Session 13 Feb 2011

Thank you so much for the session!!
I feel so stressed and tired after reading this :shock:

Endymion said:
Mrs Tigersoap, the following excerpt from Political Ponerology is relevant to your question regarding your daughter. It's on pages 156-157 in the edition with the red cover.

Lobaczewski said:
Persons less distinctly inclined in the pathocratic direction include those affected by some states caused by the toxic activities of certain substances such as ether, carbon monoxide,* and possibly some endotoxins, under the condition that this occurred in childhood.**

Editor's notes:

*Considering the fact that the last attempt to impose a pathocracy on the global scale, Nazism, campaigned vigorously against smoking, and the current U.S. pathocracy is also behind the global attempt to 'stamp out smoking' as a 'health hazard', all the while generously distributing depleted uranium, a far more dangerous substance, into the environment, as well as refusing to join any environmental preservation activities, one has to wonder if there is not some connection here. If carbon monoxide, one of the primary substances inhaled when smoking, actually produces a state or condition that is a defense against the mental predations of pathocrats, they would obviously wish to eliminate it. That also suggests that much of, if not all, the so-called 'data' supporting the anti-smoking campaign is 'cooked'.

**i.e., so-called 'second hand smoke'. This actually suggests that second-hand smoke can have highly beneficial effects on children in terms of immunizing them against the effects of psychopaths.

Just want to point out that it Psyche took a look at this section, and it seems like that wasn't what Lobaczewski was trying to get across. Here's some info Psyche found on the things mentioned in that paragraph:

Carbon monoxide intoxication (COI) can result in severe neuropsychiatric lesions. Cognitive impairments and other neurological symptoms are frequently present after years following COI. Affective disorders are observed in almost three-fourths of patients and personality disorders in more than half according to a study by L. Borras et al. Numerous cerebral lesions and perfusion disorders were observed through brain imagery and related to the clinical symptomatology of the patient. For long-term psychiatric consequences of carbon monoxide poisoning, see the case report and literature review in La Revue de médecine interne 30 (2009) 43–48.

Endotoxins are toxins associated with certain bacteria. The prototypical examples of endotoxins are lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or lipo-oligo-saccharide (LOS) found in the outer membrane of various Gram-negative bacteria and are an important cause of their ability to cause disease.

In the context of the chapter, Lobaczewski is saying that those affected by endotoxins, CO and ether, are less distinctly inclined towards pathocracy compared to the psychopathies and characteropathies he lists just before that paragraph, but more inclined towards pathocracy than those without such damage. He’s giving a list of how susceptible these groups are to pathocracy.

He specifies at the beginning of the page: “The first conclusion which suggested itself soon after meeting with the “professor” introduced at the beginning of this volume, was that the phenomenon’s development is limited by nature in terms of the participation of susceptible individuals within a given society.” Lobaczewski previously gave examples of characteropathies induced by toxins (i.e. diphteria’s exotoxin). CO intoxication produces neuropsychiatric disorders. It's unclear which ether Lobaczewksi was referring to. Synthetic ether lipids analogs are both cytostatic and cytotoxic and bioactive ether lipids are involved in neurological disorders. The ether anesthetic has been used for recreational purposes and the perseverance of its use has resulted in serious nervous disorders.

Of course, that's not to say smoking doesn't have good effects, just that Lobaczewski was referring to something different, i.e. more common carbon monoxide poisoning which produces minor neuropsychiatric disorders.
Ailén said:
Psyche wrote an excellent article about this, with details about the causes and the symptoms. That, combined with Laura's article about the Golden Age and human devolution, and you get an amazing picture of what we may experience in the not too distant future!! Coming soon, in the next issue of the Dot Connector!!

Great! Looking forward to it!
AI, thanks for the added info regarding the excerpt from Lobczewski. It's important to have this info to hand, so I've added a link in my previous post to yours above.
Posté par: Keit
But then, does this idea fit with what actually happened during Black Death? It was death by comets, all right, but it still looked like bubonic plague or something similar, with infected lymph notes, organs, and everything else, right? Or perhaps it was the progression of the infection, and initial neurological symptoms were the opening for more deadly autoimmune reactions that affected victims' organs according to their susceptibility and weakened state? And it could be something else entirely, of course.

The C's said that the US is no more than a zombies land, maybe that it would literally come to be. Maybe the First symptom may be perceive as neurological.

Citation de: Ailén le Aujourd'hui à 12:30:38
Psyche wrote an excellent article about this, with details about the causes and the symptoms. That, combined with Laura's article about the Golden Age and human devolution, and you get an amazing picture of what we may experience in the not too distant future!! Coming soon, in the next issue of the Dot Connector!!

Great! Looking forward to it!

