Session 13 May 2017

Laura said:
(Joe) What does that mean? Stem cells?

(Pierre) So they say yes, go to the clinic in Russia! [laughter]

(Joe) I think that was a long, "yes"!

Also, with Russia under so many economic sanctions, the ruble has been devalued. A very fortuitous time to go there. More 'bang for your Euro', so to speak. And don't miss seeing St Petersburg if you can. You must know people over there, too?
Thank you for sharing the session with us!

Of course, I'm sure we'll all be happy to chip in on Laura's stem cell therapy.
manitoban said:
Thank you for the fascinating session!

(L) Well, comparatively speaking, as far as medical treatments go, it's not as expensive as some things that really don't work. But it's still expensive enough that it's beyond our budget. I don't see how we can finance it.

A: The group that needs and loves you will be glad to give back in this essential way.

We will indeed! :hug2:

I really could care less about money as long as there is enough that I'm not too restricted from lack. I know what's important and it's not what's in my bank account! So ready and willing just give the word!
Laura said:
Session Date: May 13th 2017

(L) Well, I have to say that for a long time, the idea that nothing we did would make any difference in the processes going on here on the planet politically and socially and earth-change wise: intellectually, I've understood that. But I guess it's only been in the last six months to a year that I've come to viscerally understand that we do what we do simply because it's the right thing to do. I don't see any hope for changing the juggernaut that's marching across the planet.

A: What's important is what comes after.

Q: (L) So in other words, what we're doing is carrying a seed through massive changes?

(Galatea) We're like Frodo trekking through Mordor to chuck the ring into the fiery pit of Mount Doom.

A: Close enough!

Q: (L) Alright then, no more questions? Then goodnight and thank you for being with us.

A: Goodbye.


Thank you Laura and gang for the new Session, very interesting, i still believe that the more we will do the more we will make real that unicorn, i mean the Hope for a better future for all of us and for our beautiful planet.
Thank you for this session and count me in for the contribution for stem cell therapy :)
Thank you for posting this session.

When I heard about the French election results, I was appalled that they could come up with such a result. It was way too exaggerated as a percentage!!!. Is was blatantly against common sense judgment, no subtleties at all, just a plain " this is what we want, there is no other choice"!

I also wish to help Laura getting better!
T.C. said:
Thank you for sharing the session with us!

Of course, I'm sure we'll all be happy to chip in on Laura's stem cell therapy.

Indeed! Just as a crazy idea: maybe you could set up something like a "donation campaign" where you see the amount of money needed and a progress bar that displays how much of it is covered yet with donations for that purpose?

In any event, please keep us updated, I will donate as soon as it's possible for me.
Laura said:
Q: (L) Just about anything that comes our way - to the point where we hardly need to talk to the C's anymore...

A: [Letters come quickly] Well, you and many others will very much need to communicate with us in the times of turmoil bearing down on your realm. So best if you use the knowledge gathered to prepare yourself to be available and ready. The task you and your group have undertaken is of world changing significance and commensurate forces have ranged against you to prevent your success. The relentless nature of the attacks has sapped you. There are methods revealed by knowledge to counter the effects. Use them!!!

This has been a vague point for me on how to open communications with the C's. Besides the "working" on oneself, diet and health, EE, is the 'crystal network' part of the communication process? Or will this come about naturally to those who ask? I don't get the impression we should start using a Ouija board.

Just some thoughts I am pondering.
"Well, I have to say that for a long time, the idea that nothing we did would make any difference in the processes going on here on the planet politically and socially and earth-change wise: intellectually, I've understood that. But I guess it's only been in the last six months to a year that I've come to viscerally understand that we do what we do simply because it's the right thing to do. I don't see any hope for changing the juggernaut that's marching across the planet."

I'm sorry to say I feel like this very often. Sometimes I have a glimmer of hope, but more often I just do things because I think they're the right thing to do.
I'm in too, Laura. My understanding of the world has changed so much because of you, and I may not be able to contribute a lot, but I will do what I can. I like the idea mentioned above about a donation page with an indicator bar saying how much we've raised...
luc said:
Indeed! Just as a crazy idea: maybe you could set up something like a "donation campaign" where you see the amount of money needed and a progress bar that displays how much of it is covered yet with donations for that purpose?

In any event, please keep us updated, I will donate as soon as it's possible for me.

I was thinking about the same thing, creating a donation campaign like the one that was done on SOTT a few years ago for raising funds to buy the Chateau (if memory serves me right). That way you would hopefully receive enough funds to cover for the stem cell therapy and transportation costs, as well as for any ongoing works. Be more than willing to contribute!
Laura we love you. Please be strong.
The Stem Cells Therapy sounds good, then you will get your energy and voice back to do crystal singing connection.
Thanks for the show! I'm sure that everything will work out healthwise, especially with the members contributing.
Thank you for the session.

A: US wishes to destabilize EU similar to Syria so that they can come in and "fix" things. i.e. rule and control resources and trade the "American way". Everyone will speak English!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) They sure have a sense of humor, but I'm not sure that will be the only consequence...

(L) So basically, some kind of cabal in the deep state of the US is at the bottom of some kind of One World Order plan to really basically bit by bit take the entire planet under its control. Is that it either overtly or covertly?

A: Covertly at present, but overtly eventually.
That is a dark future, at least in the more immediate term. Compared to how it was it, it is already more overt than it used to be; the Macron appearance being an example of more overt meddling. Another example is how the EU and the USA negotiate the TTIP trade deals behind closed doors, because of American requests for secrecy.

In the nineties around 96-97 someone told me of a talk coming from the office of a Yogi who also had strong opinions about politics and government policies. The content of the message, was the possibility that there would come a new Hitler in Europe and that it would be the US. Government. If at that time I could see it as a possibility, then it is clearer now and the break up of Yugoslavia was a beginning. After Ukraine more excuses to be present all along the east have come up. Considering that some of the NATO meneuvres also train for local civilian unrest, just like the missile shield in Europe was not really for Iran, the military presence may not only be aimed at Russia. What is mobilized in the East can be turned around 180 degrees towards the people of the European nations within the sphere of the NATO and the EU. I have no idea how this will play out, but suffering might bring new insights for some people.
Thanks so much for this very interesting session, which is still an understatement!

So all our guesses about rigging through the recent election in France was going in the right direction, we just couldn´t figure out how far the PTB is now willing to go with their cheating routine because no normal people would brandish their power lust so blatantly under our noses and run such risky complots up to the point their greed might be exposed. It comforts me somehow that at least some people´s awareness will take advantage of this.

It also shows me that logical thinking definitely doesn´t apply anymore if the underlying reason which runs our efforts to wake up others inadvertently lies upon any sort of hope that we´ll succeed in changing the course of the abyss that presents itself so loosely to all inhabitants of this planet.

(L) Well, I have to say that for a long time, the idea that nothing we did would make any difference in the processes going on here on the planet politically and socially and earth-change wise: intellectually, I've understood that. But I guess it's only been in the last six months to a year that I've come to viscerally understand that we do what we do simply because it's the right thing to do. I don't see any hope for changing the juggernaut that's marching across the planet.

I concur with you Laura, well said. I think that you having five children makes it all the more understandable from where all your strength was surfacing, you wanted the best future for them as you´ve already mentioned more than once. In the end, we all are still alive thanks to the maternal instinctive substract as one of the greatest order in the cosmic scheme.

And I´m happy you´re heading towards a new healing test, and in passing, that you maybe will breath the same air than Putin, lol, since I had to cover my ears each time you were implying you are now an old lady. :P
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