Close
In the thread for the July 16, 2009 C's session, several people asked whether the spiral/ maze dances (suggested by the C's in that session) have been worked out and are being taught to anyone, or if it was discovered or decided that they were not useful in the way the C's said, or if the idea was just shelved?

Given the extremely dire nature of what appears to be in our collective near future (based on this session, and on just seeing what's actually starting to happen on the BBM), if there is ANY possibility that those who've been doing the detox diet and EE for a sufficient time would be "connected" enough to have an effect on the situation by doing the dances, I would hope that the time to do the dances is here?

Is there any info on them?

yes what about the dances? may we start choreographing some,please
rrraven said:
In the thread for the July 16, 2009 C's session, several people asked whether the spiral/ maze dances (suggested by the C's in that session) have been worked out and are being taught to anyone, or if it was discovered or decided that they were not useful in the way the C's said, or if the idea was just shelved?

Given the extremely dire nature of what appears to be in our collective near future (based on this session, and on just seeing what's actually starting to happen on the BBM), if there is ANY possibility that those who've been doing the detox diet and EE for a sufficient time would be "connected" enough to have an effect on the situation by doing the dances, I would hope that the time to do the dances is here?

Is there any info on them?

yes what about the dances? may we start choreographing some,please

I'd also love to know about the status of the dances. Sonrisa and I would love to learn and do them together!
rrraven said:
In the thread for the July 16, 2009 C's session, several people asked whether the spiral/ maze dances (suggested by the C's in that session) have been worked out and are being taught to anyone, or if it was discovered or decided that they were not useful in the way the C's said, or if the idea was just shelved?

Given the extremely dire nature of what appears to be in our collective near future (based on this session, and on just seeing what's actually starting to happen on the BBM), if there is ANY possibility that those who've been doing the detox diet and EE for a sufficient time would be "connected" enough to have an effect on the situation by doing the dances, I would hope that the time to do the dances is here?

Is there any info on them?

yes what about the dances? may we start choreographing some,please

We are still working on the conditions required for the dancers:

Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...

A: A "conduit" maybe?

Q: (L) But anyhow, does that idea make sense? (Ark) Well, theoretically it makes sense. But my question is suppose it is done. And it has probably been done by many people. What are the visible consequences?

A: Under the right circumstances, with knowledge, awareness and, most important of all, BEING (letters came very slowly in contrast to the rest of the message, which was fast), there can be openings of portals for many purposes. Remember the Maruts and their baskets? How about a little "travel" if needed for a positive purpose?

Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)

A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

At the present time, we do not see the level of BEING required in a sufficient number of people nor do we see the purification and connection of chakras.

Those are the things we are working on in many of our efforts. One of the signs that an individual has reached this stage is that they begin to DO certain things. Gurdjieff describes such a group:

They cannot perform actions opposed to their understanding or have an understanding which is not expressed by actions. At the same time there can be no discords among them, no differences of understanding. Therefore their activity is entirely coordinated and leads to one common aim without any kind of compulsion because it is based upon a common and identical understanding.

Doing and EE program is the key to all of this. The individual who is cleared by doing it naturally begins to DO certain things.

There is some of this apparent in some individuals here but it is, as yet, rather spotty.

Anyway, certain DOing then leads to the possibility that connecting of chakras can take place which then leads to the possibility of the dance. Seeking to do the dance before it is time would be self-sabotage.
SilverJeep said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) That's just some starlings. (Perceval) It's just strange that they're killing starlings at a time when these other die-offs are happening, ya know? (Andromeda) Well, what killed the birds in Arkansas on New Year's Eve?

A: Overhead explosion.

Birds roost at night and they weren't found dead at the bottom of a tree. This doesnt'' seem right. Not to mention this would be a reacurring problem EVERY New Years and Independance Day. ??

I wonder if you can see that your question is based on an assumption you made about what the Cs said? A brief recap of the sessions transcripts would have shown the C's usual use of the term 'overhead explosion'.

SilverJeep said:
Laura said:
A: Smoking tobacco is a clue and an aid.

A: It is not just aliens that don't like to eat people that smoke! But from a certain perspective the viruses that cause such illnesses as the Black Death are "alien".

Q: (Belibaste) So it means that aliens like the Black Death virus because they don't like people that smoke? (L) What? (Psyche) No, you should read the article in the next issue of The Dot Connector magazine: "New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection". (L) If you look at it from a 4th density perspective, when something like the Black Death comes and there is global suffering - and when you read about it, the Black Death is just horrible - but if there was such suffering on our planet from something like that, 4D STS would be getting a rich feast of suffering which is what they feed on. So, an alien virus would be interactive with 4D reality by providing its food.

A: Close enough!

I can't put my finger on it but this just doesn't seem right. Sorry for the vagueness, it's just a feeling.

Actually, fwiw, you seem to be basing all your objections on subjective feelings, hence the vagueness you refer to, and the odd disconnection with the way these topics have been previously discussed.

SilverJeep said:
Sorry for the vagueness, it's just a feeling.

SilverJeep said:
My goal here is not to debunk the C's, only to question something that doesn't resonate. Does anyone else feel this?

SilverJeep said:
Is it possible the channel could've been corrupt? I know it has in the past. Am I the only one feeling like this?