Me too.
Thank YOU all for sharing this session :scared:

Every interesting indeed; with the explanation of "thinning of the veil":

Q: (Perceval) According to the two people who recorded the UFO over Jerusalem and the comet, they seemed to happen at very close to the same time. Was there any connection between the two?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) What was the connection?

A: Thinning of the veil. Electrical phenomena can do that.

Q: (Perceval) Would the UFO that was there normally not have been visible, but was seen because of the thinning of the veil?

A: More or less. The electric charges also can affect human perception.

fwiw-After doing the three-stage breathing and prior to going to the meditation portion I change my posture from the sitting on the floor indian-style to sitting on a chair, and as I hear Laura saying to get ready for the meditation portion -round breathing -BA -HA.

I feel while standing a vibrational almost like a small electrical current sensation -short in duration, and sometimes it feels like it is outside of me, as compared to being within me. -I wonder if with the "thinning of the veil"?, if I might be getting more sensitive to EM fields -though the only thing I would have on is the computer listening to Laura lead me through the EE.

I would also like to add: I have been really worried about securing a perspective job in Europe. I had my resume ready a few times, and then I would just back-off from sending it, as if I would wait for something better to come? -whatever was going through my head I am not sure, but a great job prospect in this current economy, well one should not bypass such an opportunity.

After reading this part of the session:

(Andromeda) Why have crop circles suddenly appeared in Indonesia?

A: The wave cometh. Crop circles are a sort of grace offered to those slated for ultimate destruction. Why do you think so many have appeared in England? Those that receive such gifts and do not take their messages into their hearts will damn themselves and their own descendants to oblivion.

Q: (L) Somebody's been offering them grace over the years, and they've rejected it again and again. They get these crazy people to go out there and fake them, make fun of them... I mean, the universe is talking to these people and the farmers go out and mow them down!

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can you imagine? The universe, the cosmos – fer gawd’s sake - speaks to you and all you're worried about is that your crop got messed up! It is so incredible to even conceive of it. (Ailen) But why mostly in England and not in other countries? (L) Well, they've appeared in other places, but the thing is that it's been mostly assigned to England. England is like the financial center of the world, where all the people came from who have dominated the planet. The whole "Western Civilization" thing... And what did they say? It's a warning to them and their descendants. And where are their descendants? All over the planet!

-maybe I have an internal feeling? Though nothing is for certain, but it did make me think that "waiting" for something "better" may not be a bad idea.

One more thing to add:

Q: (Andromeda) What was the horse and rider apparition that was seen in Egypt?

A: Thinning of the veil.

Q: (Belibaste) But this knight, what was the meaning? Was it a ghost, a creature, was it fighting with the Egyptian people? (Perceval) It looked like an apparition of...

A: Saladin.

As I looked-up Saladin_ . Interesting reading -fought crusaders from Europe in Syria.

Again, Thank YOU all at the Chateau for sharing this.

Divine Cosmic Mind protect and give YOU all strength to keep doing these GREAT Works.

Laurentien said:
As for tobacco and smoking, will second hand smoke be a good compromise for my daughter since she is only ten and I do not smoke in the house but may discuss this session with my wife and bring my smoking in. I see resistance coming from my wife to both change as she won't be ready to give up vegies or tolerate smoking in the house but, let not anticipate.

Maybe, since kids have far less compromised immune systems, if one would make sure to keep it this way and prevent damage by avoiding toxins, keeping the good diet, teaching kids EE, and giving them food or maybe some supplements like vit C that could strengthen their immune system, it would be enough for them?

celtic said:
Q: (Mr. Scott) Alright then. (Galaxia) I have a question. They mentioned us having powers in 4 D and being able to hear colors. Is one of these powers being able to taste music?

A: Yes

When I do the Eiriu Eolas I get ringing in my ears and sometimes in different frequencies.

This question and your mention of ringing reminded me of metallic sounds, and how sometimes you can actually "taste" the metal.

Woodsman said:
This isn't the first time I've experienced this sort of thing with respect to all the work going on here. I feel like every time I sit down at the keyboard, I am shadow boxing with some kind of cloud of misguidance. I understand what some reasons for this might be in a Matrix sense, but I have to say, I feel like it's two steps forward, one step back. For a long time, this feeling prevented me from sharing my thoughts and discoveries here at all, but that seemed like a type of stagnation. I actually consulted some I-Ching cards, and the message boiled down to, "You can achieve nothing sitting still. Trust in your community to make the right choices. It's not all on your shoulders." Etc.

I was writing heavily on double-slit experiments a week ago, and now I wonder if I was serving up poop there as well.

I know the solution is to remain open and to continually question myself; I understand the challenge better each time I face it, and my intention is to continue pushing into the wind and sleet, so I get it. But I did want to share.

I suppose I should also add that this post may also be totally misguided in some manner I can't quite conceive of at the moment. :huh:

I think that perhaps sometimes, beside being open and trying to take into account all the possibilities, we also need to take into account the power of imagination, since it is one of the main factors of finding and weighting all the possible and available probabilities.

Great Sherlock Holmes said:

We balance probabilities and choose the most likely. It is the scientific use of the imagination.

But in order to balance them, we first need to become aware of them and study them and how they fit with the rest of probabilities. The truth is, that it's probably possible to CGI or photoshop the hell out of everything, but that's just only one probability. Perhaps the mechanism of remaining open is collecting the data, weighting the probabilities and choosing one or two probable outcomes or reasons, but being open to the new data that will adjust the chosen hypothesis. That's how scientific research should be, right? :)
mkrnhr said:
Gandalf said:
As far as i understand it, it means that some big rocks have already hit Elenin and Elenin is going bigger.
Ahh i see :/

I took it as Elenin is already disturbing the solar capacitor and stimulating electrical flow and stuff.
Laurentien said:
We eat meat in every meal since we added sausage and bacon in the morning with plenty of duck fat. As for the vegies, my daughter will be please with that, she could live with more meat and less vegies in her plate. As for tobacco and smoking, will second hand smoke be a good compromise for my daughter since she is only ten and I do not smoke in the house but may discuss this session with my wife and bring my smoking in. I see resistance coming from my wife to both change as she won't be ready to give up vegies or tolerate smoking in the house but, let not anticipate.

Perhaps you will want to wait until after you have both read Psyche's article on the Black Death in the coming issue of DCM.
Keit said:
But then, does this idea fit with what actually happened during Black Death? It was death by comets, all right, but it still looked like bubonic plague or something similar, with infected lymph notes, organs, and everything else, right? Or perhaps it was the progression of the infection, and initial neurological symptoms were the opening for more deadly autoimmune reactions that affected victims' organs according to their susceptibility and weakened state? And it could be something else entirely, of course.

You need to read Psyche's article in the upcoming mag!!! Black Death was definitely NOT Yersinia pestis.
Approaching Infinity said:
Just want to point out that it Psyche took a look at this section, and it seems like that wasn't what Lobaczewski was trying to get across. Here's some info Psyche found on the things mentioned in that paragraph:

Carbon monoxide intoxication (COI) can result in severe neuropsychiatric lesions. Cognitive impairments and other neurological symptoms are frequently present after years following COI. Affective disorders are observed in almost three-fourths of patients and personality disorders in more than half according to a study by L. Borras et al. Numerous cerebral lesions and perfusion disorders were observed through brain imagery and related to the clinical symptomatology of the patient. For long-term psychiatric consequences of carbon monoxide poisoning, see the case report and literature review in La Revue de médecine interne 30 (2009) 43–48.

Endotoxins are toxins associated with certain bacteria. The prototypical examples of endotoxins are lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or lipo-oligo-saccharide (LOS) found in the outer membrane of various Gram-negative bacteria and are an important cause of their ability to cause disease.

In the context of the chapter, Lobaczewski is saying that those affected by endotoxins, CO and ether, are less distinctly inclined towards pathocracy compared to the psychopathies and characteropathies he lists just before that paragraph, but more inclined towards pathocracy than those without such damage. He’s giving a list of how susceptible these groups are to pathocracy.

He specifies at the beginning of the page: “The first conclusion which suggested itself soon after meeting with the “professor” introduced at the beginning of this volume, was that the phenomenon’s development is limited by nature in terms of the participation of susceptible individuals within a given society.” Lobaczewski previously gave examples of characteropathies induced by toxins (i.e. diphteria’s exotoxin). CO intoxication produces neuropsychiatric disorders. It's unclear which ether Lobaczewksi was referring to. Synthetic ether lipids analogs are both cytostatic and cytotoxic and bioactive ether lipids are involved in neurological disorders. The ether anesthetic has been used for recreational purposes and the perseverance of its use has resulted in serious nervous disorders.

Of course, that's not to say smoking doesn't have good effects, just that Lobaczewski was referring to something different, i.e. more common carbon monoxide poisoning which produces minor neuropsychiatric disorders.

Yeah, I think it was the way it was phrased and/or translated that was open to misinterpretation. Some of the medical stuff he cited is very old, but as far as I could dig, I found out the info about ether, CO and the bacteria's toxin. So that is what Lobaczewski must have been referring to. That comprehensive review on CO was published in that French journal and it was pretty clear that the association was rather negative: emotional disturbances and psychopathology triggered by an exposure to CO, especially during early childhood and after toxic levels.
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