The question I have for you is: what is the origin of these feelings? It seems to me that you are taking your subjective feelings as an indicator of objective reality. Feelings, however, especially those which arise in us as a reaction to external material, are simply chemical triggers released by our body in response to an activated childhood programme. These programmes are often activated by material that we find threatening in some way.

SilverJeep said:
I'm not trying to create division.

I agree with Kniall that this was a very curious thing to say. It's rather defensive, and to me it suggests that you are feeling threatened by the replies you have received in this thread.

FWIW, I think it would be beneficial for you to try to understand where these feeling-reactions come from. What is their root, possibly in childhood?
Laura said:
Q: (L) That's just some starlings. (Perceval) It's just strange that they're killing starlings at a time when these other die-offs are happening, ya know? (Andromeda) Well, what killed the birds in Arkansas on New Year's Eve?

A: Overhead explosion.

As I have been sorting an unending bunch of boxes full of clippings and memorabilia, I came across a local newspaper dated Thursday, February 20, 2003. The title of the lead article was: “Homeland Security Chief: Be prepared, don’t panic.” It reported on Tom Ridge’s national Ready Campaign to “prepare” Americans for terrorist attacks, urging them to take such measures as storing three or more gallons of water for each family member and watching for dead birds as a sign of chemical attack. (this was back when we were all urged to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting...)

Ridge stated: “Fear is the terrorists’ most effective weapon.” The article meandered through a number of topics and then came to: “In the event of a biological attack, the department said people should already know the signs and symptoms of likely diseases and where they can get emergency treatment. Watery eyes, twitching, choking, breathing trouble and a loss of coordination were listed as symptoms of a chemical attack, and sick or dead birds, fish or small animals were cited as warning signs.”

In lieu of all the various and recent reports concerning mass deaths of birds, aquatic creatures and other animals, it doesn’t seem so far fetched an idea that this is another trick up someone’s sleeve to keep the public off balance––and what better way than to announce it in a public service article as a warning sign and then utilize it as one of those “terrorist fear weapons.” Just a thought.
Good catch, KJN!

One thing we have been thinking about around here lately is airborne chemicals or pathogens that precipitate out of the stratosphere. Such things can be "dropped off" in the upper atmosphere by exploding comet fragments. You will definitely want to read Psyche's article in the upcoming dot connector about this.

That might suggest, of course, that a warning about dead birds and fish could also be a smoke screen, attributing it to terrorist activity when, in fact, it is "natural." As I've said many times, I think that the whole idea of chemtrails is propagated widely to cover up the far more scary things going on in our atmosphere, on our planet, in our solar system, that all presage very serious earth changes which could include the destruction of 90% of humanity or more. The PTB really want people to "believe in chemtrails" because they then continue to think that the PTB really are in charge and they also do not read the signs accurately. This, of course, spells their doom.

ADDED: I did a net search for the article you mentioned and found this: _

Homeland security chief: Be prepared but don't panic

CINCINNATI — Telling Americans to be ready for terrorist attacks, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge opened a public-relations campaign yesterday that offers families a few basic steps to prepare for the worst.

The message: Have a communications plan so the family can get in touch during an emergency; put together a disaster kit with a few days of critical supplies; and know where to turn for information during a crisis.

"We will not be afraid. We will be ready," said Ridge, who traveled to Cincinnati to announce the program and meet with safety and emergency workers at the Red Cross. "Make a kit! Have a plan! Get informed!" he said.

Homeland Security officials said the campaign debut has been a year in the making and not tied to the orange "High" terrorism alert that began more than a week ago.

Officials said they created the campaign to avoid scaring people while providing some commonsense ideas that will help families find and care for each other when normal government and emergency services aren't available.

Many of these steps are worth taking to prepare for natural disasters, as well, officials said.

This includes keeping a three-day supply of water, food and medicine, Ridge said. Among other things, the government-recommended "kit" also includes duct tape and plastic sheeting Ridge said could be used to seal off a room if there is a chemical or biological release.

ADDED LATER: More searching brought up this one:

which DOES include the whole thing.
Notice that all mention of dead birds is scrubbed.
I searched on Google news archives with "homeland security chief chemical", "tom ridge fish/birds" keywords, and 99% of the articles didn't contain any mention of dead birds or animals as the sign for chemical attack.

But there was this article from USA Today.
Peggy Conlon, president of the Ad Council, says the campaign could run about two years. It was developed through focus groups and research to determine "what it is that Americans want to hear and need to hear" about preparing for a terrorist attack.

"We want to strike that very important balance between not panicking people but giving them the very important message," Conlon says.

Visitors to the Web site will learn how to spot the signs of an attack. They will see some disturbing images, such as dead birds.

Some information was deemed too hot to handle. Viewers' reactions caused designers who test-marketed the site in three cities to remove some images of the effects of biological and chemical attacks.

There was also Pay-per-View article that I couldn't access, but it had the following summary on Google:
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge on Wednesday launched a national.... or dead birds, fish or small animals were cited as warning signs of one.... for each family member and watching for dead birds as a sign of chemical attack. ...

It is dated 20th of February and has a similar wording to KJN's article, so maybe that's the one?

Also, this article mentions in the end:

Many of the steps Homeland Security is encouraging are worthwhile steps in preparing for natural disasters, as well, officials said.
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